TEL.: (302) 831 2752 FAX: (302) 831 3645
2015- Professor, Dept. of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Delaware
2015- Professor, Dept. of Linguistics and Cognitive Science, University of Delaware (joint
2012- Director of Graduate Education, Dept. of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University
of Delaware
1998 Ph.D. Linguistics, University College London (advisor: D. Wilson)
Modality and the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface (published by Elsevier, 2000)
1994 M.A. Linguistics, University College London (with distinction)
1992 B.A. Classics and Linguistics, University of Athens (‘Excellent’)
2009-15 Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychological and Brain Sciences and Dept. of Linguistics
and Cognitive Science, University of Delaware
2004-09 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychology (now Psychological and Brain Sciences) and
Dept. of Linguistics and Cognitive Science, University of Delaware
2002-04 Postdoctoral Researcher,
NIMH/National Research Service Award, Institute for
Research in Cognitive Science, University of Pennsylvania (advisor: L. Gleitman)
1999-02 Postdoctoral Fellow, IRCS, University of Pennsylvania (advisor: L. Gleitman)
1998-99 Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher, Depts. of Linguistics and Psychology, UC Berkeley
1992-93 Research Fellow, Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athens, Greece
1991 Undergraduate Research Fellow, ILSP, Athens, Greece
Certificate of Excellence in Reviewingfrom editors of Cognition (2014)
Peter Jusczyk Best Paper Award for Lexical and structural biases in the acquisition of motion
verbs, awarded by journal Language Learning and Development, 2010
Jean Berko-Gleason Award, Boston University Conference on Language Development, for best
paper with graduate student as first author (Skordos & Papafragou), 2009
Young Scholars Award of the Francis Alison Society, 2007 (given to one Assistant Professor at the
University of Delaware each year to recognize “outstanding academic achievements”)
Center for International Studies Faculty Fellow, University of Delaware, Fall 2007
Graduate fellowships
National Scholarships Foundation, Greece, 1993-97 (one of two awardees in Theoretical
Linguistics nation-wide)
G. Leventis Foundation, London, 1996-1997
Other graduate awards/sponsorships
British Federation of Women Graduates, 1998
Newby Trust, London, 1997
Gilchrist Educational Trust, London, 1997
Sponsorship, 4th Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language Conference, 1998 (awarded to
three best graduate papers)
Sponsorship, 12th Sociolinguistics Symposium, 1998 (awarded to best graduate papers)
Undergraduate award of academic excellence (awarded to top 3% in class of 350)
National Scholarships Foundation, Greece, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992
Fellowships for Proficiency in German, Goethe Institute, Athens
Year-long free tuition, offered for best Mitelstufe exam in Institute
Summer Fellowship for Language Course, Rosenheim, Germany
UD NSF-ADVANCE Institute Leadership Mini-Grant, 2016 ($1,730)
NSF RII Track-2 FEC, “Neural networks underlying the integration of knowledge and perception”
(multi-site grant, UD as lead institution), PI: Jared Medina, Papafragou: Senior Faculty, 9/1/2016-
8/31/2020 ($6,000,000)
UD General University Research Grant, Conversational inference and the mechanisms of
language processing”, 2016 ($6,037)
NSF Grant BCS-0749870, “Evidential categories in language and cognition”, PI: Anna
Papafragou, 10/1/2010-3/31/2014, no-cost extension until 3/31/2016 ($239,999)
NIH/NICHD Grant R01HD055498, “The interface between spatial cognition and language”, PI:
Anna Papafragou, co-PI: John Trueswell, 3/5/2008-2/28/2013, no-cost extension until 2/28/2014
UD Center for International Studies Faculty Fellowship, “Universality and variation in language
and cognition”, 2007 ($5,000 plus teaching release)
NSF Grant BCS-0641105, “Mapping events onto language”, PI: Anna Papafragou, co-PI: John
Trueswell, 4/1/2007-3/31/2010, no-cost extension until 10/31/2012 ($375,000)
UD Research Foundation (UDRF), “Mapping perception onto language”, 2006-7 ($25,000)
UNIDEL/Early Learning Center Small Grant, “Events in perception and language”, 2006 ($6,400)
UD International Research Award, “Cross-linguistic studies of event cognition”, 2005 ($5,000)
UD General University Research Grant, “Relationships between language and thought”, 2005
NIMH/National Research Service Postdoctoral Award, “The acquisition of mental state verbs”,
#1F32MH65020, 2002-04 ($148,548)
Sponsor for funded graduate/undergraduate research
Amelia Weiss, Travel Fund from 2nd Annual Penn State Undergraduate Exhibition in Hispanic
and General Linguistics for one of two best posters, 2015 ($500)
Hannah Schwartz, UD Undergraduate Science and Engineering Scholarship, 2015 ($2,500)
Angela Yung, UD Undergraduate Research Office Summer Fellowship, 2012 ($2,500)
Adrienne Pinto, UD Undergraduate Research Office Summer Fellowship ($1,000) & Psi Chi
Summer Research Fellowship ($3,500 plus $1,500 for lab support), 2011
Megan Johanson (Psychology) and Dimitrios Skordos (Linguistics), Award for Global Research,
Internships, and Performance, Office of Graduate and Professional Education, UD, 2010 ($6,200)
Carlyn Friedberg, UD Undergraduate Research Office Summer Fellowship, 2008 ($2,500) &
Science and Engineering Scholarship, 2007 ($3,500 plus $500 for lab)
Kendra Goodwin, Research Experience for Undergraduates Summer supplement to UDRF, 2007
Matthew Cohen, UD Undergraduate Science and Engineering Scholarship, 2006 ($3,500 plus $500
for lab)
University of Delaware
Communication and Cognition (Psyc 467/667), Fall 2015
Topics in Psycholinguistics (Psyc 667), Fall 2014
Language, Learning and Development (Psyc 667), Fall 2011
Language and Space (Psyc 667), Fall 2008
Language and Thought (Psyc 667), Spring 2006
Psychology of Language (Psyc 344), Fall 2005, Spring 2007, Spring 2008, Spring 2009, Spring
2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016
Cognition (Psyc 340), Spring 2005, Fall 2004
University of Pennsylvania/University College London
Linguistic Pragmatics I (Ling 590), Dept. of Linguistics, UPenn, 2001-02
Discourse Analysis (Ling 604; Special topic: The acquisition of reference), co-taught w/E. Prince,
Dept. of Linguistics, UPenn, 2002
Pragmatic Theory (undergraduate/MA course), Dept. of Linguistics, UCL, 1997
Issues in Pragmatics (advanced undergraduate/M.A. course), Dept. of Linguistics, UCL, 1998
Issues in Pragmatics (TA; instructor: D. Wilson), Dept. of Linguistics, UCL, 1997
Pragmatic Theory (TA; instructor: D. Wilson), Dept. of Linguistics, UCL,1994-96
University of Delaware
Postdoctoral researchers
K. Harrigan, theory of mind and mental verbs, 2015-6; next position: Visiting Assistant Professor,
Depts. of Linguistics & Psychology, College of William & Mary
F. Wilson, representation of events and verbs, 2010-2012; next position: Research Officer,
Research Division, Cambridge Assessment, University of Cambridge, England
A. Bunger, online event perception and language acquisition, 2008-2013; next position: Visiting
Assistant Professor, College of William & Mary
J. Viau, acquisition of spatial language, 2008-2009 (co-sponsored with Barbara Landau, Johns
Hopkins); next position: Visiting Assistant Professor, UD
Ph.D. students (primary advisor)
D. Saras, Dept. of Linguistics
A. Kampa, Dept. of Linguistics
Y. Ji, Dept. of Linguistics
S. Bartell, Dept. of Linguistics
S. Fairchild, Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences
M. Grigoroglou, “Event representations across languages”, Dept. of Linguistics
E. Unal, “Acquisition of evidentiality in Turkish”, Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences
D. Skordos, Scalar implicatures in children: Alternatives and relevance”, Dept. of Linguistics,
2014; next position: Visiting Assistant Professor, Depts. of Linguistics & Psychology, College of
William & Mary
M. Johanson, “The influence of labels and facts on categorization”, Dept. of Psychology, 2012;
next position: postdoc, School of Education, UD
O. Ozturk, “The acquisition of evidentiality and source monitoring”, Dept. of Linguistics, 2008;
next position: postdoc, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics
Ph.D. students (committee member)
A. Tran, “Is tracking capacity limited by a discrete or continuous resource?”, Dept. of
Psychological & Brain Sciences, UD
S. Beighley, Shaping an imagined space: Exploring the influence of object properties on scene
representation”, Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences, UD
A. Ramirez, “Parsing in L1 and L2”, Dept. of Linguistics, UD
H. Konishi, “Loss of semantic distinctions as a result of first language”, School of Education, UD,
K. Gagnier, “Rethinking Boundary Extension”, Dept. of Psychology, UD, 2010
Y. Hara, “Grammar of knowledge representation: Japanese discourse items at interfaces”, Dept. of
Linguistics, UD, 2006
R. Pulverman, “Infants’ acquisition of verb semantics”, Dept. of Linguistics, UD, 2005
L. Lakusta, “Source and goal in non-linguistic event representations”, Dept. of Cognitive Science,
Johns Hopkins University, 2005
Graduate independent projects
M. Grigoroglou, K. Schneck, “Event categories across languages”, Dept. of Linguistics, Fall 2013-
Spring 2014
F. Gervits, Ostensive vs. non-ostensive labeling and categorization”, Dept. of Linguistics, Fall
2012-Fall 2013
J. Damonte, “The potency of labels in children’s categorization”, School of Education, Fall 2012-
M. Choi, “Inference and source monitoring”, Dept. of Linguistics, Fall 2012-Fall 2013
S. Bosse, “Language and spatial memory”, Dept. of Linguistics, Spring-Fall 2009
Undergraduate honors theses
H. Schwarz, “Cognitive advantages of linguistic labels” (2016-7)
M. Marquez, “Lexicalization biases in motion descriptions”, McNair scholar (2012-2013), co-
advised with R. Golinkoff
A. Pinto, “Cross-linguistic differences in source monitoring” (2011-2012)
S. Solomon, “The effects of linguistic categories on color perception” (2010-2011), co-advised
with J. Hoffman
