The Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature in
Bridging the Gap Between Social Science
Research and Policy Making
Potentials and Limitations
Patricio Dom
Steven Raphael
University of California, Berkeley
Research Summary
In this article, we review the theoretical paradigm underlying cost–benefit analysis and
address some of the critiques of this framework that have arisen within criminal justice
circles and other policy areas. We also review existing studies devoted to estimating the
costs of specific crimes. We offer a brief discussion categorizing the alternative costs of
crime and the various methodological approaches taken (hedonic analysis, contingent
valuation, and accounting methods), with an explicit discussion of the relative strengths
and weaknesses of each approach and debates within the economics profession pertaining
to these methodologies. We argue that cost considerations broadly defined should be of
central importance in criminal justice policy debates. However, we also highlight the
potential for cost-consideration and important equity criteria to come into conflict.
Policy Implications
Policy makers should consider careful cost–benefit analysis as an important criterion in
criminal justice policy. Given some features of criminal justice policy choices such as the
unequal distribution of the costs of criminal victimization, anti-crime enforcement,
We thank Daniel Baker, Daniel Nagin, Robert MacCoun, and Jesse Rothstein for helpful discussion and
feedback on this project. Direct correspondence to Patricio Dom
ınguez, Goldman School of Public Policy,
University of California, Berkeley, 2607 Hearst Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94720-7320 (e-mail: pdominguez@
2015 American Society of Criminology 589
Criminology & Public Policy
Volume 14
Issue 4
Research Article Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature
and the potential for perceived illegitimacy of the criminal justice system to undermine
various public institutions, we argue that equity considerations also deserve careful
attention. In practice, we place greater confidence in the use of cost-of-crime estimates
to judge the relative effectiveness of alternative interventions, and we are cautious
regarding policy prescriptions emanating from benefit–cost ratios that are marginally
greater than one.
uring the past three decades, considerable research effort has been devoted to
articulating and measuring the various pathways through which crime and our
public and private responses to crime impact overall the well-being of society. An
important substrata of this research has focused on placing a monetary value on the social
cost of criminal victimization. These efforts often have aimed to generate separate figures
for different crime types with the goal of generating a common metric against which the
relative severity of alternative criminal incidents can be judged.
Estimates of the costs of criminal victimization play an important role in bridging
the gap between basic social science research on criminal justice interventions and policy
analysis. By monetizing and rendering commensurable crimes of varying severity, these
estimates facilitate an analysis of the degree to which the benefits of a given proposal exceed
the costs broadly defined. Equally as important, these estimates facilitate a comparative
analysis of alternative policy tools, permitting estimates of the “bang-per-buck” across
policy inter ventions and assessments of the efficiency of a given pattern of deployment of
public resources.
Of course, there are limitations to this conceptual framework for public choice and, by
extension, to the utility of the costs-of-crime literature in informing and guiding criminal
justice policy. To start, cost–benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis provide a specific
weighting (or social accounting) of the relative welfare of alternative groups in society that
often conflicts with widely held beliefs regarding fairness and equity. This is a direct result
of the use of money as the common metric used to place various benefits and costs on a
common footing. Responsible analysis requires cognizance of this fact and a careful parallel
analysis of the equity implications of policy alternatives.
There are also important qualifications regarding the measurement of the costs of
crime and suspicion that current methods overestimate these costs. For example, pain-and-
suffering estimates based on observed jury awards reflect judgments made by jurors that
have no consequences for the jurors themselves. Damage assessments are imposed on a third
party; the jury effectively spends someone else’s money. Similar concerns are often raised
regarding estimates of willingness to pay to avoid victimization via surveys querying about
hypothetical referenda. By design, nothing is at stake for the respondent in answering a
hypothetical question, although careful contingent valuation studies have made great efforts
to articulate and make salient the t ax consequences of the scenario under consideration.
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Both examples illustrate how cost-of-crime estimates are often based on assessments that
are divorced from personal budget considerations.
In what follows, we argue that the cost–benefit framework and economic approach
to public choice should play an increasingly important role in criminal justice policy and
that the body of research estimating specific costs of crime should figure prominently in
policy analysis and public choice in the criminal justice domain. Such analysis is already
quite important and influential in other policy domains, in which risk of injury and lives
lost are influenced by policy choices, such as occupational safety and health, environmental
regulation, and transportation safety. The increasing emphasis on cost–benefit analyses and
the search for policy tools with an evidence base” brings criminal justice policy into this
However, we do not support the proposition that policy choices should strictly adhere
to and be determined solely by the results of cost–benefit calculations. Cost–benefit anal-
ysis alone often fails to consider adequately the equity implications of policy alternatives.
Equity is an especially important criterion in criminal justice policy, and perhaps it is a
more important criterion relative to other policy domains. The burdens of criminal justice
enforcement are disproportionately borne by the poor and the marginalized, and often they
can exacerbate existing societal divides, such as inter-racial economic disparities or the rela-
tive deprivation of individuals with severe mental illness. Moreover, an unequally distributed
burden of the impact of criminal justice enforcement may delegitimize law enforcement,
the criminal justice system more broadly, and government in general in specific commu-
nities. Inadequate consideration of equity, fairness, proportionality, procedural justice, and
disparate impact may ultimately serve to undermine and offset the value of crime-control
benefits achieved through specific policy strategies.
Moreover, we have more confidence in the ability of cost-of-crime estimates to gauge
the relative severity of alternative crime types than we do in the absolute magnitudes
of the individual cost point estimates. Having a gauge of relative severity that renders
alternative crime types commensurable greatly facilitates cost-effectiveness” analysis of the
relative efficacy of alternative uses of public funds. Irrespective of whether cost estimates for
specific crimes are too high or low, a solid and reliable relative ordering permits the ranking
of policy alternatives that have differential effects on different crime types. Conclusions
regarding whether a specific policy has a cost–benefit ratio in excess of one, however,
requires confidence in the precision and unbiasedness of the costs-of-crime estimates.
We begin by discussing the theoretical paradigm underlying cost–benefit analysis and
address some of the critiques of this framework that have arisen within criminal justice
circles and other policy areas. We argue that cost considerations broadly defined are, in the
language of Adler and Posner (1999), morally relevant” and certainly an important criteria
1. Similarly, this also requires confidence in the precision and unbiasedness of the underlying estimates of
the intervention on crime.
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Issue 4 591
Research Article Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature
to be considered along with equity consequences and perhaps more intangible deontological
ethical concerns. We present the commonly offered defense of cost–benefit analysis that
all policy choices with net positive benefits are potentially win–win for all involved and
then discuss the practical impediments to redistribution in the criminal justice context that
render the equity criteria particularly important.
Next, we review existing studies devoted to estimating the cost of specific crimes. We
begin with a brief discussion categorizing the alternative costs of crime and t he various
methodological approaches taken (hedonic analysis, contingent valuation, and accounting
methods), with an explicit discussion of the relative strengths and weaknesses of each
approach and debates within the economics profession pertaining to these methodologies.
We close with a discussion of the use of these figures in policy analysis and their potential to
render social science research results more useful and perhaps actionable to policy makers
and public deliberation.
Cost–Benet Analysis, Public Choice, and Criminal Justice Policy
Anderson (1999, 2012) and Cohen (2005) presented comprehensive estimates of the dollar
value of the social cost of crime. The most recent analysis by Anderson (2012) placed the
total external cost of crime in 2012 at roughly $3.2 trillion. By external cost, we are referring
to the cost generated for crime victims, for potential victims, and for taxpayers. To arrive
at social cost, one would have to subtract from this total any cost for which there is an
offsetting gain (a pure transfer in the language of welfare economics). Losses from theft and
fraud clearly represent such a transfer as the gain to the offender offsets the loss to the victim.
Excluding the value of property loss to victims yields a social cost of $1.6 trillion (Anderson,
2012). Regardless of one’s position regarding whether criminal offenders have standing in
these cost calculations, both aggregate figures are large, amounting to 19.5% and 9.7%
(respectively) of the country’s gross national product in 2012. Behind these aggregate totals
are $646 billion in crime-control expenditures including $113 billion on police protection;
$81 billion in correctional expenditures; $76 billion in expenditures by various federal
agencies; $84 billion to combat drug t rafficking; and more than $300 billion in private
expenditures on security devices and services, repairs, insurance, and private advocacy (for
example, Mothers Against Drunk Drivers). Victim costs in the form of lost life and injury
exceed $750 billion.
These figures illustrate the fact that much is at stake in criminal justice policy choices.
Interventions, whether they are increases in incarceration, expanding police forces, dropout
prevention efforts, or some other policy proposal that reduces crime rates stand to generate
substantial benefits for society to the extent that on net they chip away at these colossal cost
totals. However, is positive net benefits a sufficient or even necessary criterion for choosing
a particular policy path?
Cost–benefit analysis provides at least partial guidance on this question. First, cost–
benefit analysis articulates and places dollar values on the consequences of a policy choice.
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Second, cost–benefit analysis provides a clear set of criteria by which society and policy
makers can rank alternative policy choices and pass judgment on specific proposals. More
generally, this set of criteria also provides guidance regarding the appropriate level of gov-
ernment intervention, or alternatively stated—the optimal level of provision of a public
In this section, we begin by providing a theoretically precise definition of the costs and
benefits of policy changes and the microeconomic concepts that link specific harms and
benefits to dollar values. This discussion illustrates the theoretical concepts that the cost-of-
crime literature has so far aimed to operationalize empirically. We devote particular attention
to how interpersonal variation in income levels gives rise to interpersonal variations in the
monetary valuation of victimization. Next, we discuss the ranking of policy alternatives
by cost–benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis and the implicit social preferences associated
with these rankings. Finally, we discuss some of the general ethical objections to cost–
benefit analysis and issues that have been raised specifically within the criminal justice
policy context.
Articulating Policy Outcomes and Monetizing Harms and Benefits
A cost–benefit analysis of a specific policy proposal involves identifying all members of
society that are harmed, that benefit, and the key outcomes impacted by a proposal that
ultimately impact the welfare of individuals. For example, a proposal to enhance sentences
for drunk driving would negatively impact the welfare of drunk drivers who would be
incarcerated as a result, positively impact t he welfare of sober drivers and their passengers via
enhanced safety, and negatively impact taxpayers through higher correctional expenditures.
To be sure, this enumeration of consequences is limited to some degree by the imagination
and our ability to anticipate secondary impacts of and behavioral responses to the policy. The
policy world is rife with examples of the unintended, unanticipated, and often socially costly
consequences of policy initiatives. For example, if increased prison time for those convicted
of driving under the influence has an unintended criminogenic impact on postrelease
2. Criminal justice and safety services have the classic characteristics of goods that are underprovided by
the private market or are provided at suboptimal levels. For example, to some degree, the benefits
derived from police patrols are nonrival (our benefit from the general deterrent effect of more police on
the street does not detract from the comparable benefit that you would derive) and nonexcludable
(one cannot exclude a given city resident who refuses to pay his or her taxes from realizing the benefit
from greater general deterrence). As a result, individual citizens have a strong incentive to “free ride” on
the services provided by others, and only those with great demand for security services will purchase
them. As another example, some privately purchased security services can generate negative
externalities. One neighbor’s purchase of a home security system could increase the likelihood that the
next-door neighbor is robbed. An economic analysis of welfare is motivated in large part by an attempt
to identify policy choices that bring society closer to optimal allocations of public resources, taking into
account the underprovision of public goods and the suboptimal overprovision of the private market of
goods that generate negative externalities.
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Research Article Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature
behavior, then the higher postrelease offending levels would detract from the net benefits
of this policy option.
Once the likely consequences of a policy change are articulated, cost–benefit analysis
renders consequences commensurable by placing a dollar value on individual benefits
and harms. Microeconomic theory offers two alternative yet related theoretical concepts
for assessing the dollar value of harms and benefits experienced at the individual level.
