Post Office Box 22287
Tampa, Florida 33622
Revised March 7, 2024September 2, 2021
Authority ACDBE Policy and Program 1 of 24 03-07-202408-05-2021
Policy Statement
I. Objectives/Policy Statement ................................................................................. 3
Subpart A – General Requirements
I. Objectives .............................................................................................................. 4
II. Definitions ............................................................................................................. 4
III. Applicability ........................................................................................................... 4
IV. Non-Discrimination Requirements ........................................................................ 4
V. Compliance and Enforcement ............................................................................... 5
Subpart B – ACDBE Programs
I. ACDBE Program Updates ....................................................................................... 6
II. Administrative Provisions ...................................................................................... 7
III. Ensuring Nondiscriminatory Participation of ACDBEs .......................................... 10
IV. Reporting ............................................................................................................. 11
V. The Authority’s Compliance and Enforcement Procedures ................................. 11
Subpart C – Certification, Eligibility, Denial and Removal of Certification
I. Certification ......................................................................................................... 12
II. Eligibility .............................................................................................................. 12
III. Denial of Certification .......................................................................................... 14
IV. Removal of Certification ...................................................................................... 14
Subpart D – Goals, Good Faith Efforts and Counting
I. Basic Overall Goal Requirement .......................................................................... 14
II. Consultation in Goal Setting ................................................................................ 15
III. Overall Goals ....................................................................................................... 15
IV. Projection of Estimated Race-Neutral & Race-Conscious Participation ............... 16
V. Concession Specific Goals .................................................................................... 16
VI. Good Faith Efforts on Concession Specific Goals ................................................. 17
VII. Counting ACDBE Participation for Car Rental Goals ............................................. 22
VIII. Counting ACDBE Participation for Concessions other than Car Rentals ............... 22
IX. Quotas or Set-Asides ........................................................................................... 23
Subpart E – Other Provisions
I. Existing Agreements ............................................................................................ 23
II. Long-Term Exclusive Agreements ........................................................................ 23
III. Geographic Preferences ...................................................................................... 23
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Attachment 1 Organizational Charts
Attachment 2 Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanisms
Attachment 3 Overall Goal Calculation for Concessions other than Car Rentals
Attachment 4 Overall Goal Calculation for Car Rental Concessions
Attachment 5 Sample ACDBE Assurance and Participation Forms - Goal
Attachment 6 Procedures for Removal of ACDBE’s Eligibility
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The Hillsborough County Aviation Authority (Authority) is committed to a program for the
participation of Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (ACDBEs) in concession-
related contracting opportunities (Program or ACDBE Program) in accordance with U. S.
Department of Transportation’s (DOT) 49 CFR Part 23, effective April 21, 2005, as may be
amended. The Authority is a primary airport and has received federal funds authorized for
airport development after January 1988, authorized under Title 49 of the United States Code.
The Authority has signed airport grant assurances that it will comply with 49 CFR Part 23.
It is the policy of the Authority to ensure that ACDBEs, as defined in Part 23, have an equal
opportunity to receive and participate in concession opportunities at Tampa International
Airport (Airport). It is also the Authority’s policy:
1. To ensure nondiscrimination in the Authority’s award and administration of
opportunities for concessions at the Airport;
2. To create a level playing field on which ACDBEs can compete fairly for
opportunities for concessions at the Airport;
3. To ensure that the ACDBE Program is narrowly tailored in accordance with the
Regulations and other applicable law;
4. To ensure that only firms that fully meet eligibility requirements of this Program
are permitted to participate as ACDBEs at the Airport;
5. To help remove barriers to the participation of ACDBEs in opportunities for
concessions at the Airport; and
6. To provide appropriate flexibility to the Authority in establishing and providing
opportunities for ACDBEs at the Airport.
The Director of Government Affairs & Community RelationsAssistant General Counsel, Business
Diversity has been designated as the ACDBE Liaison Officer (ACDBELO). In that capacity, the
ACDBELO is responsible for implementing all aspects of the ACDBE Program. Implementation of
the ACDBE Program is accorded the same priority as compliance with all other legal obligations
incurred by the Authority in its financial assistance agreements with the DOT.
The Authority has disseminated this policy statement to its Board of Directors and has also
made this policy statement available on the Authority’s website, www.TampaAirport.com, to all
Authority personnel and to members of the business community that perform or are interested
in performing work on Authority concession-related contracts.
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I. OBJECTIVES (Section 23.1)
The objectives of this ACDBE program are found in the policy statement on the first page of this
II. DEFINITIONS (Section 23.3)
The terms used in this Program shall have the meaning defined in 49 CFR, Section 23.3 and
Section 26.5 or in the Authority’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Policy and Program,
where applicable.
III. APPLICABILITY (Sections 23.5 and 23.21)
The Airport is a primary airport and the Authority, as a recipient of federal financial assistance
from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the DOT for airport development after
January 1988, is required to implement an ACDBE Program in accordance with the ACDBE
regulations (Regulations).
A. The Authority will not exclude any person from participation in, deny any person
the benefits of, or otherwise discriminate against anyone in connection with the
award and performance of any concession agreement, management contract or
subcontract, purchase or lease agreement or other agreement covered by the
Regulations on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin.
B. In administering its ACDBE Program, the Authority will not, directly or through
contractual or other arrangements, use criteria or methods of administration
that have the effect of defeating or substantially impairing the accomplishment
of the objectives of the ACDBE Program with respect to individuals of a particular
race, color, sex or national origin.
C. The Authority acknowledges these representations are also in accordance with
obligations contained in its Civil Rights, DBE and ACDBE airport grant assurances.
D. The Authority will take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure
nondiscrimination in the award and administration of contracts and agreements
covered by 49 CFR Part 23. The following language will be included in all
concession-related contracts the Authority executes with any firm after April 21,
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“This agreement is subject to the requirements of the U. S.
Department of Transportation’s regulations 49 CFR Part 23. The
concessionaire or contractor agrees that it will not discriminate
against any business owner because of the owner’s race, color,
national origin, or sex in connection with the award or
performance of any concession agreement, management
contract, or subcontract, purchase or lease agreement, or other
agreement covered by 49 CFR Part 23.
The concessionaire or contractor agrees to include the above
statements in any subsequent concession agreement or contract
covered by 49 CFR Part 23, that it enters and cause those
businesses to similarly include the statements in further
A. The Authority will comply with and is subject to the provisions of 49 CFR Part 26
(§§ 26.101 and 26.105 through 26.1097).
B. The Authority will comply with Part 26 or be subject to formal enforcement
action under § 26.105 or appropriate program sanctions, such as the suspension
or termination of Federal funds, or refusal to approve projects, grants or
contracts until deficiencies are remedied. Program sanctions may include
actions consistent with 49 U.S.C. §§ 47106(d), 47111(d), and 47122.
C. The Authority’s compliance with all requirements of these provisions is enforced
through the procedures of Title 49 of the United States Code, including 49 U.S.C.
§§ 47106(d), 47111(d), and 47122, and regulations implementing them.
D. Compliance Reviews: The FAA may review the Authority’s compliance with
these provisions at any time, including but not limited to, reviews of paperwork,
on-site reviews, and review of the Authority’s monitoring and enforcement
mechanism, as appropriate. The FAA Office of Civil Rights may initiate a
compliance review based on complaints received.
E. Any person who knows of a violation of these provisions by the Authority may
file a compliant under 14 CFR Part 16 with the FAA Office of Chief Counsel.
F. The following enforcement actions apply to firms participating in the Authority’s
ACDBE Program:
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1. For a firm that does not meet the eligibility criteria of 49 CFR Part 23,
Subpart C and that attempts to participate as an ACDBE on the basis of
false, fraudulent, or deceitful statements or representations or under
circumstances indicating a serious lack of business integrity or honesty,
the DOT or the FAA may initiate suspension or debarment proceedings
against the firm under 49 CFR Part 29.
2. For a firm that, in order to meet ACDBE goals or other ACDBE program
requirements, uses or attempts to use, on the basis of false, fraudulent or
deceitful statements or representations or under circumstances
indicating a serious lack of business integrity or honesty, another firm
that does not meet the eligibility criteria of 49 CFR Part 23, Subpart C,
DOT or FAA may initiate suspension or debarment proceedings against
the firm under 49 CFR Part 29.
3. In a suspension or debarment proceeding brought under paragraph 1 or
2 of this section, the FAA may consider the fact that a purported ACDBE
has been certified. However, such certification does not preclude DOT
from determining that the purported ACDBE, or another firm that has
used or attempted to use it to meet ACDBE goals, should be suspended
or debarred.
4. DOT may take enforcement action under 49 CFR Part 31, Program Fraud
and Civil Remedies, against any participant in the ACDBE Program whose
conduct is subject to such action under 49 CFR Part 31.
5. DOT may refer to the Department of Justice, for prosecution under 18
U.S.C. §§1001 or other applicable provisions of law, any person who
makes a false or fraudulent statement in connection with participation of
an ACDBE in the Authority’s ACDBE Program or otherwise violates
applicable Federal statutes.
A. Since the Authority is a large hub primary airport, it is required to have an ACDBE
Program. As a condition of eligibility for FAA financial assistance, the Authority
will submit its ACDBE Program and overall goals to FAA every three years by
October 1.
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B. When the Authority makes significant changes to its ACDBE Program, it will
provide the amended program to the FAA for approval prior to implementing the
A. Policy Statement: The Authority is committed to operating its ACDBE Program in
a nondiscriminatory manner. The Authority’s Policy Statement is elaborated on
the first page of this Program.
B. ACDBE Liaison Officer (Section 23.23)
The Authority has designated the DBE Liaison Officer to also serve as the
ACDBELO who is:
Director of Government Affairs & Community RelationsAssistant General
Counsel, Business Diversity
Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
P. O. Box 22287
Tampa, FL 33622-2287
Telephone: (813) 554-1450; Email: DBEPro[email protected]
In this capacity, the ACDBELO is responsible for implementing all aspects of the
ACDBE Program and ensuring that the Authority complies with all provisions of
49 CFR Part 23. The ACDBELO has direct, independent access to the Chief
Executive Officer (CEO) concerning ACDBE Program matters. An organizational
chart displaying the ACDBELO’s position in the organization is found in
Attachment 1 to this Program.