o Sigma Xi Senior Thesis Award
o Halsey McPhee Undergraduate Award
M. Cohen, “The development of pragmatics” (2006-2007)
o Sigma Xi Senior Thesis Award
o Halsey McPhee Undergraduate Award
Undergraduate independent projects
2004-present: typically advised between 2 and 6 undergraduates per semester (approx. total: 35)
Awards to undergraduates: 3 Science and Engineering Scholarships (UD Office of Undergraduate
Research), 3 departmental Halsey McPhee Award for best all-around undergraduate, PsyChi
honors award, one of 2 awards from 2nd Annual Penn State Undergraduate Exhibition in Hispanic
and General Linguistics for top papers, and 3 co-authorships on journal papers
Advised 3 McNair summer scholars
Undergraduate lab alumni have gone on to graduate programs at Duke University, University of
Florida, Northwestern University, NYU, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University
of Arizona, University of Maryland, UC Santa Barbara, Adelphi University, and to RA positions
at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania
Visiting Ph.D. students
A. Aravind, MIT (2016)
External examining
Ph.D. external examiner, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (student: I. Dosi, 2016)
External honors examiner, Swarthmore College, Dept. of Psychology (2009, 2012, 2014, 2015)
University of Pennsylvania
MA thesis (Linguistics)
“The processing and acquisition of proportional determiners”, N. Schwarz (2002-2003)
Undergraduate honors theses (Psychology)
“The role of scene and syntax in mental verb learning”, J. Hulbert (2003-2004)
o Winner of Morris Viteles Award for excellence in undergraduate research, Dept. of Psychology
o UPenn President’s Award for "best of the best" of 2004 undergraduate theses
“The acquisition of mental verbs”, D. Septimus (2001-2002)
Also advised 3 undergraduate independent projects (Psychology)
University of Delaware
Mentor for one junior faculty in Psychology (Fall 2016-) and in Linguistics (Spring 2017-)
Committee on Hiring Directions in Biomedical Imaging, Brain Imaging, Neuroscience, and Neural
Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences, Fall 2016
Neuroscience Search Committee, Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences, Fall 2015
Provost’s Review Committee for Responsibility Based Budgeting, Fall 2013-Spring 2014
Provost Search Committee, Fall 2012-Spring 2013
Director of Graduate Education, Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences, July 2012-
Advisory Committee, Dept. of Psychological & Brain Sciences, 2012-
Steering Committee, Interdepartmental Cognitive Science Ph.D. certificate, Fall 2012-
Graduate Group, Dept. of Linguistics & Cognitive Science, Fall 2004-
Early Learning Center Program Council, Fall 2006-
Cross-departmental Cognitive Science Steering Committee, Fall 2005-
Cognitive Psychology Area Director, Spring 2010-Summer 2012
Psychology Graduate Committee, Spring 2010-
Cognitive Neuroscience Search Committee, Dept. of Psychology, Fall 2011
Committee for Creation of Graduate Certificate in Cognitive Science, Fall 2010
Psychology Executive Committee, Spring 2010
Undergraduate Committee, Spring 2010
Cognitive Psychology Brown Bag talks co-ordinator, Spring 2009
Speaker at UD Research Office Workshop (topic: ‘NSF Funding’), January 2009
Committee for Website Redesign, Dept. of Psychology, Fall 2008
Developmental Neuroscience Initiative, Dept. of Psychology, Fall 2008
Behavioral Neuroscience Search Committee, Dept. of Psychology, Fall 2008
Psycholinguistics/Computational Linguistics Search Committee, Dept. of Linguistics, Spring 2007
Review Committee for Chair of Psychology, Fall 2006
Search Committee for Cognitive Psychology, Dept. of Psychology, Fall 2005
Undergraduate Committee, Dept. of Psychology, Spring 2004-Fall 2005
Selection Committee for International Travel Awards, Spring 2005
Theoretical Linguistics Search Committee, Dept. of Linguistics, Fall 2004
Previous service
Graduate Group in Linguistics, UPenn, 2001-03
Committee on Qualifying Exams in Pragmatics, UPenn, 2002, 2003
Undergraduate Admissions Committee, UCL, 1997-98
Faculty tutor for undergraduate students, UCL, 1997-98
Leadership in Professional Societies
Cognitive Science Society Governing Board (elected in 2017; 6-year term)
Organizing Committee Chair and Program Co-Chair, Cognitive Science Society Annual Meeting,
Philadelphia (2016)
Program Committee, Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting (invited in 2009; 3-year term)
Editorial Boards and Activities
Editorial Board, Language Acquisition (2011- ), Yearbook of Linguistic Variation (2006- ), Child
Development (2007-2015)
Guest Editor, Special issues of Language Learning and Development on ‘Number: Origins and
Development’ and ‘The Acquisition of Pragmatics(2017)
Editorial Board, ‘Language Faculty and Beyond’ book series, Benjamins (formerly: North Holland
Linguistic Variation, Elsevier; 2007- )
Editor, Oxford Handbook of the Mental Lexicon, OUP (w/J. Trueswell, L. Gleitman)
Journal article reviewer for PNAS; Psychological Science; Trends in Cognitive Science; WIREs
Cognitive Science; Child Development; Cognitive Development; Developmental Psychology;
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology; Cognition; Cognitive Science; Journal of
Experimental Psychology: General; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and
Cognition; Language; Language and Cognitive Processes; Language Learning and Development;
Language and Cognition; Journal of Linguistics; Linguistics; Linguistics and Philosophy; Mind
and Language; Glossa; Autism Research Review; Brain Research; International Journal of
Language and Communication Disorders; Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research;
Journal of Cognition and Culture
Book/book chapter reviewer for Benjamins, Oxford University Press, MIT Press, Mouton, Wiley-
Grant Review Boards and Activities
Panelist, NSF Merit Review Board, Linguistics Program (3-year term)
Research Proposal reviewer for NSF (programs: Linguistics; Developmental and Learning
Sciences; Anthropology); NIH (Social Psychology, Personality and Interpersonal Processes Study
Section); ESRC (UK); Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada; European
Research Council; Leverhulme Trust (UK); French National Research Agency; National Research
Council of Romania; Czech Science Foundation; Israel Science Foundation; Italian Ministry of
Health; Cyprus Research Foundation; Greek Ministry of Education; Leuven University Internal
Grants; University of Cyprus; San Diego State University Internal Grants
Program Reviews
Member, External advisory board for NSF IGERT program ‘Language and Communication
Sciences’, Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, University of Pennsylvania (2006-2011)
Chair, External review board, Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology, University of
Athens, Greece (2013)
Meetings Organization
Co-founder, NSF-funded Annual Undergraduate Workshop in Cognitive and Brain Science,
University of Delaware (2017-)
Organizer, Society for Language Development Symposium (full-day event in Boston)
o ‘The development of pragmatics’ (2015). Speakers: E. Clark, J. Snedeker, D. Barner.
o ‘Number: Origins and development’ (2014). Speakers: E. Spelke, E. Brannon. J. Cantlon.
o ‘Mechanisms for word learning’ (2013). Speakers: J. Trueswell, M. Frank, L. Bonatti.
o ‘Neuroplasticity and language’ (2012). Speakers: A. Pascual-Leone, R. Saxe, A. Patel.
Organizer and Chair
o Mid-Atlantic Colloquium of Studies in Meaning 5, UD (w/S. Tomioka; 2015)
o Symposium on Online Studies of Event Representation, Society for Research in Child
Development (SRCD) Meeting (2011)
o Symposium on Spatial Language and Cognition, SRCD Meeting (2009)
o Symposium on Theory of Mind and Language Acquisition, SRCD Meeting (2009)
o Symposium on Language and Cognition, Cognitive Science Society Meeting (2005)
o UPenn-Tübingen Workshop on Linguistic Interfaces (2002)
o Postdoc Colloquium (2000), Postdoc Lunch (1999), IRCS, University of Pennsylvania
Program Committee, SALT (2016); Beyond Meaning Conference, Greece (2016); Utterance
Interpretation and Cognitive Models (2015); Cognitive Science Society Meeting (2011, 2012,
2013, 2017); West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (2012); joint meeting of Society for
Philosophy and Psychology and European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (2010);
Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, Greece (2006, 2008); Association for Computational
Linguistics-SIGSEM Workshop on Prepositions (2005)
Conference paper reviewer for Linguistic Society of America Meeting (2006, 2007, 2009-2011);
International Association for the Study of Child Language (2013); LSA Institute (2011); SRCD
(2012); Boston University Conference on Language Development (2004-2016); Society for
Philosophy and Psychology (2009); Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North
America (2004, 2010, 2012); SALT (2011); WCCFL (2004, 2006, 2011); Penn Linguistics
Colloquium (2001-2012); Cognitive Science Society Conference (2000, 2002, 2005, 2011, 2015);
ESSLI (2002); WECOL (2007); AmLAP (2012); CUNY (2012, 2014); Sinn und Bedeutung
Professional Membership
Association for Psychological Science (lifetime member)
Linguistic Society of America (lifetime member)
Society for Philosophy and Psychology (lifetime member)
Society for Language Development
Cognitive Development Society
Society for Research in Child Development
Cognitive Science Society
Women in Cognitive Science
Select Lab Outreach Activities
AAAS Family Science Days, AAAS Annual Meeting, Boston (2017)
STEM Education partner, Delaware Children’s Museum (2016-)
The Ultimate Block Party (Science Party for Families), Baltimore (2013)
Science Fairs, Early Learning Center, UD (2005-)
Greek (native speaker)
French (excellent; Diplôme d’Études Françaises II)
German (very good; Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom)
Classical Greek, Latin (excellent)
h-index (2016): 26 (Google Scholar)
2000. Papafragou, A., Modality: Issues in the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface. Oxford: Elsevier.
