We are recruiting parents to serve on the district Gifted and Talented Advisory Council (GTAC) for
the 2022 - 2023 school year. This council is made up of district staff and parents who work
together to ensure quality services are provided for gifted students and their families. GTAC will
meet two times this year from 4:45 to 6:00 pm on November 8, 2022 and April 4, 2023. If you are
interested in serving as a representative, please contact your childs principal as soon as possible.
Each school can have up to one member.
Mrs. Monita's 1st Grade Classroom
Mrs. Monita's students have met with Mrs. Jurek to start the
foundation of their GT project for this school year. Additionally, they
have been provided with a differentiated choice-board for both WIN
and literacy stations. Through these choice-board, students have an
opportunity to show learning with activities that are meaningful, and
challenging to them. For example, some have been practicing
writing through comic book templates or creating math puzzles.
Mrs. Gonzales's 2nd Grade Classroom
Second Grade GT students have had the opportunity to use various sources to conduct Social
Studies research. They have completed a research project on Paul Revere. After reading through
their sources, students had to analyze the information and decide what was Paul Revere's most
important contribution and what was just interesting information. Students then organized their
information in a note-taking sheet, made nal tweaks, and then presented their nal work on a
biography template. They also practiced their research skills as they learned about U.S. symbols.
2nd Grade Research
2nd Grade Research
Mrs. Prunty's 3rd Grade Classroom
In the rst nine weeks, gifted and talented students in Mrs. Prunty's third grade class learned how
to research using non-ction books as their main sources of information. The group collaborated
on a topic and a question, and decided to research panthers and their relationships to other
animals and their environments. They asked the question, "What role does a panther play in a food
chain, and how does its survival impact other living things in its ecosystem?" Thanks to Mrs.
Jurek, our librarian, they received books from various libraries across our district, and have been
writing facts and learning how to summarize information on their planning pages. They will choose
a product to display their work, such as a poster, Google Slide, or Google Doc, and present their
ndings to the class in the next few weeks.
In addition, Mrs. Prunty's students have been learning about deductive reasoning and using critical
thinking skills through logic grids. Students solve puzzles by using relationships between different
people, places, and things based on a limited number of clues in the puzzles. We will continue to
use puzzles and games throughout the next nine weeks to practice problem-solving skills.
3rd Grade Projects 3rd Grade Projects 3rd Grade Projects
Mrs. Navarro and Mrs. Zuniga's 4th Grade Classroom
“This is awesome!” and, “This is the best class! has been heard several times this year. The GT
students have loved the challenges and different choices they get to work on. We have jumped into
Depth & Complexity icons & prompts, and they love the discussions. I have just introduced Genius
Hour, and can’t wait to see what they are wondering, creating, and learning about! I already have a
pair that are intrigued by the claw machine we have in class, and how it works, so they want to
create one of their own! I have also created a Challenge for them as if they’ve been hired to create
an exploration station for children to investigate the physical properties of matter. We also have
logic puzzles that they are super excited about, and even got to plan a “Sweet Treat” party with
different budgets.
Mrs. Jone's 3rd Grade Classroom
My GT kids are doing reading responses for their reading books using biblionasium. They have
been entering their responses in writing and on the computer. They have also been doing reader's
theatre together. In math, they are learning new extension games that they have played together
and will then teach other students. We are starting a research pamphlet of national symbols that
they will present to the class.
Extension Projects
Logic Puzzles
Genius Hour
Ms. E and Ms. Mag's 4th grade Classroom
In ELAR, students have been working on an extension project about our most recent Social Studies
unit. GT students have done additional research on the four Texas Regions in order to create a
project of their choice. Our students have chosen a variety of ways to showcase their knowledge
about the characteristics of their favorite region! Some examples include: Google Slides
presentations, dioramas, trifold posters, and even writing a chapter book.
In Math stations, students have been working on applying their knowledge of Place Value and
Decimals in order to plan a party for 30 people with a limited budget of $100. These real world
applications have allowed our GT students to problem solve and use their critical thinking skills!
During WIN time, all of our students have also been grouped according to their individual needs.
Our GT students are part of the "spicy group" which challenges them to work with above grade level
content and also provides them with access to a choice board of extension activities.