The Assistant General Counsel, Business Diversity as the ACDBELO, is responsible
for developing, implementing and monitoring the ACDBE Program, in
coordination with other appropriate officials. The ACDBELO has a staff of
threewo to assist in the administration of this Program: the Senior Manager,
Business Diversity, Business Diversity Compliance Specialist and the Business
Diversity Specialist.
C. Responsibilities of the ACDBELO (Section 23.23)
The ACDBELO will be the primary person responsible for implementing all
aspects of this Program, and will work closely with the Senior Manager, Business
Diversity and all other divisions of the Authority who are responsible for making
decisions relative to the Authority’s concession-related contracting
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The ACDBELO has the following responsibilities:
1. Gathers and reports statistical data and other information as required by
2. Identifies contracts and procurements so that ACDBE goals are included
in solicitations (both race-neutral methods and contract specific goals)
and monitors results.
3. Analyzes the Authority’s progress toward goal attainment and identifies
ways to improve progress.
4. Develops, monitors and evaluates the ACDBE Program, and prepares
supplemental written procedures and guidelines to implement the
program, as needed.
5. Advises the Authority on ACDBE matters and achievement.
6. Reports to the CEO and Board on ACDBE matters and achievement, as
D. The Senior Manager, Business Diversity’s specific duties and responsibilities will
include, but not be limited to the following:
1. Reviews third party contracts and purchase requisitions for compliance
with this Program.
2. Works with other members of the Authority to set overall goals.
3. Ensures that applicable bids, requests for proposals, and other
solicitation notices are available to ACDBEs in a timely manner.
4. Participates in the contract proposal and award process, including
recommending specific contract goals when appropriate; reviews
contract specifications; attends pre-proposal conferences and evaluates
proposals to determine whether the proposer has met the ACDBE goal or
made adequate good faith effort to do so.
5. Plans and participates in ACDBE training seminars.
6. Monitors specific contract performance and actual ACDBE participation.
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7. Monitors overall ACDBE participation, adjusts overall goals and means of
achievement, and assesses areas of over-concentration of ACDBE
8. Acts as liaison to the Florida Unified Certification Program (FLUCP).
9. Provides outreach to ACDBEs and community organization to advise
them of opportunities.
10. Maintains the Authority’s listing of certified ACDBEs included in the
FLUCP directory and distinguishes them from DBEs.
11. Participates in the Airport Minority Advisory Committee annual
conferences and other organizations working on common issues
pertaining to the Program.
12. Maintains all appropriate records and documentation of the Program.
E. Directory: The Authority, through the FLUCP, maintains a directory identifying
all firms eligible to participate as ACDBEs. The directory lists the firm’s name,
address, phone number, and the type of work the firm has been certified to
perform as an ACDBE. The FLUCP revises the directory every 24 hours. The
Authority makes the directory available through the Authority’s website,
F. e-Procurement Portal:Supplier Portal Registration Database: The Authority’s
eProcurement Portal Supplier Portal Registration Database is a listing of those
companies that are interested in bidding on Authority contracts as suppliers,
prime contractors, and/or subcontractors. The Senior Manager, Business
Diversity as well as the Procurement Department will encourage all potential
suppliers or vendors, including ACDBEs, DBEs, and woman and minority-owned
business enterprises, to register on the Authority’s Database to facilitate greater
supplier diversity. The Database is used by the Authority to obtain pricing for
goods and services and to collect data on potential suppliers to enhance the
Authority’s contracting efforts. The PortalDatabase is also used by companies to
identify prime contractors and subcontractors. The PortalDatabase is posted on
the Authority’s website at www.TampaAirport.com. All companies registered in
the PortalDatabase can access purchase orders, submit invoices, view payments,
update their profile, and respond to online solicitation opportunities.
G. All entries in the PortalDatabase are performed by the registering supplier and
can be updated as often as necessary depending on company’s need. The
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Authority does not enter or update information on a company in the
A. The Authority will take the following measures to ensure nondiscriminatory
participation of ACDBEs in concession and other covered activities (23.25(a)):
1. Identify opportunities for ACDBEs on all concession and management
agreements and ensure the availability of qualified ACDBEs who are
ready, willing and able to provide their services; review proposed
agreements in order to identify opportunities for participation by
certified ACDBEs; determine the level of participation on the basis of
historic and actual ACDBE participation on previous agreements and the
availability of certified ACDBEs.
2. In all concession and management agreements entered into with the
Authority, the agreement signed by the concessionaire and each
subconcession agreement the concessionaire signs with a
subconcessionaire must assure the Authority that:
“The concessionaire and subconcessionaire will not
discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or
sex in the performance of this agreement. The
concessionaire will carry out applicable requirements of 49
CFR Part 23 in the award and administration of
agreements. Failure by the concessionaire to carry out
these requirements is a material breach of this agreement,
which may result in the termination of this agreement or
such other remedy as the Authority deems appropriate.”
B. The Authority will seek ACDBE participation in all types of concession activities,
rather than concentrating participation in one category or a few categories to
the exclusion of others (23.25(c)).
C. In accordance with 49 CFR Part 23, Section 23.25, the Authority’s overall goal
methodology and description of the race-neutral measures it will take to meet
the goals are described in Attachments 3 and 4 of this Program. The goals are
set consistent with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 23, Subpart D (23.25(b), (d)).
D. If the Authority projects that race-neutral measures, standing alone, are not
sufficient to meet an overall goal, it will use race-conscious measures as
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described in 49 CFR Part 23, Section 23.25 (e) (1-2) and Attachments 3 and 4 of
this Program.
E. The Authority will require businesses subject to ACDBE goals at the Airport
(except car rental companies) to make good faith efforts to explore all available
options to meet goals, to the maximum extent practicable, through direct
ownership arrangements with ACDBEs. The Authority will not use set-asides or
quotas as a means of obtaining ACDBE participation (23.25 (f) (g)).
IV. REPORTING (Section 23.27)
A. The Authority will retain sufficient basic information about its ACDBE Program
implementation, ACDBE certification and the award and performance of
agreements and contracts to enable the FAA to determine the Authority’s
compliance with Part 23. This data will be retained for a minimum of three years
following the end of the concession agreement or other covered contract.
B. The Authority will submit an annual participation report on ACDBE participation
to the FAA Regional Civil Rights Office.
A. In the event of a concessionaire’s non-compliance with the Authority’s ACDBE
Policy and Program or failure to meet the prescribed ACDBE goal set forth in an
agreement, or to establish a good faith effort to do so, the Authority, after due
process, will impose such contract sanctions as the Authority, the FAA or both
may determine to be appropriate.
B. If at any time the Authority has reason to believe that the concessionaire is in
default of this Policy and Program, the Authority may, in addition to pursuing any
other available legal remedy, terminate, suspend or cancel the agreement in
whole or in part; and/or suspend or debar the concessionaire from eligibility to
contract with the Authority in the future or to receive bid packages, request for
proposal packages, or other solicitations unless the concessionaire
demonstrates, within a reasonable time as determined by the Authority, its
compliance with the terms of this Policy and Program or its good faith efforts to
C. The Authority’s monitoring and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance
with 49 CFR Part 23 are found at Attachment 2.
D. The Authority will bring to the attention of the DOT any false, fraudulent, or
dishonest conduct in connection with the Program, so that DOT can take the
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steps (e.g., referral to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution,
referral to the DOT Inspector General, action under suspension and debarment
or Program Fraud and Civil Penalties rules) provided in 26.107.
E. The Authority will consider similar action under its own legal authorities,
including responsibility determinations in future contracts. The Authority has
listed the regulations, provisions, and contract remedies available to it in the
events of non-compliance with the ACDBE regulation by a participant in its
procurement activities (see Attachment 2).
F. In the Authority’s reports of ACDBE participation to FAA, it will show both
commitments and attainments, as required by the DOT reporting form.
(Sections 23.31 through 23.39)
Except as provided in 49 CFR Section 23.31, the Authority will use the procedures and standards
of Part 26 and the Authority’s DBE Policy and Program, Section 3 – Determining Eligibility, to
certify ACDBEs to participate in its concessions program and such standards are incorporated
herein. The Authority is a member of the FLUCP administered by the Florida Department of
Transportation and the Senior Manager, Business Diversity will make certification decisions on
behalf of the Authority for ACDBEs.
A. The FLUCP directory of eligible DBEs will specify whether a firm is certified as a
DBE for purposes of Part 26, and ACDBE for purposes of Part 23, or both.
B. The Authority reviews the following information annually on all currently
certified ACDBEs: no change declaration and previous year’s business tax
C. The Authority will treat a firm as a small business eligible to be certified as an
ACDBE if its gross receipts averaged over the firm’s previous three fiscal years do
not exceed $56.42 million. The size standard for banks and other financial
institutions is $1 billion in assets, $75.23 million for car rental companies, 1,500
employees for pay telephone companies, and 350 employees for automobile
dealers. (23.33) The personal net worth standard used in determining eligibility
for purposes of Part 23 is $1.32 million or as adjusted by Part 23 (23.35). The
Authority recognizes that in calculating personal net worth, the following
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exclusions apply: the individual’s ownership interest in an ACDBE firm or a firm
that is applying for ACDBE certification; the individual’s equity in his or her
primary place of residence; and other assets that the individual can document
are necessary to obtain financing or a franchise agreement for the initiation or
expansion of his or her ACDBE firm, to a maximum of $3 million. Any person
who has a personal net worth exceeding this amount is not a socially and
economically disadvantaged individual, even if a member of a group otherwise
presumed to be disadvantaged.
D. The Authority will presume that a firm that is certified as a DBE under Part 26 is
eligible to participate as an ACDBE. However, before certifying such a firm, the
Authority will ensure that the disadvantaged owners of a DBE certified under
Part 26 are able to control the firm with respect to its activity in the Authority’s
concessions program. The Authority is not obligated to certify a Part 26 DBE as
an ACDBE if the firm’s work is not relevant to the Authority’s concessions
program. (23.37).
E. The Authority recognizes that the provisions of Part 26, Sections 26.83(c) (2) – (6)
do not apply to certifications for purposes of Part 23. The Authority will obtain
resumes or work histories of the principal owners of the firm and personally
interview these individuals. The Authority will analyze the ownership of stock of
the firm, if it is a corporation, and the bonding and financial capacity of the firm.
