Policy and Procedure Recommendations for the Collection and
Preservation of Eyewitness Identification Evidence
Gary L. Wells
Iowa State University
Margaret Bull Kovera
John Jay College and the Graduate Center, City University of
New York
Amy Bradfield Douglass
Bates College
Neil Brewer
Flinders University
Christian A. Meissner
Iowa State University
John T. Wixted
University of California, San Diego
Objective: The Executive Committee of the American Psychology-Law Society (Division 41 of the
American Psychological Association) appointed a subcommittee to update the influential 1998 scientific
review paper on guidelines for eyewitness identification procedures. Method: This was a collaborative
effort by six senior eyewitness researchers, who all participated in the writing process. Feedback from
members of AP-LS and the legal communities was solicited over an 18-month period. Results: The
results yielded nine recommendations for planning, designing, and conducting eyewitness identification
procedures. Four of the recommendations were from the 1998 article and concerned the selection of
lineup fillers, prelineup instructions to witnesses, the use of double-blind procedures, and collection of
a confidence statement. The additional five recommendations concern the need for law enforcement to
conduct a prelineup interview of the witness, the need for evidence-based suspicion before conducting
an identification procedure, video-recording of the entire procedure, avoiding repeated identification
attempts with the same witness and same suspect, and avoiding the use of showups when possible and
improving how showups are conducted when they are necessary. Conclusions: The reliability and
integrity of eyewitness identification evidence is highly dependent on the procedures used by law
enforcement for collecting and preserving the eyewitness evidence. These nine recommendations can
advance the reliability and integrity of the evidence.
Public Significance Statement
Mistaken eyewitness identification is a primary contributor to criminal convictions of the innocent.
Pristine procedures for collecting and documenting eyewitness identification evidence can help
prevent these mistakes. This scientific review paper makes nine system variable recommendations
concerning eyewitness identification procedures that should be implemented by crime investigators
in eyewitness identification cases.
Keywords: eyewitness identification, lineups, showups, identification procedures, eyewitness
X Gary L. Wells, Department of Psychology, Iowa State University;
Margaret Bull Kovera, Department of Psychology, John Jay College
and the Graduate Center, City University of New York; Amy Bradfield
Douglass, Department of Psychology, Bates College; Neil Brewer,
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work, Flinders University;
Christian A. Meissner, Department of Psychology, Iowa State Univer-
sity; John T. Wixted, Department of Psychology, University of California,
San Diego.
This is an official statement of the American Psychology-Law Society,
Division 41 of the American Psychological Association, and does not
represent the position of the American Psychological Association or any of
its other Divisions or subunits.
The authors thank the following individuals for their comments and
suggestions on earlier versions of this article: Alexis Agathodeous, Assis-
tant District Attorney David Angel, Dominick Atkinson, Jen Beaudry,
Shari Berkowitz, Iris Blandón-Gitlin, Chief William Brooks, Brian Cahill,
Steve Charman, Brian Cutler, Jen Dysart, Mitch Eisen, Melanie Fessinger,
Ron Fisher, Nancy Franklin, Valerie Hans, Kate Houston, Jennifer Jones,
Detective Matt Jones, Saul Kassin, Elizabeth Loftus, Jamal Mansour,
Karen Newirth, Steve Penrod, Dan Reisberg, Andrew Smith, Siegfried
Sporer, Nancy Steblay, Jennifer Teitcher, and Adele Quigley-McBride.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Gary L.
Wells, Department of Psychology, Iowa State University, West 112 Lago-
marcino, Ames, IA 50011. E-mail: [email protected]
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
Content may be shared at no cost, but any requests to reuse this content in part or whole must go through the American Psychological Association.
Law and Human Behavior
© 2020 American Psychological Association 2020, Vol. 44, No. 1, 3–36
ISSN: 0147-7307 http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/lhb0000359
The identification of criminal suspects by eyewitnesses contin-
ues to be a staple form of evidence used by the justice system to
help establish the identity of crime culprits. Over the last few
decades, however, serious concerns have been raised about the
potential unreliability of eyewitness identification evidence.
There have been two primary forces that have helped to shape
this concern about the reliability of eyewitness identifications.
First, psychological scientists began developing programmatic
laboratory-based experimental research starting in the mid to late
1970s that focused on eyewitness identification. Early in this
research, it became apparent that certain variables under control of
the criminal justice system can dramatically inflate the likelihood
of a mistaken identification; these variables were called system
variables (Wells, 1978). An instruction given to eyewitnesses prior
to viewing a lineup, for example, is a system variable because it
influences the reliability of the eyewitness’s identification and is
under the control of the legal system’s policies and procedures for
administering lineups (Malpass & Devine, 1981). By the mid-
1990s, psychological scientists had published hundreds of laboratory-
based experiments in peer-reviewed journals showing that mistaken
identification rates can be very high under certain conditions and had
identified some of the more problematic sets of conditions that can
lead to such errors in real-world circumstances (e.g., Cutler & Penrod,
The second major force propelling a strong awareness of the
potential fallibilities of eyewitness identification was the applica-
tion of forensic DNA testing to claims of innocence. Although
forensic DNA testing was conceived primarily as a tool to incrim-
inate the guilty, the exonerating powers of forensic DNA testing
quickly became evident. Starting in the 1990s, DNA was used to
test claims of innocence in selected postconviction cases and a
cascade of exonerations of innocent people began to unfold. In a
report commissioned by the U.S. Department of Justice examining
the first 30 exonerations, it was quite clear that the vast majority of
these cases involved mistaken eyewitness identifications (Connors,
Lundregan, Miller, & McEwan, 1996). Although legal scholars
had described a number of cases of innocent people being con-
victed in the United States based on mistaken identification before
the development of DNA testing (e.g., Borchard, 1932; Brandon &
Davies, 1973; Frank & Frank, 1957; Huff, Rattner, & Sagarin,
1986), the DNA exoneration cases quickly outnumbered previ-
ously known cases of convictions of the innocent. Moreover, the
pre-DNA cases tended to be less definitive about whether the
person was, in fact, innocent, often just indicating “probable in-
nocence” or “legal innocence” rather than the more definitive
“actual innocence” characterization that accompanied DNA-based
exonerations (Garrett, 2011; Scheck, Neufeld, & Dwyer, 2000;
West & Meterko, 2017).
The development of a scientific literature on eyewitness identi-
fication and the use of forensic DNA testing to uncover mistaken
eyewitness identifications were a powerful combination. In 1996,
the Executive Committee of the American Psychology-Law Soci-
ety (AP-LS, Division 41 of the American Psychological Associa-
tion), the primary scholarly organization for eyewitness identifi-
cation researchers, appointed a committee to draft a scientific
review paper on recommendations for how to collect eyewitness
identification evidence. The result of that review, vetted by the
membership of AP-LS and subjected to peer review, was published
in Law and Human Behavior (Wells et al., 1998). That article,
commonly referred to as the “white article on lineups,” is the
forerunner to the current article. In effect, the current article is an
update of the original scientific review paper on lineups and, like
the original scientific review paper, also represents the official
position of the AP-LS on these issues. The 1998 scientific review
paper was the first set of science-based recommendations regard-
ing how to conduct lineups that was endorsed by a scientific
society. In addition, the 1998 scientific review paper played an
important role in subsequent developments. For example, it was
the model on which the U.S. Department of Justice made its
recommendations in its 1999 guide for law enforcement on col-
lecting and preserving eyewitness evidence. The NIJ Guide was
mailed to all of the more than 17,000 law enforcement agencies in
the U.S. (Technical Working Group for Eyewitness Evidence,
1999). Moreover, the 1998 article was a model on which the New
Jersey Department of Justice created the first statewide guidelines
on eyewitness identification that law enforcement were required to
follow. It was also the first peer-reviewed publication to include a
description of the unfolding DNA exoneration cases (40 at that
time) and what these DNA cases might tell us about eyewitness
identification evidence. The 1998 scientific review paper has been
used as supporting written material in countless seminars and
workshops of lawyers, police, prosecutors, and judges, as well as
in police training. Finally, the 1998 scientific review paper has
been relied on by state and federal courts across the U.S. (e.g., New
Jersey v. Henderson, 2011; State v. Lawson, 2012; Young v.
Conway, 2013).
The Need for an Updated Scientific Review Paper
on Lineups
Today, our understanding of eyewitness identification has ma-
tured well beyond where it was when the previous scientific
review paper was published. Clearly, experimental laboratory
studies have grown immensely in number and breadth over the last
20 years. However, the general methodology of laboratory eye-
witness identification studies has largely remained the same. Peo-
ple are exposed to a simulated crime, sometimes live, sometimes a
video, and the researchers know the true identity of the culprit.
These participant-witnesses are then shown an identification pro-
cedure, typically a photo lineup, in which the culprit’s photo is
embedded among filler photos or the culprit’s photo is absent from
the array and replaced with the photo of an innocent person. Using
this basic paradigm, researchers then systematically manipulate
variables, such as the view the witness had of the culprit, the
similarity of the fillers to the culprit, the instructions given to the
eyewitness prior to viewing, suggestive behaviors of the lineup
administrator, and so on, to see how those variables affect the
responses of the eyewitnesses. This experimental laboratory meth-
odology has a number of strengths that arise from the fact that
“ground truth” is known (i.e., the researchers know which person
is the actual “culprit”) and from the use of random assignment to
conditions that permit inferences about the cause of any effects
observed in responses.
One type of data that was largely unavailable at the time of the
1998 review comes from published field studies of police lineups.
By field study we mean either an archival or prospective exami-
nation of the results of lineups conducted by police investigators in
actual cases. To be included as a field study in our analysis, the
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
Content may be shared at no cost, but any requests to reuse this content in part or whole must go through the American Psychological Association.
study had to report how often the eyewitnesses identified the
suspect, identified a filler, or made no identification and the study
had to be published in a peer-reviewed journal. Only one field
study had been published in a peer-reviewed journal at the time of
the 1998 review but now there are 11 peer-reviewed published
field studies. In these field studies of lineup outcomes, the lineup
contains “fillers” who are known to be innocent of the crime (such
as people who were in prison at the time of the crime). If the
eyewitness identifies the suspect, it might or might not be an
accurate identification because ground truth is not known with
certainty in actual cases. But when an eyewitness identifies a filler,
it is clearly a mistaken identification because these fillers are
known to be innocent. A mistaken identification of a filler will not
result in charges against that filler, but a filler identification is a
mistaken identification nevertheless. These field studies have clear
limits, in large part because of the difficulty of establishing ground
truth for identifications of suspects (i.e., not knowing whether the
suspect is innocent or guilty, see Horry, Halford, Brewer, Milne, &
Bull, 2014). However, these field study data help counter some of
the criticisms of laboratory-based experiments—in particular, the
criticism that participants in laboratory experiments make a lot of
mistaken identifications only because the witnessed events are not
real and the consequences of mistaken identification are trivial
(Mecklenburg, Bailey, & Larson, 2008). The argument is that real
witnesses to serious crimes would not be so careless. Hence,
perhaps laboratory studies vastly overestimate the eyewitness mis-
identification problem. The results of peer-reviewed field studies,
however, show otherwise.
Based on these field studies, we can now estimate how often
actual eyewitnesses in serious crime cases mistakenly identify a
filler from a lineup. These 11 peer-reviewed published studies
collected data from a total of 6,734 lineups. These field studies are
from highly varied jurisdictions (e.g., California, Arizona, Texas,
London, England) and a summary of these data is shown in Table
1. For current purposes, two statistics of note from Table 1 speak
to the question of whether actual witnesses to serious crimes are
too cautious to make mistaken identifications at rates like those
observed in lab experiments. First, nearly one of every four wit-
nesses (23.7%) who was shown a lineup selected an innocent filler.
Second, among those who made an identification (35.5% made no
identification), over one third (36.8%) identified a known-innocent
filler. A summary of 94 laboratory eyewitness identification stud-
ies showed that filler identification rates averaged 21.2% when the
culprit was present and 34.6% when the culprit was absent (Clark,
Howell, & Davey, 2008). Averaging these two filler identification
rates from lab studies yields 27.9% filler identifications in the
average laboratory study versus 23.7% filler identifications found
in actual cases. These field study data, which were not available at
the time of the 1998 scientific review paper, suggest that experi-
mental laboratory studies are not producing highly inflated rates of
mistaken identification compared with what happens with actual
eyewitnesses to serious crimes. Of course, lab experiments and
actual eyewitness identification cases differ in many ways. For
example, actual eyewitness cases involve longer retention inter-
vals, more violence, and more guns than do lab studies (see Flowe,
Carline, & Karoglu, 2018). Nevertheless, lab studies are particu-
larly valuable for isolating cause-effect relations among variables,
which is a feature that tends to elude field studies for a variety of
reasons (see Horry et al., 2014).
Table 1
Summary Statistics on 11 Published Field Studies of Eyewitness Identification
Number of
possible IDs
ID of
IDs of
filler No ID Suspect % Filler % No ID%
% Making
an ID
Suspect ID
rate among
all IDs
Filler ID
rate among
all IDs
Behrman and Davey (2001) 58 29 14 15 50.0% 24.1% 25.9% 74.1% 67.4% 32.6%
Behrman and Richards (2005) 461 238 68 155 51.6% 14.8% 33.6% 66.4% 77.8% 22.2%
Horry, Halford, Brewer, Milne, and Bull (2014) 833 382 149 302 45.9% 17.9% 36.3% 63.7% 71.9% 28.1%
Horry, Memon, Wright, and Milne (2012) 1,039 406 273 360 39.1% 26.3% 34.6% 65.4% 59.8% 40.2%
Klobuchar, Steblay, and Caligiuri (2006) 178 63 20 95 35.4% 11.2% 53.4% 46.6% 75.9% 24.1%
Memon, Havard, Clifford, Gabbert, and Watt (2011) 1,044 456 437 151 43.7% 41.9% 14.5% 85.5% 51.1% 48.9%
Valentine, Pickering, and Darling (2003) 584 237 121 226 40.6% 20.7% 38.7% 61.3% 66.2% 33.8%
Wells, Steblay, and Dysart (2015) 494 132 75 287 26.7% 15.2% 58.1% 41.9% 63.8% 36.2%
Wixted, Mickes, Dunn, Clark, and Wells (2016) 348 114 104 130 32.8% 29.9% 37.4% 62.6% 52.3% 47.7%
Wright and McDaid (1996) 1,561 611 310 640 39.1% 19.9% 41.0% 59.0% 66.3% 33.7%
Wright and Skagerberg (2007) 134 78 28 28 58.2% 20.9% 20.9% 79.1% 73.6% 26.4%
Overall sum 6,734 2,746 1,599 2,389
Weighted means 40.8% 23.7% 35.5% 64.5% 63.2% 36.8%
Note. Some studies reported data that included identifications by witnesses who knew the culprit (prior familiarity) and those data are excluded from Table 1.
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Content may be shared at no cost, but any requests to reuse this content in part or whole must go through the American Psychological Association.
In addition to a large growth in the number of peer-reviewed
laboratory-based experiments, as well as the addition of field
studies of lineups in actual cases, DNA exoneration cases involv-
ing mistaken eyewitness identification have continued to accumu-
late since the 1998 review paper. As of this writing, DNA has
established that at least 365 people in the U.S. were convicted and
imprisoned (some on death row) for crimes they did not commit
(Innocence Project, 2019). More than 70% of these DNA exoner-
ation cases involved mistaken eyewitness identification. Although
the number of DNA exonerations represent only a small fraction of
convictions, it is essential to note that these exonerees were the
lucky few for whom DNA-rich trace evidence for the crime
existed, was collected and preserved properly, and was tested.
Contrary to public perceptions based on TV programs, culprits
leave behind DNA-rich trace evidence in only a small fraction of
cases. The largest category of convictions based on eyewitness
identification evidence is robberies, and culprits of robbery almost
never leave behind DNA-rich trace evidence that could exculpate
a mistakenly identified person. For cases in which DNA did exist
(primarily restricted to sexual assault cases), no one anticipated
that forensic DNA testing would later develop and so for many
cases prior to the advent of forensic DNA testing, the trace
evidence was not collected, was not preserved properly (allowing
it to deteriorate), was lost, or was destroyed by the time forensic
DNA testing came along. Even today, individuals who claim
innocence may not be permitted by statute or discretionary deci-
sion (by a court or a prosecutor) to access and test available DNA
evidence. Hence, DNA testing could only reverse a very small
fraction of possible mistaken identifications. Indeed, eyewitness
identification evidence is still heavily relied upon today because
DNA and other forms of definitive evidence remain extremely
rare. Improving the reliability of eyewitness identification evi-
dence therefore remains an important priority in preventing mis-
carriages of justice.
Focus of the Current Article
The current article, like the 1998 scientific review paper, is not
a broad review of all issues in eyewitness identification. It is,
instead, a focused examination of system variables in eyewitness
identification: factors that relate to the reliability of eyewitness
identifications over which the justice system has (or can have)
control. Hence, despite the fact that there are many powerful
variables that affect the reliability of eyewitness identification
evidence, which are called estimator variables (e.g., same vs.
cross-race identifications, stress during the witnessing of a crime,
quality of view), such variables are not under control of the justice
system and are therefore not the focus of this scientific review
In some ways, the definition of system variables that is used
today has broadened from its original definition. Originally, sys-
tem variables in eyewitness identification referred to variables that
influence the accuracy of eyewitness identifications over which the
justice system has control (Wells, 1978). Over time, however, the
definition of system variables has broadened to include factors
under the control of the justice system that relate to (as opposed to
influence) the accuracy of eyewitness identifications. Eyewitness
confidence, for example, does not itself influence the accuracy of
an eyewitness identification; however, eyewitness confidence is
related to the accuracy of eyewitness identification and it is easily
contaminated by events that are under the control of the criminal
justice system (such as feedback from the lineup administrator).
Accordingly, securing a confidence statement at the time of iden-
tification using a double-blind lineup administrator is a system
variable (see Wilford & Wells, 2013, for a more extended discus-
sion of this broader view of system variables).
