Compliant, Effective, Efficient.
Design History Files – Design Control Documentation
Your organization has identified a new product idea for a medical device. What’s next?
This White Paper focuses on Design Control compliance for Medical Devices per 21 CFR
820.30 and ISO 13485: 2016 § 7.3, including Design History File documentation.
What is a Design History File (DHF)?
The DHF is a compilation of records which describes the design history of a finished
device. It includes or references records generated to demonstrate conformity to the
requirements for design and development, as well as records for design and development
changes. The DHF documents device development in accordance with the approved
Design Plan.
ISO 13485 and 21 CFR 820.30 require that Design and Development Files / Design History
Files (DHF) be established and maintained for each medical device type (or family).
DHFs can be broken down into phases, to appropriately document design and
development activities per each design phase.
1. Design and Development Planning
2. Design and Development Inputs
3. Design and Development Outputs
4. Design and Development Review
5. Design and Development Verification
6. Design and Development Validation
7. Design and Development Transfer
8. Control of Design and Development Changes
Each of these phases is further described below.
Compliant, Effective, Efficient.
Design and Development Planning
The purpose of the Design and Development Plan is to describe the design and
development activities, as well as define the responsibilities for their implementation.
What interfaces will be required between departments?
What activities will provide an input to the Design and Development Process?
The Design and Development Plan provides a mechanism for documenting:
Design and development stages (including schedule, where appropriate);
Reviews needed at each stage;
Verification, Validation and Design Transfer activities that are appropriate at each
Responsibilities and Authorities;
Methods to ensure traceability of Outputs to Inputs;
Resources Needed, including necessary competence of personnel
The Design and Development Plan requires review, updates (where appropriate) and
approval as the design and development evolves.
Design and Development Inputs
Design Inputs are the physical and performance requirements of a device used as a basis
for device design.
Device requirements defined within the Design Inputs must be appropriate to address the
intended use of the device, including the needs of the user and patient. The Design Input
requirements cannot be incomplete, ambiguous or conflicting. They must be documented,
reviewed and approved (signature and date) by a designated individual and maintained.
Design Inputs include:
Functional, performance, usability and safety requirements, according to the
intended use;
Applicable regulatory requirements and standards;
Applicable Outputs of Risk Management;
Compliant, Effective, Efficient.
Information derived from previous similar designs (as appropriate);
Other requirements essential for design and development of the product and
Example requirements from product concepts include drawings, product briefs,
specifications, etc.
Design and Development Outputs
Design Outputs are the results of design effort at each design phase and at the end of the
total design effort. The finished Design Output is the basis for the Device Master Record.
The total finished Design Output consists of the device, its packaging and labeling, and the
Device Master Record.
Design Outputs evaluate the conformance to Design Input requirements. Design Output
procedures contain or reference acceptance criteria and ensure Design Outputs are
essential for the proper functioning of the device are identified. Design Outputs must be
documented, reviewed and approved (signature and date) before release and records
Design Outputs:
Meet the input requirements for design and development;
Provide appropriate information for purchasing, production and service provision (as
Contain or reference product acceptance criteria;
Specify the characteristics of the product that are essential for it’s safe and proper
The Design Outputs shall be in a form suitable for verification against the Design Inputs.
This can be achieved through the use of an appropriate Design Input / Output Table and /
or Traceability (Trace) Matrix. Other suitable formats may also be utilized.
Example Design Outputs include purchasing specifications, process specifications, test
results, etc.
Compliant, Effective, Efficient.
Design and Development Review
Design Reviews are a documented, comprehensive, systematic examination of a design to
evaluate the adequacy of the design requirements, to evaluate the capability of the design
to meet these requirements, and to identify problems.
Formal, documented Design Reviews are required at appropriate stages of the device’s
design development. This may be according to Design Control procedures, or as defined
in the Design Plan, as applicable. The intent of the Design Review is to evaluate Design
and Development Results obtained and evaluate their ability to meet requirements. Where
appropriate, this also serves as a forum to identify and propose necessary actions for
improvement to these activities.
Design Review participants must represent all functions concerned with the design stage
being reviewed, along with an independent reviewer and any specialists needed. Results
of the Design Review, including identification of the design, date and participants shall be
documented in the DHF.
Design and Development Verification
Verification is confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that
specified requirements have been fulfilled.
