This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
Revised on March 2024 (Apply/Pay)
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
All applicants are required to apply and pay for an exam online before
arriving at the FDNY. It can take about 30 minutes to complete.
Simplified instructions for online application and payment can be found here:
Create an Account and Log in to:
© 10/2011 New York City Fire Department - All rights reserved
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
FITNESS .................................................................................. I
FIRE STATISTICS AND FACTS ................................................. 1
PART 1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................... 2
1.1 Permit ............................................................................................... 2
1.2 Certificate of Fitness ........................................................................ 2
2.1 Motor Fuel Service Station .............................................................. 3
2.1.1 Automotive Service Station ...................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Marine Service Station ............................................................................ 3
2.1.3 Service Stations Located Inside Buildings ................................................ 3
2.2 Tanks and Tank Trucks .................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Transfer of motor fuel from tank truck to storage tank ............................ 5
2.3 Dispensing Motor Fuel ...................................................................... 5
2.3.1 Approved portable containers .................................................................. 7
PART 3. SUPERVISION, RECORDS AND REPORT ..................... 8
3.1 Self-Service Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities ................................. 8
3.2 Fleet Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities .......................................... 10
3.3 Inventory Control for Underground Tanks .................................... 10
Example of the maintenance log book ................................................................ 12
3.4 Inspections and Tests Records....................................................... 13
3.5 Reporting of Spills and Discharges ................................................ 13
4.1 Labeling and Signage ...................................................................... 14
4.1.1 Color coding and symbols of fill ports .................................................... 14
4.1.2 Warning signs ....................................................................................... 15
4.1.3 No-Smoking sign ................................................................................... 17
4.2 Control of Ignition, Brush and Debris ............................................ 17
4.3 Emergency Procedure ..................................................................... 18
4.4 Fire Extinguishers .......................................................................... 20
4.4.1 Different types of fire extinguishers ....................................................... 21
4.4.2 Fire extinguisher inspections ................................................................ 22
4.4.3 Portable fire extinguisher tags ............................................................... 23
4.5 Fire Extinguishing System ............................................................. 24
PART 5. LITHIUM-ION BATTERY SAFETY ................................ 26
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
Save time and submit application online!
All applicants are required to apply and pay for an exam online before
arriving at the FDNY. It can take about 30 minutes to complete.
Simplified instructions for online application and payment can be found here:
Create an Account and Log in to:
General requirements:
Review the General Notice of Exam:
Special requirements for the P-15 Certificate of Fitness: None
Application fee (Cash is NO LONGER ACCEPTED):
Pay the $25 application fee online or in person by one of the following methods:
Credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa)
Debit card (MasterCard or Visa)
In person: Personal or company check or money order (made payable to
the New York City Fire Department)
A convenience fee of 2% will be applied to all credit card payments.
For fee waivers submit: (Only government employees who will use their COF
for their work- related responsibilities are eligible for fee waivers.)
A letter requesting fee waiver on the Agency’s official letterhead stating
applicant full name, exam type and address of premises; AND
Copy of identification card issued by the agency
No AIP available. This certificate of fitness can only be obtained by
passing the computer exam at the FDNY Headquarters.
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
The P-15 exam will consist of 25 multiple-choice questions, administered on a
“touch screen” computer monitor. It is a time-limit exam. Based on the amount
of the questions, you will have 38 minutes to complete the test. A passing score
of at least 70% is required in order to secure a Certificate of Fitness. Read each
question carefully before marking your answer. There is no penalty for
Call (718) 999-1988 for additional information and forms.
Please always check for the latest revised booklet at FDNY website before you
take the exam.
EXAM SITE: FDNY Headquarters, 9 MetroTech Center, Brooklyn, NY.
Enter through the Flatbush Avenue entrance (between
Myrtle Avenue and Tech Place).
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
General renewal requirements:
Review the General Notice of Exam:
Special renewal requirements for P-15 COF: None
The FDNY strongly recommends the P-15 COF holders to renew the COF
on-line. To learn the simplified on-line renewal:
FDNY Business Support Team: For questions, call 311 and ask for the FDNY
Customer Service Center or send an email to [email protected]
This study material contains the information you will need to prepare for the
examination for the Certificate of Fitness for Dispensing Motor Fuel
(Automotive Service Stations). It will not be provided to you during the test.
It is critical that you read and understand this booklet to help increase
your chance of passing this exam. The study material does not contain all of
the information you need to know to supervise automotive service stations. It
is your responsibility to become familiar with all applicable rules and
regulations of the City of New York, even if they are not covered in this study
material. You need to be familiar with the 2022 Fire Code Chapter 23, Chapter
57, and 2008 Fire Rule Chapter 22, 2008 Fire Rule Section §4834-01 and
§4838-01 which regulate the motor fuel storage and dispensing system in order
to adequately prepare for the exam.
Since this Certificate is premise related, Certificate of Fitness must be
registered to a given address. Multiple Certificates may be obtained for different
The amended New York City Fire Code, to be known as the 2022 Fire Code,
takes effect on April 15, 2022. It may not have been updated in this study
material and the exam will be mainly based on this booklet, not the 2022
Fire Code. However, as the Certificate of Fitness holder, it is your
responsibility to become familiar with the applicable sections of the new
2022 Fire Code.
Design and installation provisions.
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
The design and installation provisions of the 2022 Fire Code shall apply to:
Facilities established and conditions arising on or after 04/15/2022.
Facilities and conditions not lawfully existing prior to 04/15/2022.
The facilities and conditions lawfully existing prior to the 04/15/2022 can be
continued in compliance with the requirements of the former Fire Code/Fire
Rule except as otherwise provided in the New Fire Code 102.5.
Operational and maintenance provisions.
