Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
Arizona Auditor General Revised 6/24 Page 1 of 33
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona
School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
Governing board/management procedures
Accounting records
Cash and revenue
Supplies inventory
Property control
Credit cards and purchasing cards (p‐card)
Classroom Site Fund
Financial reporting
Student attendance reporting
Information technology (IT)
Transportation support
Records management
General long‐term debt
Arizona Auditor General Revised 6/24 Page 2 of 33
Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §15-271 requires the Arizona Auditor General to inform any school
district failing to establish and maintain the requirements prescribed by the Uniform System of Financial
Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) that it has 90 days to correct the cited deficiencies. The
USFR prescribes the minimum internal control policies and procedures to be used by Arizona school
districts for accounting, financial reporting, budgeting, attendance reporting, and various other
compliance requirements. To help the Arizona Auditor General determine whether a district has attained
an acceptable degree of compliance with USFR requirements, the audit firm must complete this USFR
Compliance Questionnaire (Questionnaire).
A.R.S. §§15-213(F) and 15-914(G) require districts to have a systematic review of their purchasing
practices and average daily membership (ADM), respectively, performed in conjunction with their annual
or biennial financial audit to determine whether the district complied with the applicable State of Arizona
procurement and student attendance laws and rules. Auditor completion of the Procurement and
Student attendance reporting Questionnaire sections constitutes the required systematic reviews.
Audit firms must gain an understanding of the district’s internal controls and obtain and document
sufficient, appropriate evidence annually to support each Questionnaire response. These instructions,
the Questionnaire questions, and the required review procedures constitute the minimum audit
standards for completing the Questionnaire. Required review procedures are included in the
Questionnaire and in the “tooltip” next to applicable questions in the web-based auditor submission
Questionnaire. The Arizona Auditor General may reject Questionnaires that are not prepared in
compliance with the minimum audit standards.
Audit documentation must describe the procedures performed, items reviewed, and the results of
such procedures and reviews to support the auditor’s Questionnaire responses and related
Evidence may be obtained through test work, observation, examination, and client assertion.
However, client assertion alone is not adequate evidence to support “Yes” responses on the
The audit firm must determine the district reviewed documents and transactions and provided
sufficient evidence of approval including manual or electronic signatures or initials and date of
Audit firms must consider population size in determining the number of items to test (i.e., sample,
scan, review, examine, or observe), and the items selected should be representative of the
population. Therefore, testing 1 transaction, record, or item is not sufficient. The Credit cards and
purchasing cards, Procurement, and Student attendance reporting Questionnaire sections
prescribe minimum sample sizes for specific questions. Population and samples sizes used for test
work should be entered in the fields provided next to the applicable questions throughout the
A “Yes” response indicates that the audit firm has determined that the district complied with the
USFR for that question based on auditor obtained evidence. Several review procedures allow for
auditors to determine whether the district implemented compensating controls when recommended
USFR procedures could not be implemented due to limited staff size. When compensating controls
are found, auditors should answer the question “Yes” and describe in the comments the
compensating controls in place to meet the question’s objective. However, the Arizona Auditor
General makes the final determination of compliance with the USFR based on the evidence
presented in the Questionnaire, audit reports, audit documentation, and any other sources of
information available.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
Arizona Auditor General Revised 6/24 Page 3 of 33
A “No” response indicates the district did not comply with the USFR for that question. Audit firms
must explain the district’s deficiency noted for all No” responses in the comment box below the
question. Deficiencies must be described in sufficient detail to enable the Arizona Auditor General to
determine the nature and significance of the deficiency for:
(a) assessing compliance with the USFR,
(b) appropriately describing the deficiency in a report, and
(c) testing compliance during a status review.
The description should include the number of items tested and the number of exceptions noted,
dollar amount of the error, and any other relevant information that would provide context for the
deficiency. For deficiencies related to processes required at regular intervals such as monthly bank
reconciliations, the description should adequately describe whether the district’s processes did not
meet required intervals or were not completed at all.
Each deficiency comment should specifically describe how the district did not meet the USFR
requirement described in the related question.
Cash and revenues questions apply to all the district’s cash and revenue, including food service,
auxiliary operations, extracurricular activities fees tax credit, and student activities receipts and bank
accounts. Comments for “No” responses to these questions should indicate the type of receipt or
bank account to which the deficiency applies.
An “N/A” response indicates the district did not have activity related to the USFR requirements for
that question. The audit firm must explain all “N/A” responses in the comment box below the
question, unless the reason for the N/A is obvious.
The questions in the Questionnaire do not address all requirements of the USFR. If the audit firm is
aware of noncompliance with a requirement of the USFR that is not addressed in the Questionnaire,
including the Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.), Title 7, Ch. 2, Articles 10 and 11, (School District
Procurement Rules) and the Arizona Department of Education’s (ADE) membership and attendance
guidelines, the audit firm should include the compliance findings in its reports issued in accordance with
Governmental Auditing Standards and Title 2 U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Part 200, Uniform
Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform
Guidance), as applicable.
The audit firm must make the resulting audit documentation supporting the audit firm’s Questionnaire
responses and comments available on request for the Arizona Auditor General and the ADE’s review. To
facilitate this review, the audit firm should include in the audit documentation a copy of the Questionnaire
with references to the audit procedures performed for each question.
Once the audit firm has completed, reviewed, and signed the Questionnaire, it must submit it
electronically to the Arizona Auditor General by following the instructions at the end of the web-based
auditor submission Questionnaire. Audit firms should print the file to PDF to create the Questionnaire
document to distribute to the district. As required by A.R.S. §15- 914(D), the district must submit the
completed Questionnaire with the audit reporting package to the district’s county school
superintendent’s office and ADE.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
Arizona Auditor General
Revised 6/24
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Governing board/management proceduresArizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) §38-503
Objective: To determine whether the governing board and District management have established and implemented certain procedures as required by statute.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District held governing board meetings in accordance with
A.R.S. §§38-431 through 38-431.09, and prepared and retained
written minutes and/or recordings.
Determine the District:
Included a statement on its website describing where all public notices of their
meetings were posted, including the physical and electronic locations, and gave
additional public notice as is reasonable and practicable for all meetings and
maintained documentation to support all meeting notices were posted on its website.
A.R.S. §38-431.02(A)(2)
Posted public meeting notices and agendas at least 24 hours before the meeting.
A.R.S. §38-431.02(C) and (G)
Provided for the taking of written minutes or a recording of all public meetings,
including executive sessions, and made the minutes or recording available for public
inspection no later than 3 working days after the meeting except as otherwise
specifically provided by statute. A.R.S. §§38-431.01(C),(D), and (E) and 38-431.03
The District annually provided governing board members and
employees guidance on what constitutes a substantial interest and
that the conflict-of-interest statutes apply to all District governing
board members and employees as a part of their employment.
A.R.S. §§38-502, 38-503 and 38-509
Determine the District maintained:
Documentation to support the guidance provided.
A list of those who received the guidance and the date it was provided.
The District annually obtained conflict-of-interest (COI) forms that
allowed governing board members and employees to make known
and fully disclose a conflict of interest in any contract, sale,
purchase, service, or decision, and prior to accepting the forms,
management reviewed the information to ensure governing board
members and employees properly completed the form and
sufficiently disclosed the required information. A.R.S. §§38-502 and
Review the COI forms obtained from the governing board members and employees and
Management’s review of COI forms was documented on each signed form or in the
District’s official governing board meeting minutes.
If a conflict was disclosed, the form described the nature of the interest/conflict as
required by statute to allow district management to consider the conflict’s potential
impact on district decisions.
If no conflict was disclosed, determine the form included a signed statement of no
The District maintained, for public inspection, a special file with all
documents necessary to memorialize all governing board members
and employees COI disclosures. A.R.S. §38-509
Determine all COI forms and related documents are maintained in one special file and the
file is publicly available electronically or in hard copy.
Employees or governing board members with reported conflicts,
except as provided in A.R.S. §15-323, refrained from voting upon or
otherwise participating in any manner in that contract, sale,
purchase, service, or decision of the school district. A.R.S.
§§38-502 and 38-503(A)(B)
If an employee or governing board member disclosed a conflict, determine:
The governing board member or employee with the conflict refrained from
participating in any decision-making processes related to the conflict.
Disclosed conflicts were considered in relation to district procurement decisions and
contract awards.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
Arizona Auditor General
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The District’s management notified the Arizona Auditor General and
appropriately resolved all allegations of theft, fraud, or misuse of
District monies and assets in a timely manner.
Determine management’s action to resolve all allegations of theft, fraud, or misuse of
district monies or assets by inquiries of District staff, review of governing board minutes,
search of local media coverage, and results of audit test work, including examining
copies of the incident reports or communicating with investigative agencies for known
If the audit firm determines that district management was aware of allegations but did
not appropriately resolve them in a timely manner (e.g., no action was taken; actions
were not documented; actions were delayed, inadequate, or inappropriate to the
circumstances), the audit firm should answer the question “No.” This includes
instances where an external investigation is underway for allegations but district
management did not request the investigation, was not fully cooperating with the
investigators, or was not otherwise attempting to resolve the allegations.
If the audit firm determines that district management was not aware of any allegations
the question should be answered “N/A.”