In the current article, other examples of this broader definition
of system variables will become apparent. For example, one of the
recommendations in the current scientific review paper is video-
recording the entire identification procedure. Obviously, video-
recording the identification procedure is not meant to increase the
accuracy of eyewitness identifications. Instead, the purpose of the
video-recording recommendation is to secure a record that might
help to assess the quality of the identification and the procedure
(Sporer, 1992, 1993). That is, a video can shed light on the likely
accuracy of eyewitness identifications via creating a record of
behavioral cues (such as decision time, spontaneous comments,
and confidence cues) that are diagnostic of accuracy (Kaminski &
Sporer, 2017). In addition, video-recordings of the identification
procedure can help document that police followed recommended
procedures and provide other potential benefits as discussed later
in this article. Using the broader definition, video-recording qual-
ifies as a system variable because it is under the control of the
justice system to either video-record or not record, and the record-
ing is relevant to the eyewitness accuracy problem.
A central issue in the development of recommendations on
policies and procedures in eyewitness identification is how to
decide which recommendations are the most important and what
criteria should be used to decide whether to include a recommen-
dation. For most of our recommendations, there is a solid and
specific body of scientific evidence to support the recommendation
and we review that scientific evidence. In some cases, however,
the recommendation is based primarily on reasonably well-
established understandings of human memory and social influence
and our general understanding of problems that we have observed
in actual cases. Consider, for example, our recommendation that
the entire identification procedure be video-recorded. We believe
that video-recording can have many benefits, including but not
restricted to: moderating potential suggestive behaviors by the
lineup administrator, establishing proof as to exactly what instruc-
tions were given to the eyewitness, recording information about
how long it took the eyewitness to make an identification, and
establishing both verbal and nonverbal records of the confidence
expressed by the eyewitness. We believe that the arguments fa-
voring this recommendation are compelling and elements of the
recommendation are grounded in the science, such as the science
showing that the verbal and nonverbal behaviors of the witness
during the lineup are diagnostic of accurate versus mistaken iden-
tifications (e.g., Kaminski & Sporer, 2017). Hence, video-
recording could be justified on that scientific ground alone.
However, there has been little research on the issue of whether
video-recording serves a prophylactic function, how the videos
should be used, or on whom the camera should be focused. Hence,
not every element of the benefits that we propose for video-
recording of the identification procedure have been fully studied.
Nevertheless, we believe that it would be irresponsible to not
include a video-recording recommendation even if a subset of the
benefits (e.g., its prophylactic function) has not yet been thor-
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Content may be shared at no cost, but any requests to reuse this content in part or whole must go through the American Psychological Association.
oughly demonstrated. For each of the recommendations that we
offer, we include justifications for the recommendation as well as
a discussion of any concerns or caveats.
Live Versus Photo Lineups
Throughout this article, we use the term lineup to refer to both
live lineups and photo lineups. We do not include separate sections
on these two common procedures because we know of no evidence
to indicate that the principles governing photo lineups and live
lineups are different (see Fitzgerald, Price, & Valentine, 2018). In
others words, every recommendation that we make about lineups
applies equally to live and photographic displays.
Photo lineups are far more common than live lineups in most
U.S. jurisdictions (Police Executive Research Forum, 2013). Photo
lineups are sometimes called photo-spreads, photo-arrays, or
photo-montages. Another common name for photo lineups in
many U.S. law enforcement circles is “six packs,” which refers to
the most frequent size and arrangement of a photo lineup in which
the lineup contains six photos arranged in two rows of three. Live
lineups, sometimes called corporeal or physical lineups, are rela-
tively rare (in research and in practice) compared with photo
lineups, likely due to the greater difficulty, time, and expense of
constructing and conducting live lineups relative to photographic
lineups. But some jurisdictions, such as New York City, com-
monly conduct both live and photo lineups.
Even though the principles governing live versus photo lineups
are thought to be the same, questions have been raised as to
whether performance overall might be better for live lineups than
for photo lineups. The live-superiority hypothesis predicts that the
three-dimensional nature of a live showing (vs. two-dimensional
photos) of the lineup members, along with having visual informa-
tion about the full-bodies (not just faces) of the lineup members,
would clearly render live lineups superior to photo lineups. How-
ever, a review of the scientific evidence comparing live with photo
lineups (as well as video lineups) showed no support for the
live-superiority hypothesis (Fitzgerald et al., 2018). In addition,
there are a number of practical difficulties involved in organizing
and administering live lineups, including the greater difficulty of
finding appropriate fillers for live lineups, and the need to carefully
orchestrate the timing and roles of various people at the lineup
event. Some problematic elements are also difficult to control in
live lineups, such as the appearance of nervousness on the part of
the suspect, a nervousness not likely to be shared by fillers.
Because of the apparent absence of any significant advantage in
accuracy along with the greater practical difficulty of live lineups,
“live lineups are rarely the best option in practice” (Fitzgerald et
al., 2018, p. 307).
We take no position on live versus photo because preference for
one over the other is likely to depend on the circumstances of the
particular case. For example, if the witness described something
distinctive about the body of the culprit or the culprit’s gait, then
a live lineup might be preferred. But the difficulty of constructing
such a lineup with live fillers who match the witness’s description
of the culprit can be very challenging. Also, it is not uncommon for
a suspect to be at-large, which precludes the use of a live lineup.
In other cases, the stress induced when a victim-witness is asked to
view their assailant live for purposes of identification might cause
difficulties that could be avoided with a photo lineup. Some law
enforcement agencies have used live lineups because there were
reasons to believe that the witness might be able to identify the
culprit’s voice by having lineup members speak which, of course,
is not possible while doing a photo lineup. Of course, doing a
photo lineup does not preclude a later voice lineup with that
suspect using only recorded voices and no visual information. In
fact, some have argued that voice identification should be con-
ducted separately from the visual lineup because the diagnosticity
of the information obtained is greater if the witness can identify the
voice and the face independently of each other (Pryke, Lindsay,
Dysart, & DuPuis, 2004). Hence, conducting photo lineups does
not preclude the identification of voices using a separate proce-
Lineups as Distinguished From Showups
The 1998 scientific review paper dealt only with lineups, but
there is another common identification procedure, called showups,
that is included in this new scientific review paper. The basic
distinction between lineups and showups is that lineups embed the
suspect among known-innocent fillers whereas showups do not use
fillers and instead simply present the suspect alone. There is no
debate among eyewitness scientists about the fact that lineups
produce better outcomes than do showups, whether the outcomes
are measured in terms of diagnosticity ratios or measured using
signal-detection based methods. There is some debate about the
process by which the outcomes for lineups are superior to the
outcomes for showups. For example, it has been suggested that
the use of good lineup fillers can help the witness decide which
facial features are relevant for making an identification decision
(e.g., Wetmore et al., 2015; Wixted & Mickes, 2014). Others,
however, note that lineups appear to be superior to showups only
because a large share of mistaken identifications are siphoned off
to fillers when lineups are used whereas all mistaken identifica-
tions land on the innocent suspect for showups because showups
have no fillers (e.g., see Smith, Wells, Lindsay, & Penrod, 2017;
Wells, Smith, & Smalarz, 2015). These two accounts of how
lineups manage to produce better outcomes than showups are very
different, but no eyewitness scientist contests the general observa-
tion that lineups with good fillers result in better applied outcomes
than do showups.
If there is no question about the superiority of lineups over
showups, why do we have recommendations about how showups
should be conducted? Why not simply state that showups should
never be conducted and that lineups should be conducted instead?
There have been calls by some eyewitness scientists for the elim-
ination of showups based on the clear evidence that showups are
inferior to lineups (see Levi & Lindsay, 2001). But there are legal
and policy reasons to permit showups under certain conditions
even though a lineup would be more diagnostic. We review those
reasons in the section that details the showups recommendation.
As a final note, it should be apparent that there should never be
such a thing as a photographic showup. After all, the justification
for a showup is that the individual has been detained on the street
and there is a very limited time frame for conducting an identifi-
cation procedure. If investigators are merely in possession of a
photo of a suspect, there is no reasonable excuse for not taking the
time to embed the photo among filler photos and conduct a proper
photo lineup.
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Overview of Recommendations
The 1998 scientific review paper had only four recommenda-
tions. The current scientific review paper endorses these same four
recommendations but expands the number of recommendations to
nine. The original four recommendations in the 1998 scientific
review paper included: (a) the identification procedure should be
administered using a double-blind procedure (i.e., the lineup
should be administered by someone who does not know which
person is the suspect and which persons are fillers); (b) prelineup
instructions to the witness should emphasize that the culprit might
or might not be in the lineup and that the lineup administrator does
not know which person is suspected of being the culprit; (c) there
should be only one suspect per lineup and the suspect should not
stand out from the fillers based on the witness’s description of the
culprit or other factors that would draw attention to the suspect;
and (d) a confidence statement should be secured from the witness
at the time of identification and prior to any opportunity to get
feedback about the identification decision. Although we include
these four recommendations in our new set of nine, we have
modified them in certain ways. For example, the double-blind
recommendation now includes other means for accomplishing the
goal of preventing influence from the lineup administrator that do
not necessarily require a neutral administrator. The prelineup in-
structions include reworked language that is intended to make the
instructions more effective. Finally, the securing of a confidence
statement includes the recommendation of recording a confidence
statement for both affirmative identification decisions and rejec-
tion decisions rather than only if the eyewitness makes an affir-
mative identification decision.
The original four recommendations in the 1998 scientific review
paper were restricted almost exclusively to matters that occurred
only during the lineup itself. Some of the five new recommenda-
tions, however, cover broader territory. For example, new recom-
mendations concern matters that occur before the commencement
of an identification procedure, including consideration of when it
might be unwise to conduct an identification procedure, the prob-
lem of repeated identification procedures with the same witness
and suspect, and the importance of conducting a proper interview
of the witness prior to conducting the identification procedure. In
addition, we make a recommendation concerning the appropriate
use of showups.
The following is a brief description of each of the nine
recommendations. The numeric order of the recommendations
corresponds roughly to the temporal order in which police/
administrators would likely encounter the matters covered by
the recommendation (except for the last recommendation,
which concerns showups).
1. Prelineup Interview Recommendation. Before conduct-
ing an identification procedure and as soon as practicable
after the commission of the crime, an officer should
interview witnesses to document their descriptions of the
culprit, obtain their self-report of viewing conditions and
attention during the crime, document any claims of prior
familiarity with the culprit, instruct witnesses to not
discuss the event with other cowitnesses, and warn the
witnesses against attempting to identify the culprit on
their own. The entire interview should be video-recorded.
2. Evidence-Based Suspicion Recommendation. There
should be evidence-based grounds to suspect that an
individual is guilty of the specific crime being investi-
gated before including that individual in an identification
procedure and that evidence should be documented in
writing prior to the lineup.
3. Double-Blind (or Equivalent) Recommendation. Line-
ups should be conducted using a double-blind procedure
(i.e., neither the administrator nor the witness should
know who the suspect is in the lineup) or an equally
effective method of preventing the lineup administrator
from inadvertently influencing the witness.
4. Lineup Fillers Recommendation. There should be only
one suspect per lineup and the lineup should contain at
least five appropriate fillers who do not make the suspect
stand out in the lineup based upon physical appearances
or other contextual factors such as clothing or back-
5. Prelineup Instructions Recommendation. When inviting
an eyewitness to attend a lineup procedure (photo lineup
or live lineup), police should not inform the eyewitness
of any information that the witness has not already pro-
vided and certainly should not suggest that the suspect
who will be in the lineup has been arrested or that the
culprit will be present in the identification procedure. The
eyewitness should be instructed that (a) the lineup ad-
ministrator does not know which person is the suspect
and which persons are fillers; (b) the culprit might not be
in the lineup at all, so the correct answer might be “not
present” or “none of these”; (c) if they feel unable to
make a decision they have the option of responding
“don’t know”; (d) after making a decision they will be
asked to state how confident they are in that decision; and
(e) the investigation will continue even if no identifica-
tion is made.
6. Immediate Confidence Statement Recommendation. A
confidence statement should be taken from witnesses as
soon as an identification decision (either positive or neg-
ative) is made.
7. Video-Recording Recommendation. The entire identifi-
cation procedure, including prelineup instructions and
witness confidence statement, should be video-recorded.
8. Avoid Repeated Identifications Recommendation. Re-
peating an identification procedure with the same suspect
and same eyewitness should be avoided regardless of
whether the eyewitness identified the suspect in the initial
identification procedure.
9. Showups Recommendation. Showups should be avoided
whenever it is possible to conduct a lineup (e.g., if
probable cause exists to arrest the person then a showup
should not be conducted). Cases in which it is necessary
to conduct a showup should use the procedural safe-
guards that are recommended for lineups, including the
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Content may be shared at no cost, but any requests to reuse this content in part or whole must go through the American Psychological Association.
elimination of suggestive cues, a warning that the de-
tained person might not be the culprit, video-recording
the procedure, and securing a confidence statement.
In the detailed treatments of the nine recommendations that
follow, we placed a strong emphasis on communicating an under-
lying principle for each recommendation. The underlying principle
for a recommendation is important because there can be times in
which circumstances might require deviation from the literal spe-
cifics of the recommendation, but the deviation would still be able
to conform to the underlying principle. For example, our recom-
mendation for how to select fillers to use in a lineup is relatively
specific but, in the end, it is more important that the underlying
principle be achieved, namely that the fillers should be chosen in
a way that would not make an innocent suspect stand out in the
lineup. Hence, although we provide specific recommendations, it
is more important to use procedures that reflect the principles
behind the recommendations than to follow the specific recom-
Each of the nine recommendations begins with a statement of
the recommendation. We then describe the rationale for the rec-
ommendation, including relevant data and the reasoning behind the
recommendation. In addition, most of the recommendations have
nuances or caveats, and some have practical concerns that are
Recommendation 1: Prelineup Interview
Before conducting an identification procedure and as soon as
practicable after the commission of the crime, an officer should
interview eyewitnesses to document their descriptions of the cul-
prit, obtain their self-report of viewing conditions and attention
during the crime, document any claims of prior familiarity with the
culprit, instruct witnesses to not discuss the event with other
cowitnesses, and warn the witnesses against attempting to identify
the culprit on their own. The entire interview should be video-
In many cases there might be 911 (emergency call) recordings
or initial witness statements by first responders that can prove
useful to an investigation; however, this recommendation concerns
a more extensive interview that would be conducted by an inves-
tigative officer. Recommendation 1 relates to the conduct of this
interview with a witness or victim, during which time an investi-
gator collects a statement relating to the person’s memory for the
event and the culprit(s). Collection of a detailed description of the
culprit is a critical form of evidence that can facilitate investiga-
tors’ attempts to locate a suspect (Brown, Lloyd-Jones, & Robin-
son, 2008; Kebbell & Milne, 1998). There is now substantial
research on the most effective procedures for interviewing a wit-
ness or victim following an event (see Dando, Geiselman, Ma-
cLeod, & Griffiths, 2015; Fisher, Schreiber Compo, Rivard, &
Hirn, 2014), as well as the harmful effects of suggestive or mis-
leading interviewing procedures that should be avoided (see Brain-
erd & Reyna, 2005; Loftus, 2017; Newman & Garry, 2013).
Specific interviewing procedures have also been developed for the
collection of person descriptions (see Demarchi & Py, 2009;
Gabbert & Brown, 2015; Meissner, Sporer, & Schooler, 2007;
Satin & Fisher, 2019; Sporer, 1996). Although the current recom-
mendations focus largely on the interviewing of adult witnesses,
many of the same principles of memory apply to the interviewing
of child witnesses (who are particularly susceptible to suggestion,
see Ceci & Bruck, 1995). A robust literature is available for
interested readers documenting the challenges of interviewing
child witnesses (see Kask & Bull, 2009), including the develop-
ment of effective, evidence-based protocols for interviewing chil-
dren (see LaRooy et al., 2015; Sternberg, Lamb, Esplin, Orbach, &
Hershkowitz, 2002).
The Contents and Accuracy of Person Descriptions
Obtaining an accurate and complete description of the culprit is
important to furthering an investigation and ultimately can facili-
tate identification of the culprit. Archival studies suggest that
witnesses tend to provide between seven and nine descriptors of a
culprit on average, frequently including information about per-
ceived height, weight, gender, ethnicity, and age (Fahsing, Ask, &
Granhag, 2004; Granhag, Ask, Rebelius, Öhman, & MacGiolla,
2013; Sporer, 1992, 1996; van Koppen & Lochun, 1997; Yuille &
Cutshall, 1986). Descriptions of the culprit’s clothing, stature, and
facial features are generally less frequent. When specific facial
descriptors are provided, the majority refer to upper regions of the
face, in particular the hair, eyes, and nose. Although estimates of
height, weight, and age can be biased by the witness’s own
characteristics (e.g., individuals who are less than average height
tend to underestimate height; see Flin & Shepherd, 1986), wit-
nesses otherwise appear to provide an accurate, general impression
of the culprit. Such descriptions, however, are often lacking in
specific details (Douglass, Brewer, Semmler, Bustamante, &
Hiley, 2013; Fahsing et al., 2004) that might prove useful for the
construction and assessment of identification arrays (Corey, Mal-
pass, & McQuiston, 1999), and it is therefore important that
investigators use evidence-based procedures to enhance the quality
of witnesses’ accounts.
System Variables That Influence the Quality of
Witness Accounts
Much like other memory phenomena, a host of factors can
influence the accuracy and completeness of a witness’s memory
for the event and culprit (see Granhag, Ask, & MacGiolla, 2013;
Meissner et al., 2007). Consistent with the general eyewitness
literature, a distinction can be drawn between system and estimator
variables (Wells, 1978). With respect to the former, the manner in
which a witness is interviewed by an investigator can undermine
the accuracy of a witness’s statement. In particular, witnesses
appear quite susceptible to the misinformation effect (see Berkow-
itz & Loftus, 2018; Loftus, 2017; Newman & Garry, 2013)in
which leading or suggestive questioning from an investigator can
distort memory reports, and witnesses can be induced to self-
generate errors in their descriptions when forced or encouraged to
provide a “complete” description of the event or culprit (Ackil &
Zaragoza, 1998; Meissner, Brigham, & Kelley, 2001). In this
respect, the use of facial feature checklists is not recommended, as
they can subtly encourage “complete” responses that produce less
accurate person descriptions (Wogalter, 1991, 1996). Finally, ex-
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Content may be shared at no cost, but any requests to reuse this content in part or whole must go through the American Psychological Association.
posure to media coverage of an incident before an interview can
also lead witnesses to recall incorrect details that were suggested
or inferred (Crombag, Wagenaar, & van Koppen, 1996), and
contact with other witnesses can similarly introduce systematic
errors in memory (Gabbert, Memon, & Allan, 2003; Gabbert,
Memon, Allan, & Wright, 2004; Eisen, Gabbert, Ying, & Wil-
liams, 2017; Loftus & Greene, 1980). We recommend that inves-
tigators avoid suggestive or leading interviewing practices and that
they instruct witnesses not to discuss their accounts with or in front
of one another. Whereas it is possible that discussions between
witnesses could lead to an increase in reported details (e.g., Vre-
develdt, Hildebrandt, & van Koppen, 2016), the dangers associated
with contamination suggest that witnesses should be interviewed
individually to preserve the independence of each statement. In-
vestigators should also document whether a witness has spoken
previously with other witnesses or has been exposed to media
reports related to the incident.
