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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Committee on Scientific Approaches to Understanding and Maximizing the
Validity and Reliability of Eyewitness Identification in Law Enforcement and
the Courts; Committee on Science, Technology, and Law; Policy and
Global Affairs; Committee on Law and Justice; Division of Behavioral and
Social Sciences and Education; National Research Council
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Committee on Scientific Approaches to Understanding and Maximizing
the Validity and Reliability of Eyewitness Identification
in Law Enforcement and the Courts
Committee on Science, Technology, and Law
Policy and Global Affairs
Committee on Law and Justice
Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
THE NATIONAL ACADEMIES PRESS 500 Fifth Street, NW Washington, DC 20001
NOTICE: The project that is the subject of this report was approved by the Govern-
ing Board of the National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the
councils of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineer-
ing, and the Institute of Medicine. The members of the committee responsible for
the report were chosen for their special competences and with regard for appropriate
This study was funded by a grant between the National Academy of Sciences and
the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or rec-
ommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not nec-
essarily reflect the views of the organization that provided support for the project.
International Standard Book Number13: 978-0-309-31059-8
International Standard Book Number10: 0-309-31059-8
Library of Congress Control Number: 2014955458
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
The National Academy of Sciences is a private, nonprofit, self-perpetuating society
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Upon the authority of the charter granted to it by the Congress in 1863, the Acad-
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The National Academy of Engineering was established in 1964, under the charter
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Dr. Ralph J. Cicerone and Dr. C. D. Mote, Jr., are chair and vice chair, respectively,
of the National Research Council.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
THOMAS D. ALBRIGHT (NAS), Professor and Director, Vision Center
Laboratory and Conrad T. Prebys Chair in Vision Research, Salk
Institute for Biological Studies
JED S. RAKOFF, Senior Judge, United States District Court for the
Southern District of New York
WILLIAM G. BROOKS III, Chief of Police, Norwood (MA) Police
JOE S. CECIL, Project Director, Division of Research, Federal Judicial
WINRICH FREIWALD, Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Neural
Systems, The Rockefeller University
BRANDON L. GARRETT, Roy L. and Rosamond Woodruff Morgan
Professor of Law, University of Virginia Law School
KAREN KAFADAR, Commonwealth Professor and Chair of Statistics,
University of Virginia
A.J. KRAMER, Federal Public Defender for the District of Columbia
SCOTT McNAMARA, Oneida County (NY) District Attorney
CHARLES ALEXANDER MORGAN III, Associate Clinical Professor of
Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine
ELIZABETH A. PHELPS, Silver Professor of Psychology and Neural
Science, New York University
DANIEL J. SIMONS, Professor, Department of Psychology, University of
ANTHONY D. WAGNER, Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
and Co-Director, Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging,
Stanford University; Director, Stanford Memory Laboratory
JOANNE YAFFE, Professor of Social Work and Adjunct Professor of
Psychiatry, University of Utah
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
ANNE-MARIE MAZZA, Study Director and Director, Committee on
Science, Technology, and Law
ARLENE F. LEE, Director, Committee on Law and Justice
STEVEN KENDALL, Program Officer, Committee on Science,
Technology, and Law
KAROLINA KONARZEWSKA, Program Coordinator, Committee on
Science, Technology, and Law
ANJALI SHASTRI, Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy
Graduate Fellow
SARAH WYNN, Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy
Graduate Fellow
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
DAVID BALTIMORE (NAS/IOM), President Emeritus and Robert
Andrews Millikan Professor of Biology, California Institute of
DAVID S. TATEL, Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit
THOMAS D. ALBRIGHT (NAS), Professor and Director, Vision Center
Laboratory and Conrad T. Prebys Chair in Vision Research, Salk
Institute for Biological Studies
ANN ARVIN (IOM), Lucile Packard Professor of Pediatrics and
Microbiology and Immunology; Vice Provost and Dean of Research,
Stanford University
BARBARA E. BIERER, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
CLAUDE CANIZARES (NAS), Vice President and the Bruno Rossi
Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
ARTURO CASADEVALL (IOM), Leo and Julia Forchheimer Professor
of Microbiology and Immunology; Chair, Department of Biology and
Immunology; and Professor of Medicine, Albert Einstein College of
JOE S. CECIL, Project Director, Program on Scientific and Technical
Evidence, Division of Research, Federal Judicial Center
R. ALTA CHARO (IOM), Warren P. Knowles Professor of Law and
Bioethics, University of Wisconsin at Madison
HARRY T. EDWARDS, Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit
DREW ENDY, Associate Professor, Bioengineering, Stanford University
and President, The BioBricks Foundation
MARCUS FELDMAN (NAS), Burnet C. and Mildred Wohlford Professor
of Biological Sciences, Stanford University
JEREMY FOGEL, Director, Federal Judicial Center
HENRY T. GREELY, Deane F. and Kate Edelman Johnson Professor of
Law and Professor, by courtesy, of Genetics, Stanford University
MICHAEL GREENBERGER, Law School Professor and Director, Center
for Health and Homeland Security, University of Maryland
BENJAMIN W. HEINEMAN, JR., Senior Fellow, Harvard Law School
and Harvard Kennedy School of Government
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
MICHAEL IMPERIALE, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Microbiology
and Immunology, University of Michigan
GREG KISOR, Chief Technologist, Intellectual Ventures
GOODWIN LIU, Associate Justice, California Supreme Court
JENNIFER MNOOKIN, David G. Price and Dallas P. Price Professor of
Law, University of California, Los Angeles School of Law
R. GREGORY MORGAN, Vice President and General Counsel,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
ALAN B. MORRISON, Lerner Family Associate Dean for Public Interest
and Public Service Law, George Washington University Law School
CHERRY MURRAY (NAS/NAE), Dean, School of Engineering and
Applied Sciences, Harvard University
ROBERTA NESS (IOM), Dean and M. David Low Chair in Public
Health, University of Texas School of Public Health
HARRIET RABB, Vice President and General Counsel, The Rockefeller
DAVID RELMAN (IOM), Thomas C. and Joan M. Merigan Professor,
Departments of Medicine, and of Microbiology and Immunology,
Stanford University and Chief, Infectious Disease Section, VA Palo
Alto Health Care System
RICHARD REVESZ, Lawrence King Professor of Law; Dean Emeritus;
and Director, Institute for Policy Integrity, New York University
School of Law
MARTINE A. ROTHBLATT, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,
United Therapeutics
DAVID VLADECK, Professor and Co-Director, Institute for Public
Representation, Georgetown Law School
STEVEN KENDALL, Program Officer
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
JEREMY TRAVIS (Chair), President, John Jay College of Criminal
Justice, The City University of New York
RUTH D. PETERSON (Vice-Chair), Professor of Sociology and Director,
Criminal Justice Research Center, Ohio State University
CARL C. BELL, Staff Psychiatrist, St. Bernard’s Hospital; Staff
Psychiatrist, Jackson Park Hospital’s Outpatient Family Practice
Clinic; and Professor of Psychiatry and Public Health, University of
Illinois at Chicago
JOHN J. DONOHUE III, C. Wendell and Edith M. Carlsmith Professor
of Law, Stanford University Law School
MINDY FULLILOVE, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry and Professor of
Clinical Sociomedical Sciences and Co-Director, Community Research
Group, New York State Psychiatric Institute and Mailman School of
Public Health, Columbia University
MARK KLEIMAN, Professor of Public Policy, University of California,
Los Angeles
GARY LAFREE, Director, National Consortium for the Study of
Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) and Professor,
Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of Maryland
JANET L. LAURITSEN, Professor, Department of Criminology and
Criminal Justice, University of Missouri
GLENN C. LOURY, Merton P. Stoltz Professor of the Social Sciences,
Department of Economics, Brown University
JAMES P. LYNCH, Professor and Chair, Department of Criminology and
Criminal Justice, University of Maryland
CHARLES F. MANSKI (NAS), Board of Trustees Professor in Economics,
Department of Economics, Northwestern University
DANIEL S. NAGIN, Teresa and H. John Heinz III University Professor of
Public Policy and Statistics, Carnegie Mellon University
ANNE MORRISON PIEHL, Associate Professor, Department of
Economics and Program in Criminal Justice, Rutgers University
DANIEL B. PRIETO, Director, Cybersecurity and Technology and
Director, Defense Industrial Base Cyber Security/Information
Assurance, Office of the Secretary of Defense Chief Information
SUSAN B. SORENSON, Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
DAVID WEISBURD, Distinguished Professor, Department of
Criminology, Law and Society and Director, Center for Evidence-
Based Crime Policy, George Mason University; Walter E. Meyer
Professor of Law and Criminal Justice, The Hebrew University
Faculty of Law
CATHY SPATZ WIDOM, Distinguished Professor, Psychology
Department, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City
University of New York
PAUL K. WORMELI, Executive Director, Integrated Justice Information
ARLENE F. LEE, Director
EMILY BACKES, Research Associate
MALAY MAJMUNDAR, Senior Program Officer
JULIE SCHUCK, Senior Program Associate
DANIEL TALMAGE, Program Officer
TINA M. LATIMER, Program Coordinator
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
The committee gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the fol-
lowing individuals:
Karen L. Amendola, Police Foundation; Steven E. Clark, University
of California, Riverside; Rob Davis, Police Executive Research Forum;
Kenneth Deffenbacher, University of Nebraska at Omaha; Paul DeMuniz,
Oregon Supreme Court; Shari Seidman Diamond, Northwestern University
and American Bar Foundation; John Firman, International Association of
Chiefs of Police; Ronald Fisher, Florida International University; Geoffrey
Gaulkin, Special Master, State v. Henderson (NJ); Kristine Hamann, Na-
tional District Attorney’s Association; Barbara Hervey, Texas Court of
Criminal Appeals; Robert J. Kane, Supreme Judicial Study Group on Eye-
witness Identification (MA); Saul Kassin, John Jay College of Criminal
Justice; Peter Kilmartin, State of Rhode Island; David LaBahn, Association
of Prosecuting Attorneys; Elizabeth F. Loftus, University of California,
Irvine; Roy S. Malpass, University of Texas at El Paso; Sheri Mecklenburg,
U.S. Department of Justice; Christian A. Meissner, Iowa State University;
John Monahan, University of Virginia; Steven D. Penrod, John Jay College
of Criminal Justice; P. Jonathon Phillips, National Institute of Standards
and Technology; Joseph Salemme, Chicago Police Department; Daniel L.
Schacter, Harvard University; Barry Scheck, The Innocence Project; Jessica
Snowden, Federal Judicial Center; Nancy K. Steblay, Augsburg College;
Gary L. Wells, Iowa State University; John T. Wixted, University of Cali-
fornia, San Diego; David V. Yokum, University of Arizona.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
This report has been reviewed in draft form by individuals chosen for
their diverse perspectives and technical expertise, in accordance with pro-
cedures approved by the National Academies’ Report Review Committee.
The purpose of this independent review is to provide candid and critical
comments that will assist the institution in making its published report as
sound as possible and to ensure that the report meets institutional standards
for objectivity, evidence, and responsiveness to the study charge. The review
comments and draft manuscript remain confidential to protect the integrity
of the process.
We wish to thank the following individuals for their review of this
report: Art Acevedo, Austin, Texas Police Department; Aaron Benjamin,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Vicki Bruce, Newcastle Uni-
versity; Jules Epstein, Widener University; Jeremy Fogel, Federal Judicial
Center; Constantine Gatsonis, Brown University; Henry T. Greely, Stanford
University; Peter Imrey, Cleveland Clinic; Robert Kane, Massachusetts Su-
preme Court; Timothy Koller; Office of the Richmond County District At-
torney; Elizabeth Loftus, University of California, Irvine; Robert Masters,
Office of the Queens County District Attorney; Geoffrey Mearns, Northern
Kentucky University; and Hal Stern, University of California, Irvine.
Although the reviewers listed above have provided many constructive
comments and suggestions, they were not asked to endorse the conclu-
sions or recommendations, nor did they see the final draft of the report
before its release. The review of this report was overseen by David Korn,
Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital and Stephen
E. Fienberg, Carnegie Mellon University. Appointed by the National Acad-
emies, they were responsible for making certain that an independent ex-
amination of this report was carried out in accordance with institutional
procedures and that all review comments were carefully considered. Re-
sponsibility for the final content of this report rests entirely with the author-
ing committee and the institution.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Eyewitness identifications play an important role in the investigation
and prosecution of crimes, but they have also led to erroneous convictions.
In the fall of 2013, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation called upon
the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) to assess the state of research on
eyewitness identification and, when appropriate, make recommendations.
In response to this request, the NAS appointed an ad hoc study committee
that we have been privileged to co-chair.
The committee’s review analyzed relevant published and unpublished
research, external submissions, and presentations made by various experts
and interested parties. The research examined fell into two general cat-
egories: (1) basic research on vision and memory and (2) applied research
directed at the specific problem of eyewitness identification.
Basic research has progressed for many decades, is of high quality,
and is largely definitive. Research of this category identifies principled and
insurmountable limits of vision and memory that inevitably affect eyewit-
ness accounts, bear on conclusions regarding accuracy, and provide a broad
foundation for the committee’s recommendations.
Through its review, the committee came to recognize that applied
eyewitness identification research has identified key variables affecting the
accuracy of eyewitness identifications. This research has been instrumental
in informing law enforcement, the bar, and the judiciary of the frailties of
eyewitness identification testimony. Such past research has appropriately
identified the variables that may affect an individual’s ability to make an
accurate identification. However, given the complex nature of eyewitness
identification, the practical difficulties it poses for experimental research,
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
and the still ongoing evolution of statistical procedures in the field of
eyewitness identification research, there remains at the time of this review
substantial uncertainty about the effect and the interplay of these variables
on eyewitness identification. Nonetheless, a range of practices has been
validated by scientific methods and research and represents a starting place
for efforts to improve eyewitness identification procedures.
In this report, the committee offers recommendations on how law
enforcement and the courts may increase the accuracy and utility of eyewit-
ness identifications. In addition, the committee identifies areas for future
research and for collaboration between the scientific and law enforcement
We are indebted to those who addressed the committee and to those
who submitted materials to the committee, and we are particularly indebted
to the members of the committee. These individuals devoted untold hours
to the review of materials, meetings, conference calls, analyses, and report
writing. This report is very much the result of the enormous contributions
of an engaged community of scholars and practitioners who reached their
findings and recommendations after many vigorous and thoughtful discus-
sions. We also would like to thank the project staff, Karolina Konarzewska,
Steven Kendall, Arlene Lee, and Anne-Marie Mazza, and editor Susanna
Carey for their dedication to the project and to the work of the committee.
Thomas D. Albright and Jed S. Rakoff
Committee Co-chairs
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
1-1 The Ronald Cotton Case, 10
1-2 Charge to the Committee, 12
2-1 Blinding, 26
5-1 The Influences of Discriminability and Response Bias on Human
Binary Classification Decisions, 81
5-2 Analysis of Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROCs), 84
1-1 Memory accuracy and time, 17
5-1 Contingency table for possible eyewitness identification
outcomes, 78
C-1 Data inferred from Juslin, Olsson and Winman, 143
C-2 Data from Brewer and Wells, 147
C-3 Data from Experiment 1A in Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted, 148
C-4 Data from Experiment 2 in Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted, 149
C-1 Conditions and Logarithms of Reported pAUC Values, 152
C-2 Analysis of Variance Table for log(pAUC), 153
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
yewitnesses play an important role in criminal cases when they can
identify culprits.
Yet it is well known that eyewitnesses make mis-
takes and that their memories can be affected by various factors
including the very law enforcement procedures designed to test their memo-
ries. For several decades, scientists have conducted research on the factors
that affect the accuracy of eyewitness identification procedures. Basic re-
search on the processes that underlie human visual perception and memory
have given us an increasingly clear picture of how eyewitness identifications
are made and, more important, an improved understanding of the prin-
cipled limits on vision and memory that may lead to failures of identifica-
tion. Basic research has been complemented by a growing body of applied
research on eyewitness identification, which has examined those variables
that particularly affect eyewitnesses to crimes: system variables (conditions
such as the procedures followed to obtain identifications that can be con-
trolled by law enforcement) and estimator variables (conditions associated
with the actual crime, such as viewing conditions, or factors specific to the
eyewitness, such as the race of the victim relative to that of the perpetrator,
that cannot be controlled by law enforcement).
Through such scientific research, we have learned that many factors in-
fluence the visual perceptual experience: dim illumination and brief viewing
times, large viewing distances, duress, elevated emotions, and the presence
of a visually distracting element such as a gun or a knife. Gaps in sensory
Throughout this report, the term identification denotes person recognition. Eyewitness
identification refers to recognition by a witness to a crime of a culprit unknown to the witness.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
input are filled by expectations that are based on prior experiences with the
world. Prior experiences are capable of biasing the visual perceptual experi-
ence and reinforcing an individual’s conception of what was seen. We also
have learned that these qualified perceptual experiences are stored by a sys-
tem of memory that is highly malleable and continuously evolving, neither
retaining nor divulging content in an informational vacuum. The fidelity of
our memories to actual events may be compromised by many factors at all
stages of processing, from encoding to storage to retrieval. Unknown to the
individual, memories are forgotten, reconstructed, updated, and distorted.
Therefore, caution must be exercised when utilizing eyewitness procedures
and when relying on eyewitness identifications in a judicial context.
In 2013, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation called on the National
Academy of Sciences (NAS) to appoint an ad hoc study committee to:
1. critically assess the existing body of scientific research as it relates
to eyewitness identification;
2. identify any gaps in the existing body of literature and suggest
appropriate research questions to pursue that will further our un-
derstanding of eyewitness identification and that might offer ad-
ditional insight into law enforcement and courtroom practice;
3. provide an assessment of what can be learned from research fields
outside of eyewitness identification;
4. offer recommendations for best practices in the handling of eyewit-
ness identifications by law enforcement;
5. offer recommendations for developing jury instructions;
6. offer advice regarding the scope of a Phase II consideration of neu-
roscience research as well as any other areas of research that might
have a bearing on eyewitness identification; and
7. write a consensus report with appropriate findings and
The committee heard from numerous experts, practitioners, and stake-
holders and reviewed relevant published and unpublished literature as well
as submissions provided to the committee. In this report, the committee
offers its findings and recommendations for:
identifying and facilitating best practices in eyewitness procedures
for the law enforcement community;
strengthening the value of eyewitness identification evidence in
court; and
improving the scientific foundation underpinning eyewitness
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
The committee is confident that the law enforcement community, while
operating under considerable pressure and resource constraints, is working
to improve the accuracy of eyewitness identifications. These efforts, how-
ever, have not been uniform and often fall short as a result of insufficient
training, the absence of standard operating procedures, and the continuing
presence of actions and statements at the crime scene and elsewhere that
may intentionally or unintentionally influence eyewitness’ identifications.
Basic scientific research on human visual perception and memory has
provided an increasingly sophisticated understanding of how these systems
work and how they place principled limits on the accuracy of eyewitness
Basic research alone is insufficient for understanding condi-
tions in the field, and thus has been augmented by studies applied to the
specific practical problem of eyewitness identification. Applied research has
identified key variables that affect the accuracy and reliability of eyewitness
identifications and has been instrumental in informing law enforcement, the
bar, and the judiciary of the frailties of eyewitness identification testimony.
A range of best practices has been validated by scientific methods and
research and represents a starting place for efforts to improve eyewitness
identification procedures. A number of law enforcement agencies have, in
fact, adopted research-based best practices. This report makes actionable
recommendations on, for example, the importance of adopting “blinded”
eyewitness identification procedures. It further recommends that standard-
ized and easily understood instructions be provided to eyewitnesses and
calls for the careful documentation of eyewitness’ confidence statements.
Such improvements may be broadly implemented by law enforcement now.
It is important to recognize, however, that, in certain cases, the state of sci-
entific research on eyewitness identification is unsettled. For example, the
relative superiority of competing identification procedures (i.e., simultane-
ous versus sequential lineups) is unresolved.
The field would benefit from collaborative research among scientists
and law enforcement personnel in the identification and validation of new
best practices that can improve eyewitness identification procedures. Such
a foundation can be solidified through the use of more effective research
designs (e.g., those that consider more than one variable at a time, and in
Basic research on vision and memory seeks a comprehensive understanding of how these
systems are organized and how they operate generally. The understanding derived from
basic research includes principles that enable one to predict how a system (such as vision or
memory) might behave under specific conditions (such as those associated with witnessing a
crime) and to identify the conditions under which it will operate most effectively and those
under which it will fail. Applied research, by contrast, empirically evaluates specific hypotheses
about how a system will behave under a particular set of real-world conditions.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
different study populations to ensure reproducibility and generalizability),
more informative statistical measures and analyses (i.e., methods from
statistical machine learning and signal detection theory to evaluate the per-
formance of binary classification tasks), more probing analyses of research
findings (such as analyses of consequences of data uncertainties), and more
sophisticated systematic reviews and meta-analyses (that take account of
current guidelines, including transparency and reproducibility of methods).
In view of the complexity of the effects of both system and estimator
variables and their interactions on eyewitness identification accuracy, bet-
ter experimental designs that incorporate selected combinations of these
variables (e.g., presence or absence of a weapon, lighting conditions, etc.)
will elucidate those variables with meaningful influence on eyewitness
performance, which can, in turn, inform law enforcement practice of eye-
witness identification procedures. To date, the eyewitness literature has
evaluated procedures mostly in terms of a single diagnosticity ratio or
an ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve; even if uncertainty is
incorporated into the analysis, many other powerful tools for evaluating
a “binary classifier” are available and worthy of consideration.
syntheses of eyewitness research has been limited to meta-analyses that have
not been conducted in the context of systematic reviews. Systematic reviews
of stronger research studies need to conform to current standards and be
translated into terms that are useful for decision makers.
The committee here offers a summary of its key recommendations to
strengthen the effectiveness of policies and procedures used to obtain ac-
curate eyewitness identifications.
The committee’s review of law enforcement practices and procedures,
coupled with its consideration of the scientific literature, has identified
a number of areas where eyewitness identification procedures could be
strengthened. The practices and procedures considered here involve acquisi-
tion of data that reflect a witness’ identification and the contextual factors
that bear on that identification. A recurrent theme underlying the commit-
tee’s recommendations is development of and adherence to guidelines that
are consistent with scientific standards for data collection and reporting.
T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J. H. Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data
Mining, Inference, and Prediction (New York: Springer, 2009).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Recommendation #1: Train All Law Enforcement Officers in Eyewitness
The committee recommends that all law enforcement agencies provide
their officers and agents with training on vision and memory and the vari-
ables that affect them, on practices for minimizing contamination, and on
effective eyewitness identification protocols.
Recommendation #2: Implement Double-Blind Lineup and Photo Array
The committee recommends blind (double-blind or blinded) admin-
istration of both photo arrays and live lineups and the adoption of clear,
written policies and training on photo array and live lineup administration.
Recommendation #3: Develop and Use Standardized Witness
The committee recommends the development of a standard set of easily
understood instructions to use when engaging a witness in an identification
Recommendation #4: Document Witness Confidence Judgments
The committee recommends that law enforcement document the wit-
ness’ level of confidence verbatim at the time when she or he first identifies
a suspect.
Recommendation #5: Videotape the Witness Identification Process
The committee recommends that the video recording of eyewitness
identification procedures become standard practice.
The best guidance for legal regulation of eyewitness identification evi-
dence comes not from constitutional rulings, but from the careful use and
understanding of scientific evidence to guide fact-finders and decision-
makers. The Manson v. Brathwaite test under the Due Process Clause of the
U.S. Constitution for assessing eyewitness identification evidence was estab-
lished in 1977, before much applied research on eyewitness identification
had been conducted. This test evaluates the “reliability” of eyewitness iden-
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
tifications using factors derived from prior rulings and not from empirically
validated sources. As critics have pointed out, the Manson v. Brathwaite
test includes factors that are not diagnostic of reliability. Moreover, the test
treats factors such as the confidence of a witness as independent markers
of reliability when, in fact, it is now well established that confidence judg-
ments may vary over time and can be powerfully swayed by many factors.
While some states have made minor changes to the due process framework,
wholesale reconsideration of this framework is only a recent development.
Recommendation #6: Conduct Pretrial Judicial Inquiry
The committee recommends that, as appropriate, a judge make basic
inquiries when eyewitness identification evidence is offered.
Recommendation #7: Make Juries Aware of Prior Identifications
The committee recommends that judges take all necessary steps to
make juries aware of prior identifications, the manner and time frame in
which they were conducted, and the confidence level expressed by the eye-
witness at the time.
Recommendation #8: Use Scientific Framework Expert Testimony
The committee recommends that judges have the discretion to al-
low expert testimony on relevant precepts of eyewitness memory and
Recommendation #9: Use Jury Instructions as an Alternative Means to
Convey Information
The committee recommends the use of clear and concise jury instruc-
tions as an alternative means of conveying information regarding the fac-
tors that the jury should consider.
Basic scientific research on visual perception and memory provides
important insight into the factors that can limit the fidelity of eyewitness
identification. Research targeting the specific problem of eyewitness iden-
tification complements basic scientific research. However, this strong sci-
entific foundation remains insufficient for understanding the strengths and
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
limitations of eyewitness identification procedures in the field. Many of the
applied studies on key factors that directly affect eyewitness performance
in the laboratory are not readily applicable to actual practice and policy.
Applied research falls short because of a lack of reliable or standardized
data from the field, a failure to include a range of practitioners in the estab-
lishment of research agendas, the use of disparate research methodologies,
failure to use transparent and reproducible research procedures, and inad-
equate reporting of research data. The task of guiding eyewitness identifi-
cation research toward the goal of evidence-based policy and practice will
require collaboration in the setting of research agendas and agreement on
methods for acquiring, handling, and sharing data.
Recommendation #10: Establish a National Research Initiative on
Eyewitness Identification
The committee recommends the establishment of a National Research
Initiative on Eyewitness Identification.
Recommendation #11: Conduct Additional Research on System and
Estimator Variables
The committee recommends broad use of statistical tools that can
render a discriminability measure to evaluate eyewitness performance and
a rigorous exploration of methods that can lead to more conservative
responding. The committee further recommends that caution and care be
used when considering changes to any existing lineup procedure, until such
time as there is clear evidence for the advantages of doing so.
Eyewitness identification can be a powerful tool. As this report indi-
cates, however, the malleable nature of human visual perception, memory,
and confidence; the imperfect ability to recognize individuals; and policies
governing law enforcement procedures can result in mistaken identifications
with significant consequences. New law enforcement training protocols,
standardized procedures for administering lineups, improvements in the
handling of eyewitness identification in court, and better data collection and
research on eyewitness identification can improve the accuracy of eyewit-
ness identifications.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
ccurate eyewitness identifications
may aid in the apprehension
and prosecution of the perpetrators of crimes. However, inaccurate
identifications may lead to the prosecution of innocent persons
while the guilty party goes free. It is therefore crucial to develop eyewitness
identification procedures that achieve maximum accuracy and reliability.
Eyewitness evidence is not infallible. In 1932, Yale University law pro-
fessor Edwin M. Borchard documented nearly seventy cases of miscarriage
of justice caused by eyewitness errors in his book, Convicting the Innocent.
Years later, in 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court highlighted the danger of er-
roneous eyewitness identification in United States v. Wade, stating, “The
vagaries of eyewitness identification are well-known; the annals of criminal
law are rife with instances of mistaken identification.”
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) estimates that U.S. law en-
forcement made 12,196,959 arrests in 2012. The FBI estimates that 521,196
of these arrests were for violent crimes.
Accurate data on the number of
crimes observed by eyewitnesses are not available. If only a fraction of the
violent crimes in the United States involve an eyewitness, the number must
Throughout this report, the term identification denotes person recognition. Eyewitness
identification refers to recognition by a witness to a crime of a culprit unknown to the witness.
Edwin M. Borchard, Convicting the Innocent: Sixty-Five Actual Errors of Criminal Justice
(New York: Garden City Publishing Company, Inc., 1932).
United States v. Wade, 388 U.S. 230, 288 (1967).
Federal Bureau of Investigation, “Crime in the United States 2012: Persons Arrested,”
available at:
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
BOX 1-1
The Ronald Cotton Case
In 1984, a college student named Jennifer Thompson was raped in her apart-
ment in Burlington, North Carolina. The police asked her to help create a com-
posite sketch of the rapist. The police then received a tip that a local man named
Ronald Cotton resembled the composite, and shortly after the crime, Thompson
was shown a photo array containing six photos. With some difficulty, she chose
two pictures, one of which was of Cotton. Finally, she said, “I think this is the guy,
pointing to Cotton. “You’re sure,” the lead detective asked, and she responded,
“Positive.Thompson asked, “Did I do OK?” The detectives responded, “You did
great.” She has described how those encouraging remarks had the effect of mak-
ing her more confident in her identification.
The police then showed Thompson a live lineup. Cotton was the only person
repeated from the prior photo array. This would make Cotton more familiar and
might suggest that he was the prime suspect. Nevertheless, Thompson remained
hesitant and was having trouble deciding between two people. After several
minutes, she told the police that Cotton “looks the most like him. The lead detec-
tive asked “if she was certain,” and she said, “Yes.” Again, the detectives further
reinforced her decision. The lead detective told Thompson, “It’s the same person
you picked from the photos.” She later described feeling a “huge amount of relief
when told that she had again picked the right person.
At Ronald Cotton’s criminal trial, Thompson agreed she was “absolutely
sure” that he was the rapist. Cotton was sentenced to life in prison plus 54 years.
He served 10.5 years before DNA tests exonerated him and implicated another
man, Bobby Poole. Not only did the identification procedures increase Thompson's
confidence in the mistaken memory event, but they also resulted in her rejection
of the actual culprit. Poole had been presented to Thompson at a post-trial hear-
ing, and she could not recognize him. “I have never seen him in my life, she said
at the time.
In response to this error, the lead detective in the case, Mike Gauldin, later
as police chief, was the first in the state to institute a series of new practices, in-
cluding double-blind lineup procedures. In the years that followed, North Carolina
adopted such practices statewide. Ronald Cotton and Jennifer Thompson have
since written a book, Picking Cotton, that describes their case and experiences.
See, generally,
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
be sizable. One estimate based on a 1989 survey of prosecutors suggests
that at least 80,000 eyewitnesses make identifications of suspects in crimi-
nal investigations each year.
Recently, post-conviction DNA exonerations of innocent persons have
dramatically highlighted the problems with eyewitness identifications.
In the United States, more than 300 exonerations have resulted from post-
conviction DNA testing since 1989.
According to the Innocence Project,
at least one mistaken eyewitness identification was present in almost three-
quarters of DNA exonerations.
In many of these cases, eyewitness identi-
fication played a significant evidentiary role, and almost without exception,
the eyewitnesses who testified expressed complete confidence that they had
chosen the perpetrator. Many eyewitnesses testified with high confidence
despite earlier expressions of uncertainty.
For example, in the well-known
case of Ronald Cotton (see Box 1-1), Jennifer Thompson (the victim) has
described how she was initially quite unsure of her eyewitness identification
of Cotton, a man later exonerated by DNA testing. She became certain it
was Cotton only after the police made confirmatory remarks and had her
participate in two identification procedures where Cotton was the only
person shown both times.
Erroneous eyewitness identifications can occur across the range of
criminal convictions in which eyewitness evidence is presented, but most
of these cases lack the biological material that can be tested for DNA and
used for exoneration purposes. While eyewitness misidentifications may
have been a dominant factor in some erroneous convictions, it is important
to note that other factors, including errors at various stages of the legal
and judicial processes, may have contributed to the erroneous convictions.
In 2013, the Laura and John Arnold Foundation called on the Na-
tional Research Council (NRC) to assess the state of scientific research on
A. G. Goldstein, J. E. Chance, and G. R. Schneller, “Frequency of Eyewitness Identification
in Criminal Cases: A Survey of Prosecutors,” Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27(1): 71,
73 (January 1989).
CNN, “Exonerated: Cases by the Numbers,” December 4, 2013, available at: http://www.
Taryn Simon, “Freedom Row,” New York Times Magazine, January 26, 2003.
The Innocence Project, “DNA Exoneree Case Profiles,” available at: http://www.innocence
The Innocence Project, “Eyewitness Identification,” available at: http://www.innocence
Brandon L. Garrett, Convicting the Innocent: Where Criminal Prosecutions Go Wrong
63–68 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2011).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
eyewitness identification and to recommend best practices
for handling
eyewitness identifications by law enforcement and the courts. The goal of
this effort was to evaluate the scientific basis for eyewitness identification,
to help establish the scientific foundation for effective real-world practices,
and to facilitate the development of policies to improve eyewitness identifi-
cation validity in the context of the American justice system.
In response to this charge, the NRC appointed an ad hoc committee,
the Committee on Scientific Approaches to Understanding and Maximiz-
ing the Validity and Reliability of Eyewitness Identification in Law En-
forcement and the Courts (hereinafter, the committee), to undertake this
study (see Box 1-2 for the committee’s charge). The committee met three
times, held numerous conference calls, heard from various stakeholders (see
Appendix B), and reviewed extensive research on eyewitness identification
before reaching its findings and recommendations.
For the purposes of this report, the committee characterizes best practice as the adoption
of standardized procedures based on scientific principles. The committee does not make any
endorsement of practices designated as best practices by other bodies.
BOX 1-2
Charge to the Committee
The charge to the NRC was to:
1. critically assess the existing body of scientific research as it relates to eyewit-
ness identification;
2. identify any gaps in the existing body of literature and suggest, as appropriate,
research questions to pursue that will further our understanding of eyewitness
identification and that might offer additional insight into law enforcement and
courtroom practice;
3. provide an assessment of what can be learned from research fields outside of
eyewitness identification;
4. offer recommendations for best practices in the handling of eyewitness identi-
fications by law enforcement;
5. offer recommendations for developing jury instructions;
6. offer advice regarding the scope of a Phase II consideration of neuroscience
research as well as any other areas of research that might have a bearing on
eyewitness identification; and
7. write a consensus report with appropriate findings and recommendations.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Law enforcement officers investigating crimes rely on eyewitness iden-
tification procedures to verify that a suspect is the individual seen by an
Such procedures can take place under conditions that may
have significant effects on the accuracy and reliability of an eyewitness’
identification. Unlike officers in the field, laboratory researchers have, in
theory, greater control over influences that might contaminate the visual
perceptual experience and memory of an eyewitness.
Science is a self-correcting enterprise. Researchers formulate and test
hypotheses using observations and experiments, which are then subject to
independent review. In science, evidence and data are analyzed and experi-
ments are repeated to ensure that biases or other factors do not lead to in-
correct conclusions. Scientific progress results from the review and revision
of earlier results and conclusions.
The culture of scientific research is markedly different from a legal cul-
ture that must seek definitive results in individual cases. In 1993, in Daubert
v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that,
under Rule 702 of the Federal Rules of Evidence (which covers both civil
and criminal trials in the federal courts), a “trial judge must ensure that
any and all scientific testimony or evidence admitted is not only relevant,
but reliable.”
Criminal justice and legal personnel have come to rely on eyewitness
evidence. Law enforcement officials have first-hand experience with eye-
witnesses in criminal investigations and trials, and over the years, some
juridictions have implemented and strengthened practices and procedures
in an attempt to improve acccuracy. Consequently, the law enforcement and
legal communities have made important contributions to our understand-
ing of eyewitness identifications and the improvements of practices in the
field. Researchers have become increasingly involved in assessing eyewit-
ness identification procedures as law enforcement, lawyers, and judges
have themselves sought more accurate procedures and approaches. In the
2009 National Research Council report, Strengthening Forensic Science in
the United States: A Path Forward, the committee noted, “in addition to
protecting innocent persons from being convicted of crimes that they did
not commit, we are also seeking to protect society from persons who have
For ease of reading, throughout the report the committee will use the term officer to mean
law enforcement officials and professionals.
Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S. 579 (1993). The Court also noted
that “there are important differences between the quest for truth in the courtroom and the
quest for truth in the laboratory. Scientific conclusions are subject to perpetual revision. Law,
on the other hand, must resolve disputes finally and quickly.”
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
committed criminal acts.”
This shared common goal of protecting in-
nocent persons and society makes collaboration between the scientific, law
enforcement, and legal communities critically important.
Officers typically use three procedures to identify a perpetrator whose
identity is unknown: (1) showups; (2) presentations of photo arrays; and
(3) live lineups. A showup is a procedure in which officers present a single
criminal suspect to a witness. This procedure usually occurs near the crime
location and immediately or shortly after the crime has occurred. Officers
also use photo arrays and live lineups, in which they ask the witness to view
numerous individuals, one of whom may be the perpetrator. The suspect is
presented along with fillers (known non-suspects). Currently, photo arrays
are used more often than live lineups.
If the eyewitness makes a positive identification during a showup, a
photo array, or a lineup, the identification may constitute evidence about a
suspect’s involvement in a crime. The eyewitness identification may, when
considered with other available evidence, establish probable cause to sup-
port an arrest. Such evidence may play a pivotal role in enabling the pros-
ecution to meet its burden of proof in a subsequent trial.
In recent years, more law enforcement agencies have created written
eyewitness identification policies and have adopted formalized training.
However, there are many agencies that do not have standard written poli-
cies or formalized training for the administration of identification proce-
dures or for ongoing interactions with witnesses.
At its core, eyewitness identification relies on brain systems for visual
perception and memory: The witness perceives the face and other aspects
of the perpetrator’s physical appearance and bearing, stores that informa-
National Research Council, Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path
Forward (Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2009), p. 12.
Police Executive Research Forum, “A National Survey of Eyewitness Identification Pro-
cedures in Law Enforcement Agencies,” March 2013, p. 48. The survey indicates that 94.1
percent of responding law enforcement agencies reported that they use photo arrays, while
only 21.4 percent reported using live lineups. Sixty-one point eight percent of agencies re-
ported that they use showups. See also J. S. Neuschatz et al., “Comprehensive Evaluation of
Showups,” in Advances in Psychology and Law, ed. M. Miller and B. Bornstein (New York:
Springer, in press).
Throughout the report, unless otherwise specified, references to lineups refer to both photo
arrays and live lineups.
Police Executive Research Forum, p. 65.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
tion in memory, and later retrieves the information for comparison with the
visual percept of an individual in a lineup. Recent years have seen great ad-
vances in our scientific understanding of the basic mechanisms, operational
strategies, and limitations of human vision and memory. These advances
inform our understanding of the accuracy of eyewitness identification.
Human vision does not capture a perfect, error-free “trace” of a wit-
nessed event. What an individual actually perceives can be heavily influ-
enced by bias
and expectations derived from cultural factors, behavioral
goals, emotions, and prior experiences with the world. For eyewitness iden-
tification to take place, perceived information must be encoded in memory,
stored, and subsequently retrieved. As time passes, memories become less
stable. In addition, suggestion and the exposure to new information may
influence and distort what the individual believes she or he has seen.
Several factors are known to affect the fidelity of visual perception and
the integrity of memory. In particular, vision and memory are constrained
by processing bottlenecks and various sources of noise.
Noise comes
from a variety of sources, some associated with the structure of the visual
environment, some inherent in the optical and neuronal processes involved,
some reflecting sensory content not relevant to the observer’s goals, and
some originating with incorrect expectations derived from memory. The
concept of noise has profound significance for understanding eyewitness
identification, as the accuracy of information about the environment gained
through vision and stored in memory is necessarily, and often sharply, lim-
ited by noise.
The recognition of one person by another—a seemingly commonplace
and unremarkable everyday occurrence—involves complex processes that
are limited by noise and subject to many extraneous influences. Eyewitness
identification research confronts methodological challenges that some other
basic experimental sciences do not encounter, as well as practical challenges
Bias is defined as any tendency that prevents unprejudiced consideration of a question
(see; Response bias is a general
term for a wide range of influences that moderate the responses of participants away from
an accurate or truthful response. Response bias can be induced or caused by a number of
factors, all relating to the idea that humans do not respond passively to stimuli, but rather
actively integrate multiple sources of information to generate a response in a given situation
[(see M. Orne,“On the Social Psychology of the Psychological Experiment: With Particular
Reference to Demand Characteristics and Their Implications,” American Psychologist 17:
776–783, (1962)]. In research, bias is seen in sampling or testing when circumstances select
or encourage one outcome or answer over another (see; http://www.
Noise refers here to factors that cause uncertainty on the part of an individual about
whether a particular signal (e.g. a specific visual stimulus) is present. This use of the term fol-
lows the definition used in electronic signal transmission, in which noise refers to random or
irrelevant elements that interfere with detection of coherent and informative signals.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
in establishing adequate experimental controls over the numerous variables
that affect visual perception and memory.