If the audit firm finds evidence of theft, fraud, or misuse of district assets but does not
find evidence that district management was aware of the possible theft, fraud, or
misuse, the audit firm should report the incident to the Arizona Auditor General and
answer this question “N/A.”
If the audit firm finds that the district appropriately resolved allegations of theft, fraud,
or misuse and notified the Auditor General answer this question “Yes” and include a
summary of the allegation and action taken by District management in the comments.
Also consider if the district’s internal controls failed to prevent or detect the theft,
fraud, or misuse and include a deficiency in the USFR compliance area where the
control failed.
The governing board established written personnel and payroll
policies and approved employee contracts, wage agreements,
salary and wage schedules, and any other agreed-upon terms of
Employee pay rate documentation or employment contracts were governing board
District policies and employee pay rate forms or contracts documented all agreed-
upon terms of employment, including the number of paid holidays provided to hourly
employees, and the number of workdays, number of paid holidays, and the number
of hours to be worked per day for contract employees.
The governing board appointed a student activities treasurer and, if
applicable, assistant student activities treasurers. A.R.S. §15-1122
Review the governing board minutes to determine the required appointments were
completed annually or as necessary for staff changes.
The governing board received monthly Student Activities Fund
Reports of Cash Receipts, Disbursements, Transfers, and Cash
Balances that were accurately prepared. A.R.S. §15-1123
Sample the Student Activities reports to determine if they were accurately prepared and
presented monthly to the governing board.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
Arizona Auditor General
Revised 6/24
Page 6 of 33
The governing board approved student clubs’ and organizations’
fund-raising events. A.R.S. §15-1121 and AG Opinion I84-018
For the deposits sampled in CR11, determine the governing board gave prior approval
for student activities events. Indicate in the comments any events that included raffles,
bingo, or other forms of gambling, which are not legal events for student clubs.
The governing board obtained voter approval to construct buildings
and purchase or lease school sites, unless otherwise exempted by
A.R.S. §15-342(25).
BudgetingUSFR IV
Objective: To determine whether the District’s budget preparation processes ensure that the District properly allocates the monies it receives, stays within those budgets,
and accurately informs the public about the use of those monies.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The budget included all funds as required by A.R.S. §15-905 and
followed the form’s BudgetSubmission and Publication
If no, list the budget requirements that the District did not complete or complete timely,
such as:
Prepared budgets for all funds.
Prepared proposed budget and provided notice of public hearing prior to proposing
the budget no later than July 5.
Followed truth in taxation requirements and posted required information, if applicable.
Adopted budget by July 15.
Met publishing requirements including providing a link on their website to budget
documents on ADE’s website.
Total budgeted expenditures on the originally adopted budget for
the Maintenance and Operation (M&O) and Unrestricted Capital
Outlay Funds (UCO) were less than or equal to the budgeted
amounts on the published proposed budget and within the general
budget limit (GBL) and the unrestricted capital budget limit (UCBL).
A.R.S. §15-905(E)
The District revised its budget on or before December 15, if ADE
notified the District that its M&O or UCO Fund budgeted
expenditures exceeded the GBL or UCBL. A.R.S. §15-905(E)
Review the District’s BUDG-25 Budget Verification letter and any subsequent
information from ADE and determine the District appropriately revised its M&O or
UCO Fund budgeted expenditures to be within the GBL or UCBL, as applicable.
Verified the District followed the notice and publication requirements described in
A.R.S. §15-905(C) and (D) if the M&O or UCO Fund budgeted expenditures exceed
the GBL or UCBL by more than 1 percent of the GBL.
Verified the District submitted the revised budget to ADE by December 18.
N/A for districts whose BUDG-25 letter did not indicate a revision was required.
The District completed its revised expenditure budget before
May 15 and filed it electronically with the Superintendent of
Public Instruction by May 18. A.R.S. §15-905(I)
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
Arizona Auditor General
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The District reduced the budget by the prior year’s overexpenditure
(or a portion of the prior year’s overexpenditure, as approved by the
Superintendent of Public Instruction) or the District began the
process to correct its prior year’s data that impacts state-aid and/or
budget capacity. A.R.S. §§15-905(M) and 15-915
Accounting recordsUSFR VI-B
Objective: To determine whether the District accurately maintains accounting records to provide support for financial information. Test work should indicate the procedures
performed to document what processes and controls the District has in place to reduce the risk of undiscovered errors that would affect the reliability of information
reported to the public and oversight agencies, such as tracing detailed source documents to the District’s trial balance that agree to the financial statements.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District coded transactions in accordance with the USFR Chart
of Accounts.
For transactions auditors sample for test work from accounting records, expenditures,
travel, credit cards, journal entries, property control, payroll, and Classroom Site Fund
(CSF), determine transactions were coded properly.
The District sequentially numbered journal entries and retained
supporting documentation and evidence that journal entries were
signed, dated, and approved by someone other than the preparer.
Determine that the procedures used to initiate, authorize, record, and process journal
entries in the general ledger were properly separated among the staff. If adequate
separation was not possible due to the District’s limited staff size, determine that
management established alternate procedures that adequately control the risk of
unauthorized transactions.
Scan the journal entry report or otherwise determine the journal entries are
sequentially numbered.
Sample adjusting journal entries to determine journal entries were properly supported
and approved, signed, and dated by someone other than the preparer.
Indicate the total number of adjusting journal entries that were posted during the fiscal
year in the field provided.
The District transferred monies only between funds listed in the
USFR §III Chart of AccountsAuthorized Transfers.
Sample transfers to determine they were allowable. Fund transfers- in should be
coded under other financing sources object code 5200. Fund transfers-out should be
coded under other financing uses object code 6930 or other financing uses object
code 6910 when transferring to the Indirect Cost Fund. For each operating fund
transfer-in, there should be a corresponding fund transfer-out.
Indicate in the comments if the District recorded an unauthorized transfer instead of
making a journal entry to correct an accounting error.
Indicate the total number of transfers that were posted during the fiscal year in the
field provided.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
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Page 8 of 33
The District documented and dated a monthly review of financial
transactions the county school superintendent (CSS) initiated (i.e.,
revenue postings or journal entries) for propriety, and properly
researched and resolved any differences.
The District documented and dated its monthly review of revenue postings and
journal entries the CSS initiated, including documenting the resolution of any
inaccuracies noted in the review. USFR page VI-B-8
The reviews were completed by someone independent of recording transactions in
the District’s accounting records.
N/A for Accounting Responsibility Districts.
The District reconciled cash balances by fund monthly with the CSS
or county treasurer’s records, as applicable, and properly
supported, documented, and dated the reconciliations.
If the CSS was reconciled to the county treasurer, that the District reconciled its funds’
cash balances to the CSS, researched and resolved any differences, and
documented and dated such reconciliation. USFR page VI-B-8
If the CSS was NOT reconciled to the county treasurer or the District had assumed
accounting responsibility, that the District reconciled its funds’ cash balances to the
county treasurer and researched and resolved any differences, and documented and
dated such reconciliation. USFR page VI-B-8
The reconciliations to the CSS/county treasurer were completed by someone
independent of recording transactions in the District’s accounting records.
The District reconciled total revenues, expenditures, expenses, and
cash balances (as applicable) by fund, program, function, and
object code at least at fiscal year-end with the CSS and the
reconciliation was reviewed and properly supported.
The District’s reconciling differences were researched, resolved, documented, and
dated. USFR page VI-B-8
The reconciliations to the CSS were completed by someone independent of recording
transactions in the District’s accounting records.
N/A for Accounting Responsibility Districts.
Cash and revenueUSFR VI-C, F, X-G and X-H
Objective: To determine whether the District maintained controls over cash transactions to safeguard monies, protect employees involved in handling monies from
accusations of misuse, and reduce the risk of theft or loss. Test work for cash and revenue should document how the processes work, employees involved in those
processes, and how the processes were verified.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District maintained only authorized bank accounts as listed in
the USFR and did not have any inactive bank accounts.
Discuss with the District and obtain bank statements for all bank accounts the District
has access to and determine the District included the activity of all identified bank
accounts in its accounting records.
In the comments, list all bank accounts that are not authorized in the USFR or that are
inactive, indicating the account name, June 30 balance, purpose, and active or inactive
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
Arizona Auditor General
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Page 9 of 33
The District used an M&O Fund revolving bank account in
accordance with A.R.S. §15-1101.
The M&O Fund revolving bank account was maintained at an allowable amount,
approved by the governing board, and operated by the District on an imprest basis.
All reimbursements for revolving bank account expenditures were made by June 30
so that expenditures were reported in the proper accounting period.
The expenditures were only for immediate cash outlay.
The District refrained from paying taxable travel reimbursements, salaries, and wages
from the account.
The District used miscellaneous receipts clearing bank account(s) in
accordance with A.R.S. §15-341(A)(20).
Disbursements were made only by electronic payment or check payable to the county
treasurer at least monthly.
The account was cleared at year-end to ensure revenues were recorded in the proper
accounting period.
For deficiencies, describe in the comments any months where the disbursements were
not completed versus completed late and the uncleared account balance at year-end, if
The District used a Food Service Fund clearing bank account(s) in
accordance with USFR page X-F-5 and Arizona Attorney General
Opinion I60-35.
