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64 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
6 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
63 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
66 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
62 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
69 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
6 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
65 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
6= * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
6> * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
24 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
2 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
23 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
26 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>526
22 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>522
29 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>522
2 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>522
25 * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>522
2= * #% $+#0->52"3>=69* #<! .;>522
9! , (#%$ -(*."/#- , "#,# ;-?" *<-2
93 * #% $+#0->=4"= , ; 7*%4>=42
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49( (-'$<" -64
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36.* !-F-" <@"#<(#"",*#+!" -?" *<26
32-* "<-26
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39"".<;*" . 22
3-(."<'" #"".($#--22
35(#"(-,# $+#*.$%" <(+**%"#$%(+22
3=.% G--1-.#" 22
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64, ; " -29
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63 * #% $+#0->=6"642=3 78.%+>=625
66#0;! ;25
62-.#" $($ - ". ',"# %" - 1%#/,#25
69.$%"#; " -)" -(( ? (E. " *".;*#<".%#$-.#" 
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65 ,#<'" (#.* ', "(#"(-2=
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93 * #% $+#0-34"62 7!3494
96 * #% $+#0-34"62 7!3494
92 * #% $+#0-34"62 7!3494
99 * #% $+#0-34"62 7!3494
9 * #% $+#0-34"62 7!3494
95 * #% $+#0-34"62 7!3494
34/(<(% C.$%":#"%< -"(94
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343 -;$.%##(-1"-(."<,##; , (*A "( %! +, (/-
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346(#( :#"%< - "(92
342 *#(, (' #%-(#(  !" -%#; ! 0##**!#%92
342?* 95
349"" --( "-95
34 * #% $+#0->>="626= , ; 78. =>>=95
34 * #% $+#0->>="626= , ; 78. =>>=95
345 * #% $+#0-3444"6632 , ; 78. 344495
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64%#;#-% #- -.* -"$ -(#( 0 %#-59
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66 ! %*, ('%#;#-*.*- -'" (#-(#( 0 %#-1%#/,#(+
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6#+, ('*" -(  #% ! . :.55
65%#;#-, #%% #- -'-(#( %#-(/ (/##*(%%#-#*#10#+-5=
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634 * #% $+#0-346"34>25 78.%+3465>
63! -<;#<*'& +  #%:%;5>
633#- , (#;/('0#+;#(-? ,*<-=4
636 #- -? ,*<-=4
632 "(((#1 "/#; ,##; #% #- =
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63-*-<'*" - #- -'%#;#-*.*- -=6
635" . -'-*-#%% #- '" (#-(#( 0  #%** (+=2
635  ! %*, (**-#%-'-(#( 0 ** < -(-.$A "((-*-<=5
6353*-#%-'! -(, ( #%** (+==
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§61-1. Bond, irrevocable letter of credit or affidavit of payment of
indebtedness to be furnished on public works contracts.
A. Prior to an award of a contract exceeding Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($50,000.00) for construction or repair of a public or
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 2
private building, structure, or improvement on public real property,
the person that receives the award shall:
1. Furnish a bond with good and sufficient sureties payable to
the state in a sum not less than the total sum of the contract; or
2. Cause an irrevocable letter of credit, containing terms the
Office of Management and Enterprise Services prescribes, to be issued
for the benefit of the state by a financial institution insured by
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in a sum not less than the
total sum of the contract.
B. The bond or irrevocable letter of credit shall ensure the
proper and prompt completion of the work in accordance with the
contract and shall ensure that the contractor shall pay all
indebtedness the contractor incurs for the contractor’s
subcontractors and all suppliers of labor, material, rental of
machinery or equipment, and repair of and parts for equipment the
contract requires the contractor to furnish.
C. For a contract not exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000.00), in lieu of a bond or irrevocable letter of credit, the
contractor shall submit an affidavit of the payment of all
indebtedness incurred by the contractor, the contractor’s
subcontractors, and all suppliers of labor, material, rented
machinery or equipment, and repair of and parts for equipment used or
consumed in the performance of the contract. The execution of the
affidavit with knowledge that any of the contents of the affidavit
are false, upon conviction, shall constitute perjury, punishable as
provided for by law.
R.L.1910, § 3881. Amended by Laws 1951, p. 168, § 1, emerg. eff. May
1, 1951; Laws 1955, p. 335, § 1, emerg. eff. June 6, 1955; Laws 1961,
p. 459, § 1 emerg. eff. May 15, 1961; Laws 1965, c. 518, § 1, emerg.
eff. July 22, 1965; Laws 1968, c. 77, § 1, emerg. eff. March 25,
1968; Laws 1980, c. 76, § 1, eff. July 1, 1980; Laws 1983, c. 125, §
1, eff. Nov. 1, 1983; Laws 1986, c. 110, § 1, emerg. eff. April 9,
1986; Laws 1989, c. 286, § 5, operative July 1, 1989; Laws 1992, c.
239, § 1, emerg. eff. May 19, 1992; Laws 2000, c. 363, § 1, emerg.
eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 1, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws
2012, c. 241, § 1, eff. July 1, 2012; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 302.
§61-1.1. Repealed by Laws 2006, c. 271, § 37, eff. July 1, 2006.
§61-2. Filing of bond - Action on bond - Subcontractors.
A. Bonds shall be filed in the office of the agency,
institution, department, commission, municipality or government
instrumentality that is authorized by law and does enter into
contracts for the construction of public improvements or buildings,
or public or private improvements or buildings on a public-private
partnership project, or repairs to the same; and the officer with
whom the bond is filed shall furnish a copy thereof to any person
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 9
claiming any rights thereunder. Any person to whom there is due any
sum for labor, material or repair to machinery or equipment,
furnished as stated in Section 1 of this title, the heirs or assigns
of such person, may file a claim or bring an action on the bond for
the recovery of the indebtedness, provided that no action shall be
brought on the bond after one (1) year from the day on which the last
of the labor was performed or material or parts furnished for which
the claim is made unless a prior claim has been filed within one (1)
year from the day on which the labor was performed or material or
parts furnished, in which case, no action shall be brought on the
bond after two (2) years from the day on which the last of the labor
was performed or material or parts furnished for which the claim is
B. Any person having direct contractual relationship with a
subcontractor, regardless of tier, performing work on the contract,
but no contractual relationship express or implied with the
contractor furnishing the payment bond, shall have a right of action
upon the payment bond only upon giving written notice to the
contractor and surety on the payment bond within ninety (90) days
from the date on which such person did or performed the last of the
labor or furnished or supplied the last of the material or parts for
which the claim is made, stating with substantial accuracy the amount
claimed and the name of the party to whom the material or parts were
furnished or supplied or for whom the labor was done or performed.
The notice shall be served by mailing the same by registered or
certified mail, postage prepaid, in an envelope addressed to the
contractor at any place the contractor maintains an office or
conducts business, together with a copy thereof to the surety or
sureties on the payment bond.
C. 1. The bond or irrevocable letter of credit issued to the
Department of Transportation or the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority,
pursuant to this section, shall also provide that the contractor
shall pay all state and local taxes accruing as a result of the
contract, any liquidated damages as provided by the contract and any
overpayment of progressive estimates resulting in a balance due and
owing the Department of Transportation or the Oklahoma Turnpike
2. A claim against the bond or irrevocable letter of credit for
delinquent taxes shall be made by the public entity to which the tax
was payable. The claim shall be made within six (6) months from the
date on which the tax became delinquent. Notice of the delinquent
tax shall be sent by certified mail to the surety, and a copy of the
notice shall be sent to the contractor. Nothing in this paragraph
shall be construed to release, at any time, the contractor from
responsibility for full payment of all taxes.
3. A claim against the bond or irrevocable letter of credit for
overpayment on progressive estimates shall be made by the public
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 
entity within one (1) year from the date of final acceptance of the
project. Notice of the overpayment shall be sent by certified mail
to the surety and a copy of the notice shall be sent to the
contractor. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as to
release, at any time, the contractor from the responsibility of
refunding any amount overpaid on progressive estimates which are due
and owing the Department of Transportation.
R.L.1910, § 3882. Amended by Laws 1955, p. 335, § 2, emerg. eff.
June 6, 1955; Laws 1961, p. 459, § 2, emerg. eff. May 15, 1961; Laws
1965, c. 518, § 2, emerg. eff. July 22, 1965; Laws 1968, c. 77, § 2,
emerg. eff. March 25, 1968; Laws 1995, c. 200, § 1, emerg. eff. May
19, 1995; Laws 1997, c. 278, § 3, emerg. eff. May 27, 1997; Laws
2012, c. 241, § 2, eff. July 1, 2012; Laws 2019, c. 407, § 1, eff.
Nov. 1, 2019.
§61-3. Working day for public employees.
A. Except as provided in subsection B of this section, eight (8)
hours shall constitute a day's work for all public employees not
otherwise exempt from or covered by special provisions under the
federal Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C.A., Section 201 et seq.
and regulations thereto. In cases where it may be necessary to work
more than eight (8) hours per calendar day which results in more than
forty (40) hours worked per week, all public employees not otherwise
exempt from or otherwise covered by special provisions under the
federal Fair Labor Standards Act and regulations related thereto or
other persons so employed shall be compensated in accordance with the
federal Fair Labor Standards Act and regulations related thereto.
B. Public employees and public safety professionals may be
allowed to work in excess of eight (8) hours per day when such hours
are assigned as part of an alternative work schedule. In any case
where such work schedule results in an employee working in excess of
forty (40) hours per workweek who is not exempt from or covered by
special provisions under the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor
Standards Act, the employee shall be compensated in accordance with
the Fair Labor Standards Act and regulations related thereto. For
purposes of this section, “public safety professionals” means
sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, correctional officers, and persons in the
emergency medical service profession.
R.L. 1910, § 3757. Amended by Laws 1994, c. 242, § 44; Laws 2009, c.
55, § 1, eff. July 1, 2009.
§61-4. Public contracts made on basis of eight-hour day.
All contracts hereafter made by or on behalf of the state, or by
or on behalf of any county, city, township, or other municipality,
with any corporation, person or persons, for the performance of any
public work, by or on behalf of the state or any county, city,
township, or other municipality, shall be deemed and considered as
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 5
made upon the basis of eight (8) hours constituting a day's work; and
it shall be unlawful for such corporation, person or persons, to
require, aid, abet, assist, connive at, or permit any laborer,
workman, mechanic, prison guards, janitors in public institutions, or
other person to work more than eight hours per calendar day in doing
such work, except in cases and upon the conditions provided in the
preceding section.
Provided that the provisions of this act in regard to hours
worked per calendar day shall not apply to the construction,
reconstruction, maintenance, or the production of local materials
for: Highways, roads, streets, and all the structures and drainage
in connection therewith; sewer systems, waterworks systems, dams and
levees, canals, drainage ditches, airport grading, drainage,
surfacing, seeding and planting. Provided that the provisions of
this act will not prevent employees from drawing time and half for
those hours worked over forty (40) during any calendar week.
R.L. 1910, § 3758; Laws 1949, p. 413, § 1.
§61-5. Penalty for violating two preceding sections.
Any officer of the state, or of any county, city, township, or
other municipality, or any person acting under or for such officer,
or any contractor with the state, or any county, city, township, or
other municipality thereof, or other persons violating any of the
provisions of the two preceding sections, shall for each offense be
fined in any sum not less than Fifty Dollars ($50.00), nor more than
Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or punished by imprisonment of not
less than three (3) months not more than six (6) months. Each day
such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
R.L. 1910, § 3759.
§61-6. Public buildings - Home products - When to use.
From and after the passage and approval of this act, in the
construction of all public buildings erected for the state; for any
county for educational, eleemosynary, penal or other institution of
the state, or for any county thereof, where the expense of
construction is borne wholly or in part by the state, or county, by
appropriation, by the issuance of bonds, or by taxation, preference
shall be given to materials mined, quarried, manufactured or procured
within the State of Oklahoma, provided that the same can be procured
at no greater expense than like material or materials of equal
quality from without the state.
Laws 1910-11, c. 76, p. 174, § 1.
§61-7. Repealed by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 182, eff. July 1, 1983.
§61-8. Prior contracts unaffected.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; =
The provisions of Sections 1 and 2 shall not apply to contracts
entered into prior to the approval of this act.
Laws 1910-11, c. 76, p. 175, § 3.
§61-9. Oklahoma labor and materials in construction or repair of
state institutions.
The Governor, the Director of Central Services, the Board of
Regents for Higher Education, and any agent or agency of the State of
Oklahoma who shall be authorized to expend funds for the construction
or repair of state institutions provided for pursuant to Section 31
of Article X of the State Constitution, shall include in all
contracts for repair or construction a provision requiring employment
of Oklahoma labor and the use of Oklahoma materials in doing such
construction and repair if such Oklahoma labor and materials are
available, and the quality of such labor or materials meet the
standards of labor and material available from outside the state and
can be procured at a cost no higher than the same quality of labor or
material available from outside this state.
Added by Laws 1949, Ex. Sess., p. 23, § 1. Amended by Laws 1983, c.
304, § 42, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 1, eff. Nov. 1,
§61-10. Preference for Oklahoma labor and materials in certain
The Governor, the Director of Central Services, the Oklahoma
State Regents for Higher Education, and any agent or agency of the
State of Oklahoma who shall be authorized to expend funds for the
construction or repair of state institutions provided for pursuant to
Section 33 of Article X of the State Constitution, shall include in
all contracts for repair or construction a provision requiring
employment of Oklahoma labor and the use of Oklahoma materials in
doing such construction and repair wherever such Oklahoma labor and
materials are available and the quality of such labor or materials
meet the standards of labor and material available from outside the
state and can be procured at a cost no higher than the same quality
of labor or material available from outside this state.
Added by Laws 1955, p. 589, § 1, emerg. eff. June 6, 1955. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 43, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2002, c. 294, §
2, eff. Nov. 1, 2002.
§61-11. Public buildings - Facilities for handicapped - Additions to
existing buildings.
A. Unless otherwise provided for by law, all plans and
specifications for the erection of public buildings by this state, or
any agency or political subdivision thereof, or for any building
erected through the use of public funds shall provide facilities for
the handicapped. Such facilities shall conform with the codes and
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; >
standards adopted by the State Fire Marshal and amended by the
Division's promulgated rules. Elevators shall be constructed and
installed in said public buildings to the extent deemed feasible and
financially reasonable by the contracting authority of the state or
such political subdivision. Said codes and standards shall be on
file in the Construction and Properties Division of the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services.
B. After May 24, 1973, any building or facility which would have
been subject to the provisions of this section but for the fact that
it was constructed prior to May 24, 1973, shall be subject to the
requirements of this section if additions are made to such building
or facility in any twelve-month period which increase the total floor
area of such building or facility by twenty-five percent (25%) or
more or if alterations or structural repairs are made to such
building or facility in any twelve-month period which affect twenty-
five percent (25%) or more of the total floor area of such building
or facility.
Added by Laws 1965, c. 213, § 1, eff. Jan. 2, 1966. Amended by Laws
1968, c. 57, § 1, emerg. eff. March 18, 1968; Laws 1973, c. 263, § 1,
emerg. eff. May 24, 1973; Laws 1983, c. 304, § 44, eff. July 1, 1983;
Laws 2002, c. 294, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 2,
eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 303.
§61-12. Plans and specifications - Approval.
All plans and specifications for the erection of public buildings
subject to Section 11 of this title shall be submitted prior to
bidding and awarding of contract to the governing body of the
political entity controlling the funds involved. Such plans and
specifications shall be checked for compliance with Section 11 of
this title, and no construction contract for any public building
shall be awarded unless and until said plans and specifications are
approved as being in compliance with Section 11 of this title by the
appropriate governmental agency. If public buildings are to be
financed by state funds, the Construction and Properties Division of
the Office of Management and Enterprise Services shall approve said
plans and specifications. In the case of public buildings to be
financed by county funds or funds controlled by some other political
subdivision of the state, the agency whose approval is required shall
be the governing body of such subdivision.
Added by Laws 1965, c. 213, § 2, eff. Jan. 2, 1966. Amended by Laws
1973, c. 263, § 2, emerg. eff. May 24, 1973; Laws 1983, c. 304, § 45,
eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws
2012, c. 304, § 304.
§61-13. Definitions.
(a) For the purpose of this act the term "contractor" means an
individual, general partnership, limited partnership, joint venture,
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 4
association, corporation or a combination of any of the foregoing who
does or undertakes for compensation the construction of any public
(b) The term "public works" for the purpose of this act means the
construction, alteration, repair, improvement, moving, wrecking or
demolition of any highway, road, railroad, earthwork, building or
other structure, project, development or improvement, whether it be
in whole or in part.
Added by Laws 1969, c. 100, § 1. Amended by Laws 2002, c. 294, § 5,
eff. Nov. 1, 2002.
§61-14. Preference to Oklahoma-domiciled contractors.
To the extent permitted by federal laws and regulations, whenever
the State of Oklahoma, or any department, agency or institution
thereof or any city, town or county shall let for bid any contract to
a contractor for any public works, the contractor domiciled outside
the boundaries of Oklahoma shall be required, in order to be
successful, to submit a bid the same percent less than the lowest bid
submitted by a responsible contractor domiciled in Oklahoma as would
be required for such an Oklahoma domiciled contractor to succeed over
the bidding contractor domiciled outside Oklahoma on a like contract
being let in his domiciliary state.
Laws 1969, c. 100, § 2.
§61-15. Exemption for certain contractors.
This act shall not apply to any contractor who is qualified for
bidding purposes with the Oklahoma State Highway Department and
submits a successful bid wherein part of or the entire funds are
furnished by the United States Government.
Added by Laws 1969, c. 100, § 3. Amended by Laws 2006, c. 271, § 3,
eff. July 1, 2006.
§61-16. Unconstitutional.
§61-17. Presumption as to consent to jurisdiction of Oklahoma
Any contractor doing business in this state shall be presumed to
have consented to the jurisdiction of any court of this state where
the work is being done and service may be obtained upon any agent or
employee of said contractor.
Added by Laws 1970, c. 106, § 2, emerg. eff. April 1, 1970. Amended
by Laws 2006, c. 271, § 4, eff. July 1, 2006.
§61-18. Liability of contractor after completion of contract work.
Whenever any public officer shall, under the laws of the State of
Oklahoma, enter into a contract for the purpose of constructing any
highway or turnpike, the contractor or supplier of materials shall
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 
not be liable for damages arising out of torts involving injury to
persons or damage to property occurring after completion of such
contract work and any applicable maintenance obligation and
acceptance thereof by such public officer, if all contractual
provisions and specifications imposed by state and federal agencies
have been complied with by said contractor or supplier of materials.
Provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall apply to
any cause of action on behalf of the contracting public agency.
Added by Laws 1972, c. 51, § 1, emerg. eff. Mar. 15, 1972.
§61-19. Multi-year contracts for painting and other maintenance of
water storage tanks.
A. A municipality or rural water district may enter into a
multi-year contract for painting and other maintenance of water
storage tanks and appurtenant facilities if the contract contains a
contingency provision whereby the municipality or district is not
obligated to make any payment, in any year, in an amount exceeding
the income and revenue provided for such year.
B. Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 101, et seq., of
Title 61 of the Oklahoma Statutes, a municipality or rural water
district contemplating entering into a multi-year contract for
painting and other maintenance of water storage tanks and appurtenant
facilities may or may not, at its option, require that the work be
bid pursuant to the provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act
of 1974.
Added by Laws 2000, c. 139, § 1, emerg. eff. April 25, 2000.
§61-21. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-22. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-23. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-24. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-25. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-26. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-27. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-28. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-29. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-30. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 3
§61-31. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-32. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-33. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-34. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-35. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-36. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-37. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-38. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-39. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-40. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-41. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-42. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-43. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-44. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-45. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-46. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-47. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-48. Repealed by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 35, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-51. Governmental bodies to purchase American made goods -
A. All agencies, boards, commissions, offices, institutions, or
other governmental bodies of the State of Oklahoma, and all
individuals making purchases on behalf of such governmental bodies,
shall purchase for such governmental bodies goods and equipment
manufactured or produced in the United States of America as
determined pursuant to federal and state law, unless:
1. A foreign-made product is substantially cheaper and of equal
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 6
2. A foreign-made product is of substantially superior quality
to competing American products and is sold at a comparable price; or
3. A reciprocal trade agreement or treaty has been negotiated by
the State of Oklahoma or by the United States government on behalf of
or including this state with a foreign nation or government for
nondiscriminatory governmental procurement practices or policies with
such foreign nation or government.
B. The state and any political subdivision of the state may give
a two and one-half percent (2 1/2%) differential preference to the
cost of goods and equipment manufactured or produced in the United
States of America over foreign-made products; provided that such
preferences shall not be for goods or equipment of inferior quality
to those offered from outside the United States of America. This
preference shall not be in addition to any other preference for which
such goods or equipment may be eligible pursuant to law.
Laws 1959, p. 486, § 1; Laws 1992, c. 205, § 4, eff. July 1, 1992.
§61-52. Repealed by Laws 1980, c. 68, § 1, emerg. eff. April 10,
§61-60. Mandatory consultant and construction contract forms -
All state agencies, boards, commissions, offices, institutions,
and other governmental bodies of this state, and all individuals
representing such entities, except the Department of Transportation,
the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, the Oklahoma State Regents for
Higher Education and its constituent institutions, the Commissioners
of the Land Office and CompSource Oklahoma provided CompSource
Oklahoma is operating pursuant to a pilot program authorized by
Sections 3316 and 3317 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes, shall
use construction manager, consultant and construction contract forms
that the State Facilities Director of the Department of Real Estate
Services of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services requires
to award and execute contracts for designs to construct, renovate,
alter, repair, maintain, or improve real property or fixtures of real
property of the state. The State Facilities Director may authorize,
in writing, exceptions to the use of construction manager, consultant
and construction contract forms for specific projects.
Added by Laws 1982, c. 70, § 1. Amended by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 46,
eff. July 1, 1985; Laws 2000, c. 363, § 2, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000;
Laws 2001, c. 399, § 1, emerg. eff. June 4, 2001; Laws 2002, c. 294,
§ 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 5, eff. July 1, 2006;
Laws 2009, c. 454, § 3; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 305; Laws 2013, c. 302,
§ 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2013; Laws 2016, c. 71, § 1.
§61-61. Definitions.