The operational and maintenance provisions of the 2022 Fire Code, including
permit and certification requirements, shall apply to all facilities, operations,
conditions, uses and occupancies, regardless of when they were established or
Whenever this code is amended or a rule is promulgated to require a permit or
certificate for a facility, operation, condition, use or occupancy, and no permit
or certificate was previously required therefor pursuant to this code or the
rules, such facility, operation, condition, use or occupancy may be continued
without such permit or certificate until 04/15/2023, except as may otherwise
be provided by such amendment or rule.
The 2022 Fire Code can be obtained via the following website:
The 2014/2022 New York City Fire Code Cross-Reference Table can be referred
to the following website:
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
The following questions represent the “format” of the exam questions,
not the content of the real exam.
1. Which of the following are allowed to be used while taking a Certificate
of Fitness examination at 9 Metro Tech Center?
I. cellular phone
II. study material booklet
III. reference material provided by the FDNY
IV. mp3 player
A. III only
B. I, II, and III
C. II and IV
D. I only
Only reference material provided by the FDNY is allowed to be used during
Certificate of Fitness examinations. Therefore, the correct answer would be A.
You would touch “A” on the computer terminal screen.
2. If the screen on your computer terminal freezes during your
examination, who should you ask for help?
A. the person next to you
B. the firefighters
C. the examiner in the testing room
D. the computer help desk
If you have a computer related question, you should ask the examiner in the
testing room. Therefore, the correct answer would be C. You would touch “C”
on the computer terminal screen.
3. If you do not know the answer to a question while taking an
examination, who should you ask for help?
A. the person next to you
B. the firefighters
C. the examiner in the testing room
D. you should not ask about test questions since FDNY staff can not assist
You should not ask about examination questions or answers since FDNY staff
cannot assist applicants with their tests. Therefore, the correct answer would
be D. You would touch "D" on the computer terminal screen.
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
According to the Fires at U.S. Service Stations report published by the Fire Analysis
and Research Division of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in April, 2011,
an estimated 5,020 fires and explosions occurred at public service stations per year
from 2004-2008. That means that, on average, one in every 13 service stations
experienced a fire. These fires caused an annual average of two civilian deaths, 48
civilian injuries and $20 million in property damage.
Fires in these occupancies represent a variety of incidents, including structure fires,
vehicle fires, outdoor fires and other fires. The majority of incidents are vehicle fires
(61%), but the majority of the property damage (59%), results from structure fires. In
structure fires, heating equipment was the leading cause, followed by electrical
distribution and lighting equipment. The top three leading items first ignited in
structure fires at service stations are flammable or combustible liquids, gases, and
associated piping or filter (22%); rubbish, trash, or waste (18%) and electrical cable or
insulation (13%).
The leading factors contributing to the ignition of different fires:
Structure Fires:
(1) Electrical failures or malfunctions
(2) Abandoned materials
Vehicle Fires:
(1) Mechanical failures or malfunctions
(2) Electrical failure or malfunction
(3) A flammable liquid or gas being spilled
Outdoor and unclassified fires:
(1) Abandoned or discarded materials or products
(2) electrical failures or malfunctions
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
1.1 Permit
An FDNY Site-specific permit is required in order to operate a motor fuel dispensing
facility. This permit is issued by the Fire Department Bureau of Fire Prevention. It is
illegal to operate a motor fuel dispensing facility without a valid permit. Fines will be
issued to service station’s owner who does not have a valid permit. The site-specific
permit is valid for 12 months only. Every permit renewal shall require an inspection.
FDNY permits are not transferable, and any change in occupancy, operation, tenancy
or ownership requires that a new permit be issued. Appropriate and legal proof of
these changes must be submitted to the FDNY. The Certificate of Fitness holder is
responsible for making sure that all fire safety regulations and procedures are obeyed
on the premises. Permits shall be readily available on the premise for inspection
by Fire Department representatives.
1.2 Certificate of Fitness
At least one P-15 Certificate of Fitness holder must be on the premises while a service
station is open for business. A certificate holder shall be responsible for:
1. The safe storage, handling, use, operation, maintenance, inspection, testing,
repair and/or supervision of the operation or facility for which the certificate is
required, in accordance with this code, the rules, and any other applicable laws,
rules and regulations.
2. Notifying the Fire Department/911 of any explosion, fire, reportable leak or other
release of hazardous material, or other emergency related to the duties of his or
her certificate.
3. Keeping such certificate upon his or her person or otherwise readily available for
inspection by any representative of the department, at all times while conducting
or supervising the material, operation or facility for which the certificate is
P-15 Certificate of Fitness (C of F)
The dispensing of liquid motor fuel at motor fuel dispensing facilities shall be
conducted by or under the supervision of a P-15 C of F holder, who shall be
responsible to ensure that dispensing operations are conducted and the facility is
maintained in accordance with this chapter, as follows:
1. Dispensing operations shall be conducted by or under the personal supervision of
a P-15 C of F holder at self service automotive liquid motor fuel-dispensing
2. D
ispensing operations shall be conducted by or under the personal supervision of
a P-15 C of F holder at fleet automotive liquid motor fuel-dispensing facilities.
3. Dispensing operations shall be conducted by or under the personal supervision of
a P-15 C of F holder at full service automotive liquid motor fuel-dispensing
All Permits and Certificates of Fitness shall be readily available on the premises
for inspection by Fire Department representatives. No P-15 C of F holder on duty
for supervising the dispensing of liquid motor fuel may cause the issuance of a
summons by the fire department inspector.
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
2.1 Motor Fuel Service Station
A service station is a location used to store and dispense motor fuels. There are three
different types of service stations. The different types are automotive, marine, and
stations located inside buildings. Each of these stations is described below.