Disbursements were made only by electronic payment or check payable to the county
treasurer at least monthly.
The account was cleared at year-end to ensure revenues were recorded in the proper
accounting period.
For deficiencies, describe in the comments any months where the disbursements were
not completed versus completed late and the uncleared account balance at year-end, if
The District used a Food Service Fund revolving bank account in
accordance with A.R.S. §15-1154.
The Food Service Fund revolving account was maintained at an amount approved by
the governing board that did not exceed $500 and operated by the District on an
imprest basis.
All reimbursements for revolving bank account expenditures were made by June 30
so that expenditures were reported in the proper accounting period.
The District used an Auxiliary Operations Fund bank account in
accordance with A.R.S. §15-1126.
Determine Auxiliary Operations Fund bank account checks were signed by 2
employees designated by the governing board.
If the district used petty cash funds, determine the petty cash funds were established
from the Auxiliary Operations Fund in amounts approved by the governing board and
operated on an imprest basis.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
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Revised 6/24
Page 10 of 33
The Auxiliary Operations Fund bank or treasurer account deposits
included all monies raised in connection with the activities of school
bookstores and athletics. A.R.S. §15-1125
The Auxiliary Operations Fund included only monies raised in connection with school
bookstores and athletics, including extracurricular activities fees tax credit monies, if
appropriate. (See CR08)
Prenumbered cash receipt forms or tickets were issued to document cash collected.
Daily cash collection summaries were prepared and reconciled to sales
reports/tickets issued.
The extracurricular activities fees tax credit (tax credit) monies were
included in the Auxiliary Operations Fund or separately accounted
for in an Extracurricular Activities Fees Tax Credit Fund.
A.R.S. §15-341(A)(19) and (20)
Determine extracurricular activities fees tax credit monies were deposited in the Auxiliary
Operations bank account or treasurer’s account, or in a separate tax credit treasurer’s
The District used the Auxiliary Operations Fund revolving bank
account(s) in accordance with A.R.S. §15-1126.
Auxiliary Operations Fund revolving bank account(s) were maintained at amounts
approved by the governing board and operated by the District on an imprest basis.
All reimbursements for revolving bank account expenditures were made by June 30
so that expenditures were reported in the proper accounting period.
The District used the Student Activities Fund bank account(s) in
accordance with A.R.S. §15-1122.
Determine Student Activities Fund bank account checks were signed by the student
activities treasurer or assistant treasurer and 1 other person authorized by the governing
The Student Activities Fund monies were deposited in a bank or
treasurer account designated as the Student Activities Fund
Student Activities Fund deposits included only monies raised by student clubs and
Student Activities Fund deposits were properly supported by prepared reports that
reconciled sales to cash collected at student activities events using:
o documented tickets,
o sequentially numbered cash receipts,
o a cash register, or
o a count of items on hand before and after a sale.
The District used the Student Activities Fund revolving bank account
in accordance with A.R.S. §15-1124.
If used, the Student Activities Fund revolving bank account was:
Established from the M&O Fund in an amount approved by the governing board and
operated on an imprest basis.
Returned to the credit of the M&O Fund at fiscal year-end and all disbursements were
appropriately accounted for in the Student Activities Fund.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
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Revised 6/24
Page 11 of 33
The District used the federal payroll tax withholdings bank account
in accordance with USFR page VI-H-6.
The District used the State income tax withholdings bank account in
accordance with A.R.S. §15-1222.
The District used the employee insurance programs withholdings
bank account(s) in accordance with A.R.S. §15-1223.
The District used the payroll direct deposits clearing bank account in
accordance with A.R.S. §15-1221.
Determine the account was used only for direct deposit payments to employees’ banks,
which would include amounts withheld for federal savings bond plans. This account
should not accumulate monies and should be maintained at a $0 balance when not
processing payments.
The District used the electronic payments clearing bank account in
accordance with A.R.S. §15-1221.
Determine the account was used only for making electronic payments to vendors,
including the Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS). This account should not
accumulate monies and should be maintained at a $0 balance when not processing
The District used the grants and gifts to teachers bank account
in accordance with A.R.S. §15-1224.
The District used the principalssupplies bank account(s) in
accordance with A.R.S. §15-354.
The use of debit cards was prohibited as a payment method
associated with any District bank account.
Scan bank accounts for debit card activity.
List all bank accounts with debit cards in the field provided and indicate the total
annual amount of debit card activity.
Determine whether the District made cash withdrawals and specify the total amount of
cash withdrawals, if any.
The District paid bank charges from only the M&O Fund revolving
bank account, Food Service Fund revolving bank account, Auxiliary
Operations Fund bank account, and Auxiliary Operations Fund
revolving bank account(s) or, if not, the bank charges were
reimbursed from an appropriate District fund or bank account.
Sample bank statements to identify any bank charges and determine the charges were
appropriate for the account or were reimbursed to the appropriate fund or bank
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
Arizona Auditor General
Revised 6/24
Page 12 of 33
The District separated responsibilities for cash-handling and
recordkeeping among employees (i.e., receiving, depositing, and
recording revenues), to safeguard monies.
If adequate separation was not possible due to the District’s limited staff size, determine
adequate management review procedures were in place for handling monies related to
bookstores, auxiliary operations, food service, student activities, and miscellaneous
receipts to compensate for employees performing incompatible functions. Determine
cash received was safeguarded in a locked cash drawer, cash register, or other secure
location immediately upon receipt, and access was limited to only those employees
who required access.
The District supported deposits with issued receipts, cash receipt
summary reports, mail logs, etc., and reconciled sales to amounts
collected with summary reports or ticket logs.
Determine all sampled cash receipt types (e.g., miscellaneous, auxiliary operations,
food service, etc.) were adequately supported. (See example cash receipt forms in
USFR section VI-F and applicable appendix sections.) Student activities deposits should
be addressed on CR11.
The term “cash” includes currency on hand, such as petty cash funds and cash receipts
not yet deposited, and negotiable instruments, such as drafts, checks, warrants, credit
card transactions, and money orders.
The District’s deposits were made in a timely manner and supported
by deposit slips or other deposit transmittal documentation.
Sample deposits and determine:
Cash received was deposited intact daily when significant, or at least weekly. If not,
include number of days until deposited in the deficiency comment.
Monies deposited were accompanied by a deposit transmittal form or a treasurer’s
Validated deposit slips or other evidence indicating the amount and date of deposit
were retained for deposits in District bank accounts or with the county treasurer and
were agreed to applicable bank deposit slips or other deposit transmittal
Scan deposits to determine deposit slips are sequentially numbered.
The District’s deposits with the county treasurer were reconciled.
Determine all validated treasurer’s receipts or revenue posting reports were reconciled
to the accounting records and to copies of deposit transmittals or treasurer’s receipts.
The District retained supporting documentation for disbursements
from bank accounts.
Scan records and determine cash disbursements were made from bank accounts
with sequentially numbered checks or electronic fund transfers.
Sample disbursements and determine supporting documentation was retained.
Scan bank statements for images of cancelled checks payable to cash or bearer.
The District safeguarded unused checks.
Determine unused checks were stored in a secure location and access to them
limited to only authorized personnel who were not check signers. (Not applicable to
revolving funds as the revolving fund custodian should maintain the checks.)
Scan unused check stock to determine the District refrained from presigning blank or
incomplete checks.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
Arizona Auditor General
Revised 6/24
Page 13 of 33
The District safeguarded signature stamps, signature plates, and
electronic or digital signatures used for approving accounting
transactions, checks, and other District documents to ensure that
access was limited to only the employee whose signature they
An employee not involved with cash-handling or issuing checks
reconciled all District bank accounts monthly, and an employee
independent of the cash-handling process reviewed, signed, and
dated the monthly bank reconciliations.
Review a sample of bank account reconciliations and determine reconciliations were
completed timely. If not, indicate which months were not reconciled timely and which
months were not completed at all in the deficiency comment.
If adequate separation was not possible due to the District’s limited staff size, determine
district management established adequate alternate review procedures to control the
risk of unauthorized transactions, and compensate for employees performing
incompatible functions.
The District tracked and reconciled the number of meals sold to the
total cash collected per day.
Determine the District used a method, such as prepayment accounts, student ID, or
meal tickets to track the number of meals sold, reconciled meals sold to the total cash
collected per day, and researched and resolved any cash overages and shortages.
Supplies inventoryUSFR VI-D
Objective: To determine whether the District has controls in place to help physically safeguard and report inventories to prevent theft, overstocking, understocking,
spoilage, and obsolescence.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District physically safeguarded supply inventories to prevent
unauthorized use, theft, damage, and obsolescence and enable
accurate financial reporting.
The District’s process for maintaining supply inventories, such as office supplies, food
service supplies and food, auto parts, and fuel as applicable, was adequate to
safeguard District resources.
If a perpetual inventory was maintained, supplies inventory records were investigated
and adjusted to account for significant physical count differences when an actual
physical inventory was performed.
