Electric Heat Tracing
About These Instrucons
The installaon instrucons within this document
describe the installaon of Thermon trace heang
systems in typical piping applicaons and are suitable for
use with the exible trace heang products listed on this
These instrucons are not intended for mineral- insulated
(MI) trace heaters. Instrucons and documentaon
for other products and applicaons may be found at
For translaons of this document in languages other
than English, please contact Thermon. The English
language version of this document shall govern.
IMPORTANT: To maintain warranty coverage of the
trace heang system, the steps in these installaon
instrucons, including tesng, must be followed and
documented on the Installaon Report (page 12),
wherever required in the text.
Safety and Site Pracce
Installaon shall be carried out under the supervision
of a qualied person.
Persons involved in the installaon and tesng of
electric trace heang systems shall be suitably trained
in all special techniques required, including:
the purpose and funcon of the electrical trace
heang system,
its associated power supply and control equipment,
how to recognize and avoid the hazards associated
with its operaon and maintenance.
All personnel shall use all appropriate personal
protecve equipment (PPE), including protecve
clothing, to protect against potenal arc ash and
shock hazards.
All personnel shall comply with all applicable
safety and health guidelines, including Thermon
requirements, the regulaons outlined in the NEC and
CEC, and EN/IEC/IEEE 60079-30-2 for hazardous areas
(as applicable), and any other applicable naonal and
local electric codes.
During installaon, the trace heang system
parameters shall be veried. Tests shall be performed
in the eld and documented in the Installaon
Report (page 12) as instructed.
For insulated externally heated surfaces, lower T-class
systems may be obtained by ulizing stabilized designs or
controlled designs using methods described in IEC/IEEE/
EN 60079-30-1, Clause 4.5, using CompuTrace Electric Heat
Tracing Design Soware or by Thermon Engineering.
Types of Heang Cables
Self-Regulang Heang Cables:
BSX™ Self-Regulang Heang Cable
(refer to Form TEP0067)
RSX™ Self-Regulang Heang Cable
(refer to Form TEP0004)
KSX™ Self-Regulang Heang Cable
(refer to Form TEP0072)
HTSX™ Self-Regulang Heang Cable
(refer to Form TEP0074)
USX™ Self-Regulang Heang Cable
(refer to Form TEP0239)
VSX-HT™ Self-Regulang Heang Cable
(refer to Form TEP0208)
Power-Liming Heang Cable:
HPT™ Power-Liming Heang Cable
(refer to Form TEP0011)
Parallel Constant Wa Heang Cable:
FP Parallel Constant Wa Heang Cable
(refer to Form TEP0016)
Series Constant Wa Heang Cables:
TEK™ Series Constant Wa Heang Cable
(refer to Form TEP0021)
HTEK™ Series Constant Wa Heang Cable
(refer to Form TEP0022)
The Naonal Electric Code and Canadian
Electrical Code require ground-fault
protecon be provided for electric heat
tracing .
Trace Heang System Design
The design of electrical resistance trace heang
systems shall be overseen by persons knowledgeable
of trace heang, following the design methodology
for explosive atmospheres as specied by Thermon
Engineering or
CompuTrace Electric Heat Tracing
Design Soware.
For insulated externally heated surfaces, lower T-class
systems may be obtained by ulizing stabilized designs
or controlled designs using methods described in IEC/
IEEE/EN 60079-30-1, Clause 4.5, using CompuTrace
Electric Heat Tracing Design Soware or by Thermon
Engineering. The system design parameters, including
the resulng T-class, shall be retained as a record of
system documentaon for each design for at least
as long as the system is in use. The parameters in
the system documentaon shall be checked during
commissioning of the system.
Illustraon A: Typical Trace Heang Installaon
The stabilized design method may be used for self-
regulang, power-liming, and constant-wa heang
cables without a liming device.
Series heang cable output and T-rang are
dependent upon several variables, including supply
voltage, cable resistance, and temperature condions.