The Authority will determine the work history of the firm, including any
concession contracts or other contracts it may have received and will compile a
list of the licenses of the firm and its key personnel to perform the concession
contracts or other contracts it wishes to receive. The Authority will obtain a
statement from the firm of the types of concessions it prefers to operate or the
type of other contracts it prefers to perform and will ensure that the ACDBE firm
meets the applicable size standard. (23.39(a)(b)).
F. The Authority acknowledges that a prime contractor includes a firm holding a
prime contract with an airport concessionaire to provide goods or services to the
concessionaire or a firm holding a prime concession agreement with the
Authority. The Authority recognizes that the eligibility of Alaska Native
Corporations (ANC) owned firms for purposes of Part 23 is governed by Part 26
Section 26.73(h). (23.39(c)(d)).
G. The Authority will use the certification standards of Part 23 to determine the
ACDBE eligibility of firms that provide goods and services to concessionaires.
H. In instances when the eligibility of a concessionaire is removed after the
concessionaire has entered into a concession agreement because the firm
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exceeded the size standard or the owner has exceeded the personal net worth
standard, and the firm in all other respects remains an eligible ACDBE, the
Authority will continue to count the concessionaire’s participation toward ACDBE
goals during the remainder of the current concession agreement. The Authority
will not count the concessionaire’s participation toward ACDBE goals beyond the
termination date for the concession agreement in effect at the time of the
decertification. (23.39(e)).
I. The Authority will use the Uniform Application Form found in Appendix F to Part
26 with additional instructions as stated in Part 23 (23.39(g)).
A firm may appeal the decision denying certification by the Senior Manager, Business
Diversity. Such appeal must be made in writing no later than 90 days after the date of
final decision and submitted in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26.89 and Authority’s DBE
Policy and Program, Section 9-USDOT Certification Appeal Procedures and Enforcement
Actions to:
U. S. Department of Transportation
Departmental Office of Civil Rights
External Civil Rights Programs Division (S-33)
1200 New Jersey Ave., S.E.
Washington, DC 20590
Telephone (202) 366-1930
Alt Phone (800) 532-1169
Fax (202) 366-7228
Procedures for removal of certification are contained in Attachment 6 which is attached
hereto and incorporated herein.
A. The Authority will establish two separate overall ACDBE goals;goals: one for car
rentals and another for concessions other than car rentals. The overall goals will
cover a three-year period and the Authority will review the goals annually to
make sure the goals continue to fit the Authority’s circumstances. The Authority
will report any significant overall goal adjustments to the FAA.
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B. If the average annual concession revenues for car rentals over the preceding
three years do not exceed $200,000, the Authority will not need to submit an
overall goal for car rentals. Likewise, if the average annual concession revenues
for concessions other than car rentals over the preceding three years do not
exceed $200,000, the Authority will not need to submit an overall goal for
concessions other than car rentals. The Authority understands that revenue
means total revenue generated by concessions, not the fees received by the
Airport from concessionaires.
C. The Authority’s overall goals will provide for participation by all certified ACDBEs
and will not be subdivided into group-specific goals, except to divide into car
rental and other than car rental as noted in paragraph A. above.
A. The Authority consults with stakeholders to review the overall goals submitted
to the FAA. Stakeholders will include, but not be limited to, minority and
women’s business groups, community organizations, trade associations
representing concessionaires currently located at the Airport, as well as existing
concessionaires themselves, and other officials or organizations which could be
expected to have information concerning the availability of disadvantaged
businesses, the effects of discrimination on opportunities for ACDBEs, and the
Authority’s efforts to increase participation of ACDBEs.
B. The Authority will conduct meetings with stakeholders, including trade and
minority/women business organizations, ACDBE firms and current
concessionaires prior to soliciting any new opportunity.
III. OVERALL GOALS (Section 23.45)
A. If a new concession opportunity arises during the three-year time period of an
overall goal with an estimated average of annual gross revenues anticipated to
be $200,000 or greater, the Authority will submit an appropriate adjustment to
its overall goal to FAA for approval at least six months before executing the new
concession agreement.
B. The Authority will establish overall goals in accordance with the two-step
process as specified in Section 23.51. After determining the total gross receipts
for the concession activity, the first step is to determine the relative availability
of ACDBEs in the market area, base figure. The second step is to examine all
relevant evidence reasonably available in the Authority’s jurisdiction to
determine if an adjustment to the Step 1 base figure is necessary so that the goal
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reflects as accurately as possible the ACDBE participation the Authority would
expect in the absence of discrimination. Evidence may include, but is not limited
to, past participation by ACDBEs, a disparity study, and evidence from related
fields that affect ACDBE opportunities to form, grow, and compete (such as
statistical disparities in ability to get required financing, bonding, insurance; or
data on employment, self-employment, education, training and union
C. A description of the methodology to calculate the overall goal for concessions
other than car rentals, the goal calculations, and the data the Authority relied on
can be found in Attachment 3 to this Program.
D. A description of the methodology to calculate the overall goal for car rentals, the
goal calculations, and the data the Authority relied on can be found in
Attachment 4 to this Program.
(Section 23.45(f) and Section 23.25(d-e))
The breakout of estimated race-neutral and race-conscious participation can be found
with the goal methodology in Attachments 3 and 4 to this Program. This section of the
Program will be reviewed annually when the goal calculation is reviewed under 23.41(c).
V. CONCESSION SPECIFIC GOALS (Section 23.25 (c) (e) (1) (iv))
A. The Authority will use concession specific goals to meet any portion of the
overall goals the Authority does not project being able to meet using race-
neutral means. Concession specific goals are established so that, over the period
to which the overall goals apply, they will cumulatively result in meeting any
portion of the Authority’s overall goal that is not projected to be met through
the use of race-neutral means.
B. The Authority will establish concession specific goals only on those concessions
that have direct ownership arrangements (except car rentals), sublease, or
subcontracting possibilities.
C. The Authority will not need to establish a concession specific goal on every such
concession and the size of concession specific goals will be adapted to the
circumstances of each such concession (e.g., type and location of concession,
availability of ACDBEs.)
D. If the objective of a concession specific goal is to obtain ACDBE participation
through direct ownership with an ACDBE, the Authority will calculate the goal as
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a percentage of the total estimated annual gross receipts from the concession.
E. If the concession specific goal applies to purchases and/or leases of goods and
services, the Authority will calculate the goal by dividing the estimated dollar
value of such purchases and/or leases from ACDBEs by the total estimated dollar
value of all purchases to be made by the concessionaire. (23.25(e)(1)(ii))
A. To be eligible to be awarded a concession that has a concession specific goal,
bidders/offerors must make good faith efforts to meet the goal. A
bidder/offeror may do so either by obtaining enough ACDBE participation to
meet the goal or by documenting that it made sufficient good faith efforts to do
so. (23.25(e) (1) (iv)). Examples of good faith efforts are found in Appendix A to
49 CFR Part 26. The procedures applicable to 49 CFR Sections 26.51 and 26.53
regarding contract goals apply to the Authority’s concession specific goals.
1. Demonstration of good faith efforts (26.53(a) & (c))
a. The Senior Manager, Business Diversity is responsible for
determining whether a concessionaire who has not met the
concession specific goal has documented sufficient good faith
efforts to be regarded as responsive.
b. The Senior Manager, Business Diversity will ensure that all
information is complete and accurate and adequately documents
the bidder/offeror’s good faith efforts before it commits to the
concession agreement with the bidder/offeror.
2. Information to be submitted (Section 26.53(b))
a. The Authority treats bidder/offeror’s compliance with good faith
effort requirements as a matter of responsiveness.
b. Each solicitation for which a concession specific goal has been
established will require the concessionaires to submit the
following information on the forms in Attachment 5:
(1) The names and addresses of ACDBE firms or ACDBE
suppliers of goods and services that will participate in the
Authority ACDBE Policy and Program 18 of 24 03-07-202408-05-2021
(2) A description of the work that each ACDBE will perform;
(3) The percentage amount of the participation of each
ACDBE firm/supplier participating;
(4) Written and signed documentation of commitment to use
an ACDBE whose participation it submits to meet a
contract goal;
(5) Written and signed confirmation from the ACDBE that it is
participating in the concession as provided in the prime
concessionaire’s commitment; and
(6) If the contract goal is not met, evidence of good faith
c. To be considered responsive to the ACDBE requirements, firms
proposed to participate as ACDBEs must be certified at the time
bids/proposals are opened by the Authority.
d. In determining whether or not the apparent successful
bidder/offeror has made such good faith efforts, some of the
factors the Authority will consider are the following:
(1) Whether the bidder/offeror attended any pre-solicitation
or pre-bid/proposal meetings scheduled by the Authority
to inform certified ACDBEs of contracting and
subcontracting opportunities.
(2) Whether the bidder/offeror advertised at least ten days
prior to bid opening or proposal submission in newspapers
of general circulation, trade associations, and minority-
focus media concerning subcontracting opportunities.
(3) Whether the bidder/offeror provided written notice by
certified mail at least ten days prior to bid/proposal
opening to a reasonable number of specific certified
ACDBEs that their interest in the contract was being
(4) Whether the bidder/offeror followed up initial solicitations
of interest by contacting certified ACDBEs to determine
with certainty whether the certified ACDBEs were
(5) Whether the bidder/offeror selected portions of the work
to be performed by certified ACDBEs in order to increase
Authority ACDBE Policy and Program 19 of 24 03-07-202408-05-2021
the likelihood of meeting the ACDBE goals including,
where appropriate, breaking down contracts into
economically feasible units to facilitate ACDBE
(6) Whether the bidder/offeror provided interested certified
ACDBEs with adequate information about the plans,
specifications or requirements of the contract.
(7) Whether the bidder/offeror negotiated in good faith with
interested certified ACDBEs, not rejecting certified ACDBEs
as unqualified without sound reasons after a thorough
investigation of their capabilities.
(8) Whether the bidder/offeror made efforts to assist
interested certified ACDBEs in obtaining bonding, lines of
credit, or insurance required by the Authority or
(9) Whether the bidder/offeror effectively used the services
of available minority community organizations; minority
contractor groups; local, state and federal minority
business assistance offices; and other organizations that
provide assistance in the recruitment and placement of
certified ACDBEs.
(10) Whether the scope of work submitted by the
bidder/offeror to any certified ACDBE concessionaire,
certified ACDBE subconcessionaire, certified ACDBE
supplier, certified ACDBE sub-supplier, and so on, either
directly or indirectly, was intended to achieve, in whole or
in part, the specified ACDBE participation.
