on behalf of the
USW Healthcare Local 9600
Effective September 22, 2022 through September 21, 2025
AGREEMENT ........................................................................................................................ 1
PURPOSE AND INTENT ..................................................................................................... 1
RECOGNITION AND SCOPE ............................................................................................ 1
MANAGEMENT RIGHTS ................................................................................................... 2
NONDISCRIMINATION ..................................................................................................... 3
UNION MEMBERSHIP AND CHECKOFF ...................................................................... 4
UNION BUSINESS ................................................................................................................ 5
GRIEVANCES AND ARBITRATION ................................................................................ 6
SUSPENSION AND DISCHARGE .................................................................................. ...9
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME ............................................................................. 13
SICK LEAVE ........................................................................................................................ 17
HOLIDAYS ........................................................................................................................... 18
VACATION .......................................................................................................................... 19
SENIORITY .......................................................................................................................... 21
LEAVES OF ABSENCE ...................................................................................................... 25
BULLETIN BOARDS .......................................................................................................... 26
HEALTH AND SAFETY .................................................................................................... 26
GROUP INSURANCE PLAN ............................................................................................ 27
RETIREMENT PLAN .......................................................................................................... 28
OTHER BENEFITS .............................................................................................................. 29
MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS .................................................................................... 30
PROHIBITIONS OF STRIKES AND LOCKOUTS .......................................................... 32
SAVINGS CLAUSE ............................................................................................................. 33
SUCCESSORSHIP ............................................................................................................... 33
TERMINATION DATE AND NOTICE ........................................................................... 33
SIGNATURES ...................................................................................................................... 34
APPENDIX A - GROUP INSURANCE PLAN PREMIUMS ......................................... 35
APPENDIX B - STANDARD WAGE RATE RANGES - 2022 ....................................... 36
APPENDIX C - STANDARD WAGE RATE RANGES - 2023 ....................................... 44
APPENDIX D - STANDARD WAGE RATE RANGES - 2024 ...................................... 52
APPENDIX E – LVN IN HOUSE REGISTRY……………………………………..….....60
This Agreement effective September 22, 2022, by and between Oroville Hospital (the
"Hospital" or "Employer") and the United Steel, Paper & Forestry, Rubber,
Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial & Service Workers International Union or its
successor (the "Union" or "USW"), for itself and on behalf of employees in the Technical
Bargaining Unit as set forth in Article II - Recognition and Scope - of this Agreement.
Except as otherwise mutually agreed to by the parties, the provisions of this Agreement
shall be effective September 22, 2022.
It is the purpose and intent of the parties to set forth certain agreements pertaining to
terms and conditions of employment to be observed between the parties; to improve
and promote the efficient functioning of the Hospital; to provide quality patient care; to
provide procedures for the prompt and equitable adjustment of grievances; and to
maintain good relations between the Employer and the employees.
Section 1. Recognition
The Employer recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative of the employees in
the Technical Bargaining Unit of all regular full-time and regular part-time and per
diem technical employees in NLRB Case No. 20-RC-17880, dated August 22, 2003,
employed by the Employer at its 2767 Olive Highway, Oroville, California facility,
including cardiovascular techs, clinical lab techs, CT Techs, dialysis technicians,
histology technicians, histology technologists, lead histotechnologists, LVN Charge,
LVNs (excluding clinical and offsite), LVN Techs, nuclear medicine techs, MRI techs,
special procedure techs, nuclear medicine coordinators, radiology techs, mammo techs,
respiratory therapists, reg. echo techs, EEG techs, ultrasound techs, ultrasound
coordinators, operating room techs, surgical asst./surgical techs, physical therapy
assistants, certified occupational therapy assistants, lead pharmacy techs and pharmacy
techs: excluding all other employees, managers, guards and supervisors as defined in
the Act.
Section 2. Employment Classifications
A. Regular Full-Time - Employees who are regularly scheduled to work eighty (80)
hours in each two-week pay period.
B. Regular Part-Time - Employees who are regularly scheduled to work less than
eighty (80) hours in each two-week pay period, but at least forty (40) hours per two-
week pay period.
C. Per Diem - Employees who are scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per
two- week pay period. Per Diem employees are "on call" and are not assigned to a
regularly scheduled number of hours each week.
Section 3. Bargaining Unit Work
Person not included in the bargaining unit shall not normally perform duties performed
by the bargaining unit employees, except for training and in emergency situations as
determined in the discretion of the Employer.
Section 4. Contracting Out
A. Should the Employer decide to permanently contract out work currently
performed by bargaining unit employees, the Employer shall first give the Union a 30-
day written notice. The Employer agrees to meet and confer within the 30-day notice
period regarding the decision and the effects on the employees. The Employer shall
consider alternatives proposed by the Union.
B. In situations where the Employer uses an outside contracting service to perform
the same type of work performed by bargaining unit employees, the Employer agrees to
use every effort to first utilize bargaining unit employees before using employees of an
outside contract service.
Section 5. Informal Hospital Practices
It is not the intent of the Employer to change or eliminate informal hospital practices or
hospital policies within individual units or departments. Should it become necessary to
change or eliminate a particular practice, the Employer agrees to meet and confer with
Union regarding the reason for such change or elimination.
It is expressly agreed that all rights that ordinarily vest in and are exercised by the
Employer, except as modified or relinquished herein by the Employer, are reserved to
and shall continue to vest in the Employer. This shall include the right to: manage the
business and direct the working forces, including the right to hire and to suspend,
discipline or discharge employees for just cause; the right to transfer employees from
one department and/or classification to another within the bargaining unit based on the
needs of the Employer; layoff or relieve employees from work because of a lack of work
or for other legitimate reasons based upon the needs of the Employer; promote
employees to positions and classifications not covered by this Agreement; make such
operating changes as are deemed necessary by the Employer for the efficient and
economical operation of the business of the Employer; the right of the Employer to
assign duties and tasks; maintain discipline and efficiency; determine the type of
machines and/ or equipment to be used or furnished by the Employer, the location of
work assignments, the schedule(s) of work assignments within work periods and the
methods and means to conduct the business of the Employer; the right of the Employer
to establish, eliminate, combine jobs and classifications; the right of the Employer to
evaluate all employees covered by this Agreement. Nothing in this Management Rights
Clause is intended to or shall be construed to be inconsistent with or limit or modify the
rights and obligations set forth in this Agreement.
Section 1. Nondiscrimination
It is the continuing policy of the Employer and the Union that the provisions of this
Agreement shall be applied to all employees without regard to race, color, religious
creed, national origin, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, marital
status, veteran status, union membership, sexual orientation or sexual preference, sex,
gender identity or gender expression, or age. The representatives of the Union and the
Employer in all steps of the complaint and grievance procedure and in all dealings
between the parties shall comply with this provision. It is also the continuing policy of
the Employer and the Union that all employees shall be provided a workplace free of
prohibited harassment. There shall be no retaliation against an employee who
complains of such discrimination, or who is a witness to such discrimination.
Section 2. Civil Rights Violation Investigation
The Employer agrees to review and investigate complaints involving Civil Rights
violations that are presented to the Employer by an employee or the Union Civil Rights
Section 3. Disruptive Behavior Investigation
The Employer agrees to review and investigate complaints involving disruptive
behavior that are presented to the Employer by an employee or the Union.
Section 4. Binding Arbitration
The Employer and the Union agree that all claims of discrimination, harassment,
wrongful termination and retaliation arising in connection with Article IV, Section 1,
"Nondiscrimination" and Section 2, "Civil Rights Investigation" and Section 3,
"Disruptive Behavior Investigation" shall be subject to binding arbitration under the
grievance/arbitration provisions of this Agreement.
A. The Employer recognizes and will not interfere with the rights of its employees
within the bargaining unit to be members of the Union according to their own free will
and choice. Both parties agree that the employees shall be equally free to become or not
to become members of the Union, and that there shall be no discrimination,
interference, restraint or coercion by either party or by any agent or representative of
either party against any employee because of the employee’s membership or non-
membership in the Union.
B. Any employee who becomes a member of the Union shall maintain membership
for the term of the Agreement.
C. The Employer and Union agree that no employee or representative of either
party shall engage in any Union or Anti-Union activity on or adjacent to the Hospital
premises in any manner which shall interfere with the proper performance of any one
or more employees work of the Employer or the duties of their employment, except as
expressly provided in this Agreement.
