City of Lake Charles 1 2007
One-And Two-Family Dwellings
Minimum Building Code Standards
2006 International Residential Code
2003 Wind Speed Standards (R301.2.1.1)
The following is a non-exclusive summary of the Building Code which is provided to aid or
assist contractors/permit holders, but this document is not to be viewed as a comprehensive
statement of all applicable provisions which must be followed, and nothing in this document
shall be construed as a waiver or limitation of any code provision, and it shall remain the
responsibility of every contractor/permit holder to insure compliance with all code provisions.
I. Foundations
A. Slabs and Footing
1. Foundations shall be built on undisturbed soil or properly compacted fill
material. Soil shall be treated for termites. (R403.1)
2. The top of the 3-1/2 inches concrete slab shall be at least 8” above the existing
ground level. The load-bearing value of the soil shall not be less than 2,000 psf.
a) For single story structures the grade beam shall be a minimum of 12 inches
wide and 20 inches deep and the bottom shall be flat.
b) For 2-story structures, the grade beam shall be a minimum of 16 inches wide
and 20 inches deep.
c) For 3-story structures, the grade beam shall be a minimum of 24 inches wide
and 20 inches deep.
All exterior footing shall be placed at least 12 inches below undisturbed ground
surface. (Section 403)
3. Foundation Elevation – The top of the exterior foundation shall extend above the
elevation of the street gutter at a point of discharge or the inlet of the approved
drainage device a minimum of 12 inches. (R403.1.7.3)
4. For slabs on ground casts monolithically with a footing, a minimum of three - #4
(1/2 inch) rebar are required of which two shall be located in the middle third of
the footing depth.
All joints, overlaps and intersections in the rebar shall be tied with wire or
equivalent. All overlaps shall not be less than 25 inches. Minimum 6 mil plastic
vapor barrier and 6 x 6 x 10 gauge wire mesh shall be installed in horizontal
surface of the foundation. All rebar, paper barrier and mesh shall be in place at
the time of the foundation inspection.
5. Anchor bolts, not less than ½ inch diameter or approved equal shall be installed
not more than 6’ apart and imbedded at least 7 inches into the concrete around
the entire perimeter of the foundation. Where the seal is omitted for doorways,
an anchor bolt shall be located within one foot of each side of the opening and
within one foot from joints, corners, etc. (R403.1.6)
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EXCEPTION: UL approved foundation anchor straps, spaced as required by
the Code in UL specifications may be used in place of the ½ inch diameter
anchor bolts.
6. Concrete shall have a 28-day minimum comprehensive strength of 2500 psi.
II. Pier and Curtain Wall Foundations
A. Pier and curtain wall foundations shall be permitted to be used to support light frame
construction, not more than two stories in height provided the following
requirements are met (R404.1.5.1):
1. All load bearing walls shall be placed on continuous concrete footings,
placed integrally with the exterior wall footing.
2. When structural, hollow concrete masonry units are used for isolated piers to
support beams and girders, the cellular space shall be filled solid with
3. Accepted pier blocks include: 8” x 16” CMU blocks
4. The spacing of piers shall be a maximum of 6 feet apart. A termite shield
shall be provided on the top of each pier. (2304.11.6 IBC)
5. Anchorage – All piers shall be anchored/secured from the footing and pier to
the sill.
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III. Wall construction/Vertical Framing
A. Drilling and Notching
1. Any stud in an exterior wall or bearing partition may be cut or notched to a
depth not exceeding 25 percent of its width. Studs in non-bearing partitions
may be notched to a depth not to exceed 40 percent of a single stud width.
Studs may be drilled or bored, provided the diameter of the hole is no greater
than 40 percent of a single stud width, the edge of the hole is no closer than
5/8 inch to the edge of the stud and the hole is not located in the same section
of a cut or notch.