(11) Whether the replies or quotes from certified ACDBEs in
response to scopes of work submitted to them by
concessionaires, either directly or indirectly, were fair and
(12) Whether the bidder/offeror fairly represented the ACDBE
quotations in the formulation of the concessionaire’s bid
as shown on the concessionaire’s bid tabulation or other
work documents to support the concessionaire’s bid.
Authority ACDBE Policy and Program 20 of 24 03-07-202408-05-2021
(13) Whether all other bidders/offerors achieved the ACDBE
B. Administrative Reconsideration (Section 26.53(d))
1. Within five days of being informed by the Authority that it is not
responsive because it has not documented sufficient good faith efforts, a
bidder/offeror may request administrative reconsideration. The
bidder/offeror should make this request in writing to:
Vice President of Procurement
Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
Tampa International Airport
P. O. Box 22287
Tampa, Florida 33622
Attn: Vice President of Procurement
Email: vpofprocurementdirectorofprocurement@tampaairport.com
2. The Vice President of Procurement will assign a Director of Procurement
or other senior Procurement official not responsible for the particular
solicitation to conduct the administrative reconsideration. The
Reconsideration Official will not have played any role in the original
determination that the bidder/offeror did not document sufficient good
faith efforts.
3. As part of this reconsideration, the bidder/offeror will have the
opportunity to provide written documentation or argument concerning
the issue of whether it met the goal or made adequate good faith efforts
to do so. The bidder/offeror will have the opportunity to meet in person
with the Authority’s Reconsideration Official to discuss the issue of
whether it met the goal or made adequate good faith efforts to do so.
The Reconsideration Official will send the bidder/offeror a written
decision on reconsideration, explaining the basis for finding that the
bidder/offeror did or did not meet the goal or make adequate good faith
efforts to do so. In the event a bidder/offeror protests the decision of
the Reconsideration Official, the bidder/offeror must submit a formal bid
protest of the decision in accordance with the Authority’s Policy P512
Procurement Protests, which is available on the Authority’s website. The
result of the reconsideration process is not administratively appealable to
the USDOT.
C. Good Faith Efforts when an ACDBE is replaced on a concession (Section 26.53(f))
Authority ACDBE Policy and Program 21 of 24 03-07-202408-05-2021
1. The Authority will monitor the compliance and good faith efforts of
concessionaires in meeting the requirements of this Program. The
Authority will have access to the necessary records to examine such
information as may be appropriate for the purpose of investigating and
determining compliance with this Program, including, but not limited to,
records, records of expenditures, contracts between concessionaire and
the ACDBE participant, and other records pertaining to the ACDBE
participation plan. The extent of ACDBE participation will be reviewed
prior to the exercise of any renewal, extension or material amendment to
the agreement to consider whether an adjustment in the ACDBE
requirements is warranted. Without limiting the requirements of the
agreement, the Authority reserves the right to review and approve all
sub-leases or subcontracts, in advance of their commencement, utilized
by the concessionaire for the achievement of its goals.
2. The Authority will require that a prime concessionaire not terminate for
convenience an ACDBE listed in the ACDBE Report and then perform the
work of the terminated ACDBE by itself or by an affiliate without written
prior consent of the Authority. When an ACDBE is terminated or fails to
complete its work on the contract for any reason, the prime
concessionaire must make good faith efforts to find another ACDBE to
substitute for the original ACDBE. These good faith efforts will be
directed at finding another ACDBE to perform the same estimated gross
receipts (or in the case of a car rental concession, to sell the same dollar
amount of vehicles and other goods and services) under the contract as
the ACDBE that was terminated to the extent needed to meet the
established contract goal.
3. The Authority will include in each prime concessionaire contract a
provision for appropriate administrative remedies or default that the
Authority will invoke if the prime concessionaire fails to comply with
these requirements, including the right to terminate the contract.
4. The Authority will also implement a monitoring and enforcement
mechanism to ensure that work committed to ACDBEs at contract award
is actually performed by the ACDBEs. This mechanism will provide for a
running tally of actual ACDBE attainments (e.g., payment actually made
to ACDBE firms), including a means of comparing these attainments to
commitments. This will be accomplished by observation and monthly
reporting of gross receipts. In carrying out these monitoring and
enforcement activities, the Authority will analyze its organization
structure and staff resources needed to ensure compliance with these
ACDBE regulations and recommend additional staff as needed.
Authority ACDBE Policy and Program 22 of 24 03-07-202408-05-2021
D. Sample Proposal/Bid Specification
1. All invitations to bid, RFP’s or RFQ’s will state, in substantive part, that
“The requirements of 49 CFR Part 23, regulations of the USDOT, applies
to this concession. It is the policy of the Authority to practice
nondiscrimination based on race, color, sex, or national origin in the
award or performance of this contract. All firms qualifying under this
solicitation are encouraged to submit bids/proposals. Award of this
concession will be conditioned upon satisfying the requirements of this
proposal/bid specification. These requirements apply to all concessions,
firms and suppliers, including those who qualify as an ACDBE. An ACDBE
concession specific goal of ____ percent of (annual gross receipts; value
of leases and/or purchases of goods and services) has been established
for this concession. The concession firm will make good faith efforts, as
defined in Appendix A, 49 CFR Part 26, to meet the concession specific
goal for ACDBE participation in the performance of this concession.
The concession firm will be required to submit a Letter of Intent which
will include the following information: (1) the names and addresses of
ACDBE firms and suppliers that will participate in the concession; (2) A
description of the work that each ACDBE will perform; (3) The dollar
amount of the participation of each ACDBE firm participating; (4) Written
and signed documentation of commitment to use a ACDBE whose
participation it submits to meet a contract goal; (5) Written and signed
confirmation from the ACDBE that it is participating in the concession as
provided in the prime concessionaire’s commitment; and (6) If the
contract goal is not met, evidence of good faith efforts.”
The Authority will count ACDBE participation toward overall goals for car rental as provided in
49 CFR 23.53.
(Section 23.55)
The Authority will count ACDBE participation toward overall goals for other than car rental as
provided in 49 CFR 23.55.
IX. QUOTAS OR SET-ASIDES (Section 23.61)
Authority ACDBE Policy and Program 23 of 24 03-07-202408-05-2021
The Authority will not use quotas or set-asides as a means of obtaining ACDBE participation.
The Authority will assess potential for ACDBE participation when an extension or option to
renew an existing agreement is exercised, or when a material amendment is made. The
Authority will use any means authorized by Part 23 to obtain a modified amount of ACDBE
participation in the renewed or amended agreement.
The Authority will not enter into a long-term exclusive agreement for concessions without prior
approval of the FAA Regional Civil Rights Office. The Authority understands that a “long-term”
agreement is one having a term of longer than 5 years and understands that an “exclusive”
agreement is one in which an entire category of a particular business opportunity is limited to a
single business entity. If special, local circumstances exist that make it important to enter into a
long-term and exclusive agreement, the Authority will submit detailed information to the FAA
Regional Civil Rights Office for review and approval.
The Authority will not use a “local geographic preference”, i.e., any requirement that gives an
ACDBE located in one place an advantage over ACDBEs from other places, in obtaining business
as, or with, a concession at the Airport.
Gary W. Harrod, Vice Chairman
Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
Authority ACDBE Policy and Program 24 of 24 03-07-202408-05-2021
Attachment 1 Organizational Charts
Attachment 2 Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanisms
Attachment 3 Overall Goal Calculation for Concessions other than Car Rental
Attachment 4 Overall Goal Calculation for Car Rental Concessions
Attachment 5 Sample ACDBE Assurance and Participation Forms - Goal
Attachment 6 Procedures for Removal of ACDBE’s Eligibility
Chief Executive Officer
Joe Lopano
Chief Executive Officer
Joe Lopano
Executive Vice President
and General Counsel
Michael Stephens
Executive Vice President
and General Counsel
Michael Stephens
Executive Vice President
Operations & Customer Service
John Tiliacos
Executive Vice President
Operations & Customer Service
John Tiliacos
Executive Vice President
Marketing & Communications
Christopher Minner
Executive Vice President
Marketing & Communications
Christopher Minner
Executive Vice President
Finance & Procurement
Damian Brooke
Executive Vice President
Finance & Procurement
Damian Brooke
Vice President
Planning & Development
Jeff Siddle
Vice President
Planning & Development
Jeff Siddle
Director of Government
Affairs & Community
Gina Dew
Director of Government
Affairs & Community
Gina Dew
Vice President
HR & Administration
Elita McMillon
Vice President
HR & Administration
Elita McMillon
Assistant General Counsel
Scott Knight
Assistant General Counsel
Scott Knight
Vice President
Adam Bouchard
Vice President
Adam Bouchard
Vice President
Concessions & Commercial
Laurie Noyes
Vice President
Concessions & Commercial
Laurie Noyes
Director of Terminal Operations
& Guest Experience
Danny Glennon
Director of Terminal Operations
& Guest Experience
Danny Glennon
Director of Research &
Air Service Development
Alexander Heiter
Director of Research &
Air Service Development
Alexander Heiter
Vice President
Real Estate
Tony OBrian
Vice President
Real Estate
Tony OBrian
Vice President
Information Technology
Marcus Session
Vice President
Information Technology
Marcus Session
Vice President
Matthew Bauer
Vice President
Matthew Bauer
Vice President
Capital Programs
Dan Johnson
Vice President
Capital Programs
Dan Johnson
Director of Maintenance
James Surguine
Director of Maintenance
James Surguine
Vice President Public Safety
& Security
Chief Charlie Vazquez
Vice President Public Safety
& Security
Chief Charlie Vazquez
Senior Executive Assistant to
the CEO
Mary Baltzell
Senior Executive Assistant to
the CEO
Mary Baltzell
Vice President
Internal Audit
Laura Tatem
Vice President
Internal Audit
Laura Tatem
Vice President
Veronica Cintron
Vice President
Veronica Cintron
Fire Chief
Jim Billotte
Fire Chief
Jim Billotte
Director of Marketing
Jonathan Vaden
Director of Marketing
Jonathan Vaden
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Assistant General Counsel
Michael Kamprath
Assistant General Counsel
Michael Kamprath
Director of
Rich Coudurier
Director of
Rich Coudurier
Director of Construction
John Mallory
Director of Construction
John Mallory
Vice President
General Aviation
Brett Fay
Vice President
General Aviation
Brett Fay
Director of ITS Operations
& Client Services
Brandon Taugner
Director of ITS Operations
& Client Services
Brandon Taugner
Director of ITS Enterprise
Applications Services
Kaseem Mabry
Director of ITS Enterprise
Applications Services
Kaseem Mabry
Director of Procurement
Tom Thalheimer
Director of Procurement
Tom Thalheimer
Director Non Capital
Tara Camp
Director Non Capital
Tara Camp
Director of
Commercial Real Estate
Randy Forister
Director of
Commercial Real Estate
Randy Forister
Director of Airport
Stacey Nance
Director of Airport
Stacey Nance
Director of Commercial
Parking &
Ground Transportation
Roop Johal
Director of Commercial
Parking &
Ground Transportation
Roop Johal
Director of
Human Resources
Nancy Duggan
Director of
Human Resources
Nancy Duggan
Director of
Enterprise Risk
Justin Piazza
Director of
Enterprise Risk
Justin Piazza
Director of
Airline Properties &
Director of
Airline Properties &
Last updated 1/08/24 AT
Vice President
Ben Robins
Vice President
Ben Robins
Vice President
Tony Conza
Vice President
Tony Conza
Director of Finance
Operations and Capital
Daniel Porter
Director of Finance
Operations and Capital
Daniel Porter
Director of Airport Operations
& Emergency Management
Sarah Brammell
Director of Airport Operations
& Emergency Management
Sarah Brammell
Director of Planning
Director of Planning
Director of Communications
Emily Nipps
Director of Communications
Emily Nipps
Executive Vice President Planning
& Development & Maintenance
Smitha Radhakrishnan
Executive Vice President Planning
& Development & Maintenance
Smitha Radhakrishnan
Director of Financial
Planning & Reporting
Kevin Podsiad
Director of Financial
Planning & Reporting
Kevin Podsiad
Attachment 1
Page 1 of 2
Director of Government Affairs &
Community Relations
Gina Dew
Director of Government Affairs &
Community Relations
Gina Dew
Senior Manager, Business
Cheryl Hawkins
Senior Manager, Business
Cheryl Hawkins
Business Diversity Specialist
Bonnie Yauilla
Business Diversity Specialist
Bonnie Yauilla
Ethics, Diversity & ComplianceEthics, Diversity & Compliance
Last updated 2/12/2024 AT
Executive Vice President
and General Counsel
Michael Stephens
Executive Vice President
and General Counsel
Michael Stephens
Business Diversity Compliance
Tania Padilla
Business Diversity Compliance
Tania Padilla
Attachment 1
Page 2 of 2
Attachment 2 Page 1 of 2
Attachment 2
Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanisms
The Authority has available the following remedy to enforce the ACDBE requirements
contained in its contracts: breach of contract action, pursuant to the default and termination
terms of the contract.