D. Upon receiving written authorization from an employee employed at the
Hospital, the Employer agrees to deduct from such employee's salary the periodic dues,
including where applicable, initiation fees and assessments each in amounts as
designated by the USW International Secretary-Treasurer, and to continue thereafter
such deduction of the periodic dues, until termination of this Agreement, or until the
employee requests, in writing, that the deduction be cancelled. The Union holds the
Employer harmless of liability by reason of the inability of the Employer to deduct such
dues for any reason. The Employer agrees to remit the dues deducted in any one pay-
period to the Secretary-Treasurer United Steelworkers, P.O. Box 644485, Pittsburgh, PA
15264-4485, no later than the 5th day of the following pay period.
E. At the time of employment, a copy of this Agreement shall be given by the
Employer to the employee. The Employer shall also give to each employee at the time of
employment, the current USW Membership Application and the Employee's form
authorizing voluntary payroll deduction of the periodic dues.
F. On or before the tenth (10th) day of each month, the Hospital shall send to the Local
Union President, a list of employees hired or terminated during the preceding month.
The list shall include the employee's name, address, telephone number, job title, status,
rate of pay and employee number. On or before January 1st of each year, the Employer
shall send to the Local Union President, a list of all employees in the USW represented
bargaining units, with job classification, salary rate, address, telephone number, status
and employee number for each such bargaining unit employee.
Section 1. Union Representation
An authorized Union Representative will be permitted to enter upon Hospital premises
for the purpose of contract administration provided such representatives will give prior
notice to the Human Resource Director or their designee and provided such
Representative shall meet with employees only in non-work areas during non-work
time. The Union Representative will notify the HR Director or their designee at least 30
minutes prior to entering the hospital campus by telephone, text message, or email and
indicate location and purpose. Access to the premises during all working hours for the
above-stated reasons shall not be unreasonably denied.
Section 2. Grievance Processing
A Union Grievance Committee member shall be permitted to have up to one (1) hour of
time off without loss of wages and benefits, which can be extended by the Employer,
while meeting with the Employer during Step one (1), two (2), and/or three (3) of the
Grievance Procedure as provided for in Article VII Section 3 of this Agreement.
Requests for such time off shall be made in advance to the Director of Human
Resources or their designee, with notification to the employee's supervisor. Prior
notification to the Director of Human Resources is required to receive payment of
wages and benefits.
Section 3. Time Off for Negotiation Committee
Unpaid time off shall be granted to Union negotiating committee members for
attendance at negotiation sessions.
Section 4. Unpaid Union Leave of Absence
Employees with at least twelve (12) months of continuous service, who are elected or
appointed to a position with the International Union or local Union, shall be granted a
leave of absence for up to one (1) year for the purpose of accepting such position. Such
leave of absence shall be extended for up to an additional one (1) year upon a written
request by the International Union or Local Union. Seniority shall not accrue beyond
the first 30 days of such leave and/or extension. An employee returning to work during
or at the end of such leave of absence shall be returned to the same position the
employee had prior to going on such leave, provided such position is still available. If
the position is not available, the employee shall be placed in another available position
for which the employee is qualified. Should no other position be available, the
employee shall be subject to termination. The employee shall be required to meet
current qualifications for any position that they may assume. These qualifications shall
include required licensure, certification or registration. If these qualifications are
different than when the employee went on leave, the employee shall be given
reasonable time to acquire proper qualifications.
Section 5. Union Use of Premises
The Union may be permitted to have reasonable use of Hospital facilities during off
duty hours for Union meetings, if said facilities are available and upon approval of an
advance request submitted to the Chief Operating Officer or their designee.
Section 6. Orientation
The Union shall be allowed up to one-half hour unpaid time to meet with newly hired
USW bargaining unit employees thirty (30) minutes prior to the start of the Employer's
orientation of such bargaining unit employees. In January of each year, the Employer
will email the Local Union President the orientation dates for the calendar year. The
Employer will email the Local Union President when orientation sessions are cancelled
or added.
Section 7. Union Leave
The Employer will grant permission for a Steward or Local Union Officers to be absent
from work for attending conferences, educational seminars, conventions and other
requested short term leaves of absence of one week or less. Such absence shall be
unpaid and leave shall only be granted upon reasonable notice and the operational
needs of the hospital. If the work schedule has already been posted, it is the
responsibility of the employee to get coverage at no additional cost to the employer. All
the foregoing is contingent upon the manager's approval.
Section 1. Purpose
Should any differences arise between the Employer and the Union as to the
interpretation or application of, or compliance with, the provisions of this Agreement
between the Employer and the Union, prompt and earnest effort shall be made to settle
them under the following provisions.
Section 2. Definitions
A. Grievance shall mean a complaint by the Union, which involves the
interpretation or application of, or compliance with, the provisions of this Agreement
between the Employer and the Union.
B. Day as used in this Article shall mean a calendar day, excluding Saturdays,
Sundays and holidays.
Section 3. Grievance Procedure
Should an employee believe they have a justifiable complaint or request under the
terms of this Agreement, the complaint or request shall be handled in the following
A. Step 1: The employee shall discuss the complaint or request with their
immediate supervisor. The employee may elect to have a member of the Grievance
Committee present during this discussion should they desire. The supervisor shall,
within seven (7) days of said discussion, advise the employee and, where appropriate,
the Grievance Committee member of their decision. Grievances shall be presented
promptly and in no event later than ten (10) days after the employee or employees
knew or should have reasonably known of the occurrence or non-occurrence of the
incident which gave rise to the grievance.
B. Step 2: If the matter has not been resolved by the employee and the employee’s
immediate supervisor in Step 1, it must be reduced to writing by the employee or the
Union within seven (7) days and presented to the Department Director in order to be
considered further. A meeting between the Department Director, the grievant and a
member of the Grievance Committee shall be held to discuss the grievance within five
(5) days after it has been presented. Within seven (7) days after this meeting has been
held, the Department Director shall advise the grievant and the Chair of the Grievance
Committee, in writing, of their decision.
C. Step 3: If the Department Director's decision is not acceptable to the Union, then
the Union, within seven (7) days after receiving the answer in Step 2, shall appeal the
decision to the Chief Executive Officer. A meeting between the Chief Executive Officer,
the Representative of the International Union, the grievant and the Chair of the
Grievance Committee shall be held to discuss the grievance within seven (7) days after
it had been appealed to the Chief Executive Officer. Within seven (7) days after this
meeting has been held, the Chief Executive Officer shall advise the Representative of
the International Union, the grievant and the Grievance Committee Chair of their
decision in writing. The decision shall contain a brief summary of the proceedings and
the statement of the position of the Chief Executive Officer.
Section 4. Group Grievances
Grievances, which allege a violation directly affecting a group of employees, may be
initiated by the Union at the Step 2 level of the grievance procedure outlined in this
Section 5. Statement of Grievance
A grievance submitted in writing shall contain a statement of the grievance, the issue
involved, the relief sought, the date the violation allegedly took place, and the Article
and/or Sections of this Agreement involved.
Section 6. General Provisions
The settlement or withdrawal of a grievance prior to arbitration shall be without
precedent or prejudice to either party's position.
A. If the time limits specified in Section 3 above for:
1. Meetings between the parties are not met, the grievance shall be denied as
of the last day within the time limit for such meeting and the Union shall
have the right to move the grievance to the next step;
2. The Union to act are not met, the grievance shall be considered withdrawn;
3. The Employer to act are not met then the union shall have the right to
appeal the grievance to the next step.
4. The time limits set forth in this Article shall be binding on the parties unless
extended by mutual agreement.
Section 7. Arbitration
A. In the event a grievance remains unsettled under the foregoing procedures, the
Representative of the International Union may, by written notice to the Vice President
for Human Resources within seven (7) days of receipt of the latter's decision; appeal the
matter to arbitration.
B. The Arbitrator shall be selected by mutual agreement of the parties.
C. In the event the parties are unable to agree on an arbitrator within seven (7) days
of the exchange of list, it is agreed that the parties acting jointly shall request the Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) to provide to the parties a panel of seven (7)
arbitrators in accordance with the rules and procedures of the Service. Within seven (7)
days following receipt of such panel, the parties shall make every effort to agree to one
of the persons from the panel as the Arbitrator.
D. Each party, commencing with the Union, shall alternately strike one (1) name
from the list and the name of the person last appearing on the list shall be designated as
the Arbitrator and this appointment shall be binding on both parties.
E. The Arbitrator's compensation and expenses shall be shared equally by the
F. Except as provided for in Article VIII - Suspension and Discharge, the Arbitrator
shall have no jurisdiction or authority to add to, detract from, or alter in any way the
provisions of this Agreement.
G. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be final and binding on both parties to this
Agreement and the grievant. It shall be rendered in writing within sixty (60) days of the
last hearing or submission of facts as provided herein.
Section 8. Just Cause
No employee shall be issued a warning, suspension without pay, transfer, demotion, or
discharge without just cause. The Employer agrees to apply the concept of progressive
discipline, except for offenses which endanger the safety of employees or patients or the
Hospital and its equipment, including use and/or distribution on Employer property of
drugs, narcotics and/or alcoholic beverages; possession of firearms or weapons on
Employer property; destruction of Employer property; threatening bodily harm to,
and/or striking another employee; gross insubordination and gross neglect of duty; or
theft. All matters of suspension and discharge shall be subject to the provisions of
Article VIII - Suspensions and Discharge.
Section 1. Suspension and Discharge
A. The Employer shall give email notice of its intent to suspend or discharge to the
affected employee and the Local Union President.
B. Suspension and Discharge grievances shall be filed at Step 2 of the grievance and
arbitration procedure. At the Step 2 meeting the Employer shall provide a written
statement fully detailing all of the facts and circumstances supporting its proposed
disciplinary action.
Section 2. Authority of the Arbitrator
Should the arbitrator determine that an employee has been suspended or discharged
without just cause, the arbitrator shall have the authority to modify the discipline and
fashion a remedy warranted by the facts.
Section 1. Standard Wage Rate Ranges
The standard wage rate ranges and corresponding job grades for all bargaining unit
jobs mutually agreed to by the parties and the effective dates thereof shall be set forth in
Appendices B, C, D and E of this Agreement. The wage rate ranges and corresponding
job grades set forth in Appendices B, C, D and E of this Agreement shall remain in effect
during the term of this Agreement. Wage rate ranges and corresponding job grades
shall not be changed except in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The
Job Grade Matrix mutually agreed to by the parties shall be a part of this Agreement by
Section 2. Application of the Standard Wage Rate Ranges
A. Newly hired employees with relevant previous experience may be given credit
for prior experience on a basis of one (1) step for every three (3) years of experience;
provided, however, no newly hired employee shall be hired at a step within the
standard wage rate range that is greater than Step 11.
B. Effective the first day of the pay period following ratification, all current
employees shall be placed on the corresponding step of the new Standard Wage Rate
Ranges for their position (i.e. Step 5 to new Step 5).
NOTE: One (1) pay grade is equal to 0.50% adjustment.
C. If it becomes necessary during the term of the Agreement to increase the
standard wage rate range and corresponding job grade for a position because of area
market trends for such position, the parties shall meet and discuss the need for such
increase, guided by available area market data. The parties shall make every effort to
reach agreement on the new standard wage rate range and corresponding job grade on
the Job Grade Matrix. The designated Union and Employer Representative shall jointly
arrange such meet and discuss session. The provisions of this Subsection C shall not be
subject to the Grievance and Arbitration provisions of this Agreement.
D. A full-time employee shall advance on their evaluation date to the next higher
step in the wage rate range for their job until the maximum step of the range is reached.
An employee's performance rating shall not be used in determining entitlement to the
annual wage rate step increase or general (across the board) increases.
E. If an employee's current rate of pay exceeds the maximum step of the standard
wage rate range, their rate of pay will be frozen until such maximum step meets or
exceeds their frozen rate.
F. Part-time and per-diem employees must work 2,080 hours in order to receive a
step increase in the standard wage rate range.
G. Step increases that are effective during the first week of a pay period shall be
effective on the first day of the pay period. Step increases that are effective during the
second week of a pay period shall be effective on the first day of the following pay
H. All new hired full-time and regular part-time employees establish an anniversary
date on their first day of work. The anniversary date for such employees shall be the
same as their hire date, subject to the provisions of Subsection U below, and shall be
used to determine eligibility for benefits, which are related to length of service.
I. Per Diem employees establish an anniversary date upon achieving part-time or
full-time status.
J. Promotional and/or reclassification increases shall become effective on the first
day of the pay period following the date of the promotion or reclassification. Such
increase shall be to the next higher wage rate of the new or reclassified job, which is
higher than the employee's former rate of pay, except that such employee shall not
receive a rate of pay greater than the maximum rate for the classification to which
promoted or reclassified.
K. An employee promoted to a higher classification shall have their evaluation date
adjusted to the date of such promotion.
L. The evaluation date for an employee who is demoted shall remain the same for
pay increases.
M. An employee who has a job title change and whose pay rate remains the same
shall maintain the same evaluation date for pay increases.
N. Employees, who relieve a supervisor on a temporary basis, shall receive five
percent (5%) above their regular base rate of pay. Compensation for relief in a higher
classification shall commence on the first (1st) day of such relief in a higher
O. Employees, performing work on a job of a lower job grade on a temporary basis
at the request or direction of the Employer, shall receive the applicable wage rate they
would have received if they had not been temporarily assigned to the lower job grade.
P. Regular full-time and part-time employees who change to Per Diem status shall
retain their respective tenure step position for wage purposes.
Q. Employees regularly scheduled to work six (6) twelve hour shifts in a pay period
shall be considered full-time employees for all pay and benefit purposes.
R. Effective on the first day of the pay period following the first anniversary date of
the ratification of the Agreement, all bargaining unit employees shall receive a 2.00%
general (across-the-board) wage increase. Effective on the first day of the pay period
following the second anniversary date of ratification of the Agreement, all bargaining
unit employees shall receive a 2.00% general (across-the-board) wage increase.. The
Standard Wage Rate Ranges shall be adjusted to reflect such increase.
S. Employees, who are off from work for over thirty (30) days due to an approved
leave of absence, shall have their anniversary and evaluation date adjusted by the
number of days off during such approved leave, which are in excess of thirty (30) days.
T. Respiratory Therapists who have obtained RRT status prior to ratification of this
Agreement shall continue to receive an additional $0.50 per hour differential for each
hour worked. Respiratory Therapists who are not receiving the additional $.50 per hour
differential for RRT status shall be eligible to receive an additional $.50 per hour for
each hour worked if they obtain Neonatal/Pediatric Specialty (NPS) or Adult Critical
Care Specialty (ACCS). This certification/specialty pay is not cumulative and the
maximum pay is for one (1) certification/specialty
U. Regular Full-time and part-time employees who decline insurance coverage shall
be paid the base hourly rate plus seven percent (7%). This modified rate shall be the
regular base rate for such employees.
V. Per Diem employees shall be paid the base hourly rate plus fifteen percent (15%)
in lieu of all fringe benefits. This modified rate shall be the Per Diem regular base rate.
Per Diem employees receive shift differential and weekend differential where
Section 3. Job Descriptions and Classifications
A. The job description, job grade and standard wage rate range for each job in effect
as of the effective date of this Agreement shall continue in effect unless the Employer
changes the job content (i.e., requirements of the job as to training, skill, responsibility,
and working conditions).
B. When the Employer establishes a new job or changes the job content
(requirements of the job as to training, skill, responsibility, and working conditions) of
an existing job, a new job description for the new or changed job, including assigned job
grade and standard wage rate range shall be submitted to the Union for review and
discussion to determine the accuracy of the job description. This provision shall not be
subject to the Grievance and Arbitration provisions of this Agreement.
C. The Employer agrees not to decrease the job grade and standard wage rate range
of any bargaining unit job during the term of this Agreement.
D. If the Employer changes the qualifications of a job, incumbent employees shall be
grandfathered under the qualifications in place when the employee started working the
job. Such employees shall be given sufficient time to obtain the new qualifications.
Section 1. Hours of Work
A. Except as provided for in Section 2 of this Article, the basic work period shall be
8/80 hours to be worked during a period of fourteen (14) consecutive days.
B. Except as mutually agreed to by the parties, the workweek shall commence on
Monday at 6:45 a.m. and conclude on the following Monday at 6:44 a.m.
C. Except as mutually agreed to by the parties, the workday begins at 6:45 a.m. and
concludes at 6:44 a.m. the next day.
D. Except as mutually agreed to by the parties, the pay period shall be fourteen (14)
days beginning on Monday at 6:45 a.m. and ending on the second Monday at 6:44 a.m.
