Paragon Insights User Guide
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Paragon Insights User Guide
Copyright © 2024 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
The informaon in this document is current as of the date on the tle page.
Juniper Networks hardware and soware products are Year 2000 compliant. Junos OS has no known me-related
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The Juniper Networks product that is the subject of this technical documentaon consists of (or is intended for use
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Table of Contents
About This Guide | viii
Introducon to Paragon Insights
Paragon Insights Overview | 2
Paragon Insights Concepts | 6
Paragon Insights Data Collecon Methods | 7
Paragon Insights Topics | 9
Paragon Insights Rules - Basics | 10
Paragon Insights Rules - Deep Dive | 12
Paragon Insights Playbooks | 31
Paragon Insights Tagging | 33
Overview | 33
Types of Tagging | 40
Add a Tagging Prole | 48
Apply a Tagging Prole | 53
Delete a Tagging Prole | 55
Paragon Insights Time Series Database (TSDB) | 57
Paragon Insights Machine Learning (ML) | 65
Paragon Insights Machine Learning Overview | 65
Understanding Paragon Insights Anomaly Detecon | 66
Understanding Paragon Insights Outlier Detecon | 68
Understanding Paragon Insights Predict | 72
Paragon Insights Rule Examples | 73
Frequency Proles and Oset Time | 87
Frequency Proles | 87
Oset Time Unit | 94
Paragon Insights Management and Monitoring
Manage Paragon Insights Users and Groups | 107
Manage Devices, Device Groups, and Network Groups | 121
Adding a Device | 122
Eding a Device | 129
Adding a Device Group | 129
Eding a Device Group | 136
Conguring a Retenon Policy for the Time Series Database | 136
Adding a Network Group | 137
Eding a Network Group | 140
Paragon Insights Rules and Playbooks | 141
Add a Pre-Dened Rule | 141
Create a New Rule Using the Paragon Insights GUI | 142
Edit a Rule | 159
Add a Pre-Dened Playbook | 159
Create a New Playbook Using the Paragon Insights GUI | 160
Edit a Playbook | 161
Clone a Playbook | 162
Manage Playbook Instances | 163
Monitor Device and Network Health | 172
Dashboard | 172
Health | 183
Network Health | 192
Graphs Page | 192
Understand Resources and Dependencies | 206
About the Resources Page | 209
Add Resources for Root Cause Analysis | 212
Congure Dependency in Resources | 215
Example Conguraon: OSPF Resource and Dependency | 221
Edit Resources and Dependencies | 232
Edit a Resource | 232
Edit Resource Dependency | 233
Filter Resources | 234
Upload Resources | 235
Download Resources | 236
Clone Resources | 236
Delete Resources and Dependencies | 237
Delete a Resource | 238
Delete Resource Dependency | 239
Monitor Network Device Health Using Grafana | 239
Grafana Overview | 239
Access the Grafana UI | 240
Run a Query | 240
View Prepopulated Graphs | 242
Back Up and Restore Grafana Data | 243
Understanding Acon Engine Workows | 244
Manage Acon Engine Workows | 244
Alerts and Nocaons | 252
Generate Alert Nocaons | 252
Congure a Nocaon Prole | 253
Enable Alert Nocaons for a Device Group or Network Group | 259
Manage Alerts Using Alert Manager | 260
Viewing Alerts | 260
Manage Individual Alerts | 262
Congure Alert Blackouts | 263
Stream Sensor and Field Data from Paragon Insights | 264
Congure the Nocaon Type for Publishing | 264
Publish Data for a Device Group or Network Group | 267
Generate Reports | 268
Use Exim4 for E-Mails | 282
Congure the Exim4 Agent to Send E-mail | 283
Manage Audit Logs | 284
Filter Audit Logs | 284
Export Audit Logs | 285
Paragon Insights Commands and Audit Logs | 286
Congure a Secure Data Connecon for Paragon Insights Devices | 286
Congure Data Summarizaon | 290
Modify the UDA, UDF, and Workow Engines | 299
Commit or Roll Back Conguraon Changes in Paragon Insights | 307
Logs for Paragon Insights Services | 309
Troubleshoong | 312
Paragon Insights Conguraon – Backup and Restore | 321
Back Up the Conguraon | 322
Restore the Conguraon | 322
Backup or Restore the Time Series Database (TSDB) | 323
License Management
Paragon Insights Licensing Overview | 326
View, Add, or Delete Paragon Insights Licenses | 326
Add a Paragon Insights License | 327
Delete a Paragon Insights License | 328
View Paragon Insights Licensing Features | 328
View Status and Details of Paragon Insights License | 329
About This Guide
Use this guide to understand the features you can congure and the tasks you can perform from the
Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) GUI.
Introducon to Paragon Insights
Paragon Insights Overview | 2
Paragon Insights Concepts | 6
Paragon Insights Tagging | 33
Paragon Insights Time Series Database (TSDB) | 57
Paragon Insights Machine Learning (ML) | 65
Frequency Proles and Oset Time | 87
Paragon Insights Overview
Main Components of Paragon Insights | 2
Closed-Loop Automaon | 4
Benets of Paragon Insights | 6
Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) is a highly automated and programmable device-level
and network analycs tool that provides consistent and coherent operaonal intelligence across
network deployments. Paragon Insights integrates mulple data collecon methods (such as Junos
Telemetry Interface (JTI), NETCONF, syslog, and SNMP) to aggregate and correlate large volumes of
me-sensive telemetry data, thereby providing a muldimensional and predicve view of the network.
Addionally, Paragon Insights translates troubleshoong, maintenance, and real-me analycs into an
intuive user experience to give network operators aconable insights into the health of individual
devices and of the overall network.
Main Components of Paragon Insights
Paragon Insights consists of two main components:
Health Monitoring, to view an abstracted, hierarchical representaon of device and network-level
health, and dene the health parameters of key network elements through customizable key
performance indicators (KPIs), rules, and playbooks. A playbook is a collecon of rules. You can
create a playbook and apply the playbook to a device group or a network group. For more
informaon on rules and playbooks, see "Paragon Insights Rules and Playbooks" on page 141.
Root Cause Analysis, which helps you nd the root cause of a device or network-level issue when
Paragon Insights detects a problem with a network element.
Paragon Insights Health Monitoring
The Challenge
With increasing data trac generated by cloud-nave applicaons and emerging technologies, service
providers and enterprises need a network analycs soluon to analyze volumes of telemetry data, oer
insights into overall network health, and produce aconable intelligence. While although telemetry-
based techniques have existed for years, the growing number of protocols, data formats, and KPIs from
diverse networking devices has made data analysis complex and costly. Tradional CLI-based interfaces
require specialized skills to extract business value from telemetry data, creang a barrier to entry for
network analycs
How Paragon Insights Health Monitoring Helps
By aggregang and correlang raw telemetry data from mulple sources, the Paragon Insights Health
Monitoring component provides a muldimensional view of network health that reports current status,
as well as projected threats to the network infrastructure and its workloads.
Health status determinaon is ghtly integrated with the Paragon Insights RCA component, which can
make use of system log data received from the network and its devices. Paragon Insights Health
Monitoring provides status indicators that alert you when a network resource is currently operang
outside a user-dened performance policy. Paragon Insights Health Monitoring does a risk analysis using
historical trends and predicts whether a resource may be unhealthy in the future. Paragon Insights
Health Monitoring not only oers a fully customizable view of the current health of network elements,
but also automacally iniates remedial acons based on predened service level agreements (SLAs).
Dening the health of a network element, such as broadband network gateway (BNG), provider edge
(PE), core, and leaf-spine, is highly contextual. Each element plays a dierent role in a network, with
unique KPIs to monitor. Given that there is no single denion for network health across all use cases,
Paragon Insights provides a highly customizable framework to allow you to dene your own health
Paragon Insights Root Cause Analysis
The Challenge
For some network issues, it can be challenging for network operators to gure out what caused a
networking device to stop working properly. In such cases, an operator must call on a specialist (with
knowledge built from years of experience) to troubleshoot the problem and nd the root cause.
How Paragon Insights RCA Helps
The Paragon Insights RCA component simplies the process of nding the root cause of a network issue.
Paragon Insights’s RCA captures the troubleshoong knowledge of specialists and has a knowledge base
in the form of Paragon Insights rules. These rules are evaluated either on demand by a specic trigger or
periodically in the background to ascertain the health of a networking component, such as roung
protocol, system, interface, or chassis, on the device.
To illustrate the benets of Paragon Insights RCA, let us consider the problem of OSPF apping. Figure 1
on page 4 highlights the workow sequence involved in debugging OSPF apping. A network
operator troubleshoong this issue would need to perform manual debugging steps for each le (step)
of the workow sequence in order to nd the root cause of the OSPF apping. On the other hand,
theParagon Insights RCA applicaon troubleshoots the issue automacally by using an RCA bot. The
RCA bot tracks all of the telemetry data collected by the Paragon Insights and translates the informaon
into graphical status indicators (displayed in the Paragon Insights web GUI) that correlate to dierent
parts of the workow sequence shown in Figure 1 on page 4.
Figure 1: High-level workow to debug OSPF-apping
When you congure Paragon Insights, each le of the workow sequence (shown in Figure 1 on page 4)
can be dened by one or more rules. For example, the RPD-OSPF le could be dened as two rule
condions: one to check if "hello-transmied" counters are incremenng and the other to check if
"hello-received" counters are incremenng. Based on these user-dened rules, Paragon Insights provides
status indicators, alarm nocaons, and an alarm management tool to inform and alert you of specic
network condions that could lead to OSPF apping.
By isolang a problem area in the workow, Paragon Insights RCA proacvely guides you in determining
the appropriate correcve acon to take to x a pending issue or avoid a potenal one.
Closed-Loop Automaon
Paragon Insights oers closed-loop automaon. The automaon workow can be divided into seven
main steps (see Figure 2 on page 5):
1. Dene—The user denes the health parameters of key network elements through customizable key
performance indicators (KPIs), rules, and playbooks, by using the tools provided by Paragon Insights.
2. Collect—Paragon Insights collects rule-based telemetry data from mulple devices using the
collecon methods specied for the dierent network devices.
3. Store—Paragon Insights stores me-sensive telemetry data in a me-series database (TSDB). This
allows users to query, perform operaons on, and write new data back to the database, days, or even
weeks aer the inial storage.
4. Analyze—Paragon Insights analyzes telemetry data based on the specied KPIs, rules, and playbooks.
5. Visualize—Paragon Insights provides mulple ways for you to visualize the aggregated telemetry data
through its web-based GUI to gain aconable and predicve insights into the health of your devices
and the overall network.
6. Nofy—Paragon Insights noes you through the GUI and nocaon alarms when problems in
individual devices or in the network are detected.
Act Paragon Insights performs user-dened acons to help resolve and proacvely prevent
network problems.
Figure 2: Paragon Insights Closed-Loop Automaon Workow
Benets of Paragon Insights
Customizaon—Provides a framework to dene and customize health proles, allowing truly
aconable insights for the specic device or network being monitored.
Automaon—Automates root cause analysis and log le analysis, streamlines diagnosc workows,
and provides self-healing and remediaon capabilies.
Greater network visibility—Provides advanced muldimensional analycs across network elements,
giving you a clearer understanding of network behavior to establish operaonal benchmarks, improve
resource planning, and minimize service downme.
Intuive GUI—Oers an intuive web-based GUI for policy management and easy data consumpon.
Open integraon—Lowers the barrier of entry for telemetry and analycs by providing open source
data pipelines, nocaon capabilies, and third-party device support.
Mulple data collecon methods—Includes support for JTI, OpenCong, NETCONF, CLI, Syslog,
NetFlow, and SNMP.
Paragon Insights Geng Started Guide
Paragon Insights Concepts
Paragon Insights Data Collecon Methods | 7
Paragon Insights Topics | 9
Paragon Insights Rules - Basics | 10
Paragon Insights Rules - Deep Dive | 12
Paragon Insights Playbooks | 31
Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) is a highly programmable telemetry-based analycs applicaon.
With it, you can diagnose and root cause network issues, detect network anomalies, predict potenal
network issues, and create real-me remedies for any issues that come up.
To accomplish this, network devices and Paragon Insights have to be congured to send and receive
large amounts of data, respecvely. Device conguraon is covered throughout this and other secons
of the guide.
Conguring Paragon Insights, or any applicaon, to read and react to incoming telemetry data requires a
language that describes several elements that are specic to the systems and data under analysis. This
type of language is called a Domain Specic Language (DSL), i.e., a language that is specic to one
domain. Any DSL is built to help answer quesons. For Paragon Insights, these quesons are:
Q: What components make up the systems that are sending data?
A: Network devices are made up of memory, cpu, interfaces, protocols and so on. In Paragon Insights,
these are called "Paragon Insights Topics" on page 9.
Q: How do we gather, lter, process, and analyze all of this incoming telemetry data?
A: Paragon Insights uses "Paragon Insights Rules - Basics" on page 10 that consist of informaon
blocks called sensors, elds, variables, triggers, and more.
Q: How do we determine what to look for?
A: It depends on the problem you want to solve or the queson you want to answer. Paragon
Insights uses "Paragon Insights Playbooks" on page 31 to create collecons of specic rules and
apply them to specic groups of devices in order accomplish specic goals. For example, part of the
system-kpis-playbook can alert a user when system memory usage crosses a user-dened threshold.
This secon covers these key concepts and more, which you need to understand before using Paragon
Paragon Insights Data Collecon Methods
Data Collecon - ’Push’ Model | 8
Data Collecon - ’Pull’ Model | 8
In order to provide visibility into the state of your network devices, Paragon Insights rst needs to
collect their telemetry data and other status informaon. It does this using sensors.
Paragon Insights supports sensors that “push” data from the device to Paragon Insights and sensors that
require Paragon Insights to “pull” data from the device using periodic polling.
Data Collecon - ’Push’ Model
As the number of objects in the network, and the metrics they generate, have grown, gathering
operaonal stascs for monitoring the health of a network has become an ever-increasing challenge.
Tradional ’pull’ data-gathering models, like SNMP and the CLI, require addional processing to
periodically poll the network element, and can directly limit scaling.
The ’push’ model overcomes these limits by delivering data asynchronously, which eliminates polling.
With this model, the Paragon Insights server can make a single request to a network device to stream
periodic updates. As a result, the ’push’ model is highly scalable and can support the monitoring of
thousands of objects in a network. Junos devices support this model in the form of the Junos Telemetry
Interface (JTI).
Paragon Insights currently supports ve ‘push’ ingest types.
Nave GPB
These push-model data collecon—or
—methods are explained in detail in the Paragon Insights
Data Ingest Guide.
Data Collecon - ’Pull’ Model
While the ’push’ model is the preferred approach for its eciency and scalability, there are sll cases
where the ’pull’ data collecon model is appropriate. With the ’pull’ model, Paragon Insights requests
data from network devices at periodic intervals.
Paragon Insights currently supports two ‘pull’ ingest types.
These pull-model data collecon—or
—methods are explained in detail in the Paragon Insights
Data Ingest Guide.