Our understanding of the underlying processes and limits of eyewit-
ness identification, derived from basic research on vision and memory, is
complemented by research directed specifically at the problem of eyewit-
ness identification. The modern era of eyewitness identification research
began in the 1970s. Today, eyewitness identification is generally viewed as
a behavioral output. The accuracy and reliability of eyewitness identifica-
tion are critically modulated by variables that include a witness’ extant
cognition and memory and related psychological and situational factors at
the time of the event, over the ensuing intervals, and at all stages of recall
(see Figure 1-1). Because a crime is an unexpected event, one can draw a
natural distinction between variables that reflect the witness’ unplanned
situational or cognitive state at the time of the crime and the variables that
reflect controllable conditions and internal states following the witnessed
events. Researchers categorize these factors, respectively, as estimator vari-
ables and system variables.
System variables describe the characteristics of specific procedures and
practices (e.g., the content and nature of instructions given to witnesses
who are asked if they are able to make an identification). The criminal
justice system can exert some control over system variables by follow-
ing standardized procedures that are based on scientific knowledge and
strengthened through education and training.
One important category of system variables concerns the conditions
and protocols for lineup identification. Under current law enforcement
practice, eyewitness identification procedures involve having a witness view
individuals or images of individuals. Research indicates that accuracy and
reliability of eyewitness identifications may be influenced by the type of
presentation (e.g., lineup) used, the likeness of non-suspect lineup partici-
pants (fillers) to the suspect, the number of fillers, and the suspect’s physical
location in the presentation.
Eyewitness performance may be affected
by how the lineup images are presented—simultaneously (as a group) or
G. L. Wells, “Applied Eyewitness-Testimony Research: System Variables and Estimator
Variables,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 36(12):1546–1557 (1978).
N. K. Steblay et al., “Eyewitness Accuracy Rates in Police Showup and Lineup Presenta-
tions: A Meta-Analytic Comparison,” Law and Human Behavior 27(5): 523–540 (October
R. J. Fitzgerald et al., “The Effect of Suspect-Filler Similarity on Eyewitness Identification
Decisions: A Meta-analysis,” Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 19(2): 151–164 (May 2013).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
sequentially (one at a time). System variables, such as the nature of the
instructions and feedback provided before and after the identification pro-
cedure, may also affect the eyewitness’ identification.
Estimator variables affect the accuracy of eyewitness identification,
but they are beyond the control of the criminal justice system. Estimator
variables tend to be associated with characteristics of the witness or factors
that are operating either at the time of the criminal event (perhaps relating
to memory encoding) or the retention interval (the time between witness-
ing an event and the identification process). Specific examples include the
eyewitness’ level of stress or trauma at the time of the incident, the light
level and nature of the visual conditions that affect visibility and the clarity
of a perpetrator’s features, and the physical distance between the witness
and the perpetrator. Both system and estimator variables will be discussed
in detail in subsequent chapters.
In response to insights gained from research on erroneous convictions,
there have been attempts to provide recommendations for improving the
reliability and validity of eyewitness identifications. An effort of particular
note is the National Institute of Justice’s (NIJ) Technical Working Group for
Eyewitness Evidence (TWGEYEE). Called together by then-U.S. Attorney
General Janet Reno in 1998, members of the working group were asked
to develop and publish guidance for improving eyewitness identification
FIGURE 1-1 Memory accuracy and time.
SOURCE: Courtesy of Thomas D. Albright.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
The working group recognized the role that memory plays in
the mistaken interpretation and remembrance of events and offered guid-
ance based on the practical experiences of the law enforcement community
and insights gained from behavioral and psychological research. The NIJ
provided detailed instructions for each step of the eyewitness identification
procedure to the approximately 18,000 state and local law enforcement
agencies across the nation. After the report was issued, only a few states
conducted evaluations and engaged in improvement efforts, including the
implementation of new laws and the issuance of corrective guidelines and
policies. Consequently, eyewitness identification policies remain fragmented
by jurisdiction, except in a minority of states that have adopted state-wide
policies. At present, the United States does not have a uniform national set
of protocols.
The U.S. Supreme Court’s 1977 ruling in Manson v. Brathwaite pro-
vides the current framework for judicial review of eyewitness identification
under the Due Process Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
The Manson v.
Brathwaite test asks judges to evaluate the “reliability” of eyewitness iden-
tifications using factors derived from prior rulings and not from empirically
validated sources. The Manson v. Brathwaite ruling was not based on much
of the research conducted by scientists on visual perception, memory, and
eyewitness identification, and it fails to include important advances that
have strengthened standards for judicial review of eyewitness identification
evidence at the state level.
In 2011, the Justices of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court con-
vened the Study Group on Eyewitness Identification to “offer guidance as
to how our courts can most effectively deter unnecessarily suggestive iden-
tification procedures and minimize the risk of a wrongful conviction.” The
report made five recommendations to minimize inaccurate identifications:
(1) acknowledge variables affecting identification accuracy; (2) develop a
model policy and implement best practices for police departments; (3) ex-
pand use of pretrial hearings; (4) expand use of improved jury instructions;
and (5) offer continuing education.
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Eyewitness Evidence: A Guide for
Law Enforcement (Washington, DC, 1999).
Police Executive Research Forum, p. 65.
Manson v. Brathwaite, 432 U.S. 98, 114 (1977).
Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Study Group on Eyewitness Identification, Report
and Recommendations to the Justices, July 24, 2013, available at:
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
In 2011, the New Jersey Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision
in State v. Larry R. Henderson. The opinion revised the legal framework
for evaluating and admitting eyewitness identification evidence and directed
that improved jury instructions be prepared to help jurors evaluate such
evidence. Henderson drew on an extensive review of scientific evidence
regarding human vision, memory, and the various factors that can affect
the reliability of eyewitness identifications. In July 2012, the court released
expanded jury instructions and revised court rules relating to eyewitness
identifications in criminal cases.
In fall 2012, the Oregon Supreme Court also established a new pro-
cedure for evaluating whether eyewitness identifications could be used in
court. In State v. Lawson, the Court reviewed eyewitness identification
research conducted over the past 30 years, determined that the Manson
v. Brathwaite test “does not accomplish its goal of ensuring that only suf-
ficiently reliable identifications are admitted into evidence,” and offered
a revised procedure that requires the court to make a determination of
whether investigators used “suggestive” tactics to get an identification and
the extent to which other information supports the identification.
Despite these improvements and judicial decisions, policies and prac-
tices across the country remain inconsistent.
This report begins with a description of law enforcement protocols for
eyewitness identification (Chapter 2). Chapter 3 presents the legal frame-
work for eyewitness identification evidence. A discussion of the current
scientific understanding of visual perception and memory follows in Chap-
ter 4. In Chapter 5, the committee provides an assessment of eyewitness
identification research. The report concludes with the committee’s findings
and recommendations (Chapter 6).
New Jersey Judiciary, “Supreme Court Releases Eyewitness Identification Criteria for
Criminal Cases,” July 19, 2012, available at:
State v. Lawson, 352 Or. 724 (Or. 2012).
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Eyewitness Identification Procedures
olice in the United States investigate millions of crimes each year.
Only a small percentage of the police-investigated crimes involve
the use of police-arranged identification procedures. Identification
procedures are unnecessary when, for example, the perpetrator is caught
during the commission of the criminal act, as in the crime of driving while
intoxicated, or when the victim knows the perpetrator, as in crimes of do-
mestic violence.
Police use identification procedures for numerous reasons. In some
circumstances, the police identify a suspect during an investigation and use
the identification procedure to test a witness’ ability to identify the suspect
as the perpetrator. In other instances, the identification procedure is used
as an investigative tool to further an investigation. A positive identifica-
tion might form probable cause for a search warrant or the apprehension
and subsequent questioning of a suspect, or both. Most significant for the
purposes of this report are the circumstances in which a witness positively
identifies the police suspect as the perpetrator, and the identification serves
as compelling evidence in the prosecution of a case.
Data on the number of eyewitness identification procedures are not
systematically or uniformly collected. While the exact number of eyewitness
Federal Bureau of Investigation, “Crime in the United States 2012: Persons Arrested,”
available at:
Throughout Chapter 2, the terms law enforcement and police are used interchangeably and
refer to all law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal levels.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
identification procedures related to crimes involving strangers is unknown,
mistaken identifications have disastrous effects for those wrongly accused
of crimes and for society should a guilty person go free. Mistaken identifi-
cations may also erode public confidence in the criminal justice system as
a whole.
Recently, some police departments and prosecutors have imple-
mented stringent eyewitness identification procedures in an effort to reduce
erroneous convictions.
Police-arranged eyewitness identification procedures vary greatly de-
pending on the nature of the case. In some cases, a police-arranged identifi-
cation is conducted at the very early stages of an investigation. For instance,
consider the circumstance in which police respond to a bank robbery in
progress. The perpetrator is described as a white male, approximately
6 feet, 2 inches in height wearing an orange shirt. As the police arrive at
the crime scene, an officer observes and apprehends a man fleeing the bank
wearing an orange shirt and exhibiting similar physical characteristics. In
this situation, a police-arranged identification procedure may be conducted
on the scene and prior to any significant investigation. At the other extreme
are, for example, lengthy homicide or rape cases that include extensive
investigations, forensic testing, and eyewitness interviews conducted over a
protracted period of time. Such efforts may culminate in the identification
of a suspect and the suspect’s inclusion in a photo array identification pro-
cedure. In such a circumstance, an eyewitness may not be asked to identify
a perpetrator until months after the commission of the crime—and often
after repeated probes of her or his memory by, for example, police, family
members, and others.
Identification procedures may be used in different ways for different
purposes. They are not always used to identify an unknown perpetrator of
a crime. The police may, for example, use photo arrays and confirmatory
single photographs to clarify the legal identity (birth name/government
name) of an individual who is well known to a witness, but only by a street
name. In such examples, a witness may know (and may have known) the
perpetrator for years but may only be able to identify him by a common
See, generally, The International Association of Chiefs of Police, “National Summit on
Wrongful Convictions: Building a Systemic Approach to Prevent Wrongful Convictions,”
August 2013.
See The Innocence Project, Eyewitness Identification, available at: http://www.innocence; U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice
Programs, Eyewitness Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement (Washington, DC, 1999); Met-
ropolitan Police—District of Columbia, General Order—Procedures for Obtaining Pretrial
Eyewitness Identification, April 18, 2013; New York State District Attorneys Association Best
Practice Committee, New York State Photo Identification Guidelines, October 2010; Rhode
Island Police Chiefs Association, Lineup and Showup Procedures (Eyewitness Identification),
November 2011; and Innocence Project of Texas, Eyewitness Identification Reform, available
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
street name, such as “Prince.” The police typically will use an identification
procedure to identify the “Prince” to which the witness is referring before
they make an arrest or take other investigative measures such as the execu-
tion of a search warrant.
This chapter reviews the eyewitness identification procedures com-
monly used by the police and concludes with a brief discussion of situa-
tions in which citizens engage in identifying perpetrators without police
The photo array is the most common police-arranged identification
procedure used in the United States.
A photo array consists of six to nine
photographs displayed to a witness. An officer might create an array by
selecting photographs of persons deemed to resemble the perpetrator.
Officers might then display the photographs one at a time to the witness
and ask whether she or he recognizes each one. This method is known as
a sequential procedure. Officers might also create photo arrays by cutting
six square holes in a folder and taping the photographs to the back of the
folder so that the faces of the fillers (non-suspects) and suspect are displayed
together. When such photographs are presented simultaneously as a two
by three matrix, this type of array is referred to as a “six pack.” When, as
in this instance, photographs are displayed together, this is referred to as a
simultaneous procedure.
In 1999, Attorney General Janet Reno released the U.S. Department
of Justice, Eyewitness Evidence: A Guide for Law Enforcement,
one of
the earliest efforts to establish standardized procedures for police-arranged
eyewitness identification. The guide set forth rigorous criteria and basic
procedures to promote accuracy in eyewitness evidence.
However, after
the guide was released, most police departments in the United States did
not adopt these procedures.
Today, many police departments use computer systems to access image
databases and assemble photo arrays. Officers enter physical characteristics
(e.g., race, gender, hair color) specific to the suspect into a computer, and
the system retrieves filler photographs with the desired attributes. If an of-
ficer determines that a photograph in the array is suggestive or otherwise in-
appropriate, she or he can reject one or more fillers and instruct the system
Police Executive Research Forum, “A National Survey of Eyewitness Identification Proce-
dures in Law Enforcement Agencies,” March 2013, p. 48.
Historically, the photographs were mug shots in the possession of a police department.
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Eyewitness Evidence: A Guide for
Law Enforcement (Washington, DC, 1999).
Ibid, pp. 11–38.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
to provide alternate photographs. Departments may conduct the procedure
without revealing to the witness how many photographs she or he will view.
In recent decades, many police agencies and prosecutors have adopted
sequential presentation of photographs, based on the belief that this ap-
proach improves the performance of an eyewitness. Currently, however,
there is no consensus among law enforcement professionals as to whether
the sequential presentation procedure is superior to the simultaneous pro-
cedure (see Chapter 5). The District of Columbia Metropolitan Police De-
partment, for example, does not endorse either simultaneous or sequential
procedures in its Procedures for Obtaining Pretrial Eyewitness Identifica-
The District Attorneys Association of the State of New York in 2010
adopted recommended policies for New York State and endorsed the simul-
taneous method.
On the other hand, in North Carolina, legislation was
passed that requires that lineup photographs be presented sequentially,
and in Massachusetts, the Supreme Judicial Court Study Group on Eyewit-
ness Identification recommended sequential procedures as best practice for
Massachusetts Police Departments.
The committee was presented with information regarding improvement
efforts from states including New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island, Texas,
New York, and Massachusetts. However, the committee is unable to deter-
mine the percentage of police departments that have adopted policies for
eyewitness identification procedures and instituted training in these proce-
Some police departments require that photo arrays be presented to
the witness during a procedure that is either “double blind” or “blinded.”
(See Box 2-1 for a discussion of blinding as used in scientific practice and
blinding as used in eyewitness identification procedures.) Blinding is used
to prevent conscious and unconscious cues from being given to the witness.
In a double-blind procedure, an individual who does not know the identity
of the suspect or the suspect’s position in the photo array shows a photo
array to the eyewitness. In cases where such a double-blind procedure is
See Metropolitan Police—District of Columbia, General Order—Procedures for Obtaining
Pretrial Eyewitness Identification, April 18, 2013.
See New York State District Attorneys Association Best Practice Committee, New York
State Photo Identification Guidelines, October 2010.
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15A-284.52 (West 2007).
See Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Study Group on Eyewitness Identification,
Report and Recommendations to the Justices (2013).
The Police Executive Research Forum’s 2013 survey of eyewitness identification proce-
dures in law enforcement agencies [Police Executive Research Forum, A National Survey of
Eyewitness Identification Procedures in Law Enforcement Agencies, (2013)], notes that most
agencies that completed the survey have no written policy for eyewitness identification proce-
dures and that more agencies provide training to their employees than have written policies.
See pp. 79–80.
Police Executive Research Forum, p. 64.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
not feasible, a “blinded” procedure will approximate the condition of
double-blinding. For example, the photo array may be administered by an
individual who knows who the suspect is, but is unable to tell when the
witness is looking at the suspect’s photo and so is unable to provide even
subconscious feedback to the witness. In one common “blinded” proce-
dure, the officer places each photo in a separate envelope or folder and
then shuffles the envelopes/folders so that only the witness sees the images
therein. Additional recommendations to minimize the possibility of biasing
feedback to the witness include requiring that the officer read instructions
to the witness from a pre-printed form.
If the witness identifies someone from the photo array, some depart-
ments ask the witness for a confidence statement. Based upon information
presented to the committee, it appears that police departments do not
always document identification procedures in instances when an identifica-
tion is not made. Further, if a witness does make an identification, practices
differ as to how such information is documented and preserved. Some
agencies, for example, require officers to document this information in a
written report. Others make audio or video recordings of the identification
A live lineup is a police-arranged identification procedure in which
the physical suspect and fillers stand or sit in front of the witness (either
individually, i.e., sequentially or en masse, i.e., simultaneously). The police
generally use at least five fillers. Fillers are selected for their physical simi-
larities to the suspect (gender, race, hair length and color, facial hair, height,
skin tone, and other distinguishing features). The fillers are presumed to be
unknown to the witness. Traditionally, the suspect and fillers are seated or
stood in a row, and the witness views the lineup from behind a two-way
mirror. Police use both simultaneous and sequential procedures for live
Live lineups are used in some jurisdictions, but they are not the pre-
dominant method used by law enforcement.
The use of these police
identification procedures is limited for a variety of reasons. First, in certain
circumstances, legal counsel may be required at a lineup, thereby making
it less attractive to police and prosecutors. Second, in smaller jurisdictions,
it may be difficult to obtain suitable fillers (e.g., those with appropriate
As discussed in Chapter 3, the courts have been sensitive to the potential for misiden-
tification resulting from “suggestive” identification procedures and have set standards for
admissibility of evidence.
Police Executive Research Forum, p. 48.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
physical similarities to the suspect). Third, conducting a lineup requires
a significant amount of time and labor,
thereby making photo arrays a
more attractive alternative that may be undertaken promptly and with less
demand on department resources.
Live lineup construction may be further constrained by the inability to hold a suspect in
custody without probable cause. See Chapter 3.
BOX 2-1
Empirical evidence
has shown that the beliefs, desires, and expectations
of researchers can influence, often subconsciously, how they observe and in-
terpret the phenomena they study and thus the outcomes of experiments. This
evidence has influenced how scientists carry out their experiments, resulting in
the use of blind or double-blind procedures to control for this form of bias. Blind
has been used since the late 18th century; an early medical trial in
1835 used double-blind assessment, and psychologists started using blinding in
the 20th century.
By the 1950s, blind assessment in randomized controlled trials
was considered standard procedure in both psychological and medical research.
Currently, virtually all of science uses some form of blinding.
In single-blind experiments, participants do not know which treatment they
are receiving; this form of blinding is used widely across scientific fields. In experi-
ments involving humans, as in medical or psychological research, double-blind
procedures are used to guard against “expectancy effects” for both participants
and researchers. In a classic double-blind clinical trial, some patients receive ac-
tive medication and others are given an alternative (either a “standard treatment”
or a similar-looking placebo without active ingredients), but neither researchers
nor participants know who is receiving which treatment.
In an eyewitness identification setting, double-blinding can be used to prevent
a lineup administrator from either intentionally or unintentionally influencing a wit-
ness. In these cases, neither the eyewitness nor the administrator knows which
persons in a photo array or live lineup are the suspected culprits and which are
the fillers.
In eyewitness identification procedures, as in science, the purpose of
double-blinding is to prevent the conscious or subconscious expectations of the
administrator from influencing the witness or research outcomes.
In a double-blind photo array, the officer or detective conducting the inves-
tigation reads a set of standard instructions to the witness. The instructions may
include an advisory that the officer about to show the photos does not know
whether any of the photos are of the person who committed the crime. The officer
then leaves the room and a second officer—perhaps a patrol officer—displays the
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
A showup is a police-arranged identification procedure in which the
police show one person to a witness and ask if she or he recognizes that per-
son. This procedure typically is used when the police locate a suspect shortly
after the commission of a crime and within close proximity to the scene.
Case law limits the time and distance from a crime during which such a
procedure will pass legal standards. In response to such case law, police
typically restrict showups to a two-hour time period after the commis-
photos. It is the duty of this second officer (the “blind administrator”) to show the
photos and, if an identification is made, document what the witness said and ask
the witness how certain she or he is of their identification. Once all photos have
been shown, the officer reports the result of the procedure to the investigating
officer (preferably out of earshot from the witness).
As an alternative to a double-blind array, some departments use “blinded”
procedures. A blinded procedure prevents an officer from knowing when the wit-
ness is viewing a photo of the suspect, but can be conducted by the investigating
officer. A common approach is the so-called “folder shuffle.With a six-photo array,
an officer uses eight manila folders. A photograph of a filler is placed in the top
folder, and a photograph of the suspect and four additional fillers are placed in
the next five folders. The six folders are then shuffled so that the officer does not
know which folder contains the image of the suspect. Two folders with blank paper
are placed on the bottom of the stack so that the witness is led to believe that
there are more than six images in the array (this is referred to as back-loading,
and it prevents the witness from knowing when she or he is about to view the last
photograph). After reading instructions to the witness, the administering officer sits
to the witness’ left and hands him or her one folder at a time and instructs him/her
to open each folder and look at the enclosed photo. The cover of the folder blocks
the officer from viewing the photo that the witness is viewing. When an identifica-
tion occurs, the officer notes the witness’ words and reaction and asks about the
witness’ confidence in his or her identification.
R. Rosenthal, Experimenter Effects in Behavioral Research (New York: John Wiley, 1976).
M. Stolberg, “Inventing the Randomized Double-Blind Trial: The Nürnberg Salt Test of
1835, James Lind Library Bulletin (2006), available at:
T. J. Kaptchuk," Intentional ignorance: A History of Blind Assessment and Placebo Controls
in Medicine,\” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 72(3): 389–433 (1998).
P. Kilmartin, Presentation to the committee, February 6, 2014.
K. Hamann, Presentation to the committee, December 2, 2013.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
sion of a crime. Ideally, officials take the witness to the location where the
suspect has been detained and do not display the suspect in a suggestive
manner (e.g., not in a police car, not handcuffed, without drawn weapons).
However, as chases, fights, or disarmaments frequently precede showups,
the apprehension of a suspect can raise safety issues that make it difficult to
adhere to recommended procedures. Further, the nature of a showup does
not lend itself to the use of a blinded procedure. A showup is designed to
promptly clear innocent suspects, thereby sparing them from a prolonged
period of detention as the investigation continues. Delaying the showup to
locate an uninvolved officer may defeat that purpose. While some law en-
forcement agencies use a standard procedure with written instructions when
conducting a showup, there is no indication that such procedures are used
uniformly. Courts consider showups highly suggestive, and prosecutors urge
the police to exercise caution when conducting them.
Police will, on occasion, display a single photograph to a witness in
an effort to confirm the identity of a perpetrator. Police typically limit this
method to situations in which the perpetrator is previously known to or
acquainted with the witness.
Police also use field views in attempts to identify perpetrators. The
method, which involves inviting a witness to view many people in a context
where the perpetrator is thought likely to appear, is used when the police
do not have a suspect but believe that the offender frequents a particular
location. For example, police investigating a purse snatching may obtain
information that the perpetrator frequents a particular recreation site dur-
ing the lunch hour. A plainclothes officer or investigator might take the
eyewitness to the site and walk around with him or her during the lunch
hour without directing his or her attention to any specific individual.
At times, police use other means to identify perpetrators. In the past,
police sometimes had witnesses review mug shot books. Mug books have
since been largely replaced by digitized images displayed on computer
screens. Nonetheless, there are situations in which the police will have a
witness review a large collection of photographs in an effort to identify a
perpetrator. Witnesses who identify a perpetrator as being a student at a
specific school might be asked to review a yearbook for that school in an
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
effort to identify the perpetrator. When using this method, police typically
attempt to mask the names of the students. Similarly, if the offender is be-
lieved to be an individual from a certain profession, then the police might
have the witness review photographs from the suspect’s professional society.
Social media sites also serve as the catalyst for police-arranged identification
procedures. If a witness knows that the perpetrator is a “friend” of Jane
Doe through social media, then the police might have the witness review all
friends of Jane Doe to see if she or he recognizes the individual.
All of these additional procedures (i.e., confirmatory photo, field view,
mug books, yearbooks) have the potential to introduce biases of the sort
that blind lineup procedures are designed to avoid.
In some cases, the victims or witnesses, or both, identify suspects
without involving the police. A private citizen, organization, or corpora-
tion may conduct an investigation before, during, or even after reporting
a crime to the police. The identification of suspects by entities other than
law enforcement has become increasingly common as more businesses
and private citizens use security cameras to identify criminal actors. High-
resolution cameras coupled with high-capacity hard drives allow for real-
time streaming of video with superior clarity. Such systems are relatively
inexpensive and within financial reach of many home and business owners.
Additionally, the proliferation of smart phones has put the ability to cre-
ate a spontaneous, high-quality video record of an event into the hands of
more and more people.
The rise of social media has resulted in the rise of private investigations
and identifications using this resource. In one recent case, a stabbing vic-
tim drew a picture of her assailant and showed it to her husband.
viewing the picture, the husband believed that the assailant looked familiar
and might be his ex-girlfriend. He obtained several photographs of the ex-
girlfriend from her personal website and showed them to the victim who,
after looking at those and other online images, identified the suspect at a
lineup and at trial.
Many local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies have adopted
policies and practices to address the issue of misidentification. However,
efforts are not uniform or systemic.
Many agencies are unfamiliar with
New Jersey v. Chen, 27 A.3d 930 (N.J. 2011).
See Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Study Group on Eyewitness Evidence, p. 2.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
the science that has emerged during the past few decades of research on
eyewitness identifications. Questions remain about the optimal design of
photo array procedures, including the size of the array, the contents of
the photographs, and their relationship to the context of the crime scene.
Similar questions apply to the design of live lineups.
Eyewitness identifica-
tion is further complicated by the increasing number of situations in which
victims and witnesses seek to identify the perpetrator of a crime without
the aid of law enforcement. Such identifications raise new concerns about
reliability and accuracy of the identification of individuals. Inconsistent
and nonstandard practices might easily add noise to the eyewitness iden-
tification process, contaminate the witness, and bias the outcome of an
identification procedure.
The design of a live lineup is subject to more practical constraints than a photo array.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
The Legal Framework for Assessment
of Eyewitness Identification Evidence
he admissibility of eyewitness testimony at a criminal trial may be
challenged on the basis of procedures used by law enforcement of-
ficials in obtaining the eyewitness identification. The U.S. Supreme
Court, in its 1977 ruling in Manson v. Brathwaite, set out the modern test
under the Due Process Clause of the U.S. Constitution that regulates the
fairness and the reliability of eyewitness identification evidence.
The Court
also specified five reliability factors, discussed below, that a judge must con-
sider when deciding whether to exclude the identification evidence at trial.
Although the constitutional standards for assessing eyewitness tes-
timony have remained unchanged in the decades since the Manson v.
Brathwaite decision, a body of research has shed light on the extent to
which each of the five reliability factors supports a reliable eyewitness
identification. Research has cast doubt, for instance, on the belief that the
apparent certainty displayed in the courtroom by an eyewitness is an indi-
cator of an accurate identification, and has found that a number of factors
may enhance the certainty of the eyewitness.
Recently, state courts and lower federal courts have taken the lead in
developing standards relating to the admissibility of expert evidence, jury
instructions, and judicial notice of scientific evidence. Some states have
adopted more stringent standards for regulating eyewitness identification
evidence than the U.S. Constitution requires, either by legislative statutes or
by state court decisions, and have modified or entirely supplanted the Man-
Manson v. Brathwaite, 432 U.S. 98, 113–114 (1977).
Manson v. Brathwaite at 114.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
son v. Brathwaite test to take account of advances in the growing body of
scientific research. This chapter describes the changes in the legal standards
for eyewitness identification and explores the relationship between the state
of the scientific research and the law regulating procedures and evidence.
Beginning with rulings in 1967, the U.S. Supreme Court set out a
standard under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment for
reviewing eyewitness identification evidence.
In Manson v. Brathwaite,
the Court emphasized that “reliability is the linchpin in determining the
admissibility of identification testimony.”
First, the Court instructed judges
to examine whether the identification procedures were unnecessarily sug-
gestive. Second, to assess whether an identification is reliable, judges were
instructed to examine the following five factors: (1) the opportunity of the
witness to view the criminal at the time of the crime; (2) the witness’ degree
of attention; (3) the accuracy of the witness’ prior description of the crimi-
nal; (4) the level of certainty demonstrated at the confrontation; and (5) the
time between the crime and the identification procedure.
The five factors
were drawn from earlier judicial rulings and not from scientific research.
Eyewitness identification evidence continues to be litigated primarily
under the flexible two-part Manson v. Brathwaite Due Process test.
It is
In Stovall v. Denno, 388 U.S. 293, 302 (1967), the U.S. Supreme Court first set out a due
process rule asking whether identification procedures used were “so unnecessarily suggestive
and conducive to irreparable mistaken identification.” The Court elaborated that rule in deci-
sions such as Simmons v. U.S., 390 U.S. 377, 384 (1968) and Foster v. California, 394 U.S.
440, 442 (1969), and then adopted an approach setting out “reliability” considerations in
Neil v. Biggers, 409 U.S. 188 (1972). For a description of the development of this doctrine,
see, e.g., B. L. Garrett, “Eyewitnesses and Exclusion,” Vanderbilt Law Review 65(2): 451,
463–467 (2012).
Brathwaite, 423 U.S. at 114.
Id. at 114.
Id. at 114. Justice Thurgood Marshall dissented, noting studies indicated that unnecessarily
suggestive eyewitness identifications had resulted in “repeated miscarriages of justice result-
ing from juries’ willingness to credit inaccurate eyewitness testimony.” 432 U.S. at 125–27
(Marshall, J., dissenting).
Due process is the most important constitutional right that arises in challenges to eyewit-
ness identification, but rights under the Fourth and Sixth Amendments also may be implicated.
The Fourth Amendment protects individuals “against unreasonable searches and seizures,”
and the probable cause typically required to seize and arrest a suspect may arise from an eye-
witness identification. U.S. Const. Amend. IV. The few lower courts to address the question
are divided on whether probable cause is needed to place individuals in a live lineup proce-
dure. Biehunik v. Felicetta, 441 F.2d 228, 230 (2d Cir. 1971); but see, e.g., Wise v. Murphy,
275 A.2d 205, 212–15 (D.C. 1971); State v. Hall, 461 A.2d 1155 (N.J. 1983). In contrast,
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
important to note, however, that the vast majority of criminal cases are
settled through plea bargaining. The role that evidence type and strength
play in plea bargaining is complex and necessarily difficult to study. Because
eyewitness identification evidence may never be tested at trial, it is doubly
important for lawyers and judges to understand the credibility of the prof-
fered evidence.
In the most recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling addressing a challenge
to an eyewitness identification (Perry v. New Hampshire),
the Court ruled
that a due process analysis was not triggered. In that case, while the police
were obtaining a description of the suspect, the eyewitness looked out of the
apartment window and recognized the suspect standing outside. The police
had not intended to conduct an identification procedure. In those circum-
stances, the Court ruled that the Due Process Clause does not require a pre-
liminary judicial review of the reliability of an eyewitness identification.
probable cause is not required to place a person’s photograph in an array, since doing so does
not involve a seizure. However, courts may also rule that an illegal stop or seizure renders
a subsequent identification inadmissible, absent an “independent” source for the courtroom
identification. U.S. v. Crews, 445 U.S. 463, 473 (1980).
In addition, the Sixth Amendment provides that, in all criminal prosecutions, the accused
has the right “to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.” In United States v. Wade,
the Supreme Court held that, once indicted, a person has a right to have a lawyer present
at a lineup, reasoning that the right to counsel applies at all “critical” stages of the criminal
process. 388 U.S. 218, 235–37 (1967). However, the Court subsequently held that a photo
array procedure, of the type now most commonly used by police agencies, does not implicate
the Wade right to counsel. U.S. v. Ash, 413 U.S. 300, 321 (1973).
As the current report demonstrates, a comparative consideration of evidence value is
particularly important in the case of eyewitness identification evidence. Similar consideration
should be given when other adjudication mechanisms are used (e.g., bench trials).
Perry v. New Hampshire, 132 S. Ct. 716, 718 (2012). In that case, the eyewitness happened
to look out her window and see the suspect standing at the crime scene where the police had
told him to wait. The Court held that the Due Process Clause did not regulate such a situation,
since the police did not intend to conduct an identification procedure. Id. at 729. The Court
indicated that the reliability of the evidence could be addressed by federal and state evidentiary
standards, and added: “In appropriate cases, some States also permit defendants to present
expert testimony on the hazards of eyewitness identification evidence.” Id.
Justice Sotomayor dissented, arguing, “Our due process concern . . . arises not from the
act of suggestion, but rather from the corrosive effects of suggestion on the reliability of the
resulting identification,” and the manner in which “[a]t trial, an eyewitness’ artificially inflated
confidence in an identification’s accuracy complicates the jury’s task of assessing witness
credibility and reliability.” Perry, 132 S. Ct. at 731–32 (Sotomayor, J., dissenting). Justice
Sotomayor also emphasized: “A vast body of scientific literature has reinforced every concern
our precedents articulated nearly a half-century ago.” Id. at 738.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
State Supreme Court Standards
Several state supreme courts have altered or supplemented the federal
Manson v. Brathwaite due process rule to focus more on the effects of sug-
gestion, to emphasize certain factors in specific circumstances,
or to focus
on showup identifications in particular.
New Jersey and Oregon have
now supplemented the Manson v. Brathwaite test with separate state law
standards regulating eyewitness identification evidence.
In 2011, the New Jersey Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision in
State v. Larry R. Henderson that revised the legal framework for admitting
eyewitness identification evidence and directed that revised jury instructions
be prepared to help jurors evaluate such evidence.
The new framework
was based on the record of hearings before a Special Master that considered
an extensive review of scientific research regarding eyewitness identifica-
The legal framework established by the Henderson opinion relies
on pretrial hearings to review eyewitness evidence and more comprehensive
jury instructions at trial.
To obtain a pretrial hearing, a defendant must
show some evidence of suggestiveness related to either estimator or system
See State v. Ramirez, 817 P.2d 774, 780–81 (Utah 1991) (altering three of the reliability
factors to focus on effects of suggestion); State v. Marquez, 967 A.2d 56, 69–71 (Conn.
2009) (adopting criteria for assessing suggestion); Brodes v. State, 614 S.E.2d 766, 771 & n.8
(Ga. 2005) (rejecting eyewitness certainty jury instruction); State v. Hunt, 69 P.3d 571, 576
(Kan. 2003) (adopting Utah’s five factor “refinement” of the Biggers factors); State v. Crom-
edy, 727 A.2d 457, 467 (N.J. 1999) (requiring, when applicable, instruction on cross-racial
See, e.g., State v. Dubose, 285 Wis.2d 143, 166 (Wis. 2005); Commonwealth v. Johnson,
650 N.E.2d 1257, 1261 (Mass. 1995); People v. Adams, 423 N.E.2d 379, 383–84 (N.Y. 1981).
State v. Henderson, 27 A.3d 872 (N.J. 2011). The Henderson opinion described criticisms
of the Manson v. Brathwaite test, including that suggestion may itself affect the seeming “reli-
ability” of the identification. Id. at 877–78. For examples of scholarly criticism of the Manson
v. Brathwaite test in light of scientific research, see, e.g., G. L. Wells and D. S. Quinlivan,
“Suggestive Eyewitness Identification Procedures and the Supreme Court’s Reliability Test in
Light of Eyewitness Science: 30 Years Later,” Law and Human Behavior 33(1): 1, 16 (Febru-
ary 2009); T. P. O’Toole and G. Shay, “Manson v. Brathwaite Revisited: Towards a New Rule
of Decision for Due Process Challenges to Eyewitness Identification Procedures,” Valparaiso
University Law Review 41(1): 109 (2006).
See Report of the Special Master at 16–17, State v. Henderson, No. A-8-08 (N.J. June 18,
2011, available at:
In the companion case, State v. Chen, 27 A.3d 930, 932 (N.J. 2011), the New Jersey
Supreme Court took an approach that departed from that of the U.S. Supreme Court in
Perry, ruling that the defendant may be entitled to a hearing in a case in which the eyewitness
identified the defendant using social media, not a police-orchestrated identification procedure.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
variables that could lead to mistaken identification.
At the pretrial hear-
ing, the State must offer proof that the eyewitness identification is reliable.
However, the ultimate burden of proving a “very substantial likelihood of
irreparable misidentification” is on the defendant.
In July 2012, the New Jersey Supreme Court released an expanded
set of jury instructions and related rules that govern the use of suggestive
The jury instructions state that “[r]esearch has shown that
there are risks of making mistaken identifications” and noted that eyewit-
ness evidence “must be scrutinized carefully.”
Human memory involves
three stages—encoding, storage, and retrieval. At “each of these stages,
memory can be affected by a variety of factors.”
The Court identified a
set of factors that jurors should consider when deciding whether eyewit-
ness identification evidence is reliable, including estimator variables (e.g.,
stress, exposure duration, weapon focus, distance, lighting, intoxication,
disguises or changed appearance of the perpetrator, time since the incident,
and cross-racial effects) and system variables (e.g., lineup composition,
fillers, use of multiple viewings, presence of feedback, use of double-blind
procedures, and use of showup identifications). The instructions also noted
the possible influence of outside opinions, descriptions or identifications by
other witnesses, and photographs or media accounts.
In 2012, in Oregon v. Lawson, the Oregon Supreme Court established
a new procedure for evaluating the admissibility of eyewitness identifica-
tions. In a unanimous decision, the Court found “serious questions” about
the reliability of eyewitness identification, citing research conducted over
the past 30 years.
The Court determined that the Manson v. Brathwaite
two-step process for weighing eyewitness identification “does not accom-
plish its goal of ensuring that only sufficiently reliable identifications are
admitted into evidence,” because it relies on an eyewitness’ self-reports to
determine whether the threshold level of suggestiveness is reached, ren-
dering the identification unreliable.
The Court set forth a process that
requires the trial court to examine whether investigators used “suggestive”
Henderson, 27 A.3d. at 878.
New Jersey Criminal Model Jury Instructions, Identification (July 19, 2012), available at:; New Jersey Court Rule
3:11, Record of an Out-of-Court Identification Procedure (July 19, 2012), available at: http://; New Jersey Court Rule 3:13-3, Discov-
ery and Inspection (July 19, 2012), available at:
See New Jersey Criminal Model Jury Instructions, Identification, supra at 2.
Id. at 9.
State v. Lawson, 352 Ore. 724 (Or. 2012).
Id. at 746–748.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
identification procedures and whether other factors, such as estimator vari-
ables, may have affected the reliability of the identification.
The Court
ruled that “intermediate remedies,” including the use of expert testimony,
should be available even if the trial judge concludes that the identification is
admissible. The Court also briefly noted that judges might use “case-specific
jury instructions.”
Other states continue to explore possible changes to the judicial re-
view of eyewitness identification evidence. In 2013, the Massachusetts
Supreme Judicial Court Study Group on Eyewitness Identification offered
guidance on the adjudication of eyewitness identification evidence.
report adopted Lawsons approach of taking judicial notice of “certain
scientifically-established facts about eyewitness identification.”
The re-
port recommended that trial judges conduct pretrial hearings to determine
whether suggestive identification procedures were used, and if so, whether
these procedures impaired the reliability of identification evidence. Pretrial
hearings would consider the effects of both estimator variables (relating to
viewing at the crime scene) and system variables (relating to the lineup or
showup procedures) on the identification. The report also recommended
that the state adopt a set of recommended practices for conducting identi-
fication procedures, create new model jury instructions on eyewitness iden-
tifications, and set limitations on the admissibility of certainty statements
and in-court identifications.
State Statutes Regulating Identification Procedures
Judicial rulings regulating admissibility of eyewitness evidence in the
courtroom do not specify the identification procedures to be used by law
enforcement officials. However, 14 states have adopted legislation regard-
ing eyewitness identification procedures. Of the 14, 11 states (Connecticut,
Illinois, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia,
Wisconsin, Utah, and Vermont) have enacted statutes directly requiring that
Id. at 747–748, 755–756.
Id. at 759, 763.
See Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Study Group on Eyewitness Evidence, Report
and Recommendations to the Justices (2013).
Id. at 48.
Id. at 28. In the courtroom, the eyewitness can easily see where the defendant is sitting.
Thus, in-court identifications do not reliably test an eyewitness’ memory. Nevertheless, courts
have shown great tolerance of in-court identifications, deeming them based on “independent”
memory, and even following suggestive out-of-court procedures. Garrett, Eyewitnesses and
Exclusion, supra. For example, the New York Court of Appeals ruled that “[e]xcluding evi-
dence of a suggestive showup does not deprive the prosecutor of reliable evidence of guilt. The
witness would still be permitted to identify the defendant in court if that identification is based
on an independent source.” People v. Adams, 423 N.E.2d 379, 384 (N.Y. 1981).
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
law enforcement officials adopt written procedures for eyewitness identifi-
cations and regulating the particular procedures to be used.
Three more
states (Georgia, Nevada, and Rhode Island) have passed statutes recom-
mending further study, tasking a group with developing best practices, or
requiring some form of written policy.
State statutes typically assert that a trial judge may consider the failure
to follow the prescribed procedures as a factor in assessing admissibility
and informing the jury. The statutes rarely require that a trial judge exclude
such identification evidence from consideration by the jury. However, some
of the more detailed statutes, such as those in Ohio, North Carolina, and
West Virginia, require that law enforcement officials use particular practices
(e.g., eyewitness instructions, a blind administrator). Other statutes require
adherence to model policies or guidelines. Utah requires that lineup pro-
cedures be recorded. Some jurisdictions and departments also have volun-
tarily adopted guidelines or policies regulating eyewitness identifications.
