July 2020
Responsible Use of Technology
As a Catholic, college-preparatory school, Jesuit recognizes the need to educate students to use technology ethically and
effectively. We trust and expect that Jesuit students will use technology on and off campus in a manner consistent with the
“Profile of the Graduate”.
Jesuit technologies, including iPads, computers, internet access, and software are owned and managed by Jesuit. They do
not belong to students and should not be treated as personal devices. Jesuit may at any time access, restrict, or prohibit use
of these technologies.
This Responsible Use of Technology Policy applies to all technology resource--both Jesuit and personal devices--
including but not limited to: computers, tablets, cell phones, smart watches, video and audio equipment, copy machines,
and information storage devices.
The use of these resources is a privilege and carries with it certain responsibilities. On campus, all technology resources
are to be used for educational purposes only. Online games, video streaming for entertainment purposes, and other
similar activities not expressly permitted by a staff member or administrator are not allowed on campus during school day
Respect and protect yourself and others.
Use only the accounts, computers, tablets, and Jesuit-approved access rights that are assigned to you.
Do not share personal passwords with others.
Do not view, use, hack, share, or access passwords, data, devices or networks for which you are not authorized.
Do not impersonate others, including friends, fellow students, faculty/staff, or family members, on social media,
email, or any other digital venue.
Do not distribute private information about yourself or other students.
Do not take, post, or distribute pictures or videos of faculty, staff, coaches, volunteers, or students without express
permission from those individuals.
Communicate only in ways that are truthful and respectful of others, on and off campus. Do not use any
technology to harass, intimidate, threaten, troll, or otherwise cause harm to another person.
Do not intentionally access, transmit, copy, or create material that violates the school’s code of conduct (including
messages that are pornographic, threatening, rude, fraudulent, discriminatory, unwelcome, or harassing).
Do not intentionally access, transmit, copy, or create illegal material (including obscenity, stolen materials, copies
of copyrighted works).
Do not create or share depictions, photos, or videos that are sexual in nature or that show individuals without
clothing for any reason under any circumstances.
Report any harassment, intimidation, threats, offensive statements, or other violations of this policy that you
experience or witness to a Jesuit staff member.
July 2020
Respect and protect the integrity, availability, and security of all electronic resources.
Use the school’s technology resources, including email and internet access, for educational purposes only.
Use Jesuit printers and paper wisely. Do not print inappropriate materials, and do not print an unnecessary or
wasteful amount of material.
Observe all network security practices.
Report security risks or violations to a teacher or IT staff member.
Do not intentionally destroy, damage, or attempt to damage data, networks, or other resources.
Follow appropriate copyright guidelines, including attribution, when using any written, visual, or creative
materials found online.
Do not make illegal copies of music, games, software, images, movies, or written materials.
Do not use others’ work as your own.
Do not use the Jesuit name, logo, mascot, or other trademarked and copyrighted materials at any time (including
in the title of social media accounts) without express permission from the Jesuit administration.
Do not use Jesuit technology resources, including Jmail, Canvas, Jesuit website and internet, in ways that are
illegal or in violation of the Jesuit code of conduct.
Do not send spam, chain letters, or other mass unsolicited mailings.
Do not buy, sell, advertise, or otherwise conduct business using technological resources, unless approved as a
school project.
Social Media:
Social Media is defined as any electronic tool that allows for social, interactive, and connective communication and
learning, including but not limited to: video and photo sharing, social networking, blogs, wikis, podcasting, texting, web
conferencing, or any other technology that allows for direct or indirect interaction between two or more parties. When
using social media, both on-campus and off-campus, students are expected to observe and follow all policies listed
“Responsible Use” Areas and Times:
During the school day, students may use Jesuit technology resources only in classrooms, the Clark Library, hallways and
breezeways, The Commons, Hayes Plaza, gymnasiums, fields, and stadiums, so long as they do so responsibly within the
above guidelines.
Students may use Jesuit technology before school, in classes, after school, and during break, lunch, prep period, and
passing periods, so long as they do so responsibly within the above guidelines.
“Non-Use” Areas and Times:
Students may not use any technology resources at any time in locker rooms, bathrooms, Drama Department dressing
rooms, any campus space used as a dressing room for any activity, the Chapel, Gedrose Student Center during the lunch
periods and break, Smith Gym during weekly Mass, Knight Gym during All-School Liturgies and assemblies, or the
Weight Room (except in PE class with a supervising teacher).
Students may not use any technology resources during retreats, on or off campus.
No Use of Technology During Silent Study:
If Jesuit is in an all-students-on-campus mode, students may either choose to attend weekly Mass or a silent study period.
In such times, students in silent study may not use any technology, including iPads, computers, electronic books and apps,
or personal phones. Students must engage in silent, independent study. Cooperative learning assignments, test-taking,
July 2020
tutoring, game-playing, listening to music, or watching movies, are not permitted. If Jesuit is in a hybrid learning mode,
with some students on and some off campus, students may use iPads to attend Mass virtually, but for no other purpose.
Use of Headphones:
Headphones or earbuds may be used/worn only when permitted by a staff member educational purposes. Students may
not use/wear headphones or earbuds when moving through the school during passing periods.
Use of Personal Cell Phones and Smart Watches on Campus:
Students may not use personal cell phones, smart watches, or other smart devices for internet access, phone calls, or
texting during the school day except in the Designated Cell Phone area at the flagpole turnaround or when given explicit
permission by a staff member.
Students may wear smart watches during the day but should set them to silent mode to avoid distracting themselves or
other students. Staff members may ask students to remove smart watches at any time.
Consequences for Irresponsible Use:
Use of Jesuit technology by a student at any time, on or off campus, during or outside school hours, that violates this
Responsible Use Policy may subject the student to disciplinary action as outlined in the Jesuit Student Handbook.
Inappropriate use by students of their personal accounts and devices, such as social media, cell phones, smart watches,
laptops, or tablets will also subject students to disciplinary action as outlined in this Jesuit Student Handbook.
Monitoring and Supervision:
Jesuit monitors the use of technology resources to help ensure that users are secure and in conformity with the school’s
policy. Jesuit reserves the right to examine, use, or disclose any data found on the networks or school-provided devices in
order to further the health, safety, discipline, or security of any student or other person or to protect property. JHS may
also use this information in internal disciplinary actions and will furnish evidence of criminal activities to law
Family Responsibilities:
Jesuit expects parents and guardians to be equal stakeholders in the implementation of our Responsible Use Policy.
Parents and guardians should engage in honest conversations with their students about responsible use of technology,
encourage balance and transparency with technology use at home, and discourage students from engaging in behaviors
both at home and on campus that violate any aspect of the Jesuit Student Handbook. Parents and guardians should refrain
from calling or sending text messages to students during the school day except in the case of emergency.