Independent Projects
Independent Projects
Independent Projects
Mrs. Maziarz's and Mrs. Ramsey’s 5th Grade Math Classroom
Students are staying busy exploring multiplication and division topics. Students worked hard to
create playable games that show multiplication and division skills and facts. Other students in the
class enjoyed playing the games they created and gave them valuable feedback to improve them!
Trying out a digital game.
Presenting his game to
Trying out one of the
Mr. Lindeman's & Mrs. Wood's 5th Grade ELAR/SS Class
In 5th Grade ELAR/Social Studies classes at KES GT students are challenged in various ways. For
ELAR, we have been utilizing the Think Law curriculum for GT students to help them with critical
thinking skills. This activity is completed during small group instruction as well as our W.I.N time.
Another goal we have for GT students is to provide them with choices and opportunities to be
creative. An example of this would be our Quarterly Book Review Choice Board. This activity
encourages students to show their creative side while completing a book review Students create
movie trailers, posters, Yelp reviews, and scrapbooks to demonstrate their knowledge of the book
they read. Finally, we like to encourage creative writing with our students. We have created an
extension folder for students where they can extend their learning of each module. An example
would be to write their own play as we cover Drama and can also include topics from our Social
Studies learning as well.
All About Ice Cream
Book Report "Harry's
The 40 Book Challenge was created by Donalyn Miller, author of
The Book Whisperer
Reading in the Wild
. She says, Children
who read the most will always outperform children who don't read
much. Research shows that a minimum of 20 minutes of daily
independent reading has a tremendous impact on a childs
academic success. If a child reads 40 books over the course of a
school year, they will have read on average 20 minutes daily.
Your student's goal is to read 40 Books and log a review of those books on our school wide
program Biblionasium. They must nish the book to count it on their challenge. It is ok to abandon
a book, but you may only count books read cover to cover. Books more than 250 pages count for
What kind of Books Should My Student Read?
The 40 Book Challenge fosters a growth mindset because it dares students to read outside their
comfort zone and explore many different genres. We want students to enjoy what they are reading
but they also need to be ABLE to read them. Finding a "Just right" book can be challenging. If you
need guidance selecting books ask your student's teacher or Mrs. Jurek our librarian.
Here are some book lists that are also helpful in selecting books:
Texas Bluebonnet Award (3-5)
Texas 2X2 Book List (K-2)
Newberry Award Winners
Caldecott Medal Winners
8 Steps to Become a Great Reader
GT Ambassador Award 2021-2022
drum roll please..... Kristen Jurek!
Kristen has gone above and beyond to support classroom teachers
in providing differentiation to our GT students. She has guided the
third graders through researching their future career, connected
students with professional to interview, and provided opportunities
to conduct student-led experiments around their passions. Our
second graders have been given a unique opportunity to research a
chosen historical gure, created artistic representations from
household materials and timelines about those people. Kristen has
also supported the rst grade team with the Create Your Own
Planet. She guided the rst graders through research of the solar
system and gathered resources for the students to create their own unique planets.
Over the course of the year, Kristen has pulled GT students to work with them on projects relating
to their interests. On one project in particular, she reached out to people within a specic career
eld that students were interested in so that they could interview them and gain more knowledge
about the role they have within their jobs.
Kristen has pulled the GT kids this year and has done amazing extension activities during our WIN
tims. It has been so helpful for me as a classroom teacher because there is limited time in our
everyday activities. The projects she has created with them are wonderful and it has given my
students a chance to shine. She has done all of this in addition to her library duties. She is the
Mrs. Jurek has created a wonderful makerspace in the library, as well as helps students with their
GT projects. She has done an amazing job, above and beyond her librarian duties.
Book and Web Resources for Parents
New Referrals
Do you know a friend or sibling who might qualify G/T services? Our referral window is about to
Gifted and Talented Assessment Information Meeting - October 26 at 6:30 at the Performing Arts
G/T referrals will be accepted during the month of November.
September 2021
September 2021
Rachel Greengold, Kyle Elementary GT Coordinator
Email: rachel.greengold@hayscisd.net
Website: https://www.hayscisd.net/Page/9812
Location: 500 Blanco Street, Kyle, TX, USA
Phone: 512-268-3311
Twitter: @RachelGreengold
Rachel Greengold
Rachel is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters