These are the Terms and Conditions that apply to your Salon booking with GoodWorld Journeys
(hereinafter also referred to as GWJ). Please read this information carefully and in its entirety, as you
will be bound by it.
As a small family venture that puts a great deal of time and resources into the planning, designing
and production of each Salon, we seek here to clearly communicate the policies that are required
to operate and sustain our work while providing an enriching travel/program experience for all
By making a booking with GoodWorld Journeys, you accept all of the following Terms & Conditions,
as well as those stated in GoodWorld Journeys’ Travel Release & Liability Waiver Form.
2022 PATMOS SALON PROGRAM PRICE INCLUDES: Hotel accommodations for 10 nights, daily
breakfast, Welcome Dinner Party, Salon Program, Cultural visits, Boat Excursion & Farewell Dinner.
2022 PATMOS SALON PROGRAM PRICE DOES NOT INCLUDE: All international and in-Greece
travel costs to and from Patmos; local island transportation costs (by taxi, moped, rental car, local
bus, etc.) on Patmos; any and all incidental hotel room charges (including alcoholic beverages,
mineral & bottled water, telephone calls, laundry & all other items of a personal nature); gratuities;
all meals (outside of breakfasts, Welcome & Farewell Dinners); health/accident/baggage/trip
cancellation insurance.
PRICING: All Salon prices are quoted and payable in USD. GWJ is not responsible for any fees
incurred due to currency exchange or fees charged by your credit card/bank for processing
funds in another currency.
SALON ACCEPTANCE & PAYMENTS: To request to reserve/book a Salon spot, an online
Reservation Request application form must be submitted to GoodWorld Journeys by each
prospective participant. If GWJ accepts your application to attend, you will receive an
Acceptance email with instructions on how and when (due dates) to make a Salon deposit
payment together with a Second Payment & Final Payment (or one single Full Payment) — to
secure your booking.
• A Salon deposit payment of $750 must be made online within ten (10) days after an
Acceptance email is sent to applicants by GWJ.
• The $750 deposit (down payment) will hold your Salon reservation up until 120 days
prior to the Salon start date, after which time full payment will be required to fully
secure your spot.
There is a $150 administration fee that is non-refundable on all deposit & Salon payments.
• GWJ may cancel a participant’s registration if payments have not been received by the
announced deadlines. In such a case, this would be considered a cancellation by you, and
the cancellation terms and fees as described below would be in effect.
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PURCHASE OF AIR TRAVEL: GoodWorld Journeys asks that you refrain from purchasing
“non-refundable” air travel until you receive an email con�irmation from GoodWorld Journeys
staff that “greenlights” the purchase of airfare and other travel to Greece. Fully refundable tickets
can be purchased at your own discretion.
encourages all guests to have or purchase a travel insurance plan. Travel insurance can help
protect you in the event of loss of non-refundable trip deposits and payments that result from
cancellation or trip interruption (due to a covered reason such as injury or illness before or
during the trip). It also helps with reimbursement for medical emergency costs(including very
costly medical evacuation costs), missed connections and baggage loss. To protect yourself
further, we advise you to consider purchasing “Cancel for Any Reason” travel insurance.
Please note: Only a small medical clinic exists on the Greek island of Patmos. Therefore, GWJ
strongly encourages that you make sure you have or that you purchase a travel medical
insurance plan that includes a medical evacuation (Medivac) component, should you require
emergency medical care that needs to be addressed off of the island. Many people don’t realize that
domestic health insurance plans often won’t cover medical costs incurred while abroad, including
medical evacuation expenses. Any and all evacuation costs (for medical or other reasons) will be
covered by you, not GoodWorld Journeys. If you choose to travel without adequate coverage, GWJ
will not be liable for any of your losses however arising, for which trip protection plan coverage
would otherwise have been available.
Please note too that GoodWorld Journeys is not quali�ied to answer technical questions about the
bene�its, exclusions, and conditions of travel protection plans. We cannot evaluate the adequacy of
the prospective insured’s existing insurance coverage. If you have any questions about your travel
protection, please contact your insurer, insurance agent or broker.
