APRIL 2007
This issue of the Communicator is being e-mailed to all current paid members, new employees (first
year free membership) and Lifetime members to save on printing costs. It will also be available on the
NMNA website. If you did not receive an e-mailed copy, contact Tina Colby.
2006 Presidents Message
My, how time flies! It seems as if it were only a short time ago that I began my tenure on the National
Market News Association Board of Directors. Serving on the board has been a great learning
experience and I have made new friendships that I will not forget in the years to come.
Our visit to the Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago International Produce Market was certainly the
highlight of the conference. To witness how valuable the data we as Market News Reporters collect
and analyze is to mainstream America as well as the global agri-business network was awesome! Our
“Farm Bill 2007” panel discussion continued to drive home the importance of Market News to the
agricultural industry and especially the growing Organics segment. Thank you to everyone who
assisted in the planning and production of the 49
Annual National Market News Conference. You all
made it possible!
I hope everyone enjoyed their visit to Chicago, and took some
personal time to explore the downtown area as there were so
many places to see and things to do. The free time seemed to
please many of us anxious to explore the Loop!
Looking ahead to Oklahoma City, I am certain Tina and her
committee has some excellent ideas and will host our “50
National Market News Association in style. Until then…
Debbie Friday
USDA-AMS-Fruit and Vegetable Market News
Benton Harbor, Michigan
2006 Scholarship Award Winners
Alyn Kiel is currently completing her second year at
Michigan State University, working towards a Bachelor of
Science degree in Agriculture and Natural Resource
Communications, as well as completing coursework in
International Studies and Latin American and Caribbean
Studies. I plan to combine my work experience in agriculture
and journalism, degrees in agricultural communications and
international studies, and my network of agricultural
professionals with an international career in agricultural
development. My familiarity I have gained through
involvement in various horticulture and communication
organizations will be a distinct advantage in a professional life, as I have a working knowledge of the
agricultural industry and the marketing tactics utilized in the industry. I also feel that service work and
education are integral parts of agricultural development, and wish to utilize my communication and
agricultural skills by working in developing countries. The National Market News Association
scholarship has helped to provide a valuable opportunity for me to combine my passions for agriculture
and communications and set me on the road for a rewarding career in agricultural development; thank
you so much for your generosity!
Katie A. Cook - I would like to sincerely thank you for
selecting me as a 2006 scholarship winner. Your contribution to
my education is greatly appreciated. In December, I graduated
from Michigan State University with degrees in Animal Science
and Marketing. Since then, I have accepted a position with
Elanco Animal Health which started in the beginning of January.
I am currently located in Oklahoma as a cattle sales
representative. After gaining experience in the field, I intend to
pursue a MBA.
NMNA Award Nominations!!
It is never too early to begin thinking about NMNA award nominations for 2007. Nomination forms and
details are available on the NMNA website in the awards section. Complete the application, click
submit, and receive an e-mailed confirmation. If you have any questions, contact Barbara Meredith.
Gary Brown Recipient,
2006 Reporter of the Year.
2007 Awards Committee
Barbara Meredith, Chairperson-Cotton-Memphis, TN
Greg Demery – MNSU, Washington, DC
F. David Gonsoulin – L&S, Montgomery, AL
Jeff Carnahan – Cotton, Memphis, TN
More 2007 NMNA Committees
Tina Colby, Chair
Barbara Meredith
Sherry Warren
Tiffany Smit
Tom Lister
Lewis Langell
Debbie Friday
Donald Carnes
Holly Mozal
Steve Skuba
Tina Colby, LS, OKC, Chair
Barbara Meredith, CT, TN
Sherry Warren, Raleigh NC
Nominations & Achievement and Recognitions
Sherry Warren, Raleigh, NC, Chair
Cordell Givens, LS, IL
Debbie Schwartz, PY, IA
Marilyn Mayeux, FV, LA
Lifetime Membership
Tiffany Smit, LS, OR
Annie Terry
Deborah Gleaton
Jim Bass
Philip Montgomery
Tom Lister, FV, NY, Chair
If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors, please let one of the Nominations Committee members know of
your interest. They are seeking nominations now.
Oklahoma’s Centennial Celebration
50th Annual NMNA Conference
Livestock and Seed Branch
August 22-26, 2007,
all other branches
August 23-26, 2007.