2.1.1 Automotive Service Station
These stations are designed to safely dispense fuel into motor vehicles. The fuels
dispensed include gasoline and diesel fuel. The motor fuels are usually stored in
underground storage tanks. Fuel tanks of trucks, cars, and motorcycles are filled at
these locations. These service stations may also sell batteries, tires and other vehicle
accessories, however, the viewing of the dispensing area from the control booth must
be unobstructed and the tank area must be clear and free. Vehicle maintenance and
minor repairs may also be performed at these stations.
automotive liquid motor fuel-dispensing facility wherein liquid motor fuel is stored
and/or dispensed into the fuel tank of motor vehicles or motorcycles owned or
operated by or on behalf of the owner of the facility, and where dispensing operations
are conducted by persons employed by or otherwise working for the owner of the
automotive liquid motor fuel-dispensing facility wherein liquid motor fuel is dispensed
into the fuel tank of motor vehicles or motorcycles by a certified attendant or, when
under the personal supervision of a certified attendant, by persons employed by or
otherwise working for the owner of the facility.
automotive liquid motor fuel-dispensing facility where liquid motor fuel is dispensed
from a liquid motor fuel storage and dispensing system into the fuel tank of motor
vehicles or motorcycles by customers of the facility.
2.1.2 Marine Service Station
This station is usually located on a pier, a wharf or a floating dock. This station is
designed to safely dispense fuel into self-propelled water craft. All boats, yachts and
other recreational vehicles have their fuel tanks filled at these stations. The fuels
dispensed include gasoline and diesel fuel. The motor fuels may be stored in above
ground or underground storage tanks. Repair and maintenance services may also be
performed at these stations.
2.1.3 Service Stations Located Inside Buildings
These stations are located within a building structure that contains other
occupancies. The station is designed to safely dispense fuels into motor vehicles. The
motor fuels are stored in above ground or underground storage tanks.
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2.2 Tanks and Tank Trucks
Only approved tanks may be used to store motor fuel. Approved tanks are those tanks
that meet the design and safety specifications of the Fire Commissioner's Office. An
accurate log of the contents of the tanks must be recorded. This log must be
completed by the Certificate of Fitness holder. This record should include the amount
of fuel sold each day and the amount of fuel in the tank. The tanks must be inspected
daily. They should be checked for defective equipment and leaks. If any leaks or
defects are discovered, the P-15 C of F holder must notify the licensed maintenance
company immediately. A record of each inspection and all repairs must also be
recorded in the log. Depending on the location and the product, the tank may be
installed above or below ground level. Each single wall steel tank must be precision
tested every 5 years, before a Fire Department representative. A functionality test of
the motor fuel leak detection system must be conducted every two years under the
supervision of a W-16 certificate of license holder. Fire extinguishing systems must be
tested at least once every 5 years.
Individual underground storage tanks shall not exceed a capacity of 12,000 gallons.
The capacity of an aboveground tank shall not exceed 4,000 gallons. The aggregate
capacity at a facility in both aboveground and underground tanks shall not exceed
40,000 gallons.
Tank trucks are used to transfer motor fuel into the storage tanks. The motor fuel
might be transferred by gravity and/or by pump pressure (diesel only) from the tank
truck into the storage tank. The Certificate of Fitness holder should observe the filling
of the storage tanks on the premises. The Certificate of Fitness holder must ensure
the fill boxes are free of products after the delivery is completed. The motor of the tank
truck should be shut off while making the transfer, unless the transfer pump is in
The Certificate of Fitness holder make sure that the vapor return line (vapor recovery
stage I) is securely connected to the storage tank and the tank truck. The vapor
return line prevents the flammable vapors from escaping into the atmosphere. The
motor fuel discharge line must also be checked to make sure that it is securely
connected to the tank truck and the storage tank. If any leaks are noticed the transfer
Chock blocks should be
placed under the wheels of
the truck. The chock blocks
prevent the truck from
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
should be stopped immediately. The defects or the leaks must be repaired before
transferring any more motor fuel into the storage tank. The transfer of motor fuel
from a tank truck to a storage tank is shown below.
It is the Certificate of Fitness holder’s responsibility to ensure that the fill boxes
are clear of product and the covers are properly closed and secured.
2.2.1 Transfer of motor fuel from tank truck to storage tank
A test well or gauge line on the storage tank allows the attendant to determine how
much fuel is in the storage tank. The Certificate of Fitness holder and the driver
making the delivery are both responsible to be sure that the test well connection is
closed while filling the tanks. The test well may not be opened to speed up the filling
of the storage tank. It must remain closed to make sure that no flammable vapors
escape into the atmosphere. The test well may only be used to determine the amount
of motor fuel in the storage tank.
The Certificate of Fitness holder must know the layout of the fuel storage system. The
location of the test well, the fill line, the vent line, and the product line to the
dispensers must be known. The Certificate of Fitness holder should know how to use
the test well and measuring stick to determine the amount of motor fuel in a storage
tank. The measuring stick is used in the same way a dipstick is used to determine the
level of oil in an automobile engine. First, the measuring stick must be wiped clean.
The stick is then inserted into the test well. The measuring stick is then removed and
read. The stick is read by comparing the level of fuel on the stick to the measurement
marks on the stick. This method allows the Certificate of Fitness holder to estimate
the amount of fuel in the tank. The Certificate of Fitness holder must know this
information to make sure that the tank is not overfilled accidentally. An operating
manual containing emergency procedures, and operating procedures (including the
operation of the suppression systems) must be maintained in the control booth. All
tanks servicing the fire suppression system must have gauges, which shall be
positioned so as to be easily read from grade.
2.3 Dispensing Motor Fuel
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Fuel is dispensed into a customer's vehicle using a fuel pump. These pumps are
usually powered by electricity. All of the pumps are connected to an electrical circuit
breaker. The breaker allows the pumps to be quickly shut off in case of an emergency.
The fuel is pumped through a hose when filling the vehicle. The maximum acceptable
length of the dispensing hose for automotive service stations is 18 feet. Never attempt
to use a longer hose. Instead move the vehicle closer to the dispenser. Marinas may
have longer hoses if they are approved by the Fire Commissioner.
