Division of Science, New York University Abu Dhabi, Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Visiting Associate Professor, New York University Abu Dhabi 2023-
Associate Professor of Social Psychology (tenured), London School of Economics & Political Science 2023-
Assistant Professor of Social Psychology, London School of Economics & Political Science 2016-2023*
Visiting Researcher, Department of Political Science & Government, Aarhus University 2014-
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, Brunel University London 2015
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Oslo 2014
* Maternity leave Dec 2016-Jun 2017; Maternity leave Feb-Aug 2019; Parental leave Mar-Jun 2020
PG Cert in Higher Education, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. 2018
PhD in Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. 2014
Committee: Jim Sidanius (adviser), Mahzarin Banaji, Steven Pinker, Jennifer Hochschild.
Dissertation: Society in Mind: The manifestation of intergroup and societal status differences in social, cognitive and
regulatory domains. Awarded the Harvard University 2014-2015 Richard J. Herrnstein Prize for 'excellent
scholarship, originality and breadth of thought, and a commitment to intellectual independence'.
Certificate in Teaching, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. 2014
MA in Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. 2012
MSc in Social Psychology, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. 2006
Thesis: Radical political beliefs and their consequences for cognition (Distinction)
BA (Hons) Psychology and Philosophy, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland. 2003
Thesis: Altruistic decision-making with respect to the theory of indirect reciprocity by image-scoring (First Class)
British Academy-Wolfson Fellowship (2022, shortlisted)
Elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, manufactures & commerce (2015)
Post-Doctoral Fellowship, British Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences (2015-2017)
Graduate Student Fellowship, Forum on Democracy & Markets, The Tobin Project (2013-2014)
Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Harvard Graduate School of Arts & Sciences (2013-2014)
Doctoral Fellowship, Multidisciplinary Program in Inequality & Social Policy, Harvard University
(National Science Foundation & Harvard Kennedy School of Government, 2011-2012)
Edmond J. Safra Lab Fellowship, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard Law School (Lab Project on
Institutional Corruption, led by Prof. Lawrence Lessig, 2010-2011)
Norman Henry Anderson Graduate Psychology Fund PhD Scholarship, Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences, Harvard University (2009-2011)
Fellowship Supplement, Centre for Human Values, Princeton University (2009, declined)
Research Grants
Grants-in-Aid, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI): All in This Together?
Combatting shaming of the poor in the context of widespread economic uncertainty (2022, Co-I))
Academic Collaboration with Arab Universities Programme, Emirates Foundation: Global Identity in an
Uncertain World: A longitudinal study of the development of cosmopolitan social attitudes at an
international elite university setting in the Middle East (2020-23, PI)
Covid Impact Fund, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE, 2021, PI)
J e n n i f e r S h e e h y - S k e f f i n g t o n | 2
Knowledge Exchange Fund, LSE: From theory to practice: connecting theoretical perspectives on the
psychology of poverty to grassroots research and practice in a Global South setting (2021, PI)
Research in the Global South Grant, SPSSI: “Does Poverty Know no Caste? Unpacking the Relationship
between Caste and Poverty in India(2020, PI)
Research Infrastructure and Investment Fund (RIIF), LSE: Antecedents and consequences of inequality
perceptions: The role of exposure to poverty and wealth on a daily basis (2020, PI)
RIIF, LSE: The impact of learning about socioeconomic bias in academic testing on the motivation and
performance of people from lower social class backgrounds (2019, PI)
Inequality & Decision-Making Research Grant, The Tobin Project: “Antecedents and Consequences of
Perceptions of Economic Inequality (2016, PI)
Policy & Research Funding, Joseph Rowntree Foundation: “Decision-Making in Poverty: Psychological,
Social & Cultural Processes (2016, PI)
Research Visibility Award, Brunel University: “The Psychology of Poverty in Community Health Contexts:
Proposal for a Researcher-led Workshop at Aga Khan University, Karachi, Pakistan (2015, PI)
Postdoctoral Research Funding, British Academy: Having little, having less: Toward a psychology of low
socioeconomic status” (2014, PI)
Graduate Student Award, Harvard Interfaculty Initiative in Mind, Brain, & Behaviour: “Evolutionary
underpinnings of decision-making and self-regulation in times of scarcity and low socioeconomic status:
research tools and study-running (2013, PI)
Forum in Democracy & Markets, The Tobin Project: Power in Context: Cognitive and Regulatory
Responses to Differences in Power and Status at the Intergroup and Societal Levels (2013, PI)
Norman Henry Anderson Graduate Psychology Fund Research Grants, Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences, Harvard University: “Power contagion: The psychological effects of social power in
interpersonal and intergroup contexts (2011, PI); “Decision-making up against the wall: A psychology
of scarcity and low social status (2012, PI)
Graduate Student Council Summer Conference Grant, Harvard University (2012, PI)
Research Grant, Harvard Multidisciplinary Program in Inequality & Social Policy: Decision-making up