Manufacturers must establish and maintain procedures to verify the device design. The
intent is to confirm that the Design Outputs meet the Design Input requirements.
Verification Plans must identify methods, acceptance criteria and statistical techniques, as
appropriate. This can be conducted within the Trace Matrix in a format suitable to record
verification activities.
Where the device Intended Use requires that the medical device be connected to, or
interface with other medical devices, verification activities must review the device when so
connected / interfaced, as required.
Documentation must include results and conclusions of the Design Verification, including
details such as identification of the design, methods, necessary actions, date and
individuals performing the verification.
Compliant, Effective, Efficient.
A general example format is provided below:
Design Input
Design Input
Design Output
Design Verification
Reference the
applicable Design
Input document
Describe the
Design Input
Reference the
Design Output(s)
that fulfill the
Design Input
Reference the
applicable Design
Output /
Design and Development Validation
Design validation establishes by objective evidence that device specifications conform with
user needs and intended use(s).
Manufacturers must establish and maintain procedures to validate the device design. This
must take place under defined operating conditions, on production equivalent product. This
is intended to ensure that devices conform to defined user needs, application and intended
uses and shall include testing of production equivalent units under actual or simulated use
conditions. Design Validation Plans must identify methods, acceptance criteria and
statistical techniques, as appropriate.
Design Validation shall include software validation and risk analysis, as appropriate. It is
also appropriate to perform Clinical Evaluations or performance evaluations of the device in
this phase.
Where the device Intended Use requires that the medical device be connected to, or
interface with other medical devices, validation activities must review the device when so
connected / interfaced, as required.
Documentation must include results of the Design Validation, including identification of the
design, methods, dated and individuals performing the validation.
Compliant, Effective, Efficient.
Design and Development Transfer
Design Transfer allows for the device transfer from design to manufacturing.
Manufacturers must establish and maintain procedures to translate device design into
production specifications. This includes the transfer of Design Outputs to Manufacturing.
Procedures established shall ensure that Design Outputs are verified as suitable for
manufacturing before becoming final production specifications and that production
capability can meet product requirements.
One suggestion is to take manufacturing procedures developed during design and test
them under pilot conditions. This allows for the identification of any potential manufacturing
challenges, prior to launching full manufacturing operations.
Design and Development Changes
Manufacturers must establish and maintain procedures for the identification,
documentation, validation or where appropriate, verification, review and approval of design
changes before their implementation. This is intended to control design and development
changes. Through this process, the organization shall determine the significance of the
changes to function, performance, usability, safety and applicable regulatory requirements
for the device and its intended use. The Design Change review shall include evaluation of
the effect of the changes on constituent parts and product in process or already delivered,
inputs or outputs of risk management and product realization processes.
One thing to note, Design Change is relevant to devices in development. Once the product
is launched and Transfer has taken place, the Device Master Record (including Change
Control activities) become the forum for managing changes. Where appropriate; however,
design changes may drive the initiation of further Design Control activities.
Design and Development Files – Design History File
A DHF shall be maintained for each type of device / device family. It shall contain or
reference the records necessary to demonstrate that the design was developed in
accordance with the approved Design Plan, and records for Design Changes.
Compliant, Effective, Efficient.
The phases and documents discussed above, represent appropriate content for including /
referencing within the respective DHF.
A DHF is compilation of records describing the design history of a finished device.
Development occurs according to an approved Design Plan and records generated are
included or referenced within the DHF. Records include, but are not limited to the Design
Plan, Design Inputs, Design Outputs, Design Reviews, Design Verification, Design
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Nola Benstog is a diversified professional with a thorough knowledge of Quality Management Systems.
She has over sixteen years of experience in the areas of Quality Assurance, Quality Control, Regulatory Affairs, Validation and
Sterilization in both industry and consulting roles. She has worked in the medical device, pharmaceutical, combination product and
nutritional supplement industries with experience ranging from start- ups to Fortune 100 and 500 companies. She began her career as
a Technician in a Microbiology Lab and has held various positions up to the Executive Management level throughout her career.
Nola received a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from Weber State University and a Master of Business Administration from Utah
State University. She has been an American Society for Quality (ASQ) Certified Quality Auditor (CQA) since 2007.
© PathWise Inc., 2017