Paragon Insights Topics
Network devices are made up of a number of components and systems from CPUs and memory to
interfaces and protocol stacks and more. In Paragon Insights, a topic is the construct used to address
those dierent device components. The Topic block is used to create name spaces that dene what
needs to be modeled. Each Topic block is made up of one or more Rule blocks which, in turn, consist of
the Field blocks, Funcon blocks, Trigger blocks, etc. See "Paragon Insights Rules - Deep Dive" on page
12 for details. Each rule created in Paragon Insights must be part of a topic. Juniper has curated a
number of these system components into a list of Topics such as:
You can create sub-topics underneath any of the Juniper topic names by appending
to the
topic name. For example, kernel.tcpip or system.cpu.
Any pre-dened rules provided by Juniper t within one of the Juniper topics with the excepon of
, The
topic is reserved for user-created rules. In the Paragon Insights web GUI, when
you create a new rule, the Topics eld is automacally populated with the
topic name.
Paragon Insights Rules - Basics
Paragon Insights’ primary funcon is collecng and reacng to telemetry data from network devices.
Dening how to collect the data, and how to react to it, is the role of a
Paragon Insights ships with a set of default rules, which can be seen on the Conguraon > Rules page
of the Paragon Insights GUI, as well as in GitHub in the healthbot-rules repository. You can also create
your own rules.
The structure of a Paragon Insights rule looks like this:
To keep rules organized, Paragon Insights organizes them into
. Topics can be very general, like
system, or they can be more granular, like protocol.bgp. Each topic contains one or more rules.
As described above, a
contains all the details and instrucons to dene how to collect and handle
the data. Each rule contains the following required elements:
denes the parameters for collecng the data. This typically includes which data
collecon method to use (as discussed above in "Paragon Insights Data Collecon Methods" on page
7), some guidance on which data to ingest, and how oen to push or pull the data. In any given rule,
a sensor can be dened directly within the rule or it can be referenced from another rule.
Example: Using the SNMP sensor, poll the network device every 60 seconds to collect all the
device data in the Juniper SNMP MIB table jnxOperangTable.
The sensor typically ingests a large set of data, so
provide a way to lter or manipulate that
data, allowing you to idenfy and isolate the specic pieces of informaon you care about. Fields can
also act as placeholder values, like a stac threshold value, to help the system perform data analysis.
Example: Extract, isolate, and store the jnxOperang15MinLoadAvg (CPU 15-minute average
ulizaon) value from the SNMP table specied above in the sensor.
periodically bring together the elds with other elements to compare data and determine
current device status. A trigger includes one or more ’when-then’ statements, which include the
parameters that dene how device status is visualized on the health pages.
Example: Every 90 seconds, check the CPU 15min average ulizaon value, and if it goes above a
dened threshold, set the device’s status to red on the device health page and display a message
showing the current value.
The rule can also contain the following oponal elements:
allow you to leverage exisng elements to avoid the need to repeatedly congure the same
elements across mulple rules.
Examples: A rule with a congured sensor, plus a vector to a second sensor from another rule; a
rule with no sensors, and vectors to elds from other rules
can be used to provide addional supporng parameters needed by the required elements
Examples: The string “ge-0/0/0”, used within a eld collecng status for all interfaces, to lter the
data down to just the one interface; an integer, such as “80”, referenced in a eld to use as a stac
threshold value
allow you to provide instrucons (in the form of a Python script) on how to further interact
with data, and how to react to certain events.
Examples: A rule that monitors input and output packet counts, using a funcon to compare the
count values; a rule that monitors system storage, invoking a funcon to cleanup temp and log
les if storage ulizaon goes above a dened threshold
NOTE: Rules, on their own, don’t actually do anything. To make use of rules you need to add
them to "Paragon Insights Playbooks" on page 31.
Paragon Insights Rules - Deep Dive
Rules | 13
Sensors | 16
Fields | 16
Vectors | 18
Variables | 19
Funcons | 19
Triggers | 20
Tagging | 24
Rule Properes | 24
Pre/Post Acon | 24
Mulple Sensors per Device | 25
Sensor Precedence | 28
A rule is a package of components, or blocks, needed to extract specic informaon from the network
or from a Junos device. Rules conform to a specically tailored domain specic language (DSL) for
analycs applicaons. The DSL is designed to allow rules to capture:
The minimum set of input data that the rule needs to be able to operate
The minimum set of telemetry sensors that need to be congured on the device(s)
The elds of interest from the congured sensors
The reporng or polling frequency
The set of triggers that operate on the collected data
The condions or evaluaons needed for triggers to kick in
The acons or nocaons that need to be performed when a trigger kicks in
The details around rules, topics and playbooks are presented in the following secons.
Rules are meant to be free of any hard coding. Think of threshold values; If a threshold is hard coded,
there is no easy way to customize it for a dierent customer or device that has dierent requirements.
Therefore, rules are dened using parameterizaon to set the default values. This allows the parameters
to be le at default or be customized by the operator at the me of deployment. Customizaon can be
done at the device group or individual device level while applying the "Paragon Insights Playbooks" on
page 31 in which the individual rules are contained.
Rules that are device-centric are called device rules. Device components such as chassis, system,
linecards, and interfaces are all addressed as "Paragon Insights Topics" on page 9 in the rule denion.
Generally, device rules make use of sensors on the devices.
Rules that span mulple devices are called network rules. Network rules:
must have a rule-frequency congured
must not contain sensors
cannot be mixed with device rules in a playbook
To deploy either type of rule, include the rule in a playbook and then apply the playbook to a device
group or network group.
NOTE: Paragon Insights comes with a set of pre-dened rules.
Not all of the blocks that make up a rule are required for every rule. Whether or not a specic block is
required in a rule denion depends on what sort of informaon you are trying to get to. Addionally,
some rule components are not valid for network rules. Table 1 on page 14 lists the components of a
rule and provides a brief descripon of each one.
Table 1: Rule Components
Block What it Does Required in Device
Valid for
"Sensors" on
page 16
The Sensors block is like the access method for geng
at the data. There are mulple types of sensors
available in Paragon Insights: OpenCong, Nave GPB,
iAgent, SNMP, and syslog.
It denes what sensors need to be acve on the device
in order to get to the data elds on which the triggers
eventually operate. Sensor names are referenced by the
OpenCong and iAgent sensors require that a
frequency be set for push interval or polling interval
respecvely. SNMP sensors also require you to set a
No–Rules can be
created that only
use a eld reference
from another rule or
a vector with
references from
another rule. In
these cases, rule-
frequency must be
explicitly dened.
"Fields" on page
The source for the Fields block can be a pointer to a
sensor, a reference to a eld dened in another rule, a
constant, or a formula. The eld can be a string, integer
or oang point. The default eld type is string.
Yes-Fields contain
the data on which
the triggers operate.
Starng in HealthBot
Release 3.1.0,
regular elds and
key-elds can be
added to rules based
on condional
tagging proles. See
the "Tagging" on
page 24 secon
"Vectors" on
page 18
The Vectors block allows handling of lists, creang sets,
and comparing elements amongst dierent sets. A
vector is used to hold mulple values from one or more
No Yes
Table 1: Rule Components
Block What it Does Required in Device
Valid for
"Variables" on
page 19
The Variables block allows you to pass values into rules.
Invariant rule denions are achieved through
mustache-style templang like {{<placeholder-
variable> }}. The placeholder-variable value is set in the
rule by default or can be user-dened at deployment
No No
"Funcons" on
page 19
The Funcons block allows you to extend elds,
triggers, and acons by creang prototype methods in
external les wrien in languages like python. The
funcons block includes details on the le path, method
to be accessed, and any arguments, including argument
descripon and whether it is mandatory.
No No
"Triggers" on
page 20
The Triggers block operates on elds and are dened by
one or more
. When the condions of a Term are
met, then the acon dened in the Term is taken.
By default, triggers are evaluated every 10 seconds,
unless explicitly congured for a dierent frequency.
By default, all triggers dened in a rule are evaluated in
Yes–Triggers enable
rules to take acon.
Properes" on
page 24
The Rule Properes block allows you to specify
metadata for a Paragon Insights rule, such as hardware
dependencies, soware dependencies, and version
No Yes
Acon" on page
The Pre/Post Acon block allows you to automate
Acon Engine Workows when you add them in rule
conguraons. Paragon Insights executes the pre-acon
tasks at the start of playbook instanaon and the
post-acon tasks aer you stop playbook instances.
No Yes
When dening a sensor, you must specify informaon such as sensor name, sensor type and data
collecon frequency. As menoned in Table 1 on page 14, sensors can be one of the following:
OpenCong For informaon on OpenCong JTI sensors, see the Junos Telemetry Interface User
Nave GPB For informaon on Nave GPB JTI sensors, see the Junos Telemetry Interface User
iAgent The iAgent sensors use NETCONF and YAML-based PyEZ tables and views to fetch the
necessary data. Both structured (XML) and unstructured (VTY commands and CLI output)
data are supported. For informaon on Junos PyEZ, see the Junos PyEz Documentaon.
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol.
system log
Bring your own ingest – Allows you to dene your own ingest types.
NetFlow trac ow analysis protocol
sFlow packet sampling protocol
When dierent rules have the same sensor dened, only one subscripon is made per sensor. A key,
consisng of
for OpenCong and Nave GPB sensors, and the tuple of
iAgent sensors is used to idenfy the associated rule.
When mulple sensors with the same
key have dierent frequencies dened, the lowest
frequency is chosen for the sensor subscripon.
There are four types of eld sources, as listed in Table 1 on page 14. Table 2 on page 17 describes the
four eld ingest types in more detail.
Table 2: Field Ingest Type Details
Field Type Details
Sensor Subscribing to a sensor typically provides access to mulple columns of data. For instance,
subscribing to the OpenCong interface sensor provides access to a bunch of informaon
including counter related informaon such as:
/interfaces/counters/oper-state, etc.
Given the rather long names of paths in OpenCong sensors, the Sensor denion within
Fields allows for aliasing, and ltering. For single-sensor rules, the required set of Sensors for
the Fields table are programmacally auto-imported from the raw table based on the triggers
dened in the rule.
Reference Triggers can only operate on Fields dened within that rule. In some cases, a Field might
need to reference another Field or Trigger output dened in another Rule. This is achieved by
referencing the other eld or trigger and applying addional lters. The referenced eld or
trigger is treated as a stream nocaon to the referencing eld. References aren’t
supported within the same rule.
References can also take a me-range opon which picks the value, if available, from the
me-range provided. Field references must always be unambiguous, so proper aenon
must be given to ltering the result to get just one value. If a reference receives mulple data
points, or values, only the latest one is used. For example, if you are referencing a the values
contained in a eld over the last 3 minutes, you might end up with 6 values in that eld over
that me-range. Paragon Insights only uses the latest value in a situaon like this.
Constant A eld dened as a constant is a xed value which cannot be altered during the course of
execuon. Paragon Insights Constant types can be strings, integers, and doubles.
Table 2: Field Ingest Type Details
Field Type Details
Formula Raw sensor elds are the starng point for dening triggers. However, Triggers oen work
on derived elds dened through formulas by applying mathemacal transformaons.
Formulas can be pre-dened or user-dened (UDF). Pre-dened formulas include: Min, Max,
Mean, Sum, Count, Rate of Change, Elapsed Time, Eval, Standard Deviaon, Microburst,
Dynamic Threshold, Anomaly Detecon, Outlier Detecon, and Predict.
Rate of Change refers to the dierence between current and previous values over their
points of me. Packet transfer is an example use case where the Rate of Change formula can
be used. The Hold Time eld takes a threshold of me interval. The me interval between
current and previous values cannot exceed the specied Hold Time value. The Mulplicaon
Factor eld is used to convert the unit of the eld value. If the eld value is calculated in
Bytes, specifying 1024 as Mulplicaon Factor would convert the result into Kilobytes. Hold
Time and Mulplicaon Factor are not mandatory elds when you apply Rate of Change
In Paragon Insights 4.0.0, you can get the current point me in Elapsed Time formula by
using $me.
Some pre-dened formulas can operate on me ranges in order to work with historical data.
If a me range is not specied, then the formula works on current data, specied as
Vectors are useful in helping to gather mulple elements into a single rule. For example, using a vector
you could gather all of the interface error elds. The syntax for Vector is:
vector <vector-name>{
path [$field-1 $field-2 .. $field-n];
filter <list of specific element(s) to filter out from vector>;
append <list of specific element(s) to be added to vector>;
$eld-n can be eld of type reference.
The elds used in dening vectors can be direct references to elds dened in other rules:
vector <vector-name>{
path [/device-group[device-group-name=<device-group>]\
AND|OR ...]/<field-name> ...];
filter <list of specific element(s) to filter out from vector>;
append <list of specific element(s) to be added to vector>;
This syntax allows for oponal ltering through the <eld-name>=<eld-value> poron of the
construct. Vectors can also take a me-range opon that picks the values from the me-range provided.
When mulple values are returned over the given me-range, they are all selected as an array.
The following pre-dened formulas are supported on vectors:
unique @vector1–Returns the unique set of elements from vector1
@vector1 and @vector2–Returns the intersecon of unique elements in vector1 and vector2.
@vector1 or @vector2–Returns the total set of unique elements in the two vectors.
@vector1 unless @vector2–Returns the unique set of elements in vector-1, but not in vector-2
Variables are dened during rule creaon on the Variables page. This part of variable denion creates
the default value that gets used if no specic value is set in the device group or on the device during
deployment. For example, the check-interface-status rule has one variable called interface_name. The value
set on the Variables page is a regular expression (regex), .*, that means all interfaces.
If applied as-is, the check-interface-status rule would provide interface status informaon about all the
interfaces on all of the devices in the device group. While applying a playbook that contains this rule,
you could override the default value at the device group or device level. This allows you exibility when
applying rules. The order of precedence is device value overrides device group value and device group
value overrides the default value set in the rule.
BEST PRACTICE: It is highly recommended to supply default values for variables dened in
device rules. All Juniper-supplied rules follow this recommendaon. Default values must not
be set for variables dened in network rules.
Funcons are dened during rule creaon on the Funcons tab. Dening a funcon here allows it to be
used in Formulas associated with Fields and in the When and Then secons of Triggers. Funcons used
in the when clause of a trigger are known as user-dened funcons. These must return true or false.
Funcons used in the then clause of a trigger are known as user-dened acons.
Triggers play a pivotal role in Paragon Insights rule denions. They are the part of the rule that
determines if and when any acon is taken based on changes in available sensor data. Triggers are
constructed in a when-this, then-that manner. As menoned earlier, trigger acons are based on Terms.
A Term is built with
clauses that watch for updates in eld values and
clauses that iniate
some acon based on what changed. Mulple Terms can be created within a single trigger.
Evaluaon of the
clauses in the Terms starts at the top of the list of terms and proceeds to the
boom. If a
is evaluated and no match is made, then the next
is evaluated. By default,
evaluaon proceeds in this manner unl either a match is made or the boom of the list is reached
without a match.
Pre-dened operators that can be used in the
clause include:
NOTE: For evaluated equaons, the le-hand side and right-hand side of the equaon are
shortened to LHS and RHS, respecvely in this document.
–Used for checking if one value is greater than another.
Returns: True or False
Syntax: greater-than <LHS> <RHS> [me-range <range>]
Example: //Memory > 3000 MB in the last 5 minutes
when greater-than $memory 3000 time-range 5m;
–Same as
but checks for greater than or equal to (>=)
Returns: True or False
Syntax: less-than <LHS> <RHS> [me-range <range>]
Example: //Memory < 6000 MB in the last 5 minutes
when less-than $memory 6000 time-range 5m;
–Same as
but checks for less than or equal to (<=)
–Used for checking that one value is equal to another value.