The pump has a dispensing control device installed. The control device is usually a
lever installed next to a nozzle holding bracket. The control device may be turned on
only when the dispensing nozzle is taken out of its holding bracket. It may be shut off
when the dispensing nozzle is placed back into the holding bracket. No attempt
should be made to bypass this control device.
The nozzle must be placed back into holding
bracket after use. The hose and nozzle must
never be left laying on the ground. If the hose
and nozzle are on the ground they are exposed to
physical damage. This damage may result in leaks
and malfunctions of the system. Keeping the
nozzle in the holding bracket reduces the risk of
the hose being damaged. The hose and nozzle
must always be replaced in the holding bracket
when not in use. The length of the dispensing hose
shall be such that at least 1 inch clearance
between the hose and the ground is maintained
when the nozzle is rested on its bracket.
Before pumping motor fuel into a vehicle the nozzle must be grounded. This is done
by touching the nozzle against the steel bumper or chassis of the car. Grounding
eliminates static electricity. Static electricity has the potential to cause a spark when
pumping the motor fuel. A single spark may ignite the gasoline vapors. Grounding
makes sure that a fire or explosion does not occur while dispensing the motor fuel.
The vehicle's motor must always be turned off before fuel is pumped into the vehicle's
In some service stations a vapor recovery system is installed. This system is designed
to capture the vapors that escape when dispensing motor fuel. These vapors are
potentially dangerous. They may be ignited by sparks or open flames. A shroud is
installed over the nozzle. This shroud draws the vapors into a hose. The hose is
connected to the storage tank. If the vapor recovery system is installed the Certificate
of Fitness holder must make sure that it is working correctly.
When the service station is located inside a building fuel vapors may accumulate. If
the vapors are ignited they may cause an explosion. In order to prevent an explosion
the service station must be well ventilated. The Certificate of Fitness holder must
make sure that the area is well ventilated. The area may be ventilated using an
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
exhaust system. The system must always be in good working order. The ventilation
system is designed to automatically operate before the fuel is pumped into the vehicle.
An automatic control device will not allow the pump to function unless the exhaust
system is working. No attempt should be made to bypass this control device. Any
defects in the system must be repaired as soon as they are noticed. No attempt to
pump fuel may be made when the exhaust system is not working.
2.3.1 Approved portable containers
ONLY the P-15 Certificate of Fitness holder is allowed to pump motor fuel into an UL
approved portable container. The containers with an individual capacity must not
greater than 2½ gallons (for Marine use, a gallons container is allowed). Motor
fuel must never be dispensed into glass or other containers made of unapproved
material and construction. The container must have a tight closure with screwed or
spring-loaded cover so designed that the contents can be dispensed without spilling.
The contents of the container must be clearly marked on the side of the container. A
hose nozzle valve used for dispensing liquid motor fuel into a portable container shall
be in compliance with the requirements and be manually held open during the
dispensing operation.
Permits to transport motor fuel in a portable container larger than 2.5 gallons shall be
required. Such permits shall be issued to a particular vehicle or marine vessel for such
transportation. The P-15 certified attendant shall not dispense liquid motor fuel into a
portable container in quantities requiring a permit unless the P-15 certified attendant
verifies that the customer possesses all such permits.
Liquids shall not be dispensed into portable tanks or cargo tanks. Portable containers
shall not be filled while located inside the trunk, passenger compartment or truck bed
of a vehicle or upon a watercraft. This is to make sure that no motor fuel is
accidentally spilled into the trunk of the vehicle. No motor vehicle, motorcycle or
watercraft shall be fueled from a portable container while inside a building or
Examples of an approved gasoline container is shown below:
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
The dispensing of liquid motor fuel at an automotive liquid motor fuel-dispensing
facility shall be conducted under the supervision of a P-15 Certificate of Fitness (C of
F) holder. The function of this person while motor fuels are being dispensed shall be to
supervise, observe and control the dispensing of motor fuel into vehicles; provided,
however, that nothing in this section shall be interpreted or construed to prohibit this
attendant from engaging in activities directly related to the sale of motor fuel, such as
the collection of money or processing of credit cards.
Persons dispensing motor fuel at a self-service motor fuel-dispensing facility
shall hold a valid driver’s license or be at least 18 years of age. The P-15 certified
attendant or other facility personnel may require any member of the public to produce
evidence of same.
It shall be unlawful to smoke, use or maintain an open flame in areas where fuel is
dispensed. The engines of vehicles being fueled shall be shut off during fueling.
Electrical equipment shall be installed, operated and maintained in accordance with
the Electrical Code.
Approved emergency controls shall be provided. Dispenser operating instructions shall
be conspicuously posted in approved locations on every dispenser and shall indicate
the location of the emergency controls. An approved emergency procedures sign shall
be provided and posted.
3.1 Self-Service Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities
In these service stations the customers pump motor fuel into their fuel tanks.
Although the Certificate of Fitness holder does not pump the fuel for the customer,
he/she must be on the premises while the self service station is open for business.
The Certificate of Fitness holder must observe the dispensing of motor fuel into the
customers' tanks. Any unsafe dispensing procedures must be stopped immediately.
For example, motor fuel should be pumped only into approved containers by the
Certificate of Fitness holder. The Certificate of Fitness holder must know how to
operate the emergency pump shut off breaker. This breaker is designed to shut down
the power supply to the fuel pumps. This is the first thing the Certificate of Fitness
holder should do in the case of a fire.
The P-15 C of F holder’s primary function shall be to supervise, observe and monitor
the dispensing of fuel. The P-15 C of F holder shall:
(a) prevent the dispensing of fuel into containers that do not comply with the
requirements of FDNY,
(b) control sources of ignition,
(c) take immediate action upon an accidental spill or release,
(d) be ready to use a portable fire extinguisher,
(e) activate the fixed fire extinguishing system.