Documenting Factors That Can Influence the Quality
of Witness Accounts
It is also important that investigators note the conditions
under which the witness may have viewed or interacted with the
culprit, as certain factors can influence the likely quality of a
witness’s recollection (for a review see Meissner et al., 2007).
Documenting such factors can aid both investigators and fact
finders in assessing the likely reliability of a witness’s memory.
With respect to naturally occurring estimator variables, factors
at the time of encoding such as low illumination (Wagenaar &
van der Schrier, 1996), greater distance from the culprit (Loftus
& Harley, 2005), and limited time of exposure can lead to
poorer quality person descriptions (Sporer, 1992; van Koppen
& Lochun, 1997; Yarmey, 1986; Yarmey, Jacob, & Porter,
2002). The presence of a weapon can draw attention away from
the culprit’s appearance (Fahsing et al., 2004; Fawcett, Russell,
Peace, & Christie, 2011; Kocab & Sporer, 2016; Pickel, 1998,
1999). The consumption of alcohol or drugs by a witness can
similarly reduce the amount of information provided (Flowe,
Takarangi, Humphries, & Wright, 2016; Read, Yuille, & Toll-
estrup, 1992; Schreiber Compo et al., 2017; Yuille & Toll-
estrup, 1990). Extensive delays between encoding and the time
of interviewing can diminish the amount of detail provided by
a witness (Ellis, Shepherd, & Davies, 1980; Meissner, 2002;
Tuckey & Brewer, 2003; van Koppen & Lochun, 1997). In
contrast with the previous factors, prior familiarity with the
culprit (i.e., an individual known to the witness) generally
increases the accuracy of a witness’s description and identifi-
cation (Vallano, Steele, Slapinski, Briggs, & Pozzulo, 2019).
Given the influence of these estimator variables on both the
quality of person descriptions and subsequent attempts to iden-
tify the culprit from a lineup, it is recommended that investi-
gators clearly document the presence of such factors in their
Evidence-Based Approaches for Interviewing
Witnesses and Victims
Acquiring a complete, yet accurate, statement from the witness
is critical to furthering an investigation. Considerable research
has documented the most effective methods for interviewing a
witness or victim (Dando et al., 2015; Fisher et al., 2014). In
general, it is common for investigators to invite an open-ended
response from the witness, followed by specific probes associated
with key details such as the culprit’s physical characteristics (e.g.,
height, build, age, race, sex, etc.), clothing, or any distinguishing
characteristics (Brown et al., 2008; Launay & Py, 2015; Wise,
Safer, & Maro, 2011). The use of open-ended, nonsuggestive
questioning tactics (Clarke, Milne, & Bull, 2011; Walsh & Bull,
2010) is recommended for eliciting a complete narrative from the
witness. Although the use of specific probes can increase the
number of details provided, such details may come at the expense
of lower accuracy of responding (Sauerland, Krix, van Kan, Glunz,
& Sak, 2014). As such, caution should be used in moving to
closed-ended or two-alternative questions and the use of sugges-
tive/leading prompts should be avoided altogether.
Evidence-based interviewing protocols have been developed
that both avoid the pitfalls of leading and suggestive questioning
and enhance witness reporting by facilitating the retrieval of in-
formation from memory. One of the most notable and empirically
validated protocols is the Cognitive Interview (Fisher & Geisel-
man, 1992). A robust literature has demonstrated the effectiveness
of the Cognitive Interview for eliciting both detailed event narra-
tives and person descriptions from cooperative witnesses (Memon,
Meissner, & Fraser, 2010). Several instructional and mnemonic
aspects of the Cognitive Interview appear to be particularly useful,
including: (a) encouraging witnesses to “report all” of the infor-
mation they can recall but not to guess about anything they are
unsure of (e.g., Clifford & George, 1996); and (b) using context
reinstatement by asking witnesses to close their eyes and think
back to the event context (e.g., Smith-Spark, Bartimus, & Wilcock,
2017; Vredeveldt, Baddeley, & Hitch, 2012, 2014). Lab-based
research indicates that the Cognitive Interview (compared with a
standard police interview) increases the number of descriptors of
the culprit and increases the chances that using the description can
lead to finding the culprit’s photo among a larger set of photos
(Satin & Fisher, 2019). The increase in descriptors for the Cogni-
tive Interview is typically quite large for correct details; and
although a small increase in incorrect details has been noted across
studies, the accuracy rate for the Cognitive Interview does not
differ from that of a standard interview (see Memon et al., 2010).
We encourage investigators to seek training in and adopt the
Cognitive Interview protocol when interviewing witnesses and
Another specific protocol for eliciting person descriptions,
termed the Person Description Interview, significantly increases
the quantity of person descriptors provided by witnesses (Demar-
chi & Py, 2009; Demarchi, Py, Groud-Than, Parain, & Brunel,
2013). The Person Description Interview incorporates two key
instructions to the witness with respect to describing a person of
interest: (a) to provide general information about the person before
moving to specific featural aspects of the face, and (b) when
describing the face to begin with the lower regions of the face
(chin and lips) and to move up to the top regions (eyes and hair).
Consistent with the Person Description Interview instructions,
encouraging witnesses to provide more general, coarse-grained
information during an interview can enhance the quantity of in-
formation absent a cost to accuracy (Brewer, Vagadia, Hope, &
Gabbert, 2018).
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Finally, although witness descriptions are frequently collected
via an oral interview conducted by an investigator, at times a
witness may be asked to directly provide a written statement.
There is mixed evidence with respect to how the format for
eliciting a witness’s recall might influence the quantity and quality
of information provided, with some studies suggesting that oral
interviews produce more information from witnesses than does
written statements (Kraus, Zeier, Wagner, Paelecke, & Hewig,
2017; Sauerland & Sporer, 2011) and others finding no difference
as a function of modality (McPhee, Paterson, & Kemp, 2014;
Sauerland et al., 2014). A recently developed protocol, referred to
as the Self-Administered Interview (see Hope, Gabbert, & Fisher,
2011), allows cooperative witnesses to self-generate high-quality
descriptions of their experience. The Self-Administered Interview
prompts witnesses to recall details of the event, including a person
description of the culprit (e.g., hair, complexion, build, distin-
guishing features). To facilitate recall, the Self-Administered In-
terview incorporates the two key elements of the Cognitive Inter-
view as previously described—a “report everything” instruction
and a context reinstatement prompt. The Self-Administered Inter-
view has been shown to significantly increase the quantity of
person descriptors when compared with a standard free recall
prompt, at a level comparable with that of the Cognitive Interview
(Gabbert, Hope, & Fisher, 2009; Hope, Gabbert, Fisher, & Ja-
mieson, 2014). Such an interview protocol is particularly useful
when an incident involves many possible witnesses or victims and
when such conditions could lead to significant delays in eliciting a
statement from witnesses or victims.
Finally, we recommend that all interviews with witnesses should
be video-recorded. Such an objective record of the interview will
allow both investigators and fact finders the opportunity to review
the information provided the witness and evaluate its evidential
value. Importantly, studies suggest that investigators fail to accu-
rately record or recall key details of statements provided in inter-
views (Kassin, Kukucka, Lawson, & DeCarlo, 2017; Lamb, Or-
bach, Sternberg, Hershkowitz, & Horowitz, 2000); thus, recording
the interview with a witness provides an objective record of the
information elicited, absent omissions or errors that may be intro-
duced via the investigators’ recollection of the interview. Lastly,
the interview should be video-recorded from a perspective that
captures both the investigator and the witness, as studies suggest
that this perspective can enhance fact finders’ evaluations of the
evidence (Lassiter, 2010; Lassiter, Ware, Ratcliff, & Irvin, 2009;
Ratcliff, Lassiter, Schmidt, & Snyder, 2006).
Instructions to Witnesses Following an Interview
Interviewers should instruct witnesses to not discuss the wit-
nessed event or what they have told investigators with other
potential witnesses in the case. As noted earlier, when eyewit-
nesses talk with each other about their memories, they can influ-
ence one another such that their subsequent individual memory
reports can become contaminated with what others have recalled
(for reviews, see Gabbert & Hope, 2013; Wright, Memon, Skager-
berg, & Gabbert, 2009). Encountering a piece of misinformation
from a cowitness about a facial feature can lead witnesses to later
misidentify someone from a lineup who has that feature (e.g.,
Eisen et al., 2017; Zajac & Henderson, 2009). Moreover, hearing
that a cowitness had made an identification from a lineup can
increase the chances that a witness would also make an identifi-
cation; hearing that a cowitness identification was made more
confidently, as opposed to less confidently, can also increase the
confidence that a witness expresses in the accuracy of their own
identification (Levett, 2013). It is recommended (a) that witnesses
should be cautioned to avoid discussing the case with others and
(b) that investigators should refrain from sharing any information
that other witnesses had previously provided. As with the lineup
identification procedure (see Recommendation 7), we recommend
that the entire prelineup interview be video-recorded.
Finally, interviewers should instruct witnesses not to conduct
their own investigation of the crime. Increasingly, we are seeing
that the first identification that witnesses make is the result of a
self-directed search on the Internet, including social media sites.
These searches by witnesses lack many of the protections of a
well-conducted lineup; all faces viewed are possible suspects,
there are no instructions reminding the witnesses that the culprit
may not be among the faces they viewed, some faces may stand
out more than others, witnesses might engage in these searches
alongside cowitnesses, and there is no recording of confidence
immediately after the identification. Once this initial identification
of a suspect is made through an Internet search, it is not possible
to conduct an uncontaminated identification procedure using better
methods (see Recommendation 8).
Recommendation 2: Evidence-Based Suspicion
There should be evidence-based grounds to suspect that an
individual is guilty of the specific crime being investigated before
including that individual in an identification procedure and that
evidence should be documented in writing prior to the lineup.
Conducting lineups in the absence of evidence-based reasons for
suspicion is a risk factor for mistaken identification. In the par-
lance of eyewitness science, making an individual the focus of a
lineup in the absence of evidence that the individual is likely to be
the culprit (e.g., having only a hunch) contributes to a low base rate
for culprit-present lineups (i.e., a high base rate for culprit-absent
lineups). In the case of lineups, base rate refers to the rate for
which the suspect in the lineup is guilty versus innocent. A proper
lineup contains only one suspect, who might or might not be the
culprit (see Recommendation 4). It follows from this structure of
lineups that a mistaken identification of an innocent suspect cannot
happen with a culprit-present lineup and, of course, an identifica-
tion of the culprit cannot happen with a culprit-absent lineup
(Wells & Turtle, 1986). Therefore, low base rates for culprit-
present lineups (high base rates for culprit-absent lineups) create
fertile ground for mistaken identifications of innocent suspects and
reduce the chances of identifying the culprit. Moreover, culprit-
absent lineups inflate the rate at which eyewitnesses identify
known-innocent fillers (Smith, Wilford, Quigley-McBride, &
Wells, 2019), thereby tainting that witness’s credibility for any
later lineup that might include the culprit.
The evidence-based suspicion recommendation derives from the
observation that there are no laws or other mechanisms in place to
prevent jurisdictions from making investigative decisions that re-
sult in extremely low base rates for culprit-present lineups (i.e., a
high rate of culprit-absent lineups; Wells, 2006). In fact, the only
study of actual lineups to estimate the base rate for culprit-present
lineups in any jurisdiction (in this case the Houston, Texas Police
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Department) yielded an estimate of a mere 35% (Wixted, Mickes,
Dunn, Clark, & Wells, 2016). If this estimate is correct for Hous-
ton, then the suspect was innocent in 65% of their lineups. Another
field study found that 40% of the lineups (in Northern California
jurisdictions) had no prelineup evidence at all indicating that the
suspect was the culprit; and for an additional 30% of the lineups
there was minimal evidence (Behrman & Richards, 2005). More-
over, a national survey of U.S. law enforcement agencies reported
that more than one third of the agencies stated that they needed no
evidence at all or needed only a mere hunch that a person might be
the culprit before placing that person in a lineup (Wise et al.,
2011). Of course, the base rate is likely to vary from one jurisdic-
tion to the next depending on the practices and policies in place
(Wells, 1993). Nevertheless, at the time of this writing we know of
no jurisdiction in the U.S. whose policies or written procedures
require, urge, or even mention that there should be some form of
concrete evidence against a person before conducting an identifi-
cation procedure focused on that person.
It is unclear why so many crime investigators do not seem to be
concerned about the problem with having little or no evidence
before placing someone in a lineup. Perhaps this lack of concern
stems from an assumption that an eyewitness would not pick an
innocent individual and would only pick someone if they remem-
bered the person committing the crime.
The Importance of Base Rates
There are many studies in the basic judgment and decision-
making literature showing that people struggle to grasp the strong
impact that prior probabilities and base rates have on test outcomes
(e.g., Kahneman & Tversky, 1973). To illustrate, it is perhaps
instructive to draw a close analogy between eyewitness identifi-
cation testing and medical diagnostic testing. In medical diagnostic
testing, it is common for medical organizations to issue guidelines
about when to perform diagnostic tests versus forgo such tests.
Consider, for example, the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test for
prostate cancer (see Vollmer, 2006). Although the PSA test is just
as accurate for men under 30 as it is for men over 50, almost every
positive PSA test result on men under 30 is a false alarm whereas
only a small fraction of positive PSA test results on men over 50
are false alarms. Because the base rate (or prior probability) that an
under-30 male will have prostate cancer is nearly zero, almost
every positive result is a false alarm.
This same principle applies to eyewitness identification proce-
dures. In the case of lineups, the base rate is the rate at which the
suspect in the lineup is guilty versus innocent. More formal treat-
ments of the (Bayesian) mathematics behind this problem are
available (see Wells, Yang, & Smalarz, 2015; Wixted & Wells,
2017), but a simple version of the problem is presented here.
Assume that the chances that an innocent suspect will be identified
from a culprit-absent lineup is 6% and the chances that a guilty
suspect will be identified from a culprit-present lineup is 60%.
Assume as well that the long-term base rate for culprit-present
lineups is 50% (and the culprit-absent lineup base rate is therefore
50%). Suppose now that 1,000 lineups were conducted (500
culprit-present and 500 culprit-absent). We would expect 300
identifications of guilty suspects (60% of 500) and 30 identifica-
tions of innocent suspects (6% of 500). In this example, 330
suspects are identified and 9.1% of these suspects (30/330 .091)
are innocent.
Now suppose that, instead of a 50% base rate, the base rate were
lowered to 30% (300 culprit-present lineups and 700 culprit-absent
lineups). Now, the 1,000 lineups would be expected to yield 180
identifications of guilty suspects (60% of 300) and 42 identifica-
tions of innocent suspects (6% of 700). The result is that 222
suspects are identified (180 42) and 18.9% of these (42/222
.189) are innocent. In this 30% base-rate example, the percentage
of identified suspects who are innocent more than doubles com-
pared to when the base rate is 50%. Clearly, things get better if the
base rate for the suspect being guilty is increased to 70%. At a base
rate of 70%, the 1,000 lineups would yield 420 identifications of
guilty suspects (60% of 700) and only 18 identifications of inno-
cent suspect (6% of 300). In this example, 438 suspects are
identified (420 18) and only 4.1% are innocent.
Notice in the earlier examples that the eyewitnesses themselves
are performing just as well when the base rate is 30% as they are
when the base rate is 70% (just as the PSA test performs as well
when used on men of age 30 as it does on men of age 60). The
difference is that the 30% base rate allows for many more false
alarms than does the 70% base rate. Every time a culprit-absent
lineup is conducted, there exists some probabilistic jeopardy for an
innocent suspect. Therefore, minimizing the chances of presenting
witnesses with culprit-absent lineups is one way to reduce the
problem of wrongful convictions.
Even when the witness does not identify the innocent suspect in
a culprit-absent lineup, they often identify a known-innocent
lineup filler (Clark & Wells, 2008; Wells & Lindsay, 1980; Wells
& Olson, 2002; Wells et al., 2015). Most filler identifications are
made with low confidence, clearly signaling their error-prone
nature (Wixted & Wells, 2017); however, some are made with
higher confidence. Suppose, for example, an eyewitness is shown
a culprit-absent lineup and identifies a known-innocent filler.
Later, police receive information about who the actual culprit is. It
is too late to undo the fact that showing the eyewitness a culprit-
absent lineup led the witness to identify a known-innocent filler as
the culprit. This prior identification of a known-innocent filler
makes the prosecution of any newly identified person in a later
lineup substantially more difficult for prosecutors. In this sense,
culprit-absent lineups not only create risk for innocent suspects but
also elevate rates of filler identifications that, in turn, undermine
eyewitnesses’ credibility on any later identification opportunities
that could involve a culprit-present lineup (Wells, Steblay, &
Dysart, 2012).
What Is Evidence-Based Suspicion?
By evidence-based suspicion, we mean that there is articulable
evidence that leads to a reasonable inference that a particular
person, to the exclusion of most other people, likely committed the
crime in question. As with other standards used in the legal system
(such as reasonable suspicion or probable cause), there is no
precise probability associated with the concept of evidence-based
suspicion. However, a mere hunch is not evidence-based suspi-
cion. Moreover, merely fitting a general description that the wit-
ness gave of the culprit (e.g., young male, mid-20s, dark hair,
normal build) is not evidence-based suspicion as it could be
applied to large numbers of people. Nor can this notion of
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evidence-based suspicion be based on backward reasoning in
which a pick of that person in the lineup is used retroactively to
justify the placement of the person in the lineup. In other words,
evidence-based suspicion is something that must be established
prior to the lineup.