Several state courts have issued rulings regulating lineup practices (e.g.,
New Jersey’s Supreme Court has required documentation of identification
Expert Witness Testimony Regarding Eyewitness Identification
The standards for assessing the admissibility of testimony by expert
witnesses have undergone great changes in the past two decades. Before
1993, the Frye test allowed scientific expert testimony in federal courts
if it met the standard of “general acceptance” in the relevant scientific
In 1993, the Supreme Court, in Daubert v. Merrell Dow
See Conn. Gen. Stat. § 54-1p (West 2012); 725 Ill. Comp. Stat. § 5/107A-5 (West 2003);
Md. Code Ann., Pub. Safety § 3-506 (West 2007); N.C. Gen. Stat. § 15A-284.52 (West 2007);
Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 2933.83 (West 2010); Tex. Code Crim. Proc. Ann. art. 38.20 (West
2011); Utah Code Ann. §77-8-4 (West 1980); Va. Code Ann. §19.2-390.02 (West 2005); Va
Code Ann. § 9.1-102.54; 13 V.S.A. § 5581; W. Va. Code Ann. § 62-1E-1 (West 2013); Wis.
Stat. § 175.50 (West 2005).
GA. H.R. 352, 149th Gen. Assem., Reg. Sess. (April 20, 2007); Nev. Rev. Stat. § 171.1237
(West 2011); R.I. Gen. Laws § 12-1-16 (West 2012); 2010 Leg. Reg. Sess. (Vt. 2010).
See, e.g., John J. Farmer, Jr., Attorney General of the State of New Jersey, “Letter to All
County Prosecutors: Attorney General Guidelines for Preparing and Conducting Photo and
Live Lineup Identification Procedures” (April 18, 2001), available at:
lps/dcj/agguide/photoid.pdf; CALEA Standards for Law Enforcement Agencies: 42.2.11 Line-
ups, available at:; International Association of
Chiefs of Police, Model Policy: Eyewitness Identification (2010).
State v. Delgado, 188 N.J. 48, 63–64, 902 A.2d 888 (2006).
Frye v. United States, 54 App. D.C. 46, 293 F. 1013 (1923).
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.,
ruled that, under Federal Rule of Evidence 702, a
“trial judge must ensure that any and all scientific testimony or evidence
admitted is not only relevant, but reliable.”
Judges determine reliability
by assessing the scientific foundation of the expert’s testimony prior to trial,
so that “evidentiary reliability will be based upon scientific validity.”
Many states have adopted Daubert, and many of those that have not for-
mally adopted Daubert have revised their Frye test to adopt much of the
Daubert standard. In turn, Federal Rule of Evidence 702 has been revised
to incorporate the holding in Daubert.
Federal and state courts remain
divided on whether expert testimony on eyewitness identifications is ad-
missible under Daubert or Frye, and on the proper exercise of trial court
discretion when deciding whether to admit such expert testimony. Appellate
rulings emphasize that a trial judge should use discretion when deciding
whether proffered expert evidence satisfies the Daubert or Frye standards.
An increasing number of rulings emphasize the value of presenting expert
testimony regarding eyewitness identification. Some courts have held that
it can be an abuse of discretion for a trial judge to bar the defense from
admitting such testimony.
Detailed descriptions of the relevant scientific
research findings accompany such decisions.
There are also many federal
and state courts that continue to follow the traditional approach, emphasiz-
ing that credibility of eyewitnesses is a matter within the “province of the
jury” and insisting that information regarding valid scientific research in
this area will not assist the jury in its task.
509 U.S. 579 (1993).
Id. at 589.
Id. at 590 n.9.
Fed. R. Evid. 702. Rule 702 now provides:
A witness who is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or educa-
tion may testify in the form of an opinion or otherwise if: (a) the expert’s scientific, technical,
or other specialized knowledge will help the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to de-
termine a fact in issue; (b) the testimony is based on sufficient facts or data; (c) the testimony
is the product of reliable principles and methods; and (d) the expert has reliably applied the
principles and methods to the facts of the case.
See, e.g., Tillman v. State, 354 S.W.3d 425, 441 (Tex. Crim. App. 2011); People v. Le-
Grand, 835 N.Y.S.2d 523, 524 (2007); State v. Clopten, 223 P.3d 1103, 1117 (Utah 2009);
U.S. v. Smithers, 212 F.3d 306, 311–14 (6th Cir. 2000).
See, e.g., State v. Copeland, 226 S.W.3d 287, 299–300 (Tenn. 2007); Tillman, 354 S.W.3d
at 441; Clopten, 223 P.3d at 1108.
For scholarly examination of this case law, see, e.g., “The Province of the Jurist: Judicial
Resistance to Expert Testimony on Eyewitnesses as Institutional Rivalry,” Harvard Law
Review 126(8): 2381 (2013); R. Simmons, “Conquering the Province of the Jury: Expert
Testimony and the Professionalization of Fact-Finding,” University of Cincinnati Law Review
74: 1013 (2006); G. Vallas, “A Survey of Federal and State Standards for the Admission of
Expert Testimony on the Reliability of Eyewitnesses,” American Journal of Criminal Law
39(1): 97 (2011).
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
The trend is toward greater acceptance of expert testimony regarding
the factors that may affect eyewitness identification. In a 2012 decision,
the Connecticut Supreme Court disavowed earlier rulings restricting expert
testimony and stated that such rulings are now “out of step with the wide-
spread judicial recognition that eyewitness identifications are potentially
unreliable in a variety of ways unknown to the average juror.”
the Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently held that expert testimony on
eyewitness identifications was no longer per se inadmissible, emphasizing
that “courts in 44 states and the District of Columbia have permitted such
testimony at the discretion of the trial judge,” and that “all federal circuits
that have considered the issue, with the possible exception of the 11th
Circuit, have embraced this approach.”
As the Seventh Circuit Court of
Appeals recently explained:
It will not do to reply that jurors know from their daily lives that memory
is fallible. The question that social science can address is how fallible,
and thus how deeply any given identification should be discounted. That
jurors have beliefs about this does not make expert evidence irrelevant;
to the contrary, it may make such evidence vital, for if jurors’ beliefs are
mistaken then they may reach incorrect conclusions. Expert evidence can
help jurors evaluate whether their beliefs about the reliability of eyewitness
testimony are correct.
Courts also have allowed expert witnesses to testify about particular is-
sues concerning eyewitness identifications, such as cross-race effects, stress,
weapons focus, suggestive lineup procedures, and the like.
Rarely have
experts conducted eyewitness identification research related to the specific
case before the court. However, in one such case, in which an experiment
State v. Guilbert, 306 Conn. 218, 234 (Conn. 2012). Prior to that decision, the Connecti-
cut Supreme Court had long ruled that “the reliability of eyewitness identification is within
the knowledge of jurors and expert testimony generally would not assist them in determining
the question” (State v. Kemp, supra 199 Conn. at 473, 477), and that factors affecting eyewit-
ness memory are “nothing outside the common experience of mankind” (State v. McClendon,
supra 248 Conn. at 572, 586).
Com. v. Walker, 2014 WL 2208139 *13 (Pa. 2014) (collecting authorities).
U.S. v. Bartless, 567 F.3d 901, 906 (7th Cir. 2009). Other federal courts have found it a
proper exercise of discretion to exclude expert testimony on eyewitness identifications. See,
e.g., United States v. Lumpkin, 192 F.3d 280, 289 (2d Cir. 1999). Most federal courts treat
the subject as one of considerable trial discretion; see, e.g., United States v. Rodriguez-Berrios,
573 F.3d 55, 71–72 (1st Cir. 2006). For a survey of federal decisions, see Lauren Tallent, Note,
Through the Lens of Federal Evidence Rule 403: An Examination of Eyewitness Identification
Expert Testimony Admissibility in the Federal Circuit Courts, Washington & Lee Law Review
68 (2): 765 (2011); see also Walker, 2014 2208139 *13.
See, e.g., Loftus, Doyle & Dysart at § 14-8[a]-[b] p. 408 n. 41–42, 410, n. 53 (5th Edi-
tion, 2013) (collecting cases).
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
was conducted with the actual photo array used in the case, the federal
courts found expert testimony admissible where it was directed not only to
general research, but also by the question of whether suggestive procedures
affected the identification in that case.
Expert witnesses who explain the complications of eyewitness identifi-
cation can be expensive. Most criminal defendants are indigent and cannot
afford such assistance.
In Ake v. Oklahoma, the Supreme Court held that
an indigent defendant has a constitutional due process right to assistance by
an expert witness only if that expert assistance is so crucial to the defense
(or such a “significant factor”) that its denial would deprive the defendant
of a fundamentally fair trial.
In federal courts, funding for expert wit-
nesses is available, and requests by indigent defendants are common.
state courts, such assistance is uncommon, especially in state courts that
rarely find denial of expert assistance on eyewitness matters to be a due
process violation.
Expert testimony on eyewitness memory and identifications has many
advantages over jury instructions as a method to explain relevant scientific
framework evidence to the jury: (1) Expert witnesses can explain scientific
research in a more flexible manner, by presenting only the relevant research
to the jury; (2) Expert witnesses are familiar with the research and can de-
scribe it in detail; (3) Expert witnesses can convey the state of the research
at the time of the trial; (4) Expert witnesses can be cross-examined by the
other side; and (5) Expert witnesses can more clearly describe the limita-
tions of the research. The benefits of expert testimony are offset somewhat
by the expense. However, conflicting testimony by opposing experts may
lead to confusion among the jurors. Nonetheless, trial judges have discre-
tion to determine whether the potential benefits of expert testimony out-
weigh the cost.
Jury Instructions Regarding Eyewitness Identification
Some courts restricting expert testimony have found jury instructions
regarding the fallible nature of eyewitness identifications to be an accept-
able substitute for expert testimony.
At the conclusion of a criminal trial,
Newsome v. McCabe, 319 F.3d 301 (7th Cir. 2003).
See, e.g., Bureau of Justice Statistics, “Indigent Defense,” available at:
470 U.S. 68, 82–83 (1985). Even if an indigent defendant receives funding to retain an
expert, the judge may ultimately decide that the expert testimony is not admissible at trial.
18 U.S.C. § 3006A(e)(1).
See, e.g., U.S. v. Jones, 689 F.3d 12, 20 (1st Cir. 2012) (“The judge was fully entitled to
conclude that this general information could be more reliably and efficiently conveyed by
instructions rather than through dueling experts.”).
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
the trial judge can instruct jurors on the factors that may result in an erro-
neous identification while also offering instructions on the legal principles
jurors must apply when assessing the factual record. Such instructions may
be given when the witness testifies. Judges tend to rely on model or pattern
instructions, because any departure from these standard instructions may
be a ground for appellate reversal.
The New Jersey Supreme Court viewed jury instructions as preferable
to expert testimony.
The New Jersey instructions adopted, following the
Henderson decision, are by far the most detailed set of jury instructions
regarding eyewitness identification evidence. Traditionally, instructions re-
garding eyewitness identifications have been brief and remind the jurors to
consider the following: (1) the credibility of an eyewitness is like that of any
other witness and (2) any eyewitness identification is part of the prosecu-
tor’s burden of proof in a criminal case.
Many state courts have held that,
although general jury instructions regarding credibility and the burden of
proof are appropriate, more specific instructions on eyewitness identifica-
tions are considered an inappropriate judicial comment on the evidence.
Following the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Manson v. Brathwaite,
some state courts supplemented their jury instructions by including the five
reliability factors named by the Supreme Court.
In 1972, in U.S. v. Telfaire, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals adopted
a set of influential model jury instructions to be used in appropriate federal
cases involving eyewitness identifications.
The instructions emphasized
the following:
You must consider the credibility of each identification witness in the same
way as any other witness, consider whether he is truthful, and consider
The New Jersey Supreme Court indicated: “Jury charges offer a number of advantages:
they are focused and concise, authoritative (in that juries hear them from the trial judge, not
a witness called by one side), and cost-free; they avoid possible confusion to jurors created by
dueling experts; and they eliminate the risk of an expert invading the jury’s role or opining on
an eyewitness’ credibility.” Henderson, 27 A.3d at 925.
New Jersey courts used such instructions a decade before Henderson. See, e.g., State
v. Robinson, 165 N.J. 32, 46–47 (N.J. 2000). Some states have also approved instructions
informing the jury that there may be an “independent source” for an in-court identification.
See, e.g., State v. Cannon, 713 P.2d 273, 281 (Ariz. 1985).
Brodes v. State, 279 Ga. 435, 439 & n.6 (Ga. 2005) (surveying state case law).
State v. Tatum, 219 Conn. 721 (1991).
U.S. v. Telfaire, 469 F.2d 552, 558 (D.C. Cir. 1972). Some federal courts follow that ap-
proach, while others adopt a “flexible approach.” See, e.g., United States v. Luis, 835 F.2d
37, 41 (2d Cir. 1987). Some more recent federal model instructions include added detail,
reflecting variables such as stress and cross-race identifications. See, e.g., Third Circuit Model
Criminal Jury Instructions, 4.15 (Jan. 2014), available at:
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
whether he had the capacity and opportunity to make a reliable observa-
tion on the matter covered in his testimony.
The Telfaire instructions departed from the brief traditional instruction
by adding that the jury should consider factors related to the initial sighting,
including “how long or short a time was available, how far or close the
witness was, how good were lighting conditions, [and] whether the witness
had had occasion to see or know the person in the past.” The decision also
noted that an identification is more reliable if the witness is able to pick the
defendant out of a group, rather than at a showup, and that the jury should
consider the length of time between the crime and the identification.
Some states have adopted cautionary instructions on specific issues
related to eyewitness identification evidence. In State v. Ledbetter, the
Connecticut Supreme Court ordered lower courts to use a special instruc-
tion in cases in which law enforcement failed to instruct the eyewitness
that the perpetrator may or may not be present in a lineup.
The Georgia
Supreme Court concluded in 2005 that one particular use of the Manson v.
Brathwaite factors must no longer be permitted: “we can no longer endorse
an instruction authorizing jurors to consider the witness’ certainty in his/
her identification as a factor to be used in deciding the reliability of that
Other courts have done the same.
In 1999, the New
Jersey Supreme Court ruled in State v. Cromedy that instructions on cross-
racial identifications are required in certain cases.
Expert testimony on eyewitness memory and identifications appears to
have many advantages when used as a method to explain relevant scientific
framework evidence to the jury. However, when expert testimony is not
available to the defense, jury instructions may be a preferable alternative
means to inform the jury of the findings of scientific research in this area.
U.S. v. Telfaire, 469 F.2d at 559.
Id. at 558.
State v. Ledbetter, 275 Conn. 534, 579–580 (2005) (The instruction reads, in part, “the
individual conducting the procedure either indicated to the witness that a suspect was present
in the procedure or failed to warn the witness that the perpetrator may or may not be in the
procedure. Psychological studies have shown that indicating to a witness that a suspect is pres-
ent in an identification procedure or failing to warn the witness that the perpetrator may or
may not be in the procedure increases the likelihood that the witness will select one of the indi-
viduals in the procedure, even when the perpetrator is not present. Thus, such behavior on the
part of the procedure administrator tends to increase the probability of a misidentification.”)
Brodes, 279 Ga. at 442.
See, e.g., supra Commonwealth v. Payne, 426 Mass. 692 (1998); State v. Romero, 191
N.J. 59 (2007).
State v. Cromedy, 158 N.J. 112 (1999); see also Innocence Project, “Know the Cases:
McKinley Cromedy,” available at:
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Brief instructions may not, however, provide sufficient guidance to explain
the relevant scientific evidence to the jury, but lengthy instructions may be
cumbersome and complex.
More research is warranted to better understand how best to com-
municate to jurors the factors that may affect the validity of eyewitness
testimony and support a more sensitive discrimination of the strengths and
weaknesses of eyewitness testimony in individual cases. Indeed, research
findings on the effectiveness of jury instructions on assessment of eyewitness
identification evidence have been mixed. In general, such studies find that
jury instructions cause jurors to become more suspicious of all eyewitness
identification evidence.
A recent study of the effect of the New Jersey jury
instructions used in Henderson found that the instructions reduced juror re-
liance on both strong and weak eyewitness identification evidence.
the few studies finding that jury instructions succeed in increasing jurors’
sensitivity to the strength of such evidence are those that study the effect of
jury instructions presented before the eyewitness testimony rather than at
the end of the case before deliberation.
Such studies also have examined
instructions that use visual aids rather than rely on a judge’s recitation of
written instructions.
In addition, research studies might explore the use
of videotape as an alternative way to present such information
and the
effects of moving jury instructions to precede the introduction of the testi-
mony by the eyewitness.
For a review of this research, see K. A. Martire and R. I. Kemp, “The Impact of Eyewitness
Expert Evidence and Judicial Instruction on Juror Ability to Evaluate Eyewitness Testimony,”
Law and Human Behavior 33:225–236, 226 (reviewing studies of jury instructions on eyewit-
ness identification and concluding that increased skepticism and confusion is a common re-
sult); see also J. L. Devenport, C. D. Kimbrough, and B. L. Cutler, “Effectiveness of traditional
safeguards against erroneous conviction arising from mistaken eyewitness identification,” in
Expert testimony on the psychology of eyewitness identification, ed. B. L. Cutler (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2009), 51–68 (summarizing research studying the Telfair jury instruc-
tion and concluding that “cautionary jury instructions may be an ineffective safeguard against
erroneous convictions resulting from mistaken eyewitness identifications.”).
A. P. Papailiou, D. V. Yokum, C. T. Robertson, “The Novel New Jersey Eyewitness In-
struction Induces Skepticism But Not Sensitivity,” August 2014, available at: http://papers.
See, e.g., N. B. Pawlenko, M. A. Safer, R. A. Wise, and B. Holfeld, “A Teaching Aid for
Improving Jurors’ Assessments of Eyewitness Accuracy,” Applied Cognitive Psychology 27(2):
190–197. Other studies are reviewed in Martire and Kemp, supra note 105 at 226.
Pawlenko et al., supra note 107.
For an example of videotaped instructions, see Federal Judicial Center, The Patent Process:
An Overview for Jurors, available at:
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
The Manson v. Brathwaite test under the Due Process Clause of the
U.S. Constitution set out the modern test that regulates the fairness and
the reliability of eyewitness identification evidence. The test evaluates the
“reliability” of eyewitness identifications using factors derived from prior
rulings and not from empirically validated sources. It includes factors that
are not diagnostic of reliability and treats factors such as the confidence of
a witness as independent markers of reliability when, in fact, it is now well
established that confidence judgments may vary over time and can be pow-
erfully swayed by many factors. The best guidance for legal regulation of
eyewitness identification evidence comes not, however, from constitutional
rulings, but from the careful use and understanding of scientific evidence
to guide fact-finders and decision makers.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Basic Research on Vision and Memory
ccurate eyewitness identification requires that a witness to a crime
correctly sense, perceive, and remember objects and events that
occurred and recall them later. The veracity of the witness’ identi-
fication thus depends on the limits of sensation, perception, and memory.
Recent scientific studies have yielded great advances in our understanding
of how vision and memory work. This chapter provides a brief overview
of current knowledge, identifies areas in which vision and memory are
imperfect, and describes implications for the accuracy of eyewitness iden-
tification. These implications, in turn, have guided much of the applied
research on this topic (see Chapter 5) and provide a general framework for
the recommendations made herein (see Chapter 6).
This chapter begins by offering a concrete example to place the body
of basic scientific research on vision and memory in context so as to better
communicate its relevance to eyewitness identification. In the sections that
follow the example, the different functional steps of the sequence (high-
lighted in italics) are dissected in some detail, with special reference to its
limitations and the ways in which it may fail to deliver accurate eyewitness
While returning home late, you hear a muffled scream from around the
street corner. Seconds later, you come face-to-face with a man turning the
corner and moving swiftly past you. Instantaneously, properties of the
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
scene are conveyed to you through patterns of light cast on the backs of
your eyes and sensed by photoreceptors in your retina. Only a fraction of
the information sensed is selected for further processing; in this case you
focus your attention on certain features of the man’s face. Those features
are integrated and interpreted to yield a coherent percept of the man.
As you round the corner, you perceive, through an identical process, the
victim slumped lifelessly against a wall. You quickly grasp the meaning of
these perceptual experiences, and they immediately elicit both cognitive
and visceral components (e.g., increased heart rate) of fear and anxiety.
Your percepts are initially encoded in short-term working memory, where
content is limited and labile. Your elevated level of arousal may cause
interference and some loss of content, but with time and recognition of
the importance of the experience, your percepts are consolidated into long-
term memory. Long-term memories are maintained in storage but subject
to ongoing updates and modifications resulting from new experiences and
perhaps distortions caused by sustained levels of stress.
At a later date, you are asked to look at a police lineup that includes a
suspect apprehended near the crime scene. Visual features of the men in the
lineup are sensed, selectively attended, and perceived, using the same visual
processes engaged on the night in question. Some of these features—the
high brow and sharp cheekbones of one man in the lineup—elicit retrieval
of memories of your visual experiences on the night of the crime. The si-
multaneously perceived and retrieved experiences are implicitly compared,
leading to a cycle of greater visual scrutiny of the man in front of you and
retrieval of additional details of the original percept. The context of the
lineup procedure, the sight of the man, and the retrieved memories trigger
latent emotions and anxiety, which may interfere with your comparison
of percept and memory. Eventually, the comparison reaches your internal
criterion for identification: You decide, with an implicit level of certainty,
that your current visual percept and the percept from the night of the
crime were caused by the same external source (the man now in front of
you), and you assert that you have identified the person you witnessed at
the crime scene.
Functional Processes of Vision
To understand the contributions and limitations of vision to eyewit-
ness identification, it is useful to consider the workings of three functional
stages of visual processing—sensation, attention, and perception—bearing
in mind that they comprise highly interdependent elements of a continuous
operation. Sensation is the initial process of detecting light and extracting
basic image features. Sensations themselves are evanescent, and only a small
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
fraction of what is sensed is actually perceived. Attention is the process by
which information sensed by the visual system is selected for further pro-
cessing. Perception is the process by which attended visual information is
integrated, linked to environmental cause, made coherent, and categorized
through the assignment of meaning, utility, value, and emotional valence. In
addition, memories and emotions resulting from prior experiences with the
world can influence all stages of visual processing and thus define a thread
that weaves throughout the following discussions.
All of the functional processes of vision are beset by noise, which
affects the quality and types of information accessible from the visual en-
vironment, and bears heavily on the validity of eyewitness identification.
Before considering the processes of sensation, attention, and perception in
greater detail, consideration is given to the concept of noise in visual pro-
cessing and to ways of interpreting its impact on visual experience.
The Fundamental Role of Noise
Vision is usefully understood as the process of detecting informative
signals about the external world and using those signals to recognize ob-
jects, make decisions, and guide behavior. As with any signal detection,
there are occasionally factors that lead to uncertainty on the part of the
observer about whether a particular signal is present. These factors are
generically termed noise, following the definition used in electronic signal
transmission, in which noise refers to random or irrelevant elements that
interfere with detection of coherent and informative signals. In vision, noise
comes from a variety of sources, some associated with the structure of the
visual environment (e.g., occluding surfaces, glare, shadows), some inher-
ent to the optical and neuronal processes involved (e.g., scattering of light
in the eye), some reflecting sensory content not relevant to the observer’s
goals (e.g., a distracting sign or a loud sound), and some originating with
incorrect expectations derived from memory. Consider, for example, the
seemingly simple problem of detecting a green light while waiting at a
traffic signal. In this case, your ability to “see” the green light may be
compromised by glare or dust on your windshield, by poor visual acuity,
by your eyes having been aimed instead at the driver of the adjacent car, by
the presence of other (irrelevant) colored lights in your field of view (e.g., a
traffic signal at a different intersection or the lights of a nearby restaurant),
by a cell phone conversation, or by the news on the car radio. The signifi-
cance of this view for eyewitness identification is profound, as it helps us
to realize that the accuracy of information about the environment—the face
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
of a criminal, for example—gained through vision is necessarily, and often
sharply, limited by noise.
The fact that vision is noise-limited suggests a familiar statistical frame-
work—signal detection theory—for assessing and understanding the effects
of noise on visual perception and recognition ability.
Signal detection
theory has long been successfully applied to analogous problems in elec-
tronic signal reception.
To illustrate these principles as applied to sensory
processing, consider the problem of detecting a vibrating cell phone in
your pocket. Anyone who has operated a cell phone in vibrate mode will
be familiar with two types of signal detection errors: (1) the occasional
sense that the phone is vibrating in your pocket, only to discover that it is
not, and, conversely, (2) the phone call that is sometimes missed because
you attribute the vibration to some other cause. Signal, in this example, is
a subtle tactile stimulus resulting from an incoming phone call. Noise, in
this example, is all of the other things in your environment that may also
lead to subtle tactile stimulation, such as vibration of your car seat, a shift
of keys in your pocket, or the touch of another person.
Signal detection theory posits that there are three main factors that
determine whether a signal will be detected: (1) the distribution of stimuli
(e.g., the variety of stimulus magnitudes) that reflect noise only, (2) the
distribution of stimuli that reflect signal, and (3) the observer’s criterion
for “deciding” that a specific stimulus resulted from noise sources or sig-
nal. An important factor for the fidelity of signal detection is the degree to
which noise and signal distributions overlap with one another. In the case
of the vibrating cell phone, if the distributions of tactile stimuli resulting
from noise and signal overlap, as is often the case, then there will always
be some cases in which you believe the phone is vibrating when it is not
(noise stimuli attributed to signal source), and there will be some cases in
which the phone is vibrating and you miss the call (signal stimuli attributed
to noise source).
The third factor that influences signal detection in the presence of noise
is the observer’s decision criterion, which is simply the value (e.g., stimulus
amplitude) above which a stimulus is attributed to signal, and below which
a stimulus is attributed to noise. In the same sense that your car radio is
programmed to “decide” (and allow you to hear) when informative patterns
of electromagnetic radiation (signal) are sufficiently different from random
fluctuations (noise), an observer adopts a criterion for deciding whether a
W. S. Geisler, “Sequential Ideal-Observer Analysis of Visual Discriminations,” Psychologi-
cal Review 96(2): 267–314 (1989).
D. M. Green and J. A. Swets, Signal Detection Theory and Psychophysics (New York:
Wiley, 1966).
W. W. Peterson, T. G. Birdsall, and W. C. Fox, “The Theory of Signal Detectability,”
Proceedings of the IRE Professional Group on Information Theory 4(4): 171–212 (1954).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
stimulus is caused by a signal or is simply a manifestation of noise. This
criterion reflects the level of precision acceptable for the observer’s needs,
given uncertainty about whether a given stimulus reflects a real signal.
In practice, the criterion
used is determined by a host of factors unique
to the circumstances, including psychological and social demands and be-
havioral goals. These factors collectively determine the relative “costs” of
incorrect attributions of signal as noise (“misses”) and of noise as signal
(“false alarms”).
If an individual places high value on not missing a phone call, then she
or he will adopt a very liberal criterion, in which all stimuli reflecting real
incoming calls (signal) are successfully detected, but many noise stimuli
(e.g., shifting keys in a pocket) are erroneously (and frustratingly) believed
to be incoming calls. By contrast, if an individual places little value on de-
tecting incoming phone calls, she or he will adopt a conservative criterion,
in which many calls are missed and noise stimuli rarely elicit an effort to
answer the phone, which may be of value to the individual who wishes to
avoid distraction.
The example of the signal detection logic used for the vibrating cell
phone applies similarly to all aspects of visual perceptual experience, in-
cluding the conditions of witnessing criminal events. The uncertainty about
visual events caused by manifold sources of noise will inevitably lead to
inaccurate visual perceptual experiences, which result from conditions in
which an observer fails to detect a critically informative stimulus as “real”
(attributing the stimulus instead to a source of noise) or confidently per-
ceives a noise stimulus to have originated from an informative source.
The latter instance is problematic because it increases the likelihood that
observers will unwittingly “construct,” on the basis of expectations derived
from memory and situational context, perceptual experiences to account
for noise erroneously interpreted as signal.
What follows from this consideration of uncertainty and decision cri-
teria for visual perception is that the actual impact of factors that limit the
amount of visual information available to an eyewitness (factors considered
in more detail below) will depend on the criterion adopted. The criterion
may reflect the values and prejudices of the eyewitness, his or her motiva-
tional and emotional state, and a variety of behavioral goals. In principle,
the observer’s criterion can be altered by instruction or incentives, but it is
important to note that the criterion held by an observer witnessing a crime
scene cannot be anticipated, nor can it be altered after the fact. It is an
“estimator variable,” which simply needs to be recognized and understood
when evaluating eyewitness reports. By contrast, the decision criterion held
The criterion is sometimes referred to as bias.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
by an observer at the time of identification can be controlled, and there may
be valid reasons for doing so (see Chapter 5).
In the following discussions of sensation, attention, and perception, the
various means and conditions under which many different types of noise
introduce uncertainty in visual signal detection (and thus fundamentally
limit the accuracy of eyewitness identification) are addressed.
Visual Sensation
When an observer views an object of any sort (such as a person) or
events involving the object (a criminal act), patterns of light reflected from
the environment are focused by the lens at the front of the eye and projected
onto the back surface of the eye (the retina) to form the retinal image. Light
in the image is initially “sensed” by the activation of photoreceptors, and
early stages of sensory processing function to detect spatial and temporal
contrast along a number of dimensions, including intensity and wavelength
of light.
These contrast measurements are integrated by subsequent pro-
cessing stages in the brain to yield representations of basic image features,
or primitives, such as oriented image contours.
Several sources of noise, or factors that limit the ratio of signal to
noise, can restrict the visual information accessible to these early sensory
processes. Some factors are inherent to the visual system and largely un-
controllable (e.g., the scattering of light by the fluid and tissues of the eye)
and can be exacerbated by common observer-specific visual deficits (e.g.,
myopia, poor contrast sensitivity, or color blindness). Others factors are
dependent on viewing conditions (e.g., the effects of viewing time and level
of illumination).
Both of these types of factors predictably influence the
quantity of information—the visual signal strength—that a viewer gains
from a visual scene, and thus the degree to which the perceptual experi-
L. Mickes, H. D. Flowe, and J. T. Wixted, “Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis
of Eyewitness Memory: Comparing the Diagnostic Accuracy of Simultaneous and Sequential
Lineups,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 18(4): 361–376 (2012).
M. Meister and M. Tessier-Lavigne, “Low-level Visual Processing: The Retina,” in Prin-
ciples of Neuroscience, 5th Edition, ed. E. Kandel, J. H. Schwartz, T. M. Jessell, S. A.
Siegelbaum, and A. J. Hudspeth (New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2012), 577–601.
C. D. Gilbert, “Intermediate-level Visual Processing and Visual Primitives,” in Principles of
Neuroscience, 5th Edition, ed. E. Kandel, J. H. Schwartz, T. M. Jessell, S. A. Siegelbaum, and
A. J. Hudspeth (New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2012), 602–620.
D. G. Pelli, “Uncertainty Explains Many Aspects of Visual Contrast Detection and Dis-
crimination” Journal of the Optical Society of America A2(9): 1508–32 (1985). D. G. Pelli,
“The Quantum Efficiency of Vision,” in Vision: Coding and Efficiency, ed. C. Blakemore
(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990), 3–24. G. Sperling, “The Information Avail-
able in Brief Visual Presentations,” Psychological Monographs: General and Applied 74(11,
Whole No. 498): 1–29 (1960).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
ence can accurately reflect the properties of the external world.
At the ex-
treme, short viewing times and low levels of illumination simply reduce the
number of correlated photons reaching the retina to the point where they
scarcely exceed photon noise, and uncertainty is very high.
At slightly
longer viewing times and greater illumination levels, signal-to-noise levels
improve, but there may remain marked limits on visual sensitivity. Visual
acuity, for example, which is a measure of the ability to resolve the fine
spatial details of a visual pattern, is known to decline significantly with
decreases in illumination.
Signal-to-noise loss can depend on the direction of the observer’s gaze.
Visual acuity is highest at the observer’s center of gaze. The center is the
part of your visual system that is used for fine sensing, such as reading
or scrutinizing faces in a social context. Acuity drops off markedly with
angular distance from this center, such that the quality and quantity of
information sensed a mere 10 degrees from center are far less than what is
available at the center of gaze.
Under unrestricted viewing conditions, the movements of the eyes
largely overcome the effects of gaze direction. However, under the viewing
conditions associated with a typical crime, this source of noise may place
severe limitations on the ability of the observer to sense key pieces of infor-
mation that are not present at the center of gaze. To appreciate the impact
of these limitations, consider that patients with macular degeneration are
effectively blinded in the region of the visual field possessing highest acuity,
and must rely instead on the much-reduced quality of visual information
gained from the peripheral visual field. To compensate for this clinical loss,
images and text must be greatly magnified to enable comprehension—an
option that is clearly not available to an eyewitness.
Visual Attention
Light falling on all parts of the retina is available to be sensed—and
must be sensed for it to be available for further processing—but only a
G. Sperling, “A Signal-to-Noise Theory of the Effects of Luminance on Picture Memory:
Comment on Loftus,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 115(2): 189–192 (1986).
S. Hecht, S. Schlaer, and M. H. Pirenne, “Energy, Quanta, and Vision,” Journal of General
Physiology 25(6): 819–840 (1942).
P. W. Cobb, “The Influence of Illumination of the Eye on Visual Acuity,” American Journal
of Physiology 29: 76–99 (1911). S. Hecht, “A Quantitative Basis for the Relation Between Vi-
sual Acuity and Illumination,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 13: 569–574
(1927). S. Shlaer, “The Relation Between Visual Acuity and Illumination,” Journal of General
Physiology 21 (2): 165–188 (1937).
H. Strasburger, I. Rentschler, and M. Jüttner, “Peripheral Vision and Pattern Recognition:
A Review,” Journal of Vision 11(5):13, 1–82 (2011).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
small fraction of the information sensed reaches awareness or is used by the
observer for recognition, action, or storage in memory. This limited access
to visual sensory information is a product of selective attention.
is an active process that can be directed by external factors—visual attri-
butes with high salience, such as a bright light or an unfamiliar object—or
by internal control.
If you are searching for a coffee cup, for example,
you may explicitly direct your attention to the table where it was last seen.
Attention can be directed to different types of image content, including spe-
cific locations in space,
specific image features (such as a specific color),
or to specific objects (such as the coffee cup).
Attended image content is transiently enhanced to increase the fidelity
of visual experience.
Attention interacts with sensory processing, for ex-
ample, by selectively enhancing contrast
and potentially overcoming low
signal-to-noise levels resulting from limited viewing time or illumination.
The effects of attention on contrast enhancement can be potentiated further
when attention is commanded by emotionally laden stimuli.
Image con-
W. James, Principles of Psychology (New York: Henry Holt, 1890); H. Pashler, J. John-
ston, and E. Ruthruff, “Attention and Performance,” Annual Review of Psychology 52:
629–651 (2001).
M. I. Posner, “Orienting of Attention,” Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
32: 3–25 (1980).
A. F. Rossi and M. A. Paradiso, “Feature-specific Effects of Selective Visual Attention,”
Vision Research 35(5): 621–634 (1995).
J. Duncan, “Selective Attention and the Organization of Visual Information,” Journal of
Experimental Psychology: General 113(4): 501–517 (1984).
H. Pashler, J. Johnston, and E. Ruthruff, “Attention and Performance,” Annual Review
of Psychology 52: 629–651 (2001).
M. Carrasco et al.,“Attention Alters Appearance” Nature Neuroscience 7: 308–313
M. I. Posner, C. R. Snyder, and B. J. Davidson, “Attention and the Detection of Signals,”
Journal of Experimental Psychology 109(2): 160–174 (1980). M. Carrasco and B. McElree,
“Covert Attention Accelerates the Rate of Visual Information Processing,” Proceedings of
the National Academies of Science 98(9): 5363–5367 (2001). Y. Yeshurun and M. Carrasco,
“Attention Improves or Impairs Visual Performance by Enhancing Spatial Resolution,” Nature
396, 72–75 (1998). M. Carrasco et al., “Covert Attention Increases Spatial Resolution with
or without Masks: Support for Signal Enhancement,” Journal of Vision 2(6): 467–79 (2002).
E. Blaser et al., “Measuring the Amplification of Attention,” Proceedings of the National
Academies of Science 96(20): 11681–11686 (1999). K. Anton-Erxleben and M. Carrasco,
“Attentional Enhancement of Spatial Resolution: Linking Behavioural and Neurophysiological
Evidence,” Nature Reviews Neuroscience 14(3):188–200 (2013). J. W. Couperus and G. R.
Mangun, “Signal Enhancement and Suppression During Visual-Spatial Selective Attention,”
Brain Research 1359:155–177 (2010).
E. A. Phelps, S. Ling, and M. Carrasco, “Emotion Facilitates Perception and Potentiates:
The Perceptual Benefits of Attention,” Psychological Science 17(4): 292 (2006).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
tent not falling within the focus of attention is processed with less fidelity.
In some cases, unattended content is effectively invisible: It does not reach
awareness, it is not perceived, and it is not available for use in guiding deci-
sions or actions, or for storage in memory.
Different pieces of visual information compete for selection,
as their
attributes of physical salience, location in space, novelty, and relevance
to the observer’s needs and behavioral goals are always changing.
outcome of the competition is highly susceptible to noise (in this instance,
noise is defined as uncontrolled factors that bias the focus of attention and
create uncertainty about the content of a visual scene), because the infor-
mational content of the visual image vastly exceeds what can be attended
at any point in time. The implications of such noise for eyewitness identi-
fication are profound. An observer must “select” what to attend to, often
within a short window of time, without advance warning, in the presence
of many novel objects and events, and under such confounding influences
as anxiety and fear.
The signal detection framework is readily adaptable to the problem
of noise in visual attention and provides some insights into the limits of
attentional selection in the presence of noise.
In essence, this signal detec-
tion approach quantifies the extent to which multiple items competing with
one another for attention affect attentional enhancement for any one of the
Reductions in efficiency are common under such noise conditions.
Indeed, sensitivity to unattended items can be markedly reduced under
conditions of high “perceptual load,” in which there are many objects si-
Posner, Snyder, and Davidson, “Attention and the Detection of Signals.” Y. Yeshurun
and M Carrasco, “Attention Improves or Impairs Visual Performance by Enhancing Spatial
Resolution,” Nature 396: 72–75 (November 1998).
A. Mack and I. Rock, Inattentional Blindness (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998).
R. Desimone and J. Duncan, “Neural Mechanism of Selective Visual Attention,” Annual
Review of Neuroscience 18: 193–222 (March 1995).
J. M. Wolfe and T. S. Horowitz, “What Attributes Guide the Deployment of Visual Atten-
tion and How Do They Do It?” Nature Reviews Neuroscience 5: 495–501 (June 2004). H. E.
Egeth and S.Yantis, “Visual Attention: Control, Representation, and Time Course,” Annual
Review of Psychology 48(1): 269–297 (February 1997). M. I. Posner, “Orienting in Atten-
tion,” Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 32(1): 3–25 (1980). A. Treisman and
G. Gelade, “A Feature Integration Theory of Attention,” Cognitive Psychology 12(1):97–136
(January 1980). L. Itti and C. Koch, “A Saliency-based Search Mechanism for Overt and Co-
vert Shifts of Visual Attention,” Vision Research 40(10–12): 1489–1506 (June 2000).
G. Sperling and M. J. Melchner, “The Attention Operating Characteristic: Examples from
Visual Search,” Science 202(4365): 315–318 (October 1978). G. Sperling and B. A. Dosher,
“Strategy and Optimization in Human Information Processing,” in Handbook of Perception
and Human Performance, ed. K. Boff, L. Kaufman, and J. Thomas (New York: Wiley, 1986).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
multaneously competing for attention.
The spacing of items in the visual
field also impacts visual sensitivity.
When objects are closely spaced, their
discriminability is reduced. One explanation offered for this “crowding
effect” is that the spacing of visual items is smaller than the resolution
of visual attention.
The visual phenomenon of crowding suggests that
a crime committed in a visually complex scene, such as a sporting event,
could easily place limits on the ability of a witness to accurately perceive
the facial features of a perpetrator.
A related consequence of attentional noise is that competing interests
can readily hijack the attentional focus. The technique of misdirection
one of the original mainstays of performance magic—directs attention to
uninformative image content and exploits the invisibility of unattended
The well-studied inattentional blindness effect is another ex-
ample of this phenomenon, in which attention that is pre-directed to one
behaviorally significant property of a visual scene precludes awareness of
other features that also may be important.
