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This application is for continuing students who wish to request reclassification from “non-resident for tuition purposes to Florida resident
for tuition purposes.” For initial residency classification for all new and readmitted students, refer to
Student’s Name:
__________________________________________ Panther ID: ___________________________
Date of Birth: _____________________________ Student’s Email: __________________________________
(All residency correspondence will be sent here.)
Term Applying for Reclassification:
___________________________ First FIU Term: ___________________________
Have you previously applied for a change of residency?
(Term previously applied for reclassification.)
Are you a U.S. Citizen?
Are you a permanent resident alien or a legal alien granted indefinite stay by DHS?
(Required: Copy of alien registration card or verification of visa status. Eligible visa categories: A, E, G, H-1B, H-1C, I, K, L, N, NATO 1-7, O-1, R, S,
T, U, V, parolees, refugees, or those holding asylum).
J visa holders are not eligible to establish residency for tuition purposes unless they meet the Exceptions
Category listed in this application. Students who hold an F-1 visa are not eligible for in-state tuition. F-1 students
who have applied for permanent residency must submit an I-485 and obtain an Acknowledgement Statement from
International Student and Scholar Services.
International Student and Scholar Services
Modesto A. Maidique Campus, GC 355, (305) 348-2421
Biscayne Bay Campus, WUC 363, (305) 919-5813.
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The evidentiary requirement for reclassification goes beyond that for an initial classification, because these individuals have previously
been determined to be out-of-state residents. An individual who is initially classified as a nonresident for tuition purposes may become
eligible for reclassification as a resident for tuition purposes only if that individual, or his or her parent if that individual is a dependent,
presents clear and convincing documentation that supports permanent legal residency in this state for 12 consecutive months. To be
considered a “Florida Resident for Tuition Purposes” the claimant has the burden of proof, through the submission of official and/or legal
documents, that there are sufficient permanent ties to Florida, and when the student is the Claimant that enrollment at FIU is “incidental.”
If the student is the Claimant, they will not normally meet this requirement once they are consecutively enrolled at FIU.
An individual who is classified as a non-resident for tuition purposes and who marries a legal resident of the state and becomes a legal
resident may become eligible for reclassification by submitting proof of his/her legal residency, evidence of his/her marriage to a legal
resident, and evidence of his/her spouse’s legal residence in Florida for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the
application for reclassification. The individual does not have to satisfy the requisite 12-month qualifying period.
Residency for tuition purposes is governed by the Florida State Statue 1009.21 and the Board of Education Rule 6A-10.044, Florida
Administrative Code.
Florida International University will evaluate all documents submitted and is authorized to make decisions regarding residency for tuition
purposes within the bounds of the law. This document is provided as an informational resource and in no way replaces or supersedes
Florida State Statue 1009.21, Board of Education Rule 6A-10.044, or the Board of Governors Rule. The Florida Residency Requirements
for Tuition Purposes
are available online at
Florida International University cannot make exceptions to the guidelines set forth by the state. This includes exceptions based
on financial hardship or other extenuating circumstances.
All applicants should submit the Residency Reclassification Application no later than the first day of classes of the term for which Florida
residency is sought. Theses dates can be found online on our Academic Calendar,
A person may be a legal resident” of Florida, as outlined in Florida State Statue 222.17, and also be considered a “non-resident for
tuition purposes under Florida State Statue 1009.21. Residence in Florida must be for the purpose of maintaining a bona fide domicile
in Florida, rather than for the purpose of maintaining a mere temporary residence or abode incident to enrollment in an institution of
higher education. Living in and/or attending school in Florida will not, in itself establish legal residence. All supporting
documents must be dated at least twelve months prior to the first day of class for the term in which the student is requesting
reclassification. No
single document shall be considered conclusive. It is the applicants responsibility to provide and establish the facts
that justify classification as a Florida resident for tuition purposes.