Complete Electric Heat Tracing System
A complete electric heat tracing system will typically
include the following components
1. Electric heat tracing cable
(self-regulang, power-
liming, parallel constant wa or series constant
2. Power connecon kit.
3. RTD sensor or control thermostat
4. In-line/T-splice kit (permits two or three cables to be
spliced together).
5. Cable end terminaon.
6. Aachment tape (use on 12” (30 cm) intervals or as
required by code or specicaon).
7. “Electric Heat Tracing” label (peel-and-sck label
aaches to insulaon vapor barrier on 10’ intervals
or as required by code or specicaon).
8. Thermal insulaon
and vapor barrier (by others).
The absence of any of these items can cause a system to
malfuncon or represent a safety hazard.
1 See Page 3 for trace heater types and references for approvals.
2 Power connecons must be used with correctly-installed cered
enclosures that are suitable for the applicaon (such as Terminator™).
When connecng cered terminals using associated accessories, the
required creepage distances and clearances shall be observed.
3 Temperature control is recommended for all freeze-protecon and
temperature-maintenance trace heang applicaons.
4 All heat-traced lines must be thermally insulated.
Upon Receiving the Trace Heater
1. Make sure that the correct type (including the correct
nominal power output and voltage level) has been
All exible trace heaters, of the types covered in this
document, are printed with the catalog number,
voltage rang and power output (in W/m or W/) on
the jacket. To verify the year of construcon, please
contact Thermon with the batch code number printed
on the trace heater jacket.
2. Record the reel number, reel length, trace heater
type, and nominal power output and voltage in the
Pre-Installaon secon of the Installaon Report
(page 12).
3. Visually inspect cable for any damage incurred
during shipment. Note any observed damage in the
Installaon Report.
4. Perform the Insulaon Resistance (IR) Test, described
on this page, to conrm the trace heaters electrical
integrity. Record the reading in the Installaon
5. Store the trace heater in a dry locaon.
Before Installing
Be sure all piping and equipment to be traced have
been completely installed and pressure-tested.
Ensure that all surface areas where the trace heater
is to be installed are reasonably clean. Remove any
dirt, rust, and scale with a wire brush. Remove oil and
grease lms with a suitable solvent.
De-energize power sources before installaon.
Keep ends of trace heaters and kit components dry
before and during the installaon.
Insulaon Resistance (IR) Tesng
The insulaon resistance (IR) test establishes the
electrical integrity of the trace heater. For the exible
trace heaters covered in this document, the IR test
should be performed with a megger capable of
delivering a voltage of at least 500 Vdc. It is strongly
recommended that polymeric insulated trace heaters
should be tested at 2500 Vdc.
1. If not done already, prepare the conductors of
the trace heater according to the instrucons
accompanying the power and end terminaon kit(s)
provided with the system.
2. Connect the meggers posive lead to the cable bus
wires, shorted together.
3. Connect the meggers negave lead to the metallic
4. Set the megger test voltage to at least 500 Vdc.
5. Energize the megger for 60 seconds.
6. Readings of at least 20 MΩ
are acceptable.
Readings below 20 MΩ usually
indicate that the electrical
insulaon of the trace heater
has been compromised.
Check the trace heater for
signs of physical damage
between the braid and the heang element. Small cuts
or scu marks on the outer jacket will not aect the
megger reading unless there is penetraon through the
braid and dielectric insulaon jacket.
Inial Trace Heater Installaon
Begin installing the trace heater at the proposed
end-of-circuit locaon, following the guidance in the
isometric system diagrams (if provided).
Lay out the trace heater on the pipe, at the 4 or 8
o’clock posion (Illustraon B), securing it ghtly
against the pipe with aachment tape. Wrap bands
of tape around the trace heater and pipe at intervals
of 12” (30 cm) or less, keeping the trace heater in
close contact with the pipe.
If accessibility is a problem, the trace heater may be
installed at the 10 or 2 o’clock posion.