New Officers: Tiffany Smit- Portland, OR & Tom Lister Bronx, NY
Tiffany Smit began her career with the Portland Market News office in March 2001 as an
Office Automation Clerk. She performed regular duties as a clerk for grain reporting; in
addition she took on many duties normally performed by a Market Reporter during the time
that the office was short-staffed. In January of 2003, Tiffany was selected for the Market
Reporter Trainee and promoted to Market Reporter in January 2004. During this time
Tiffany graduated from Oregon State University with highest honors. Currently as a Market
Report her daily duties include: analyzing, evaluating, preparing and disseminating grain and
feed market information. Creating and continually updating, expanding, and improving
Excel worksheets to improve the accuracy, speed and the ease of creating market news
reports; proofing reports for public/customer viewing; and helping customers with any
requests they may have. In her spare time, Tiffany enjoys spending time with family and
Tom Lister works in our Bronx office at the NYC Terminal Market. I’ve been with Market
News since late February 2004. I report wholesale prices at the market. Lately, before
coming to Idaho Falls, I was reporting the fruit beat.
Before joining Market News, I was a newspaper reporter and editor for 10 years. I spent three
years of that time as markets editor for The Packer, a weekly business newspaper that covers
the fresh produce industry. I speak Spanish. I’ve traveled extensively in Latin America. I
live in the Pelham Bay neighborhood of the Bronx. I’m a Navy brat born in Florida and
raised early on in San Diego. The place I call home is Plevna, KS, which has a population of
about 100. In my spare time, I like to bicycle, travel and read.
National Market News Association Business Meeting
August 26, 2006
The meeting was called to order by President Debbie Friday.
Secretary: Sherry Warren presented the minutes of the 2005 National Market News
Association’s Business Meeting. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes as
published in this year’s program. The motion passed.
Treasurer: Barbara Meredith presented the treasurer’s report as printed in the program. It was
moved and seconded that the report be approved as published. The motion carried.
The Achievement and Recognition Committee report was presented by chair Russ Travelute. A
list of achievements and recognition were reported in the first Communicator.
Barbara Meredith, chairperson, presented the report for the Honorary Lifetime Membership
Committee. There were no nominees for this year. Her committee consisted of Paul Pasholk,
Cathy Greene, Kesha Graves and Annie Terry.
Sherry Warren, chairperson of the Membership Committee, reported that there were
approximately 175 members and 25 spouses registered for this year’s conference. The
Membership Committee was responsible for compiling a list of new employees and encouraging
them to join the National Market News Association. They also encouraged all existing members
to renew their membership in the association. Her committee included Dan Schussler and Amos
First Vice-President Tina Colby gave the Awards Committee report. Announcements of this
year’s awards were deferred until this evening’s banquet. Committee members included John
Goetz, Patty Willkie, Brittany Dreier and Joe Harrison.
Linda Verstrate, chairperson, presented the Nominating Committee report. Her committee
members were Becky Sauder, John Kyranos, Mick Davie and Charlie McIntire. Due to Linda’s
resignation from the Executive Board, a motion was made and seconded to move current Board
members up two positions. There were two nominees for upcoming Board member. This year’s
nominees were Tiffany Smit from Portland, Oregon as Treasurer and Tom Lister from New York
as Secretary. A motion was made and seconded that their nominations be accepted. The motion
President Debbie Friday presented the Scholarship Committee report. Her committee included
Russ Travelute and Tina Colby. She was happy to report that the committee received 20
applicants for this year’s scholarship. Two applicants were accepted for scholarships. Katie
Cook and Alyn Kiel, both from Michigan State University were presented scholarships.
Historian Lewis Langell reported that there were no new resolutions or changes to the By-Laws.
Alumni Association President, Charlie Hackensmith, reported that there were too few members
in attendance to have any business.
Old Business: Terry Long announced that the effort to get approval for the National Market
News Association to donate $500 to pay for refreshments at an event hosted by USDA, AMS to
commemorate the 90
anniversary of USDA Market News was not approved by AMS.
New Business: There was discussion about allocating money to be used to commemorate the 50
anniversary of the National Market News Association. Jeff Carnahan made a motion to organize
a committee to discuss ideas for the 50
anniversary. Motion was withdrawn.
