Divisional SOP 003.17.01
Public Alert & Notification
Standard Operating Procedure
Fire Services & Emergency
Emergency Management
Supersedes: N/A
Effective Date: February 1,
WCSOP 3.17.01 Page 1 of 7 Public Alert, Notification Policy
I. Purpose:
This document outlines procedures and guidelines for selecting and distributing rapid alerts
to the general public of a new threat, or an impending or occurring emergency or disaster. It
is intended to assist Emergency Management Staff Duty Officers (SDO) in selection and
timely activation of:
Everbridge Mass Notification System
Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA)
Emergency Alert System (EAS)
NOAA Weather Radios
Press Releases
Wake County Web Site(s) and Social Media
Municipal, Corporate and University Managed Warning & Notification Systems
Backup Alerting Strategies
II. Procedure Statement:
1. Emergency alerting in Wake County relies on a combination of pre-planning, message
coordination, activation of disparate warning systems, and use of field personnel and
2. For the purpose of this procedure:
a. Alerting is a system or technique which makes the public pay attention. It may be
a distict or drawn out tone, a siren wail, a flashing strobe, a voice over a
megaphone, or some other technique intended to rise above all other distractions
and gain someone’s attention.
b. Notification is providing the public with event details and instructions, so that they
can make informed decisions when protecting themselves and others.
c. An Emergency is an incident that threatens lives or property in Wake County, for
which the public in affected communities need to take protective action(s).
Examples of protection actions may include:
Shelter In Place Shelter inside a structure that affords protection
Go Inside, Stay Inside Stay inside until all clear is given
Evacuate Relocate as instructed, utilizing identified routes
Prepare Make preparations
Execute Execute a pre-planned activity
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Avoid Avoid the hazard area
Monitor – Attend to information sources
All Clear The event no longer poses a threat or concern
d. A Non-Emergency incidents DO NOT require affected communities to take
protective action(s). The urgency, hazards and topics of non-emergency messages
will vary widely, and may include:
Missing person notifications
Traffic problems
Road closures
Water system issues
Significant police or fire activity
Public health concerns
Crime information
3. There is no single solution for all incidents. The SDO must develop an appropriate alerting
and notification strategies based on incident-specific guidelines, affected locations, timing,
target audience, current conditions, availability of field resources, and coordination with
Incident Command.
4. Critical elements for any warning message include:
Guidance: Recommended protective actions
Location: Who should respond to the warning
Time: How much time people have to accomplish protection action(s)
Hazard Characteristics: Information on the impending hazard
Source: Who is issuing the warning
5. The following are commonly accepted methods of providing emergency public alert and
warning that are available in Wake County:
a. Mass Notification System (Telephone, SMS, E-mail Notification)
i. Wake County utilizes the Everbridge® Mass Notification System capable of
directing geographically targeted notifications of residents and businesses
via telephone, Short Message Service (SMS) text, and e-mail.
ii. Everbridge is also capable of:
1. Directing notifications to predefined lists of individuals and
businesses, such as Special Needs Registries, Vulnerable Facilities,
Nixle® “event” registrants, etc;
2. Activating the IPAWS Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) system FOR
NOTE: If the event requires activation of the Emergency Alert
System (EAS), the North Carolina Emergency Management
(NCEM) 24-hour Operations Center will coordinate activation of
EAS, WEA, and NOAA Weather Radios.
3. Automatically posting alerts to linked Twitter feeds, Facebook
pages, and Web sites.
NOTE: While Everbridge is capable of posting alerts to external
media such as Twitter and Facebook, some of these features may
not be leveraged by Emergency Management.