Journal Papers
accepted. Papafragou, A., Friedberg, C., & Cohen, M., The role of speaker knowledge in children’s
pragmatic inferences. Child Development.
accepted. Ünal, E., & Papafragou, A., Interactions between language and mental representations.
Language Learning (Special issue on Linguistic Relativity.)
accepted. Papafragou, A., Fairchild, S., Cohen, M., & Friedberg, C., Learning words from speakers
with false beliefs. Journal of Child Language.
accepted. Bunger, A., Skordos, D., Trueswell, J., & Papafragou, A., How adults and children encode
causative events cross-linguistically: Implications for language production and attention.
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience.
accepted. Ünal, E., & Papafragou, A., Production-Comprehension asymmetries in language acquisition:
Evidential morphology as a test case. Journal of Memory and Language (Special Issue on the
Relationship Between Language Production and Comprehension.)
2016. Landau, B., Johannes, K., Skordos, D., & Papafragou, A., Containment and support: Core
and complexity in spatial language learning. Cognitive Science 1-32.
2016. Johanson, M., & Papafragou, A., The role of labels and facts in children’s and adults’
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 144, 130-151.
Ozturk, O., & Papafragou, A., The acquisition of evidentiality and source monitoring.
Language Learning and Development 12, 199-230.
2016. Skordos, D., & Papafragou, A., Children’s derivation of scalar implicatures: alternatives and
relevance. Cognition 153, 8-16.
Ünal, E., Pinto, A., Bunger, A., & Papafragou, A., Monitoring sources of event memories: A
cross-linguistic investigation. Journal of Memory and Language 87, 157-176
2015. Ozturk, O., & Papafragou, A., The acquisition of epistemic modality: From semantic
meaning to pragmatic interpretation. Language Learning and Development 11, 191-214.
2014. Skordos, D., & Papafragou, A., Lexical, syntactic and semantic-geometric factors in the
acquisition of motion predicates. Developmental Psychology 50, 1985-1998.
2014. Johanson, M., & Papafragou, A., What does children’s spatial language reveal about spatial
concepts? Evidence from the use of containment expressions. Cognitive Science 38, 1-30.
2013. Hafri, A., Papafragou, A., & Trueswell, J., Getting the gist of events: Recognition of two-
participant actions from brief displays. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142,
Bunger, A., Papafragou, A., & Trueswell, J., Event structure influences language production:
Evidence from structural priming in motion event description. Journal of Memory and
Language 69, 299-323.
2012. Bunger, A., Trueswell, J., & Papafragou, A., The relation between event apprehension and
utterance formulation in children: Evidence from linguistic omissions. Cognition 122, 135-
2011. Li, P., Abarbanell, L., Gleitman, L., & Papafragou, A., Spatial reasoning in Tenejapan
Mayans. Cognition 120, 33-53.
2011. Quinn, P., Doran, M., & Papafragou, A., Does changing the reference frame affect infant
categorization of the spatial relation BETWEEN? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
109, 109-122.
2010. Trueswell, J., & Papafragou, A., Perceiving and remembering events cross-linguistically:
Evidence from dual-task paradigms. Journal of Memory and Language 63, 64-82.
2010. Papafragou, A., Source/goal asymmetries in motion representation: Implications for language
production and comprehension. Cognitive Science 34, 1064-1092.
2010. Papafragou, A., & Selimis, S., Lexical and structural biases in the acquisition of motion
verbs. Language Learning and Development 6, 87-115.
2010. Papafragou, A., & Selimis, S., Event categorisation and language: A cross-linguistic study of
motion. Language and Cognitive Processes 25, 224-260.
2008. Papafragou, A., Hulbert, J., & Trueswell, J., Does language guide event perception? Evidence
from eye movements. Cognition 108, 155-184.
2007. Papafragou, A., Cassidy, K., & Gleitman, L., When we think about thinking: The acquisition
of belief verbs. Cognition 105, 125-165.
2007. Papafragou, A., Li, P., Choi, Y., & Han, C., Evidentiality in language and cognition.
Cognition 103, 253-299.
2006. Papafragou, A., From scalar semantics to implicature: Children’s interpretation of aspectuals.
Journal of Child Language 33, 721-757.
2006. Papafragou, A., Epistemic modality and truth conditions. Lingua 116, 1688-1702.
2006. Hurewitz, F., Papafragou, A., Gleitman, L., & Gelman, R., Asymmetries in the acquisition of
numbers and quantifiers. Language Learning and Development 2, 77-96.
2006. Papafragou, A., & Schwarz, N., Most wanted. Language Acquisition 13 (Special issue - The
acquisition of quantification), 207-251.
2006. Papafragou, A., Massey, C., & Gleitman, L., When English proposes what Greek
presupposes: The cross-linguistic encoding of motion events. Cognition 98, B75-87.
2005. Gleitman, L., Cassidy, K., Nappa, R., Papafragou, A., & Trueswell, J., Hard words.
Language, Learning and Development 1, 23-64.
2004. Papafragou, A., & Tantalou, N., Children’s computation of implicatures. Language
Acquisition 12, 71-82.
2003. Papafragou, A., & Musolino, J., Scalar implicatures: Experiments at the semantics-
pragmatics interface. Cognition 86, 253-282.
2002. Papafragou, A., Massey, C., & Gleitman, L., Shake, rattle, 'n' roll: The representation of
motion in language and cognition. Cognition 84, 189-219.
2002. Papafragou, A., Mindreading and verbal communication. Mind and Language 17, 55-67.
2000. Papafragou, A., On speech-act modality. Journal of Pragmatics 32, 519-538.
1998. Papafragou, A., The acquisition of modality: Implications for theories of semantic
representation. Mind and Language 13, 370-399.
1998. Papafragou, A., Inference and word meaning: The case of modal auxiliaries. Lingua 105, 1-
1996. Papafragou, A., On metonymy. Lingua 99, 169-195.
1996. Papafragou, A., Figurative language and the semantics-pragmatics distinction. Language and
Literature 5, 179-193.
Book Chapters and Reviews (* indicates peer review)
in review. Grigoroglou, M., & Papafragou, A., Spatial terms. In C. Cummins & N. Katsos (eds.),
Handbook of Experimental Semantics and Pragmatics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
in press
. Ünal, E., & Papafragou, A., The relation between language and mental state reasoning. In J.
Proust & M. Fortier (eds.), Interdisciplinary Approaches to Metacognitive Diversity. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
in press. Ünal, E., & Papafragou, A., Evidentials, information sources and cognition. In A. Aikhenvald
(ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Evidentiality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2016. Gleitman, L., & Papafragou, A., New perspectives on language and thought. In K. Holyoak
and R. Morrison (eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning. New York:
Oxford University Press. (updated version of 2005 chapter) *
2016. Papafragou, A., & Skordos, D., Scalar implicature. In J. Lidz, W. Snyder and J. Pater (eds.),
The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Linguistics, 611-629. Oxford: Oxford University
Press. *
2016. Grigoroglou, M., & Papafragou, A., Acquisition of Pragmatics. In R. Clark (M. Aronoff,
Series Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics. Online edition: Oxford University
2015. Papafragou, A., The representation of events in language and cognition. In E. Margolis and S.
Laurence (eds.), The conceptual mind: New directions in the study of concepts, 327-345.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Papafragou, A., Motion expression (development of). In P. Brooks, V. Kempe and G. Golson
(eds.), Encyclopedia of Language Development. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
2014. Gleitman, L., & Papafragou, A., Relations between language and thought. In D. Reisberg
(ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.*
2011. Trueswell, J., Papafragou, A., & Choi, Y., Syntactic and referential processes: What
develops? In E. Gibson and N. Perlmutter (eds.), The processing and acquisition of reference.
Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. *
2010. Papafragou, A., Language and thought. Opinion piece in Atkinson and Hilgard’s Introduction
to Psychology. Cengage Learning. *
2010. Papafragou, A., Language. In B. Goldstein (ed.), Encyclopedia of Perception, 519-522.
Thousand Oaks: Sage. *
2007. Papafragou, A., Space and the language-cognition interface. In P. Carruthers, S. Laurence and
S. Stich (eds.), The innate mind, Vol.3: Foundations and the future. Oxford: Oxford
University Press. *
2006. Papafragou, A., The representation of motion in language and thought. In. D. Goutsos, S.
Koutsoulelou, A. Bakakou-Orfanou and Ε. Panaretou (eds.), O kosmos ton keimenon: Meletes
afieromenes ston kathigiti Georgio Babinioti [= The world of texts. Studies dedicated to
Prof. George Babiniotis]. Athens: Ellinika Grammata.
2005. Papafragou, A., Relations between language and thought: Individuation and the count/mass
distinction. In C. Lefebvre and H. Cohen (eds.), Handbook of Categorization in Cognitive
Science, 255-275. New York: Elsevier. *
2005. Gleitman, L., & Papafragou, A., Language and thought. In K. Holyoak and R. Morrison
(eds.), Cambridge Handbook of Thinking and Reasoning, 633-661. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. *
2004. Papafragou, A., Review of R. Carston’s “Thoughts and Utterances: The Pragmatics of
Explicit Communication”. Lingua 114, 621-628.