Patty Willkie made a motion for the Executive Board to form a committee to explore ideas for a
anniversary celebration for the National Market News Association at next year’s conference.
The motion was seconded and the motion carried. Committee members include Tina Colby, Jeff
Carnahan, Patty Wilkie, Jim Beard and Terry Long.
A motion was made and seconded adjourn the meeting. The motion carried.
Submitted by Sherry Warren, Secretary
Beginning Balance - January 1, 2006
Checking Account #4617147 $8,047.90
CD account #21(1 year) $13,642.52
CD account #22 (6 month) $10,038.78
Income from Interest
CD Account #21 $510.27
CD Account #22 $395.20
Income from 2006 Workshop
Workshop Registration Fees
Spouses/Guests Registration
NMNA Membership Dues
Scholarship Donations
Scholarship Draw Down
Advanced Seed Money
INCOME $68,920.57
Expenses for 2006 Workshop
Welcome Reception
Printing and Postage
Awards and Engraving
Spouses Program
Door prizes
Bank Charges
Draw Down Cash Pay-out
Package Delivery
Reimbursement of Seed Money
Net Income for
Closing Balance for 2006
Checking account $7,851.79
CD#21 $14,152.79
CD#22 $7,433.98
Livestock and Seed Branch Updates:
Retail Pork and Lamb Reports:
Two new weekly reports are available on the LGMN Internet site. These reports compile information
from weekly ads of approximately 17,000 retail stores nationwide. The reports give a feature rate, which
is the percentage of sampled stores advertising pork/lamb, a special rate, which is the percentage of
sampled stores with a no-price promotion, an activity index which is a measure of the absolute frequency
of the feature activity equal to the total number of stores for each advertised pork/lamb item, and the total
number of advertising outlets and their weighted average price. The report also includes graphs of the
current and previous five weeks activity index. Additionally, the price range and weighted averages for
the various items are broken down into six regions for pork and three regions for lamb. The reports are
released on Fridays by 3:00 PM Central.
Ethanol Reporting: LGMN began its efforts in ethanol reporting in the fall of 2006. A daily report
for the Iowa market began on October 2, 2006. A weekly report covering trading
in Illinois began November 7, 2006, and a daily report covering the Nebraska
market began Jan. 2, 2007.
Coverage includes the price and basis bid to producers for corn delivered to the
ethanol plant, the prices of the distillers grains offered out for sale from
those plants, and in some instances, the offering price for the ethanol. All
prices are based at the ethanol plant and are for the spot market. On most of
the reports, distillers grains prices are available on three products:
Distillers Dried Grains (10% moisture). Modified Wet Distillers Grain (50-55%
moisture), and Wet Distillers Grain (65-70% moisture). The report in Nebraska
only shows the distillers price for the wet product. Expansion to additional
states will be considered.
Livestock Mandatory Reporting: The statutory authority of the Livestock Mandatory Act of 1999 Act
ended in September 2005. At that time, AMS sent letters to each packer required to report under the 1999
Act, requesting their voluntary cooperation in continuing to submit information. Based on the response to
USDA's request for voluntary packer participation in Mandatory Reporting, most reports have continued
to be published, except for imported boxed lamb cuts and slaughter cow reports. On October 5, 2006, the
President signed a bill that extended the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act until September 30, 2010, as
well as mandated a number of program modifications. As the statutory authority for the program has
lapsed, the regulatory authority must be re-established through rulemaking. Work on the necessary
rulemaking has been initiated.
New Livestock Auction Reports:
Stratford WI. Dairy Auction
Belen NM. Livestock Auction
Portales NM. Dairy Sale
Mansura LA. Livestock Auction
Greencastle PA. Livestock Auction
Centennial CO. Goat Auction
Clay County AL. Livestock Auction
Passaic MO. Livestock Auction
Macon MO. Livestock Auction
Maryville MO. Livestock Auction
Discontinued Reports:
South St. Paul Stockyards reports were
discontinued on September 30, 2006.
