Sample Student Responses
and Scoring Commentary
Free Response Question 3
Scoring Guideline
Student Samples
Scoring Commentary
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AP® Biology 2021 Scoring Guidelines
© 2021 College Board
Question 3: Scientific Investigation 4 points
Researchers hypothesize that the plant compound resveratrol improves mitochondrial function. To test this
hypothesis, researchers dissolve resveratrol in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). The solution readily passes through
cell membranes. They add the resveratrol solution to mammalian muscle cells growing in a nutrient-rich
solution (culture medium) that contains glucose. They measure ATP production at several time points after the
addition of the resveratrol solution and find an increase in ATP production by the muscle cells.
Describe the primary advantage for a mammalian muscle cell in using aerobic respiration
over fermentation.
More ATP (per gluco
se molecule) is produced by aerobic respiration.
1 point
Identify an appropriate negative control for this experiment that would allow the
researchers to conclude that ATP is produced in response to the resveratrol treatment.
Accept one of the following:
The researchers must run the experiment without adding resveratrol.
The researchers must treat the cells with DMSO alone.
1 point
Predict the effect on short-term ATP production when resveratrol-treated mammalian
muscle cells are grown in a culture medium that lacks glucose or other sugars.
Accept one of the following:
No ATP production
Reduced ATP production
1 po
The researchers find that resveratrol stimulates the production of components of the
ron transport chain. The researchers claim that treatment with resveratrol will also
increase oxygen consumption by the cells if glucose is not limiting. Justify the claim.
More electrons can be transferred so that more oxygen is required as the final electron
1 point
Total for question 3 4 points
Q3 Sample A 1 of 1
Q3 Sample B 1 of 1
Q3 Sample C 1 of 1
Biology 2021 Scoring Commentary
Question 3
Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and may contain spelling and grammatical errors.
This question described an experiment in which mammalian muscle cells were treated with resveratrol dissolved in
dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).
In part (a) students were asked to describe the advantage of aerobic respiration over fermentation in the mammalian
muscle cells. Responses were expected to demonstrate an understanding of the ATP yields of fermentation and
aerobic respiration (Learning Objective ENE-1.K in Topic 3.6).
In part (b) students were asked to identify an appropriate negative control. Responses were expected to demonstrate
proficiency in identifying experimental procedures (Science Practice 3.C).
In part (c) students were asked to predict the effect on short-term ATP production if resveratrol-treated cells are
grown in the absence of sugar. Responses were expected to demonstrate an understanding of the process of cellular
respiration (ENE-1.K in Topic 3.6).
In part (d) students were asked to justify the claim that, because resveratrol stimulates the production of the
components of the electron transport chain, treatment with resveratrol will increase oxygen consumption by the
cells. Responses were expected to demonstrate an understanding that oxygen acts as the terminal electron acceptor in
the electron transport chain in mitochondria (ENE-1.K.3 in Topic 3.6).
Sample: 3A
Score: 4
The response earned 1 point in part (a) for describing that aerobic respiration can produce up to 36 ATP from a
single glucose molecule, while fermentation produces only two ATP.The response earned 1 point in part (b) for
identifying that the negative control would be a nutrient-rich solution without resveratol.The response earned
1 point in part (c) for predicting that ATP production will decrease.” The response earned 1 point in part (d) for
justifying that oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor for the electron transport chain and will require more
oxygen molecules to transfer electrons to.
Sample: 3B
Score: 3
The response earned 1 point in part (a) for describing that aerobic respiration produces more ATP. The response
earned 1 point in part (b) for identifying the negative control would be to use a muscle cell without resveratrol
added.The response earned 1 point in part (c) for predicting that ATP production would cease. The response did
not earn a point in part (d) for justifying that oxygen is an electron transporterrather than the final electron
acceptor in the increased transfer of electrons.
Sample: 3C
Score: 1
The response did not earn a point in part (a) because it does not describe that more outputis more ATP. The
response did not earn a point in part (b) because it identifies the negative control as to take away the mammalian
muscle cells that are enriched in glucoserather than withholding resveratrol. The response earned 1 point in part (c)
for predicting the amount of ATP will probably decrease.The response did not earn a point in part (d) because it
does not justify that more electrons are transferred to oxygen as the final electron acceptor.
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