2002. Papafragou, A., Modality and theory of mind: Perspectives from language development and
autism. In S. Barbiers, F. Beukema and W. van der Wurff (eds.), Modality and its interaction
with the verbal system, 185-204. Amsterdam: Benjamins. *
2001. Papafragou, A., Linking early linguistic and conceptual capacities: The role of theory of
mind. In A. Cienki, B. Luka and M. Smith (eds.), Conceptual and discourse factors in
linguistic structure, 169-184. Stanford: CSLI Publications. *
1998. Papafragou, A., Modality and semantic underdeterminacy. In V. Rouchota and A. Jucker
(eds.), Recent developments within Relevance Theory, 239-274. Amsterdam: Benjamins. *
Submitted/Under Revision
subm. Fairchild, S., & Papafragou, A., Language and categorization in monolinguals and bilinguals.
subm. Fairchild, S., & Papafragou, A., Linguistic cues are privileged over non-linguistic cues in
young children’s categorization.
subm. Fairchild, S., & Papafragou, A., Selective pragmatic tolerance towards non-native speakers.
subm. Bosse, S., & Papafragou, A., Does language affect memory for object position? A cross-
linguistic comparison.
subm. Johanson, M., Selimis, S., & Papafragou, A., The Source-Goal asymmetry in spatial
language: Language-general vs. language-specific aspects.
under rev. Gervits, F., Johanson, M., & Papafragou, A., Labels and intentionality in categorization.
In Preparation
in prep. Grigoroglou, M., & Papafragou, A., The development of pragmatic abilities. Edited volume
on Pragmatics, CUP.
in prep. Papafragou, A., Acquiring abstract meanings: Evidentiality and the language-cognition
interface. Special issue of Topics in Cognitive Science on Lexical Learning.
in prep. Ünal, E., & Papafragou, A., Children’s use of visual perception and visual inference as
sources of knowledge about events.
in prep. Grigoroglou, M., Johanson, M., & Papafragou, A., The acquisition of front and back:
Pragmatic factors in spatial language use.
in prep. Wilson, F., Trueswell, J., & Papafragou, A., The structure of complex events: Event roles in
perception and language.
in prep. Ünal, E., Trueswell, J., & Papafragou, A., How children map event participants onto
in prep. Papafragou, A., Viau, J., & Landau, B., The ins and outs of spatial language: Places, paths
and the semantics of negative prepositions.
in prep. Grigoroglou, M., & Papafragou, A., Events, typicality and listener need in referential
in prep. Grigoroglou, M., & Papafragou, A., Informativeness of event descriptions increases in
collaborative contexts.
in prep. Grigoroglou, M., & Papafragou, A., Revisiting the topological-projective asymmetry in spatial
in prep. Bunger, A., Skordos, D., & Papafragou, A., Verbs and memory for motion events.
in prep. Skordos, D., Johanson, M., & Papafragou, A., Difficulties in acquiring spatial language: The
case of between.
in prep. Bunger, A., Skordos, D., Trueswell, J., & Papafragou, A., Language-specific effects on
speech planning: Evidence from motion event descriptions.
in prep. Fairchild, S., & Papafragou, A., On-line processing of pragmatic infelicities from native and
non-native speakers.
in prep. Bartell, S., & Papafragou, A., The learnability of evidential systems.
Conference Proceedings/Working Papers
2016. Grigoroglou, M., & Papafragou, A. Are children flexible speakers? Effects of typicality and
listener needs in children's event descriptions. Proceedings from the 38th Annual Meeting of
the Cognitive Science Society.
2016. Gervits, F., Johanson, M., & Papafragou, A. Intentionality and the role of labels in
categorization. Proceedings from the 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
2016. Fairchild, S., & Papafragou, A. Monolinguals' and bilinguals' use of language in forming
novel object categories. Proceedings from the 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science
2016. Grigoroglou, M., & Papafragou, A., Do children adjust their event descriptions to the needs
of their addressees? Proceedings from Workshop “Trends in Experimental Pragmatics-
2015. Johannes, K., Wang, J., Papafragou, A., & Landau, B., Similarity and variation in the
distribution of spatial expressions across three languages. Proceedings from the 37
Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
2014. Skordos, D., & Papafragou, A., Scalar inferences in 5-year-olds: the role of alternatives.
Proceedings from the 38th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development.
Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2013. Unal, E., & Papafragou, A., Linguistic and conceptual representations of inference as a
knowledge source. Proceedings from the 37th Annual Boston University Conference on
Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2012. Bunger, A., Trueswell, J., & Papafragou, A., Information packaging for causative events:
Cross-linguistic differences and implications for language production and attention.
Proceedings from the 36
Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development.
Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2011. Wilson, F., Papafragou, A., Bunger, A., & Trueswell, J., Rapid extraction of event
participants in caused motion events. Proceedings from the 33rd Annual Meeting of the
Cognitive Science Society. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
2011. Bunger, A., Trueswell, J., & Papafragou, A., The influence of conceptual structure on
structural priming. Proceedings from the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science
Society. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
2011. Johanson, M., & Papafragou, A., Effects of labels on children’s category boundaries.
Proceedings from the 35
Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development.
Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2010. Bosse, S., & Papafragou, A., Spatial position in language and visual memory: A cross-
linguistic comparison. Proceedings from the 32
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science
Society. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
2010. Skordos, D., & Papafragou, A., Extracting paths and manners:
Linguistic and conceptual
biases in the acquisition of spatial language. Proceedings from the 34
Annual Boston
University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2010. Bunger, A., Trueswell, J., & Papafragou, A., Seeing and saying: The relation between event
apprehension and utterance formulation in children. Proceedings from the 34
Annual Boston
University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2010. Johanson, M., & Papafragou, A., Universality and language specificity in the acquisition of
path vocabulary. Proceedings from the 34
Annual Boston University Conference on
Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2009. Johanson, M., Selimis, S., & Papafragou, A., Cross-linguistic biases in the semantics and
acquisition of spatial language. Proceedings from the 33rd Annual Boston University
Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2009. Papafragou, A., & Selimis, S., On the acquisition of motion verbs cross-linguistically.
Proceedings from the 8
International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Ioannina: University
of Ioannina.
Ozturk, O., & Papafragou, A., The acquisition of evidentiality and source monitoring.
Proceedings from the 32nd
Annual Boston University Conference on Language
Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2007. Ozturk, O., & Papafragou, A., The acquisition of evidentiality in Turkish. Proceedings from
the 31st Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium. Department of Linguistics, University of
2007. Papafragou, A., & Selimis, S., Lexical and structural cues for acquiring motion verbs cross-
linguistically. Proceedings from the 31
Annual Boston University Conference on Language
Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2007. Ozturk, O., & Papafragou, A., Children’s acquisition of evidentiality. Proceedings from the
Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA:
Cascadilla Press.
2007. Papafragou, A., & Ozturk, O., Children’s acquisition of epistemic modality. Proceedings
from GALANA 2. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2006. Papafragou, A., & Ozturk, O., On the acquisition of modality. Proceedings from the 30
Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium. Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania.
2006. Papafragou, A., Massey, C. & Gleitman, L., Motion event conflation and clause structure.
Proceedings from the 39
Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society. Department of
Linguistics, University of Chicago.
2006. Papafragou, A., and O. Ozturk, The acquisition of epistemic modality. Proceedings of ISCA
Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, University of Athens.
2006. Papafragou, A., Spatial representations in language and thought. Proceedings of ISCA
Workshop on Experimental Linguistics, University of Athens.
2005. Li, P., Abarbanell, L., & Papafragou, A., Spatial reasoning skills in Tenejapan Mayans.
Proceedings from the 27
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Hillsdale, NJ:
2003. Papafragou, A., Aspectuality and scalar structure. Proceedings from the 27
Annual Boston
University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2003. Papafragou, A., Aspectuality and scalar implicatures. Proceedings from the 26
Annual Penn
Linguistics Colloquium. Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania.
2003. Papafragou, A., Scalar implicatures in language acquisition: Some evidence from Modern
Greek. Proceedings from the 38
Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society.
Department of Linguistics, University of Chicago.
2002. Papafragou, A., & Musolino, J., The pragmatics of number. Proceedings from the 24
Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
2002. Papafragou, A., & Li, P., Evidential morphology and theory of mind. Proceedings from the
Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA:
Cascadilla Press.
2002. Papafragou, A., Massey, C., & Gleitman, L., Language and motion. Proceedings from the 5
International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Paris: L' Harmattan.
2002. Papafragou, A. and J. Musolino, Investigations in the acquisition of pragmatics. Proceedings
from the 5
International Conference on Greek Linguistics. Paris: L' Harmattan.
2001. Papafragou, A., C. Massey and L. Gleitman, Motion events in language and cognition.
Proceedings from the 25
Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development.
Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
2000. Papafragou, A., Children as mindreaders: The case of indirect speech acts. Current Research
in Language and Communication Science, Vol. 1: Proceedings of the 1999 Child Language
Seminar. London: City University.
2000. Papafragou, A., Early communication: Beyond speech-act theory. Proceedings from the 24
Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA:
Cascadilla Press.
2000. Papafragou, A., Talking about the mind: A developmental perspective [In Greek]. Studies in
Greek Linguistics 20. Thessaloniki: Kyriakidis Publishers.
1999. Papafragou, A., Relevance-theoretic remarks on modal predicates. Proceedings of the 13th
International Symposium of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. School of English, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki.
1999. Papafragou, A., Metaphor and conceptual structure. Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Greek Linguistics. Athens: Ellinika Grammata Publishers.
1998. Papafragou, A., Modal verbs: Towards a unified semantics. Proceedings of the 16th
International Congress of Linguists. Oxford: Elsevier Science.
1998. Papafragou, A., Kinds of modality [In Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 18. Thessaloniki:
Kyriakidis Publishers.