Section 2. Alternative Work Schedules
The Employer and the Union may adopt regularly scheduled alternative work
schedules consisting of either four (4) 10-hour shifts or three (3) 12-hour shifts. The need
to implement such alternative work schedules shall be determined by management on a
unit- by-unit basis and shall be implemented after a two-third (2/3) majority vote by the
affected employees. The Employer shall make a reasonable effort to find a work
schedule not to exceed eight (8) hours in a workday, in order to accommodate any
affected employee who was eligible to vote in accordance with this Section, and who is
unable to work the alternative scheduled hours established herein. The Union may
discontinue the alternative work schedules upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the
affected employees in a unit, and upon giving a 90-day notice to the Employer. The
Employer may discontinue such alternative work schedules upon giving a 30-day
notice to the Union. Both parties agree to meet and confer about the issue upon request
by the other party during the notice period.
Section 3. Work Scheduling
A. The work schedule shall be posted no later than seven (7) days in advance for a
four (4) week period. Reasonable effort shall be made to accommodate requests for
specific schedules if they are submitted at least two (2) weeks prior to the posting of the
work schedule.
B. The Employer agrees to allow the switching of shifts if employees wish to do so,
provided that the employees obtain supervisory approval and provided no overtime is
C. Employees shall be allowed a paid ten (10) minute rest period for each four (4)
hour work period. Employees are not required to sign in or out during such rest
D. Employees who work a shift of five (5) hours or more shall receive a thirty (30)
minute unpaid meal period. If the Employer fails to provide an employee a meal period
in accordance with applicable provisions of IWC Order No. 5, the Employer shall pay
the employee one (1) hour of pay at the employee's regular rate of pay for each
workday that the meal period is not provided.
E. There shall be no split shifts scheduled, unless by mutual agreement between the
affected employee and the Employer.
F. Mandatory meetings shall be considered time worked.
G. Each employee shall have an unbroken rest period of eight (8) hours between
shifts, unless an employee volunteers to work a shift with less than eight (8) between
the next shift.
Section 4. Overtime
A. Overtime shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the
employee's regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours
up to and including twelve (12) hours in any workday and for all hours worked in
excess of eighty (80) hours in a work period. Overtime shall be paid at double the
employee's regular hourly rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of twelve (12)
hours in any workday.
B. Employees working four (4) 10-hour shifts in an alternative work schedule shall
be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times their regular rate of pay for all work
performed in any workday beyond the schedule established by the agreement up to
twelve (12) hours a day or beyond eighty (80) hours per pay period. All work
performed in excess of twelve (12) hours per day and any work in excess of eight (8)
hours on those days worked beyond the regularly scheduled numbers of workdays
established by the alternative work schedule shall be paid at double the employee's
regular rate of pay. Nothing in this Section shall prohibit an Employer, at the request of
the employee, to substitute one day of work for another day of work of the same length
in the shift provided by the alternative work schedule on an occasional basis to meet the
personal needs of the employee without the payment of overtime.
C. Employees working three (3) 12-hour shifts in an alternative work schedule shall
be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times their regular rate of pay for all work
performed on those days worked beyond the regularly scheduled numbers of workdays
established by the alternative work schedule. All work performed in excess of twelve
(12) hours per day and any work in excess of eight (8) hours on those days worked
beyond the regularly scheduled numbers of workdays established by the alternative
work schedule shall be paid at double the employee's regular rate of pay.
D. No employee assigned to work a twelve (12) hour shift shall be required to work
more than twelve (12) hours in any twenty-four (24) hour period unless the Hospital
Administrator declares that:
(1) A "healthcare emergency", as defined in IWC Order No. 5 exists, and
(2) All reasonable steps have been taken to provide required staffing, and
(3) Considering overall operational status needs, continued overtime is
necessary to provide required staffing.
Section 5. Shift Differential
A. A Day Shift is any shift beginning at or after 6:00 a.m. and before 12:00 noon. An
employee scheduled to work the Day Shift who works continuously for four (4) or more
hours beyond 2:30 p.m. shall receive the appropriate PM shift differential for all such
hours worked beyond 2:30 p.m.
B. A PM Shift is any shift beginning at or after 12:00 noon and before 10:00 p.m.
With the exception of LVNs and OR Techs, employees working a PM Shift shall receive
a $1.50 shift differential for all hours worked. LVNs and OR Techs scheduled to work a
PM Shift shall receive a $2.50 shift differential for all hours worked. An employee
assigned to work the PM Shift who works continuously for four (4) or more hours
beyond 10:45 p.m. shall receive the appropriate Night Shift differential for all such
hours worked beyond 10:45 p.m., except as provided for in Subsection D.
C. A Night Shift is any shift beginning at or after 10:00 p.m. and before 6:00 a.m.
With the exception of LVNs and OR Techs, employees scheduled to work a Night Shift
shall receive a $2.50 shift differential for all hours worked. LVNs and OR Techs
scheduled to work the Night Shift shall receive a $3.50 shift differential for all hours
D. All regularly scheduled twelve (12) hour shift employees (e.g. Respiratory
Therapist) scheduled to work the PM/NOC shift shall receive a $2.50 shift differential
for all hours worked.
E. An employee who works continuously for four (4) or more hours prior to the
start of his/her regular shift shall receive the applicable shift differential for all such
Section 6. Weekend Differential
Effective the first day of a pay period following ratification, a weekend differential of
eighty-cents ($0.80) per hour shall be paid for each hour worked between 11:00 p.m. on
Friday to 11:00 p.m. on Sunday.
Section 7. Standby Pay
Any employee who has been instructed to be on standby but who is not called in to
work shall be paid at the rate of one quarter (1/4) their base hourly rate of pay when on
standby. Any employee who has been instructed to be on standby on a recognized
holiday named in Article XII, Section 1A of this Agreement, who is not called to work,
shall be paid at the rate of one quarter (1/4) their base hourly rate of pay when on
standby. Standby pay is not continued when an employee is being paid for callback
Section 8. Callback Pay
Employees called back to work after completing their normal work hours and
employees who are on standby and are called to work shall be paid at the rate of one
and one-half (1 1/2) times their base hourly rate of pay. Such employees shall be paid at
the rate of double time their base hourly rate of pay if they have worked over twelve
(12) hours in a workday. Employees shall receive a minimum of two and a half (2 1/2)
hours pay for callback; provided, however, CT, Nuclear Medicine, Ultrasound and Echo
Tech employees shall receive a minimum of three (3) hours pay for callback. In
addition, employees shall receive the appropriate shift differential if the callback hours
are hours for which shift differential is paid.
Section 9. Low Census Day
In the event the Employer requests an employee to take a "low census day" off because
of low patient census, the Employer shall make every effort to notify those employees
affected at least two (2) hours before such "low census day". The assignment of an
employee to a "low census day" off shall be based upon practices heretofore prevailing.
Employees requested to take a "low census day" off shall accrue all benefits for such
day. The employee may request a vacation day for a low census day and will be paid
for that vacation day provided that the employee has such vacation time available and
is otherwise eligible to use vacation.
Section 10. Minimum Pay
If an employee is scheduled to work, and is then sent home for lack of work, the
employee shall be paid for half of the employee’s regularly scheduled day's work, but
in no event shall the employee be paid for less than two (2) hours pay nor more than
four (4) hours or the employee shall be paid for the actual hours worked, whichever is
Section 11. Census List
Upon request, the Employer will provide the Union a census list of all the employees
that are represented by the Union.
A. Regular full-time employees shall earn sick leave at the rate of eight (8) hours per
month of employment from date of hire and may not be used during the first ninety
(90) days of employment. Regular part-time employees earn sick leave on a pro-rate
basis according to hours worked as compared to full-time employees, but on a pro-rata
basis according to hours worked as compared to full-time employees.
B. Sick leave shall be fully paid time, but shall be coordinated with Worker's
Compensation and State Disability Insurance.
C. Unused sick leave shall accumulate from year to year to a maximum of three
hundred twenty (320) hours. Employees who have a sick leave balance in excess of
three hundred twenty (320) hours shall no longer accrue sick hours until their balance
falls below three hundred twenty (320) hours. At that time, they shall start to accrue
hours up to the maximum accrual level.
D. Employees may use up to one half of their annual sick leave accrual to attend to
illness of a child, parent, spouse or domestic partner. Employees may also use earned
sick leave in hourly increments, for medical and dental appointments.
E. Employees are required to submit a doctor's release before returning to work for
all illnesses of more than three (3) consecutive workdays. A department manager or
supervisor may request an employee bring in a doctor's release at any time, if in their
judgment it is justified under the circumstances.
F. Sick leave shall not be converted to cash upon termination of employment.
G. An employee shall retain all accumulated sick leave during a period of layoff as
provided for in Article XIV - Seniority.