Compensating variation is defined as the income transfer needed to restore an individual’s
well-being to what it would be in the absence of a specific policy change. For policies that
provide a benefit, the compensating variation measures how much one would be willing to
pay for the benefit in question. For a policy that harms someone, compensating variation
is the minimum amount that one would be willing to accept in compensation. Equivalent
variation, in contrast, measures the amount of money that would have the equivalent impact
on one’s happiness level as the consequences of a policy change. Fo r a policy change that has
a negative effect, equivalent variation measures one’s maximum willingness to pay to avoid
the consequences (think ransom), whereas for a policy that generates a benefit, equivalent
variation measures the minimum amount of cash one would be willing to accept to forgo
the benefit.
Table 1 conceptually illustrates these ideas in two criminal justice contexts:
1. The calculation of appropriate compensation for an identified crime victim
2. The measurement of the individual benefits from a crime-mitigating public investment
Regarding compensation for crime victims, compensating variation equals the mini-
mum income payment needed to restore the persons original level of happiness (i.e., the
victims minimum willingness to accept). Equivalent variation equals the amount that the
individual would have been willing to pay to avoid being victimized (i.e., the maximum
willingness to pay). Clearly, compensating variation in this instance will exceed equivalent
variation, as the latter calculation is limited by the individual’s income whereas the former
is not. In addition, both measures of victim cost are likely to be higher for high-income
victims. This is most obvious for the equivalent variation measure, where victimization cost
3. In addition, the quality of the analysis is contingent, to some degree, on our understanding of the likely
behavioral responses to a policy change. For example, if people are deterred by tough punishments for
drunk drivers, then cost calculations would have to account for such a behavioral response.
4. The difference between compensating and equivalent variation is subtle and often is a source of
confusion. Because compensating variation measures the income adjustment needed to restore one’s
utility to what it was, the calculation relies on the individual’s happiness level in the absence of the
policy and the state of the world under the policy (i.e., the prices and incomes that result with the policy
change) to calculate the necessary compensation. Equivalent variation, in contrast, measures the
change in income that would have the equivalent effect on happiness of introducing the policy. In
other words, the reference happiness level is that which would result if the policy were enacted while
combined with prices and incomes in the absence of the policy to calculate the comparable income
594 Criminology & Public Policy
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Conceptual Examples of the Calculation and Denition of Compensating and
Equivalent Variation in Criminal Justice Contexts
Calculation Based on Calculation Based on
Harm or Benet Being Quantied Compensating Variation Equivalent Variation
Calculating appropriate compensation
for an identied crime victim.
The minimum amount of money that
the crime victim would be willing
to accept after the fact as
compensation for the damages,
pain, and suering caused by the
The maximum amount of money that
an individual crime victim would
have been willing to pay before
the fact not to have experienced
the damages, pain, and suering
caused by the victimization.
Calculating individual benets from a
public investment in crime
The maximum amount that an
individual would be willing to pay
for the policy in question.
The minimum amount of money that
an individual would be willing to
accept in lieu of the benets
generated by the
crime-prevention policy.
is limited from above by the income of the person in question. However, even the com-
pensating variation definition, which is conceptually not limited by an individual’s income
level, is likely to generate a higher assessment of victim damages for high-income victims
for reasons we will discuss shortly.
Both measures are t heoretically correct gauges of the damages done. However, one might
argue that for the purposes of calculating damages and attempting to make the victim whole
(likely an impossible goal for victims of serious crimes), compensating variation is the more
appropriate of the two. The compensating variation effectively endows victims with the
right to their level of well-being in the status quo ante. Such an allocation of property rights
is defensible on ethical grounds (and perhaps in terms of the deterrence value of damage
assessment) as crime victims by definition are unjustifiably harmed by a third party.
In the second example in Table 1, compensating and equivalent variation swap places
in terms of willingness to accept and willingness to pay. Specifically, compensating variation
measures the benefits to an individual of a crime-mitigating public investment in terms of
the maximum amount that the individual is willing to pay for these benefits. Equivalent
variation, in contrast, equals the minimum amount the individual would be willing to
accept to forego the benefits of the policy change. Again, the willingness-to-pay valuation
of the policy change will be less than the minimum willingness to accept, as the former is
constrained by income levels and the latter is not.
For the purposes of deciding whether to spend public funds on a particular policy,
one might argue that willingness to pay provides the most appropriate of the two measures
for several reasons. First, willingness to pay is the more conservative of the two, and some
might argue for a generally high level of judiciousness and parsimony when it comes to the
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stewarding of taxpayer dollars. Second, the aggregate valuation of a policy option derived
from cumulating compensating variation over all individuals in society is perhaps better
aligned with the calculation that would ideally be made by a policy maker with a fiduciary
responsibility to constituents; namely, whether willingness to pay for the benefits created by
a specific policy (essentially the summary measure regarding how society values the policy)
exceeds policy c osts.
These cost concepts measured at the individual level are key inputs to cost–benefit
analysis, with the aggregation of costs and benefits providing the key statistics for ranking
policy options. In essence, these individual valuations of costs and benefits provide the
weights placed on the welfare of various individuals in assessing the merits of specific policy
choices. With this in mind, it is important to explore how these standard measures of
costs and benefits vary with individual income levels, and by extension how cost–benefit
analysis weighs the relative welfare of the poor and the wealthy. We have already noted that
willingness-to-pay valuations are limited by individual incomes. The fact that maximum
ability to pay is higher for higher income individuals is likely to generate higher monetary
valuations for similar benefits among those with high incomes. However, it is also likely
that personal safety is what economists refer to as a normal good, that is, a good for which
demand increases with income. Hence, in addition to a greater ability to pay for safety, high
incomes should theoretically be associated with a higher willingness to pay for safety. This
positive relationship between income and benefit and/or cost valuation ultimately results in
greater weight being placed on the welfare of the well-to-do in cost–benefit calculations.
An alternative pathway through which these monetary gauges of welfare may favor the
wealthy operates through the relationship between individual well-being and income levels.
Specifically, if the marginal increment to well-being associated with an additional dollar of
income decreases as income increases, then the wealthy will place higher dollar valuations on
victimization than the poor, holding constant the characteristics of the criminal incident.
This point is best illustrated with an example. Suppose two people, one poor and one
wealthy, both of whom own the same model cell phone, are independently robbed of
their phones while leaving their respective workplaces. Suppose that both individuals suffer
similar levels of psychological distress as a result of the robbery.
Suppose further that the
marginal effect on well-being of an additional dollar of income is higher for the poor person
relative to the wealthy person.
5. In this example, we are implicitly making what is referred to in microeconomic theory as an
interpersonal utility comparison. By stating that both victims suffer comparable psychological harm, we
are implicitly assuming that our underlying gauge of well-being can be used to distinguish different
happiness levels cardinally and compare changes in well-being across individuals. This idea is
somewhat controversial in economics, and many are reluctant to draw such comparisons. In fact, most
of the results of basic microeconomic theory can be derived with a nonunique utility function so long as
the ordinal ranking of alternative states is preserved.
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The value of damages done in this example consists of two components: the cost of
replacing the phone and the minimum compensation for pain and suffering needed to
restore the victim’s preincident level of well-being. By construction, the monetary value of
the first component is equal, and hence we can focus on putting a dollar value on pain
and suffering. Compensation for pain and suffering theoretically equals the amount of
income that would be sufficient to offset the welfare loss associated with being traumatized.
Although both individuals suffer similar traumas, the minimum necessary payment to the
poor victim is smaller because his or her marginal utility of money” is higher and each
dollar goes further in improving the poor victim’s welfare relative to that of the wealthy
In other words, given his or her relative income deprivation, it takes fewer dollars to
offset the utility loss from psychological distress. Hence, the dollar value of the victimization
under these assumptions is lower for the poor victim.
As these welfare measures are essentially the building blocks of cost–benefit analysis,
the systematic tendency to place greater weight on the welfare of the wealthy is certainly of
concern. Of course, we still must discuss how theses valuations map into the absolute and
relative ranking of policy options and carefully ponder whether such rankings may conflict
with social preferences for equity and fairness.
Cost–Benefit Analysis and the Absolute and Relative Assessment of Policy Options
Individual valuations of the net benefits of a policy ultimately provide key inputs into
cost–benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses, and by extension, they provide one manner of
prioritizing the uses of the powers of the state. Cost–benefit analysis essentially sums the
monetary values of benefits and costs across all individuals and normatively recommends
pursuing policies that generate net positive benefits (or, equivalently, that have cost–benefit
ratios greater than one). Cost-effectiveness analysis, in contrast, ranks policies according to
their cost–benefit ratios. Although these two analytical t ools are similar and interdependent,
one might conceptualize cost–benefit analysis as providing an incremental test for whether
more or less public resources should be devoted to a specific policy effort. Cost-effectiveness
analysis, however, provides a manner of assessing whether the resources spent within a given
policy domain are being used wisely (i.e., whether we could achieve the same outcomes
with fewer dollars or better outcomes with similar resources by simply reallocating resources
across alternative policy interventions).
To illustrate these concepts, Figure 1 reproduces cost–benefit ratio estimates produced
by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy pertaining to interventions intended
to reduce juvenile offending.
The cost–benefit ratios vary greatly across interventions
with high ratios for Functional Family Therapy and various cognitive behavioral therapy
6. See Friedman (2002) for a more formal discussion of this point.
7. See the explanation on cost–benefit results from the Washington State Institute for Public Policy (2015).
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Cost–Benet Ratios from Juvenile Justice Interventions Estimated by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy
Source:WSIPP,Benefit-Cost Results. Retrieved July 10, 2015 from
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interventions to ratios below one and even negative for programs such as Scared Straight.
Cost–benefit analysis would prescribe investing in all of the programs in Figure 1 with a
cost–benefit ratio in excess of one. Cost-effectiveness analysis, however, would prescribe
that for a given level of expenditures, we allocate resources to the interventions with the
highest cost–benefit ratios, perhaps involving reallocating expenditures from interventions
with relatively low cost–benefit ratios to interventions with high ratios.
In the context of the programmatic interventions illustrated in Figure 1, the recom-
mendations of cost–benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis seem perfectly reasonable and
frankly uncontroversial. Why would society not discard programs that generate negative
net benefits and seek to spend public dollars in a manner that maximizes the impact per dol-
lar spent? In many instances, we would argue that such analysis indeed should provide the
principal criterion for public choice. However, the peculiar relationship between individual
valuations of policy benefits and costs and individual income levels, in conjunction with
strict adherence to the normative prescriptions of cost–benefit analysis, may yield policy
recommendations that conflict with commonly held preferences for equity and fairness.
This issue is best illustrated with examples. Suppose a police department receives
funding for one additional police officer and is trying to decide how to deploy this new
resource. For simplicity, suppose the city is socioeconomically segregated into a wealthy area
and a poor area and that the additional officer, through general deterrence, would prevent
10 residential burglaries per month in whichever area he or she is deployed. With higher
incomes, lower average marginal utility of money, and more expensive possessions, high-
income households will place greater monetary value on preventing 10 residential burglaries
than will low-income households even if we assume that the psychological trauma associated
with being burglarized is the same for a poor and a wealthy household. Here, an analysis of
the cost-effectiveness of alternative deployment choices would yield the recommendation
that the additional officer be deployed to the wealthy neighborhoods.
Alternatively, suppose that the material possessions of poor households are sufficiently
modest that the benefits as measured by compensating variation associated with the 10
prevented burglaries per month falls short of the cost of an additional officer. Suppose also
that the material possessions of the wealthy households are sufficiently opulent such that
the benefits from preventing one burglary per month would exceed the cost of an additional
officer. Now suppose that allocating the officer to the wealthy neighborhood would prevent
only one burglary (because crime rates are already low in the wealthy neighborhoods)
but 10 burglaries in the poor neighborhood. A cost–benefit test would not recommend
additional police for the poor neighborhood but would for the wealthy neighborhood.