Supplies inventory list(s) were maintained that included item and unit descriptions,
purchase document numbers, quantities, unit costs, extended costs, page totals, and
a grand total prepared at the end of each fiscal year for all supplies, including
donated items.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
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Property controlUSFR VI-E
Objective: To determine whether the District has effective controls to safeguard property from theft and misuse since significant resources are invested in acquiring and
maintaining District property. Test work should be completed on a sample basis annually and documented to ensure that land, buildings, and equipment are properly
valued, classified, and reported on the stewardship and capital assets lists.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District maintained a capital assets list that included all required
information listed in the USFR for all land, land improvements,
buildings, building improvements, and equipment with costs that
exceed the District’s adopted capitalization threshold.
The capital assets list contained all the required information listed on USFR pages
VI-E-4 and 5.
The District had a method to track depreciation information that conformed to
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for all depreciable capital assets.
Indicate in the comments the method/program the District used to maintain the
capital assets list (i.e., Visions, Excel, etc.).
The District had security controls in place to help prevent theft, loss,
unauthorized use, or damage to District property.
Determine security controls were in place based on physical observation of the District’s
The District recorded additions including financed assets on the
capital assets list and reconciled capitalized acquisitions to capital
expenditures at least annually.
Determine all capital acquisitions were added to the capital assets list (after all
encumbrances had been included in the accounting records). The District should retain
all related supporting documentation for the life of the asset.
The District’s stewardship list for items costing at least $1,000 but
less than the District’s capitalization threshold, including financed
assets, included all required information.
Determine the stewardship list contained all the required information listed on USFR
page VI-E-5.
Indicate the method/program used to maintain the stewardship list (i.e., Visions,
Excel, etc.).
The District’s capital assets and stewardship items were identified
as District property, properly tagged, and included on the
corresponding list.
Sample 15 items (5 items from the stewardship list, 5 from the capital asset list, and 5
items from the premises), and determine if the identifying number affixed to each of
these 15 items agrees to the information recorded on the corresponding list.
The District reconciled the current year’s June 30 capital assets list
to the previous year’s June 30 list.
Determine that the capital assets list was updated for audit year acquisitions, transfers,
or disposals.
The District performed a physical inventory of all equipment at least
every 3 years and reconciled the inventory results to the stewardship
and capital assets lists upon completion.
Determine that a physical inventory of all equipment was completed and reconciled in
the last 3 years and indicate the date the District’s last physical inventory was
performed and reconciled in the fields provided.
If the inventory was completed during the audit year, determine the District developed
physical inventory instructions and documented following those instructions.
If the inventory was completed during the audit year, determine an employee
independent of capital asset purchasing, custodial, and recordkeeping
responsibilities conducted the inventory or that adequate alternative review
procedures were used to ensure the accuracy of the inventory.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
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The governing board or authorized designee approved stewardship
and capital asset disposals during the fiscal year, and the District
removed the assets from the corresponding list and disposed of
them in accordance with A.A.C. R7-2-1131.
Determine the District prepared a request-for-authorization form to dispose of District
property and the items identified for removal or disposal were removed from the
capital assets or stewardship list (see example on USFR page VI-E-18).
Indicate the date(s) disposals were approved by the governing board or authorized
designee in the field provided. USFR pages VI-E-10 and 11
ExpendituresUSFR VI-G
Objective: To determine whether the District has effective controls for expenditures in place to ensure expenditures are for an allowable District purpose. Test work should
document processes and controls that demonstrate expenditure transactions are properly approved, are for an amount within budget capacity or available cash, and
protect employees from allegations of misuse.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District separated responsibilities for expenditure processing
among employees (i.e., voucher preparation, recordkeeping, and
Determine responsibilities were separated for expenditure processing among
employees (i.e., voucher preparation, recordkeeping, and authorization).
If adequate separation was not possible due to the District’s limited staff size, determine
whether adequate management review procedures were in place to compensate for
employees performing incompatible functions.
The District monitored budget capacity in budget-controlled funds
and cash balances in cash-controlled funds before approving
purchase orders (PO) and authorizing expenditures, except as
authorized in A.R.S. §§15-207, 15-304, 15-907, and 15-916.
Determine the District had procedures to monitor budget/cash balances to prevent
overexpenditures, such as:
Encumbrance amounts are in place prior to releasing a PO.
POs were sequentially numbered.
Blanket POs include a definite time period and specific dollar limit.
POs are approved by authorized District personnel prior to issuance.
Review the District’s ADE BUDG75 report for M&O and UCO Fund overexpenditures.
List all budget-controlled funds that exceeded their budget limit at year-end and cash-
controlled funds where the District exceeded the cash balance and incurred a cash
deficit at the time of the expenditure, including the overexpenditure or cash deficit
The District’s expenditures were made only for allowable District
purposes, properly satisfied the specific purposes required for any
restricted monies spent, and were adequately supported by
documentation required by the USFR.
Sample expenditures from a variety of District funds and determine the expenditures
were allowable and supported by required documentation, such as receiving reports
that documented the date of receipt, quantity received, and signature of the recipient
for all goods and services received, vendor invoices, and purchase orders to
determine prices and quantities were verified before payments were issued to
Determine invoices were stamped “paid” or otherwise marked to help prevent
duplicate payments.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
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The District’s extracurricular activities fees tax credit monies were
expended only for eligible activities that qualified under A.R.S.
§§43-1089.01 and 15-342(24).
Based on a sample of tax credit expenditures, determine tax credit monies were spent
only on activities that qualified under A.R.S. §§43-1089.01 and 15-342(24)
(See the Arizona Department of Revenue’s website for guidance at
The District’s Student Activities Fund disbursements and transfers of
monies among student clubs were issued only when cash was
available in the student club account and properly authorized by or
on behalf of the student members of a particular club and
documented in the club minutes.
If any student club accounts had a negative cash balance.
Documentation to support that disbursements or transfers were authorized by or on
behalf of the student club was maintained.
The District agreed invoice amounts to contract pricing and terms
and conditions for expenditures made through written quotes or
competitively awarded contracts, including cooperative contracts.
For the sample of expenditures in EXP03 and payments related to the procurement type
identified in PRO01 and PRO02, determine the amounts paid agreed to the quote, PO
pricing and terms, or to the contract terms and conditions. If pricing did not agree, the
District should have included an explanation on the documentation (e.g., on the PO or
invoice) that included an authorized reason for the difference or what action was taken
to remedy the difference.
The District prepared an Advice of Encumbrance for levy funds
based on the list of liabilities for goods or services received but not
paid for by June 30, including payroll, and filed it with the CSS by
July 18. A.R.S. §15-906 (Districts authorized by A.R.S. §15-914.01 to
participate in the accounting responsibility program should perform
the duties as described in A.R.S. §15-304.)
Review documentation that supported the amounts on the Advice of Encumbrance and
determine it was filed with the CSS as required.
The District properly prepared the Career Technical Education
District (CTED) Supplanting worksheet and adequately supported
that monies received from a CTED were used only for career and
technical education and to supplement, rather than supplant, the
District’s base year career and technical education courses. A.R.S.
Monies received as part of CTED funding were used to supplement and not supplant
base year career and technical education courses.
The District provided the Work Sheet for Determining Appearance of Supplanting with
CTED Monies to the CTED's Governing Board and ADE as required by A.R.S. §15-393
The District retained fully executed copies of each intergovernmental
agreement (IGA) and payments for services were made or received,
as applicable. A.R.S. §11-952
If the District was a fiscal agent, determine the IGA monies were maintained in the
appropriate fund at the County Treasurer, and a monthly financial report of receipts and
disbursements was provided to participants.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
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Objective: To determine whether the District implemented effective controls to ensure employees and governing board members were traveling for District purposes and
travel expenditures and reimbursements complied with the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) limits.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District’s travel expenditures (lodging, meals, and incidentals)
and mileage reimbursements were for District purposes and
reimbursed within the maximum reimbursement amounts
established by the Director of the (ADOA) and in accordance with
governing-board-prescribed policies and procedures. Amounts
were reimbursed and reported as a taxable employee benefit if no
overnight stay or no substantial sleep/rest occurred.
Sample travel expenditures to determine reimbursements were within allowable
maximums and indicate in the comments the amount of any overpayments.
For any lodging reimbursements sampled, determine they were properly supported
by receipts or conference brochures and rates were confirmed by the District prior to
Credit cards and purchasing cards (p-card)USFR pages VI-G-15 through 20
Objective: To determine whether the District has implemented effective controls over credit card and p-card purchases to help reduce the risk of misuse and unapproved or
fraudulent transactions.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District used credit cards.
List the number and type of credit cards including store cards and fuel cards in the field
The District used p-cards.
List the number and type of p-cards in the field provided.
The District ensured different employees were responsible for
issuing cards; requesting, authorizing, and executing purchases;
and payment processing.
The District issued and tracked possession of all District credit
cards and trained employees who make credit card purchases or
process transactions on the District’s policies and procedures.
The District followed its governing-board-approved credit card policy.
The District maintained a complete list/log of card users to track card possession and
personnel for training.
Card policies prohibited cash withdrawals and no cash withdrawals occurred.
Signed card user agreements were required and retained for all users that outlined
card use policies and procedures, including possible disciplinary actions for misuse.
Cards were issued with defined dollar limits based on the card or transaction type.
Annual training was supported by a dated employee sign-in sheet or other
documentation that supports each applicable employee’s participation.