Fruit and Vegetable Market News
Portal Training
FV continues to train both reporters and the industry in the use of the Market News Portal. The
Branch held the second program-wide training session for reporters on the Portal in December,
2006 at the Fresh Products Branch Training Center in Fredericksburg, Virginia. The Training
Center has a computer lab with approximately 30 computer work stations making it an excellent
venue for doing hands-on training for a large group. The training was open to both state and
federal market reporters. As not all reporters were available to attend the December training, a
makeup session is scheduled for early March in Washington, DC. The bulk of the training will
take place in the computer lab at the AMS Training Institute.
Additionally, FV has been very active in reaching out to industry groups and individual firms to
help them better use the power of the Portal to meet their information needs. With budget
challenges of 2005-2006, FV was forced to eliminate most of the support staff positions in the
Branch. The primary duty of the affected staff was to assemble composite reports. The
traditional reports were reflective of what customers were thought to want in terms of market
information. With the Portal, customers can now select customize the data they receive, directly
access the Market News Information System (MNIS), and access the data in a variety of fashions
to best meet their needs. So, while the budget situation forced the Branch to downsize, the Portal
allowed it. Many customers still have to be shown how to fully harness the potential of the
Portal, and reporters have traveled across the country to do so.
Fruit and Vegetable Holds Its First Product Correlation
FV held its first product correlation in conjunction with the December Portal training. The
correlation was modeled after the live animal correlations routinely held by Livestock and Grain
Market News. The exercise was led by Holly Mozal, Jessup, and the correlation looked at
several products including strawberries, grapes and squash. The session received very positive
marks from the participants and it will be repeated for the attendees at the makeup training class
to be held in March.
AMS Enters Into Interagency Agreement with RMA
AMS Market News has entered into an interagency agreement with the Risk Management
Agency (RMA) of USDA to modify the MNIS and the Portal to store and allow for easy retrieval
of data on organic products, with an initial emphasis on fruits and vegetable. Additionally, the
agreement calls for a two year pilot project to enhance the reporting of organically grown fruits
and vegetables. The modifications to the MNIS and the Portal have to done run in tandem, with
a targeted completion date of August, 2007.
Cotton Branch
The cotton branch has been extremely busy this past year with new projects. Currently we are
working on reviewing and evaluating their current reports.
Poultry Market News & Analysis
In 2006, Poultry Programs completed a restructuring of its mission areas in order to
continue the efficient provision of high quality service to our customers. The
Program’s Chief Economist position was combined with the Market News Branch to
form the new Market News and Analysis Branch. This action combines the
economic and market intelligence functions of the Program, creating a more
powerful system of information collection and analysis that benefits internal and
external customers alike. This move positions Poultry Market News & Analysis to
continue to be an innovative and responsive leader in providing services to the
poultry and egg industries.
New Reports and Revisions:
Weekly Retail Shell Egg and Egg products Feature Activity Report – Egg Products
In 2005 in conjunction with industry members and trade groups, Poultry Market News developed
a market news report covering supermarket feature activity for the most common consumer
grades of shell eggs. In October 2006, upon the completion of a full year of reporting, the report
was updated to include year ago comparison data. At the same time, the report was expanded to
a third page to include similar information for the most commonly marketed forms of liquid egg
products. Also on the third page as a regular feature is a graph showing the relationship in
featuring activity between regular shell eggs and liquid egg products and a second graph showing
the relationship between Large white shell egg activity and the Large egg inventory. In addition, a
special section was included during the November-December holiday observations covering
supermarket feature activity of egg-nog.
Retail Chicken Feature Activity Report – Specialty and USDA Certified Organic
In 2005 in conjunction with industry members and trade groups, Poultry Market News developed
a market news report covering supermarket feature activity for the most common consumer cuts
of chicken. In September 2006, this report was expanded to include similar activity for specialty
and USDA Certified Organic chicken products. Specialty products are produced from chickens
raised on an all vegetable diet without antibiotics and are minimally processed. USDA Certified
Organic are products grown and processed according to USDA's national organic standards and
certified by USDA-accredited State and private certification organizations.
BROILER/FRYER: Weekly Young Chickens Slaughtered Under Federal Inspection (Thur)
Live weights of young meat chickens continue to increase. In response to this situation and at
the request of the broiler industry, USDA AMS Poultry Market News, working with the National
Chicken Council and industry cooperators, developed the following updates to the reporting of
young chicken slaughter information effective August 2006:
Expanded weight breakdowns to four:
4.25 lbs. and down: This size product is normally marketed bone-in into fast food
and food service sectors and may include Cornish hens.
4.26-6.25 lbs.: This size product is normally marketed into the retail grocery
sector in tray pack or bagged forms.
6.26-7.75 lbs.: This size product is normally marketed either into the retail
grocery sector in tray pack and IQF form or is further processed and marketed
into various sectors.
7.76 lbs and up :This size product is normally marketed deboned or as roasters
or roasting chicken.
The report timeframe was moved up one week to reflect the prior week’s data instead of
data from two week’s prior.
The slaughter information provided in the report now reflects 100% of the Federally
Inspected slaughter instead of the 66% previously shown.
Current Projects for 2007:
Weekly Retail Chicken Feature Activity Report – Individually Quick Frozen Products - new
Poultry Proteins, Feather Meal, and Fats Report - new
Whole Body Turkey Cutout - new
National Mechanically Separated Chicken report - update
Shell Egg Demand Indicator – new
Iowa-Minnesota-Wisconsin Producer Price Series – update
Trailerload Egg Sales - update
2006 Awards Livestock and Seed
New Hires: Levi Geyer & Wendy Halloran
John Van Dyke
Penny Sockel
Awards for 2006:
Erin Morris, Performance
John VanDyke, Performance
Jodie Pitcock, Spot
Christopher Sommers, Group Extra Effort
Alan Hummel, Group Extra Effort
Lonnie Peetz, Group Extra Effort
Rex Hurd, Group Extra Effort
Thomas Walthers, Group Extra Effort
Michael Jeter, Performance
Portia White, Time Off
Baldemar Ortiz, Group Extra Effort
Corbitt Wall, Group Extra Effort
Tiffany Smit, Performance
Amy Levy, Performance
Paulette Wingate, Performance
Marjorie Hunt, Extra Effort
Tina Colby, Performance
Russ Travelute, Group Extra Effort
Ron Cole, Group Extra Effort
Randy Hammerstrom, Group Extra Effort
Sarah Muhr, Group Extra Effort
Ed Czerwien, Group Extra Effort
James Ward, Group Extra Effort
Heather Riley, Performance
Christopher Sommers, Extra Effort
Judy Bruhling, Extra Effort
Sjontelle Crocker, Extra Effort
Lea Ann Peetz, Spot
Fruit and Vegetable Awards, Retirees, and New Reporters
New Reporters: Jennifer Woods joined the Branch on January 8, 2007. She is starting her
career as a market reporter in Boston and is a graduate of New Mexico State University.
Jim Piedlow, Los Angeles, retired in August, 2006 with nearly 36 years of service.
Harold Fiscus, Chicago, retired on January 31, 2007 with 25 years of service.
Maureen Murray, Boston, retired on December 31, 2006 with nearly 20 years of service.
Extra Effort
Randy Foster, Pittsburgh
Francine Marando, Headquarters
Lisa VanMeter, Headquarters
Kevin Morris, Los Angeles
Angelo Galioto, Los Angeles
Fred Teensma, Oakland
Richard DeMenna, Headquarters
Debra Friday, Benton Harbor
Phil Montgomery, Orlando
Dennis, Jemmerson, St. Louis
Bob Corwin, Thomasville
Fernando Palmer, Headquarters
Maureen Murray, Boston
Darlene Oliver, Philadelphia
Malinda McNeil, Headquarters
Maria Castillo, Fresno
Mike Rafanan, Fresno
Brenda Shuklian, Fresno
Lori Tasos, Fresno
Gina Thrasher, Fresno
Steve Skuba, Phoenix
Abbie Hannon, Phoenix
Paul Pasholk, Phoenix
Jacqueline Hardy, Chicago
John Kerrens, Chicago
Pat King, Oakland
Kathy Posh, Dallas
Mike Rann, Detroit
Tony Sorenson, Idaho Falls
Peter Diciero, Boston
Jim Praski, Boston
Spot Awards
Donna Lupo, Boston
Phil Montgomery, Orlando
Brenda Shuklian, Fresno
Performance Bonus Awards