8. Presumably, each of these interventions is likely to exhibit diminishing returns to scale, implying that
reallocating dollars from intervention A toward intervention B would increase the cost–benefit ratio of A
and diminish that of B. The optimal allocation of resources across interventions would occur where the
cost–benefit ratios are equalized across interventions.
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A cost-effectiveness analysis would recommend reallocating police officers from the poor
neighborhood to the wealthy neighborhood.
As one final example, consider the analysis of the finances of a drug-selling gang from
the south side of Chicago presented by Levitt and Venkatesh (2000). By analyzing variation
in compensation for the gang’s foot soldiers associated with periods of high and low mor tality
risk, the authors estimated the compensation required among these individuals to accept an
elevated risk of death on the job, and by extension, the value that these (for the most part)
young African American men were implicitly placing on lives lost. The authors estimated
that the additional annual compensation for one additional death ranged from $8,000 to
$120,000. We will discuss in detail the concept of the value of statistical life in the next
section. For the moment, however, we will note that observed risk-wage trade-offs among
the general working public yields an average estimate of $9 million. If we use this estimate in
conjunction with the upper bound estimate for foot soldiers in the drug-selling gang, then
cost–benefit analysis would rank as equally attractive a policy that prevents one death among
the general public to a policy that prevents 75 deaths among young men who participate
in the drug trade. Cost-effectiveness analysis would rank a policy that prevents one death
among the general public as preferred to any policy that prevents 74 or fewer deaths among
young men involved in the drug trade.
Examples of policy proposals that pass the cost–benefit test but have questionable
equity implications abound in many policy domains. For example, redistributive programs
that provide aid to the poor often fail to generate net positive benefits because the value of
the transfer to the poor falls short of the tax revenue needed to finance the benefits and the
administrative costs of the program. A strict adherence to the normative recommendations
of cost–benefit analysis would preclude such redistributive efforts. As an alternative example,
consider the issue of generating tax revenue. The net social costs of raising tax revenue via
an excise tax are lower when levied on goods for which the price sensitivity of demand tends
to be low.
Hence, cost-effectiveness analysis would imply that we should always levy taxes
on goods for which demand exhibits very low price sensitivity, such as cigarettes or insulin.
The potential for cost–benefit analysis to yield normative prescriptions that conflict
with a common sense of fairness is well known. In fact, we believe that most advocates of
cost–benefit analysis would argue for parallel assessments of the equity and distributional
consequences of policy options and the consideration of equity as well as efficiency in policy
9. In a simple static market analysis, imposing an excise tax always generates negative net benefits
because of the reaction of the supply-and-demand sides of the market to the change in price. Generally
speaking, the more elastic the demand for a good, the greater the distortion to individual behavior
caused by an excise tax. An excise tax (a) increases the prices paid by consumers and reduces the prices
received by producers; (b) reduces production and consumption, relative to what it would be in the
absence of the tax; and (c) generates a “deadweight loss,” which is defined as a loss of value for which
there is no offsetting gain. Deadweight loss will be greater in markets with more elastic demand
holding all else constant.
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deliberation and public choice. Nonetheless, there is a strong case to make for cost–benefit
analysis as a principal input for policy making, equity concerns notwithstanding, for the
following reasons.
First, any policy choice with net positive monetary benefits provides what economists
call a potential Pareto improvement. A Pareto improvement is a situation in which a change
that makes someone better off does so without harming anyone else, inclusive of changes
where everyone benefits. Pareto improvements represent movements toward efficiency in
that one generates more happiness within the resource constraints of the society without
generating a loss. A policy proposal that would generate net positive benefits is one that
has the potential to be a Pareto improvement if a mechanism exists to redistribute some of
the net benefits to those who would otherwise be the policy losers. Of course, this point
is qualified by the empirical reality that, for whatever reason, there are few examples of
cross-party compensation and many examples where policy changes create uncompensated
losers. Our hypothetical examples regarding the allocation of additional police resources
are instances in which redistributions converting potential Pareto improvements into actual
Pareto improvement are unlikely to occur. Nonetheless, with positive net benefits, there is
always room for a deal, so to speak, between those who benefit and those who are harmed
by a policy change that in the end may make all better off.
Second, the prescriptions of cost–benefit analysis need not conflict with equity objec-
tives. For many interventions, the costs and benefits of policy alternatives will be borne by
similar socioeconomic segments of society, and thus, the relationship between net-benefit
valuation and income is less relevant (take for example, the earlier discussion of juvenile
justice interventions). Moreover, it is certainly possible that the prescriptions of cost–benefit
analysis are aligned, rather than are in conflict, with key equity objectives. One example
is the Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI) of the Bureau of Justice Assistance within the
U.S. Department of Justice. The aim of JRI is to evaluate the costs and benefits of various
criminal justice interventions broadly defined, to include policing, prisons, jails, commu-
nity corrections, and violence-prevention efforts, and to foster allocation of public resources
toward more cost-effective policies. Suppose that it can be shown that the value of additional
crime resulting from reverse deterrence and incapacitation associated with the elimination
of a mandatory minimum prison sentence falls short of the value of crime that would be
prevented should these resources be reallocated toward hiring more police officers. Making
such a reallocation would reduce the cost of crime to society holding constant public expen-
diture levels, while mitigating the collateral consequences of incarceration that are borne
disproportionally by poor communities.
10. Schelling (1984) provided many interesting thought experiments in which policy proposals that on the
surface appear to be unfair can be rendered mutually beneficial though appropriate compensatory
mechanisms and transferable p roperty rights assignments.
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Third, cost–benefit analysis forces the policy process to struggle with the fact that we
operate in a world of scarcity and that resources devoted to one intervention cannot be
devoted to others. Spending on an expensive medical intervention may displace spending
on preventive activities. It may be the case that the life years saved per dollar spent may be
greater from the latter relative to the former. Criminal justice expenditures may displace
public expenditures on early childhood education and other investments in health and
well-being targeted toward at-risk families. A mature policy process must confront these
trade-offs responsibly, even if it requires unseemly tabulations such as the placing a dollar
value on a murder prevented.
Ethical Objections to Cost–Benefit Analysis
Cost–benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses are influential and widely employed in other
policy domains involving the regulation of risk. For example, in their review of research
on the value of a statistical life,” a concept that we will discuss in detail in the next
section, Viscusi and Aldy (2003) cited several federal agencies employing cost–benefit
analysis between 1985 and 2000, including the Federal Aviation Administration, the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Nutrition Service division as well as the
Food Safety and Inspection Service division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission. These
agencies employed the workhorse tools of welfare economics in deliberating over a variety
of topics ranging from the regulation of the sale and distribution of cigarettes, the use of
lead paint, and the regulation of fuel additives, to ozone air quality s tandards and portable
bed rails.
To be sure, the use of cost–benefit analysis and the tools of welfare economics in these
alternative policy domains are controversial to some and have certainly been criticized on
moral and ethical grounds. In a widely cited paper, Kelman (1981) provided a general cri-
tique of the use of cost–benefit analysis in policy making. Although many of the examples
cited pertain to regulatory activity in the domains of health and safety and the environment,
the relevance to criminal justice policy is apparent. Kelmans (1981) critique can be summa-
rized as follows. First, in some situations, even though the benefits may outweigh the costs,
the violation of a moral duty (i.e., the duty not to kill, lie, maim, or defame) may simply
preclude consideration of the policy in question. Second, even when duties and rights are
not absolute, they do have prima facie moral validity,” and when they come into conflict
with a favorable cost–benefit calculation, they should be given due consideration in the
deliberation process. Kelman further contended that some issues of such great importance
should not be governed by cost–benefit analysis. To quote Kelman (1981: 36) directly,
many environmentalists fear that subjecting decisions about clear air or water to the cost
benefit tests that determine the general run of decisions removes those matters from the
realm of specially valued things.”
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It is important that we take these critiques seriously as these arguments do point to
limitations of welfare economic analysis as a guiding light for policy makers. In fact, we would
argue that most defenders of cost–benefit analysis are fully cognizant of these limitations,
as is evident in the testy written responses to Kelman’s (1981) essay. For example, DeLong
(1981: 39) argued that the “decision to use cost-benefit analysis by no means implies the
adoption of the reductionist utilitarianism described by Kelman.” Solow (1981: 41) wrote
that “Kelman hints broadly that economists’ are so morally numb as to believe that a
routine cost-benefit analysis could justify killing widows and orphans, or abridging freedom
of speech, or outlawing simple evidences of piety and friendship.” Both quotes reveal a
healthy appreciation of the fact that cost–benefit calculations provide one of many criteria
that must be considered in public deliberations.
A recent salient example whereby net social cost is considered in tandem with, and per-
haps is constrained by, larger ethical concerns is provided by the recent National Academy
of Sciences (Travis and Western, 2014) report on the increase of mass incarceration in
the United States. The committee authors of the report laid out a set of principles that
should guide sentencing with an eye on minimizing the net social costs of our criminal
justice policy while emphasizing some of the rights and duties that Kelman argued have
prima facie moral value. Although Travis and Western recognized the value of sentencing in
preventing crime through incapacitation and deterrence, they explicitly called for consider-
ation of social justice (that the nations correctional apparatus should not exacerbate existing
salient inequalities and perhaps aim to narrow them), respect for citizenship (guaranteeing
minimum human rights, preserving dignity, and not damaging the long-term prospects of
prison inmates, most of whom will eventually be released), proportionality (that sentencing
disparities reflect heterogeneity in the severity of crime and culpability of the offender), and
parsimony (that sentences be no harsher than needed to achieve retributive, crime-control,
and rehabilitative goals) in sentencing reforms. The authors argued that these principles of
restraint provide complements, not alternatives, to recent emphases on offender account-
ability and crime control” (Travis and Western, 2014: 323).
Clearly, deliberations over criminal justice policy must strike a balance between the net
benefits of our policy options and many of the fundamental ethical concerns that pervade
all aspects of the criminal justice system. Thus, careful deliberations of the nature prescribed
by welfare economics should certainly play a prominent role. It is interesting to consider the
closing remarks of Kelman’s 1981 essay. Although not written specifically about criminal
justice policy, the sentiments eerily foreshadowed some of the excesses to come in criminal
My own judgment is that modest efforts to assess benefits and c osts are justified,
although I do not believe that government agencies ought to sponsor efforts to
put dollar prices on non-market things. I also do not believe that the cry for
more cost benefit analysis in regulation is, on the whole, justified. If regulatory
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Research Article Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature
officials were so insensitive about regulatory costs that they did not provide
acceptable raw materials for deliberative judgment, my conclusions might be
different. (Kelman, 1981: 40)
Although in the counterfactual world more cost–benefit analyses may not have pre-
vented the subsequent quadrupling of the nations incarceration rate, one might reasonably
argue that more deliberative and less emotional response to crime would have likely yielded
a different national path.
Placing a Dollar Value on Criminal Victimization
Cost–benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses of criminal justice interventions require two
key sets of inputs. First, one needs estimates of the effects of a given policy intervention on
key consequences including such outcomes as crime rates, incarceration levels, and collateral
consequences of the policy for offenders, potential offenders, family of offenders, and so
on. Second, one needs monetary metrics that facilitate placing these consequences on a
common footing. In this section, we discuss the small but growing literature that has so far
attempted to place a monetary value on criminal victimization.
Several key cost concepts merit discussion before we review specific methodological
approaches and studies. First, research on the costs of crime usually draws a distinction
between ex ante estimates of crime costs (society’s willingness to pay to reduce criminal
victimization before the identity of the victim is known) and the ex post costs of crime
(the monetary value of the damage imposed on an identified victim). Ex post costs provide
the key concept for formulating and arriving at a remedy. However, to the extent that
cost–benefit analysis is motivated by the quest to identify the optimal provision of public
goods, ex ante cost should guide public deliberations regarding preventative expenditures.