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iii. The SDO, or an approved individual from an authorized municipality, will
activate the Everbridge Mass Notification System.
iv. Activations that include significant portions of the unincorporated areas of
Wake County, or span multiple jurisdictions, will be coordinated through
the SDO.
v. Guidelines for activation of Wake County’s Everbridge Mass Notification
System are in Appendix 1 – Everbridge Activation.
b. Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA)
i. Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) allow authorized federal, state, tribal, and
county officials to send geographically targeted, text-like warning messages
to the public. WEA notifications transmit to mobile phones using cell
broadcast technology, not SMS. This insures WEA will not get backlogged
during an emergency when voice and data services are highly congetsted.
ii. Wake County Emergency Management is the only local public safety agency
in Wake County authorized to activate WEA. WEA can also be activated by
NCEM’s 24-hour Communications Center.
iii. The SDO will activate WEA notifications for qualifying incidents through the
Everbridge Mass Notification System. This can be activated as part of a
standard telephone/e-mail/SMS notification.
iv. NCEM’s 24-hour Communications Center is the backup for WEA activation.
v. If the event requires activation of the Emergency Alert System (EAS), the
SDO will contact the NCEM 24-hour Communications Center to coordinate
activation of EAS, WEA, and NOAA Weather Radios.
vi. If the Everbridge system is not available, the SDO will request activation of
WEA through the NCEM 24-hour Communications Center.
vii. WEA notifications are limited to 90 characters, and are intended to serve as
a notice to seek additional event details and instructions. As part of their
alerting strategy, the SDO and originating official must have a primary
means of distributing more detailed warning information. Examples of
ways to distribute more detailed warning information include:
Website crawler;
Mass Notification System activation; and/or
Activation of the EAS.
viii. Wake County and its municipalities are authorized to activate alerts that fall
within the following Event Codes:
Civil Danger Warning (CDW)
Civil Emergency Message (CEM)
Evacuation Immediate (EVI)
Hazardous Materials Warning (HMW)
Law Enforcement Warning (LEW)
Local Area Emergency (LAE)
Nuclear Power Plant Warning (NUW)
Radiological Hazard Warning (RHW)
Shelter in Place Warning (SPW)
ix. Wake County is NOT authorized to issue weather alerts.
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1. The only agency authorized to issue weather alerts in the state is the
National Weather Service
2. Wake County may issue weather impact-related alerts such as:
a. “Avoid the intersection of Wake Forest and Six Forks 6 feet
of water covering Road”
b. “US 1 blocked due to down trees utlize I-540 as alternate
evacuation route”
x. Public alerts issued using WEA must be essential to public safety. For
example, advising the public of heavy traffic due to a concert or delay in
trash pick-up due to an ice storm is NOT acceptable use.
xi. Wake County is only authorized to issue public alerts within an agency’s
respective jurisdiction. In order to prevent duplicate or inconsistent alert
messages, all alerts for incidents involving multiple counties must be
handled by the NCEM 24-hour Communications Center.
xii. Guidelines for activation of the Wireless Emergency Alert System are in
Appendix 2 – IPAWS Wireless Emergency Alert & Public Alert Feed
c. Emergency Alert System (EAS)
i. North Carolina’s Emergency Alert System (EAS) is comprised of dozens of
radio, television, and cable stations, as well as several government agencies
including NCEM, NC State Highway Patrol, NC Center for Missing Persons,
and National Weather Service. All entities work together to disseminate
critical information to the public during crisis and emergencies.
ii. EAS should be used only in short duration life-or-death events.
iii. EAS should only be activated multiple times when significant new
information needs to be disseminated to the public.
iv. EAS is activated by the NCEM 24-hour Communications Center at the
request of the SDO. The SDO must be prepared to provide:
1. SDO’s Contact Information
2. Requesting Official’s Contact Information
3. Nature of event
4. Counties affected
5. Protective action(s) to be taken
6. Authentication code from current NCEM Authentication Code List
v. The National Weather Service’s Raleigh Forecast Office serves as a backup
to the NCEM 24-hour Communications Center for EAS activation.
vi. The NCEM 24-hour Communications Center also coordinates activation of
NOAA Weather Radios for Wake County and surrounding area, as
vii. Local EAS message release may be delayed due to a higher priority message
being released. EAS Message Priorities are as follows:
1. First Priority National Level EAS Messages (Presidential address,
air attack warning)
2. Second Priority Local Area EAS Messages
3. Third Priority State EAS Messages
4. Fourth Priority Messages from the National Information Center.
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viii. Emergency notifications messages will interrupt radio and television
programming to announce emergency alerts to the public within one hour
of transmission.