Returns: True or False
Syntax: equal-to <LHS> <RHS> [me-range <range>]
Example: //Queue’s buffer utilization % == 0
when equal-to $buffer-utilization 0;
–Same as
but checks for negave condion (!=)
–Used to check if some value exists without caring about the value itself. Meaning that some
value should have been sent from the device.
Returns: True or False
Syntax: exists <$var> [me-range <range>]
Example: //Has the device configuration changed?
when exists $netconf-data-change
matches-with (for strings & regex)
–Used to check for matches on strings using Python regex
operaons. See Syntax for more informaon.
NOTE: LHS, or le hand side, is the string in which we are searching; RHS, or right hand side,
is the match expression. Regular expressions can only be used in RHS.
Returns: True or False
Syntax: matches-with <LHS> <RHS> [me-range <range>]
Example: //Checks that ospf-neighbor-state has been UP for the past 10 minutes
when matches-with $ospf-neighbor-state “^UP$” time-range 10m;
Example 1: escape backslash '\’ with one more backslash '\
escape \ with one more \
Expression: ^\\S+-\\d+/\\d+/\\d+$
Values that will match:
Values that will not match:
Example 2: escape \ with one more \
Expression: \\(\\S+\\)\\s\\(\\S+\\)
Values that will match:
(root) (mgd)
(user1) (ssh)
Values that will not match:
root mgd
(root) mgd
does-not-match-with (for strings & regex)
–Same as
but checks for negave condion
–Checks whether a value, X, falls within a given range such as minimum and maximum (min <=
X <= max)
Returns: True or False
Syntax: range <$var> min <minimum value> max <maximum value> [me-range <range>]
Example: //Checks whether memory usage has been between 3000 MB and 6000 MB in the last 5 minutes
when range $mem min 3000 max 6000 time-range 5m;
–Used to check whether values are increasing by at least the minimum
acceptable rate compared to the previous value. An oponal parameter that denes the minimum
acceptable rate of increase can be provided. The minimum acceptable rate of increase defaults to 1 if
not specied.
Returns: True or False
increasing-at-least-by-value <$var> [increment <minimum value of increase between successive
increasing-at-least-by-value <$var> [increment <minimum value of increase between successive
points>] me-range <range>
Example: Checks that the ospf-tx-hello has been increasing steadily over the past 5 minutes.
when increasing-at-least-by-value $ospf-tx-hello increment 10 time-range 5m;
–Used to check whether values are increasing by no more than the
maximum acceptable rate compared to the previous value. An oponal parameter that denes the
maximum acceptable rate of increase can be provided. The maximum acceptable rate of increase
defaults to 1 if not specied.
Returns: True or False
increasing-at-most-by-value <$var> [increment <maximum value of increase between successive
increasing-at-most-by-value <$var> [increment <maximum value of increase between successive
points>] me-range <range>
Example: Checks that the error rate has not increased by more than 5 in the past 5 minutes.
when increasing-at-most-by-value $error-count increment 5 time-range 5m;
–Used for checking that rate of increase between successive values is at
least given rate. Mandatory parameters include the value and me-unit, which together signify the
minimum acceptable rate of increase.
Returns: True or False
This syntax compares current value against previous value ensuring that it increases at least by
value rate.
increasing-at-least-by-rate <$var> value <minimum value of increase between successive points>
per <second|minute|hour|day|week|month|year> [me-range <range>]
This syntax compares current value against previous value ensuring that it increases at least by
percentage rate
increasing-at-least-by-rate <$var> percentage <percentage> per <second|minute|hour|day|week|
month|year> [me-range <range>]
Example: Checks that the ospf-tx-hello has been increasing strictly over the past five minutes.
when increasing-at-least-by-rate $ospf-tx-hello value 1 per second time-range 5m;
–Similar to increasing-at-least-by-rate, except that this checks for
decreasing rates.
Using these operators in the
clause, creates a funcon known as a user-dened condion. These
funcons should always return true or false.
If evaluaon of a
results in a match, then the acon specied in the
clause is taken. By
default, processing of terms stops at this point. You can alter this ow by enabling the Evaluate next
term buon at the boom of the
clause. This causes Paragon Insights to connue
to create more complex decision-making capabilies like when-this and this, then that.
The following is a list of pre-dened acons available for use in the
Starng with Release 3.1.0, HealthBot supports tagging. Tagging allows you to insert elds, values, and
keys into a Paragon Insights rule when certain condions are met. See "Paragon Insights Tagging" on
page 33 for details.
Rule Properes
The Rule Properes block allows you to specify metadata for a Paragon Insights rule, such as hardware
dependencies, soware dependencies, and version history. This data can be used for informaonal
purposes or to verify whether or not a device is compable with a Paragon Insights rule.
Pre/Post Acon
(Oponal) Starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.3.0, you can use pre-acon and post-acon tab in
rules to automate tasks that are pre-congured in acon engine workows. Acon engine workows are
used to perform tasks that you can execute as command line commands, NETCONF commands, or as
commands in executable les. See "Understanding Acon Engine Workows" on page 244 for more
When you run playbook instances on device groups, Paragon Insights executes pre-acon tasks at the
start of playbook instanaon. Pre-acon tasks are useful to execute device conguraons in a device
group or to issue a nocaon about device status to another applicaon. There is no dependency
between mulple pre-acon tasks and between the execuon of pre-acon tasks and rules. If you
congure more than one pre-acon task in a rule, Paragon Insights executes all pre-acon tasks
Paragon Insights executes post-acon tasks when you stop a playbook instance. Even though an
oponal conguraon, post-acon tasks are useful to remove any addional conguraons added to
devices through the pre-acon tasks.
Both pre- and post-acon tasks have the execute-once opon. By default, execute-once is disabled. If
you enable execute-once, then Paragon Insights executes the tasks only once on a device in a device
group. Execute-once is applicable in the following cases:
When you run mulple instances of a playbook on the same device group.
When you include a rule with a set of pre-acon or post-acon tasks in dierent playbooks, and run
the playbook instances on the same device group.
Paragon Insights checks and resolves duplicaon of pre-acon and post-acon tasks before execung
them on the devices in a device group. Duplicaon occurs when you congure a specic pre-acon or
post-acon task in many rules that are included in a playbook.
NOTE: When you upgrade Paragon Insights, the applicaon does not execute pre-acon and
post-acon tasks that are deployed before the upgrade.
To congure pre-acon tasks and post-acon tasks in rules, see "Paragon Insights Rules and Playbooks"
on page 141.
Mulple Sensors per Device
Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 allows you to add mulple sensors per rule that can be applied to all the
devices in a device group. In earlier releases, you could add only one sensor per rule. Each sensor per
rule generates data in a eld table. If you added the dierent sensors in mulple rules, it results in as
many eld tables as the number of rules. When you add mulple types of sensors (such as OpenCong
or Nave GPB) in a single rule in Paragon Insights, data from the sensors is consolidated in a single eld
table that is simpler to export or to visualize. The GUI support for mulple sensor conguraons will be
implemented in subsequent releases.
Sp-admins or users with create access privilege must note the following guidelines when conguring
mulple sensors.
When adding mulple sensors to rules, you must ensure that there are no overlapping data or
keysets received from the sensors applied to a device. Overlapping keysets can result in duplicate
data points, overwring of data points, and inaccurate evaluaon of data. To avoid this, you can use
lter expressions such as the where statement in Fields.
When you add mulple sensors in a rule in Paragon Insights GUI, you must set a common value for
all sensors in the following elds:
eld in Sensors tab (sensor frequency)
Field aggregaon me-range
eld in Rules page.
eld in Triggers tab.
Time range
eld used in triggers, formula, and reference.
For example, when mulple sensors are added in a rule, all sensors applied to a device must have the
same value for sensor frequency, irrespecve of the type of sensors. If a rule has iAgent and
OpenCong sensors, the
value in both sensors must be the same. This holds true for all
the elds listed above.
NOTE: We recommend you use oset values if you cannot match the me range values on
dierent sensors. For more informaon, see Frequency Proles and Oset Time.
However, the frequency you set in a frequency prole will override the frequency values set in
mulple sensors in a rule.
A Rule with mulple sensors is applied on all devices added in a parcular device group. It is assumed
that the devices in a device group support the types of sensors used in Paragon Insights rules.
Somemes, not all devices in a device group can support the same type of sensor. For example, the
device group DG1 has an MX2020 router with OpenCong package installed and another MX2020
router congured without the OpenCong package. The rst MX2020 router would support
OpenCong sensor whereas, the second MX2020 router would not support the same sensor.
To avoid such scenarios, you must ensure that all devices in the same device group unanimously
support the types of sensors used to collect informaon.
Congure Mulple Sensors in Paragon Insights GUI
To add mulple sensors in a rule:
1. Navigate to Conguraon > Rules > Add Rule.
Rules page appears.
2. Enter the Paragon Insights topic and rule name, rule descripon, synopsis, and oponally, the eld
aggregaon me-range and rule frequency. For more informaon on these elds in Rules page, see
"Paragon Insights Rules and Playbooks" on page 141.
3. Click Add Sensor buon in Sensors tab and ll in the necessary details based on the type of sensor
you choose.
Repeat step 3 to add as many sensors as you need for your use case.
4. Congure elds for the sensors in the Fields tab.
5. Congure sensors in Rule Properes tab to set mulple sensors acve.
You must enter all the sensors, earlier congured in the rule, under the supported-devices hierarchy
in Rule Properes. For example, if you congured sensors s1, s2, and s3 in a rule, the Rule Properes
conguraon must also include the same sensors:
rule-properties {
version 1;
contributor juniper;
supported-healthbot-version 4.0.0;
supported-devices {
sensors [s1 s2 s3];
You can also write and upload a new rule in the Paragon Insights GUI.
The rule must follow the curly brackets format ( { ) and indentaon for hierarchical structure.
Terminang or leaf statements in the conguraon hierarchy are displayed with a trailing semicolon
(;) to dene conguraon details, such as supported version, sensors, and other conguraon
6. Click Save & Deploy to apply the new sensors in your network or click Save to save the
conguraons of the new sensors and deploy them later.
Use Cases
The following scenarios illustrate use cases for mulple sensors in a rule:
In Pathnder Controller, there can be dierent nave sensors that provide non-overlapping counter
details for Segment Roung (SR) and Resource Reservaon Protocol (RSVP) label switched paths
(LSP). If the eld table needs to be combined for the data collected from the LSPs, mulple sensors
can be made acve for a device in the same rule.
If you want to get data for
interface using iAgent sensor and for
interface using Nave GPB
sensor, then you could use mulple acve sensor for a device. You need to ensure non-overlapping
data in this case by using Field ltering expression to lter by the interface name. Instead of
interfaces, an sp-admin or a user with create access privilege can consider any other key
performance indicators too.
Sensor Precedence
To make data collecon from a sensor eecve, devices in a device group must support a parcular
sensor as an ingest method. Select devices in a device group running an older version of operang
system, devices from dierent vendors in a device group, or dierent products from the same vendor
(such as EX, MX and PTX routers from Juniper) are all scenarios that can cause challenges to applying a
sensor to a device group. In such cases, you need to set a dierent sensor that is compable with
specic devices in a device group.
Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 enables you to set sensor precedence so that, you can congure dierent
sensors in each hierarchy of Rule Properes such as vendor name, operang system, product name,
plaorm, and release version. This makes it possible to apply suitable sensors on mul-vendor devices in
a heterogeneous device group. In Release 4.0.0, you can congure sensor precedence only through
Paragon Insights CLI. Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0, you can congure more than one sensor
for a rule. For more informaon, see "Paragon Insights Rules and Playbooks" on page 141.
Figure 3 on page 28 illustrates two rules each with mulple sensors. It is assumed that Rule Properes
is congured for sensor precedence.
Figure 3: Representaon of Sensor Precedence in Rules
Let us suppose Sensor1 in Rule 1 is OpenCong and Sensor4 in Rule 2 is iAgent and Device1 runs Junos
operang system (OS). If OpenCong and iAgent were set as default sensors for Junos OS hierarchy in
Rule Properes then, Device1 would receive data from Sensor1 and Sensor4 when the Playbook is
deployed for the device group.
Before You Begin
In standalone deployment of Paragon Insights, before you congure sensor precedence, the devices in a
device group must be congured with the following elds:
Vendor name
: Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 supports mulple vendors that include Juniper
Networks, Cisco Systems, Arista Networks, and PaloAlto Networks.
Operang system
: Name of the operang system supported by vendors such as Junos, IOS XR, and
so on.
: Name of the family of products (devices) oered by a vendor. For example, MX routers, ACX
routers, PTX routers from Juniper Networks.
: Parcular member device in a series of products. For example, MX2020, ACX5400 and so
Release or version
: release version of the plaorm selected.
The conguraon of above elds in the device hierarchy must match the sensor precedence specied in
the Rule Properes. For example, if you include plaorm MX2020 in device conguraon, the sensor
precedence hierarchy must also include MX2020.
Conguraon for Sensor Precedence
The following is a sample conguraon of seng sensor precedence in Rule Properes.
rule-properties {
version 1;
contributor juniper;
supported-healthbot-version 4.0.0;
supported-devices {
sensors interfaces-iagent;
juniper {
sensors interfaces-iagent;
operating-system junos {
products EX {
sensors interfaces-iagent;
platforms EX9200 {
sensors interfaces-iagent;
releases 17.3R1 {
sensors interfaces-iagent;
release-support min-supported-release;
platforms EX9100 {
sensors interfaces-oc;
products MX {
sensors interfaces-oc;
products PTX {
sensors interfaces-oc;
products QFX {
sensors interfaces-oc;
other-vendor cisco {
vendor-name cisco;
sensors interfaces-oc;
Sensor precedence mandates changes to the current hierarchy of conguraon in Rule Properes. The
hierarchy of the following elements have changed in Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0. The old hierarchy of
the listed elements in Rule Properes is deprecated.
: The old statement hierarchy dened Releases under Product, and Platform was listed under
Releases. This hierarchy is deprecated.
products MX {
releases 15.2R1 { ### Deprecated
release-support min-supported-release; ### Deprecated
platform All; ### Deprecated
Operang system: The old stataement hierarchy dened operang system as a leaf element for other
vendors. This order is deprecated.
other-vendor cisco {
vendor-name cisco;
operating-system nexus; ### Deprecated
sensors [ s1 s2 ]; // Default sensors for cisco vendor
operating-systems nxos {
sensors [ s1 s2 ]; // Default sensors for cisco vendor with NX OS
products NEXUS {
sensors [ s1 s2 ]; // Default sensors for cisco vendor with NX OS and for
the specified product
platforms 7000 {
sensors [ s1 s2 ]; // Default sensors for cisco vendor with NX OS and
for the specified product and platform
releases 15.8 {
release-support only-on-this-release;
sensors [ s1 s2 ]; // Sensors for cisco vendor with NX OS and for
the product, platform and version
Paragon Insights Playbooks
In order to fully understand any given problem or situaon on a network, it is oen necessary to look at
a number of dierent system components, topics, or key performance indicators (KPIs). Paragon Insights
operates on playbooks, which are collecons of rules for addressing a specic use case. Playbooks are
the Paragon Insights element that gets applied, or run, on your device groups or network groups.