Section 1. Paid Holidays
A. The Employer observes the following paid holidays each year:
1. New Year’s Day 5. Labor Day
2. Easter Sunday 6. Thanksgiving Day
3. Memorial Day 7. Christmas Day
4. Independence Day
B. In addition to the above holidays, employees shall receive two (2) paid floating
holidays of the individual employee's choice; provided, however, LVNs shall continue
to receive three (3) paid floating holidays of individual's choice.
C. New employees who complete ninety (90) days of employment shall receive paid
time off for holidays occurring thereafter.
D. For employees working the night shift, the holiday shall be the shift on which the
majority of hours are worked.
E. For the purpose of computing overtime in a work period, which includes a
holiday, the holiday shall not be considered as time worked if in fact the employee did
not work the holiday.
F. The Employer shall make reasonable accommodations for those employees
whose religious faith makes it necessary to take time off from work to observe a
religious event. The employee may use their personal holiday time or vacation time.
Section 2. Holidays Worked
Employees required to work New Year's Day, Easter Sunday, Memorial Day,
Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Day shall be paid time
and one-half (1 1/2) times the employee’s regular base rate of pay for the actual hours
worked on the holiday plus, at the employee's option, either holiday pay of eight (8)
hours at their base rate of pay or, at the employee's option, they shall receive another
day off with holiday pay at the employee’s regular base rate of pay within the same pay
period. Floating holidays shall be paid at the employee's regular straight time base rate
of pay.
Section 3. Holiday Scheduling
To facilitate holiday scheduling, the employee must request the holiday desired at least
(30) days prior to the holiday. If the number of employees requesting a particular
holiday exceeds the number of employees that can be permitted off work, then the
seniority provisions of this Agreement shall apply. Holidays do not accumulate from
year to year. When a holiday, listed in Section 1A above, occurs during an employee's
vacation, the employee shall be paid the unworked holiday in addition to their vacation
pay. When an employee requests a holiday, the Employer's response shall be given
within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of the submission of the request.
Floating holidays must be taken before any vacation time. Holiday scheduling for
nursing areas in conjunction with vacations shall follow current nursing practices.
Section 4 Part-Time Employees
Holiday pay for part-time employees shall be prorated based on the employee's status
in the payroll system, (i.e., a 72-hour employee is eligible for 7.2 hours holiday pay, a
64-hour employee is eligible for 6.4 hours of holiday pay, and a 48-hour employee is
eligible for 4.8 hours holiday pay.)
Section 1. Eligibility and Length of Vacation
A. Each employee who has attained one (1) year of continuous benefited service
shall be eligible for a paid vacation.
B. An eligible employee who has attained the years of continuous benefited service
indicated in the following table in any calendar year shall accrue vacation
corresponding to such years of continuous benefited service as follows:
Continuous Service Amount of Vacation
Less than 1 year None
1 year but less than 4 years 80 hours paid vacation
4 years but less than 8 years 120 hours paid vacation
8 years but less than 15 years 160 hours paid vacation
15 years but less than 20 years 200 hours paid vacation
20 years or more 240 hours paid vacation
C. Paid vacation for eligible part-time employees is earned on the same basis as
shown above, but is prorated according to regular hours worked.
D. Vacation benefits are accrued on a per-pay-period basis. The rate of the accrual is
tied to length of employment in a benefited status. The maximum balance which may
be maintained by an individual is two (2) times the annual accrual rate. Once the
maximum accrual is reached, no additional vacation shall be earned until the
employee’s vacation balance falls below the maximum accrual amount.
E. Vacation Accrual
Annual Full
Time 80
Max Balance
Full-Time 80
Max Balance
Part-Time 64-
72 hrs/pp
Max Balance
Part-Time 56-
63 hrs/pp
Max Balance
Part-Time 48-
55 hrs/pp
Max Balance
Part-Time 40-
47 hrs/pp
After 1 Year of
.03846/hr 80hrs 160 hrs 144 hrs 126 hrs 110 hrs 94 hrs
After 4
Years of
.05769/hr 120 hrs 240 hrs 216 hrs 189 hrs 165 hrs 141 hrs
After 8
Years of
.07692/hr 160 hrs 320 hrs 288 hrs 252 hrs 220 hrs 188 hrs
After 15 Years
of service
.09615/hr 200 hrs 400 hrs 360 hrs 315 hrs 275 hrs 235 hrs
After 20 Years
of service
.11538/hr 240 hrs 480 hrs 432 hrs 378 hrs 330 hrs 282 hrs
F. In the event the Employer prevents an employee from taking an authorized
scheduled vacation and this results in the employee exceeding the maximum accrual,
the employee shall continue to earn vacation over the maximum accrual for up to six (6)
months, at which time the excess vacation must be scheduled and used.
Section 2. Vacation Scheduling
A. Vacation requests for increments of one (1) week or more must be submitted in
writing, on a form provided by the Employer, prior to January 31 of each year. The
approved vacation schedule shall be posted by the last day of February each year and
shall apply from March 1 through the last day of February of the following year. Should
a conflict arise in vacation requests, the supervisor shall use seniority as the basis for
granting vacation requests, provided such requests were submitted prior to January 31.
Subsequent requests shall be granted on a first come first serve basis based on the needs
of the hospital. The employer shall respond within five (5) days of the submission.
B. Vacations shall be scheduled within each department by classification. Vacation
preferences shall be awarded by seniority. Employees who transfer to another
department must reschedule their vacation, utilizing available open weeks.
C. Once an employee's vacation is scheduled, the Employer shall not change such
vacation, except in cases of operational needs.
D. Employees are allowed to take their vacation one (1) day at a time with prior
approval. Vacation may also be used in hourly increments for unscheduled events with
prior approval from employee’s manager or staffing office.
Effective January 1, 2015, employees must have vacation hours accrued in an
amount equal to their request at the time they submit their vacation request.
E. Employees may accumulate up to a maximum of two (2) times their annual
vacation accrual.
Section 3. Vacation Pay
Vacation Pay shall be calculated at the employee's regular base rate of pay.
Section 4. Vacation Cash Out and Hardship Distribution
A. An employee may be paid for vacation accruals in excess of 80 hours in lieu of
time off to address a hardship need. This request must be in writing addressed to the
Department Managers, which will then be sent to the Director of Human Resources for
review. Final approval is subject to Hospital Administration.
After approved, the request is attached to the employee’s timecard. The vacation is then
paid along with their hours worked during that same pay period. No special or separate
check is processed.
Section 1. Calculation of Seniority
Seniority for the purpose of this Article for the original charter group (i.e., employees on
the effective date of the representation election) shall be calculated from date of first
employment by the Hospital. For all subsequent employees who are included in the
bargaining units, seniority shall be calculated from the date such employees enter the
bargaining units. In addition:
A. There shall be no deduction for any time lost which does not constitute a break in
continuous service.
B. Continuous service shall be broken by:
1. Quit
2. Discharge
3. Absence due to non-occupational injury and illness which continues for
more than one (1) year.
4. Absence due to occupational injury or illness shall not break seniority;
provided, however, continuous service shall be broken if an employee
does not return to work within two (2) scheduled workdays after being
released by their physician to return to work.
5. Absence due to layoff which continues for more than one (1) year.
Section 2. Part-Time Employees
A. A seniority list shall be maintained for regular Part-Time employees, which shall
be administered separately from the seniority list for full-time employees.
B. A Part-Time employee who becomes a regular full-time employee shall have a
seniority date for the purpose of this Article determined by crediting the employee's
years of service as a part-time employee by seventy-five percent (75%).
Section 3. Probationary Employees
New employees and those hired after a break in continuity of service shall be regarded
as probationary employees for the first ninety (90) calendar days and shall receive no
seniority credit during such period. Probationary employees may be laid off or
discharged as exclusively determined by the Employer. Such layoff or discharge shall
not be subject to the grievance and arbitration provisions of this Agreement. Upon
satisfactory completion of the probationary period, probationary employees shall
receive full seniority credit from date of original hire.
Section 4. Posting of Job Openings
A. When a vacancy develops in the bargaining unit, the Employer shall post notice
of such vacancy for seven (7) calendar days.
B. Employees in the bargaining unit who wish to apply for the vacancy may do so
in writing by completing a Position Apply Form.
C. Position Apply Forms must be returned to the Human Resources Department
within the seven (7) calendar days posting period. The Employer shall, if in its
judgment there are applicants qualified for the vacancy, fill such vacancy from among
the applicants in accordance with the necessary skills and qualifications (i.e., ability to
perform the job, length of seniority and physical fitness).