against the wall: A psychology of low socioeconomic status (2011, PI)
Research Grant, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard Law School: “Don’t Dare Tell: Psychological
Mechanisms Underlying Negative Peer Responses to Whistleblowers’” (2010, Co-PI)
Stimson Fund Research Grant, Department of Psychology, Harvard University (2010, PI)
LSE Excellence in Education Award (2021, Winner)
LSE Student-led Teaching Excellence Award (2021: Inclusive Teaching, Inspirational Teaching, Nominee)
LSE Student-led Teaching Excellence Award (2020: Mentoring and Personal Development, Nominee)
Tobin Project Prize for Exemplary Work on Inequality and Decision-Making (2018, Shortlisted)
Richard J. Herrnstein Dissertation Prize, Harvard University (2014-2015, Winner)
International Society of Political Psychology Dissertation Award (2015, Honourable Mention)
Graduate Student Travel Award, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2014, Winner)
Star Family Prize for Excellence in Advising, Harvard College (2013, 2014, Nominee)
Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard University (2013, Winner)
Hilde T. Himmelweit Prize for Highest MSc Grade, London School of Economics (2006, Winner)
Entrance Exhibition Scholarship, Trinity College Dublin (1999, 2000, Winner)
PUBLICATIONS * Equal contribution as first author;
Equal contribution as second author;
Student author
Articles in Peer-reviewed Outlets
Sheehy-Skeffington, J.*, & Thomsen, L.* (2023). Ideology as a Moral-Relational Language. Psychological
Inquiry, 34(1), 35-42.
Baron, D.
, Lauderdale, B., & Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2023). A leader who sees the world as I do: Voters
prefer candidates whose statements reveal matching social psychological attitudes. Political Psychology.
J e n n i f e r S h e e h y - S k e f f i n g t o n | 3
Sheehy-Skeffington, J.*, Kteily, N. S.*, Ho, A. K.*, & Thomsen, L.* (2022). James H.(Jim) Sidanius (1945
2021). American Psychologist, Advance online publication.
Eftedal, N. H., Kleppestø, T. H., Czajkowski, N. O., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Røysamb, E., Vassend, O.,
Ystrøm, E., & Thomsen, L. (2022). Justice sensitivity is undergirded by heritable motivations to be
morally principled and opportunistic. Scientific Reports, 12, 5402.
Waldfogel, H.
, Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Hauser, O., Ho, A. K., & Kteily, N. S. (2021). Ideology selectively
shapes attention to inequality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(14) e2023985118.
Obradovic, S.
, Power, S., & Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2020). The psychological appeal of populism. Current
Opinion in Psychology, 35, 125-131.
Obradovic, S.
, & Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2020). Power, identity, and belonging to a superordinate group:
The case of Serbia and the EU. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50 (7), 1425-1442.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2020). The effects of low socioeconomic status on decision-making processes.
Current Opinion in Psychology, 33: 183-188.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J.* & Thomsen, L.* (2020). Egalitarianism: Psychological and socio-ecological
foundations. Current Opinion in Psychology, 32: 146-152.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2019). Inequality from the bottom up: Toward a ‘psychological shift’ model of
decision-making under socioeconomic threat. In J. Jetten and K. Peters (Eds) Social Psychology of
Inequality. New York, NY: Springer.
Kleppestø, T. H., Czajkowski, N. O., Vassend, O., Røysamb, E., Eftedal, N. H., Sheehy-Skeffington, J.,
Kunst, J. R., & Thomsen, L. (2019). Correlations between social dominance orientation and political
attitudes reflect common genetic underpinnings: A twin study. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 116 (36) 17741-17746.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J.*, & Thomsen, L.* (2018). A theory of how evolved psychology underpins attitudes
towards societal economics must go beyond exchanges and averages. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41,
Baron, D.
, Sheehy-Skeffington, J. & Kteily, N. S. (2018) Ideology and perceptions of inequality. In B.
Rutjens and M. J. Brandt (Ed.s) Belief Systems and the Perception of Reality, 45-62. London: Routledge.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2018). Decision-making up against the wall: A framework for understanding the
behavioural dimension of low socioeconomic status. In A. Uskul and S. Oishi (Eds), Socioeconomic
Environment and Human Psychology, 105-138. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Price, M. E., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Sidanius, J., & Pound, N. (2017). Is sociopolitical egalitarianism related
to bodily and facial formidability in men? Evolution & Human Behavior, 38(5), 626-634.
Sidanius, J., Cotterill, S., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Kteily, N., & Carvacho, H. (2016). Social dominance
theory: Explorations in the psychology of oppression. Cambridge Handbook of the Psychology of Prejudice.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Bratt, C., Sidanius, J., & Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2016). Shaping the development of prejudice: A latent
growth curve analysis of the influence of social dominance orientation on outgroup affect in
youth. Personality & Social Psychology Bulletin, 42(12), 1617-1634.
Frankenhuis, W. E., & Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2016). Psychological responses to fluctuating environments.