The District recovered cards immediately from terminated
Determine whether the District recovered cards from card users who had terminated
employment with the District, if any, during the audit year.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
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The District’s management periodically reviewed purchases for
unauthorized vendors and purchases over approved limits and/or
purchases that circumvent the procurement rules and District
Determine District management documented periodic review of credit card purchases
and vendor usage as a fraud risk prevention measure to confirm procurement rules and
District policies were not circumvented.
The District ensured someone other than a card user reconciled
credit card and p-card supporting documentation and billing
Determine billing statements were mailed directly to the District office.
Scan reconciliations for statements selected in CPC08 for completeness/accuracy
and determine they were completed by someone who was not a card user.
The District’s card purchases were only for authorized District
purposes, within the dollar limits authorized for the employee, and
supported by valid receipts or transaction logs that clearly identify
the employee making the purchase.
Sample at least 3 monthly credit card/p-card statements in total (including store cards
and fuel cards) from different cards/accounts if the District has more than 1
card/account) and scan the statements for unusual or inappropriate purchases, or
purchases not made within the District’s policies and procedures.
From the statements sampled above, select at least 5 individual transactions in total
and review supporting documentation for the purchases.
Determine the District verified that goods that were prepaid, such as items purchased
online, by phone, or fax, were received or disputed the charge as appropriate.
The District paid credit card and p-card statements before the due
date to avoid finance charges and late fees.
Determine if there were any finance charges or late fees paid. Describe the frequency
and amounts of any finance changes and late fees in the comments.
ProcurementUSFR VI-G and A.A.C. R7-2-1001 et seq
Objective: To determine whether the District followed the A.A.C. (School District Procurement Rules) and USFR purchasing guidelines to promote fair and open
competition among vendors that helps ensure the District is getting the best value for the public monies it spends.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District requested at least 3 written quotes for purchases
costing at least $10,000 but less than $100,000 and followed the
guidelines prescribed by the USFR.
Auditors should examine expenditures under $100,000 by vendor or like-items (vendor
total list) and determine the District:
Requested and obtained at least 3 written quotes (see USFR pages VI-G-9 & 10).
Retained the vendor name, person(s) contacted, telephone number, and price quotes
or results of the request in a procurement file or with the related requisition form or
purchase order.
If 3 written quotes were not obtained, the District documented the vendors contacted
and their reasons for not providing quotes and retain this with the procurement file or
related documents.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
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The District properly procured expenditures that individually or
cumulatively totaled over $100,000.
Auditors should examine expenditures over $100,000 by vendor or like-items (vendor
total list) and discuss with the District the types of procurement performed for the items
and solicitations issued during the year. Based on this analysis and discussion,
determine the population for IFBs or RFPs (PRO0414 and PRO21) and cooperative
purchases (PRO18-20). Auditors should also consider the procurement for School
Facilities Oversight Board projects, if any.
If the District did not procure an expenditure or maintain documentation for the
procurement, document that deficiency here. The remaining solicitations should be
considered for test work below.
The District maintained a list of prospective bidders. A.A.C.
The District compiled and maintained a list of persons who requested to be added to
the District’s list of prospective bidders.
The District furnished those bidders with notice of available bids for any applicable
audit year solicitations.
The District issued solicitations for invitation for bids (IFB) or request
for proposals (RFP) during the fiscal year.
Sample solicitations completed during the FY audited. If the District did not complete
any solicitations during the year, answer this question “No” and questions PRO05
PRO16 will automatically populate as “N/A.”
Sample a specified number of procurements completed during the fiscal year based
on the District’s ADM or determine whether a larger sample is needed:
<1,000 ADM (5); 1,000-5,000 ADM (10); >5,000 ADM (15).
Of the total solicitations sampled, at least 40 percent must be for competitive sealed
bids (IFB) and at least 40 percent must be for competitive sealed proposals (RFP),
and as applicable, at least 1 awarded contract should be for traditional construction
(design-bid-build), and at least 1 should be for qualified select bidders list, or
construction-manager-at- risk, design-build, job-order-contracting (PRO11), and
specified professional services (PRO15), as applicable. If the District acted as a lead
district in a cooperative purchase, at least 2 of these contracts should be included in
the sample (PRO21).
For all procurement questions, the audit firm must refer to the School District
Procurement Rule(s) cited in the question to determine the District complied with the
specific requirement(s).
If the response is “No,” indicate which specific requirement(s) were not complied
The District published and, as applicable, provided other adequate
notice of the issuance of solicitations. A.A.C. R7-2-1022,
R7-2-1024(C) or R7-2-1042(C)
The District issued solicitations at least 14 days before the time and
date set for bid opening or the closing date and time for receipt of
bids or proposals. A.A.C. R7-2-1024(A) or R7-2-1042(B)
Determine the District documented the specific reason in writing if a shorter time frame
was deemed necessary.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
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The District included all required content in the solicitation, as
applicable. A.A.C. R7-2-1024(B) or R7-2-1042(A)
Determine the solicitation documentation, including the uniform general terms and
conditions and special terms and conditions, contained all the required content. In
addition, determine whether the District took necessary steps to ensure bidders/offerors
did not violate A.R.S. §15-213(O). A.A.C. R7-2-1024(B)(1)(q) and R7-2-1042(A)(1)(l)
The District recorded the time and date that sealed bids or
proposals were received and stored bids or proposals unopened
until the time and date set for opening. A.A.C. R7-2-1029 or
If the District awarded multiple contracts, it established and followed
procedures for the use and award of multiple contracts. A.A.C.
R7-2-1031(D) and R7-2-1050(C)
Determine the District:
Included in the solicitation(s) notification that multiple contracts may be awarded, the
District’s basis for determining whether to award multiple contracts, and the criteria
for selecting vendors for the multiple contracts. A.A.C. R7- 2-1031(C) and R7-2-
Documented the specific reason(s) that a single award was not advantageous to the
District and retained documentation that supported the basis for a multiple award.
A.A.C. R7-2-1031(D) and R7-2-1050(C)
Limited contract awards to the least number of suppliers necessary to meet the
requirements of the District. A.A.C. R7-2-1031(D) and R7-2-1050(C)
The District evaluated bids/proposals and awarded contracts
according to A.A.C. R7-2-1031, R7-2-1032, R7-2-1046(A)(1), or
R7-2-1050 and retained documentation to support the award(s).
For contracts where only 1 responsive bid or proposal was received, the District
followed the requirements of A.A.C. R7-2-1032 or R7-2-1046(A)(1) and retained
documentation for that determination.
For purchases made through an IFB, contracts were awarded to the lowest
responsible and responsive bidders whose bids conformed to the requirements and
evaluation criteria set forth in the IFB. A.A.C. R7-2-1031
For purchases made through an RFP, contracts were awarded to the offerors
determined to be the most advantageous, based on the factors set forth in the RFP,
and documentation was retained for the determination. A.A.C. R7-2-1050
If the District procured construction projects that used construction-
manager-at-risk, design-build, job-order-contracting, or qualified
select bidders lists to procure construction services, it complied with
the requirements of A.A.C. R7-2-1100 through R7-2-1115.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
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The District obtained signed procurement disclosure statements for
all procurement consultants, members of a procurement advisory
group, or evaluation committee involved in each specific
procurement process. A.A.C. R7-2-1008
The Procurement disclosure statement includes the required disclosures described in
A.A.C. R-7-2-1008(C). (These forms are different than the COI forms required by
A.R.S. §§38-502 and 38-503.)
The District did not compensate nonemployees who served on procurement advisory
groups or evaluation committees, except for reimbursements allowed by the District’s
travel policy.
N/A if the District did not issue solicitations during the year.
The District prepared the applicable written determinations as
required by the specific procurement rule(s). A.A.C. R7-2-1004
For all solicitations sampled in PRO04, determine the District prepared any required
written determinations based on the type of procurement, specifying reasons and how
the written determination was made, and maintained the written determination in the
procurement file.
The District followed A.R.S. §15-213 and A.A.C. R7-2-1093 for the
use of multi-term contracts.
The terms and conditions of renewal or extension, if any, were included in the IFB or
RFP. A.R.S. §15-213(L) and A.A.C. R7-2-1093
For materials or services and contracts for job-order-contracting construction services
that were entered into for more than 5 years, the governing board determined in
writing that a contract of longer duration would be advantageous to the District before
the procurement solicitation was issued. A.R.S. §15-213(L) and A.A.C. R7-2-1093
The District followed A.A.C. R7-2-1117 through R7-2-1123 for
contracts for specified professional services.
The District’s procurement files included the required information, as
applicable. A.A.C. R7-2-1001(97)
Based on the procurement files tested in the questions above and if a response is “No,”
specifically indicate which document was not included in the file. Do not include items
already cited on another question.
The District provided training and guidance related to restrictions on
soliciting, accepting, or agreeing to accept any personal gift or
benefit with a value of $300 or more. A.R.S. §15-213(N) and
Determine the District:
Provided training and guidance to employees, their supervisors, and others who
participate in the planning, recommending, selecting, or contracting for materials,
services, goods, construction, or construction services of a school district or school
purchasing cooperative.
Maintained documentation of the attendees and training date.
Describe in the comments if any gift violations were identified and the District’s actions
to address the violation, if any.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
*This questionnaire must be used for fiscal year (FY) 2024 audits and thereafter.