In addition, the federal government has available several enforcement mechanisms that it may
apply to firms participating in the ACDBE program, including, but not limited to, the following:
1. Suspension or debarment proceedings pursuant to 49 CFR Part 23;
2. Enforcement action pursuant to 49 CFR Part 31; and
3. Prosecution pursuant to 18 USC 1001.
The Authority will implement various mechanisms to monitor program participants to ensure
they comply with Part 23, including, but not limited to the following:
1. The Authority will monitor the compliance and good faith efforts of
concessionaires in meeting the requirements of this Program. The Authority will
have access to the necessary records to examine such information as may be
appropriate for the purpose of investigating and determining compliance with
this Program, including, but not limited to, records, records of expenditures,
contracts between concessionaire and the ACDBE participant, and other records
pertaining to the ACDBE participation plan. The extent of the ACDBE
participation will be reviewed prior to the exercise of any renewal, extension or
material amendment to the agreement to consider whether an adjustment in
the ACDBE requirement is warranted. Without limiting the requirements of the
agreement, the Authority reserves the right to review and approve all sub-leases
or subcontracts, in advance of their commitment, utilized by the concessionaire
for the achievement of its goals.
2. The Authority will also implement a monitoring and enforcement mechanism to
ensure that work committed to ACDBEs at contract award is actually performed
by the ACDBEs. This mechanism will provide for a running tally of actual ACDBE
attainments (e.g., gross revenues generated by ACDBEs and/or payments made
to ACDBE firms), including a means of comparing these attainments to
commitments. This will be accomplished by observation and monthly reporting
of gross receipts. In carrying out these monitoring and enforcement activities,
the Authority will analyze its organization structure and staff resources needed
to ensure compliance with these ACDBE regulations and recommend additional
staff as needed.
Attachment 2 Page 2 of 2
3. The Authority will insert paragraph 1 above into its concession agreements and
management contracts.
4. The Authority will monitor for compliance all car rental, other than car rental,
concessions and management companies for each month submitted quarterly by
following these procedures:
A. Each company is required to submit a monthly gross receipts report to
Finance. Finance in turn uploads these reports into Propworks software
system whereby revenue data is uploaded into the Airport’s Business
Diversity Management System.
B. The Senior Manager, Business Diversity verifies that ACDBEs utilized are
currently certified with the Florida UCP.
C. The Senior Manager, Business Diversity creates a monthly ACDBE report
that compares the gross receipts for each company and previous year.
D. Reports are distributed to the DBE Liaison Officer.
Attachment 3 Page 1 of 8
Attachment 3
Federal Fiscal Years 2024 – 2026
Tampa International Airport
Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
Airport Sponsor: Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
Goal Period: From: October 1, 2023
Through: September 30, 2026
ACDBE Goal for Terminal Concessions: 26.9%
(excluding rental cars)
Race-Conscious ACDBE Goal: 26.9%
Race-Neutral ACDBE Goal: 0.0%
Attachment 3 Page 2 of 8
Tampa International Airport (the “Airport”) is owned and operated by the Hillsborough County
Aviation Authority (the “Authority”). Pursuant to the requirements of 49 CFR Part 23 (the
“Regulation”), the Authority is required to develop an overall three-year goal for non-car rental
concessions every three years.
Amount of Goal
The Authority’s overall goal for concessions other than car rental during the period beginning
October 1, 2023, and ending September 30, 2026, is 26.9%. The goal is expressed as a
percentage of the total estimated gross receipts for non-car rental concessions at the Airport.
The following are not included in the total gross receipts for concessions: (a) the gross receipts
of car rental operations, (b) the dollar amount of a management contract or subcontract with a
non-ACDBE, (c) the gross receipts of business activities to which a management contract or
subcontract with a non-ACDBE pertains, and (d) any portion of a firm’s estimated gross receipts
that will not be generated from a concession.
The Authority determines the market area for each concession opportunity as it arises based on
factors specific to the opportunity. The market area is defined as the geographical area in which
the substantial majority of firms which seek to do the specific concessions business with the
airport are located and the geographical area in which the firms receive a substantial majority of
concessions related receipts are located.
Methodology Used to Calculate Overall Goal
Overall goals have been determined by consolidating the total estimated gross receipts and
estimated ACDBE gross receipts for concession agreements that are or will become effective
during the goal period. Goals for each new concession are determined through an analysis of the
opportunity, potential for ACDBE participation and the relative availability of ACDBE firms in the
relevant geographic region who are ready, willing and able to perform under the agreement.
Gross receipts have been projected in consideration of the effects of COVID-19 and its impact on
the travel industry.
In accordance with 49 CFR Part 23.51(c) ACDBE goals for specific opportunities are determined as
Step 1: 23.51(c)
The Authority determines the base figure for the relative availability of ACDBEs for the specific
opportunity. The base figure may be calculated in a number of ways, depending upon what is
most appropriate for the specific opportunity.
Attachment 3 Page 3 of 8
Examples are as follows:
Option 1: Ready, willing, and able ACDBEs in the appropriate trade in the determined market
divided by all ready, willing and able companies in the appropriate trade in the determined
The data source or demonstrable evidence used to derive the numerator may be either the
DBE/ACDBE directory (23.51(c)(1)) or an active participant list (23 .51(c)(2)).
Option 2: Disparity Study -There are no relevant disparity studies for concessions from the
Authority's geographic
area at this time. In the future, the Authority may elect to utilize a
disparity study should one become available.
Option 3: Goal of another sponsor
The Authority may use the goal of another airport or DOT
sponsor in the same, or substantially similar market if their overall goal is in compliance with 49
CFR Part 23. There are currently no other similar sponsors in the market area.
Option 4: Alternative Methods
The Authority may elect to use other methods to determine
the base
figure, however it must be based on demonstrable evidence of local market conditions
and be
designed arrive at a goal that is rationally related to the relative availability of ACDBEs in
market area.
Step 2: 23.51(d)
After calculating a base figure of the relative availability of ACDBEs, the Authority will
evidence to determine what adjustment, if any, is needed to the base figure in order to
arrive at
the overall goal.
In accordance with 23.51(d), any adjustment will be designed to reflect as accurately as possible
participation the Authority would expect in the absence of discrimination. In addition,
the Authority will
document the basis on which the base figure was adjusted using the specific
data, if any.
Concession Agreements
Tampa International Airport’s ACDBE Overall Goal for fiscal years 2024-2026 has been set by
consolidating contract goals for each concession category as described below:
Food/Beverage: Food/Beverage concessions at the airport are operated under six contracts,
expiring in 2027, 2028, and 2029. An ACDBE goal analysis was conducted prior to the award of
the new concession agreements and resulted in a goal of 29.0% for all food/beverage operations.
Since none of the Food/Beverage contracts are expiring during this goal period, the established
contract goal for each concession will continue throughout the three-year goal period and apply
to all food/beverage operations.
Attachment 3 Page 4 of 8
News/Gift/Specialty Retail/Duty Free: Retail concessions at the airport are operated under five
contracts. None of the retail agreements expire during this three-year goal period. Current goals
for news/gift and specialty retail agreements are set between 23.0% and 30% for retail
concessions, averaging 25.5%. The current goals will continue throughout the three-year goal
Foreign Currency Exchange: The foreign currency exchange concession contract ceased
operation in 2020 as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and has not yet been replaced. It is
expected to be resolicited and recommence operations in FY 2025-2026. Given the uncertainty
of the industry and the fact that there are no ACDBEs in this industry in the Florida UCP
DBE/ACDBE Directory other than one firm located in Los Angeles, the Authority anticipates that
this concession will not have ACDBE participation. A goal analysis for the concession will be
conducted prior to the solicitation.