Current Anthropology, 57(5).
Kteily, N. S., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Ho. A. K. (2017) Hierarchy in the eye of the beholder: (Anti-)
Egalitarianism shapes perceived levels of social inequality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
112(1), 136-159.
Ho, A. K.*, Sidanius, J.*, Kteily, N.
, Sheehy-Skeffington, J.
, Pratto, F., Henkel, K. E., Foels, R., & Stewart,
A. L. (2015) The nature of social dominance orientation: Theorizing and measuring preferences for
intergroup inequality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109(6), 1003-1028.
Soylu, S.* & Sheehy-Skeffington, J.* (2015). Asymmetric intergroup bullying: The enactment and
maintenance of societal inequality at work. Human Relations, 68(7), 1099-1129.
Kteily, N.S., Cotterill, S., Sidanius, J., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Bergh, R. (2014) “Not one of us”: Predictors
and consequences of denying ingroup characteristics to ambiguous targets. Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, 40(10), 1-17.
J e n n i f e r S h e e h y - S k e f f i n g t o n | 4
Thomsen, L., Obaidi, M., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Kteily, N., & Sidanius, J. (2014). Individual differences in
relational motives interact with the political context to produce terrorism and terrorism-support.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 37(4), 377-378.
Sidanius, J., Kteily, N. S., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Ho, A. K., Sibley, C. & Duriez, B. (2013). “You’re inferior
and not worth our concern.” The reciprocal relationship between empathic concern and social
dominance orientation. Journal of Personality, 81(3), 313-323.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2013). Harnessing sociological concepts with psychological rigor: A commentary
on Türken and Rudmin. Psychology and Society, 5(2), 90-93.
Ho, A. K., Sidanius, J., Pratto, F., Levin, S., Thomsen, L., Kteily, N., & Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2012). Social
dominance orientation: Revisiting the structure and function of a variable predicting social and political
attitudes. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 38(5), 583-606.
Manuscripts in Preparation and Under Review
Kachanoff, F. J., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Ho, A. K., Richeson, J., & Kteily, N. S. (2023). Beliefs About What
Disadvantaged Groups Would Do With Power Shape Advantaged Groups’ (Un)Willingness to Relinquish It.
Revise & Resubmit at Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Sidanius, J., & Price, M. (2023). Cognition in Context: How the Salience of Societal
Status and the Framing of Tasks can Enhance Socioeconomic Disparities in Academic Attainment. Under review
at Journal of Social Issues.
Kleppesto, T. H., Czajkowski, N. O., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Vassend, O., Røysamb, E., Eftedal, N. H., …
Thomsen, L. (2023). The genetic underpinnings of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation
explain political attitudes beyond Big Five personality. Under review at Journal of Personality.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. & Dhingra, M. (2023). Decision-making in Context: Toward a globally-relevant
psychology of inequality. Ready for submission to Nature Reviews Psychology.
Buzan, J.
, & Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2023). From middle-class education to middle-class careers? How student
financial adversity predicts deprioritising jobs with the best long-term career progression. In preparation as an
invited submission for Journal of Social Issues.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Pound, N., & Price, M. (2023). Does scarcity impair or modulate cognition? Evidence
that hunger’s damaging impact on cognitive performance is limited to non-food-related stimuli. Manuscript in
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Paiwand, S.
, & Baron, D.
(2023). The subjective side of neoliberalism: Introducing the
Marketised Self Scale. Manuscript in preparation.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2023). Out of my hands: Low socioeconomic status diminishes personal sense of control.
Manuscript in preparation.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. & Sidanius, J. (2023). Power on my side: Approach orientation tracks the power positions
of shared group members. Manuscript in preparation.
Cano, I.
, & Sheehy-Skeffington, J.
(2023). Income and perceived control: What can governments do?
Manuscript in preparation.
Buzan, J., & Sheehy-Skeffington, J.
(2023). Constraints of the ‘here and now’: Present-oriented health behaviours
are predicted by subjective and objective financial strain, mediated by perceived control. Manuscript in
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Kunst, J. R., & Thomsen, L. (2022). Ideology as the expression of universal, elementary
relational motives applied between groups: The Between-group Relational Orientation Scale (BRO). Manuscript
in preparation.
Published research reports
Rickett, B., Easterbrook, M., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Reavey, P., & Woolhouse, M. (2022). Psychology of
social class-based inequalities: Policy implications for a revised (2010) UK Equality Act. The British
Psychological Society. Available at
Murphy, P., Burford, D., McWha, I., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Byrne, C. (2021). From Poverty to Flourishing:
Agency and Empowerment. The British Psychological Society. Available at:
J e n n i f e r S h e e h y - S k e f f i n g t o n | 5
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. & Rea, J. (2017). How poverty affects people's decision-making processes. Joseph
Rowntree Foundation. Available at:
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Haushofer, J. (2014). The Behavioural Economics of Poverty. In Barriers and
Opportunities at the Base of the Pyramid: The Role of the Private Sector in Inclusive Development. Istanbul:
UNDP Istanbul International Centre for Private Sector in Development. Available at:
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2009). Stability and spread of ideas: An ‘epidemiological’ approach to communication
across cultures. Salisbury: Defence Science and Technology Laboratory.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2009). Understanding and tracking the maintenance of radical beliefs. Salisbury: Defence
Science and Technology Laboratory.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2008). Maintenance of radical beliefs: A review of the academic literature. Salisbury:
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Charles, I., & Hart, C. (2007). International students and local communities: Measuring
the impacts and working to improve them. London: HOST UK.
