Everest Insurance
Police Travel
Everest Insurance (Ireland), DAC ®
Registered Office: 38/39 Fitzwilliam Square West, Dublin 2, D02 NX53, Ireland
Company Registration Number: 456702
Website: https://www.everestglobal.com/Insurance/Everest-Insurance-Ireland-DAC
A.M. Best Rating: A+ (Superior)
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................................... 3
The Insurance Contract ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Important Information ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Information Provided To Us .......................................................................................................................................... 4
Our Rights Under This Policy ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Cooling Off Provision .................................................................................................................................................... 5
Breach Of Term ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Terms Not Relevant To The Loss .................................................................................................................................. 5
Pre-Existing Medical Conditions .................................................................................................................................. 6
Sports and Pastimes ...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Coverage Sections ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Section A Accidental Bodily Injury ........................................................................................................................ 8
1 What is Covered ................................................................................................................................................. 8
2 Conditions Specific to Section A ...................................................................................................................... 8
3 Exclusions Specific to Section A ....................................................................................................................... 8
Section B Medical and Associated Expenses ....................................................................................................... 9
1 What is Covered ................................................................................................................................................. 9
2 Conditions Specific to Section B ..................................................................................................................... 10
3 Exclusions Specific to Section B ...................................................................................................................... 10
Section C - Trip Interruption ................................................................................................................................... 11
1 What is Covered ............................................................................................................................................... 11
2 Conditions Specific to Section C .................................................................................................................... 12
3 Exclusions Specific to Section C ..................................................................................................................... 12
Section D - Personal Baggage ............................................................................................................................... 15
1 What is Covered ............................................................................................................................................... 15
2 Conditions Specific to Section D .................................................................................................................... 15
3 Exclusions Specific to Section D ..................................................................................................................... 15
Section E Money ................................................................................................................................................... 15
1 What is Covered ............................................................................................................................................... 15
2 Conditions Specific to Section E ..................................................................................................................... 16
3 Exclusions Specific to Section E ...................................................................................................................... 16
Section F Personal Liability .................................................................................................................................. 16
1 What is Covered ............................................................................................................................................... 16
2 Conditions Specific to Section F ..................................................................................................................... 16
3 Exclusions Specific to Section F ...................................................................................................................... 17
Section G Legal Expenses .................................................................................................................................... 17
1 What is Covered ............................................................................................................................................... 17
2 Conditions Specific to Section G .................................................................................................................... 17
3 Exclusions Specific to Section G ..................................................................................................................... 18
Section H Winter Sports ....................................................................................................................................... 19
1 What is Covered ............................................................................................................................................... 19
2 Conditions Specific to Section H .................................................................................................................... 20
3 Exclusions Specific to Section H ..................................................................................................................... 20
General Exclusions ...................................................................................................................................................... 21
Key Information ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
General Conditions ..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Key Information ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.1 Geographical Area .................................................................................................................................... 22
1.2 Maximum Length of Trips ......................................................................................................................... 22
1.3 Exposure .................................................................................................................................................... 22
1.4 Duplication Of Claims ............................................................................................................................... 22
1.5 Information Disclosed ............................................................................................................................... 22
1.6 Age Limit .................................................................................................................................................... 23
1.7 Compensation ........................................................................................................................................... 23
1.8 Other Insurance ......................................................................................................................................... 23
1.9 Subrogation ............................................................................................................................................... 23
1.10 Interest ................................................................................................................................................... 23
1.11 Loss Mitigation ...................................................................................................................................... 23
1.12 Fraudulent Claims ................................................................................................................................ 23
1.13 Currency ................................................................................................................................................ 23
1.14 Cancellation .......................................................................................................................................... 24
1.15 Law And Jurisdiction ............................................................................................................................ 24
1.16 Assignment ........................................................................................................................................... 24
1.17 Contract (Right of Third Parties) Act 1999 .......................................................................................... 24
1.18 Language .............................................................................................................................................. 24
1.19 Entire Agreement ................................................................................................................................. 24
1.20 Severability Clause ............................................................................................................................... 24
1.21 Sanctions ............................................................................................................................................... 24
1.22 End Of Employment ............................................................................................................................. 25
How To Make A Claim ................................................................................................................................................. 26
Things You Must Do When Notifying A Claim .......................................................................................................... 26
Complaints How To Make A Complaint .................................................................................................................. 27
Financial Services Compensation Scheme ............................................................................................................... 27
Data Protection - Personal Information Notice ......................................................................................................... 28
Definitions .................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Welcome to this Everest Insurance Police Travel Policy which explains your insurance protection in full.
In this document a number of words or phrases are in bold type. This will give those words or phrases the
special meaning shown in the Definitions Section set out within this Policy, or as set out in a particular Section
of this Policy.
We”, ouror usis a reference to the insurer, shown in the policy schedule. The policyholderis a reference
to the corporate entity or organisation named as a policyholder in the policy schedule. The “insured person”,
you” or your” is a reference to a person who meets the criteria specified for an insured person in the policy
The Insurance Contract
In return for payment of or agreement to pay the premium shown in the policy schedule by the policyholder
or insured person, we agree to insure the insured person(s) stated on the policy schedule, subject to the
terms, conditions, limitations and endorsement(s) contained in or attached to this insurance Policy.
This document including the policy schedule and any endorsement(s) attached form the Policy. This
document sets out the conditions of the insurance cover provided.
Please read the whole document carefully and keep it in a safe place.
Important Information
It is important that:
The policyholder checks that the coverage it has requested is included in the policy schedule.
The policyholder checks that the information it has given to us is accurate see the “Information
Provided to Us” Section.
The policyholder and/or insured person notify us via the broker shown in the policy schedule
as soon as practicable of any inaccuracies in the information which the policyholder and/or
insured person have given us.
The policyholder and insured persons comply with their duties under each Section and under
this Policy as a whole.
Information Provided To Us
In deciding to accept this Policy and in setting the terms and premium, we have relied on the information the
policyholder and insured persons have given to us. The policyholder and insured persons must take care
when answering any questions we ask, by answering them honestly and with reasonable care, and by ensuring
that all the information provided to us is accurate and complete.
We will write to the policyholder if we:
intend to treat the Policy as if it never existed; or
need to amend the terms of the Policy; or
will be reducing the amount we will pay on a claim due to inaccurate information.
If the policyholder becomes aware that information given to us is inaccurate, the policyholder must inform us
as soon as practicable.
If an insured person becomes aware that information given to us is inaccurate, the insured person must inform
us as soon as practicable.
Our Rights Under This Policy
If we establish that the policyholder deliberately or recklessly provided us with false or misleading
information, we will treat this policy as if it never existed and decline all claims.
If we establish that the policyholder carelessly provided us with false or misleading information, it could
adversely affect this policy and any claim. For example, we may:
a. treat this Policy as if it never existed, refuse to pay all claims and return any premium paid. We
will only do this if we provided the policyholder with insurance cover which we would not
otherwise have offered; or
b. amend the terms of this policy. We may apply these amended terms to a claim as if the terms
were already in place, if the policyholder was careless; or
c. reduce the amount we pay on a claim in proportion to the premium within the policy
schedule, compared to the premium we would have charged the policyholder, should the
information provided have been accurate.
Nothing above shall limit the rights of the policyholder or insured person under any applicable laws
or regulations.
Cooling Off Provision
If an insured person is paying to participate under this Policy, the insured person will have a cooling off
period of fourteen (14) days from either:
the date the insured person receives the Policy; or
the start of the policy period,
whichever is the later.
The insured person is entitled to revoke their participation under this Policy during the cooling off period
above and in those circumstances, provided a claim has not been made or is not intended to be made by the
insured person, the insured person will be entitled to a full refund of any premium paid.
If an event has occurred that could give rise to a claim under this Policy, then no return premium will be paid.
These rights are in addition to the general rights of cancellation set out in General Condition 1.14.
Breach Of Term
We agree that where there has been a breach of any term (express or implied) which would otherwise
automatically result in us being discharged from any liability hereunder, such breach shall result in any liability
we might have under this Policy being suspended, with such suspension applying from the time the breach
occurred until the time the breach is remedied. This shall mean that we will not have any liability in respect of
any loss occurring, or attributable to something happening, during the period of suspension.
Terms Not Relevant To The Loss
If there is non-compliance with any term (express or implied) hereunder, other than a term that defines the risk
as a whole, and compliance with such a term would tend to reduce the risk of:
loss of a particular kind;
loss at a particular location; and/or
loss at a particular time,
then we agree that we may not rely on the non-compliance to exclude, limit or discharge our liability under this
Policy if the policyholder and/or insured person prove to us that non-compliance with the term could not have
increased the risk of the loss as it actually occurred.
Pre-Existing Medical Conditions
This Policy does not provide cover for claims arising from pre-existing medical conditions for:
1. claims made under Section B Medical and Other Expenses as a result of:
a. your certification as unfit to travel by a medical practitioner;
b. your travel for the purpose of receiving medical treatment, vaccination, medical check-up, care or
advice, regardless of whether or not this is the sole or main purpose of the trip;
c. your travel after receiving a terminal prognosis;
d. your purchase of prescription medicines for a pre-existing medical condition; or
2. claims made under Section C1.1 Cancellation, Curtailment and Amendment as a result of:
a. your certification as unfit to travel by a medical practitioner;
b. your inclusion on a waiting list the inpatient treatment;
c. your travel for the purpose of receiving medical treatment, vaccination, medical check-up, care or
advice, regardless of whether or not this is the sole or main purpose of the trip;
d. your travel after receiving a terminal prognosis;
e. you, your close relative, your traveling companion or their close relative’s pre-existing medical
condition which we determine could have reasonably been foreseen as likely to give rise to a claim;
3. claims made under Section G1.2b Winter Sports Injury and Illness as a result of:
a. an illness you were aware of prior to you travelling for the trip; or
b. travelling against the advice of a medical practitioner.