Refer to Table 1 (page 7) to esmate the number of
rolls of aachment tape required, based on the pipe
length and diameter
A connuous covering of aluminum foil tape may
also be required under special circumstances,
where spray or foam
thermal insulaon will be
where nonmetallic piping is used, or
Proposed Power
Connecon Locaon
Cable Allowance for
In-Line Heat Sinks
Pipe Support
Illustraon C: Temporary Installaon
Notes . . .
1. Termination kits to fabricate a heat tracing circuit are not
addressed in detail in these installation procedures. Refer
to installation instructions included with cable termination
kits or contact Thermon for specific instructions to
fabricate heating cable.
Illustraon B: Heang Cable vs. Sensor Locaon
Heang Cable
Pipe Wall
Temperature Sensor
Single Cable Installaon Triple Cable InstallaonDual Cable Installaon
design requirements dictate the use of
aluminum tape.
Allow extra length of trace heater for power
connecons, splices, and any in-line heat sinks, such
as valves, anges, and supports (Illustraon C). See
page 7 and page 8 for details on how to
properly install the trace heater at these sites and
the allowance of trace heater required.
Install temperature sensors at least 90° away from
trace heater locaons.
series constant-wa trace heaters
(HTEK, TEK, TESH), do not allow the heang poron
of the trace heater to touch, cross over, or overlap
CAUTION: Do not exceed the trace heaters
specied minimum bend radius. Refer to products
specicaon sheets for the minimum bend radius of
a specic trace heater type.
1 Table 1 assumes circumferenal bands every 30 cm along the length of the
2 Verify that the curing temperature of the insulaon is less than the
exposure temperature of the trace heater.
Illustraon D: Pipe Elbow
Illustraon F: Pipe Flange
Heang Cable
Aachment Tape
Illustraon E: Uninsulated Pipe Support
Aachment Tape
12” Max.
(30 cm)
Note: Flange allowance will vary
based on method of insulang
ange and adjacent piping.
Aachment Tape
Heang Cable
3” Min.
(8 cm)
3” Min.
(8 cm)
Note . . .
1. Only applicable for pipe 50mm.
Circuit Layout on Support
Installaon on Elbows, Pipe Supports, and Flanges
Elbows: Locate the trace heater on the outside
radius of the elbow (Illustraon D). Secure the trace
heater to the pipe with aachment tape on each
side of the elbow.
Pipe Supports: For uninsulated pipe supports, allow
twice the length of the support, plus an addional 40
cm of trace heater. Install the trace heater in a loop,
following Illustraon E as a guide. Insulated pipe
supports do not require addional length of trace
Flanges: Loop the trace heater around the pipe
on each side of, and adjacent to, the ange
(Illustraon F). Be sure to keep the trace heater in
close contact with the ange throughout the length
of the bend.
Refer to Table 2 (page 8) for typical ange allowances.
Table 1: Aachment Tape (Value Represents Approximate Linear Pipe Length Allowance Per Roll)
Pipe Diameter in Inches
½"-1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 30"
36 yd 130' 115' 110' 95' 75' 65' 50' 40' 35' 30' 26' 23' 21' 19' 16' 13'
60 yd 215' 195' 180' 160' 125' 105' 80' 65' 55' 50' 43' 38' 35' 31' 27' 22'
Illustraon G: Typical Valve Detail
Installaon on Valves and Pumps
Valves, pumps, and other miscellaneous equipment
require addional passes of trace heater to oset the
increased heat loss that occurs at these sites.
Refer to the isometric system drawings, provided by
Thermon Engineering, for allowances specic to each
line and circuit.
Allowances for typical valves and pumps are provided
in Table 2.
Install the trace heaters using a looping technique,
using Illustraons G and H as a guide, such that the
valve or pump may be removed for required service
and maintenance.
