© 2018 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Vendor Quick Reference Guide
Getting Started with the IPP Collector Module
Welcome to IPP!
The Invoice Processing Platform (IPP) is a secure Web-based service for
federal agencies and their vendors to manage government invoicing from
purchase order (PO) through payment notification.
How to Log into IPP
1. Using a Web browser, go to the IPP Web site at http://www.ipp.gov.
2. On the top right, select Collector from the Sign in as a: list.
3. On the log-in screen, enter your User ID and password. Click
Common How-Tos
Find and view POs, turn a PO into an invoice, check invoice status, and review
payment information.
Conduct a Quick Search for POs, Invoices, and Payments
To view your purchase orders, invoices, and payment activity, from the
Collector module Home tab, do one of the following:
In the Quick Search box on the top left, click
Or type % in the Quick Search box and click
A snapshot of all the
activity associated with
your profile appears.
To view an individual
item, click the link in the
first column or scroll to
the far right and click View.
New to IPP?
Look for two e-mails from IPP (stls.ipphelpdesk@stls.frb.org). These
emails notify you of your access to the IPP Collector module. The
first email contains your IPP User ID. The second (which you will
receive within 12 hours of receiving your User ID) contains your
temporary password.
Remember to log in within 90 days! It is important to log in within
90 days of receiving your User ID and password to ensure your
initial password is not deactivated.
Update your password. To ensure the security and ongoing
activation of your account, you are required to log in and update
your password regularly.
Security Reminder. As an IPP Collector, you acknowledge that
access to IPP is restricted by IPP Credentials, which the holder
will not divulge to anyone.
Search: The % symbol acts as a search wildcard on each of the
tabs in the Collector module. When you type % in a search box
and click
Go, the search results display all content.
Quick Search: From the Home tab, you can view your purchase
orders, invoices, and payment activity on one screen. To do this,
click the
Go button next to the Quick
From here, you can make edits and
take action as your permissions
© 2018 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Vendor Quick Reference Guide
Getting Started with the IPP Collector Module
The steps in this document explain the quickest way to perform a task.
How to Find and View Purchase Orders
1. Click the Orders tab. By default, open POs for the last 30 days appear.
2. To see the purchase orders entered by the agency, from the Quick Search
box on the left sidebar, do one of the following:
Go to return all your POs.
Type all of the PO number or part of the number plus % and click
to search for specific POs.
Note: Click Advanced Search to enter refine search results.
3. On the PO Search Results page, locate the PO you want to view.
4. From the PO # column, click the PO link or click the
View button.
The selected PO appears.
Note: If there is only one PO on file, it opens by default.
Creating Invoices
There are several ways to create an invoice. The preferred method is to
create an invoice from a purchase order. For more information on other
methods, including using an eFile upload, see the IPP Collector User Guide
available from the Home page > News and Training.
On the Home tab, check the Quick Links section to see if you have the
Create Invoice link. If you see this link, you have the ability to create and
edit invoices. If you do not see this link and need to create an invoice,
contact your Collector Administrator to request the permission.
© 2018 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Vendor Quick Reference Guide
Getting Started with the IPP Collector Module
How to Create an Invoice from a Purchase Order
1. Click the Orders tab. Find and view the PO you want to invoice using
the previous procedure.
2. On the top right of the Purchase Order detail page, click
Note: Do not use the Create Invoice buttons outside of the PO (on the
top and bottom left of the page), as doing so will create invoices from
a blank form.
A new invoice page appears with information pre-filled based on the
content of the PO.
3. Enter the information requested for the invoice.
Complete all required fields marked with an asterisk (*).
Type an invoice number. Be sure to adhere to any invoice
numbering guidelines provided by your agency.
Use the format mm/dd/yyyy for date fields (if required).
4. Review the different PO lines at the bottom of page.
Select the lines you want to invoice.
Review the QTY and Unit Price fields and update accordingly.
Complete any line comments or custom field information, if
5. Enter comments (up to 240 characters), if required.
6. If required, add attachments to the invoice.
On the top or bottom right, click
In the pop-up box, click
Browse and select your file attachment.
Open to select the attachment.
7. On the Attachments page, click
Attach (top right). Then click Back
to return to the Invoice page.
8. When you have finished entering information for the invoice,
do one of the following:
Save as Draft to view the invoice before submitting it.
Saving as draft does not submit the invoice to the agency.
Submit. This locks the invoice and sends it to the agency
for approval.
How to Check Invoice Status
1. Click the Invoices tab. By default, invoices pending approval for
the last 30 days appear.
2. To view the status of your invoices, do one of the following:
From the Invoice Status
column on the left, click one
of the statuses (such as,
Draft, Pending Submission,
Approved to Pay). These
default to a 30-day view of
In the Invoice # search
box, click
Go (or type a
partial value with % and click
Go). Note: Use Advanced
Search to enter specific
search criteria.
© 2018 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Vendor Quick Reference Guide
Getting Started with the IPP Collector Module
The Invoice Search Results page appears. The Status column indicates the
invoice status (ex: Pending Approval, Approved to Pay, In Exception, etc.).
For more information about the invoice, go to the last column and click
How to View Payment Information
1. Click the Payments tab. By default, payments for the last 30 days
2. To view all your payments, in the Payment Type Reference #
search box, click Go (or type a partial value with %). Note: Use
Advanced Search to enter specific search criteria.
3. Locate the line
containing the
payment data you
want to display and
View. Payment
information for the
item selected
You can also view Paid invoices from the Invoices tab by clicking the Paid link
on the left side. Click View to display payment data for a specific invoice.
Contact IPP
Have questions?
Call IPP Customer Support at (866) 973-3131. We’re available 8 am to 6
pm (ET) Monday through Friday (except federal holidays).
Email us at
Have your IPP User ID on hand when you contact IPP Customer Support.