Sports and Pastimes
This Policy may not cover you when you take part in certain sports or pastimes where there is a high risk of
bodily injury.
This Policy provides automatic cover for you whilst participating in the following activities during a trip during
the policy period and operative time:
Abseiling (with a qualified instructor), aerobics, archery (with a qualified supervisor), angling, badminton,
banana boating, baseball, basketball, body boarding, bowls, bungee jumping (with a licenced company) ,
camel/elephant rides (with a qualified guide/instructor), camping, canoeing (up to grade 2, not including sea
canoeing and whilst with a qualified guide/instructor), clay pigeon shooting, cricket, croquet, curling, cycling
(excluding touring, racing and BMX), diving (up to a depth of 30m only), fencing (with a qualified
guide/instructor), fishing (including deep sea fishing and game fishing), football (excluding competitions),
gliding (whilst not piloting and only with a qualified instructor), golf, go karting, gymnastics, handball, hill
walking not involving ropes/guides and under 3,000m, hiking not involving ropes/guides and above 3,000m
(with a qualified guide only), horse riding (excluding racing, eventing and hunting), hot air ballooning (whilst as
a passenger only), ice skating (on a recognised rink only), jet skiing or biking or boating (excluding claims under
the Personal Liability Section hereunder), kayaking (up to grade 3 and not including sea kayaking), motor cycling
(whilst holding a valid licence and wearing appropriate safety gear only), mountain biking (excluding stunts,
racing or extreme terrain), netball, orienteering, paintballing, parascending (over water only), pony trekking,
quad biking (up to 125cc), racquetball, rambling (not including climbing), roller skating, rounders, rowing,
running/jogging (including fell running without climbing but excluding distances longer than a marathon), safari
(provided an organised excursion with a tour operator), sailing/yachting (within fifteen (15) miles from land for
all types and for flotilla sailing this must also be with a qualified guide), scuba diving to a depth of 40m (while
accompanied by a fellow certified diver and provided you hold a recognised diving qualification for the depth),
shooting (excluding hunting), skiing (including on piste and dry slopes but for cross country and off piste with
qualified guide/instructor only), sleigh rides (as a passenger and with a qualified guide), sledding with dogs (as
a passenger only and with a qualified guide), snorkelling, snowboarding (including on piste but for off piste
with qualified guide/instructor only), softball, squash, surfing, swimming (including with dolphins), table tennis,
ten pin bowling, tennis (excluding competitions), tobogganing, volleyball, water polo, water skiing (excluding
jumping), white/black water rafting (up to grade 3 and with a qualified guide), windsurfing (within three (3)
miles from land).
No other sports or pastimes will be covered by this Policy, including organised team sports.
Coverage Sections
The benefits listed within Coverage Sections will have a corresponding maximum sum insured stated within the
policy schedule. The sum insured may be limited per insured person, or per claim or otherwise and may be
dependent on the insured person’s age as clearly stated in the policy schedule. The full wording for each
Coverage Section should be reviewed, as there may be limitations to the benefit payable.
Section A Accidental Bodily Injury
1 What is Covered
We hereby agree with you, to the extent and in the manner herein provided, that if during the policy period
and operative time whilst on a trip you have an accident that results in your bodily injury which, within twelve
(12) months from the date of the accident, solely directly and independently of any other cause results in your
death or you having a disablement listed in the table of benefits for this Section in the policy schedule, we will
pay you or your executors or administrators compensation according to the table.
The maximum we will pay per insured person per benefit, any applicable benefit periods and any applicable
waiting periods for this Section are stated in the policy schedule.
2 Conditions Specific to Section A
In addition to the General Conditions set out later in this wording, the following conditions apply to this Section:
1. Benefit shall not be payable under more than one (1) of Items A1-A9 of the policy schedule in respect
of the consequences of one (1) accident for the same insured person.
2. We shall not make any further payments during the policy period for an insured person once
payment has been made for such insured person under one (1) of Items A1-A9 of the policy schedule.
3. If a claim is to be made for any one (1) of A2-A9 of the policy schedule in respect of the consequences
of one (1) accident for an insured person, then we shall not be liable for any claim for permanent
partial disablement (A10(a)-A10(k) of the policy schedule) for the same accident for that insured
4. If Item A1 of the policy schedule is covered and the insured person has not died as a result of an
accident, we will only pay a benefit from A2-A8 of the policy schedule after at least thirteen (13)
consecutive weeks from the date of the accident.
5. Item A9 of the policy schedule will only be payable after fifty-two (52) consecutive weeks of
disablement following an accident.
6. Benefits for permanent partial disablement shall be calculated by multiplying the stated percentage
shown in the table for the corresponding disablement under A10(a)-A10(k) by the monetary limit for
permanent partial disablement.
7. Item A10(k) of the policy schedule includes any permanent disability which is not covered by any of
the items A1-A9 or A10(a)-A10(j). It shall be assessed by us by considering the severity of disablement
alongside the percentages for other disablements stated in the policy schedule and shall be a
maximum of 100% and minimum of 0%. The insured person’s occupation will not be considered under
this assessment.
8. If more than one (1) of Items A10(a)-A10(k) of the policy schedule shall occur in respect of the
consequences of one (1) accident for the same insured person, the percentages shown will be added
together but in no instance shall we be liable to pay more than 100% in total.
9. Payments under Items A11 and/or A12 of the policy schedule will be paid at four (4) weekly intervals
in arrears after expiry of the corresponding waiting period.
10. Payments under Items A11 and A12 of the policy schedule shall be limited to the corresponding
benefit period shown in the policy schedule.
11. Payment under Items A11 and A12 of the policy schedule shall be limited to a maximum percentage
of the insured person’s normal weekly wage as stated in the policy schedule. It is your duty to inform
us if any claim payment exceeds this percentage and if so, payments will be proportionately reduced
until the limits are no longer exceeded.
3 Exclusions Specific to Section A
In addition to the General Exclusions set out later in this wording, we will not be liable under this Section for
any claim arising out of, based upon or attributable to:
1. illness;
2. any gradually operating cause; and
3. any naturally occurring condition or degenerative process.
Section B Medical and Associated Expenses
1 What is Covered
We hereby agree with you, to the extent and in the manner herein provided:
1.1 - Overseas Medical Expenses
To reimburse you for the necessary and reasonable emergency medical expenses and emergency dental
expenses (for the relief of pain and suffering only, sublimited in the policy schedule) incurred overseas solely
and directly as a result of you sustaining a bodily injury or illness during the operative time and period of
insurance whilst on a trip.
The maximum we will pay per insured person per claim and any applicable excess per claim for this Section
are stated in the policy schedule.
1.2 - Emergency Medical Evacuation
To pay for the costs of your evacuation when arranged by us utilizing the means we believe to be most
appropriate at our sole discretion, if in our opinion it is medically appropriate to move you from one (1)
overseas location to another overseas location of our choosing for medical treatment following bodily injury
or illness during the operative time and period of insurance whilst on a trip.
The maximum we will pay per insured person per claim is stated in the policy schedule.
1.3 - Repatriation
To pay for the costs of repatriation of you and your personal belongings when arranged by us utilizing the
means we believe to be most appropriate at our sole discretion, if in our opinion it is medically appropriate to
move you and your personal belongings to your country of residence from a location overseas for medical
treatment following bodily injury or illness during the operative time and period of insurance whilst on a
The maximum we will pay per insured person per claim is stated in the policy schedule.
1.4 Compassionate Visit and Emergency Travel Expenses
That if you are an inpatient in a hospital as a result of sustaining a bodily injury or illness during the operative
time and period of insurance whilst on a trip, we will pay the reasonable and necessary scheduled
transportation expenses and accommodation expenses incurred by you as a result and we will pay for two (2)
of your close relatives resident in your country of residence or traveling companions to visit you from your
country of residence or remain with you, if on the advice of a qualified medical practitioner and as agreed in
advance by us they are advised to do so.
The reasonable and necessary expenses incurred under this Section shall be limited to scheduled
transportation expenses and hotel accommodation expenses.
The maximum we will pay per insured person per claim is stated in the policy schedule.
1.5 Continuing Medical Expenses
To reimburse you for reasonable medical expenses incurred whilst you are an inpatient in a hospital in your
country of residence immediately following repatriation from an overseas trip during the operative time and
period of insurance as provided by us under Section B1.3, should we consider it necessary and appropriate
to ensure that you are not medically compromised.
The maximum we will pay per insured person per claim is stated in the policy schedule.
1.6 In-Hospital Cash
To pay the daily benefit stated in the policy schedule for each continuous and complete twenty-four (24) hour
period for which you are confined by a medical practitioner to a hospital as an inpatient due to bodily injury
or illness you suffered whilst on a trip during the operative time and policy period.
The maximum number of complete days we will pay per insured person per claim and the maximum per
insured person per day are stated in the policy schedule.
1.7 Funeral Expenses
That in the event of your death as a direct result of bodily injury or illness you sustained whilst on an overseas
trip during the operative time and policy period, we will indemnify your estate for either:
a. the reasonable costs incurred for a funeral outside of your country of residence; or
b. the costs to repatriate your mortal remains and personal belongings to your country of residence.
The maximum we will pay per insured person per claim is stated in the policy schedule.
1.8 Overseas Coma Benefit
To pay the additional daily amount stated in the policy schedule for each continuous and complete twenty-
four (24) hour period for which you are in a continuous comatose state due to a bodily injury you suffered
whilst on an overseas trip during the operative time and policy period.
The maximum number of complete days we will pay per insured person per claim and the maximum per
insured person per day are stated in the policy schedule.
1.9 Country of Residence Transportation Expenses
That following a valid claim under Section B1.1, if you are subsequently treated in hospital in your country of
residence as an outpatient during the policy period as a direct result, we will reimburse you for any reasonable
transportation expenses to get you to and from your normal place of work or your home and hospital.
The maximum number of consecutive weeks we will pay per insured person per claim, the maximum amount
per insured person per day and the maximum total amount per insured person per claim is stated in the policy
1.10 Search and Rescue Expenses
To pay for the necessary and reasonable costs incurred if whilst on an overseas trip you are reported as missing
and it becomes necessary for the rescue or police authorities to instigate a search and rescue operation where:
a. it is known or believed that you may have suffered bodily injury or illness; or
b. local weather or safety conditions are such that it becomes necessary to do so in order to prevent you
from suffering bodily injury or illness.
The maximum we will pay per insured person per claim is stated in the policy schedule.
We will only pay a claim under this benefit provided:
a. The Emergency Medical Assistance Service must be informed immediately or as soon as reasonably
possible of any potential Search and Rescue Expenses claim.
b. You must comply at all times with local safety advice and adhere to recommendations prevalent at the
time of the trip, or the excursion/activity whilst on a trip.
c. You must not knowingly endanger either your own life or the life of any other insured person or
engage in activities where your experience or skill levels fall below those reasonably required for you
to participate in such activities.
d. We will only pay your proportion of any search and rescue operation.
e. We will only pay up to the point where you are recovered by a search and rescue operation or at the
time when the search and rescue authorities advise that continuing the search is no longer viable.
2 Conditions Specific to Section B
In addition to the General Conditions set out later in this wording, the following conditions apply to this Section:
1. The Emergency Assistance Provider must be contacted by you or a person acting on your behalf for
approval prior to incurring any expenses under this Section, except in the event that this is not possible
for reasons beyond your control due to an emergency situation. In that instance, the Emergency
Assistance Provider must be contacted as soon as reasonably practicable and we shall at our sole
discretion only reimburse those expenses that we would have provided under the same circumstances.
2. Expenses under Section B1.5 shall only be payable for a bodily injury that was sustained or for an
illness that first manifested itself whilst you were overseas and where repatriation was directed by us
or the Emergency Assistance Provider.
3. If you are traveling to an EU country or Switzerland or the UK and have either a European Health
Insurance Card (EHIC) or a UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC), you are advised to take this with
you whilst traveling. As a result, you may be entitled to receive treatment in the EU, Switzerland or UK
without paying an excess.
4. You shall reimburse us for any costs that are made in good faith under this Section by the Emergency
Assistance Provider to any person who is not insured under this Section.
3 Exclusions Specific to Section B
In addition to the General Exclusions set out later in this wording, we will not be liable under this Section for
any claim arising out of, based upon or attributable to:
1. pre-existing medical conditions detailed in the Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Section;
2. normal costs of pregnancy unless there have been medical complications resulting from a bodily
injury or illness whilst on a trip;
3. a) expenses incurred under Section B (excluding B1.5) more than twelve (12) months after the date the
need for treatment for your bodily injury or illness first arises;
b) expenses incurred under Sections B1.1 and B1.4 after we deem that you are fit to travel to your
country of residence;
c) expenses incurred under Section B1.5 more than three (3) months after you are repatriated to your
country of residence;
4. treatment that we believe could have been delayed until your return to your country of residence;
5. private health treatment or single rooms unless specifically approved by the Emergency Assistance
6. medical expenses incurred whilst on a trip inside your country of residence; and
7. repeat prescription medications.
Section C - Trip Interruption
1 What is Covered
We hereby agree with you, to the extent and in the manner herein provided:
1.1 Cancellation, Curtailment and Amendment
That for a trip scheduled to take place during the operative time and policy period, if you are forced to cancel
such trip before departure or curtail or amend such trip following departure due to any one (1) of the Listed
Reasons detailed below, we will reimburse you for the corresponding reasonable and necessary expenses
detailed in the following table:
Irrecoverable transportation and accommodation
expenses which have been paid for or are legally
required to be paid for under a contract and must be
Additional transport and accommodation
expenses to return you to your country of
Additional transport and accommodation
expenses to allow you to complete your original
Non-refundable deposits which have been paid for
or are legally required to be paid for under a contract
and must be cancelled.
Listed Reasons
a) death, serious injury, sudden illness, complications in pregnancy or compulsory medical quarantine of:
i. you;
ii. your traveling companion or their close relative; or
iii. your close relative;
provided cancellation, curtailment or alteration of the trip is confirmed as medically necessary by a
medical practitioner;
b) your unemployment provided that the unemployment qualifies for payment under any unemployment
act in your country of residence;
c) your being summoned to jury service or to be a witness in a court, compulsory quarantine, military
service, medical service, subpoena or exigency of duty;
d) major damage to your home causing it to become inhabitable or burglary or attempted burglary to
your home resulting in police requesting your presence, within fourteen (14) days immediately prior
to the planned trip or occurring during your trip;
e) adverse weather conditions, strike, riot or civil commotion resulting in scheduled public transport
services being cancelled or curtailed;
f) a natural catastrophe resulting in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office recommending against all
but essential travel to the trip destination or the government of the country of trip destination declaring
a state of emergency;
For amendment of a trip following departure only, the above Listed Reasons are extended to include natural
catastrophe (other than as described in Listed Reason f above), avalanche, explosion, fire, landslide and
quarantine, if an accommodation provider or local or national authority have deemed it necessary for you to
leave a pre-booked and prepaid accommodation, written confirmation of this is provided to us and where costs
cannot be claimed back from a service provider. This extension is sub-limited in the policy schedule as
Amendment due to Catastrophe.
The maximum we will pay per claim per insured person and any applicable excess are stated in the policy
1.2 Delay
a. Reimbursement To reimburse you for irrecoverable payments paid or contracted to be paid for travel
and accommodation and non-refundable deposits in the event that you cancel your trip that was scheduled to
take place during the operative time and period of insurance after a delay to your outward or homeward
scheduled pre-booked public conveyance of at least twenty-four (24) consecutive hours as a direct result of an
exceptional circumstance.
The maximum we will pay per claim per insured person and any applicable excess is stated in the policy
b. Monetary Benefit To pay to you an amount for each completed consecutive twelve (12) hour period
your outward or homeward pre-booked scheduled conveyance due to take place during the operative time
and period of insurance is delayed due to an exceptional circumstance.
The maximum we will pay per complete twelve (12) hour period per insured person and per claim per insured
person is stated in the policy schedule.
1.3 Missed Departure
To reimburse you for the reasonable and necessary additional transport and accommodation expenses to
reach the final destination of your trip scheduled to take place during the operative time and policy period,
if you arrive late at the initial departure point of the trip as shown on your itinerary due to:
a) your scheduled public transport being delayed;
b) the car you are travelling in being involved in an accident or breaking down; or
c) the car you are travelling in being delayed due to exceptional and unforeseen traffic flow congestion
and you can support this with documentary evidence.
The maximum we will pay per insured person per claim and any excess is stated in the policy schedule.
1.4 Hijack and Kidnap
To pay you an amount for each complete twenty-four (24) hour period that you are detained as a result of a
hijack or kidnap occurring during the operative time and period of insurance whilst on an overseas trip after
the initial twenty-four (24) hour detained period for which there will be no payment by us. For the avoidance of
doubt, we will not pay for your initial twenty-four (24) hour period of detainment.
The maximum we will pay per twenty-four (24) hour period per insured person and per claim per insured
person are stated in the policy schedule.
2 Conditions Specific to Section C
In addition to the General Conditions set out later in this wording, the following conditions apply to this Section:
1. You will only be reimbursed once for the same outgoing cost under either Section C1.1 or C1.2,
whichever reimburses the higher amount.
2. You will only be reimbursed once for the same delay under either Section C1.2a or C1.2b.
3. You must allow sufficient time for the transport you are travelling in to arrive and deliver you to the
scheduled point of departure so that you can check-in according to your itinerary to claim under
Section C1.2 and C1.3.