As used in Sections 61 through 65 of this title:
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 2
1. "Chief administrative officer" means an individual
responsible for directing the administration of a state agency. The
term does not mean one or all of the individuals that make policy for
a state agency;
2. "Construction manager" means an individual, firm,
corporation, association, partnership, copartnership, or any other
legal entity on the Office of Management and Enterprise Services
Construction and Properties (OMES-CAP) registration list and
possessing the qualifications to provide services of construction
management which include, but are not necessarily limited to, design
review, scheduling, cost control, value engineering, constructability
evaluation, preparation and coordination of bid packages, and
construction administration;
3. "Consultant" means an individual or legal entity possessing
the qualifications to provide licensed architectural, registered
engineering, or registered land surveying services or other
individuals or legal entities possessing specialized credentials and
qualifications as may be needed to evaluate, plan or design and/or
provide construction administration and/or construction inspection
services for any construction or a public work improvement project;
4. "Director" means the Director of the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services;
5. "Department" means the Department of Real Estate Services of
the Office of Management and Enterprise Services;
6. "Office" means the Office of Management and Enterprise
7. "Project" means studies, evaluations, plans or designs for
facility evaluations or public work improvements, except the
transportation facilities under the jurisdiction of the Department of
Transportation or the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority:
a. to construct, renovate, alter, repair, maintain, or
improve real property or fixtures of real property, and
b. that does not constitute "construction" as defined by
the Public Building Construction and Planning Act;
8. "State agency" means an agency, office, officer, bureau,
board, counsel, court, commission, institution, unit, division, body
or house of the executive or judicial branches of state government,
whether elected or appointed, excluding only political subdivisions
of the state, the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and its
constituent institutions and the Commissioners of the Land Office;
9. "Facilities Director" or "SFD" means the State Facilities
Director of the Department of Real Estate Services of the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services; and
10. "Political subdivision" means any local governmental body
formed pursuant to the laws of this state, including, but not limited
to, school districts, career technology centers, cities, counties,
public trusts, public authorities, commissions or other local
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 9
governmental bodies exercising their authority to contract with
construction managers and/or consultants. The term also means any
quasi-governmental and nongovernmental organizations contracting with
construction managers and/or consultants using public funds or on
behalf of a political subdivision.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 156, § 1. Amended by Laws 1981, c. 346, § 1,
eff. Jan. 1, 1982; Laws 1983, c. 304, § 47, eff. July 1, 1985; Laws
2000, c. 363, § 3, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2001, c. 399, § 2,
emerg. eff. June 4, 2001; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 7, eff. Nov. 1, 2002;
Laws 2006, c. 271, § 6, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 306;
Laws 2013, c. 302, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2013; Laws 2016, c. 71, § 2;
Laws 2019, c. 299, § 1, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
§61-62. Construction managers and consultants - Registration and
A. The Department of Real Estate Services of the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services shall maintain a file of all
persons and entities interested in and capable of performing
construction management and consultant services for state agencies.
The file shall include registration forms and information submitted
by construction managers and consultants pursuant to rules
promulgated by the Office of Management and Enterprise Services.
Pursuant to rules promulgated by the Office, the Department shall
determine whether a construction manager or consultant qualifies for
registration and shall notify the construction manager or consultant
within twenty (20) days of receipt of a request for registration.
Construction managers and consultants shall re-register for each
successive calendar year with the Department.
B. The requisitioning state agency shall define the scope of a
proposed project. The scope shall identify project components,
phases and timetables and shall include detailed project
descriptions. The state agency may request the Department to assist
with scope development. The state agency shall send the scope and a
requisition for construction management or consultant services,
signed by an authorized official, to the Department. The Department
shall review the scope and approve it before the state agency issues
a solicitation.
C. The state agency shall issue a solicitation to construction
managers or consultants that are registered with the Department and
capable of providing the services the state agency desires. The
solicitation shall, at a minimum, contain:
1. Description and scope of the project;
2. Estimated construction cost or available funds, anticipated
starting date, and completion date the state agency desires for the
3. Certification of funds available for the construction manager
or consultant fee, including federal, state or other participation;
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 
4. Closing date for construction manager or consultant to give
notice of interest to the state agency; and
5. Additional data the state agency requires from the
construction manager or consultant. The closing date for submission
of construction manager or consultant notice of interest for
consideration shall be within thirty (30) days of the date of the
notice the state agency issues.
D. After the closing date, the Department shall provide
information from the construction managers' or consultants' files to
the state agency. Should there be an inadequate expression of
interest in the project, the state agency and Department personnel
shall confer to add construction managers or consultants for
E. The state agency shall review the information the Department
provides and shall select no less than three and no more than five
construction managers or consultants per contract for interviews.
The review shall include consideration of factors from the
information the Department supplies including, but not limited to:
1. Professional qualifications for the type of work
2. Capacity for completing the project in the specified time
period; and
3. Past performance on projects of a similar nature.
F. The Department shall advise the state agency of the methods
to be used to conduct an evaluation, interview, selection, contract
negotiation, and fee negotiation processes pursuant to rules
promulgated by the Office of Management and Enterprise Services.
G. 1. Upon completion of contract negotiation with the highest
qualified construction manager or consultant, which contract shall
include a fair and reasonable fee, the Department shall approve and
award the contract.
2. If the Department and the first-choice construction manager
or consultant cannot reach an agreement, the negotiations shall
terminate and negotiations with the second-choice construction
manager or consultant shall commence. If the Department and the
second-choice construction manager or consultant cannot reach an
agreement, the negotiations shall terminate and negotiations with the
third-choice construction manager or consultant shall commence. If
the Department and the third-choice construction manager or
consultant cannot reach an agreement, then all negotiations shall
terminate. Should the Department be unable to negotiate a
satisfactory contract with any of the three selected construction
managers or consultants, the Department shall select additional
construction managers or consultants in order of their competency and
qualifications and shall continue negotiations in accordance with the
provisions of this section until an agreement is reached.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 5
H. Any plans developed pursuant to the process for selection of
a contractor for construction of a facility authorized pursuant to
Section 183 of Title 73 of the Oklahoma Statutes shall become the
property of the State of Oklahoma as a condition of the award of the
final contract for construction of the facility.
I. For all state agencies subject to the Public Facilities Act,
Sections 202 through 213 of this title, the Department shall perform
the necessary procurement actions on behalf of a requisitioning
agency as enumerated in subsections B through H of this section:
1. Determine or approve the agency's scope of a project and
required services as provided in the Public Facilities Act;
2. Issue solicitations for construction manager and consultant
3. Conduct evaluations, interviews, selection, contract
negotiation, and fee negotiation processes; and
4. Provide contract management services after award of a
construction management or consultant contract.
J. In the selection of a consultant, all political subdivisions
of this state shall select a consultant based upon the professional
qualifications and technical experience of the consultant. The
subdivision shall negotiate a contract with the highest qualified
consultant, provided that a fee can be negotiated that is fair and
reasonable to both parties. In the event a reasonable fee cannot be
negotiated with the selected consultant, the subdivision may
negotiate with other consultants in order of their qualifications.
K. In the selection of a construction manager, all political
subdivisions of this state shall:
1. Extend consideration to construction managers from the file
maintained by the Department of Real Estate Services of the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services. Political subdivisions are not
limited in the number of construction manager candidates from whom
they intend on seeking proposals;
2. Evaluate the candidates' professional qualifications,
licensing, registration, certifications, technical abilities and past
experience relevant to the contemplated project. Only firms
recognized as qualified construction managers by the Department of
Real Estate Services of the Office of Management and Enterprise
Services pursuant to this section may be considered for selection as
a construction manager. The subdivision shall use procedures as
described in this section and the Public Construction Management Act
for Political Subdivisions or may adopt procedures established by the
Office of Management and Enterprise Services for state agencies; and
3. The political subdivision shall select a construction manager
based upon the professional qualifications and technical experience
of the construction manager. The political subdivision shall
negotiate a contract with the highest qualified construction manager,
provided that a fee can be negotiated that is fair and reasonable to
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; =
both parties. In the event a reasonable fee cannot be negotiated
with the selected construction manager, the political subdivision may
negotiate with other construction managers in order of their
Added by Laws 1974, c. 156, § 2. Amended by Laws 1981, c. 346, § 2,
eff. Jan. 1, 1982; Laws 1983, c. 304, § 48, eff. July 1, 1985; Laws
1989, c. 300, § 14, operative July 1, 1989; Laws 1997, c. 133, § 82,
eff. July 1, 1997; Laws 2000, c. 363, § 4, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000;
Laws 2001, c. 298, § 1, emerg. eff. May 31, 2001; Laws 2002, c. 294,
§ 8, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 7, eff. July 1, 2006;
Laws 2012, c. 304, § 307; Laws 2013, c. 302, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2013;
Laws 2019, c. 299, § 2, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
§61-62.1. Contracts to be in accordance with Public Building
Construction and Planning Act.
Except as provided by Sections 61 and 62 of this title and in
addition to other statutory requirements, all construction manager,
consultant, and construction contracts shall be in accordance with
the provisions of the Public Building Construction and Planning Act.
Added by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 168, eff. July 1, 1983. Amended by
Laws 2000, c. 363, § 5, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2006, c. 271,
§ 8, eff. July 1, 2006.
§61-62.2. Contracts for minor services.
The Construction and Properties Division of the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services may enter into contracts with
construction managers and consultants registered with the Division
for the purpose of providing minor services to state agencies. The
contracts shall provide for services on an as-needed basis and shall
not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) per
construction manager or consultant during one (1) year. The
requisitioning state agency shall reimburse the Division for the fee
of the construction manager or consultant that provides the services.
Added by Laws 2000, c. 363, § 6, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000. Amended
by Laws 2002, c. 294, § 9, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 9,
eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 308.
§61-63. Ownership and control of plans, etc.
All drawings, plans, specifications, reports, and models made by
a construction manager or consultant for a state agency shall be the
property of this state, and shall be delivered to the Department of
Real Estate Services of the Office of Management and Enterprise
Services. The state agency shall file such plans with the Department
for inclusion in a library system to be maintained by the Department.
Any state agency shall have access for review to any plans or
specifications filed with the Department.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; >
Added by Laws 1974, c. 156, § 3. Amended by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 49,
eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2000, c. 363, § 7, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000;
Laws 2002, c. 294, § 10, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 10,
eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 309; Laws 2013, c. 302, § 4,
eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§61-64. Misdemeanor offenses - Punishment.
Any construction manager or consultant or person doing
architectural, surveying or engineering work for the State of
Oklahoma, their agents, servants or employees, who shall receive
gratuity from any contractor or builder of any public building or
works, or solicit, receive or make any political contribution from or
to a contractor or builder of any public building or works, or who
attempts to interfere with the competitive bidding process of the
State of Oklahoma in any manner, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof shall be fined not less than One Hundred Dollars
($100.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), and by
imprisonment in the county jail for not less than six (6) months nor
more than one (1) year. Any contractor or builder of any public
building or works, their agents, servants or employees, who shall
offer any gratuity or political contribution to any construction
manager or consultant doing architectural, surveying or engineering
work for the State of Oklahoma, or who attempts to interfere with the
competitive bidding process of the State of Oklahoma in any manner,
is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be
fined not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five
Hundred Dollars ($500.00), and by imprisonment in the county jail for
not less than six (6) months nor more than one (1) year.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 156, § 4. Amended by Laws 2002, c. 294, § 11,
eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 11, eff. July 1, 2006.
§61-65. Application of act - Emergencies.
A. In addition to the conditions prescribed pursuant to
subsections C and D of this section, the provisions of Section 62 of
this title shall not apply whenever the Department of Real Estate
Services of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services with
concurrence of the chief administrative officer of the public agency
affected declares that an emergency exists. The construction manager
or consultant shall be selected by the State Facilities Director of
the Department of Real Estate Services of the Office of Management
and Enterprise Services. The resulting construction manager or
consultant contract shall not exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000.00). The reasons for the emergency shall be recorded in the
official records of the Department.
B. Emergency as used in this section shall be limited to
conditions resulting from any of the following:
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 34
1. A sudden unexpected happening or unforeseen occurrence if it
is impossible for the provisions of Section 62 of this title to be
observed because of the time factor and if the public health or
safety is endangered; and
2. A condition or situation which, if allowed to continue, would
lead to economic loss to the state or to further damage of state
C. The provisions of Section 62 of this title shall not apply to
the process for construction of a correctional facility whenever the
State Board of Corrections informs the Department that an emergency
condition threatens the security of the state correctional system,
including inmate population growth, and the condition requires
expeditious treatment for the review, approval and bid process as it
relates to construction or expansion of correctional facilities. The
Department and the Department of Corrections are authorized to
implement an expedited competitive bid process for the contracting of
construction managers or consultants and construction of new or
expanded correctional facilities that adequately respond to the
emergency. The State Board of Corrections shall provide written
notification to the Governor, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives and to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate of the
emergency conditions.
D. The provisions of Section 62 of this title shall not apply to
CompSource Oklahoma if CompSource Oklahoma is operating pursuant to a
pilot program authorized by Sections 3316 and 3317 of Title 74 of the
Oklahoma Statutes.
Added by Laws 1978, c. 201, § 21, emerg. eff. April 14, 1978.
Amended by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 50, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 1997, c.
133, § 83, eff. July 1, 1997; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 12, eff. Nov. 1,
2002; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 12, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2009, c. 454,
§ 4; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 310; Laws 2013, c. 302, § 5, eff. Nov. 1,
§61-81. Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act.
This act shall be known and may be cited as the “Fair and Open
Competition in Governmental Construction Act”. The purposes of this
act are to provide for the efficient procurement of goods and
services by governmental units; to promote the economical,
nondiscriminatory, and efficient administration and completion of
state and state-funded or state-assisted construction projects; to
provide for fair and open competition for construction contracts,
grants, tax abatements, and tax credits awarded by governmental
units; to prohibit requirements for certain terms in construction
contracts and construction contracts awarded by governmental units
and supported through grants and tax subsidies and abatements by
governmental units; to prohibit expenditure of public funds under
certain conditions; to prohibit certain terms in procurement
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 3
documents for certain expenditures by governmental units involving
public facilities; and to provide powers and duties for certain
public officers, employees, and contractors.
Added by Laws 2012, c. 145, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2012.
§61-82. Definitions.
As used in the Fair and Open Competition in Governmental
Construction Act:
1. "Public improvement" means any beneficial or valuable change
or addition, betterment, enhancement or amelioration of or upon any
real property, or interest therein, belonging to a public agency
intended to enhance its value, beauty or utility or to adapt it to
new or further purposes. The term does not include the direct
purchase of materials, equipment or supplies by a public agency, or
any personal property; and
2. "Public agency" means the State of Oklahoma, and any county,
city, town, school district or other political subdivision of the
state, any public trust, any public entity specifically created by
the statutes of the State of Oklahoma or as a result of statutory
authorization therefor, and any department, agency, board, bureau,
commission, committee or authority of any of the foregoing public
Added by Laws 2012, c. 145, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2012.
§61-83. Prohibited terms in bid specifications for public
improvement projects.
A public agency awarding any contract for the construction,
repair, remodeling, or demolition of a public improvement or
obligating funds pursuant to such a contract, shall ensure that
neither the awarding public agency nor any construction manager
acting on behalf of the public agency shall, in its bid
specifications, project agreements, or other controlling documents,
1. A term that requires, prohibits, encourages, or discourages
bidders, contractors, or subcontractors from entering into or
adhering to agreements with a collective bargaining organization
relating to the construction project or other related construction
projects; and
2. A term that discriminates against bidders, contractors, or
subcontractors based on the status as a party or nonparty to, or the
willingness or refusal to enter into, an agreement with a collective
bargaining organization relating to the construction project or other
related construction projects.
Added by Laws 2012, c. 145, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2012.
§61-84. Prohibited contract terms prevent the award of applicable
grants, tax abatements, or tax credits.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 33
A public agency shall not award a grant, tax abatement, or tax
credit that is conditioned upon a requirement that the awardee
include a term described in Section 3 of the Fair and Open
Competition in Governmental Construction Act in a contract document
for any construction, improvement, maintenance, or renovation to real
property or fixtures that are the subject of the grant, tax
abatement, or tax credit.
Added by Laws 2012, c. 145, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2012.
§61-85. Prohibited terms in bid specifications for public
improvement projects.
A public agency or a construction manager or other contracting
entity acting on behalf of a public agency shall not place any of the
terms described in Section 3 of the Fair and Open Competition in
Governmental Construction Act in bid specifications, project
agreements, or other controlling documents relating to the
construction, repair, remodeling, or demolition of a public
improvement. Any such included term is void and of no effect.
Added by Laws 2012, c. 145, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2012.
§61-86. Applicability of act.
A. The requirements of the Fair and Open Competition in
Governmental Construction Act do not apply to public construction
contracts executed before November 1, 2012.
B. The Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction
Act does not:
1. Prohibit employers or other parties from entering into
agreements or engaging in any other activity protected by the
National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C., Sections 151 to 169;
2. Interfere with labor relations of parties that are protected
under the National Labor Relations Act, 29 U.S.C., Sections 151 to
169; or
3. Prohibit a public agency from awarding a public contract,
grant, tax abatement, or tax credit to a private owner, bidder,
contractor, or subcontractor who enters into or who is party to an
agreement with a collective bargaining organization, if being or
becoming a party or adhering to an agreement with a collective
bargaining organization is not a condition for award of the public
contract, grant, tax abatement, or tax credit, and if the public
agency does not discriminate against a private owner, bidder,
contractor, or subcontractor in the awarding of that grant, tax
abatement, or tax credit based upon the status as being or becoming,
or the willingness or refusal to become, a party to an agreement with
a collective bargaining organization.
Added by Laws 2012, c. 145, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2012.
§61-101. Short title.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 36
This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Public
Competitive Bidding Act of 1974".
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 1, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-102. Definitions.
As used in the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974:
1. "Administrator" means the State Construction Administrator of
the Construction and Properties Division of the Office of Management
and Enterprise Services;
2. "Awarding public agency" means the public agency which
solicits and receives sealed bids on a particular public construction
3. "Bidding documents" means the bid notice, instruction to
bidders, plans and specifications, bidding form, bidding
instructions, general conditions, special conditions and all other
written instruments prepared by or on behalf of an awarding public
agency for use by prospective bidders on a public construction
4. "Chief administrative officer" means an individual
responsible for directing the administration of a public agency. The
term does not mean one or all of the individuals that make policy for
a public agency;
5. "Public agency" means the State of Oklahoma, and any county,
city, town, school district or other political subdivision of the
state, any public trust, any public entity specifically created by
the statutes of the State of Oklahoma or as a result of statutory
authorization therefor, and any department, agency, board, bureau,
commission, committee or authority of any of the foregoing public
6. "Public construction contract" or "contract" means any
contract, exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) in amount,
awarded by any public agency for the purpose of making any public
improvements or constructing any public building or making repairs to
or performing maintenance on the same except where the improvements,
construction of any building or repairs to the same are improvements
or buildings leased to a person or other legal entity exclusively for
private and not for public use and no public tax revenues shall be
expended on or for the contract unless the public tax revenues used
for the project are authorized by a majority of the voters of the
applicable public agency voting at an election held for that purpose
and the public tax revenues do not exceed twenty-five percent (25%)
of the total project cost. The amount of public tax dollars
committed to the project will not exceed a fixed amount established
by resolution of the governing body prior to or concurrent with
approval of the project;
7. "Public improvement" means any beneficial or valuable change
or addition, betterment, enhancement or amelioration of or upon any
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 32
real property, or interest therein, belonging to a public agency,
intended to enhance its value, beauty or utility or to adapt it to
new or further purposes. The term does not include the direct
purchase of materials, equipment or supplies by a public agency, or
any personal property, including property as defined in paragraphs 1
and 4 of subsection B of Section 430.1 of Title 62 of the Oklahoma
8. "Purchasing cooperative" means an association of public
entities working together to provide leverage in achieving best value
and/or the best terms in contracts awarded through a competitive
bidding process; and
9. "Retainage" means the difference between the amount earned by
the contractor on a public construction contract, with the work being
accepted by the public agency, and the amount paid on said contract
by the public agency.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 2, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1975, c. 266, § 1, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975; Laws 1977, c. 74, §
1, eff. Oct. 1, 1977; Laws 1979, c. 28, § 1, emerg. eff. April 3,
1979; Laws 1990, c. 158, § 1, emerg. eff. May 1, 1990; Laws 1994, c.
7, § 5, emerg. eff. March 29, 1994; Laws 1998, c. 365, § 2, eff. July
1, 1998; Laws 1999, c. 149, § 2, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2000, c.
363, § 8, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 13, eff.
Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2004, c. 97, § 1, emerg. eff. April 14, 2004; Laws
2005, c. 1, § 89, emerg. eff. March 15, 2005; Laws 2006, c. 271, §
14, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2009, c. 257, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2009;
Laws 2012, c. 304, § 311; Laws 2013, c. 186, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
NOTE: Laws 2004, c. 52, § 1 repealed by Laws 2005, c. 1, § 90,
emerg. eff. March 15, 2005.
§61-103. Governing law - Solicitation and award of contracts.
A. Unless otherwise provided by law, all public construction
contracts exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) shall be let
and awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, by open competitive
bidding after solicitation for sealed bids, in accordance with the
provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. No work
shall be commenced until a written contract is executed and all
required bonds and insurance have been provided by the contractor to
the awarding public agency.
B. Notwithstanding subsection A of this section, in awarding
public construction contracts exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000.00), counties, cities, other local units of government and
any public trust with a county or a municipality as its sole
beneficiary may provide for a local bid preference of not more than
five percent (5%) of the bid price if the awarding public agency
determines that there is an economic benefit to the local area or
economy. Provided, however, the local bidder or contractor must
agree to perform the contract for the same price and terms as the bid
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 39
proposed by the nonlocal bidder or contractor. Any bid preference
granted hereunder must be in accordance with an established policy
adopted by the governing body of the awarding public agency to
clearly demonstrate the economic benefit to the local area or
economy. Provided, further, no local bid preference shall be granted
unless the local bidding entity is the second lowest qualified bid on
the contract. The bid specifications shall clearly state that the
bid is subject to a local bidder preference law. For purposes of
this section, "local bid" means the bidding person is authorized to
transact business in this state and maintains a bona fide
establishment for transacting such business within this state. This
provision does not apply to any construction contract for which
federal funds are available for expenditure when its provisions may
be in conflict with federal law or regulation.
C. Except as provided in subsection E of this section, other
construction contracts for the purpose of making any public
improvements or constructing any public building or making repairs to
the same for Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) or less shall be let
and awarded to the lowest responsible bidder by receipt of written
bids or awarded on the basis of competitive quotes to the lowest
responsible qualified contractor. Work may be commenced in
accordance with the purchasing policies of the public agency.
D. Except as provided in subsection E of this section, other
construction contracts for less than Five Thousand Dollars
($5,000.00) may be negotiated with a qualified contractor. Work may
be commenced in accordance with the purchasing policies of the public
E. The provisions of this subsection shall apply to public
construction for minor maintenance or minor repair work to public
school district property. Other construction contracts for less than
Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) may be negotiated with a
qualified contractor. Construction contracts equal to or greater
than Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) but less than Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) shall be let and awarded to the lowest
responsible bidder by receipt of written bids. No work shall be
commenced on any construction contract until a written contract is
executed and proof of insurance has been provided by the contractor
to the awarding public agency.