Articles for a popular audience
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2022). Why we shouldn’t push a positive mindset on those in poverty. Psyche,
February 2022.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2021). Taking context seriously. The Psychologist, 34, 50-53.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2017). When should government intervene? [Review of the book The Ethics of
Influence, by C. Sunstein]. Prospect Magazine, January 2017.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2016). Human nature in society. British Academy Review, 28 (Summer 2016).
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2015). Behavioural insights in the age of austerity: How the new ‘psychology of
poverty’ can help us to stay focused on society. Angle Journal, 13.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Waldfogel, H., Ho, A. K., Hauser, O., & Kteily, N. (2023). Ideology selectively shapes
attention to inequality. Paper presented at the 19
General Meeting of the European Association of Social
Psychology, Krakow, Poland.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2022). Behavioural asymmetry across the socioeconomic spectrum. Paper presented at
the Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, Athens, Greece.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Paiwand, S. (2022). Markets on my Mind: Introducing a measure of neoliberal
subjectivity and examining its relationship with political appraisals, agency, and action. Paper presented at the
Society of Personality & Social Psychology Political Psychology Preconference, San Francisco, CA.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2021) Understanding the impact of poverty on decision-making processes. Paper
presented at the British Neuroscience Association Festival of Neuroscience.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Kteily, N., Waldfogel, H., Ho, A., & Hauser, O. (2018). Inequality All Around Me:
Egalitarians Are More Attentive to Inequality-Related Information in Everyday Life. Paper presented at the
Society for Experimental Social Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Price, M., Havmose, P., Scott, I., & Pound, N. (2017). Exploring the cognitive impact of
poor socioeconomic conditions: A case of deficit or of psychological shift? Paper presented at the 18
Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Granada, Spain.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Kteily, N., & Hauser, O. (2016). Antecedents and consequences of perceptions of
economic inequality. Paper presented at the Tobin Project Conference on Inequality & Decision-Making,
Cambridge, MA.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2016, Chair). Economic inequality: Desirable to some, damaging to others. Symposium
held at the Biennial Conference of the International Society for Justice Research, Canterbury, UK.
Kteily, N., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Ho, A. K. (2016). Hierarchy in the Eye of the Beholder: Social Dominance
Orientation Shapes the Perception of Inequality Between Groups. Paper presented at the Biennial Conference
of the International Society for Justice Research, Canterbury, UK.
J e n n i f e r S h e e h y - S k e f f i n g t o n | 6
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2016). At the Bottom of the Hierarchy: Low subjective socioeconomic status impairs sense
of control and executive functioning, with implications for health-related and financial decision-making. Paper
presented at the European Human Behaviour & Evolution Association Conference, London, UK.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Sidanius, J., & Price, M. E. (2016). Decision-making at the bottom of the hierarchy: The
cognitive impact of perceiving oneself as low in socioeconomic status. Flash-talk delivered to the Society of
Personality and Social Psychology Pre-Conference on the Emerging Psychology of Social Class, San
Diego, CA.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. & Sidanius, J. (2016). Out of my hands: Low socioeconomic status diminishes personal
sense of control. Poster presented at the 17
Annual Convention of the Society of Personality and Social
Psychology, San Diego, CA.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2015, Chair). Psychology of inequality: Identity, stigma, and sense of control at the bottom
of the socioeconomic spectrum. Symposium at the British Psychological Society Developmental Section &
Social Section Annual Conference, Manchester, UK.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. & Sidanius, J. (2015). Out of my hands: Low socioeconomic status diminishes personal
sense of control. Paper presented at the British Psychological Society Developmental Section & Social
Section Annual Conference, Manchester, UK.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Thomsen, L. (2015). From Domination to Exclusion: Introducing the Between-group
Relational Orientations (BRO) scale as a measure of core relational preferences for both women and men. Invited
keynote symposium presentation to the 9th Biennial Congress of the International Academy for
Intercultural Research, Bergen, Norway.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2015). Lessons for development economics from the study of the psychology of poverty.
Invited presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Association for Development Economics Research
Funding (KfW), Montabaur, Germany.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Sidanius, J. (2014). Distracted looking up: Priming low socioeconomic status impairs
executive functions. Paper presented at the 17
General Meeting of the European Association of Social
Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Soylu, S. (2014). Politics at work: Workplace bullying as a means of achieving
intergroup dominance. Paper presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for
Political Psychology, Rome, Italy.
