Glasgow City Council
Economy, Housing, Transport and Regeneration
City Policy Committee
Report by George Gillespie, Executive Director of Neighbourhoods,
Regeneration and Sustainability
Contact: Sarah Shaw Telephone: 0141 287 6066
Purpose of Report:
To set out the Draft City Development Plan 2 Evidence Report, including the
Report of Engagement, ahead of consideration at City Administration Committee,
Full Council and submission to Scottish Ministers for the Gatecheck process.
It is recommended that Committee:
Consider the Draft Evidence Report
Consider the Draft Report of Engagement
Note the City Development Plan 2 process and that the final documents will
be presented to Council Administration Committee for decision making,
ahead of Full Council (as required by legislation) and submission to Scottish
Ministers for the Gatecheck process.
Ward No(s):
Local member(s) advised: Yes No
consulted: Yes No
1. Introduction
Item 6
23rd April 2024
1.1. The planning system in Scotland is plan-led. Development planning is required
to manage the development and use of land in the long-term public interest.
Decisions on planning applications are to be made in accordance with the
development plan, unless there are material considerations that indicate
1.2. The current City Development Plan was adopted in 2017. Ensuring an up-to-
date development plan facilitates efficient and effective determination of
planning application, in line with Council policy. City Development Plan 2
(CDP2) will be a corporate document that links planning policy and process with
placed based outcomes that reflect the Council’s strategic objectives. The
Scottish Government has requested that planning authorities produce new
development plans by 2028.
1.3. As such, work on producing City Development Plan 2 (CDP2) commenced in
2023. It is anticipated that CDP2 will be adopted in 2027.
2. LDP Legislation, Regulations and Guidance
2.1. Members will be aware that a new Planning Act was introduced in 2019. This
altered the position on many aspects of the various planning procedures
including the context for preparing a new City Development Plan. The Scottish
Government has set out the requirements for Local Development Plans in the
following legislation, policy and guidance. Officers are following the detailed
requirements set out in the above documents :
Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, as Amended by the
Planning (Scotland) Act 2019
The Town and Country Planning (Development Planning) (Scotland)
Regulations 2023
National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) (February 2023) – sets out
requirements for Local Development Plans
Local development planning guidance (May 2023) – sets out detailed
guidance that should be followed in producing a Local Development Plan.
3. CDP2 Development Plan Scheme
3.1. The Council is required to publish an annual Development Plan Scheme to
ensure that communities and stakeholders are aware of the process, timetable
and opportunities to be involved. Glasgow’s City Development Plan team have
created a ‘storymap version to sit as a live, visual document that can form the
basis for future communication and interaction with the plan process.
3.2. The Development Plan Scheme is an important tool that outlines opportunities
for collaboration with stakeholders, allowing alignment of Glasgow City Council
and other work programmes to support joined-up place investment and activity.
The 2023 Development Plan Scheme shares some key messages from the
Scottish Government’s LDP guidance, which will directly influence the
preparation of the next development plan for Glasgow. This includes that LDPs
should look 20 years ahead, be developed collaboratively and be based on
robust evidence, be place based and people centred, use the Place Standard
and an Infrastructure First approach.
3.3. The Development Plan Scheme also includes a Participation Statement which
outlines the engagement strategy for CDP2. The draft Local Development Plan
guidance places a renewed emphasis on early public engagement, with the
intention of encouraging evidence gathering that bridges traditional plan
making, with a more participatory and collaborative process. The 2019 Planning
Act created a statutory duty for planning authorities to engage specific groups
of society including children and young people. This is expected to encourage
more creative ways to engage Glasgow’s communities in the plan-making
3.4. The Development Plan Scheme was approved at City Administration Committee
on 30 November 2023 and the full report can be found here. The Development
Plan Scheme can be found at:
3.5. The key stages in the development plan process, as set out in the Development
Plan Scheme, are as follows:
Timescale and Committees
EHTR 15 August 2023
DPS consultation
period: 16 August – 27
September 2023
CAC 30 November
and Evidence
Quarter (Q) 2 2023 – Q1
2024 – Ongoing
CDP Working Group –
28 February 2024
This Report – EHTR 23
April 2024
Q2 2024
Gatecheck – Length of time
determined by DPEA on
behalf of Scottish Ministers
Timescale and Committees
Proposed Plan
Q2 2024 – Q2 2026
Q2 2026 – Q1 2027
Examination – Length of time
determined by DPEA on
behalf of Scottish Ministers
Q1 2027 – Q2 2027
Q2 2027 onward
4. Early Engagement
4.1. Early Engagement is an important part of producing the Evidence Report to
ensure that the Evidence Report is informed by communities lived experience
and stakeholders evidence. Appendix 1 Report of Engagement sets out the
activities carried out, in line with the Development Plan Scheme, and the
findings. The findings from the Early Engagement have been fed into the Place
Reports referred to below.