Approved self-service devices, equipment and systems such as, but not limited to,
card- operated and remote-preset types, are allowed at automotive liquid motor fuel-
dispensing facilities. The P-15 C of F holder shall set the dispensing devices in the “off”
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
position when not in use if such dispensing device can be activated without the P-15 C
of F holder’s knowledge.
(1) Control area (control booth)
A control area shall be located on the premises of every self-service automotive liquid
motor fuel-dispensing facility. The control area shall be an interior or exterior
enclosure to which the public has no access.
The P-15 C of F holder shall be present within the control area (kiosk) while
dispensing operations are conducted. The control booth shall be kept clean and
orderly. The glass panels of the control booth shall be kept clean and unobstructed at
all times. The P-15 C of F holder stationed therein shall have a full, unobstructed clear
view of dispensing operations by using mirrors and/or an approved closed-circuit
television. The “clear” view provided by a closed-circuit television installation shall
mean that the image on the monitor shall be of such brightness and resolution as to
allow ready identification of individuals and easy observation of activities at all times
of day. The P-15 C of F holder must know how to use the two-way voice
communication system to provide contact between the control area and each self-
service dispensing island. Constant communication must occur between the attendant
in the control booth and the dispensing islands by the communication system.
An example of the closed-circuit television
The nozzle must be provided
WITHOUT a latch-open
device in a self-serving motor
fuel station.
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3.2 Fleet Motor Fuel-Dispensing Facilities
The owner of fleet automotive liquid motor fuel-dispensing facilities shall provide, and
be accountable for, daily site visits, regular equipment inspection, and maintenance.
Dispenser operating instructions shall be conspicuously posted in approved locations
on every dispenser and shall indicate the location of the emergency controls.
An approved emergency procedures sign, shall be posted in a conspicuous location
and shall read:
A telephone not requiring a coin to operate or other approved, clearly identified means
to notify the department shall be provided at the facility in an approved location.
Dispensing equipment used at fleet automotive liquid motor fuel-dispensing facilities
shall comply with one of the following:
1. Dispensing devices shall be programmed or set to limit uninterrupted
liquid motor fuel delivery to not more than 25 gallons and require a
manual action to resume delivery.
2. For other than flammable liquid motor fuel, the amount of liquid motor
fuel being dispensed shall be limited in quantity by a preprogrammed
card as approved.
3.3 Inventory Control for Underground Tanks
(1) Daily inventory records
Accurate daily inventory records shall be maintained and reconciled for underground
liquid motor fuel storage tanks for indication of possible leakage from tanks and
piping. Inventory reconciliation shall be in accordance with the regulations of the New
York State Department of Environmental Conservation as set forth in 6 NYCRR Part
613. The records shall be kept at the premises and be made available for inspection by
any representative of the department. Records shall include daily reconciliation
between sales, use, receipts and inventory on hand. Where there is more than one
system consisting of tanks serving separate pumps or dispensers for a product, the
reconciliation shall be maintained separately for each tank system. A consistent or
accidental loss of product shall be immediately reported to the commissioner.
2. AC
FACILITY ADDRESS (indicate address, with cross street reference).
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(2) Maintenance log book.
A maintenance log shall be kept on the premises for inspection by any Department
representative. Such log shall list all P-15 certified attendants and other persons on
the premises who hold certificates of fitness, with their numbers and expiration dates.
Entries shall be made in such log book of the daily inspections required by this
section, any maintenance or repair of any system, and any fires, spills or other
unusual occurrences.
(3) Daily inspections.
The P-15 C of F holder shall conduct an inspection of the facility at least on a daily
basis, and document such inspection in the maintenance log book. The inspection
shall verify that:
(A) The fire extinguishing system is properly pressurized, nozzles are clear and
unobstructed, and heat detectors are undamaged and unobstructed.
(B) Portable fire extinguishers have been serviced and have adequate pressure.
(C) The fire extinguishing system remote manual pull station and the pump
shutdown are clear of obstructions.
(D) Leak detection systems and other alarms are in good working order.
(E) Emergency procedures signage is posted, unobstructed and legible.
(F) Required lighting is in good working order.
(G) Any mirrors and/or approved closed-circuit television used to monitor
dispensing operations are in good working order.
(H) The voice communications system is in good working order.
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Example of the maintenance log book
NYC Daily Inspection Log ____________________________ Address _______________________________ Month _____________
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3.4 Inspections and Tests Records
Records of all inspections and testing shall be kept in a bound log book or other
approved recordkeeping, maintained on the premises for a minimum of 5 years, and
made available for inspection by a representative of the department.
Automatic-closing emergency shutoff valves (shear valves) shall be checked not less
than once per year by manually tripping the hold-open linkage. In addition, the leak
detection system shall be inspected daily for proper operation and tested at least once
every 2 years by a person holding a certificate of license. Such test shall confirm that
all leak detection equipment and associated alarms are in good working order.
3.5 Reporting of Spills and Discharges
The results of any inventory record, test or inspection which shows a facility is leaking
must be reported to Bulk Fuel Safety Unit of FDNY and Department of Environmental
Conservation (DEC) within 2 hours of the discovery.
All petroleum spills that occur within New York State (NYS) must be reported to the
NYS Spill Hotline (1-800-457-7362) within 2 hours of discovery, except spills which
meet ALL of the following criteria:
1. The quantity is known to be less than 5 gallons; and
2. The spill is contained and under the control of the spiller; and
3. The spill has not and will not reach the State's water or any land; and
4. The spill is cleaned up within 2 hours of discovery.
A spill is considered to have not impacted land if it occurs on a paved surface such as
asphalt or concrete. A spill in a dirt or gravel parking lot is considered to have
impacted land and is reportable.
More details on notification and reporting requirements can be found in the document
posted by the Department of Environmental Conservation
(The spill responses can be referred to
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4.1 Labeling and Signage
4.1.1 Color coding and symbols of fill ports
(DEC613.3(b)(2), DEC613.3(b)(3))
The owner or operator must permanently mark all fill ports to identify the product
inside the tank. These markings must be consistent with the color and symbol code of
the American Petroleum Institute which follows. The colors to be used are:
High gasoline
Middle gasoline
Lower gasoline
High unleaded gasoline
Red w/white cross
Middle unleaded gasoline
Blue w/white cross
Lower unleaded gasoline
White w/black cross
Vapor recovery
#1 fuel oil
Purple w/yellow bar
#2 fuel oil
The symbols to be used are:
(ii) a circle for gasoline products and vapor recovery lines;
(iii) hexagon for other distillates; and
(iv) a border must be painted around fuel products containing extenders such as
alcohol. The border will be black around a white symbol and white around all
other colors.
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4.1.2 Warning signs
(1) Control area sign.
A durable metal sign that reads as follows shall be posted in plain view within the
control area:
Emergency Procedures:
Shut off product pumps.
Direct vehicle occupants to exit vehicles and leave area
Keep all persons away from the area.
Manually activate fire extinguishing system.
Notify the Fire Department (Call 911).
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(2) Dispensing area signs and instructions.
Durable warning signs shall be conspicuously posted on or immediately adjacent to
each dispenser in the fuel-dispensing area and shall state the following:
1. It is illegal and dangerous to fill unapproved containers with fuel.
2. Smoking is prohibited.
3. The engine shall be shut off during the refueling process.
4. Portable containers shall not be filled while located inside the trunk,
passenger compartment, or truck bed of a vehicle.
5. It is unlawful for customers to fill portable containers. See attendant for
Dispenser operating instructions shall be conspicuously posted in approved locations
on every dispenser and shall indicate the location of the emergency controls.
The view of the sign should not be obstructed.
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4.1.3 No-Smoking sign
Motor fuels are flammable and easily ignited. For this reason no smoking is permitted
anywhere on the premises. This applies to customers as well as employees.
The material should be made of heavy cardboard stock or other approved durable
material for indoor locations. For outdoor locations, or indoor locations where the
signs may be exposed to conditions that will accelerate deterioration, metal or other
approved durable material that is water-resistant. The signs must be posted indicating
that no smoking is permitted on the premises and must include procedures to be
followed in case of a fire emergency. An example of a No Smoking sign is shown below:
There will be no servicing or repair of motor vehicles in areas used for dispensing.
Safety regulations must be posted in visible locations in the gas station. A sign
displaying the name and address of the owner of service station must be displayed in a
visible location. This sign must also give the name of the person responsible for testing
the fuel dispensing system. Phone numbers where these people can be reached 24
hours a day, 7 days a week must be included on the sign. The Certificate of Fitness
holder must make sure that this sign is visible at all times.
4.2 Control of Ignition, Brush and Debris
Motor fuel should never be used to wash or clean automobile engines. This is
extremely dangerous as the motor fuels are easily ignited by the heat generated by the
Oily rags are also a potential fire hazard. The oily rags may be easily ignited by a
spark or an open flame. Oily rags used in the service station should be stored in a
listed disposal container. This container should have a self-closing lid. Oily rags
should be replaced daily with clean rags. This container should not be stored close to
any possible sources of ignition. All oil drained from vehicles must be stored in tanks
or drums. These tanks and drums should be stored outdoors. The oils are combustible
and should not be exposed to sparks or open flames. They must be removed only by
an approved liquid waste removal agency. Never dump any of these oils into a sewer,
stream or anywhere on the property. Severe penalties will be levied against anyone
who illegally dumps waste oil. The booth and dispensing islands must be kept clean
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
and orderly access to the controls in the booth and pumps on the islands must be
kept clear and unobstructed by equipment, merchandise or litter.
Smoking materials, including matches and lighters, must not be used within 20 ft of
areas used for fueling, servicing fuel system of internal combustion engines, or
receiving or dispensing of motor fuel liquids. The P-15 must prevent the dispensing of
gasoline, diesel or other motor vehicle fuel into any fuel tank of a vehicle which has
not have had the engine shut off or into any fuel tank, or other means of dispensing if
the customer is smoking. The motors of all equipment being fueled must be shut off
during the fueling operation except for emergency generators, pumps and so forth,
where continuing operation is essential.
Brush, grass, vines or other vegetation and combustible waste shall be kept not less
than 10 feet from the tank and dispensing location.
4.3 Emergency Procedure
The Certificate of Fitness holder must know where all control devices and fire
extinguishers are located in the station. The Certificate of Fitness holder should know
how to operate the control devices and extinguishers in emergency situations.
An approved, clearly identified and readily accessible emergency disconnect switch
shall be provided at an approved location, to immediately shut down the transfer of
fuel to the fuel dispensers in the event of a fuel spill or other emergency. An
emergency disconnect switch for exterior fuel dispensers shall be located within 100
feet of, but not less than 20 feet from, the fuel dispensers. For interior fuel-dispensing
operations, the emergency disconnect switch shall be installed at an approved
location. An approved sign shall be posted on or immediately adjacent to such devices
and shall read: EMERGENCY FUEL SHUTOFF. Such emergency disconnect switches
shall be of a type that is reset manually.
If a fire occurs within the service station, the Certificate of Fitness holder must
activate the fire suppression system FIRST and then the pump will be also
automatically shut off to stop the dispensing of motor fuel. The Fire department/911
should be notified immediately. Efforts should be made to extinguish the fire with the
approved fire extinguishing materials. Approved materials include sand pails, ansul
powder and CO
fire extinguishers. These steps may prevent a major explosion.
The Certificate of Fitness holder should know how to operate the fire extinguishing
systems for the fuel pumps. The system is designed to activate automatically in case
of emergency. The system can also be operated manually. The primary method is to
pull the lever on the Manual Control Box. If the manual pull lever does not function,
the attendant should pull the pin on the nitrogen cylinders that are located in or
near the booth.