F. The Construction and Properties Division of the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services may award contracts using best
value competitive proposals. As used in this subsection, "best
value" means an optional contract award system which can evaluate and
rank submitted competitive performance proposals to identify the
proposal with the greatest value to the state. The Office of
Management and Enterprise Services, pursuant to the Administrative
Procedures Act, shall promulgate rules necessary to implement the
provisions of this subsection.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 3
G. 1. A public agency shall not let or award a public
construction contract exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00)
to any contractor affiliated with a purchasing cooperative unless the
purchasing cooperative and the contractor have complied with all of
the provisions of the Competitive Bidding Act of 1974, including but
not limited to open competitive bidding after solicitation for sealed
bids. A public agency shall not let or award a public construction
contract exceeding Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) up to Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) to any contractor affiliated with a
purchasing cooperative unless the purchasing cooperative and the
contractor have complied with all of the provisions of the Public
Competitive Bidding Act of 1974, including submission of a written
bid upon notice of competitive bidding.
2. A purchasing cooperative and its affiliated contractors shall
not be allowed to bid on any public construction contract exceeding
Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) unless the purchasing cooperative
and its affiliated contractors have complied with all of the
provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974, including
but not limited to open competitive bidding after solicitation for
sealed bids. A purchasing cooperative and its affiliated contractors
shall not be allowed to bid on any public construction contract
exceeding Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) unless the
purchasing cooperative and its affiliated contractors have complied
with all of the provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of
1974, including submission of a written bid upon notice of open
competitive bidding.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 3, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1975, c. 266, § 2, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975; Laws 2001, c. 298,
§ 2, emerg. eff. May 31, 2001; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 15, eff. July 1,
2006; Laws 2010, c. 98, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2010; Laws 2011, c. 362, §
1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 312; Laws 2013, c. 186, §
2, eff. Nov. 1, 2013; Laws 2019, c. 405, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2019.
§61-103.1. Repealed by Laws 1984, c. 101, § 1, eff. July 1, 1984.
§61-103.2. Political subdivision may appoint purchasing agent.
The governing body of any political subdivision of this state may
duly appoint as its agent any individual or individual of a legal
entity, with whom the political subdivision has duly entered into a
public contract pursuant to law, to make purchases necessary for
carrying out the public contract.
Added by Laws 1981, c. 243, § 2, emerg. eff. June 23, 1981.
§61-103.3. Repealed by Laws 2002, c. 294, § 35, eff. Nov. 1, 2002.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 35
§61-103.4. School districts – Erection of building or making
improvements on force account basis – Emergency asbestos abatement -
Nothing in the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 shall be
construed to prohibit a school district from erecting a building or
making improvements on a force account basis. Contracts between a
state agency and a school district for the purpose of emergency
asbestos abatement shall be exempt from the provisions of the Public
Competitive Bidding Act of 1974.
Added by Laws 1999, c. 86, § 2, eff. July 1, 1999.
§61-103.5. Right-of-way clearance by Transportation Commission and
Authority – Competitive bidding not required.
For purposes of the provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding
Act of 1974, contracts not exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000.00) entered into solely for right-of-way clearance by the
Transportation Commission and the Oklahoma Transportation Authority
for the exclusive purpose of demolition and removal of buildings,
foundations, slab floors, stem walls, steps, brush, shrubs, brickbats
or stone and all rubbish, scrap iron, fencing, and debris, and the
installation of new right-of-way fencing, shall not be considered to
be public construction contracts and shall not be required to be open
for competitive bidding.
Added by Laws 1999, c. 341, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1999.
NOTE: Editorially renumbered from § 103.4 of this title to avoid a
duplication in numbering.
§61-103.6. Expired.
NOTE: This section, from Laws 2009, c. 273, § 1, expired July 1,
2011. Laws 2009, c. 273, § 5 provides: "Sections 1 and 2 of this
act shall cease to have the force and effect of law on July 1, 2011."
§61-103.7. Contracts related to fish and wildlife conservation.
For purposes of the provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding
Act of 1974, contracts entered into solely for projects and
activities by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
relating to fish and wildlife conservation shall be let and awarded
using the competitive bidding process as set forth in the Public
Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. However, for contracts of Twenty-
five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) or less the Department may
administer the competitive bidding process and let and award the
contract itself rather than the Construction and Properties Division
of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services.
Added by Laws 2014, c. 288, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2014.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 3=
§61-103.8. State agencies to identify headquarters location of
contracting companies – Provide reasons for choosing companies not
headquartered in Oklahoma.
When a state agency accepts any type of contract, whether bid or
no-bid, it shall list the city, state and country in which the
company that is seeking or awarded work is headquartered. If the
company is an Oklahoma entity of which over fifty percent (50%) is
owned by an out-of-state entity or individual, then, for the purposes
of this section, the location of the company's headquarters shall be
considered to be in the city, state and country of the majority
owner. Any work the state awards that is not strictly awarded by the
lowest price and that is awarded to a company not headquartered in
Oklahoma shall require the awarding agency's director to provide
reasons why the out-of-state company was chosen over an Oklahoma
Added by Laws 2019, c. 472, § 3, eff. July 1, 2019.
§61-104. Bid notices.
All proposals to award public construction contracts shall be
made equally and uniformly known by the awarding public agency to all
prospective bidders and the public in the following manner:
1. Notice thereof shall be given by publication in a newspaper
of general circulation and published in the county where the work, or
the major part of it, is to be done, such notice by publication to be
published in two consecutive weekly issues of the newspaper, with the
first publication thereof to be at least twenty-one (21) days prior
to the date set for opening bids; and
2. Notice thereof shall be sent to one in-state trade or
construction publication for their use and information whenever the
estimated cost of the contract exceeds Fifty Thousand Dollars
($50,000.00); provided, however, this section shall not be construed
to require the publication of the notice in such trade or
construction publication or the requirement to provide the notice to
more than one in-state trade or construction publication or to any
out-of-state trade or construction publications.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 4, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1975, c. 266, § 3, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975; Laws 2002, c. 294,
§ 14, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2012, c. 40, § 1, emerg. eff. April 13,
2012; Laws 2017, c. 40, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2017.
§61-105. Contents of bid notices.
All bid notices shall set forth the following information:
1. The character of the proposed public construction contract in
sufficient details that all bidders shall know exactly what their
obligation will be, either in the bid notice itself or by reference
to bidding documents on file in the main office of the awarding
public agency; and
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 3>
2. The name of the officer, agent or employee of the awarding
public agency and the office location and address of such person,
from whom a complete set of bidding documents regarding such proposed
contract may be obtained, together with the amount of the cost
deposit required therefor, if any; and
3. The date, time and place of opening of the sealed bids; and
4. The name and office location and address of the office of the
awarding public agency to whom the sealed bids should be submitted;
5. Any additional information regarding such proposed contract
deemed by the awarding public agency to be of beneficial interest to
prospective bidders or the public.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 5, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1975, c. 266, § 4, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975.
§61-106. Bidding documents to be on file.
At least one complete set of bidding documents regarding a
proposed public construction contract shall be on file in the main
office of the awarding public agency at least twenty (20) days prior
to the date set for opening bids. The officer, agent or employee of
the awarding public agency designated in the bid notice shall have a
sufficient number of complete sets of said bidding documents and
shall provide a complete set of same to any prospective bidder, upon
request; provided, however, that the awarding public agency may
require a reasonable deposit for each such set; provided, that such
deposit shall not exceed the actual cost of duplicating or printing.
The public agency may retain all or part of said deposit if so stated
in the notice for bids.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 6, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1975, c. 266, § 5, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975.
§61-107. Check, bond or irrevocable letter of credit to accompany
A. A bidder on a public construction contract exceeding Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) shall accompany the bid with:
1. A certified check, cashier's check or bid bond equal to five
percent (5%) of the bid, which shall be deposited with the awarding
public agency as a guaranty; or
2. An irrevocable letter of credit containing terms the
Construction and Properties Division of the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services prescribes, issued by a financial institution
insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal
Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation for the benefit of the state,
on behalf of the awarding public agency, in an amount equal to five
percent (5%) of the bid. The awarding public agency shall deposit
the irrevocable letter of credit with the Division.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 64
B. The cost of republication of the notice to bidders, actual
expenses incurred by reason of the bidder's default and the
difference between the low bid of the defaulting bidder and the
amount of the bid of the bidder to whom the contract is subsequently
awarded, but not to exceed the amount of the certified check,
cashier's check, bid bond or irrevocable letter of credit may, at the
discretion of the awarding public agency, be forfeited to the
awarding public agency in the event the apparently successful bidder
fails to execute the contract or fails to provide the required bonds
or irrevocable letters of credit and insurance to the awarding public
C. The public agency shall, upon receipt of notice from the
awarding public agency, return a certified or cashier's check, bid
bond, or irrevocable letter of credit to the successful bidder on
execution and delivery of the contract and required bonds or
irrevocable letters of credit and insurance. Checks of unsuccessful
bidders shall be returned to them in accordance with the terms of the
bid solicitation.
D. Nothing contained herein shall be construed so as to prevent
the awarding public agency or the courts from exonerating the bidder
and other parties to the bid security document from liability upon a
timely showing that the bidder committed what the courts have
determined under the common law to be an excusable bidding error and
for that reason it would not be equitable to enforce the bid
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 7, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1975, c. 266, § 6, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975; Laws 1986, c. 110,
§ 2, emerg. eff. April 9, 1986; Laws 1992, c. 239, § 2, emerg. eff.
May 19, 1992; Laws 1993, c. 293, § 1, emerg. eff. June 3, 1993; Laws
1995, c. 156, § 1, eff. July 1, 1995; Laws 1998, c. 365, § 3, eff.
July 1, 1998; Laws 2000, c. 363, § 9, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws
2002, c. 294, § 15, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 16, eff.
July 1, 2006; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 313.
§61-108. Written statement under oath to accompany bid.
Each bidder shall accompany the bid with a written statement
under oath disclosing the following information:
1. The nature of any partnership, joint venture or other
business relationships then in effect or which existed within one (1)
year prior to the date of such statement with the architect, engineer
or other party to the project;
2. Any such business relationship then in effect or which
existed within one (1) year prior to the date of such statement
between any officer or director of the bidding company and any
officer or director of the architectural or engineering firm or other
party to the project; and
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 6
3. The names of all persons having any such business
relationships and the positions they hold with their respective
companies or firms. If none of the business relationships
hereinabove mentioned exist, then a statement to that effect.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 8, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 2008, c. 212, § 1, emerg. eff. May 19, 2008.
§61-109. Late bids.
Any bid received by the awarding public agency or an officer or
employee thereof, more than ninety-six (96) hours excluding
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays before the time set for the opening
of bids, or any bid so received after the time set for opening of
bids, shall not be considered by the awarding public agency and shall
be returned unopened to the bidder submitting same.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 9, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-110. Opening of bids.
A. Except as provided by subsection B of this section, all bids
shall be sealed and opened only at the time and place mentioned in
the bidding documents, and read aloud in the presence of an
administrative officer of the awarding public agency. Such bid
opening shall be open to the public and to all bidders.
B. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the Oklahoma
Turnpike Authority shall be exempt from the requirements provided in
subsection A of this section, if the agency electronically publishes
the bids on the website of the agency.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 10, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 2002, c. 294, § 16, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2018, c. 219, § 1,
emerg. eff. May 7, 2018.
§61-111. Time for awarding of contract.
The awarding of a contract to the lowest responsible bidder or
bidders shall be made within thirty (30) days after the opening of
bids unless the governing body of the awarding public agency, by
formal recorded action and for good cause shown, provides for a
reasonable extension of that period, which extension period shall not
in any event exceed fifteen (15) days where only state or local funds
are involved, or not to exceed ninety (90) days on any award of
contract for the construction of a public improvement where funds are
utilized which are furnished by an agency of the United States
Government. Upon mutual written agreement between the lowest
responsible bidder or bidders and the awarding public agency, the
Division or awarding public agency may extend the contract award
period no more than one hundred twenty (120) days from the bid
opening date.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 63
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 11, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 2006, c. 271, § 17, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2015, c. 198, § 1,
eff. Nov. 1, 2015.
§61-112. Bids, contracts, bonds open for public inspection.
All bids, both successful and unsuccessful, and all contracts and
required bonds shall be placed on file and maintained in the main
office of the awarding public agency for a period of five (5) years
from the date of opening of bids or for a period of three (3) years
from the date of completion of the contract, whichever is longer,
shall be open to public inspection and shall be matters of public
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 12, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1975, c. 266, § 7, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975.
§61-113. Execution of contract.
A. Except as otherwise provided by law, within the period of
time, not to exceed sixty (60) days, specified in the bid notice by
the awarding public agency, a contract embodying the terms set forth
in the bidding documents shall be executed by the awarding public
agency or, where construction management at-risk is the project
delivery method, by the construction manager and the successful
bidder. No bidder shall obtain any property right in a contract
awarded under the provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of
1974 until the contract has been fully executed by both the bidder
and the awarding public agency.
B. Except as otherwise provided by law, within the period of
time specified in subsection A of this section, the following shall
be provided by the contractor to the awarding public agency for
contracts exceeding Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00):
1. A bond or irrevocable letter of credit complying with the
provisions of Section 1 of this title;
2. A bond in a sum equal to the contract price, with adequate
surety, or an irrevocable letter of credit containing terms
prescribed by the Construction and Properties Division of the Office
of Management and Enterprise Services issued by a financial
institution insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or
the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation for the benefit of
the state, on behalf of the awarding public agency, in a sum equal to
the contract price, to ensure the proper and prompt completion of the
work in accordance with the provisions of the contract and bidding
3. A bond in a sum equal to the contract price or an irrevocable
letter of credit containing terms as prescribed by the Division
issued by a financial institution insured by the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance
Corporation for the benefit of the state, on behalf of the awarding
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 66
public agency, in a sum equal to the contract price, to protect the
awarding public agency against defective workmanship and materials
for a period of one (1) year after acceptance of the project, except
when the awarding public agency is the Department of Transportation
or the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, in such case the period shall be
for one (1) year after project completion; and
4. Public liability and workers' compensation insurance during
construction in reasonable amounts. A public agency may require the
contractor to name the public agency and its architects or engineers,
or both, as an additional assured under the public liability
insurance, which requirement, if made, shall be specifically set
forth in the bidding documents.
C. A single irrevocable letter of credit may be used to satisfy
paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 of subsection B of this section, provided such
single irrevocable letter of credit meets all applicable requirements
of subsection B of this section.
If the contractor needs additional time in which to obtain the
bond required pursuant to subsection B of this section, the
contractor may request and the awarding agency may allow the
contractor an additional sixty (60) days in which to obtain the bond.
D. 1. After the award of a contract, but prior to its
execution, an awarding public agency, upon discovery of an
administrative error in the award process that would void an
otherwise valid award, may suspend the time of execution of the
contract. The agency may rescind the award and readvertise for bids,
or may direct correction of the error and award the contract to the
lowest responsible bidder, whichever shall be in the best interests
of the state.
2. If the awarding public agency has a governing body, the
agency shall, at the next regularly scheduled public business meeting
of the governing body of the agency, upon the record, present to the
governing body that an error has been made in the award process and
shall state the nature of the error. The governing body, upon
presentation of the facts of the error, may rescind the award and
readvertise for bids, or may direct correction of the error and award
the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, whichever shall be in
the best interests of the state.
E. No public agency shall require for any public construction
project, nor shall any general contractor submit a project bid based
on acquiring or participating in, any wrap-up, wrap-around, or
controlled insurance program. For the purposes of this subsection,
"wrap-up, wrap-around, or controlled insurance program" means any
insurance program that has the effect of disabling or rendering
inapplicable any workers' compensation, commercial general liability,
builders' risk, completed operations, or excess liability insurance
coverage carried by a subcontractor that is engaged or to be engaged
on a public construction project unless this is a cost savings to the
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 62
public or the need exists for a specialized or complex insurance
program and shall not apply to contracts less than Seventy-five
Million Dollars ($75,000,000.00).
F. This act shall not apply to the public construction projects
of constitutional agencies which had authorized a wrap-up, wrap-
around, or controlled insurance program on or before April 11, 2000.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 13, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1975, c. 266, § 8, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975; Laws 1986, c. 110,
§ 3, emerg. eff. April 9, 1986; Laws 1987, c. 26, § 1, eff. Nov. 1,
1987; Laws 1987, c. 191, § 12, operative July 1, 1987; Laws 1992, c.
239, § 3, emerg. eff. May 19, 1992; Laws 1998, c. 365, § 4, eff. July
1, 1998; Laws 2000, c. 46, § 1, emerg. eff. April 11, 2000; Laws
2000, c. 363, § 10, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2001, c. 298, § 3,
emerg. eff. May 31, 2001; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 17, eff. Nov. 1, 2002;
Laws 2004, c. 299, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2004; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 18,
eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2011, c. 362, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2011; Laws
2012, c. 304, § 314; Laws 2017, c. 93, § 1, emerg. eff. April 25,
2017; Laws 2019, c. 299, § 3, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
§61-113.1. Partial payment - Retainage.
A. A public construction contract shall provide for partial
payment based upon work completed. The contract shall provide that
up to five percent (5%) of all partial payments made shall be
withheld as retainage.
B. The Department of Transportation or the Oklahoma Turnpike
Authority shall not withhold retainage on public construction
contracts awarded by the Department or the Authority.
C. The Department of Transportation shall not withhold retainage
or require any bond on projects awarded to railroads on the
railroad's privately owned or operated rail property.
Added by Laws 1977, c. 74, § 2, eff. Oct. 1, 1977. Amended by Laws
1983, c. 67, § 1, emerg. eff. April 29, 1983; Laws 1995, c. 200, § 2,
emerg. eff. May 19, 1995; Laws 1997, c. 278, § 4, emerg. eff. May 27,
1997; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 19, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2011, c. 99, §
1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§61-113.2. Withdrawal of retainage - Deposit of securities.
The contractor may, from time to time, withdraw any part, or the
whole, of the amount which has been retained from partial payments to
the contractor pursuant to the terms of contract, upon depositing
with or delivery to the awarding public agency, or other appropriate
public official designated in the contract document: (1) United
States Treasury bonds, United States Treasury notes, United States
Treasury bills, or (2) general obligation bonds of the State of
Oklahoma, or (3) certificates of deposit from a state or national
bank having its principal office in the State of Oklahoma. No
retained amount shall be withdrawn which would represent an amount in
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 69
excess of the market value of the securities at the time of deposit
or of the par value of such securities, whichever is lower.
At the time of deposit of any securities the same shall be
endorsed, if necessary, and shall be accompanied by a conditional
assignment to the awarding public agency, or to the other public body
designated as "owner" in the contract documents, which will empower
the awarding public agency, or other appropriate public official
designated to have custody of same, to negotiate same at any time to
the extent necessary to cause the contract to be fulfilled. The
securities which remain on deposit at the time of completion of any
contract and observance by the parties to the contract of any other
statutory obligations relative thereto shall be returned to the
Added by Laws 1977, c. 74, § 3, eff. Oct. 1, 1977.
§61-113.3. Interest - Rate.
When interest is due the contractor, all awarding public
agencies, other than school districts, shall pay to the contractor
interest at the rate of one and one-half percent (1 1/2%) per month
of the final payment due the contractor. When interest is due to the
contractor, school districts shall pay to the contractor interest at
the rate of three fourths percent (3/4%) per month of the final
payment due the contractor. For lump sum contracts the interest
shall commence thirty (30) days after the work under the contract has
been completed and accepted and all required material certifications
and other documentation required by the contract have been furnished
the awarding public agency by the contractor, and shall run until the
date when the final payment or estimate is tendered to the
For contracts bid by unit prices the interest shall commence
sixty (60) days after the above conditions are satisfied. When
contract quantities or the final payment amount is in dispute, the
interest-bearing period shall be suspended until the conclusion of
arbitration and settlement of the dispute.
Added by Laws 1977, c. 74, § 4, eff. Oct. 1, 1977. Amended by Laws
2006, c. 271, § 20, eff. July 1, 2006.
§61-114. Conflict of interest.
The chief administrative officer and members of the governing
body of the awarding public agency authorizing or awarding or
supervising the execution of a public construction contract, and
their relatives within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity,
are forbidden to be interested directly or indirectly through stock
ownership, partnership interest or otherwise in any such contract.
Contracts entered into in violation of this section shall be void.
Persons willfully violating this section shall be guilty of a felony
and shall be subject to removal from office.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 6
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 14, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1997, c. 133, § 515, eff. July 1, 1999.
NOTE: Laws 1998, 1st Ex.Sess., c. 2, § 23 amended the effective date
of Laws 1997, c. 133, § 515 from July 1, 1998, to July 1, 1999.
§61-115. Collusion among bidders or material suppliers.
Any agreement or collusion among bidders, prospective bidders or
material suppliers in restraint of freedom of competition by
agreement to bid at a fixed price or to refrain from bidding, or
otherwise, shall render the bids of such bidders void. Persons
willfully violating this section shall be guilty of a felony. Each
bidder shall accompany the bid with a sworn statement that the bidder
has not been a party to any such agreement. The form of the
statement shall be substantially as provided in Section 85.22 of
Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes, but modified in wording to refer
to the appropriate public agency requesting bids.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 15, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1980, c. 339, § 1, emerg. eff. June 25, 1980; Laws 1997, c. 133,
§ 516, eff. July 1, 1999; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 18, eff. Nov. 1, 2002;
Laws 2008, c. 212, § 2, emerg. eff. May 19, 2008.
NOTE: Laws 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., c. 2, § 23 amended the effective
date of Laws 1997, c. 133, § 516 from July 1, 1998, to July 1, 1999.
§61-116. Disclosure of terms of bids - Public agency engineering
A. Any disclosure by an employee of a public agency of the terms
of a bid submitted in response to a bid notice issued by a public
agency in advance of the time set for opening of all bids so
submitted shall be unlawful. It shall also be unlawful for any
person to solicit, possess or receive information which is to be
contained in a bid notice of a public agency, for use in preparing a
bid, in advance of the date on which said bid notice is to be made
equally and uniformly known to all prospective bidders and the
public, and it shall further be unlawful for any employee of a public
agency to withhold or impede the distribution of said information
after notice of the bid has been given, unless the solicitation of
bids has been withdrawn or the particular information in question has
been deleted or replaced through alteration of the bid notice and
said withdrawal or alteration has been made equally and uniformly
known. Any violation of this subsection shall be a felony and shall
render the proceedings void and require solicitation and award anew.
B. The estimate of the actual cost of the project made by the
public agency, construction manager or consultant for the agency
shall not be considered confidential and shall be available to the
public in accordance with the Oklahoma Open Records Act.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 16, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1976, c. 79, § 1, emerg. eff. May 3, 1976; Laws 1992, c. 239, §
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 65
4, emerg. eff. May 19, 1992; Laws 1997, c. 133, § 517, eff. July 1,
1999; Laws 1999, c. 341, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1999; Laws 2000, c. 66, §
1, emerg. eff. April 14, 2000; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 19, eff. Nov. 1,
2002; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 21, eff. July 1, 2006.