4. You must comply with the terms of contract of the travel agent, tour operator or provider of transport.
3 Exclusions Specific to Section C
In addition to the General Exclusions set out later in this wording, we will not be liable under this Section for
any claim arising out of, based upon or attributable to:
For Section C1.1:
1. costs which have been paid for or incurred on behalf of a person other than an insured person, the
cost of which is to be borne by you;
2. refusal or disinclination to travel or change travel plans;
3. your or an insured person’s financial circumstances;
4. your redundancy, resignation or termination of employment within thirty (30) days immediately prior
to a planned trip or during your trip;
5. costs due to the service of any means of transport being temporarily or permanently suspended on the
recommendation or orders of the Government or any Public Authority or manufacturer in any country,
except for when the airspace in your country of residence from where you are scheduled to depart
from or the port or airport that you are due to travel from or through is closed due to a natural
catastrophe for at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the date and time of departure as stated on the
ticket or itinerary, subject to you proving these costs are unable to be refunded from the provider;
6. financial failure or omission or neglect of any provider or its agent of transport or accommodation;
7. strike, labour dispute or failure of a means of transport except
a. after a delay to departure of at least twenty-four (24) hours of a pre-booked transport, and
b. only if the delay is due to a strike or industrial action which did not exist or the possibility of
which did not exist and for which no advanced warning had been given prior to the date on
which the transport was booked;
8. food and beverages;
9. pre-existing medical conditions detailed in the Pre-Existing Medical Conditions Section;
10. failing to check in according to the itinerary unless the failure was due to strike or industrial action;
11. regulations made by any Government or public authority;
12. claims arising from your failure to provide appropriate travel documents or visas;
13. compensation for any air miles or holiday points used to pay for the trip in part or in full; and
14. a) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19);
b) Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2);
c) any mutation or variation of a) or b) or disease caused by a) or b);
d) any measures taken by any governmental, public or other authority or any other person for the
prevention, suppression, mitigation, cleaning or removal of any virus or disease referred to in a), b), or
c) listed herein; or
e) any fear or threat of a), b), c) or d) listed in herein.
This exclusion does not apply to any claim for cancellation of a trip before departure as a direct result
i. you being positively diagnosed with a), b), or c) herein which directly results in:
A. an official requirement for you to undertake compulsory quarantine or self-isolation, or
B. you being certified by a medical practitioner as being unable to travel due to
symptoms resulting therefrom;
ii. your close relative with whom you reside at your home being positively diagnosed with a),
b), or c) herein which directly results in an official requirement for you to undertake
compulsory quarantine or self-isolation.
For Section C1.2
1. costs due to the service of any means of transport being temporarily or permanently suspended on the
recommendation or orders of the Government or any Public Authority or manufacturer in any country,
except for when the airspace in your country of residence from where you are scheduled to depart
from or the port or airport that you are due to travel from or through is closed for at least twenty-four
(24) hours prior to the date and time of departure as stated on the ticket or itinerary, subject to you
proving these costs are unable to be refunded from the provider;
2. any loss from the time you failed to take the first alternative reasonable travel during a delay period;
3. your failure to obtain written confirmation from the carriers or their agents of the number of hours
delay and the reason for such delay;
4. failing to check in accordance with the time indicated by the conveyance; and
5. strike labour dispute or industrial action which existed or the possibility of which existed and for which
advance warning had been given prior to the date on which the trip was booked.
For Section C1.3
1. you not doing everything possible, as determined by us, to get to the departure point of your trip at
the time specified by the transport provider.
For Section C1.4
1. if you have ever had any insurance similar to that under Section C1.4 excluded or cancelled or declined
by any insurance provider in the past.
Section D - Personal Baggage
1 What is Covered
We hereby agree with you, to the extent and in the manner herein provided, that if during your trip during the
operative time and period of insurance:
a) your personal baggage is lost, stolen or damaged, we will at our sole discretion either replace or
repair or reimburse the cost for the loss of, theft of or damage to your personal baggage.
b) your personal baggage is delayed, we will reimburse the cost of reasonable and necessary essential
items purchased by you during your trip after a delay to your personal baggage of a minimum of
twenty-four (24) consecutive hours from the time you arrive at your outbound trip destination.
c) your keys to your home or vehicle are lost, we will reimburse the cost (including parts and labour) of
replacing the relevant locks or keys. We will not arrange for replacement to be carried out.
The maximum we will pay overall for this Section D per claim per insured person, per Sub-Section per claim
per insured person, per single item, pair or set (sub-limited for valuables) and any applicable excess are stated
in the policy schedule.
2 Conditions Specific to Section D
In addition to the General Conditions set out later in this wording, the following conditions apply to this Section:
1. Any costs payable under Section D1b will be subtracted from a subsequent payment under Section
D1a where a delay becomes a permanent loss.
2. You must retain any damaged personal baggage in respect of which a claim is made under this
Section and we shall be entitled to keep and salvage such damaged property if we pay the claim
3. You must take every possible step and reasonable precaution to ensure your personal baggage is
kept safe, properly packaged, carried and secured during the trip.
3 Exclusions Specific to Section D
In addition to the General Exclusions set out later in this wording, we will not be liable under this Section for
any claim arising out of, based upon or attributable to:
1. loss of money;
2. damage caused in replacing locks;
3. loss or theft if the incident is not reported within forty-eight (48) hours of discovery to the most
appropriate of any of the following and for which a written report is not obtained: the local police or
other appropriate authority, hotel, airline or tour operator;
4. confiscation or detention or destruction or damage by customs or any other authority, or any property
which is contraband or which is or has been illegally transported or traded;
5. theft or attempted theft from an unattended vehicle, unless stored out of sight in a locked boot or
compartment and there is evidence that the vehicle has been broken into;
6. electrical or mechanical breakdown;
7. moth, vermin, wear and tear (except where wear and tear to the fastening of an item to a carrier or
container causes loss or damage to the item) or gradual deterioration, or atmospheric or climatic
conditions or damage sustained due to any process or while actually being cleaned or worked upon
or resulting from these processes;
8. loss, damage or theft of any land, sea or air or other motorised conveyance and/or its accessories;
9. pressure in an aircraft cargo hold;
10. damage to brittle items unless sustained as a result of an accident in a conveyance; and
11. personal baggage sent as freight or under a bill of lading.
Section E Money
1 What is Covered
We hereby agree with you, to the extent and in the manner herein provided, that if during your trip during the
operative time and period of insurance:
a) your money is lost or stolen whilst in your custody and control, we will indemnify you for this loss. This
is extended to include loss or theft of money in your custody and control within the forty-eight (48)
hours immediately prior to or following the trip if the money was obtained for the purpose of the trip.
b) you suffer financial loss as a result of your payment card being lost or stolen during the trip and
subsequently used without your authorisation by any person other than your close relative or your
traveling companion, we will indemnify you for such loss.
c) your travel documents, driving licence, visa or passport that are required for the trip are lost or
damaged, we will reimburse the reasonable and necessary costs (including for additional travel and
accommodation) of obtaining official permanent or temporary replacements. This is extended to
include theft of such documents if they are stolen within the seven (7) days immediately prior to the
departure date of the trip.
d) your rental vehicle rented under a licensed rental vehicle agreement from a licensed rental vehicle
company is lost, stolen or damaged, we will reimburse you for any excess or deductible you become
legally liable to pay under a rental vehicle insurance policy as a result. We will only reimburse under
this Policy for one (1) claim per period of insurance for all insured persons.
The maximum we will pay overall for this Section E per claim per insured person, per Sub-Section and any
applicable excess are stated in the policy schedule. Additionally, Section E1a is sub-limited in respect of cash.
2 Conditions Specific to Section E
In addition to the General Conditions set out later in this wording, the following conditions apply to this Section:
1. You must take every possible step and reasonable precaution to ensure your money is kept safe,
properly packaged, carried and secured during the trip.
2. You must comply with the terms and conditions of the payment card issuer.
3 Exclusions Specific to Section E
In addition to the General Exclusions set out later in this wording, we will not be liable under this Section for
any claim arising out of, based upon or attributable to:
1. loss or theft if the incident is not reported to police or another appropriate authority within seventy-
two (72) hours of discovery and for which a written report is not obtained;
2. fraudulent use of payment cards if you have not complied with the terms and conditions under which
the card was issued;
3. theft or attempted theft of money from an unattended vehicle, unless stored out of sight in a locked
boot or compartment and there is evidence that the vehicle has been broken into;
4. fraudulent use of credit cards, charge cards or banker’s cards where this is covered by a guarantee
given by the issuing bank or company to you;
5. monetary shortfall due to error, omission, delay, exchange transaction or depreciation in value;
6. deliberate loss or damage to a rental vehicle by you;
7. rental vehicle wear and tear, gradual deterioration, mechanical or electrical failure; and
8. rental vehicle damage or loss that existed prior to the commencement of the rental period.
Section F Personal Liability
1 What is Covered
We hereby agree with you, to the extent and in the manner herein provided, that if during your trip during the
operative time and policy period you cause the accidental bodily injury or accidental death of any other
person or loss or damage to the other person’s property, we will:
a) pay for compensatory damages you become legally liable to pay as a result; and
b) reimburse the reasonable and necessary legal costs and expenses for settling and defending a claim
made against you as a result.
The maximum we will pay per claim per insured person is stated in the policy schedule.
2 Conditions Specific to Section F
In addition to the General Conditions set out later in this wording, the following conditions apply to this Section:
1. No offer or promise of payment or admission of any liability or fault or negotiation must be made to
any party without our prior written approval.
2. Legal costs and expenses incurred by you will only be reimbursed should they have been agreed by
3. You or your representatives must not become involved in any litigation without our prior written
4. You must give us immediate notice of any inquest, impending prosecution, fatal enquiry and event
that might give rise to a claim under this Section.
5. We must be provided with all documents relating to a claim or potential claim, including but not limited
to every writ, summons, letter, claim and process, under this Section immediately upon receipt of such
documents by you.
6. We must be provided with all reasonable assistance required by us by you and your legal
7. Should we so choose, we shall have the right to act in your name and take over the defence and/or
settlement of any claim. This shall extend to include, at our own expense, any prosecution or claim for
indemnity or damages against any other person.