REQUIRED TRAVEL DOCUMENTS: You must have a valid passport required for entry, departure and
travel to GWJ Salon destinations (passport must be valid 6 months past the return date).
All visas, permits and certi�icates including vaccination certi�icates, COVID-19 tests, insurance policies,
etc. are required to be available with you for the whole of the journey. You accept full responsibility
for obtaining all such documents, visas and permits prior to the start of the Salon and are solely
responsible for any adverse consequences resulting from missing or defective documentation.
Any information or advice given by GWJ regarding visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage,
special equipment, etc. is purely advisory, provided as a courtesy to you and GWJ is not responsible
for any errors or omissions as to the information provided by third parties such as the appropriate
governmental authorities. If other documentation is required by the country, state or county (such
as proof of vaccination, health declaration, af�idavit, COVID-19 test results, etc), we will do our
best to relay that information to you during the trip planning period. However, it is ultimately your
responsibility to have all the required documents completed prior to departure.
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ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE DATES: It is your responsibility to make sure you arrive on Patmos by
the speci�ied Salon program start date, and make your own transportation arrangements to and
from Patmos.
CANCELLATION POLICY: We have designed our cancellation policy to be as compassionate as
possible in the case that your plans unexpectedly change. However, as noted earlier, you may want to
consider purchasing “Cancel for Any Reason” travel insurance. We wish we could compensate people
for unforeseen circumstances (injury, family emergency, etc.), but with each Salon, we have costs
already incurred, such as when we are reserving hotels, arranging Salon programming services, etc.
There will be no refunds or discounts for arriving late, leaving early, �light cancellations, travel delays or
illness. If you cancel your participation in a Salon for any reason, the cancellation policy below will apply.
Please Note: To of�icially cancel your Salon participation, you must send an email stating that
you wish to cancel to:
121 or more days prior to the start date of the Salon:
A refund of all payments made towards the Salon will be reimbursed, minus an
administration fee of $150.
91-120 days prior to the start date of the Salon:
A refund of all payments made towards the Salon will be reimbursed, minus a
cancellation fee of $500.
60-90 days prior to the start date of the Salon:
Full loss of Salon $750 deposit payment.
All of the remaining Salon payments can be applied as credit towards another
GoodWorld Journeys Salon within 18 months from the originally scheduled Salon date.
31-59 days prior to the start date of the Salon:
Full loss of all Salon payments.
A $1,000 credit will be given towards the cost of another GoodWorld Journeys Salon
within 18 months from the originally scheduled Salon date.
0-30 days prior to the start of the Salon: No Salon refunds or credits will be given.
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GoodWorld Journeys reserves the right to cancel or reschedule any Salon, but will not cancel a Salon less
than 120 days before the start date of a Salon except for unusual or unforeseen circumstances outside of
GWJ’s control as de�ined by Force Majeure below.
If a Salon is canceled by GWJ for COVID-19, Force Majeure, pandemics, travel bans, war, civil unrest or
other unusual or unforeseen circumstances beyond our control, GWJ will refund you for all payments
you have made, less any credit card processing fees, the costs for organizing and planning the Salon
and nonrefundable deposits GWJ paid to local suppliers on your behalf. This potential �inancial loss to
you will not exceed $500.
If GWJ is forced to cancel a Salon under such circumstances, GWJ will not be responsible for any
incidental expenses or consequential losses that Salon participants may incur as a result of a cancelled
Salon such as visas, vaccinations, non-refundable �lights or rail, non-refundable car parking or other
fees, loss of earnings, etc.
If GWJ is forced to cancel a Salon under such circumstances, we ask you to please not request a
chargeback from your credit card company. We will work with you to process your refund within 15
business days.
FORCE MAJEURE: GoodWorld Journeys will not be deemed in breach of this agreement or otherwise
liable to you, by reason of delay in performance or nonperformance of any of its obligations under
this agreement to the extent that any such delay or nonperformance is due to any Force Majeure.