NOTE: Laws 1998, 1st Ex. Sess., c. 2, § 23 amended the effective
date of Laws 1997, c. 133, § 517 from July 1, 1998, to July 1, 1999.
§61-117. Award to other than lowest bidder.
If an award is made to other than the lowest bidder, the awarding
public agency shall accompany its action with a publicized statement
setting forth the reason for its action. Such statement shall be
placed on file, open to public inspection and be a matter of public
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 17, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-118. Prequalification of bidders.
A. In order to determine the responsibility of bidders, the
awarding public agency may require prospective bidders, general
contractors, subcontractors and material suppliers to prequalify as
responsible bidders prior to submitting bids on a public construction
contract. Prequalification to bid or perform work pursuant to this
section does not constitute a license. Except as provided in
subsection B of this section, prequalification shall not serve as a
substitute for a license otherwise required by law. Notice of any
such prequalification requirement shall be made equally and uniformly
known by the awarding public agency to all prospective bidders and
the public in the same manner as proposals to award public
construction contracts as set forth in Section 104 of this title.
Financial information including, but not limited to, audited
financial statements required by the awarding public agency as part
of prequalification shall remain confidential.
B. The Oklahoma Transportation Commission and the Oklahoma
Transportation Authority may establish a system for prequalifying
prospective bidders on construction and maintenance contracts to be
awarded by the Commission or Authority. The Commission and the
Authority shall be the sole judge of the qualifications of
prospective bidders and shall ascertain, to their exclusive
satisfaction, the qualifications of each prequalified bidder. Any
contractor or subcontractor prequalified as of the effective date of
this act performing signing, highway lighting, or traffic signal
installation or maintenance for the Oklahoma Department of
Transportation or the Oklahoma Transportation Authority shall be
allowed to continue to bid and perform such work without obtaining
any additional license from this state or any political subdivision
of this state. However, no contractor or subcontractor may transfer,
convey or assign this exemption to any other person or entity.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 6=
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 18, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1992, c. 239, § 5, emerg. eff. May 19, 1992; Laws 1994, c. 203,
§ 2, eff. July 1, 1994; Laws 2000, c. 66, § 2, emerg. eff. April 14,
2000; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 20, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2008, c. 212,
§ 3, emerg. eff. May 19, 2008.
§61-119. Rejection of bids.
By majority action of the governing board of the awarding public
agency or the chief administrating officer of an awarding public
agency without a governing board, the awarding public agency shall
have the right to reject any or all bids and solicit bidders again as
herein provided if, in the opinion of the governing body of the
public agency, the best interests of the people of the State of
Oklahoma would be best served by so doing.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 19, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 2002, c. 294, § 21, eff. Nov. 1, 2002.
§61-119.1. Certain contract to be negotiated when no bid is
A. If no timely bid is received after bid notices have been
published on any proposed public construction contract which does not
exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00):
1. The governing body of a county, city, town or school district
may direct its employees or agents to negotiate the contract with a
prospective contractor; or
2. The state agency as defined in Section 202 of this title,
shall request the State Construction Administrator of the
Construction and Properties Division to negotiate a contract on its
B. The amount of a contract which may be awarded by the
governing body pursuant to this section shall not exceed Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) and the work to be performed shall be
as specified in the initial bidding documents. The contract shall be
executed within six (6) months after the date initially set for
opening of bids. The contract and contract procedure shall conform
to all other applicable provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding
Act of 1974.
Added by Laws 1980, c. 339, § 3, emerg. eff. June 25, 1980. Amended
by Laws 1992, c. 9, § 1, eff. July 1, 1992; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 22,
eff. July 1, 2006.
§61-120. Assignment of contracts.
No public construction contract shall be assignable by the
successful bidder without written consent of the governing body of
the awarding public agency, evidenced by resolution. In no event
shall such a contract be assigned to a bidder who was declared by the
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 6>
awarding public agency not to be a responsible bidder in the
consideration of bids received for the particular contract.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 20, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-121. Change orders or addenda.
A. Change orders or addenda to public construction contracts of
One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) or less shall not exceed a
fifteen percent (15%) cumulative increase in the original contract
B. Change orders or addenda to public construction contracts of
over One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) shall not exceed the greater
of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00) or a ten percent
(10%) cumulative increase in the original contract amount.
C. Change orders or cumulative change orders which exceed the
limits of subsection A or B of this section shall require a
readvertising for bids on the incomplete portions of the contract.
D. If the awarding public agency does not have a governing body,
the chief administrative officer of the awarding public agency shall
approve change orders. The State Construction Administrator of the
Construction and Properties Division of the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services, or the Administrator's designee, shall sign and
execute all contracts and change orders, as they relate to state
E. If the awarding public agency has a governing body, all
change orders shall be formally approved by the governing body of the
awarding public agency and the reasons for approval recorded in the
permanent records of the governing body. The governing body of a
municipality or technology center may delegate approval of change
orders up to Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) or ten percent (10%)
of any contract, whichever is less, to the chief administrative
officer of the municipality or technology center or their designee,
with any approved change orders reported to the governing body at the
next regularly scheduled meeting.
F. The Oklahoma Veterans Commission, as the governing body of
the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs, is authorized to
delegate to the Director of the agency the authority to approve
change orders on a construction contract provided that the individual
change order does not exceed Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) in
expenditure, and complies with the limits established by this
section. Change orders approved by the Director pursuant to a
delegation of authority shall be presented to the Commission during
the next regular meeting and the reasons for the orders recorded in
permanent records.
G. The governing body of the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation
Department is authorized, upon approval of a majority of all of the
members of the Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Commission, to
delegate to the Director of the agency the authority to approve
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 24
change orders on a construction contract provided that the individual
change order does not exceed Twenty-five Thousand Dollars
($25,000.00) in expenditure and complies with the limits established
by this section. The Administrator of the Division shall sign and
execute all contracts and change orders.
H. The Transportation Commission may, by rule, authorize the
Director of the Department of Transportation to approve change orders
in an amount of not to exceed Five Hundred Thousand Dollars
($500,000.00). Change orders approved by the Director shall be
presented to the Transportation Commission during the next regular
meeting and the reasons therefor recorded in the permanent records.
The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority may authorize the Director of the
Authority to approve change orders in an amount not to exceed Two
Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00). Change orders approved
by the Director of the Authority shall be presented to the Authority
during the next regular meeting and the reasons for the orders
recorded in permanent records.
I. All change orders for the Department of Transportation or the
Authority shall contain a unit price and total for each of the
following items:
1. All materials with cost per item;
2. Itemization of all labor with number of hours per operation
and cost per hour;
3. Itemization of all equipment with the type of equipment,
number of each type, cost per hour for each type, and number of hours
of actual operation for each type;
4. Itemization of insurance cost, bond cost, Social Security,
taxes, workers' compensation, employee fringe benefits and overhead
cost; and
5. Profit for the contractor.
J. 1. If a construction contract contains unit pricing, and the
change order pertains to the unit price, the change order will not be
subject to subsection A or B of this section.
2. When the unit price change does not exceed Twenty Thousand
Dollars ($20,000.00), the unit price change order computation may be
based on an acceptable unit price basis in lieu of cost itemization
as required in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of subsection I of this
3. When the unit price change exceeds Twenty Thousand Dollars
($20,000.00), any unit price for a new item established at or below
the average eighteen-month-price history for the new item may be used
in lieu of cost itemization as required in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4 and
5 of subsection I of this section.
K. Alternates or add items bid with the original bid and
contained in the awarded contract as options of the awarding public
agency shall not be construed as change orders under the provisions
of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 2
L. Where construction management at-risk is the project delivery
method, the limits established by subsections A and B of this section
shall be based upon the total cost of the project rather than the
cost of the individual trade contracts.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 21, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1975, c. 266, § 9, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975; Laws 1989, c. 164,
§ 1, emerg. eff. May 8, 1989; Laws 1993, c. 293, § 2, emerg. eff.
June 3, 1993; Laws 1995, c. 200, § 3, emerg. eff. May 19, 1995; Laws
1997, c. 72, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1997; Laws 1998, c. 118, § 1, eff.
July 1, 1998; Laws 2000, c. 363, § 11, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws
2002, c. 294, § 22, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2004, c. 328, § 2, eff.
July 1, 2004; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 23, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2009,
c. 257, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2009; Laws 2011, c. 112, § 1, eff. Nov. 1,
2011; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 315; Laws 2013, c. 170, § 1, eff. Nov. 1,
2013; Laws 2017, c. 68, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2017; Laws 2019, c. 299, §
4, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
§61-122. Taxpayer suits to enjoin execution of unlawful contracts.
Any taxpayer of the State of Oklahoma, or any bona fide
unsuccessful bidder on a particular public construction contract,
within ten (10) days after any such contract has been executed, is
empowered to bring suit in the district court of the county where the
work, or the major part of it, is to be done to enjoin the
performance of such contract if entered into in violation of the
provisions of this act.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 22, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-123. Supervisor's certification to accompany invoices -
A. All statements or invoices submitted to the awarding public
agency for work performed shall contain a certification by the
supervising architect or engineer, or other supervisory official if
no supervisory architect or engineer is employed for the project,
that work for which payment is claimed has been performed and that
such work conforms to the plans and specifications for the project.
No such statement or invoice shall be paid by the awarding public
agency without such certification. The execution of a certificate,
as herein provided, shall not constitute a defense or in any other
manner affect any cause or causes of action which the awarding public
agency might otherwise have against the contractor for nonperformance
of a public construction contract.
B. If project progressive payments are based on the public
agency’s estimated quantities of materials provided and work
performed, certifications are not required. Payment of progressive
estimates shall not constitute a defense or in any manner affect any
cause or causes of action which the awarding public agency might have
against the contractor for failure to properly perform in accordance
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 23
with the project contract, plans, specifications, or special
provisions. Final estimates shall contain a sworn certification
signed by the contractor that the work performed and the material
provided conform to the requirements of the contract, plans,
specifications, and special provisions.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 23, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 2006, c. 271, § 24, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2007, c. 263, § 1,
eff. Nov. 1, 2007.
§61-124. Inspections.
The awarding public agency shall make provision for the
inspection of projects prior to acceptance by the said agency and
shall approve claims for payment only after proper inspection has
been made as provided in the plans and specifications for said
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 24, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-125. Accounting procedure.
The Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services
shall prescribe the accounting procedure to be followed to pay costs
and payments to contractors on public construction contracts with
state agencies. The Director of the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services is directed to include any procedures necessary
to provide accountability for state funds and funds furnished by an
agency of the United States Government.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 25, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 2012, c. 304, § 316.
§61-126. Construction on force account basis.
Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent a public agency
from doing public construction work on a force account basis.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 26, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-127. Contracts made by a public entity - Applicability.
This act shall apply to contracts made by a public entity
operating pursuant to the Local Industrial Development Act or the
Local Development Act except where the public improvements,
buildings, or repairs are being made or constructed as a part of an
agreement to provide development financing assistance, and where the
cost of such public improvements does not exceed twenty-five percent
(25%) of the total amount of the estimated public and private
investment being made within the related increment district.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 27, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 2006, c. 271, § 25, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2011, c. 361, § 3.
§61-128. Builder’s risk insurance.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 26
The awarding public agency is authorized to require the
contractor to carry builder's risk insurance against damage from fire
and the elements during the process of construction to the extent of
protecting said public agency's equity in said project until accepted
by said agency.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 28, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 2002, c. 294, § 23, eff. Nov. 1, 2002.
§61-129. Contracts exempt.
A. The Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 shall not apply to
contracts awarded or contracts for which bids have been solicited on
or before August 1, 1974.
B. The Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 shall not apply to
contracts awarded or contracts for which bids are solicited by
CompSource Oklahoma if CompSource Oklahoma is operating pursuant to a
pilot program authorized by Sections 1 and 2 of this act.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 29, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 2009, c. 454, § 5.
§61-130. Emergencies
A. The provisions of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974
with reference to notice and bids shall not apply to an emergency if:
1. The governing body of a public agency declares by a two-
thirds (2/3) majority vote of all of the members of the governing
body that an emergency exists;
2. The Transportation Commission and the Oklahoma Tourism and
Recreation Commission, by majority vote of all the members of each
Commission, declare that an emergency exists; or
3. The chief administrative officer of a public agency without a
governing body declares that an emergency exists.
B. The governing body of a public agency may, upon approval of
two-thirds (2/3) majority of all of the members of the governing
body, delegate to the chief administrative officer of a public agency
the authority to declare an emergency whereby the provisions of the
Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 with reference to notice and
bids shall not apply to contracts less than Seventy-five Thousand
Dollars ($75,000.00) in amount; provided, such authority of the
Department of Transportation and the Oklahoma Turnpike Authority
shall not extend to any contract exceeding Seven Hundred Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($750,000.00) in amount and such authority of the
Department of Corrections shall not extend to any contract exceeding
Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000.00) in amount for
situations in which the emergency impacts the conditions of
confinement, health and safety of correctional officers and inmates
in the custody of the Department of Corrections.
C. Upon approval of a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote, the
Oklahoma Conservation Commission may delegate to the Executive
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 22
Director the authority to declare an emergency and set a monetary
limit for the declaration. The provisions of this subsection may
only be used for the purpose of responding to an emergency involving
the reclamation of abandoned coal mines or the repair of damaged
upstream floodwater retarding structures.
D. An emergency declared by the Board of Corrections pursuant to
subsection C of Section 65 of this title shall exempt the Department
of Corrections from the limits which would otherwise be imposed
pursuant to subsection B of this section for the contracting and
construction of new or expanded correctional facilities.
E. The chief administrative officer of a public agency with a
governing body shall notify the governing body within ten (10) days
of the declaration of an emergency if the governing body did not
approve the emergency. The notification shall contain a statement of
the reasons for the action, and shall be recorded in the official
minutes of the governing body.
F. Emergency as used in this section shall be limited to
conditions resulting from a sudden unexpected happening or unforeseen
occurrence or condition whereby the public health or safety is
G. The chief administrative officer of a public agency shall
report an emergency within ten (10) days of the emergency declaration
and include the official minutes of the governing body of the public
agency, if applicable, to the State Construction Administrator of the
Construction and Properties Division of the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services who shall compile an annual report detailing all
emergencies declared pursuant to this section during the previous
calendar year. The report shall be submitted to the Governor, the
President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 30, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1975, c. 266, § 10, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975; Laws 1981, c. 51,
§ 1, emerg. eff. April 13, 1981; Laws 1982, c. 151, § 1, emerg. eff.
April 12, 1982; Laws 1997, c. 133, § 84, eff. July 1, 1997; Laws
1998, c. 364, § 16, emerg. eff. June 8, 1998; Laws 2000, c. 6, § 32,
emerg. eff. March 20, 2000; Laws 2000, c. 363, § 12, emerg. eff. June
6, 2000; Laws 2001, c. 298, § 4, emerg. eff. May 31, 2001; Laws 2002,
c. 294, § 24, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2007, c. 265, § 1, eff. Nov. 1,
2007; Laws 2011, c. 362, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2011; Laws 2012, c. 304, §
317; Laws 2014, c. 184, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2014; Laws 2014, c. 271, §
1, eff. Nov. 1, 2014; Laws 2016, c. 293, § 1, emerg. eff. May 11,
NOTE: Laws 1997, c. 72, § 2 repealed by Laws 2000, c. 6, § 34,
emerg. eff. March 20, 2000.
§61-131. Splitting of contracts - Punishment and fine.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 29
No contract shall be split into partial contracts for the purpose
of avoiding the requirements of this act. All such partial contracts
shall be void. Any person who knowingly violates the provisions of
this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor
punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one
(1) year, or by a fine of not more than One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00), or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 31, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1979, c. 28, § 2, emerg. eff. April 3, 1979; Laws 1998, c. 365,
§ 5, eff. July 1, 1998; Laws 2000, c. 363, § 13, emerg. eff. June 6,
2000; Laws 2006, c. 78, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2006; Laws 2006, c. 271, §
26, eff. July 1, 2006.
§61-132. Repealed by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 182, eff. July 1, 1983.
§61-133. Law governing.
If a statute, charter or general ordinance provides more
stringent standards or procedures than those provided by this act,
then the statute, charter or general ordinance shall prevail.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 33, operative Aug. 1, 1974.
§61-134. Insurance or bond to be secured from carrier licensed in
Any insurance or bond required by this act shall be secured from
an insurance or indemnity carrier licensed to do business in the
State of Oklahoma.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 298, § 34, operative Aug. 1, 1974. Amended by
Laws 1975, c. 266, § 11, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975.
§61-135. Public agencies or officers not to exert influence in
procuring particular bond or insurance.
A. No public agency, nor any officer, agent or employee thereof,
nor any person acting or purporting to act on behalf of such public
agency or an officer, agent or employee thereof, shall, with respect
to any public construction contract require or attempt to require a
contractor or any subcontractor to make application to or to procure
or obtain from a particular insurance or surety company, agent or
broker, any of the bonds or insurance required by this act.
B. Any provisions in a public construction contract or in the
bidding documents in conflict herewith are hereby declared to be
contrary to the public policy of this state and thereby void.
C. Any person who violates this section shall, upon conviction,
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
Added by Laws 1975, c. 266, § 12, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975.
§61-136. Conflicts with federal rules and regulations - Laws
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 2
In the event any provision of this act conflicts with or is
inconsistent in any manner with the rules and regulations of any
agency of the United States Government, which is providing all or any
portion of the funds used to finance any public construction
contract, the rules and regulations of said agency of the United
States Government shall supersede and take precedence over such
portion or portions of this act in conflict or inconsistent
therewith, it being the intent of the Legislature to secure all of
the benefits available to the people of the State of Oklahoma from
federally assisted programs.
Added by Laws 1975, c. 266, § 13, emerg. eff. June 5, 1975.
§61-137. Termination of certain unperformed contracts.
Any contract which has been bid under the provisions of the
Public Competitive Bidding Act, Section 101 et seq. of Title 61 of
the Oklahoma Statutes, and on which no work has been performed and no
formal claim or litigation has been pending within the last twenty-
four (24) months shall be terminated by the public agency which
awarded the contract. After termination, the public agency shall
determine the amount of any final payment due to the contractor and
shall make such payment to the contractor at the contractor's last-
known address, or if the public agency is unable to locate the
contractor, the amount due shall be held in a separate account by the
State Treasurer in the name of the contractor. Termination of the
contract and payment to the contractor or deposit of the funds due to
the contractor as determined by the public agency shall release the
public agency from any further liability to the contractor or surety
company. Any such funds held by the State Treasurer for the
contractor which are not claimed by the contractor within thirty-six
(36) months from the date of deposit with the State Treasurer shall
be deposited in the General Revenue Fund and the state shall have no
further liability on the project to the contractor or surety company.
Added by Laws 1992, c. 239, § 6, emerg. eff. May 19, 1992.
§61-138. Noncollusion affidavit attached to bid submitted to school
district, county or municipality.
Any competitive bid submitted pursuant to the Public Competitive
Bidding Act of 1974 to a school district, county or municipality for
furnishing of goods or services shall be accompanied by the sworn
noncollusion statement contained in Section 85.22 of this title,
modified in wording to refer to the school district, county or
municipality instead of the state.
Added by Laws 1974, c. 43, § 3, emerg. eff. April 13, 1974. Amended
by Laws 1980, c. 339, § 2, emerg. eff. June 25, 1980. Renumbered
from Title 74, § 85.24 by Laws 1999, c. 289, § 18, eff. July 1, 1999.
§61-139. Authority to enter into cooperative purchasing agreements.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 25
A. In addition to any authority to enter an agreement pursuant
to the Interlocal Cooperation Act, any school district, including a
technology school district, may either participate in, sponsor,
conduct or administer a cooperative purchasing agreement for the
acquisition of any commodities or services with one or more public
agencies in accordance with an agreement entered into between the
participants. Such cooperative purchasing may include, but is not
limited to, joint or multiparty contracts between public agencies and
open-ended state public procurement contracts.
B. Any local public procurement unit may either participate in,
sponsor, conduct or administer a cooperative or piggybacking
purchasing agreement for the acquisition of any commodities or
services, including construction services, with one (1) or more
public procurement units or external procurement units in accordance
with an agreement entered into between the participants. Such
cooperative purchasing may include, but is not limited to, joint or
multiparty contracts between public procurement units and open-ended
state public procurement unit contracts which are made available to
local public procurement units. Purchases made in accordance with
this subsection by a local public procurement unit shall be required
to satisfy any procurement regulation, including The Central
Purchasing Act, the Public Competitive Bidding Act, the Finance Act,
related administrative rules and federal regulations that may apply
due to the federal source of the funding for the anticipated
C. For purposes of this section, the following definitions
1. "Local public procurement unit" shall mean, inter alia, any
county, city, town, state agency, and any other subdivision of the
state or public unit or agency thereof;
2. "External procurement unit" shall mean any buying
organization in the United States not located in this state which, if
located in this state, would qualify as a public procurement unit;
3. "Cooperative or piggybacking purchasing agreement" shall mean
an agreement between a local public procurement unit and another
local public procurement unit or an external procurement unit to
authorize the use of a contract procured by one of the parties to the
agreement to benefit the other party to the agreement. This term
shall also mean an agreement that provides access to a product or
service that is lower in price than a comparable product or service
that is available through the usage of a statewide, multistate or
multigovernmental contract issued by the state Purchasing Division.
D. Nothing in this section shall supersede the obligation of a
state agency to adhere to rules regarding statewide contracts issued
by the state Purchasing Division. Neither shall any provision of
this section be construed to waive the obligation of a state agency
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 2=
to utilize a mandatory purchasing contract as designated by the State
Purchasing Director.
Added by Laws 2017, c. 252, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2017.
§61-151. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 34, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§61-152. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 34, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§61-153. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 34, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§61-154. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 34, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§61-155. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 34, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§61-156. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 34, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§61-157. Repealed by Laws 2011, c. 34, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2011.
§61-201. Short title – Public Facilities Act.
Sections 202 through 213 of this title shall be known and may be
cited as the "Public Facilities Act".
Added by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 169, eff. Jan. 1, 1984. Amended by
Laws 1986, c. 301, § 20, operative July 1, 1986; Laws 2013, c. 302, §
6, eff. Nov. 1, 2013; Laws 2019, c. 299, § 5, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
§61-202. Definitions.