ix. Guidelines for activation of the Wireless Emergency Alert System are in
Appendix 3 – Emergency Alert System (EAS) Activation.
d. NOAA Weather Radios (NWR)
i. NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards (NWR) is a nationwide network of radio
stations broadcasting continuous weather information directly from the
nearest Weather Service office. NWR broadcasts official Weather Service
warnings, watches, forecasts and other hazard information 24 hours a day,
7 days a week. NWR works in conjunction with the EAS. In addition to
weather related watches and warnings, the NWS system can provide
information on all types of hazards, including Civil and National Emergency
ii. NOAA Weather Radios programmed to receive messages for Wake County
are activated by the National Weather Service’s Raleigh Forecast Office.
iii. The NCEM 24-hour Communications Center will coordinate activation of
NOAA Weather Radios for Wake County and surrounding area, as
iv. If the NCEM 24-hour Communications Center is not able to coordinate
activation of NWR, the SDO will contact the National Weather Service
Raleigh Forecast Office directly and request activation.
v. Guidelines for activation of the Wireless Emergency Alert System are in
Appendix 4 – NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) Activation.
e. Press Releases
i. Press Releases issued on behalf of Wake County are done so through the
Wake County Communications Office.
ii. The SDO will coordinate with the Wake County Communications Office on
message content and timing.
f. Wake County Web Site(s) and Social Media
i. Wake County and its municipalities maintain a presence on the Internet
through corporate web sites and numerous social media platforms that can
be used to deliver alerts (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor).
ii. The SDO will coordinate with the Wake County Communications Office on
messaging strategies and execution with regards to Wake County’s
corporate web site(s) and social media accounts.
iii. The SDO will provide guidance, as appropriate, to support municipal web
site and social media messaging.
g. Municipal, Educational Institution, Large Venue, and other Privately Managed
Warning Systems
i. Several municipalities, educational institutions, large venues, and private
corporations within Wake County maintain emergency alert and warning
systems. These systems may include alerting via one or more of the
WCSOP 003.02.03 Page 6 of 7 EM SDO Response Policy
SMS Text
Audible warning system (siren and/or Public Address)
Computer desktop application
Web site / Social media
Digital signage / billboard
ii. As appropriate, and if known, the SDO will share alert and warning details
with organizations equipped with a warning system, so that they may
activate systems in accordance with their own policies and procedures.
iii. Guidelines for known community warning systems are in Appendix 5 –
Municipal & School Emergency Warning System List.
h. Backup Alert & Notification Strategies
i. The following are strategies and guidelines to consider when utilizing
emergency workers and/or portable equipment to alert the public.
ii. Alerting Strategies:
1. Route Alerting - Emergency workers in vehicles travel along assigned
roads and deliver emergency instructions with public address
systems. Emergency instructions are generally limited to “Evacuate”
or “Turn on your television or radio for instructions;” and
2. Dynamic Message SignsUse of fixed or portable programmable
message boards to provide information and/or refer the public to a
source of additional information (511, etc.).
iii. Notification Strategies
1. Door-to-Door - Emergency workers stop at each residence and
business, rouse its occupants, and notify them of the imminent
threat and the need/order to take immediate protective actions;
2. Printed NoticePrinted notices outlining the threat and
recommended/ordered protective actions can be posted (taped) on
the front door or other conspicuous location at each residence and
business. Can also be handed out during door-to-door notifications;
3. Media Briefing / Press Conferencecoordinated through local
Public Information Officer and/or authority having jurisdiction; and
4. Neighborhood Managed Email Distribution Lists & Social Media
Leveraging an email distribution list maintained by a local
community or neighborhood-based social media platform (i.e.
Nextdoor, Facebook, etc.) to share incident details and instructions.
III. Definitions:
Alert is a system or technique which makes the public pay attention. It may be a distict or
drawn out tone, a siren wail, a flashing strobe, a voice over a megaphone, or some other
technique intended to rise above all other distractions and gain someone’s attention.
Notification is providing the public with event details and instructions, so that they can make
informed decisions when protecting themselves and others.
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Emergency Notification is an activation of an alert/notification system as a result of an
incident that threatens lives or property in Wake County, for which the public in affected
communities need to take protective action(s).