Keep the trace heater in close contact with the pipe
and heat sink areas, to compensate for addional heat
Illustraon H: Typical Pump Detail
Heang Cable Serpenned on Pump
Single Circuit Layout on Valve
Mulple Circuit Layout on Valve
Heang Cable #1
Heang Cable #2
Heang Cable #3
Heang Cable #1
Heang Cable #3
Heang Cable #2
Heang Cable #1
Heang Cable #3
Heang Cable #2
Single Circuit Layout on Pump
Mulple Circuit Layout on Pump
Heang Cable #1
Heang Cable #2
Heang Cable #3
Heang Cable Serpenned on Valve
Table 2: Valve and Pump Allowances
Valve Allowance Pump Allowance
Screwed or
Flanged Buery Screwed Flanged
½" 6" 1' 0 1' 2' 1’ 3"
¾" 9" 1' 6" 0 1' 6" 3' 1’ 6"
1" 1' 2' 1' 2' 4' 1’ 6”
1¼" 1' 6" 2' 1' 3' 4' 6" 2’ 0"
1½" 1' 6" 2' 6" 1' 6" 3' 5' 2’ 0"
2" 2' 2' 6" 2' 4' 5' 6" 2’ 3"
3" 2' 6" 3' 6" 2' 6" 5' 7' 2’ 3"
4" 4' 5' 3' 8' 10' 2’ 9"
6" 7' 8' 3' 6" 14' 16' 3’ 3"
8" 9' 6" 11' 4' 19' 22' 3’ 9"
10" 12' 6" 14' 4' 25' 28' 4’ 3"
12" 15' 16' 6" 5' 30' 33' 5’ 0"
14" 18' 19' 6" 5' 6" 36' 39' 5’ 6"
16" 21' 6" 23' 6' 43' 46' 6’ 0"
18" 25' 6" 27' 6' 6" 51' 54' 6’ 6"
20" 28' 6" 30' 7' 57' 60' 7’ 3"
24" 34' 36' 8' 68' 72' 8’ 3"
30" 40' 42' 10' 80' 84' 10’ 0"
1. The valve allowance given is the total amount of addional cable to be
installed on the valve. If mulple tracers are used, total valve allowance
may be divided among the individual tracers. The total valve allowance
may be alternated among tracers for mulple valves in a heat trace circuit.
Allowances are for 150 pound valves. More cable is required for higher
rated valves. Refer to heat trace isometric drawing for project specic
Compleng the Trace Heater Installaon
1. Secure the end-of-circuit terminaon kit and work
back toward the power supply (Illustraon I).
2. Keep the trace heater in secure contact with the pipe,
using bands of aachment tape at least every 30 cm.
3. Secure any required temperature sensors to the pipe
using aachment tape.
4. Complete any required splice connecons in
accordance with the installaon instrucons provided
with the splice kit.
5. Install any power connecon kits in accordance with
the detailed installaon instrucons provided with the
Installing Thermal Insulaon
Properly installed and well-maintained thermal
insulaon is crical to the performance of the trace
heang system. Without proper insulaon, heat losses
are generally too high to be oset by a convenonal heat
tracing system.
1. Properly insulate all heat sinks, including pipe
supports, hangers, anges, and in most cases, valve
2. Install a protecve vapor barrier over the insulaon,
regardless of the type or thickness of insulaon
used. The vapor barrier protects the insulaon from
moisture intrusion and physical damage and ensures
the proper performance of the trace heang system.
3. Seal all penetraons around the vapor barrier.
4. Aer ensuring that the insulaon is weather-ght,
document the compleon of the insulaon in the
Aer Installaon of Thermal Insulaon secon of the
Installaon Report
(page 12).
Aer Installing Thermal Insulaon
The presence of trace heaters shall be made evident
by posng of cauon signs or markings at appropriate
locaons and/or at frequent intervals along the circuit.
1. Apply the provided peel-and-sck “Electric Heat
Tracing - Cauon” labels along the pipe, on the
outermost surface of the thermal insulaon or vapor
barrier, at intervals of 3 m or less.
2. Apply the cauon labels at any other appropriate
locaons, such as valves.
6. Connect the metallic braid of the trace heater to a
suitable earthing/ground terminal.
7. Before compleng the power connecons, perform
an Insulaon Resistance (IR) Test (page 5) and record
the result in the Aer Installaon secon of the
Installaon Report (page 12). The recorded value
shall not be less than 20 MΩ.