As used in the Public Facilities Act:
1. "Annual capital plan" means the collective state facility
capital improvements, facility operations and maintenance, rent and
lease payments, facility debt services, water, sewer and energy
utilities and real property transactions approved by the Legislature
in a capital budget relative to state construction, maintenance, and
real estate services;
2. "Capital planning and asset management" means the processes
delegated to the Department of Real Estate Services for real property
data acquisition, data analysis and determination of capital
construction projects and procurement related to real property;
3. "Construction" means the process of planning, acquiring,
designing, building, equipping, altering, repairing, improving,
maintaining, leasing, disposing or demolishing any structure or
appurtenance thereto including facilities, utilities, or other
improvements to any real property but not including highways,
bridges, airports, railroads, tunnels, sewers not related to a
structure or appurtenance thereto, or dams;
4. "Construction administration" means a series of actions
required of the State Facilities Director, of other state agency
employees, or, under a construction administration contract or
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 2>
contract provision, to ensure the full, timely, and proper
performance of all phases of a construction project by all
contractors, suppliers, and other persons having responsibility for
project work and any guarantees or warranties pertaining thereto;
5. "Department" means the Department of Real Estate Services of
the Office of Management and Enterprise Services;
6. "Construction management" means a project delivery method
based on an agreement whereby the owner acquires from a construction
entity a series of services that include, but are not necessarily
limited to, design review, scheduling, cost control, value
engineering, constructability evaluation, preparation and
coordination of bid packages, and construction administration;
"construction management" includes:
a. "agency construction management" whereby the
construction entity provides services to the owner
without taking on financial risks for the execution of
the actual construction or time of performance, and the
owner contracts directly with those awarded trade
contracts for the work, and
b. "at-risk construction management" whereby the
construction entity, after providing agency services
during the pre-construction period:
(1) takes on the financial obligation to timely carry
out construction under a specified cost agreement,
(2) enters into written subcontracts for the work in
accordance with the construction management
procedures for state agencies;
7. "Consultant" means an individual or legal entity possessing
the qualifications to provide licensed architectural, registered
engineering, registered land surveying, certified appraisal, land
title, or abstract services or possessing specialized credentials and
qualifications as may be needed to evaluate, plan or design for any
construction or public work improvement project, or to lease, acquire
or dispose of state-owned real property;
8. "Division" means the Construction and Properties Division of
the Office of Management and Enterprise Services;
9. "Energy performance index or indices" (EPI) means a number
describing the energy requirements at the building boundary of a
structure, per square foot of floor space or per cubic foot of
occupied volume, as appropriate under defined internal and external
ambient conditions over an entire seasonal cycle. As experience
develops on the energy performance achieved with state construction,
the indices (EPI) will serve as a measure of structure performance
with respect to energy consumption;
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 94
10. "Facilities Director" or "SFD" means the State Facilities
Director of the Department of Real Estate Services of the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services;
11. "Life cycle costs" means the cost of owning, operating, and
maintaining the structure over the life of the structure. This may
be expressed as an annual cost for each year of the facility's use;
12. "Office" means the Office of Management and Enterprise
13. "Procurement" means buying, purchasing, renting, leasing,
allocating, trading or otherwise acquiring or disposing of supplies,
services, or construction necessary to evaluate, plan, construct,
manage, operate and preserve real property capital assets;
14. "Public improvement" means any beneficial or valuable change
or addition, betterment, enhancement or amelioration of or upon any
real property, or interest therein, belonging to a state agency and
the State of Oklahoma, intended to enhance its value, beauty or
utility or to adapt it to new or further purposes. The term does not
include the direct purchase of materials used for general repairs and
maintenance to state facilities;
15. "Shared savings financing" means the financing of energy
conservation measures and maintenance services through a private firm
which may own any purchased equipment for the duration of a contract.
Such contract shall specify that the private firm will be recompensed
either out of a negotiated portion of the savings resulting from the
conservation measures and maintenance services provided by the
private firm or, in the case of a cogeneration project, through the
payment of a rate for energy lower than would otherwise have been
paid for the same energy from current sources; and
16. "State agency" means an agency, board, commission, counsel,
court, office, officer, bureau, institution, unit, division, body, or
house of the executive or judicial branches of government of this
state, whether elected or appointed, excluding only political
subdivisions, the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and its
constituent institutions and the Commissioners of the Land Office.
Added by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 170, eff. Jan. 1, 1984. Amended by
Laws 1986, c. 83, § 1; Laws 1986, c. 301, § 21, operative July 1,
1986; Laws 2000, c. 365, § 1, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2001, c.
5, § 33, emerg. eff. March 21, 2001; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 28, eff.
Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 27, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2012,
c. 184, § 1; Laws 2013, c. 15, § 48, emerg. eff. April 8, 2013; Laws
2013, c. 302, § 7, eff. Nov. 1, 2013; Laws 2016, c. 71, § 3; Laws
2019, c. 299, § 6, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
NOTE: Laws 2000, c. 363, § 14 repealed by Laws 2001, c. 5, § 34,
emerg. eff. March 21, 2001. Laws 2012, c. 304, § 318 repealed by
Laws 2013, c. 15, § 49, emerg. eff. April 8, 2013.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 9
§61-202.1. Design-build and at-risk construction management project
delivery methods - Authorization required - Exemptions.
A. The design-build and construction management project delivery
methods shall not be used without the written approval of the
Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services, or the
Director's designee, when those projects are constructed for a state
agency or by an act of the Legislature specifying design-build or at-
risk construction management for a project. In all instances where
the design-build project or at-risk construction management delivery
method is authorized, construction administration shall be performed
by the State Facilities Director, the SFD's designee or designees, or
otherwise by contract or contract provision approved by the Director
of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services for construction
administration by another party.
B. The use of design-build and construction management project
delivery methods shall not interfere or inhibit the opportunity for
subcontractors and trade contractors to openly and freely compete for
subcontracts or trade contracts pursuant to the Public Competitive
Bidding Act of 1974. The State Facilities Director, or designee, or
the construction manager shall make the subcontracting and supply
opportunities publicly known, as follows:
1. Whenever the estimated cost of the contract exceeds Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), public notice shall be given by
publication in a newspaper of general circulation and published in
the county where the work, or the major part of the work, is to be
done. Such notice by publication shall be published in two
consecutive weekly issues of the newspaper, with the first
publication thereof to be at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the
date set for opening bids; and
2. Notice thereof shall be sent to one in-state trade or
construction publication for the publication's use and information
whenever the estimated cost of the contract exceeds Fifty Thousand
Dollars ($50,000.00); provided, however, this section shall not be
construed to require the publication of such notice in such trade or
construction publication or to require the provision of such notice
to more than one in-state trade or construction publication or to any
out-of-state trade or construction publication.
C. Bids shall be publicly opened at the time and place
designated in the public notice. A representative of the State
Facilities Director shall be present at the bid opening.
D. The provisions of subsection A of this section shall not
apply to projects by contract pursuant to an interagency agreement
under Section 581 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes or to projects
a state agency performs solely with the staff of the agency.
E. The Office of Management and Enterprise Services shall,
pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act, promulgate rules to
effect procedures, processes and design-build/construction management
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 93
fee guidelines necessary to the fulfillment of its responsibilities
under this section.
Added by Laws 2000, c. 365, § 2, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000. Amended
by Laws 2003, c. 277, § 1, eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2005, c. 79, § 1,
eff. Nov. 1, 2005; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 28, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws
2012, c. 304, § 319; Laws 2013, c. 302, § 8, eff. Nov. 1, 2013; Laws
2019, c. 299, § 7, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
§61-203. State Facilities Director.
A. There is hereby created within the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services the Department of Real Estate Services.
B. There is hereby created within the Department the position of
State Facilities Director who shall be the chief administrative
officer of the Department and chief official over procurement as
authorized in this act. The State Facilities Director shall be a
registered professional engineer, a licensed architect or an
individual credentialed and experienced in the field of real property
administration who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of
the Director.
C. The State Facilities Director or designee shall have
authority over planning, procurement, contracts, facility management,
property standards, state leasing and real estate brokerage services
as delegated to the Department.
D. The Director shall employ or contract with experts and
consultants as are necessary to perform the duties of the Department.
E. Anywhere the terms "State Construction Administrator" and
"Construction and Properties Division" appear in the Oklahoma
Statutes, they shall have the same meaning as "State Facilities
Director" and "Department of Real Estate Services" respectively.
Added by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 171, eff. Jan. 1, 1984. Amended by
Laws 2000, c. 363, § 15, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2012, c. 304,
§ 320; Laws 2013, c. 302, § 9, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§61-204. Department of Real Estate Services - Planning, review and
A. The Department of Real Estate Services shall:
1. Maintain a comprehensive master plan for utilization and
construction of state buildings, capital improvements, and
utilization of land owned by this state. Requirements of the master
planning process shall include:
a. reporting by each state agency concerning facility
b. data acquisition of condition and performance
benchmarking of state agency facilities,
c. analyses and audits of state agency facilities,
properties and leaseholds to determine critical and
long-range needs,
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 96
d. development of state agency long-range strategic
facility plans,
e. short-range project programming to identify budget
requests for facility capital improvements and asset
management decisions, and
f. an annual capital plan for all state agencies submitted
to the Legislature for line-item appropriation
2. Review and approve all construction plans and specifications
to ensure compliance with good construction practices and space
standards, costs of project, proposed construction timetables, and
agency need for the project;
3. Inspect prior to acceptance and final payment all completed
projects for which the Department issued bid solicitations to ensure
compliance with the plans and specifications of the project;
4. Select and hire consultants and construction managers for
projects as determined or approved by the Department. The Department
shall select, award and execute contracts to consultants and
construction managers that provide services to state agencies subject
to this act;
5. Develop and issue solicitations for award of state agency
contracts for construction services. The Department shall have final
approval authority for contracts and contract documents. Neither the
Department nor any public entity shall, for performance of work that
requires that a contractor be licensed by this state, issue a
solicitation to, or make a contract with, a contractor not licensed
by this state;
6. Review inspections performed by consultants and construction
managers during construction, perform primary inspections when
consultants or construction managers are not used, and final
inspections after completion;
7. Establish standards and policies as required to standardize
facility assessment and benchmarking, facility operations and
maintenance, asset preservation, design and energy standards, space
utilization, material testing, indexes of efficiency, economy, and
8. Monitor indices of facility condition, effectiveness of
operations and maintenance programs, deferred maintenance
prioritization, effectiveness of planning processes, budgeting for
capital needs, application of facility standards as established by
the Department, and performance outcomes of construction projects to
ensure maximum efficiency in the expenditure of state funds for asset
management and preservation of the state’s capital real property;
9. Coordinate, monitor and report on statewide energy
conservation programs delegated to the Office;
10. Provide property leasing and brokerage services delegated to
the Office;
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 92
11. Report fraud or waste in any construction project by written
notification with documentation for the report to the Attorney
General. The Attorney General shall take appropriate action to
protect the interest of the state; and
12. Prequalify as good and sufficient insurance carriers,
bonding companies and surety companies to meet provisions of Sections
1 and 134 of this title. The Director shall promulgate rules to
establish criteria to determine whether a carrier or company is good
and sufficient. The prequalification requirement and process shall
not violate the provisions of Section 135 of this title.
B. When a state agency employs a licensed architect or licensed
engineer as a full-time employee, said licensed employee may conduct
required facility planning, prepare project plans and specifications
and monitor construction work as prescribed by the Department. State
agencies authorized to employ licensed architects and engineers for
the purposes of this section include:
1. The Department of Transportation with respect to highways,
bridges and dams;
2. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and its
constituent institutions;
3. The Military Department of the State of Oklahoma;
4. The Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department; and
5. The Department of Human Services.
C. Not later than December 31, 2012, with the advice of the
State Facilities Director, the Director of the Office of Management
and Enterprise Services shall provide a report containing
recommendations to the Legislature for the streamlining, integration,
and consolidation of state construction, maintenance, and real
property management processes to maximize capital assets and achieve
cost savings to the state. The report shall identify the necessary
planning processes for transitioning from a decentralized capital
budgeting process to a centralized annual capital plan appropriation
process, to be implemented no later than January 1, 2014.
Added by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 172, eff. Jan. 1, 1984. Amended by
Laws 1984, c. 279, § 13, operative July 1, 1984; Laws 1985, c. 294, §
10, emerg. eff. July 24, 1985; Laws 1986, c. 301, § 22, operative
July 1, 1986; Laws 1988, c. 319, § 11, eff. Sept. 30, 1988; Laws
1998, c. 364, § 17, emerg. eff. June 8, 1998; Laws 2000, c. 363, §
16, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 29, eff. Nov. 1,
2002; Laws 2003, c. 277, § 2, eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2006, c. 271, §
29, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2012, c. 184, § 2; Laws 2013, c. 15, §
50, emerg. eff. April 8, 2013; Laws 2013, c. 302, § 10, eff. Nov. 1,
NOTE: Laws 2012, c. 304, § 321 repealed by Laws 2013, c. 15, § 51,
emerg. eff. April 8, 2013.
§61-204.1. Expired.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 99
NOTE: This section, from Laws 2009, c. 273, § 2, expired July 1,
2011. Laws 2009, c. 273, § 5 provides: "Sections 1 and 2 of this
act shall cease to have the force and effect of law on July 1, 2011."
§61-205. Access to records.
Employees of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services
designated by the Director of the Office shall have access to state
agency records that relate to state construction projects. The
Director may authorize review or audit of the records.
Added by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 173, eff. Jan. 1, 1984. Amended by
Laws 2000, c. 363, § 17, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2012, c. 304,
§ 322.
§61-206. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 364, § 38, emerg. eff. June 8,
§61-206.1. Repealed by Laws 1998, c. 364, § 38, emerg. eff. June 8,
§61-207. Repealed by Laws 2000, c. 363, § 24, emerg. eff. June 6,
§61-207.1. Repealed by Laws 2000, c. 363, § 24, emerg. eff. June 6,
§61-207.2. Architects, engineers or land surveyors - Employment.
A. Except as provided by subsection B of this section, no state
agency shall employ, either temporary or full-time, any person
engaged in the practice of architecture, engineering or land
surveying for the purpose of planning or performing any construction
upon any real property belonging to the agency or to the state, or
upon any real property of which this state will assume possession or
ownership by contract, option to purchase agreement, lease, or
otherwise. The term "practice of architecture" shall be defined as
those activities of an architect as provided for in Section 46.3 of
Title 59 of the Oklahoma Statutes. The terms "practice of
engineering" or the "practice of land surveying" shall be defined as
such terms are defined by Section 475.2 of Title 59 of the Oklahoma
B. The provisions of subsection A of this section shall not
apply to:
1. The Department of Human Services;
2. The Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department;
3. The State Department of Health insofar as the monitoring of
permitted health care facility construction for licensing purposes;
4. The Oklahoma Historical Society insofar as the monitoring of
historical site preservation and authenticity;
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 9
5. The Office of Management and Enterprise Services;
6. The State Department of Education and the public schools
subject to its jurisdiction;
7. The Department of Transportation;
8. The Oklahoma State System of Higher Education;
9. The Military Department of the State of Oklahoma;
10. The Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority;
11. The Department of Public Safety gun range;
12. CompSource Oklahoma if CompSource Oklahoma is operating
pursuant to a pilot program authorized by Sections 3316 and 3317 of
Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes; and
13. The University Hospitals Authority and University Hospitals
Added by Laws 1986, c. 301, § 24, operative July 1, 1986. Amended by
Laws 1987, c. 203, § 96, operative July 1, 1987; Laws 1994, c. 283, §
4, eff. Sept. 1, 1994; Laws 2000, c. 363, § 18, emerg. eff. June 6,
2000; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 30, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2005, c. 86, §
1, eff. Nov. 1, 2005; Laws 2008, c. 319, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2008; Laws
2009, c. 454, § 6; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 323; Laws 2019, c. 495, § 9,
eff. Nov. 1, 2019.
NOTE: Editorially renumbered from § 207.1 of this title to avoid
duplication in numbering.
§61-207.3. Repealed by Laws 2000, c. 363, § 24, emerg. eff. June 6,
§61-207.4. Repealed by Laws 2006, c. 271, § 37, eff. July 1, 2006.
§61-208. Approval, negotiation and award of contracts - Costs
exceeding estimated and available funding – Negotiations – Contracts
for managed construction services delivery – Facility management and
A. The Department of Real Estate Services of the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services shall select and award contracts
to construction managers and design consultants pursuant to the
provisions of Section 62 of this title.
B. The negotiation of construction manager and consultant
contracts and fees shall be performed by the Department.
C. The Department shall award and administer construction
contracts for state agencies pursuant to the provisions of the Public
Competitive Bidding Act of 1974.
D. 1. When all bids for a public construction contract exceed
the programmed estimate and available funding, the Department may
enter into negotiations with the lowest responsible bidder for the
purpose of modifying the project scope and reducing the construction
cost, provided that:
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 95
a. the unexpected higher construction costs resulted from
unforeseen economic conditions or otherwise sudden
price volatility in the construction industry,
b. the project was appropriately planned, and cost
estimates were developed using standards of care
acceptable to the Department, and
c. further delay caused by redesigning and rebidding the
project would jeopardize the using agency's mission or
result in the loss of a planned funding source.
2. To request consideration for negotiations pursuant to this
subsection, the using agency, within ten (10) days of the bid opening
date, shall make a written request to the Director of the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services to enter into negotiations
pursuant to paragraph 1 of this subsection. If approved by the
Director, the Department shall consult with the using agency,
consultant and low bidder on methods to reduce the project scope or
other cost-saving measures.
3. If a suitable revised scope and contract amount is agreed
upon by the using agency, low bidder and the SFD, the Department may
award the public construction contract to the low bidder.
4. The Department shall negotiate a fair and reasonable fee with
the project's consultant, if applicable, to make any necessary
revisions to the contract documents. The cost of this additional
consulting work shall be paid from the agency's available funds.
5. Approval and final award of the contract for the construction
negotiated pursuant to this subsection shall occur no later than one
hundred twenty (120) days from the opening bid.
E. The Department of Real Estate Services is authorized to issue
solicitations and award statewide contracts for managed construction
service delivery in order to provide efficient and cost-effective
procurement solutions for public agencies. Statewide contracts may
be either mandatory or nonmandatory as determined by the SFD.
F. The Department of Real Estate Services is authorized to
provide facility management and operations and maintenance services
for any state agency on a cost-recovery basis for any facility
operated by a state agency when:
1. The state agency initiates a request with the SFD; or
2. Beginning on or after July 1, 2016, the SFD determines a
state agency is performing in the bottom ten percent (10%) of all
state agencies with respect to performance measures for facility
management established by the Department.
G. In addition to the exception from this act hereby provided to
the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and its constituent
institutions and the Commissioners of the Land Office, the State
Facilities Director may authorize an exemption to the provisions of
this act to any other state agency provided that the recipient of the
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 9=
1. Adopts standards, processes and procedures for planning,
budgeting, design, facility management, asset management and asset
preservation that are substantially compliant with those as
prescribed by the Department;
2. Adheres to procurement requirements of Sections 62 through 65
of this title and the provisions of this act;
3. Reports benchmark, budget and ongoing performance data
required by the Department; and
4. Participates in annual performance reviews and organized
forums for promoting best practices statewide as determined by the
Added by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 176, eff. Jan. 1, 1984. Amended by
Laws 2000, c. 363, § 19, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2006, c. 271,
§ 30, eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 324; Laws 2013, c. 302,
§ 11, eff. Nov. 1, 2013; Laws 2016, c. 71, § 4.
§61-208.1. Contracting for construction services - Fee.
The Department of Real Estate Services may collect a reasonable
fee for the purpose of providing or contracting for architectural,
engineering, land surveying, planning, real estate and related
services to state agencies and political subdivisions of the state,
and from persons requesting plans and notification of solicitations
issued by the Department. The Department may collect a reasonable
fee for management services. Annual fees to the Department shall be
on a cost-recovery basis and may be calculated as a percentage of
annual construction and real estate services in an amount necessary
to support Department operation as designated in the annual capital
plan. All fees collected in accordance with the provisions of this
section shall be deposited in the "State Construction Revolving Fund"
created in Section 208.2 of this title.
Added by Laws 1986, c. 301, § 26, operative July 1, 1986. Amended by
Laws 2000, c. 363, § 20, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2002, c. 294,
§ 31, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2003, c. 277, § 3, eff. July 1, 2003;
Laws 2012, c. 184, § 3; Laws 2013, c. 15, § 52, emerg. eff. April 8,
2013; Laws 2013, c. 302, § 12, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
NOTE: Laws 2012, c. 304, § 325 repealed by Laws 2013, c. 15, § 53,
emerg. eff. April 8, 2013.
§61-208.2. State Construction Revolving Fund.
There is hereby created in the State Treasury a revolving fund
for the Department of Real Estate Services of the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services, to be designated the "State
Construction Revolving Fund". The fund shall be a continuing fund,
not subject to fiscal year limitations, and shall consist of all
funds appropriated by the Legislature for projects included in the
annual capital plan; funds from nonappropriated sources designated
for projects within a capital plan; allocations from an approved
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 9>
annual capital plan designed for assessment and planning services;
allocations from an approved annual capital plan for emergency
response in accordance with Section 130 of this title; and fees
collected by the Department in accordance with the provisions of this
section or as otherwise provided by law. All monies accruing to the
credit of the fund are hereby appropriated and may be budgeted and
expended by the Department. The fund shall be used to pay expenses
resulting from contracts awarded by the Department and to defray
Department operating costs and expenses the Office incurs to support
Department operations. Expenditures from the fund shall be made upon
warrants issued by the State Treasurer against claims filed as
prescribed by law with the Director of the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services for approval and payment.
Added by Laws 1986, c. 301, § 27, operative July 1, 1986. Amended by
Laws 2002, c. 294, § 32, eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2003, c. 372, § 1,
eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2012, c. 184, § 4; Laws 2013, c. 15, § 54,
emerg. eff. April 8, 2013; Laws 2013, c. 302, § 13, eff. Nov. 1,
NOTE: Laws 2012, c. 304, § 326 repealed by Laws 2013, c. 15, § 55,
emerg. eff. April 8, 2013.
§61-208.3. Exempted entities - Compliance with act.
Nothing in the Public Facilities Act shall be construed to
prevent any state entity exempted from any of the provisions of the
Public Facilities Act from complying with any provisions of the
Public Facilities Act.
Added by Laws 1986, c. 301, § 28, operative July 1, 1986. Amended by
Laws 2013, c. 302, § 14, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§61-209. Rulemaking.
The Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services
shall promulgate rules:
1. For state agencies to perform minor construction projects;
2. Specifying building codes pursuant to the Oklahoma Uniform
Building Code Commission Act for construction projects;
3. Permitting state agencies who have the expertise, upon
written application to the Department of Real Estate Services of the
Office of Management and Enterprise Services, to perform any part of
the responsibilities of the Department pursuant to the provisions of
the Public Facilities Act for a specific project;
4. Specifying procedures and guidelines for the implementation
of shared savings financing by state agencies;
5. Specifying energy conservation performance guidelines, for
conducting a life cycle cost analysis of alternative architectural
and engineering designs and alternative major items of energy-
consuming equipment to be retrofitted in existing state-owned or
leased structures and for developing energy performance indices to
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 4
evaluate the efficiency of energy utilization for completing designs
in the construction of state-financed and leased structures;
6. The time, manner, authentication, and form of making
requisitions to the Department;
7. The form and manner of submission for bids or proposals and
the manner of accepting and opening bids or proposals that may
include online bids pursuant to the Oklahoma Online Bidding Act;
8. The manner for a state agency to acquire services for
construction projects;
9. Conditions under which any of the rules herein authorized may
be waived;
10. The form of any document the Director requires;
11. Specifying provisions a state agency shall follow to adhere
to acquisition, contract, contract management and other provisions of
this title; and
12. Specifying the process a state agency shall follow to
establish the scope of work, schedule and cost estimate for all
publicly bid construction projects involving construction or
renovation of buildings.