Second, most analysts draw a distinction between the direct costs of crime and the
indirect costs of crime. Direct costs of crime are those that are generated by specific criminal
victimizations, inclusive of the costs to victims and the costs to society of responding
to criminal victimization. Indirect costs include all of the resources devoted t o, and the
various ways that our lives are altered by, crime-prevention effor ts and efforts to avoid
becoming a victim. Expenditures on locks and security systems; residential choices that
increase commute times; and costly changes in behavior such as avoiding certain areas, not
leaving one’s home after dark, or not allowing one’s children to play outside would all be
subsumed under the indirect costs heading.
Finally, many researchers draw a distinction between the tangible and intangible costs
of crime. Tangible costs are those that can be measured through economic transactions,
for example, medical costs of victimization, processing costs for a criminal defendant, costs
associated with punishment, the value of lost property, and the value of earnings losses asso-
ciated with diminished capacity. Although tangible costs are conceptually straightforward,
measurement challenges abound especially when one considers loss of life or diminished
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earnings capacity. Perhaps the most controversy surrounds the articulation and measurement
of intangible costs. Such costs include pain and suffering to victims, lost companionships
to family members, and general diminished quality of life resulting from criminal victim-
ization. We will discuss key examples of cost–benefit analyses next, where consideration of
intangible costs is the difference between net-positive and net-negative social benefits.
Several alternative methodological approaches are available for measuring the cost
of crime, each with its own relative strengths and weaknesses. Many of the studies in this
literature have been juxtaposed and compared in the high-quality reviews by Chalfin (2013),
Heaton (2010), and in an earlier review by Nagin (2001). In the proceeding discussion, we
focus principally on the relative strengths of the alternative approaches and the degree to
which the cost estimates align with the willingness-to-pay metric that undergirds welfare
economics, and we selectively review key studies within each category.
Measuring the Cost of Crime Through Hedonic Analysis
The principal challenge faced by researchers striving to place a dollar value on criminal
victimization is that individuals do not directly buy and sell victimization. However, con-
sumers and producers buy and sell goods that bundle together the services of the good with
other attributes, some of which may involve risk of injury or risk of personal victimization.
For example, working the night shift at a convenience store may entail an elevated risk
of victimization relative to working during the day. Living in a high-crime neighborhood
may elevate the risk of being robbed or suffering a residential burglary relative to living in
a low-crime neighborhood. To the extent that the markets for the underlying goods being
traded are competitive (i.e., perfect information regarding good attributes, many buyers
and sellers, and low transaction costs), negative or positive attributes of the good will be
capitalized” into the price. That is to say, a variation in price will reflect both the value of
the principal service of the good in question as well as monetary compensation (that can be
either positive or negative) for the hedonic, implicitly traded attribute. In our two examples,
the night shift, all else held equal, should pay more than the day shift to account for the
higher victimization rate. Similarly, a housing unit in the high-crime neighborhood, all else
held equal, should sell or rent at a discount. Dividing the price differential associated with
working the night shift by the increment in risk of a specific form of victimization yields an
estimate of the cost of that form of victimization in terms of the compensation demanded
by workers in the labor market.
The reader has likely already anticipated many of the critiques of hedonic analysis.
First, there may be confounding factors not observed by the researcher that are correlated
with risk and that explain observed price differentials for reasons that are independent of
the risk of victimization. For example, working at night while most people are asleep is
certainly a negative job attribute that likely requires additional compensation to induce
someone to fill this position. Absent an estimate of the independent effect on compensation
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of an irregular schedule, one might falsely overattribute a pay differential between the day
shift and the night shift to the higher risk of victimization.
Second, the assumption of perfect information regarding secondary attributes of goods
bought and sold is unlikely to hold. Information regarding victimization risk in either the
night shift or housing example is likely to be imperfect and subjective perceptions inaccurate.
People are notoriously bad at conceptualizing the true risk posed by low-probability events
and may either systematically overestimate or underestimate the risks they face on a specific
job or from purchasing a given product type.
Third, choices may be constrained by noncompetitive forces that also distort the price
signal from which the researcher is trying to uncover the cost of a higher victimization
risk. For example, racial housing discrimination may drive up housing costs in poor Black
neighborhoods, reinforcing racial segregation in cities by constraining the residential choices
of Black households, and may increase prices in predominantly Black neighborhoods relative
to what they would be in the absence of such discrimination (see Massey and Denton,
1998; Yinger, 1997). If Black neighborhoods have higher crime rates on average than White
neighborhoods, then the effect of discrimination on housing price differentials will confound
the effect of higher victimization risk. As an alternative example, high unemployment rates
among certain groups may force them to accept whatever employment is available and
prevent the payment of compensating differentials for negative job attributes. Indeed, several
studies found negative associations between workplace risk and compensation, which is an
empirical finding consistent with noncompetitive forces driving the most vulnerable workers
into low-paying jobs with negative nonpecuniary job amenities (Black and Kniesner, 2003;
Hersch, 1998).
Fourth, hedonic analysis is often based on the trade-offs made by individuals whose
risk preferences are not representative of the general population. For example, the least risk-
averse workers are those who will select into risky jobs because those workers will accept
risky employment for the lowest risk compensation. Should we be using the value place
on victimization risk from such individuals for policy analysis in which loss of life is a key
Finally, most of the research on the cost of crime has not generated crime-specific esti-
mates of willingness to pay to avoid victimization usually because of insufficient independent
variation in the underlying crime rates associated with traded goods.
Thaler (1978) provided one of the earliest estimates that employed hedonic analysis to
explore the economic cost of crime. This study estimated the relationship between property
crime rates and property values in Rochester, New York. Thaler ran regressions of property
values on neighborhood crime rates, holding constant housing unit characteristics, and he
found a significant negative effect of crime on property values. Of course, this early study
was subject to critiques regarding potentially omitted variables (e.g., other unfavorable
neighborhood characteristics that are correlated with crime such as local pollution or poor
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school quality). In addition, the study did not generate separate estimates of resident
willingness to pay to avoid distinct crimes such as burglary or robbery.
A more recent analysis by Linden and Rockoff (2008) employed a methodological
design that more adequately addressed the omitted variables bias problem; yet it is still
subject to many of the other concerns pertaining to risk perception and pricing. Linden
and Rockoff used sex offender registries to estimate the effect of the arrival of a new sex
offender in one’s neighborhood on values of nearby properties. They focused on a single
county in North Carolina and combined data on parcel sales, parcel characteristics, and the
presence and arrival date of sex offenders from the state’s sex offender registry program. By
using longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates, Linden and Rockoff identified homes within
0.3 miles of a sex offender’s residence and estimated (a) the distance price gradient once a
sex offender is present, (b) the distance-price gradient prior to the sex offender’s arrival, (c)
the change in home prices within 0.1 miles pre-post the arrival of someone on the registry,
(d) the comparable change between 0.1 and 0.3 miles of the residence, and (e) the relative
change in prices for homes closer to the residence of the sex offender. Linden and Rockoff
found sizable declines in home values within 0.1 mile of a registered sex offender’s residence,
on the order of 4.5%. For those living next door, the changes are larger, on the order of
12%. The price effect, however, declines rapidly with distance with little evidence of an
effect on homes values just beyond 0.1 miles.
Linden and Rockoff (2008) used these results to back out an estimate of willingness to
pay to prevent a sexual assault base on the decline in home values and a calculation based
on the national victimization survey of the likelihood of being assaulted by a sex offender in
one’s vicinity. Assuming that individuals understand the true risks of having such a neighbor,
the authors estimated a cost per sexual assault on the order of $1.2 million. They explored
the sensitivity of this result to various assumptions, with perhaps the most important being
a systematic tendency to overestimate the likelihood of rare events. Under one set of extreme
assumptions (namely, that the assault in the neighborhood would definitely happen to the
person in question), the cost estimate drops to $90,000. To be sure, if the price decline
associated with a sex offender’s moving in next door is driven in part by induced moral
repugnance, then these estimates of ex ante victimization cost would be upwardly biased.
The body of hedonic analysis studies that has had the largest impact on cost-of-crime
research involves studies devoted to estimating the value of a statistical life (VSL). Most
of this research has involved testing via the use of multivariate econometric models for
risk-wage trade-offs in labor market data for the United States and for other countries. This
risk-wage premium is then used to estimate society’s willingness to pay to reduce statistical
deaths by one by essentially tabulating the amount of additional wage compensation needed
to accept an increase in fatality risk that would generate one additional death. An alternative,
though smaller, body of studies has generated VSL estimates from consumer product price
differentials, where given products such as car seats or air bags are used to estimate individual
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willingness to pay to reduce the risk of injury or death. This research was reviewed in detail
by Viscusi (1993, 2008) and Viscusi and Aldy (2003).
The findings from the VSL literature often provide key inputs to cost-of-crime analyses
and serve as benchmarks against which many of the results using alternative methods
are compared (especially results for homicide). Hence, it is worthwhile to summarize the
general magnitudes of the values from VSL studies, as well as some of the conceptual and
measurement problems in this literature. Chalfin (2013) provided an exhaustive summary
of VSL estimates from various markets as well as the use of VSL estimates by federal
agencies, converting all values to 2010 dollars. The results from 31 separate labor market
studies yielded a range of $0.7 million to $26.4 million with a mean value of $9 million.
The 13 studies based on consumer products yielded a range of estimates of $1 million
to $11.1 million, with a much lower average relative to the labor market studies of $3.4
million. Finally, Chalfin enumerated 18 separate cost–benefits analyses conducted by federal
agencies, employing VSLs ranging from $1.3 million to $8.6 million (average of $5.3
million). Notably, the cost–benefit analyses using relatively low values are all fairly old,
occurring during the 1980s and early 1990s.
Most VSL estimates are subject to the same critiques that we raised in our more general
discussion of hedonic analysis. Namely, jobs with relatively high workplace risk are also
likely to be characterized by other negative job amenities that would require compensation
to attract workers (for example, the risk of nonfatal serious injury). In addition, individuals
who fill employment oppor tunities with relatively high fatality risks are unlikely to have
preferences that are representative of the average person, or the median voter (take, for
example, the low VSL inferred from the behavior and compensation of foot soldiers in
the drug-selling gang analyzed in the 2000 study by Levitt and Venkatesh). Finally, how
individuals perceive fatality risk and cross-occupational variation in this risk is uncertain,
and there is no reason to believe that subjective assessments of cross-job differences in fatality
risk are accurate.
Two relatively recent VSL estimates addressed many of these concerns and yielded
estimates on the low side of the cost range reviewed in Chalfin (2013). The first exploited
the 1987 change in federal policy permitting states to increase their speed limits on rural
interstate freeways from the federal mandatory maximum of 55 miles per hour to 65 miles
per hour. Ashenfelter and Greenstone (2004) assessed the effect of this change in states that
opted for the increase on (a) total travel time savings and (b) auto-related fatalities. They
found robust evidence of a 35% increase in auto fatality rates associated with the change in
speed limits and travel time savings of approximately 125,000 hours per additional fatality.
Ashenfelter and Greenstone (2004) argued that state policy makers were well aware of
the mortality consequences of increasing the speed limit as the imposition of the federal
speed limit in 1974 led to a notable and widely discussed decline in traffic fatalities. In
addition, research on the average speed/fatality trade-off was well developed by 1987 and
actively discussed by state legislators across the country in deliberating about whether to
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increase speed limits. The change in average travel time was clearly exogenous and the
result of deliberate decision making by policy makers. Moreover, the beneficiaries of the
change in policy in terms of reduced travel time (the general driving public) and those who
bore the costs of this change in terms of higher fatality risk (the general driving public)
were essentially the same. Hence, the VSL revealed by this particular policy change comes
as close as possible to a deliberate public choice trading off higher fatality levels for an
economic benefit in terms of lower travel costs. Pricing the time savings at the average wage
for workers in each state, the authors estimated a VSL of $1.54 million in 1997 dollars
($2.25 million in 2015 dollars).