8. Record the line number and all other associated
circuit informaon in the Aer Installaon secon of
the Installaon Report.
Illustraon I: Final Cable Aachment
Proposed End of Circuit
Aachment Tape
Proposed Power Supply
Installaon Guidelines for Fire Protecon Systems
1. Where above ground water-filled supply pipes, risers,
system risers or feed mains pass through open areas, cold
rooms, passageways, or other areas exposed to freezing
temperatures, the pipe shall be protected against freezing
in accordance with NPFA 13, "Standard for the Installaon of
Sprinkler Systems".
2. Thermon's BSX Self-Regulang Heang Cables are approved
for use on Fire Protecon System Piping feed mains, risers, and
cross mains. This applicaon approval includes piping which
connects between buildings in unheated areas, piping located
in unheated areas or piping through coolers or freezers. As
with all heat traced piping systems, thermal insulaon is
required to ensure the heang system can compensate for
heat losses.
3. In accordance with IEEE 515.1 guidelines, the use of ambient
sensing control with low temperature and continuity
monitoring as a minimum for all re protecon piping heat
tracing systems is required. Thermon recommends the
use of the Thermon TCM2 electronic controller for these
applicaons, having capability of annunciang the following
faults/alarms locally as well as remotely:
Ground / Earth fault
Low temperature
High temperature
Sensor failure
Controller failure
Low current
Circuit fault
High temperature limit controller, if provided.
4. Pipe secons that lie in dierent ambient condions (e.g.
inside the building (heated areas) and outside the building)
should not be under the same temperature control zone.
5. The heat tracing system shall be designed to maintain the
pipe temperatures between 4°C and 38°C, or if necessary for
the installaon, an addional 'Hi Temp' limit sensor should be
included to limit the runaway pipe temperature within 55°C
or 8°C below the sprinkler temperature rang, whichever is
lower. A low-temperature alarm with contacts for a remote
annunciaon shall be provided for each re sprinkler line trace
heang circuit with a set-point of 2°C.
6. The alarms of sprinkler system temperature/electrical
control shall be connected to a re detecon alarm system
7. Both of the two basic sprinkler system types i.e. wet (where
the branch lines are always lled with water) and dry type
(where the sprinkler head/sensor acvates the upstream
control valve) require heat tracing for the branch lines up to
the sprinkler head. In case of dry type, the tracing is meant
to keep the empty branch pipes above freezing point, so that
Feed Main
Branch Line
Cross Main
Thermon TCM2
Cold Room
Branch Lines—The pipes in which the sprinklers are placed, either
directly or through risers.
Cross Mains—The pipes supplying the branch lines, either
directly or through risers.
Feed Mains—The pipes supplying cross mains, either directly
or through risers.
Risers—The vercal supply pipes in a sprinkler system.
when upstream control valve operates the pipe body does not
cool down the incoming water.
8. Trace heating systems for fire sprinkler systems shall be
permanently connected to the power supply.
9. The heat tracer braid shall be connected to earth / ground
terminal at every terminaon and suitable external grounding.
10. If backup power is being provided for the building electrical
systems, it shall also provide backup power supply for the
trace heang system or equivalent.
Final Inspecon
1. Aer installing the thermal insulaon and vapor
repeat the IR test to verify that the trace heater has
not been damaged during installaon. Record the IR
in the Aer Installaon of Thermal Insulaon
secon of the Installaon Report (page 12).
2. For Series Heang Cables, measure the electric loop
resistance and record the resistance values
in the
Installaon Report.
3. Ensure that all juncon boxes, temperature
controllers, cable glands, etc., are properly secured.
4. If a temperature controller is used, force the circuit on
and energize the circuit at the rated voltage.
5. Aer 5 minutes, measure the voltage, current, pipe
temperature, and ambient temperature. Record these
values in the Final Commissioning secon of the
Installaon Report.
6. If a control device is used, verify its sengs to ensure
that the maximum surface temperature does not
exceed the system T-rang, in accordance with IEC/
IEEE/EN 60079-30-1, Clause 4.