Added by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 177, eff. Jan. 1, 1984. Amended by
Laws 1984, c. 279, § 14, operative July 1, 1984; Laws 1985, c. 294, §
11, emerg. eff. July 24, 1985; Laws 1986, c. 83, § 2; Laws 2000, c.
363, § 21, emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2002, c. 294, § 33, eff.
Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2003, c. 277, § 4, eff. July 1, 2003; Laws 2004,
c. 5, § 50, emerg. eff. March 1, 2004; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 31, eff.
July 1, 2006; Laws 2009, c. 439, § 17, emerg. eff. June 2, 2009; Laws
2012, c. 304, § 327; Laws 2013, c. 302, § 15, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
NOTE: Laws 2003, c. 60, § 6 repealed by Laws 2004, c. 5, § 51,
emerg. eff. March 1, 2004.
§61-210. Model shared savings contract.
A. Shared savings contracts shall be developed in accordance
with a model contract developed by the Department of Real Estate
Services of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services. The
model contract shall include:
1. The methodology for calculating baseline energy costs;
2. A procedure for revising these costs should the state
institute additional energy conservation features or structure use
3. A requirement for a performance bond guaranteeing that the
structure will be restored to the original condition in the event of
4. A provision for early buyout;
5. A clause specifying who will be responsible for maintaining
the equipment; and
6. A provision allowing the disposal of equipment at the end of
the contract.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 
No state agency or department shall substantially alter the
provisions described in the model without the permission of the
B. Contracts subject to this section shall be awarded pursuant
to the provisions of subsection A of Section 208 of this title.
Added by Laws 1986, c. 83, § 3. Amended by Laws 2000, c. 363, § 22,
emerg. eff. June 6, 2000; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 328; Laws 2013, c.
302, § 16, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§61-211. Selection of equipment on life cycle cost analysis basis.
On and after July 1, 1987, when any state agency or department
must replace or supplement major items of energy-consuming equipment
in existing state-owned or leased structures or any self-contained
unit of any structure with other major items of energy-consuming
equipment, the selection of such items shall be made on the basis of
a life cycle cost analysis of alternatives in accordance with rules
and regulations promulgated by the Director of the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services.
Added by Laws 1986, c. 83, § 4. Amended by Laws 2002, c. 294, § 34,
eff. Nov. 1, 2002; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 329.
§61-212. Performance-based efficiency contracts - Alternative to
bidding process for certain contracts.
A. For purposes of this section:
1. "Performance-based efficiency contract" means a contract for
the design, development, financing, installation, construction, and
service of any improvement, repair, alteration or betterment of any
public building or facility; or any equipment, fixture or furnishing
to be added to or used in any such building or facility; or any
maintenance or operational strategy that is designed and implemented
that will reduce utility consumption or lower operating costs, and
may include, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:
a. utility services,
b. heating, ventilating or air conditioning system
modifications or replacements and automated control
c. replacement or modifications of lighting fixtures,
d. indoor air quality improvements to increase air quality
that conform to the applicable state or local building
code requirements when done in conjunction with other
cost-saving measures,
e. any additional building infrastructure improvement,
cost saving, life safety or any other improvement that
provides long-term operating cost reductions and is in
compliance with state and local codes, or
f. any facility operation and support programs that reduce
operating cost; and
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 3
2. "Qualified provider" means a person or business experienced
or trained in the design, analysis, construction and/or installation
of energy conservation and facility management measures. A qualified
provider must employ a professional engineer registered in the State
of Oklahoma.
B. In addition to any other legally permissible alternatives of
entering into contracts, the Office of Management and Enterprise
Services Construction and Properties Division may enter into
performance-based efficiency contracts on behalf of all state
agencies with a qualified provider pursuant to the provisions of this
A qualified provider to whom the contract is awarded shall be
required to provide to the Division a sufficient bond for its
faithful performance of the contract. In addition, the Division may
require performance bonds covering the annual amount of guaranteed
savings over the contract term. The Office of Management and
Enterprise Services may enter into an installment contract, lease
purchase agreement or other contractual obligation for the purpose of
financing performance-based efficiency projects for a term not to
exceed twenty (20) years or the useful life of the project.
The qualified provider must guarantee the contract's cost savings
each year during the term of the agreement. The savings must be
sufficient to offset the annual costs of the contract. The contract
shall provide for reimbursement to the state agency undertaking the
project annually for any shortfall of guaranteed savings. Savings
must be measured, verified and documented each year of the term and
may be utilized to meet the annual debt service.
The contracts authorized by this section shall include procedures
for modifying the contract should the Division determine it
This section shall constitute the sole authority necessary to
enter into performance-based efficiency contracts, without regard to
compliance with other laws which may specify additional procedural
requirements for execution of contracts.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 271, § 32, eff. July 1, 2006. Amended by Laws
2012, c. 304, § 330.
§61-213. Public building energy and environmental performance
The purpose of this section is to promote effective energy and
environmental standards for the construction, renovation, and
maintenance of state buildings which will improve the capacity of the
state to design, build, and operate high-performance buildings thus
creating new jobs, contributing to economic growth, and increasing
energy independence. To accomplish the objectives of this section,
the state shall adopt planning and construction standards for state
buildings that:
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 6
1. Conserve energy consumption and optimize the energy
performance of new building construction;
2. Increase the demand for environmentally preferable building
materials, finishes, and furnishings;
3. Reduce the dependence of the state on imported sources of
energy through buildings that conserve energy and utilize local and
renewable energy sources;
4. Protect and restore the natural resources of the state by
avoiding development of inappropriate building sites;
5. Reduce the burden on municipal water supply and treatment by
reducing potable water consumption;
6. Reduce waste generation and manage waste through recycling
and diversion from landfill disposal;
7. Establish life-cycle cost analysis as the appropriate and
most efficient analysis to determine the optimal performance level of
a building project;
8. Ensure that the systems of each building project are
designed, installed, and tested to perform according to the design
intent and operational needs of the building; and
9. Authorize the Office of Management and Enterprise Services to
pursue ENERGY STAR designation from the United States Environmental
Protection Agency to further demonstrate the energy efficiency of a
public building project.
Added by Laws 2008, c. 418, § 1, eff. July 1, 2009. Amended by Laws
2012, c. 304, § 331; Laws 2013, c. 302, § 17, eff. Nov. 1, 2013.
§61-215. Short title - Public Construction Management Act for
Political Subdivisions.
Sections 8 through 10 of this act shall be known and may be cited
as the "Public Construction Management Act for Political
Added by Laws 2019, c. 299, § 8, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
§61-216. Definitions.
A. The Public Construction Management Act for Political
Subdivisions shall apply to political subdivisions of this state.
B. As used in the Public Construction Management Act for
Political Subdivisions:
1. "Agency construction management" means the construction
entity provides services to the owner without taking on financial
risks for the execution of the actual construction and/or time of
performance, and the owner contracts directly with those awarded
trade contracts for the work;
2. "At-risk construction management" means the construction
entity, after providing agency services during the preconstruction
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 2
a. takes on the financial obligation to timely carry out
construction under a specified cost agreement, and
b. enters into written subcontracts for the work in
accordance with the Construction Management Procedures
for Political Subdivisions;
3. "Construction management" means a public construction project
delivery method based on an agreement whereby the owner acquires from
a construction entity a series of services that include, but are not
necessarily limited to, design review, scheduling, cost control,
value engineering, constructability evaluation, preparation and
coordination of bid packages and construction administration.
Construction management includes:
a. agency construction management, and
b. at-risk construction management; and
4. "Political subdivision" or "subdivision" means any local
governmental body formed pursuant to the laws of this state,
including, but not limited to, school districts, vocational education
districts, cities, counties, public trusts, public authorities,
commissions or other local governmental bodies exercising their
authority to contract for public construction delivery services. The
term also applies to quasi-governmental and nongovernmental
organizations delivering construction services using public funds or
on behalf of a political subdivision.
Added by Laws 2019, c. 299, § 9, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
§61-217. Construction managers – Written contract required –
Procedure for awarding work.
A. Construction managers shall be selected by the political
subdivision following the requirements set forth in subsection K of
Section 62 of Title 61 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
B. A written contract between the political subdivision and the
construction manager shall set forth the obligations of the parties,
which, at a minimum, shall include the construction manager's scope
of services, fees and expenses, as follows:
1. A construction management fee, which may be based on a
percentage of the construction cost or as defined in the contract;
2. The cost or basis of cost expenses incurred by the
construction manager to be reimbursed by the subdivision for normal
general conditions and general requirements necessary for the work
but not applicable to a particular subcontractor, trade contractor or
supplier; and
3. Other project-related expenses as set forth in the contract.
C. The procedures for awarding work under agency construction
management are as follows:
1. The construction manager, with the advice of the design
consultant and subdivision, will develop individual bid packages for
public bidding;
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 9
2. Public bidding on individual bid packages will comply with
the requirements of the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974;
3. The construction manager shall evaluate all bids and
recommend the lowest responsible bidder to the subdivision, who shall
accept or reject the bids. The construction manager may assist the
subdivision with the preparation of contracts and the receipt of
insurance and bonds as required for public construction contracts by
state law;
4. After trade contracts are awarded, the construction manager
will perform contract administrative services as set forth in the
agreement and may assist the subdivision with the review and
processing of progress and final payments to the subcontractors.
However, under no circumstances shall construction managers receive
funds from subdivisions for payments of trade contractors;
5. The owner shall pay all trade contractors as required by the
Fair Pay for Construction Act; and
6. Contracts awarded under an agency construction management
delivery system shall not be modified such to permit the assignment
of subcontracts and/or trade packages to the construction manager.
D. The procedures for awarding work under at-risk construction
management are as follows:
1. The construction manager, with the advice of the design
consultant and subdivision, will develop individual bid packages for
public bidding;
2. Whenever the estimated cost of the contract exceeds Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00), bid packages shall be let and awarded
pursuant to the Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 and this
3. Bid packages with a value less than or equal to Fifty
Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) may be awarded by the political
subdivision based on written comparative quotes. Bid packages with a
value less than or equal to Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00)
may be awarded by the political subdivision to any qualified vendor;
4. Once the bids are accepted by the construction manager and
awards made by the subdivision and the subdivision indicates its
bonding preference, as noted below, but before written agreements are
executed, the construction manager will prepare a guaranteed maximum
price (GMP) for the project or relevant portion of the work, as an
amendment to the contract. After the subdivision approves the
construction manager's GMP amendment, the construction manager shall
enter into written subcontractor and supplier agreements for the work
previously awarded by the subdivision. Upon receiving a notice to
proceed with the work from the subdivision or its designee, the
subdivision shall have the option, but not mandate, to require the
construction manager to provide performance, payment and maintenance
bonds, or any combination, in an amount equal to one hundred percent
(100%) of the value of the work, excluding the construction manager's
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 
fee, general conditions, reimbursements and insurances. "Payment
bond", "performance bond" and "maintenance bond", as used herein,
mean and refer to those bonds as defined in the Public Competitive
Bidding Act of 1974;
5. The construction manager may require bonds from
subcontractors or suppliers in an amount equal to one hundred percent
(100%) of the value of their bid packages for subcontractors or
suppliers not subject to bonding requirements of the Public
Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. In such cases, the bonding
requirements shall be set forth in the bidding documents;
6. The construction manager's work performed under this section
may be on a lump-sum basis and subject to the change order
limitations for a public construction contract as set forth in the
Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 or may be performed under a
cost-plus basis as determined by the subdivision;
7. The subdivision may withhold retainage from the construction
manager's progress pay applications as set forth in the Public
Competitive Bidding Act of 1974. The owner shall pay the
construction manager as required by the Fair Pay for Construction
Act; and
8. If a construction manager at-risk wishes to self-perform
portions of the work to be performed, it may do so, provided the
construction manager at-risk competitively bids the work under the
same terms and conditions as the other bidders and the construction
manager at-risk is the lowest responsible bidder for the work scope
on which the bid was submitted.
E. When bids for a public construction project have been
received from general contractors pursuant to the Public Competitive
Bidding Act of 1974 and the lowest responsible bid is within the
subdivision's available funding, the subdivision shall not reject all
bids and subsequently award the project to a construction manager.
Added by Laws 2019, c. 299, § 10, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
§61-220. Repealed by Laws 2019, c. 299, § 11, eff. Jan. 1, 2020.
§61-221. Short title.
This act shall be known and may be cited as the “Fair Pay for
Construction Act”.
Added by Laws 2004, c. 256, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 2004. Renumbered from
Title 15, § 621 by Laws 2005, c. 92, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2005.
§61-222. Definitions.
As used in the Fair Pay for Construction Act:
1. “Construction contract” means a written contract or
subcontract awarded by an owner or contracting entity for the purpose
of making any public improvements or constructing any public building
or making repairs to or performing maintenance on the same;
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 5
2. “Material supplier” means any entity that supplies materials,
services, or equipment to be used in conjunction with the performance
of work on a construction contract;
3. “Prime contractor” means any entity that has a direct
contract with an owner to perform work under a construction contract;
4. “Owner” means any state government entity, municipality,
township, public trust or an instrumentality of a state government
entity, municipality, township or public trust in this state, or any
entity designated by the owner to act on the owner’s behalf, that
requests work to be performed by a contractor under a construction
5. “Proper invoice” means a request for payment or partial
payment based on work performed on a construction contract;
6. “Retainage” means the difference between a gross proper
invoice amount on a construction contract and the amount paid on said
7. “Subcontractor” means any entity that has a direct contract
with a prime contractor to perform a portion of the work under a
construction contract; and
8. “Sub-subcontractor” means any entity that has a direct
contract with another subcontractor to perform a portion of the work
under a construction contract.
Added by Laws 2004, c. 256, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2004. Amended by Laws
2004, c. 425, § 2, eff. July 1, 2004; Laws 2005, c. 92, § 1, eff.
Nov. 1, 2005. Renumbered from Title 15, § 622 by Laws 2005, c. 92, §
6, eff. Nov. 1, 2005.
§61-223. Construction contracts - Progress payments - Reduction.
A. On all construction contracts exceeding Twenty-five Thousand
Dollars ($25,000.00) in value an owner shall make progress payments
to the prime contractor for work performed and materials properly
stored, within thirty (30) calendar days after a proper invoice is
submitted to the owner or a representative designated by the owner.
B. An owner or entity designated by the owner, may not reduce a
proper invoice of a prime contractor without detailing and forwarding
to the prime contractor, within fourteen (14) calendar days of
receipt of the proper invoice, the reasons for reduction. The
reduction may not be more than an amount that is reasonable to
correct the work, as set forth in writing.
C. If a contracting entity has had their proper invoice reduced
by another entity all other affected entities having a construction
contract with the contracting entity shall be notified within seven
(7) calendar days. Except as affected by a prior reduction, a prime
contractor or subcontractor may not reduce the proper invoice of
another subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, or material supplier
without detailing and forwarding to the subcontractor, sub-
subcontractor, or material supplier, within seven (7) calendar days
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; =
of receipt of the proper invoice, the reasons for reduction. A prime
contractor, subcontractor, or sub-subcontractor may also reduce a
payment of a contracted party from a previous proper invoice. Any
such reductions may not be more than an amount that is reasonable to
correct the reasons for reduction, as set forth in writing. Any
prime contractor, subcontractor or sub-subcontractor may be exempt
from notification if the reduction is less than one percent (1%) of
its net proper invoice or is due to mathematical errors.
Added by Laws 2004, c. 256, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 2004. Amended by Laws
2004, c. 425, § 3, eff. July 1, 2004; Laws 2005, c. 92, § 2, eff.
Nov. 1, 2005. Renumbered from Title 15, § 623 by Laws 2005, c. 92, §
6, eff. Nov. 1, 2005.
§61-224. Payment of subcontractor or sub-contractor or supplier -
Time limit.
A. If a subcontractor or material supplier has performed in
accordance with the provisions of a construction contract, the prime
contractor shall make payment to the subcontractor or material
supplier no later than ten (10) calendar days after the prime
contractor receives its corresponding payment for the work performed.
B. If a sub-subcontractor or material supplier has performed in
accordance with the provisions of a construction contract, the sub-
subcontractor or material supplier shall be entitled to receive
payment no later than seven (7) calendar days after subcontractor
receives its corresponding payment for the work performed.
Added by Laws 2004, c. 256, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2004. Renumbered from
Title 15, § 624 by Laws 2005, c. 92, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2005.
§61-225. Suspension or termination of construction contract -
A. Any prime contractor that performs work under a construction
contract may suspend performance of the work or may terminate a
construction contract if the prime contractor is not properly paid
within forty-nine (49) calendar days of the date that the
corresponding proper invoice is submitted. Written notice must be
received by the owner at least seven (7) calendar days before any
such intended suspension or termination.
B. A prime contractor or any entity that suspends performance
due to the suspension of a prime contractor, is not required to
furnish further performance until such entity is paid for the full
amount, less retainage, of work performed, material supplied, or
services rendered, together with any costs incurred for
demobilization, mobilization and other costs attributable to delay of
the work resulting from the shutdown and start-up of a project.
C. Any entity that suspends performance of the work or
terminates a construction contract for nonpayment under this act
shall not be held in breach of the construction contract.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; >
D. If the owner delays in making payments to the prime
contractor, any agreed-upon schedule or completion date and their
resulting penalties, damages, bonuses, or rewards shall be extended
by the same amount of calendar days that payments were late.
E. If a payment to a prime contractor is received later than as
specified in this act, that prime contractor shall be entitled to
receive interest pursuant to Section 41.4b of Title 62 of the
Oklahoma Statutes. If the prime contractor has already paid a
subcontractor, then no interest is due and owing to the
subcontractor. If interest is paid to a prime contractor as provided
herein, then any subsequent timely payment made to a subcontractor
shall bear interest at the same rate paid to the prime contractor.
If a prime contractor fails to timely pay a subcontractor, such
payment to a subcontractor shall bear interest at the rate of one and
one-half percent (1 1/2%) per month.
Added by Laws 2004, c. 256, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2004. Amended by Laws
2004, c. 425, § 4, eff. July 1, 2004; Laws 2005, c. 92, § 3, eff.
Nov. 1, 2005. Renumbered from Title 15, § 625 by Laws 2005, c. 92, §
6, eff. Nov. 1, 2005.
§61-226. Retainage of portion of payment due - Release.
A. A construction contract may include a provision for the
retainage of a portion of payment due. Such retainage is not to
exceed five percent (5%) of the amount of the payment due. If a
construction contract is subject to a bond pursuant to this title and
when the work of the contractor has been determined by the holder to
be at least fifty percent (50%) complete, and with respect to the
balance of the work to be performed by the contractor, the retainage
amount shall be two and one-half percent (2.5%).
B. A subcontract shall include a provision for the retainage of
a portion of payment due. Such retainage shall not exceed five
percent (5%) of the amount of the payment due. If a construction
subcontract is subject to a bond pursuant to this title and when the
work of the subcontractor has been determined by the holder to be at
least fifty percent (50%) complete, and with respect to the balance
of the work to be performed by the subcontractor, the retainage
amount shall be two and one-half percent (2.5%).
C. No later than twenty-one (21) calendar days after a
certificate of substantial completion is issued for the project or
separate usable phase of the project and upon adequate performance of
the prime contractor and with approval of any applicable surety,
retainage shall be released by the owner to the prime contractor less
an amount no greater than one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the
estimated costs to correct any incomplete or defective work as
identified, itemized, and attached to the certificate of substantial
completion. All remaining funds shall be released as each deficiency
is satisfactorily completed. The prime contractor shall release
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 54
within ten (10) calendar days of receipt the share of those funds
that have been withheld from other entities. All other entities
shall release within seven (7) calendar days of receipt the share of
those funds that have been withheld from other entities.
Added by Laws 2004, c. 256, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2004. Amended by Laws
2005, c. 92, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 2005. Renumbered from § 626 of Title
15 by Laws 2005, c. 92, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2005. Amended by Laws
2010, c. 207, § 1, emerg. eff. May 5, 2010; Laws 2019, c. 456, § 1,
eff. Nov. 1, 2019.
§61-227. Application of act - Void and unenforceable provisions,
covenant, clauses or understandings.
A. 1. This act shall not apply to:
a. highway construction,
b. railroad construction, or
c. turnpike construction.
2. Except as the following may be a portion of a construction
contract as defined in Section 2 of this act, this act shall not
apply to:
a. roads,
b. bridges,
c. utilities,
d. traffic control,
e. drainage construction,
f. sanitary sewer construction, or
g. waterline construction.
3. This act shall not apply to any contract relating to a
single-, two-, three-, or four-family dwelling.
B. The following are against the public policy of this state and
are void and unenforceable:
1. A provision, covenant, clause or understanding in, collateral
to or affecting a construction contract that makes the contract
subject to the laws of another state or that requires any litigation,
arbitration or other dispute resolution proceeding arising from the
contract to be conducted in another state; and
2. A provision, covenant, clause or understanding in, collateral
to or affecting a construction contract that disallows or alters the
rights of any prime contractor, subcontractor, sub-subcontractor, or
material supplier to receive and enforce any and all rights under
this act.
Added by Laws 2004, c. 256, § 7, eff. Nov. 1, 2004. Amended by Laws
2005, c. 92, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2005. Renumbered from Title 15, § 627
by Laws 2005, c. 92, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2005.
§61-306. Property purchased from specific appropriations - Transfer
to another department or institution.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 5
In order that state property now located in one department or
institution, which has been purchased out of an appropriation,
specifically set up for such department or institution, which is not
needed by such department or institution and is needed in other
divisions of government, the Office of Management and Enterprise
Services is hereby authorized to cause the transfer of such property
to any department or institution in need of such excess property.
Added by Laws 1935, p. 23, § 1, emerg. eff. Feb. 28, 1935. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 119, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2012, c. 304, §
796. Renumbered from § 96 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 18,
eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-307. Property conveyed for public college or university –
Implementation of transfer to designated board of regents -
Limitations in deed.
A. Any property, real or personal, conveyed to the State of
Oklahoma for the purpose of establishing or for the use and benefit
of any public college or university in the State of Oklahoma, shall
upon a request submitted to the Office of Management and Enterprise
Services by the college or university which is the beneficiary of
such conveyance, be conveyed to the board of regents of such college
or university following a determination by the Office of Management
and Enterprise Services, in its sole discretion, that such property
has been and continues to be used for the benefit of such college or
B. The Office of Management and Enterprise Services is
designated to act on behalf of the State of Oklahoma to implement a
transfer from the State of Oklahoma to the designated board of
regents of any property described in subsection A of this section.
