Character Breakdown
Jamie New
Vocal range: Tenor, B2 to C5
Jamie is just turning 16 and finishing his final year at school. However, he cares little for
his exams and revises reluctantly. He is best friends with Pritti, who tries to encourage
him to take his school work seriously. Jamie is openly gay and flamboyantly camp, and
is frequently picked on by Dean, the school bully. However, Jamie stands up for himself
and comes up with a series of brilliantly witty put-downs that flummox Dean. Jamie's
determination to bend the school rules annoys his teacher, Miss Hedge, who tries to
force Jamie to be “normal”. Jamie lives with his mum, Margaret, after his dad left home
several years ago. He receives birthday cards and presents purporting to be from his
dad, but he doesn’t realize that his mum is sending them to protect Jamie from the
truth--his dad despises his own son. Jamie has a secret ambition: to be a drag queen.
He sets about making it become a reality and befriends Hugo, the owner of Victor’s
Secrets drag clothes shop. However, Jamie comes to realize that it takes a lot more
than just putting on a dress to become a true drag queen. With the help of Hugo, Pritti,
Margaret, and Ray (Margaret’s best friend), Jamie sets out on a journey of self-
discovery. Along the way he finds out the truth about his dad, which hits him hard and
briefly threatens his close bond with Margaret. Jamie finds his inner queen--named Mimi
Me--and forces Miss Hedge and the entire school to accept him as he truly is. This role
requires exceptional comic timing and the ability to walk and dance in six inch heels.
Margaret New
Vocal range:: Mezzo-Soprano F3 to F5
Margaret is Jamie’s mother and has raised her son single-handedly after her husband,
Wayne, walked out on them. She is best friends with Ray and the pair encourage and
nurture Jamie’s ambition to become a drag queen. Margaret protects Jamie from the
truth that his dad despises Jamie and can’t stand his son’s camp, flamboyant
personality. She sends Jamie birthday cards from his dad each year and even buys him
his first dress with a fake note from Wayne, which she can ill-afford. Margaret would do
anything for her son and it almost breaks her when he finds out the truth and walks out
on her. However, their deep bond is shaken but it is by no means broken. She is proud
of Jamie for being true to himself and standing up for what he believes in. However,
along the way, she worries if she’s encouraged him too much and he’ll get hurt. Despite
this, Margaret stands up for her son and is outraged that the school will not allow her
son to attend prom in a dress. Margaret repeatedly rejects Ray’s encouragement to
seek out a life beyond Jamie’s happiness until she sees Jamie accepted by his friends
and the school for who he is.
Wayne New
Jamie’s dad.Non-singer
Wayne is Jamie’s father and Margaret’s ex-husband. He now has a new partner and
they are expecting a child--a child he hopes will be “normal”. Jamie’s flamboyant
homosexuality embarrasses him and he wants nothing to do with his son. He doesn’t
care that he misses birthdays or spending time with him, and brutally tells Jamie the
truth when his son seeks him out.
Vocal Range: A3 to D5, Alto
Ray is Margaret’s best friend and a second mother to Jamie, Margaret’s son. She is
sharp-witted, quirky, and tough. Ray loves all things camp and outrageous, and she is
both supportive and encouraging of Jamie’s ambition to become a drag queen. She is
super excited to be by Margaret’s side when Jamie gets his first gig at the drag club,
Legs Eleven. She is also equally outraged when the school refuses to allow Jamie to
attend prom wearing a dress, labelling the parents who complained as bigots. Ray is a
serial dater, constantly on the lookout for a new man. She encourages Margaret to get
back out on the dating scene but she has no success.
Miss Hedge
Vocal Range: A3 to E5, Mezzo-Soprano
Miss Hedge is a teacher at Mayfield School. She is tough, honest, and unforgiving. She
knows that life is hard for her working-class students and it is about to get harder once
school is over. She is frustrated by their behavior within the classroom and often
struggles to contain their loud, unruly antics. Miss Hedge deliberately encourages them
to dream small and accept reality. She gets frustrated by Jamie New’s continued refusal
to abide by school policy and fit in with everyone else. Her frustration leads her to
making an example of Jamie, which does not go down well with Jamie’s mother, his
best friend Pritti, or the rest of the students. Miss Hedge refuses to let Jamie attend the
school prom in a dress as she believes he is making a mockery of the school rules.
However, when her students turn against her and campaign for Jamie to be let in, she is
forced to relent.
Pritti Pasha
Vocal Range: G3 to E5, Alto, Mezzo-Soprano
Pritti is a high school student studying for her GCSEs. She is intelligent and ambitious,
and wants to study to be a doctor after she leaves school. Unlike the rest of the class,
she actually listens and responds to her teachers. Pritti is a Muslim girl with a Hindu first
name (“Thanks mum!”), which both amuses and irks her. Her parents are strict and
worry about her involvement with Jamie, her best friend. Pritti supports and encourages
Jamie in his ambition to become a drag queen. However, she also helps him to see that
true beauty is not just skin deep. She repeatedly offers sound advice and honesty to
Jamie, encouraging him to accept his flaws as well as his qualities. Pritti’s studious
nature and refusal to wear make up make her the target of Dean, the school bully. After
accepting his taunts for a long time, she finally stands up to him, shocking herself and
the rest of the class. Pritti rallies the students and leads the chants to allow Jamie to
attend the school prom wearing a dress.