Submission of this application does not guarantee reclassification. Approved residency reclassification applications will not be
applied retroactively to previous terms. Changes in residency classification are approved for future semesters only. All sections of this
form must be completed and signed by the applicant/claimant. Supporting documentation is required and should be attached
to the application.
Applicants will receive notification by FIU e-mail regarding the decision for reclassification. Please direct your questions to
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the information on this page. I understand that changing my residency
status may impact my scholarships and other financial aid awards (REQUIRED):
Student’s Name:
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Residency for tuition purposes is based solely on one individual/claimant. Independent or dependent status is important because it
determines whose documentation is required in the reclassification process. A dependent student claims Florida residency through a
parent, while an independent student claims Florida residency with himself/herself as the claimant.
Independent: A student who provides more than 50 percent of his/her support (cost of enrollment). A person may also be independent if
he/she meets one or more of the following criteria:
- Student is married.
- Student is at least 24 years of age by the first day of classes for the term seeking reclassification.
- Student is currently serving in the United States Armed Forces (U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Marine Corps, and
the U.S. Navy) or is a veteran.
- Student has dependents (children) and provides more than half of their support.
- Student is pursuing a master or doctoral degree during the term in which student is seeking reclassification.
- Student is or was (until age 18) a ward of the court.
- Both of the students parents are deceased.
- Student is classified as an Independent person by the Financial Aid Office.
Dependent: A person, whether or not living with his or her parent, who is eligible to be claimed by his or her parent as a dependent under
the federal income tax code.
Students who are dependent on or claimed as a federal tax exemption by parents who live outside Florida are presumed to be
legal residents of the same state as their parents and are not eligible for in-state tuition. Monetary gifts, personal loans or financial
support in the form of room, board, or other expenses from the students parents, other relative, a significant other, or friends demonstrates
that the student lacks independence and is financially dependent upon others.
Please select ONE of the following list by placing an X in the box to the left:
I am an independent person and have maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months. No one
claims me as a dependent. Signed copy of your most recent tax return with W-2s may be requested. If you are
under the age of 24, signed copies of your parents most recent tax return may be requested.
I am a dependent person and my parent/legal guardian has maintained residence in Florida for at least 12 months.
“Parent” means either or both parents of a student, any guardian of a student, or any person in a parental
relationship to a student. Signed copy of your parent or legal guardians most recent tax return may be requested.
I am a dependent person who has resided for three years with an adult relative other than my parent or legal
guardian, and my relative has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months. However, with respect
to a dependent child living with an adult relative other than the child’s parent, such child may qualify as a resident
for tuition purposes if the adult relative is a legal resident who has maintained legal residence in this state for at
least 12 consecutive months immediately before the child’s initial enrollment in an institution of higher education,
provided the child has resided continuously with such relative for the 3 years immediately before the child’s initial
enrollment in an institution of higher education, during which time the adult relative has exercised day-to-day care,
supervision, and control of the child. Signed copy of relatives tax return for the past 3 years may be requested.
I am married to a person who has maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 months. I have established
legal residence and intend to make Florida my permanent home. Signed copy of your spouse’s most recent tax
return and marriage certificate may be requested.
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Name of Claimant: __________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________
Claimant is: Student Parent Spouse Other ___________________
Claimants Legal Permanent Address: _________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ State: _______ Zip: _________ Phone: _____________________
Is the Claimant a U.S. Citizen?
(Copy of Passport, Birth Certificate, Naturalization, or Voter’s Card, if applicable)
Is the Claimant a permanent resident alien or a legal alien granted indefinite stay by DHS?
(Copy of alien registration card or verification of visa status, if applicable. Eligible visa categories: A, E, G, H-1B, I, K, L, N, O-1, R,
NATO 1-7, S, T, U, V, parolees, refugees, or those holding asylum).
Florida law allows some applicants who have not maintained a bona fide domicile in Florida for the requisite 12 month period to be
classified as a Florida Resident. Please review the Exception Categories listed below and mark any that apply by placing an X in
the box to the left. If you do not qualify under an Exception Category, please leave this section blank.