Paragon Insights comes with a set of pre-dened Playbooks. For example, the system-KPI playbook
monitors the health of system parameters such as system-cpu-load-average, storage, system-memory,
process-memory, etc. It then noes the operator or takes correcve acon in case any of the KPIs
cross pre-set thresholds. Following is a list of Juniper-supplied Playbooks.
You can create a playbook and include any rules want in it. You apply these playbooks to device groups.
By default, all rules contained in a Playbook are applied to all of the devices in the device group. There is
currently no way to change this behavior.
If your playbook denion includes network rules, then the playbook becomes a network playbook and
can only be applied to network groups.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
Release Descripon
4.2.0 Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0, you can congure more than one sensor for a rule.
4.0.0 Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 allows you to add mulple sensors per rule that can be applied to all the
devices in a device group.
4.0.0 Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 enables you to set sensor precedence so that, you can congure dierent
sensors in each hierarchy of Rule Properes such as vendor name, operang system, product name,
plaorm, and release version.
3.1.0 Starng in HealthBot Release 3.1.0, regular elds and key-elds can be added to rules based on
condional tagging proles.
3.1.0 Starng with Release 3.1.0, HealthBot supports tagging.
Paragon Insights Rules and Playbooks | 141
Paragon Insights Tagging
Overview | 33
Types of Tagging | 40
Add a Tagging Prole | 48
Apply a Tagging Prole | 53
Delete a Tagging Prole | 55
You can use the Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) graphical user interface (GUI) to create tagging
proles. You can congure a tagging prole to insert elds, values, and keys into a Paragon Insights rule.
You can also set condions that are checked against values stored in the mes series database (TSDB) or
Redis database.
Tagging Prole Terminology | 34
How do Tagging Proles Work? | 38
Caveats | 40
Tagging allows you to insert elds, values, and keys into a Paragon Insights rule when certain condions
are met.
Paragon Insights supports the following types of tagging:
Stac Tagging
In stac tagging, the tagging prole is applied to values stored in the me series data base (TSDB).
These values do not vary a lot with me. In stac tagging, you can avoid using
statements, and
you can add
statements individually to a row of the TSDB. You can add tags to all rows since no
condions are present.
Dynamic Tagging
Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 supports dynamic tagging where condions used in Paragon Insights
tagging are checked against values that are stored in Redis database. This database acts like a cache
memory that stores dynamic data. Dynamic data is real-me data that is stored in Redis database.
Tagging Prole Terminology
The following list describes the tagging prole terminologies:
A policy is the top-level element in a tagging prole. You can add mulple policies within a single tagging
prole. Mulple policies that exist within a tagging prole can have their own rules and terms.
Usage Notes:
Dening mulple policies within a single prole allows you to dene terms for each rule in one prole
rather than having to create one prole for each rule.
A rule is any dened Paragon Insights rule. The rule element type in a tagging prole is a list element.
You can apply a specic policy prole to the rule(s) ([
]) included within the tagging prole.
Usage Notes:
You can describe the topic-name/rule-name requirement for the rules element in the following ways:
To name specic rules within a tagging prole, use the form:
For example,
. Navigate to Conguraon>Rules to view
congured rules.
Use an asterisk (*) with no other value or brackets to match all rules.
Use python-based fnmatch paerns to select all rules within a specic topic. For example, line-
For more informaon, see fnmatch — Unix lename paern matching.
The term secon of the tagging prole is where the match condions are set and examined, and acons
based on those matches are set and carried out. Set the condions for a match in a
when statement
. Set
the acons to be carried out upon compleng a match in one or more
then statements
Usage Notes:
Each term can contain a
statement but it is not mandatory.
Each term must contain at least one
Mulple terms can be set within a single policy.
Terms are processed sequenally from top to boom unl a match is found. If a match is found,
processing stops aer compleng the statements found in the
secon. Other terms, if present,
are not processed unless the
ag is enabled within the matched term. If the matched term has
the next ag enabled, then subsequent terms are processed in order.
When Statements
statements dene the match condions that you specify.
statements ulmately resolve to
be true or false. You can dene a
without a
statement. This equates to a default
wherein the match is assumed true and the subsequent
statement is carried out. Conversely,
mulple condions can be checked within one
If one or more of the condions set forth in a
statement are not met, the statement is false and
has failed to match; processing moves to the next
, if present.
Usage Notes:
When statements perform boolean operaons on the received data to determine if it matches the
criteria you set. The supported operaons are:
Numeric Operaons:
String Operaons:
Time Operaons:
NOTE: The matches-with-scheduler opon requires that a discreet scheduler be congured in the
Administraon > Ingest Sengs > Scheduler page. The name of the scheduler can then be
used in the matches-with-scheduler
Go Language Expressions:
eval <
For example: eval a + b <= c.
Then Statements
statements implement the tagging instrucons that you provide. This is done only aer there is a
complete match of the condions set forth in a
statement contained in the same
. Each
dened must have at least one
statement. Each
statement must have one or more than one
acon(s) dened; the acons available in
statements are:
Adds a normal eld to the rule(s) listed in the rule secon.
Mulple elds can be added within a
statement. The add-eld acon requires that you
also dene the kind of eld you are adding with the
unsigned integer
Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0, you can also select unsigned integer as a name
eld data type.
NOTE: If you do not dene a eld type, the new eld gets added with the default eld-
type of string.
Adds a key eld with string data type to the rule(s). Added key elds are indexed and can be
searched for just like any other key eld.
Usage Notes:
You can set the
ag to true within a then statement. When this ag is set to true, the next term
in the policy gets evaluated if all of the condions of the current term match.
Example Conguraon: Elements of a Tagging Prole
Paragon Insights conguraon elements are displayed as pseudo-cong. This conguraon resembles
the hierarchical method used by Junos OS.
"Elements of a Tagging Prole" on page 37 shows how tagging prole elements are named and how
they are related to each other.
Elements of a Tagging Prole
healthbot {
ingest-settings {
data-enrichment {
tagging-profile <tagging-profile-name> {
policy <policy-name> {
rules [ List of Rules ];
term <term-name1>
when {
then {
add-field <field-name1>
value <field-value1>;
type <field-type>;
add-field <field-name2>
value <field-value2>;
type <field-type>;
add-key <key-field-name>
value <key-field-value>;
term <term-name2>
then {
add-field <field-name>
value <field-value>;
type <field-type>;
How do Tagging Proles Work?
You can use tagging proles to set the condions, dene new elds and keys, and insert values into
those elds. Tagging proles are applied as part of ingest sengs to allow the tags to be added to the
incoming data before Paragon Insights processes the data. Since one or more rules are dened within
each prole, the rules are added to a playbook and applied to a device group when the tagging prole is
applied to a device.
Table 3 on page 38 shows an example applicaon idencaon scenario based on source-port,
desnaon-port, and protocol of trac seen in a NetFlow stream.
Table 3: Fields in NetFlow Stream
source-port desnaon-port protocol derived-applicaon
2541 Any 6 (TCP) NetChat
Table 3: Fields in NetFlow Stream
source-port desnaon-port protocol derived-applicaon
Any 2541 6 (TCP)
1755 Any 17 (UDP) MS-streaming
Any 830 6 (TCP) netconf-ssh
7802 Any 17 (UDP) vns-tp
In Table 3 on page 38, you use three exisng elds in a NetFlow stream to guess the applicaon trac in
the stream. You then create a new eld called
and populate it based on the values
seen in the trac.
You can apply tagging proles at the device group level. See "Example pseudo-conguraon" on page
When a device in a device group has a tagging prole applied to it, and the device group has another
tagging prole applied to the whole group of devices, the tagging prole of the device group is
merged with the exisng tagging prole of the device.
For example, D-A-Net is a device that is part of a device group called Group-D1. D-A-Net has a
tagging prole applied to it. There is another tagging prole applied on the device group, Group-D1,
as well. In such a scenario, the tagging prole applied to the device group is merged with the tagging
prole of the device, D-A-Net.
When the tagging prole applied to the device group and the tagging prole applied to the device in
the group renders the same output, the tagging prole of the device is preserved.
Example pseudo-conguraon shown below
device r0 {
host r0;
tagging-profile [ profile1 ]
device r1 {
host r1
device-group core {
devices [ r0 r1 ];
tagging-profile [ profile2 ]
In this example, device
has tagging prole,
, assigned at the device level and tagging prole,
, assigned by its membership in the device- group (
has tagging prole,
, assigned by its membership in device group,
In this scenario,
are merged on device
. However, if
dene the same elds but the elds contain dierent values, the value from
takes precedence
because it is assigned directly to the device.
only gets tagging prole
Fields and keys added using tagging proles cannot be used within periodic aggregaon elds. This is
because periodic aggregaon must take place before any UDFCode funcon (reference, vector, UDF,
ML) is applied.
Tagging proles can consist of only elds in add-key or add-eld. Vectors cannot be added to a rule
by a tagging prole.
Vector comparison operaons cannot be used within tagging prole terms. Only eld Boolean
operaons are permied.
For tagging prole condional operaons within a
statement, the used eld must be of type
sensor, constant, or reference.
This is applicable only in stac tagging.
If the eld used within tagging prole Boolean operaon is of type reference, then this reference
eld must not depend on any user-dened-funcon or formula dened within the same rule.
Types of Tagging
Stac Tagging | 41
Dynamic Tagging | 43
Paragon Insights supports stac tagging and dynamic tagging.
Stac Tagging
In stac tagging, the tagging prole is applied to values stored in the me series data base (TSDB). These
values do not vary a lot with me. In stac tagging, you can avoid using
statements, and you can
statements to a tagging prole.
Sample Stac Tagging Conguraon
healthbot {
ingest-settings {
data-enrichment {
tagging-profile profile {
policy policy1 {
rules *;
term term1 {
then {
add-key "tenant-id" {
value tenant1;
In this sample stac tagging conguraon, the lack of a
statement means that any device that this
tagging prole is applied to will have the eld
assigned with the value
. The elds and
values dened in this prole are assigned to all rules that are applied to a device or device-group
because of the * in the rules parameter.
You can also create a stac tagging prole from the Paragon Insights graphical user interface (GUI).
Navigate to Conguraon > Sensor > Sengs > Tagging Prole page to create a tagging prole.
Applicaon Idencaon
Table 3 on page 38 shows an example applicaon idencaon scenario based on source-port,
desnaon-port, and protocol of trac seen in a NetFlow stream.
To create the derived-applicaon eld as given in Table 3 on page 38 from the received data (data under
source-port, desnaon port, and protocol), you must use a tagging prole denion that looks like this:
healthbot {
ingest-settings {
data-enrichment {
tagging-profile profile1 {
policy policy1 {
rules *;
term term1 {
when {
matches-with "$source-port" "$netchat-source-port";
matches-with "$protocol" "6 (TCP)";
then {
add-key "application" {
value netchat;
term term2 {
when {
matches-with "$protocol" "6 (TCP)";
matches-with "$destination-port" "$netchat-dest-port";
then {
add-key "application" {
value netchat;
term term3 {
when {
matches-with "$source-port" "$ms-streaming-source-port";
matches-with "$protocol" "17 (UDP)";
then {
add-key "application" {
value ms-streaming;
term term4 {
when {
matches-with "$source-port" "$netconf-ssh-source-port";
matches-with "$protocol" "6 (TCP)";
then {
add-key "application" {
value netconf-ssh;
term term5 {
when {
matches-with "$source-port" "$vns-tp-source-port";
matches-with "$protocol" "17 (UDP)";
then {
add-key "application" {
value vns-tp;
Dynamic Tagging
Paragon Insights supports dynamic tagging. In dynamic tagging, you can set condions in a tagging
prole, that in turn are checked against values that are stored in Redis database. When these condions
are met, they are applied to incoming data before Paragon Insights processes the data.
Benets of Dynamic Tagging
Values stored in Redis database are current and dynamic.
Redis database can be used as a cache memory to store real-me data.
Understanding Redis Database and Dynamic Tagging Conguraons
Understanding Redis Database and Dynamic Tagging Conguraons
Key structure is <Device-group-name>:<device-id>::key-name__network:<network-group-name>::key-name , where ::
is the key separator.
Example key structures:
Device Group
Device GroupCore:r1::/components/
Network Group
Values are stored in JSON string format <json dump as string> in Redis. However, values are provided in
string, integer, and oat formats.
Example value formats:
Core:r1::/components/= value1
Core:r1::/components/='{“key1”: value1, “key2”: value2}’
Core:r1::/components/='{“key1”: {“key2”: value1, “key3”: value2}’
Core:r1::/components/='{“key1”: {“key2”: ‘[list of values]’, “key3”: value1}’
Sample tagging-profile conguraons using when statement.
"when" : {
"matches-with" : [
"left-operand" : "$field1",
"right-operand" : “/interfaces/.key1”,
“in-memory”: true
Use a . operator between interfaces.
In the following example, key3 interface is nested within key2 interface in the right operand.
"when" : {
"matches-with" : [
"left-operand" : "$field1",
"right-operand" : “/interfaces/.key2.key3”,
Sample tagging-profile conguraons using then statement.
"then" : {
"add-field" : [
"name" : "field1",
"value" : "redis-key",
"type" : "integer",
"in-memory": true
Use a . operator between interfaces.
In the following example, key3 interface is nested within key2 interface in the right operand.
"then" : {
"add-field" : [
"name" : "field2",
"value" : "redis-key1.redis-key2.redis-key3",
"type" : "integer",
"in-memory": true
Using exist operator in conguraons.
Using exist as key.
Redis Data Structure
“Core:r1::/interfaces/” = ‘{“ge-1/0/2”: {“key1”: value1, “key2”: value2}’
tagging-prole Using when Statement
“when”: {
“exists”: {
“field”: “$interface-name”,
“path”: “/interfaces/”,
“in-memory”: true
“then”: { do-something.. }
Using exist as value in list.
Redis Data Structure
“Core:r1::/interfaces/” = ‘{“key1”: {“key2”: [‘ge-1/0/2’, ‘ge-1/0/3’], “key3”: value1}}
tagging-prole Using when Statement
“when”: {
“exists”: {
“field”: “$interface-name”,
“path”: “/interfaces/.key1.key2” ,
“in-memory”: true
“then”: {
“add-field”: [
“name”: “field1”,
“value”: “/interfaces/.key1.key3”,
“in-memory”: true
Using $ in then statements.
When you use $<field-name> within a Redis key, $<field-name> is replaced with a value from the already
processed database value.
As an example, consider that ge-1/0/2 is present within Redis key.
Redis Data Structure
“Core:r1::/interfaces/” = ‘{“ge-1/0/2”: {“key1”: value1, “key2”: value2},
“ge-1/0/3”: {“key1”: value1, “key2”: value2}’
Example tagging -prole
“when”: {
“exists”: [
“field”: “$interface-name”,
“path”: “/interfaces/”,
“in-memory”: true
“greater-than”: [
“left-operand”: “30”,
“right-operand”: “/interfaces/.$interface-name.key1” ,
“in-memory”: true
“then”: {
“add-field”: [
“name”: “interface-meta-data”,
“value”: “/interfaces/.$interface-name.key2”,
“in-memory”: true
In this scenario, the tagging-profile checks if $interface-name is present in the Redis database, and if key1
value for the given interface name is greater than 30. If the statement is true, the tagging-profile
fetches key2 value from name eld. In this example tagging prole, the name value is interface-meta-data.
To enable dynamic tagging, set in-memory value to true.
By default in-memory value is set to false.