The second study, by Greenstone, Ryan, and Yankovich (2015), modeled the likelihood
of reenlisting in the U.S. Army as a function of retention bonuses that vary over time and
by army occupation and the variation over time and by occupation in fatality risk for the
period 2002 to 2010. Greenstone, Ryan, and Yankovich estimated the effects of changes in
fatality risk as well as of changes in the retention bonus on the likelihood of reenlisting and
used these estimates to derive the VSL revealed by the c hoices of young men and women
deciding whether to continue with their military careers. This exercise yields VSL estimates
ranging from $165,000 to $769,000.
These two studies raised several issues that are pertinent to cost–benefit analysis in
criminal justice policy. First, the one explicit example in which we observe policy makers
deliberately choosing higher fatality levels in exchange for an economic benefit yields a
VSL much lower than what is commonly assumed in crime-related cost–benefit analyses
that price the loss of life. Although we also noted cost–benefit studies conducted by federal
agencies that assume higher VSLs, the deliberations of states and their ultimate choices
reveal the actual implicit valuations of lives from these state choices. Notably, none of these
states subsequently reversed the decision to increase speed limits, and the federal limit on
speed limits was subsequently abolished in 1995. Hence, to the extent that we are willing
to interpret the policy process as reflecting deliberate informed choice, these subsequent
actions (or inactions to be precise) suggest an implicit judgment that the value of the travel
time savings was not outweighed by the extra fatalities.
To be sure, it may be the case that the manner in which a life is lost bears substantively
on society’s willingness to pay to avoid such an outcome and that a homicide is more costly
in terms of willingness to pay than an auto-related fatality. Nonetheless, Ashenfelter and
Greenstone’s (2004) results, in conjunction with the general sensitivity of crime-related
cost–benefit analysis to the assumed VSL (see Chalfin and McCrary, 2013), should inspire
caution in interpreting the cost–benefit ratio calculations for criminal justice interventions in
which the homicide effect of a policy intervention is the principal contributor to net benefits.
The second issue concerns the question of what is the appropriate value to place on
the lives of individuals who often willingly and for meager reward place themselves at great
risk. Consider the relatively low VSL revealed by the reenlistment behavior of soldiers. A
strict adherence t o cost–benefit analysis would value the lives of these individuals ex ante at
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the VSL that is revealed by their choices. Hence, if the cost per life saved of providing body
armor or reinforcing the floors of transport vehicles exceeds $769,000, then ex ante net
benefits from such an investment would be negative. Our best g uess is that most Americans
would oppose a policy tabulation and subsequent policy decision that placed a lower value
on the lives of soldiers than the value we place on members of the general public in other
risk-related deliberations. Interestingly, Greenstone et al. (2015) found lower VSLs among
veterans that have seen combat, which is suggestive of a complex relationship between past
experience and the willingness and motivation to take on lethal risk. For example, perhaps
having experienced combat engenders a greater sense of duty and a consequent increase in
the likelihood of reenlisting.
As a related example, consider a cost–benefit analysis of a policy choice designed to
decrease auto fatalities among teenagers (for example, increasing the minimum age for a
driver’s license to 18). We k now that teenagers, on average, are more likely to engage in risky
behaviors than adults, often in exchange for relatively small rewards (for example, speeding
and texting while driving). If one were to back out the revealed value that teenagers place
on a statistical life from observed risk–reward trade-offs, one might reasonably propose that
such calculations would yield low valuations relative to the valuations that the behaviors
of the same individuals would reveal 10 years later. A cost–benefit analysis that values lives
saved using the valuations revealed by the behavior of teenagers themselves may fail to
yield a cost–benefit ratio greater than one. Of course, policy makers may paternally place
higher values on the lives of teenagers in their deliberations (for example, by applying
an average estimate for young adults) by taking into account neuroscientific research on
brain development, age, and impulsive and risky behavior. However, this would depart
(reasonably, we would add) from strict cost–benefit analysis.
This brings us back to the low VSLs revealed by the choices of members of drug-
selling gangs. One can certainly argue that their choices reveal very low valuations of their
own lives and that perhaps economic valuations of homicides involving criminally active
individuals should reflect these low valuations. However, one may also argue that many
of these participants are young, that their preferences for and attitudes toward risk are
likely to evolve as they age, and that their willingness to accept risk may be influenced by
past experiences and current circumstances in manners that are complex and not necessarily
immutable. Interestingly, in assessing civilian mortality risk in an attempt to characterize the
alternative risk profiles of soldiers who do not reenlist, Greenstone et al. (2015) estimated
fatality risks for young African American men in many U.S. cities that are comparable with
many of the high-risk, army occupations on an active tour of duty. “Revealed preferences
for risk” as commonly conceptualized in relatively reductive models of human behavior may
fail to account adequately for the endogenous determination of these preferences, and the
role of such factors as prior traumatization, structural inequalities that impact aspirations,
and general perceptions regarding one’s future. To place a relatively low value on the lives
of young crime victims who engage in high-risk behavior, in our view, places too much
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stock in the underlying theoretical paradigm and, in particular, the implicit assumption of
exogenous risk preferences.
Contingent Valuation Studies
We noted in our general discussion of welfare economics that one main goal of cost–
benefit analysis is to uncover the public’s preferences or demand for goods and services that
are generally suboptimally provided by private markets. We also noted that public safety
services have many of the key characteristics of a public good. Namely, once provided, it is
difficult to exclude someone who refuses to pay taxes from enjoying these benefits, and that
one person enjoying the benefits of a safe environment does not detract from the benefits
enjoyed by others. Although hedonic analysis provides an indirect path to uncovering these
valuations, an alternative strategy would be simply to ask people how much they value
a safe environment. This is essentially the methodological strategy underlying contingent
valuation surveys.
Contingent valuation surveys aim to estimate the distribution of willingness to pay for
a specific public good. For example, one might inquire via a contingent valuation survey
whether a household is willing to pay $0, $50, $100, $150, or $200 in the form of higher
taxes for an intervention that would decrease homicide by 10%, for example. Usually the
amount queried is randomly varied across respondents. With completed responses from a
random sample of households, one can estimate the proportion of households unwilling
to pay at least $50, the proportion willing to pay $50 but not $100, the proportion
willing to pay $100 but not $150, the proportion willing to pay $150 but not $200, and
the proportion willing to pay $200. Subject to specification choices regarding the value
to assign to each category (for example, should those unwilling to pay $50 be assigned
values of zero), the researcher can then calculate the average willingness to pay among all
households. Multiplied by the number of households in the United States, one arrives at
the total willingness to pay for a 10% reduction in homicide. Dividing by the number
of homicides that would constitute a 10% reduction yields willingness to pay to reduce
statistical homicides by one.
Contingent valuation analyses have a fairly long and somewhat controversial history
in environmental economics. A historical flashpoint arose in the litigation and damages
assessment after the March 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill along the Alaskan coastline. A damage
assessment by Hausman, Leonard, and McFadden (1995) valued the direct economic
losses from diminished recreation and fishing at approximately $4 million. An alternative
assessment by Carson et al. (1992), based on society’s stated willingness to pay to avoid such
environmental disasters, put the total losses at approximately $3 billion.
The difference
11. Exxon and the state of Alaska ultimately settled out of court for $3 billion in damages. See Carson (2012)
for a discussion of the Exxon Valdez event and the role of economic research in arriving at the
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between these two figures is primarily a result of the inclusion in the latter estimate of what
environmental economists refer to as existence” or passive use” value, namely, the value
placed on the existence of something despite whether one derives direct use and enjoyment
from the object of the valuation exercise. The wedge between these two cost estimates is
analogous to the wedge that exists between realized out-of-pocket crime cost totals and
crime cost totals that account for indirect and intangible costs of victimization, such as
crime avoidance and victim pain and suffering.
This discrepancy in damage assessments sparked an intense debate within the economics
profession regarding the validity of contingent valuation methods. Much of the arguments
for and against the use of these methods are summarized in two symposia published in
the Journal of Economic Perspectives. Peter A. Diamond and Jerry A. Hausman (1994) laid
out the case against under the title “Contingent Valuation: Is Some Number Better than
No Number?” First, they argued that hypothetical statements of willingness to pay are
divorced from any true underlying economic transactions and often inquire about issues for
which taxpayers and consumers have little direct experience in terms of actual purchases. In
addition, respondents essentially have nothing at s take in answering a hypothetical interview.
Responses may be strategic, aimed at pleasing the interviewer, or express protest, but they
may not necessarily bear any resemblance to actual willingness to pay for a specific public
good. This critique often fuels suspicion that contingent valuation estimates are in general
biased upward because nothing is at stake for the respondent.
Diamond and Hausman (1994) raised additional concerns about the convenience
samples used in some contingent valuation surveys (for example, stopping shoppers in
malls), concerns that numerical answers may ultimately be anchored by the payment choices
specified by researchers beforehand in designing the contingent valuation survey, and that the
existence value figures are unrealistically large. Finally, several authors have raised concerns
about what some refer to as the embedding effect, namely, that willingness to pay tends
to be insensitive to variation in the ultimate impact of the intervention. For example,
willingness to pay to clean up 10 lakes may seem to be the same as the willingness to pay to
restore 100 or 1,000. In other words, respondents may simply be stating their willingness to
contribute to some vague environmental effort, with the magnitude of the ultimate effect
being poorly understood. There is reason to believe that this may be a particular problem
in the cost-of-crime estimates, a point that we expand on shortly.
On the pro-side, W. Michael Hanemann (1994) contended that much of what society
values is never traded in markets, and if we were to restrict public-sector interventions to
those domains for which there exists a close market substitute, the public sector would fail
to address and appropriately deliberate over many issues and problems that constitute the
fundamental responsibilities of the state. Although Hanemann was principally referring to
valuing environmental damage, the applicability of this argument to the criminal justice do-
main is self-evident. Hanemann noted that most serious contingent valuation efforts employ
sophisticated sampling designs, pretest their survey instruments, and word survey questions
612 Criminology & Public Policy
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in a manner that reminds the respondent of the tax implications of the program. Hanemann
also cited several studies that cross-validated the results from contingent valuation analysis
with actual market transactions and noted that in many of these studies, willingness to pay
from contingent valuation is within the ballpark of observed expenditures.
The debates surrounding the valuation of the Exxon Valdez spill led to an unusually
high-profile assessment of the merits of this relatively obscure research tool (Portnoy, 1994).
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) convened a panel of
experts to assess whether contingent valuation methods can credibly provide estimates of
environmental damage and, in particular, lost passive use value. The final report (Arrow
et al., 1993), which included the Nobel laureates Kenneth Arrow and Robert Solow as
co-authors and panel chairs, is often cited as a how-to guide and quality control document
in many of the contingent valuation studies that have followed.
The panel ultimately concluded that contingent valuation surveys can indeed feasibly
be employed to evaluate environmental damage. Most relevant to the topic of this essay, the
NOAA panel laid out a set of best practices as they pertain to contingent valuation methods,
and a set of guideposts against which to assess study quality (Portnoy, 1994). These include
the recommendations that surveys be administered in person rather than by phone, and
by phone rather than by mail, and that the surveys be based on probability samples rather
than on convenience samples. The report also recommended that contingent valuation
surveys measure costs based on willingness to pay rather than on willingness to accept
as the key measure of valuation (an explicit acknowledgment of concern that estimates
may be implausibly large). Additional guidelines include the recommendation that surveys
pose questions in a referendum format that emphasizes the tax and income consequences
of supporting a proposal, that respondents be reminded of the effect of the proposal on
personal income, and that surveys include follow-up questions that permit assessment of
whether the individual understood the question and whether willingness to pay varies with
observable characteristics such as income in a manner predicted by simple economic theory.