Dean Paxton
Vocal Range: Bass-Baritone, Baritone, Tenor
Dean Paxton is a sixteen year-old student at Mayfield School in Sheffield. He is the
school bully and enjoys taunting those who are different. He picks on Pritti, labeling her
an ugly geek. This enrages her best friend, Jamie, who stands up to Dean. Dean
relentlessly taunts and criticizes Jamie for being openly gay and camp, but he is
annoyed when Jamie stands up for himself and proves he doesn’t care. Dean
deliberately waits in the shadows outside the club, Legs Eleven, to try and spoil Jamie’s
debut performance as a drag queen. He also gets his dad to complain to the school
about Jamie, thus foiling Jamie’s plans to wear a dress to the school prom. However,
Dean gets his comeuppance when Pritti finally stands up to him. He is hit with the
realization that, after school, he will no longer be a big, intimidating deal. Instead, he will
be a small fish in a huge pool and he’s not sure he knows how to cope. With Jamie’s
encouragement, Dean finally agrees to try being nice to everyone--just for one day at
least--and agrees to have one dance with Jamie at the prom.
Vocal Range: Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Alto
Becca is a Year 11 student at Mayfield School. She is not remotely academic and can’t
wait until her GCSE exams are over. She has little professional ambition and the
careers lesson bores her. Becca frequently Interrupts lessons, ignoring and talking over
Miss Hedge. She is loud, raucous, outspoken, and often in detention. However, she is
hugely looking forward to prom and helps plan the dress code: ‘Prom Fabulous’. Becca
is good friends with Bex and Fatimah.
Vocal Range: Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Alto
Bex is a Year 11 student at Mayfield School. She is not remotely academic and can’t
wait until her GCSE exams are over. She has little professional ambition and the
careers lesson bores her. Bex frequently Interrupts lessons by chatting with Becca and
ignoring Miss Hedge. She is loud, raucous, and cheeky. However, she is hugely looking
forward to prom and helps plan the dress code: ‘Prom Fabulous’. Bex is good friends
with Becca and Fatimah.
Vocal Range: Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Alto
Fatimah is a Year 11 muslim student at Mayfield School. She is not particularly
academic. She has been preoccupied about what dress she’ll wear, knowing she can
still have lots of sparkle if she covers up. Fatimah is mortified when, after months of
planning, she shows up in a similar dress to Pritti.
Vocal Range: Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Alto
Vicki is a Year 11 student at Mayfield School.
Vocal Range: Tenor, Baritone, Bass-Baritone, Bass
Mickey is a Year 11 student at Mayfield School.
Vocal Range: Tenor, Baritone, Bass, Bass-Baritone
Sayid is a Year 11 student at Mayfield School.
Vocal Range: Tenor, Baritone, Bass, Bass-Baritone
Cy is a Year 11 student at Mayfield School.
Vocal Range: Tenor, Baritone, Bass, Bass-Baritone
Levi is a Year 11 student at Mayfield School.
Hugo Battersby / Loco Chanelle
Vocal Range: F2 to B3, Baritone, Bass-Baritone
Hugo is a faded former drag queen who has not stepped out on stage for many years.
His retired alter ego is Loco Chanelle and he now owns the drag clothing shop, Victor’s
Secret, but business is not booming. Hugo takes Jamie under his wing after spotting a
kindred spirit. Hugo has been hurt in the past by a lover and knows that his time in the
spotlight is over. However, Jamie is just beginning and Hugo wants to help Jamie in his
ambition to become a drag queen. In order to do so, he must encourage Jamie to find
and embrace his inner queen. Hugo gets Jamie his first gig at Legs Eleven and reprises
Loco Chanelle for one last performance. Hugo finds Jamie after he has been beaten up
and offers him some honesty and tough love. He cares deeply for Jamie and races to
the prom to complete Jamie’s outfit with a corsage.
Sandra Bollock
Vocal Range: Tenor, Baritone, Bass, Bass-Baritone
Sandra Bollock is a faded drag queen at the club, Legs Eleven. He is tall, large and
bulky. As such he is often clumsy and un-ladylike. Along with the other drag queens, he
encourages Jamie’s ambition. He calms Jamie’s nerves and helps him to get ready for
his first gig. Sandra Bollock and the other drag queens repeatedly tease and make
sarcastic personal remarks about one another.
Tray Sophisticay
Vocal Range: Tenor, Baritone, Bass, Bass-Baritone
Tray Sophisticay is a faded drag queen at the club, Legs Eleven. He is Scottish,
sarcastic, and distinctly jaded. However, along with the other drag queens, he
encourages Jamie’s ambition. He calms Jamie’s nerves and helps him to get
ready for his first gig. Tray Sophisticay and the other drag queens repeatedly
tease and make sarcastic personal remarks about one another.
Laika Virgin
Vocal Range: Tenor, Baritone, Bass, Bass-Baritone
Laika Virgin is a faded drag queen at the club, Legs Eleven. He has been doing this for
years and there isn’t much he hasn’t seen. Along with the other drag queens, he
encourages Jamie’s ambition. He calms Jamie’s nerves and helps him to get ready for
his first gig. Laika Virgin and the other drag queens repeatedly tease and make
sarcastic personal remarks about one another.