“when”: {
“exists”: {
“field”: “$interface-name”,
“path”: “/interfaces/.key1.key2” ,
“in-memory”: true
“then”: {
“add-field”: [
“name”: “interface-meta-data”,
“value”: “/interfaces/.$interface-name.key2”,
“in-memory”: true
Add a Tagging Prole
You can use the Paragon Insights graphical user interface (GUI) to add stac tagging and dynamic
tagging proles.
Adding a Stac Tagging Prole
To add a stac tagging prole:
1. Navigate to Sengs > Ingest.
The Ingest Sengs page is displayed.
2. Click the Tagging Prole tab and then click the plus (+) icon to add a tagging prole.
The Create Tagging Prole page is displayed.
3. Enter the following informaon in the Create Tagging Prole page:
a. Enter a name for the tagging prole in the Prole Name text box.
The maximum length is 64 characters.
Regex paern:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
b. Click the plus (+) icon under Policies to dene a policy for this tagging prole.
You can dene one or more policies.
The Policies secon is displayed.
i. Enter a name for the new policy in the Policy Name text box.
The maximum length is 64 characters.
Regex paern:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
ii. Enter a rule that you want to apply to this tagging prole. The rule can contain an
You can apply one or more than one rule to a prole. A rule is any dened Paragon Insights
c. Click the add (+) icon under Terms to dene a list of condions.
i. Enter a name for the match condion in the Term Name text box.
ii. Congure When and Then statements.
You can dene tagging instrucons in a Then statement. Aer the condions that you set in a
When statement are met, the Then statement is implemented. Starng in Paragon Insights 4.2.0,
When statements are mandatory in stac tagging.
To congure a Then statement:
1. Click the plus (+) icon to add a key to the rules listed.
The Key Name and Value text boxes are displayed.
Enter a name for the key in the Key Name text box.
The maximum length is 64 characters.
Regex paern:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
This name is added as the key eld for all rules congured within the tagging prole
rules secon.
Enter a value that you want to associate to the key, in the Value text box.
2. Click the plus (+) icon to add a eld to the rules listed.
The Field Name and Value text boxes, and the Type drop-down list are displayed.
Enter the name in the Field Name text box.
Enter a value in the Value text box.
Select the eld type from the Type drop-down list.
String type is selected by default.
Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0, you can also select unsigned integer as a
name eld data type. An unsigned integer is a data type that can contain values from 0
through 4,294,967,295.
Click OK.
3. Set the Evaluate next term ag to True to evaluate condions in the next term. Evaluate
next term only if the rst condion is sased.
By default, the Evaluate next term ag is set to False.
4. Click Save to only save the conguraon.
Click Save & Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon immediately.
Adding a Dynamic Tagging Prole
To congure a dynamic tagging prole with Redis:
1. Navigate to Sengs > Ingest.
The Ingest Sengs page is displayed.
2. Click the Tagging Prole tab and then click the plus (+) icon to add a tagging prole.
The Create Tagging Prole page is displayed.
3. Enter the following informaon in the Create Tagging Prole page.
a. Enter a name for the tagging prole in the Prole Name text box.
The maximum length is 64 characters.
Regex paern:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
b. Click the plus (+) icon under Policies to dene a policy for this tagging prole.
You can dene one or more policies.
The Policies secon is displayed.
i. Enter a name for the new policy in the Policy Name text box.
The maximum length is 64 characters.
Regex paern:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
ii. Enter a rule that you want to apply to this tagging prole. The rule can contain an
You can apply one or more rules to a prole. A rule is any dened Paragon Insights rule.
c. Click the plus (+) icon under Terms to dene a list of condions.
i. Enter a name for the match condion in the Term Name text box.
ii. Congure When and Then statements:
You set condions for a match in a when statement. To congure When statement,
1. Click the Edit (pencil) icon.
The When Condion page is displayed.
2. Click + Add another when to view the Operator drop-down list.
3. Select a boolean operaon that you want to apply to incoming data from the Operator
drop-down list.
The Le Operand and Right Operand text boxes are displayed.
NOTE: + Add another when is automacally renamed to the operator condion
that you selected.
Enter the value of the le operand of assignment that you selected, in the Le
Operand text box.
You can use $ as prex to populate database values. For example, $memory. However,
using $ as prex is not mandatory.
Enter the value of the right operand of assignment that you selected, in the Right
Operand text box.
This value is populated from the Redis database.
Set the Evaluate in Memory ag to True to populate data from the Redis database.
By default, the Evaluate in Memory ag is set to False. When the ag is set to false,
data is populated from the TSDB.
Click OK.
Set the Evaluate next term ag to True to evaluate condions in the next term. Aer
the rst condion is sased, the condions in the next term are evaluated.
By default, the Evaluate next term ag is set to False.
You can dene tagging instrucons in a Then statement. Aer the condions that you set in a
When statement are met, the Then statement is implemented. Starng in Paragon Insights
Release 4.2.0, When statements are mandatory in tagging prole.
To congure a Then statement:
1. Click the plus (+) icon to add a key to the rules listed.
The Key Name and Value text boxes are displayed.
Enter a name for the key in the Key Name text box.
The maximum length is 64 characters.
Regex paern:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
This name will be added as key eld for all rules congured within the tagging prole
rules secon.
Enter a value that you want to associate with the key, in the Value text box.
2. Click the plus (+) to add a text box to the rules listed.
The Field Name and Value text boxes, and the Type drop-down list are displayed.
Enter the name in the Field Name text box.
Enter a value in the Value text box.
Select the eld type from the Type drop-down list.
String type is selected by default.
Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0, you can also select unsigned integer as a
name eld data type. An unsigned integer is a data type that can contain values from 0
through 4,294,967,295.
3. Set the Evaluate in Memory ag to True to populate data from the Redis database.
By default, the Evaluate in Memory ag is set to False.
4. Click OK.
5. Set the Evaluate next term ag to True to evaluate condions in the next term. The next
term is evaluated only if the rst condion is sased.
By default, the Evaluate next term ag is set to False.
4. Click Save to only save the conguraon.
Click Save & Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon immediately.
Apply a Tagging Prole
You can congure a tagging prole to insert elds, values, and keys into a Paragon Insights rule. You can
also set condions that are checked against values stored in the mes series database (TSDB) or Redis
Aer you have created a tagging prole from the Paragon Insights graphical user interface (GUI), you can
apply a tagging prole to:
a new device
to an exisng device
to a new device group
to an exisng device group
Follow these steps to apply a tagging prole.
To apply a tagging prole to a new device:
1. Navigate to Conguraon > Device.
The Device Conguraon page is displayed.
2. Click (+) icon to add a new device.
The Add Device(s) page is displayed.
3. Aer you have entered the necessary informaon to add a device, click the Tagging Proles secon.
4. Select the tagging prole you want to apply to the device, from the Tagging Proles drop-down list.
5. Click Save to only save the conguraon.
Click Save & Deploy to save and immediately deploy the new conguraon.
To apply a tagging prole to an exisng device:
1. Navigate to Conguraon > Device.
The Device Conguraon page is displayed.
2. Select the check box next to the name of the device and click Edit device.
The Edit “
” page is displayed.
3. Click the Tagging Proles secon to view the Tagging Proles drop-down list.
4. Select the tagging prole you want to apply to the device, from the Tagging Proles drop-down list.
5. Click Save to only save the conguraon.
Click Save & Deploy to save and immediately deploy the new conguraon.
To apply a tagging prole to a new device group:
1. Navigate to Conguraon > Device Group.
The Device Group Conguraon page is displayed.
2. Click the add (+) icon to add a new device group.
The Add Device Group page is displayed.
3. Aer you have entered the necessary informaon to add a device group, click the Tagging Proles
4. Select the tagging prole you want to apply to the device, from the Tagging Proles drop-down list.
5. Click Save to only save the conguraon.
Click Save & Deploy to save and immediately deploy the new conguraon.
To apply a tagging prole to an exisng device group:
1. Navigate to Conguraon > Device Group.
The Device Group Conguraon page is displayed.
2. Select the check box next to the name of the device group and click the Edit device group icon.
The Edit “
” page is displayed.
3. Click the Tagging Proles secon to view the Tagging Proles drop-down list.
4. Select the tagging prole you want to apply to the device group, from the Tagging Proles drop-down
5. Click Save to only save the conguraon.
Click Save & Deploy to save and immediately deploy the new conguraon.
When a device in a device group has a tagging prole applied to it, and the device group has
another tagging prole applied to the whole group of devices, the tagging prole of the device
group is merged with the exisng tagging prole of the device.
For example, D-A-Net is a device that is part of a device group called Group-D1. D-A-Net has
a tagging prole applied to it. There is another tagging prole applied on the device group,
Group-D1, as well. In such a scenario, the tagging prole applied to the device group is
merged with the tagging prole of the device, D-A-Net.
When the tagging prole applied to the device group and the tagging prole applied to the
device in the group renders the same output, the tagging prole of the device is preserved.
Delete a Tagging Prole
To delete a tagging prole:
1. Click Sengs > Ingest from the le-nav bar.
The Ingest Sengs page is displayed.
2. Click the Tagging Prole tab to view the Tagging Prole page.
3. Select the tagging prole that you want to delete, and click the delete (trash can) icon.
The CONFIRM DELETE pop-up appears.
Figure 4: Conrm Delete Pop-up
4. Do any one of the following:
Click Yes to delete the tagging prole from the database. However, the changes are not applied to
the ingest service.
We recommended that you do not delete a tagging prole that is currently in use.
Aer you delete a tagging prole from the database, you cannot associate that tagging
prole with another device or device group even if you have not deployed changes.
You can also deploy changes to the ingest service or roll back the changes that you
have already deleted, from the PENDING CONFIGURATION page. For more
informaon, see "Commit or Roll Back Conguraon Changes in Paragon Insights" on
page 307.
Select the Deploy changes check box and then click Yes to delete the tagging prole from the
database, and to apply the changes to the ingest service.
(Oponal) Click No to cancel this operaon.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
Release Descripon
4.0.0 Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 supports dynamic tagging where condions used in Paragon Insights
tagging are checked against values that are stored in Redis database.
Paragon Insights Time Series Database (TSDB)
Historical Context | 57
TSDB Improvements | 58
Database Sharding | 59
Database Replicaon | 60
Database Reads and Writes | 61
Manage TSDB Sengs in the Paragon Insights GUI | 62
Paragon Insights CLI Conguraon Opons | 64
Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) collects a lot of data through its various ingest methods. All of
that data is me sensive in some context. This is why Paragon Insights uses a me series database
(TSDB) to store and manage all of the informaon received from the various network devices. This topic
provides an overview of the TSDB as well some guidance on managing it.
Historical Context
In releases earlier than HealthBot Release 3.0.0, there was one TSDB instance regardless of whether you
ran Paragon Insights as a single node or as a mul-node (Docker Ccompose) installaon. Figure 5 on
page 58 shows a high-level view of what this looked like.
Figure 5: Single TSDB Instance - Releases earlier than HealthBot Release 3.0.0
This arrangement le no room for scaling or redundancy of the TSDB. Without redundancy, there is no
high availability (HA); A failure le you with no way to connue operaon or restore missing data.
Adding more Docker Compose nodes to this topology would only provide more Paragon Insights
processing capability at the expense of TSDB performance.
TSDB Improvements
To address these issues and provide TSDB high availability (HA), three new TSDB elements are
introduced in HealthBot Release 3.0.0, along with clusters of Paragon Insights nodes* for the other
Paragon Insights microservices:
– How many servers, or nodes, are available to store TSDB data and scale Paragon Insights?
– How many copies of your data do you want to keep?
– How is data wrien and read back from the TSDB? What happens when something goes wrong?
NOTE: *Paragon Insights uses Kubernetes for clustering its Docker-based microservices across
mulple physical or virtual servers (nodes). Kubernetes clusters consist of a primary node and
mulple worker nodes. During the healthbot setup poron of Paragon Insights mulnode
installaons, the installer asks for the IP addresses (or hostnames) of the Kubernetes primary
node and worker nodes. You can add as many worker nodes to your setup as you need, based on
the required replicaon factor for the TSDB databases. The number of nodes you deploy should
be at least the same as the replicaon factor. (See the following secons for details).
For the purposes of this discussion, we refer to the Kubernetes worker nodes as Paragon Insights
nodes. The primary node is not considered in this discussion.
Database Sharding
Database sharding refers to selecvely storing data on certain nodes. This method of wring data to
selected nodes distributes the data among available TSDB nodes and permits greater scaling since each
TSDB instance then handles only a poron of the me series data from the devices.
To achieve sharding, Paragon Insights creates one database per device group/device pair and writes the
resulng database to a specic (system determined) instance of TSDB hosted on one (or more) of the
Paragon Insights nodes.
For example, say we have two devices, D1 and D2 and two device groups, G1 and G2. If D1 resides in
groups G1 and G2, and D2 resides only in group G2, then we end up with 3 databases: G1:D1, G2:D1,
and G2:D2. Each database is stored on its own TSDB instance on a separate Paragon Insights node as
shown in Figure 6 on page 60 below. When a new device is on-boarded and placed within a device
group, Paragon Insights chooses a TSDB database instance on which to store that device/device-group
Figure 6: Distributed TSDB
Figure 6 on page 60, above, shows 3 Paragon Insights nodes, each with a TSDB instance and other
Paragon Insights services running.
A maximum of 1 TSDB instance is allowed on any given Paragon Insights node. Therefore, a
Paragon Insights node can have 0 or 1 TSDB instances at any me.
A Paragon Insights node can be dedicated to running only TSDB funcons. When this is done,
no other Paragon Insights funcons run on that node. This prevents other Paragon Insights
funcons from starving the TSDB instance of resources.
We recommend that you dedicate nodes to TSDB to provide the best performance.
Paragon Insights and TSDB nodes can be added to a running system using the Paragon
Insights CLI.
Database Replicaon
As with any other database system, replicaon refers to storing the data in mulple instances on
mulple nodes. In Paragon Insights, we establish a replicaon factor to determine how many copies of
the database are needed.
A replicaon factor of 1 only creates one copy of data, and therefore, provides no HA. When mulple
Paragon Insights nodes are available and replicaon factor is set to 1, then only sharding is achieved.
The replicaon factor determines the minimum number of Paragon Insights nodes needed. A replicaon
factor of 3 creates three copies of data, requires at least 3 Paragon Insights nodes, and provides HA. The
higher the replicaon factor, the stronger the HA and the higher the resource requirements in terms of
Paragon Insights nodes. If you want to scale your system further, you should add Paragon Insights nodes
in exact mulples of the replicaon factor, or 3, 6, 9, etc.
Consider an example where, based on device/device-group pairing menoned earlier, Paragon Insights
has created 20 databases. The Paragon Insights system in queson has a replicaon factor of 2 and has
4 nodes running TSDB. Based on this, two TSDB replicaon groups are created; in our example they are
TSDB Group 1
TSDB Group 2
. In Figure 7 on page 61 below, the data from databases 1-10 is being
wrien to TSDB instances 1 and 2 in TSDB group 1. Data from databases 11-20 is wrien to TSDB
instances 3 and 4 in TSDB group 2. The outline around the TSDB instances represents a TSDB
replicaon group. The size of the replicaon group is determined by the replicaon factor.