The cost-of-crime literature that has taken this approach has benefitted greatly from
this intellectual history. Notably, the earliest applications of contingent valuation methods
(Cook and Ludwig, 2000; Ludwig and Cook, 2001; Zarkin, Cates, and Bala, 2000) post-
date this debate and cite the NOAA recommendations in their methods sections, although
not all are followed in at least one of these studies (Zarkin et al. [2000] relied on mall
intercept samples in two communities on the East Coast). Although this body of literature
is small, the existing studies to date have been high quality and generally have followed
most of the NOAA guidelines. In addition, the costs of crime, even the intangible costs,
12. The second
Journal of Economic Perspectives
symposium, published after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon
oil rig disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, reiterated many of the same arguments, although as noted by
Kling, Phaneuf, and Zhao (2012), this literature h as advanced and matured considerably in the
intervening 20 years ( see Hausman, 2012, and Carson, 2012, for their updated assessment of the merits
of contingent valuation methods).
Volume 14
Issue 4 613
Research Article Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature
have more conceptual clarity than the somewhat vague concept of passive-use value in
environmental studies. Cert ainly, victim pain and suffering is a real phenomenon that we
believe most individuals can understand and conceptualize. Even passive use value in the
criminal justice realm (personal welfare associated with knowing that society is safer for all
even if one is personally not at a high risk of becoming a crime victim) is a more concrete
social objective over which respondents can express opinions relative to the valuation of a
particular ecosystem that respondents are unlikely to visit or may not even be cognizant of.
Another benefit that the crime contingent valuation studies have over the environmental
studies is that one of the big-ticket crimes (in particular, homicide) has an external body
of research based on market transactions against which values can be compared, that is,
the extant VSL estimates. Here, we provide a selective review of key studies in contingent
valuation analysis applied to the costs of crime.
Cook and Ludwig (2000; Ludwig and Cook, 2001) provided perhaps the first applica-
tions of contingent valuation methods to criminal justice research. The authors generated
estimates of the cost associated with gun violence in the United States. In their book, Cook
and Ludwig (2000) devoted great effort to drawing qualitative and quantitative contrasts
between gun violence cost estimates based on the cost-of-illness (COI) approach, which
effectively enumerates gun homicides and injuries and attempts to generate ex post estimates
of each, and measures of society’s willingness to pay to prevent gun violence. By design,
contingent valuation methods are intended to generate ex ante estimates of willingness to
pay for public goods that would decrease the risk of these particular outcomes. Given the
many preventative measures that individuals take to avoid becoming a victim, including
security service and device purchases and avoidance behavior, it is not clear a priori whether
COI estimates or contingent valuation estimates would yield larger social cost figures.
Cook and Ludwig (2000; Ludwig and Cook, 2001) developed a contingent valuation
questionnaire that was administered to a nationally representative sample of households
and inquired about willingness to pay for an intervention that would decrease gun violence
by 30%. Survey respondents were randomly assigned to be queried about their willingness
to pay $50, $100, and $200 for a program. Those who responded affirmatively were
asked whether they would pay double the queried amount. Those who answered negatively
were asked a follow-up question regarding whether they would be willing to pay half the
original amount. The questions were worded to ensure that the proposed policy reduced gun
availability among convicted offender and juvenile delinquents but would not interfere with
the gun rights of law-abiding citizens. Cook and Ludwig estimated a national willingness to
pay of $24.5 billion 1998 dollars, amounting to $1.2 million per prevented gunshot injury.
They also used their estimates to generate alternative estimates of the value of a statistical
life assuming (a) all of the willingness to pay is to prevent gun-related deaths and (b) the
cost of gun-related deaths is twice that of nonfatal gun injuries. These yield estimates of a
VSL ranging from $5.4 million to $6.8 million in 1998 dollars ($7.8 to $9.8 million in
2015 dollars). These estimates lie well within the range of VSL estimates reviewed in an
614 Criminology & Public Policy
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earlier literature review by Viscusi (1993) and the estimate summarized by Chalfin (2013),
but the numbers are higher than the implicit valuations of traffic fatalities estimated by
Ashenfelter and Greenstone (2004).
Perhaps the most widely used set of cost-of-crime estimates from the contingent valu-
ation literature was presented by Cohen, Rust, Steen, and Tidd (2004), who presented the
results from a contingent valuation survey inquiring about household willingness to pay to
prevent a host of serious violent offenses. Based on a random sample of U.S. households, the
study inquired about willingness to pay for a program that would reduce specific crime rates
by 10%. Each household was asked about three of five serious crimes, with the crimes in-
quired about and the order randomly determined. The willingness-to-pay amount is drawn
from a payment schedule ranging from $25 to $200, with the amount randomly chosen
and the same amount asked for each crime category. From these responses, the authors
estimated the probability density function of the distribution of willingness to pay for each
crime and estimated an average per household using this distribution.
Next, by using contemporaneous crime rates and estimates of the number of households
in the United States, Cohen et al. (2004) generated an estimate of the value of a 10% crime
reduction and the amount that the public would be willing to pay per crime averted. The
per crime figures suggested $25,000 for burglary, $174,000 for armed robbery, $57,000 for
serious assault, $185,000 for rape/sexual assault, and $8.5 million for a murder. Again, it
is interesting to note that the estimate for murder lies within the range of VSL estimates
discussed earlier. Cohen et al. (2004) presented confidence intervals derived from the
sampling variance of their estimates. These cost estimates exceeded the extant ex post
cost of crime estimates that took a more “bottom-up” approach that we review in the
next section. The authors speculated that the higher values from the willingness-to-pay
studies are explained by the implicit inclusion of all indirect costs of crime that accrue
to society beyond victimization cost. This inference is consistent with Anderson’s (1999,
2012) accounting of the total costs of crime as well as with Nagin’s (2001) critique of earlier
efforts to arrive at bottom-up estimates.
One might raise several concerns about both the Cook and Ludwig (2000; Ludwig and
Cook, 2001) studies as well as the work by Cohen et al. (2004). First, although Cook and
Ludwig were careful to specify in their survey that gun rights for law-abiding citizens would
not be impacted by the proposed intervention, Cohen et al.’s work left the actual nature
of the intervention vague. It is difficult a priori to decide which approach is better; yet the
juxtaposition of these two alternative designs raises the question of whether it is possible to
value victimization in a manner that is divorced from the nature of the policy intervention
that yields the crime abatement. Second, both studies specified that the program would have
a given percentage effect on crime rates, and then they each backed out values per incident
based on the implicit number of crimes prevented implied by the hypothetical percentage
impact and contemporaneous crime rates. If we are to take these calculations as actual
measures of society’s willingness to pay to prevent a specific crime, we must believe that
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Research Article Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature
(a) survey respondents know what the actual crime rate is and (b) survey respondents can,
during the interview, calculate, digest, and cognitively process a given percentage decline
in crime and what it means to them. This raises concerns regarding the embedding effect
discussed previously. For example, do we find lower willingness to pay for a 10% decrease
in crime when crime rates are low?
These questions can be explored in part by reviewing the contingent valuation results
presented by Nagin, Piquero, Scott, and Steinberg (2006) and Piquero and Steinberg (2010).
Nagin et al. (2006) employed a contingent valuation survey to gauge the relative value that
the public places on alternative crime-control strategies that have similar ends yet different
means. Nagin et al. assessed the degree to which the public was differentially willing to pay for
programs that focused on rehabilitation relative to programs that focused on incarceration
and crime control through enhanced deterrence and incapacitation. Nagin et al. surveyed
a random sample of Pennsylvania households, inquiring about their w illingness to pay
for a program that would reduce juvenile offending by 30%. Households were randomly
assigned to be asked about a program that would be focused on rehabilitation as opposed to
a program that would involve incarcerating a convicted youth for an additional year. The
impact was arbitrarily held constant across the two interventions, and individuals were asked
about their willingness to pay $100 for the randomly assigned intervention. For those who
answered yes, a follow-up question inquired whether they would pay $200. For those who
answered no to the first inquiry, a follow-up question inquired whether they would pay $50.
The authors tabulated average willingness to pay based on the responses to these questions
and found a statistically significant and substantively higher (roughly 25%) willingness to
pay for programs with a rehabilitation focus.
Piquero and Steinberg (2010) repeated this exercise by using the same survey in-
strument and research protocol but fielding the survey 2 years later (2007) in four states
(Pennsylvania, Illinois, Louisiana, and Washington). The results were nearly identical in
this much larger survey; yet the authors found some substantial cross-state differences. The
overall difference in willingness to pay for rehabilitation over incarceration remained and
was similar in magnitude to that found in the earlier survey by Nagin et al. (2006). In ad-
dition, a willingness to pay for the rehabilitation intervention was comparable across states.
However, Piquero and Steinberg (2010) found greater disparities favoring rehabilitation
in Washington and Illinois, no difference in willingness to pay in Louisiana, and a higher
willingness to pay for additional incarceration in Louisiana relative t o the other states in the
This four-state study permitted an exploration of w hether contingent valuation s tudies
of cost of crime exhibit the embedding effect problem highlighted in our discussion of
the environmental literature. As we have already noted, contingent valuation critics raise
concerns regarding whether respondents exhibit reasonable variation in willingness to pay
that accords with basic economic theory. To be specific, do the results of these studies suggest
that individuals are willing to pay more when the likely effect on crime is larger? The four
616 Criminology & Public Policy
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states surveyed in 2007 by Piquero and Steinberg (2010) differed greatly in terms of their
violent and property crime rates. All interviewees were asked about their willingness to pay
for a 30% reduction in juvenile offending. Assuming that juvenile offending is higher in
states with relatively high crime rates, one would expect higher willingness to pay for a 30%
decline in relatively high crime states because a 30% decline translates into relatively larger
reduction in crime rates and individual victimization risks.
Figure 2 graphically depicts violent crime rates (incidents per 100,000) from the
Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reports and average willingness to pay
from Piquero and Steinberg (2010) for the included states. The four states are ordered
from lowest to highest in terms of the violent crime rate. Even though the violent crime
rate in the highest crime state (Louisiana) is more than double the violent crime rate in
the lowest (Washington), there is no detectable relationship between willingness to pay and
the crime rate. Willingness to pay for a rehabilitative intervention is basically flat across
states. Willingness to pay for an additional year of incarceration is roughly comparable
across all states and then jumps by $20 for Louisiana. Figure 3 presents a comparable
graph for property crime rates. Here, we express property crimes as incidents per 10,000
to facilitate the visual comparison between crime rates and willingness to pay on the same
scale. Although the ordering of states changes some what, we still find little evidence of
higher willingness to pay in states with higher crime rates.
Does this imply that residents of Louisiana value victimization less than residents of
Washington or Illinois? Not necessarily. An alternative interpretation would be that the
average respondent simply does not comprehend in a meaningful way what constitutes a
30% reduction in offending among juvenile offenders. If this is true, however, the relative
constancy across states suggests that the survey is picking up a general willingness to
contribute to an effort, which is similar to the critique regarding embedding effects that has
been raised in the environmental damages literature.
Interestingly, the finding of a preference for rehabilitation over incarceration foreshad-
ows some of the more high-profile ballot referendums as well as other criminal justice
reforms that have occurred in recent years. For example, voters in California passed voter-
initiated propositions to divert drug offenders to treatment rather than to incarceration in
2000; to moderate sentences for less serious third-strike felonies in 2012; and to redefine
many low-level drug offenses and larceny from felonies to misdemeanors, with a provision
to redistribute savings toward schools and reentry efforts in 2014. As another example, the
federal Justice Reinvestment Initiative is essentially consistent with the social ranking of
policy tools derived from these contingent valuation studies.