5. Evidence Report
5.1. An Evidence Report is required for submission to the Scottish Government for
the Gatecheck process. The Evidence Report is required to be a baseline
account of information to assist the Council in considering what the Planning
Authority should plan for in its area. The purpose of the report is to support the
quality and effectiveness of the Development Plan. The work undertaken for the
Evidence Report will help to clearly inform what to plan for before the Proposed
Plan considers where development should or shouldn’t take place. As such,
the gathering of evidence is a broad exercise to ensure that the evidence base
needed for all areas of Glasgow and all NPF4 topic areas is in place to allow
new policies to be written. This will allow for updated and new policy to be
created to meet the city’s development needs.
5.2. Appendix 2 Evidence Report contains the following sections:
Evidence Report Section
Update for EHTR Committee
Scottish Government Summary
Currently being prepared to
summarise the Evidence Report.
CDP Mapping Hub
Appendix 2A Glasgow City Council
CDP2 Evidence Report
Glasgow Today
Appendix 2A Glasgow City Council
CDP2 Evidence Report
Place Reports
Appendix 2A Glasgow City Council
CDP2 Evidence Report
Work ongoing to summarise the
Evidence Report by ward.
Infrastructure Audit
1. Blue Green Infrastructure
2. Community Facilities
3. Culture, Tourism and Heritage
4. Digital Communications
5. Education
6. Energy and Heat
7. Health and Social Care
8. Transport
9. Waste
10. Water
Appendix 2B Infrastructure Audit
Community Facilities and Culture,
Tourism and Heritage currently
being finalised.
Other sections complete.
Climate Change Mitigation and
Appendix 2C Climate Change
Mitigation and Adaptation
Appendix 2D Housing
Complete. Has been shared with
Homes for Scotland for comments.
Business and Industry
Appendix 2E Business and Industry
Town Centres and Retail
Appendix 2F Town Centres and
Final changes being made.
Green Belt Review
Ongoing work.
5.3. In addition, Appendix 3 Equalities Impact Assessment and Appendix 4
Strategic Environment Assessment (currently being finalised to reflect
Evidence Report) have been completed to reflect the current stage in the CDP2
6. Committee process
6.1. The following committee process will be undertaken to allow consideration and
approval of the Evidence Report. It will also ensure that the legislative
requirement for full Council to approve the Evidence Report is met.
Environment, Housing, Transport and Regeneration Committee 23
April 2024
Council Administration Council – 6 June 2024
Council – 27 June 2024
6.2. Thereafter, and subject to approval, the Evidence Report will be submitted to
Scottish Ministers for Gatecheck.
7. Policy and Resource Implications
Resource Implications:
None at this stage in the CDP2 process.
CDP2 is being prepared in line with the Town
and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997, as
Amended by the Planning (Scotland) Act 2019
The lead responsibility for preparing CDP2 lies
with the Development Plan team within NRS
Planning. A full range of Council Services, as
well as Glasgow Life and City Property, have
been involved in the production of the Evidence
No procurement issues have been identified.
Council Strategic Plan:
CDP2 has a role to play in all of the Grand
Challenges. CDP2 will specifically contribute
towards a range of commitments relating to
GC2, M2 - Work with the Scottish
Government to deliver the Clyde Mission,
focused on transforming vacant and
derelict land and investing in communities
along the Clyde, and ensure a focus on
climate adaptation and community wealth
building in Clydeside regeneration.
GC3, M1 - Ensure planning policy
supports development in areas with good
links to the public transport system and
active travel routes.
GC3, M2 - Promote and secure
investment for the establishment of district
heating networks throughout the city and
develop planning policy to promote district
heating in new build developments.
GC3, M2 - Deliver sustainable urban
drainage and promote nature-based
solutions to manage flooding and
pollution. Via planning policy, require all
new development/infrastructure to deliver
flood risk net gain.