Documentaon Retenon
The trace heang system documentaon shall be
retained for each trace heang circuit for as long as the
system is in use. This includes:
System Design Parameters And T-Class
Isometric Circuit Diagrams
Maintenance Records
Operang History
These Instrucons
All Other Documentaon Provided By Thermon
Circuit Protecon Requirements
Each branch circuit must use over-current protecon
that isolates all appropriate power conductors from
the supply (typically circuit breakers).
Ground fault equipment protecon is required for
each circuit.
For typical installaons (with TT and TN grounding
systems), the means of protecon must include a
residual current protecve device for each branch
For xed-level earth/ground-fault circuit interrupters,
a minimum 30 mA trip level is recommended. The
preferred trip level for adjustable devices is 30 mA
above any inherent capacive leakage characterisc of
the heater, as specied by Thermon Engineering.
Where condions of maintenance and supervision
ensure that only qualied persons will service the
installed systems, and connued circuit operaon is
necessary for the safe operaon of the equipment
or processes, ground-fault detecon without
interrupon is acceptable if alarmed in a manner to
assure an acknowledged response.
For IT grounding systems, a means of protecon
against ground faults is required that includes an
electrical insulaon monitoring device that shall
disconnect the supply whenever the electrical
resistance is not greater than 50 ohms/volt of rated
Installaon Report
Project Informaon
Project No. Installer
Unit No.
Customer Reference No. Inspector
Thermon Reference No.
Reel No. Insulaon Resistance (IR)
Reel Length
m/ Single-Phase: MΩ/GΩ
Trace Heater Type
(for Series
Trace Heaters):
Power Output (nom.)
Voltage (nom.)
Notes Tested By/Date
Witnessed By/Date
Aer Installaon
Line No. Braid Connected to Ground?
Equipment No. Unused Entries Plugged O?
Circuit/Heater No. Insulaon Resistance (IR)
Circuit Switch No.
Single-Phase: MΩ/GΩ
Thermostat No.
(for Series
Trace Heaters):
Juncon Box No. L
Panel No. L
Breaker No.
Trace Heater Line Length
Notes Tested By/Date
Witnessed By/Date
Aer Installaon of Thermal Insulaon
Insulaon Weather-Tight? Insulaon Resistance (IR)
Cauon Labels Placed?
Single-Phase: MΩ/GΩ
Electrical Loop
Series Trace Heaters)
(for Series
Trace Heaters):
Notes Tested By/Date
Witnessed By/Date
Final Commissioning
Perform nal measurements aer energizing circuit for 5 minutes.
Ambient Temperature
Pipe Temperature
Notes Tested By/Date
Witnessed By/Date
NOTE: All Insulaon Resistance (IR) values shall be at least 20
MΩ for a successful installaon.
Troubleshoong Guide
This troubleshoong guide aims to help to diagnose and
resolve many issues on-site.
Many problems with electric trace heang systems can
be aributed to two causes:
Wet, damaged, or missing insulaon. Visually inspect
the insulaon along the enre length of the circuit,
making sure that it is intact and dry throughout.
Physical damage incurred from recent repairs and
maintenance to any in-line or nearby equipment.
Symptom Possible Cause Remedy
No heat/no current Loss of power/voltage Check the circuit breaker and electrical
Controller setpoint too low Verify/adjust setpoint
High-temperature limit switch acvated May require manual reset to re-enable
trace heang circuit
“Open” series heang circuit Repair or replace circuit
Controller failure Repair sensor or controller
Before maintenance, repair, or modicaon
CAUTION: Consult the trace heang system
documentaon prior to maintenance, repair, or
1. Idenfy the circuit or equipment to be de-energized
and all possible sources of electrical energy supplies
to the specic circuit and equipment.
2. De-energize all power sources.
3. Apply lockout/tagout devices according to established
4. Test for the absence of voltage with an approved
voltmeter (where the voltmeter is tested on a known
circuit voltage prior to and immediately following
5. For protecon against the accidental energizing of
supply conductors, apply temporary jumpers rated
for the available fault duty between each supply
conductor and earth/ground.