Bottom-Up Estimates of the Cost of Crime
An alternative strategy for estimating cost of crime was hinted at in our discussion of
Cook and Ludwig (2000). Specifically, in theory one can enumerate the various costs that
Volume 14
Issue 4 617
Research Article Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature
Violent Crime Rates (per 100,000) and Willingness to Pay (WTP) for a 30% Reduction in Juvenile Oending from Piquero
and Steinberg (2010)
Sources: Piquero and Steinberg (2010) and the Uniform Crime Reports, 2007.
618 Criminology & Public Policy
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Property Crime Rates (per 10,000) and Willingness to Pay (WTP) for a 30% Reduction in Juvenile Oending from Piquero
and Steinberg (2010)
Sources: Piquero and Steinberg (2010) and the Uniform Crime Reports 2007.
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Issue 4 619
Research Article Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature
are created by specific victimizations (medical expenses, lost work, cost of investigation,
criminal case processing, punishment, etc.), place dollar values on each, and then sum. In
practice, these bottom-up estimates have been based on a hybrid of ex post and ex ante cost
estimates, with loss of life being valued with ex ante VSL estimates and all other costs being
generated from information on typical injuries sustained, estimates of lost work time, and
estimates of average costs associated with each.
Perhaps the most controversial cost category in bottom-up estimates pertains to pain,
suffering, and diminished quality of life (i.e., the intangible costs to crime victims). Certainly,
such costs are real and deserve to be included in any cost–benefit calculation. A particularly
salient example of where the inclusion of such costs generates a w idely different cost–benefit
result is found in contrasting an analysis of an Illinois early release program by Austin
(1986) with the reanalysis of this policy by Cohen (1988). By relying on cost estimates by
the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) that were limited to out-of-pocket victim expenditures
such as medical costs and property damage, Austin (1986) concluded that the budgetary
savings from the early release program far exceeded the marginal increases in crime associated
with recidivism among early releases.
Cohen (1988), however, argued that this conclusion was based on the very low valuation
placed on serious offenses and on the failure of the NIJ figures to consider the intangible
costs to victims. In several publications, he singled out the low assumed victim costs for rape
($350 in 1986 dollars) as a key flawed input in the Austin analysis (Cohen, 1988, 2005).
Cohen (1988) generated more inclusive estimates of victimization costs that accounted
for pain and suffering via an imputation based on data from jury awards from civil trials.
Cohen’s (1988) principal strategy was to estimate the relationship in civil cases between
medical costs of an injury and pain-and-suffering awards and then to use this relationship
in conjunction with medical cost estimates for specific forms of victimization to impute a
pain-and-suffering value. For example, pain and suffering for rape cases was estimated in
the following manner. Cohen took a weighted average of the medical costs for traumatic
neurosis, severe psychiatric distress, broken bones, and other injuries that occur in the
commission of rape, where the weights were the incident rates of the particular condition
associated with the victimization. Pain-and-suffering awards were then imputed from the
estimated empirical relationship between medical costs and jury awards. In generating the
total cost of specific victimizations, Cohen presented separate estimates that incorporated
the likelihood that an incident would result in a fatality. Multiplying the fatality incident
rate by a VSL estimate generated a contribution to cost associated with being exposed to
the fatality risk. By incorporating intangible costs, Cohen estimated the victimization cost
of rape at $57,000 rather than at $350, and he drew the opposite conclusion regarding the
sign of the net benefits of the Illinois early release program. Cohen’s conclusions strongly
admonished against partial victimization cost estimates. To quote the author directly, “in
620 Criminology & Public Policy
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my mind, to conclude that this early-release program was worthwhile was tantamount to
balancing the state budget on the backs of crime victims” (Cohen, 2005: xii-xiii).
Cohen’s early work, and in particular the jury-award methodology, figured prominently
in the work of Miller, Cohen, and Wiersema (1996). This study is perhaps the most widely
cited in this literature and is the source of victimization cost figures frequently used in
back-of-the-envelope calculations made by economists and others studying criminal justice
topics. The project makes great effor t to generate victimization counts that adjust for
underreporting for a wide range of violent and property crimes. For each crime type, Miller
et al. (1996) provided separate estimates of tangible losses” (costs associated with proper ty
damage and loss, medical care, death, mental health care, policy and fire services, victim
services, and lost productivity) as well as “intangible losses” in the form of pain and suffering
and diminished quality of life. Again, the victimization cost estimates were largely ex post,
although for fatal victimizations, the authors employed an estimate from the VSL literature.
In some tabulations, they estimated separate costs for each crime type that incorporated the
costs associated with the fatality risk.
McCollister, French, and Fang (2010) presented an updated bottom-up analysis of
victimization costs by using more recent jury-award data as well as more detailed in-
formation to generate cost-of-illness estimates of the tangible costs of victimization.
McCollister et al. (2010) also presented victimization cost estimates for a larger range
of offenses relative to previous studies and presented a detailed comparison of their
estimates with previous estimates from this literature. Table 2 reproduces a subset of
the results presented in Table 1 of McCollister et al.’s (2010) article. All estimates
have been converted to 2015 dollars. The first column presents the ex ante costs from
Cohen et al.’s (2004) contingent valuation analysis, whereas the second column presents the
bottom-up estimates from Miller et al. (1996).
The broader set of cost estimates in McCollister et al. (2010) is presented in the final
column of Table 2. Several interesting points can be made about these comparative esti-
mates. First, the most recent bottom-up estimates are fairly close to the results from the
contingent valuation study, with a generally consistent ranking of crime severity (despite
drastic differences in methodology). Second, in the two bottom-up studies, the estimated
13. Rajkumar and French (1997) provided another early contribution to the bottom-up cost estimates of
criminal victimization that generate estimates of intangible costs based on pain and suffering jury
awards. Although this publication generated the cost of criminal victimization, the principal aim was to
provide a cost–benefit analysis of drug-treatment programs. The authors used hospital emergency
room data to estimate the costs of t reating various injuries. In conjunction with information on the
incidence of various injuries associated with specific criminal victimizations, the authors generated
estimates of the direct costs of a specific crime. To generate intangible costs, they followed the jury
award methods proposed by Cohen (1988), estimating the relationship between medical expenses and
pain and suffering awards. They did not include information on psychological injuries and estimated
intangible costs for robbery and assault only. They then used this in conjunction with estimates of the
crime-mitigating effects of d rug treatment to perform a cost–benefit analysis of drug treatment taking
into account crime victimization costs.
Volume 14
Issue 4 621
Research Article Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature
Comparison of Unit Cost of Crime from Two Key Bottom-Up Studies and One
Key Contingent Valuation Study (All Costs in 2015 Dollars)
Oense Cohen et al. (2004) Miller et al. (1996) McCollister et al. (2010)
Murder $12,372,429 $4,774,809 $9,791,369
Rape or sexual assault $312,042 $135,617 $262,446
Assault $92,165 $23,382 $116,652
Robbery $305,458 $20,264 $46,118
Arson $58,546 $23,002
Larceny theft $577 $3,850
Motor vehicle theft $6,235 $11,741
Household burglary $2,338 $7,044
Embezzlement $5,973
Fraud $5,485
Stolen property $8,692
Forgery or counterfeiting $5,739
Vandalism $5,297
See reference sections for study citations. All gures are converted to 2015 dollars based on the 2008 valuations reported in McCol-
lister et al. (2010) and the percentage change in the CPI-all urban consumers between 2008 and early 2015.
property crime costs were low relative to the costs of violent crime, homicide in particular.
Other scholars compared the sensitivity of cost–benefit studies of criminal justice inter-
ventions to whether one can demonstrate an impact of the intervention on homicide (see
Chalfin, 2013; Chalfin and McCrary, 2013). The reason for this is perfectly clear when
one notes that the estimated cost of a homicide is 37 times the next most costly crime
(rape/sexual assault) and 833 times the most costly property offense (motor vehicle theft).
Clearly, the method for estimating intangible costs is the most controversial and de-
batable component of the bottom-up cost estimates. Few would argue that the true costs
of victimization should be limited to out-of-pocket expenditures. That is to say, it is hard
to debate against the proposition that crime victims suffering goes beyond the sum of lost
wages, medical expenses, and property damages. However, one may legitimately question
whether the decisions o f juries reflect anything akin to the compensation and/or equivalent
variation associated with the nontangible aspects of victimization. First, instructions given
to jurors heading into deliberation over general/pain-and-suffering damage evaluation vary
widely across states and tend to be vague (Abel, 2006). In addition, these awards tend to
exhibit great variation for similar injuries (Abel, 2006; Cooter and DePianto, 2011). Jurors
are being tasked with placing a value on unusual and often horrific scenarios for which
their preferences are most likely incomplete and poorly defined, and where any amount of
money is likely to be insufficient compensation (Cooter and DePianto, 2011). There is also
experimental evidence of instability in pain-and-suffering awards in mock trials. Specifi-
cally, Saks, Hollinger, Wissler, Evans, and Hart (1997) as well as Hinsz and Indahl (1995)
622 Criminology & Public Policy
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provided evidence that caps on pain-and-suffering awards tended to present psychological
anchors around which jurors set pain-and-suffering award amounts. If set high enough,
the award caps have the counterintuitive effect of increasing both average general awards as
well specific damage awards. Robbennolt and Studebaker (1999) found similar results in
experimental manipulation of punitive damage awards in mock trials. Hence, in addition
to being highly variable within injury class, the average awards exhibit sensitivity to the
framing of deliberation instructions. Finally, some evidence (cited in MacCoun, 2006) of
systemic bias was found in pain-and-suffering awards; minor injuries are overcompensated,
and major injuries are undercompensated.
Many of these critiques of the jury-award methods were raised in the past (see the
2001 review by Nagin and the earlier 1995 discussion by Zimring and Hawkins). To the
list of issues raised earlier one might add the fact that jurors are making decisions that are
divorced from their own personal budget constraint as they are imposing a cost on a third
party. Zimring and Hawkins (1995) also raised concerns pertaining to the fact that the total
cost of crime once one takes into account pain-and-suffering estimates sums to an amount
that would greatly exceed what most people would consider reasonable expenditures. For
example, we noted that by some estimates, the costs of crime amounted to 9% to 19% of
the country’s gross national product. Does this then imply that society would be willing to
pay 9% to 19% of gross national product to eliminate crime completely?
One might raise additional concerns regarding the general high level of jury awards
in the United States and whether these awards are reflective of some structural bias in
our system for mediating civil disputes (torts in particular). Media reports tend to focus on
outsized awards for pain and suffering and punitive damages to an extent that they likely bias
common perceptions regarding average tort compensation (MacCoun, 2006). In fact, most
tort cases settle out of court for modest amounts, and there is little evidence of a trend toward
larger awards (Robbennolt, 2000). Nonetheless, on average, pain-and-suffering awards are
higher in the United States than in other Western developed countries (Sugarman, 2005).
In addition, awards in the United States exhibit greater variation for similar injuries (in the
language of public finance, they exhibit greater horizontal inequity) than in other nations,
which suggests greater overall capriciousness in our system for valuing pain and suffering.
Finally, awards in the United States do not accurately reflect the net receipts to plaintiffs, as
attorney fees are often charged as a percentage (commonly one third) of awards (Sugarman,
2005). Of course, higher awards in the United States might reflect international variation
in the value placed on intangibles.
Relative Comparison of These Three Approaches to Estimating the Cost of Crime
The three approaches to measuring victimization costs—hedonic analysis, contingent valu-
ation, and the bottom-up accounting method—can be compared along several dimensions.