Figure 7: TSDB Databases
Database Reads and Writes
As shown in Figure 6 on page 60, Paragon Insights can make use of a distributed messaging queue. In
cases of performance problems or errors within a given TSDB instance, this allows for writes to the
database to be performed in a sequenal manner ensuring that all data is wrien in proper me
All Paragon Insights microservices use standardized database query (read) and write funcons that can
be used even if the underlying database system is changed at some point in the future. This allows for
exibility in growth and future changes. Other read and write features of the database system include:
In normal operaon, database writes are sent to all TSDB instances within a TSDB group.
Database writes can be buered up to 1GB per TSDB instance so that failed writes can be retried
unl successful.
If problems persist and the buer lls up, the oldest data is dropped in favor of new data.
When buering is acve, database writes are performed sequenally so that new data cannot be
wrien unl the previous write aempts are successful.
Database queries (reads) are sent to the TSDB instance which has reported the fewest write errors in
the last 5 minutes. If all instances are performing equally, then the query is sent to a random TSDB
instance in the required group.
Manage TSDB Sengs in the Paragon Insights GUI
You can use the Paragon Insights GUI to congure the me series database (TSDB) sengs.
To congure TSDB sengs:
WARNING: Selecng, deleng, or dedicang TSDB nodes must be done during a
maintenance window because some services will be restarted and the Paragon Insights
GUI will likely be unresponsive.
1. Select Sengs > System.
The System Sengs page appears.
2. Click Time Series Database.
The TSDB Sengs page appears.
3. From the TSDB Sengs page, you can:
a. Select one or more nodes (from the TSDB Nodes list) to be used as TSDB nodes.
(The TSDB Nodes list displays the available nodes in the Paragon Insights installaon that you can
select as TSDB nodes. By default, Paragon Insights automacally selects one node as a TSDB
b. Set the replicaon factor by typing a value (or by using the arrows to specify a value) in the
Replicaon Factor text box.
(The replicaon factor determines how many copies of the database are needed. The replicaon
factor is set to 1 by default.)
c. Dedicate nodes as TSDB nodes by clicking the Dedicate toggle to turn it on.
A TSDB node might have more than one microservice running. However, when you dedicate a
node as TSDB node, it runs only the TSDB microservice, and stops running all other
If the node is associated to a persistent volume (storage in a cluster), then you cannot
use that node as a dedicated TSDB node.
A fail-safe mechanism ensures that you cannot dedicate all Paragon Insights nodes as
TSDB nodes.
d. Ignore system errors (when you remove or replace a failed TSDB node from Paragon Insights) by
clicking the Force toggle to turn it on.
For example, when a TSDB node fails and the replicaon factor for that node is set to one, the
TSDB data for that node is lost. In this scenario, the failed TSDB node must be removed from
Paragon Insights. However, when you try to replace the failed node with a new node, the backup
of the node fails with a system error because the replicaon factor was set to one. If you want to
proceed with replacing the node, you must turn the Force toggle on.
e. Delete a node that was previously assigned as a TSDB node by clicking X next to the name of the
TSDB node. The node is removed as a TSDB node when you deploy the new conguraon
4. Do one of the following:
Click Save to only save the conguraon changes to the database without applying the changes
to the TSDB nodes.
You must commit (or rollback) the conguraon changes later. For more informaon, see "Commit
or Roll Back Conguraon Changes in Paragon Insights" on page 307.
Click Save & Deploy to save conguraon changes to the database and to apply the changes to
the TSDB nodes.
5. In the pop-up that appears, click OK to conrm.
You are returned to the TSDB Sengs page.
Paragon Insights CLI Conguraon Opons
The Paragon Insights CLI provides a means to add and delete TSDB nodes from from the system and to
change the replicaon factor as a result.
Add a TSDB Node to Paragon Insights
# set healthbot system time-series-database nodes <
IP address or hostname
> dedicate <
#set healthbot system time-series-database nodes [
space-separated list of IP addresses or
] dedicate <
Manage the Replicaon Factor
# set healthbot system time-series-database replication-factor <
Set the replicaon factor to a mulple of the number of TSDB nodes present in the system. If you have
two TSDB nodes, set the replicaon factor at 2, 4, 6, etc.
Usage Notes
Paragon Insights performs a ping to determine if the new node(s) is reachable. A warning is shown if
the ping fails.
opon species whether or not the TSDB nodes perform only TSDB funcons.
Paragon Insights Installaon Guide
Paragon Insights Machine Learning (ML)
Paragon Insights Machine Learning Overview | 65
Understanding Paragon Insights Anomaly Detecon | 66
Understanding Paragon Insights Outlier Detecon | 68
Understanding Paragon Insights Predict | 72
Paragon Insights Rule Examples | 73
Paragon Insights Machine Learning Overview
Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) uses machine learning to detect anomalies and outliers, and
predict future device or network-level behavior. The machine learning-enabled Paragon Insights features
Anomaly detecon using the Paragon Insights Anomaly Detecon algorithms involves
comparison of new data points with data points collected from the same device during a
specic learning period. Paragon Insights supports the following machine learning
algorithms for anomaly detecon:
Anomaly detecon can be acvated within Paragon Insights rules by seng a rule eld’s
ingest type to formula, and then selecng anomaly detecon. (Conguraon > Rules >
Fields tab > Ingest Type > Formula).
Outlier detecon using the Paragon Insights Outlier Detecon algorithms involves
analysis of data from a collecon of devices across your network during a specic learning
period. Paragon Insights supports the following machine learning algorithms for outlier
Density-Based Spaal Clustering of Applicaons with Noise (DBSCAN)
K-fold cross-validaon using 3-sigma (k-fold/3-sigma)
Predicon of future device or network-level behavior involves using the Paragon Insights
median predicon machine learning algorithm or, the Holt-Winters predicon algorithm.
Starng with HealthBot Release 3.1.0, you can choose the Holt-Winters predicon
algorithm from Conguraon > Rules > Fields > Ingest Type > Formula.
Understanding Paragon Insights Anomaly Detecon
Field | 66
Algorithm | 66
Learning period | 67
Paern periodicity | 68
This secon describes the input parameters associated with Paragon Insights rules congured to detect
anomalies using Anomaly Detecon algorithms. Once the machine learning models are built, they can be
used in producon to classify new data points as normal or abnormal. The accuracy of the results
increases with larger amounts of data.
To apply a machine learning algorithm, you must rst dene the numeric data eld on which to apply the
algorithm. For informaon on how to create a user-dened data eld for a Paragon Insights rule, see the
Fields secon in the Paragon Insights User Guide.
The Paragon Insights Anomaly Detecon algorithms include Holt-Winters, 3-sigma and k-means:
The Holt-Winters algorithm uses trac entropy measurements and seasonal variaons in
trac to detect anomalous trac owing through an interface. The seasonality aspect
provides a means to de-emphasize normal increases and decreases in trac that happen
regularly over me intervals. For example, network trac in an enterprise network could be
expected to have a weekly seasonality since there would be signicantly more trac on the
network during the work week than on the weekend.
Since Holt-Winters can predict a trac drop starng on Friday evening, an anomaly might
be triggered if trac actually increased on Friday evening.
The 3-sigma algorithm classies a new data point as normal if it’s within 3 standard
deviaons from the mean (average across all the data points in the data set). A new data
point is classied as abnormal if it’s outside this range.
The Paragon Insights k-means algorithm uses k-means clustering and other building blocks
to create a machine learning model for classifying new data points as normal or abnormal:
K-means clustering splits n data points into k groups (called clusters), where k ≤ n. For
Paragon Insights, k is set to 5 buckets.
For forming the clusters, a 32-dimensional vector is considered for each point, thus
taking into account the trend (not just the current point, but its past 31 historical values).
Each cluster has a center called the centroid. A cluster centroid is the mean of a cluster
(average across all the data points in the cluster).
All new data points are added to a cluster, however, if a data point is considered too far
away from the centroid, it is classied as abnormal.
Learning period
The learning period species the me range to collect data from which the algorithm uses to build the
machine learning models. Supported units of me for learning period include: seconds, minutes, hours,
days, weeks, and years. You must enter the plural form of the me unit with no space between the
number and the unit. For example, a learning period of one hour must be entered as 1hours.
Paragon Insights builds machine learning models daily starng at midnight. For example, if the learning
period is 5 days and triggered on 11th Feb 2019 00:00, then data collected from 6th Feb 2019 00:00 to
11th Feb 2019 00:00 is used by Paragon Insights to build the machine learning models. For the Holt-
Winters predicon algorithm, the learning period must be at least twice the paern periodicity to ensure
there is enough of a paern to learn.
Paern periodicity
The paern periodicity species the buckets for which data should be collected and used to build
machine learning models. Each bucket of data represents a user-dened me period and a specic
paern of data. A minimum number of data points is required for a machine learning algorithm to build a
3-sigma requires at least 10 data points per bucket of data.
K-means requires at least 32 data points per bucket of data.
Supported units of me for paern periodicity include: minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months. You
must enter the plural form of the me unit with no space between the number and the unit.
For example:
If the paern periodicity is 1 day (entered as 1days), the data for each day of the week has a specic
paern. Paragon Insights creates 7 buckets of data and 7 dierent models, one for each day of the
If the paern periodicity is 1 hour (entered as 1hours), regardless of the day, week, or month, the
data for every hour has a specic paern. Paragon Insights creates 24 buckets of data and 24
dierent models, one for each hour (00:00-00:59, 1:00-1:59, 2:00-2:59 … 23:00-23:59) of the day.
If the paern periodicity is 1 day 1 hour (entered as 1days 1hours), the data for every hour of each
day of the week has a specic paern. Paragon Insights creates 7 * 24 = 168 buckets of data and 168
dierent models. 24 buckets for Monday (1 for every hour), 24 buckets for Tuesday (1 for every
hour), and so on. In this case, it doesn’t maer from which month data is collected.
Understanding Paragon Insights Outlier Detecon
Dataset | 69
Algorithm | 70
Sigma coecient (k-fold-3sigma only) | 71
Sensivity | 71
Learning period | 71
This secon describes the input parameters associated with Paragon Insights rules used for outlier
detecon algorithms. Once the machine learning models are built, they can be used in producon to
idenfy me series data sets as outliers. The accuracy of the results increases with larger amounts of
The results of the Paragon Insights outlier detecon algorithm are stored in a table in the mes series
database. Each row in the table contains outlier detecon output and metadata that is associated with a
parcular me series. You can use the informaon in the table to congure Paragon Insights rule
triggers. Each column in the table is idened by a unique name that starts with the user-dened outlier
detecon eld name. For example, you can use the
-is-outlier and
-device column
names to congure a trigger that detects outliers and produces a message that indicates which specic
device was determined to be the outlier. For more informaon, see the “Triggers” secon of the
"Paragon Insights Outlier Detecon Example" on page 83.
For the outlier detecon formula, input data is specied as a list of XPATHs from a variable. For
informaon on how to create a user-dened variable for a Paragon Insights rule, see the Variables
secon in the Paragon Insights User Guide.
The following is an example of a list of XPATHs:
/device-group[device-group-name=DG0]/device[device-name=D0]/topic[topic-name=T0]/ rule[rule-
name=R0]/field[re=RE[01] AND hostname=10.1.1.*]/re-memory,/ device-group[device-group-name=DG0]/
device[device-name=D1]/topic[topic-name=T0]/ rule[rule-name=R0]/field[re=RE[01] AND
This path list species that on devices D0 and D1 in device-group DG0, get re-memory from topic T0
rule R0, where the RE is either RE0 or RE1 and the hostname is in the 10.1.1.* block. This path allows
for selecng data at the eld-key level, which is necessary because dierent eld keys may have
dierent purposes.
For example:
On D0 and D1, with the eld named “memory usage on roung engine,” keys RE0 and RE1 represent
two roung engines per device.
There’s no guarantee that RE0 is a primary on all devices, therefore they might not be comparable
when checking for outliers.
This mechanism allows for selecng only the primaries: D0-RE0 and D1-RE1.
The outlier detecon algorithms include k-fold, 3-sigma, and dbscan:
Using 3-
K-fold cross-validaon using the 3-sigma (k-fold 3-sigma) algorithm is used to create a
machine learning model for idenfying outliers. K-fold cross-validaon splits the enre
data set into k groups and uses the following general process to create the machine
learning models:
Each unique k group is used as a test data set.
The k groups (that are not being used as a test data set) are used as the training data
set to build a machine learning model.
Each test data set is evaluated using its associated machine learning model.
The test data set with the most outliers relave to their associated machine learning
model is classied as an outlier.
For example, if k is the number of devices in a device group and the group has 4 devices,
then k=4. For cross-validaon, four machine learning models are built and the test data
sets are evaluated as follows:
Model 1: Trained with the data points collected from device 1, device 2, and device 3,
then tested with the data points collected from device 4.
Model 2: Trained with the data points collected from device 1, device 2, and device 4,
then tested with the data points collected from device 3.
Model 3: Trained with the data points collected from device 1, device 3, and device 4,
then tested with the data points collected from device 2.
Model 4: Trained with the data points collected from device 2, device 3, and device 4,
then tested with the data points collected from device 1.
Using the k-fold 3-sigma algorithm is more applicable if it’s known that outliers will skew
in one direcon or another. If there are outliers on both sides of normal data points, or
there are enough outlier data points to make the algorithm believe that nothing is
outlying, then the k-fold 3-sigma algorithm will not provide signicant results.
Density-Based Spaal Clustering of Applicaons with Noise (DBSCAN) is an
unsupervised machine learning algorithm used to create a machine learning model for
idenfying me series data sets as outliers:
Time series data sets are grouped in such a way that data points in the same cluster
are more similar to each other than those in other clusters.
Clusters are dense regions of me series data sets, separated by regions of lower
If a me series data set belongs to a cluster, it should be near many other me series
data sets in that cluster.
Time series data sets in lower density regions are classied as outliers.
Using the DBSCAN algorithm is more applicable if outliers appear inside the 3-sigma
threshold of the other data points. DBSCAN can nd outlying behavior that doesn’t
appear as a signicant deviaon from the normal behavior at any given me step.
Sigma coecient (k-fold-3sigma only)
The sigma coecient is a thresholding argument (default value is 3). The thresholding argument
determines, at each point in me for a series, how far away a value must be from the other values to be
marked as an outlier.
Sensivity is used to calculate the outliers, m, that the algorithm seeks to nd in the data. Sensivity
determines the number of me series test data sets to return as outliers (the top m are returned):
Sensivity “low”: 0.03% of the number of sensors
Sensivity “medium”: 5% of the number of sensors
Sensivity “high”: 36% of the number of sensors
Absolute percentage x: x*number of sensors (oat, 0.0-1.0)
Learning period
See the "Learning period" on page 67 descripon of the “Understanding Paragon Insights Anomaly
Detecon secon.
Understanding Paragon Insights Predict
Field | 72
Algorithm | 72
Learning period | 72
Paern periodicity | 73
Predicon oset | 73
This secon describes the input parameters associated with Paragon Insights rules used for forecasng
future values with the Paragon Insights median predicon machine learning algorithm or the Holt-
Winters predicon machine learning algorithm. Once the machine learning models are built, they can be
used in producon to predict trends and forecast future values. The accuracy of the results increases
with larger amounts of data.
See the "Field" on page 66 descripon of the “Understanding Paragon Insights Anomaly Detecon
The Paragon Insights Predict feature uses either the median predicon algorithm, or the Holt-Winters
predicon algorithm.
The median value represents the midpoint for a range of values within a data sampling. For every paern
periodicity bucket, a median is calculated from the data samples available in the bucket.