Non-Emergency Notification is an activation of an alert/notification system for an incident
that DOES NOT require affected communities to take protective action(s).
IV. Applicability:
This procedure applies to all Wake County Emergency Management employees, contractors
and volunteers assigned duties of an SDO.
V. Procedure Responsibility and Management:
The EM Director or designee shall be responsible for implementing this policy.
EM personnel will review this procedure on a biennial basis.
This procedure will be distributed or made available, as appropriate, to partner and
supporting County departments, public safety agencies, EM stakeholders, EM personnel,
and prospective SDO candidates.
VI. Related Policies, Procedures, and Publications:
Wake County
VII. Appendices:
Appendix 1 Everbridge Mass Notification System
Appendix 2 IPAWS Wireless Emergency Alerts & Public Alert Feed
Appendix 3 Emergency Alert System & NOAA Weather Radios
Appendix 4 – Municipal & School Emergency Warning Systems (FUTURE)
VIII. History:
Effective Date
Section(s) Revised
New policy
Darshan Patel
WCSOP 3.17 – Public Alert and Warning
Appendix 2IPAWS Activation
Created: June 29, 2017
Author: D. Patel
Approved: 02/01/2018
System Use
Authorized Use
SDO Directives
Authorized to issue public alerts within Wake County.
IPAWS alerts must be essential to public safety.
May issue weather IMPACT alerts (i.e. “Avoid
intersection of Wake Forest and Six Forks6 feet of
water covering road”), NOT weather alerts.
Authorized to conduct tests that ONLY involve
communications with service provider servers (using
Test Credentials).
Any alert requiring activation of Emergency Alert
System (EAS) must be handled by the NCEM 24-hour
Communications Center.
Any alert involving multiple counties must be handled
by the NCEM 24-hour Communications Center.
SDO is authorized to activate IPAWS Wireless
Emergency Alerts and IPAWS Public Feed, for
qualifying incidents/threats, through Everbridge.
Any alert requiring activation of Emergency Alert
System (EAS) must be handled by the NCEM 24-hour
Communications Center.
Any alert involving multiple counties must be
handled by the NCEM 24-hour Communications
May activate WEA for following Event Codes:
o Civil Danger Warning (CDW)
o Civil Emergency Message (CEM)
o Evacuation Immediate (EVI)
o Hazardous Materials Warning (HMW)
o Law Enforcement Warning (LEW)
o Local Area Emergency (LAE)
o Nuclear Power Plant Warning (NUW)
o Radiological Hazard Warning (RHW)
o Shelter in Place Warning (SPW)
SDO will activate the system on behalf of public
safety agencies with jurisdiction in Wake County.
SDO is authorized to activate the system for portions
of primarily Wake County municipalities that are
annexed in a neighboring county.
SDO will include the name of the originating agency
with the message, when possible.
SDO is NOT authorized to activate IPAWS for an All
Clear, Cancel, or Accidental Activation notice.
Prohibited Use
SDO is NOT to use IPAWS systems to issue:
All-Clear notifications
Weather alerts.
AMBER Alerts.
Live public alert tests.
Messaging of a commercial or political nature.
Non-official business (advertising station open house,
retirement announcements, etc.).
Any use for personal gain, benefit, or advantage of an
authorized user.
Non-urgent messaging using E911 obtained data.
SDO Initial Focus & Recommended Actions
Task #
Prepare an Everbridge notification according to the instructions found in Appendix 1 Everbridge Activation. Prior to clicking on
Send, add the following IPAWS elements:
Prepare an Everbridge notification according to the instructions found in Appendix 1 – Everbridge
Activation. Prior to clicking on Send, add the following IPAWS elements:
Select the checkboxes under Publishing Options and IPAWS Channels for Wireless
Emergency Alerts (WEA) and PUBLIC Feed.
Select Live mode button.
Enter Wake County’s IPAWS Private Key and Keystore Password credentials for Live Mode.
NOTE: Wake County’s IPAWS credentials are accessible in the Wake WebEOC System
Credentials Board under “IPAWS Keys.”