Holly Mozal, Jessup
Richard DeMenna, Headquarters
Barbara Maxwell, Headquarters
John Okoniewski, Headquarters
Fernando Palmer, Headquarters
Poultry Market News & Analysis
Awards and Recognition:
Secretary’s Honor Awards - Employee
Recognition and Remembrance Awards
Michael Sheats, Washington, DC
Ponie Sistrunk, Jr., Atlanta, GA (retired)
Gary Brown, Jackson, MS
Mary Adkins, Des Moines, IA
Richard Parsons, Washington, DC
Amos Hardy, Washington, DC
AMS Administrator’s Awards:
Superior Service
Michael Sheats, Washington, DC
Richard Parsons, Washington, DC
Johnny Freeman, Atlanta, GA
Chbarbara Harris, Atlanta, GA
Jennifer Lamb, Atlanta, GA
Gary Brown, Jackson, MS
Civil Rights
Michael Sheats, Washington, DC
Performance Awards:
Gary D. Brown, Jackson, MS
Richard Parsons, Washington, DC
Michael Sheats, Washington, DC
Spot Awards:
Jason Karwal, Des Moines, IA
Chbarbara Harris, Atlanta, GA
Priscilla Robinson, Washington, DC
Nettie Andry, Long Beach, CA
Michael Sheats, Washington, DC
Ponie Sistrunk, Jr., Atlanta, GA
Gary Brown, Jackson, MS
Mary Adkins, Des Moines, IA
Richard Parsons, Washington, DC
Amos Hardy, Washington, DC
Retirements/Deaths/New Hires:
Ponie Sistrunk, Jr.
Atlanta, GA 40 years
Marc Warman, Chief Economist,
Washington, DC
Keepsake Awards:
Suzanne Wills, Des Moines, IA
Donna Schrader, Des Moines, IA
Jennifer Lamb, Atlanta, GA
Lakisha Aller, Des Moines, IA
Debra Schwartz, Des Moines, IA
Dee Scharfenberg, Des Moines, IA
Michael Pollock, Des Moines, IA
Mary Adkins, Des Moines, IA
James Derby, Long Beach, CA
Gerald Meyer, Des Moines, IA
James Keenan, Des Moines, IA
James Simpson, Des Moines, IA
Craig Williams, Des Moines, IA
Ponie Sistrunk, Jr., Atlanta, GA
Tina M. Colby Tom Lister
U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Agriculture
Livestock and Seed Market News Fruit and Vegetable Market News
2501 Exchange Avenue, Suite 140 5A NYC Terminal Market
Oklahoma City, OK 73108-2477 Bronx, New York 10474-7355
Telephone: 405.232.5425 Telephone: 718.542.2225
Fax: 405.236.0281 Fax: 718.378.0891
Barbara Meredith Lewis Langell
U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Agriculture
Cotton Market News Livestock and Seed Market News
3275 Appling Road, Room 10 P.O. Box 40627
Memphis, TN. 38133 Nashville, TN 37204
Telephone: 901.384.3016 Telephone: 615.781.5406
Fax: 901.384.3036 Fax: 615.837.5194
Sherry Warren Debbie A. Friday
North Carolina DA & CS Market News Section
U.S. Department of Agriculture Fruit & Vegetable Market News
1020 Mall Service Center 120 Water Street
Raleigh, NC 27699-1020 Benton Harbor, MI 49022
Telephone: 919.733.7252 X312 Telephone: 269.925.3270
Fax: 919.715.6748 Fax: 269.925.3272
Tiffany Smit
Vacant U.S. Department of Agriculture
Livestock and Seed Market News
1220 SW 3rd Avenue, Room 1772
Portland, OR 97204-2899
Telephone: 503.326-2237
Fax: 503.326.5140
Charlie Hackensmith Weldon Hall, EX OFFICIO
Telephone: 269.429.8874 Telephone: 804.561.5271
Terry Long, Branch Chief Barbara Meredith, Branch Chief
Telephone: 202.720.2745 Telephone: 901.384.3016
[email protected] Email: Barbara.Meredith@usda,gov
Erin Morris, Acting Branch Chief Michael Sheats, Branch Chief
Telephone: 202.720.6231 Telephone: 202.720.6911
Howard McDowell, Branch Chief Henry Martin, Branch Chief
Telephone: 202.720.7461 Telephone: 202.205.0337