Learning period
See the "Learning period" on page 67 descripon of the “Understanding Paragon Insights Anomaly
Detecon secon.
Paern periodicity
See the "Paern periodicity" on page 68 descripon of the “Understanding Paragon Insights Anomaly
Detecon secon. For the median predicon algorithm, we recommend a minimum number of 10 data
points for building a machine learning model. For the Holt-Winters algorithm, the paern periodicity
should be half or less of the learning period.
Predicon oset
The predicon oset value is a me in the future at which you want to predict a eld value. For
example, if the present me is 6th Feb 2019 10:00 and the predicon oset is set to 5 hours, then
Paragon Insights will predict a eld value for 6th Feb 2019 15:00.
Supported units of me for predicon oset include: seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years.
You must enter the plural form of the me unit with no space between the number and the unit. For
example, a predicon oset of one hour must be entered as 1hours.
Paragon Insights Rule Examples
Paragon Insights Anomaly Detecon Example | 73
Paragon Insights Outlier Detecon Example | 83
The machine learning Paragon Insights rules described in this secon are available for upload from the
Paragon Insights Rules and Playbooks GitHub repository.
Paragon Insights Anomaly Detecon Example
This example describes how the check-icmp-statistics Paragon Insights device rule is congured to send
ICMP probes to user-dened desnaon hosts to detect anomalies when round trip average response
me is above stac or dynamic thresholds.
The following secons show how to congure the applicable input parameters for each Paragon Insights
rule denion block (such as, Fields, Variables, and Triggers) using the Paragon Insights GUI. For more
informaon about how to congure Paragon Insights rules, see Creang a New Rule using the Paragon
Insights GUI.
Sensors (check-icmp-stascs)
Figure 8 on page 74 shows the general properes and iAgent sensor congured for the check-icmp-
statistics rule. For informaon about the count-var and host-var variables, see "Variables (check-icmp-
stascs)" on page 76.
Figure 8: General properes (check-icmp-stascs) and Sensors denion (icmp)
Fields (check-icmp-stascs)
The following elds are congured for the check-icmp-statistics rule:
(See Figure 9 on page 75) Conguraon for anomaly detecon using the k-means
algorithm. When an anomaly is detected, Paragon Insights returns a value of 1.
(See Figure 10 on page 75) Round trip average response me.
(See Figure 11 on page 76) Stac threshold for the round trip average response
me. The rtt-threshold variable populates this eld.
Figure 9: Fields denion (dt-response-me)
Figure 10: Fields denion (r-average-ms)
Figure 11: Fields denion (r-threshold)
Variables (check-icmp-stascs)
The following three variables are congured for the check-icmp-statistics rule:
(See Figure 12 on page 76) ICMP ping count. Count is set to 1 by default.
(See Figure 13 on page 77) Desnaon IP address or host name where ICMP
probes are periodically sent.
(See Figure 14 on page 77) Stac threshold value for round trip average response
me. Threshold value is 1 ms by default. This variable populates the rtt-threshold
Figure 12: Variables denion (count-var)
Figure 13: Variables denion (host-var)
Figure 14: Variables denion (r-threshold-var)
Funcons (check-icmp-stascs)
Figure 15 on page 77 shows the funcon congured for the check-icmp-statistics rule. This funcon
converts the unit of measure for the round trip average response me from microseconds to
Figure 15: Funcons denion (micro-milli)
Triggers (check-icmp-stascs)
The following triggers and terms are congured for the check-icmp-statistics rule:
packet-loss — (See Figure 16 on page 79)
The following terms are congured for the packet-loss trigger:
(See Figure 17 on page 79) When the ICMP packet loss is 100%, the
Paragon Insights health status severity level is set to major (red).
is-device-up (See Figure 18 on page 80) When the packet loss is greater than 0, the
severity level is set to minor (yellow).
no-packet-loss (See Figure 19 on page 80) Otherwise, the severity level is set to normal
round-trip-me — (See Figure 20 on page 81)
The following terms are congured for the round-trip-me trigger:
(See Figure 21 on page 81) When the host is not reachable or the round trip
average response me is above the stac threshold, the Paragon Insights health
status severity level is set to major (red).
is-r-medium (See Figure 22 on page 82) When an anomaly is detected using the anomaly
detecon formula, Paragon Insights returns a value of 1 for the dt-response-me
eld, and the severity level is set to minor (yellow). In this case, the response me is
above the anomaly detecon.
r-normal (See Figure 23 on page 82) Otherwise, the severity level is set to normal (green).
Figure 16: Triggers denion (packet-loss)
Figure 17: Terms denion (is-device-not-reachable)
Figure 18: Terms denion (is-device-up)
Figure 19: Terms denion (no-packet-loss)
Figure 20: Triggers denion (round-trip-me)
Figure 21: Terms denion (is-r-ne)
Figure 22: Terms denion (is-r-medium)
Figure 23: Terms denion (r-normal)
Rule Properes (check-icmp-stascs)
Figure 24 on page 83 shows the rule properes congured for the check-icmp-statistics rule.
Figure 24: Rule Properes denion (check-icmp-stascs)
Paragon Insights Outlier Detecon Example
This example describes how the check-outlier Paragon Insights network rule is congured to detect
outliers across the devices in a device group using the round trip me average response me.
The following secons show how to congure the applicable input parameters for each Paragon Insights
rule denion block (such as, Fields, Variables, and Triggers) using the Paragon Insights GUI. For more
informaon about how to congure a Paragon Insights rule, see Creang a New Rule using the Paragon
Insights GUI.
Sensors (check-outlier)
Figure 25 on page 83 shows the general properes congured for the check-outlier rule. Note that this
rule is a network rule.
Figure 25: General properes (check-outlier)
Fields (check-outlier)
Figure 26 on page 84 shows the eld congured for the check-outlier rule. This eld denes the
DBSCAN algorithm and rtt-xpath variable for outlier detecon. For informaon about the rtt-xpath
variable, see "Variables (check-outlier)" on page 84.
The results of the Paragon Insights outlier detecon algorithm are stored in a table in the mes series
database. Each row in the table contains outlier detecon output and metadata that is associated with a
parcular me series. You can use the informaon in the table to congure Paragon Insights rule
triggers. Each column in the table is idened by a unique name that starts with the user-dened outlier
detecon eld name. For example, you can use the
-is-outlier (rtt-ol-is-outlier) and
-device (rtt-ol-device) column names to congure a trigger that detects outliers and produces a
message that indicates which specic device was determined to be the outlier (see "Triggers (check-
outlier)" on page 85.).
Figure 26: Fields denion (r-ol)
Variables (check-outlier)
Figure 27 on page 85 shows the variable congured for the check-outlier rule. This variable denes the
devices in the network from which Paragon Insights collects round trip average response me data for
the outlier detecon machine learning models.
Figure 27: Variables denion (r-xpath)
Triggers (check-outlier)
Figure 28 on page 85 shows the trigger congured for the check-outlier rule. The following terms are
congured for the icmp-outlier-detection trigger:
(see Figure 29 on page 86) When an outlier is detected, Paragon Insights returns a
value of 1 for the rtt-ol-is-outlier eld, and the Paragon Insights health status severity
level is set to major (red). This term also produces a message that indicates which
specic device was determined to be the outlier.
(See Figure 30 on page 86) Otherwise, Paragon Insights returns a value of 0, and the
severity level is set to normal (green).
Figure 28: Triggers denion (icmp-outlier-detecon)
Figure 29: Terms denion (is-outlier-detected)
Figure 30: Terms denion (no-outlier)
Rule Properes (check-outlier)
Figure 31 on page 87 shows the rule properes congured for the check-outlier rule.
Figure 31: Rule Properes denion (check-outlier)
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
Release Descripon
3.1.0 Starng with HealthBot Release 3.1.0, you can choose the Holt-Winters predicon algorithm
Frequency Proles and Oset Time
Frequency Proles | 87
Oset Time Unit | 94
Frequency Proles
Conguraon Using Paragon Insights GUI | 89
Conguraon Using Paragon Insights CLI | 92
Apply a Frequency Prole Using the Paragon Insights GUI | 92
Apply a Frequency Prole Using the Paragon Insights CLI | 94
Frequency proles are a central locaon in which sensor and rule me frequencies can be managed. To
understand frequency proles, consider the following.
When dening rules in Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) you can:
Dene mulple rules that use the same sensor
Dene dierent sensor frequencies for each of the rules
Apply all of these rules to the same device group/devices
This creates complexity in rule applicaon and frequency adjustments within the individual rules:
A key, consisng of sensor-path for OpenCong and Nave GPB sensors, or the tuple of le and
table for iAgent sensors is used to idenfy the specic rules.
Paragon Insights takes the minimum dened frequency for that sensor from the applied rules and
uses it to subscribe to, or fetch, data from the devices.
This make it hard to idenfy what the data rate should be for that sensor. To do that, you would have
to go through the all the applied rules.
A change in the sensor frequency of an applied rule might not take eect as intended.
To address these complexies, Paragon Insights needed a common place from which to control these
Starng in HealthBot Release 3.0.0, frequency proles can be created that allow you to manage sensor
and rule frequencies from a single locaon and then apply the proles in various locaons in Paragon
Insights. Applicaon of these proles allows for persistent and repeatable behavior in regard to
frequencies for rules, sensors, triggers, formulas, references, learning periods, and hold mes.
A sensor prole consists of a prole name and two oponal secons: the sensors secon and the non-
sensors secon. In each secon, an entry consists of a sensor or rule name and a frequency. Frequency
proles are applied to device groups or network groups.
The steps for conguraon are shown below.
Conguraon Using Paragon Insights GUI
Frequency proles are congured and managed in the Paragon Insights GUI or in the Paragon Insights
CLI. In the GUI, they are managed by navigang to the Sengs > Ingest Sengs page and selecng the
Frequency Prole tab from the le side of the page.
NOTE: While the secons of the frequency prole are both oponal, at least one secon must
be lled out per frequency prole if you want the applied prole to be able to do anything.
Add a Frequency Prole
1. Click the add (+) icon to add a prole.
The Add Frequency Prole window appears.
2. Give the prole a name such as Profile1
3. Click the add (+) icon to add sensors.
4. In the Sensor Name eld, enter the sensor name as per the following guidelines:
OpenCong Sensors
: Enter the OpenCong path for the desired sensor, such as /components or /
iAgent Sensors
: Enter the table name used in the sensor denion, such as ChassisAlarmTable or
: Enter the sensor name such as npr_qmon_ext
: Enter <
>, such as topic1/rule1/sensor1
5. In the Frequency eld, enter the appropriate frequency, such as 30seconds, 1minute, 2hours, and so on.
6. (Oponal) Click the add (+) icon to add non-sensors.
7. In the Rule Name eld, enter the rule name such as check-chassis-alarms.
8. In the Frequency eld, enter the appropriate frequency, such as 45seconds, 3minutes, 1hour, and so on.
Repeat steps 3 through 5 or 6 through 8 as desired for the prole.
9. Click the SAVE & DEPLOY buon to save and deploy the prole.
The new sensor prole is added to the list.
Edit a Frequency Prole
To edit an exisng frequency prole:
1. Click the Frequency Prole tab to view the Frequency Prole page.
2. Select the <
Prole Name
> that you want to modify.
3. Click the edit (pencil) icon to edit the prole.
The Edit Frequency Prole page appears, displaying the same elds that are presented when you add
a frequency prole.
4. Modify the parameters.
5. Click the SAVE buon to save the prole for later deployment or the SAVE & DEPLOY buon to
save and deploy immediately.
Delete a Frequency Prole
To delete a frequency prole:
1. Click Sengs > Ingest from the le-nav bar.
The Ingest Sengs page is displayed.
2. Click the Frequency Prole tab to view the Frequency Proles page.
3. Select the frequency prole that you want to delete, and click the delete (trash can) icon.
Figure 32: Conrm Delete Frequency Prole Pop-up
4. Do any one of the following:
Click Yes to delete the frequency prole from the database. However, the changes are not applied
to the ingest service.
We recommended that you do not delete a frequency prole that is currently in use.
Aer you delete a frequency prole from the database, you cannot apply that
frequency prole to another device group even if you have not deployed changes.
You can also deploy changes to the ingest service or roll back the changes that you
have already deleted, from the PENDING CONFIGURATION page. For more
informaon, see "Commit or Roll Back Conguraon Changes in Paragon Insights" on
page 307.
Select the Deploy changes check box and then click Yes to delete the frequency prole from the
database, and to apply the changes to the ingest service.
(Oponal) Click No to cancel this operaon.
Clone a Frequency Prole
To clone a frequency prole:
1. Click the Frequency Prole tab to view the Frequency Prole page
2. Select the <
Prole Name
> that you want to clone and then click the Clone buon at the top-right
corner of the page.
The Clone Frequency Prole page appears.
3. Specify an appropriate name for the cloned prole.
4. Click OK to save your changes.
A clone of the prole is created and listed on the Frequency prole page.
Usage Notes:
Prole Entries
–Mulple entries can be congured in each secon.
–Sensor or rule frequency dened within an applied frequency prole overrides those
dened within the individual rule or sensor.
Order of Precedence
–If a sensor or rule is dened in mulple frequency proles, each with dierent
frequency sengs, the minimum frequency value for the sensor or rule is used.
Conguraon Using Paragon Insights CLI
In the Paragon Insights CLI, you can congure the same frequency prole described above. An example
of the CLI conguraon needed to complete the example above looks like:
user@mgd-69ab987fbc6-pt9sh> show configuration healthbot ingest-settings frequency-profile
sensor /components {
frequency 60seconds;
sensor /interface {
frequency 30seconds;
non-sensor net-topic/net-rule {
frequency 2minutes;
Apply a Frequency Prole Using the Paragon Insights GUI
Frequency proles are applied to Paragon Insights device groups or network groups. When you create or
edit a device or network group, you apply frequency proles by selecng them from the Ingest
Frequency secon of the Device Group denion. Figure 33 on page 93 below shows an example of
frequency proles being applied to a device group.
Figure 33: Apply Frequency Proles
Once you have applied the needed proles, save and deploy the device group using the SAVE &
DEPLOY buon.
BEST PRACTICE: It is strongly recommended that you only apply frequency proles to rules
that make use of the Oset Time Unit feature.
Apply a Frequency Prole Using the Paragon Insights CLI
An example of a device group CLI conguraon which includes a frequency prole and could be
deployed in Paragon Insights is shown below.
user@mgd-69ab987fbc6-pt9sh> show configuration healthbot device-group lab-group
devices router1;
ingest-frequency Profile1;
Oset Time Unit
Oset Used in Formulas | 95
Oset Used in References | 97
Oset Used in Vectors | 98
Oset Used in Triggers | 100
Oset Used in Trigger Reference | 101
The Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) oset me unit is used in conjuncon with the Frequency
Proles to automacally manage me range calculaons in various places within Paragon Insights rules.
To understand the Paragon Insights oset funcon, consider the following scenario:
In Paragon Insights, you can dene a rule which
Uses a sensor to gather data with a frequency of 10 seconds
Has a eld that calculates the mean every 60 seconds
If you later decide to increase the frequency of the sensor to 60 seconds, then calculang the mean
every 60 seconds would not make any sense. The result is that you would have to manually update the
eld calculaon any me up want to change the sensor frequency.