D. Upon request, the Union shall be notified of candidates who were awarded job
Section 5. Reduction in Force and Recall from Layoff Procedures
In the event that the Employer determines that it is necessary to reduce the workforce in
order to address its business and financial needs, employees affected by the reduction
in force shall be subject to layoff as follows:
A. Order of Reduction in Force
1. Contract Labor.
2. Temporary Employees. (Temporary Employee as used in this Agreement is
an employee hired to perform a special project not to exceed ninety (90)
calendar days.)
3. Per Diem employees in seniority order shall be first subject to layoff within
their respective classifications. Where two or more per diem employees in
the affected classification have the same length of seniority, skills and
qualifications shall be the determining factors in such layoff situation.
4. Regular Part-Time employees in seniority order shall next be subject to
layoff within their respective classifications. Where two or more part-time
employees in the affected classification have the same length of seniority,
skills and qualifications shall be the determining factors in such layoff
5. Regular full-time employees in seniority order shall next be subject to layoff
within their respective classifications. Where two or more full-time
employees in the affected classification have the same length of seniority,
skills and qualifications shall be the determining factors in such layoff
B. Procedures
1. An employee subject to layoff shall not be entitled to bump another
employee in a different classification (department), regardless of seniority.
For those employees who regularly work multiple departments, their
home department shall be identified as that department were the
employee worked a majority of their hours during the prior ninety (90)
2. The determination of skills and qualifications shall be in the sole discretion
of the management of Oroville Hospital.
3. Regular Part-Time and/or Regular Full-Time employees may be offered
part time or per diem positions in lieu of layoff where the staffing needs of
Oroville Hospital require such positions. In the event a Regular Part-Time
or Full-Time employee refuses a part time or per diem position, that
position shall be offered to the next employee subject to layoff in seniority
order within the classification. An employee who refuses a part-time or per
diem position shall not have their application for unemployment insurance
benefits challenged by Oroville Hospital.
4. Laid off employees shall have recall rights pursuant to the terms of Section
(5)(C) of this Article.
5. The Employer shall provide two weeks pay in lieu of notice for full-time
employees and one-week pay in lieu of notice for part-time employees. Per
Diem employees shall be provided reasonable notice of layoff where
6. At the time of layoff, affected employees shall receive payment for earned,
accrued unused vacation time.
7. Employees laid off after the 15th of any month shall receive health care
benefits through the following month only at no cost to the employee.
Employees laid off before the 15th of any month shall receive health care
benefits through the end of that month.
C. Recall from Layoff Procedure
When the Employer recalls employees from layoff the procedures set forth below shall
be followed:
1. Employees shall be recalled to the hospital in reverse order of layoff,
provided they are immediately qualified to perform the duties required of
the job classification involved.
2. All employees who have recall rights to a job classification shall be
recalled to that job classification prior to the posting of a vacancy on such
job classification.
Section 6. Seniority Lists
The Employer shall provide seniority lists to the Union upon request, showing the
relative continuous service of each employee in the bargaining unit. The Employer from
time to time shall revise such list, as necessary, to keep it up-to-date. Errors,
inaccuracies, or omissions in such lists shall in no way prejudice the seniority rights of
individual employees.
Section 1. Personal Leave
A. A personal leave without pay may be granted at the discretion of the Employer.
Requests for personal leave should be limited to unusual circumstances requiring an
absence of longer than two weeks. Approved personal absences of shorter duration are
not normally treated as leave, but rather as excused absences without pay. All vacation
accruals must be used before a personal leave shall begin. Holidays are not earned
during such leaves.
B. Employees shall be responsible for assuming the costs normally paid by the
Employer to continue health and dental insurance coverage during a personal leave.
Arrangements for assuming these payments must be made with the Human Resource
Department prior to the start of the leave.
Section 2. Bereavement Leave
Full-time employees shall be granted up to forty (40) paid hours to arrange for and
attend a funeral of an immediate family member. Part-time employees shall be granted
bereavement leave on a pro-rata basis. Per-Diem Employees scheduled to work on the
day of the funeral will be allowed off of work, without pay, provided that management
can accommodate request. Immediate family includes: mother, father, spouse, domestic
partner, step parents, children, step and foster children, sister, brother, grandparents,
grandchildren, legal guardian, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-
in- law.
Section 3. Jury Duty Leave
A. Upon completion of the initial 90 days of employment regular Full time
employees are eligible for Jury Duty pay for up to forty (40) hours in a calendar year.
Part-time employees shall be granted jury duty leave on a pro-rata basis. The Employer
shall pay the difference between the employee's straight time daily pay and the amount
paid by the court (not including travel allowances). Reimbursement shall not be paid
for attending Jury Duty on the employee's regularly scheduled days off, during
vacations, holidays (unless you were scheduled to work the holiday), or during a Leave
of Absence. If the employee is asked to report for Jury Duty but are not needed, the
employee must call their supervisor to see if they should report to work.
B. After completing Jury Duty, the employee must submit a written request to the
Department Supervisor and attach proof of payment received from the clerk of the
court to the employee’s time card.
C. If an employee is selected for Jury Duty, the employee must notify their
Supervisor as soon as possible so timely arrangements can be made to cover employee’s
D. Employees shall not suffer a loss in pay or benefits in the event they are required
to appear in court in connection with the course and scope of their employment.
Section 4. Family Medical Leave
The Employer shall adhere to the provisions of the American’s With Disabilities Act
(ADA), Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and other related federal, state and local
laws with regard to unpaid leaves of absence.
Section 5. Military Leave
The Employer shall provide military leave in accordance with state and federal law.
The Employer shall provide one (1) locked bulletin board in the back Laboratory
hallway for the exclusive use by the Union to post notices. All notices shall be signed by
an official of the Union, and shall only be used to notify employees of matters
pertaining to general Union activities, Union meetings and social events.
Section 1. General
A. The Employer recognizes the importance of maintaining working conditions that
promote the safety and health of the employees. The Employer and the Union shall
cooperate in the continuing objective to eliminate accidents and health hazards
including the reporting of unsafe actions and unsafe conditions by employees, to
supervision. The Employer shall make reasonable provisions for the safety and health
of its employees during the hours of their employment.
B. It is understood by the parties that to achieve the above objective, it is necessary
that employees use and take reasonable care of protective devices, wearing apparel and
other safety equipment provided by the Employer.
Section 2. Employer and Union Health and Safety Committee & Investigations
The Employer agrees to review and investigate complaints involving health and
safety matters that are presented in writing with details of the concerns to the Employer
by the Union's Health and Safety Committee. The Employer agrees to follow up in
writing/email to the Local Union President.
The Committee and the Employer represented by the Human Resource Director
or other Employer Representative designated by the Employer agree to quarterly joint
meetings to improve communication on health and safety concerns. The Union and the
Employer will exchange their agenda(s) at least one week in advance. Meeting minutes
will be recorded by the Union and shared with the Employer / Human Resources
Director within one week of the meeting.
Topics for such health and safety meetings to be discussed may include
employee working conditions, including workplace violence and compliance with Title
8 CCR Section 3342 (Violence Prevention in Health Care) and patient safety concerns.
Committee discussions, regardless of outcome, shall not be subject to the
grievance/arbitration provisions of this Agreement.
The Employer and the Union are committed to a collaborative approach in
promoting Health & Safety. One member from the Management Team and Employees
representing the Union may attend, one (1) or more Health and Safety Conference
and/or training events annually. Annual safety training for Union Employees will be
unpaid and requested time off will be subject to Oroville Hospital’s staffing needs.
Section 1.
A. The Employer agrees to continue providing the Oroville Hospital Health, Dental,
Prescription and Vision Benefit Plans to benefit eligible employees with the following
benefit changes:
1. Office Visit Co-Pay $20.00 ($25.00 effective January 1, 2010)
2. Emergency Room Co-Pay $60.00
3. Prescription Co-Pay $15.00 Generic/$25.00 Brand
4. Out-Of-Network Deductibles $750/$1,500
5. Effective January 1, 2010: Employees and covered dependents who choose
to have services outside Oroville Hospital when the services are available
at Oroville Hospital will have the benefits reduced by fifty (50%) percent.
6. Effective January 1, 2019 Dental coverage will be up to a maximum of
$1500 per covered participant.
B. Such plans shall be included and made a part of this Agreement by reference.
Upon request, the Employer shall provide to the Union all plan documents, including
relevant financial data relating to the plan as appropriate.