Sidanius, J., Kteily, N. S., Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Ho, A. K., Sibley, C. & Duriez, B. (2014). “You’re inferior
and not worth our concern.” The reciprocal relationship between empathic concern and social dominance
orientation. Paper presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Political
Psychology, Rome, Italy.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Sidanius, J. (2014). Scarcity, status, self-regulation: Evolutionary underpinnings of
decision-making among the poor. Poster presented at the 15
Annual Convention of the Society of
Personality and Social Psychology, Austin, TX.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Sidanius, J. (2013). Distracted looking up: Priming low socioeconomic status impairs
executive functions. Paper presented at the British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section
Conference, Exeter, UK.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Sidanius, J. (2013). Power on my side: Approach orientation tracks changes in the
power positions of shared group members. Paper presented at the British Psychological Society Social
Psychology Section Conference, Exeter, UK.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Sidanius, J. (2013). Power on my side: A coalitional psychology approach to the
vicarious experience of power. Paper presented at the 25
Annual Human Behavior & Evolution Society
Conference, Miami, FL.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., Goodale, B., & Feiman, R. (2013). Don’t dare tell: Peer responses to whistleblowers in
academic, legal, medical, and police settings. Paper presented at the Law & Society Annual Meeting, Boston,
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Sidanius, J. (2013). Scarcity, status, self-regulation: Evolutionary underpinnings of
decision-making among the poor. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the Association for
Psychological Science, Washington, D.C.
J e n n i f e r S h e e h y - S k e f f i n g t o n | 7
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Sidanius, J. (2013). Power on my side: Approach orientation tracks the power positions
of shared group members. Paper presented at the Datablitz of the 14
Annual Convention of the Society of
Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. & Sidanius, J. (2012). Vicarious experience of control: Increases in approach orientation
track the power positions of shared group members. Paper presented at the European Association of Social
Psychology Small Group Meeting on Control Experience, Power and Intergroup Relations, Kazimierz
Dolny, Poland.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Sidanius, J. (2012). Vicarious power: Risk and approach orientation track the power
positions of shared group members. Poster presented at the 14
Annual Convention of the Society of
Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J., & Sidanius, J. (2011). Power contagion: Effects of power inequality on the cognition of
socially-connected observers. Paper presented at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society
for Political Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. & Sidanius, J. (2011). Daring and Deserving: Effects of power and legitimacy on risk-
preference and bias among real-world social groups. Poster presented at the 12
Annual Convention of the
Society of Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2009). Social psychological motivations of suicide terrorism: A community level
perspective. Online proceedings of the 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Political
Psychology, Dublin, Ireland.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2008). Evolution and culture: Implications from a study of adherence to radical
political beliefs. Proceedings of the XIX
International Congress of the International Association for Cross-
Cultural Psychology, Bremen, Germany.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2008). Extending the counter-intuitiveness effect: Implicit theories of social
behaviour and the cognitive impact of the counter-cultural. Online proceedings of the 2008 Annual
Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Political Psychology, Paris, France.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2008). Why join and remain in a fringe political movement? A thematic analysis of the
perceived benefits of membership of the Socialist Party. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the
British Psychological Society, Dublin.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2008). Training for influence: How can one represent the cognitive and the behavioural in
collective training exercises? Presentation delivered at the Information Operations/Influence Activity
Symposium, Defence Academy, Shrivenham, UK.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2007). Radical political beliefs: Contradictions, resolutions, & the case of revolutionary
socialism. Paper presented at the Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research, Pisa,
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2007). Tricky ideologies: The cognitive world of Socialist Party members. Paper
presented at the British Psychological Society Social Psychology Section Conference, Canterbury, UK.
Sheehy-Skeffington, J. (2007). Radical political beliefs: The effects of perceived inconsistency in the
defence of revolutionary socialism. Online proceedings of the 2007 Annual Scientific Meeting of the
International Society for Political Psychology, Portland, OR.