2. Drilling and Notching of top plates
Cutting, drilling or notching of the top plate by more than 50 percent of its
width, a galvanized metal tie of not less than .054 inches thick (16 gauge)
and 1-1/2 inches wide shall be fastened to each plate across and to each side
of the opening with not less than eight 16D nails at each side. (R602.6.1)
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B. Studs
1. The size, height and spacing of studs shall be in accordance with table R602.3.5
(5). Studs shall be a maximum of 24 inches on center in exterior and interior
bearing walls, which shall be reduced to 16 inches on center in two-story
construction. (R602.3.1)
2. Studs shall be capped with double topped plates installed to provide overlapping
at corners in the intersection with bearing partitions or exterior walls. (R602.3.2)
3. Not less than three studs shall be installed at every corner of an exterior wall, and
the wall shall be braced with diagonal braces or approved panels at each outside
C. Headers
For openings more than 6 feet in width, on exterior walls or interior bearing
partitions, each end of the header shall rest on two header studs. For openings less
than 6 feet in width, each end of the header may rest on a single stud. Openings in
non-bearing partitions may be framed with single studs and headers. (Header sizes –
see Table R502.5(1)/R502.5(2)
D. Brick Ties
Masonry veneer shall be anchored to the supporting wall with corrugated corrosion-
restaurant metal ties spaced not more than 24” on center horizontally and vertically,
and must be in place for the framing inspection. Metal ties shall not be less than 22
U.S. gauge X 7/8”. Distance separating the veneer from the sheathing material shall
be a maximum of a nominal 1 inch. (R703.7.4.1)
Metal ties around the perimeter of openings shall be spaced not more than 3 feet on
center and placed within 12 inches of the wall opening.
E. Weepholes
Weepholes shall be provided on exterior walls not less than 33 inches on center
F. Garage/Carport Separation.
1. The garage shall be separated from the residence and its attic area by not less
than 1/2 –inch (12.7 mm) gypsum board applied to the garage side.
Garages beneath habitable rooms shall be separated from all habitable rooms
above by not less than 5/8-inch (15.9 mm)
2. Openings from a private garage directly into a room used for sleeping purposes
shall not be permitted.
Other openings between the garage and residence shall be equipped with solid
wood doors not less than 1-3/8 inches (35mm) in thickness, solid or honeycomb
core steel doors not less than 1-3/8 inches (35 mm) thick, or 20-minute fire-rated
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G. Bracing
1. One-story and top story of two- or three-story structures, bracing shall be located
at each end and at least every 25 feet on center but not less than 16 percent of
braced wall line.
2. First story of a two-story and second story of a three-story building, bracing shall
be located at each end and at least every 25 feet on center, but not less than 16
percent of braced wall lined for method 3 and 25 percent of braced wall lined for
methods 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
R602.10.3 Braced wall panel construction methods.
1. Nominal 1-inch-by-4-inch continuous diagonal braces let in to the top and bottom plates and the intervening studs
or approved metal strap devices installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. The let-in bracing
shall be placed at an angle not more than 60 degrees or less than 45 degrees from the horizontal.
2. Wood boards of 5/8 inch net minimum thickness applied diagonally on studs spaced a maximum of 24 inches.
3. Wood structural panel sheathing with a thickness not less than 5/16 inch for 16-inch stud spacing and not less than
3/8 inch for 24-inch stud spacing.
4. One-half-inch (12.7 mm) or 25/32-inch (19.8mm) thick structural fiberboard sheathing applied vertically or
horizontally on studs spaced a maximum of 16 inches on center.
5. When approved 1/2-inch gypsum board placed on studs spaced a maximum of 24 inches on center and fastened at
7 inches on center.
6. One-half inch particleboard wall sheathing panel studs 16-inch on center installed in accordance with Table
7. Portland cement plaster on studs spaced a maximum of 16 inches on center and installed in accordance with
Section R703.6.
8. Hardboard panel siding when installed in accordance with Table R703.4.
R602.10.4 Length of braced panels. For Methods 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 above, each braced wall panel shall be at least 48
inches (1219 mm) in length, covering a minimum of three stud spaces where studs are spaced 16 inches on center
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IV. Floor Framing – Chapter 5
A. Floor spans for floor joists shall be in accordance with Table R502.3.1 (1) and
R502.3.1 (2) (attached)
B. Floor joist framing from opposite sides of a beam girder, or partition shall be lapped at
least 3 inches and nailed with minimum 3-10d. A wood or metal splice with strength
equal to or greater than that provided by the nailed lap is permitted.
C. Wood floor joists shall be supported laterally at the ends by full depth solid blocks not
less than 2 inches nominal thickness; or by attachment to a header, band, or rim joist,
or to an adjoining stud or provided with lateral support to prevent rotation. (R502.7)
D. Floor joist framing into the side of a wood girder shall be supported by approved
framing anchors or on ledger strips not less than nominal 2 inches by 2 inches.
E. Draftstopping – When there is unusable space both above and below the concealed
spaces of floor/ceiling assemblies, draftstopping shall be installed so that horizontal
areas do not exceed 1000 square feet. Draftstopping shall divide the concealed spaces
into approximate equal areas. Draftstopping material shall not be less than ½ inch
gypsum, 3/8 inch wood structural panels, particle board or equivalent. (R502.12)
F. Floor sheathing shall be in accordance with Section R503.
End joints R503.1.1. End joints in lumber used as subflooring shall occur over
supports unless end-matched lumber is used, in which case each piece shall bear on at
least two joists. Subflooring may be omitted when joist spacing does not exceed 16
inches (406 mm) and a 1-inch; (25.4 mm) nominal tongue-and-groove wood strip
flooring is applied perpendicular to the joists.
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G. Drilling & notching of floor joist members shall not be cut, bored or notched in excess
of the limitation in figure R502.8.
V. Roof/Ceiling Construction
A. Joists and Rafter Spans
1. Ceiling joists spans for uninhabitable attics without storage – live load 10 pounds
per square foot (Table R802.4 (1) attached).
Ceiling joists spans for uninhabitable attics with limited storage – live load 20
pounds per square foot (Table R802.4 (2) attached).
2. Rafter spans with a roof live load of 20 pounds per square foot, ceiling not
attached to rafters (Table R802.5.1 (1) attached).
Rafter spans – roof live load of 20 pounds per square foot ceiling attached to
rafters (Table R802.5.1 (2) attached).
B. Ceiling joists and rafters shall be nailed to each other in accordance with Table R602.3
(1) and the assembly shall be nailed to the top wall plate in accordance with Table
602.3 (1).
Ceiling joists shall be continuous or securely joined where they meet over interior
partitions and nailed to adjacent rafters to provide a continuous tie across the building
when such joists are parallel to the rafters. (R802.3.1)
Where ceiling joists are not parallel to the rafters, subflooring or metal straps attached
to the ends of the rafters shall be installed in a manner to provide a continuous tie
across the building or rafters shall be tied to a 1 inch by 4 inch minimum size cross
ties. Rafter ties shall be spaced not more than 4 feet on center.
Ends of ceiling joists shall be lapped a minimum of 3 inches. Butted joists shall be
tied together by approved methods. (R802.3.2)
The ends of each rafter or ceiling joists shall have not less than 1-1/2 inches of bearing
on wood or metal and not less than 3 inches on masonry or concrete.
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C. Where rafter bracing is required, it may be accomplished by the use of a 2 x 4 or larger
purlin laid on edge against the underside of the rafters, not more than half way down
from the ridge. A minimum of a 2 x 4 knee brace spaced no further than 48 inches on
center is to be notched around the purlin and nailed to the rafters where possible. The
angle of the bracing shall not exceed 45 degrees. The knee brace shall be placed upon
a wall or beam capable of supporting the load. A rafter shall not be braced from
ceiling joists or strong backs except in individually approved situations. (R802.6).
D. Ridges, hips and valley rafters shall not be less in depth than the cut end of the rafter
E. When the header joist span exceeds 4 feet, the trimmer joist (cripple) and the header
joist shall be doubled. (R802.9)
F. Shingles
1. Asphalt shingles shall only be used on roof slopes with a pitch of greater than 2
on 12. For roof slopes of 2 on 12 to 4 on 12, double underlayment application is
required in accordance with Section 905.2.7. (R905.2.2)
2. For normal application, asphalt shingles shall be secured to the roof with not less
than 4 fasteners per shingle. (R905.2.6)
3. Roof slopes greater than a 4 on 12 pitch shall have a minimum of one layer of
underlayment felt. (R905.3.3.2)
G. Roofs/Attic ventilation. The total net free ventilating area shall not be less than 1 to
300 provided at least 50 percent and not more than 80 percent of the required
ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of the space to
be ventilated. Example: 3000 sq. ft. attic must have at least 10 sq. ft. of attic
ventilation with 50 percent in the upper portion. (R806)
H. Attic Access. (R807) Attic spaces shall be provided with an interior access opening
not less than 22 inches by 30 inches. A minimum of 30 inches unobstructed head
room in the attic space shall be provided. See M1305.1.3 for access requirements
where mechanical equipment is located in attics.