8. Should we so choose, at any time we may pay you the amount shown for this Section in the policy
schedule (minus any sums already paid as compensation) or an amount that is lesser for which the
claim or a series of claims can be settled. Following this, we shall not be under any further liability in
respect of the claim or series of claims, except for any costs or expenses incurred prior to the date of
such payment.
9. If your liability in respect of a claim or series of claims exceeds the amount shown for this benefit in the
policy schedule, the amount of our liability for the claim or series of claims shall be reduced in the
same proportion to the difference between the amount shown for this benefit in the policy schedule
and the total amount you will settle in relation to the claim or series of claims.
3 Exclusions Specific to Section F
In addition to the General Exclusions set out later in this wording, we will not be liable under this Section for
any claim arising out of, based upon or attributable to:
1. the insured person’s family;
2. ownership, custody, or use of any motor vehicle or mechanically propelled vehicle, aircraft, watercraft,
firearms, land or buildings, or animals;
3. the conduct of a business, profession or trade, including you providing professional advice or services
or employment;
4. punitive, aggravated or exemplary damages;
5. any wilful, unlawful, or malicious act;
6. material property belonging to or held in trust by you or your family or your employee or agent except
for your temporary accommodation whilst on a trip;
7. your participation in terrorist activity;
8. the transmission of a communicable disease or virus; and
9. any liability agreed by you unless such liability would have attached to you in the absence of that
Section G Legal Expenses
1 What is Covered
We hereby agree with you, to the extent and in the manner herein provided, that if during your trip during the
operative time and policy period a third party causes accidental bodily injury to you or your accidental
death, we will pay for your legal expenses incurred or legal expenses incurred on behalf of you in pursuit of
a civil claim for damages or compensation against the third party.
The maximum we will pay from a single original event or circumstance for all legal expenses reasonably and
necessarily incurred is stated in the policy schedule.
2 Conditions Specific to Section G
In addition to the General Conditions set out later in this wording, the following conditions apply to this Section:
1. You must report any original event or circumstance that is likely to give rise to a claim under this Section
to us as soon as practicably possible and in any event no less than six (6) months after you knew or
ought to have known about the event or circumstance. In respect of an appeal or defence of an appeal
this must be reported to us at least ten (10) working days prior to the deadline for the appeal.
2. Our consent to pay any legal expenses must firstly be obtained in writing before they are incurred, or
this shall entitle us to withdraw cover under this Section and recover any legal expenses we have paid.
3. In the first instance, we will appoint a legal representative. If, however, there are reasonable
circumstances for this not to be appropriate, such as a conflict of interest, you may nominate a legal
representative by sending us their name and address. If we do not approve of the legal
representative that has been chosen, you may choose an alternative. If there is still a disagreement
regarding the nomination of the legal representative, we will ask the president of a relevant national
law society to choose a suitable individual, the choice of whom all parties must abide by.
4. You and your representatives and the legal representative must fully cooperate with us, keep us fully
informed at all times and pass on any information we require in regard to any third party claim or
legal proceedings under this Section of the Policy. You must also cooperate fully with the legal
representative. We are entitled to have access to and be provided by the legal representative on
request, any information or documentation or advice relating to any third party claim or legal
proceedings under this Section of the Policy.
5. Our decision to allow the commencement and the continuation of legal proceedings will take into
account the opinion of the legal representative and our own counsel. Consent will be given if:
a) the collective legal opinion of the legal representative and our own counsel is that there is a
continuing reasonable prospect of success (more than 50%) for pursuing the legal proceedings;
b) the cost in pursuing a third party claim is likely to be less than the amount of damages or
compensation that you are likely to receive; and
c) it is reasonable for legal expenses to be paid by us.
6. If the opinion of the legal representative, you and/or our own counsel differ, we may at our own cost
obtain an opinion from a qualified barrister to be mutually selected, or if agreement upon selection
cannot be reached, to be chosen by the president of a relevant national law society. This opinion will
determine whether we give our consent to the commencement and continuation of legal
7. If we do not give our consent to the commencement of legal proceedings, then we will only pay for
the reasonable costs in obtaining the initial opinion of the legal representative upon the merits of
pursuing a third party claim for damages or compensation. If we do not give our consent for the
continuation of legal proceedings and as such we withdraw our consent, then we will only pay for the
costs incurred under this Section up until the date that consent to continue is withdrawn by us.
8. If the opinion of the legal representative, you and/or our own counsel is that there is a reasonable
prospect of success but the cost of pursuing a third party claim is likely to be more than the amount
of damages or compensation that you are likely to receive, the maximum we will pay is the anticipated
amount of damages or compensation or the applicable limit of indemnity stated on the policy
schedule, whichever is the lesser amount. This shall be payable at our sole discretion.
9. All claims including any appeal against a judgment resulting from the same original cause, event, or
circumstances, will be regarded as one claim.
10. We may at our discretion assume control, in your name, of any third party claims or legal
proceedings under this Section at any time.
11. If you settle or withdraw a third party claim without our prior written agreement, cover under this
Section will end and we will be entitled to recover any legal expenses we have incurred from you.
12. If you refuse to accept a reasonable offer or payment into court to settle a third party claim against
our and the legal representative’s recommendation, then we may refuse to pay any further benefit
under this Section.
13. No agreement to settle on the basis of both parties paying their own costs is to be made without our
prior written agreement.
14. If the legal representative is dismissed without our prior written agreement, cover under this Section
will end and we will be entitled to recover any legal expenses we have incurred from you.
15. If following any successful claim or legal proceedings an award of costs is made in the favour of you
or those acting on your behalf, any legal expenses paid by us will be reimbursed by you or those
acting on your behalf to us to the extent of the full amount of such costs awarded.
16. Apart from the decision of appointing a legal representative, or the commencement or continuation
of legal proceedings, if there is any dispute between you and us in respect of acceptance, control,
handling or refusal of any claim under this Section, this will be referred to a single arbitrator. The
arbitrator will be a solicitor or barrister agreed by you and us, or if there is a dispute as to the choice,
one who is chosen by the president of a relevant national law society. The arbitrator’s decision shall be
final and binding on all parties, including the apportionment of costs.
17. Third parties do not have any right to enforce the terms of this Section, including under The Contracts
(Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
3 Exclusions Specific to Section G
In addition to the General Exclusions set out later in this wording, we will not be liable under this Section for
any claim arising out of, based upon or attributable to:
1. the defending of any civil claim or legal proceedings made or brought against you, including any
counterclaims made against you in connection with any third party claim;
2. illness;
3. death or bodily injury that occurs gradually or is not caused by an accident, including deep vein
thrombosis (DVT) or its symptoms in relation to air travel;
4. when you do not keep to the terms, conditions and exclusions under this Section;
5. when there is more specific insurance under another policy that you hold or where there is no
possibility of recovery under another insurance policy because that insurer has refused the claim;
6. fines or other penalties imposed by a court of criminal jurisdiction or other authority;
7. any criminal act deliberately or intentionally committed by you;
8. your driving a motor vehicle without a valid licence and/or insurance;
9. pursuing any claim against any travel agent, tour operator, insurer or their agents;
10. clinical negligence;
11. an application for judicial review;
12. any claim or circumstance notified more than six (6) months after the event from which the cause of
action arose or where you have failed to notify us of the event giving rise to a third party claim within
a reasonable time and we believe this failure has prejudiced our position;
13. legal expenses incurred by you making a claim against the policyholder, your employer, us, your
close relative, any other person covered under this Policy, or any organisation or person involved in
arranging this Policy;
14. legal expenses incurred before we have given our consent;
15. legal expenses chargeable by the legal representatives under contingency fee arrangements; and
16. slander or libel.
Section H Winter Sports
1 What is Covered
We hereby agree with you, to the extent and in the manner herein provided:
1.1 Winter Sports Equipment
That if winter sports equipment you are using on a trip during the policy period and operative time is lost,
stolen or damaged by accident, we will reimburse you for:
a) Winter Sports Equipment Owned by You
The lower amount of replacement or repair for winter sports equipment owned by you. This will be
payable only after making an allowance for wear, tear and loss of value using the following scale:
Equipment age (years)
Deduction from the price
you paid
100% (nothing payable)
b) Winter Sports Equipment Hired by You
The lower amount of replacement or repair for winter sports equipment hired by you.
c) Replacement Winter Sports Equipment Hire
The hire of winter sports equipment for the rest of your trip, following a valid claim under Section
H1.1b only.
d) Lift Pass
The cost of a replacement lift pass but only in respect of loss or theft.
The maximum we will pay per complete twenty-four (24) hour period per insured person for equipment hire,
per claim per insured person and any applicable excess is stated in the policy schedule.
1.2 Bodily Injury and Illness
That if you suffer illness or bodily injury and as a direct result you are certified by a medical practitioner as
being unable to take part in your pre-booked winter sports activities, we will:
a) Non-Refundable Costs Reimbursement
Reimburse you for the non-refundable costs of ski school lessons, winter sports equipment hire and lift
passes, if these were hired for use on a trip scheduled to take place during the policy period and
operative time.
b) Compensatory Daily Benefit
Pay you a daily amount per complete twenty-four (24) hour period that you are certified as being
unable to take part, if your illness or bodily injury occurred whilst you were on a trip during the policy
period and operative time.
The maximum we will pay per complete twenty-four (24) hour period per insured person and/or per insured
person per claim are stated in the policy schedule.