I am a full-time instructional or administrative employee, employed by
a Florida public school, community college or institution of
higher education, or I am the employee’s spouse or dependent
Required: Copy of employment
I am a full-time employee of a state agency or political subdivision of
the state whose student fees are paid by the state agency or political
subdivision for the purpose of job-related law enforcement or
correction training.
Required: Copy of enrollment
verification and/or approved tuition
waiver form.
I was previously enrolled at a Florida state institution and
classified as a Florida resident for tuition purposes. I abandoned my
Florida domicile less than 12 months ago and am now re-
establishing Florida legal residence.
Required: Evidence of previous
enrollment as a resident (benefit
applies only once).
I am a member of the armed services of the United States and I am
stationed in Florida on active military duty pursuant to military orders,
or whose home of record is Florida, or I am a members spouse or
dependent child.
Required: Copy of military orders
or DD2058 showing home of record.
I am part of the Latin American/Caribbean Studies Program.
Required: Copy of scholarship
I am a qualified beneficiary under the terms of the Florida Prepaid
College Program (s. 240.551, F.S.).
Required: Copy of most recent
Florida prepaid recipient card or
I am living on the Isthmus of Panama and have completed 12
consecutive months of college work at the F.S.U. Panama Canal
Branch, or I am the students spouse or dependent child.
Required: Copy of enrollment
verification and marriage certificate or
proof of dependency.
I am a Southern Regional Educational Boards Academic
Common Market graduate school.
Required: Certification letter
from state coordinator.
I am a McKnight Fellowship recipient.
Required: Verification from
graduate studies.
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I am an active member of the Florida National Guard who qualifies
under s.250.10(7) and (8) for the tuition assistance program.
Required: National Guard
I am an active duty member (or the spouse of a member) of the
Armed Services of the United States attending a public community
college or university within 50 miles of the military establishment where
the member is stationed, if such a military establishment is in a county
contiguous to Florida.
Required: Military documents.
I am an active duty member (or spouse or dependent child of a
member) of the Canadian military residing or stationed in Florida
under the North American Air Defense (NORAD) agreement, attending
a public community college or university within 50 miles of the military
establishment where the member is stationed.
Required: Military documents.
I am a U.S. citizen living outside the U.S. who is teaching at a
Department of Defense Dependent School or in a American
International School and who has enrolled in a graduate level
educational program which leads to a Florida teaching certificate.
Required: Proof of enrollment in
qualifying program.
I am an active duty member (or spouse or dependent child of the
member) of a foreign nations military who is serving as a liaison
officer, residing or stationed in Florida and attending a community
college or state university within 50 miles of the military establishment
where the member is stationed.
Required: Military documents.
Residency Process and Documentation Documents supporting the establishment of residency for tuition purposes
must be dated, issued, or filed 12 months prior to the first day of classes of the term for which reclassification is sought. All
documentation is subject to verification. You should submit as much evidence of your Florida residency as possible. No
single piece of documentation will be considered conclusive and the burden of proof is on the student to show: (1) residency
in the state was not merely temporary or incident to enrolling in a college or university located in Florida and (2) residency
in Florida that meets 12 month requirement. All submitted documentation will become part of the reclassification request
record and will not be returned.
(1) Why did you move to the State of Florida? The state statute is very specific about who is and who is not eligible
to pursue reclassification. If the primary reason you moved to the State of Florida was to pursue an education, you are
not eligible for reclassification. As stipulated in Section 1009.21(2)(a)2, F.S., “it is imperative that the required 12-month
qualifying period be for the purpose of maintaining a bona fide domicile rather than for the purpose of maintaining a
mere temporary residence or abode incident to enrollment in an institution of higher education.” In other words, if you
moved to Florida just to get an education from Florida International University, you are not eligible for reclassification.
To answer this question, you will need to provide an affidavit/statement for your move to the State of Florida along with
appropriate supporting documentation.