I. When pre-fabricated wood trusses and/or pre-fabricated floor joist/ceiling components
are installed, the manufacturer specifications must be submitted to the Permit Office
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General Requirements
A. Design Criteria
1. Construction in regions where the basic wind speeds from figure R301.2 (4)
equal or exceed 110 mph shall be designed in accordance with Standards for
Hurricane Resistance Residential Construction (SSTD10) or other methods
provided in R301.2.1.1.
2. City Limits of Lake Charles is located below the 110 mph wind zone. All
construction must meet or exceed these design standards.
B. Minimum Room Areas (R304).
Every dwelling shall have at least one habitable room that shall not have less than 120
sq. ft. of gross floor area. Other habitable rooms shall a floor area of not less than 70
sq. ft. (EXCEPTION: Kitchens). Habitable rooms shall not be less than 7 feet in any
horizontal direction.
C. Ceiling Height (R305).
Habitable rooms, hallways, corridors, bathrooms, laundry rooms, etc., shall have a
ceiling height of not less than 7 feet. (EXCEPTIONS: Beams, girders, etc.). Not
more than 50 percent of the required floor area of a room or space is permitted to have
a slope ceiling less than 7 feet in height with no portion of the required floor area less
than 5 feet in height.
D. Sanitation (R306).
Every dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, bathtub/shower,
kitchen, sanitary sewer and approved water supply.
E. Emergency Escape and Rescue Openings (R310).
Every sleeping room shall have at least one operable emergency escape and rescue
opening. They shall have a sill height of not more than 44 inches above the floor.
Openings shall have a minimum net clear opening of 5.7 sq. ft. (EXCEPTION: Grade
floor openings shall a minimum net clear opening of 5 sq. ft.) Minimum net clear
height shall be 24 inches. Minimum net clear opening shall be 20 inches.
F. Means of Egress (R311).
1. The required exit door shall be a side hinge door not less than 3 feet in width and
6 feet 8 inches in height. Other doors shall not be required to comply with this
minimum dimension.
2. Hallways shall not be less than 36 inches in width.
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G. Exterior walls. Construction, projections, openings and penetrations of exterior walls
of dwellings and accessory buildings shall comply with Table R302.1. These
provisions shall not apply to walls, projections, openings or penetrations in walls that
are perpendicular to the line used to determine the fire separation distance. Projections
beyond the exterior wall shall not extend more than 12 inches (305 mm) into the areas
where openings are prohibited. (R302.1)
1. Detached tool sheds and storage sheds, playhouses and similar structures
exempted from permits are not required to provide wall protection based on
location on the lot. Projections beyond the exterior wall shall not extend over
the lot line.
2. Detached garages accessory to a dwelling located within 2 feet (610 mm) of a
lot line are permitted to have roof eave projections not exceeding 4 inches (102
3. Foundation vents installed in compliance with this code are permitted.
H. Stairways (R311.5).
1. Stairways shall not be less than 36 inches. Minimum head room shall not be less
than 6 feet 8 inches.
2. Maximum riser height shall be 7-3/4 inches. The greatest riser height within any
flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3/8 inch.
3. The minimum tread depth shall be 10 inches
4. The flight of stairs shall not have a vertical rise greater than 12 feet.
5. A handrail shall be provided on at least one side of each continuous run of treads
with four or more risers. Handrails shall not be less than 34 inches or more than
38 inches measured vertically from the slope of the tread.
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I. Guard Rails (R312).
1. Porches, balconies, raised floors, etc. more than 30 inches above the floor shall
have guards not less than 36 inches in height.
2. Open-sided stairs with a total riser more than 30 inches above the floor or grade
shall have guards not less than 34 inches in height.
3. Required guards in open-sided stairways, raised floor areas, porches, balconies,
etc. shall have intermediate rails which do not allow the passage of a sphere 4
inches or more in diameter. (EXCEPTION: Openings for required guards on the
side of stair treads shall not allow a sphere 4-3/8 inches to pass through.)