C. A recital by the Office of Management and Enterprise Services
in any deed (i) that said deed is executed pursuant to this section
or (ii) that the original purpose of the conveyance to the State of
Oklahoma was for establishing or for the use and benefit of the
college or university grantee and that the property continues to be
used for the benefit of the college or university grantee shall
create a conclusive presumption as to the facts contained in said
Added by Laws 2004, c. 398, § 1. Amended by Laws 2012, c. 304, §
797. Renumbered from § 96.1 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 19,
eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-308. Oil or gas lease of lands of penal or eleemosynary
The Office of Management and Enterprise Services is hereby
authorized to lease for drilling and development of oil or gas, or
both, any of the lands belonging to the state, on which are located
penal or eleemosynary institutions, or are connected with or a part
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 53
of the lands of such institution. Such leasing to be made by public
competition after not less than fifteen (15) days' notice by
publication in two newspapers authorized by law to publish legal
notices, one of which newspapers shall be published at the State
Capital, and the other in the county where the land is situated, and
in such manner as said Office of Management and Enterprise Services
may by rule prescribe. All such leasing must be on sealed bids and
awarded to the highest responsible bidder, and for a term of not to
exceed five (5) years from date and as long thereafter as oil and
gas, or either of them, is produced in paying quantities from the
land by the lessee, provided the Office may reject any and all bids.
The oil and gas interest in such land hereby authorized to be leased,
is to the extent and in the manner that a private owner of lands in
fee, may in his own right, execute such lease or grant.
Added by Laws 1917, c. 223, p. 407, § 1, emerg. eff. March 23, 1917.
Amended by Laws 1969, c. 312, § 1; Laws 1983, c. 304, § 120, eff.
July 1, 1983; Laws 1992, c. 250, § 7, eff. July 1, 1992; Laws 2012,
c. 304, § 798; Laws 2013, c. 209, § 4, eff. July 1, 2013. Renumbered
from § 97 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 20, eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-309. Oil, gas and mineral leases upon state lands - Drilling
contracts - Notice - Disposition of royalties, bonuses or rentals.
A. The Office of Management and Enterprise Services is hereby
authorized and empowered to offer for sale and sell and execute and
deliver oil and gas or mineral leases upon the lands described in
Section 1 of Title 73 under the control of said Office of Management
and Enterprise Services. The Office of Management and Enterprise
Services is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into contracts
with persons or corporations for the drilling of oil and gas wells on
any such property owned by the state. No such lease or drilling
contract shall be entered into by said Office of Management and
Enterprise Services which provides for the payment of a royalty to
the State of Oklahoma of less than one-eighth (1/8) of all of the
oil, gas, or casinghead gas produced, saved, and sold from said
lands, plus cash bonus, of the royalty in said leases. Such Office
shall give notice of its intention to offer for sale said lease or
drilling contract by advertising said fact for a period of at least
twenty-one (21) days in a legal newspaper published and of general
circulation in the county where said lands are located. The Office
shall award such lease, leases, or drilling contracts to the highest
and best bidder. All bidding shall be by sealed written bids filed
with said Office of Management and Enterprise Services.
B. The monies received as royalties, bonuses, or rentals by the
Office of Management and Enterprise Services for the use and benefit
of this state not paid by said Office of Management and Enterprise
Services to the Treasurer shall be credited into the General Revenue
Fund. All royalties, bonuses, and rentals accruing to the state from
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 56
any contracts or leases executed pursuant to the provisions of
subsection A of this section and all other monies received from the
sale of any such leases, bonuses, and royalties or other contracts
made by said Office of Management and Enterprise Services shall be
credited to the Public Building Fund of the State of Oklahoma.
Added by Laws 1935, p. 22, § 1, emerg. eff. May 13, 1935. Amended by
Laws 1936, Ex. Sess., p. 22, § 1, emerg. eff. Jan. 6, 1937; Laws
1937, p. 86, § 1, emerg. eff. May 14, 1937; Laws 1983, c. 304, § 121,
eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 799. Renumbered from § 98 of
Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 21, eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-310. Oil and gas leases upon described state-owned lands.
The Office of Management and Enterprise Services is hereby
authorized and empowered to advertise, sell, and execute an oil and
gas lease or leases upon the following described state-owned lands
constituting a portion of the State Capitol grounds:
Beginning at a point One Hundred Fifty-two and Seventy-seven One-
hundredths (152.77) feet east of the Southwest Corner of the
Northeast One-quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Twenty-seven (27), Township
Twelve (12) North, Range Three (3) West. Thence North Four (4)
Degrees Thirty-one (31) Minutes East, Twelve Hundred Eight and Fifty-
five One-hundredths (1,208.55) feet. Thence West Four Hundred
Ninety-six (496.0) feet. Thence South Four (4) Degrees Thirty-one
(31) Minutes East, Twelve Hundred Eight and Fifty-five One-hundredths
(1,208.55) feet. Thence East Three Hundred Five and Fifty-four One-
hundredths (305.54) feet to the place of beginning, containing Eleven
and Eight One-hundredths (11.08) acres, more or less, situated in
Oklahoma County, Oklahoma.
In advertising, selling, and executing such lease or leases, such
Office shall follow the provisions and requirements of Section 309 of
this title. The Office may provide for the consolidation of such
lease or leases with a lease or leases upon other lands under such
terms as such Office may determine.
Added by Laws 1937, p. 26, § 1, emerg. eff. Jan. 22, 1937. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 122, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2012, c. 304, §
800. Renumbered from § 99 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 22,
eff. July 1, 2013. Amended by Laws 2014, c. 286, § 2, eff. Nov. 1,
§61-311. Jurisdiction over lands covered by lease.
The lands described in Section One of this act shall be under the
exclusive control and jurisdiction of the State of Oklahoma and the
zoning and drilling regulations of any municipality of this state
shall not apply thereto.
Added by Laws 1937, p. 26, § 3, emerg. eff. Jan. 22, 1937.
Renumbered from § 101 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 23, eff.
July 1, 2013.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 52
§61-312. Partial invalidity.
If any section, paragraph, sentence or phrase of this act shall
be declared unconstitutional or void for any reason by any court of
final jurisdiction, such decision shall not in any way invalidate or
affect any other section, paragraph, sentence or phrase of this act
but the same shall continue in full force and effect.
Added by Laws 1937, p. 26, § 4, emerg. eff. Jan. 22, 1937.
Renumbered from § 102 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 24, eff.
July 1, 2013.
§61-313. Development for oil and gas purposes of certain state-owned
lands in Oklahoma City authorized - Agreements.
The Office of Management and Enterprise Services is authorized to
provide for the development for oil and gas purposes of the following
described property:
All of the-state owned lands not now leased for oil and gas
mining purposes within a radius of five hundred (500) yards of a
point on the half-section line running north and south between the
northeast fourth and northwest fourth of Section twenty-seven (27),
Township Twelve (12) North, Range three (3) West of the Indian
Meridian, and the center of Twenty-second (22) Street in Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, extended east from the right-of-way of the Atchison,
Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Company.
The development of such property shall be by means of a well, or
wells, located on adjacent state-owned lands. The Office of
Management and Enterprise Services is authorized to enter into an
agreement, or agreements, with the owner of the oil and gas lease, or
leases, on adjacent state-owned lands, consolidating said tract with
said adjacent state-owned lands or some part thereof for oil and gas
development, upon such terms and conditions, and for such
consideration as the Office of Management and Enterprise Services may
prescribe. There shall be reserved to the state a royalty of not
less than one fourth (1/4) of the oil and gas, or the proceeds
thereof, that may be produced from the property first described. All
development of the property first described for oil and gas purposes
shall be by means of a well, or wells, located on the surface of said
adjacent land but which may be directionally drilled and bottomed on
and underneath the property first described.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 441, § 1. Amended by Laws 1983, c. 304, §
123, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 801. Renumbered from §
103 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 25, eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-314. Use of other state-owned lands by lessees.
The Office of Management and Enterprise Services may authorize
the use by the oil and gas lessees of the state-owned land that lies
west of the north portion of Lincoln Terrace Addition to Oklahoma
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 59
City, Oklahoma, and known as the State Historical Site, or such part
thereof as may be necessary, as a base for the drilling, operating,
and producing of a well to be directionally drilled and bottomed
under some part of Lincoln Terrace Addition to Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, together with the right to drill such well through so much
of said state-owned land as such lessees shall deem necessary to
cause the bottom of the well to be located in or under said Lincoln
Terrace Addition, on such terms and conditions and for such
consideration as the Office of Management and Enterprise Services may
prescribe. Any such well drilled shall not be deemed to be a well
drilled upon said Historical Site within the meaning and provisions
of the oil and gas lease covering same.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 441, § 2. Amended by Laws 1983, c. 304, §
124, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 802. Renumbered from §
104 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 26, eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-315. Exclusive control and jurisdiction of state.
The state-owned lands described in Section 1 and 2 of this act
shall be under the exclusive control and jurisdiction of the State of
Oklahoma and the zoning and drilling regulations of any municipality
of this state shall not apply thereto or to any of the wells
mentioned in this act.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 442, § 3. Renumbered from § 105 of Title 74
by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 27, eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-316. Payment of proceeds into General Revenue Fund.
All proceeds derived from any royalty under such leases or any
bonus received from the sale of such leases, shall be paid into the
General Revenue Fund of the state but this section shall not be a
part of any contract with any lessee hereunder.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 442, § 4. Renumbered from § 106 of Title 74
by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 28, eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-317. Oil and gas or mineral leases of state lands other than
Capitol lands and parkways.
The Office of Management and Enterprise Services is hereby
authorized and empowered to sell and execute oil and gas leases, and
other mining leases, on any of the lands of this state under the
control of said Office of Management and Enterprise Services. Sale
of Oklahoma State Capitol lands or parkways or the Executive Mansion
lands shall be made upon a basis of a retained royalty of not less
than one-eighth (1/8) of all the oil, gas, and other minerals
produced therefrom, and such additional cash bonus as may be
procured. Such leases shall contain a provision that in the event of
the discovery of natural gas, gas shall be furnished free of charge
to any state institution located or hereafter located upon the lands
covered by said lease, or leases. Said leases shall be sold only
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 5
after advertisement for a period of three (3) weeks in a legal
newspaper published and of general circulation in the county in which
said lands are located. The sale shall be made to the highest and
best bidder, and all bids for any tract shall be presented to the
Office of Management and Enterprise Services in sealed envelopes, and
shall all be opened and considered at the same time. Said Office of
Management and Enterprise Services shall have the right to reject any
and all of said bids and again readvertise said lease, or leases, for
The Office of Management and Enterprise Services is further
authorized to make and promulgate such additional rules and
regulations as he may deem necessary and for the best interest of the
state in facilitating the sale of said leases. The Director may
contract with other state agencies to implement the provisions of
this section and any expenses charged under such contract may be paid
from the proceeds of the lease.
All monies derived from the sale of any and all of said leases,
and from any royalties subsequently accruing, after deduction of the
amount required to pay necessary and actual expenses of developing
the lease, shall be paid into the State Treasury and credited to the
General Revenue Fund of the state.
Added by Laws 1941, p. 440, § 1. Amended by Laws 1943, p. 236, § 1;
Laws 1983, c. 304, § 125, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 1995, c. 342, § 8,
emerg. eff. June 9, 1995; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 803. Renumbered from
§ 107 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 29, eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-318. Lease of property formerly occupied by Russell Girls Home.
The Office of Management and Enterprise Services is hereby
authorized to lease the surface of a tract of land consisting of
about ten (10) acres located in Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, formerly
occupied and used by the state for the Russell Girls Home. Said
lease shall be only for temporary periods of time, and shall contain
a provision authorizing termination of such lease whenever the needs
of state require said land. Said lease to be for a period not to
exceed five (5) years with provisions for renewal thereof at the
authorization of the said Office of Management and Enterprise
Services, and to be upon such terms and consideration as the Office
of Management and Enterprise Services deems adequate and proper.
Added by Laws 1945, p. 379, § 1, emerg. eff. May 5, 1945. Amended by
Laws 1983, c. 304, § 126, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2012, c. 304, §
804. Renumbered from § 108.1 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 30,
eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-319. Purpose or use for which leased.
Such leases shall not be granted for a purpose or use that would
interfere with or restrict in any manner the use to which other lands
of the state are being used.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 55
Added by Laws 1945, p. 379, § 3, emerg. eff. May 5, 1945. Renumbered
from § 108.3 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 31, eff. July 1,
§61-320. Repealed by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 47, eff. July 1, 2013.
NOTE: Renumbered from § 109.1 of Title 74 in same act, by Laws 2013,
c. 209, § 32, eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-321. Investigation - Opinion of Attorney General - Filing.
Upon receiving any such application for release of an option to
purchase, the Office of Management and Enterprise Services shall make
a thorough investigation for the purpose of determining whether the
state has, or claims, any present interest in such land by reason of
such option contract. If after such investigation said Office
determines that the state has no present interest in such land, a
release and disclaimer shall be executed by said Office. In case of
doubt, the Office shall submit the option and all relevant facts to
the Attorney General for his opinion as to the interest of the state
in said land. Any release and disclaimer executed by the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services shall be filed for record in the
office of the county clerk of the county where the land is located
without charge.
Added by Laws 1947, p. 587, § 2, emerg. eff. April 29, 1947. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 128, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2012, c. 304, §
806. Renumbered from § 109.2 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 33,
eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-322. Easement and right-of-way grants - Exemptions.
A. The Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise
Services is hereby authorized to grant easements, rights-of-way, and
enter into contracts authorizing the construction and maintenance of
telephone, electric transmission and distribution lines, railroad
lines, telegraph lines, and pipelines across any state lands under
the management of said Director, and all lands set apart for the use
and benefit of any state agency, department, or institution including
all lands set apart for use of colleges, universities, hospitals, and
eleemosynary institutions. Said easements and rights-of-way grants
shall be for a period not to exceed twenty (20) years and shall
provide for such considerations, terms, and conditions including
privileges and conditions of renewal, as the Director of the Office
of Management and Enterprise Services may determine advisable for the
best interests of the state institutions in possession thereof.
B. The Commissioners of the Land Office, the Oklahoma Ordnance
Works Authority, the Midwestern Oklahoma Development Authority, the
Oklahoma Department of Transportation, the Oklahoma Turnpike
Authority, the Northeast Oklahoma Public Facilities Authority and the
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 5=
Department of Wildlife Conservation and their lands shall be exempt
from the application of this section.
Added by Laws 1947, p. 587, § 1. Amended by Laws 1951, p. 249, § 1;
Laws 1983, c. 304, § 137, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 1985, H.J.R. No.
1039, p. 1682, § 4, eff. Nov. 1, 1985; Laws 1986, c. 245, § 8, emerg.
eff. June 12, 1986; Laws 1997, c. 292, § 6, eff. July 1, 1997; Laws
1998, c. 203, § 7, emerg. eff. May 11, 1998; Laws 2012, c. 304, §
814. Renumbered from § 126.1 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 34,
eff. July 1, 2013. Amended by Laws 2014, c. 286, § 3, eff. Nov. 1,
2014; Laws 2016, c. 336, § 1.
§61-323. Leases - Exemptions.
A. The Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise
Services is hereby authorized to lease for a temporary period of time
the surface of any of the lands belonging to the state described in
Section 322 of this title, which are not needed or required for the
proper maintenance of the institutions or departments in possession
B. Except as otherwise provided by Section 6201 of Title 74 of
the Oklahoma Statutes, leases shall be for a period of time not
exceeding five (5) years and upon such other terms and conditions as
the Director may determine to be in the best interests of the state.
C. Except as otherwise provided by Section 6201 of Title 74 of
the Oklahoma Statutes, leases shall provide for a termination of the
lease upon reasonable notice in writing whenever the needs of the
state or the institution in possession thereof requires the land.
D. The Director may also execute lease contracts for the lands
to any institution or agency or department, commission, or municipal
subdivision that requires the need of the land in conjunction with
cooperation or participation in any city or state project authorized
by law, if contracts or agreements will not interfere with or
restrict in any manner, the proper use of the lands by the state
institution in possession thereof.
E. The Commissioners of the Land Office, the Oklahoma Ordnance
Works Authority, the Midwestern Oklahoma Development Authority, the
Oklahoma Department of Transportation, the Oklahoma Turnpike
Authority and the Northeast Oklahoma Public Facilities Authority and
their lands shall be exempt from the application of this section.
F. Lands leased to private prison contractors pursuant to
Section 561 of Title 57 of the Oklahoma Statutes shall be exempt from
the application of this section.
Added by Laws 1947, p. 588, § 2. Amended by Laws 1983, c. 304, §
138, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 1985, H.J.R. No. 1039, p. 1682, § 5,
eff. Nov. 1, 1985; Laws 1986, c. 245, § 9, emerg. eff. June 12, 1986;
Laws 1987, c. 80, § 12, operative July 1, 1987; Laws 1992, c. 250, §
8, eff. July 1, 1992; Laws 1997, c. 292, § 7, eff. July 1, 1997; Laws
1998, c. 203, § 8, emerg. eff. May 11, 1998; Laws 2013, c. 209, § 5,
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; 5>
eff. July 1, 2013. Renumbered from § 126.2 of Title 74 by Laws 2013,
c. 209, § 35, eff. July 1, 2013. Amended by Laws 2014, c. 286, § 4,
eff. Nov. 1, 2014.
§61-324. Director to take charge, manage and lease.
The Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services
is authorized and directed to take charge of, manage, and lease
"Capitol Building Lands", described as follows:
Lots 31 and 32, Ethel Park Addition to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
known as Tract No. 23, being a part of Section 23 - Twp. 12N - R - 3
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and lots 45, 46, 47, and 48 in Block 6, Ethel
Park Addition to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, known as Tract No. 24,
being a part of Section 23 - Twp. 12 N - R - 3 West.
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, and 48, Block 1,
Ethel Park Addition to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, known as Tract No.
25, being a part of Section 23 Twp. 12 N - R - 3 West.
Lots 30 and 31, Woody Crest Addition to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
known as Tract No. 39, being a part of Section 22 - Twp. 12N - R - 3
Lots 11 and 12, Stevens Hamill Addition to Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, known as Tract No. 19, being a part of Section 26 Twp. 12N
- R - 3 West.
Lots 11 and 12, Block 3, Northeast Highland Addition to Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, known as Tract No. 40, being a part of Section 23 -
Twp. 12N - R - 3 West.
Lots 35, 36, 37, and 38 Northeast Highland Addition to Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma, known as Tract No. 44, being a part of Section 22 -
Twp. 12N - R - 3 West.
Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10, Block 1, Donley Heights, a subdivision of
Blocks 19 and 20, Barrows Second Addition to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Lots 31 and 32, Block 4, of the subdivision of Lots 9 and 10, and 23
and 24 of Barrows First and Second Additions to Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma. Lots 11 and 12, Block 3, Northeast Highland Addition,
being a part of Blocks 25 and 26, Barrows Second Addition to Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma. All of the above lots in Barrows Addition being
known as Tract No. 41.
A tract of land 48' x 128' facing NE 38th Street and located
between Lindsay Avenue and First Street west known as Tract No. 29.
Lots 9 and 10, Block 2, Stevens Hamill Addition to Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, known as Tract No. 18, being a part of Section 26 - Twp. 12
N - R - 3 West.
Lots 13 through 24, inclusive, Block 2, Frances Heights Addition
to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, known as Tract No. 43, being a part of
Section 22 - Twp. 12 N - R - 3 West.
Lots 5, 6, 11, 12, 19 and 20, Block 2, Hares Lake View Addition,
situated approximately two and one-half (2 1/2) miles Northeast of
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; =4
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, known as Tract No. 30, being a part of
Section 11 - Twp. 12 N - R - 3 West.
Also the following acreage tracts of land:
Two (2) acres, situated three and one-half (3 1/2) miles East on
23rd Street hence two (2) miles North, thence one-half (1/2) mile
East, thence one-fourth (1/4) mile North from the State Capitol
Building, known as Tract No. 3, being a part of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of
Section 8 - Twp. 12 N - R - 2 West.
Five (5) acres, situated one and one-half (1 1/2) miles East and
one and one-half (1 1/2) miles North of the State Capitol Building,
facing on Eastern Avenue and laying directly South of Springlake
Park, and known as Tract No. 28. Also described as S 1/2 of SE 1/4
of NE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Section 14, Township 12 North, Range 3 West.
Also other lots and tracts not listed or described above
constituting the small balance of "State Capitol Building Land" not
heretofore disposed of pursuant to the provision of Chapter 298,
Session Laws 1919.
Added by Laws 1947, p. 588, § 1, emerg. eff. May 16, 1947. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 139, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2012, c. 304, §
815. Renumbered from § 128.1 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 36,
eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-325. Inventory and appraisal - Sale.
The Office of Management and Enterprise Services shall make or
cause to be made a full and complete inventory and appraisal of the
property described in Section 324 of this title. Except for lands
owned by the Department of Transportation, the Office may offer for
sale to the highest bidder at public sale all of the lots, blocks, or
acreage tracts of "Capitol Building Lands" that are not used by the
state and which, in the judgment of the Office, will not be required
for future use by the state. The property shall be offered for sale
in separate lots or tracts, for cash, to the highest bidder. The
sale shall be at public auction or under sealed bids whichever the
Office may determine to be most advantageous. The sale shall be
advertised in a newspaper of general circulation in Oklahoma County,
Oklahoma, for not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date of
sale. The notice shall contain an accurate description of all the
property to be sold and terms and conditions of the sale.
The lands so offered for sale shall be subject to a reservation
by this state in one-half (1/2) of all the mineral rights therein.
If royalties are not paid to the state from any of the above-
described lots or tracts of land, the sale of such properties shall
be made subject to a reservation by this state of all of the mineral
rights therein under the lots or tracts. The Office of Management
and Enterprise Services shall reserve the right to refuse any and all
bids for the property. No sale of any portion of the land shall be
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; =
confirmed at a price less than ninety percent (90%) of the appraised
value. All sales shall be approved by the Governor.
Added by Laws 1947, p. 589, § 2, emerg. eff. May 16, 1947. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 140, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2012, c. 304, §
816; Laws 2013, c. 209, § 6, eff. July 1, 2013. Renumbered from §
128.2 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 37, eff. July 1, 2013.
Amended by Laws 2014, c. 286, § 5, eff. Nov. 1, 2014.
§61-326. Disposition of proceeds - Leases for oil and gas purposes.
After payment of all costs incurred in the inventory and
appraisal and advertisement and costs of sale, the remaining proceeds
therefrom, and any monies derived from leasing the property described
in Section 324 of this title, shall be deposited in a special
"Capitol Building Maintenance and Repair Fund". The fund shall be
used for the maintenance and repair of all State Capitol Buildings,
grounds, shrubbery, boulevards, and streets surrounding the same.