1998. Papafragou, A., Modality and metarepresentation. Proceedings from the 22nd Annual Boston
University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
1998. Papafragou, A., Experience and concept attainment: Some critical remarks. University
College London Working Papers in Linguistics 10, 109-141.
1997. Papafragou, A., Modality in language development: A reconsideration of the evidence.
University College London Working Papers in Linguistics 9, 77-105.
1997. Papafragou, A., The pragmatics of metonymy [In Greek]. Studies in Greek Linguistics 17.
Thessaloniki: Kyriakidis Publishers.
1996. Papafragou, A., On generics. University College London Working Papers in Linguistics 8,
1995. Papafragou, A., Metonymy and relevance. University College London Working Papers in
Linguistics 7, 141-175.
Invited/Plenary Talks
2017. Events, verbs and the language-cognition interface. Workshop on Events, Max Planck
Institute for Psycholinguistics, Niemejen, Holland, 27-28 October.
2017. Pragmatics and cognition. 9
Annual Graduate Student Conference of the Illinois Language
and Linguistics Society, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 31 March-1 April.
2017. Evidence and information in language and thought. Linguistics Lecture Series, University of
Illinois at Urbana Champaign, 30 March.
2017. Pragmatics and cognition. Department of Cognitive Science Colloquium, Johns Hopkins
University, 9 March.
2017. Communication in a cross-linguistic context. Department of Linguistics & Cognitive Science
Colloquium, Unversity of Delaware, 24 February.
2017. Communication in a cross-linguistic context. 2
International Conference on Communication
and Cognition, Fribourg, Switzerland, 8-10 February.
2016. Event structure in language and thought. Language and Cognition talk series, Harvard
University, 8 November.
2016. Evidentiality and the language-cognition interface. Department of Linguistics Colloquium,
UCLA, 30 September.
2016. Conversational inference and pragmatic development. Workshop on Intentions in
Communication. Center for the Study of Mind in Nature, Oslo, 25-26 August.
2016. Event categories in cognition and language. Linguistic Association of Canada and the United
States (LACUS) Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2-5 August.
2016. Experimental approaches to evidentiality. CHRONOS conference. Normandie University,
UCBN, France, 15-17 June.
2016. Evidentiality and cognition. Common Ground seminar series, University of Pennsylvania, 20
2015. Evidentiality across languages. Workshop on Expressive Language, University of
Connecticut, 19-20 November.
2015. Events in language and cognition. Cognitive Science Colloquium, Northwestern University, 6
2015. Encoding evidence: cross-linguistic and developmental perspectives. Pre-conference
symposium on Cultural Diversity in Social Learning, Cognitive Development Society
Meeting, Columbus, 8 October.
2015. Evidentiality and the language-cognition interface. Department of Linguistics Colloquium,
University of British Columbia, 27 April.
2015. Cross-linguistic diversity and human cognition. Language and the Interface conference,
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 24-26 April.
2014. Encoding events in language and cognition. MACSIM (Mid-Atlantic Colloquium of Studies
in Meaning), Rutgers University, 18 October.
2014. Events in language and cognition. Workshop on language processing, Princeton University,
11-12 October.
2014. Information sources in language and thought. Conference on ‘Metacognitive diversity: An
Interdisciplinary Approach’, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, 24-26 September.
2014. Language and event representations. Department of Linguistics Colloquium, University of
Connecticut, 2 May.
2014. Interactions between language and thought. 50
Annual Philosophy Conference (‘Inner
speech’), University of Cincinnati, 27-29 March.
2014. Interactions between language and thought. Social Psychology Brownbag, Department of
Psychology, University of Delaware, 26 March.
2014. Language and event cognition. GURT Panel on Linguistic Relativity, Georgetown
, 13-16 March.
2014. Events in language and thought. Jackman Institute Public Lecture Series, University of
Toronto, 7 March.
2014. The acquisition of evidentiality. Psycholinguistics group, University of Toronto, 7 March.
2013. Representations of events: Bridging linguistic and non-linguistic concepts. Logic and
Cognitive Science Initiative Conference on Concepts, NC State University, 20-21 September.
2012. Challenges for the field of language development’ workshop, Max Planck Institute for
Psycholinguistics, 1-2 October (declined).
2012. Linguistic and nonlinguistic representations of events. Tufts Cognitive Science Conference
on ‘Language and Representation(Inaugural event for PhD in Cognitive Science), 14-16
2012. Space in language and cognition. Clinical Psychology brownbag, University of Delaware, 29
2011. Word meaning and pragmatic interpretation. Penn Linguistics Colloquium, 18 March.
2011. Eye movements as a window onto event representation. Cognitive Science colloquium,
University of Delaware, 11 February.
2011. Spatial language and spatial representation. Cognitive Science colloquium, Penn State
University, January 14.
2010. How children bridge the gap between word meaning and speaker meaning. ‘Linguistic
Interfaces’ conference, University of Ulster, N. Ireland, 2-4 December.
2010. Space in language and cognition. Distinguished Scholar speaker series, Institute for Cognitive
Science colloquium, University of Colorado at Boulder, 8 October.
2010. Relations between semantics and cognition: The case of evidentiality. Dept. of Linguistics
colloquium, University of Colorado at Boulder, 7 October.
2010. Evidentiality in language and cognition. Symposium on Semantics and Cognition, Annual
Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, 11 August.
2010. Language acquisition and the semantics-pragmatics distinction. 20
Conference on Semantics
and Linguistic Theory (SALT), University of British Columbia/Simon Fraser University, 28
April 1 May.
2010. Space in language and thought. Cognitive Science Colloquium, SUNY- Buffalo, 21 April.
2010. Space in language and thought. Cognitive Science Colloquium, University of Arizona, 13
2009. Spatial representations in language and cognition: Eye tracking evidence. Temple
University/SILC Spatial Intelligence lecture series, 30 June.
2009. Space in language and cognition. Mayfest Workshop, University of Maryland, 7-8 May.
2009. Language acquisition and the semantics-pragmatics distinction. 45
Annual Meeting of the
Chicago Linguistics Society, University of Chicago, 16-18 April. (declined)
2009. Invited discussant in Symposium on Number and Quantification, SRCD Meeting, Denver, 2-
4 April. (unable to attend)
2009. Language acquisition at the interface. Workshop on ‘Language acquisition and interfaces of
cognitive-linguistic modules’, University of Iowa, 30 April-2 May. (declined)
2008. Space in language and cognition. Social Psychology Brown Bag, University of Delaware, 19
2008. Cross-linguistic perspectives on verb representations. Workshop on ‘Verb Concepts:
Cognitive Science Perspectives on Verb Representation and Processing’, Concordia
University, Montreal, 3-4 October.
2008. Space in language and cognition. Symposium on ‘Language and Space’, 16
Annual Meeting
of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Utrecht University, 26-28 June.
2008. Epistemic assessments in language and cognition. Workshop on ‘Cross-cultural uniformity
and diversity in epistemic assessments’, University of Toronto, 17 May.
2008. Space in language and thought. Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science colloquium,
University of Delaware, 9 May.
2008. Acquiring meaning. Department of Linguistics, Stanford University, 26 April.
2007. Spatial language and cognition. Department of Linguistics, University of Athens, 27
2007. The acquisition of word meaning. Johns Hopkins University, Psycholinguistics Seminar, 17
2006. Invited discussant, Workshop on Theory of Mind. AHRC Project, Sheffield University, 20-22
2006. Spatial representations in language and thought. ISCA Workshop on Experimental
Linguistics, University of Athens, 28-30 August.
2006. Spatial categories in thought and language. Center for Cognitive Science, University of
Minnesota, 20 April.
2006. Word learning and inference. Brain and Language lecture series, UPenn, 5 April.
2006. Space in thought and language. Dept. of Psychology Colloquium series, Lehigh University,
31 March.
2005. Evidential categories in language and cognition. (Papafragou, A. & P. Li). Symposium on
Communication as Source of Information, SRCD Meeting, Atlanta, 7-10 April.
2005. Word meaning and inference. Symposium on ‘Word Learning and the Semantics-Pragmatics
Interface’, SRCD Meeting, Atlanta, 7-10 April.
2005. Word learning and inference. Conference on Experimental Pragmatics, University of
Cambridge, April.
2005. Pragmatics and word learning. Landau Lab talk, Johns Hopkins University, April.
2005. Spatial categories in language and thought. Brain and Language lectures, University of
Pennsylvania, 16 February.
2005. (Mostly on) the psycholinguistics of most. Symposium on ‘Most’, Linguistic Society of
America Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 6-9 January.
2004. From word meaning to inference. “Language and thought” workshop, Harvard University, 7
2004. Invited discussant, Workshop on Innateness. Sheffield Innateness Project, Sheffield
University, 2-4 April.
2004. Language and conceptual organization. Dept. of Psychology, University of Delaware, 17
2003. Thought before language. Lunchtime symposium, ‘Language development and linguistic
relativity’, 28
Annual BU Conference on Language Development, 30 October-2 November.
2003. The acquisition of mental state terms. Dept. of Linguistics & Center for Mind and Brain, UC
Davis, 25 February.
2002. Issues in the pragmatics of modality. Copenhagen Modality Symposium, Copenhagen
Business School, Denmark, 28-31 August.
2002. Language acquisition at the semantics-pragmatics interface. Dept. of Linguistics Colloquium
series, University of Delaware, May.
2002. Scalar inferences in language acquisition. Dept. of Linguistics, CNL talk series, University of
Maryland, May.
2002. Scalar implicatures in language acquisition. Penn-Tübingen Workshop, University of
Pennsylvania, April.
2002. Language and motion. Dept. of Psychology, Temple University, February.
2001. Motion and language. Dept. of Psychology Colloquium series, Bryn Mawr College, March.
2001. From words to thoughts? Linguistic relativity and language acquisition. Dept. of Linguistics,
Georgetown University, February.