Sample documentation:
There are many reasons for relocating to Florida other than for an education. One commonly given reason is for
employment. To prove this, you will need to provide an affidavit/statement that you moved to the state for
employment; you will also need to provide proof of permanent full-time employment for at least 30 hours per week
for a 12-month period immediately preceding your request for reclassification. This proof can be a signed letter on
company letterhead from your employer or consecutive earning statements. A copy of your W-2 will also be required.
Another commonly given reason is for immediate family ties. Perhaps you have relatives that live in the state, e.g.
your grandmother or grandfather. For documentation of immediate family ties, provide verifiable documents to
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substantiate the immediate family member tie and provide two acceptable forms of proof evidencing that the
immediate family member meets the length resident of the State of Florida. At least one of documents must come
from the first tier of acceptable proofs below.
Other since moving to the State of Florida is a personal choice, there can be any number of reasons that you might
provide to justify moving here. As such, the documentation will vary, but often, it comes in the form of a personal
statement. Please keep in mind that your reason cannot be for educational purposes or you will automatically be
ineligible for reclassification. It is also difficult to justify your move to the state for other than educational reasons, if
you immediately start school as a full-time student upon moving to the state.
Examples of evidence that may assist in substantiating residency for maintaining a bona fide domicile may include:
permanent full-time employment for the previous 12 months, immediate relatives currently living in Florida for the
previous 12 months, purchase of a permanent home used as the primary place of residence for the previous 12
months, or part-time enrollment in a Florida higher education institution during the previous 12 months.
(2) Evidence of legal residency and its duration shall include clear and convincing documentation that residency in this state was for a
minimum of 12 consecutive months prior to a student’s reclassification request and that ties to the claimant’s former state were
severed. It is recommended that you submit as many required documents as possible to justify your claim of Florida
residency for tuition purposes; however, no claim of residency will be valid without a least one of documents from the first tier of
acceptable proofs below and at least three documents total. No single piece of evidence shall be conclusive, and FIU reserves
the right to request additional documents beyond the minimum of three (per F.S. 1009.21) to ensure clear and convincing
evidence of Florida residency.
At least one of the following must be submitted:
A Florida voter’s registration card.
A Florida driver’s license.
A State of Florida identification card.
A Florida vehicle registration.
Proof of a permanent home in Florida which is occupied as a primary residence by the individual or by the individual’s
parent if the individual is a dependent child.
Proof of a homestead exemption in Florida.
Transcripts from a Florida high school for multiple years if the Florida high school diploma or high school equivalency
diploma was earned within the last 12 months.
Proof of permanent full-time employment in Florida for at least 30 hours per week for a 12-month period. (
Permanent full-
time employment is consecutive employment in a permanent job for a minimum of 12 months prior to the semester of
qualification rather than a series of temporary jobs.
The documents may include one or more of the following:
A declaration of domicile in Florida (pursuant to Section 222.17, F.S., the date that an applicant shall be deemed as
establishing residency for 12 months is the date that the Clerk of Circuit Court notes the declaration was sworn and
subscribed to the Clerk).
A Florida professional or occupational license.
Florida incorporation.
A document evidencing family ties in Florida.
Proof of membership in a Florida-based charitable or professional organization.
Utility bills and proof of 12 consecutive months of payments (electric or water ONLY).
A lease agreement and proof of 12 consecutive months of payments.
An official state, federal, or court document evidencing legal ties to Florida.
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I ______________________________hereby declare that I have read the foregoing document and that the facts stated in it are true
and further affirm the authenticity of the information provided on all pages of this Residency Reclassification Application. I understand
that any false or misleading information on this Residency Reclassification Application, or provided in support of this Reclassification
Application, will subject me to penalties pursuant to section 837.06, Florida Statutes, for making a false statement. I give permission
for the institution to review or examine any and all documents and records, including those accessible electronically, which may assist
in support of my status as a Florida resident for tuition purposes.