The funds shall be paid upon claims made therefor by the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services and approved by the Director of
the Office of Management and Enterprise Services. The leasing for
oil and gas purposes of any such lands and the proceeds therefrom
shall be conducted and handled by the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services pursuant to Section 317 of this title.
Added by Laws 1947, p. 590, § 3, emerg. eff. May 16, 1947. Amended
by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 141, eff. July 1, 1983; Laws 2010, c. 413, §
27, eff. July 1, 2010; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 817. Renumbered from §
128.3 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 38, eff. July 1, 2013.
Amended by Laws 2014, c. 286, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 2014.
§61-327. Procedures for disposal or lease of certain state-owned
real property.
A. Unless procedures for state agency real property transactions
are otherwise specifically provided for by law, no state agency shall
sell, lease, exchange, or otherwise dispose of such real property
subject to its jurisdiction, or lease, purchase or otherwise acquire
real property subject to its jurisdiction, except as provided for in
this section. As used in this section, "state agency" means any
department, board, commission, institution, agency or entity of state
B. 1. Every state agency shall request the Office of Management
and Enterprise Services to dispose of real property upon:
a. legislative authorization,
b. authorization by the Long-Range Capital Planning
Commission, or
c. a determination, in writing, by the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services or the state agency
that a parcel of real property subject to its
jurisdiction is no longer needed.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; =3
2. Upon the request of the state agency to dispose of real
property, the Office of Management and Enterprise Services shall:
a. obtain at least one complete appraisal made by a person
certified by the Real Estate Appraiser Board of the
Oklahoma Insurance Department, who shall ascertain:
(1) the present fair value of the property,
(2) the present value of the improvements on such
property, and
(3) the actual condition of the improvements on the
b. cause notice of such sale to be published for at least
one (1) day in a newspaper of general statewide
circulation authorized to publish legal notices, and
weekly for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper
of general circulation published in the county or
counties in which the property is located. The notice
shall contain the legal description of each parcel of
real property to be offered for sale, the appraised
value thereof, the time and location of the sale or
opening of the bids, and terms of the sale including
the fact that no parcel of property shall be sold for
less than ninety percent (90%) of the appraised value
of the real property; provided, in lieu of such
procedure, the information may be published
electronically on the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services' website if the notice of sale and
instructions on accessing the public information are
published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
county or counties in which the property is located
weekly for three (3) consecutive weeks,
c. offer the property through public auction or sealed
bids within three (3) weeks after the last publication
of the notice. The property shall be sold to the
highest bidder. The Office of Management and
Enterprise Services shall not accept a bid of less than
ninety percent (90%) of the average appraised fair
value of the property and the improvements on such
property, and
d. if the property is being disposed of in compliance with
Section 908 of Title 62 of the Oklahoma Statutes, the
Office may auction the property at public or electronic
auction provided proper public notice is given in
compliance with this section and the property has been
approved for liquidation by the Long-Range Capital
Planning Commission. The Office of Management and
Enterprise Services is authorized to reject all bids.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; =6
3. The cost of the appraisal required by the provisions of this
section, together with other necessary expenses incurred pursuant to
this section, shall be paid by the state agency for which the real
property is to be sold from funds available to the state agency for
such expenditure. All monies received from the sale or disposal of
the property, except those monies necessary to pay the expenses
incurred pursuant to this section, shall be deposited in the
Maintenance of State Buildings Revolving Fund unless otherwise
provided by law.
4. The Office of Management and Enterprise Services may dismiss
from consideration any appraisal found to be incomplete or flawed.
C. Unless otherwise provided by law, the Office of Management
and Enterprise Services shall review and approve state agency real
property transactions. A state agency shall not lease or acquire
real property, or lease, dispose of or transfer state-owned real
property until the Office provides notice of transaction approval to
the state agency. Prior to approval, a state agency shall provide
documents to the Office and provide reference to statutory or other
legal authority of the state agency to lease or acquire real
property, or lease, dispose of or transfer state-owned real property.
If the state agency intends to lease or acquire real property, the
state agency shall state the intended use of the real property, and
shall provide the Office with required telework documentation.
Within thirty (30) days of receipt, the Office shall provide notice
of transaction approval or disapproval to the state agency.
D. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the lease
of office space or real property subject to supervision of the
Commissioners of the Land Office or district boards of education.
E. 1. The Office of Management and Enterprise Services shall
maintain a comprehensive inventory of state-owned real property and
its use excluding property of the public schools and property subject
to the jurisdiction of the Commissioners of the Land Office.
2. Each state agency shall, within thirty (30) days of the
closing date for lands newly acquired, provide to the Office a list
of records, deeds, abstracts and other title instruments showing the
description of and relating to any and all such lands or interests
3. The provisions of paragraph 2 of this subsection shall apply
to all lands of public trusts having a state agency as the primary
beneficiary, but shall not apply to lands of municipalities,
counties, school districts, or agencies thereof, or Department of
Transportation rights-of-way.
4. A state agency that sells or otherwise disposes of land shall
notify the Office within thirty (30) days of the disposition closing
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; =2
F. This section shall not be construed to authorize any state
agency, not otherwise authorized by law, to sell, lease, or otherwise
dispose of any real property owned by the state.
G. The Office of Management and Enterprise Services may provide
services to sell, transfer, trade or purchase real property for other
state agencies.
H. The Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise
Services shall, pursuant to the Administrative Procedures Act,
promulgate rules to effect procedures necessary to the fulfillment of
its responsibilities under this section.
I. The Oklahoma Ordnance Works Authority and its lands, and the
Northeast Oklahoma Public Facilities Authority, the Oklahoma
Historical Society, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the
Oklahoma Turnpike Authority, shall be exempt from the application of
this section. The Grand River Dam Authority and its lands shall be
exempt from the application of this section for any real property
disposed of prior to November 1, 2006.
J. Unless otherwise provided for by law, the procedures
established pursuant to this section for the sale or exchange of real
estate or personal property as authorized pursuant to Sections 2222
and 2223 of Title 74 of the Oklahoma Statutes shall be followed
unless the sale is to an entity of state government.
K. The Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise
Services shall contract with experts, professionals or consultants as
necessary to perform the duties of the Office. Selections shall be
made using the qualifications-based procedures established in Section
62 of this title, and the rules promulgated by the Director for the
selection of construction managers and design consultants.
Added by Laws 1983, c. 304, § 181, eff. July 1, 1983. Amended by
Laws 1985, H.J.R. No. 1039, p. 1682, § 6, eff. Nov. 1, 1985; Laws
1997, c. 292, § 8, eff. July 1, 1997; Laws 1998, c. 203, § 9, emerg.
eff. May 11, 1998; Laws 2003, c. 372, § 17, eff. July 1, 2003; Laws
2005, c. 234, § 2, emerg. eff. May 26, 2005; Laws 2006, c. 271, § 36,
eff. July 1, 2006; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 818; Laws 2013, c. 209, § 7,
eff. July 1, 2013. Renumbered from § 129.4 of Title 74 by Laws 2013,
c. 209, § 39, eff. July 1, 2013. Amended by Laws 2014, c. 286, § 7,
eff. Nov. 1, 2014; Laws 2016, c. 309, § 2, emerg. eff. May 16, 2016;
Laws 2019, c. 204, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 2019.
§61-327.1. Redevelopment proposals for state-owned properties not
subject to disposition.
A. When historic significance, location, advancement of the long
term capital asset plan or other factors make disposition of state-
owned properties under Section 327 of Title 61 of the Oklahoma
Statutes not in the best interest of the state, the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services may invite the presentation of
written proposals for the purchase or lease, and redevelopment, of
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; =9
state-owned property provided the property meets one or more of the
following criteria:
1. The property is listed on the National Register of Historic
2. The property is designated by the Oklahoma Historical Society
as a property of historical interest or significance;
3. The property is located within the Oklahoma State Capitol
Complex; or
4. The property is located within a campus owned by the State of
B. Proposals shall be evaluated by a committee selected by the
Director of the Office of Management and Enterprise Services which
shall include at least one member of the Long Range Capital Planning
Commission or a designee. The evaluation of the proposals shall be
based on the principal criteria of:
1. The proposal's economic benefits, cultural benefits, job
creation potential, advancement of long term capital asset plan or
other benefits to the State of Oklahoma and the general public;
2. The qualifications and experience of the redeveloper;
3. The financial ability of the redeveloper to complete the
redevelopment in a timely fashion; and
4. When applicable, the fidelity of the proposed renovation or
redevelopment with the historic significance of the property.
C. The Office of Management and Enterprise Services may enter
into negotiations with one or more respondents and may enter into
contracts with the respondent or respondents selected by the
The Office of Management and Enterprise Services may reject any
and all bids.
Added by Laws 2014, c. 248, § 1. Amended by Laws 2015, c. 77, § 1,
eff. July 1, 2015.
§61-327.2. Proposals for investment real property.
A. When the Commissioners of the Land Office determine it is in
the best interest of the trust, the Commissioners may invite the
presentation of written proposals for the lease, sale, exchange,
construction, maintenance, repair, improvement, development or
redevelopment of any investment real property, as defined in this
section, contained within the Land Office trust.
B. The term "investment real property" shall include all real
property acquired by the Commissioners for investment purposes and
shall exclude all real property originally granted in the Enabling
Act of 1906.
C. Proposals shall be evaluated by the Commissioners of the Land
Office investment committee which shall make recommendations to the
Commissioners. The Commissioners shall retain authority to make all
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; =
decisions concerning investment real property. Evaluation of the
proposals shall be based on the following criteria:
1. The economic benefit of the proposal to the Land Office
trust, advancement of long-term capital asset plan, investment
objectives, or other advantages to the Land Office trust for the
benefit of the trust;
2. The qualifications and experience of the construction or
maintenance provider, developer or redeveloper; and
3. The financial ability of the construction or maintenance
provider, developer or redeveloper to perform in a timely fashion.
D. The Secretary of the Land Office may enter into negotiations
with one or more respondents and may enter into contracts with the
respondent or respondents selected by majority vote of the
Commissioners in an open meeting.
E. The Commissioners may reject any and all bids.
Added by Laws 2016, c. 71, § 5.
§61-328. Facilities management software program – Authority to
procure software and implement program.
The Office of Management and Enterprise Services may:
1. Research and identify available facilities management
software applications and existing facilities management software
systems in other state agencies;
2. Procure facilities management software in accordance with the
requirements of The Oklahoma Central Purchasing Act; and
3. Implement a comprehensive statewide facilities management
software program in order to effectively identify state-owned real
property and to efficiently and fiscally manage the long-range
deferred maintenance funding requirements of such real property.
State agencies that have existing facilities management software
systems shall cooperate with the Office in the integration of
existing and future maintenance data into the statewide system
database. It shall not be a requirement that the software directly
interface with any other computer system. After full operational
status of the management program is achieved, the Office of
Management and Enterprise Services shall make an annual facilities
condition assessment report to the Speaker of the Oklahoma House of
Representatives, the President Pro Tempore of the State Senate, and
the Governor. Provisions of this section shall not apply to the
physical assets, buildings, and equipment of the Oklahoma State
Regents for Higher Education.
Added by Laws 2006, c. 198, § 1, eff. July 1, 2006. Amended by Laws
2012, c. 304, § 819. Renumbered from § 129.4f of Title 74 by Laws
2013, c. 209, § 40, eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-329. Lease of certain land to City of Pauls Valley for sewage
services authorized.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; =5
The Department of Human Services is hereby authorized to lease,
subject to the approval of the Commission, the following land at the
Southern Oklahoma Resource Center of Pauls Valley to the City of
Pauls Valley for use by the city for providing sewage services upon
such terms and conditions as determined by the Department of Human
A. A tract of land located in the S 1/2 - N 1/2 and the S 1/2 of
Section 28, Township 3 North, Range 1 East of the Indian Meridian,
Garvin County, Oklahoma, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the SE corner of said Section 28, thence North along the
section line a distance of 3,350.76 feet to the Westerly right-of-way
line of Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad; Thence in a
Northwesterly direction along said right-of-way a distance of 632.25
feet to the North line of said S 1/2 - N 1/2; Thence West along North
line of said S 1/2 - N 1/2 to a point that is 450 feet East of the NW
corner of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of said Section 28; Thence South 10
degrees 10 minutes 27 seconds West along existing fence a distance of
1,548.00 feet to a point; Thence North 73 degrees 28 minutes 43
seconds West along said fence a distance of 139.67 feet; Thence South
01 degree 25 minutes 37 seconds East along said fence a distance of
2,474.45 feet to the South line of said Section 28; Thence East along
the section line a distance of 1,213 feet to the point of beginning
and containing one hundred three and forty-three one-hundredths
(103.43) acres, more or less.
B. A tract of land located in the N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section
33, Township 3 North, Range 1 East of the Indian Meridian, Garvin
County, Oklahoma, and being more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the NE corner of said Section 33; Thence West along
section line a distance of 1,213 feet; Thence South 24 degrees 38
minutes West along an existing fence line a distance of 83 feet;
Thence South 07 degrees 42 minutes East along said fence a distance
of 421.83 feet to the center line of an East-West dirt road; Thence
North 88 degrees 34 minutes East along center line of road a distance
of 1,191.7 feet to the East line of said Section 33; Thence North
along said East line a distance of 458 feet to the point of beginning
and containing thirteen and three hundred forty-seven one-thousandths
(13.347) acres, more or less.
C. The following tracts and parcels less a tract of land located
in the NW 1/4 of Section 34, Township 3 North, Range 1 East of the
Indian Meridian, Garvin County, Oklahoma, more particularly described
as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of said Section
34,458 feet South of NW corner thereof; Thence South 86 degrees 33
minutes East along center line of existing dirt road a distance of
664 feet; Thence South 02 degrees 34 minutes 16 seconds East along an
existing fence a distance of 443.90 feet; Thence South 22 degrees 19
minutes West along said fence a distance of 521.3 feet; Thence South
46 degrees 05 minutes West along said fence a distance of 395.75
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; ==
feet; Thence South 72 degrees 08 minutes West along said fence a
distance of 209 feet to the West line of said Section 34; Thence
North along said West line a distance of 1,304.27 feet to the point
of beginning and containing fifteen and nine-tenths (15.9) acres,
more or less:
1. Certain tracts and parcels situated in Section 34, Township 3
North, Range 1 East of the Indian Meridian, Garvin County, Oklahoma,
more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
All that part, parcel and tract of land being the NW 1/4 of
Section 34, Township 3 North, Range 1 East of the Indian Meridian,
Garvin County, Oklahoma, containing one hundred sixty (160) acres,
more or less subject to the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad
right-of-way and that part, parcel and tract of land less and except
the above described fifteen and nine-tenths (15.9) acres and being a
part of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Section 34, Township 3 North, Range 1
East, being more particularly described as follows: the W 1/2 NW 1/4
NE 1/4 and NE 1/4 NW 1/4 NE 1/4 and the NW 1/4 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 and all
that part or portion of the NE 1/4 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 lying North and West
of and on the right bank of the Washita River and being eight and
five-tenths (8.5) acres, and all that part of the SE 1/4 NW 1/4 NE
1/4 more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows, to-
wit: Beginning at a point 1,320 feet West and 660 feet South of the
NE corner of Section 34; Thence West parallel to the North line of
Section 34, a distance of 660 feet; Thence South a distance of 660
feet to an intersection with the right bank of the Washita River;
Thence upstream along the right bank of said river, North 60 degrees
East a distance of 715 feet; Thence North and parallel to the East
line of Section 34, a distance of 310 feet to the point of beginning
and containing seven and thirty-five one-hundredths (7.35) acres of
land, all of said lands being situated in Section 34, Township 3
North, Range 1 East and containing an aggregate total of fifty-five
and eighty-five one-hundredths (55.85) acres, more or less in the NE
1/4 and one hundred forty-four and one-tenth (144.1) acres, more or
less in the NW 1/4, all in said Section 34.
2. Certain tracts and parcels situated in Section 27, Township 3
North, Range 1 East of the Indian Meridian, Garvin County, Oklahoma,
more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
All that part, parcel and tract of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of
the NW 1/4 lying West of the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad
right-of-way and containing one one-hundredth (.01) acres, and all
that part of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 lying West of the
Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way and containing one
and sixty-one-hundredths (1.61) acres, and all that part of the NW
1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 lying West of the Gulf Colorado and
Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way and containing four and thirty-one
one-hundredths (4.31) acres, and the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the SW
1/4 lying West of the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; =>
way containing seven and one one-hundredths (7.01) acres, and all of
NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 lying West of the Gulf Colorado
and Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way containing nine and thirty-eight
one-hundredths (9.38) acres, and all of NE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the
SW 1/4 lying West of the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad right-
of-way and containing thirty-three one-hundredths (.33) acres, and
the S 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 27 containing twenty
(20) acres, and the S 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 27
containing twenty (20) acres, and S 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4
of Section 27 containing twenty (20) acres and the SW 1/4 of the SE
1/4 of the SE 1/4 containing ten (10) acres and all that part of the
SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 lying West of Washita River more
particularly described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at SE corner of Section 27, Township 3 North, Range 1 East
of the Indian Meridian; Thence running West 660 feet; Thence North
660 feet; Thence East 167 feet to the center line of the Washita
River; Thence following the meanderings of said Washita River in a
Southeasterly direction a distance of 610 feet to an intersection
with the East line of Section 27; Thence South 300 feet to the point
of beginning and containing seven and ninety-seven one-hundredths
(7.97) acres, more or less.
All said lands being situated in Section 27, Township 3 North,
Range 1 East, and containing an aggregate total of one hundred and
sixty-two one-hundredths (100.62) acres, more or less.
3. Certain tracts and parcels situated in Section 26, Township 3
North, Range 1 East of the Indian Meridian, Garvin County, Oklahoma,
more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
All that part of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of
Section 26, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, more particularly
described by metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the
SW corner of said Section 26; Thence North along the West line of
Section 26 a distance of 300 feet to a cut bank of the Washita River;
Thence N 88 degrees 45 minutes East along the right bank of said
Washita River a distance of 670 feet; Thence South parallel to the
West line of Section 26 a distance of 325 feet to the South line of
Section 26; Thence running West along the South line of Section 26 a
distance of 660 feet to the point of beginning and containing four
and seven-tenths (4.7) acres, more or less. All said land being
situated in Section 26, Township 3 North, Range 1 East, and
containing an aggregate total of four and seven-tenths (4.7) acres,
more or less.
4. All that part of the NW 1/4 NW 1/4 NW 1/4 of Section 35,
Township 3 North, Range 1 East of the Indian Meridian, described by
metes and bounds as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the NW corner of
said Section 35; Thence running East along the North line of Section
35, a distance of 660 feet; Thence South parallel to the West line of
Section 35, a distance of 354 feet to an intersection with the right
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; >4
bank of the Washita River; Thence along the right bank of said
Washita River a distance of 690 feet to an intersection with the West
line of Section 35; Thence North along the West line of Section 35 a
distance of 528 feet to the point of beginning and containing six and
seven-tenths (6.7) acres, more or less.
Added by Laws 1987, c. 178, § 1, eff. Nov. 1, 1987. Amended by Laws
1992, c. 307, § 20, eff. July 1, 1992. Renumbered from § 129.5 of
Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 41, eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-330. Terms and conditions of lease.
The terms and conditions of the lease authorized by Section 329
of this title shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
1. A provision that the lease terminates immediately with
possession and use reverting to the Department of Human Services if
the subject land is no longer used for sewage purposes;
2. A provision granting automatic renewal of the lease for
thirty annual, fiscal terms, subject to the pro forma annual
processing of lease renewals required by the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services, with an option to renew upon mutual agreement of
the parties for another twenty annual, fiscal terms;
3. A provision granting the Department permission to remove or
use personal property or fixtures unrelated to sewage activities;
4. A provision as to payment to the Department of Human Services
by providing in-kind services, or a specified payment of money at the
option of the Department to be used for the Southern Oklahoma
Resource Center of Pauls Valley;
5. A provision reserving any necessary easements or granting
covenants; and
6. Such other provisions as the Department of Human Services
considers just and proper.
Added by Laws 1987, c. 178, § 2, eff. Nov. 1, 1987. Amended by Laws
1992, c. 307, § 21, eff. July 1, 1992; Laws 2012, c. 304, § 820.
Renumbered from § 129.6 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 42, eff.
July 1, 2013. Amended by Laws 2014, c. 286, § 8, eff. Nov. 1, 2014.
§61-330.1. Recording fee for Office of Management and Enterprise
All instruments vesting any right, title or interest in lands or
minerals and mineral rights, in the Office of Management and
Enterprise Services, and all instruments to adjust any defect or
irregularity or to remove any cloud on the title to lands or minerals
or mineral rights owned by the state, and all notices and orders
issued by the Office of Management and Enterprise Services and proofs
of publication thereof shall be filed and recorded by the proper
officers of all counties of the State of Oklahoma at the request of
the Office of Management and Enterprise Services without any filing
or recording fee being charged.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; >
Added by Laws 2013, c. 209, § 8, eff. July 1, 2013.
§61-331. Lease of other surplus land at Pauls Valley.
In addition to the land described in Section 329 of this title,
the Department of Human Services, with approval of the Director, may
lease other surplus land and property at the Southern Oklahoma
Resource Center of Pauls Valley to an individual or individuals or to
an entity. Revenue from such lease shall be placed in a special
agency clearing account to be used for the benefit of the residents
of the Southern Oklahoma Resource Center of Pauls Valley as long as
the Southern Oklahoma Resource Center of Pauls Valley remains in
operation and for three (3) months thereafter. Upon expiration of
the three (3) months after closure, the revenue shall be placed in a
special agency clearing account to be used for establishing and
maintaining community households for people with intellectual
disabilities served by Developmental Disabilities Services at the
Department of Human Services. The Department of Human Services shall
promulgate rules for the administration of the fund and specific
items allowed. The Department of Human Services shall submit an
itemized report of all income and expenditures to the account to the
Governor, President Pro Tempore of the Senate and Speaker of the
House of Representatives annually.
Added by Laws 1987, c. 178, § 3, eff. Nov. 1, 1987. Amended by Laws
1992, c. 307, § 22, eff. July 1, 1992; Laws 2012, c. 344, § 4, eff.
Nov. 7, 2012. Renumbered from § 129.7 of Title 74 by Laws 2013, c.
209, § 43, eff. July 1, 2013. Amended by Laws 2014, c. 286, § 9,
eff. Nov. 1, 2014; Laws 2015, c. 192, § 1, eff. July 1, 2015.
§61-332. Repealed by Laws 2014, c. 286, § 10, eff. Nov. 1, 2014.
§61-333. Repealed by Laws 2015, c. 215, § 1.
1%#/,#(#(.( -(% .$%".%;-#.$%"1- #; >3