Examples of Executive Summary/Promulgation Statement/General
Example 1
The [Laboratory Name] plays an essential role in public health and safety. Laboratories performing testing of
public health significance generate critical data used to make informed decisions regarding the
implementation of preventative measures and development of effective policies that protect the public from
unforeseen conditions, hazards and threats. Data provided by public health laboratories include those related
to screening newborn infants, detecting infectious outbreaks, responding to terrorism threats and other
emergencies, and monitoring significant public health trends. While laboratories in the private sector may also
provide analytical services in some of these areas, the core activities of public health laboratories are uniquely
focused on population health rather than individual health. This focus requires public health laboratories to
have special analytical expertise, instrumentation, methods and response capability not available in the
private sector. Consequently, it is imperative that the [Laboratory Name] be able to continue their core
essential functions when events occur that disrupt their normal operation. To ensure continuation of these
essential functions, the [Laboratory Name] must have in place an effective COOP.
The laboratory COOP is a comprehensive, pre-event plan that describes the procedures, policies and
arrangements necessary for the laboratory to respond quickly and effectively to a wide variety of possible
disruptions or threats. It describes what is in place, what the laboratory does to respond, and what is required
to maintain essential functions.
Example 2
The [Laboratory’s Name]’s mission is to [enter mission statement]. To accomplish this mission, [Laboratory
Name] must ensure its operations are performed efficiently with minimal disruption, especially during an
emergency. This document provides planning and program guidance for implementing the [Laboratory Name]
Continuity of Operations Plan and programs to ensure the organization is capable of conducting its essential
functions under all threats and conditions.
Within the plan there are [Laboratory Name] personnel who could be relocated under this plan are collectively
known as the [Insert name of group, such as Emergency Relocation Group]. Upon plan activation, these
members could deploy to [insert continuity facility name]. Upon arrival, continuity personnel must establish an
operational capability and perform essential functions within 12 hours from the time of the activation of the
Continuity Plan, for up to a 30-day period or until normal operations can be resumed.
This plan has been developed in accordance with guidance in Executive Order (EO) 12656, Assignment of
Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities; National Security Presidential Directive 51/Homeland Security
Presidential Directive 20, National Continuity Policy; Homeland Security Council, National Continuity Policy
Implementation Plan; Federal Continuity Directive (FCD) 1, Federal Executive Branch National Continuity
Program and Requirements, February 2008; [Laboratory Name] Management Directive [enter Directive number
and title]; and other related Directives and guidance.
Example 3
The [Laboratory’s Name] Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) provides instruction and guidance to
[Laboratory’s Name] employees, enabling essential functions to continue when there is a catastrophic
emergency that severely impacts the laboratory’s ability to operate as usual.
Laboratory department heads and elected officials have been instrumental in the COOP preparation. They have
developed actions and processes to ensure all public services legal in requirement, mandated by act or
regulation, and/or affecting safety and health will continue under the worst of environmental, economic and
technological conditions.
The [Laboratory’s Name] Continuity of Operations Plan represents our commitment to serve our customers in
the worst and best of times. The [Laboratory’s Name] Director asks each [Laboratory’s Name] employee to
familiarize themselves with actions that must be taken to continue laboratory operations during a disaster, and
to continue to provide a full spectrum of public services to all our customers.
Example 4
This Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan provides instruction and guidance for [Laboratory’s Name] in the
execution of [Laboratory’s Name] Essential Functions during continuity events. It provides specific information
for continuation [Laboratory’s Name] essential functions relative to staffing, alternate site relocation and
configuration, continuity operations, and reconstitution.
Example 5
Awareness of possible consequences of terrorist incidents and emergencies (natural and human-induced) has
provoked preparations of laboratory Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plans. Laboratories must develop plans to
continue their mission-critical processes across a broad spectrum of emergencies. The [Laboratory’s Name]
must formulate a COOP Plan to ensure continuity of its essential functions.
This [Laboratory’s Name] COOP Plan accords with current Emergency Management Accreditation Program
(EMAP) and U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) guidance for COOP planning, and with operational
guidelines outlined in the National Incident Management System (NIMS).
This COOP Plan provides guidance to the [Laboratory’s Name] personnel for maintaining [Laboratory’s Name]
capability to fulfill all its assigned essential functions during all contingenciesand in so doing provides for
employees’ safety and well-being if any [Laboratory’s Name] facilities are threatened or inaccessible. Specific
objectives of this COOP Plan include the following:
Ensure continuous performance of essential functions.
Protect essential facilities, equipment, vital records, and other assets.
Reduce or mitigate disruptions to operations.
Reduce loss of life and minimize damage and losses.
Achieve a timely and orderly recovery from an emergency, and resume full service to [Laboratory’s
Recommended changes to this plan should be sent to the Department Name COOP Coordinator, Name, at Street
Address, City, State, Zip Code.
Department Head Date
Example 6
This Continuity of Operations Plan (Plan) is authorized under the authority of [Laboratory’s Name] and is one of
the preparedness and operations plans (e.g., IT disaster recovery, shelter-in-place, critical incident, evacuation
plans) used to prevent, prepare for, respond to, and recover from a disaster.
This Plan encompasses [Laboratory’s Name] and all personnel and operations of those laboratory offices. It
presents a management framework to establish operational procedures to sustain each essential functions if
normal operations performed at [Laboratory’s Name] or other [Laboratory’s Name] related buildings are not
feasible. It also guides the recovery and reconstitution of [Laboratory’s Name]’s operations to pre-event status,
focuses on actions that must be initiated after an incident to ensure continued operations of essential functions,
and provides for sustained essential functions operations, which could be 30 days or more. The plan recognizes
that full recovery and reconstitution of the laboratory’s activities may take weeks or months.
This job aid is a component of the free, on-demand CDC training course “Laboratory Continuity of Operations.”
Find the course at https://www.cdc.gov/labtraining.