J. Smoke Alarms (R313)
Smoke alarms shall be installed:
1. In each sleeping room.
2. Outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedroom.
3. On each additional story of the dwelling.
When more than one smoke alarm is required, the alarm devices shall be
interconnected in such a manner that the actuation of one alarm will activate all the
alarms in the individual unit.
Smoke alarms shall be installed and listed in accordance with provisions of this
Code and NFPA72.
In new construction, the required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power
from the building wiring. Smoke alarms shall be permitted to be battery operated
when installed in buildings that undergo alterations, repairs or additions regulated by
Section R313.2.1.
K. Protection Against Decay (R319).
The following location shall be required to use an approved species and grade of
lumber, pressure treated, in the following locations.
1. Wood joists or the bottom of a wood structural floor when closer than 18 inches
or wood girders when closer than 12 inches to the exposed ground.
2. All wood framing members that rest on concrete or masonry, exterior foundation
walls less than 8 inches to the exposed ground.
3. Sills and sleepers on a concrete or masonry slab that is in direct contact with the
ground unless separated from such slab by an impervious moisture barrier.
4. Ends of wood girders entering masonry or concrete walls having a clearance of
less than .5 inches on top, sides and ends.
5. Wood siding, sheeting and wall framing on the exterior of a building having a
clearance of less than 6 inches from the ground.
6. Wood structural members supporting moisture/permeable floors or roofs that are
exposed to the weather.
7. All wood in contact with the ground
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L. Protection Against Termites (R320)
Soil under foundations shall be treated for termites and pressure-preservative treated
wood shall be used when in contact with the ground.
M. Required footings for carports, covered patios, etc.:
Bearing a light load (Example: light wood frame construction and aluminum/metal
carports) – Footings under each column/post shall not be less than 15” X 15” X 12”
below grade with a continuous 6” X 6” footing around the exterior perimeter of the
N. Attaching a new slab to the side of an existing slab
1. Bearing – A standard footing 12 inches below grade shall be required adjacent to
the existing slab. If the addition will be enclosed as part of the main structure
and will be occupied as such, #4 dowels, 3 feet on center, shall be placed in
existing slab to secure both slabs together.
2. Non-bearing – A 6 inch deep footing is required adjacent to the existing slab. If
this addition will be enclosed as part of the main structure and be occupied as
such, #4 dowels, 3 feet on center, shall be in place in the existing slab to secure
both slabs together.
O. Pouring new concrete on top of existing concrete slabs (Minimum thickness 2 inches).
1. Dowels shall be placed in existing slab to tie both slabs together (at corners,
sides, centers, etc. minimum 8 feet on center).
2. An exterior footing shall be provided when building new structures over an
existing concrete slab.
VI. Fireblocking (602.8)
Fireblocking shall be required in wood-frame construction in the following locations:
1) In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions
a. Vertically at the ceiling and floor levels
b. Horizontally at intervals not exceeding 10 feet
2) At all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces that occur
at soffits, drop ceilings, etc.
3) In concealed spaces between stair stingers at the top and bottom of the run.
4) Openings around vents, pipes, and ducts at ceiling and floor levels.
5) Other areas as provided in the Code.
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VII. Fasteners/Connectors and Roof ties (R802.11)
A continuous load path shall be provided to transfer all lateral and vertical loads from the
roof, wall, and floor systems to the foundation (WFCM 2.2.2)
1. Lateral Connections (2.2.1)
Adequate connections between roof, ceiling, wall, and floor assemblies shall be
provided to transfer lateral forces acting perpendicular to the wall surface.
(Figure 2.2a)
2. Shear Connections (2.2.2)
Adequate connections between roof, ceiling, wall and floor assemblies shall be
provided to transfer shear forces acting parallel to the wall surface (Figure 2.2b)
3. Wind Uplift Connections
Adequate connections shall be provided to transfer uplift forces acting away
from the roof surface (Figure 2.2.c)
Roof and ceiling construction shall be capable of accommodating all loads imposed and
transmitting the resulting load to the supporting structural element (R801.2 and R802.11)
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A. Fasteners
Components of exterior wall shall be fastened in accordance with Tables R602.3(1)
through R602.3 (4).