(For a dramatic demonstration
of this effect, produced by Simons and Chabris,
Inattentional blindness effects translate well to real-world interactions
between people. An individual can be surprisingly unaware of surreptitious
changes to the physical appearance of another person while engaged in con-
One demonstration of this phenomenon involved two strang-
ers (experimenter and pedestrian) in a brief face-to-face conversation on a
sidewalk. At some point in the conversation an opaque door was carried
between the two individuals, and another person with different appearance,
clothing, and voice quickly replaced the experimenter. More than half of
N. Lavie, “Perceptual Load as a Necessary Condition for Selective Attention,” Journal of
Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 21(3): 451–468 (June 1995).
J. W. Couperus, “Perceptual Load Influences Selective Attention Across Development,” De-
velopmental Psychology 47(5):1431–1439 (September 2011).
D. M. Levi, “Crowding—An Essential Bottleneck for Object Recognition: A Mini-review,”
Vision Research 48: 635–654 (2008).
J. Intriligator and P. Cavanagh, “The Spatial Resolution of Visual Attention,” Cognitive
Psychology 43: 171–216 (2001).
G. Kuhn et al., “Misdirection in Magic: Implications for the Relationship Between Eye
Gaze and Attention,” Visual Cognition 16(2–3): 391–405 (2008). S. L. Macknik, S. Martinez-
Conde, and S. Blakeslee, Sleights of Mind: What the Neuroscience of Magic Reveals About
Our Everyday Deceptions (New York: Henry Holt and Co., 2010).
A. Mack and I. Rock, Inattentional Blindness (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1998). U.
Neisser and R. Becklen, “Selective Looking: Attending to Visually Specified Events,” Cognitive
Psychology 7(4): 480–494 (October 1975). D. Simons, “Attentional Capture and Inattentional
Blindness,” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 4(4): 147–155 (April 2000).
D. J. Simons and C. F. Chabris, “Gorillas in Our Midst: Sustained Inattentional Blindness
for Dynamic Events,” Perception 28: 1059–1074 (1999).
D. J. Simons and D. T. Levin, “Failure to Detect Changes to People During a Real-World
Interaction,” Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 5(4): 644–649 (1998).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
the participants (pedestrians) failed to notice that their conversation part-
ner had changed. This finding suggests that naturally occurring events that
briefly divert attention have the potential to markedly impair the accuracy
of eyewitness identifications.
Attentional hijacking is particularly characteristic of stimuli that elicit
strong emotional responses, such as fear and arousal.
Visual stimuli that
trigger fear responses act as powerful external cues that command atten-
While this potentiates sensitivity to those stimuli, at the considerable
expense of sensitivity to others, it is often the case that the attended emo-
tional stimuli are not the ones with relevant informational content.
so-called weapon focus is a real-world case in point for eyewitness iden-
tification, in which attention is compellingly drawn to emotionally laden
stimuli, such as a gun or a knife, at the expense of acquiring greater visual
information about the face of the perpetrator (see also discussion of weapon
focus in Chapter 5).
(One might argue that this is an adaptation that
benefits immediate action or engagement with a threatening stimulus, but
is surely detrimental to one’s efforts to bear witness.)
Visual Perception
Visual perception is the conscious functional result of efforts to identify
the environmental causes of the pattern of light cast onto the back of the
Perception does not reflect the sensory world passively, as camera film
detects patterns of light. On the contrary, visual perception is constructive
C. H. Hansen and R. D. Hansen, “Finding the Face in the Crowd: An Anger Superior-
ity Effect,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 54: 917–924 (1988). E. Fox et al.,
“Facial Expressions of Emotion: Are Angry Faces Detected More Efficiently?” Cognition and
Emotion 14(1): 61–92 (2000). R. Compton, “The Interface Between Emotion and Attention:
A Review of Evidence from Psychology and Neuroscience,” Behavioral and Cognitive Neu-
roscience Reviews 2(2): 115–129 (2003). R. L. Bannerman, E. V. Temminck, and A. Sahraie,
“Emotional Stimuli Capture Spatial Attention But Do Not Modulate Spatial Memory,” Vision
Research 65: 12–20 (15 July 2012).
J. A. Easterbrook, “The Effects of Emotion on Cue Utilization and the Organization of
Behavior,” Psychological Review 66(3): 183–201 (1959).
E. Ferneyhough et al., “Anxiety Modulates the Effects of Emotion and Attention on Early
Vision,” Cognition and Emotion 27(1): 166–176 (2013). G. Pourtois and P. Vuilleumier, “Dy-
namics of Emotional Effects on Spatial Attention in the Human Visual Cortex,” Progress in
Brain Research 156: 67–91 (2006).
T. Kramer, R. Buckhout, and P. Eugenio, “Weapon Focus, Arousal, and Eyewitness
Memory: Attention Must Be Paid,” Law and Human Behavior 14(2): 167–184 (1990). R. S.
Truelove, “Do Weapons Automatically Capture Attention,” Applied Cognitive Psychology
20(7): 871–893 (2006). E. F. Loftus, G. R. Loftus, and J. Messo, “Some Facts About ‘Weapon
Focus’,” Law and Human Behavior 11(1): 55–62 (1987).
W. James, Principles of Psychology (New York: Henry Holt, 1890). S. Harnad, ed., Cat-
egorical Perception: The Groundwork of Cognition (New York: Cambridge University Press,
1987). T. D. Albright, “Perceiving,” Daedalus (in press).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
and entails (1) integrating and segmenting attended attributes of the visual
image into objects, (2) complementing and interpreting the product with
expectations derived from memory of prior experiences with the world,
and (3) assigning meaning and emotional valence by reference to prior
knowledge of function and value.
All of these perceptual processes are
affected by noise. Because the things perceived are the things we place into
memory, perceptual noise can dramatically limit the accuracy of eyewitness
The process of feature integration and interpretation may be dis-
torted by images of an object unique to a specific angle of view.
retinal pattern generated by a face viewed directly from the front differs
considerably—with changes in aspect ratio and relative placement of fa-
cial features—from that generated by a face viewed from an oblique side
angle. Viewing a face from an angle above or below center (as might be
the case if the criminal were standing over you, or below you on the stairs)
also yields retinal distortions of facial features. In this case, the distortions
prominently mimick facial gestures of smiling versus frowning, and perhaps
cause incorrect inferences about the emotional state of the person observed
and his or her intentions and motivations. (This distortion is the basis for
the Japanese Noh Theatre mask effect, in which a rigid mask tilted forward
leads to the appearance of a smile and backward leads to the appearance
of a frown—an effect you can simulate by simply looking into the mirror
and tilting your face up or down.)
Viewing conditions can also affect the perception of face, gender, and
Investigators found that faces that were physically identical—and
particularly those bordering on androgyny—were perceived as unambigu-
ously male or female depending on where they appeared in the observer’s
visual field. The spatial patterning of these effects was distinctive and
stable for each observer. Perceptual distortions of this sort are a source of
noise that may have important implications for the accuracy of eyewitness
Perceptual distortions also may be introduced through memory recall.
C. D. Gilbert, “The Constructive Nature of Visual Processing,” in Principles of Neurosci-
ence, 5th Edition, ed. E. Kandel, J. H. Schwartz, T. M. Jessell, S. A. Siegelbaum, and A. J.
Hudspeth (New York: McGraw-Hill Professional, 2012). T. D. Albright, “On the Perception
of Probable Things: Neural Substrates of Associative Memory, Imagery, and Perception,”
Neuron 74 (2): 227–245 (2012).
W. G. Hayward and P. Williams, “Viewpoint Dependence and Object Discriminability,”
Psychological Science 11(1): 7–12 (2000).
M. J. Lyons et al., “The Noh Mask Effect: Vertical Viewpoint Dependence on Facial
Expression Perception,” Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 267(1459):
2239–2245 (2000).
A. Afraz, M. Vaziri-Pashkam, and P. Cavanagh, “Spatial Heterogeneity in the Perception
of Face and Form Attributes,” Current Biology 20(23): 2112–2116 (2010).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
The way an observer experiences a visual scene—the setting, the people,
and the actions associated with a crime —is commonly influenced as much
by expectations from prior experience with the world as it is by the precise
patterns of light cast upon the retina. There are good reasons why this is
true. As noted above, the sensory input (the pattern of light received) is
often noisy, incomplete, and ambiguous, and memories of what is likely to
be out there, given the context, are called on to fill in the blanks, recon-
cile ambiguities, and leave clear and coherent percepts.
This perceptual
completion is probabilistic.
It is an hypothesis, and the accuracy naturally
depends on the degree to which the observer’s expectations match the noisy
sensory data.
What is implied is that the same mechanism that grants the certainty of
perceptual experience in the face of noise and ambiguity is also capable of
implicitly fabricating content that does not correspond to external reality
and yet is experienced with no less certainty. Performance magic relies on
this constructive nature of perceptual experience, and that nature is also
the foundation for many visual illusions and forms of visual art.
In a
classic experiment that drives home the point, Bruner and Postman looked
at the ability of observers to recognize ‘‘trick’’ playing cards.
The trick
cards were created by altering the color of a given suit (e.g., a red seven
of spades). Observers were shown a series of cards with brief presenta-
tions. Some cards were trick, and the remainder normal. With astonish-
ing frequency, observers reported that the trick cards were normal. When
questioned, observers defended their reports, even after being allowed to
scrutinize the trick cards, thus demonstrating that learned properties of
the world are capable of sharply altering our experience and, moreover,
reinforcing our convictions about what we have seen, even in the face of
countermanding sensory evidence. In view of this inherent dependence of
perception on prior experiences and context—and, importantly, the fact
that the viewer is commonly none the wiser when perception differs from
Albright, “On the Perception of Probable Things.”
D. C. Knill and W. Richards, Perception as Bayesian Inference, ed. D. C. Knill and W.
Richards (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996). D. Kersten “High-level Vision as
Statistical Inference,” in The New Cognitive Neurosciences, 2nd Edition, ed. M. S. Gazzaniga
(Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999), 353–363. D. Kersten, P. Mamassian, and A. Yuille, “Object
Perception as Bayesian Inference,” Annual Review of Psychology 55: 271–304 (February
E. H. Gombrich, Art and Illusion. A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation
(London: Phaidon 1960). T. D. Albright, “The Veiled Christ of Cappella Sansevero: On Art,
Vision and Reality,” Leonardo 46(1): 19–23 (2013). Macknik, Martinez-Conde, and Blakeslee,
Sleights of Mind: What the Neuroscience of Magic Reveals About Our Everyday Deceptions
(New York: Henry Holt and Co., 2010).
J. S. Bruner and L. Postman, “On the Perception of Incongruity: A Paradigm,” Journal of
Personality 18(2): 206–223 (1949).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
the “ground truth” of the external world—it appears that accurate eyewit-
ness identification may be difficult to achieve.
Additional noise (in this case defined as uncertainty resulting from loss
of perceptual resolution) may result from the fact that visual perception is
Although the objects of our experience vary broadly along
multiple sensory dimensions, we lump them into categories based upon
prior associations, many of which stem from common functions, physical
properties, meanings, or emotional valence. Apples in a basket or the many
typographic fonts for the letter “A” are visually distinct, yet we readily
perceive them as categorically identical. For most behavioral and cognitive
goals, perceptual processing is greatly simplified by treating all members
of a category as the same, despite their differences. It rarely matters, for
example, whether the apple we choose is dappled on one side or irregular
in shape, nor does the font used bear greatly on our ability to read. One
of the functional corollaries of categorical perception is that observers are
far better at discriminating between objects from different categories than
objects from the same category.
Evidence indicates that the structure of
object memory is also categorical, suggesting that perceived objects are
encoded in memory as a category type, often without specific detail.
Perceptual categorization naturally applies to faces.
We readily cat-
egorize faces by distinctions along the obvious dimensions of gender, age,
W. James, Principles of Psychology (New York: Henry Holt, 1980). S. Harnad, ed.,
Categorical Perception: The Groundwork of Cognition (New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1987).
R. Goldstone, “Influences of Categorization on Perceptual Discrimination,” Journal of
Experimental Psychology General 123(2): 178–200 (1994). R. Goldstone, Y. Lippa, and
R. M. Shiffrin, “Altering Object Representations Through Category Learning,” Cognition
78(1): 27–43 (2001).
E. Tulving, “Episodic and Semantic Memory,” in Organization of Memory, ed. E. Tulving
and W. Donaldson (New York: Academic Press, 1972), 381–403. L. K. Tyler et al., “Processing
Objects at Different Levels of Specificity,” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16(3): 351–362
(2004). M. J. Farah and J. L. McClelland, “A Computational Model of Semantic Memory
Impairment: Modality Specificity and Emergent Category Specificity,” Journal of Experimen-
tal Psychology: General 120 (4): 339–357 (1991). C. Gerlach et al., “Categorization and
Category Effects in Normal Object Recognition: A PET Study,” Neuropsychologia 38(13):
1693–1703 (2000). G. W. Humphreys and E. M. Forde, “Hierarchies, Similarity, and Inter-
activity in Object Recognition: ‘Category-Specific’ Neuropsychological Deficits,” Behavioral
and Brain Sciences 24(3): 453–476 (2001).
J. M. Beale and F. C. Keil, “Categorical Effects in the Perception of Faces,” Cognition
57(3): 217–239 (1995). D. T. Levin, “Classifying Faces by Race: The Structure of Face Cat-
egories,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 22(6):1364–
1382 (1996). D. T. Levin and J. Beale, “Categorical Perception Occurs in Newly Learned
Faces, Cross-Race Faces, and Inverted Faces,” Perception and Psychophysics 62: 386–401
(2000). M. A. Webster et al., “Adaptation to Natural Facial Categories,” Nature 428(6982):
557–561 (2004). Y. Lee et al., “Broadly Tuned Face Representation in Older Adults Assessed
by Categorical Perception,”Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and
Performance 40(3): 1060–1071 (2014).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
and race, but we also draw distinctions along dimensions such as skin tone,
hair color and style, presence and type of facial hair, such subtler factors
as shape of cheeks and jaw, and subjective qualities such as attractiveness.
The practical consequence of this for eyewitness identification is that the
precision of a perceptual experience may be reduced within any of these cat-
egories, particularly because we typically witness criminal events for such
a brief period of time. The ensuing memory of the experience will likely
reflect that reduced precision, and the memory retrieved may regress to a
category prototype or to other exemplars of the perceived category.
witness may categorically perceive a square jawed man with a moustache,
but the fine details needed for individuation of a suspect are neither per-
ceived nor encoded in memory. For example, although you may have seen
the iconic Marlboro Man countless times on billboards and in magazines,
it is unlikely that you could distinguish him in a lineup from other square
jawed mustachioed men.
Functional Processes of Memory
Conscious visual perceptual experiences, rendered by the processes
described in the previous section on vision, are commonly stored as declara-
tive memories, meaning that they can be consciously accessed and expressed
as knowledge about the world (as distinct from procedural memories, such
as motor skills).
Declarative memories are of two types, semantic and
episodic, reflecting a distinction between memories of meanings, facts,
and concepts versus memories of events (such as those witnessed during a
Declarative memories are conceptualized as involving three core
processes—encoding, storage, and retrieval—which refer to the placement
of items in memory, their maintenance therein, and subsequent access to
the stored information.
Like vision, memory is also beset by noise. Encoding, storage, and re-
membering are not passive, static processes that record, retain, and divulge
J. Huttenlocher, L. V. Hedges, and J. L. Vevea, “Why Do Categories Affect Stimulus Judge-
ment?” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 129(2): 220–241 (2000). R. Goldstone,
Y. Lippa, and R. M. Shiffrin, “Altering Object Representations Through Category Learning,”
Cognition 78(1): 27–43 (2001).
W. James, Principles of Psychology (New York: Henry Holt, 1890). B. Milner, Physiologie
de l’hippocampe, ed. P. Passouant (Paris: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1962),
257–272. L. R. Squire and J. Wixted, “The Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Memory since
H.M.,” Annual Review of Neuroscience 34: 259–288 (2011).
Tulving, “Episodic and Semantic Memory.”
E. Tulving, “Organization of Memory: Quo vadis?” in The Cognitive Neurosciences, ed.
M. S. Gazzaniga (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995), 839–847.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
their contents in an informational vacuum, unaffected by outside influences.
The contents cannot be treated as a veridical permanent record, like pho-
tographs stored in a safe. On the contrary, the fidelity of our memories for
real events may be compromised by many factors at all stages of process-
ing, from encoding through storage, to the final stages of retrieval. Without
awareness, we regularly encode events in a biased manner and subsequently
forget, reconstruct, update, and distort the things we believe to be true.
The following sections discuss memory encoding, storage, and retrieval,
with emphasis on the limits of these processes as they pertain to eyewitness
identification. Emotions can strongly influence these processes of memory;
some specific actions are highlighted. The phenomenon of “recognition
memory” is also discussed. This refers to the specific type of memory re-
trieval in which a stimulus (e.g., a face) is used to probe memory, and the
rememberer (e.g., an eyewitness) must decide whether the strength of the
elicited memory evidence is sufficient to declare that the stimulus was pre-
viously encountered or is novel. Recognition memory underlies eyewitness
identification, as the witness must make a recognition decision.
Memory Encoding
Memory encoding refers to the process whereby perceived objects and
events are initially placed into storage. The encoding process involves two
stages, which are commonly distinguished by the quantity of information
stored, the duration of storage, and the susceptibility to interference.
Short-term or working memory is the conscious content of recent percep-
tual experiences or information recently recalled from long-term storage.
Information that remains at the focus of attention persists in and forms the
contents of short-term memory. This form of memory is of limited duration
J. T. Wixted, “The Psychology and Neuroscience of Forgetting,” Annual Review of
Psychology 55: 235–269 (2004). E. Tulving and D. M. Thomson, “Encoding Specificity and
Retrieval Processes in Episodic Memory,” Psychological Review 80(5): 352–373 (1973). Y.
Dudai, “Reconsolidation: The Advantage of Being Refocused,” Current Opinion in Neurobi-
ology 16(2): 174–178 (2006). E. F. Loftus, “Planting Misinformation in the Human Mind: A
30-Year Investigation of the Malleability of Memory,” Learning and Memory 12(4): 361–366
(2005). R. A. Bjork, “Interference and Memory,” in Encyclopedia of Learning and Memory,
ed. L. R. Squire (New York: Macmillan, 1992), 283–288. J. A. McGeoch, “Forgetting and
the Law of Disuse,” Psychological Review 39(4): 352–370 (1932). J. G. Jenkins and K. M.
Dallenbach, “Obliviscence during Sleep and Waking,” The American Journal of Psychology
35(4): 605–612 (1924). B. J. Underwood and L. Postman, “Extra-Experimental Sources of
Interference in Forgetting,” Psychological Review 67 (2): 73–95 (1960).
R. C. Atkinson and R. M. Shiffrin, “Human Memory: A Proposed System and its Control
Processes,” in The Psychology of Learning and Motivation (Volume 2), ed. K. W. Spence and
J. T. Spence (New York: Academic Press,1968), 89–195. W. James, Principles of Psychology
(New York: Henry Holt, 1890). A. Baddeley, “Working Memory: Looking Back and Look-
ing Forward,” Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4(10): 829–839 (2003). A. Baddley, Working
Memory (New York: Oxford University Press, 1986).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
and capacity
and labile, decaying quickly with time and easily disrupted
by other perceptual or cognitive processes.
Through cellular and molecu-
lar events that play out over time, the contents of short-term memories
may be encoded and consolidated into long-term memory,
which is more
enduring (albeit evolving with ongoing experience), and of greater capacity.
The structure of an individual’s full library of long-term declarative
memories can be thought of as a collection of associations between items of
specific semantic (e.g., the fact that that person X is a 34-year-old female) or
episodic content (e.g., the fact that person X was at location Y on the night
of the witnessed crime).
As the individual gains new experiences, long-
term declarative memories may be updated by adding new content to the
existing library or by forming new associations between existing content.
Memories are particularly labile during the encoding process. The con-
tents of short-term memory are limited and highly subject to interference by
subsequent sensory, cognitive, emotional, or behavioral events; the contents
can also be biased by prior knowledge, expectations, or beliefs, resulting in
a distorted representation of experience. Short-term memories of events that
happened early in a witnessed proceeding may simply be forgotten with the
passage of time or badly compromised by attention directed to subsequent
emotional events or cognitive and behavioral demands (e.g., anxiety, fear,
the need to escape). In such cases, the compromised information may never
be consolidated fully into long-term storage or that storage may contain
distorted content.
At the same time, the quality of encoding of stimuli that
are attended is commonly enhanced by highly emotional content.
G. A. Miller, “The Magical Number Seven,” The Psychological Review 63(2): 81–97
J. Jonides et al., “The Mind and Brain of Short-Term Memory,” Annual Review of Psy-
chology 59: 193–224 (2008).
E. Kandel and L. Squire, Memory: From Mind to Molecules (New York: Scientific Ameri-
can Library, 2008).
J. R. Anderson, The Architecture of Cognition (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
1983). J. R. Anderson and C. Lebiere, The Atomic Components of Thought (Mahwah:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998).
M. P. Walker et al., “Dissociable Stages of Human Memory Consolidation and Reconsoli-
dation,” Nature 425: 616 (2003).
J. L. McGaugh, “Memory—a Century of Consolidation,” Science 287(5451): 248–251
(2000). J. L. McGaugh and B. Roozendaal, “Role of Adrenal Stress Hormones in Forming
Lasting Memories in the Brain,” Current Opinion in Neurobiology 12(2): 205–210 (2002).
K. N. Ochsner, “Are Affective Events Richly Recollected or Simply Familiar? The Experi-
ence and Process of Recognizing Feelings Past,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
129 (2): 242–261 (2000). D. Talmi, et al., “Immediate Memory Consequences of the Effect of
Emotion on Attention to Pictures,” Learning and Memory 15(2008): 172–182. E. A. Kens-
inger and D. L. Schacter, “Neural Processes Supporting Young and Older Adults’ Emotional
Memories,” Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 7 (2008): 1–13. E. A. Phelps. “Emotion and
Cognition: Insights from Studies of the Human Amygdala,” Annual Review of Psychology
57: 27–53 (2006).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Memory Storage
Memory storage refers to the long-term retention of information after
encoding. The stability of stored information is continuously challenged
and subject to modification. We forget, qualify, or distort existing memories
as we acquire new perceptual experiences and encode new content and as-
sociations into memory.
Forgetting can be partially mitigated, and memories stabilized, by hab-
its of retrieval (or reactivation) and reconsolidation, which happen when-
ever we tell the story of our experiences.
Reactivation is not perfect. With
each implicit retrieval or explicit telling of a story, we may unconsciously
smooth over inconsistencies or modify content based on our prior beliefs,
the accounts of others, or through the lens of new information. We may
add embellishments that reflect opinions, emotions, or prejudices
than observed facts; or we may simply omit disturbing content and pass
over fine details.
A second threat to the stability of long-term memories is, ironically,
our life-long ability to learn new things. Because memory mechanisms are
inherently plastic throughout life, content stored for the long term is sur-
prisingly labile in the face of new information. Our memories are thus an
ever-evolving account of our experiences. A memory that reflects witnessing
person X at location Y on a particular evening might be readily and notably
updated by subsequent learning that location Y is the home of a business
associate of person X. Our memories of the witnessed actions of person
J. T. Wixted, “The Psychology and Neuroscience of Forgetting,” Annual Review of Psy-
chology 55: 235–269 (2004). Tulving and Thomson, “Encoding Specificity and Retrieval Pro-
cesses.” Y. Dudai, “Reconsolidation: The Advantage of Being Refocused,” Current Opinion
in Neurobiology 16(2): 174–178 (2006). E. F. Loftus, “Planting Misinformation in the Human
Mind: A 30-Year Investigation of the Malleability of Memory,” Learning and Memory 12(4):
361–366 (2005). R. A. Bjork, “Interference and Memory,” in Encyclopedia of Learning and
Memory, ed. L. R. Squire (New York: Macmillan, 1992), 283–288. J. A. McGeoch, “Forget-
ting and the Law of Disuse,” Psychological Review 39(4): 352–370 (1932). J. G. Jenkins
and K. M. Dallenbach, “Obliviscence During Sleep and Waking,” The American Journal
of Psychology 35 (1924): 605–612. B. J. Underwood and L. Postman, “Extra-Experimental
Sources of Interference in Forgetting,” Psychological Review 67(2): 73–95 (1960). E. F. Loftus,
“The Malleability of Human Memory,” American Scientist 67(3): 312–320 (1979). D. J. Yi
et al., “When a Thought Equals a Look: Refreshing Enhances Perceptual Memory,” Journal
of Cognitive Neuroscience 20(8): 1371–1380 (2008).
C. M. Alberini, Memory Reconsolidation (Waltham: Academic Press, 2013).
D. L. Schacter, Psychology, Second Edition (New York: Worth Publishers, 2011), 253–
254. E. F. Loftus and H. G. Hoffman, “Misinformation and Memory, the Creation of New
Memories,” Journal of Experimental Psychology 118(1): 100–104 (1989). G. Mazzoni and A.
Memon, “Imagination Can Create False Autobiographical Memories,” Psychological Science
14(2): 186–188 (2003).
F. C. Bartlett, Remembering: A Study in Experimental and Social Psychology (London:
Cambridge University Press, 1932).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
X may be qualified by new knowledge of his or her life history. Moreover,
because new content can be added and the source of that content forgot-
ten, we may attribute our updated memories to the originally witnessed
events—in some cases substantially changing what we believe we have
It is thus not surprising that newly incorporated information need
not be true to fact. Research on false memories shows that it is possible
to plant fabricated content in memory, which leads us to recall things we
never experienced.
The emotional content of stored memories is a factor that appears
to promote long-term retention; memories of highly arousing emotional
stimuli, such as those associated with a witnessed crime, tend to be more
enduring than memories of non-arousing stimuli.
Highly salient, un-
expected, or arousing events—such as the Kennedy assassination or the
Space Shuttle disaster—are commonly more strongly stored in memory,
and their later retrieval is often associated with the subjective experience
D. S. Lindsay and M. K. Johnson, “Recognition Memory and Source Monitoring,” Bul-
letin of the Psychonomic Society 29(3): 203–205 (1991). D. L. Schacter and C. S. Dodson,
“Misattribution, False Recognition and the Sins of Memory,” Philosophical Transactions
of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 356(1413): 1385–1393 (2001). L. A. Henkel, N.
Franklin, and M. K. Johnson, “Cross-Modal Source Monitoring Confusions Between Per-
ceived and Imagined Events,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and
Cognition 26(2): 321–335 (2000). D. L. Schacter, ed., Memory Distortion: How Minds,
Brains, and Societies Reconstruct the Past (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995).
K. J. Mitchell and M. K. Johnson, “Source Monitoring: Attributing Mental Experiences,” in
The Oxford Handbook of Memory, ed. E. Tulving and F. I. M. Craik (New York: Oxford
University Press, 2000), 179–195. H. L. Roediger III and K. B. McDermott, “Creating False
Memories: Remembering Words Not Presented in Lists,” Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Learning, Memory, and Cognition 21(4): 803–814 (1985).
Loftus, “Planting Misinformation in the Human Mind.” E. F. Loftus and J. E. Pickrell,
“The Formation of False Memories,” Psychiatric Annals 25(12): 720–725 (1995). M. K.
Johnson and C. L. Raye, “False Memories and Confabulation,” Trends in Cognitive Sciences
2(4): 137–145 (1998).
L. J. Kleinsmith and S. Kaplan, “Paired-Associate Learning as a Function of Arousal and
Interpolated Interval” Journal of Experimental Psychology 65(2): 190–193 (1963). M. W.
Eysenck, “Arousal, Learning, and Memory,” Psychological Bulletin 83(3): 389–404 (1976).
F. Heuer and D. Reisberg, “Vivid Memories of Emotional Events: The Accuracy of Remem-
bered Minutiae,” Memory and Cognition 18(5): 496–450 (1990). T. Sharot and E. A. Phelps,
“How Arousal Modulates Memory: Disentangling the Effects of Attention and Retention,”
Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience 4(3): 294–306 (2004). E. A. Kensinger,
R. J. Garoff-Eaton, and D. L. Schacter, “Memory for Specific Visual Details Can Be Enhanced
by Negative Arousing Content,” Journal of Memory and Language 54(1): 99–112 (2006). E.
Kensinger, “Remembering Emotional Experiences: The Contribution of Valence and Arousal,”
Reviews in the Neurosciences 15(4): 241–251 (2004).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
of high vividness and a sense of reliving
(although not necessarily with
greater accuracy, as detailed below). The stronger encoding and storage of
emotional memories results from the engagement of a specialized system
of stress hormones (glucocorticoids) which is triggered by arousing content
and has potentiating effects on the neuronal processes underlying memory
consolidation and storage.
Despite the vividness and the sense of reliving
that characterizes retrieval of emotional memories, there are many indica-
tions that such memories are just as prone to errors.
This may reflect, in
part, memory enhancements, of the sort described above, which accompany
frequent re-consolidation or re-telling of the story of the emotional experi-
ence, and often include details (some true to fact, some not) learned after
the experience.
Although emotional memories are often inaccurate in
detail, one important corollary of their vividness is that they are frequently
G. Wolters and J. J. Goudsmit, “Flashbulb and Event Memory of September 11, 2001:
Consistency, Confidence and Age Effect,” Psychological Report 96: 605–619 (2005). E. A.
Kensinger, A. C. Krendl, and S. Corkin, “Memories of an Emotional and a Nonemotional
Event: Effects of Aging and Delay Interval,” Experimental Aging Research 32: 23–45 (2006).
U. Neisser and N. Harsch, “Phantom Flashbulbs: False Recollections of Hearing the News
about Challenger,” in Affect and Accuracy in Recall: Studies of “Flashbulb” Memories, ed. E.
Winograd and U. Neisser (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1992): 9–31. K. S. LaBar
and E. A. Phelps, “Arousal-Mediated Memory Consolidation: Role of the Medial Temporal
Lobe in Humans,” Psychological Science 9(6): 490–493 (1998).
J. L. McGaugh, “Memory: A Century of Consolidation,” Science 287(5451): 248–251
(2000). J. L. McGaugh and B. Roozendaal, “Role of Adrenal Stress Hormones in Forming
Lasting Memories in the Brain,” Current Opinion in Neurobiology 12(2): 205–210 (2002).
E. A. Kensinger, “Remembering the Details: Effects of Emotion,” Emotion Review 1(2):
99–113 (2009). T. Sharot, M. R. Delgado, and E. A. Phelps, “How Emotion Enhances the
Feeling of Remembering,” Nature Neuroscience 7(12): 1376–1380 (2004). H. Schmolck, E. A.
Buffalo, and L. R. Squire, “Memory Distortions Develop over Time: Recollections of the O. J.
Simpson Trial Verdict after 15 And 32 Months,” Psychological Science 11 (1): 39–45 (2000).
S. R. Schmidt, “Autobiographical Memories for the September 11th Attacks: Reconstructive
Errors and Emotional Impairment of Memory,” Memory and Cognition 32(3): 443–454
(2004). T. W. Buchanan and R. Adolphs, “The Role of the Human Amygdala in Emotional
Modulation of Long-Term Declarative Memory,” in Emotional Cognition: From Brain to Be-
havior, ed. S. Moore and M. Oaksford (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, 2002), 9–34.
E. Soleti et al., “Does Talking About Emotions Influence Eyewitness Memory? The Role
of Emotional vs. Factual Retelling on Memory Accuracy,” Europe’s Journal of Psychology
8(4): 632–640 (2012).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
held with high confidence.
This breakdown of the relationship between
accuracy and confidence can obviously undermine eyewitness accounts.
The enduring plasticity of stored memories is a serious concern for the
validity of eyewitness identification. A witness’ inevitable interactions with
law enforcement and legal counsel, not to mention communications from
journalists, family, and friends, have the potential to significantly modify
the witness’ memory of faces encountered and of other event details at the
scene of the crime.
Thus, the fidelity of retrieved events—and the accuracy
of identification—is likely to be greater when retrieval occurs closer to the
time of the witnessed events. The conclusion above has important implica-
tions for law enforcement and the legal process and calls into question the
validity of in-court identifications and their appropriateness as statements
of fact.
Memory Retrieval
Memory retrieval refers to the process by which stored information is
accessed and brought into consciousness, where it can be used to make deci-
sions and guide actions. Retrieval of long-term declarative memories is of-
ten triggered through association with an external stimulus (i.e., a retrieval
For example, the slight stubble on a lineup participant’s face may
be enough to elicit retrieval of a suspect’s entire face. These same retrieval
processes can also be engaged internally—a verbally triggered stream of
thought related to a witnessed crime may readily bring to mind visual fea-
tures of the perpetrator. A corollary of this association-based phenomenon
is that memory retrieval is often context dependent; a memory may be more
U. Rimmele et al., “Emotion Enhances the Subjective Feeling of Remembering, Despite
Lower Accuracy for Contextual Details,” Emotion 11(3): 553–562 (2011). Kensinger, “Re-
membering the Detail.” Neisser and Harsh, Affect and Accuracy in Recall. E. A. Phelps and
T. Sharot, “How (and Why) Emotion Enhances the Subjective Sense of Recollection,” Current
Directions in Psychological Science 17(2): 147–152 (2008).
K. A. Houston et al., “The Emotional Eyewitness: The Effects of Emotion on Specific
Aspects of Eyewitness Recall and Recognition Performance,” Emotion 13(1): 118–128 (2013).
R. B. Edelstein et al., “Emotion and Eyewitness Memory,” in Memory and Emotion, ed. D.
Reisberg and P. Hertel (New York: Oxford University Press, 2004): 308–346. S-A. Christian-
son, “Emotional Stress and Eyewitness Memory: A Critical Review,” Psychological Bulletin
112(2): 284–309 (1992).
M. S. Zaragoza and S. M. Lane, “Sources of Misattribution and Suggestibility of Eyewit-
ness Memory,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 20
(4): 934–945 (1994). W. C. Thompson, K. A. Clarke-Stewart, and S. J. Lepore, “What Did
the Janitor Do? Suggestive Interviewing and the Accuracy of Children’s Accounts,” Law and
Human Behaviour 21(4): 405–426 (1997). D. S. Lindsay and M. K. Johnson, “The Eyewitness
Suggestibility Effect and Memory for Source,” Memory and Cognition 17(3): 349–358 (1989).
E. Tulving and Z. Pearlstone, “Availability Versus Accessibility of Information in Memory
for Words,” Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behaviour 5: 381–391 (1966).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
readily retrieved if the observer is in physical surroundings that are the same
as or similar to those in which the original experiences took place (because
the surroundings provide additional cues to trigger memory retrieval).
Memory retrieval is heavily affected by various sources of noise. Simi-
larities of meaning or appearance between retrieval cues and items in
memory can easily lead to retrieval of the wrong item, producing a false
This is particularly a problem given the categorical nature of
The rugged mustachioed man in the lineup may lead to retrieval
of the familiar categorical prototype—the Marlboro Man—rather than the
specific person perceived at the scene of the crime, which in turn could
interfere with or lead to errors in recognition (i.e., identification). Another
type of memory retrieval failure is caused by “intrusion errors,” in which
information known to be commonly associated with events of a general
type becomes incorporated into the retrieved content of a specific memory
(and subsequently incorporated into the reconsolidated memory). For ex-
ample, because guns are often associated with robbery, an observer may
readily and unwittingly incorporate a gun into the retrieved version of his
or her memory of a witnessed robbery.
Intrusion errors are one manifestation of a larger retrieval problem in
which there is loss of information about the source of a memory. In cases
of “source memory failure,” we effectively forget how we know things
(forget when and where we learned the content of our memories). What this
means practically is that we may attribute later acquisition of information
to earlier experiences. An eyewitness might learn from the police or some
other source that a potential suspect has a moustache and then attribute
D. Godden and A. Baddeley, “Context Dependent Memory in Two Natural Environ-
ments,” British Journal of Psychology 66(3): 325–331 (1975). S. M. Smith and E. Vela,
“Environmental Context-Dependent Eyewitness Recognition,” Applied Cognitive Psychology
6: 125–139 (1992). S. M. Smith and E. Vela, “Environmental Context-Dependent Memory:
A Review and Meta-Analysis,” Psychonomic Bulletin Review 8 (2): 203–220 (2001). Tulving
and Thomson, “Encoding Specificity and Retrieval Processes.”
J. R. Anderson, “A Spreading Activation Theory of Memory,” Journal of Verbal Learning
and Verbal Behavior 22(3): 261–295 (1983). A. M. Collins and E. F. Loftus, “A Spreading-
Activation Theory of Semantic Processing,” Psychological Review 82(6):407–428 (1975).
H. L. Roediger III, D. A. Balota, and J. M. Watson, “Spreading Activation and Arousal of
False Memories,” in The Nature of Remembering: Essays in Honor of Robert G. Crowder,
ed. H. L. Roediger III, J. Nairne, I. Neath, and A. Surprenant (Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association, 2001): 95–115. C. J. Brainerd and V. F. Reyna, The Science of False
Memory (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005).
Tulving, “Episodic and Semantic Memory.” M. J. Farah and J. L. McClelland, “A Compu-
tational Model of Semantic Memory Impairment: Modality Specificity and Emergent Category
Specificity,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 120(4): 339–357 (1991). G. W.
Humphreys and E. M. Forde, “Hierarchies, Similarity, and Interactivity in Object Recogni-
tion: ‘Category-Specific’ Neuropsychological Deficits,” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24(3):
453–476 (2001).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
that knowledge to the witnessed events, which may, in turn, have disastrous
consequences for the ability of the eyewitness to accurately report what she
or he has seen.
As for the processes of memory encoding and storage, the emotional
content of memory also affects memory retrieval. As noted above, memory
retrieval is commonly context dependent. A related and well-documented
phenomenon that bears on emotional memories is state dependent memory,
in which retrieval accuracy is best if the individual’s cognitive state at the
time of retrieval matches cognitive state at the time of encoding.
memories have an emotional component, retrieval may be best when the
individual is induced to a corresponding emotional state (mood dependent
which is accomplished by verbally or physically placing him
or her in the same context, and may offer a valuable investigative tool for
probing eyewitness accounts.
Recognition Memory
Recognition memory is a specific type of declarative memory retrieval
in which a sensory stimulus (a “cue” stimulus) elicits a memory of the
stimulus stored following a prior encounter and often the sequence of
events involving the stimulus, the spatial context in which the stimulus was
experienced, and the presence of other objects, people, or thoughts that
had appeared with the stimulus during the event.
Recognition memory
decisions are based on the retrieved memory evidence, which can be trig-
gered by the stimulus and can also emerge from an active search of items
D. W. Goodwin et al., “Alcohol and Recall: State-Dependent Effects in Man,” Science
163(3873): 1358–1360 (1969). Tulving and Thomson, “Encoding Specificity and Retrieval
Processes.” Psychological Review 80(5): 352–373 (1973). E. Girden and E. Culler, “Condi-
tioned Responses in Curarized Striate Muscle in Dogs,” Journal of Comparative Psychology
23(2): 261–274 (1937). D. A. Overton, “State-Dependent or ‘Dissociated’ Learning Produced
with Pentobarbital,” Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology 57(1): 3–12
P. M. Kenealy, “Mood State-Dependent Retrieval: The Effects of Induced Mood on Mem-
ory Reconsidered,” The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: Human
Experimental Psychology 50(2): 290–317 (1997). P. A. Lewis and H. D. Critchley, “Mood-
Dependent Memory,” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7(10): 431–433 (2003). G. H. Bower,
“Mood and Memory,” American Psychologist 36(2): 129–148 (1981). F. I. M. Craik and
R. S. Lockhart, “Levels of Processing: A Framework for Memory Research,” Journal of Verbal
Learning and Verbal Behavior 11(6):671–684 (1972). Kensinger, “Remembering the Detail.”
K. A. Leight and H. C. Ellis “Emotional Mood States, Strategies, and State-Dependency in
Memory,” Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 20(3): 251–266 (1981).
S. M. Smith and E. Vela, “Environmental Context-Dependent Eyewitness Recognition,”
Applied Cognitive Psychology 6: 125–139 (1992).
G. Mandler, “Recognizing: The Judgment of Previous Occurrence,” Psychological Review
87(3): 252–271 (1980).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
in memory. One factor affecting the strength of the evidence retrieved is the
similarity between the cue stimulus and the stimulus or stimuli that was/
were previously encountered during the event. An observer engaged in this
process holds an implicit criterion for the strength of evidence required to
reach a positive decision. In the case of eyewitness identification, this pro-
cess is routinely elicited by viewing faces in a lineup. When the evidence
retrieved is insufficient to reach a decision, this can lead to a cycle of ever-
greater scrutiny of the cue stimulus and efforts to recollect additional details
of the original event. Ultimately a decision must be made about whether the
retrieved evidence is sufficient to declare that the stimulus was previously
experienced (or previously experienced in the particular event of interest)
or whether the stimulus is novel (or not from the event of interest). If a
recognition event occurs—that is, if the memory search triggered by one of
the faces in the lineup leads to a strong enough subjective experience that
the face is familiar and/or the recollection of sufficient event details—then
the witness may declare that they recognize the face as having been previ-
ously encountered. Recognition memory decisions can thus be thought of
as the final stage in the process of eyewitness identification.