Not all articulable evidence qualifies as good evidence that
connects a specific suspect to a specific crime. However, there are
many possible examples of what could qualify as evidence-based
suspicion for purposes of justifying the placement of an individual
in a lineup identification procedure. Examples include:
A unique fit to a specific description that was given by the
eyewitness (e.g., blue teardrop tattoo under left eye; moon
shaped scar on chin);
Self-incriminating statements;
Being in possession of materials linked to the crime along
with a fit to the general physical description given by the
Known to be in the area of the crime around the time of the
crime along with a fit to the general physical description
given by the eyewitness;
Physical evidence at the crime scene linked to the person
along with a fit to the general physical description given
by the eyewitness;
A unique pattern to the crime that is known to be associ-
ated with a particular offender along with a fit to the
general physical description given by the eyewitness.
These examples of evidence-based suspicion are certainly not
exhaustive. But they capture the idea that the evidence should be
articulable, not based on mere hunch, and lead to a reasonable
inference that there is individuating evidence that makes this
person, to the exclusion of most other people, a reasonable candi-
date to be the one who committed the crime in question.
In contrast, articulable evidence that fails to link the suspect to
the specific crime for which an identification is sought does not
qualify as evidence-based suspicion. Some examples include:
A search of police records reveals that the suspect was
convicted of a similar crime in the same jurisdiction, has
been released from prison, and is now living in the neigh-
borhood where the crime was committed.
There are multiple witnesses to a crime and the identifi-
cation of the suspect made by the first witness is used to
establish evidence-based suspicion for the remaining wit-
nesses. If there was no articulable evidence for the first
witness then the first lineup should never have been con-
The suspect resembles a composite sketch or rendering of
the culprit made with the assistance of the witness. This
type of evidence does not clear the threshold of reason-
able, articulable suspicion linking the suspect to the crime
under investigation because composites do not reliably
represent a recognizable representation of the culprit (Ko-
vera, Penrod, Pappas, & Thill, 1997).
A suspect who was apprehended in the vicinity of one
crime happens to match the description of the culprit not
only for that crime but also for several other similar crimes
recently committed elsewhere in the community. If a wit-
ness to the crime committed in the vicinity of the suspect’s
apprehension does not identify the suspect, then there is no
evidence to support placing that suspect in lineups shown
to witnesses to the other similar crimes committed else-
where in the community. The nonidentification fails to
establish any link between the suspect and the other sim-
ilar crimes.
Again, this list of articulable evidence that does not meet criteria
for evidence-based suspicion is not exhaustive. However, these
examples illustrate that the evidence supporting the placement of a
suspect in an identification procedure must be evaluated for
whether it actually provides a nexus between the suspect and the
crime witnessed.
Final Comments on Evidence-Based Suspicion
The medical field’s understanding of the impact of base rates on
medical diagnostic test outcomes is far ahead of the legal system’s
understanding of the impact of base rates in eyewitness lineup test
outcomes (Wells et al., 2015). Furthermore, the concern about base
rates in eyewitness identification might be even more important
than are base rate concerns in medical testing because diagnostic
medical tests can be repeated to confirm reliability of the result, or
a different type of test can be performed to look for convergence
of results. An eyewitness identification test, in contrast, cannot be
repeated with that same witness and same suspect without being
contaminated (see Recommendation 8); it is important to ensure
that the chances of presenting eyewitnesses with a culprit-absent
lineup are not unduly high.
Although our discussion of the importance of having evidence-
based suspicion has been centered on the chances that an innocent
suspect will be identified, there is an additional reason to be
concerned about presenting eyewitnesses with a culprit-absent
lineup. Even if the eyewitness does not identify an innocent
suspect, culprit-absent lineups strongly increase the chances that
the eyewitness will identify a filler (Wells, 1984; Wells et al.,
2015). When an eyewitness identifies a filler, it “burns” the cred-
ibility of that eyewitness for purposes of any later identification
(e.g., Wells et al., 2012). Suppose, for example, an innocent
suspect was placed in a lineup, the eyewitness picks a filler, and
investigators later discover evidence-based suspicion against a
new suspect. Can they simply bring the eyewitness back and show
the eyewitness a new lineup with the new suspect? The empirical
data indicate that eyewitnesses who identify a filler from a culprit-
absent lineup are highly error prone on any later lineup, even if that
later lineup includes the culprit (Smalarz, Kornell, Vaughn, &
Palmer, 2019). Moreover, research indicates that giving discon-
firming feedback to witnesses who identify a filler reduces per-
formance on subsequent identification tests (Palmer, Brewer, &
Weber, 2010).
An evidence-based suspicion standard could be implemented
easily by requiring detectives to present their proposal for con-
ducting a lineup to a supervisor of detectives. The supervisor of
detectives could then question the detective about why this lineup
is being conducted with this particular person as its focus (Wells,
2006). The detective should be able to point to some concrete
evidence that could lead to a reasonable inference that this person
should be suspected of being the culprit in question; if not, a
supervisor of detectives could suggest instead that the detective
investigate further so as to have more confidence that the subject
of the lineup is the culprit.
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Although a lineup should be conducted only after establishment
of evidence-based suspicion, eyewitness memory can fade with the
passage of time. Hence, a lineup should be conducted as soon as
possible after establishing evidence-based suspicion.
Recommendation 3: Double-Blind (or Equivalent)
Lineups should be conducted using a double-blind procedure
(i.e., neither the administrator nor the witness should know who
the suspect is in the lineup) or an equally effective method of
preventing the lineup administrator from inadvertently influencing
the witness.
A lineup administration is a social interaction between a witness
and an administrator. Like in other social situations, interpersonal
expectancies operate in the context of a lineup administration.
Why is the social interaction aspect of lineup administration con-
cerning? When someone has an expectation about how another is
likely or ought to behave, this expectation can cause the person
with the expectation to behave differently toward the target of the
expectation. This change in the expectation-holder’s behavior elic-
its the very behavior that was expected from the target (Harris &
Rosenthal, 1985; Rosenthal, 2002; Snyder & Swann, 1978). The
social interaction that takes place during the administration of a
lineup is not immune from this interpersonal expectancy phenom-
enon. There is no presumption that the influence of the lineup
administrator is intentional or even that the lineup administrator or
witness is aware of the influence.
A lineup is a test of the hypothesis that the person whom the
police suspect is in fact the culprit of the crime. The lineup
administrator is fundamentally an experimenter who is conducting
a procedure to test this hypothesis (Wells & Luus, 1990). Because
people tend to test hypotheses in a way that will confirm their
expectations (e.g., Klayman & Ha, 1987; Skov & Sherman, 1986),
a lineup administrator, like any other experimenter, should follow
protocols that will prevent them and their expectations from influ-
encing the results of their tests. Double-blind testing, in which the
lineup administrator does not know which person is the suspect
and which are merely fillers (i.e., a blind administrator), is the best
way of ensuring that any information that administrators have
about which lineup member is the suspect will not influence the
witnesses’ behavior, including any identification decision they
might make or their confidence in that decision (see also Recom-
mendation 6 for a discussion of how double-blind administration
eliminates the opportunity for postidentification feedback that
could influence witness confidence). Double-blind testing can also
prevent administrators’ expectations from influencing their reports
of witnesses’ behaviors during the procedure. In contrast, single-
blind lineup administration, in which the administrator knows
which lineup member is the suspect and which are fillers (i.e.,
nonblind administrator), allows for the possibility that the admin-
istrator will communicate the identity of the suspect to the witness
through intentional or unintentional verbal or nonverbal behaviors.
In a single-blind lineup procedure, the eyewitness does not know
which person is suspected of being the culprit and which ones are
fillers, but the lineup administrator knows. In a double-blind lineup
procedure, neither the eyewitness nor the lineup administrator
knows which person is suspected of being the culprit and which
are fillers.
The double-blind recommendation is primarily focused on keep-
ing knowledge about the suspect from the administrator of a lineup
so that this knowledge cannot influence the administrator’s behav-
ior while conducting the identification procedure. However, the
purpose of the recommendation is to keep anyone who knows
which lineup member is the suspect from influencing the witness.
Thus, there should be no officers (e.g., the lead detective) in the
room where the identification procedure is conducted who know
which lineup member is the suspect, even if they are not the officer
administering the procedure. Moreover, if there are multiple wit-
nesses, a different blind administrator should conduct the lineup
with each witness because conducting a procedure with one wit-
ness may provide an administrator with clues about which lineup
member is the suspect, which might then influence how that
administrator interacts with the next witness while administering
the identification procedure (Douglass, Smith, & Fraser-Thill,
It is equally important to keep information about which person
is the suspect and which ones are fillers from the witness. It might
seem odd to explicitly warn against letting a witness know who the
suspect is before they make an identification decision. In practice,
however, we find it not uncommon for circumstances surrounding
the identification procedure to alert the witness to which lineup
member is the suspect. For example, the witness may be tipped off
to who the suspect is after being presented with multiple photo
arrays that share only one lineup member (the suspect) in common,
which is one of the many reasons for our recommendation to avoid
repeated lineup procedures (Recommendation 8).
The recommendation for double-blind administration of lineups
was included among the original four recommendations made in
the previous scientific review paper (Wells et al., 1998). At the
time that article was written, however, there were no studies that
directly tested whether a lineup administrator’s knowledge of
which lineup member was the suspect influenced witness identi-
fications. Without studies directly testing the effects of double-
blind administration of lineups, the recommendation was made
based on generalizations from basic studies on experimenter ex-
pectancy effects (Harris & Rosenthal, 1985) and early research
suggesting that positive feedback to witnesses after they choose
the suspect increases their confidence in that choice (Wells &
Bradfield, 1998). Since the previous scientific review paper was
written, researchers have conducted a number of studies demon-
strating that the single-blind administration of lineups increases the
likelihood that witnesses will identify the suspect (for a review, see
Kovera & Evelo, 2017), irrespective of whether the suspect is the
culprit (Charman & Quiroz, 2016; Greathouse & Kovera, 2009)or
an innocent suspect (Charman & Quiroz, 2016; Greathouse &
Kovera, 2009; Zimmerman, Chorn, Rhead, Evelo, & Kovera,
Paradigms for Examining Lineup Administrator
Scholars have developed several paradigms to examine the
effects of administrator influence on witness decisions. In one
paradigm, which has been termed the steering paradigm (Ko-
vera & Evelo, 2017), the lineup administrator is a confederate
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Content may be shared at no cost, but any requests to reuse this content in part or whole must go through the American Psychological Association.
of the experimenter who intentionally engages in behaviors that
steer that witness toward the suspect (e.g., Rhead, Rodriguez,
Korobeynikov, Yip, & Kovera, 2015) or encourages the witness to
make an identification (Clark, Brower, Rosenthal, Hicks, & Mo-
reland, 2013). However, the influence of administrators on wit-
nesses need not be intentional. In the cue-disruption paradigm, all
administrators know who the suspect is but half of them are
prevented from sending cues (whether intentionally or unintention-
ally) to the witness during the administration of the lineup. In one
study, for example, the contact between the administrator and the
witness was limited by having the administrators stand behind the
witnesses while they viewed a photo-array. Witnesses were less
likely to identify the suspect when the administrator stood behind
them than when the administrator sat in front of or beside the
witness (Haw & Fisher, 2004). In the double-blind paradigm,
participants are randomly assigned to be either witnesses or lineup
administrators; half of the lineup administrators are told who the
suspect is and the other half are not (Phillips, McAuliff, Kovera, &
Cutler, 1999). These participant administrators then present the
photo-array to the participant witnesses. Across all paradigms,
when administrators know who the suspect is and are not pre-
vented from sending cues to the witness, witnesses are more likely
to choose the suspect from the lineup, whether the suspect is the
culprit or not (Kovera & Evelo, 2017).
These studies tell us that changes in the behavior of adminis-
trators during the administration of the lineup are responsible for
this increase in witness picks of the suspect. In the steering
paradigm studies, the administrators’ behaviors were intentionally
manipulated to steer the witness toward the suspect and away from
fillers (e.g., Rhead et al., 2015). In double-blind paradigm studies,
observers reported that nonblind administrators placed more pres-
sure on witnesses to choose someone from the lineup than did
blind administrators (Greathouse & Kovera, 2009) and that pres-
sure was directed toward choosing the suspect rather than a filler
(Zimmerman et al., 2017). Nonblind administrators were more
likely to directly ask witnesses about the suspect than were blind
administrators (Zimmerman et al., 2017). Nonblind administrator
influence can be nonverbal as well; nonblind administrators are
also more likely than blind administrators to smile when a witness
is looking at the suspect rather than a filler (Charman & Quiroz,
2016; Zimmerman et al., 2017).
These differences in behaviors between blind and nonblind
administrators affect which photo witnesses choose from lineups,
not whether they make a choice at all. Witnesses are equally likely
to choose someone from a lineup, irrespective of whether the
lineup administrator knows who the suspect is (Greathouse &
Kovera, 2009; Kovera & Evelo, 2017). The increase in witness
identifications of the suspect from single-blind lineup administra-
tions appears to be the result of witnesses who would have iden-
tified a filler (and do so under blind administration) identifying the
suspect instead due to influence from the nonblind administrator
(Kovera & Evelo, 2017). This pattern of findings, replicated in a
number of studies (Charman & Quiroz, 2016; Greathouse & Ko-
vera, 2009; Kovera & Evelo, 2017), is known as the filler-to-
suspect shift and provides compelling evidence that single-blind
lineup administration allows administrators to transmit informa-
tion about who the suspect is to witnesses, even if unintentionally.
Double-Blind Administration Helps Prevent
Postidentification Feedback
In addition to affecting witnesses’ identification decisions,
single-blind lineup administration allows administrators to provide
feedback to witnesses about their decisions. Nonblind administra-
tors react to witness identifications in ways that send information
to witnesses about whether their choice was “correct” (i.e., an
identification of the suspect; Charman & Quiroz, 2016; Garrioch &
Brimacombe, 2001). Two decades of research supports the con-
clusion that providing feedback to witnesses that they identified
the suspect increases their confidence in the accuracy of their
decision, especially among eyewitnesses who have made a mis-
taken identification (Steblay, Wells, & Douglass, 2014; see Rec-
ommendation 6 for a more complete discussion of this research).
This confirming feedback effect attenuates the relationship be-
tween confidence and accuracy (Bradfield, Wells, & Olson, 2002),
rendering witnesses’ reports of their confidence useless for judging
their accuracy (Wixted & Wells, 2017). In addition to preventing
administrators from providing feedback that will influence wit-
nesses’ reports of their confidence, double-blind administration
will also prevent other unwelcome effects of feedback such as the
contamination of witnesses’ memory for the conditions under
which they witnessed the crime (Steblay et al., 2014), the impair-
ment of witness memory for the culprit (Smalarz & Wells, 2014a),
and lessening the ability of jurors to differentiate between accurate
and inaccurate witnesses (Smalarz & Wells, 2014b).
Double-Blind Administration Helps Ensure Full and
Accurate Reports
Knowing who the suspect is may also influence what informa-
tion administrators record about witnesses’ behavior during the
identification procedure. Even though we recommend video-
recording the lineup administration (see Recommendation 7), a
2013 survey indicated that most lineups in the U.S. (75%) are
not video-recorded (Police Executive Research Forum, 2013). In
cases that fail to video-record, the only contemporaneous record of
what happened during the procedure is information memorialized
by the administrator. Lineup administrators often fail to make a
record of the verbatim statement of the eyewitness but instead will
make a note of the gist of what the eyewitness said. It is also
possible that knowing who the suspect is may change how admin-
istrators assess and record witnesses’ choices from lineups. If so,
when witnesses make tentative identifications (e.g., “I don’t know.
I think it may be Number 4, but I’m not certain.”), administrators
who know that the witness is talking about a suspect may record a
positive identification of the suspect whereas administrators who
know that the witness is talking about a filler may record the very
same behavior as a nonidentification or rejection (Rodriguez &
Berry, 2014). Moreover, lineup administrators’ interpretations of
ambiguous eyewitness statements and administrators’ perceptions
of the witness are biased by whether the lineup administrator is
blind or not blind (Charman, Matuku, & Mook, 2019).
Although there are limited empirical data that directly bear on
the effects of administrators’ knowledge of who the suspect is on
their reports, evidence continues to mount that forensic examiners’
expectancies influence their evaluations (for a review, see Kassin,
Dror, & Kukucka, 2013). In addition, there are data from both
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
Content may be shared at no cost, but any requests to reuse this content in part or whole must go through the American Psychological Association.
laboratory and field studies suggesting that administrators who are
nonblind record witness choices differently than do administrators
who are blind. Indeed, for 5 years in Queens County, NY, the
District Attorneys’ Office recorded choices made by witnesses
from live single-blind lineups. Supposedly, choices were only
recorded when the administrators judged that it had been made
with a high degree of confidence and was not tentative (as reported
in Mecklenburg, 2006). But in these Queen’s county cases, it was
nonblind administrators who made decisions as to whether to
report an affirmative response as an identification or whether to
dismiss it as something else. In other words, the administrators in
the Queens County cases knew that these were filler picks. This
procedure resulted in a very low rate of reported filler identifica-
tions (between 0.56% and 5.62%). Field studies for which the
lineups were conducted double-blind, however, report filler iden-
tification rates that are much higher 11%–15% (see Klobuchar,
Steblay, & Caligiuri, 2006; Wells, Steblay, & Dysart, 2015). This
difference in filler identification rates could represent a differ-
ence in reporting that derives from whether the lineup was
In other field data from the Evanston Police Department in
Illinois, reports from double-blind lineups were more likely to
involve verbatim reports of witness statements than were reports
from single-blind lineups (83% vs. 39%, Steblay, 2011). The
interpretation of the Evanston data is problematic because only
double-blind administrators were instructed to record what words
the witnesses used to make their identification whereas single-
blind administrators were not.