GC3, M2 - Review planning and housing
policy to improve energy efficiency
standards, including through the building
of Net zero/ Passive house standard
development, and increase the
development of large family
housing/accessible housing.
GC3, M2 - Increase the number of
designated Local Nature Reserves in the
city in collaboration with communities and
support the development of a green
network of areas managed for biodiversity
across the city.
GC3, M2 - Ensure planning policy meets
the challenge of the climate emergency,
and supports nature promotion and
biodiversity through interventions such as
bee bricks, swift bricks, green roofs and
roof gardens, encouraging hedgerows.
GC3, M2 - Embed the principles of the
Climate Adaptation Plan via planning
policy, such as by limiting the paving-over
of gardens and installation of artificial
GC3, M2 - Develop planning policy to
address embedded carbon in buildings,
and seek ways to improve the viability of
reuse and retrofit options, so there is
reduced need for demolitions.
GC3, M2 - Continue work to reduce
Vacant and Derelict Land, prioritising
brownfield sites for development and
ensuring adequate protection for Green
Belt and designated Open Space.
GC3, M2 - Develop and review planning
policy to deal with development models
such as co-living, Build to Rent and
purpose-built student accommodations in
order to address issues of affordability
and access to home ownership with a
view to ensuring standards and
supporting the maintenance of balanced
communities with a variety of tenures.
GC3, M2 - Develop planning policy
around amenity and play spaces in
residential developments.
GC4, M1 - Deliver a new City
Development Plan with attention to
sustainability, inclusivity, accessibility,
biodiversity, and climate resilience.
GC4, M1 - Increase our focus on digital
masterplanning, to ensure that access to
digital connectivity is considered and
advanced throughout the planning
GC4, M1 - Develop an Affordable Housing
Policy for the city to require a proportion
of affordable housing in new
developments, prioritise public land for
affordable housing and increase
affordable housing in higher land-value
areas such as the city centre.
GC4, M2 - Embed gender equality into
council impact assessments, budgets,
data collecting and strategies, including,
but not limited to, the new City
Development Plan. Ensure approaches
are intersectional and incorporate
women’s lived experience.
Equality and Socio-
Economic Impacts:
Does the proposal
support the Council’s
Equality Outcomes
2021-25? Please
Appendix 3 Equalities Impact Assessment
Screening Report sets out consideration that
has been given to equalities at this stage in the
CDP2 process. This includes the range of
engagement that has been carried out with
equalities groups.
What are the potential
equality impacts as a
result of this report?
As CDP2 is at an early stage in the process and
no policy has been produced as yet, this will be
required to be determined at a later stage.
However, the intention is that CDP2 will set out
a development plan in the long-term interest of
all equalities group.
Please highlight if the
policy/proposal will
help address socio-
As CDP2 is at an early stage in the process and
no policy has been produced as yet, this will be
required to be determined at a later stage.
However, the intention is that CDP2 will set out
a development plan in the long-term interest of
reducing socio-economic disadvantage.
Climate Impacts:
Does the proposal
support any Climate
Plan actions? Please
The Evidence Report includes a section on
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaption and
details the Climate Plan actions CDP2 will
What are the potential
climate impacts as a
result of this
CDP2 is required to, by National Planning
Framework 4, must address the global climate
emergency and nature crisis by ensuring the
spatial strategy will reduce emissions and adapt
to current and future risks of climate change by
promoting nature recovery and restoration in the
area. As such the Evidence Report includes a
section on Climate Change Mitigation and
Adaption which details the requirements for
CDP2 in order to address climate impacts.
Will the proposal
contribute to
Glasgow’s net zero
carbon target?
As noted, the intention is that CDP2 will
contribute to Glasgow’s net zero carbon target.
Privacy and Data
Protection Impacts:
Are there any potential
data protection impacts
None. The Engagement process has been
designed not to collect any personal data.
as a result of this report
If Yes, please confirm that
a Data Protection Impact
Assessment (DPIA) has
been carried out
8. Recommendations
It is recommended that Committee:
Consider the Draft Evidence Report
Consider the Draft Report of Engagement
Note the City Development Plan 2 process and that the final documents
will be presented to Council Administration Committee for decision
making, ahead of Council (in line with legislation) and submission to
Scottish Ministers for the Gatecheck process.