Keynote Speaker, European Consortium for Sociological Research thematic conference on Effort and
Social Inequality”, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid June 2023
Invited Speaker, British Psychological Society Seminar on Psychology of Social Class Trouble
‘Employability’”, Aberystwyth University, Wales May 2023
Colloquium Speaker, Mansueto Institute for Urban Innovation, University of Chicago March 2023
Seminar Series, Laboratoire de Psychologie Sociale et Cognitive (LAPSCO), University of Clermont-
Auvergne March 2023
Keynote Symposium Speaker (declined), Political Psychology Pre-Conference, Annual Conference of the
Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia Feb 2023
Colloquium Speaker, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, United Arab Emirates University Feb 2023
J e n n i f e r S h e e h y - S k e f f i n g t o n | 8
Keynote Speaker, International Conference of the Centre for the Experimental Philosophical Study of
Discrimination, Aarhus University October 2022
Seminar Series, Centre for Social Norms and Behavioural Dynamics, U. Penn Sept 2022
Cultural Psychology Research Group, University of Kansas April 2022
Social Lunch, Department of Psychology, Harvard University March 2022
An Idea of Equality for Troubled Times, International Inequalities Institute, LSE Feb 2022
Educational Psychology Group, Dept of Clinical, Educational, & Health Psychology, University College
London (UCL) March 2022
London Judgment & Decision-Making Seminar, Dept of PALS, UCL Nov 2021
Research Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study, Toulouse March 2021
Changemakers Speaker Series, Dept of Psychology & Language Sciences, UCL Sept 2020
Psychology Seminar, Northumbria University July 2020
International Symposium on Biology of Decision-making, École Normale
Supérieure, Paris May 2020
Social Psychology Colloquium, University of Amsterdam March 2020
Keynote Lecture, PIREN retreat, Institute for Advanced Study, Toulouse (declined) Jan 2020
Centre for Culture & Evolution Seminar Series, Brunel University Jan 2020
Political Cognition Seminar, Dept of Political Science, UCL Aug 2019
Psychology Society, Dept of Psychology and Language Sciences, UCL Dec 2018
Behavioural Economics Society, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) Dec 2018
Student-led Seminar Series, Department of Psychology & Language Sciences, UCL March 2018
Applying Behavioural Economics within Organisations, Said Business School (Harvard postgraduate
behavioural insights course), University of Oxford Jan 2018
Keynote Lecture, Irish Policy, Economics, & Psychology Conference, UCD Dec 2017
Who Belongs? The Wonder Foundation Nov 2017
Research Dialogue, Department of Media & Communications, LSE Nov 2017
Political Behaviour Seminar, Dept of Government, LSE Nov 2016
Evolutionary Demography Group, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Nov 2016
Social, Environmental, and Organisational Research Group, Dept of Psychology, University of
Exeter Oct 2016
Inaugural Conference of SPSSI-UK, Canterbury, Kent, UK July 2016
Perceptions of Inequality: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue, TORCH, Oxford University, UK June 2016
Austerity: How should educational psychologists respond? ‘Leading Edge’ Conference,
University College, London, UK April 2016
Psychology Research Talk, New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE April 2016
Psychology Department Research Seminar, University of Kent, UK Feb 2016
Designing a Better Organization, London Business School & Harvard Business School
(postgraduate field course on behavioural insights), London, UK Jan 2016
Psychology Seminar, Dept of Psychology, University of Portsmouth, UK Nov 2015
Contemporary Social Psychology (guest lecturer on intergroup relations), London School of
Economics & Political Science, UK Nov 2015
International Academy for Intercultural Research, 9th Biennial Conference, Bergen, Norway June 2015
Evolutionary Psychology (guest lecture on political psychology), Brunel University, UK March 2015
Psychology Seminar, Dept of Life Sciences, Brunel University, UK Feb 2015
Behavioral Economics and its Importance for Development Aid, Association for Development
Economics Research Funding (KfW), Montabaur, Germany Jan 2015
Wednesday Education Session, Dept of Psychiatry, Aga Khan University, Pakistan Oct 2014
Work in Progress Forum, Dept of Community Health Sciences, Aga Khan University, Pakistan Oct 2014
Social Psychology Research Group, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway Sept 2014
Graduate Student Forum in Democracy & Markets, The Tobin Project, Cambridge, MA Feb 2014
Graduate Proseminar, Dept of African & African American Studies, Harvard University, MA Feb 2014
Centre for Global Health, School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Jan 2014
Behavioural Insights Team (Nudge Unit), Cabinet Office, UK June 2013
Graduate Proseminar, Dept of African & African American Studies, Harvard University, MA Feb 2013
Working Group in Political Psychology, Dept of Government, Harvard University, MA Nov 2012
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Intergroup Relations Lab, Department of Psychology, University of California, Los Angeles, CA Oct 2012
Human Factors Branch, Ministry of Defence, UK June 2012
Social Psychology Research Workshop, Dept of Psychology, Harvard University, MA April 2012
Decision-Making Workshop, Dept of Psychology, Harvard University, MA Feb 2012
Political Psychology & Behaviour Workshop, Dept of Government, Harvard University , MA Feb 2012
Strategic Analysis Group, Defence Science & Technology Laboratory, Ministry of Defence, UK June 2011
Project in Psychology and the Law, Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital & Harvard Law School, MA May 2011
Social Psychology Research Workshop, Department of Psychology, Harvard University, MA April 2010
Course Head Dept of Psychological & Behavioural Science, London School of Economics 2021-
Class: Political Psychology: Inequality and Intergroup Relations (postgraduate elective) Students: 55
I designed a new syllabus covering core topics in political psychology from three research perspectives,
drawing together a theoretical narrative based on cutting edge research.
I deliver 7 lectures and run 3 weekly seminars, the latter consisting of practical exercises connecting
course material to contemporary political and social issues.