NOTE: In the event of an ground fault or over-current
interrupon, devices shall not be reset unl the cause of
the trip has been invesgated by qualied personnel.
Aer maintenance, repair, or modicaon
1. Test the operaon of each aected circuit.
2. The insulaon resistance of the trace heater shall be
measured and recorded and shall not be less than 20
3. Visually verify that all circuit-disconnect devices are
open before reconnecng power.
Maintenance and Repair
Once the system has been successfully installed, an
ongoing prevenve maintenance program should be
implemented, using qualied personnel. The trace
heang system should be inspected and tested on a
regular basis, at least once per year.
Keep records of the operang and maintenance
history for each circuit, including all test results
performed during maintenance and inspecon.
Record-keeping during scheduled maintenance will
help to establish a “normal” range of operaon.
Insulaon resistance readings that deviate from the
normal range may indicate problems with a circuit.
If the system fails any test, refer to the
troubleshoong guide below to address the issue.
De-energize the aected circuits and make the
necessary repairs immediately.
Other possible causes are listed below, with their
symptoms and potenal remedies.
If any circuit is suspected to be damaged, de-energize
the circuit and perform the Insulaon Resistance Test
outlined on page 5.
Readings below 20 MΩ indicate that
the trace heater may be physically damaged.
Symptom Possible Cause Remedy
Low system temperature Controller setpoint too low Verify/adjust setpoint
Temperature sensor located too close
to trace heater or other heat source;
may be accompanied by excessive
cycling of control relays/contacts
Relocate sensor
Insulaon material and/or thickness
dierent than designed
Replace insulaon; increase insulaon
thickness (if dry); review design
Ambient temperature lower than
Install higher-output trace heater; increase
insulaon thickness; review design
Low voltage (check at power
connecon point)
Adjust voltage to meet design
Low temperature in
Wet, damaged, or missing insulaon Repair or replace insulaon and barrier
Trace heater damaged Repair or replace secon; splice kits are
available from Thermon
Heat sinks (valves, pumps, pipe
supports, etc.)
Insulate heat sinks or increase passes of
tracing on heat sinks
Signicant changes in elevaon along
length of the heat-traced pipe
Consider dividing heang circuit into
separate, independently controlled
High system
Controller “on” connuously Adjust setpoint or replace sensor
Controller fails with contacts closed Replace sensor or controller
Sensor located on uninsulated pipe or
too close to heatsink
Relocate sensor to an area representave
of condions along length of pipe
Backup heang circuit controller “on”
Adjust setpoint or replace backup
Excessive cycling Temperature sensor located too close
to trace heater or other heat source;
may be accompanied by low system
Relocate sensor
Ambient temperature near controller
Temporarily alter controller setpoint
Connected voltage too high Lower voltage
Trace heater output too high
Install lower-output trace heater or lower
the voltage
Controller dierenal too narrow Widen the dierenal or replace controller
to avoid premature contact failure
Temperature variaons
along pipe
Inconsistent trace heater installaon
along pipe
Check consistency of trace heater
installaon, especially at heat sinks
Inconsistent trace heater performance Compare calculated power per unit length
(W x A/length) for the measured pipe
temperature with designed trace heater
output for the same temperature; regional
damage to trace heater can cause paral
Unancipated ow paerns or process
operang temperatures
Redistribute heang circuits to
accommodate exisng ow paerns;
conrm process condions
1 Flexible, polymer-jacketed trace heaters (such as those covered in this document) may be eld-spliced. Mineral-insulated (MI) trace heaters typically require
2 Mechanical thermostat sensors cannot be repaired or replaced. RTD and thermocouple sensors may be replaced. Some controllers have replaceable contacts/
relays or may require a manual reset if a “trip-o” condion was detected.
3 Before making any changes to system parameters, consult Thermon for the impact on trace heater performance.
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© Thermon, Inc. • Printed in U.S.A. • Informaon subject to change.
Form PN50207-0220