2000. Motion predicates and the language-cognition interface. Penn-Tübingen Workshop on
Linguistic Data Structures, University of Tübingen, 19-20 December.
2000. Verbal communication and theory of mind. Discussant, Mind and Language Millennial
Workshop on Pragmatics and Cognitive Science, University of Oxford, 29 September-1
2000. Talking and thinking about motion. Computational Linguistics Group, University of
Pennsylvania, May.
1999. Relevance: Theory and applications. Discourse and Computation Seminar, IRCS, University
of Pennsylvania, December.
1999. Pragmatics and relevance. Dept. of Linguistics, University of Athens, June.
1999. Language and theory of mind. Dept. of Methodology, History and Theory of Science
(Cognitive Science lecture series), University of Athens, March.
1999. Issues in the acquisition of modality. Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen,
1998. Theories and modules. Categories and Concepts Seminar, Dept. of Psychology, UC Berkeley,
1998. Epistemic modality and theory of mind. Dept. of Psychology, UC Berkeley, November.
Invited Teaching Lectures
2016. Work, life, and how to balance it all. Women and Cognitive Science panel, Cognitive Science
Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, August.
2011. Language and thought. 14th Annual IRCS/CCN Undergraduate Summer Workshop in
Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, June.
2011. Professional Development Workshop, Center for Language Sciences, Penn State University,
2009. Language and theory of mind. 12
Annual IRCS/CCN Undergraduate Summer Workshop in
Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, June.
2009. Events in language and thought. Graduate seminar in Cognitive Neuroscience of Language,
University of Maryland, April.
2008. Space in language and thought. 11
Annual IRCS/CCN Undergraduate Summer Workshop in
Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, June.
2006. Language and space. 9
Annual IRCS/CCN Undergraduate Summer Workshop in Cognitive
Science and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, June.
2006. Neuroscience of language. Graduate seminar in Neuroscience, Dept. of Psychology,
University of Delaware, April.
2004. Scalars: semantics, pragmatics and acquisition. Graduate seminar in Psycholinguistics, Dept.
of Linguistics, University of Delaware, October.
2004. Concepts and categories. 7
Annual IRCS/CCN Undergraduate Summer Workshop in
Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, June.
2004. Quantifiers and beyond. Formal semantics and cognitive science, Dept. of Linguistics,
University of Pennsylvania, April.
2003. On categorization in cognitive sciences. 1
Graduate Summer School in Cognitive Sciences,
Institute of Cognitive Sciences, University of Quebec, Montreal, 1-15 July.
2003. Some puzzles in word learning. 6
Annual IRCS/CCN Undergraduate Summer Workshop in
Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, 9-21 June.
2003. The pragmatics of quantification. Formal semantics and cognitive science, Dept. of
Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, April.
2002. Puzzles in word learning. 5
Annual IRCS/CCN Undergraduate Summer Workshop in
Cognitive Science and Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, 3-21 June.
2002. From lexical semantics to utterance interpretation. PhD seminar in Linguistics, Copenhagen
Business School, August.
2001. Language and thought. The meaning of language, Dept. of Linguistics, University of
Pennsylvania, November.
2001. Language and thought. PhD seminar, Dept. of Linguistics, University of Athens, May.
Regular Conference Presentations (talks unless otherwise indicated)
2017. Topological and projective relations in spatial language production. (Grigoroglou, M., & A.
Papafragou) 39
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, London, 26-29 July. (planned
2017. How children map event participants onto language. (Ünal, E., Trueswell, J., & A. Papafragou)
Part of Symposium
Encoding events in language and cognition’, 14th International Congress for
the Study of Child Language, Lyon, 17-21 July.
2017. Pragmatic inferences and speaker knowledge. (Papafragou, A., C. Friedberg, & M. L. Cohen)
Symposium on “Pragmatic implicature as social inference’. SRCD Biennial Meeting, Austin, 6-8
2017. Children’s adjustments of informativeness during language production. (Grigoroglou, M., & A.
Papafragou) Georgetown University Roundtable in Linguistics, 10-12 March.
2016. Listeners tolerate pragmatic infelicities from non-native speakers. (Fairchild, S. & A. Papafragou)
Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, 17-20 November. (poster).
2016. Universal and language-specific aspects in spatial language development: Revisiting the
topological-projective asymmetry. (Johanson, M., M. Grigoroglou & A. Papafragou) 41st Boston
University Conference on Language Development, 4-6 November.
2016. Informativeness and listeners' needs in children's event descriptions. (Grigoroglou, M., & A.
Papafragou) 41st Boston University Conference on Language Development, 4-6 November
2016. Children’s informativeness in event descriptions. (Grigoroglou, M., & A. Papafragou) 6th Mid-
Atlantic Colloquium of Studies in Meaning, NYU, 1 October (poster).
2016. Are children flexible speakers? Effects of typicality and listener needs in children's event
descriptions. (Grigoroglou, M., & A. Papafragou) 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science
Society, Philadelphia, 10-13 August. (poster)
2016. Intentionality and the role of labels in categorization. (Gervits, F., M. Johanson, & A. Papafragou)
38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Philadelphia, 10-13 August. (poster)
2016. Monolinguals' and bilinguals' use of language in forming novel object categories. (Fairchild, S., &
A. Papafragou) 38th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Philadelphia, 10-13
August. (poster)
2016. Flexible expectations of speaker informativeness shape pragmatic inference. (Fairchild, S., & A.
Papafragou) 40th Annual Penn Linguistics Conference, 18-20 March.
2016. Foreign accent affects pragmatic inference. (Fairchild, S., & A. Papafragou) 29
Annual CUNY
Sentence Processing Conference, Gainesville, Florida, 3-5 March (poster).
2016. Event role identification in language and cognition. (Ünal, E., J. Trueswell, & A. Papafragou)
Workshop on Events in Language and Cognition, Gainesville, Florida, 3 March (poster).
2016. Do children adjust their event descriptions to the needs of their addressees? (Grigoroglou, M., &
A. Papafragou) “Trends in Experimental Pragmatics” Workshop, Berlin, 16-18 January.
2015. Pragmatic factors in the acquisition of spatial language. (Grigoroglou, M., M. Johanson, & A.
Papafragou) 5th Mid-Atlantic Colloquium of Studies in Meaning, University of Delaware, 3
2015. Verbal labels facilitate categorization of dissimilar objects. (Fairchild, S. & A. Papafragou) 56
Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, 19-22 November (poster).
2015. The acquisition of front and back: Conceptual vs. pragmatic factors. (Grigoroglou, M., M.
Johanson & A. Papafragou) 40
Boston University Conference on Language Development, 13-15
2015. Cross-linguistic variation and the learnability of semantic systems. (Bartell, S., & A. Papafragou)
Boston University Conference on Language Development, 13-15 November.
2015. The relation between evidentiality and source monitoring. (Ünal, E., & A. Papafragou) Biennial
Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Columbus, 9-11 October (poster).
2015. The relationship between linguistic and conceptual event roles: A cross-linguistic investigation.
(Ünal, E., F. Wilson, J. Trueswell & A. Papafragou) Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive
Development Society, Columbus, 9-11 October (poster).
2015. Similarity and variation in the distribution of spatial expressions across three languages.
(Johannes, K., J., Wang, A. Papafragou, & B. Landau) Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science
Society, 23-25 July, Pasadena (poster).
2015. Pragmatic inference in children: reasoning about scalar alternatives. (Skordos, D., & A.
Papafragou). Symposium on “Mechanisms of pragmatic development in language
comprehension”. SRCD Biennial Meeting, 19-21 March, Philadelphia.
2015. When children fail to use syntax to learn novel prepositions. (Skordos, D., M. Johanson & A.
Papafragou) SRCD Biennial Meeting, 19 – 21 March, Philadelphia (poster).
2015. Spatial language universals and cross-linguistic encoding. (Grigoroglou, M., M. Johanson, & A.
Papafragou) SRCD Biennial Meeting, 19-21 March, Philadelphia (poster).
2015. Conceptual factors in the acquisition of evidentiality. (Ünal, E., & A. Papafragou) SRCD Biennial
Meeting, 19-21 March, Philadelphia (poster).
2014. Homologies between language and event cognition. (Wilson, F., E. Ünal, J. Trueswell & A.
Papafragou) 39
Boston University Conference on Language Development, 7-9 November.
2014. Linking conversational inferences to the speaker’s knowledge state. (Papafragou, A., C. Friedberg
& M. Cohen) 39
Boston University Conference on Language Development, 7-9 November.
2014. Production-comprehension asymmetries in language acquisition: The case of evidential
morphology. (Ünal, E. & A. Papafragou) 38th Boston University Conference on Language
Development, 7-9 November.
2014. Developmental and linguistic influences on the cross-linguistic encoding of causative events.
(Bunger, A., D. Skordos, J. Trueswell & A. Papafragou) 13th International Conference of the
Association for the Study of Child Language, Amsterdam, 19-24 July (talk at symposium).
2014. The acquisition of evidentiality. (Ünal, E. & A. Papafragou) 13
International Conference of the
Association for the Study of Child Language, Amsterdam, 19-24 July (poster).
2013. The ins and outs of spatial language: Places, paths and negative spatial prepositions. (Papafragou,
A., J. Viau & B. Landau) 38
Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development,
Boston, 1-3 November.
2013. Scalar inferences in 5-year-olds: the role of alternatives. (Skordos, D. & A. Papafragou) 38
Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, 1-3 November.
2013. Perception and inference as sources of knowledge in oneself and others. (Ünal, E. &
A.Papafragou) Biennial Meeting of the Cognitive Development Society, Memphis, 18-19 October
2013. Children’s evaluation of inference as a source of knowledge in themselves and others. (Ünal, E. &
A. Papafragou) 25th APS Annual Convention, Washington, DC, 23-26 May (poster).
2013. Monitoring sources of event memories: Does native language play a role? nal, E., A. Pinto, A.
Bunger & A. Papafragou) 25th APS Annual Convention, Washington, DC, 23-26 May (poster).