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B. Connectors and Roof Tie downs
Roof assemblies which are subject to wind uplift pressures of 20 psf or greater shall
have roof rafters/trusses attached to their supporting wall assemblies by connectors
capable of providing the resistance required in Table R802.11. Wind uplift pressures
shall be determined using an effective wind area of 100 sq.ft. and Zone 1 in table
(R301.2(2) as adjusted for height and exposure per Table R301.2(3).
A continuous load path shall be designed to transmit uplift forces from the rafter/truss
ties to the foundation.
Connectors shall be provided to resist wind uplift forces in accordance with Table
Acceptable Connectors and Minimum Spacing Requirements
Structures with a mean roof height less than 40 feet:
Connectors for stud to bottom plate, top plate to stud, rafters/truss to top
plate, and rafter ridge straps may be spaced 48 inches o.c.
Structures with a mean roof height 40 foot or greater:
Connectors and minimum spacing requirements:
A. Anchor bolts
1. 1/2 inch anchor bolts – a minimum of two anchor bolts per sill plate
are required spaced a maximum 6 foot OC and within 12 inches of
each corner.
2. Simpson MAS anchors or equivalent – maximum 5 foot OC and
within 12 inches of each corner.
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B. Stud to Bottom Plate
16” OC Simpson RSP4 or equivalent 8 – 8d nails
Simpson SSP or equivalent 5 – 10d nails
Simpson TSP or equivalent 9 – 10d nails
32” OC Simpson SP1 or equivalent 10 – 10d nails
Simpson SP4/SP6 or equivalent 6 – 10d nails
C. Top plate to Stud
16” OC Simpson RSP4 or equivalent 8 – 8d nails
Simpson SSP or equivalent 5 – 10d nails
32” OC Simpson SP2 or equivalent 12 – 10d nails
Simpson SP4 or equivalent 6 – 10d nails
Simpson H8 (rafter span 20’ – 36’)
NOTE: Top plate to stud connectors not wrapping the top plates shall be installed on the same
side of the wall as the rafter to top plate connectors.
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D. Rafters/Truss to Top Plate
16” OC Simpson H2.5A or equivalent Rafter span 20’ – 40’ 10 – 8d Nails
24” OC Simpson H2.5A or equivalent Rafter span 20’ – 28’ 10 – 8d Nails
24” OC Simpson H8 or equivalent Rafter span 32’ – 40’ 10 – 10d Nails
24” OC Simpson H10 or equivalent 16 – 8d Nails
48” OC Simpson HTS16 or equivalent 16 – 10d Nails
E. Rafter Ridge Straps
1) 16” OC – Roof Pitch 3:12 – 4:12, 20’ – 40’ span
Simpson LSTA 12 or equivalent
16” OC – Roof Pitch 5:12 – 10:12, 20’ – 40’ span, 10d nails
Simpson LSTA 9 or equivalent, 10d nails
2) 24” OC – Roof Pitch 3:12 – 4:12, 20’ – 40’ span
Simpson MSTA 21 or equivalent
24” OC – Roof Pitch 5:12 – 10:12, 20’ – 40’ span
Simpson LSTA 12 or equivalent, 10d nails
Collar ties may be installed as an alternate to ridge straps (4’ OC)
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F. Header Connection – Simpson CS20 or equivalent
3’ opening – 6 straps
4’ opening – 8 straps
6’ opening – 10 straps
8’ opening – 14 straps
G. Hold downs, stud to bottom plate connections, and top plate to stud connections
may be omitted if wood structural panel bracing is provided.
Minimum 15/32” wall sheathing shall be installed vertically onto framing and
shall extend from the bottom of the sill plate to the top of the upper double top
plate where sheathing is used in lieu of top plate and sill plate connectors. The
sheathing shall be fastened to the top and bottom plates with double rows of 8d
common nails at 4 inches on center. The minimum stagger spacing of fasteners
shall comply with the detail shown below.
Rafter/Truss to top plate connections shall be installed on the same side as the
wall sheathing. Where rafter/truss to top plate connectors are installed over the
sheathing, full length nails shall be used. Larger diameter anchor bolts, square
plate washers with closer spacings are required in this application. A minimum
of 5/8 inch diameter anchor bolts with 3”x3”x1/4” washers shall be installed no
greater than 16” on center if plate connectors are omitted.
Connectors at openings in walls are always required.