First, both hedonic analysis and the results from contingent valuation surveys estimate
ex ante willingness to pay to avoid or prevent criminal victimization. From the viewpoint of
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Issue 4 623
Research Article Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature
a public choice theorist, this approach to deliberating prescriptively about possible criminal
justice interventions is correct. The bottom-up studies presented, for the most part, are
ex post cost estimates. A subset of these estimates presented victimization costs that were
adjusted for fatality risk by adding the product of the likelihood of a fatality multiplied
by a chosen VSL estimate. This particular adjustment seems logically inconsistent with the
general premise of a bottom-up approach. As these studies carefully and comprehensively
articulated the consequences of an actual offense, these estimates are best thought of as the
compensating variation associated with being a crime victim (i.e., the minimum payment
needed to restore utility to the previctimization level). Incorporating into these estimates
an ex ante cost component based on a risk of an outcome that does not materialize is
inconsistent with a damages-done approach.
A second dimension along w hich these methods can be compared is the degree of
inclusiveness of the cost estimates. The hedonic and contingent valuation estimates in
many ways provide a summary or omnibus assessment of the costs of crime that bypasses
the need to articulate all possible consequences of a criminal victimization. To the extent that
consumers or survey respondents are knowledgeable about the consequences of a specific
crime as well as the likelihood of becoming a victim, then their actions (in hedonic analysis)
or their stated preferences (in contingent valuation analysis) will reveal true valuations
inclusive of direct and indirect costs of crime and perhaps passive-use value derived from the
knowledge that others are victimized at a lower rate. Of course, one might question whether
individuals know what the consequences of a victimization are and whether the average
voter knows current crime rates and the objective likelihood of becoming a crime victim. If
they do not, then the actual point estimates of the cost of crime will be inaccurate. Bottom-
up estimates of course require careful articulation of all possible costs of victimization and
likely underestimate indirect costs associated with crime avoidance and prevention.
A third dimension along which these three sets of estimates can be compared concerns
the likely direction of bias (are they too high or too low?). There are few hedonic estimates
of specific crime costs. The one exception is the body of VSL estimates that aims to
price fatalities in general rather than fatalities resulting from homicides. Stipulating to the
applicability of VSL estimates as a homicide cost measure, it is important to note that few
of the VSL studies have identified plausibly exogenous variation in fatality risk, with the
exception of Ashenfelter and Greenstone (2004) and Greenstone et al. (2015). There is
reason to believe that confounding omitted variables will impart an upward bias on VSL
estimates; this conjecture is consistent with the lower estimates found in these two studies
relative to the average values from the wider VSL literature.
Bias in the contingent valuation studies likely depends on several factors, including the
extent to which the average person overestimates crime rates and whether the hypothetical
nature of the survey creates divergence between stated and actual willingness to pay. If
perceived crime rates are higher than actual crime rates, then contingent valuation studies
will overestimate willingness to pay to prevent specific crimes, whereas the reverse is true if
624 Criminology & Public Policy
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perceived crime rates are below actual crime rates. Interestingly, public perception of crime
rates and change therein are notoriously inaccurate and tend to overestimate the likelihood
of becoming a crime victim. For example, despite continuously decreasing crime rates in
the United States since 1994, most Americans believe (and in some years the overwhelming
majority) that crime has increased each year (McCarthy, 2014). Aside from inaccurate
perceptions of risk, if people are more generous in terms of their willingness to pay in
hypothetical situations relative to actual referenda, then contingent valuation studies will
yield estimates of willingness to pay that are systematically higher than actual willingness to
Whether the bottom-up studies are biased in one direction or the other depends
crucially on the measure of intangible costs derived by pain-and-suffering awards, as this
cost component accounts for the lion’s share of cost estimates. Several factors suggest
that average awards are likely to be higher than the willingness-to-pay concept central to
cost–benefit analysis. First, jurors make decisions with someone else’s money. Second, jur y
awards in the United States are inclusive of attorney fees; this factor can be taken into
account by juries when deciding on a pain-and-suffering total. Third, jury awards are high
in the United States relative to other developed nations, which likely reflects aspects of
our civil-conflict resolution practices. Thus, pricing intangibles is a difficult and poorly
defined task and may often involve putting a price on unimaginable harm. For the most
serious injuries and harms, awards by construction are likely to be insufficient to make one
In the end, all three estimates tend to yield cost figures that are fairly consistent with one
another in terms of general magnitude and the ordering of crime severity. For homicide,
contingent valuation methods tend to align with VSL estimates from observed market
behavior when loss of life is involved. Given the concerns about actual crime-cost point
estimates raised in this article, we are cautious about analyses that take strong positions
based on whether net benefits are positive. We are more comfortable, however, with policy
analysis that employs cost-of-crime estimates to rank policy alternatives according to their
cost effectiveness.
Mark Cohen (2005), perhaps the largest contributor to the economic cost of crime literature,
wrote about his experience during the 1980s as a young scholar tasked with helping the newly
formed federal sentencing commission assess the relative severity of felony offenses with an
eye on building proportionality and fairness into federal sentencing guidelines. He noted the
lack of guidance from commission members, the dearth of research on the relative severity of
crime, and the rudimentary and partial accounting for victimization costs that existed at the
time. Over the following three decades, a relatively modest number of researchers have set
about filling in this knowledge gap, employing clever yet controversial innovations (making
Volume 14
Issue 4 625
Research Article Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature
use of jury awards
) and drawing from other important policy domains where one must
value what is very difficult to value (contingent valuation methods from environmental
economics and VSL studies from analysis of labor market policy). This research effort
has made considerable progress and often has provided key inputs to back-of-the-envelope
calculations summarizing specific research projects and more systematic and serious efforts
at cost–benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis of criminal justice policy interventions.
Despite this progress, there is certainly room for further development and more research
on this topic is needed. As we discussed, there are reasons to believe that the principal
methods used to generate cost-of-crime estimates may be biased upward. To the extent that
the average survey respondent tends to overestimate the likelihood of becoming a victim or
erroneously believes that crime as a social problem is getting worse, a hypothetical percentage
point decline in crime will be perceived as having an impact on crime that is exaggerated
relative to the true effect. When willingness to pay is normalized using objectively measured
crime rates, the per-incident cost estimates will be too high. In addition, evidence of
embedding effects raises questions regarding the accuracy of these estimates and their
dependence on context. More research is certainly needed on the application of contingent
valuation methods in criminal justice policy, with an eye on assessing whether crime cost
estimates are sensitive to alternative manners of framing the questions (and perhaps to
educating respondents about actual crime rates and victimization risks).
Regarding bottom-up estimates, awards for pain and suffering in the United States (a)
exhibit great variation holding injuries constant, (b) tend to be higher in the United States
than other countries, (c) reflect decision making that is not subject to a personal budget
constraint, and (d) may implicitly incorporate attorney fees to be drawn from the damages
award. Whether these factors result in upwardly biased cost estimates (and the magnitude
of this bias) is difficult to assess. However, one could imagine exploring sensitivity of cost–
benefit calculations to, for example, discounting pain-and-suffering awards by one third to
account for attorney fees.
One potential extension of this research might be to apply contingent valuation survey
methods to nationally representative samples of individuals to gauge what the public believes
is the appropriate value to place on criminal victimization in public deliberations. Such a
survey could emphasize the dual purpose of these numbers for victim compensation and
for deliberation over criminal justice policy options. For example, respondents may be
queried about their maximum willingness-to-compensate crime victims out of a publicly
financed victims’ compensation fund. Respondents could be reminded that payments occur
at taxpayer expense and that policy interventions that prevent crime would lower the tax
burden accordingly. Consequently, respondents would be further prompted with examples
14. Cohen attributed this methodological innovation to Phillip Cook.
15. See, for example, the exhaustive and careful cost–benefit analysis effort of the Washington State
Institute for Public Policy (
626 Criminology & Public Policy
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illustrating how these numbers might figure into criminal justice policy deliberations. For
example, if the established victim’s compensation for auto theft is $2,000 and a program
promises to reduce auto thefts at a cost o f $40,000 per theft, then policy makers would take a
pass. In contrast, if the standard victim’s compensation for a sexual assault were $50,000 and
a program promised to reduce sexual assaults at a cost of $4,000 per incident prevented, then
policy makers would invest in this program. Setting aside issues of behavioral responses to
a guaranteed compensation schedule, framing the question in this manner could effectively
prompt respondents to think as policy makers. Not acting to prevent crime imposes a cost
on society through victim compensation. Taking action may either increase or decrease these
costs, depending on the costs of crime prevented relative to the set compensation amount.
Framed in this manner, such a contingent valuation survey would prompta respondent to
consider how much is too much to pay to prevent a specific type of victimization.
Given our concerns regarding the potential upward bias to cost-of-crime estimates, we
feel more comfortable with the use of these estimates to rank policy alternatives rather than
to pass overall judgments regarding whether specific proposals have net-positive benefits. To
be sure, in some cost–benefit calculations, the evidence of the net-positive benefits or the
potential for net-positive benefits is overwhelming and modest upward bias is unlikely to
alter conclusions regarding w hether the program pays for itself. For example, many of the
programs reviewed in Welsh and Farrington (2000) as well as many of the programs evaluated
and ranked by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy yield cost–benefit ratios much
greater than one. As another example, tabulations of victimization costs generated during
the life course by criminally active youth are suggestive of enormous social savings from
early and effective preventive measures (Cohen, 1998; Welsh et al., 2008). Moreover, we
have confidence that cost–benefit calculations that use the more recent, more inclusive
cost-of-crime figures reviewed here that yield net-negative benefits are actually identifying
ineffective interventions (see, for example, Lofstrom and Raphael, 2013, and Raphael
and Stoll, 2013, for cost–benefit calculations of this sort pertaining to marginal prison
expansions). Nonetheless, cost–benefit tabulations with ratios near one or that are being
determined primarily by an underlying effect of the intervention on homicide deserve
careful scrutiny. For example, researchers could follow the lead of Chalfin and McCrary
(2013) and chart the relationship between estimated cost–benefit ratios and the assumed
Another practical issue concerns the manner in which uncertainty in cost–benefit tab-
ulations is conveyed when summarizing research and conveying findings to policy makers.
Of course, there are two sources of variation in cost–benefit ratio estimates: the sampling
variance of the intervention effect size estimates and the sampling variance of the cost-
of-crime estimates. Typical cost–benefit calculations by economists writing about criminal
justice tend to appear in conclusions and usually neglect to characterize the uncertainty
of this estimate. However, a serious effort to incorporate effect size sampling variance
into cost–benefit calculations was undertaken by the Washington State Institute for Public
Volume 14
Issue 4 627
Research Article Role of the Cost-of-Crime Literature
Policy. Calculations in their rankings were based on the effect-size sampling distribution
rather than on a unique point estimate. Thus, when evaluating a program, they reported
both the cost–benefit ratio (using a point estimate effect of a policy) as well as an estimate of
the chance benefits will exceed costs measure (Washington State Institute for Public Policy,
Aside from measurement issues, we have argued that the results from cost–benefit
analysis should be one of many criteria considered by policy makers and that there certainly
are many public choice problems where net benefits may take a backseat to other legitimate
social objectives. Given the unequal distribution of the cost of criminal victimization and
anti-crime enforcement efforts, as well as the potential for perceived illegitimacy of the
criminal justice system to undermine various public institutions, equity considerations
deserve careful attention in all criminal justice policy choices.
These caveats aside, careful cost–benefit analysis akin to what occurs in other policy
domains throughout the countr y should be one of the key drivers of criminal justice policy.
The cost-of-crime literature has done a great deal to facilitate the incorporation of this
normative paradigm and set of analytical tools into the criminal justice domain.
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Patricio Dom
ınguez is a Ph.D. student in public policy at the Goldman School of Public
Policy at the University of California, Berkeley.
Steven Raphael is a professor of public policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at
the University of California, Berkeley.
632 Criminology & Public Policy