Section 2.
A. Based on the Employee's status in the payroll system, the monthly employer
contributions for Medical, Dental, Prescription and Vision benefits are contained in
Appendix A of this Agreement.
B. The Employer agrees to cover seventy-five (75%) percent of any premium
increase for a full-time employee. For example, if the Employee Only monthly premium
increases by seventeen ($17.00) dollars, the Employer would pay an additional twelve
dollars and seventy-five cents ($12.75) per month and the employee would pay an
additional four dollars and twenty-five cents ($4.25) each month.
Section 3.
All deductions for employee and dependent coverage shall be paid on a pre-tax basis,
unless the employee prefers to pay taxes on the premiums.
Section 4.
The Chief Operating Officer or their designee agrees to review and resolve delinquent
and disputed medical, dental, prescription and vision claims that are presented to the
Employer by bargaining unit employee or their designated Union representative, who
is authorized by the employee, consistent with HIPAA requirements, to represent them.
Section 5.
The Employer agrees for the duration of this Agreement to continue in effect the
following benefits: Group Life and Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance.
Employees are eligible to participate in the Hospital sponsored retirement plan
(OroHealth Corporation Retirement Plan) based on the established eligibility criteria as
amended effective January 1, 2005. More specifically, the Employer plans on amending
the hospital sponsored retirement plan to allow for a Tiered Allocation. This shall allow
the Employer to distribute any allocation on a pro-rata basis in each category as
determined necessary by the Employer. Category as used in this Agreement shall be
interpreted to mean employee group.
The Employer agrees for the duration of this Agreement to continue in effect the
following benefits. The Employer reserves the right to modify the benefit levels of
Long- Term Disability Plan and the Pre-Paid Legal Plan at the time of renewal, if
necessary, to provide the benefit at a reasonable price. The Employer agrees to meet and
confer with the Union at least thirty (30) days in advance of its need to modify such
benefit levels. Such meet and confer shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration
provision of this Agreement. These benefits are incorporated in this Agreement by
1. Flexible Spending Account
2. Employee Discount
a. Employees without insurance coverage shall have to pay $200.00
per person deductible before the twenty-percent (20%) discount
shall apply.
b. Cafeteria Meals
c. Gift Shop discount applied equally to all Oroville Hospital
3 Employee Assistance Program
4. 403(b) Plan Participation
5. Pre-paid Legal Plan
6. Membership at participating Credit Unions
7. Oroville Sports Club Membership at the Corporate Rate
8. Automatic Payroll Deposit
9. Payroll Deductions
a. Loans and or saving accounts to participating Banks and/or Credit
b. Oroville Sports Club
c. Purchases over twenty-five ($25.00) from the gift shop.
10. Employees shall be permitted to take time off without pay (up to 2 hours)
during work hours to donate blood with prior managerial approval.
Section 1. In-service Education
A. In-service education classes shall be scheduled so as to be as convenient as
possible for employees working on all shifts. If the Employer requires the attendance of
employees at an in-service education class, then time spent by the employee shall be
considered time worked.
B. If the Employer requires the attendance of employees at a mandatory meeting on
a day which the employee is not scheduled to work the employee will be paid a minimum
of two (2) hours at their regular rate of pay for attendance at such meeting.
Section 2. Education
A. Full-time and part-time employees (on a pro rata basis) may be granted paid
time off each calendar year to attend job related classes and seminars in the sole
discretion of the department manager.
B. Employer may reimburse costs associated with job-related classes and seminars
upon successful completion.
Section 3. Certified Continuing Education
A. All employees required to maintain a certification may be provided continuing
education leave.
B. Full-time and part-time employees (on a pro rata basis) may be granted up to
five (5) days paid time off per calendar year to participate in continuing education
credit courses in the sole discretion of the department manager.
C. The Employer may reimburse costs associated with continuing education upon
successful completion.
D. Certified Nurses Aides shall continue to be provided, at no cost to the employee,
the continuing education units that are required to maintain their certification.
E. The employee will be reimbursed for mileage at the appropriate IRS rate, when
assigned duties that require the employee to perform duties away from the employee's
work building and requires the use of the employee's vehicle.
Section 4. Licensed Educational Leave
A. A licensed employee shall request two (2) weeks in advance for paid Educational
Leave up to forty (40) hours annually to participate in continuing education credit
courses. Approval for such educational leave shall be in the sole discretion of the
department manager.
B. In-service training and other required educational class/program shall not be
charged to an employee's educational leave and shall be scheduled to be as convenient
as possible for employees working on all shifts.
Section 5. Professional Development
A. Full-time and part-time licensed employees shall accrue at the rate of 1.4% of the
employee’s present rate of pay to a maximum of $1,500 to use for professional
development. Reimbursement shall be payable upon proof of successful completion of
the program. Advance approval for such professional development shall be in the sole
discretion of the department manager. Employee requests will be answered within
fourteen (14) calendar days of request Requests will not be unreasonably denied,
provided there are budgeted monies available. Approved requests will be paid in thirty
(30) calendar days.
B. Unused funds may accumulate to a maximum of $1,500. Professional
development funds shall not be convertible to cash upon termination of employment.
Section 6. Verification of Licenses and/or Certification
All Oroville Hospital employees who are required by law to be licensed and/ or
certified in the State of California must have a valid license and/ or certification prior to
performing work in such a job classification. Such employees are also expected to obtain
required renewals. An employee who does not maintain a proper license or registration
shall not be allowed to work nor receive pay until a valid license is obtained.
Section 7. Uniforms
The Employer shall furnish each employee who is required to wear a special type of
work clothes with a minimum of four (4) new uniforms upon employment and shall
replace uniforms yearly, or more often as working conditions dictate.
Section 8. Patient Care Committee
The Employer agrees to review, investigate and respond to complaints involving
Patient Care that are presented to the Employer by the Union's Patient Care Committee
unless such complaints are determined to be frivolous.
Section 9. Identification Badges
California State law requires that hospital employees wear identification badges, which
shall be provided by the Employer. The Employer agrees to replace employee
identification badges at no cost to the employee if damaged or illegible. Employees shall
be charged $5.00 to replace lost identification badges. Name badges will display
employee’s first name and initial of their last name only when requested.
Section 10. Providing Quality Patient Care
If, in the employee's best professional judgment, a patient assignment compromises the
safety and welfare of the patient and/or the employee, this assignment may be
questioned. The question should be raised to the immediate supervisor and, if not
brought to a satisfactory resolution, the appropriate chain of command should be
utilized to the highest authority. If the employee is required to take the assignment, the
employee shall fill out an "accept assignment against objection form."
Section 11. Cash Shortage and Breakage
There shall be no deductions from wages or any requirement of reimbursement from
the Employer for any cash shortage, breakage, or loss of equipment, unless it can be
shown that the shortage, breakage, or loss is caused by dishonest, willful, or grossly
negligent act.
Section 12. Re-Training Salary Reduction
Any employee who has completed the initial orientation into a new position who has
been counseled, first verbally and then in writing, over a six (6) month period for
documented performance problems, including customer service complaints, shall have
their rate of pay reduced by five (5%) percent for a period of six (6) weeks during which
time such employee will receive additional orientation, training and/ or customer
service training. After the six (6) week period and provided the employee has
demonstrated satisfactory performance in the specific areas for which the employee was
counseled, the employee will be placed back into the respective pay rate from which
they were reduced. Upon request, the Employer agrees to provide documentation and
proof of performance problems, including customer service problems, to the union.
The parties agreed that there shall be no lockouts, no strikes, including sympathy
strikes, nor interruptions or impeding of work during the term of this Agreement. No
officer or representative of the Employer or the Union shall authorize, instigate, aid or
condone any such activity. No employee shall participate in any such activities.
Should state or federal law compel the cancellation or modification of any provision of
this Agreement at any time during the term of the Agreement, it is agreed that such
provision shall thereupon be inoperative and the remaining provisions of the
Agreement shall continue to be valid and in full force and effect.
This agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors,
Administrators, executors, and assigns to the extent required under the NLRA.
The Employer shall give notice of the existence of this Agreement to any purchasers,
assignee, etc. Such notice shall be in writing with a copy to the Union no later than the
effective date for the sale, lease, or assignment.
The terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect through September
21, 2025. On or before (90) days prior to such termination date, either party hereto may
notify the other party in writing of its desire to negotiate the terms and provisions of a
successor agreement During such ninety (90) day period, the parties shall meet and
engage in such negotiations.