Select Message Status:
Select Scope:
Select Message Category (i.e. IPAWS Event Category) from the following:
GeoGeophysical (landslide, earthquake, etc.)
MetMeteorological (flood)
SafetyGeneral emergency and public safety
SecurityLaw enforcement, military, security-related
RescueRescue and recovery
FireFire suppression and rescue
HealthMedical, EMS, and public health
EnvPollution and other environmental
TransportPublic and private transportation
InfraUtility, telecommunication, and other non-transport infrastructure
CBRNEChemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, or High-Yield Explosive attack or threat
OtherOther events
Select Urgency:
ImmediateIs occurring or is imminent. Responsive action should be taken immediately.
ExpectedIs forecast or threatened. Responsive action should be taken soon (within next
Select Severity:
ExtremeExtraordinary threat to life or property
SevereSignificant threat to life or property
Select Certainty:
ObservedDetermined to have occurred or to be ongoing
LikelyProbability is greater than or equal to 50%
Select one of the following Event Names (i.e. IPAWS Event Code):
NOTE: Although additional Event Names are listed in Everbridge, the following are the only
codes that Wake County is authorized to broadcast.
Civil Danger WarningA warning of an event that presents a danger to a significant civilian
population. Usually warns of a specific hazard and gives specific protective action, has a
higher priority than the Local Area Emergency. Public protective actions could include
evacuation, shelter in place, or other actions (such as boil contaminated water or seek
medical treatment).
Hazardous Materials WarningA warning of an actual or threatened release of dangerous
chemicals from a home, storage facility, pipeline, shipping container, rail car or road trailer.
May require protective actions such as evacuation, sheltering in place, decontamination, or
stay tuned.
Law Enforcement WarningA warning of a bomb explosion, riot, or other criminal event
(e.g. a jailbreak). An authorized law enforcement agency may blockade roads, waterways, or
facilities, evacuate or deny access to affected areas, and arrest violators or suspicious
Nuclear Power Plant WarningA warning of a declared emergency at a fixed nuclear
power facility. This type of warning message will normally be coordinated through the
NCEM 24-hour Communications Center to coincide with activation of the EAS and NOAA
Tone-Alert Radios.
Radiological Hazard WarningA warning of an actual or threatened release of dangerous
quantities of radiological materials into the environment. May also warn of the presence of
radiological contamination or a lost/stolen radiation source. May require protective actions
such as evacuation, sheltering in place, decontamination, or stay tuned.
Civil Emergency MessageAn emergency message regarding an in-progress or imminent
significant threat(s) to public safety and/or property. The Civil Emergency Message is a
higher priority message than the Local Area Emergency, but the hazard is less specific than
the Civil Danger Warning.
Local Area EmergencyAn emergency message that defines an event that, by itself, does
not pose a significant threat to public safety and/or property. However, the event could
escalate, contribute to other more serious events, or disrupt critical public safety services.
Instructions, other than public protective actions, may be provided by authorized officials.
Examples include a disruption in water, electric or natural gas service, or a potential
terrorist threat where the public is asked to remain alert.
Evacuation ImmediateLeave the affected area without delay. Avoid the area until
conditions improves.
Shelter in Place Warning Take immediate shelter where you areat home, work, school,
or wherever you can take protective cover. It may also mean "seal the room”; in other
words, take steps to prevent outside air from coming in.
Set Expires value to a reasonable number of hours (1-24), in your judgement, that the
threatened or actual conditions will exist.
Leave Sender Agency Name to default value “Wake County Emergency Mgmt”
In Message to Public click on the WEA tab and craft a 90 character (or fewer) warning
message. Then click on the All others tab and enter an identical, or more detailed message.
Leave 037183 checked under Affected Region (SAME Code).
Confirm all other notification settings are completed according to the instructions found in
Appendix 1 Everbridge Activation.
Click Send button to activate notification.