2013. Complexities in mapping spatial terms o
nto spatial referents: The case of ‘between’. (Skordos, D.,
M. Johanson & A. Papafragou) Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Development, Seattle, 18-20 April (poster).
2013. Categorization in preschoolers: The influence of labels and facts. (Johanson, M. & A. Papafragou)
Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, 18-20 April (poster).
2013. Implicit contrast to the stronger alternative improves scalar implicature generation in 5-year-old
children. (Skordos, D. & A. Papafragou). Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development,
10-12 January. (poster)
2013. Cross-linguistic differences in event description and inspection in preschool speakers of English
and Greek. (Bunger, A., D. Skordos, J. Trueswell & A.Papafragou). 87
Annual Meeting of the
Linguistic Society of America, Boston, 3-6 January.
2012. Categorization in children: The role of labels and facts. (Johanson, M. & A. Papafragou)
Cognitive Science Ph.D. inaugural conference, Tufts University, 14-16 September (poster).
2012. Getting the gist of events: Rapid identification of two-participant actions. (Hafri, A., A.
Papafragou & J. Trueswell) 53
Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, 15-18
November (poster).
2012. Linguistic and conceptual representations of inference as a knowledge source. (Unal, E. & A.
Papafragou) 37
Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 2-4
2011. Information packaging for causative events: Cross-linguistic differences and implications for
language production and attention. (Bunger, A., J. Trueswell & A.Papafragou) 36
Boston University Conference on Language Development, 4-6 November.
2011. Lexical alternatives improve 5-year-olds' ability to compute scalar implicatures. (Skordos, D. &
A. Papafragou) 36
Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 4-6
November (poster).
2011. The development of spatial language: Asymmetries between Containment and Support. (Viau, J.,
B. Landau & A. Papafragou.) 36
Annual Boston University Conference on Language
Development, 4-6 November (poster).
2011. Mapping event participants to linguistic structure (Wilson, F., A. Papafragou & J.Trueswell).
Structuring the Argument: A Multidisciplinary Workshop on the Mental Representation of Verbal
Argument Structure, 5-7 September, Paris (poster).
2011. Rapid extraction of event participants in caused motion events (Wilson, F., A. Papafragou, A.
Bunger & J.Trueswell). 33rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 21-23 July
2011. The influence of conceptual structure on structural priming. (Bunger, A., J. Trueswell & A.
Papafragou, A.). 33rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 21-23 July (poster).
2011. Rapid extraction of event participants in caused motion events. (Wilson, F., A. Papafragou, A.
Bunger & J. Trueswell) Society for Philosophy and Psychology Meeting, Montreal, 6-10 July.
2011. The gist of events: Implications for language production and scene description. (Hafri, A., A.
Papafragou & J. Trueswell) CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Stanford, 24-26
March (poster).
2011. Event apprehension during utterance preparation in children: Evidence from English and Greek.
(Bunger, A., J. Trueswell & A. Papafragou) Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child
Development, Montreal, 31 March-3 April.
2011. The influence of conceptual structure on syntactic priming. (Bunger, A., A. Papafragou &
J.Trueswell) 85
Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Pittsburg, 6-9 January.
2011. Do children use labels to discern category boundaries? (Johanson, M. & A. Papafragou,) 85
Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Pittsburg, 6-9 January.
2010. Effects of labels on children’s category boundaries (Johanson, M. & A. Papafragou) 35
Boston University Conference on Language Development, 6-9 November.
2010. The role of information structure during syntactic priming (Bunger, A., A. Papafragou & J.
Trueswell) Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing,
University of York, 6-8 September.
2010. Spatial position in language and visual memory: A cross-linguistic comparison (Bosse, S. & A.
Papafragou) 32
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, 12-14 August.
2010. Why it’s hard to think outside the box: A new asymmetry in the use of locative prepositions
(Papafragou, A., J. Viau & B. Landau) 84
Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America,
Baltimore, 7-10 January.
2010. Event apprehension for language production in children (Bunger, A., J. Trueswell & A.
Papafragou) 84
Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Baltimore, 7-10 January.
2009. Extracting paths and manners: Linguistic and conceptual biases in the acquisition of spatial
language (Skordos, D. & A. Papafragou) 34
Annual Boston University on Language
Development, 6-8 November.
2009. Seeing and saying: The relation between event apprehension and utterance formulation in children
(Bunger, A., J. Trueswell & A. Papafragou) 34
Annual Boston University on Language
Development, 6-8 November.
2009. Universality and language specificity in the acquisition of path vocabulary (Johanson, M. & A.
Papafragou) 34
Annual Boston University on Language Development, 6-8 November.
2009. The acquisition of motion vocabulary (Johanson, M., S. Selimis & A. Papafragou) 9
International Conference on Greek Linguistics, University of Chicago, 29 October-1 November.
2009. What you see is not what you get: Event apprehension
and utterance formulation in children and adults (Bunger, A., A. Papafragou & J. Trueswell)
Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP),
Barcelona, 7-9 September.
2009. Cross-linguistic differences in event perception: Evidence from dual tasks (Papafragou, A. & J.
Trueswell) 35
Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Indiana
University, 12-14 June.
2009. Positional verbs and memory for location: A comparison of English and German (Bosse, S. & A.
Papafragou) Workshop on ‘Language acquisition and interfaces of cognitive-linguistic modules’,
University of Iowa, 30 April-2 May (poster).
2009. Evidentiality in language acquisition. (Ozturk, O. & A. Papafragou) Workshop on ‘Language
acquisition and interfaces of cognitive-linguistic modules’, University of Iowa, 30 April-2 May.
2009. The semantics and acquisition of containment terms: Cross-linguistic evidence (Papafragou, A.,
M. Johanson & S. Selimis) Paper Symposium on ‘Spatial language and cognition: Cross-
linguistic and developmental perspectives’, SRCD Meeting, Denver, 2-4 April.
2009. Evidentiality and the Language-Cognition Interface. (Ozturk, O. & A. Papafragou) 19th
Colloquium on Generative Grammar, University of the Basque Country, 1-3 April (poster).
2009. Perceiving and remembering events: Are there cross-linguistic differences? (Trueswell, J. & A.
Papafragou) 22
Annual Meeting of the CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, UC
Davis, 26-28 March (poster).
2009. Over-extension patterns in spatial language: The case of containment. (Johanson, M., S. Selimis
& A. Papafragou) 83
Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, San Francisco, 8-11
2008. In a manner of speaking, thinking and seeing: Attention allocation during event perception.
(Trueswell, J. & A. Papafragou) 49
Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, 13-
16 November.
2008. Cross-linguistic biases in the semantics and acquisition of spatial language. (Johanson, M., S.
Selimis & A. Papafragou) 33rd
Annual Boston University on Language Development, 30
October-2 November.
2008. Children’s understanding of the link between speaker knowledge and utterance content.
(Papafragou, A.) Conference on Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models 2, Brussels, 19-21
2008. Evidentiality and source monitoring in Turkish. (Ozturk, O. & A. Papafragou). 32
Annual Penn
Linguistics Colloquium, UPenn, 22-24 February.
2008. Source-goal asymmetries in language acquisition and memory. (Papafragou, A.) 82
Annual LSA
Meeting, Chicago, 3-5 January.
2008. Source monitoring and the acquisition of evidentiality. (Ozturk, O. & A. Papafragou). 82
LSA Meeting, Chicago, 3-5 January.
2007. The acquisition of evidentiality in Turkish. (Ozturk, O. & A. Papafragou). 32
Annual Boston
University on Language Development, 2-4 November.
2007. Spatial asymmetries in language and memory. (Papafragou, A.) 32
Annual Boston University on
Language Development, 2-4 November.
2007. The acquisition of evidentiality and source monitoring. (Ozturk, O. & A. Papafragou). 4
Workshop on Language (HOWL), 12-14 October (poster).
2007. On the cross-linguistic acquisition of motion verbs. (Papafragou, A. & S. Selimis). 8
International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Ioannina, Greece, 29 August - 1 September.
2007. The acquisition of evidentiality in Turkish. (Ozturk, O. & A. Papafragou). 31
Annual Penn
Linguistics Colloquium, UPenn, 23-25 February.
2007. How do you know? Evidentiality in Turkish (Ozturk, O. & A. Papafragou). 81st Annual LSA
Meeting, Anaheim, 4-7 January.
2007. Modality and the development of the semantics-pragmatics interface (Papafragou, A. & O.
Ozturk). 81st Annual LSA Meeting, Anaheim, 4-7 January.
2006. Lexical and structural cues for acquiring motion verbs cross-linguistically (Papafragou, A. & S.
Selimis). 31st Annual Boston University on Language Development, 3-5 November.
2006. Evidentiality and theory of mind (Ozturk, O. & A. Papafragou). 31st Annual Boston University
on Language Development, 3-5 November (poster).
2006. The acquisition of modality (Papafragou, A. & O. Ozturk). ISCA Workshop on Experimental
Linguistics, University of Athens, 28-30 August.
2006. Children’s acquisition of epistemic modality (Papafragou, A. & O. Ozturk). GALANA 2, McGill
University, Canada, 17-19 August.
2006. Mapping event perception onto language: Evidence from eye movements (Papafragou, A., J.
Hulbert & J. Trueswell). 19
Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, New
York, 21-23 March (poster).
2006. Children’s comprehension of epistemic modality. (Papafragou, A. & O. Ozturk) 30
Annual Penn
Linguistics Colloquium, UPenn, 24-26 February.
2006. Mapping event perception onto language: Evidence from eye movements (Papafragou, A., J.
Trueswell & J. Hulbert). 80
Annual LSA Meeting, Albuquerque, 5-8 January.