If neither party hereto gives notice to the other party of its desire to negotiate a
successor agreement prior to the termination date of this Agreement, as provided, this
Agreement shall automatically be renewed for successive one (1) year terms thereafter.
Any notice to be given under this Agreement shall be given by registered mail; and, if
by the Employer, be addressed to the United Steelworkers (USW), 1820 Galindo Street,
Concord, CA 94520 and if by the Union, to Oroville Hospital, 2767 Olive Highway,
Oroville, CA 95966. Either party may, by like written notice, change the address to
which registered mail notice to it shall be given.
Premium Cost Sharing Structure - Per Biweekly Pay Period Effective August 1, 2009
Oroville Hospital Contribution
Employee Contribution
Status Emp. Only
Emp. +1
Emp. Only
Emp. +1
Full Time $310.55 $581.66
$25.18 $123.38
72 - 79 Hours
$295.02 $552.58
$40.71 $152.46
64 - 71 Hours
$279.50 $523.49
$56.24 $181.54
56 - 63 Hours
$248.44 $465.33
$87.29 $239.29
48 - 55 Hours
$217.39 $407.16
$118.35 $297.87
40 - 47 Hours
$186.33 $349.00
$149.40 $356.04
Effective September 2022 on the first payday after the anniversary of the ratification.
Standard Wage Rate Ranges
Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
Resp. Care Pract. 336
Resp. Care Pract.-RRT 336
EEG Tech. 263
Reg. Echo Tech. 395
LVN 307
Histology Technologist 324
Lead Histology Technologist 338
Certified Histology Technician 329
Histology Technician 271
Clinical Lab Technician 271
LVN- Case Management 287
Lead Endo Procedural Tech 331
Endo Procedural Tech 317
Operating Room Tech. 297
Surgical Asst/Surgical Tech. 297
LVN Tech. 214
Dialysis Tech. 229
Pharmacy Tech. 258
Physical Therapy Assistant 308
Cert. Occupational Therapy Asst. 308
RadiologyTechnologist 365
Lead Radiology Technologist 379
Special Procedures Technologist 369
CT Technologist 386
Lead CT Technologist 400
Mammo Technologist 390
Lead Mammo Technologist 404
MRI Technologist 386
Ultrasound Tech. 395
Ultrasound Coordinator 409
Nuclear Med. Technologist 422
Nuclear Med. Coordinator 433
Lead IR/Cardiac Cath Lab Tech 417
Cardiac Cath Lab Technologist 403
Interventional Radiology Technologist 390
Step Increase: 3.00%
No Ins. 7.00%
PD 15.00%
Effective September 2023 on the first payday after the anniversary of the ratification.
Standard Wage Rate Ranges
Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
Resp. Care Pract. 340
Resp. Care Pract.-RRT 340
EEG Tech. 267
Reg. Echo Tech. 399
LVN 311
Histology Technologist 328
Lead Histology Technologist 342
Certified Histology Technician 333
Histology Technician 275
Clinical Lab Technician 275
LVN- Case Management 291
Lead Endo Procedural Tech 335
Endo Procedural Tech 321
Operating Room Tech. 301
Surgical Asst/Surgical Tech. 301
LVN Tech. 214
Dialysis Tech. 229
Pharmacy Tech. 262
Physical Therapy Assistant 312
Cert. Occupational Therapy Asst. 312
RadiologyTechnologist 369
Lead Radiology Technologist 383
Special Procedures Technologist 373
CT Technologist 390
Lead CT Technologist 404
Mammo Technologist 394
Lead Mammo Technologist 408
MRI Technologist 390
Ultrasound Tech. 399
Ultrasound Coordinator 413
Nuclear Med. Technologist 426
Nuclear Med. Coordinator 437
Lead IR/Cardiac Cath Lab Tech 421
Cardiac Cath Lab Technologist 407
Interventional Radiology Technologist 394
Step Increase: 3.00%
No Ins. 7.00%
PD 15.00%
Effective September 2024 on the first payday after the anniversary of the ratification.
Standard Wage Rate Ranges
Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
Resp. Care Pract. 344
Resp. Care Pract.-RRT 344
EEG Tech. 271
Reg. Echo Tech. 403
LVN 315
Histology Technologist 332
Lead Histology Technologist 346
Certified Histology Technician 337
Histology Technician 279
Clinical Lab Technician 279
LVN- Case Management 295
Lead Endo Procedural Tech 339
Endo Procedural Tech 325
Operating Room Tech. 305
Surgical Asst/Surgical Tech. 305
LVN Tech. 214
Dialysis Tech. 233
Pharmacy Tech. 266
Physical Therapy Assistant 316
Cert. Occupational Therapy Asst. 316
RadiologyTechnologist 373
Lead Radiology Technologist 387
Special Procedures Technologist 377
CT Technologist 394
Lead CT Technologist 408
Mammo Technologist 398
Lead Mammo Technologist 412
MRI Technologist 394
Ultrasound Tech. 403
Ultrasound Coordinator 417
Nuclear Med. Technologist 430
Nuclear Med. Coordinator 441
Lead IR/Cardiac Cath Lab Tech 425
Cardiac Cath Lab Technologist 411
Interventional Radiology Technologist 398
Step Increase: 3.00%
No Ins. 7.00%
PD 15.00%
This LVN In-House Registry Agreement, dated February 6, 2006, between Oroville
Hospital and the United Steelworkers (USW) shall be made a part of the Technical Unit
Basic Labor Agreement. The terms of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect
until discontinued by mutual agreement of the Parties hereto or the termination date of the
Technical Unit Basic Labor Agreement, whichever occurs first.
1) Eligibility:
a) In-House Registry (IHR) shifts are defined as shifts worked, at the request of
management, above a benefited employee's regularly scheduled status. All Licensed
Vocational Nurses (LVNs) who have signed this agreement are eligible to participate.
In order to be eligible for IHR shifts per diems LVNs must be scheduled eight (8)
shifts per pay period.
2) Guidelines:
a) IHR shifts are identified as such by the Vice President of Nursing Services or her/his
b) LVNs who agree to work an IHR shift shall be required to fulfill the work
requirement. In effect, once an LVN is scheduled for an IHR or has agreed to be
available for an IHR, the LVN cannot cancel the shift or the availability for the shift.
Only illness or a family emergency will excuse the LVN from the work commitment
c) An LVN who fails to meet the work requirement, for any reason, shall be disqualified
from participating in the IHR program for the remainder of the pay period, except in
the case of a "low census day" designated by the Employer.
d) IHR LVNs must be fully competent to work where the nursing shortage occurs. No
regularly scheduled LVN will be floated to another unit while an IHR LVN works in
the LVNs regular shift.
e) No regular scheduled staff will be canceled while IHR staff works.
f) Scheduled IHR shifts will be awarded to the LVN in accordance with item (g) below.
Once an IHR LVN is scheduled to work an IHR shift, she/he shall not be
bumped or displaced by another IHR LVN or by any other LVN. This is meant to
reward the LVNs who commit to extra work in advance.
g) If more than one (1) qualified LVN is available for the IHR shift or is willing to be
scheduled for an IHR shift, the work will be awarded as follows; 1) LVN who has
worked or is scheduled for the least number of IHR shifts during the pay period, and
2) seniority.
h) IHR shifts will be scheduled only after the work has been offered to all other
qualified LVN staff.
i) IHR LVNs who begin a shift shall be guaranteed a minimum of four (4) hours work
or equivalent pay.
j) IHR LVNs will receive pay for shifts worked under this program in a check that is
separate from the LVNs regular paycheck. The hours worked for IHR will be
recorded on an IHR timecard and will be calculated separately from regular hours
k) IHR shifts shall not count towards benefit accruals (retirement, vacation, sick leave or
insurance premiums).
1) An LVN must work all of her/his regularly scheduled shifts to quality for IHR pay. A
sick call will disqualify an LVN for any IHR shifts or pay even if the shift has already
been worked.
3) Compensation:
IHR LVNs shall receive a flat all inclusive rate of $42.17 per hour regardless of the shift
worked. This is a specialty rate based on 1.5 times a base rate of $28.11 ($28.11 x 1.5 =
$42.17). The rate of $ 42.17 shall be increased by 2.0% on both the first and second
anniversary dates of the Technical Unit Basic Labor Agreement. These increases shall
become effective on the first day of the pay period following each such anniversary date.
Employee Signature: ______________________________ Date: _________________________
Manager Signature: ________ ______________________ Date:.