Because it is a form of memory retrieval, recognition memory is sus-
ceptible to all of the factors summarized above that are known to interfere
with retrieval. Recognition memory differs from other forms of retrieval
(such as recalling a phone number or a cake recipe), however, in that a
comparison must be made between the retrieved evidence and a decision
threshold. That is, as noted above, recognition judgments require a decision
criterion, an understanding of which presents a unique set of challenges for
eyewitness identification (and recognition memory, generally). In particular,
an observer’s report of recognition (or, in a lineup setting, of identification)
is influenced not simply by the strength or quality of the recalled memory
evidence. The report of recognition (identification of a lineup member) is
also influenced by the level of evidence that the observer finds acceptable
to reach such a decision, i.e., by his or her decision criterion, or bias. An
observer who holds a liberal criterion will likely recognize many true targets
(i.e., the guilty), but will frequently err by reporting recognition of many
false targets (i.e., innocents). Conversely, an observer who holds a conserva-
tive criterion will avoid the problem of erroneous recognition (identifica-
tion), but will fail to identify some true targets. Estimating (or controlling)
the observer’s decision criterion is thus a critical step in efforts to judge the
validity of an identification (see also Chapter 5).
Recognition memory for faces differs greatly between familiar and un-
familiar faces.
Because we often identify familiar individuals with ease,
P. J. B. Hancock, V. Bruce, and A. M. Burton, “Recognition of Unfamiliar Faces,” Trends
in Cognitive Sciences 4(9): 330–337 (2000).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
we tend to think we are generally very good at face recognition. However,
we are not as good with unfamiliar faces.
All of the sources of noise that
influence perception and memory contribute to these difficulties, and they
are exacerbated by the attempts by criminals to conceal their identity (even
a change in hairstyle and clothing can have a major effect on recognition).
The ability to recognize unfamiliar faces differs widely across individu-
als. At one extreme are those people, referred to as “super recognizers,”
who rarely forget a face.
At the other end of the spectrum are “face-blind
people (prosopagnosics),” who have great difficulty recognizing even highly
familiar faces.
Current estimates of the fraction of the general population
afflicted by prosopagnosia are as high as ~2 percent.
The ability of an
eyewitness to identify a suspect may thus differ greatly from individual to
individual simply as a consequence of general variations in face recognition
The shortcomings of eyewitness identification present a societal prob-
lem that has profound implications for our systems of law and justice.
Ultimately, a solution to this problem must be informed by a thorough
understanding of human vision and memory. The processes of vision and
memory, which are fundamental to human experience, have been frequent
targets of scientific investigation since the 19th century. The past few de-
cades have seen an explosion of additional research that has led to impor-
tant insights into how vision and memory work, what we see and remember
best, and what causes these processes to fail. The committee has reviewed
much of this research, as it pertains to eyewitness identification, and has
identified restrictions on what can be seen under specific environmental
and behavioral conditions (e.g., as poor illumination, limited viewing dura-
tion, viewing angle), factors that impede the ability to attend to critically
informative features of a visual scene (e.g., the deleterious effect of an
attention-grabbing element, such as a weapon, on the ability to correctly
perceive the features of the assailant’s face), distortions of perceptual ex-
perience derived from expectations, and ways in which emotion and stress
enhance or suppress specific perceptual experiences. Memory is often far
V. Bruce, “Changing Faces: Visual and Non-Visual Coding Processes in Face Recognition,”
British Journal of Psychology 73: 105–116 (1982).
R. Russell, B. Duchaine, and K. Nakayama, “Super-Recognisers: People with Extraordi-
nary Face Recognition Ability,” Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 16(2): 252–272 (2009).
T. Susilo and B. Ducahine, “Advances in Developmental Prosopagnosia Research,” Cur-
rent Opinion in Neurobiology 2(3):423–429 (2013).
I. Kennerknecht et al., “First Report of Prevalence of Nonsyndromic Hereditary Prosop-
agnosia (HPA),” American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 140(15): 1617–1622 (2006).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
from a faithful record of what was perceived through the sense of sight:
its contents can be forgotten or contaminated at multiple stages, it can be
biased by the very practices designed to elicit recall, and it is heavily swayed
by emotional states associated with witnessed events and their recall. From
this analysis, the committee must conclude that there are insurmountable
limits on vision and memory imposed by our biological nature and the
properties of the world we inhabit. With this knowledge, it is possible to
more fully appreciate the value and risks associated with eyewitness reports
and accordingly advise those who collect, handle, defend, consider, and
adjudicate such reports.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Applied Eyewitness
Identification Research
he committee was tasked with (1) critically assessing the existing
body of scientific research on eyewitness identification; (2) identi-
fying gaps in the literature; and (3) suggesting other research that
would further the understanding of eyewitness identification and improve
law enforcement and courtroom practice. Eyewitness identification research
resides in both the scientific literature and the law and justice-related schol-
arly literature. Although experiential, anecdotal, and some administrative
records from law enforcement and the judiciary could contribute to a
better understanding of eyewitness identification, the committee did not
comprehensively review this more qualitative material. The committee did,
however, examine select examples of law enforcement policies and influen-
tial judicial rulings.
In late 2013, the committee compiled an extensive and comprehensive
bibliography from the following nine electronic databases, with the search
limited to publications over the past two decades (i.e., since 1993): Aca-
demic Search Premier (EBSCO), Embase (Elsevier), MEDLINE (National
Library of Medicine), NCJRS Abstracts Database (U.S. Department of Jus-
tice), PsycINFO (American Psychological Association), PubMed (National
Institutes of Health), Scopus (Elsevier), Web of Science (Thomson Reuters),
and LexisNexis.
Papers were drawn from such fields as social science,
cognitive science, behavioral science, neuroscience, criminology, and law
The law review literature was represented by the citations from the LexisNexis search.
While all these materials were not reviewed in detail, several of the documents informed
Chapter 3 of this report (The Legal Framework for Assessment of Eyewitness Identification).
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
using Boolean-logic-based search strategies designed to identify empirical
research reports, review articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and
articles in law reviews and legal journals.
The committee concentrated its review on the subset of the bibliography
deemed most important to its task, focusing more on the scientific literature
than on the law review literature. These materials included meta-analyses
and systematic reviews and primary research in neuroscience, statistics,
and eyewitness identification. This report also was informed by several
early foundational papers and written comments from, and presentations
to, the committee by representatives from science, law enforcement, state
courts and government, private organizations, and other interested parties.
The comments and presentations revealed additional highly relevant new
findings, some recently published or in press and others in submission. The
agenda for each committee meeting is available in Appendix B. All materials
submitted to the committee are retained in the Academies’ public access file
and are available upon request.
Many factors affect eyewitness accuracy. Some factors are related to
protocols within the law enforcement and legal systems, while others are
related to characteristics associated with the crime scene, perpetrator, and
System variables are those that the criminal justice system can influence
through the enforcement of standards and through education and training
of law enforcement personnel in the use of best practices
and procedures
(e.g., by specifying the content and nature of instructions given to witnesses
prior to a lineup identification). Estimator variables include factors operat-
ing either at the time of the criminal event (relating to visual experience
or memory encoding) or during the retention interval (the time between
witnessing an event and the identification process). Specific examples in-
clude the eyewitness’ level of stress or trauma at the time of the incident,
the light level and nature of the visual conditions that affect visibility and
clarity of a perpetrator’s features, similarity of age and race of the witness
and perpetrator, presence or absence of a weapon during the incident, and
the physical distance separating the witness from the perpetrator.
A scientific consensus about the effects of some factors has emerged,
but no such consensus exists for many other factors. One method of assess-
ing scientific consensus is by surveys of experts. A 2001 survey collected
As noted in Chapter 1, for the purposes of this report, the committee characterizes best
practice as the adoption of standardized procedures based on scientific principles. The commit-
tee does not make any endorsement of practices designated as best practices by other bodies.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
responses from 64 psychologists about their courtroom experiences and
their opinions on 30 eyewitness-related phenomena to determine the “gen-
eral acceptance” of these phenomena within the eyewitness identification
research community.
General acceptance is relevant to whether scientific
testimony is admissible as evidence in court (see Chapter 3). The survey
revealed substantial agreement about which findings these experts felt were
sufficiently reliable to present in court.
The committee examined the scientific literature on eyewitness identi-
fication, focusing first on quantitative syntheses, largely systematic reviews
and meta-analyses, which were identified in a comprehensive search of
electronic databases designed to locate research on both estimator and
system variables. In addition, primary research studies were identified in
this database search, many of which were also highlighted in the relevant
systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Finally, some researchers forwarded
manuscripts to the committee that have been submitted for peer-review or
are in press. In their examination of this body of literature, the committee
examined the quality of the identified research and, where possible, worked
to derive summary empirical generalizations related to variables of interest.
Quantitative Syntheses of Eyewitness Identification Research
The committee first evaluated the consistency of research findings
across studies for system and estimator variables by studying published
quantitative reviews of empirical research. Systematic reviews, which collect
and appraise available research on specific hypotheses or research ques-
tions, are efforts to synthesize the effects of variables across studies. Within
systematic reviews, meta-analysis is often, but not always, used to compute
the effects of variables as well as to identify factors that explain differ-
ences across studies. When assumptions about consistency of data collected
across studies are met, meta-analysis provides a quantitative summary of
empirical findings by statistically averaging effect sizes across individual
studies, thereby increasing the precision of the effect size estimate as well
S. M. Kassin et al., “On the ‘General Acceptance’ of Eyewitness Testimony Research: A
New Survey of the Experts,” American Psychologist 56(5): 405–416 (2001).
Kassin et al. also compared the reliability assessments of the 2001 survey to assessments
from a similar 1989 survey and noted that, for the 17 propositions retested, there was a
remarkable degree of consistency: “most experts saw as sufficiently reliable expert testimony
on the wording of questions,” lineup instructions, attitudes and expectations, the accuracy-
confidence correlation, the forgetting curve, exposure time, and unconscious transference.
“There was less, if any, consensus on the effects of color perception in monochromatic light,”
“observer training, high levels of stress, the accuracy of hypnotically refreshed testimony, and
event violence.” The authors observed that two phenomena were seen as significantly more
reliable than had been the case when the initial survey was conducted: weapon focus effect
and hypnotic suggestibility effects. See p. 410.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
as the statistical power to detect effects. Done well, systematic reviews with
or without meta-analysis provide evidence for practice and policy for such
fields as health care,
crime and justice, social welfare, and education.
utility of systematic reviews for informing practice and policy is predicated
on the included studies being transparently reported, conducted so as to
minimize risk of bias, and representing as complete a sample as possible of
research conducted on the central question, including both published and
unpublished studies. In turn, systematic reviews should specify inclusion
criteria and data extraction procedures a priori, use independent and dupli-
cate procedures for study selection and data extraction, rigorously evaluate
potential biases in included studies, and interpret results of meta-analyses
in terms that are useful to decision-makers. Further, meta-analyses should
not be conducted outside the context of systematic reviews. In short, both
systematic reviews and the studies they include need to be transparent and
reproducible in order to best inform practice and policy decisions about
eyewitness identification.
The committee examined quantitative reviews that covered decades of
research on both estimator variables (exposure duration,
retention interval,
weapon focus,
own-race bias,
and own-age bias
) and system
variables (identification test medium, i.e., live lineup versus photo array,
See the Cochrane Collaboration, available at:
See the Campbell Collaboration, available at:
B. H. Bornstein et al., “Effects of Exposure Time and Cognitive Operations on Facial
Identification Accuracy: A Meta-Analysis of Two Variables Associated with Initial Memory
Strength,” Psychology, Crime and Law 18(5): 473–490 (2012).
K. A. Deffenbacher et al., “Forgetting the Once-Seen Face: Estimating the Strength of an
Eyewitness’s Memory Representation,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 14(2):
139–150 (2008).
K. A. Deffenbacher et al., “A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effects of High Stress on Eyewit-
ness Memory,” Law and Human Behavior 28(6): 687–706 (2004).
J. M. Fawcett et al., “Of Guns and Geese: A Meta-Analytic Review of the ‘Weapon Focus’
Literature,” Psychology, Crime and Law 19(1): 35–66 (2013).
C. A. Meissner and J. C. Brigham, “Thirty Years of Investigating the Own-Race Bias
in Memory for Faces—A Meta-Analytic Review,” Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 7(1):
3–35 (2001).
M. G. Rhodes and J. S. Anastasi, “The Own-Age Bias in Face Recognition: A Meta-
Analytic and Theoretical Review,” Psychological Bulletin 138(1): 146–174 (2012).
B. L. Cutler et al., “Conceptual, Practical, and Empirical Issues Associated with Eyewit-
ness Identification Test Media,” in Adult Eyewitness Testimony: Current Trends and Devel-
opments, ed. D. F. Ross (New York: Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1994),
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
biased and unbiased lineup instructions,
post-identification feedback,
multaneous versus sequential lineup presentation,
target absent versus tar-
get present lineups,
foil similarity,
showup versus lineup,
prior mug shot exposure,
verbal description and identification,
and the
cognitive interview
). Many of these quantitative reviews were published
recently, with more than one-third published since 2010. However, none
of the reviews met all current standards for conducting and reporting sys-
S. E. Clark, “A Re-Examination of the Effects of Biased Lineup Instructions in Eyewit-
ness Identification,” Law and Human Behavior 29(4): 395–424 (2005). S. E. Clark, “Costs
and Benefits of Eyewitness Identification Reform: Psychological Science and Public Policy,”
Perspectives on Psychological Science 7(3): 238–259 (2012). N. K. Steblay, “Social Influence in
Eyewitness Recall: A Meta-Analytic Review of Lineup Instruction Effects,” Law and Human
Behavior 21(3): 283–297 (1997). N. K. Steblay, G. L. Wells, and A. B. Douglass, “The Eyewit-
ness Post Identification Feedback Effect 15 Years Later: Theoretical and Policy Implications,”
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 20(1): 1–18 (2014).
S. E. Clark and R. D. Godfrey, “Eyewitness Identification Evidence and Innocence Risk,”
Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 16(1): 22–42 (2009). A. B. Douglass and N. K. Steblay,
“Memory Distortion in Eyewitnesses: A Meta-Analysis of the Post-Identification Feedback
Effect,” Applied Cognitive Psychology 20(7): 859–869 (2006).
Clark, “Costs and Benefits of Eyewitness Identification Reform.” S. E. Clark, R. T. Howell,
and S. L. Davey, “Regularities in Eyewitness Identification,” Law and Human Behavior 32(3):
187–218 (2008). N. K. Steblay et al., “Eyewitness Accuracy Rates In Sequential and Simulta-
neous Lineup Presentations: A Meta-Analytic Comparison,” Law and Human Behavior 25(5):
459–473 (2001). N. K. Steblay et al., “Seventy-two Tests of the Sequential Lineup Superiority
Effect: A Meta-Analysis and Policy Discussion,” Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 17(1):
99–139 (2011).
Clark, “A Re-Examination of the Effects of Biased Lineup Instructions in Eyewitness
Identification.” Clark, Howell, and Davey, “Regularities in Eyewitness Identification.” Clark
and Godfrey, “Eyewitness Identification Evidence and Innocence Risk.”
Clark, “Costs and Benefits of Eyewitness Identification Reform.” Clark and Godfrey,
“Eyewitness Identification Evidence and Innocence Risk.” Clark, Howell, and Davey, “Regu-
larities in Eyewitness Identification.” R. J. Fitzgerald et al., “The Effect of Suspect-Filler Simi-
larity on Eyewitness Identification Decisions: A Meta-Analysis,” Psychology, Public Policy,
and Law 19(2): 151–164 (2013). S. L. Sporer et al., “Choosing, Confidence, and Accuracy:
A Meta-Analysis of the Confidence-Accuracy Relation in Eyewitness Identification Studies,”
Psychological Bulletin 118(3): 315–327 (1995).
Clark, “Costs and Benefits of Eyewitness Identification Reform.”
Clark, “Costs and Benefits of Eyewitness Identification Reform.” N. K. Steblay et al.,
“Eyewitness Accuracy Rates in Police Showup and Lineup Presentations: A Meta-Analytic
Comparison,” Law and Human Behavior 27(5): 523–540 (2003).
K. A. Deffenbacher et al., “Mugshot Exposure Effects: Retroactive Interference, Mugshot
Commitment, Source Confusion, and Unconscious Transference,” Law and Human Behavior
30(3): 287–307 (2006).
C. A. Meissner, S. L Sporer, and K. J. Susa, “A Theoretical Review and Meta-Analysis
of the Description-Identification Relationship in Memory for Faces,” European Journal of
Cognitive Psychology 20(3): 414–455 (2008).
A. Memon et al., “The Cognitive Interview: A Meta-Analytic Review and Study Space
Analysis of the Past 25 Years,” Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 16(4): 340–372 (2010).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
tematic reviews,
and few met even a majority of these standards, making
assessment of the credibility of their findings problematic.
After examining the reviews, the committee concluded that the findings
may be subject to unintended biases and that the conclusions are less cred-
ible than was hoped. In many cases, the data from the studies cited were not
readily available or were not clearly presented. Nevertheless, these reviews
were helpful in highlighting some of the issues associated with specific
research questions and in identifying primary studies that might be both
credible and important.
After its assessment of the systematic reviews and meta-analytic studies,
the committee’s review focused on the most-studied system variables. Key
system variables, such as lineup procedures (e.g., simultaneous vs. sequen-
tial lineups, blinded vs. non-blinded lineup administration) and the collec-
tion/use of witness confidence statements, can have a marked influence over
the validity of eyewitness identifications. In the following section, one of the
most important practical issues raised by this influence is addressed: What
is the best way to evaluate the effects of system variables on the diagnostic
accuracy of eyewitness reports, and how might we use the results of such an
evaluation to optimize the states of key system variables and thus maximize
performance of an eyewitness? This question is, in principle, relevant to
all system variables, but we address it first in the timely and controversial
context of simultaneous versus sequential lineup presentations and in the
role of eyewitness confidence judgments in evaluation of identification per-
formance. This examination of lineup procedures and confidence reports is
followed by a brief discussion of the effects on eyewitness performance of
another important system variable: the extent and content of communica-
tions between the witness and the larger community (law enforcement, legal
defense, the press, family and friends, etc.).
Evaluating Eyewitness Performance
Perhaps the most important empirical question that can be asked about
eyewitness identification is: How well do witnesses perform as a function
of different system and estimator variables? For example, do factors such
as the structure of a lineup, stress, or weapon focus affect the ability of
See, e.g., Institute of Medicine, Finding What Works in Health Care: Standards for System-
atic Reviews (Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2011) and B. J. Shea et al., Devel-
opment of AMSTAR: A Measurement Tool to Assess the Methodological Quality of Systematic
Reviews, BMC Medical Research Methodology 2007, 7:10 doi:10.1186/1471-2288-7-10.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
a witness to provide reliable information? If so, what practices will yield
the best performance? The issues are multifaceted, and the answers likely
depend upon many factors. Given the complexity of these issues, the experi-
mental literature to date has focused largely on one of the more tractable
problems: How do different lineup identification procedures affect witness
identifications? The committee will use this focus (and its eminent practi-
cal relevance) to illustrate how one might go about evaluating eyewitness
performance generally.
Most lineup identification procedures take one of two forms: simul-
taneous or sequential. In a simultaneous procedure, the witness views
all individuals in the lineup at the same time and either identifies one (or
more) as the perpetrator or reports that the person she or he saw at the
crime scene was not in the lineup. In a sequential procedure, the witness
views individuals one at a time and reports whether or not each one is the
person from the crime scene. Rigorous evaluation of eyewitness identifica-
tion performance as a function of these two procedures requires a formal
understanding of the task that the witness confronts, and it requires criteria
for assessing the outcome.
The task of a witness viewing a lineup is an example of what is known
as a binary classification problem.
Each eyewitness faces two possible (bi-
nary) states associated with each person in the lineup (guilt or innocence),
and the witness must assign each person to one of two classes (guilty or
innocent). For each decision, the witness can be correct or incorrect, yield-
ing four possible outcomes: a correct classification as guilty (“hit”), an
incorrect classification as guilty (“false alarm”), a correct classification as
innocent (“correct rejection”), and an incorrect classification as innocent
(“miss”). These outcomes are commonly presented in a contingency table
(see Figure 5-1), and the frequencies in each part of that table are the raw
data used to evaluate performance on a binary classification task, such as
eyewitness identification.
There are many different performance measures that can be derived
from data of this sort—indeed, the fields of statistical classification and ma-
chine learning are replete with tools for the evaluation of binary classifiers.
The binary classifier in this context is defined as the witness operating under a specific set
of conditions, such as lineup procedures.
Also termed “confusion matrix.”
The prevalence or “base-rate”—the fraction of individuals in each category (guilty or in-
nocent, in the eyewitness problem) in the population is also a factor that may come into play
when evaluating binary classification performance.
See, e.g., T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J. H. Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learn-
ing: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction (New York: Springer, 2009) and A. Smola and
S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Introduction to Machine Learning (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2008).
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
The preferred measure will depend to a large degree upon the criteria one
adopts for performance evaluation.
Perhaps the simplest measure of binary classification performance is
the ratio of hit rates (HR) to false alarm rates (FAR), i.e., HR/FAR.
magnitude of this measure, which is known in the eyewitness identification
literature as the “diagnosticity ratio,” is proportional to the likelihood that
a classification is correct, i.e., that the person identified as guilty is actually
The diagnosticity ratio is appealing if the most critical criterion is
avoiding erroneous identifications.
The “rate” associated with each cell of the contingency table is computed as the number
of counts within that cell (e.g., number of people correctly classified as guilty) divided by
the number of instances that are truly in that class (e.g., total number of guilty people being
classified). Thus, hit rates (HR) = number of hits / (number of hits+number of misses), and
false alarm rate (FAR) = number of false alarms / (number of false alarms+number of correct
The “diagnosticity ratio” is also known in other disciplines by other names; e.g., “posi-
tive likelihood ratio” or “LR+ = Likelihood Ratio of a Positive Call;” see Peter Lee, Bayesian
Statistics: An Introduction (Chichester: Wiley, 2012), Sec 4.1.
FIGURE 5-1 Contingency table for possible eyewitness identification outcomes.
SOURCE: Courtesy of Thomas D. Albright.
Classificaon of
Lineup Parcipant
True Status
of Lineup
(true posive)
“False Alarm
(false posive)
(false negave)
“Correct Rejecon”
(true negave)
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Not surprisingly, the diagnosticity ratio was adopted in pioneering
efforts to identify lineup conditions that would yield better witness identi-
fication performance.
Most laboratory-based studies and meta-analyses
of the effects of lineup procedures on eyewitness identification performance
show that, with standard lineup instructions informing the witness that the
perpetrator may or may not be present, the sequential procedure produces
a higher diagnosticity ratio.
That is, when considering only those cases in
which a witness actually selects someone from a lineup, the ratio of correct
to false identifications is commonly higher with the sequential than with
the simultaneous procedure.
A higher diagnosticity ratio could result from a higher hit rate, a lower
false alarm rate, or some combination of the two. Some early reports sug-
gested that sequential procedures (relative to simultaneous) lead to fewer
false alarms without changing the frequency of hits, which would result in
a higher diagnosticity ratio.
More recent laboratory-based studies and
meta-analyses typically show that sequential procedures (relative to simul-
taneous) are associated with a somewhat reduced hit rate accompanied by
a larger reduction in the false alarm rate, thereby resulting in diagnosticity
ratios higher than those yielded by simultaneous procedures.
In other
R. C. L. Lindsay and G. L. Wells, “Improving Eyewitness Identifications from Lineups:
Simultaneous Versus Sequential Lineup Presentation,” Journal of Applied Psychology 70(3),
556–564 (1985).
Steblay et al. “Eyewitness Accuracy Rates in Sequential and Simultaneous Lineup Presenta-
tions.” Steblay, et al., “Seventy-two Tests of the Sequential Lineup Superiority Effect.” S. D.
Gronlund et al., “Robustness of the Sequential Lineup Advantage,” Journal of Experimental
Psychology: Applied 15(2): 140–152 (2009). S. D. Gronlund, J. T. Wixted, and L. Mickes,
“Evaluating Eyewitness Identification Procedures Using ROC Analysis,” Current Directions
in Psychological Science 23(1): 3–10 (2014).
But see C. A. Carlson, S. D. Gronlund, and S. E. Clark, “Lineup Composition, Suspect
Position, and the Sequential Lineup Advantage,” Journal of Experimental Psychology-Applied
14(2): 118-128 (2008), for a counterexample. Also, Clark, Moreland, and Gronlund have
demonstrated that the accuracy advantage of sequential lineups as measured by diagnosticity
ratios has decreased over time since the original report. Reanalysis of diagnosticity data for
sequential studies showed slight, non-significant decreases in correct identification effects and
increases in false identification effects, which together combine to produce a significant de-
crease in the advantage of sequential over simultaneous lineup methods. See S. E. Clark, M. B.
Moreland, and S. D. Gronlund, “Evolution of the Empirical and Theoretical Foundations of
Eyewitness Identification Reform,” Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 21(2): 251–267 (2014).
R. C. L. Lindsay, “Applying Applied Research: Selling the Sequential Lineup,” Applied
Cognitive Psychology 13(3): 219–225 (1999). G. L. Wells, S. M. Rydell, and E. P. Seelau,
“The Selection of Distractors for Eyewitness Lineups,” Journal of Applied Psychology 78(5):
835–844 (1993).
A recent field-based study comparing sequential to simultaneous procedures in a limited
number of jurisdictions computed the diagnosticity ratio using filler identifications as the
false alarm rate (because the innocence or guilt of the suspect is unknown in such situations).
See G. L. Wells, N. K. Steblay, J. E. Dysart, “Double-Blind Photo-Lineups Using Actual
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
words, when using a single diagnosticity ratio as a measure of eyewitness
performance, the sequential procedure (relative to simultaneous) comes
closer to satisfying the popular criterion that those identified as guilty are
actually guilty. In light of these findings, many policy makers have advo-
cated sequential procedures, and those procedures have been adopted by
law enforcement in many jurisdictions.
While policy decisions and practice have been influenced by the afore-
mentioned studies, there are other criteria worthy of consideration when
evaluating eyewitness performance. One alternative is revealed by asking
why the diagnosticity ratio changes across lineup conditions. This ques-
tion can be addressed given a plausible model of the mechanisms underly-
ing human recognition memory. Most models of recognition memory are
based on the idea that a cue (e.g., a face in a lineup) results in the retrieval
of information stored in memory (see Chapter 4). When the retrieved in-
formation provides enough evidence to satisfy the observer, they make an
identification—that is, they decide that the stimulus is “recognized.” Ex-
plicit in this model are two important parameters: the observer’s memory
sensitivity (that is, the “discriminability” between the strength of memory
evidence elicited by a previously encountered stimulus and that elicited by
novel stimuli), and the degree of evidence that the observer requires to make
an identification (“response criterion” or “bias”) (see Box 5-1).
The first of these two parameters—discriminability—is important for
evaluating eyewitness performance. It tells whether a difference in per-
formance under different task conditions reflects a true improvement in
memory-based discrimination, i.e., an improvement in the strength of the
observer’s retrieved memory evidence of the perpetrator.
The fact that these two measures (the likelihood that an identified
person is guilty vs. discriminability) do not assess the same thing is coun-
terintuitive—a fact that has generated controversy in the field of eyewitness
Eyewitnesses: An Experimental Test of a Sequential versus Simultaneous Lineup Procedure,”
Law and Human Behavior, 15 June 2014, doi: 10.1037/lhb0000096. When computed in this
manner, the data revealed a modest diagnosticity ratio advantage for the sequential procedure.
However, Amendola and Wixted re-analyzed a subset of the data for which proxy measures of
ground truth were available [K. Amendola and J. T. Wixted, “Comparing the Diagnostic Accu-
racy of Suspect Identifications Made by Actual Eyewitnesses from Simultaneous and Sequential
Lineups,” accepted by Journal of Experimental Criminology (2014)]. Their analyses suggested
that identification of innocent suspects is less likely and identification of guilty suspects is more
likely when using the simultaneous procedures. While future field studies are needed, these
latter findings raise the possibility that diagnosticity is higher for the simultaneous procedure.
See also Clark, Moreland, and Gronlund, who report that published diagnosticity ratios have
changed over time, reflecting a significant decrease in the advantage of sequential over simul-
taneous lineup procedures. (Clark, Moreland, and Gronlund, “Evolution of the Empirical and
Theoretical Foundations of Eyewitness Identification Reform.”)
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
BOX 5-1
The Influences of Discriminability and Response
Bias on Human Binary Classification Decisions
All human decisions about the classification of objects based on memory—
including a witness’ classifications of guilt or innocence for faces in a lineup, an
individual’s decision as to whether a piece of luggage is his or her own, a bota-
nist’s recognition of a specific type of fern, a radiologist’s detection of a tumor in
a mammogram, or the determination of the sex of a newly-hatched chicken—can
be distilled down to the influence of two factors that are rooted in causal models
of recognition memory:the degree to which the relevant objects are discriminable
by the decider (the decider’s sensitivity to the difference between them), and the
decider’s criterion for making a decision (response bias, or the decider’s degree
of specificity in making choices).
There are, of course, many other variables that
will affect the outcome (e.g., levels of stress, attentional focus, potential rewards
or expectations), but all of these are believed to exert their influence over memory-
based classification decisions by affecting discriminability and/or response bias.
To illustrate the distinction between discrimination and response bias as
applied to a real-world decision problem, consider how an audiologist conducts
a hearing test. In a hearing test, an individual might be asked to detect sounds
along a continuum of loudness and to indicate when a sound is present. The
audiologist wants to know how well someone can discriminate presence versus
absence of a sound, but that assessment is complicated by the criterion people
use when deciding to say that they heard a sound (response bias). Some people
are hesitant to respond positively, saying “I hear it” only when they are absolutely
certain (“conservative” responders). Others are more willing to respond positively,
saying “I hear it” with less information and greater uncertainty (“liberal” respond-
ers). Those with a conservative bias are less likely to report hearing a sound in
general, so they will have both fewer correct detections (“hits”) and fewer overt
mistakes (“false alarms”). By contrast, those with a liberal bias are more likely
to say that they heard a sound, so they will have more hits but also more false
alarms. Importantly, this can occur even if the conservative and liberal respond-
ers do not differ in their ability to discriminate the presence or absence of sound.
See, e.g., W. P. Banks, “Signal Detection Theory and Human Memory,Psychological Bul-
letin 74(2): 81–99 (1970); J. P. Egan, Recognition Memory and the Operating Characteristic
(Bloomington: Indiana University Hearing and Communication Laboratory, 1958); D. M. Green
and J. A. Swets, Signal Detection Theory and Psychophysics (New York: Wiley,1966).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
identification research.
Intuitively, if sequential lineups yield a higher
likelihood that an identified person is guilty (as quantified by a higher
diagnosticity ratio), then it seems as if that procedure yields objectively
better performance. The problem with this intuition is that it fails to take
into account the second of the two parameters of recognition memory
models—the response bias or degree of evidence that the observer finds ac-
ceptable to make an identification. This parameter, which is distinct from
discriminability, reflects the witness’ tendency to pick or not to pick some-
one from the lineup. If a witness sets a high bar for acceptable evidence—a
conservative bias—then he or she will be unlikely to select anyone from
the lineup (low pick frequency), meaning that they will have more misses
(will be more likely to fail to select the suspect because they are less likely
to make a selection at all) and fewer false alarms.
Conversely, if a witness sets a low bar for acceptable evidence—a liberal
bias—then she or he will be more likely to make a selection from the lineup
(a high pick frequency), meaning he or she will have more hits and will
make more false identifications. Differences in pick frequency can, and gen-
erally do, lead to differences in the ratio of hit rates to false alarm rates; all
else being equal, the diagnosticity ratio will be higher for a conservative bias
than for a liberal bias.
In other words, simply by inducing a witness to
adopt a more conservative bias, it is possible to increase the likelihood that
an identified person is actually guilty. Importantly, this may be true even
if the procedure yields no better, or potentially worse, discriminability.
Despite its merits, a single diagnosticy ratio thus conflates the influences
of discriminability and response bias on binary classification, which mud-
dies the determination of which procedure, if any, yields objectively better
discriminability in eyewitness performance. To overcome this problem,
some investigators have recently adopted a technique from signal detection
See, e.g., J. T. Wixted and L. Mickes, “The Field of Eyewitness Memory Should Aban-
don Probative Value and Embrace Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis,” Perspectives
on Psychological Science 7(3): 275-278 (2012); Clark, “Costs and Benefits of Eyewitness
Identification Reform”; G. L. Wells, “Eyewitness Identification Probative Value, Criterion
Shifts, and Policy Regarding the Sequential Lineup,” Current Directions in Psychological
Science 23(1): 11–16 (2014); and Steblay, et al. “Seventy-two Tests of the Sequential Lineup
Superiority Effect.”
The sole exception to this rule is the case in which classifications are made at chance level
of performance, i.e., when the observer exhibits no ability to discriminate.
L. Mickes, H. D. Flowe, and J. T. Wixted, “Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis of
Eyewitness Memory: Comparing the Diagnostic Accuracy of Simultaneous vs. Sequential Line-
ups,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 18 (4): 361–376 (2012). C. A. Meissner
et al., “Eyewitness Decisions In Simultaneous and Sequential Lineups: A Dual Process Signal
Detection Theory Analysis,” Memory and Cognition 33(5): 783–792 (2005). M. A. Palmer
and N. Brewer, “Sequential Lineup Presentation Promotes Less-Biased Criterion Setting but
Does Not Improve Discriminability,” Law and Human Behavior 36(3): 247–255 (2012).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
theory, which distinguishes the relative influences of discriminability and
bias on binary classification.
This technique involves analysis of Receiver
Operating Characteristics (see Box 5-2). ROC analysis has been used ex-
tensively in multiple contexts of human decision-making, notably in basic
research on visual perception and memory and applied studies of medical
diagnostic procedures.
In essence, ROC analysis examines diagnosticity
ratios integrated over different response biases. This approach to eyewitness
research has been promoted based on the claim that it can enable lineup
procedures to be evaluated by their effect on discrimination, separate from
response bias, and—importantly—because the dimensions of analysis (dis-
criminability and response bias) correspond to the mechanistic parameters
of causal models of human recognition memory.
Use of ROC analysis to evaluate eyewitness performance requires cal-
culating the diagnosticity ratio for different response bias conditions (see
Box 5-2). Using expressed confidence level (ECL) as a proxy for response
bias (see below), a small set of recent studies using ROC analysis has re-
ported that discriminability (area under the ROC curve) for simultaneous
lineups is as high, or higher, than that for sequential lineups.
In other
words, when eyewitness identification performance is evaluated based on
a criterion of bias-free discriminability, the results differ from those based
on a single diagnosticity ratio, and they do so because the latter fails to
account for response bias.
Looking broadly at the many empirical studies that have used a single
diagnosticity ratio to evaluate eyewitness performance, as well as the more
recent findings using ROC analysis, it appears that the practical advantage
of one lineup procedure over another depends to a large degree upon the
performance criterion that one adopts. From the perspective of many,
the ideal lineup procedure would elicit a conservative bias (thus reducing
false identifications) and high discriminability (that is, optimizing memory
sensitivity). If there exists no discriminability advantage for one lineup
D. M. Green and J. A. Swets, Signal Detection Theory and Psychophysics (New York:
Wiley, 1966); D. McNicol, A Primer of Signal Detection Theory (London: George Allen and
Unwin, 1972).
J. A. Swets, “ROC Analysis Applied to the Evaluation of Medical Imaging Techniques,”
Investigative Radiology 14(2): 109–121 (1979).
Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted, “Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis of Eyewitness
Memory." C. A. Carlson and M. A. Carlson, “An Evaluation of Lineup Presentation, Weapon
Presence, and a Distinctive Feature Using ROC Analysis,” Journal of Applied Research in
Memory and Cognition 3(2): 45–53 (2014). D. G. Dobolyi and C. S. Dodson, “Eyewitness
Confidence in Simultaneous and Sequential Lineups: A Criterion Shift Account for Sequential
Mistaken Identification Overconfidence,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 19
(4): 345–357 (2013). S. D. Gronlund et al., “Showups Versus Lineups: An Evaluation Using
ROC Analysis,” Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 1(4): 221–228 (2012).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
BOX 5-2
Analysis of Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROCs)
Binary classification decisions by human observers are affected by both
discriminability (the observer’s sensitivity to the difference between target and
non-targets) and response bias (the observer’s degree of specificity in making a
response). Analysis of Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROCs) is a method
from signal detection theory that enables one to distinguish the relative influences
of discriminability and response bias on binary classification decisions. ROC
analysis is performed by plotting the frequency of decisions that are hits (correctly
detecting a target) versus the frequency of decisions that are false alarms (incor-
rectly classifying a non-target as a target).
The positive diagonal in an ROC plot (see figure next page) corresponds to
response bias, moving from high specificity at the lower left corner [no detection
of targets (hit rate = 0) and no incorrect attribution of non-targets as targets (false
alarm rate = 0)], to low specificity at the upper right corner [all targets detected
(hit rate = 1.0) and all non-targets attributed as targets (false alarm rate = 1.0)].
Because all points along this positive diagonal reflect equal ratios of hits to false
alarms, they vary in response bias (i.e., the frequency of lineup picks, or “pick
frequency”), but they do not manifest differences in discriminability. The negative
diagonal in an ROC plot corresponds, by contrast, to discriminability, moving from
chance discriminability at the intersection with the positive diagonal, where hits
and false alarms are equally likely, to the highest discriminability in the upper left
corner, where all targets are detected (hit rate = 1.0), but no non-targets are at-
tributed as targets (false alarm rate = 0).
To see how measured hit and false alarm rates vary over different conditions
of discriminability and response bias in laboratory experiments, one can manipu-
late or estimate these conditions and record a diagnosticity ratio (HR/FAR) for
each condition. The typical result is a set of diagnosticity ratios that, when plotted
in the ROC space (represented by the dots in the figure at right), form a curve
spanning from lower left to upper right. The extent to which that curve deviates
(bows above and away) from the positive diagonal is a quantitative measure of
discriminability (assessed as the area under the curve) for which response bias
has been factored out.
ROC analysis has been used extensively in basic and applied research
on recognition memory. In these experiments, response bias is sometimes ma-
nipulated explicitly by encouraging observers to be more or less selective in
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
their responses. Frequently, however, “expressed confidence level” (ECL)—the
confidence that an observer holds in his or her classification—is used as a proxy
for response bias, based on the assumption that more confident observers are
likely to be more specific (conservative) in their responses, whereas less confident
observers are likely to be less specific (liberal) in their responses.
Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve.
SOURCE: Courtesy of Thomas D. Albright.
False Alarm Rate
Hit Rate
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
procedure over another,
then eyewitness performance may benefit from
any procedure (such as sequential) that elicits a more conservative response
But one can only make that judgment after having applied an em-
pirical test to determine whether a procedure offers a discriminability ad-
vantage. Future research might explore the possibility that other methods
of inducing a conservative response bias (such as verbal instructions to the
witness to be cautious in making an identification) might be combined with
procedures that improve discriminability in order to optimize eyewitness
identification performance.
Perhaps the greatest practical benefit of recent debate over the utility
of different lineup procedures is that it has opened the door to a broader
consideration of methods for evaluating and enhancing eyewitness identi-
fication performance. ROC analysis is a positive and promising step with
numerous advantages. For example, the area under the ROC curve is a
single-number index of discriminability. Moreover, this index reflects a
parameter-free approach to binary classification performance; the outcome
is entirely data-dependent and thus identical across all users drawing from
The committee notes that some of the few recent reports using ROC analysis indeed claim
improved discriminability for simultaneous lineup conditions, but the reported discriminability
improvements are small.
In reality, a more conservative bias may not always be beneficial, and whether it is or
not depends upon a number of factors that have an impact distinct from diagnostic accuracy
and are difficult to quantify. All else being equal, the “best” response bias will be one that
maximizes the “expected value” of the outcome (Green and Swets, Signal Detection Theory
and Psychophysics; Swets, “ROC Analysis Applied to the Evaluation of Medical Imaging
Techniques”). For the problem of eyewitness identification, the response bias that maximizes
expected value can be computed from the prevalence of guilty suspects in lineups and from
societal values or costs associated with each of the possible eyewitness decisions (errors and
correct assignments). Reliable data on prevalence are difficult to come by, and value/cost
quantities are difficult to assign and likely to vary significantly across crimes and cultures.