Confirm activation of IPAWS through the IPAWS Message Viewer URL:
Critical Elements of Warning Messages:
Guidance: Recommended protective action(s)
Location: Who should respond to this warning
Time: How much time people have to accomplish protective action(s)
Hazard Characteristics: Information on the impending hazard
Source: Who is issuing the warning
Response Types:
SHELTER Take shelter in place or per instructions
EVACUATE Relocate as instructed
PREPARE Make preparations for self, family, and pets as instructed
EXECUTE Execute a pre-planned activity identified in instruction
AVOID Avoid the subject event or identified area as instructed
MONITOR Attend to information sources as described in instruction
WCSOP 3.17 – Public Alert and Warning
Appendix 3 – Emergency Alert System Activation
Created: June 29, 2017
Author: D. Patel
Approved: August 23, 2017
System Use
Authorized Use
SDO Directives
Activation of Emergency Alert System (EAS) by local
governments is governed by the North Carolina EAS
State Plan.
A localized (county or city) short duration emergency
incident that threatens lives, for which the public
needs to take protective action(s) (Evacuate, shelter-
in-place, etc.).
All local EAS activations will be coordinated through
Wake County Emergency Management.
SDO will coordinate activation of the EAS for
qualifying incidents on behalf of public safety
agencies and local governments with jurisdiction in
Wake County.
SDO will consider the following general guidelines for
qualifying local activations of EAS:
o Severity of situation EAS warning will aid in reducing
loss of life or substantial loss of property.
o Timeliness Immediate public knowledge is required
to avoid adverse impact.
o Alternatives Other means of disseminating
information are inadequate to ensure rapid delivery.
Prohibited Use
AMBER Alert messages must originate from local law
enforcement and be channeled through the NC
Center for Missing Persons.
Weather-related messages are originated by the
National Weather Service.
SDO Initial Focus & Recommended Actions
Task #
Determine from the originating agency:
Nature of incident/event requiring EAS activation
Protective Actions to be taken and authorizing individual’s name/agency
Incident details and other information to be included in the messaging
Follow-up information for public telephone number to call or Web site to refer to
Geographical area impacted
Timing of activation (ASAP or delayed)
(If eligible) WEA and IPAWS Public Alerts Feed details
Complete the attached EAS Notification Message template.
Locate a current NCEM Authentication Code List.
Contact the NCEM 24-hour Communications Center at 919-733-3300 or 800-858-0368 and
advise them you need to issue a Civil Emergency Message via EAS and NOAA weather
If applicable, request activation of the National Weather Service NOAA weather radios.
Fax (919-733-7554) or email (nceoc@ncdps.gov) a completed copy of the EAS Notification
Message template to the NCEM 24-hour Communications Center.
Be prepared to authenticate the request using the current NCEM Authentication Code List.
Notify the on-call Wake County Communications Office (919-857-9253) Specialist of the EAS
activation and coordinate additional public messaging through online, broadcast, and other
media. Request that they coordinate messaging with impacted State and municipal PIO’s.
Triangle Region Local Primary Stations:
LP1 (Lead Station) WQDR-FM 94.7 MHz
LP2 (Back-up Station) WDCG-FM 105.1 MHz
Critical Elements of Warning Messages:
Guidance: Recommended protective action(s)
Location: Who should respond to this warning
Time: How much time people have to accomplish protective action(s)
Hazard Characteristics: Information on the impending hazard
Source: Who is issuing the warning
Emergency Alert System Activation Request
TO: NCEM 24-hour Operations Center, Emergency Management Watch Officer
FAX: 919-733-7554
EMAIL: nceoc@ncdps.gov
FROM: Wake County Emergency Management, Staff Duty Officer
FAX: 919-743-4846
EMAIL: wake[email protected]m
Total Pages Faxed/Emailed:
Wake County EM Official’s Name:
Wake County EM SDO Contact #:
Nature of Event:
Counties Affected: WAKE Others (list):
LP1 Station: WQDR-FM 94.7
LP2 Station: WDCG-FM 105.1
Expected Duration of Event (hours):
Date/Time Completed
Message Concurrence
EAS Broadcast
NWS Activated
Check only one of the following:
Wake County Emergency Management officials have issued the following warning for the following location(s):
Emergency personnel are responding to an incident involving:
You should take the following actions to protect yourself:
Stay tuned to your local radio or television station for additional information regarding this emergency.