Controlled experiments have tested how administrators make
records of the behavior of eyewitnesses as a function of whether
the administrator of a lineup was blind and whether a confederate-
witness chose the suspect or a filler (Rodriguez & Berry, 2014,
2019). Although double-blind administrators were just as likely to
report that witnesses had made a positive identification when the
witness identified a filler as when the witness identified the sus-
pect, single-blind administrators were more likely to report incor-
rectly that witnesses who identified a filler had not made an
identification. Moreover, when nonblind administrators recorded
the confidence reported by witnesses, independent coders who
were blind to condition judged the confidence levels of those who
identified suspects to be higher than those who identified fillers
even though the confederate-witness expressed the same level of
confidence in both types of identifications (Rodriguez & Berry,
These effects of single-blind lineup administration on witnesses’
identification decisions, their confidence, and administrators’ re-
porting behavior support the use of double-blind procedures when
collecting eyewitness identification evidence. The U.S. Depart-
ment of Justice (2017) and the National Research Council (2014)
have made similar recommendations. Nevertheless, many jurisdic-
tions have yet to put this procedure, or a similar alternative, into
practice (Kovera & Evelo, 2017).
Practical Issues in Implementing
Double-Blind Lineups
Some resistance to double-blind lineup administration has come
from a limited-resources argument that certain police departments
are so small that every officer in the department knows the identity
of the suspect. At the state level, this concern has not been found
in actual practice. In 2002, New Jersey became the first state to
mandate double-blind administration, and state officials have re-
ported no problems implementing this policy. In cases of very
small police departments, for example, cooperative agreements
were created to loan officers to nearby departments for the purpose
of conducting double-blind identification procedures. Other states,
from Florida to California, have similarly reported no problems
with conducting double-blind lineups.
Hence, we recommend double-blind lineup administration and
believe that actual practice has proven it to be viable for all
jurisdictions. Nevertheless, in theory any procedure that prevents
the possibility of a nonblind lineup administrator influencing the
eyewitness could be used. With photo lineups for example, it is
possible to use a laptop computer with software that delivers
prelineup instructions, randomizes and presents the photo lineup,
records any identification decision from mouse clicks, and collects
a confidence statement from the eyewitness. With such software,
the eyewitness can self-administer the photo lineup without any-
one else present in the room, thereby guaranteeing that there could
not have been lineup administrator influence over the eyewit-
nesses’ identification or confidence statements. We recommend
that video-recording be used with the laptop procedure just as it is
with a double-blind administrator (see Recommendation 7).
A low-tech alternative to the self-administered laptop procedure
for photo lineups is the self-administered envelope method. With
the envelope method, a photo lineup is prepared with clearly
numbered photos and the page should clearly state the options (to
identify one of the photos, indicate “not there,” or indicate do not
know in a way that is parallel to the instructions in Recommen-
dation 5). The page should also include a confidence question (see
Recommendation 6). A photo lineup with these items should be
placed in a large envelope and sealed. After giving complete
instructions to the eyewitness (see Recommendation 5), the lineup
administrator should tell the eyewitness that the photos are inside
of the envelope. Of course, when using the self-administered
envelope method as an alternative to the double-blind method, the
instruction that the lineup administrator does not know which
lineup member is the suspect cannot be used. The witness should
be instructed to make an identification decision by either circling
the photo of the person they believe to be the culprit or circling the
“none” or “do not know” option below the photos. The witness
should be instructed to place the photo-lineup and responses back
in the envelope before opening the door to tell the lineup admin-
istrator that she or he has finished. The witness should not be
handed the envelope until the lineup administrator is prepared to
leave the room. The outside of the envelope should again tell the
eyewitness to open the envelope and to view the photos only after
the officer has left the room and to replace the photos and the
answers to questions back in the envelope before opening the door
to let the officer know that they are finished. Only when the
witness has confirmed that the identification decision and confi-
dence statement have been completed and placed back in the
envelope should the officer reenter the room and examine the
This envelope method could be adapted for sequential presen-
tation of the photos, with photos placed individually in smaller,
numbered envelopes and instructions to look at each photo in
numerical order and record an identification decision and a con-
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Content may be shared at no cost, but any requests to reuse this content in part or whole must go through the American Psychological Association.
fidence judgment before replacing the photo in its envelope and
proceeding to the next envelope. Backloading of the lineup could
be achieved by placing additional envelopes with blank photo
pages in the later numbered envelopes, with an instruction in the
first envelope used for backloading that the lineup procedure is
complete and witnesses should return all materials to the large
envelope and let the administrator know that they are done. As
with all identification procedures, the self-administered envelope
procedure should be video-recorded to ensure that the witness
follows the instructions given.
In addition to concerns about limited resources making it diffi-
cult to implement double-blind procedures, some have objected to
their adoption because of the loss of correct identifications asso-
ciated with double-blind administration (Clark, 2012a, 2012b).
Although it is true that double-blind procedures can reduce both
correct and mistaken identifications, they do so by eliminating the
opportunity for administrators to cue the witness to which lineup
member is the suspect. Given that the legal system requires that an
eyewitness identification be based on the independent memory of
the witness (Perry v. New Hampshire, 2012), the loss of an
identification obtained through administrator influence should not
be a concern. Indeed, some scholars have termed these correct
identifications obtained through suggestive procedures to be “ille-
gitimate hits” (i.e., correct identifications that are not based in the
witness’s memory but instead a product of the cues received from
an administrator; Wells et al., 2012). Thus, double-blind proce-
dures serve to protect suspects’ rights to due process.
Recommendation 4: Lineup Fillers
There should be only one suspect per lineup, and the lineup
should contain at least five appropriate fillers who do not make the
suspect stand out in the lineup based upon physical appearances
or other contextual factors such as clothing or background.
Recommendation 4 concerns what might be considered the most
widely known problem that can afflict lineups, namely a lineup
that is constructed in a way that makes it obvious which member
is the suspect. This idea is the source of scores of cartoons and
jokes about the perceived failings of criminal justice, such as one
that depicts a person embedded in a lineup composed of a dog, cat,
refrigerator, and a microwave oven. Nevertheless, jocular treat-
ments of biased lineups hide a serious problem and this problem
has much greater complexity than meets the eye.
The problem of biased lineups is one of the oldest in the
scientific study of eyewitness identification. In fact, the first pub-
lished experiment on eyewitness identification that manipulated
the presence versus absence of the culprit in the lineup (a now
routine feature of eyewitness identification experiments) was an
experiment in which the researchers also manipulated the lineup
fillers to be either similar or dissimilar to the suspect (Lindsay &
Wells, 1980). Not surprisingly, in culprit-absent lineup conditions
the use of high-similarity lineup fillers strongly reduced mistaken
identifications of the innocent suspect compared with the use of
low-similarity fillers. In culprit-present conditions, the use of these
same high-similarity fillers had only a minor impact on accurate
identifications of the culprit relative to the use of low-similarity
fillers. This pattern of results, showing that using low-similarity
fillers increases the chances of mistaken identification of an inno-
cent suspect, has been repeatedly replicated (Fitzgerald, Price,
Oriet, & Charman, 2013).
Despite the relative ease of replicating the basic finding that
low-similarity fillers increase the risk of mistaken identification of
an innocent suspect, there is not total agreement among eyewitness
scientists regarding the best strategy for choosing fillers to serve in
a lineup. There are two primary strategies for selecting fillers
(Luus & Wells, 1991). One strategy uses the verbal description of
the culprit that the eyewitness provided (e.g., “White male, mid-
20s in age, about 5 feet 10 inches tall, short dark hair, no facial
hair, medium build”). This method of selecting fillers is called the
match-to-description strategy. The alternative strategy, called the
resemble-suspect strategy, involves selecting fillers who physi-
cally resemble the suspect. The resemble-suspect strategy can be
problematic because it has no criterion or “stopping point” for
determining how similar the fillers should be, at times resulting in
lineup fillers who are too similar and leading to a different problem
than a biased lineup (Luus & Wells, 1991). In effect, extremely
high similarity creates a lineup of near-clones, thereby making it
too difficult to identify the culprit from a culprit-present lineup.
The match-to-description strategy, in contrast, has a natural stop-
ping point (the description) and does not risk creating such high
levels of similarity between fillers and the suspect that would
interfere with obtaining accurate identifications of the culprit
(Luus & Wells, 1991). An experiment comparing the two strate-
gies to a biased (low similarity) lineup showed the two strategies
to be equally effective in reducing innocent suspect identifications;
however, the resemble-suspect strategy produced a reduction in
accurate identifications of the culprit, whereas the match-to-
description strategy did not (Wells, Rydell, & Seelau, 1993). These
findings have been replicated (Juslin, Olsson, & Winman, 1996).
Other studies have shown either no detrimental effect on culprit
identifications from using the resemble-suspect strategy and no
evidence that it made the innocent suspect stand out (Tunnicliff &
Clark, 2000), or no advantage one way or the other for match-to-
description versus suspect resemblance strategies (Darling, Valen-
tine, & Memon, 2008). But a large-scale study comparing
description-matched fillers to suspect-matched fillers showed clear
evidence favoring description-matched fillers (Carlson et al.,
In a meta-analysis of the data on filler similarity, lineups clas-
sified as high similarity produced a reduction in culprit identifica-
tions relative to low similarity lineups but not relative to moderate
similarity lineups (Fitzgerald et al., 2013). As noted in the meta-
analysis, the categorization of low, medium, and high similarity
lineups reflected relative rather than absolute levels of similarity
(the concept of similarity could not be defined in absolute terms,
with clear criteria for each level of sameness). In a more recent
study, fillers who resembled the suspect were selected from either
an extremely large database of faces (which produced very high
similarity fillers) or a more modest sized database (which pro-
duced more moderate levels of similarity; Bergold & Heaton,
2018). Compared with the more modest size database of faces,
using the large database of faces for selecting fillers resulted in a
reduction in accurate identifications of the culprit by producing too
much similarity between the fillers and the suspect. Overall, the
data suggest that using the resemble-suspect strategy could pro-
duce too much similarity between the suspect and the fillers such
that it interferes with identifications of the culprit, especially when
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fillers are selected from large databases. This problematic condi-
tion could become more prevalent as the ability to rapidly search
large databases of faces becomes increasingly more common.
A Blended Approach for Choosing Fillers
The net result of these complex problems is that the science has
not yet been able to specify what the optimal level of similarity of
fillers to the suspect ought to be and thus, at this time, there is no
single strategy or formula for selecting fillers to be used in a
lineup. Nevertheless, there are generally accepted principles re-
garding how fillers should be selected for a lineup, and they tend
to involve a blend of the match-to-description and resemble-
suspect strategies. First, there is general agreement among experts
for a minimal requirement that fillers should fit the description that
the eyewitness gave of the culprit. A failure to match the witness’s
description might introduce a serious bias even though lineup
members may look very similar. For example, a witness might
describe the culprit as “male, 40s, shaven head, striking blue eyes,
very solid build around the neck and shoulders.” A subsequent
lineup could have an array of people who are very similar in
appearance; however, if only one of the lineup members had blue
eyes, that individual becomes distinct within the array in that his
face will match the memory of the perpetrator more so than will
the fillers.
An exception to this general match-to-description principle
should be made when the suspect does not fit the witness’s
description. For example, a person might become a suspect for
reasons other than his or her appearance. Furthermore, if the
description of the culprit mentioned a moustache, but the suspect
does not have a moustache, then the fillers also should not have a
moustache. In other words, if there is a discrepancy on some
physical feature between the eyewitness’s description of the culprit
and the appearance of the suspect, the fillers should match the
suspect’s appearance (rather than the witness’s description of the
culprit) on that feature.
Another situation in which match-to-description is inadequate is
when the description is vague, general, or sparse. For example, the
description “young White male” is inadequate. In this case, the
fillers should match the suspect on basic “default” characteristics
such as facial hair, hairstyle, and general body build (Lindsay,
Martin, & Webber, 1994). Hence, the match-to-description method
for selecting fillers should be used only if the description is
Sometimes a suspect has a unique feature such as a tattoo or a
scar, making it very difficult to find a filler who matches on that
unique feature. There are two general approaches to dealing with
this issue, made easier by advances in technology. One approach is
to duplicate this feature on the fillers, which could be done
electronically in the case of photo lineups. The other approach is
to cover the unique feature on the suspect and then place that same
cover on each of the fillers at the same location on their bodies.
Both the “duplicate” and “cover” approaches appear to be equally
effective (Colloff, Wade, & Strange, 2016). However, these alter-
ations must be done in a way that does not make the suspect stand
out in a mock witness test (see next section).
Another complication in selecting fillers can occur when a
person becomes a suspect based on resemblance to a facial com-
posite (e.g., forensic sketch or computer-generated face) or a
surveillance image (although see discussion of the problems asso-
ciated with using culprit-match to a composite in Recommendation
2: The Evidence-Based Suspicion Recommendation). If the person
became a suspect based on resemblance to a composite or to a
surveillance image whereas the fillers were chosen based merely
on their match to the witness’s verbal description, then there is a
risk that the suspect will stand out. Hence, in such cases, fillers for
a lineup need to be chosen based on their similarity to that same
composite or surveillance image rather than chosen based on the
verbal description given by the eyewitness (see Wixted & Wells,
“Mock Witness” Testing
There is broad agreement that the lineup that is created should
be able to pass a “mock witness” test. A mock witness test is one
in which a large number of people are individually given the
description that the witness had given of the culprit, then shown
the lineup and asked which person they think is the suspect. The
ideal outcome from such a test would be if the suspect were
selected by these mock witnesses only 1/Nth of the time, where N
is the nominal number of lineup members. So, for a six-person
lineup, a good outcome would be if the suspect were picked one
sixth of the time. Consider again the witness description “male,
40s, shaven head, striking blue eyes, very solid build around neck
and shoulders” and the suspect is the only one with blue eyes. This
lineup is likely to result in most mock witnesses choosing the
suspect rather than spreading their choices across the lineup mem-
bers. We are not suggesting that police should be required to
conduct a mock witness test on each lineup they create. Instead, we
believe that a conscientious and objective detective would have a
good sense of whether the lineup was fair without conducting a
mock witness test with a large number of people. However, we do
recommend that a nonblind officer building the lineup ask at least
one or two other people (blind as to which person is the suspect)
to review the witness description and evaluate the lineup with
respect to whether it would pass a mock witness test. We also
recommend that every lineup report include a written record of
how the fillers were selected for the lineup.
Mock witness tests have been around since the 1970s (Doob &
Kirshenbaum, 1973) and a number of different statistics have been
developed to estimate lineup bias from mock witness results (e.g.,
Malpass, 1981; Tredoux, 1998; Wells, Leippe, & Ostrom, 1979).
Mock witness measures tend to predict choices of eyewitnesses
from culprit-absent lineups (Tredoux, Parker, & Nunez, 2007),
though mock witness tests do have limits (see Wells & Bradfield,
1999). One of these limits is that a mock witness test is insensitive
to whether the level of similarity between fillers and the suspect is
too high, so high that it would likely harm rates of accurate
identifications if the suspect is the actual culprit. For example, a
lineup of clones would produce a good result from a mock witness
test (one sixth of choices are of the suspect), even though it would
not be a good lineup in that most witnesses would not be able to
distinguish between the culprit and the fillers. In addition, because
mock witness tests use the description of the culprit provided by
the eyewitness, a mock witness test can appear perfectly fair if the
description is sparse whereas that same lineup can appear quite
unfair if the description is detailed (Mansour, Beaudry, Kalmet,
Bertrand, & Lindsay, 2017).
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Background, Clothing, and Other Contextual Factors
The physical characteristics of the fillers are not the only factors
that can make the suspect stand out in a lineup. In photo lineups,
for example, the background of the photos, the size or brightness
of the images, and the source of the photo could make the suspect’s
photo stand out from the others. Backgrounds are relatively easy to
fix on photos with modern editing software. Similarly, clothing
can easily be eliminated from headshots with editing software.
Sometimes, a suspect’s photo is from a different source (e.g.,
employment ID, social media, Department of Motor Vehicles
driver’s license) than a police department’s usual source for photo
lineups (e.g., mugshots), and this can make the suspect’s photo
stand out. This type of discrepancy will require either careful
electronic editing or perhaps going to the same source (e.g.,
Department of Motor Vehicles drivers’ licenses) to locate appro-
priate fillers.
It is not the case that every aspect of background, clothing, and
other features must be exactly the same. The critical issue is
whether the suspect stands-out in the context of the other fillers.
So, for example, if the background of every photo was different
from every other photo in the lineup, then perhaps the suspect’s
photo would not be any more distinct than other lineup members.
Articles of clothing (e.g., hats, shirts, etc.), however, could be of
special concern. Specifically, if there are reasons to believe that the
clothing worn by the suspect is similar to that worn by the culprit,
then (a) every filler needs to be clothed that same way, (b) the
suspect needs to have his or her clothes changed to blend in with
the fillers, or (c) each lineup member’s clothing must be obscured
from the view of the witness. For cases in which the identification
of clothing is thought to have potential probative value, a separate
identification procedure involving only the papers of clothing (a
clothing lineup) could be conducted independently of the identi-
fication of the suspect (see Lindsay et al., 1994; Lindsay, Wall-
bridge, & Drennan, 1987).
The Single-Suspect and Minimum of Five
Fillers Requirement
A central feature of this recommendation is that the lineup
should have only one suspect. There are several reasons why there
should be only one suspected person in the lineup with the remain-
der having the status of being known-innocent fillers. Suppose, for
example, that a lineup were composed entirely of suspects and no
fillers. All-suspect lineups have been likened to a multiple-choice
test in which there is no wrong answer (Wells & Turtle, 1986;
Wixted & Wells, 2017). The value of having known-innocent
fillers is that unreliable eyewitnesses are likely to err on a filler
rather than on an innocent suspect (assuming that the lineup is
composed of good fillers).
Consider again Table 1 of the current article in which we
displayed the outcomes of lineups in actual cases. These were all
single suspect lineups in which the suspect was embedded among
fillers. Notice that these eyewitnesses to serious crimes identified
fillers approximately 37% of the time they made an identification.