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Page 22 of 33
The District used only school district purchasing cooperatives
contracts from cooperatives it was a member of or used only lead
district contracts that it was listed as a member of in the solicitation
or ensured its additional purchases would not have materially
increased the volume stated in the original solicitation. A.A.C.
R7-2-1191 through R7-2-1195
Determine the District:
Retained cooperative purchasing agreements on file for each cooperative or lead
district it used.
Did not use a cooperative’s or another district’s contract for purchasing goods or
services unless the District was a member or included in the original solicitation or the
District determined its purchases would not have materially increased the estimated
volume stated in the original solicitation.
The District performed due diligence to support the use of each
cooperative or lead district contract the District made purchases
from during the audit period. A.A.C. R7-2-1191(D)
Indicate the name of each purchasing cooperative/consortium used and also provide
the name of any lead district used by the cooperative/consortium to procure the
contract used by the District.
Determine the District’s due diligence process ensured that the cooperative complied
with the A.A.C (School District Procurement Rules). See Procurement FAQs 9 & 10
The District prepared written determinations for any specified
professional services, construction, construction services, or
materials purchased through a school purchasing cooperative.
A.A.C. R7-2-1004 and A.R.S. §15-213(B)
For purchases made from a cooperative contract, determine:
The District followed its prescribed method and procedures to prepare written
determinations when choosing to use a cooperative contract as required by A.A.C.
Each determination specified the reasons for using the cooperative contract,
including how the determination was made, the rationale for the vendor selected, and
how it is advantageous to the district.
The District, when acting as a lead district in a procurement,
followed the procurement procedures required for competitive
sealed bidding or competitive sealed proposals, as applicable, and
considered the total estimated volume of purchases for all public
procurement units identified in the solicitation. A.A.C. R7-2-1011
Determine the District:
Followed the procurement rules required for IFBs or RFPs as applicable.
Identified the total estimated volume of purchases for all public procurement units in
the solicitation. A.A.C. R7-2-1011
Sample at least 2 contracts issued as lead district, if any, and indicate in the comments
the number of contracts the District procured as a lead district and identify the
applicable purchasing consortium or cooperative.
For all emergency procurements, the District retained a written
statement documenting the basis for the emergency, the selection
of the particular contractor, and why the price paid was reasonable,
and this statement was signed by the individual authorized to initiate
emergency procurements. A.A.C. R7-2-1055 and R7-2-1056
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
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The District’s governing board approved all sole-source
procurements before any purchases were made, and the written
determinations were retained in the procurement files. A.A.C.
R7-2-1053 and R7-2-1086
Determine the governing board approved all sole-source procurements prior to making
a purchase or entering a contract and that the written determinations include the
following information required by A.A.C. R7-2-1053.
1. A description of the procurement needed and the reason only a single source was
available, or why no reasonable alternative exists.
2. The name of the proposed supplier.
3. The duration and estimated total dollar values of the proposed procurement.
4. Documentation that the price was fair and reasonable.
5. A description of the efforts made to seek other sources.
For any purchase of services from governing board members or
goods or services from District employees, regardless of the
expenditure amount, the District followed the School District
Procurement Rules, except as authorized by A.R.S. §15-323.
Based on discussion with the District and scan of the vendor totals list, identify any
purchases from governing board members or employees and determine if the
purchases were completed appropriately. A.R.S. §38-503(C)
See exceptions in A.R.S. §15-323(B) and (C).
The District followed the School District Procurement Rules for
purchases of any supplies, materials, and equipment from
governing board members if the purchase exceeded $100,000 or
followed the guidelines for written quotes if below the threshold.
A.R.S. §38-503(C)
Based on discussion with the District and scan of the vendor totals list, identify any
purchases from governing board members or employees and determine if the
purchases were completed appropriately.
For purchases the District made from General Services
Administration (GSA) schedules 70-IT and 84-Law Enforcement, the
governing board first authorized the contracts in writing. A.R.S.
§15-213(K) and A.A.C. R7-2-1196(C)
Determine the governing board minutes included written approval for purchases from a
GSA contract.
Classroom Site FundA.R.S. §15-977
Objective: To determine whether the District appropriately spent these State sales tax revenues for teacher pay and programs to support students, such as class size
reduction, dropout prevention, and tutoring, as allowed by law.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District's Classroom Site Fund (CSF) expenditures did not
exceed its Classroom Site Fund Budget Limit (CSFBL).
The District adopted a performance-based compensation system
for at least a portion of its CSF monies and ensured CSF
expenditures were made only for allowable purposes listed in A.R.S.
§15-977. See CSF FAQs
The District’s CSF monies were used to supplement, rather than
supplant, existing funding from all other sources. See CSF FAQ 3
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PayrollUSFR VI-H
Objective: To determine whether the District has implemented effective controls to reduce the risks associated with payroll expenditures by documenting evidence of
review, verification, and approval to ensure employees are appropriately compensated.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District’s payroll-processing responsibilities (i.e., adding new
employees, adjusting pay, payroll preparation, payroll authorization,
and warrant distribution) were separated among employees.
Determine the District separated payroll-processing responsibilities (i.e., adding new
employees, adjusting pay, payroll preparation, payroll authorization, and warrant
distribution) among employees.
If separating payroll processing was not possible due to the District’s limited staff
size, determine management established alternate procedures that adequately
control the risk of unauthorized transactions.
The District established a delayed payroll system for hourly
employees that did not delay payments more than 7 business days
during its normal 2-week payroll processing cycle and allowed
adequate time for payroll adjustments to be made, if needed,
between the end of the pay period and the payment date.
Determine the payroll system allowed processing time for any payroll adjustments to be
made between the end of the pay period and the payment date and did not delay
payments more than 7 business days during its normal 2-week payroll processing cycle.
The District required employees’ contracts or personnel/payroll
action forms to document the employees’ election for prorated
For a sample of employees who elected to have their pay prorated, determine they
completed prorated compensation elections before beginning work and the election
was not changed after work had begun.
The District ensured any adjustments to pay for employees who
received prorated wage payments during the year were based on
each employee’s official rate of pay.
For a sample of employees who received a pay adjustment during the year, determine
the District used the employees’ official rate of pay to calculate the pay adjustment.
The District ensured hourly employees were not paid for more than
the actual hours worked to date.
Determine the District had a procedure in place to review employee hours worked to
identify any overpayments at any point throughout the year.
Sample hourly employee payroll payments to determine employees were not paid for
more than the actual hours worked to date.
Indicate in the comments the amount of any over/under payments identified
The District’s individual personnel files included all appropriate
supporting documentation, as listed on USFR pages VI-H-2
through 4.
For a sample of employee files, determine the files contained all the required
documents. If not, determine the District had a plan to obtain the required documents.
The District ensured that valid fingerprint clearance cards were on file
for all required personnel and a method to identify employees whose
cards were going to expire was in place. A.R.S. §§15-512, 15-342
and 41-1750(G)
Determine the District had a method to obtain and track employees’ fingerprint
clearance cards and other credentials and monitor expiration dates.
Based on the sample in #PAY06 and based on review of the District’s list of
employees requiring fingerprint clearance cards, determine the District maintained
valid fingerprint clearance cards for required personnel.
For deficiencies related to expired cards, describe in the comments the expiration date.
Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona School Districts (USFR) Compliance Questionnaire
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The District enrolled employees who met the ASRS membership
criteria, withheld employee contributions, and in a timely manner
remitted employee and District contributions in accordance with the
ASRS Employer Manual.
The District accurately calculated and in a timely manner remitted the
alternative contribution rate payments to ASRS for all applicable
positions filled by ASRS retirees.
For a sample of ASRS retirees employed determine the ACR was accurately calculated
and remitted in a timely manner.
The District calculated the accrual and use of vacation, sick leave,
and compensatory time for all employees in accordance with District
accrual rates for specified years of service, maximum amounts to be
accrued, and disposition of accrued time upon separation of
employment following District policies.
Determine the District had a system in place (computer-based program or spreadsheet)
to track employee leave balances for accrual and use of leave and determine accuracy
of that system.
Attendance records were prepared for each pay period for each
employee subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and were
approved by the employee and the employee’s supervisor.
Sample employees subject to FLSA and determine timesheets included the proper
The District’s payroll reports were properly reviewed and approved
before processing and distribution to employees.
Sample prepayroll registers or payroll registers to determine they were supported by
authorized notifications of:
Pay rate changes.
Withholding and voluntary deduction authorization forms.
Documentation of additional duty pay rate or hours and evidence work was
Work attendance/leave records.
Determine all supporting documents were reviewed and approved before final
completion and warrants and direct deposit amounts were reviewed prior to distribution
to employees.
Indicate in the comments the amount of any over/under payments identified.
Financial reportingUSFR VII
Objective: To determine whether the District properly prepared its financial reports, including its Annual Financial Report (AFR), for the audit year to provide legislative
and oversight bodies, investors and creditors, and the public a transparent view of the District’s financial position and operational results.
FY24 #
Review procedure
Budgeted expenditures reported on the AFR agreed with the
District’s most recently revised adopted expenditure budget.
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The District completed and submitted all parts of the AFR reporting
package, including the school-level reporting AFR, using its
accounting data in the files and reported additional information
required in the forms, such as revenue and expenditure amounts that
were not automatically pulled from its accounting and student count
data, and maintained applicable supporting documentation. A.R.S.