I coordinate a parallel Political Psychology in the Wild’ series of workshops and interviews on
contemporary applications of political psychology.
I was awarded an Excellence in Education Award for outstanding course design and delivery.
Guest lecturer LSE Masterclass, Inequality & Social Cohesion: A Global Perspective, Madrid, Spain 2017
I delivered 3 lectures to Spanish mid-career professionals on the psychology of inequality
Course Instructor LSE Summer School, Foundations in Psychological Science 2019-
I design and teach 6 lectures to undergraduate students on basic topics in social psychology
Course Instructor - Dept of Psychological & Behavioural Science, London School of Economics 2016-
Class: Social Psychology of Communication (postgraduate core course) Students: 45
I am jointly responsible for this Master’s level course and the MSc in Social and Public Communication
for which it is a mandatory requirement.
I design and deliver selected lectures and lead weekly seminar classes.
I mentor up to 15 MSc students, supervise the dissertations of up to 12 MSc students, and co-organize
extracurricular activities and careers events for the entire Master’s programme.
Course Instructor - Dept of Psychological & Behavioural Science, London School of Economics 2016-
Class: Contemporary Social and Cultural Psychology (postgraduate core course) Students: 47
I deliver lectures and seminars on this Master’s level compulsory course, covering topics such as the
psychology of power and intergroup relations.
Course Head Dept of Psychological & Behavioural Science, London School of Economics 2016-2020
Class: Health Communication (postgraduate elective) Students: 25
I designed the syllabus, delivered 7 lectures, led 2 weekly seminars, and coordinated guest speakers, for
this Master’s level elective course on the social psychology of health communication.
Visiting Course Convenor Dept of Community Health Sciences, Aga Khan University 2015
I designed & taught a short course entitled ‘Psychological consequences of poverty in community health
contexts’ to physicians & community health practitioners in Pakistan, receiving accreditation from the
American Academy of Continuing Medical Education.
Course Head Department of Psychology, University of Oslo 2014
Class: Social Psychology Project (postgraduate research methods) Students: 12
I designed and taught a syllabus in research methodology for social psychology to students enrolled in
the professional doctorate in clinical psychology.
I facilitated the planning and implementation of a group research project involving survey
experimentation, in-community data collection, analysis, and presentation of results.
Research Supervisor - Sidanius Intergroup Relations Lab, Harvard University 2010-2014
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I mentored undergraduate research assistants at the Sidanius Lab, teaching research skills including
literature review, study design, experimental administration, data cleaning and analysis.
Coordinator of the undergraduate laboratory course, Intergroup Relations, co-designing its first syllabus.
Sophomore Adviser John Winthrop House, Harvard College 2012-2014
I provided academic and career advice to a set of second-year undergraduate students with an interest
in psychology and the wider behavioural sciences.
I advised on and approved class selection, study abroad applications, and declarations of concentration.
I summarised students’ progress in confidential reports submitted to university administrative bodies.
I intervened with structured support at periods of academic or personal difficulty.
Teaching Fellow Department of Psychology, Harvard University 2012-2013
Class: Multivariate Analysis in Psychology (advanced, postgraduate) Professor: Jim Sidanius Students: 21
I led weekly lab sessions explaining the tenets and underpinnings of multivariate analysis for behavioural
science, including multiple regression, factor analysis and structural equation modelling.
I trained students in conducting statistical analysis of course data with SPSS, Matlab, and Lisrel.
I graded two exams and ten problem sets per student, providing detailed feedback to enhance conceptual
and practical understanding of the material.
Class: Psychological Science (introductory, undergraduate) Professor: Daniel Gilbert Students: 32
I led in-class participatory demonstrations and discussion of psychological phenomena and approaches.
I graded and advised on three research participation papers per student, providing structured feedback
on scientific writing and conceptual content.
I was awarded a Certificate of Distinction in Teaching for outstanding student evaluations.
Concentration Adviser - Department of Psychology & Lowell House, Harvard College 2011-2012
I supervised undergraduates majoring in psychology in their education in psychological science and the
fulfilment of their concentration requirements.
I discussed students’ intellectual and career interests and how they could be best addressed by study
options within or outside of the university.
I represented the psychology department to the students’ undergraduate house by participating in their
senior common room and holding monthly advising hours.
Associate - Community Engagement Centre, Indus Hospital/Interactive Research & Development 2021-
Research advisor (pro-bono) to this non-profit engaging with urban and rural low-income communities
in Sindh and Punjab provinces of Pakistan, focusing on community empowerment and public health.
I provide guidance on research from design through to dissemination via peer-reviewed publication;
collaborate on funded research into the psychology of poverty in a community health context; support
the Centre with general mentoring and outreach work.
I successfully secured funds through the LSE Knowledge Exchange Fund (KEF) for translation and
testing of research on the psychology of poverty through analysis of qualitative and quantitative data
from Pakistani low-income contexts.