If everyone in those lineups had been a suspect, all 37% of these
would be mistaken identifications of innocent suspects who would
then be subject to arrest and possible prosecution. These field data
reinforce the dangers of having multiple suspects in a lineup, an
issue that was first documented over 30 years ago through statis-
tical proofs using data from eyewitness identification experiments
(Wells & Turtle, 1986).
The recommendation that there should be at least five known-
innocent fillers (thereby creating a six-person lineup) for a single
suspect is somewhat arbitrary. At a theoretical level, we can say
that an innocent suspect is better protected from mistaken identi-
fication with a six-person lineup than a five-person lineup, which
is better protection than a four-person lineup, and so on, as long as
other things are equal (e.g., how good the fillers are). However,
there are diminishing returns (in terms of restricting mistaken
identifications of innocent suspects). After all, in terms of protect-
ing an innocent suspect, an increase from two fillers to three fillers
is greater than an increase from five to six, which in turn will have
more impact than an increase from seven to eight fillers.
Some jurisdictions in the U.S. use more than six. Some juris-
dictions in Australia use lineups that vary from eight to 10 mem-
bers, and England and Wales also use more than six members. Of
course, as noted in the previous discussion on selecting fillers for
lineups, it is not the nominal size of the lineup that matters so much
as the number of lineup members who fit the description of the
culprit. A lineup of 12 people would be less effective than a lineup
of six people if the 11 fillers in the 12-person lineup did not fit the
description of the suspect, whereas the five fillers in the six-person
lineup did fit the description. Of course, a 12-person lineup in
which all fillers were a good match to the suspect would provide
more protection for the innocent suspect than would a six-person
lineup in which all the fillers were good fillers. Although one
eyewitness identification researcher has argued strongly for large
increases in photo lineup sizes to as high as 120 (Levi, 2011), at
this point we are not convinced that large increases in lineup size
are warranted in practice. Among other things, all but one of the
lineup members must be a priori cleared as possible suspects so
that they can have the definitive status of known-innocent fillers.
Establishing the innocence of a large number of fillers is not an
issue in a lab experiment, but it would be in actual practice. As
lineup size increases, it is also increasingly difficult to locate fillers
who properly fit the description of the culprit. Adding extremely
poor fillers to a lineup can enhance eyewitnesses’ confidence in a
mistaken identification (Charman, Wells, & Joy, 2011). In addi-
tion, there are concerns about potential loss of correct identifica-
tions (of the culprit) if a lineup becomes too large.
A Theoretical Note About Lineup Fillers
There is currently debate in the eyewitness identification liter-
ature about how good lineup fillers manage to improve overall
lineup performance (i.e., how do they reduce mistaken identifica-
tions of innocent suspects more than they interfere with identifi-
cations of the culprit?). Some have suggested that the use of good
fillers helps witnesses decide which facial features are diagnostic
(e.g., Colloff et al., 2016; Wixted & Mickes, 2014), whereas others
have argued that good fillers simply siphon false positive identi-
fications away from the innocent suspect more than they siphon
from the culprit (e.g., Smith et al., 2017; Smith, Wells, Smalarz, &
Lampinen, 2018; Wells, Smith, & Smalarz, 2015). It is possible
that both of these processes are involved and these might not be the
only two possibilities. Regardless of which processes underlie the
contribution that good fillers make to improved witness accuracy,
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the answer to this theoretical question ultimately could help to
clarify the best strategies for choosing fillers for lineups, and
should be considered in future research.
With photo lineups, care should be taken not only with respect
to the choice of filler photos but also the photo of the suspect.
Often, there are multiple possible photos of the suspect to choose
from. When possible, the suspect’s photo should be clear and look
as much as possible like the suspect appeared at the time of the
crime. If the crime was recent, for example, older photos of the
suspect should not be used if a more recent photo is available.
Recommendation 5: Prelineup Instructions
When inviting an eyewitness to attend a lineup procedure (photo
lineup or live lineup), police should not inform the eyewitness of
any information that the witness has not already provided and
certainly should not suggest that the suspect who will be in the
lineup has been arrested or that the culprit will be present in the
identification procedure. The eyewitness should be instructed that
(a) the lineup administrator does not know which person is the
suspect and which persons are fillers; (b) the culprit might not be
in the lineup at all, so the correct answer might be “not present”
or “none of these”; (c) if they feel unable to make a decision they
have the option of responding “don’t know”; (d) after making a
decision they will be asked to state how confident they are in that
decision; and (e) the investigation will continue even if no identi-
fication is made.
This recommendation addresses the concern that, if witnesses
approach the identification test with the mistaken belief that the
culprit must be present in the lineup, they may be predisposed
toward making a positive identification. Intuition would suggest
that many witnesses are likely to presume—based on the invitation
to view a lineup—that the police must have a strong suspect and,
thus, their task is to determine which lineup member the suspect is.
There are various strands of evidence suggesting that witnesses
make this assumption. For example, in one study, 90% of a large
sample of witnesses indicated immediately after making their
identification decision that they had expected the culprit to be
present in the lineup and believed their task was to identify him or
her (Memon, Gabbert, & Hope, 2004). In another study, witnesses
either viewed a lineup containing the culprit or a lineup with the
culprit removed but not replaced by another filler (Wells, 1993). In
the former condition, 54% of witnesses picked the culprit, 25%
picked one of the fillers, and 21% made no choice. When the
culprit was removed but not replaced, it might be expected that
around 75% of witnesses (i.e., 54% 21%) would make no
choice. Instead, only 32% of witnesses made no choice, with 68%
distributing their choices across the various fillers. This finding
suggests that witnesses are predisposed toward making a positive
identification, though not necessarily with high confidence, pro-
vided some lineup member appears to be a reasonable match to
their memory.
The most compelling evidence of the usefulness of this recom-
mended instruction comes from studies comparing the identifica-
tion performance obtained when witnesses are instructed that the
culprit might or might not be present in the lineup to identification
performance obtained under conditions where no such warning is
provided. The former condition has typically been referred to as an
unbiased instructions condition, the latter as a biased instructions
condition. The way in which these two conditions have been
enacted has varied. For example, unbiased instructions have often
simply involved providing the culprit might or might not be
present warning, although sometimes this has been accompanied
by an instruction that there is no need to pick anyone or even an
instruction emphasizing that the consequences of a wrong decision
may be dire. Biased instructions may also take many forms, such
as failing to forewarn the witness that the culprit might not be in
the lineup or by strongly implying or even stating that the culprit
is in the lineup. For example, asking the witness to select which
lineup member is the culprit strongly implies that the witness is
expected to make a positive identification decision.
Several features of the empirical findings on the effects of
biased versus unbiased instructions warrant mention. First, the
findings of three major reviews using meta-analytic procedures
demonstrate that witnesses were more likely to make a positive
identification decision when the lineup instructions were biased
(i.e., no warning regarding possible absence of the culprit) than
when they were unbiased (Clark, 2005; Steblay, 1997, 2013).
Second, although the magnitude of this effect varied across the
reviewed studies, presumably depending on the conditions at
memory encoding and the identification test, the increased likeli-
hood of choosing was reflected in increased positive identifica-
tions from both culprit-absent and culprit-present lineups. Thus, it
had both positive and negative effects. Third, subsequent to the
publication of these reviews, findings from two studies with very
large sample sizes have reinforced the impact of biased versus
unbiased instructions with both adult and child witnesses (Brewer
& Wells, 2006; Keast, Brewer, & Wells, 2007). Biased instructions
contributed to higher rates of both mistaken identifications and
correct identifications, suggesting that a failure to warn witnesses
that the culprit may not be present in the lineup contributes to
witnesses being prepared to accept less evidence (i.e., establishing
a more liberal decision criterion) for making a positive identifica-
tion decision. This lower threshold for choosing could be benefi-
cial if the base rate of guilty suspects were high, but it would be
detrimental if the base rate of guilty suspects were low, as may
often be true of real police lineups (e.g., Wixted et al., 2016).
The precise impact of witnesses lowering their decision criterion
will also depend on factors such as the characteristics of the
various lineup members (Brewer, Weber, & Semmler, 2005). For
example, if the lineup is biased against the suspect by virtue of the
suspect being the only plausible lineup member, a lower decision
threshold would increase the likelihood of (a) a correct identifica-
tion if the suspect is the culprit and (b) a mistaken identification of
an innocent suspect if the suspect is innocent. In contrast, if the
suspect is presented in an array of highly plausible fillers, instruc-
tions that lead witnesses to set a lower decision threshold may lead
to responses being spread more evenly across all lineup members.
It is important to note one qualification of the pattern of findings
typically found when contrasting the impact of unbiased versus
biased instructions. The effect of unbiased instructions may be
negated if the witness receives an explicit suggestion prior to
viewing the lineup that the culprit may be present in the lineup. In
a study in which witnesses were presented with culprit-absent
lineups only, witnesses received the suggestion surely you are
going to be able to pick the person out from the lineup prior to
receiving the instruction that the culprit may or may not be present
in the lineup (Quinlivan et al., 2012). Witnesses who received that
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suggestion, followed by unbiased instructions, were three times
more likely to identify the suspect (who, in this study, was inno-
cent) than were witnesses who received unbiased instructions
without any prior suggestive comment. Witnesses in the former
condition were also more confident in the accuracy of their erro-
neous identification decision than those in the latter condition.
The research findings on instructing witnesses prior to their
viewing a lineup have clear implications. First, when inviting an
eyewitness to attend a lineup procedure, police should not suggest
that a suspect has been arrested or that the culprit will be present
in the identification procedure. Second, in our experience some
witnesses seem to be under the misconception that the investiga-
tion hinges on their identification decision. Consequently, wit-
nesses should also be told that the investigation will continue even
if no identification is made.
Third, it should be made quite clear to the witness that the
culprit may or may not be in the lineup and that they do not have
to select any of the lineup members. In other words, responses
such as not present or none of these are quite appropriate. A
reminder that the witness does not have to choose anyone from the
lineup is important. A large percentage of witnesses are under the
impression that the culprit is present and their task is to identify
him (Memon et al., 2004). Fourth, to ensure that the witness does
not lose sight of the fact that such response options are appropriate,
there should be an explicit not present response option accompa-
nying the lineup members from which the eyewitness can choose.
In the case of a photo lineup, this option may be located below the
array of lineup faces. In the case of a live lineup, a response sheet
that shows the possible response options can be used: lineup
member numbers (i.e., 1, 2,...,6),notpresent, and do not know.
Finally, lineup administration procedures should accommodate
the possibility that the witness may look at the lineup and be
unwilling to pick someone or to respond not present because, for
example, they cannot decide between two or more lineup members
or they are uncertain about whether the culprit is in the lineup. For
that witness (i.e., one who really has no idea about what to do), an
appropriate response may be to say “don’t know” rather than not
present. Both adult and child witnesses use options such as do not
know or not sure when they are made explicitly available, with
frequency of use varying considerably depending on the encoding
stimuli and lineup materials (Brewer, Keast, & Sauer, 2010; Weber
& Perfect, 2012; Zajac & Karageorge, 2009). Moreover, there is
some evidence indicating that positive identifications of a suspect
are more diagnostic of suspect guilt when they are made in the
presence of a do not know option compared with when no such
option existed (Weber & Perfect, 2012).
The availability of an option to respond do not know is likely to
reduce the likelihood of low confidence positive identifications,
which research shows are often inaccurate (Brewer & Wells, 2006;
Wixted & Wells, 2017). Although there are strong grounds for
always questioning the reliability of low confidence identifica-
tions, there may be a tendency on the part of police or prosecutors
to argue, for example, that the initial low confidence identification
was made from a photo that was not a good likeness to the suspect,
thereby purportedly providing a reasonable explanation for the
witness’s low confidence. Further, although studies have shown
that mock-jurors (appropriately) downgrade the credibility of the
witness and the culpability of the defendant when cross-
examination highlights a disparity between a witness’s expressed
confidence at initial identification (low confidence) versus an
in-court identification (high confidence; Bradfield & McQuiston,
2004; Jones, Williams, & Brewer, 2008), this effect does not
always occur (e.g., Douglass & Jones, 2013). For example, if a
witness expressed high confidence in their identification of the
suspect during a trial despite a low confidence initial identification,
jurors tended to excuse the confidence inflation if the witness
appeared to have experienced an epiphany about their initial low
confidence identification (e.g., “I wasn’t very confident at the time
of the identification because I was scared back then”). As long as
these types of excuses for initial low-confidence identifications are
permitted, we argue that it is crucial that there is an explicit do not
know response option, which can be located alongside the not
present option.
We note that some jurisdictions have used what has been re-
ferred to as an “appearance change” instruction. This instruction
was among a set of guidelines developed by a U.S. Department of
Justice (DoJ) working group on the collection of eyewitness evi-
dence. Specifically, the DoJ guidelines recommended that, prior to
being shown a lineup, eyewitnesses should be told that “individ-
uals depicted in lineup photos may not appear exactly as they did
on the date of the incident because features such as head and facial
hair are subject to change” (Technical Working Group for Eye-
witness Evidence, 1999, p. 32). We have not included this instruc-
tion in the current set of recommendations because subsequent
research has shown that the appearance change instruction in-
creased false identifications but did not increase culprit identifica-
tions (Charman & Wells, 2007; Molinaro, Arndorfer, & Charman,
As a final note on instructions, we recommend that in addition
to the witness having the instructions in writing, the lineup admin-
istrator should read the instructions aloud to witnesses, pausing
after each point to make sure that the witness understands each
Recommendation 6: Obtain an Immediate
Confidence Statement
A confidence statement should be taken from witnesses as soon
as an identification decision (either positive or negative) is made.
For double-blind lineups, “immediate” means that the confi-
dence statement should be secured with only the blind adminis-
trator in the room and before the case detective or any other
nonblind individuals are allowed into the room. Note that a con-
fidence statement should be recorded if a witness positively iden-
tifies someone or if a witness indicates the culprit is not present,
says they do not know, or indicates that they are not sure.Asan
example, the confidence statement could be collected as a numeric
response (i.e., on a scale from 0% confident to 100% confident).
Alternatively, confidence could be collected using a verbal scale
(e.g., “positive,” “probably,” “maybe”). If neither scale is used and
witnesses simply use their own words, a verbatim record of their
verbal statements (or preferably a video-recording, see Recom-
mendation 7) should be made, not a summary or paraphrase
generated by the lineup administrator. If the witness’s response is
“don’t know,” a confidence statement should be recorded if the
witness spontaneously provides one. Otherwise, no confidence
statement should be solicited for “don’t know” responses. How-
ever, it could be useful to let the eyewitness state a basis for the
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“don’t know” response (e.g., did not get a good view, none are
familiar). The prelineup instructions should have already commu-
nicated to the eyewitness that a confidence statement will be
requested (see Recommendation 5). These prelineup instructions
help to prevent witnesses from drawing erroneous conclusions that
their confidence is only being assessed because the lineup admin-
istrator thinks their decision is incorrect.
This recommendation is based on the fact that eyewitness con-
fidence is a useful cue to the accuracy of a witness’s decision when
instructions do not imply the presence of a culprit (Quinlivan et al.,
2012), double-blind administration is used, and fair lineups are
presented (Wixted & Wells, 2017). Specifically, confidence pre-
dicts accuracy among witnesses who choose from a photospread
when immediate confidence reports are obtained (e.g., Brewer &
Wells, 2006; Palmer, Brewer, Weber, & Nagesh, 2013; Sauer,
Brewer, Zweck, & Weber, 2010). Note that forcing witnesses to
withhold their confidence reports for as little as 5 min has been
found to undermine the predictive value of confidence, unless
witnesses are required to spend that time reflecting on the witness-
ing conditions and identification procedure, or producing reasons
why they might have made an incorrect decision (Brewer, Keast,
& Rishworth, 2002).
The corpus of data suggesting that confidence is a useful cue to
eyewitness accuracy stands in stark contrast to DNA exonerations
in which innocent people were mistakenly identified in court by
highly confident eyewitnesses, most of whom were demonstrably
less confident at the time of the initial identification (e.g., Garrett,
2011). If confidence is a useful cue to accuracy, how could these
mistaken witnesses have been so confident? The answer lies in the
fact that intervening postdecision events can dramatically shift
witnesses’ reports of their confidence from low at the time of
identification to high at the time of trial. As a result, these shifts
render delayed reports nearly useless as cues to accuracy. How-
ever, if confidence reports are taken immediately after an identi-
fication decision, the integrity of confidence as a cue to accuracy
is enhanced considerably.
We recommend that confidence statements be collected on a
graded scale using words (e.g., “positive,” “probably,” “maybe”)
or numbers (e.g., from 0% confident to 100% confident). The key
element of this recommendation is that an immediate record of a
witness’s confidence is collected. Immediate confidence estimates
are the only way to ensure that postidentification variables do not
contaminate subsequent confidence reports.
We focus on immediate confidence reports because seemingly
innocuous postdecision events can contaminate witnesses’ confi-
dence reports, undermining what could have been forensically
meaningful information from an eyewitness. One of the most
heavily researched of these events involves postidentification feed-
back offered by a lineup administrator in the form of a simple
comment confirming the witness’s decision. Such feedback can
dramatically inflate confidence reports. In the original test of the
postidentification feedback effect (Wells & Bradfield, 1998), re-
searchers provided inaccurate witnesses with such a comment:
“Good, you identified the suspect.” That simple statement resulted
in 50% of inaccurate witnesses reporting that their confidence was
a 6 or 7 on a 7-point scale (compared with only 15% of witnesses
in the control condition). Importantly, the inflated confidence
report created by this feedback is a retrospective judgment because
witnesses indicate how confident they were at the time of their
identification, before they knew their decision was correct. Any
resulting confidence inflation obviously obscures a true picture of
the witness’s experience at the time of the identification decision.
The effect of postidentification feedback is robust and reliable (see
meta-analysis by Steblay et al., 2014). It also features prominently
in some judicial decisions as courts grapple with how to ensure
that eyewitness identification testimony truly reflects the witness’s
experience of making an identification decision, rather than the
influence of extramemorial variables (e.g., New Jersey v. Hender-
son, 2011; Oregon v. Lawson, 2012).