2005. The acquisition of evidentiality in Korean (Li, P., A. Papafragou, C. Han & Y. Choi). XI
International Congress on Child Language, Berlin, 26-29 July.
2005. Spatial language and reasoning in Tseltal Mayan (Abarbanell, L., P. Li & A. Papafragou) XI
International Congress on Child Language, Berlin, 26-29 July.
2005. Spatial reasoning in Tenejapan Mayans. (Abarbanell, L., P. Li & A. Papafragou). 27
Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Italy, 21-24 July (poster).
2005. Event representation in language and cognition (Papafragou, A.) 27
Annual Meeting of the
Cognitive Science Society, Italy, 21-24 July.
2005. Spatial language and reasoning in Tseltal Mayan (Abarbanell, L., P. Li & A. Papafragou). 17
APS Annual Convention, Los Angeles, 26-29 May.
2005. Spatial language and reasoning in Tseltal (Abarbanell, L., P. Li & A. Papafragou). 79
LSA Meeting, Oakland, 6-10 January.
2004. Learning evidential morphology (Li, P., A. Papafragou, C. Han & Y. Choi). 29
Annual Boston
University on Language Development, 4-6 November.
2004. How children acquire mental verbs (Papafragou, A., K. Cassidy, L. Gleitman & J. Hulbert). 29
Annual Boston University on Language Development, 4-6 November.
2004. From event cognition to language production (Papafragou, A., C. Massey & L. Gleitman). 17
Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing, Maryland, 25-27 March (poster).
2004. The acquisition of evidentiality (Papafragou, A., P. Li & Ch. Han). 78
Annual LSA Meeting,
Boston, 8-11 January.
2004. ‘Most’ wanted (Papafragou, A. & N. Schwarz). 78
Annual LSA Meeting, Boston, 8-11 January.
2003. Observational and syntactic support for the acquisition of mental verbs (Cassidy, K., A.
Papafragou & L. Gleitman). 28
Annual BU Conference on Language Development, Boston, 30
October - 2 November.
2003. The kinematics of motion (Papafragou, A., C. Massey & L. Gleitman). 6
Conference on Greek Linguistics, Crete, 18-20 September.
2003. Contextual scales and pragmatic inference (Papafragou, A. & N. Tantalou). 6
Conference on Greek Linguistics, Crete, 18-20 September.
2003. Lexical meaning and pragmatic inference: A view from language acquisition. (Papafragou, A.)
International Pragmatics Association Meeting, Toronto, 13-18 July.
2003. Aspectuality, scalar implicature and the semantics-pragmatics interface. (Papafragou, A.)
Workshop on Polarity, Scalar Phenomena and Implicature, Milan, 18-20 June.
2003. Motion event structure and clause conflation (Papafragou, A, C. Massey & L. Gleitman). 39
Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, University of Chicago, 10-12 April.
2003. Learning mental predicates (Cassidy, K., A. Papafragou & L. Gleitman. 39
Annual Meeting of
the Chicago Linguistics Society, University of Chicago, 10-12 April.
2003. Aspectual semantics and conversational inference. (Papafragou, A.) 16
Annual CUNY
Conference on Human Sentence Processing, MIT, 27-29 March (poster).
2003. Context and scalar inference (Papafragou, A. & N. Tantalou). 27
Annual Penn Linguistics
Colloquium, 21-23 February.
2003. Children’s comprehension of scalar expressions. (Papafragou, A.) Georgetown University
Roundtable in Linguistics, 13-15 February.
2003. The semantics and pragmatics of evidentiality in child language (Papafragou, A., P. Li & S.
Yang). Georgetown University Roundtable in Linguistics, 13-15 February.
2003. Aspectuality and conversational implicature. (Papafragou, A.) 77
Annual LSA Meeting, Atlanta,
2-5 January.
2003. Number/quantifier asymmetries in language acquisition. (Papafragou, A., F. Hurewitz, L.
Gleitman & R. Gelman) 77
Annual LSA Meeting, Atlanta, 2-5 January.
2002. Aspectuality and scalar structure. (Papafragou, A.) 27
Annual BU Conference on Language
Development, Boston, 1-3 November.
2002. The acquisition of numbers and quantifiers. (Hurewitz, F., A. Papafragou, L. Gleitman & R.
Gelman) 27
Annual BU Conference on Language Development, Boston, 1-3 November.
2002. The pragmatics of number (Papafragou, A. & J. Musolino). 24
Annual Meeting of the Cognitive
Science Society, George Mason University, 8-10 August (poster).
2002. Language acquisition at the semantics-pragmatics interface (Musolino, J. & A. Papafragou). IXth
International Conference for the Study of Child Language, University of Wisconsin- Madison, 16-
21 July.
2002. Scalar inferences and telicity in language acquisition. (Papafragou, A.) 5
Chronos Colloquium
on Tense, Aspect and Modality, Groningen, 19-21 June.
2002. Scalar inferences: Developing abilities at the Semantics-Pragmatics interface (Papafragou,
A., & J. Musolino). International Conference on 'Reviewing Linguistic Thought: Perspectives into
the 21
Century', Athens, 21-24 May.
2002. The kinematics of motion (Papafragou, A., C. Massey & L. Gleitman). International Conference
'Reviewing Linguistic Thought: Perspectives into the 21
Century', Athens, 21-24 May.
2002. The acquisition of evidentiality in Korean (Papafragou A, P. Li & S. Yang). 38
Annual Meeting
of the Chicago Linguistics Society, University of Chicago, 25-27 April.
2002. Scalar implicatures in language acquisition: Some evidence from Modern Greek. (Papafragou, A.)
Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, University of Chicago, 25-27 April.
2002. The computation of scalar implicatures during language comprehension: A developmental
perspective (Papafragou, A. & J. Musolino). 15
Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence
Processing, New York, 21-23 March (poster).
2002. Quantity implicatures in child language. (Papafragou, A.) 26
Annual Penn Linguistics
Colloquium, 1-3 March.
2002. The acquisition of scalar implicatures (Papafragou, A. & J. Musolino). 75
Annual LSA Meeting,
San Francisco, 3-6 January.
2001. Evidential morphology and theory of mind (Papafragou, A. & P. Li). 26
Annual BU Conference
on Language Development, Boston, 2-4 November.
2001. Language and motion (Papafragou, A., C. Massey & L. Gleitman). 5
International Conference
on Greek Linguistics, Paris, 13-15 September.
2001. Investigations in the acquisition of pragmatics (Papafragou, A. & J. Musolino). 5
Conference on Greek Linguistics, Paris, 13-15 September.
2001. Cross-linguistic encoding of motion: Are there nonlinguistic implications? (Papafragou, A., C.
Massey & L. Gleitman). 14
Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing,
University of Pennsylvania, 15-17 March (poster).
2001. Language and conceptual representation: A cross-linguistic study of motion (Papafragou, A., C.
Massey & L. Gleitman). 25
Penn Linguistics Colloquium (Special Session: Empirical Data and
Linguistic Theory), 3-4 March.
2000. Motion events in language and cognition (Papafragou, A., C. Massey & L. Gleitman). 25th
Annual BU Conference on Language Development, 3-5 November.
2000. Shake, rattle, 'n' roll. (Papafragou, A.) P-IRCS Fest, IRCS, University of Pennsylvania, May.
1999. Early communication: Beyond speech-act theory. (Papafragou, A.) 24th Annual BU Conference
on Language Development, 5-7 November.
1999. Children as mindreaders: The case of indirect speech acts. (Papafragou, A.) Child Language
Seminar, City University, London, 2-4 September.
1999. 'Can you pass the salt?' Some developmental remarks. (Papafragou, A.) LAGB Autumn Meeting,
University of York, 7-9 September.
1999. Remarks on the semantics and pragmatics of modality. (Papafragou, A.) 13th International
Symposium of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 22-24
1999. Talking about the mind: A developmental perspective. (Papafragou, A.) 20th Annual Meeting of
the Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 23-25 April.
1998. Metaphor and cognition. (Papafragou, A.) 4th Conference on Conceptual Structure, Discourse,
and Language, Emory University, Atlanta, 10-12 October.
1998. Another look at short-circuited implicatures. (Papafragou, A.) LAGB Spring Meeting, University
of Lancaster, 14-16 April.
1998. Conventionality, standardisation and politeness. (Papafragou, A.) 12th Sociolinguistics
Symposium, Institute of Education, London, 26-28 March.
1997. Modality and metarepresentation. (Papafragou, A.) 22nd Annual BU Conference on Language
Development, 7-9 November.
1997. Metaphor and conceptual structure. (Papafragou, A.) 3rd International Conference on Greek
Linguistics, University of Athens, 25-27 September.
1997. Modal expressions in early child language. (Papafragou, A.) LAGB Autumn Meeting, University
of Hertfordshire, 4-6 September.
1997. Modal verbs: Towards a unitary semantics. (Papafragou, A.) 16th International Congress of
Linguists, Paris, 20-25 July.
1997. Kinds of modality [In Greek]. (Papafragou, A.) 18th Annual Meeting of the Department of
Linguistics, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 2-4 May.
1996. Indirect requests: A Relevance-theoretic reappraisal. (Papafragou, A.) LAGB Autumn Meeting,
University of Cardiff, 7-9 September.
1996. Modality and the semantics/pragmatics interface. (Papafragou, A.) 5th International Pragmatics
Conference (panel: Relevance Theory: Some basic distinctions), Mexico City, 4-9 July.
1996. The pragmatics of metonymy [In Greek]. (Papafragou, A.) 17th Annual Meeting of the
Department of Linguistics, University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 22-24 April.
1995. The comprehension of metonymy. (Papafragou, A.) LAGB Autumn Meeting, University of
Essex, 17-19 September.