“Force Majeure” means any circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including without limitation
acts of nature, terrorist activities, insurrection, explosion, �lood, tempest, forceful wind, �ire or accident,
war or threat of war declared or undeclared, sabotage, civil disturbance, labor strikes, requisition,
sickness, quarantine, pandemics, epidemics and disease, government intervention, weather conditions,
and unforeseen circumstances. If we and any of our Suppliers are affected by Force Majeure, we and our
Suppliers shall be entitled to, and may in our sole discretion, vary or cancel any itinerary or arrangement
in relation to the Salon, and choose to offer future travel credits or partial refunds of money paid.
MANDATORY COVID-19 VACCINATION & TESTING: GoodWorld Journeys prioritizes the health and
safety of all it’s Teachers, Salon Participants & Staff. Therefore, GWJ requires that all persons attending
the Salon must (1) submit proof of full vaccination (and any necessary booster shots) for COVID-19 no
later than thirty (30) days prior to the start of a Salon, and (2) agree to fully participate in on-site rapid
COVID-19 testing at the Salon’s location.
HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: We welcome all accepted travelers, but we do require that you be in
good medical condition to participate in a GoodWorld Journey. You must notify us in writing, during
the process of booking, of any medical conditions, pregnancy, disability or any other mental and or
physical condition or treatment requiring special attention which may affect �itness to travel and/or
any medical condition. Failure to notify GWJ of such a medical condition may result in your being
refused travel and/or participation in a Salon, in which case the client is bound by the cancellation
terms as laid out here.
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GWJ encourages participants to consult a doctor for speci�ic medical advice before traveling to a GWJ
destination. Should you need medical attention during your stay, it will be at local facilities & at your
own expense.
DENIAL OF PARTICIPATION: During the Salon, GoodWorld Journeys has the right in its sole discretion
to remove anyone whose behavior is disruptive and disrespectful and detracts from others’ enjoyment
of the Salon. The decision of GWJ is �inal on all matters that may threaten the safety or interfere with
the well-being of others. No refunds will be provided to such participants.
SUPPLIERS & INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS: Certain services reserved by GoodWorld Journeys,
including but not limited to transportation, accommodations, restaurants, sightseeing and other
activities, may be purchased from various independent suppliers not af�iliated with GWJ
(referred to as “Third Party Supplier(s)” or “Supplier(s)”). GWJ takes reasonable care in selecting
competent, reliable and quali�ied suppliers based on information that is reasonably available to us.
That said, we act only as an intermediary for these Third Party Suppliers and do not and cannot control
the quality of their services. You acknowledge that you are aware and clearly understand that these
Third Party Suppliers are independent contractors, are not managed by GWJ, and are not agents or
employees of GWJ. In the event of an injury, damage to property, delay or any other loss, compensation
must be sought from the Third Party Suppliers, not from GoodWorld Journeys. You understand further
that each of these Third Party Suppliers is subject to the laws of the state or country in which the
service is provided. The liability of Third Party Suppliers may be limited by their tariffs, conditions of
carriage, tickets and vouchers, and international conventions and agreements.
RESERVATION OF RIGHTS: GoodWorld Journeys reserves the right to make any changes deemed
necessary to our Salons. We hold the right to replace a Salon co-leader/teacher in case of illness,
sickness or any other emergency or Force Majeure reason as de�ined above. There is no refund in
this case.
PHOTOS, VIDEOS AND CONTENT CREATION: In the course of participation in a GoodWorld Journeys
Salon, photos or video may be taken by participants, GWJ staff and/or professional photographers.
Such images may be used in any GoodWorld Journeys promotional materials, website, all social media
platforms (i.e. Instagram), etc., unless participants speci�ically request the photographer, or in writing
to GWJ, to not use any material where your image is depicted. Otherwise, permission is granted to
GoodWorld Journeys to perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to use such images for
publicity and promotional purposes.
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