One can nonetheless gain an intuition for how these factors might define the best response
bias conditions. Consider, for example, the consequences of decreasing the prevalence of guilty
suspects in lineups. In this case, expected value can be maximized by inducing a conservative
bias—i.e., if innocence is a priori likely, then there is value gained by being more selective in
your response. Similarly, the optimal response bias will depend upon normative costs associ-
ated with different types of eyewitness errors. Generally speaking, if a society places greater
emphasis on not identifying the innocent, relative to failing to identify the guilty, then expected
value can be increased by inducing a more conservative response bias. But the opposite would
be true if there were greater societal pressures for identifying the guilty, relative to protect-
ing the innocent. Although an understanding of the relationship between response bias and
expected value is important, expected value in this case has little to do with the diagnostic
accuracy of an eyewitness report. But it does nonetheless bear on decisions about which lineup
procedure should be employed.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
the same data set.
Most importantly for its application to the problem
of evaluating eyewitness performance, the ROC approach possesses a dis-
tinct advantage because the dimensions of analysis—discriminability and
response bias—map directly onto the mechanistic parameters of causal
models of human recognition memory (see Chapter 4). In other words, the
approach affords insight into and quantification of the sensory and cogni-
tive processes that are believed to underlie memory-based classification
decisions (see Box 5-1), such as eyewitness identifications.
Despite these merits, as a general statistical procedure for evaluation
of binary classification performance and as a tool for evaluation of eyewit-
ness performance, the ROC approach has some well-documented quantita-
tive shortcomings. For example, ROC analysis depends on the ability to
manipulate response bias or to estimate it from some other variable, and
in the case of eyewitness identification that ability has been the subject of
some debate. Recent studies have used expressed confidence level (ECL)—
a measure of a witness’ confidence in his or her selection—as a proxy for
response bias,
based on the common-sense logic that a witness who has
high confidence in their lineup selection should manifest a more conserva-
tive response bias than a witness who selected someone from the lineup
despite lacking confidence in that selection (i.e., someone who made a
selection even though they were not certain—a liberal response bias). This
proxy relationship is inherently noisy within individuals, and the noisy rela-
tionship is exacerbated by the fact that the eyewitness identification ROC is
population-based; individual data points are obtained from different people
who may scale their confidence reports differently.
On the other hand,
it is empirically clear that, when scaled appropriately (within and across
individuals), different levels of expressed confidence do, in fact, correspond
to different pick frequencies and response biases.
Green and Swets, Signal Detection Theory and Psychophysics. D. J. Hand, “Measuring
Classifier Performance: A Coherent Alternative to the Area under the ROC Curve,” Machine
Learning 77, 103–123 (2009).
See, e.g., N. Brewer and G. L. Wells, “The Confidence-Accuracy Relationship in Eyewit-
ness Identification: Effects of Lineup Instructions, Foil Similarity, and Target-Absent Base
Rates,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 12(1): 11–30 (2012); Mickes, Flowe,
and Wixted, “Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis of Eyewitness Memory”; and
Carlson and Carlson, “An Evaluation of Lineup Presentation.”
ECL is affected by over-confidence and under-confidence at the individual level, and the
current implementation of the ROC approach, combining results across subjects, does not
build this measurement error into the analysis or the comparison of empirical ROC curves.
See Appendix C.
See, e.g., Table 1 of Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted, “Receiver Operating Characteristic Anal-
ysis of Eyewitness Memory,” which summarizes confidence ratings, hit rates, false alarm rates,
and diagnosticity ratios (HR/FAR) derived from data published in Brewer and Wells, “The
Confidence-Accuracy Relationship in Eyewitness Identification.” Brewer and Wells employed
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
An additional prerequisite for the use of ECL as a measure of re-
sponse bias is that an orderly relationship exists between confidence and
accuracy—that witnesses expressing greater confidence are more likely to
be accurate in their identifications. Although this hypothesis conforms to
the existence of a significant confidence–accuracy relationship
has been challenged repeatedly over the years.
Recent evidence, however,
suggests ways of improving the confidence–accuracy relationship (and ob-
taining more reliable measurements of it).
While the ECL measure thus
has potential, more research on this and other possible methods of estimat-
ing or controlling response bias is warranted to support efforts to extract
a bias-free measure of discriminability.
Another technical concern raised by the use of ROC analysis to evalu-
ate eyewitness identification performance is that it relies on a partial, rather
than full, area under the ROC curve measure (see Box 5-2) as an index of
discriminability that is separate from response bias. This is necessitated by
the fact that the highest false alarm rates in eyewitness identification data
are commonly well below 1.0, even under the most liberal response bias
a “confidence calibration” technique to normalize scaling of expressed confidence across
witnesses. Both hit rates and false alarm rates declined steeply—implying an increasingly con-
servative response bias—as confidence levels increased. Diagnosticity ratios increased mono-
tonically with increasing confidence. An identical pattern can be seen in Table 3 of Mickes,
Flowe, and Wixted, “Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis of Eyewitness Memory.” See
also H. L. Roediger III, J. T. Wixted, and K. A. DeSoto, “The Curious Complexity Between
Confidence and Accuracy in Reports from Memory,” in Memory and Law, ed. L. Nadel and
W. Sinnott-Armstrong (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), 97.
K. A. Deffenbacher and E. F. Loftus, “Do Jurors Share a Common Understanding Con-
cerning Eyewitness Behavior?,” Law and Human Behavior 6: 15–30 (1982); and G. L. Wells,
T. J. Ferguson, and R. C. L. Lindsay, “The Tractability of Eyewitness Confidence and Its
Implication for Triers of Fact,” Journal of Applied Psychology 66: 688–696 (1981).
G. L. Wells and D. M. Murray, “Eyewitness Confidence,” in Eyewitness Testimony: Psy-
chological Perspectives, ed. G. L. Wells and E. F. Loftus (New York: Cambridge University
Press, 1984). B. L. Cutler and S. D. Penrod, Mistaken Identification: The Eyewitness, Psy-
chology, and the Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995). R. K. Bothwell, K. A.
Deffenbacher, and J.C. Brigham,“Correlation of Eyewitness Accuracy and Confidence: Opti-
mality Hypothesis Revisited,” Journal of Applied Psychology 72:691–695 (1987). S. L. Sporer
et al., “Choosing, Confidence, and Accuracy: A Meta-Analysis of the Confidence-Accuracy
Relation in Eyewitness Identification Studies,” Psychological Bulletin 118(3): 315–327 (1995).
T. A. Busey et al., “Accounts of the Confidence-Accuracy Relation in Recognition Memory,”
Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 7(1): 26-48 (2000).
N. Brewer and G. L. Wells, “The Confidence-Accuracy Relationship in Eyewitness Identi-
fication. P. Juslin, N. Olsson, and A. Winman, “Calibration and Diagnosticity of Confidence
in Eyewitness Identification: Comments on What Can Be Inferred From the Low Confidence-
Accuracy Correlation,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cog-
nition 22(5): 1304–1316 (September 1996). Roediger, Wixted, and DeSoto, “The Curious
Complexity between Confidence and Accuracy.” Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted, “Receiver
Operating Characteristic Analysis of Eyewitness Memory.”
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
In practice, partial area under the curve is computed by trun-
cating the ROC curve at the highest false alarm rate obtained. Because the
standard error of the partial area under the curve measure depends upon
the degree of truncation, accuracy of this discriminability measure can
easily vary across conditions and across studies, making the interpretation
While ROC analysis has many recognized merits for the evaluation of
binary classification, the residual concerns associated with its typical use
for evaluating eyewitness performance merit consideration of other sta-
tistical approaches to this problem. As noted above, many methods have
been proposed—and adopted in specific applications—for evaluation of
binary classification performance.
The committee knows of no instance
in which any of these alternative methods has been applied to the problem
of eyewitness identification. Moreover, because they have not been vetted,
the committee is not in a position to endorse any specific statistical tool, the
committee nevertheless encourages a general exploration of these alterna-
tives. These alternatives may have their own share of unforeseen problems,
and/or the performance criteria employed by them may bear no meaningful
relationship to the sensory and cognitive processes involved in eyewitness
identification. Nonetheless, some of these methods may provide greater
insight into the factors that affect eyewitness identification performance
and may, in turn, suggest ways of improving performance. To illustrate this
opportunity by example, we consider the following possibilities.
It has been argued that a basic weakness of the existing ROC approach
to binary classification performance results from the fact that, in principle
Carlson and Carlson, “An Evaluation of Lineup Presentation.” Mickes, Flowe, and
Wixted, “Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis of Eyewitness Memory.”
Along the same lines, accuracy of discriminability measures derived from ROC studies
may be called into question when those studies do not take into account uncertainty in the
data used to construct the ROC curves; see Appendix C. An argument has also been made
that the area under the ROC curve can be a flawed metric for comparing binary classification
conditions when the costs of classification errors are not precisely known and are different for
different conditions (Hand, “Measuring Classifier Performance”). The costs of classification
errors may be similar across some lineup comparisons and across some conditions of other
systems variables, and for others they may be different. But for the most part they are not
precisely known, and this is thus a topic that deserves greater attention given the growing use
of ROC-based evaluation of eyewitness identification performance.
Numerous methods for the evaluation of binary classifiers have been developed and
applied in the field of machine learning, which seeks to optimize autonomous classification
devices (such as, for example, the fingerprint lock access control on a smart phone, which
must quickly and reliably distinguish the finger from another). This field has a long and rich
history, and candidate methods are summarized in several texts on statistical classification and
machine learning, such as Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learn-
ing and A. Smola and S. V. N. Vishwanathan, Introduction to Machine Learning (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2009).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
(and in practice under certain commonly unrecognized conditions), the
area under the ROC curve is dependent on imprecise assumptions about
the costs of classification errors across different classification conditions.
One might suppose, for example, that the cost of a miss for a crime of
murder is greater than the cost of a miss for a stolen car. But without a
precise understanding of these relative decision costs, the area under the
ROC curve measure can be incoherent, in that it depends as much on the
classification conditions as it does on the sensitivity of the classifier. An al-
ternative method has been proposed to address this problem—derivation of
the “H measure”—that enables the performance of binary classifiers to be
compared using a common metric that is independent of the cost distribu-
tions for different types of classification errors.
The committee supports
exploration of this alternative.
Another avenue for exploration emerges from the fact that the litera-
ture evaluating eyewitness identification performance has focused exclu-
sively on the positive predictive value (PPV) of a witness’ classification
as guilty. For a given response bias, PPV is related to the diagnosticity
ratio, in that, given equal prevalence of the culprit in two conditions (e.g.,
lineup procedures) being compared, a higher diagnosticity ratio leads to a
higher PPV. As discussed above, the diagnosticity ratio is a critical piece
of information in efforts to evaluate eyewitness performance. As for any
binary classification, however, there is also information associated with a
negative response, which is the predictive value of a classifier’s assertion
that a target is not present (in the eyewitness case, the witness’ assertion
of innocence). This negative predictive value (NPV) is related to a different
ratio of decisions, namely (1-HR)/(1-FAR),
in that, given equal prevalence
of the target in the two procedures being compared, higher values of this
ratio correspond to higher values of NPV.
While NPV is commonly used to evaluate the accuracy of human
classification decisions, such as in medical diagnosis, and is a source of
information that may similarly be of additional value in efforts to evalu-
ate lineup procedures, it has been largely neglected in the field of eyewit-
ness identification.
One might hold the intuition that PPV and NPV are
monotonically related to one another—believing that the likelihood that the
See Hand, “Measuring Classifier Performance.”
The reciprocal of this ratio is called the “negative likelihood ratio.” See, e.g., T. Hoffmann,
S. Bennett, and C. del Mar, Evidence-Based Practice Across the Health Professionals
(Chatswood: Elsevier Australia, 2009).
It seems likely that this neglect stems from the fact that the primary concern in eyewit-
ness identification has been on incorrect assertions of guilt (i.e., false identifications) rather
than incorrect assertions of innocence. There are normative values in society that reinforce
this concern (as exemplified, for example, by Blackstone’s formulation: “Better that 10 guilty
persons escape than that one innocent suffer.”)
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
witness will correctly identify the culprit is proportional to the likelihood
that the witness will correctly identify lineup candidates as innocent—and
thus conclude that evaluation of PPV alone is sufficient. Contrary to that
intuition, however, evidence from studies of analogous binary classifica-
tion problems reveals that these two predictive probabilities can vary with
respect to one another in complex ways.
In practice, NPV-related measures (quantified as negative likelihood
ratios) can be subjected to ROC analysis to account for the effects of
response bias in the same manner as PPV-related measures (quantified as
positive likelihood ratios, i.e., diagnosticity ratios)—the ROC axes in the
NPV case corresponding to 1-HR and 1-FAR. Consideration of NPV and
its relationship to PPV, by this and other means, may provide additional in-
sight into the ways in which estimator and system variables (such as lineup
procedures) influence eyewitness identification performance.
In sum, a formal understanding of the task facing an eyewitness, in
conjunction with an appreciation of causal models of human recogni-
tion memory, has led to a potentially more comprehensive method—ROC
analysis—for evaluating eyewitness identification performance. Despite
these advances, it is important that practitioners in this field broadly ex-
plore the large and rich field of statistical tools for evaluation of binary
classifiers. While the committee recognizes that these tools are uninvesti-
gated for this application and may possess their own share of unforeseen
problems or disadvantages, a move in this direction may be of great value
for improving the validity of eyewitness identification.
Interactions with Eyewitnesses (Feedback)
The nature of law enforcement interactions with the eyewitness be-
fore, during, and after the identification plays a role in the accuracy of
eyewitness identifications and in the confidence expressed in the accuracy
of those identifications by witnesses.
Law enforcement’s maintenance of
neutral pre-identification communications—relative to the identification of
a suspect—is seen as vital to ensuring that the eyewitness is not subjected to
conscious or unconscious verbal or behavioral cues that could influence the
S-Y Shiu and C. Gatsonis, “The Predictive Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve for the
Joint Assessment of the Positive and Negative Predictive Values,” Philosophical Transactions,
Series A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 366 (1874): 2313–2333 (2008).
Another potentially informative analysis that combines PPV and NPV measures is known
as a PROC (predictive ROC), which affords the opportunity to see how a given system or
estimator variable may have interacting—synergistic or antagonistic—effects on assertions of
guilt and innocence. See Shiu and Gatsonis, “The Predictive Receiver Operating Characteristic
S. E. Clark, T. E. Marshall, and R. Rosenthal,“Lineup Administrator Influences on Eyewit-
ness Identification Decisions,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 15(1): 63 (2009).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
eyewitness’ identification (see Box 2-1).
If a witness happened to overhear
an officer say, “We’ve got him, but before we finalize the arrest, let’s have
the witness confirm it,” the witness might be biased to confirm the suspect’s
identity in a showup. Furthermore, some types of law enforcement commu-
nication with a witness, after the witness has made an identification (e.g.,
“Good work! You picked the right guy…”), can increase confidence in an
identification, regardless of whether the identification is correct.
As discussed in Chapter 2, use of “blinded” or “double-blind” lineup
identification procedures is an effective strategy for reducing the likeli-
hood that a witness will be exposed to cues from interactions with law
enforcement (such as feedback) that could influence identifications and/
or confidence in those identifications. More generally, efforts to maintain
objectivity and eliminate potentially informative communication will help
ensure that eyewitness reports are not contaminated by knowledge or opin-
ions held by others.
The impact of estimator variables on eyewitness accuracy is harder to
measure in the field than the impact of system variables.
estimator variables have been studied nearly exclusively in laboratory set-
tings. The committee’s review revealed the need for further empirical re-
search in individual studies and systematic reviews of research on these
The committee’s review focused on the most-studied estimator vari-
ables: weapon focus, stress and fear, own-race bias, exposure, and retention
interval. It is important to emphasize, however, that numerous other estima-
tor variables may affect both the reliability and the accuracy of eyewitness
identifications. Research has shown that the physical distance between the
witness and the perpetrator is an important estimator variable, as it directly
affects the ability of the eyewitness to discern visual details,
features of the perpetrator
(see discussion of vision in Chapter 4). Re-
Clark, Moreland, and Gronlund, “Evolution of the Empirical and Theoretical Foundations
of Eyewitness Identification Reform”: “…the performance advantage for unbiased instruc-
tions has decreased only slightly over the past 32 years. However, none of the correlations
approached statistical significance.” p. 258.
Douglas and Steblay, “Memory Distortion in Eyewitnesses.”
G. L. Wells, “What Do We Know about Eyewitness Identification?” American Psycholo-
gist (May 1993): 553, 555.
B. Uttl, P. Graf, and A. L. Siegenthaler, “Influence of Object Size on Baseline Identifica-
tion, Priming, and Explicit Memory: Cognition and Neurosciences,” Scandinavian Journal of
Psychology 48(4): 281–288 (2007).
C. L. Maclean et al., “Post-Identification Feedback Effects: Investigators and Evaluators,”
Applied Cognitive Psychology 25(5): 739–752 (2011).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
search has also shown that an appearance change can greatly diminish the
eyewitness’ ability to recognize the perpetrator; the eyewitness’ ability to
remember faces of his or her own age group is often superior to his or her
ability to remember faces of another age group (own-age bias); and if an
eyewitness hears information or misinformation from another person be-
fore law enforcement involvement, his or her recollection of the event and
confidence in the identification can be altered (co-witness contamination).
Interactions between and among these variables have not been addressed
systematically by researchers.
Weapon Focus
The presence of an unusual object at the scene of a crime can impair
visual perception and memory of key features of the crime event. Research
suggests that the presence of a weapon at the scene of a crime captures the
visual attention of the witness and impedes the ability of the witness to
attend to other important features of the visual scene, such as the face of
the perpetrator (see also discussion of visual attention in Chapter 4). The
ensuing lack of memory of these other key features may impair recognition
of a perpetrator in a subsequent lineup.
A 1992 analysis of weapon focus studies found that the presence of a
weapon reduced both identification accuracy and feature accuracy (e.g., the
eyewitness’ ability to recall clothing, facial features, and more).
A more
recent analysis of the weapon focus literature concluded that the presence of
a weapon has an inconsistent effect on identification accuracy, in that larger
effect sizes were observed in threatening scenarios than in non-threatening
As the retention interval increased, the weapon focus effect size
decreased. The analysis further indicated that the effect of a weapon on
accuracy is slight in actual crimes, slightly larger in laboratory studies, and
largest for simulations.
One possible cause of the inconsistent effects of the presence of a
weapon is suggested by a recent laboratory-based study that exposed par-
ticipants to crime videos.
These investigators used ROC analysis to inves-
tigate discriminability as a function of (1) sequential versus simultaneous
lineups; (2) the presence of a weapon; and (3) the presence of a distinctive
facial feature. Importantly for the present discussion, discriminability was
R. Zajac and N. Henderson, “Don’t It Make My Brown Eyes Blue: Co-Witness Misinfor-
mation about a Target’s Appearance Can Impair Target-Absent Lineup Performance,” Memory
17(3): 266–278 (2009).
N. K. Steblay, “A Meta-analytic Review of the Weapon Focus Effect,” Law and Human
Behavior 16(4): 413, 415–417 (1992).
Fawcett et al., “Of Guns and Geese.”
Carlson and Carlson, “An Evaluation of Lineup Presentation.”
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
reduced when the perpetrator possessed a weapon, but only when no dis-
tinctive facial feature was present. This interaction between weapon focus
and distinctive feature highlights the importance of exploring the effects of
interactions between different estimator variables on eyewitness identifica-
tion performance.
Additional questions remain as to what is the cause of reduced eyewit-
ness performance in cases where a weapon is present. Is the effect caused
by a diversion of selective attention, as is suggested by basic research on
the phenomenon of inattentional blindness (see Chapter 4)? Is stress a
significant factor, i.e., does anxiety cause the witness to focus less on the
features of a person’s face? To what extent is the prominence of the issue an
artifact of the particular studies included in the meta-analysis? Is it possible,
for example, that the magnitude of the weapon effect depends on whether
the data are collected in a laboratory setting versus the real world? To this
latter point, some analyses of weapon focus have been conducted using
archival records of crimes involving weapons.
Unfortunately, such efforts
often encounter serious methodological difficulties that include a lack of
information about the crime (e.g., exposure duration) and the general lack
of “ground truth” regarding accuracy of any identification, among other
Stress and Fear
High levels of stress or fear can affect eyewitness identification.
This finding is not surprising, given the known effects of fear and stress on
vision and memory (see Chapter 4). Under conditions of high stress, a wit-
ness’ ability to identify key characteristics of an individual’s face (e.g., hair
length, hair color, eye color, shape of face, presence of facial hair) may be
significantly impaired.
In the particular case of weapon focus, it may not be possible to suf-
ficiently test the effects of stress and heightened stress in the laboratory
because of limitations on human participant research that uses realistic and
heightened threats. A meta-analysis of the effect of high stress on eyewitness
See, e.g., Fawcett et al., “Of Guns and Geese.”
Deffenbacher et al., “A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effects of High Stress.”
C. A. Morgan III et al., “Accuracy of Eyewitness Memory for Persons Encountered Dur-
ing Exposure to Highly Intense Stress,” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 27(3):
265–279 (2004).
C. A. Morgan III et al., “Accuracy of Eyewitness Identification Is Significantly Associated
with Performance on a Standardized Test of Recognition,” International Journal of Law and
Psychiatry 30 (3): 213–223 (2007).
C. A. Morgan III et al., “Misinformation Can Influence Memory for Recently Experienced,
Highly Stressful Events,” International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 36(1): 11–17 (2013).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
memory nonetheless found some support for the notion that stress impairs
both eyewitness recall and identification accuracy.
The study authors
noted that lineup type “moderated the effect of heightened stress on the
false alarm rate.”
They also suggested that the modest effect of stress may
be caused by the fact that the analysis included many studies that involved
modest stress-induction.
Earlier studies were more mixed but with clearer results at “high levels
of cognitive anxiety.”
The findings of an earlier study “provide a concrete
illustration of catastrophic decline” of eyewitness identification perfor-
mance at high anxiety levels.
The correct identification rate went from 75
percent for those with low-state anxiety to 18 percent rate for those with
high-state anxiety.
The effects of suggestion may be particularly important when the
original memory is of a highly stressful event. A recent study looked at
more than 850 active-duty military personnel participating in a mock
POW camp phase of U.S. military survival school training, which included
aggressive interrogation and physical isolation-related stress.
The study
found that misinformative details of the interrogation event (e.g., regarding
the identity of the interrogator), which were introduced after the event had
been encoded into long-term memory, affected identification accuracy. The
study also found that memories acquired during stressful events are highly
vulnerable to modification by exposure to post-event misinformation, even
in individuals whose level of training and experience might be considered
relatively immune to such influences.
Another recent study comparing the eyewitness accuracy of officers
and citizens, concentrated on the effects of stress and weapon focus.
results of this study showed that officers were less stressed and aroused than
Deffenbacher et al., “A Meta-Analytic Review of the Effects Of High Stress.” It should
be noted that the effect sizes for stress-induced support were small with wide confidence
intervals, indicating considerable heterogeneity across studies. Although the authors assert
that 300 studies with null findings would be required to negate the small effects found in this
meta-analysis, fewer studies might be needed if they resulted in opposite effects.
Ibid, 700.
Ibid, 704.
Ibid, 689.
T. Valentine and J. Mesout, “Eyewitness Identification Under Stress in the London Dun-
geon,” Applied Cognitive Psychology 23(2): 151–161 (2009).
K. A. Deffenbacher, “Estimating the Impact of Estimator Variables on Eyewitness Iden-
tification: A Fruitful Marriage of Practical Problem Solving and Psychological Theorizing,”
Applied Cognitive Psychology 22(6): 822 (2008).
Morgan et al., “Misinformation Can Influence Memory.”
J. C. DeCarlo, “A Study Comparing the Eyewitness Accuracy of Police Officers and Citi-
zens,” (PhD Diss, City University of New York, 2010).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
citizens, but that both police and citizens made more errors when a weapon
was inferred or present.
Own-Race Bias
The race and ethnicity of a witness as it relates to that of the perpetra-
tor is another important estimator variable. In eyewitness identification,
own-race bias describes the phenomenon in which faces of people of races
different from that of the eyewitness are harder to discriminate (and thus
harder to identify accurately) than are faces of people of the same race as
the eyewitness.
In the laboratory, this effect is manifested by higher hit
rates and lower false alarm rates (higher diagnosticity ratio) in the recogni-
tion of an observer’s own race relative to hits and false-alarms for recogni-
tion of other races.
Own-race bias occurs in both visual discrimination
and memory tasks, in laboratory and field studies, and across a range of
races, ethnicities, and ages. Recent analyses revealed that cross-racial (mis)
identification was present in 42 percent of the cases in which an erroneous
eyewitness identification was made.
A recent meta-analysis of own-race bias found an interaction between
own-race bias and the duration of viewing exposure: reducing the amount
of time allowed for viewing of each face significantly increased the magni-
tude of the bias, largely manifested as an increase in the proportion of false
alarm responses to other-race faces.
Own-race bias also interacts with the
memory retention interval; cross-race errors of identification were greater
when there were longer periods of time between the initial exposure and
the memory retrieval.
A recent study found that “context reinstatement,”
wherein a researcher asks an individual to mentally re-create the context in
which an incident occurred, failed to influence the identification of other-
race faces.
Although the existence of own-race bias is generally accepted, the
causes for this effect are not fully understood. Some possible explanations
are rooted in in-group/out-group models of human behavior (e.g., favorit-
R. S. Malpass and J. Kravitz, “Recognition for Faces of Own and Other Race,” Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology 13(4): 330–334 (1969).
Meissner and Brigham, “Thirty Years of Investigating the Own-Race Bias.”
The Innocence Project, “What Wrongful Convictions Teach Us About Racial Inequality,”
available at:
Meissner and Brigham, “Thirty Years of Investigating the Own-Race Bias.”
J. R. Evans, J. L. Marcon, and C.A. Meissner, “Cross-Racial Lineup Identification: As-
sessing the Potential Benefits of Context Reinstatement,” Psychology, Crime, and Law 15 (1):
19–28 (2009).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
ism in which decisions regarding members of one’s own “group” are re-
garded as having greater importance than decisions regarding members of
a different “group”) and differential perceptual expertise that results from
different degrees of exposure to and familiarity with same versus other
Recent work has examined the role that stereotyping might play.
study suggests that, in general, cross-race identification is further impaired
when faces are presented in a group (as opposed to one at a time).
tional research is needed to identify procedures that may help estimate the
degree of own-race biases in individual eyewitnesses following an identifi-
cation procedure. Until the scientific basis for these effects is better under-
stood, great care may be warranted when constructing lineups in instances
where the race of the suspect differs from that of the eyewitness.
Exposure Duration
Eyewitness identification researchers have long believed that exposure
duration (e.g., time spent observing a perpetrator’s face during a crime) is
correlated with greater accuracy of eyewitness identification. The courts
also have assumed that exposure duration has an effect on identification
Meta-analyses on the effects of exposure time have found that
relatively long exposure durations produce greater accuracy
and a larger
and more stable effect size for exposure duration on eyewitness identi-
H. M. Kleider, S. E. Cavrak, and L. R. Knuycky, “Looking Like a Criminal: Stereotypical
Black Facial Features Promote Face Source Memory Error,” Memory and Cognition 40(8):
1200–1213 (2012).
K. Pezdek, M. O’Brien, and C. Wasson, “Cross-Race (but Not Same-Race) Face Identifica-
tion Is Impaired by Presenting Faces in a Group Rather Than Individually,” Law and Human
Behavior 36(6): 488–495 (2012).
Manson v. Brathwaite, 432 U.S. 98, 114 (1977), for example, included as a factor for
assessing the reliability and admissibility of an identification, “the opportunity of the witness
to view the criminal at the time of the crime” and explained that this factor includes both the
length of time and the viewing conditions.
B. H. Bornstein et al., “Effects of Exposure Time and Cognitive Operations on Facial
Identification Accuracy: A Meta-Analysis of Two variables Associated with Initial Memory
Strength,” Psychology, Crime, and Law 18 (5): 473–490 (2012). The authors state, “We used
z as the primary effect size measure for differences between proportions correct, but we also
converted z to Pearson’s r for comparability to other meta-analyses (see Tables 1 and 2). The
rs were then normalized and averaged to obtain the overall mean effect sizes. We also report
the value of Cohen’s d associated with each mean effect size” (Bornstein et al., “Effects of
Exposure Time and Cognitive Operations).” Although not defined, presumably z refers to
the usual difference in means divided by its standard error, and, from their tables, their r was
calculated as z divided by the square root of the report sample size.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
fication accuracy.
Longer exposures were associated with higher rates
of correct identifications and lower false alarm rates. Exposure duration
may affect, or interact with, other variables, including own-race bias and
the confidence–accuracy relationship assessed immediately after the lineup
The findings and conclusions from eyewitness identification studies of
exposure duration are in keeping with much of the basic research on visual
system function (reviewed in Chapter 4). This basic research indicates that
the additional information available from longer viewing times reduces un-
certainty and enables better detection and discrimination of visual stimuli.
Retention Interval
Retention interval, or the amount of time that passes from the initial
observation and encoding of a memory to a future time when the initial ob-
servation must be recalled from memory, can affect identification accuracy.
Laboratory studies have demonstrated that stored memories are more likely
to be forgotten with the increasing passage of time and can easily become
“enhanced” or distorted by events that take place during this retention in-
terval (see discussion of memory in Chapter 4). The amount of time between
viewing a crime and the subsequent identification procedure can be expected
to similarly affect the accuracy of the eyewitness identification, either inde-
pendently or in combination with other variables.
It is difficult to specify the precise relationship between retention inter-
val and the accuracy of eyewitness identification testimony and to estimate
when a lengthy retention interval will significantly impair the accuracy of
identification. Although, in general, it appears that longer retention inter-
vals are associated with poorer eyewitness identification performance, the
strength of this association appears to vary greatly across the circumstances
of the initial encounter, identification procedures, and research method-
B. H. Bornstein, K. A. Deffenbacher, E. K. McGorty, and S. D. Penrod, “The Effect of
Cognitive Processing on Facial Identification Accuracy: A Meta-Analysis” (Unpublished manu-
script, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007).
M. A. Palmer, et al., “The Confidence–Accuracy Relationship for Eyewitness Identification
Decisions: Effects of Exposure Duration, Retention Interval, and Divided Attention,” Journal
of Experimental Psychology: Applied 19(1): 55–71 (2013).
One month is the most commonly encountered delay by British police. G. Pike, N. Brace,
and S. Kynan, The Visual Identification of Suspects: Procedures and Practice (London: Polic-
ing and Reducing Crime Unit, 2002), cited by Deffenbacher et al., “Forgetting the Once-Seen
Face.” Law enforcement authorities may have little control over the time required to identify
a suspect and obtain the cooperation of the eyewitness to participate in an identification
procedure. Thus, retention interval has commonly been considered an estimator variable in
eyewitness identification studies.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
A meta-analysis of published facial recognition and eyewitness
identification studies found, for example, that an increase in the retention
interval was associated with a decreased probability of an accurate identifi-
cation of a previously seen but otherwise unfamiliar face.
This same study
also found that the rate of forgetting for an unfamiliar face is greatest soon
after the initial observation and tends to level off over time, but was unable
to specify the shape of this function.
The effect of the retention interval also is influenced by the strength
and quality of the initial memory that is encoded, which, in turn, may
be influenced by other estimator variables associated with witnessing the
crime (such as the degree of visual attention) and viewing factors (such as
distance, lighting, and exposure duration). As the retention interval be-
comes longer, the opportunity for intervening events to alter the memory
also becomes greater, and other variables may interact with the retention
interval to impair performance (see also discussion of memory in Chapter
4). During the retention interval, the ability to accurately identify faces of
other races drops off especially quickly, relative to same-race accuracy.
Also, for those eyewitnesses who initially express less confidence in their
identification, there is a greater decrease in accuracy of identification when
the retention interval is longer.
Research on eyewitness identification has appropriately identified the
variables that may affect an individual’s ability to make an accurate iden-
tification. Early research findings played an important role in alerting law
enforcement, prosecutors, defense counsel, and the judiciary to factors that
See J. Dysart and R. C. L. Lindsay, “The Effects of Delay on Eyewitness Identification Ac-
curacy: Should We Be Concerned?” in The Handbook of Eyewitness Psychology: Volume II:
Memory for People, ed. R. C. L. Lindsay, D. F. Ross, J. D. Read, and M. P. Toglia. (Mahwah:
Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates, 2006), 361–373.
Deffenbacher et al., “Forgetting the Once-Seen Face.” More than 20 of the published stud-
ies included in the meta-analysis found no significant effect of retention interval.
J. L. Marcon et al., “Perceptual Identification and the Cross-Race Effect,” Visual Cogni-
tion 18(5): 767–779 (2010) (finding that the cross-race effect was more pronounced when
the retention interval was lengthened). Meissner and Brigham, “Thirty Years of Investigat-
ing the Own-race Bias” [meta-analysis finding that as retention time increased “participants
increasingly adopted a more liberal response criterion when responding to other-race faces.
This liberal response criterion indicated that participants required less evidence from memory
(e.g., familiarity or memorability of the face) to respond that they had previously seen an
other-race face.”].
J. Sauer et al., “The Effect of Retention Interval on the Confidence–Accuracy Relationship
for Eyewitness Identification,” Law and Human Behavior 34: 337–347 (2010) (finding greater
overconfidence at lengthy retention intervals).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
might influence the accuracy of identifications. In some jurisdictions, eye-
witness identification research was used to improve policies and procedures
and to educate and train officers. However, much remains unsettled in many
areas of eyewitness identification research.
While past research appropriately identified system and estimator vari-
ables that may affect an individual’s ability to make an accurate iden-
tification, this research might be strengthened in several ways. Greater
collaboration between the police, courts, and researchers might lead to
increased consensus on research agendas and the conceptualization of vari-
ables to be examined. More attention to reproducibility and transparency
is needed in the selection of data collection strategies and reporting of
data. Analyses need to be reported completely, including estimates of ef-
fects, confidence intervals, and significance levels. Further, in order to be
useful to stakeholders, the statistical findings of this research need to be
translated back into terms that can be readily understood by practice and
policy decision-makers.
Further, our understanding of errors in eyewitness identification will
benefit from more effective research designs, more informative statistical
measures and analyses, more probing analyses of research findings, and
more sophisticated systematic reviews and meta-analyses. In view of the
complexity of the effects of both system and estimator variables, and their
interactions, on eyewitness identification accuracy, better experimental de-
signs that incorporate selected combinations of these variables (e.g., pres-
ence or absence of a weapon, lighting conditions, etc.) will elucidate those
variables with meaningful influence on eyewitness performance, which can
inform law enforcement practice of eyewitness identification procedures. To
date, the eyewitness literature has evaluated procedures mostly in terms of
a single diagnosticity ratio or an ROC curve; even if uncertainty is incorpo-
rated into the analysis, many other powerful tools for evaluating a “binary
classifier” are worthy of consideration.
When primary studies such as those described above are available in
sufficient quantities, it is important that their results are synthesized us-
ing systematic reviews that conform to current best standards.
quantitative reviews would necessarily employ transparent, reproducible
procedures for locating all relevant published and unpublished research;
employ independent, duplicate procedures for selection of studies, extrac-
tion of data, and assessment of risk of bias; use meta-analytic procedures
Hastie, Tibshirani, and Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning.
See, e.g., A. Liberati, et al., “The PRISMA Statement for Reporting Systematic Reviews
and Meta-Analyses of Studies That Evaluate Health Care Interventions: Explanation and
Elaboration,” PLoS Medicine 6(7): e1000100. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000100 (2009) and
Institute of Medicine, Finding What Works in Health Care: Standards For Systematic Reviews
(Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2011).
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
that account for the heterogeneity of outcomes both within and across stud-
ies; and interpret confidence intervals around pooled effects in a way that
is readily understandable by stakeholders. These systematic reviews (which
would be regularly updated as new studies are conducted) can be used to
further refine the research agenda in eyewitness identification research and
to establish priorities for funding of additional primary research.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Findings and Recommendations
yewitnesses make mistakes. Our understanding of how to improve
the accuracy of eyewitness identifications is imperfect and evolving.
In the previous chapters, we described law enforcement procedures
to elicit accurate eyewitness identifications; the courts’ handling of eyewit-
ness identification evidence; the science of visual perception and memory
as it applies to eyewitness identifications; and the contributions of scientific
research to our understanding of the variables that affect the accuracy of
identifications. On the basis of its review, the committee offers its findings
and recommendations for
identifying and facilitating best practices in eyewitness procedures
for the law enforcement community;
strengthening the value of eyewitness identification evidence in
court; and
improving the scientific foundation underpinning eyewitness
The committee is confident that the law enforcement community, while
operating under considerable pressure and resource constraints, is working
to improve the accuracy of eyewitness identifications. These efforts, how-
ever, have not been uniform and often fall short as a result of insufficient
training, the absence of standard operating procedures, and the continuing
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
presence of actions and statements at the crime scene and elsewhere that
may intentionally or unintentionally influence eyewitness’ identifications.
Basic scientific research on human visual perception and memory has
provided an increasingly sophisticated understanding of how these systems
work and how they place principled limits on the accuracy of eyewitness
identification (see Chapter 4).
Basic research alone is insufficient for un-
derstanding conditions in the field and thus has been augmented by studies
applied to such specific practical problem of eyewitness identification (see
Chapter 5). Such applied research has identified key variables that affect
the accuracy and reliability of eyewitness identifications and has been in-
strumental in informing law enforcement, the bar, and the judiciary of the
frailties of eyewitness identification testimony.
A range of best practices has been validated by scientific methods and
research and represents a starting place for efforts to improve eyewitness
identification procedures. A number of law enforcement agencies have, in
fact, adopted research-based best practices. This report makes actionable
recommendations on, for example, the importance of adopting “blinded”
eyewitness identification procedures. It further recommends that standard-
ized and easily understood instructions be provided to eyewitnesses and
calls for the careful documentation of eyewitness’ confidence statements.
Such improvements may be broadly implemented by law enforcement now.
It is important to recognize, however, that, in certain cases, the state of sci-
entific research on eyewitness identification is unsettled. For example, the
relative superiority of competing identification procedures (i.e., simultane-
ous versus sequential lineups) is unresolved.
The field would benefit from collaborative research among scientists
and law enforcement personnel in the identification and validation of new
best practices that can improve eyewitness identification procedures. Such
a foundation can be solidified through the use of more effective research
designs (for example, those that consider more than one variable at a time,
and in different study populations to ensure reproducibility and generaliz-
ability), more informative statistical measures and analyses (i.e., methods
from statistical machine learning and signal detection theory to evaluate
the performance of binary classification tasks), more probing analyses of
research findings (such as analyses of consequences of data uncertainties),
and more sophisticated systematic reviews and meta-analyses (that take
Basic research on vision and memory seeks a comprehensive understanding of how these
systems are organized and how they operate generally. The understanding derived from
basic research includes principles that enable one to predict how a system (such as vision or
memory) might behave under specific conditions (such as those associated with witnessing a
crime), and to identify the conditions under which it will operate most effectively and those
under which it will fail. Applied research, by contrast, empirically evaluates specific hypotheses
about how a system will behave under a particular set of real-world conditions.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
account of current guidelines, including transparency and reproducibility
of methods).
In view of the complexity of the effects of both system and estimator
variables and their interactions on eyewitness identification accuracy, bet-
ter experimental designs that incorporate selected combinations of these
variables (e.g., presence or absence of a weapon, lighting conditions, etc.)
will elucidate those variables with meaningful influence on eyewitness
performance, which can, in turn, inform law enforcement practice of eye-
witness identification procedures. To date, the eyewitness literature has
evaluated procedures mostly in terms of a single diagnosticity ratio or
an ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve; even if uncertainty is
incorporated into the analysis, many other powerful tools for evaluating
a “binary classifier” are available and worthy of consideration.
syntheses of eyewitness research has been limited to meta-analyses that have
not been conducted in the context of systematic reviews. Systematic reviews
of stronger research studies need to conform to current standards and be
translated into terms that are useful for decision-makers.
The committee offers the following recommendations to strengthen the
effectiveness of policies and procedures used to obtain accurate eyewitness
The committee’s review of law enforcement practices and procedures,
coupled with its consideration of the scientific literature, has identified
a number of areas where eyewitness identification procedures could be
strengthened. The practices and procedures considered here involve acquisi-
tion of data that reflect a witness’ identification and the contextual factors
that bear on that identification. A recurrent theme underlying the commit-
tee’s recommendations is development of, and adherence to, guidelines that
are consistent with scientific standards for data collection and reporting.
Recommendation #1: Train All Law Enforcement Officers in Eyewitness
The resolution and accuracy of visual perceptual experience, as well as
the fidelity of our memories to events perceived, may be compromised by
many factors at all stages of processing (see Chapter 4). Perceptual experi-
ences are limited by uncertainties and biased by expectations. Unknown
T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J. H. Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data
Mining, Inference, and Prediction (New York: Springer, 2009).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
to the individual, memories are forgotten, reconstructed, updated, and
distorted. An eyewitness’s memory can be contaminated by a wide variety
of influences, including interaction with the police.