The District either did not post transactions or adjusting entries to its accounting
records after using its accounting data to populate the AFR or, if it made adjustments
to its accounting data, the district uploaded new accounting data into its AFR and
notified ADE of the changes and resubmitted its AFR. Audit firms may forgo writing a
deficiency for rounding errors.
The District completed and submitted all parts of the AFR reporting package,
including the school-level reporting AFR.
The District followed the AFRReview, Submission, and Publication
If no, list the AFR requirements that the District did not complete or complete timely,
such as:
Prepared AFR that included all funds.
Submitted all AFR forms to ADE by October 15.
Submitted a copy of signed cover page to ADE within 5 days of submission.
Met publishing requirements for the AFR by November 15.
The District properly prepared the Food Service page of the AFR and
reported expenditures from the M&O Fund 001 and Capital Fund
610 that agreed with the District’s accounting records.
Determine reported amounts were properly coded and agreed to the District’s
accounting records, including the State match.
Detailed source documents were traceable to the District’s trial
balance that was used to prepare the financial statements.
Indicate in the comments if significant audit adjustments were made to properly state
current year activity.
The District’s website included its average teacher salary information
required by A.R.S. §15-903(E) and a copy of or a link to the District’s
page from the most recent Arizona Auditor General District Spending
The District submitted the School District Employee Report (SDER)
to ADE, and it was accurate and timely for ADE to calculate the
Teacher Experience Index (TEI). A.R.S. §15-941 and School Finance
Reports | Arizona Department of Education (azed.gov)
The District had a process to prepare and submit the SDER.
Review the SDER and compare with payroll reports to determine full-time equivalents
and salaries were accurately reported.
The District filed the SDER report with ADE by October 15, and corrections were
made within the February 1 to March 1 deadline.
The District submitted its prior year’s audit reports and USFR
Compliance Questionnaire to the CSS and ADE. A.R.S. §15-914(D)
Determine the District:
Uploaded its prior year audit reports and USFR Compliance Questionnaire to ADE.
Sent a copy of all reports to the CSS.
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Student attendance reportingADE’s School Finance External Guidelines
Objective: To determine whether the District has implemented effective controls to report accurate student membership and attendance information to ADE to reduce the
risk that the District received an inappropriate amount of State aid and/or local property taxes.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District’s calendar ensured school was in session for the
required days and offered students the required instructional hours
per grade level, including Arizona Online Instruction (AOI) Programs
as prescribed in A.R.S. §§15-808(J)(1),15-901(A)(1), 15-901.07, and
Determine the District’s calendar and bell schedule(s) met instructional hour
If the District had an early (pre-) kindergarten program, the District
calculated and submitted membership information for early (pre-)
kindergarten students’ attendance records for this program only for
students with disabilities. A.R.S. §15-901(A)(1)(a)(i) and USFR
Memorandum No. 175
Sample at least 3 student attendance records. (If a student in the sample was in a virtual
day, the auditors should ensure the student was counted based on the instructional time
model [ITM]).
The District appropriately tracked and reported student membership
and absences. A.R.S. §15-901
Sample number of attendance records shown in parentheses based on District’s ADM:
For elementary & junior high - <1,000 ADM (5); 1,000-5,000 ADM (10); >5,000
ADM (15).
For high school, CTED or AOI - <1,000 ADM (3); 1,000-5,000 ADM (5); >5,000
ADM (7).
(If a student in the sample was in a virtual day, the auditors should ensure the student
was counted based on the ITM.)
The District prorated high school students’ membership if enrolled in
less than 4 subjects.
Sample number of attendance records shown in parentheses based on District’s ADM:
For high school -<1,000 ADM (3); 1,000-5,000 ADM (5); >5,000 ADM (7).
The District was a CTED or CTED member.
If yes, for questions SAR 07 through 11, sample number of students shown in
parentheses based on District’s ADM for high school, CTED, or AOI - <1,000 ADM (3);
1,000-5,000 ADM (5); >5,000 ADM (7).
The District had an AOI program. A.R.S. §15-808
If yes, for SAR 12, for Districts offering an AOI Program, based upon sample of (__) AOI
students’ attendance records for 4 weeks: (ADE’s SF-0003-AOI Participation).
Sample number of students’ records shown in parentheses based on the District’s ADM
- <1,000 ADM (3); 1,000-5,000 ADM (5); >5,000 ADM (7).
For students enrolled in a program provided by a CTED in a facility
the District owned or operated (satellite programs), the District
reported the actual enrollment for only the District classes the
student was enrolled in at the District’s school (excluding CTED
program classes) under the District’s CTDS number.
Sample number of students shown in parentheses based on ADM for high school,
CTED, or AOI - <1,000 ADM (3); 1,000-5,000 ADM (5); >5,000 ADM (7)
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For students enrolled in a program the CTED provided in a facility
the District owned or operated (satellite programs), the District
calculated student absences in accordance with ADE’s methods
based on the number of District classes the student was enrolled in
and attended at the District’s school (excluding CTED satellite
program classes).
Sample number of students shown in parentheses based on ADM for high school,
CTED, or AOI - <1,000 ADM (3); 1,000-5,000 ADM (5); >5,000 ADM (7)
For CTED satellite programs, the CTED reported actual student
enrollment data for only the CTED program classes the student was
enrolled in at that member district’s satellite location (excluding
school district classes). A.R.S. §15-393(O)
Sample number of students shown in parentheses based on ADM for high school,
CTED, or AOI - <1,000 ADM (3); 1,000-5,000 ADM (5); >5,000 ADM (7).
Total membership claimed for the school district and the CTED satellite locations for
each student should not exceed 1.25.
For CTEDs that meet for at least 150 minutes (not including any
breaks) per class period on a CTED central campus, the CTED
reported the membership as 0.75. A.R.S. §15-393(Q)
Sample number of students shown in parentheses based on ADM for CTED -<1,000
ADM (3); 1,000-5,000 ADM (5); >5,000 ADM (7) for students enrolled in a CTED course
provided at a qualifying centralized or leased centralized campus.
For students enrolled in both District and in CTED central program
courses, the sum of the ADM was no more than 1.75 and the
amount claimed by either entity was no more than 1.0. A.R.S.
Sample number of students shown in parentheses based on ADM for high school -
<1,000 ADM (3); 1,000-5,000 ADM (5); >5,000 ADM (7).
The District maintained appropriate documentation and accurately
reported students enrolled in CTED programs, including accurately
submitting scheduled hours of instruction and community college
credits. A.R.S. §15-393
Sample number of students enrolled in a CTED shown in parentheses based on
District’s ADM for high school -<1,000 ADM (3); 1,000-5,000 ADM (5); >5,000 ADM (7).
Determine if the reported total scheduled hours of instruction and/or total community
college credits enrolled agreed to the supporting course enrollment documentation.
The District maintained appropriate documentation and accurately
reported students enrolled in its AOI program, including
redetermining the actual full time equivalent (FTE) for each student
enrolled in an AOI program following a student’s withdrawal or after
the end of the school year. A.R.S. §15-808
Sample number of students’ records shown in parentheses based on the District’s ADM
- <1,000 ADM (3); 1,000-5,000 ADM (5); >5,000 ADM (7) and determine the District
maintained the students’ intended FTE Enrollment Statement and guardian-approved or
District computer-generated daily log describing the amount of time spent by the
student on academic tasks that agreed to the hours reported to ADE.
*ADE guidance advises that A.R.S. §15-901 be used to determine the FTE for students
in 7th and 8th grade.
The District ensured the student’s name in the student management
system matched the name on the legal document on file. A.R.S.
For questions 13-19, sample the number of entries and withdrawals shown in
parentheses based on District’s ADM -<1,000 ADM (5); 1,000- 5,000 ADM (10); >5,000
ADM (15).
The entry date in the computerized attendance system agreed to
the entry form.
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The student membership begins on the first day of actual
attendance or, for continuing/pre-enrolled students, the first day that
classroom instruction was offered, provided that the students
actually attend within the first 10 days of school. ADE’s External
Guideline GE-17 First Day Absence
The District obtained and maintained verifiable documentation of
Arizona residency for enrolled students, including students in its AOI
program. A.R.S. §15-802(B)(1) and ADE’s Updated Residency
Determine A.R.S. §15-802(B)(1) and ADE’s Updated Residency Guidelines were
complied with, except as noted in A.R.S. §15-828(I).
The District prepared and retained the Official Notice of Pupil
Withdrawal form for each withdrawal, and the forms were signed by
a District administrator. A.R.S. §15-827
Determine the withdrawal date in the District’s computerized attendance system agreed
with the withdrawal date on the official form.
The District counted students withdrawn for having 10 consecutive
unexcused absences in membership only through the last day of
actual attendance or excused absence. A.R.S. §15-901(A)(1)
The District uploaded membership and absence information to ADE
that agreed to the District’s computerized system records for the
first 100 days of school. A.R.S. §15-901
Determine the District submitted the AzEDS ADM15 or ABSATT10 reports, as applicable
to ADE electronically at least once every 20 school days for membership information
and at least once every 60 days for absence information through the last day of
instruction. For an AOI program, sample year-end attendance information.