Beyond affecting witnesses’ self-reports, distorted confidence
judgments complicate assessments of witness identification deci-
sions. Indeed, several experiments show us that evaluators rate
inaccurate witnesses who have received confirming feedback as
more credible than those who received disconfirming feedback or
no feedback, even when evaluators are instructed to ignore the
feedback and even when an explicit confidence statement is not
available (Douglass, Neuschatz, Imrich, & Wilkinson, 2010). Be-
cause postidentification feedback inflates the confidence of inac-
curate witnesses more than the confidence of accurate witnesses, it
also impairs fact finders abilities to distinguish accurate from
inaccurate witnesses (Bradfield et al., 2002; Smalarz & Wells,
Recommending an immediate confidence report is an important
companion to the recommendation that the entire lineup procedure
be video-recorded (see Recommendation 7). Not only can video-
recording demonstrate whether postidentification feedback was
given, but it can also preserve witness nonverbal cues that may
signal accuracy (Matuku, Douglass, & Charman, 2018). In the
absence of a video-recorded identification procedure, triers of fact
who learn that a witness’s confidence has inflated over time are
sometimes unwilling to impugn the witness’s credibility (Bradfield
& McQuiston, 2004), especially if a compelling explanation ac-
companies the inflation (e.g., “I had an epiphany!”; Jones et al.,
2008). However, if evaluators see the identification procedure in
which a witness’s initial confidence is lackluster, their assessments
of a highly confident trial witness are less positive, which is an
important shift when the highly confident witness has identified
the wrong person (Douglass & Jones, 2013).
Beyond distorting evaluators’ ability to assess witnesses, con-
taminated witness reports may also unduly shape preliminary
investigations by (a) triggering biased evaluations of subsequent
pieces of evidence and/or (b) biasing the integration of evidence
against the identified suspect. For example, a witness who is
highly confident in a mistaken identification may trigger investi-
gators to view the suspect’s alibi as weaker than it would have
been otherwise or may suggest to investigators that they suspend
pursuit of additional suspects (for a discussion of these effects see
Charman, Douglass, & Mook, 2019). Recording a witness’s im-
mediate confidence eliminates the potential for subsequent infla-
tions to go unnoticed.
If lineup administrators follow the recommendation to conduct
double-blind procedures (Recommendation 3), they will be unable
to provide postidentification feedback because they will not know
which person is the suspect. Therefore, they will be unable to
confirm (or disconfirm) any decision made by the witness. How-
ever, even vague positive comments (“You have been a good
witness”) can be interpreted by witnesses as confirming feedback
(Dysart, Lawson, & Rainey, 2012). Therefore, consistent with the
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recommendation on prelineup instructions (Recommendation 5),
witnesses should be explicitly told that the lineup administrator
does not know which person is the suspect and which people are
Even if administrators correctly implement double-blind proce-
dures and prelineup instructions, it is still imperative to collect
immediate confidence reports because witnesses may encounter
postidentification feedback in multiple other ways. For example,
the mere fact that a case proceeds to trial is a form of confirmation
that a prior identification was correct (see also Berkowitz &
Frenda, 2018; Wade, Nash, & Lindsay, 2018 for other types of real
world contamination). Another potential source of contamination
comes from witnesses who conduct their own investigations via
social media searches, often accompanied by cowitnesses who
may be able to “confirm” that an Instagram or Facebook photo
represents the culprit (Douglass & Smalarz, 2019).
Recommendation 7: Video-Recording
The entire identification procedure, including prelineup instruc-
tions and witness confidence statement, should be video-recorded.
To preserve a faithful record of the conditions under which
witnesses make their identifications, we recommend that the entire
interaction between the police and the witness be video-record-
ed—from the time when the witness is given the very first pre-
lineup instructions through to the completion of the procedure
when the witness has provided identification and confidence state-
ments. The video must capture all features of the administration,
including the interactions among the lineup administrator, the
witness, and the lineup members (whether they are presented live
or by photo). Under some circumstances, fully capturing the lineup
administration may necessitate cameras recording from multiple
angles. Although the authors of the original scientific review paper
(Wells et al., 1998) recognized some of the benefits of video-
recording a lineup administration, they did not include video-
recording as one of their recommendations at that time. In part,
video-recording the identification procedure was left out of the
original set of recommendations because of concerns about the
costs associated with making the record, including costs for equip-
ment and materials. Since that time, the cost of video-recording
interactions has decreased considerably and most adults have
cellular phones capable of rendering high-quality video-records.
Furthermore, increasing numbers of police now have access to
body cameras that can be positioned to make video-recordings of
identification procedures. Thus, we believe it is time to make the
video-recording of lineup administrations standard practice as it is
in some jurisdictions and in other countries (e.g., Australia).
In his response to the initial scientific review paper, Kassin
(1998) noted two reasons why video-recording identification pro-
cedures should be considered best practice. First, police reports of
what happened during an identification procedure may be incom-
plete or even inaccurate given that they are based on officers’
recollections of what happened during the procedure; recollections
that are subject to the typical foibles of human memory. Second, it
is possible that video-recording the identification procedure could
encourage administrators to carefully adhere to best practices and
deter them from engaging in any suggestive practices (Kassin,
1998). In the remainder of this section, we expand upon each of
these justifications for video-recording identification procedures,
citing relevant research when it is available.
Clearly, video-recording identification procedures has the ben-
efit of providing a more precise and accurate accounting of what
happened during the procedure. Although it might be a rare oc-
currence, video-recording the procedure will make it more difficult
for police officers to intentionally fabricate their reports of what
occurred during the lineup administration. There is evidence of
some police officers purposefully misrepresenting case-related
events (Orfield, 1987, 1992; Slobogin, 1996), but even in the case
of a conscientious, well-meaning officer, there are benefits of a
more accurate reporting of the procedure through video-recording.
For example, the memories of police officers are subject to the
same cognitive errors as are those of others, including interference
(e.g., Kane & Engle, 2000; Nairne, 2002) and memory intrusions
from mental scripts about what usually occurs (e.g., Greenberg,
Westcott, & Bailey, 1998; Kleider, Pezdek, Goldinger, & Kirk,
2008). One can easily imagine that memories from other lineups
conducted or mental scripts for what should have happened could
interfere with what a police officer remembers, and consequently
reports, about an identification procedure. Indeed, there have been
cases in which a police officer testified to reading mandated
instructions verbatim to the witness, whereas the video-recording
subsequently revealed improvisation that introduced suggestive-
ness into the procedure. Whether or not the officer was attempting
to intentionally mislead or was genuinely mistaken, the actual
procedure could be easily reviewed if it is video-recorded, and the
fallibility of memory is no longer an issue.
In contrast, witnesses’ memories for a procedure are not likely
to be influenced by interference or mental scripts regarding what
usually happens given that most witnesses have never participated
in a lineup before. However, their lack of expertise with the
procedure will likely result in reports that are less complete (e.g.,
Chase & Simon, 1973; Gobet & Simon, 1996). Moreover, their
reports of the procedure may be affected by the decay of their
memory trace over time (Deffenbacher, Bornstein, McGorty, &
Penrod, 2008) or postevent information (Loftus, 2004). The video-
record would also provide clear information about how long it took
the witness to make an identification. Witnesses’ estimates of time
are often inaccurate (Yarmey, 2000), but time-to-identification is
an important postdictor of witness accuracy: Identifications made
more quickly are more likely to be accurate than are those made
more slowly (Sporer, 1992). Although research has not provided a
definitive cutoff that allows us to discriminate between accurate
and inaccurate identifications (Brewer, Caon, Todd, & Weber,
2006; Weber, Brewer, Wells, Semmler, & Keast, 2004), having an
accurate record of a witness’s time-to-identification can provide
useful information to fact finders. In sum, despite knowing no
evidence directly examining the accuracy of police officers’ and
witnesses’ memories of identification procedures, we are confident
that the basic cognitive research on memory errors generalizes to
this context.
Although there is no direct evidence about the accuracy of
police reports of identifications, police reports of witness inter-
views and suspect interrogation procedures omit important details
about the procedures used (Kassin et al., 2017; Lamb et al., 2000).
Moreover, testimony from witnesses about what happened during
the procedure is even more likely to be subject to error given that
police reports are likely to be written shortly after the event,
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Content may be shared at no cost, but any requests to reuse this content in part or whole must go through the American Psychological Association.
whereas testimony may be given months or years later. Video-
recording the identification procedure allows police command
staff to confirm that proper procedures are being followed. In
addition, video-recording the procedure eliminates the need to rely
on police officers’ or witnesses’ memories for the event at trial. In
many cases, detectives might not have to testify during suppression
hearings if there is a video available, thereby saving staff resources
and money by not having to pay officers to attend court.
When deciding a motion to suppress the identification, the judge
could review the video and evaluate the suggestiveness of the
procedure herself rather than relying on attorneys’ characteriza-
tions of the procedure based on their readings of police reports and
witness testimony. Defense attorneys might review the video-
recording when deciding whether to offer a plea or encourage a
client to accept one, whereas prosecutors might review the video-
recording when evaluating the strength of a case and how to
proceed. Moreover, in the United States a suspect does not have
the right to have an attorney present at a preindictment identifica-
tion procedure and never has the right to have an attorney present
at a photo lineup procedure (United States v. Ash, 1973). In the
absence of an attorney to view the identification procedure, the
video-recording could help defense attorneys to better represent
their clients following identification. In addition, eyewitness ex-
perts could be asked to review the video-recording and either
testify or prepare a written report about the identification proce-
dure. Finally, the video-recording could be introduced as evidence
at trial so that fact finders can judge for themselves whether the
procedure was suggestive, whether the witnesses engaged in any
behaviors that either enhanced or diminished their credibility, or
whether the witness’s confidence was inflated (e.g., Douglass &
Jones, 2013).
Although the data on this topic are limited, and there are no
known data on how judges or attorneys might evaluate video-
records of identification procedures, there are a handful of studies
that explore the effects of watching the video-recording of an
eyewitness identification procedure on mock juror judgments.
Most of these studies have tested whether viewing a video-
recording of the identification procedure helps jurors evaluate the
accuracy of witness identifications (Beaudry et al., 2015; Reardon
& Fisher, 2011). In one study, watching the video-recording
helped participants distinguish between accurate and inaccurate
witnesses (Reardon & Fisher, 2011). In another study (Beaudry et
al., 2015), confirmatory feedback interfered with the ability of
participant-judges to differentiate between accurate and inaccurate
witnesses, with participants judging the witnesses who received
confirmatory feedback to be more accurate irrespective of their
actual accuracy. Participants’ judgments of accuracy were unaf-
fected by whether the lineup was conducted using single- or
double-blind procedures, irrespective of whether the participants
had viewed the video of the procedure. However, these videos
were relatively short (M 1 m, 37 s) and it is not clear from the
report of the study how much influence the administrators exerted
in the single-blind conditions. In a study that manipulated whether
the videotape contained evidence of administrator influence,
watching a video-recording of a single-blind versus a double-blind
procedure did influence jurors’ verdicts (Modjadidi & Kovera,
2018). Specifically, watching the video-recording increased par-
ticipants’ ratings of procedural suggestiveness and decreased their
guilty verdicts when the video-recording depicted witness steering
that can occur in a single-blind administration as opposed to a
double-blind administration. Thus, the limited evidence available
suggests that watching the video-recording of a lineup administra-
tion will help jurors (and perhaps judges and attorneys) evaluate
whether a lineup procedure was suggestive.
Finally, video-recording the identification procedure could en-
courage administrators to ensure that their conduct conforms to
best practices and deter them from engaging in any suggestive
procedures. Although we know of no studies that directly test
whether video-recording can change the behaviors of administra-
tors of identification procedures, the issue has been examined in
the context of interrogation practices. In a mock crime and inter-
rogation paradigm, researchers manipulated the actual guilt-
innocence of suspects who were then subjected to interrogations
conducted by police officers who were either informed or unin-
formed regarding the researcher’s recording of the interrogation
session (Kassin, Kukucka, Lawson, & DeCarlo, 2014). Police
officers who knew that they were being recorded were signifi-
cantly less likely to use minimization tactics and somewhat less
likely (although not significantly so) to use maximization tactics;
both tactics are known to increase rates of false confessions
(Kassin et al., 2010). In addition, participant-suspects (who were
made aware of the video-recording manipulation) reported that the
police officers who did not know they were being recorded tried
harder to make them confess than did police officers who knew
about the recording. Thus, there is evidence, albeit from outside
the eyewitness arena, that video-recording police procedure can
deter undesirable behaviors.
There are few data on the question of whether video-recording
eyewitness identification procedures might change the behavior of
eyewitnesses. But there are good data indicating that even crime
suspects are not inhibited by video-recording during interrogations
and that people quickly forget that they are being recorded (Kassin
et al., 2019).
In sum, both logic and the available empirical evidence support
the recommendation to video-record all identification procedures.
If the procedure is to be recorded, it should be recorded in a way
that captures all relevant information about the procedure, includ-
ing the verbal and nonverbal behaviors of the witness, the admin-
istrator, and the lineup members. Research from the interrogation
literature makes it clear that camera angle matters, in that people
attribute causality to the person who is the focus of the video-
recording (Lassiter, 2010; Lassiter et al., 2009; Ratcliff et al.,
2006). In the case of interrogations, a camera focused on the
suspect causes evaluators to be more likely to view a confession as
voluntary and more likely to judge them to be guilty than if the
camera was focused on the interrogator or equally on the suspect
and the interrogator. It is reasonable to believe that a camera
focused on the witness may similarly cause evaluators to overlook
suggestive behaviors on the part of administrator, or features and
behaviors of suspects that make them stand out from the other
lineup members. However, a video-recording of an identification
procedure that includes information about the witness, the admin-
istrator, and lineup members can provide a complete record of the
procedure that documents suggestive practices when they are
present and protects the police from unjustified and time-
consuming claims of bias when the procedure was free from
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Recommendation 8: Avoid Repeated Identification
Procedures With the Same Witness and Suspect
Repeating an identification procedure with the same suspect
and same eyewitness should be avoided regardless of whether the
eyewitness identified the suspect in the initial identification pro-
This recommendation holds no matter how compelling the ar-
gument in favor of a second identification might seem (e.g., the
original photo of the suspect was not as good as it could have been;
the witness was nervous during the first identification test and is
calmer now; the initial identification was made from a social
media profile, but it would be more desirable to have an identifi-
cation made using proper police procedures). The importance of
focusing on the first identification test cannot be emphasized
strongly enough.
There are certain kinds of forensic evidence for which repeated
testing is not only acceptable but also desirable. A crime scene
fingerprint comparison with a suspect’s prints, for example, might
be subjected to repeated comparisons to confirm a conclusion.
Likewise, given a sufficient amount biological material from a
crime scene, forensic examiners might test only a small portion of
the sample for DNA, allowing for subsequent testing by a different
analyst or different means of evaluation. However, eyewitness
identification evidence has a unique characteristic that makes it
unsuitable for what might be called “repeated testing.” Whether
the eyewitness is asked to make an identification with a showup or
a lineup, there is only one uncontaminated opportunity for a given
eyewitness to make an identification of a particular suspect. Any
subsequent identification test with that same eyewitness and that
same suspect is contaminated by the eyewitness’s experience on
the initial test.
For purposes of our recommendation, repeated identification
tests refer to a situation in which an eyewitness is given a subse-
quent identification test (or more) with the same suspect that
appeared in an earlier identification test. We are not referring to a
situation in which an eyewitness is given an identification test with
one suspect and then, after rejecting that suspect, is given an
identification test with a different suspect and different fillers. Nor
are we referring to a situation in which there were multiple culprits
and the eyewitness is given a separate identification test for each
There are many ways in which the use of repeated identification
procedures surface in criminal cases. For example, eyewitnesses
might view a mug book that contains the suspect prior to viewing
a lineup that includes that suspect, or an eyewitness might first
view a showup and then later be shown a lineup with that same
suspect. A repeated identification can also occur when the eyewit-
ness views a lineup and makes a tentative pick (or no pick) and
then, at a later time, sees a second lineup with that same suspect
and new fillers. Sometimes a witness is first shown a photo lineup
and then later is shown a live lineup using that same suspect. Other
times the first lineup uses one photo of the suspect, and the second
lineup contains a different photo of the same suspect. Perhaps the
most common repeated identification procedure of all is when the
witness makes an out-of-court identification (from a showup or a
lineup) and then is asked to repeat that identification in court (i.e.,
an in-court or “dock” identification) at pretrial hearings or at trial
or at both the pretrial hearing and at trial.
At a theoretical level, there are at least three processes by which
an initial identification test that includes a given suspect can
contaminate a later identification test if the later test includes that
same suspect (Deffenbacher, Bornstein, & Penrod, 2006; Steblay
& Dysart, 2016). One such process is memory-source error (or
“source monitoring error”; see Johnson, Hashtroudi, & Lindsay,
1993). Memory-source error is implicated when the eyewitness
perceives the suspect in the second identification procedure to be
familiar and misattributes the familiarity to the original witnessed
event rather than to the fact that the previous identification proce-
dure included that face. In this type of effect, even though the
eyewitness did not identify the suspect in the first identification
procedure, that person’s face was made familiar by its appearance
in the first procedure. This source misattribution effect, which
involves a dissociation between familiarity and an awareness of
the source of that familiarity, was first demonstrated over 40 years
ago (Brown, Deffenbacher, & Sturgill, 1977). It is closely related
to other phenomena such as familiarity without awareness (Man-
dler, 1980), the false fame effect (Jacoby, Woloshyn, & Kelley,
1989), and the “bystander effect,” in which a bystander to the
crime is identified as the culprit due to a misattribution of famil-
iarity (Ross, Ceci, Dunning, & Toglia, 1994). Simply being ex-
posed to an innocent suspect in a mug book, showup, or a lineup
increases the chances of that person being identified in a later
lineup even if the witness did not choose the person in the first
identification procedure (e.g., Brown et al., 1977; Dysart, Lindsay,
Hammond, & Dupuis, 2001; Haw, Dickinson, & Meissner, 2007;
Hinz & Pezdek, 2001; Lawson & Dysart, 2014; Steblay, Tix, &
Benson, 2013).