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A telephone call to the Fire Department shall be followed upon noticing an emergency.
The Fire Department should always be notified in case of a fire and a large spill of fuel
(e.g. equal to or more than 5 gallons).
The Certificate of Fitness holder should pour sand or other absorbing material on a
motor fuel spill to stop the flow and soak up the fuel on pavement. "Speedy Dry" (like
cat litter) is commonly used to contain and soak up motor fuel spills. Not all
absorbents can make petroleum nonflammable. The area should then be cleaned up
using approved materials. Brooms can be used to sweep up the absorbent material
and put it into buckets, garbage cans or barrels. Remember to control ignition
sources. If a large spill or leak occurs (e.g. more than 5 gallons), the local Fire
Department must be notified immediately. If the fire suppression system or portion of
the fire suppression system has been discharge or is inoperative, it must be the
responsibility of the attendant to ensure that the Fire Department is notified.
1. The emergency fuel shut-off button:
The pump must be quickly shut off
in case of an emergency.
Discharge the fire extinguishing system
manually by:
2. the Manual Control Box
3. the pin on the nitrogen cylinders.
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4.4 Fire Extinguishers
Approved portable fire extinguishers with a
minimum rating of 40-B:C shall be provided and
located such that an extinguisher is not less than
20 feet but not more than 75 feet from pumps,
dispensers or storage tank fill-pipe openings. In
addition to the portable fire extinguishers required
to be provided in the dispensing area, 2 portable fire
extinguishers with at least a 40-B:C rating shall be
provided within the control booth.
Fire extinguishers must be used in accordance with
the instructions painted on the side of the
extinguisher. They clearly describe how to use the
extinguisher in case of an emergency. The
Certificate of Fitness holder should become familiar
with the instructions for the extinguisher at his/her
work site. When it comes to using a fire-
extinguisher just remember the acronym P.A.S.S. to
help make sure you use it properly. P.A.S.S. stands
for Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep. An example of these
instructions is depicted in the picture.
All fire extinguishers must be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more
than 5 ft above the floor and the clearance between the bottom of the extinguisher and
the floor is not less than 4 in. In other words, no fire extinguisher is allowed to be
on the floor.
(1) The top of the fire extinguishers
must not be more than 5 ft above
the floor.
(2) The fire extinguishers must be
accessible and unobstructed.
The bottom of the extinguisher
must be at least 4 in above the
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4.4.1 Different types of fire extinguishers
The Certificate of Fitness holder must be familiar with the different types of fire
extinguishers available at the work site. The Certificate of Fitness holder must know
how to operate the extinguishers in a safe and efficient manner. The Certificate of
Fitness holder must also know the difference between the various types of
extinguishers and when they may be used. A description of the classes of fires and
the appropriate extinguishers are described below.
Class A fires are caused by ordinary combustible materials (such as wood, paper, and
cloth). To extinguish a Class A fire, these extinguishers utilize either the heat-
absorbing effects of water or the coating effects of certain dry chemicals.
Class B fires are caused by flammable or combustible liquids and gases such as oil,
gasoline, etc. To extinguish a Class B fire, the blanketing-smothering effect of oxygen-
excluding media such as CO
, dry chemical or foam is most effective.
Class C fires involve electrical equipment. These fires must be fought with fire
extinguishers that do not conduct electricity. Foam and water type extinguishers must
not be used to extinguish electrical fires. After shutting off the electrical equipment,
extinguishers for Class A or B fires may be used.
Class D fires are caused by ignitable metals, such as magnesium, titanium, and
metallic sodium, or metals that are combustible under certain conditions, such as
calcium, zinc, and aluminum. Generally, water should not be used to extinguish
these fires.
A multi-purpose dry chemical fire extinguisher may be used to extinguish more than 2
Classes fires. Examples of some fire extinguishers are shown below.
Examples of fire extinguishers
10-B:C (10BC)
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Symbols may also be painted on the extinguisher. The symbols indicate what kind of
fires the extinguisher may be used on. Examples of these symbols are shown below.
Fire Extinguisher Identification Symbols
The symbol with the shaded background and the slash indicates when the
extinguisher must not be used. The C of F holder must understand these symbols.
All fire extinguishers should be kept in good working order at all times.
4.4.2 Fire extinguisher inspections
The portable fire extinguishers are required to be checked monthly. The owner of the
business is responsible to select a person to do a monthly inspection. This monthly
inspection is called a "quick check".
The QUICK CHECK should check if:
(1) the fire extinguisher is fully charged;
(2) it is in its designated place;
(3) it has not been actuated or tampered with;
(4) there is no obvious or physical damage or condition to prevent its operation.
The information of the monthly inspection record must include the date of the
inspection, the name/initials of the person who did the inspection. This monthly quick
check record must be kept on the back of the PFE tag or by an approved electronic
method that provides a permanent record.
At least annually all Portable Fire Extinguishers must be checked by a W-96
Certificate of Fitness holder from FDNY approved company. After each annual
inspection W-96 COF holder will replace the PFE tag. The information of the annual
inspection record must be indicated on the new PFE tag.
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4.4.3 Portable fire extinguisher tags
Installed portable fire extinguishers must have an FDNY standard PFE tag affixed.
This tag will have important information about the extinguisher. By November 15,
2019, all portable fire extinguishers must have the new PFE tags. The FDNY will only
recognize new PFE tags and will be issuing violations to business that have PFE
installed without a proper tag.
The color of the fire extinguishers may be changed by the FDNY every few years. The
FDNY recommends two ways to verify the tag’s legitimacy:
1. Hologram:
A real hologram strip shown on the tag is 3 inches long by ¼ inch wide. Counterfeit
tags will NOT have a high quality silver hologram. The hologram on a counterfeit tag
will NOT change color as it is moved against the light.
2. QR code
IF you scan the QR code, it should direct you to the updated FDNY approved fire
extinguisher company list. You can use the company list to verify if the company
printed on the list is currently approved by the FDNY.