The District excluded nonresident students from the District’s
student count and State aid calculations and charged tuition as
applicable. A.R.S. §15-823(G) and (L)
Discuss with the District their process to identify nonresident students.
The District reported students who completed all high school
requirements with the applicable graduation code and used the
appropriate year-end status code for all other students.
For a sample of all students, determine graduation and year-end codes were correct
based on ADE’s Pupil Withdrawals.
For students participating in distance learning, the District followed
attendance procedures defined in a governing-board-adopted ITM.
Determine the District followed the ITM it submitted to ADE via the ITM submission link.
Students selected for test work should be tested based upon the ITM that was
effective for that time period. ITM template and FAQ
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Information technology (IT)USFR IX
Objective: To determine whether the District adopted an information technology (IT) security framework that aligned with credible industry standards and implemented
controls that provide reasonable assurance that its data is accurate and reliable and protected from unintended exposure and consequences. Test work should determine
that the District adopted a framework and controls were operating to protect District and student data.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District maintained adequate separation of duties in its IT
systems that prevented 1 employee from completing a transaction
without additional review and approval procedures.
Scan the District user system access reports and determine the District adequately
separated responsibilities among staff for administration, authorization, and
operational responsibilities within the separate business systems (i.e., financial
accounting system, student attendance system, student payment systems, network,
and website) and limited employee access to only those business functions or
software necessary to perform their job function. If this was not possible due to the
District’s limited staff size, determine adequate management review procedures were
in place. See IT FAQ 2.
If there were incompatible duties or employees with superuser access, indicate in the
comments what systems employees had inappropriate access to and what, if any,
steps were taken to mitigate the risks of unauthorized changes. See IT FAQ 5.
The District reviewed and documented any system or software
changes implemented.
Scan the District’s procedures and documentation to confirm any modifications to
system hardware or software were authorized by a supervisor and were appropriate.
See IT FAQs 1, 4, & 15.
The District assessed security risks for its systems and data,
implemented appropriate controls to address risks, and provided
employees/contractors annual security awareness training.
Determine the District:
Assessed the risks to District systems and data and implemented procedures to
prevent and detect technology-related threats, such as risks to its systems, network,
and data through email, internet use, social media, VPN, wireless access, and mobile
devices. See IT FAQs 17 & 19.
Classified data by its sensitivity level and protected sensitive and confidential data.
See IT FAQ 11.
Provided employees/contractors security awareness training at least annually that
addressed prevention and detection of technology-related threats (i.e., phone and
email phishing, website and ransomware attacks, and data breaches), and detailed
instructions regarding how to prevent, identify, and report suspected security risks
and incidents. See IT FAQ 6.
The District maintained evidence of training for those who attended the annual
security awareness training including the training date(s). See IT FAQ 6.
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The District immediately and appropriately modified terminated or
transferred employees’, contractors’, or vendors’ access to all
District systems.
Determine the District has a documented process for modifying or removing user
access from all systems (e.g., financial accounting system, student information
system, District’s network, etc.). See IT FAQ 4.
Scan the current list of contractors or vendors and transferred or terminated
employees and determine that access to District systems had been appropriately
modified or removed.
The District’s computer network, system software, and hardware
was physically protected from unauthorized access, theft, and
environmental hazards.
Determine the District has physical access controls over sensitive areas such as
server rooms or communication closets. See IT FAQs 5 & 13.
Determine the District has implemented port security to prevent unauthorized users
from accessing the network. See IT FAQ 13.
The District scheduled and performed data backup-control
procedures for all critical systems at least daily, or more frequently,
to ensure uninterrupted operations and minimal loss of data.
Determine system backup procedures included:
Test of backup reliability and integrity.
Backup copies were stored in separate facilities or fire-rated container.
Backups were scheduled for a defined time/period. See IT FAQ 7.
The District routinely completed software and application updates
and operating system patches when they became available.
Determine the District’s process and documentation that software (including anti-virus,
anti-spyware, and anti-malware software) and applications were updated, and operating
system patches were completed timely. In addition, determine systems were up-to-date
to adequately protect the integrity and reliability of the District’s data (i.e., web-based
applications, accounting, student attendance, and payroll systems). See IT FAQ 16.
The District had cloud computing, digital learning, and vendor
contracts or data-sharing agreements in place with any 3rd parties
accessing or hosting District data that addressed controls to
support security and processing integrity, and backup procedures if
applicable, before data was accessed/shared.
Determine the District’s cloud computing, digital learning, and vendor contracts or data-
sharing agreements had appropriate security/access, processing, and backup controls
in place. In addition, determine the District appropriately reviewed data accessed or
processed by vendors or 3rd parties for propriety. See IT FAQ 18.
The District ensured changes to data in business (i.e., employee
information, pay rates) and IT (i.e., user roles, access rights)
systems were approved by an authorized individual prior to
processing changes.
Determine changes to data were reviewed and approved by a designated employee to
ensure the validity, completeness, and accuracy of processed data, and if issues were
noted, corrective action was taken. See IT FAQ 1.
The District enforced data security policies related to passwords
and user authentication that aligned with credible industry
Determine the District:
Followed a password policy that required strong passwords, screen locks, repeated
failed sign-on attempt lockouts, and prohibited sharing of user IDs and passwords
along with more modern controls to authenticate user identities. See IT FAQ 14.
Required multifactor authentication for at least all employees/contractors with
remote access, administrative access, and all users with access to critical IT
systems. See IT FAQ 19. If any critical IT systems are not capable of implementing
multifactor authentication, determine the District had compensating controls in place
to adequately secure those IT systems and related data.
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The District’s IT systems generated electronic audit trail reports or
change logs with information about electronic transactions that the
District reviewed or analyzed regularly to determine transactions’
If a District IT system does not provide an electronic audit trail function, determine the
District documented a process that allowed it to audit transactions. See IT FAQ 12.
The District monitored and reviewed IT system-generated incident
or error reports to identify network security threats or other unusual
activity and addressed noted issues.
Determine the District had procedures to investigate and respond to activities identified
in the audit event/trail function such as repeat failed logons, or failed access attempts
related to information systems; administrative privilege usage, employee credential
usage, or third-party credential usage; or suspicious network activity. See IT FAQ 12.
The District had incident response/contingency planning documents
in place to restore or resume system services in case of disruption
or failure that were reviewed and tested at least annually.
The District had planning documents that included the date and method the District
used to review the plan (i.e., walkthroughs, tabletop discussion/simulations, full
interruption , or other method) and maintained evidence of the procedures used,
such as screenshots of tests, backups run, and minutes from meetings to document
procedures performed to test plans. See IT FAQ 10.
The plan was tested at least annually to ensure employees/contractors understand
their responsibilities, identify internal and external vulnerabilities, and take action to
update equipment or remedy any issues identified since the last review. See IT
FAQs 7 10.
(If the District used a third-party vendor for IT support, the District should still have a
District-level plan to activate the recovery or contingency plan that is tested at least
Transportation supportADE’s SF-0002 Transportation Guidelines
Objective: To determine whether the District has implemented effective controls for its transportation program to ensure it properly reports its transportation miles and
student riders to ADE, which helps to ensure the District receives the appropriate amount of State aid.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District accurately calculated and maintained documentation for
miles and students reported on the Transportation Route Report
submitted to ADE. A.R.S. §15-922
Based on ADE’s Transportation Guidelines, determine the District accurately reported
the number of miles and eligible students transported.
Indicate in the comments any net under/overstatement of miles and/or students
reported and whether the over/understatement impacted the District’s funding.
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Records managementUSFR X-E
Objective: To determine whether the District has implemented effective controls to properly protect and maintain its records, including student and employee data, and
that its records were disposed of securely and in accordance with established time frames.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District established and followed policies and procedures to
properly protect, maintain, and dispose of personally identifiable
information and confidential records, such as student and employee
information and social security numbers.
Determine the District’s records were properly protected, maintained, and disposed of in
accordance with the General Retention Schedules for Education K-12 published by the
Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records. Retention Schedules | Arizona State
Library (azlibrary.gov)
General long-term debtArizona Revised Statutes Title 15, Chapter 9, Article 7
Objective: To determine whether the District is following the laws related to bonds to ensure voters are informed and the District complies with the bond covenants.
FY24 #
Review procedure
The District calculated and issued any bonds in accordance with
Arizona Revised Statutes and the Arizona Constitution. A.R.S.
The District expended bond proceeds only for voter-authorized
purposes and not for items with useful lives less than the average
life of the bonds issued or 5 years. A.R.S. §15-1021(F)
Sample expenditures made from bond proceeds to determine if expenditures were
appropriate and meet the useful life definition.
If the District had outstanding bonded indebtedness and a balance
remained in the Bond Building Fund after the acquisition or
construction of facilities for which the bonds were issued, the
governing board transferred the remaining balance to the Debt
Service Fund. Otherwise, if the District had no outstanding bonded
indebtedness and a balance remained in the Bond Building Fund
after the acquisition or construction of facilities for which the bonds
were issued, the governing board used the remaining balance to
reduce taxes. A.R.S. §15-1024(B)
The District credited interest or other money earned from investing
bond proceeds to the Debt Service Fund unless the voters
authorized the interest to be credited to the Bond Building Fund or
federal laws or rules require the interest to be used for capital
expenditures. A.R.S. §15-1024(C)