The committee recommends that all law enforcement agencies provide
their officers and agents with training on vision and memory and the vari-
ables that affect them, on practices for minimizing contamination, and on
effective eyewitness identification protocols. In addition to instruction at
the police academy, officers should receive periodic refresher training, and
officers assigned to investigative units should receive in-depth instruction.
Dispatchers should be trained not to “leak” information from one caller
to the next and to ask for information in a non-leading way. Police officers
should be trained to ask open-ended questions, avoid suggestiveness, and
efficiently manage scenes with multiple witnesses (e.g., minimize interac-
tions among witnesses).
Recommendation #2: Implement Double-Blind Lineup and Photo Array
Decades of scientific evidence demonstrate that expectations can bias
perception and judgment and that expectations can be inadvertently com-
Even when lineup administrators scrupulously avoid comments
that could identify which person is the suspect, unintended body gestures,
facial expressions, or other nonverbal cues have the potential to inform the
witness of his or her location in the lineup or photo array.
Double-blinding is central to the scientific method because it minimizes
the risk that experimenters might inadvertently bias the outcome of their
research, finding only what they expected to find. For example, in medical
clinical trials, double-blind designs are crucial to account for experimenter
biases, interpersonal influences, and placebo effects.
To minimize inadvertent bias, double-blinding procedures are some-
times used in which the test administrator does not know the composition
of the photo array or lineup. If administrators are not involved with con-
struction of the lineup and are unaware of the placement of the potential
suspect in the sequence, then they cannot influence the witness.
Some in the law enforcement community have responded to calls for
double-blind lineup administration with concern, citing the potential for
increased financial costs and human resource demands. The committee be-
lieves there are ways to reduce these costs and recommends that police de-
partments consider procedures and new technologies that increase efficiency
of data acquisition under double-blind procedures or those procedures that
closely approximate double-blind procedures. If an administrator who does
See Box 2-1.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
not know the identity of the suspect cannot be assigned to the task, then a
non-blind administrator (one knowing the status of the individuals in the
lineup) might use a computer-automated presentation of lineup photos. If
computer-based presentation technology is unavailable, then the adminis-
trator could place photos in numbered folders that are then shuffled, as is
current practice in some jurisdictions.
The committee recommends blind (double-blind or blinded) admin-
istration of both photo arrays and live lineups and the adoption of clear,
written policies and training on photo array and live lineup administration.
Police should use blind procedures to avoid the unintentional or intentional
exchange of information that might bias an eyewitness. The “blinded”
procedure minimizes the possibility of either intentional or inadvertent
suggestiveness and thus enhances the fairness of the criminal justice system.
Suggestiveness during an identification procedure can result in suppression
of both out-of-court and in-court identifications and thereby seriously
impair the prosecutions’s ability to prove its case beyond a reasonable
doubt. The use of double-blind procedures will eliminate a line of cross-
examination of officers in court.
Recommendation #3: Develop and Use Standardized Witness
The committee recommends the development of a standard set of easily
understood instructions to use when engaging a witness in an identification
Witnesses should be instructed that the perpetrator may or may not
be in the photo array or lineup and that the criminal investigation will
continue regardless of whether the witness selects a suspect. Administrators
should use witness instructions consistently in all photo arrays or lineups,
and can use pre-recorded instructions or read instructions aloud, in the
manner of the mandatory reading of Miranda Rights. Accommodations
should be made when questioning non-English speakers or those with
restricted linguistic ability. Additionally, the committee recommends the
development and use of a standard set of instructions for use with a wit-
ness in a showup.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Recommendation #4: Document Witness Confidence Judgments
Evidence indicates that self-reported confidence at the time of trial is
not a reliable predictor of eyewitness accuracy.
The relationship between
the witness’ stated confidence and accuracy of identifications may be greater
at the moment of initial identification than at the time of trial.
the strength of the confidence-accuracy relationship varies, as it depends
on complex interactions among such factors as environmental conditions,
persons involved, individual emotional states, and more.
Expressions of
confidence in the courtroom often deviate substantially from a witness’
initial confidence judgment, and confidence levels reported long after the
initial identification can be inflated by factors other than the memory of
the suspect. Thus, the committee recommends that law enforcement docu-
ment the witness’ level of confidence verbatim at the time when she or he
first identifies a suspect, as confidence levels expressed at later times are
subject to recall bias, enhancements stemming from opinions voiced by
law enforcement, counsel and the press, and to a host of other factors that
render confidence statements less reliable. During the period between the
commission of a crime and the formal identification procedure, officers
should avoid communications that might affect a witness’ confidence level.
In addition, to avoid increasing a witness’ confidence, the administrator
of an identification procedure should not provide feedback to a witness.
Following a formal identification, the administrator should obtain level
of confidence by witness’ self-report (this report should be given in the
witness’ own words) and document this confidence statement verbatim.
Accommodations should be made for non-English speakers or those with
restricted linguistic ability.
Recommendation #5: Videotape the Witness Identification Process
The committee recommends that the video recording of eyewitness
identification procedures become standard practice.
See, e.g., C. M. Allwood, J. Knutsson, and P. A. Granhag, “Eyewitnesses Under Influence:
How Feedback Affects the Realism in Confidence Judgements,” Psychology, Crime, and Law
12(1): 25–38 (2006); B. H. Bornstein and D. J. Zickafoose, “‘I Know I Know It, I Know I
Saw It’: The Stability of the Confidence-Accuracy Relationship Across Domain,” Journal of
Experimental Psychology-Applied 5(1): 76–88 (1999); P. A. Granhag, L. A. Stromwall, and C.
M. Allwood, “Effects of Reiteration, Hindsight Bias, and Memory on Realism in Eyewitness
Confidence,” Applied Cognitive Psychology 14(5): 397–420 (2000); and H. L. Roediger III,
J. T. Wixted, and K. A. DeSoto, “The Curious Complexity between Confidence and Accuracy
in Reports from Memory” in Memory and Law, ed. L. Nadel and W. P. Sinnott-Armstrong
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012).
See, e.g., J. M. Talarico and D. C. Rubin, “Confidence, Not Consistency, Characterizes
Flashbulb Memories,” Psychological Science 14(5): 455–461 (September 2003).
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Although videotaping does have drawbacks (e.g., costs, witness advo-
cates opposing videotaping of witnesses’ faces, and witnesses not wanting
to be videotaped), it is necessary to obtain and preserve a permanent record
of the conditions associated with the initial identification. When necessary,
efforts should be made to obtain non-intrusive recordings of the initial
identification process and to accommodate non-English speakers or those
with restricted linguistic ability. Measures should also be taken to protect
the identity of eyewitnesses who may be at risk of harm because they make
an identification.
The best guidance for legal regulation of eyewitness identification evi-
dence comes not from constitutional rulings, but from the careful use and
understanding of scientific evidence to guide fact-finders and decision-
makers. The Manson v. Brathwaite test under the Due Process Clause of
the U.S. Constitution for assessing eyewitness identification evidence was
established in 1977, before much applied research on eyewitness identifi-
cation had been conducted. That test evaluates the “reliability” of eyewit-
ness identifications using factors derived from prior rulings and not from
empirically validated sources. As critics have pointed out, the Manson v.
Brathwaite test includes factors that are not diagnostic of reliability. More-
over, the test treats factors such as the confidence of a witness as indepen-
dent markers of reliability when, in fact, it is now well established that
confidence judgments may vary over time and can be powerfully swayed
by many factors. While some states have made minor changes to the due
process framework, (e.g., by altering the list of acceptable “reliability” fac-
tors; see Chapter 3), wholesale reconsideration of this framework is only
a recent development (e.g., the recent decisions by state supreme courts in
New Jersey and Oregon; see Chapter 3).
Recommendation #6: Conduct Pretrial Judicial Inquiry
Eyewitness testimony is a type of evidence where (as with forms of
forensic trace evidence) contamination may occur pre-trial. Judges rarely
make pre-trial inquiries about evidence in criminal cases without one of
the parties first raising an objection. In cases involving eyewitness evidence,
however, parties may not be sufficiently knowledgeable about the relevant
scientific research to raise concerns.
Judges have an affirmative obligation to insure the reliability of evi-
dence presented at trial. To meet this obligation, the committee recom-
mends that, as appropriate, a judge make basic inquiries when eyewitness
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
identification evidence is offered. While the contours of such an inquiry
would need to be established on a case-by-case basis, at a minimum, the
judge could inquire about prior lineups, what information had been given
to the eyewitness before the lineup, what instructions had been given to
the eyewitness in connection with administering the lineup, and whether
the lineup had been administered “blindly.” The judge could also entertain
requests from the parties for additional discovery and could ask the parties
to brief any issues raised by these inquiries. A judge also could review re-
ports of the eyewitness’ confidence and any recordings of the identification
procedures. When assessing the reliability of an identification, a judge could
also inquire as to what eyewitness identification procedures the agency had
in place and the degree to which they were followed. Both pre-trial judicial
inquiries and any subsequent judicial review would create an incentive for
agencies to adopt written eyewitness identification procedures and to docu-
ment the identifications themselves.
If these initial inquiries raise issues with the identification process, a
judge could conduct a pre-trial hearing to review the reliability and admis-
sibility of eyewitness identification evidence and to assess how it should
be treated at trial if found admissible. If indicia of unreliable eyewitness
identifications are present, the judge should apply applicable law in decid-
ing whether to exclude the identifications or whether some lesser sanction
is appropriate. As discussed in the sections that follow, a judge may limit
portions of the testimony of the eyewitness. A judge can also ensure that
the jury is provided with a scientific framework within which to evaluate
the evidence.
Recommendation #7: Make Juries Aware of Prior Identifications
The accepted practice of in-court eyewitness identifications can influ-
ence juries in ways that cross-examination, expert testimony, or jury in-
structions are unable to counter effectively. Moreover, as research suggests
(see Chapters 4 and 5), the passage of time since the initial identification
may mean that a courtroom identification is a less accurate reflection of an
eyewitness’ memory. In-court confidence statements may also be less reli-
able than confidence judgments made at the time of an initial out-of-court
identification; as memory fails and/or confidence grows disproportionately.
The confidence of an eyewitness may increase by the time of the trial as
a result of learning more information about the case, participating in trial
preparation, and experiencing the pressures of being placed on the stand.
An identification of the kind dealt with in this report typically should
not occur for the first time in the courtroom. If no identification procedure
was conducted during the investigation, a judge should consider ordering
that an identification procedure be conducted before trial. In any case,
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
whenever the eyewitness identifies a suspect in the courtroom, it is impor-
tant for jurors to hear detailed information about any earlier identification,
including the procedures used and the confidence expressed by the witness
at that time. The descriptions of prior identifications and confidence at the
time of those earlier out-of-court identifications provide more useful infor-
mation to the fact-finders and decision-makers. Accordingly, the committee
recommends that judges take all necessary steps to make juries aware of
prior identifications, the manner and time frame in which they were con-
ducted, and the confidence level expressed by the eyewitness at the time.
Recommendation #8: Use Scientific Framework Expert Testimony
The committee finds that a scientific framework describing what factors
may influence a witness’ visual experience of an event and the resolution
and fidelity of that experience, as well as factors that underlie and influence
subsequent encoding, storage, and recall of memories of an event, can in-
form the fact-finder in a criminal case. As discussed throughout this report,
many scientifically established aspects of eyewitness memory are counter-
intuitive and may defy expectations. Jurors will likely need assistance in
understanding the factors that may affect the accuracy of an identification.
In many cases this information can be most effectively conveyed by expert
Contrary to the suggestion of some courts, the committee recommends
that judges have the discretion to allow expert testimony on relevant pre-
cepts of eyewitness memory and identifications. Expert witnesses can ex-
plain scientific research in detail, capture the nuances of the research, and
focus their testimony on the most relevant research. Expert witnesses can
convey current information based on the state of the research at the time
of a trial. Expert witnesses can also be cross-examined, and limitations of
the research can be expressed to the jury.
Certainly, qualified experts will not be easy to locate in a given juris-
diction; and indigent defendants may not be able to afford experts absent
court funds. Moreover, once the defense secures an expert, the prosecution
may retain a rebuttal expert, adding complexity to the litigation. Further
investigation may explore the effectiveness of expert witness presentation
of relevant scientific findings compared with jury instructions. Until there
is a clearer understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of this techni-
que, the committee views expert testimony as an appropriate and effective
means of providing the jury with information to assess the strength of the
eyewitness identification.
Expert witnesses should not be permitted to testify without limits. An
expert explaining the relevant scientific framework can describe the state
of the research and focus on the factors that are particularly relevant in a
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
given case. However, an expert must not be allowed to testify beyond the
limits of his or her expertise. Although current scientific knowledge would
allow an expert to inform the jury of factors bearing on their evaluation
of an eyewitness’ identification, the committee has seen no evidence that
the scientific research has reached the point that would properly permit an
expert to opine, directly or through an equivalent hypothetical question, on
the accuracy of an identification by an eyewitness in a specific case.
In many jurisdictions, expert witnesses who can testify regarding eye-
witness identification evidence may be unavailable. In state courts, funding
for expert witnesses may be far more limited than funding in federal courts.
The committee recommends that local jurisdictions make efforts to ensure
that defendants receive funding to obtain access to qualified experts.
Recommendation #9: Use Jury Instructions as an Alternative Means to
Convey Information
The committee recommends the use of clear and concise jury instruc-
tions as an alternative means of conveying information regarding the fac-
tors that the jury should consider.
Jury instructions should explain, in clear language, the relevant prin-
ciples. Like the New Jersey instructions,
the instructions should allow
judges to focus on factors relevant to the specific case, since not all cases
implicate the same factors. Jury instructions do not need to be as detailed
as the New Jersey model instructions and do not need to omit all reference
to underlying research. With the exception of the New Jersey instructions,
jury instructions have tended to address only certain subjects, or to repeat
the problematic Manson v. Brathwaite language, which was not intended
as instructions for jurors.
Appropriate legal organizations, together with law enforcement, pros-
ecutors, defense counsel, and judges, should convene a body to establish
model jury instructions regarding eyewitness identifications.
New Jersey Criminal Model Jury Instructions, Identification (July 19, 2012), available at: New Jersey Court Rule
3:11, Record of an Out-of-Court Identification Procedure (July 19, 2012), available at: http://, New Jersey Court Rule 3:13-3. Discov-
ery and Inspection (July 19, 2012), available at:
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Basic scientific research on visual perception and memory provides
important insight into the factors that can limit the fidelity of eyewitness
identification (see Chapter 4). Research targeting the specific problem of
eyewitness identification (see Chapter 5) complements basic scientific re-
search. However, this strong scientific foundation remains insufficient for
understanding the strengths and limitations of eyewitness identification
procedures in the field. Many of the applied studies on key factors that
directly affect eyewitness performance in the laboratory are not readily ap-
plicable to actual practice and policy. Applied research falls short because
of a lack of reliable or standardized data from the field, a failure to include
a range of practitioners in the establishment of research agendas, the use
of disparate research methodologies, failure to use transparent and repro-
ducible research procedures, and inadequate reporting of research data.
The task of guiding eyewitness identification research toward the goal of
evidence-based policy and practice will require collaboration in the setting
of research agendas and agreement on methods for acquiring, handling,
and sharing data.
Recommendation #10: Establish a National Research Initiative on
Eyewitness Identification
To further our understanding of eyewitness identification, the com-
mittee recommends the establishment of a National Research Initiative on
Eyewitness Identification (hereinafter, the Initiative). The Initiative should
involve the academic research community, law enforcement community, the
federal government, and philanthropic organizations. The Initiative should
(1) establish a research agenda to guide research for the next decade; (2)
formulate practice- and policy-relevant research questions; (3) identify op-
portunities for additional data collection; (4) systematically review research
to examine emerging findings on the impact of system and estimator vari-
ables; (5) translate research findings into policies and procedures that are
both practical and appropriate for law enforcement; and (6) set priorities
and timelines for issues to be addressed, the conduct of research, the devel-
opment of best practices, and formal assessments.
The committee notes that there appear to be few existing partnerships
between the scientific community and law enforcement organizations and
therefore recommends that the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) take a leadership
role working with other federal agencies, such as the National Institute of
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Justice (NIJ), the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), and the Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI), to support such collaborations.
The impact on society of innocents being incarcerated while perpetra-
tors remain free, in conjunction with limited federal resources, highlights
the need for both public and private support for this Initiative.
To enhance the scientific foundation of eyewitness identification re-
search and practice, the Initiative should commit to the following:
a. Include a practice- and data-informed research agenda that incor-
porates input from law enforcement and the courts and establishes
methodological and reporting standards for research to assess the
fundamental performance of various aspects of eyewitness identi-
fication procedures as well as synthesize research findings across
b. Develop protocols and policies for the collection, preservation,
and exchange of field data that can be used jointly by the scien-
tific and law enforcement communities. Data collection procedures
used in the field should be developed to ensure the relevance of
the collected data, to facilitate analysis of the data, and to mini-
mize potential bias and loss of data through incomplete recording
Law enforcement agencies should take the lead in collecting, maintain-
ing, and sharing relevant data from the field. Much of the data that
would be useful for the evaluation of eyewitness identification proce-
dures have been collected in the form of administrative records and
may be readily adapted for use in research. Comprehensive data should
be collected on lineup composition and witness selections (i.e., fillers,
non-identifications, and position of suspect in lineup).
c. Develop and adopt guidelines for the conduct and reporting of
applied scientific research on eyewitness identification that con-
form to the highest scientific standards. All eyewitness research,
including field-based studies, laboratory-based studies, and re-
search synthesis, should use rigorous research methods and pro-
vide detailed reporting of both methods and results, including (1)
pre-registration of all study protocols; (2) investigation of research
questions and hypotheses informed by the needs of practice and
policy; (3) adoption of strict operationalization of key measures
and objective data collection; (4) development of experimental
designs informed by analytical concerns; (5) use of proper statisti-
cal procedures that account for the often nontraditional nature of
data in this field (e.g., estimates of effects with appropriate state-
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
ments of uncertainty, multiple responses from different scenarios
from the same individuals, effects of order and time of presentation
when important, treatment of extreme observations or outliers);
(6) reporting of participant recruitment and selection and assign-
ment to conditions; (7) complete reporting of findings including
effect sizes and associated confidence intervals for both significant
and non-significant effects; and (8) derivation of conclusions that
are grounded firmly in the findings of the study, are framed in the
context of the strengths and limitations of study methodology, and
clearly state their implications for practice and policy decisions.
Strict adherence to guidelines for eyewitness identification research
will result in more credible research findings that can guide policy and
practice. Research that conforms to guidelines will withstand rigorous
scrutiny by peers, will be verifiable through replication, and will permit
inclusion in systematic reviews, leading to greater confidence in the
validity and generalizability of findings.
d. Adopt rigorous standards for systematic reviews and meta-analytic
studies. Meta-analyses of primary studies should be conducted only
in the context of systematic reviews that locate and critically ap-
praise all research findings, including those from unpublished stud-
ies. Analyses should consistently appraise and account for possible
biases in the included research. Studies that do not adequately con-
duct or report research methods, such as randomization, should be
identified in the findings. Sensitivity analyses considering impacts of
lower quality or inadequately reported studies on pooled effect esti-
mates should be conducted and reported. When attempting to draw
conclusions from studies with missing data, reviewers should first
attempt to contact the authors of the research for additional infor-
mation. When missing data cannot be retrieved from researchers,
imputation methods should, if used, be specific, transparent, and
reproducible. Statistical methods for meta-analysis should conform
to current best practice, using models appropriate to the level of
heterogeneity of results across studies, computing both point esti-
mates and confidence intervals around effect sizes, and translating
the results of meta-analyses into terms that are both understand-
able and useful to practice and policy decision makers.
e. Provide basic instruction for police, prosecutors, defense counsel,
and judges on aspects of the scientific method relevant to eye-
witness identifications procedures (e.g., the rationale for blinded
administration), including principles of research design and the un-
certainties associated with data analysis. Training should cover the
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
importance of data collection and interpretation, including the role
of standardized eyewitness identification procedures and documen-
tation of witness statements of confidence. Competencies acquired
through such training (quantitative reasoning, understanding prin-
ciples of research design, and recognition of data uncertainties)
are likely to apply to issues beyond eyewitness identification. For
example, the knowledge and skills from training can be applied to
other issues that personnel face, either in forensic science technolo-
gies or in process administration, evaluation, and quality improve-
ment. Similarly, scientists will benefit from a greater knowledge
of legal issues, standards, and procedures related to the problem
of eyewitness identification. Training of both communities (law
and science) will enhance communication and lead to productive
The collaborative research initiative between researchers and law en-
forcement communities will be challenging as it will necessitate (1) stan-
dardized police procedures;
(2) systematic valid evidence collection and
data entry and analysis; and (3) education and training for both research-
ers and law enforcement professionals on the differences between these
two communities in their use of terms and considerations of standards of
evidence and uncertainties in data. These three elements of a collaborative
initiative are critical to advancing the science related to eyewitness identifi-
cations, as each bears directly on the integrity of the foundation upon which
the efficacy and validity of current and future practices will be judged.
Without such a foundation, practical advances in our scientific understand-
ing are unlikely to occur.
The committee further recommends that the Initiative support research
to better understand the following: (1) the variables that affect the accu-
racy, precision, and reliability of eyewitness identifications, and how those
variables interact and vary in practice; (2) the (possibly joint) impact of
estimator and system variables on both identification accuracy and response
bias; (3) best practices for probing witness memory with the least potential
for bias or contamination; (4) best strategies to assess witnesses’ confidence
levels when making an identification; (5) appropriate types of instructions
for police, witnesses, and juries to best inform and facilitate the collection
and interpretation of eyewitness identifications; (6) photo array composi-
The term standardized procedures refers to the notion that professionals reliably follow
the same set of steps or procedures. Such standardization ensures that data across cases can
be considered comparable and, to a greater extent, more reliable. Although reliability is not
equivalent to validity, it is essential before researchers can assess questions of validity. Without
standardized procedures, valid comparisons between departments and regions of the country
cannot be achieved.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
tion and procedures; (7) identification procedures in the field (showups);
(8) innovative technologies that might increase the reliability of eyewit-
ness testimony (e.g., algorithm-based computer face recognition software,
computer administered photo arrays, and mobile technologies with photo
identification programs); and (9) the most effective means of informing
jurors how to consider the factors that affect the strengths and weaknesses
of eyewitness identification evidence.
Recommendation #11: Conduct Additional Research on System and
Estimator Variables
Among the many variables that can affect eyewitness identification,
the procedures for constructing a lineup have received the greatest atten-
tion in recent years. As discussed in Chapter 5, the question as to whether
a simultaneous or sequential lineup is preferred is a specific case of the
more general question of what conditions might improve the performance
of an eyewitness. The answer to that question depends upon the criteria
used to evaluate performance, and much of the debate has thus focused on
the analysis tools for evaluation. These tools have improved significantly
over the years, beginning with the use of a diagnosticity ratio, which uses
the likelihood that the person identified is actually guilty as an evaluation
criterion. More recently, the diagnosticity ratio approach has been aug-
mented by analysis of Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC analysis),
which uses a measure of discriminability (i.e., a measure of how well the
witness can discriminate between different possible matches to his or her
memory of the face of the culprit) as an evaluation criterion. In principle,
ROC analysis is a positive step, if only because it incorporates more infor-
mation (i.e., the earlier diagnosticity ratio is one component of the ROC
analysis). But a more complex question concerns how policy-makers and
practitioners should weigh the two evaluation criteria that have been con-
sidered thus far—likelihood of guilt and discriminability—when making a
decision about which lineup procedures to adopt. The answer is particularly
nuanced because the two criteria do not always lead to the same conclusion;
one lineup procedure may yield poorer discriminability while at the same
time increasing the likelihood that the identified person is actually guilty.
The committee concludes that there should be no debate about the
value of greater discriminability—to promote a lineup procedure that yields
less discriminability would be akin to advocating that the lineup be per-
formed in dim instead of bright light. For this reason, the committee rec-
ommends broad use of statistical tools that can render a discriminability
measure to evaluate eyewitness performance. But a lineup procedure that
improves discriminability can yield greater or lesser likelihood of correct
identification, depending on how the procedure is applied (see Chapter 5).
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
For lineup procedures that yield greater discriminability, greater likelihood
of correct identification would appear preferable and can be achieved by
methods that elicit a more conservative response bias, such as a sequential
(relative to simultaneous) lineup procedure.
The committee thus recom-
mends a rigorous exploration of methods that can lead to more conser-
vative responding (such as witness instructions) but do not compromise
In view of these considerations of performance criteria and recom-
mendations about analysis tools, can we draw definitive conclusions about
which lineup procedure (sequential or simultaneous) is preferable? At this
point, the answer is no. Using discriminability as a criterion, there is, as
yet, not enough evidence for the advantage of one procedure over another.
The committee thus recommends that caution and care be used when con-
sidering changes to any existing lineup procedure, until such time as there
is clear evidence for the advantages of doing so. From a larger perspective,
the identification of factors (such as specific lineup procedures or states of
other system variables) that can objectively improve eyewitness identifica-
tion performance must be among the top priorities for this field. This leads
us to three additional recommendations.
a. The committee recommends a broad exploration of the merits of
different statistical tools for use in the evaluation of eyewitness
performance. ROC analysis represents an improvement over a
single diagnosticity ratio, yet there are well-documented quantita-
tive shortcomings to the ROC approach. But are there alternatives?
As noted in Chapter 5, the task facing an eyewitness is a binary
classification task and there exist many powerful statistical tools
for evaluation of binary classification performance that are widely
used, for example, in the field of machine learning. While none
of these tools has been vetted for application to the problem of
eyewitness identification, they offer a potentially rich resource for
future investigation in this field.
b. The alternative (sequential) lineup procedure was introduced as
part of an effort to improve eyewitness performance. While, as
noted above, it remains unclear whether the procedure has im-
proved eyewitness performance, that goal is still primary. In an
effort to achieve that goal, many studies over the past three de-
cades have explored the possibility that other factors may also
affect performance, but until recently these investigations have not
The committee stresses, however, that adoption of a more conservative response bias neces-
sitates a compromise by which fewer lineup “picks” are made overall and thus fewer guilty
suspects are identified (see Chapter 5).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
evaluated performance using a discriminability measure. The com-
mittee therefore recommends a broad exploration of the effects of
different system variables (e.g., additional variants on lineup pro-
cedures, witness lineup instructions) and estimator variables (e.g.
presence or absence of weapon, elapsed time between incident and
identification task, levels of stress) and—importantly—interactions
between these variables using either the ROC approach or other
tools for evaluation of binary classifiers that can be shown to have
advantages over existing analytical methods.
c. Building upon the committee’s call for a practice- and data-in-
formed research agenda that incorporates input from law enforce-
ment and the courts and establishes methodological and reporting
standards for research, the committee recommends that the sci-
entific community engaged in studies of eyewitness identification
performance work closely with law enforcement to identify other
system and estimator variables that might influence performance
and practical issues that might preclude certain strategies for influ-
encing performance. In addition, the committee recommends that
policy decisions regarding changes in procedure should be made on
the basis of evidence of superiority and should be made in consulta-
tion with police departments to determine which procedure yields
the best combination of performance and practicality.
Eyewitness identification can be a powerful tool. As this report indi-
cates, however, the malleable nature of human visual perception, memory,
and confidence; the imperfect ability to recognize individuals; and policies
governing law enforcement procedures can result in mistaken identifications
with significant consequences. New law enforcement training protocols,
standardized procedures for administering lineups, improvements in the
handling of eyewitness identification in court, and better data collection and
research on eyewitness identification can improve the accuracy of eyewit-
ness identifications.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Appendix A
Biographical Information of
Committee and Staff
Thomas D. Albright, Ph.D., (NAS) is Professor and Conrad T. Prebys Chair
in Vision Research at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, where he
joined the faculty in 1986. Dr. Albright is also Director of the Salk Institute
Center for the Neurobiology of Vision, Adjunct Professor of Psychology
and Neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego, and Visiting
Centenary Professor at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Dr. Albright is an authority on the neural basis of visual perception,
memory, and visually guided behavior. Probing the relationship between
the activity of brain cells and perceptual state, his laboratory seeks to un-
derstand how visual perception is affected by attention, behavioral goals,
and memories of previous experiences. His discoveries address the ways in
which context influences visual perceptual experience and the mechanisms
of visual associative memory and visual imagery. An important goal of this
work is the development of therapies for blindness and perceptual impair-
ments resulting from disease, trauma, or developmental disorders of the
brain. A second aim of Dr. Albright’s work is to use our growing knowledge
of brain, perception, and memory to inform design in architecture and the
arts, and to leverage societal decisions and public policy.
Albright received a Ph.D. in psychology and neuroscience from Princ-
eton University in 1983. He is a recipient of numerous honors for his
work, including the National Academy of Sciences Award for Initiatives in
Research. Dr. Albright is a member of the National Academy of Sciences,
a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, a fellow of the
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
American Association for the Advancement of Science, and an associate
of the Neuroscience Research Program. He is currently president of the
Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture; a member of the National
Academy of Sciences Committee on Science, Technology, and Law; and
serves on the Scientific Advisory Committee for the Indian National Brain
Research Center.
Jed S. Rakoff, J.D., has been a United States District Judge for the Southern
District of New York since 1996. Prior to his appointment, he was a federal
prosecutor (1973–1980) and a criminal defense lawyer at two large New
York law firms (1980–1995). Judge Rakoff is coauthor of 5 books and the
author of more than 110 published articles, 500 speeches, and 1,200 judi-
cial opinions. He has been an Adjunct Professor at Columbia Law School
since 1988, teaching upper class seminars in science and the law, class ac-
tions, white collar crime, and the interplay of civil and criminal law.
Judge Rakoff is a Commissioner on the National Commission on Fo-
rensic Science and is a former member of the Governance Board of the
MacArthur Foundation Initiative on Law and Neuroscience. He was a mem-
ber of the National Research Council Committee on the Development of
the Third Edition of the Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence and the
Committee on the Review of the Scientific Approaches Used During the FBI’s
Investigation of the 2001 Bacillus anthracis Mailings. He is a member of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Law Institute.
He is a Judicial Fellow at the American College of Trial Lawyers, a former
director of the New York Council of Defense Lawyers, and former chair of
the Criminal Law Committee, New York City Bar Association.
Judge Rakoff received a B.A. from Swarthmore College in 1964, an
M.Phil. from Oxford University in 1966, and a J.D. from Harvard Law
School in 1969.
William G. Brooks III is the Chief of the Norwood, Massachusetts Police
Department. He began his tenure on May 1, 2012. He served as the Deputy
Chief with the Wellesley Police Department from 2000 to 2012. As Deputy
Chief, Brooks was involved in hiring, discipline, administration, budget-
ing, training, and multi-agency coordination. Prior to 2000, he served as a
patrolman with the Westwood Police Department from 1977 to 1982 and
as an officer with the Norwood Police Department from 1982 to 2000.
In Norwood, he served as a patrolman and sergeant and as a detective
sergeant for 14 years, supervising all criminal investigations conducted by
detectives. Chief Brooks has been a police academy instructor for 30 years
and a presenter on eyewitness identification for 6 years. He presents nation-
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
ally on behalf of the Innocence Project, is a member of the Massachusetts
Supreme Judicial Court’s Study Committee on Eyewitness Identification,
and was the 2012 recipient of the Innocence Network’s Champion of Jus-
tice Award. Chief Brooks holds a master’s degree in criminal justice and is
a graduate of the FBI National Academy.
Joe S. Cecil, Ph.D., J.D, is a Project Director in the Division of Research at
the Federal Judicial Center. Currently, he is directing the Center’s Program
on Scientific and Technical Evidence. As director, Dr. Cecil is responsible
for judicial education and training in the area of scientific and technical evi-
dence and served as principal editor of the first two editions of the Center’s
Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, which is the primary source book
on evidence for federal judges. He also has published several articles on the
use of court-appointed experts. Dr. Cecil is currently directing a research
project that examines the difficulties that arise with expert testimony in
federal courts, with an emphasis on clinical medical testimony and forensic
science evidence. Other areas of research interest include federal civil and
appellate procedure, jury competence in complex civil litigation, and assess-
ment of rule of law in emerging democracies. Dr. Cecil serves on the edito-
rial boards of social science and legal journals. He previously served on
the National Academies’ Panel on Confidentiality and Data Access and the
Committee on Identifying the Needs of the Forensic Sciences Community.
He currently is a member of the National Academy of Sciences’ Commit-
tee on Science, Technology, and Law and was a member of its Access to
Research Data: Balancing Risks and Opportunities subcommittee. Dr. Cecil
received his doctorate (in psychology) and law degree from Northwestern
Winrich Freiwald, Ph.D., is Assistant Professor, Laboratory of Neural
Systems, The Rockefeller University. Dr. Freiwald is interested in the neu-
ral processes that form object representations as well as those that allow
attention to make those representations available for social behavior and
cognition. Dr. Freiwald co-discovered a specialized neural machinery for
face processing located in the temporal and frontal lobes of the brain.
He and his colleagues further showed that this machinery is composed
of a small network of a fixed number of face selective regions, termed
face patches, each dedicated to a different aspect of face processing and
all closely connected with each other. Dr. Freiwald’s laboratory aims to
understand the inner workings of this system, from the level of individual
cells to the interactions of brain areas, in order to answer questions such
as: How does face selectivity emerge in a single cell? How is information
transformed from one face patch to another? What is the contribution of
each face patch to different face recognition abilities like the recognition of
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
a friend or a smile? How do the different face patches interact in different
tasks? And how is information extracted from a patch when a perceptual
decision is made?
Dr. Freiwald, a native of Oldenburg, Germany, performed his gradu-
ate work at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt and
received his Ph.D. from Tübingen University in 1998. He then joined the In-
stitute for Brain Research at the University of Bremen as a lecturer. Starting
in 2001, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
and the Hanse Institute for Advanced Study in Delmenhorst, Germany. He
was head of the primate brain imaging group at the Centers for Advanced
Imaging and Cognitive Sciences in Bremen from 2004 to 2008 and a visit-
ing associate at the California Institute of Technology in 2009. He joined
The Rockefeller University as assistant professor in 2009. Dr. Freiwald
was named a Pew Scholar in 2010, a McKnight Scholar in 2011, and a
NYSCF—Robertson Neuroscience Investigator in 2013.
Brandon L. Garrett is the Roy L. and Rosamond Woodruff Morgan Pro-
fessor of Law at the University of Virginia Law School. Garrett joined the
law faculty in 2005. His research and teaching interests include criminal
procedure, wrongful convictions, habeas corpus, corporate crime, scientific
evidence, civil rights, civil procedure, and constitutional law.
Mr. Garrett’s recent research includes studies of DNA exonerations,
organizational prosecutions, and eyewitness identification procedures in
Virginia. In 2011, Harvard University Press published Mr. Garrett’s book,
Convicting the Innocent: Where Criminal Prosecutions Go Wrong, exam-
ining the cases of the first 250 people to be exonerated by DNA testing.
In 2013, Foundation Press published his co-authored casebook, Federal
Habeas Corpus: Executive Detention and Post-Conviction Litigation.
Mr. Garrett is currently completing a new book, in contract with Harvard
University Press, examining corporate prosecutions.
Mr. Garrett attended Columbia Law School, where he was an articles
editor of the Columbia Law Review and a Kent Scholar. After graduating,
he clerked for the Honorable Pierre N. Leval of the United States Court of
Appeals for the Second Circuit. He then worked as an associate at Neufeld,
Scheck & Brustin LLP in New York City.
Karen Kafadar, Ph.D., is Commonwealth Professor and Chair of Statistics
at the University of Virginia. Dr. Kafadar received her B.S. in mathemat-
ics and M.S. in statistics at Stanford University and her Ph.D. instatis-
tics from Princeton University. Before joining the Statistics Department in
2014, she was Mathematical Statistician at the National Institute of Stan-
dards and Technology, member of the technical staff at Hewlett Packard’s
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
RF/Microwave R&D Department, Fellow in the Division of Cancer Pre-
vention at National Cancer Institute, Professor and Chancellor’s Scholar at
University of Colorado-Denver, and Rudy Professor of Statistics at Indiana
University-Bloomington. Her research focuses on robust methods, explor-
atory data analysis, characterization of uncertainty in the physical, chemi-
cal, biological, and engineering sciences, and methodology for the analysis
of screening trials, with awards from CDC, American Statistical Association
(ASA), and American Society for Quality.
Kafadar was editor of Technometrics and the review section of the
Journal of the American Statistical Association and is currently Biology,
Medicine, and Genetics Editor for The Annals for Applied Statistics. She
has served on several National Research Council committees and is a past
or present member on the governing boards for ASA, Institute of Math-
ematical Statistics, International Statistical Institute, and National Institute
of Statistical Sciences. She is a Fellow of the ASA, the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, and the International Statistics Institute;
she has authored more than 100 journal articles and book chapters; and
has advised numerous M.S. and Ph.D. students.
A.J. Kramer, J.D., is Federal Public Defender for the District of Columbia.
He earned a Bachelor’s of Arts from Stanford University (1975), followed
by a Juris Doctorate from the Boalt Hall School of Law at the University
of California at Berkeley (1979). Mr. Kramer clerked for the Honorable
Procter Hug, Jr., at the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir-
cuit in Reno, Nevada. He spent seven years as an Assistant Federal Public
Defender in San Francisco, California, followed by three years as the Chief
Assistant Federal Public Defender in Sacramento, California. He taught
legal research and writing at Hastings College of the Law, University of
California, San Francisco from 1982 to 1988. Mr. Kramer was appointed
Federal Public Defender for the District of Columbia in 1990.
A permanent faculty member at the National Criminal Defense College
in Macon, Georgia, and at the Western Trial Advocacy Institute in Laramie,
Wyoming, Mr. Kramer is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Law-
yers. He is currently a member of the American Bar Association Criminal
Justice Section Council and a member of the United States Judicial Confer-
ence Advisory Committee on the Rules of Evidence.
Scott McNamara, J.D., graduated from Syracuse University with a major
in mathematics. Mr. McNamara attended Vermont Law School, graduat-
ing cum laude in 1991. On July 20, 1992, he became an Oneida County
Assistant District Attorney. As such, he handled thousands of cases with
a concentration in narcotic and homicide prosecutions. McNamara was
the Bureau Chief of the Narcotics Unit for twelve years, and he was also
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
the First Assistant District Attorney for six years. During his years in the
District Attorney’s Office, he was a member and the lead prosecutor as-
signed to the Oneida County Drug Task Force. He also chaired the Oneida
County District Attorney’s Office Death Penalty Committee. From 2001
to 2006, Mr. McNamara represented the District Attorney’s Office on the
Joint Terrorism Task Force. In January of 2007, Mr. McNamara took office
as the Oneida County District Attorney and has since been elected, and re-
elected, by the citizens of Oneida County. His tenure as District Attorney
has been one of proactive engagement and problem-solving. He has created
an Economic Crime Unit, a Conviction Integrity Unit, and he has appointed
a community liaison to improve communication and accessibility between
the District Attorney’s Office and the diverse population it serves. In addi-
tion, Mr. McNamara initiated a strategy of video recording all police inter-
rogations in Oneida County. He has always maintained that his goal as the
county’s chief law enforcement officer is to continue the legacy of bringing
justice to those victimized by crime while recognizing the need to safeguard
and enhance fairness within the legal system.
For 10 years, Mr. McNamara taught search and seizure at the
Mohawk Valley Police Academy. He was also an adjunct instructor at
Mohawk Valley Community College, where he taught both criminal law
and constitutional criminal procedural law. McNamara currently is an
adjunct instructor at Utica College, where he teaches legal concepts of
criminal fraud.
Charles Alexander Morgan III, M.D., is Associate Clinical Professor of Psy-
chiatry, Yale University School of Medicine. Over the course of twenty years
at Yale University and the Neurobiological Studies Unit of National Center
for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Dr. Morgan’s neurobiological and foren-
sic research has established him as an international expert in posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD), in eyewitness memory, and in human performance
under conditions of high stress. He is a forensic psychiatrist and has testified
as an expert on memory and PTSD at the International Tribunal on War
Crimes, the Hague, Netherlands. Dr. Morgan is subject matter expert in the
selection and assessment of U.S. Military Special Operations and Special
Mission Units. His work has provided insight into the psycho-neurobiology
of resilience in elite soldiers and has contributed to the training mission of
U.S. Army special programs. For his work in the special operations com-
munity, Dr. Morgan was awarded the U.S. Army Award for Patriotic Service
in 2008. In 2010, Dr. Morgan was awarded the Sir Henry Welcome Medal
and Prize for his research on enhancing cognitive performance under stress
in special operations personnel. In 2011, Dr. Morgan deployed to Afghani-
stan as an operational advisor with the Asymmetric Warfare Group.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Elizabeth A. Phelps, Ph.D., is Silver Professor of Psychology and Neural
Science at New York University. Her research examines the cognitive neu-
roscience of emotion, learning, and memory. Her primary focus has been
to understand how human learning and memory are changed by emotion
and to investigate the neural systems mediating their interactions. She has
approached this topic from a number of different perspectives, with an aim
of achieving a more global understanding of the complex relations between
emotion and memory. As much as possible, Dr. Phelps has tried to let the
questions drive the research, not the techniques or traditional definitions
of research areas. Dr. Phelps has used a number of techniques (behavioral
studies, physiological measurements, brain-lesion studies, fMRI) and has
collaborated with a number of people in other domains (social and clini-
cal psychologists, psychiatrists, neuroscientists, economists, physicists).