Luggage Carts: The luggage cart contract expires in January 2025. The concession currently
contains an 11.0% ACDBE goal and is expected to continue with the goal throughout the goal
Ground Transportation: Ground transportation concessions consist of taxis and shared ride
limos. An ACDBE participation goal of 5% of trips has been set for the taxi concession. The
concession reports only per-trip fees for this agreement. The Authority assumes that 5% of trips
equate to 5% of fees and has carried this goal throughout the three-year goal period. There is
currently no concession agreement for shared ride limos.
Security Bin Advertising: The security bin advertising contract will expire in March 2027, after
this three-year goal period. The current contract has no ACDBE goal and will continue without a
goal for the duration of this goal period.
Advertising: The current advertising concession contract will expire in March 2024. The
agreement currently includes an ACDBE goal of 8.7% based on gross receipts. It is anticipated
that the goal will continue throughout the three-year goal period. A goal analysis will be
conducted when the concession is resolicited.
Based on the above description of each non-rental car concession at the airport, the Authority
estimated gross receipts for each concession for each year and weighted and consolidated the
data to develop the overall three-year goal. The forecasts were developed in consideration of
historical information, projected enplanements, and data from various industry resources,
including the International. Air Transport Association (IATA) and the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA). These forecasts represent the Authority’s best efforts to develop a current
assessment, based on data available at the time this report was compiled. Actual results may
differ significantly from forecasts due to the current unpredictability of such factors.
Attachment 3 Page 5 of 8
Table 1 below provides the estimated gross receipts for each year of the three-year goal period.
Table 1. Concessions Projected Gross Receipts - FY 2024 - 2026
Food/Beverage $117,322,742 $123,188,879 $129,348,323 $369,859,944
$61,586,631 $64,665,963 $67,899,261 $194,151,854
Foreign Currency Exchange $0 $1,500,000 $1,575,000 $3,075,000
Luggage Cart $766,870 $805,214 $845,474 $2,417,558
Ground Transportation $655,691 $688,476 $722,899 $2,067,066
Security Bin Advertising $211,200 $221,760 $232,848 $665,808
Advertising $2,983,000 $3,132,150 $3,288,758 $9,403,908
Total Projected Gross
$183,526,134 $194,202,441 $203,912,563 $581,641,138
ACDBE goals by category have been applied to the projected gross receipts by industry from Table
1 above with the following result:
Table 2. Concessions Receipts and Goals - FY 2024 - 2026
Estimated Gross
ACDBE Goal $
Food/Beverage $369,859,944 29.0% $107,259,384
News/Gift/Specialty/Duty Free $194,151,854 25.5% $49,508,723
Foreign Currency Exchange $3,075,000 0.0% $0
Luggage Cart $2,417,558 11.0% $265,931
Ground Transportation $2,067,066 5.0% $103,353
Security Bin Advertising $665,808 0.0% $0
Advertising $9,403,908 8.0% $818,140
Total Projected Gross Receipts
27.2% $157,955,531
Overall Weighted Base ACDBE Goal
Using the above information, the Authority has calculated a weighted ACDBE base goal of 27.2%
for FYs 2024-2026. The base figure for the overall ACDBE goal was calculated by taking the ACDBE
estimated three-year gross receipts value of $157.9 million and dividing it by the total estimated
three-year gross receipts value of $581.6 million.
Attachment 3 Page 6 of 8
The ACDBE regulation provides for a Step 2 adjustment of the developed base goal for a variety
of factors, including the current capacity of ACDBEs to perform work in the concession program,
as measured by the volume of work ACDBEs have performed in recent years. Table 3 below
provides the ACDBE achievement for the most recent five-year period.
Table 3. Past History of ACDBE Participation
Total Gross
% Achievement
FY 2022 $145,650,724
FY 2021 $93,140,468
FY 2020 $83174,456
FY 2019 $147,073,493
FY 2018 $128,322,304
Adjusting the base goal for the adjusted past history results in the following:
Base goal of 27.2% + Median ACDBE Participation (2018-2022) of 26.5% = 53.7%
53.7% ÷ 2 = 26.9%
There is no other relevant data to support an adjustment to the base goal. Therefore, the
proposed overall ACDBE goal for the three-year period commencing October 1, 2023, and ending
September 30, 2026, is 26.9%.
Proposed Overall Three-Year Goal for FY 2024-2026 = 26.9%
Breakout of Estimated Race-Neutral & Race Conscious Participation
Section 23.51
The ACDBE goals set forth in this document have been set as race-conscious goals in the current
agreements. As these contracts will continue throughout the three-year goal period, the ACDBE
goals expressed herein have been implemented as race-conscious goals. In the event future
opportunities become available, efforts will be made to utilize race neutral methods to achieve
any established goal to the maximum extent practicable.
The Authority will use the following race-neutral measures to increase ACDBE participation. The
Authority understands that it will be expected to actually take these steps, and this is not merely
a paper exercise.
1. Locating and identifying ACDBEs and other small businesses who may be interested in
participating as concessionaires under 49 CFR Part 23;
2. Notifying ACDBEs of concession opportunities and encouraging them to compete, when
3. When practical, structuring concession activities so as to encourage and facilitate the
participation of ACDBEs;
Attachment 3 Page 7 of 8
4. Providing technical assistance to ACDBEs in overcoming limitations, such as inability to
obtain bonding or financing;
5. Ensuring that competitors for concession opportunities are informed during pre-
solicitation meetings about how the Airport’s ACDBE program will affect the
procurement process;
6. Providing information concerning the availability of ACDBE firms to proposers to assist
them in obtaining ACDBE participation.
Consultation with Stakeholders (23.43)
Approximately 99.5% of concession gross receipts will be generated over the three-year goal
period by continuing contracts. Stakeholder consultations were held as each opportunity
became available. Since the goals have already been set for each of these contracts, further
stakeholder consultation would have no impact. The Authority will conduct meetings with
stakeholders, including trade and minority/women business organizations, ACDBE firms and
current concessionaires prior to soliciting any new opportunity.
New Opportunities
If a new concession opportunity arises prior to the end of this goal period and the estimated
average of annual gross receipts are anticipated to be $200,000 or greater, the Authority will
submit an appropriate adjustment to the overall goal. This will be submitted to FAA for approval
prior to executing the new concession agreement. (23.45(i)).
Goods and Services
The Authority can meet the percentage goal by including the purchase from ACDBEs of goods
and services used in businesses conducted at the airport. The Authority, and the businesses at
the airport, shall make good faith efforts to explore all available options to achieve, to the
maximum extent practicable, compliance with the goal through direct ownership
arrangements, including joint ventures and franchises. The dollar value from purchases of
goods and services from ACDBEs may be added to the numerator, and the dollar value from
purchases of goods and services from all firms (ACDBEs and non-ACDBEs) may be added to the
Management Contract or Subcontract
The Authority can meet the percentage goal by including any business operated through a
management contract or subcontract with an ACDBE. The Authority will add the dollar amount
of a management contract or subcontract with an ACDBE to the total participation by ACDBEs
in airport concessions (both the numerator AND the denominator) and to the base from which
the airport’s percentage goal is calculated. However, the dollar amount of a management
contract or subcontract with a non-ACDBE and the gross revenue of business activities to which
the management contract or subcontract pertains will not be added to this base in either the
numerator or denominator. While the Authority realizes that this appears to go against the
normal rules and rationale for goal-setting, it understands that this method is nevertheless
required by statute.
Attachment 3 Page 8 of 8
Joint Venture Agreements
The Authority can also meet the percentage goal by including any business operated through a
joint venture agreement that includes a certified ACDBE as one of the participants. In July 2008,
the FAA issued Guidance for counting ACDBE participation in joint venture agreements (the
“Guidance”). The Airport will count such participation in strict accordance with the Guidance.
Attachment 4 Page 1 of 7
Attachment 4
Federal Fiscal Years 2024-2026
Tampa International Airport
Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
Tampa International Airport (the “Airport”) is owned and operated by the Hillsborough County
Aviation Authority (the “Authority”). Pursuant to the requirements of 49 CFR part 23 (the
“Regulation”), the Authority is required to develop an overall three-year goal for car rental
concessions every three years.
Amount of Goal
The Authority’s overall goal for ACDBE participation in car rental concessions at Tampa
International Airport during the period beginning October 1, 2023, and ending September 30,
2026, is 2.8%.
Background Information
There are currently eight (8) rental car companies operating at Tampa International Airport out
of a consolidated car rental facility, hereafter referred to as Rental Car Center (“RCC”) operated
by an RCC third-party operator. Purchases for FY 2022, including purchases made directly by car
rental firms and those made by the RCC third-party operator, were approximately $192.2 million
and are estimated at approximately $636.2 million for the three-year period. The projections
used in the preparation of the car rental ACDBE concession goal, including purchasing forecasts,
represent the Authority’s best efforts to develop a current assessment, based on data available
at the time this report was compiled.
49 CFR Part 23 provides the following guidance for establishing concession goals:
§23.51(a) Your objective in setting a goal is to estimate the percentage of the base
calculated under §§23.47–23.49 that would be performed by ACDBEs in the absence of
discrimination and its effects.
(1) This percentage is the estimated ACDBE participation that would occur if there
were a “level playing field” for firms to work as concessionaires for your airport.
(2) In conducting this goal setting process, you are determining the extent, if any, to
which the firms in your market area have suffered discrimination or its effects in
connection with concession opportunities or related business opportunities.
Attachment 4 Page 2 of 7
(3) You must complete the goal-setting process separately for each of the two overall
goals identified in §23.41 of this part.
(b)(1) Each overall concessions goal must be based on demonstrable evidence of the
availability of ready, willing and able ACDBEs relative to all businesses ready, willing and
able to participate in your ACDBE program (hereafter, the “relative availability of
(2) You cannot simply rely on the 10 percent national aspirational goal, your previous
overall goal, or past ACDBE participation rates in your program without reference to the
relative availability of ACDBEs in your market.
(3) Your market area is defined by the geographical area in which the substantial
majority of firms which seek to do concessions business with the airport are located and
the geographical area in which the firms which receive the substantial majority of
concessions-related gross receipts are located. Your market area may be different for
different types of concessions.
Counting Participation in Car Rentals
As provided and permitted by 49 CFR Part 23, the Authority has elected to set the Car Rental
concession goal based on the purchase of goods/services. The regulation provides for counting
ACDBE participation for car rentals as follows:
§23.53 How do car rental companies count ACDBE participation toward their goals?
(a) As a car rental company, you may, in meeting the goal the airport has set for you,
include purchases or leases of vehicles from any vendor that is a certified ACDBE.
(b) As a car rental company, if you choose to meet the goal the airport has set for you
by including purchases or leases of vehicles from an ACDBE vendor, you must also
submit to the recipient documentation of the good faith efforts you have made to
obtain ACDBE participation from other ACDBE providers of goods and services.
(c) While this part does not require you to obtain ACDBE participation through direct
ownership arrangements, you may count such participation toward the goal the
airport has set for you.
(d) The following special rules apply to counting participation related to car rental
(1) Count the entire amount of the cost charged by an ACDBE for repairing vehicles,
provided that it is reasonable and not excessive as compared with fees customarily
allowed for similar services.
Attachment 4 Page 3 of 7
(2) Count the entire amount of the fee or commission charged by an ACDBE to manage a
car rental concession under an agreement with the concessionaire toward ACDBE goals,
provided that it is reasonable and not excessive as compared with fees customarily
allowed for similar services.
(3) Do not count any portion of a fee paid by a manufacturer to a car dealership for
reimbursement of work performed under the manufacturer's warranty.
(e) For other goods and services, count participation toward ACDBE goals as provided
in part 26, §26.55 and §23.55 of this part. In the event of any conflict between
these two sections, §23.55 controls.
(f) If you have a national or regional contract, count a pro-rated share of the amount
of that contract toward the goals of each airport covered by the contract. Use the
proportion of your applicable gross receipts as the basis for making this pro-rated
assignment of ACDBE participation.
Example to paragraph (f): Car Rental Company X signs a regional contract with an
ACDBE car dealer to supply cars to all five airports in a state. The five airports each
account for 20 percent of X's gross receipts in the state. Twenty percent of the
value of the cars purchased through the ACDBE car dealer would count toward the
goal of each airport.
Market Area
The Car Rental Concessions at Tampa International Airport are currently operated by eight (8)
different companies. Based on the types of goods/services purchased by these firms (e.g., auto
repair, insurance, fuel, etc.), the Authority has determined that the market area for the purchase
of goods and services is the state of Florida for purchases of goods/services that must be provided
on-site and national for other purchases. Vehicle purchases have not been reported; therefore,
the Authority has excluded vehicle purchases from the calculation.
Goal-Setting Step I
The regulation provides the following examples of potential approaches for accomplishing
Step 1, determining the base figure, as follows:
23.51(c) Step 1. You must begin your goal setting process by determining a base figure for
the relative availability of ACDBEs. The following are examples of approaches that you
may take toward determining a base figure. These examples are provided as a starting
point for your goal setting process. Any percentage figure derived from one of these
examples should be considered a basis from which you begin when examining the
evidence available to you. These examples are not intended as an exhaustive list. Other
methods or combinations of methods to determine a base figure may be used, subject to
approval by the FAA.
Attachment 4 Page 4 of 7
(1) Use DBE Directories and Census Bureau Data. Determine the number of ready, willing
and able ACDBEs in your market area from your ACDBE directory. Using the Census
Bureau's County Business Pattern (CBP) data base, determine the number of all ready,
willing and able businesses available in your market area that perform work in the same
NAICS codes. Divide the number of ACDBEs by the number of all businesses to derive a
base figure for the relative availability of ACDBEs in your market area.
2) Use an Active Participants List. Determine the number of ACDBEs that have participated
or attempted to participate in your airport concessions program in previous years.
Determine the number of all businesses that have participated or attempted to participate
in your airport concession program in previous years. Divide the number of ACDBEs who
have participated or attempted to participate by the number for all businesses to derive a
base figure for the relative availability of ACDBEs in your market area.
(3) Use data from a disparity study. Use a percentage figure derived from data in a valid,
applicable disparity study.
(4) Use the goal of another recipient. If another airport or other DOT recipient in the same,
or substantially similar, market has set an overall goal in compliance with this rule, you
may use that goal as a base figure for your goal.
(5) Alternative methods. (i) You may use other methods to determine a base figure for
your overall goal. Any methodology you choose must be based on demonstrable evidence
of local market conditions and be designed to ultimately attain a goal that is rationally
related to the relative availability of ACDBEs in your market area.
The Authority has decided to use the DBE Directories and Census Bureau Data method for
determining availability. The most recent available census bureau data is for 2021. The NAICS
codes for the various trades typically utilized by car rental concessions was determined through
a survey of car rental concessionaires and research and are shown on the chart below. For trades
that must be local as the work occurs on-site, we have used state of Florida as the relevant
geographic market. For all other trades, we have used a national market.
Attachment 4 Page 5 of 7
Table 1 – U.S. Census / Florida Unified Certification Program Directory
Description NAICS
Towing 488410 618 7 1.1%
Security 561621 719 18 2.5%
Keys/Locks 561622 475 3 0.6%
Janitorial Services 561720 6,604 219 3.3%
Auto Repair 811111 5,059 4 0.1%
Auto Body Repair 811121 2,086 9 0.4%
Windshield Repair 811122 532 0 0.0%
Total Local
16,093 260 1.6%
Description NAICS
DBE Connect
Auto Parts 423120 12,416 69 0.6%
Tires 423130 2,581 27 1.0%
Computer Support/Materials 423430 7,182 266 3.7%
Cleaning Supplies 423850
4,487 274
Fuel/Oil/Energy 424720 2,607 170 6.5%
Car Dealerships 441110 21,622 5 0.0%
Auto Transport 484230 11,798 544 4.6%
Insurance 524210 135,939 242 0.2%
Asset Recovery 561491 725 5 0.7%
Human Resource Consulting 541612 8,664 1236 14.3%
Uniforms 812331 830 15 1.8%
Total National
208,851 2,853
224,944 3,113
Weighting the above availability by utilization by trade results in the following:
Attachment 4 Page 6 of 7
Table 2 – U.S. Census / Florida Unified Certification Program Directory
Description NAICS DBE/ACDBE % Weighting
Weighted %
Towing 488410 1.1% 0.1%
Security 561621 2.5% 8.4%
Keys/Locks 561622 0.6% 1.9%
Janitorial Services 561720 3.3% 1.0%
Auto Repair 811111 0.1% 0.1%
Auto Body Repair 811121 0.4% 1.1%
Windshield Repair 811122 0.0% 0.2%
Total Local
Auto Parts 423120 0.6% 0.4%
Tires 423130 1.0% 0.2%
Computer Support/Materials 423430 3.7% 0.5%
Cleaning Supplies 423850 6.1% 1.0%
Fuel/Oil/Energy 424720 6.5% 1.5%
Car Dealerships 441110 0.0% 80.0%
Auto Transport 484230 4.6% 0.2%
Insurance 524210 0.2% 1.6%
Asset Recovery 561491 0.7% 0.1%
Human Resource Consulting 541612 14.3% 1.5%
Uniforms 812331 1.8% 0.2%
Total National
The Authority therefore proposes the base goal at 0.6%.
Step 2 - Examine the data to determine what adjustment, if any, is needed to the Base Figure
The ACDBE regulation provides for a Step 2 adjustment of the developed base goal for a variety
of factors, including the current capacity of ACDBEs to perform work in a concession program, as
measured by the volume of work ACDBEs have performed in recent years. The Authority has
reviewed the ACDBE achievement for the most recent three-year period for car rental purchases
to provide for an adjustment of the base goal as follows.
2022 $192,242,068 $11,553,066 6.0%
2021 $155,674,154 $7,765,985 5.0%
2020 $384,672,363 $6,724,799 1.8%
Attachment 4 Page 7 of 7
Base goal of 0.6% + Median ACDBE Participation
(2020-2022) of 5.0% = 5.6%
5.6% ÷ 2 = 2.8%
There is no other relevant data to support an adjustment to the base goal. Therefore, the
proposed overall ACDBE goal for the three-year period commencing October 1, 2023, and ending
September 30, 2026, is 2.8%.
Proposed Overall Three-Year Goal for Car Rental for FY 2024-2026 = 2.8%.
Race-Neutral/ Race-Conscious Split
The car rental goals set forth in this document have been set as race-conscious goals in the
current agreements. The Authority does not believe that it will be possible to achieve the goal
using race neutral methods alone as those methods have not been successful in achieving ACDBE
participation in car rentals throughout the country.
Consultation with Stakeholders (23.43)
Consultation with stakeholders is conducted in conjunction with annual outreach and whenever
new opportunities become available. In addition, the Authority conducted its car rental outreach
on October 10, 2023, as the event was rescheduled from August 29, 2023, as a result of Hurricane
Idalia. The goal was discussed at that time. No comments were received.
Attachment 5 ACDBE Assurance and Participation Forms – Goal Page 1 of 5
Select one of the responses below. Failure to complete this section may be grounds for rejection of the
Yes - Respondent Assures Prescribed ACDBE Goal
The Respondent assures that it will meet the ACDBE requirements stated in this Solicitation and the
Hillsborough County Aviation Authority's ACDBE Policy and Program, and will subcontract with
ACDBE firms in an amount equal to at least ________ percent of the total annual gross receipts
generated under the awarded Contract OR ________ percent of the total dollar value of all purchases of
goods and services made by the selected Respondent under the awarded Contract. The ACDBE
assurance stated above is the minimum prescribed goal; however, additional ACDBE participation is
encouraged. The Respondent is required to submit a Letter of Intent for each ACDBE that will
participate in the awarded Contract at the time the Response is submitted to the Authority. The
actual ACDBE contractual commitment will be the total amount of participation shown on the
validated Letter(s) of Intent submitted by the Respondent. It is understood that the amounts shown
on the Letter(s) of Intent are estimates and that actual amounts paid to ACDBE subcontractors may
vary depending on the final adjustments of the estimated quantities; however, the ACDBE
contractual commitment can only be modified by an amendment or change order.
No - Respondent Does NOT Assure Prescribed ACDBE Goal
The Respondent is unable to assure ACDBE participation of the prescribed goal of ________%, but
will subcontract with ACDBE firms in an amount equal to at least ________ percent of the total
annual gross receipts generated under the awarded Contract OR ________ percent of the total dollar
value of all purchases of goods and services made by the selected Respondent under the awarded
Contract. The Respondent must submit with its Response a completed ACDBE Subcontractor Good
Faith Effort Worksheet documenting Respondent’s good faith efforts to meet the prescribed goal. In
determining whether or not the Respondent made sufficient good faith efforts to meet the goal, the
Authority will consider the factors listed in the ACDBE Policy and Program.
By: Name of Respondent:
Respondent’s Representative:
(Respondent’s Representative Signature)
Attachment 5 ACDBE Assurance and Participation Forms – Goal Page 2 of 5
Letter of Intent Instructions Checklist
Follow this checklist when completing the Letter of Intent.
A separate letter of intent has been completed for each proposed ACDBE firm.
The Respondent’s name, address, telephone number, FAX number and e-mail address has been
The proposed ACDBE firm’s name, address, telephone number, FAX number and e-mail address has
been entered.
The description of the work to be performed by the ACDBE firm has been entered.
The amount of the subcontract has been entered.
The Respondent has completed and signed the Commitment section.
The ACDBE firm has completed and signed the Affirmation section.
A copy of the firm’s ACDBE certification letter under the FLUCP program is attached to the Letter of
Attachment 5 ACDBE Assurance and Participation Forms – Goal Page 3 of 5
Airport Concessions Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Letter of Intent
NOTE: Failure to complete this statement may be grounds for rejection of the Response.
Name of Respondent’s firm:
City: State: Zip Code: -
Phone: - - Fax number. - -
E-mail: @ .
Name of ACDBE firm:
City: State: Zip Code: -
Phone: - - Fax number. - -
E-mail: @ .
Description of work to be performed by ACDBE firm:
Amount of Subcontract __________%
The Respondent is committed to utilizing the above-named ACDBE firm for the work described above.
By: Name of Respondent:
Respondent’s Representative:
(Respondent’s Representative Signature)
The above-named ACDBE firm affirms that it will perform the portion of the Contract stated above.
By: Name of ACDBE Firm:
ACDBE’s Representative:
(ACDBE’s Representative Signature)
If the Respondent does not receive award of the Contract, any and all representations in this Letter of Intent
will be null and void.
Attachment 5 ACDBE Assurance and Participation Forms – Goal Page 4 of 5
ACDBE Good Faith Effort Worksheet
If the Respondent is unable to meet the prescribed ACDBE contract goal, this form must be completed and submitted with the Response. Failure to
complete this statement may be grounds for rejection of the Response.
Name of
(Telephone calls,
e-mails, other contact)
Response to
Firm submit
Yes No
Attachment 5 ACDBE Assurance and Participation Forms – Goal Page 5 of 5
Other Good Faith Efforts:
(Check Yes or No for each statement below)
Yes No Explain
1. Advertised in newspapers of general circulation, websites, trade associations, and minority-
focus media concerning subcontracting opportunities prior to the Response Due Date.
2. Selected portions of the work to be performed by ACDBEs in order to increase the likelihood
of meeting the ACDBE Goal including, where appropriate, breaking down contracts into
economically feasible units to facilitate ACDBE participation.
3. Provided interested ACDBEs with adequate information about the scope, plans, specifications
or requirements of the Contract.
4. Negotiated in good faith with interested ACDBEs, not rejecting ACDBEs as unqualified without
sound reasons after a thorough investigation of their capabilities.
5. Made efforts to assist interested ACDBEs in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, or insurance
required by the Authority or the Respondent.
6. Effectively used the services of available minority community organizations; minority trade or
business groups; local, state and federal minority business assistance offices; and other
organizations that provide assistance in the recruitment and placement of ACDBEs.
7. Submitted a scope of work to ACDBE subcontractors, ACDBE sub-subcontractors, ACDBE
suppliers, ACDBE sub-suppliers and so on, either directly or indirectly, with the intention of
achieving, in whole or in part, the specified ACDBE participation.
8. Fairly represented the ACDBE quotations in the formulation of its Response.
End of Form
Attachment 6 Page 1 of 4
Attachment 6
Procedures for Removal of ACDBE’s Eligibility
I. Third Party Complaints
A. Any third party may challenge whether the owner of a firm certified by the
Authority or seeking certification, which is presumed to be socially and
economically disadvantaged, actually is disadvantaged. The Authority may also
make such a challenge. The USDOT also may challenge a certification made by
the Authority. However, the disadvantaged status of an individual who has a
current certification under Section 8(a) of the Small Business Act is not subject to
B. The confidentiality of the complainant will be protected in accordance with 49
CFR Part 26.109 (b). The complaint may include any information or arguments
supporting the complainant’s assertion that the firm is ineligible and should not
continue to be certified. However, the Authority is not required to accept a
general allegation that a firm is ineligible or an anonymous complaint.
II. Authority-Initiated Proceedings
Based on notification by the firm of a change in its circumstances or other information that
comes to the Authority’s attention, the Authority may determine that there is reasonable cause
to believe that a currently certified firm is ineligible. In accordance with 49 CFR Part 26.87, at
that time, the Authority will provide written notice to the firm that the Authority proposes to
decertify the firm, setting forth the reasons for the proposed determination. The statement of
reasons for the finding of reasonable cause must specifically reference the evidence in the
record on which each reason is based.
III. USDOT Directive to Initiate Proceeding
A. If the concerned Operating Administration (OA) determines that information in
the Authority’s certification records, or other information available to the
concerned OA, provides reasonable cause to believe that an Authority-certified
firm does not meet the eligibility criteria of 49 CFR Part 26, the concerned OA
may direct the Authority to initiate a proceeding to remove the firm’s
B. In so doing, the concerned OA must provide the Authority and the firm a notice
setting forth the reasons for the directive, including any relevant documentation
or other information. The Authority will immediately commence and prosecute
a proceeding to remove eligibility as provided in 49 CFR Part 26.87 (b).
Attachment 6 Page 2 of 4
IV. Hearing
If a firm is notified that the Authority, either by third party challenge, Authority determination,
or USDOT determination, intends to remove the firm’s ACDBE eligibility, the Authority will give
the firm an opportunity for an informal hearing in accordance with 49 CFR Part 26.87(d). The
Authority will maintain a complete record of the hearing and will provide a copy to the firm of
the hearing if the firm requests. The Authority will charge the firm for the cost of copying the
record of the hearing.
V. Separation of Functions
A. The Authority’s decision in a proceeding to remove a firm’s eligibility will be
made by an office and personnel who have not taken part in actions leading to
or seeking to implement the proposal to remove the firm’s eligibility and are not
subject, with respect to the matter, to direction from the office or personnel
who did take part in these actions.
1. The Authority’s method of implementing this requirement is a part of its
DBE policy and program.
2. The decision maker in such circumstances will be an individual who is
knowledgeable about the certification requirements of the Authority’s
DBE policy and program and 49 CFR Part 26 and not subject to direction
from the Senior Manager, Business Diversity or Airport Concession
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Liaison Officer (ACDBELO).
B. The individual responsible for making the determination to remove a firm’s
ACDBE eligibility for the Authority is:
Director of Government Affairs & Community RelationsGeneral Counsel and
Executive Vice President or Designee
Hillsborough County Aviation Authority
Tampa International Airport
P. O. Box 22287
Tampa, Florida 33622
Telephone (813) 554-1450; Email: DBEPro[email protected]
VI. Grounds for Decision
A. The Authority will not base a decision to remove eligibility on a reinterpretation
or changed opinion of information available to the Authority at the time of its
certification of the firm. The Authority may base such a decision only on one or
more of the following:
Attachment 6 Page 3 of 4
1. Changes in the firm’s circumstances since the certification of the firm by
the Authority that render the firm unable to meet the eligibility standards
of 49 CFR Part 26;
2. Information or evidence not available to the Authority at the time the
firm was certified;
3. Information that was concealed or misrepresented by the firm in
previous certification actions by the Authority;
4. A change in the certification standards or requirements of the USDOT
since the Authority certified the firm;
5. A documented finding that the Authority’s determination to certify the
firm was factually erroneous; or
6. Failure of the firm to submit an Affidavit for Continuing Eligibility and
supporting documents within 30 days from certification anniversary date.
VII. Notice of the Authority’s Decision
Following the Authority’s decision, the Authority will provide the firm written notice of the
decision and the reasons for it, including specific references to the evidence in the record that
supports each reason for the decision. The notice will inform the firm of the consequences of
the Authority’s decision and of the availability of an appeal to the USDOT under 49 CFR Part
26.89. The Authority will send copies of the notice to the complainant in an ineligibility
complaint or to the concerned OA that had directed the Authority to initiate the proceeding.
VIII. Status of Firm During Proceedings
A firm remains an eligible certified ACDBE during the pendency of the Authority’s proceedings
to remove its eligibility. The firm does not become ineligible until the issuance of the notice
provided for in 49 CFR Part 26.87 (g).
IX. Effects of Removal of Eligibility
When the Authority removes a firm’s eligibility, the Authority will take the following action:
A. If a prime contractor has made a commitment to use the ineligible firm, or the
Authority has made a commitment to using a certified ACDBE prime contractor,
but a subcontract or contract has not been executed at the time the Authority
issues the removal of certification notice provided for in 49 CFR Part 26.87 (g),
the ineligible firm will not count toward the contract goal or overall goal. The
Authority will direct the prime contractor to meet the contract goal with an
Attachment 6 Page 4 of 4
eligible certified ACDBE firm or demonstrate to the Authority that it has made a
good faith effort to do so.
B. If a prime contractor has executed a subcontract with the firm before the
Authority has notified the firm of its ineligibility, the prime contractor may
continue to use the firm on the contract and may continue to receive credit
toward its ACDBE goal for the firm’s work. In this case, or in a case where the
Authority has let a prime contract to the certified ACDBE that was later ruled
ineligible, the portion of the ineligible firm's performance of the contract
remaining after the Authority issued the notice of its ineligibility will not count
toward the Authority’s overall goal, but may count toward the contract goal.
C. If the certified ACDBE’s ineligibility is caused solely by having exceeded the size
standard during the performance of the contract, the Authority may continue to
count its participation on that contract toward overall and contract goals.