1.3 Interruption
a) Avalanche
That if whilst on a trip during the operative time and policy period you are unavoidably delayed from
arriving at or leaving a pre-booked resort due to an avalanche, we will reimburse you for the
reasonable and necessary additional transport and accommodation expenses incurred as a result.
b) Resort Closure
That if whilst on a trip during the operative time and policy period there is not enough snow, too
much snow or high winds resulting in all ski lifts and ski schools at your pre-booked resort being closed,
we will either:
i. reimburse you for the reasonable additional costs you pay to travel to another resort; or
ii. pay you a daily amount per complete twenty-four (24) hour period that the resort is closed if
there is no other resort available,
whichever is the lesser amount.
The maximum we will pay per complete twenty-four (24) hour period per insured person and/or per insured
person per claim are stated in the policy schedule.
2 Conditions Specific to Section H
In addition to the General Conditions set out later in this wording, the following conditions apply to this Section:
1. You must make a reasonable effort to keep your winter sports equipment safe and secure.
2. If your winter sports equipment is lost or stolen you must take all reasonable steps to get it back.
3. If your winter sports equipment is lost or damaged by a transport provider, authority or
accommodation provider you must report the details of the loss or damage to them in writing within
their timeframe limits (where applicable) and get written confirmation from them in return.
4. If your winter sports equipment is lost or stolen you must report the details of the theft to police within
twenty-four (24) hours and get written confirmation from them in return.
3 Exclusions Specific to Section H
In addition to the General Exclusions set out later in this wording, we will not be liable under this Section for
any claim arising out of, based upon or based upon or attributable to:
1. your deliberate or malicious damage to or carelessness or neglect of winter sports equipment resulting
in it being lost or damaged;
2. loss or theft or damage of winter sports equipment when it is stored in a motorised vehicle;
3. damage to winter sports equipment from moth and vermin, or any process of cleaning, restoring or
repairing; and
4. any claims under Section H1.3b for resort closure if the winter sport you had pre-booked to take part
in during your trip is not affected by the closure of ski lifts or ski schools, including but not limited to
cross country skiing.
General Exclusions
This Policy does not cover claims in any way caused or contributed to by:
1. pre-existing medical conditions detailed in the Section Pre-Existing Medical Conditions;
2. whilst on a trip acting in a way which goes against the advice of a medical practitioner;
3. an event or circumstance of which you were aware of or could reasonably be expected to be aware of
at the time this Policy was purchased or your travel was booked (whichever occurs last) and which
could reasonably be expected to lead to you making a claim under this Policy under Sections C1.1,
C1.2, C1.3 and H1.2a;
4. sports or pastimes not listed within the Sports and Pastimes Section;
5. winter sports unless the Winter Sports Section is included as shown in the policy schedule;
6. winter sports after the insured person has been travelling on winter sports holidays for more than thirty
(30) days (not necessarily consecutively) during the policy period;
7. war in an insured person’s country of residence or secondment, including losses in relation to or to
control, prevent or suppress such war, unless an insured person is already on a trip when such war is
8. the insured person piloting or crewing any aircraft;
9. the insured person being a full-time member of the military or armed forces, or a member of any
reserve forces called out for permanent duties;
10. any trip connected with the business of the policyholder;
11. voluntary work;
12. terrorist activity when you are taking an active part therein;
13. the refusal, failure or inability of any person, company or organisation including any carrier or service
provider to provide services, facilities or accommodation by reason of their own financial default or
the financial default of any person, company or organisation with whom or with which they have
business dealings;
14. your suicide or attempted suicide or intentional self-injury, except under Section B1.3 for repatriation
of mortal remains following suicide;
15. you deliberately exposing yourself to exceptional danger, except in an attempt to save human life;
16. your own criminal or intentional illegal act, including violating the laws or regulations of a country that
is being visited or acting in violation or contravention of any government or government authority,
regulation or prohibition of the country in which you are travelling;
17. being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, other than those prescribed by a medical practitioner
but not for the treatment of drug addiction;
18. pregnancy, childbirth or any medical complications resulting therefrom if you are, or would have been,
pregnant for thirty-five (35) weeks or longer at any point during a trip;
19. claims arising as the consequence of a loss, for example loss of earnings due to an accident;
20. any claims resulting from travel to any country or region where the Foreign Commonwealth and
Development Office or other similar regulatory body in your country of residence has issued warnings
against all but essential travel to;
21. any excess amount or waiting period, the cost of which is to be borne by you; and
22. claims for which you do not provide us with evidence that we reasonably require.
Key Information
The following general exclusions apply to the whole of this Policy. In addition to these General Exclusions,
there are additional exclusions which apply within the Policy.
General Conditions
1.1 Geographical Area
You will be covered for trips limited to the Geographical Area stated in the policy schedule.
1.2 Maximum Length of Trips
The maximum length of an overseas trip and/or a trip within your country of residence is shown in the policy
1.3 Exposure
This wording covers claims arising out of death and bodily injury caused by exposure to the elements as a
result of an accident covered under this wording.
1.4 Duplication Of Claims
If a loss is covered under more than one Section of this Policy we will provide cover under the Section that
provides the most cover, but never under more than one Section. Under no circumstances will we make
duplicate payments for the same loss.
The above General Condition 1.4 does not apply to duplicate losses under Section A, which are solely
determined by the conditions and exclusions specific to that Section.
1.5 Information Disclosed
When taking out this Policy, the policyholder is under a duty to make a fair presentation of the risk. This means
a. the policyholder must disclose to us all material information which it knows or ought to
b. every material representation on a matter of fact must be substantially correct; and
c. every material representation on a matter of expectation or belief must be made in good faith.
During the policy period, if there are alterations to the material information disclosed when taking out this
Policy, including but not limited to a change in business, or change in the occupations or pursuits of the insured
persons, the policyholder must notify us as soon as reasonably practicable by contacting the broker listed in
the policy schedule no more than thirty (30) days after the change. We reserve the right to cancel this Policy or
alter the terms and conditions of this Policy based on these alterations.
Information, a circumstance or a representation is ‘material’ where it would influence the judgement of a
prudent insurer in deciding whether to provide insurance and, if so, on what terms. If the policyholder is unsure
on whether information is material the policyholder should ask the broker listed in the policy schedule.
If the policyholder deliberately or recklessly breached its duty to make a fair presentation before this Policy
was entered into, we will treat the Policy as if it had never existed, we may not return any premium paid and
refuse all Policy claims.
Notwithstanding Condition 12 Cancellation, if the policyholder deliberately or recklessly breached its duty to
make a fair presentation when there was a significant alteration to material information or requirement of a
subjectivity during the policy period as described above, we will cancel the Policy with effect from the time of
the significant alteration and may not return any premium paid.
If the policyholder failed to comply with their duty to make a fair presentation either before this Policy was
entered into, or when there was a significant alteration to material information or requirement of a subjectivity
during the policy period as described above but its failure was neither deliberate nor reckless we will, where
the law allows, use a remedy of our choosing with the result that:
Key Information
The following conditions and provisions are applicable to the whole Policy. There are additional
conditions and provisions which apply within the Policy.
a. the Policy is cancelled and any premium paid is returned to the policyholder;
b. a Policy claim is refused; or
c. a Policy claim is proportionately reduced; or
d. charge the policyholder additional premium.
1.6 Age Limit
Unless otherwise agreed by us and specifically stated in an endorsement attaching to this Policy, no person
above the age limit specified for that category of insured person within the policy schedule will be covered
by us under this Policy.
1.7 Compensation
We will pay all benefits payable under this Policy to the insured person or such person or persons and in such
proportions as the insured person shall nominate where this is not in contravention of any local licensing,
regulatory or legislation requirements.
Once we have paid the benefit to a nominee chosen by the insured person our liability to pay such benefits
shall be discharged.
1.8 Other Insurance
If, at the time the insured person makes a claim under this Policy, they are insured for the same claim by any
other insurance (including but not limited to co-insurance) the coverage available to the insured person under
this Policy will only operate in excess of that which would have been payable under the other insurance had this
Policy not been in force.
If an insured person is covered under more than one (1) insurance policy underwritten by us for the same
benefit, we will consider the insured person to be insured only under the policy which provides the highest
benefit level, and we will apply the benefits payable in accordance with that policy.
1.9 Subrogation
In the event of any payment under this Policy, we shall be subrogated to the extent of such payment to all rights
of recovery, contribution and indemnity of the policyholder and/or the insured person. The policyholder
and/or the insured person shall upon our request provide all reasonable assistance to secure and exercise our
rights and shall do nothing to prejudice such rights.
If we choose to exercise our rights of subrogation, we will pay the costs and expenses involved in exercising
such rights against the third party.
1.10 Interest
We will not pay interest on any claim.
1.11 Loss Mitigation
You must take all reasonable steps to avoid or reduce any loss or the event of any circumstance which may lead
to a claim under this Policy.
1.12 Fraudulent Claims
If there is any fraud, deliberate dishonesty, or deliberate non-disclosure of information in connection with a
claim brought by the policyholder or an insured person, we may at our sole discretion:
a. refuse to pay the claim;
b. recover from the policyholder or insured person any sums already paid by us in connection
with the claim; and/or
cancel this entire Policy with no return of premium from the date of the fraudulent act if the policyholder was
fraudulent or cancel the Policy in relation to the insured person only from the date of the fraudulent act if the
insured person was fraudulent with no return of the insured person's premium.