A second process by which the first identification procedure can
contaminate the later identification procedure is when the eyewit-
ness identifies the suspect in the initial identification procedure
and is later given another identification procedure with that same
suspect and a different set of fillers. In this case, the initial
identification, even if mistaken, causes the witness to simply
repeat the same identification in the second identification proce-
dure. A meta-analysis of this commitment effect has provided
strong evidence that a mistaken identification in an initial identi-
fication procedure tends to be repeated in a second identification
procedure if that lineup contains the mistakenly identified person
(Deffenbacher et al., 2006). More recent studies have provided
additional support for this effect (e.g., Godfrey & Clark, 2010;
Goodsell, Neuschatz, & Gronlund, 2009; Hinz & Pezdek, 2001;
Lawson & Dysart, 2014; Pezdek & Blandon-Gitlin, 2005; Steblay
et al., 2013; Valentine, Davis, Memon, & Roberts, 2012). Re-
searchers have argued that commitment, which is the powerful
tendency to stick with an earlier decision that was freely made, is
the psychological mechanism underlying this effect. But commit-
ment is not the only process by which an initial mistaken identi-
fication results in a repeat mistaken identification of the same
person in a subsequent identification test. For example, there is
evidence that the act of identifying an innocent person in an initial
identification procedure changes the eyewitness’s memory away
from the culprit and toward the person identified, a process that is
intensified if the witness is given confirming feedback following
the initial mistaken identification (Smalarz & Wells, 2014a).
Although not yet specifically tested in controlled experiments,
there is a third possible process by which repeating the same
suspect in a second identification procedure can contaminate the
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second identification decision. Specifically, it is possible for the
eyewitness who makes no identification in the first procedure (e.g.,
a photo lineup) to later consciously and explicitly recognize that
there is only one person in the second procedure (e.g., a live
lineup) who was also in the first procedure. In effect, this “gives
away” the hypothesis of police investigators by communicating to
the eyewitness which person is the suspect (i.e., the person in
common between the two procedures). In other words, this type of
repeated procedure violates a fundamental characteristic of a good
lineup, namely that there not be aspects of the procedure that leak
information about which person is the suspect in the lineup (Wells
& Luus, 1990).
Any of these processes might occur in a given situation that
involves repeating the suspect in an identification procedure. For
this reason, we recommend that repeated identification procedures
be avoided. Of course, it could be argued that if the witness
identifies the suspect in the first identification procedure then there
is no harm in repeating the identification procedure. After all, the
identification has already been made and the second identification
procedure is merely a confirmatory process. However, there is
good evidence that repeated testing of eyewitnesses leads to arti-
ficially elevated levels of eyewitness confidence (Shaw, Garven, &
Wood, 1997; Shaw & McClure, 1996). Repeatedly asking a ques-
tion appears to lead to increased ease or fluency of answering the
question, which leads witnesses to develop a stronger sense of
confidence that their answer is correct, even when their answer is
incorrect (Shaw, 1996).
Finally, it is important to note that when witnesses make iden-
tifications outside of a police procedure, any additional identifica-
tion procedure conducted by the police is a second identification
attempt. Witnesses may spontaneously identify someone as the
culprit as they walk about their daily lives. Sometimes witnesses to
crimes launch their own investigations. They may hear the culprit
referred to by a nickname or street name and then search social
media for someone using that name. Or they may search the social
media connections of someone they knew was present during a
crime looking for the culprit. Whether an identification is made
through a self-directed search of social media or spontaneously
spotting a suspect on the street, this identification is the first
identification, and it will contaminate any subsequent identifica-
tion procedure the police might present to the witness.
Recommendation 9: Showups
Showups should be avoided whenever it is possible to conduct a
lineup (e.g., if probable cause exists to arrest the person then a
showup should not be conducted.). Cases in which it is necessary
to conduct a showup should use the procedural safeguards that are
recommended for lineups, including the elimination of suggestive
cues, a warning that the detained person might not be the culprit,
video-recording the procedure, and securing a confidence state-
The term showup refers to an eyewitness identification proce-
dure in which a single individual is presented to the eyewitness and
the eyewitness is asked whether this is the person who committed
the crime in question. The primary defining feature that separates
a showup from a lineup is the use of fillers: A showup has no
fillers, whereas a lineup does. Showups have been heavily criti-
cized as being extremely suggestive, a criticism that dates back
more than 100 years (Gross, 1911). In 1967, the U.S. Supreme
Court, in reference to a showup identification, said that “It is hard
to imagine a situation more clearly conveying the suggestion to the
witness that the one presented is believed to be guilty by the
police” (United States v. Wade, 1967, p. 226). Despite the strong
language seemingly condemning showups, the U.S. Supreme
Court has consistently supported the admissibility of showups
(e.g., see Manson v. Braithwaite, 1977; Neil v. Biggers, 1972)
provided that the witness shows evidence of reliability in other
ways. The Court listed five factors to consider that might indicate
that a suggestive procedure could nevertheless be reliable, namely
that (a) the witness had a good opportunity to view the culprit, (b)
the witness paid good attention while witnessing, (c) the witness
gave a good description of the culprit, (d) there was a short delay
between the witnessed event and the identification, and (e) the
witness made the identification with high confidence. These cri-
teria have been strongly criticized by eyewitness scientists on a
variety of counts, especially when the procedure was suggestive
(Wells & Quinlivan, 2009).
In practice, showups tend to be conducted under specific con-
ditions. In particular, showups tend to be restricted to situations in
which an individual who fits the description of the culprit of a
crime is detained in the general vicinity of the crime shortly after
the crime has occurred. As discussed in the introduction to this
article, there is a rationale for sometimes permitting showups
under these conditions (fit description, proximity to crime, and
soon after the crime occurred). The rationale is that there is not
enough time to construct and conduct a lineup procedure because
the detained person can only be detained for a relatively short
period of time unless there are grounds for arrest. Fitting a de-
scription of the culprit is not, in and of itself, grounds for arrest.
So, unless there is probable cause for arresting the detained person,
the choice is not between conducting a lineup and conducting a
showup; rather, the choice is between conducting a showup or
setting the detained person free, thereby potentially creating a
public safety issue. Moreover, because showups sometimes result
in eyewitnesses rejecting the detained person as being the culprit
(see Gonzalez, Ellsworth, & Pembroke, 1993), showups can result
in innocent people being quickly excluded as possible suspects,
thereby allowing a continuation of the search for the true offender.
About 15% of DNA exonerations involving eyewitness identi-
fication involved showups (West & Meterko, 2017). Experiments
comparing lineups with showups reveal that lineups are clearly
superior to showups in terms of the lineup procedure’s ability to
distinguish between innocent and guilty suspects (e.g., Clark,
2012a; Dekle, Beal, Elliot, & Huneycutt, 1996; Gronlund et al.,
2012; Mickes, 2015; Steblay, Dysart, Fulero, & Lindsay, 2003;
Wetmore et al., 2015; Yarmey, Yarmey, & Yarmey, 1996; see
meta-analysis by Neuschatz et al., 2016). Interestingly, however,
witnesses are no more likely to make an affirmative identification
with a showup than with a lineup (Gonzalez et al., 1993; Wells,
2001). In fact, witnesses actually make more affirmative identifi-
cation responses to lineups than to showups, perhaps because there
are more people from whom to choose. However, inaccurate
identifications from showups always fall on the innocent suspect,
whereas in lineups such inaccurate choices tend to spread across
known-innocent fillers (Smith et al., 2017; Wells, 2001). In several
ways, the fillers used in a lineup act as a safeguard, protecting the
innocent suspect from mistaken identification—a form of protec-
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tion that does not exist for showups (see Wixted & Mickes, 2014,
for a different account of why lineups work better than showups).
Our recommendation is that showups should be avoided (and a
lineup conducted instead), if at all possible. For example, a showup
can be avoided and a lineup used instead if there is probable cause
for arresting a detained person instead of doing a showup. If, for
example, the detained person is in possession of stolen goods, is in
possession of an unauthorized firearm or other weapon, or has an
outstanding warrant, then the person should be arrested. Indeed,
without evidence linking the detained person to the crime (other
than being in the vicinity of where it was committed, which—as
noted previously—is not evidence-based suspicion), officers are
using the most suggestive identification procedure (a showup)
when base rates of guilt are the lowest. A lineup for the arrested
individual can then be arranged rather than a showup. Another
situation in which showups can sometimes be avoided occurs
when there are multiple witnesses. In cases of multiple witnesses,
a showup can be conducted with one of the witnesses and, if an
identification is made, the identification becomes grounds for
arrest. The remaining witnesses can then be preserved for more
reliable lineup procedures, which should be conducted only after
evidence is developed connecting the suspect to the specific wit-
nessed crime.
Reducing the Suggestiveness of Showups
Although showups are clearly less reliable than lineups, there
are some ways to reduce the suggestiveness of showups. First,
many of the features of a good lineup procedure can be incorpo-
rated into showup procedures. For example, recent research finds
that a preshowup instruction about additional opportunities can be
effective in reducing mistaken identifications with little or no
reduction in accurate identifications (Eisen, Smith, Olaguez, &
Skerritt-Perta, 2017; Smith, Wells, Lindsay, & Myerson, 2018).
This additional-opportunities instruction simply tells witnesses
prior to viewing the detained person that if they do not think the
person is the culprit, they might have additional opportunities to
view someone else. The theory behind the additional-opportunities
instruction is that witnesses set a low criterion for making an
identification with showups because they assume that this is their
only opportunity to identify the culprit.
As with lineups, eyewitnesses who participate in a showup
procedure should be asked to report how confident they are in their
identification or rejection decision. In addition, as with lineups,
showups should be video-recorded, a recommendation that is
relatively easy to implement now that dashboard-mounted and
body-worn cameras are increasingly commonplace (see Recom-
mendation 7). The video of the showup should start before the
witness is instructed and continue through the witness’s confi-
dence statement, and should include the officer, witness, and
suspect in view.
Because showups are conducted in the field during which
search-and-detain operations are actively unfolding, care should be
taken to ensure that witnesses do not overhear police radio con-
versations that could prejudice a showup procedure. In an exper-
iment using a high-realism paradigm for studying showup identi-
fications, overhearing the suggestion that the sheriff had caught the
guy significantly increased false identifications from showups but
did not affect accurate culprit identifications (Eisen, Skerrit-Perta,
Jones, Owen, & Cedre, 2017).
Clothing is often a central feature of an eyewitness’s description
that police use for finding a person who is then detained for a
showup. The concern is that the eyewitness might identify the
person based primarily on the clothing (see Lindsay et al., 1987).
In cases in which the person was detained based on a clothing
description, consideration should be given to covering the person’s
clothing with a blanket for the showup identification test.
For legal reasons, eyewitnesses are usually brought to the loca-
tion of the detained person for a showup rather than the detained
person being brought to the eyewitness, because transporting the
detained person is usually considered an arrest. Consistent with our
recommendations, if the detained person can be arrested, then a
lineup should be conducted rather than a showup. Taking the
eyewitness to the detained individual rather than the reverse also
makes it easier in multiple-witness cases to ensure that the wit-
nesses are not contaminated by observing an identification deci-
sion made by another witness. As noted previously, if one witness
makes an identification, then that would normally be considered
probable cause for arrest and the remaining witnesses can later be
shown a lineup instead of a showup. Placing the detained person in
handcuffs or in the back seat of a patrol car for the showup can
suggest to the witness that the person has been arrested. This
indication that the person has been arrested, in turn, can suggest to
the eyewitness that there is evidence against the detained person
beyond simply matching the description of the suspect. Hence,
unless there is reason to believe that the detained person is a flight
risk, these types of restraints should be avoided during a showup.
Severe limits on safeguards with showups. Obviously, there
are some critical safeguards that can be used with lineups that
cannot be used with showups. By definition, showups do not
include fillers, which is a key safeguard. But showups also cannot
be double-blind. In fact, showups cannot ever be single blind.
After all, both the showup administrator and the eyewitness know
which person is the suspect, namely the person being presented to
the eyewitness.
In-court identifications as showups. The current article con-
cerns policies and procedures for collecting and preserving eye-
witness identification evidence rather than how courts handle
eyewitness evidence. Nevertheless, there is a common courtroom
procedure known as an in-court identification (or a dock identifi-
cation) in which an eyewitness on the stand is asked if she or he
can identify the culprit in the courtroom. The defendant typically
is sitting at the defense counsel table rather than embedded among
known-innocent fillers who fit the description of the culprit.
Hence, an in-court identification is closely analogous to a showup.
In terms of suggestiveness, the in-court identification is arguably
even more suggestive than a typical showup because it clear to the
witness that the defendant has already been indicted. Moreover, it
is usually the case that the eyewitness has already identified the
defendant in a precourt procedure, which means that the in-court
identification is a repeated identification that goes directly against
Recommendation 8 (e.g., avoid repeated identifications). And, if
the eyewitness has not already identified the defendant in a proper
precourt procedure, the showup nature of an in-court identification
should not be considered an acceptable alternative to a properly
constructed and conducted lineup. The low probative value of an
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
Content may be shared at no cost, but any requests to reuse this content in part or whole must go through the American Psychological Association.
in-court identification raises serious concerns that its prejudicial
value exceeds it probative value.
Final Observations
The current set of recommendations for the collection and
preservation of eyewitness identification evidence is being pro-
posed under a much different set of conditions than existed when
the 1998 scientific review paper recommendations were published.
Prior to 1998, there was no official set of recommendations from
a scientific body on eyewitness identification nor were there any
guidelines from the legal system that were grounded in science.
Since the 1998 scientific review paper, however, numerous
agencies, governing bodies, and organizations have proposed
guidelines for collecting and preserving eyewitness identification
evidence. These include the U.S. Department of Justice Guide
(Technical Working Group on Eyewitness Evidence, 1999; rein-
forced recently by a directive from the United States Department
of Justice, 2017), which followed closely on the 1998 scientific
review paper as discussed in the introduction to the current article.
Furthermore, a large set of U.S. state-wide reform guidelines have
been enacted that range from the recommendations of state justice
departments (e.g., Wisconsin), to executive orders from their At-
torneys General (e.g., New Jersey), to court mandates (e.g., Ore-
gon), to laws passed by state legislatures (e.g., North Carolina). In
fact, in the United States there are now 21 states that require
reforms through one or more of these mechanisms, namely Cali-
fornia, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Illinois,
Louisiana, Maryland, New Hampshire, Nebraska, Nevada, New
Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Vermont,
West Virginia, and Wisconsin. In other states, such as Montana,
Hawaii, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Wash-
ington, Idaho, and Rhode Island, police departments in major
metropolitan areas have revamped their procedures. In effect, the
reform of eyewitness identification procedures has been a chain-
reaction going back to the 1998 scientific review paper, the De-
partment of Justice guide in 1999, and the first state to adopt
reforms (New Jersey in 2002). Each jurisdiction has modeled its
reforms around those that preceded it and, hence, include the core
four recommendations that were presented in the original 1998
scientific review paper (i.e., prelineup instructions, how to select
fillers for the lineup, the need to collect a measure of witness
confidence at the time of the identification, and the use of a
double-blind procedure).
An important document relating to eyewitness identification
procedures that was generated in recent years deserves special
notice. The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)
produced a position article in 2016, in which they made specific
recommendations regarding how lineups and showups should be
conducted (International Association of Chiefs of Police, 2016).
The IACP policy document goes beyond what most state reforms
have done and goes beyond the recommendations in the 1998
scientific review paper. Specifically, the IACP recommendations
not only include the four core recommendations, but also, like the
current article, recommend avoiding multiple identifications pro-
cedures using the same witness and suspect, recommend video-
recording the identification procedure, and make recommendations
about showups that are similar to the recommendations that we
offer in the current article. There are two recommendations in the
current scientific review paper, however, that are not in the IACP
policy, namely Recommendation 1 (Prelineup interview of the
eyewitness) and Recommendation 2 (Evidence-based suspicion).
We note that the IACP policy document, like the policy docu-
ments that have been adopted in various states and localities, is
almost exclusively a prescriptive document. Short, prescriptive
documents can make sense for policy documents. The IACP pol-
icy, for example, is a mere four pages covering lineups and
showups. Similarly, eyewitness identification policies and proce-
dures documents adopted in various states and agencies are largely
devoid of sustained rationale and explanations. In other words,
these policy documents specify certain procedures, but they do not
explain the rationale behind the procedures or review relevant
science pertaining to the prescribed procedures. Hence, the current
scientific review paper, like the 1998 scientific review paper,
serves an important function that other policy documents do not,
namely the function of documenting relevant science, where avail-
able, and an articulating rationale around each of the recommen-
Earlier in this article we briefly alluded to an observation that
deserves to be reemphasized. Although our nine recommendations
are relatively specific and detailed, the most important aspects of
our recommendations are the underlying principles associated with
those recommendations. The double-blind administration of line-
ups, for example, is based on the principle that procedures must be
in place to prevent the lineup administrator’s knowledge of which
person is the suspect to influence the eyewitness. Our specific
preference for double-blind administration, however, is not the
only way to achieve this prevention. With photo lineups, for
instance, a properly programmed computer could administer the
lineup without any administrator in the room at all. The underlying
principle is important for another reason as well, namely that the
specific recommendation might be technically followed and yet
the principle itself is violated at some other point or level. Con-
sider, for example, the invitation to view a lineup recommenda-
tion: “When inviting an eyewitness to attend a lineup procedure,
police should not suggest that a suspect has been arrested or that
the culprit will be present in the identification procedure.” The
underlying principle concerns the need to avoid communications
to the eyewitness that could undermine the later prelineup instruc-
tions emphasizing that the culprit might not be in the lineup.
Although the invitation to view a lineup might be the most likely
time at which this principle is violated, it is not the only possible
time. In this sense, the underlying principle is more important than
the specific wording of the recommendation.
Finally, we think it is important for law enforcement to under-
stand why certain procedures are recommended for constructing
and conducting eyewitness identification procedures rather than
simply being instructed on how to conduct those procedures. The
current article provides valuable background on how research in
areas such as perception, memory, decision making, and social
influence can inform recommendations on lineup construction and
presentation. Thus, in line with the National Research Council
(2014) report on eyewitness evidence that highlights the impor-
tance of training for law enforcement, we believe that this article
could serve as a useful resource for developing and implementing
such training.
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Received June 4, 2019
Revision received November 19, 2019
Accepted November 20, 2019
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