If your PFE tags cannot be verified via these two methods, contact your supervisor. If
you suspect your PFE is a counterfeit, contact FDNY immediately by e-mail:
PFE tag (This tag is released for 2021-2023)
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Fire Department also issues standard outdoor fire extinguisher tags. If the fire
extinguishers may be placed outdoors, the COF holder should ask the fire
extinguisher suppliers to provide the outdoor fire extinguisher tags for the fire
The special features of the outdoor tags:
1. The material is durable and tear-resistant
2. Different printings:
On the back of the tag, the series number will contain a “D” letter;
On the front of the tag, an “O” is printed on the top of the tag (this feature
may not be on ALL outdoor tags)
Outdoor PFE tags
4.5 Fire Extinguishing System
Where flammable liquid motor fuel is dispensed at an automotive liquid motor fuel-
dispensing facility, the dispensing area shall be provided with a dry chemical fire
extinguishing system designed, and the following requirements must be met:
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1. The fire extinguishing system shall be designed to provide overhead protection of
the dispenser area encompassed by a circle formed by the fully extended hose
and nozzle on each fuel dispenser and both ends of the dispenser island.
2. The extinguishing agent containers shall be equipped with indicators to show
whether the system is fully charged. Indicators shall be positioned to be easily
read from grade.
3. The installation, alteration, testing and repair of the fire extinguishing system,
including any maintenance or modification of the system, shall be performed by a
person possessing a master fire suppression piping contractor license issued by
the New York City Department of Buildings and certified in the installation,
operation and maintenance of the specific fire extinguishing system.
4. Dispensers shall not be operated when the fire extinguishing system has
discharged or is inoperative, except as authorized in writing by the department.
The motor fuel-dispensing facility P-15 C of F holder shall immediately notify the
department of system discharge or inoperability.
5. A performance test of the fire extinguishing system shall be performed at the time
of installation in accordance with the approved design and installation
documents, and such procedures as may be prescribed by the commissioner. Fire
extinguishing systems shall be tested at least once every 5 years from the date of
the first test of the initial installation. The test shall be in accordance with
procedures prescribed by the commissioner.
6. Fire extinguishing systems at fleet vehicle automotive liquid motor fuel-
dispensing facilities shall be monitored by an approved central station company.
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
Lithium-ion safety
Lithium-ion batteries are rechargeable batteries found in electric bikes,
scooters, cars, laptops, tablets, phones, and many other common household
Lithium-ion battery fires have caused deaths, serious injuries, and devastating
damage to property around the city. It’s important to follow rules for safe
storage, charging, and disposal for these types of batteries.
If you own a lithium-ion powered device or plan to buy one, the FDNY has
important safety tips that you should follow. These tips apply to all devices
powered by lithium-ion batteries, including phones, tablets, laptops, e-
cigarettes, toys, high-tech luggage, and even robotic vacuum cleaners.
Immediately stop using or charging battery and call 911 if you notice:
Fire or Smoke Overheating Change in color or shape
Odd noises Leaking Strange smell
purchase and use devices certified
by a Nationally Recognized Testing
Laboratory (NRTL).
follow the manufacturer’s
instructions for:
charging and storage.
correct battery, cord, and
power adapter
keep exit path clear at all times.
plug directly into a wall electrical
outlet for charging.
keep batteries and devices at room
store and/or charge batteries away
from anything flammable.
keep away from heat sources.
bring batteries to a NYC Battery
Recycling Center. Visit
for more
use aftermarket batteries or
use damaged or altered batteries
plug into a power strip or
overload an outlet.
overcharge or leave battery
charging overnight.
charge a battery or device under
your pillow, on your bed, or near
a couch
leave e-bikes or e-scooters
unattended while charging.
block your primary way in or out
of a room/space with e-bikes, e-
scooters, wheelchairs, etc.
place batteries in Trash or
Recycling bin. It is ILLEGAL.
Visit for
disposal locations and
In the event of a Fire,
Leave and CLOSE the door.
Call 911 once you are
in a safe location.
This book is provided to the public for free by the FDNY.
Charging Lithium Ion
Lithium-ion batteries do not have to be fully charged; partial
charge is the most suitable.
charging more than five (5)
personal mobility devices or their
removable batteries, it must be in a
dedicated room with ventilation
and a
self-closing door.
For a total battery capacity of 20 kilowatt-hours (kWh), a 2-foot
separation between charging batteries is required. For a total battery
capacity up to 50 kWh, a 3-foot separation is needed.
Chargers must only be used with a compatible battery pack. The
original equipment manufacturer (OEM) charger interplays with the
battery pack using the battery management system (BMS). The wrong
battery/charger combination may not work safely. For example, the
100% cutoff to prevent overcharging, which damages batteries, may
not work which can easily create hazardous conditions such as fires,
explosions and/or injuries.
Always check with the manufacturer or retailer of the personal
mobility device, an authorized repair shop or a testing laboratory
such as Underwrites Laboratories (UL) to see if replacement is
recommended or listed and safe for use with that device. Using
unauthorized parts, including batteries and/or chargers, may cause
damage, fire and possibly void your warranty.
Extinguishing Lithium-ion
Water may not prevent a battery from burning and spreading. Battery cells
are known to explode and quickly spread to another battery. It can spread
to another devices.
Fire Extinguishers
do not work
on lithium-ion batteries fires.
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Unexpected Re-ignition.
Reignition is common. Lithium-Ion Batteries are known to unexpectedly re-
ignite (without warning) minutes, hours and even days after all visible fire has
been put out.
Lithium-ion batteries can enter an uncontrollable, self-heating state. This can
result in the release of gas, cause fire and possible explosion.
These batteries may continue to generate heat even when there is no visible
sign of fire. Once heat reaches a certain level fire may reignite on the battery
and surrounding area.