1.13 Currency
If a claim involves foreign currency, it will be converted into the currency applicable to the premium and limits
in the policy schedule based on the exchange rate at or as near as possible to the time of the loss. The website
from which the exchange rate is chosen shall be chosen by us at our sole discretion.
1.14 Cancellation
We can cancel this Policy by giving the policyholder thirty (30) days' notice (from the date of sending) in writing
to the policyholder’s last known address or to the broker specified in the policy schedule.
We can cancel the insured person's participation under this Policy by giving the insured person thirty (30)
day's notice (from the date of sending) in writing to the policyholder's last known address or to the broker
specified in the policy schedule. We will only do this for a valid reason. Examples of non-exhaustive valid
reasons are as follows:
non-payment of premium;
non-cooperation or failure to supply any information or documentation we request; or
threatening or abusive behaviour or the use of threatening or abusive language.
On cancellation by us, we will refund to the policyholder or insured person (whoever has paid) the premium
paid for any remaining policy period provided no claims or events have been reported to us and subject to
there being no incident(s) that the policyholder or insured person is aware of that might give rise to a claim.
The policyholder may not cancel this Policy at any time.
The insured person can cancel their participation under this Policy at any time by giving us notice in writing via
the policyholder specified in the policy schedule. The insured person will be removed from this Policy and
the insured person’s monthly salary deductions in respect of this insurance will cease.
In the event that two (2) police officers who are partners both separately purchase this insurance Policy, we will
issue a refund for one (1) police officer, as partners are already covered hereunder.
1.15 Law And Jurisdiction
The law and jurisdiction applicable to this insurance contract are as stated in the policy schedule.
1.16 Assignment
This Policy and any and all rights under it are not assignable without our written consent.
1.17 Contract (Right of Third Parties) Act 1999
A person who is not a party to this Policy has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to
enforce any term of this Policy but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is
available apart from that Act.
1.18 Language
All communication relating to this Policy shall be in English.
1.19 Entire Agreement
The Policy, policy schedule, endorsement(s) and application form shall be read together as one (1) contract. If
any word or expression to which a specific meaning has been ascribed in any part of the policy schedule will
bear a specific meaning wherever it appears.
1.20 Severability Clause
If any provision or part-provision of this Policy is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it shall be deemed
modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it valid, legal and enforceable. If such modification is not
possible, the relevant provision or part-provision shall be deemed deleted. Any modification to or deletion of
a provision or part-provision under this clause shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the rest of this
1.21 Sanctions
It is a condition of this Policy, and the policyholder and insured persons agree, that the provision of any cover,
the payment of any claim and the provision of any benefit hereunder shall be suspended, to the extent that the
provision of such cover, payment of such claim or provision of such benefit by us would expose us to any
sanction, prohibition or restriction under any:
a. United Nations’ resolution(s); or
b. the trade or economic sanctions, laws or regulations of the European Union, United Kingdom
or United States of America.
Such suspension shall continue until such time as we would no longer be exposed to any such sanction,
prohibition or restriction.
1.22 End Of Employment
We will stop paying benefits for an insured person on the last day of the month in which the insured person is
no longer eligible to remain a member of this Policy due to their transfer to another force, resignation or
dismissal. On retirement, we will stop paying benefits for an insured person on the last day of the month in
which the insured person retires, unless they choose to continue their insurance.
How To Make A Claim
We are dedicated to providing the best in class claims experience through clear communication and a customer
first approach. For claims under any of the Sections outlined in this Policy we have appointed Sedgwick and
Healix, as claims coordinators, to be the point of contact.
Medical Emergencies
If the event is a medical emergency, seek immediate care for from the nearest emergency medical provider or
facility and contact our Emergency Assistance Provider via the details below as soon as possible afterwards.
Where it is reasonable and practical to do so, you must make arrangements for inpatient treatment and/or
day surgery only with the involvement and/or agreement of our Emergency Assistance Provider using the
following contact information:
Emergency Assistance Provider: Healix Assistance
Telephone: +44 (0)20 8049 8301
Alternatively, Healix Assistance can be contacted via the Healix Travel Oracle Mobile App which can be
downloaded onto your smart phone from the Apple App store or Google Play store using access code
EVE2204221. Further details of the app can be found in the Guide attached to this Policy.
All Other Claim Situations
In all other circumstances, the following may be used to promptly report a claim, event or circumstance which
might result in a claim under this Policy:
Claims Coordinator: Sedgwick
Telephone: +44 (0)14 1240 1912
Things You Must Do When Notifying A Claim
In order for us to handle any claims under this Policy, you must:
notify us as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within sixty (60) days of becoming
aware of any claim, event or circumstance which might result in a claim under this Policy.
provide us at your expense with full written details and supporting information including the
policy number, your name, location of loss, date of loss, your contact number, medical
evidence etc. as soon as reasonably practicable. However, do not delay reporting because of
missing information, as this can be collected at a later date.
retain all information that might reasonably be required for the claim.
provide us at your expense with any information we require, including responding to
reasonable requests for information in an honest and reasonably careful manner.
forward to us at your expense as soon as reasonably practicable any letters, claims, legal
process or other legal documents received if a claim is made or threatened against you by a
third party.
inform the police as soon as reasonably practicable following any loss from violent or
malicious acts, theft or attempted theft or lost property.
not admit liability or offer or agree to settle any claim made or threatened by a third party
without our written permission.
take all reasonable care to limit any loss, damage or bodily injury.
submit to a medical examination at our request and in the event of your death we shall be
entitled to have a postmortem carried out at our own expense.
Complaints How To Make A Complaint
We are committed to providing an excellent service including how we deal with complaints.
Financial Services Compensation Scheme
We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). Depending on the circumstance of a
claim, you may be entitled to compensation from the FSCS if we are unable to meet our obligations under this
insurance. Further details are available at their website: www.fscs.org.uk or by applying for information by post
to PO Box 300, Mitcheldean, GL17 1DY. Alternatively they can be contacted by telephone at: 0800 678 1100.
If the policyholder or insured person wishes to make a complaint they can do so at any time by
referring the matter to:
George Burrows
St Mark’s Court,
North Street
West Sussex
RH12 1RZ
If the policyholder or insured person remains unsatisfied with the outcome, they may contact:
The Compliance Officer,
Everest Insurance (Ireland) DAC,
Floor. Huguenot House,
35-38 St. Stephen’s Green,
Dublin 2,
Ireland, D02 NY63
Phone: 353 1 418 0300
We take complaints seriously and hope to resolve them in a timely manner. In the event that we are
unable to resolve a complaint within eight weeks, the policyholder or insured person may be
entitled to refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) in the United Kingdom to
carry out an independent review.
The FOS is an independent service in the United Kingdom for settling disputes between consumers
and businesses providing financial services. More information is available in the FOS website at
The contact details for the FOS are: Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR.
Telephone 0800 023 4567 (calls to this number are free from fixed lines in the United Kingdom) or
0300 123 9123 (calls to this number are charged at the same rate as 01 and 02 numbers on mobile
phone tariffs in the United Kingdom). Email [email protected].
This procedure and contacting the Financial Ombudsman Service does not affect the policyholder’s
or insured person’s rights to take legal action.
Data Protection - Personal Information Notice
We collect and use relevant information about you to provide insurance and to meet our legal obligations. This
information includes your name, address and contact details and other information we collect about you and
may include sensitive information such as health information and any criminal convictions.
In certain circumstances we may need your consent to process certain categories of information (including
sensitive information). Where we need such consent, we will ask for such consent from you. You are not obliged
to give your consent and may withdraw your consent at any time. However, if you do not give the required
consent, or withdraw your consent, this may affect our ability to provide the insurance cover under this Policy
or our ability to handle your claims.
The way insurance works means that your information may be shared with and used by a number of third parties
in the insurance sector. These may include insurers, brokers, agents, loss adjusters, sub-contractors, regulators,
law enforcement, fraud and crime detection and prevention agencies and compulsory insurance databases.
We will only disclose your personal information to the extent required or permitted by law.
You have the right to access the information we hold about you. If you wish to access that information please
contact us at [email protected].
Note: please refer to the full version of our Data Privacy and Protection policy found at
Where the following words appear in bold in this Policy they will have the meanings shown in the table below.
Unless the context otherwise clearly indicates, words used in the singular include the plural and the plural
includes the singular.
Accident, accidental
a sudden, unexpected, unusual, specific event which occurs at an identifiable
time and place during the period of insurance.
Accident shall also include disappearance. If you are not found within twelve
(12) months of disappearing, and sufficient evidence is produced satisfactory
to us that leads us inevitably to the conclusion that you have sustained bodily
injury and that such bodily injury has caused your death, we shall forthwith
pay any death benefit, where applicable, under this Policy, provided that the
person or persons to whom such sum is paid shall sign an undertaking to
refund such sum to us if you are subsequently found to be living.
Additional transport and
accommodation expenses
additional transport and accommodation expenses less any amount
recoverable from related unused pre-booked transport and accommodation
expenses as a result of you having to curtail or amend your trip under Section
C1.1 or due to missed departure under Section C1.3 or due to avalanche
under H1.3a.
Benefit period
the maximum period that we will pay the benefit for temporary total
disablement or temporary partial disablement for any one (1) accident and
any one (1) insured person, after the waiting period. This is shown in the
policy schedule.
Bodily injury
an identifiable physical injury sustained by you within twelve (12) months of
and as a result of an accident which occurs solely, directly and independently
of any other cause or causes.
Close relative
brother, sister, child, next of kin, parent, partner, grandparent, grandchild,
legal guardian, legal next of kin or any corresponding in-laws or step-
Comatose state
A state of unconsciousness that persists for at least twenty-four (24)
consecutive hours. This diagnosis must be supported by a medical
practitioner with evidence of no response to external stimuli for at least
twenty-four (24) consecutive hours.
Country of residence
Any country where the insured person has their permanent home, the
address of which is stated in their contract of employment with or to the
An unmarried dependant of an insured person, including a natural, step or
legally adopted child, or grandchild, who ordinarily resides with the insured
person and who is
a. under the age of eighteen (18) years, or twenty-three (23) years if
enrolled for full-time study in a recognised institution of learning or
higher learning; or
b. has a disability that means the insured person or their partner
receives a carer’s benefit or allowance from the state.
includes but is not limited to drought, heatwave, sandstorm and blizzard.
A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a
particular time.
Exceptional circumstance
strike, industrial action, mechanical breakdown or structural defect of a
scheduled pre-booked public conveyance, adverse weather conditions or
natural catastrophe.
the first amount of a claim that you must bear, which will be stated in the
policy schedule as a monetary amount or a percentage of the loss.
Financial default
Insolvency, bankruptcy, provisional liquidation, liquidation, financial collapse,
appointment of a receiver, judicial manager or administrator, entry into any
official or unofficial scheme of arrangement, statutory protection,
restructuring or composition with creditors, or the happening of anything of
a similar nature under the laws of any jurisdiction.
the unlawful seizure or taking control of an aircraft or any other conveyance in
which you are travelling as a passenger, excluding kidnap.
an insured person’s single main place of residence as declared to or within
their contract of employment with the policyholder.
an establishment legally constituted and registered as a facility for the care
and treatment of sick and injured persons, holds a license as a hospital (if
licensing is required in the state or government jurisdiction) and meets the
following requirements:
1. operates primarily for the reception, medical care and treatment of sick,
ailing or injured persons as in-patients;
2. provides twenty-four (24) hours a day nursing services by registered
graduate nurses;
3. is supervised by a staff of medical practitioners; and
4. maintains organised facilities for the medical diagnosis and treatment
of such persons, and provides (where appropriate) facilities for major
surgery within the confines of the establishment or in facilities
controlled by the establishment.
It does not include the following:
1. a clinic, nursing, rest or convalescent home, extended care facility or
similar establishment;
2. a place for or a special unit of a hospital used primarily for the treatment
of alcoholism or drug addiction;
3. a mental institution; an institution confined primarily to the treatment of
psychiatric disease including subnormalities; the psychiatric
department of a hospital; or
a health hydro or nature cure or natural care clinic.
your sickness or disease not resulting from bodily injury.
Insured person, you, your
Any person that meets the Eligibility Criteria within the policy schedule.
the unlawful actual, attempted or alleged taking captive, abduction, or
detention of you against your will, excluding hijack. This does not include a
child being kidnapped by its parent or legal guardian.
Legal expenses
a. The reasonable costs in obtaining the opinion of the legal
representative on the merits of pursuing a third party claim for
damages or compensation prior to the commencement of any legal
proceedings against the third party who has caused your bodily injury
or death; and
b. any costs, fees, expenses and other amounts reasonably incurred by the
legal representative to pursue any claim third party claim or legal
proceedings in respect of a third party claim, including costs and
expenses of expert witnesses, as well as those incurred by us on behalf of
you to pursue any such third party claim or legal proceedings in
respect of a third party claim; and
c. any costs for which there is a legal liability for you to pay following an
award of costs by any court or tribunal or following an out-of-court
settlement made in respect of a third party claim or legal proceedings;
d. any fees, expenses and other amounts reasonably incurred by the legal
representative in appealing or resisting an appeal against the judgment
of a court, tribunal or arbitrator made in respect of a third party claim;
e. reasonable and necessarily incurred travel and accommodation
expenses, if you are required to attend a court in connection with an
original cause, event, or circumstances arising under the Legal Expenses
Section of the Policy.
Legal proceedings
action taken in a court to pursue a claim for damages in respect of a third
party claim.
Legal representative
an approved law firm, solicitor, firm of solicitors, law firm or any appropriately
qualified person, firm or company, appointed to act for you in accordance
with the terms of the Legal Expenses Section of the Policy.
Loss of hearing
permanent irrecoverable loss of hearing in one (1) or both ears, where the
quietest sound that can be heard is louder than ninety-five (95) decibels when tested
by a qualified audiologist.
Loss of limb
The permanent total functional disablement of an entire hand or arm above
the metacarpal phalangeal joints (where the fingers join the palm of the hand)
or leg at or above the ankle joint, or complete and permanent physical
severance through or above all four (4) fingers at the metacarpal phalangeal
joints or the level of the ankle.
Loss of sight
The loss of sight of one (1) eye is when the degree of sight remaining in one
(1) eye after correction is 3/60 or less on the Snellen Scale and this is
permanent. The loss of sight of both eyes is when an insured person is
certified by a qualified ophthalmic specialist as severely sight impaired (blind)
and as a result is registered as blind.
Loss of speech
Permanent and total loss of speech.
Medical expenses
the necessary and reasonable expenses incurred and paid to a medical
practitioner, hospital and/or ambulance service provider for medical,
surgical, X-ray, hospital or nursing treatment including the cost of medical
supplies and ambulance hire.
Medical practitioner
a registered and properly qualified medical practitioner licensed under any
applicable laws and acting within the scope of their license and training.
The attending medical practitioner cannot be:
a. your business partner, agent, employee or colleague; or
b. your relative or partner.
coins, bank notes, postal or money orders, cheques, signed travellers’
cheques, travel tickets, vouchers and coupons with a monetary value and
credit vouchers which belong to you or are under your custody and control.
Natural catastrophe
earthquake, tsunami, highwater, wildfire, volcanic eruption, floods, hurricane,
tempest, landslide and snowstorm.
Operative time
the period of time and circumstances during which cover under this Policy is
effective within the policy period as shown in the policy schedule.
beyond the territorial limits of your country of residence.
A person who is an insured person’s spouse or partner with whom the
insured person has continuously lived for a minimum of three (3) months
immediately prior.
Period of insurance, policy
the period of insurance between the dates specified in the policy schedule.
Permanent total
disablement which entirely prevents you from attending to any business or
occupation of any and every kind and which lasts twelve (12) consecutive
months and at the end of that period is beyond hope of improvement as
certified by a medical practitioner of our choosing. This does not include
loss of hearing, loss of limb, loss of sight or loss of speech.
Personal baggage
items you own or are personally responsible for and which are taken on or
acquired by you on a trip. This excludes property relating to your employer’s
business including business equipment and business samples and money.
Policy schedule
the document we issued to you after the you purchased this insurance Policy
with us. It contains the Policy details such as the policy period, operative
time, insured persons, the sum insured, conditions and endorsements.
The legal entity or organization named on the policy schedule.
Pre-existing medical
any medical condition for which treatment (including surgery, tests or
investigations by a doctor or a consultant/specialist, or prescribed
drugs/medication) has been previously received at any time.
the restriction or closure of the accommodation in which you are staying as
ordered by a local, national or international health authority as a direct result
of a widespread infectious disease or epidemic.
The wages or salary payable to the insured person for duties set out in their
employment contract, taking into consideration fluctuations, bonus, overtime,
wage increases or commissions, and excluding deductions paid by the
insured person. This will be calculated using the twelve (12) month period
(or total shorter period if the insured person has been employed for a
duration shorter than this) prior to an accident or for weekly paid insured
person’s this will be fifty-two (52) times their weekly wage immediately prior
to an accident.
Temporary partial
disablement which prevents you from attending to a substantial part of your
usual occupation.
Temporary total
disablement which entirely prevents you from attending to your usual
Terrorist activity
an act, or acts, of any person, or group(s) of persons, committed for political,
religious, ideological or similar purposes with the intention to influence any
government and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear.
Terrorist activity can include, but not be limited to, the actual use of force or
violence and/or the threat of such use. Furthermore, the perpetrators of
terrorist activity can either be acting alone, or on behalf of, or in connection
with any organisation(s) or governments(s).
Third party claim
your civil claim for damages or compensation against a third party which is
covered under the Legal Expenses Section.
Traveling companion
the person who is accompanying you for the purposes of your trip.
any journey defined by the operative time in the policy schedule which is
scheduled to commence during the policy period and is limited to the
maximum duration shown in the policy schedule.
Usual occupation
The tasks, duties and other functions which the insured person normally
performs in connection with their occupation.
watches, furs, jewellery, items made of or containing precious metals or
stones, binoculars, and video, audio, photographic and computer equipment
including accessories, mobile phones and hand held games consoles.
Waiting period
the number of calendar days stated in the policy schedule during which
compensation will not be payable.
armed conflict between nations including forces acting for any international
authority whether war be declared or not, invasion, civil war, armed hostilities,
rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power.
We, us, our
the insurer shown in the policy schedule.
Weekly wage
The average gross weekly amount normally payable (or for salaried
individuals 1/52
of their salary) to the insured person as a wage or salary,
for duties set out in their employment contract, taking into consideration
fluctuations, bonus, overtime, wage increases or commissions, and excluding
deductions paid by the insured person. This will be calculated using the
twelve (12) week period (or total shorter period if the insured person has
been employed for a duration shorter than this) prior to an accident.