Steering Group Member, Psychology Of Social Class UK Policy Implications (POSCUPI) 2021-
I am an active member of the steering group of an initiative to examinate and promote the policy
implications of the psychological study of social class and class-based inequalities in a UK context, with
a focus on advocating for the inclusion of social class in the updated Equality Act.
Awarded funding from the British Psychological Society (BPS) to run a set of policy-oriented seminars
throughout 2021-22. I hosted the first of these at the LSE in June 2022 featuring David Johnston MP
(Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Social Mobility) and Dr Suriyah Bi (Founder of the
Equality Act Review Campaign).
Successfully campaigned to have the Priority Campaign for the BPS for 2022 centre on Tackling Social
Class Inequalities, our proposal receiving the most votes among the BPS membership and the Senate.
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Co-authored a pioneering evidence review of the psychology of social class inequalities published by the
BPS with media coverage on the BBC, The Daily Telegraph, and 8 other news outlets.
Poverty Expert Reference Group, British Psychological Society 2020
Invited as an expert in the psychology of poverty to advise on advancing the BPS 2020-21 priority
agenda, ‘From Poverty to Flourishing’
Co-authored two BPS policy briefings on the psychological dimensions of poverty, each of which
featured my research.
Steering Group Member Media & Social Norms Collaborator 2017-Present
Founding member of an initiative to bring academics and practitioners together to better inform
mediated behavioural change interventions focused on social norms.
Members include representatives from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Population Foundation
of India, Ashoka University Center for Social and Behavior Change, Care International, the Overseas
Development Institute, Georgetown University, and Oxfam International.
Research Steering Group Member International Alert 2015-2016
Contracted as a social psychology consultant on a Conflict, Stability & Security Fund (CSSF, UK Foreign
& Commonwealth Office) project on the radicalisation of Syrian youth into joining armed groups.
Senior Strategic Analyst Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Ministry of Defence, UK 2007-2009
Employed as a social psychologist in a multidisciplinary team, advising on the behavioural dimension
of conflict and international security.
Conducted self-directed research and development of novel areas of applied psychology, including
quantitative & qualitative empirical studies for a range of stakeholders across UK Government.
Selected as Project Manager of an initiative to improve the representation of human systems in high-
level military training exercises, and Technical Lead to a project applying cutting edge developments in
social psychology the Government’s understanding of human actors in defence & security settings,
entailing the management of a combined total of over £750,000.
Seconded to operational work at the UK Ministry of Defence (Jan-Aug 2009) and Home Office, Office of
Security and Counter-Terrorism (April-Aug 2009); promoted to Senior Strategic Analyst in May 2009.
Academic journals
Associate Editor, European Journal of Social Psychology (Impact Factor = 3.93)
Associate Editor, British Journal of Psychology (Impact Factor = 4.98)
Guest Editor, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Impact Factor = 12.78)
Editorial Consultant, British Journal of Social Psychology (Impact Factor = 6.92)
Associate, Behavioural and Brain Sciences (Impact Factor = 12.58)
Reviewer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature Human Behaviour, Nature Communications,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (B), Psychological Science, Perspectives on Psychological Science,
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Personality & Social
Psychology Bulletin, Social Psychological and Personality Science, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Evolutionary
Human Sciences, Evolution and Human Behaviour, Theory and Decision, Personality and Individual Differences,
Social Psychology Compass, European Journal of Political Research, Political Psychology, PLOS One, Journal of
Theoretical Social Psychology, Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Economics, Group Processes and Intergroup
Relations, Self and Identity, Journal of Peace Research, Behavioural Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression,
Motivation & Emotion, Europe’s Journal of Psychology.
2018 Publons Peer Review Award for being in the Top 1% of reviewers for Psychology/Psychiatry.
Professional associations
Chartered Member, British Psychological Society (CPsychol);
Fellow, Royal Society for the encouragements of Arts, manufactures, & commerce (FRSA);
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Member, European Association of Social Psychology, Society for Personality and Social Psychology,
International Society for Political Psychology, Human Behaviour & Evolution Society, International Society
for Justice Research, Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.
Grant reviewing
European Research Council (ERC), UK Research & Innovation (UKRI ESRC), Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council (Canada), French National Research Agency (ANR), Belgian Scientific
Research Fund (FNRS), British Academy, Leverhulme Trust, Carnegie Endowment
Academic Committee, LSE Middle East Centre (2020-)
Research Committee, PhD Studentship Committee, LSE International Inequalities Institute (2020-)
Academic Annex, LSE Academic Board (2019-)
LSE Festival Steering Group (2020-22)
Founder, Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion Committee, LSE Psychological & Behavioural Science (2021)
Research Committee, LSE Psychological and Behavioural Science (2019-21)
BSc Development Committee, LSE Dept of Psychological and Behavioural Science (2017-18)
Harvard Committee on Graduate Education: Graduate Student Council Representative (2013-14)
Harvard Graduate Student Council: Vice President (2012-13); Executive Board Member (2011-12)