Dr. Phelps received a Ph.D. in neuroscience from Princeton University.
Daniel J. Simons, Ph.D., is a professor in the department of psychology at
the University of Illinois, where he heads the Visual Cognition Laboratory.
His research explores the limits of awareness and memory, the reasons why
we often are unaware of those limits, and the implications of such limits
for our personal and professional lives. He is best known for his research
that demonstrates how people are far less aware of their visual surround-
ings than they think.
Dr. Simons received his B.A. from Carleton College and his Ph.D. in
experimental psychology from Cornell University. He then spent 5 years
on the faculty at Harvard University before being recruited to Illinois in
2002. He has published more than 50 articles for professional journals,
and his work has been supported by the National Institutes of Health, the
National Science Foundation, and the Office of Naval Research. He is a
Fellow and Charter Member of the Association for Psychological Science
and an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, and he has received many awards for his
research and teaching, including the 2003 Early Career Award from the
American Psychological Association. His research adopts methods ranging
from real-world and video-based approaches to computer-based psycho-
physical techniques, and it includes basic behavioral measures, survey and
individual difference methods, simulator studies, and training studies. This
diversity of approaches helps establish closer links between basic research
on the mechanisms of attention, perception, memory, and awareness and
how those mechanisms operate in the real world.
In addition to his scholarly research, Dr. Simons is the co-author (with
Christopher Chabris) of the New York Times bestselling book, The Invis-
ible Gorilla. He has penned articles for the New York Times, the Wall Street
Journal, the Los Angeles Times, and the Chicago Tribune (among others),
and he appears regularly on radio and television.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Anthony D. Wagner, Ph.D., is a Professor of Psychology and Neurosci-
ence and Co-Director, Center for Cognitive and Neurobiological Imaging,
Stanford University. He is also Director of the Stanford Memory Labora-
tory. At Stanford since 2003, Dr. Wagner’s research explores how the brain
supports learning, memory, and executive function. In addition to his basic
science, his research examines memory dysfunction in clinical populations
and the role of neuroscience evidence in legal and educational settings.
He is on the faculty in the Psychology Department and participates in the
Neurosciences Program, the Symbolic Systems Program, the Human Biol-
ogy Program, and the Stanford Center for Longevity. Externally, he is a
member of the MacArthur Foundation’s Research Network on Law and
Neuroscience. He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advance-
ment of Science, and a recipient of the American Psychological Associa-
tion’s Distinguished Scientific Award for Early Career Contribution, among
other honors. Dr. Wagner received a Ph.D. in psychology from Stanford
University in 1997.
Joanne Yaffe, Ph.D., is Professor, College of Social Work, University of
Utah and Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, University
of Utah. Her scholarly interests are in evidence based practice and using
scientific knowledge for policy and practice decisions. She is particularly
interested in the synthesis of research through systematic reviews and
meta-analysis, and, with colleagues in the United Kingdom, was funded
by the Cochrane Collaboration to develop guidelines for reporting sys-
tematic reviews without included studies. She is affiliated with the Social
Welfare Coordinating Group and the Knowledge Translation Group of
the Campbell Collaboration and has worked with the Methods Group of
the Cochrane Collaboration. Dr. Yaffe is a member of the International
Advisory Group for CONSORT-SPI, which has developed guidelines for
the reporting of randomized trials for complex social and psychological
interventions. Dr. Yaffe received a B.S. in Psychology from University of
Massachusetts, an M.S.W. from the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D.
in Social Work and Psychology from the University of Michigan. She has
advanced training in systematic reviews and meta-analysis.
Anne-Marie Mazza, Ph.D., is the Director of the Committee on Science,
Technology, and Law. Dr. Mazza joined the National Academies in 1995.
She has served as Senior Program Officer with both the Committee on
Science, Engineering and Public Policy and the Government-University-
Industry Research Roundtable. In 1999, she was named the first director of
the Committee on Science, Technology, and Law, a newly created activity
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
designed to foster communication and analysis among scientists, engineers,
and members of the legal community. Dr. Mazza has been the study director
on numerous Academy reports including, Reference Manual on Scientific
Evidence, 3rd Edition (2011); Review of the Scientific Approaches Used
During the FBI’s Investigation of the 2001 Anthrax Letters (2011); Manag-
ing University Intellectual Property in the Public Interest (2010); Strength-
ening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward (2009); Science
and Security in A Post 9/11 World (2007); Reaping the Benefits of Genomic
and Proteomic Research: Intellectual Property Rights, Innovation, and
Public Health (2005); and Intentional Human Dosing Studies for EPA
Regulatory Purposes: Scientific and Ethical Issues (2004). Between October
1999 and October 2000, Dr. Mazza divided her time between the National
Academies and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy,
where she served as a Senior Policy Analyst responsible for issues associated
with a Presidential Review Directive on the government-university research
partnership. Before joining the Academy, Dr. Mazza was a Senior Consul-
tant with Resource Planning Corporation. She is a fellow of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science. Dr. Mazza was awarded a
B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from The George Washington University.
Arlene F. Lee, J.D., is the Board Director for the Committee on Law and
Justice (CLAJ). Prior to joining CLAJ, Ms. Lee was the Director of Policy
at the Center for the Study of Social Policy, where she focused on helping
federal and state elected officials develop research-informed policies and
funding to improve results for children and families. In this capacity, she
oversaw, a leading national resource for results-based
policy. Previously she was the Executive Director of the Maryland Gov-
ernor’s Office for Children, where she chaired the Children’s Cabinet and
was responsible for the cabinet’s fund of 60+ million dollars annually. She
has served as the Deputy Director of the Georgetown University Center for
Juvenile Justice Reform, Director of the Federal Resource Center for Chil-
dren of Prisoners, and Youth Strategies Manager for the Governor’s Office
of Crime Control and Prevention. Ms. Lee is also the author of numerous
articles and coauthored The Impact of the Adoption and Safe Families
Act on Children of Incarcerated Parents. She has a B.A. in Sociology from
Washington College and a J.D. from Washington College of Law, American
University. As a result of her work, Ms. Lee was named one of Maryland’s
Top 100 Women and has received three Governor’s Citations.
Steven Kendall, Ph.D., is Program Officer for the Committee on Science,
Technology, and Law. Dr. Kendall has contributed to numerous Academy
reports including the Reference Manual on Scientific Evidence, 3rd Edition
(2011); Review of the Scientific Approaches Used During the FBI’s Inves-
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
tigation of the 2001 Anthrax Mailings (2011); Managing University Intel-
lectual Property in the Public Interest (2010); and Strengthening Forensic
Science in the United States: A Path Forward (2009). Dr. Kendall received
his Ph.D. from the Department of the History of Art and Architecture at
the University of California, Santa Barbara, where he wrote a dissertation
on 19th century British painting. He received his M.A. in Victorian Art and
Architecture at the University of London. Prior to joining the National Re-
search Council in 2007, Dr. Kendall worked at the Smithsonian American
Art Museum and The Huntington in San Marino, California.
Karolina Konarzewska is Program Coordinator for the Committee on Sci-
ence, Technology, and Law. Ms. Konzarzewska received a B.A. in Political
Science from the College of Staten Island, City University of New York and
an M.A. in International Relations, New York University. Prior to joining
The National Academies, she worked at various research institutions in
Washington, DC, where she covered political and economic issues pertain-
ing to Europe, Russia, and Eurasia.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Appendix B
Committee Meeting Agendas
Meeting 1
Washington, DC
Monday, 2 December 2013
8:00 Continental Breakfast
8:30 Opening Remarks and Introductions
Thomas D. Albright, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Jed S. Rakoff, U.S. District Court for the Southern District
of New York
8:45–9:30 Charge to the Committee
Anne Milgram, Laura and John Arnold Foundation
9:30–11:00 The Science of Memory—A Dynamic Process
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Daniel L. Schacter, Harvard University (via
John T. Wixted, University of California, San Diego
11:00–11:15 Break
11:15–12:00 Overview of Eyewitness Identification
Gary L. Wells, Iowa State University
12:00–1:00 Lunch
1:00–2:30 Meta-Analytical Reviews of System and Estimator
Nancy K. Steblay, Augsburg College
Christian A. Meissner, Iowa State University
Kenneth Deffenbacher, University of Nebraska at Omaha
2:30–3:00 Strengths and Weaknesses of Eyewitness Research
Steven D. Penrod, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
3:00–3:30 General Acceptance of Eyewitness Testimony Research
Saul Kassin, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
3:30–3:45 Break
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
3:45–4:15 Simultaneous and Sequential Lineups
Roy S. Malpass, University of Texas at El Paso
4:15–5:15 Perspectives on Eyewitness Identification
John Firman, International Association of Chiefs of Police
David LaBahn, Association of Prosecuting Attorneys
Kristine Hamann, National District Attorney’s Association
Barry Scheck, The Innocence Project
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
9:30–10:15 Police Practices
Joseph Salemme, Chicago Police Department
Rob Davis, Police Executive Research Forum
10:15–11:45 Judicial Findings and Recommendations—Including Jury
The Honorable Robert J. Kane, Supreme Judicial Study
Group on Eyewitness Identification (MA)
The Honorable Geoffrey Gaulkin, Special Master, State v.
Henderson (NJ)
The Honorable Paul De Muniz, Oregon Supreme Court
The Honorable Barbara Hervey, Texas Court of Criminal
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
11:45–12:30 Research on Jury Instructions
Shari Seidman Diamond, Northwestern University and
American Bar Foundation
David V. Yokum, University of Arizona
CLOSED SESSION: 12:30–2:00
Meeting 2
Washington, DC
Thursday, 6 February 2014
8:30–8:45 Opening Remarks and Introductions
Thomas D. Albright, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Jed S. Rakoff, U.S. District Court for the Southern District
of New York
8:45–9:30 The Illinois Pilot Program on Sequential Double-Blind
Identification Procedures
Sheri Mecklenburg, U.S. Department of Justice
9:30–10:15 Face Recognition and Human Identification
P. Jonathon Phillips, National Institute of Standards and
10:15–10:30 Break
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
10:30–11:15 Evaluating Eyewitness Research in Court: Moving from
General to Specific Inference
John Monahan, University of Virginia
11:15–12:00 Eyewitness Identification from the Perspective of State
Attorney Generals
Peter Kilmartin, State of Rhode Island
12:00–12:45 Lunch
12:45–1:30 Costs and Benefits of Eyewitness Identification Reforms
Steven E. Clark, University of California, Riverside
1:30–2:30 Misinformation and the Creation of False Memories
Elizabeth Loftus, University of California, Irvine—via
2:30–3:15 Obtaining Better Descriptive Information: The Use of the
Cognitive Interview
Ronald Fisher, Florida International University
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Friday, 7 February 2014
Meeting 3
Washington, DC
Thursday, 24 April 2014
10:30 Welcome
Thomas D. Albright, Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Jed S. Rakoff, U.S. District Court for the Southern District
of New York
10:35–11:30 Photo Arrays in Eyewitness Identification Procedures
Karen L. Amendola, Police Foundation
CLOSED SESSION: 11:45–5:00
Friday, 25 April 2014
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
Appendix C
Consideration of Uncertainty in
Data on the Confidence-Accuracy
Relationship and the Receiver Operating
Characteristic (ROC) Curve
What has happened is history. What might have happened is science and
technology. So what you are really interested in is what might have hap-
pened if you could do it all over again.
John W. Tukey, 18 November 1992, in a
discussion of assessing the uncertainty in cancer
mortality rates at the National Cancer Institute
Both the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) and the confidence–
accuracy relationship involve data (usually, as the proportions of par-
ticipants in a given study that meet some criterion) and hence are subject
to various sources of uncertainty, including measurement error, random
variations from external conditions, and biases (such as the tendency to
respond “conservatively” or “liberally”; see examples of these biases in
Chapter 5). Appendix C focuses on quantification of uncertainty in some
of the errors caused by measurement and other random sources. Because
the confidence-based ROC curve is justified by an implicit assumption that
confidence and accuracy are related, the first section of this appendix dis-
cusses the incorporation of uncertainty when assessing the strength of the
confidence–accuracy relationship, and the second section does the same for
the ROC curve. In what follows, HR denotes the hit rate (or “sensitivity”
of a procedure on which the confidence–accuracy relationship or ROC is
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
being constructed), and FAR (or, 1 – specificity; see Chapter 5) denotes the
false alarm rate.
When authors talk about the confidence–accuracy relationship, they
usually are referring to a correlation coefficient or to a slope of the line
fitted to the points (C, A), where a measure of the eyewitness’ expressed
confidence level C is on the x-axis, and a measure of the witnesses’s ac-
curacy A is on the y-axis. However one measures the significance of the
confidence–accuracy relationship (e.g., in either a correlation coefficient or
a slope of the line fitted to the [C, A] points), it is important to note that
both expressed confidence level (C) and reported accuracy (A) are based on
data and thus are subject to uncertainty, both from random and systematic
sources of variation and from biases (see, e.g., Chapter 5 for examples of
biases and other variables, such as the type of lineup procedure). In this
appendix, we consider the effects of uncertainty in only “A” and “C” in
assessing the strength of the confidence–accuracy relationship. Ideally, one
would repeat the incident multiple times and assess the error in the repeti-
tions. Unfortunately, such repetition is usually not possible, and one must
rely on approximate measures of uncertainty with regard to the (C, A)
points. Approaches for characterizing the uncertainty in the confidence–
accuracy relationship, using data in the published literature, follow.
Consider the following data:
1) n
= 44 participants who expressed “Low” confidence (confidence
ratings 1,2,3); their overall accuracy was stated as 61%. Taking the
median of these three confidence ratings, C
= 2 and A
= 0.61. The
estimated standard error of this proportion is (0.61 · 0.39/44)
The data cited here are used for convenience, as the source publications provided sufficient
details about the illustrations.
These data are cited in H. L. Roediger III, J. T. Wixted, and K. A. DeSoto. “The Curious
Complexity Between Confidence and Accuracy in Reports from Memory” in Memory and
Law, ed. L. Nadel and W. P. Sinnott-Armstrong (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012),
p. 109, who in turn cite Odinot, Wolters, and van Koppen [G. Odinot, G.Wolters, and P. J.
van Koppen, “Eyewitness Memory of a Supermarket Robbery: A Case Study of Accuracy And
Confidence after 3 Months," Law and Human Behavior 33: 506–514 (2009)] as the source
of these data, from nine “central witnesses” (five other witnesses were not interviewed by
the police). The sample sizes (44, 203, 326) apparently arise from having “averaged across
different categories (person descriptions, object descriptions, and action details) for the nine
central witnesses interviewed in that study”; see J. T. Wixted et al., “Confidence Judgments
Are Useful in Eyewitness Identifications: A New Perspective,” submitted to Applied Psychol-
ogy 2014, p. 17.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
2) n
= 203 participants who expressed “Medium” confidence (con-
fidence ratings 4,5,6); their overall accuracy was stated as 71%.
Taking the median of these three confidence ratings, C
= 5 and A
= 0.71. The estimated standard error of this proportion is (0.71 ·
= 0.0318.
3) n
= 326 participants who expressed “High” confidence (confi-
dence rating 7); their overall accuracy was stated as 85%. Thus,
= 7 and A
= 0.85. The estimated standard error of this propor-
tion is (0.85 · 0.15/326)
= 0.0198.
A plot of these three data points might suggest a highly convincing
relationship between accuracy and confidence. However, the relationship
is not “statistically significant” when assessed via a weighted linear regres-
sion (where weights are inversely proportional to either the standard errors
or the variances), nor via an unweighted Pearson correlation coefficient
or a Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (which depends less on the
assignment of “Low,” “Medium,” and “High” as 2, 5, 7, respectively,
than do the other two methods). Separate tests comparing the proportions
0.85 (“High”) versus either 0.71 (“Medium”) or 0.61 (“Low”) are “sta-
tistically significant,” but not the test for comparing the proportions 0.71
(“Medium”) and 0.61 (“Low”). Statistical significance is difficult to achieve
with only three data points. Moreover, none of these tests takes into ac-
count the potential for error in the self-reported “C” values (2,5,7), which,
as discussed in the previous paragraph, is likely to exist.
Consider a second set of data, reported in Juslin, Olsson, and Winman.
In this article, the authors considered two lineup conditions, denoted as
“suspect-similarity” and “culprit-description.” The authors correctly note
that the identification rates at each expressed confidence level for these
two conditions are very similar; hence, as the condition had no effect on
identification accuracy, one might as well pool “successes/trials” across the
two conditions to reduce the uncertainty in each of the accuracy rates and
thus gain greater power.
Even after combining the two conditions, however, the numbers of trials
in the 10 ECL categories (0.1 = “10% confident,” 0.2 = “20% confident”
... 1.0 = “100% confident”) are not very high (the 10 numbers range from
7 for ECL = 20% to 45 for ECL = 90%). To increase the chances of seeing
a meaningful relationship between confidence and accuracy, the authors
pool 0.1 with 0.2, 0.3 with 0.4, 0.5 with 0.6, 0.7 with 0.8, and 0.9 with
P. Juslin, N. Olsson, and A. Winman, “Calibration and Diagnosticity of Confidence in
Eyewitness Identification: Comments on What Can Be Inferred from the Low Confidence-
Accuracy Correlation,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cogni-
tion 22(5): 1304–1316 (September 1996).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
1.0. Although Table 2 in Juslin, Olsson, and Winman provides the counts
(numbers of trials), it does not tabulate the accuracies (numbers of correct
responses). One can estimate these accuracies by weighted averages of the
displayed percentages shown in the plots in their Figure 2
for the “suspect-
similarity condition” (“A” = 0.27, 0.38, 0.51, 0.55, 0.87; n = 15, 21, 25, 29,
51) and for the “culprit-description condition” (“A” = 0.18, 0.66, 0.63, 0.90,
0.91; n = 10, 18, 28, 41, 37). In the confidence level categories (15%, 35%,
55%, 75%, 95%), the accuracies (with their standard errors and the total
sample sizes on which they are based following them in parentheses) are,
respectively, 23.4% (8.5%, n = 25), 50.9% (8.0%, n = 39), 52.6% (6.9%,
n = 53), 75.5% (5.1%, n = 70), and 88.7% (3.4%, n = 88). For these data,
both the unweighted correlation coefficient, 0.9766 (t-statistic = 7.865, p-
value 0.004), and the slope of the weighted linear regression (points weighted
inversely proportional to their standard errors), 0.773 (standard error 0.085,
p-value 0.003), are statistically significant, in that such convincing data of a
relationship between correlation and accuracy would be unlikely to arise if,
in fact, no association existed.
Another method for assessing the significance of the unweighted cor-
relation is through the simulation of a large number of trials on the basis
of the data that were observed. For each trial, one can first simulate five
confidence values, uniformly distributed between the endpoints that were
observed: c
is uniformly distributed between (0.05, 0.25) (mean is the ob-
served 0.15); c
is uniformly distributed between (0.25, 0.45) (mean is the
observed 0.35); ... c
is uniformly distributed between (0.85, 1.00). Next,
one simulates five proportions using the observed conditions: a
is a bino-
mial variate (n = 25, p = 0.234) divided by n = 25; a
is a binomial variate
(n = 39, p = 0.509) divided by n = 39; ... a
is a binomial variate (n = 88,
p = 0.887) divided by n = 88. For each trial with five simulated c values and
their five corresponding a values, one calculates a Pearson correlation coef-
ficient. Figure C-1 shows a plot of the five data points, with limits of one
standard error on the estimated accuracies (left panel) and the histogram of
the 1,000 simulated Pearson correlation coefficients (right panel). The me-
dian is 0.9534 (close to the observed 0.9766), the upper and lower quartiles
are 0.916 and 0.977, and the central 90% of the 1,000 values lie between
0.8650 and 0.993. Thus, an approximate 90% confidence interval for the
true correlation coefficient (0.865, 0.993) definitely does not include zero, a
further indication of the significance of the Pearson correlation coefficient.
The example above illustrates the importance of incorporating known
uncertainty in the estimated accuracy for the confidence level category. The
relationship between confidence and accuracy should take into account (1)
See pages 1310–1311 of Juslin, Olsson, and Winman for the data in their Table 2 and
Figure 2, respectively.
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Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
the repeated responses of a limited number of “eyewitnesses” in the study
and (2) the uncertainty in an eyewitness’ “expressed confidence level.” The
2009 National Research Council report, Strengthening Forensic Science in
the United States: A Path Forward, cited studies in which fingerprint exam-
iners reached different conclusions when presented with exactly the same
evidence at a later time.
Quite possibly, in many of these laboratory studies
on which these confidence–accuracy relationships are based, participants
National Research Council, Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path
Forward (Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2009), p. 139.
FIGURE C-1 Data Inferred from Juslin, Olsson, and Winman.
NOTE: Adapted from Juslin, Olsson, and Winman, “Calibration and Diagnosticity
of Confidence in Eyewitness Identification.” The left panel plots confidence-accu-
racy data from p. 1311. Data are pooled into five categories; accuracies are inferred
from p. 1313. Data are shown with limits of one standard error and weighted least
squares regression line. The right panel is a histogram of 1000 simulated Pearson
correlation coefficients, using data from 5 categories shown in right panel. The
central 90% of the simulated values lie between 0.853 and 0.993, indicating that
the true unweighted Pearson correlation coefficient is significantly different from
zero. Courtesy of Karen Kafadar.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
may express different levels of confidence if presented with exactly the same
set of circumstances and procedures 6 months later.
The existing literature varies in its assessment of the significance of
the confidence–accuracy relationship, with some articles suggesting a very
strong relationship and many others suggesting that the relationship is
weak or nonexistent. The lack of significance in the confidence–accuracy
relationship may result from other factors not taken into account. For
example, Smalarz and Wells suggest that restricting the plot to only those
data corresponding to “choosers” may strengthen the relationship.
factors that might affect the relationship include the presence or absence of
weapon, the level of stress during the incident, and the length of exposure
to the perpetrator. Roediger and colleagues state that
the simple assumption usually made that confidence and accuracy are
always tightly linked is wrong…the relation between confidence and ac-
curacy depends on the method of analysis, on the target material being
remembered, on who is doing the remembering, and (in situations where
memory is tested by recognition) on the nature of the lures and distrac-
tors. In addition, there is more than one way to measure the relationship
between confidence and accuracy, and not every way is equally relevant to
what courts of law would like to know about the issue.
Studies that incorporate numerous variables, as well as soliciting a confi-
dence statement at various times (e.g., immediately, or 10 minutes after the
incident, or 1 hour after the incident), would be valuable.
A receiver operator characteristic (ROC) is a reliable, time-honored
assessment of test performance. ROC has been used for decades in the
medical test diagnostic literature. Conventionally, as noted in Chapter 5,
two procedures were compared using a single diagnosticity ratio: DR = HR/
FAR = hit rate/false alarm rate, or sensitivity / (1 – specificity). Wixted and
colleagues observed that the diagnosticity ratio, DR, can vary depending
L. Smalarz and G. L. Wells, “Eyewitness Certainty as a System Variable,” in Reform of
Eyewitness Identification Procedures, ed. B. L. Cutler (Washington, DC: American Psychologi-
cal Association, 2013), 161–177.
Roediger, Wixted, and DeSoto, “The Curious Complexity Between Confidence and Ac-
curacy in Reports from Memory.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
on an eyewitness’ ECL and hence proposed the use of an ECL-based ROC
curve to compare two lineup procedures (simultaneous versus sequential).
The ECL-based ROC curve for a given procedure (e.g., simulta-
neous) is constructed as follows:
1) Collect participants in a study and subject them to the experimental
2) For each participant, record whether she or he accurately selected
the correct suspect or accurately passed over the filler and the ex-
pressed confidence level in the decision.
3) Collect all the responses for participants who answered “100%
confident” (say, n
of them) and record the combined FAR (false
alarm rate, or 1 – specificity) and HR (hit rate, or sensitivity) across
participants (FAR
, HR
4) Repeat step 3 for all participants who answered “90% confident”
(or higher; say, n
of them), resulting in the data pair (FAR
5) Repeat step 3 for all participants who answered “80% confident”
(or higher; say, n
), resulting in the data pair (FAR
, HR
6) Continue to repeat step 3 for the groups of participants who an-
swered “70% confident” ... “10% confident” (or higher; say, n
of them).
7) Plot the 10 data pairs, (FAR
, HR
), ..., (FAR
, HR
This plot results in the ROC curve, whose points (HR, FAR) correspond
to different ECLs.
The plotted points usually are connected by straight lines, and the slope
of the ROC curve at each of those plotted points represents the DR cor-
responding to that confidence category. The ROC curve illustrates the sepa-
rate DRs rather than calculating a single DR collapsed across all confidence
categories. As with the confidence–accuracy relationship, it is important
to recognize the uncertainty in the estimated (FAR, HR) data points. How
does the uncertainty in FAR and HR, and hence in the diagnosticity ratio
(DR = HR/FAR), translate into uncertainty into the ROC curve?
The effect of uncertainty in estimates of HR, FAR, DR (= HR/FAR)
on the ROC curve can be seen by simulating new HR and FAR rates,
L. Mickes, H. D. Flowe, and J. T. Wixted, “Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis
of Eyewitness Memory: Comparing the Diagnostic Accuracy of Simultaneous and Sequential
Lineups,” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 18: 361–376 (2012). See especially
pp. 362–365 for a description of ROC analysis in the medical literature and applied to the
eyewitness identifications.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
assuming that the observed HR and FAR rates are true “means” from
the simulated distributions. As a first example, consider the set of data
from Brewer and Wells
which is cited by Mickes, Flowe, and Wixtedin
their Table 1.
The data are: HR = (.090,.237,.320,.355,.370); FAR =
(.002,.015,.030,.038,.041), leading to five diagnosticity ratios (rounded)
DR = ( 45,16,11,9,9). The article states that the experiment involved 1,200
As above, one can simulate each of the five hit rates and the five false
alarm rates, with 4,000 independent trials and 1,200 participants, in such
a way that the means of the five distributions of hit rates (HRs) and the
means of the five distributions of false alarm rates (FARs) equal the values
observed in the experiment [e.g., 0.090, 0.237, 0.320, 0.355, 0.370 for
HR and (0.002, 0.015, 0.030, 0.038, 0.041) for FAR], leading to five dis-
tributions of 4,000 diagnosticity ratios (HR/FAR). For example, consider
simulating 1,200 individuals whose HR is 0.090 = 9.0%. One expects that,
on average, about (9%) × 1,200 = 108 of the simulated 1,200 participants
will have “hits.” When repeating this trial of 1,200 individuals, the num-
ber might be 110, or 95, or some other number around, but usually not
exactly, 108. Repeating the trial 4,000 times, one can average the 4,000
numbers (e.g., 108, 110, 95…) and divide by 1,200, yielding a mean simu-
lated HR. The advantage is that one can also use the 4,000 numbers to
calculate a standard deviation.
One repeats exactly the same exercise for
the five FAR rates, yielding a mean FAR and a standard deviation, SD
As noted in Chapter 5, in real life, HR and FAR will be estimated on the
same set of 1,200 participants, so the two numbers, HR and FAR, in the
five (HR, FAR) pairs, will be correlated. In the simulation, HR and FAR
are independent, so the estimated uncertainties are likely to be optimistic;
the real uncertainties could well be larger. One can then plot three sets of
points (each set contains five points): (1) (mean HR, mean FAR) (this plot
should look qualitatively similar to the one in Figure 6(A) in Mickes, Flowe
and Wixted;
(2) (mean HRSD
, mean FARSD
) [these points
should lie somewhat below the points plotted in (1)[; and (3) (mean HR
+ SD
, mean FAR + SD
) [these points should lie somewhat above the
points plotted in (1)].
N. Brewer and G. L. Wells, “The Confidence-Accuracy Relationship in Eyewitness Identifi-
cation: Effects of Lineup Instructions, Foil Similarity, and Target-Absent Base Rates,” Journal
of Experimental Psychology: Applied 12(1): 11–30 (2012) (as cited by Mickes et al., Table
1, p. 367).
Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted, p. 367.
Or Standard Deviation Hit Rate (SD
), which also can be obtained from standard formu-
las for the standard deviation of the binomial distribution. See G. Snedecor and W. Cochran,
Statistical Methods, Sixth Ed. (Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University Press, 1967).
Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted, p. 371.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
FIGURE C-2 Data from Brewer and Wells.
NOTE: Adapted from Brewer and Wells, “The confidence-accuracy relationship
in eyewitness identification.” The data are cited by Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted,
“Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis of Eyewitness Memory.” Courtesy of
Karen Kafadar.
Figure C-2 shows bands of one standard error in both HR and FAR,
illustrating one source of uncertainty in the ROC curve due to estimating
HR and FAR. The same approach to calculating uncertainties was used for
the two sets of (HR, FAR) values given by the “simultaneous” and “se-
quential” data in Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted, Table 3.
The text indicates
that Experiment 1A used n = 598 participants, so the simulation assumed
n = 600. In Figure C-3, “M” refers to “siMultaneous,” and “Q” refers to
“seQuential.” Note that the “M” and “Q” points fall roughly in the same
pattern as in Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted’s Figure 6A.
Note the substan-
tial overlap in the bands of “one standard deviation” surrounding each of
the data points, indicating no “statistically significant” differences between
the “M” (simultaneous) and “Q” (sequential) points.
If one were to take
Ibid, p. 372.
Ibid, p. 371.
The bands of two standard deviations would overlap even more.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
into account the effects of using the same eyewitness in the same study with
different responses to different tasks, the variability would be even larger.
When the same exercise is repeated for the data in Experiment 2
(n=631), similarly ambiguous results (see Figure C-4) are obtained. As
Mickes and colleagues suggest, the differences between simultaneous and
sequential are even less impressive, and especially so once bands of one
standard errors around the points are shown.
These further analyses on these published data sets suggest the follow-
ing conclusions.
1) The strength of the confidence-accuracy relationship involves un-
certainty in the measures of both A (accuracy) and C (confidence),
as well as other factors that can influence the relationship.
2) A ROC curve incorporates more information than a single DR
(diagnosticity ratio = HR/FAR) using a third variable [different
test thresholds in the medical literature; in the present context,
different expressed confidence levels (ECLs); i.e., HR and FAR at
FIGURE C-3 Data from Experiment 1A in Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted.
NOTE: Adapted from Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted, “Receiver Operating Character-
istic Analysis of Eyewitness Memory.” Courtesy of Karen Kafadar.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
different expressed confidence levels]. As is true with any data,
the data from which a ROC is constructed (FARs, HRs, expressed
confidence levels) have uncertainty, and that uncertainty is passed
on to the ROC. A comparison of two ROCs without recognizing
that uncertainty can be misleading. As with any tool, one must be
careful in how one draws inferences when comparing ROC curves.
3) Other methods for comparing two procedures (in which the out-
come is a binary classification such as “identification” / “no iden-
tification” of an individual) exist in other literature.
These analyses considered only the most obvious form of random
measurement error. The ROC may be influenced by other sources of bias;
these sources are not considered or displayed in the plots shown here (see
Chapter 5). Also, the ROC curve takes into consideration only the prob-
See, e.g., T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J.H. Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learn-
ing: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction (New York: Springer, 2009) for a discussion on
classification and evaluation methods of statistical machine learning research.
FIGURE C-4 Data from Experiment 2 in Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted.
NOTE: Adapted from Mickes, Flowe, and Wixted, “Receiver Operating Character-
istic Analysis of Eyewitness Memory.” Courtesy of Karen Kafadar.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
ability that an eyewitness who makes a positive identification of a suspect
has correctly identified the true culprit (positive predictive value); it does
not take into consideration the rule-out probability that an eyewitness who
fails to make an identification of a suspect has correctly recognized that the
suspect is not the true culprit (negative predictive value) (see Chapter 5).
As noted in Chapter 5, the diagnosticity ratio [hit rate/false alarm
rate = HR/FAR = sensitivity/(1 – specificity)] can depend not only on an
eyewitness’ tendency toward “conservative” or “liberal” identification (as
measured by expressed confidence level), but also on numerous other fac-
tors, including: (1) lineup procedure (e.g., two levels: simultaneous versus
sequential); (2) presence or absence of a weapon (two levels; more levels
could be considered, such as gun, knife, towel, none); (3) stress (e.g., three
levels: high, medium, low); (4) elapsed time between incident and exam
(e.g., three levels: 30 min, 2 hours, 1 day); (5) race difference (e.g., two lev-
els: same or different race or four levels: eyewitness/culprit = white/white;
white/non-white; non-white/white; non-white/non-white; non-white/white);
(6) participant (e.g., N levels, corresponding to N participants).
If a study is sufficiently large, one could develop a performance metric
for each participant in the study corresponding to each of these conditions.
For example, one could construct a ROC curve and calculate as the per-
formance metric the logarithm of the area under the curve, or log(AUC),
for each person and each condition in the study. One could also use as a
performance metric the logarithm of the odds (log odds) of a correct deci-
sion; e.g., log(HR/(1-HR)) or log((1-FAR)/FAR).
Consider the following approach:
Let y
denote the log(AUC) or a log odds (or another performance
metric) for the r
trial using participant n (n = 1, ...,N) for procedure i,
weapon level j, stress level k, time condition l, and cross-race effect m.
One could write:
= μ + α
+ β
+ γ
+ δ
+ φ
+ (αβ)
+ ...(interactions)... + ε
When the performance metric is a log odds, this model is known as logistic regression;
see, e.g., F. Harrell, Regression Modeling Strategies (New York: Springer-Verlag, 2001). A
model where the performance metric is log(AUC) was studied by F. Wang and C. Gatsonis.
See F. Wang and C. Gatsonis, “Hierarchical Models for ROC Curve Summary Measures:
Design and Analysis of Multi-Reader, Multi-Modality Studies of Medical Tests,” Statistics in
Medicine 27: 243-256 (2008).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
where μ represents the overall average log(AUC) or log odds across all
conditions, the next six terms reflect the main effects of A (lineup proce-
dure: i = 1 for sequential and i = 2 for simultaneous); B (weapon: j = 1 for
presence and j = 2 for absence of weapon); C (stress level: k = 1 for low,
k = 2 for medium, k = 3 for high); D (elapsed time between incident and
report: = 1 for 30 minutes, = 2 for 2 hours, = 3 for 1 day); E (cross-race
effect: m = 1 for same race and m = 2 for different races); F (participant
effect: n = 1, 2, ...,N participants); “(interactions)” reflects the joint effect
of two or more factors together; and the last term, ε
represents any
random error in the r
trial that is not specified from the previous terms
(e.g., measurement, ”ECL,” multiple trials). This approach would allow
one to separate the effects of the different factors, to assess which factors
have the greatest influence on the outcome (here, logarithm of the area
under the ROC curve: bigger is better), and to evaluate the importance of
these factors relative to variation among “eyewitnesses.” It may be that
eyewitnesses are the greatest source of variability, dominating the effects
of all other factors. Or it may be that, in spite of person-to-person vari-
ability, one or more factors still stand out as having strong influence on
the outcome. Note that (1) other covariates could be included, such as age
and gender of participant; and (2) the ROC curve need not be defined in
terms of expressed confidence level thresholds if a more sensitive measure
of response bias (tendency toward “liberal” versus “conservative” identifi-
cations) can be developed.
For example, C. A. Carlson and M. A. Carlson
use partial area under
the curve, or pAUC, as a summary measure of the information in an ROC
curve (bigger is better), for each of twelve different conditions defined by
three factors: (1) Procedure, three levels: simultaneous (SIM: suspect in
position 4), sequential (SEQ2: suspect in position 2), sequential (SEQ5: sus-
pect in position 5); (2) Weapon focus, two levels: present versus absent; (3)
Distinctive feature, two levels: present versus absent. The data are provided
in their Table 3, along with 95% confidence intervals.
Because the length
of a confidence interval is proportional to the standard error, pAUC values
with shorter confidence intervals correspond to smaller standard errors and
hence should have higher weights. The logarithms of the reported pAUC
values and weights (reciprocals of the lengths of the reported confidence
intervals) are given below in Table C-1.
For the Carlson study, the data on all N = 2,675 participants (720 un-
dergraduates and 1,955 SurveyMonkey respondents) were combined, and
C. A. Carlson and M. A. Carlson, “An Evaluation of Lineup Presentation, Weapon Pres-
ence, and a Distinctive Feature Using ROC Analysis,” Journal of Applied Research in Memory
and Cognition 3(2): 45–53 (2014).
Ibid., p. 49.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
TABLE C-1 Conditions and Logarithms of Reported pAUC Values
Condition Procedure Weapon Feature 5 + log(pAUC) Weight
1 SIM Yes Yes 1.31112 47.6
2 SIM Yes No 1.72983 33.3
3 SIM No Yes 0.92546 55.6
4 SIM No No 1.87643 45.5
5 SEQ2 Yes Yes 1.49344 47.6
6 SEQ2 Yes No 1.22774 47.6
7 SEQ2 No Yes 1.08798 52.6
8 SEQ2 No No 1.58875 41.7
9 SEQ5 Yes Yes 1.70316 38.5
10 SEQ5 Yes No 0.98262 58.8
11 SEQ5 No Yes 0.65719 66.7
12 SEQ5 No No 1.49344 55.6
Adapted from data on pAUC from Table 3 in C. A. Carlson and M. A. Carlson. “An Evaluation of Lineup Presentation, Weapon Presence, and
a Distinctive Feature Using ROC Analysis,” Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 3(2): 45–53 (2014). The addition of “5” to
log(pAUC) is simply to avoid negative numbers; the inferences from the analysis remain unchanged. Courtesy of Karen Kafadar.
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
expressed confidence levels were solicited on a 7-point scale. Variations in
the twelve log(pAUC) values can be decomposed into three main effects
(one each for procedure, weapon, and feature), and their two-way interac-
tions. (The raw data may permit a more detailed analysis.) The data can be
analyzed using a less complex model than that stated above (because the
model has fewer terms):
= μ + α
+ β
+ γ
+ (αβ)
+ (αγ)
+ (βγ)
+ ε
where y
denotes (5 + log(pAUC)) for procedure i (i = 1, 2, 3), weapon
condition j (j = 1, 2), and feature k (k = 1, 2); μ represents the overall aver-μ represents the overall aver- represents the overall aver-
age log(pAUC) across all conditions; α
represents the effect of procedure
i; βj represents the effect of weapon condition j; γ
represents the effect of
feature condition k; and the next three terms reflect the three two-factor
interactions between the main factors. The analysis of variance, where
log(pAUC) values are weighted according to the values in the last column
of Table C-1, is given in Table C-2 below. None of the factors is signifi-
It must be stressed that the complete set of raw data may yield a
more powerful analysis with different results, as might a different summary
measure of the ROC curve, such as AUC, or area under the ROC curve.
We can decompose the two degrees of freedom in the sum of squares for Procedure (three
levels), 8.04, into two single degree of freedom contrasts, SEQ2 versus SEQ5 (4.14), and sim
versus the average of SEQ2 and SEQ5 (3.90), and consider all pairwise interaction terms
among the four “main effects.” All single degree-of-freedom effects remain non-significant, in
either this weighted analysis or in an unweighted analysis.
For a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of using AUC versus pAUC as a
summary measure, see S. D. Walter, “The Partial Area Under the Summary ROC Curve,”
Statistics in Medicine 24(13): 2025–2040 (July 2005).
Copyright © National Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.
Identifying the Culprit: Assessing Eyewitness Identification
TABLE C-2 Analysis of Variance Table for log(pAUC)
Source of Variation Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares Mean Square F-statistic p-value
Procedure 2 8.04 4.02 1.129 0.470
Weapon 1 2.94 2.94 0.826 0.460
Feature 1 14.72 14.72 4.138 0.179
Procedure×Weapon 2 0.59 0.30 0.083 0.923
Procedure×Feature 2 10.41 5.21 1.463 0.406
Weapon×Feature 1 34.80 34.80 9.780 0.089
Residuals 2 7.12 3.56
Adapted from data on pAUC from Table 3 in C. A. Carlson and M. A. Carlson. “An Evaluation of Lineup Presentation, Weapon Presence, and
a Distinctive Feature Using ROC Analysis,” Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 3(2): 45–53 (2014). Courtesy of Karen Kafadar.