Starng with HealthBot Release 3.0.0, you can set the me range for the mean calculaon to a value of
6o, or 6oset, rather than 60s, or 60 seconds. Using an oset me value rather than a stac me value
tells Paragon Insights to automacally mulply the sensor frequency by the numeric value of the oset.
Thus, any change to sensor frequency will automacally be included in the me range calculaon for a
An oset me unit can be used in place of standard me units in the following me range locaons:
Trigger Frequency
Trigger Term
Below we discuss GUI and CLI examples of how to congure the oset me unit in each of the locaons
menoned above.
Oset Used in Formulas
In this example, we are creang a rule,
, with a sensor,
. The sensor frequency is set to 10
In Figure 34 on page 96 below, you can see the Fields block denion for Rule1 with the Sensors block
denion framed in green. The formula,
, has a Time range value of
Figure 34: Oset in a Formula
A CLI formaed conguraon snippet for the same eld looks like:
user@mgd-97bb5d555-sw87n$ show healthbot topic external rule rule1
synopsis "This rule is used only to demonstrate various rule features and concepts";
description "Demonstration Rule";
sensor Sensor1 {
open-config {
sensor-name /interfaces;
frequency 10s;
field field1 {
constant {
value 833;
type integer;
field formula1 {
formula {
max {
field-name "$field1";
time-range 2o;
type integer;
Usage Notes for Oset Used in Formulas
An oset value applied to the me range of a formula mulplies the rule, sensor, or trigger frequency
of that rule.
The result of this example is that the me range for the Max formula is now 2 mes the
frequency of 10 seconds, or 20 seconds (2 * 10s = 20s).
If a frequency prole of 30 seconds is applied to the rule used in the example, then the resulng
me-range would be 60 seconds (2 * 30s = 60s).
Oset me can be applied to the following formulas: latest, count, min, max, sum, mean, on-change,
and stdev.
Oset Used in References
In this example, there are two rules in play, but only one is shown. The unseen rule, Rule1, is in the topic
roung-engines and is named roung-engines (roung-engines/roung-engines). Rule1 has a frequency
of 20 seconds. Rule1 is referenced .
Rule2, shown in Figure 35 on page 98, is a network rule which has a reference eld named
. The
, references back to Rule1 through the Reference XPath Expression with a Time Range seng
of 3oset.
Figure 35: Oset Time Used in Reference Field
Usage Notes for Oset Used in References
Oset values used in references mulply the frequency of the referenced rule by the oset value. In
this case, the 20 second frequency of Rule1 is mulplied by 3, resulng in a 60 second me-range (3
* 20s = 60s).
If a frequency prole of 60 seconds (60s) was applied to Rule1, the me range for the reference
would increase to 180 seconds (3 * 60s = 180s).
Oset Used in Vectors
In this example, there are 3 rules at play. Rules
are not shown but are referenced by the
is in topic line-cards and is named line-cards (line-cards/line-cards) and has a frequency of 20
seconds (20s).
is in topic roung-engines and is named roung-engines (roung-engines/roung-engines) and
has a frequency of 30 seconds (30s).
below, we have dened a vector,
that consists of 2 path references and 1 eld. The
vector has a Time Range dened as 3oset. Figure 36 on page 99 shows the vector block denion in
the Paragon Insights GUI.
Figure 36: Oset Time Used in Vector Block
Usage Notes for Oset Used in Vectors
An oset value dened in the me range of a vector mulplies the sensor or rule frequency of the
referenced rule or sensor. If a eld from the same rule is used as the reference, then the frequency of
the rule containing the vector is used.
When mulple references or elds are dened for a vector and oset me is used, the oset value is
applied to each path independently. So, for this example in which our oset value is 3 (3oset):
The path reference to Rule1: “/device-group[device-group-name='Core4']/device[device-
id='R1']/topic[topic-name='line-cards']/rule[rule-name='line-cards']/memory” which has a
frequency of 20 seconds, would result in a me range of 60 seconds for the vector (3 * 20s =
The path reference to Rule2: “/device-group[device-group-name='Core4']/device[device-
ref1” which has a frequency of 30 seconds, would result in a me range of 90 seconds for the
vector (3 * 30s = 90s).
NOTE: There are no spaces or line breaks in the path references. They are added to this
document only to enhance readability.
The eld reference to formula1: Since formula1 is a normal eld used within the vector block, the rule
frequency of the current rule is used as a basis. So, the me range for formula1 is 30 seconds (3 *
10s = 30s).
If a frequency prole of 60 seconds is applied to Rule1 (line-cards/line-cards), then the me range for
that path in the vector would be 180 seconds (3 * 60s = 180s).
If a frequency prole of 120 seconds is applied to Rule2 (roung-engines/roung-engines), then the
me range for that path in the vector would be 360 seconds (3 * 120s = 360s).
The me range for the eld reference, formula1, would remain the same as before at 30 seconds
unless a change is made to Rule3 or a frequency prole with a dierent me is applied to Rule3.
Oset Used in Triggers
In this example, we have one rule, Rule1. Figure 37 on page 101 below shows the trigger block
denion with the sensor block denion overlaid with a green border.
The rule,
, has a sensor frequency of 10 seconds (10s) applied.
The trigger itself,
, has an oset frequency of 2 (2o) applied.
The trigger term,
, has its own me range oset of 2 (2o) applied as well.
Figure 37: Oset Time Used in Trigger Block
Usage Notes for Oset Time Used in Triggers
An oset value dened in trigger frequency mulplies the sensor or rule frequency. So, the oset
value of 2 in
causes the trigger frequency to be interpreted as 20 seconds (2 * 10s = 20s)
because the sensor frequency of the rule is used as the basis.
An oset value dened in a trigger term mulplies the trigger frequency value. So, the oset value of
2 in
causes the term frequency to be interpreted as 40 seconds (2 * 20s = 40s).
Oset Used in Trigger Reference
In this example, we have 2 rules in the topic external, and one frequency prole,
The rules are:
: The
rule has a sensor named components which is an OpenCong sensor with a
sensor path of /components and a sensor frequency of 10 seconds.
It also has a trigger,
with a frequency of 2o or 2oset. The trigger has a term named
which is not used in the example.
: The
rule is a non-sensor rule, which means that the rule uses a reference eld,
, to reference the sensor dened in another rule; in this case
And the frequency prole is:
: The
prole sets the frequency for the
sensor at 30 seconds.
Paragon Insights Management and
Manage Paragon Insights Users and Groups | 107
Manage Devices, Device Groups, and Network Groups | 121
Paragon Insights Rules and Playbooks | 141
Monitor Device and Network Health | 172
Understand Resources and Dependencies | 206
About the Resources Page | 209
Add Resources for Root Cause Analysis | 212
Congure Dependency in Resources | 215
Example Conguraon: OSPF Resource and Dependency | 221
Edit Resources and Dependencies | 232
Filter Resources | 234
Upload Resources | 235
Download Resources | 236
Clone Resources | 236
Delete Resources and Dependencies | 237
Monitor Network Device Health Using Grafana | 239
Understanding Acon Engine Workows | 244
Manage Acon Engine Workows | 244
Alerts and Nocaons | 252
Generate Reports | 268
Use Exim4 for E-Mails | 282
Congure the Exim4 Agent to Send E-mail | 283
Manage Audit Logs | 284
Congure a Secure Data Connecon for Paragon Insights Devices | 286
Congure Data Summarizaon | 290
Modify the UDA, UDF, and Workow Engines | 299
Commit or Roll Back Conguraon Changes in Paragon Insights | 307
Logs for Paragon Insights Services | 309
Troubleshoong | 312
Paragon Insights Conguraon – Backup and Restore | 321
Manage Paragon Insights Users and Groups
Default User and First Login | 108
Default User Roles | 109
User Management | 109
Group Management | 114
LDAP Authencaon in Paragon Insights | 116
Password Recovery | 119
Limitaons | 120
HealthBot Release 3.0.0 employs role-based access control (RBAC) to control access to the user
interface, and tools and objects. RBAC is applied to user groups that are made up of a list of users.
The use of access controls within Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) allows you to grant one group of
users, like operators, read-only access to certain pages like Conguraon > Device Conguraon; while
granng a dierent group of users, like administrators, read-write access to that same page.
Starng with Release 4.0.0, Paragon Insights executes user management, authencaon, and
authorizaon through Identy and Access Management (IAM) service available in the 4.0.0 installaon
There are no changes in the installaon process. See Paragon Insights Installaon Guide for installaon
or migraon procedure.
In new installaons of Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0, a user can be registered through e-mail. This
mode of registraon requires you to perform addional steps at the me of installaon. For exisng
Paragon Insights installaons, you can register new users with username, without including an e-mail
address. For more informaon on rst login, see "Default User and First Login" on page 108.
NOTE: Starng from Paragon Insights Release 4.1.0, username is case insensive.
In Paragon Insights, there are two administrators: one is the default
user who rst logs into
Insights aer a new installaon. The
user has complete control over all of Insight’s access
controls. The other is sp-admin user who is created in the Paragon Insights interface. To know more
about roles in Paragon Insights, see "Default User Roles" on page 109.
Paragon Insights 4.0.0 also supports Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) based
authencaon. The authorizaon data such as organizaonal ID, username, and password are stored
and managed in IAM. For more informaon, see "LDAP Authencaon in Paragon Insights" on page 116.
Default User and First Login
In standalone Paragon Insights installaons, the default username and password are set as
, respecvely. The admin user has complete control over all of Paragon Insights’ access
controls. The credenals above are used for the rst login at the URL hps://
<Paragon Insights
hostname or IP>
Upon successful rst login and before the admin user is granted access to the GUI, they are required to
create a new password. The Set Password window pops up and provides instrucons regarding
password length, capitalizaon, special characters, and so on. Once you save this password, a pop-up
window noes you that the password has been changed. From this me forward, the admin user logs
in with the new password.
If Paragon Insights is migrated from 3.x.x or earlier versions to 4.0.0 version, the admin user creates
other users and assigns them roles and an inial password in the Administraon > User Management
page. The users created with sp-admin and sp-operator roles can login for the rst me with their
by entering the inial password provided by the
NOTE: All users must change their password aer the rst login.
To change password:
1. Click the circle with the rst leer of your username at the top right corner of the interface.
2. Click change password in the drop-down menu.
A Change Password window appears.
3. Enter your current password. Enter your new password and re-enter your new password to conrm.
Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and must contain uppercase leers, lowercase leers,
numbers, and special characters.
4. Click OK.
A window noes that your password is changed successfully.
Starng with standalone Paragon Insights 4.0.0 installaons, the admin user can register a user with an
e-mail address if Insights is congured for this registraon method during installaon. The registered
user gets a login link in their inbox that expires aer 24 hours. When they click on the link, a Set
Password window appears where they can set a new password before they log into Paragon Insights.
Default User Roles
In Paragon Insights 4.0.0, the hbadmin group in earlier releases is converted to the sp-admin role
whereas the hbmonitor, hbcong, and hboperator groups are merged into the sp-operator role.
Paragon Insights is shipped with two pre-dened user roles:
— The user gets read and write access to add resources such as device groups, network
groups, rules and playbooks, congure data summarizaon proles, create backup of Paragon
Insights conguraon or me series database, and the ability to manage users and groups.
— Provides login capability and the ability to read-only access to read and observe any
congured enty in Insights.
None of the pre-dened user roles can be changed or removed.
User Management
The User Management page is the rst page shown when you navigate to Administraon > User
Management from the le navigaon bar. This page is used to:
View a list of current Paragon Insights users
The list shows user details including username, role, status, and provider type. User status can be
acve (green) or inacve (red).
Add new users
Click the + to bring up the Create User window. Enter the following details.
NOTE: In Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0, an sp-admin can map a user to a role without
creang user groups. The sp-admin can also create user groups, associate roles to user groups
and then, add users to the user groups.
Table 4: Create User Fields for Installaons without E-mail Registraon
Fields Descripon
Username Enter a username of maximum 32 characters. The
is used to log into the
Paragon Insights portal.
NOTE: Starng from Paragon Insights Release 4.1.0, username is case insensive.
First Name Enter the rst name of the user. You cannot exceed 32 characters.
Last Name Enter the last name of the user. You cannot exceed 32 characters.
Status Enable or disable the user. If you disable the user, they cannot log into the Paragon
Insights portal.
Provider Type There are two provider types — Local (IAM) and LDAP.
You can choose Local to congure users in IAM or choose LDAP to map user to LDAP
user group.
Mapping Provider
If you choose the provider type as LDAP, you can enter the LDAP user group name in
this eld.
Password Enter a password for the user.
Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and must contain uppercase leers,
lowercase leers, numbers, and special characters.
A password must be unique and must not be previously used passwords.
Role Select mulple roles at the le-side panel and click the right arrow buon to add the
roles to the user.
The roles are sp-admin, sp-operator, or a custom role with select create, read, update,
and delete access permissions.
If you congured Paragon Insights to register users using e-mail address, you must congure SMTP
sengs in the portal before adding users. The SMTP conguraon is used to send user account
related e-mails, such as when user changes password, user resets password, admin user adds a new
user, and so on.
NOTE: If you want to congure the SMTP sengs, you must congure the environment
variables export HB_IAM_SKIP_MAIL_VERIFICATION=false and export HB_IAM_DISABLE_SMTP_SETTINGS=false
during Paragon Insights installaon. See installaon guide for more informaon.
To congure SMTP sengs:
1. Select Administraon > Authencaon > SMTP Sengs.
The SMTP Sengs page appears. Fill in the details described in Table 5 on page 111.
Table 5: Fields in SMTP Sengs
Fields Descripon
Server Address Enter the SMTP server address.
For example,
TLS Toggle the switch on to enable TLS, if you want to encrypt the e-mails sent to
your users’ account from Paragon Insights.
Port Number Enter the port number.
The standard port number is set to 25 if TLS is disabled and is set to 587 if you
enable TLS in SMTP sengs.
SMTP Authencaon
SMTP Authentcaon
Enable SMTP authencaon to allow only veried users to send e-mails to or
receive e-mails from the Paragon Insights applicaon.
Username Enter the username to be used for authencaon. The username must not
exceed 32 characters.
NOTE: Starng from Paragon Insights Release 4.1.0, username is case
Password Enter a password.
Table 5: Fields in SMTP Sengs
Fields Descripon
Conrm Password Re-enter the password.
From Name If you did not enable SMTP authencaon, then you must enter this eld.
This name appears as sender’s name to the e-mail recipients.
From Email Address Enter the e-mail address from which messages from Paragon Insights must be
sent to recipients.
The syntax is e[email protected]
Test SMTP Sengs
Email Address Enter your e-mail adress to check if SMTP sengs congured in previous
elds work as intended.
Click Send Test Email. If you receive an e-mail from Paragon Insights in the
inbox of the e-mail address entered in this eld, then you have successfully
congured SMTP sengs.
2. Click Save.
The SMTP Sengs for Paragon Insights is complete. You can now register users using their e-mail
To register a user using e-mail address:
1. Select Administraon > User Management > User in the le navigaon bar.
The Users page appears.
2. Click on the + icon to add a new user.
The Create User page appears. Fill in the following details.
Table 6: Create User Fields for Installaons with E-mail Registraon
Fields Descripons
First Name Enter the rst name of the user. You cannot exceed 32 characters.
Last Name Enter the last name of the user. You cannot exceed 32 characters.
Status Enable or disable the user. If you disable the user, they cannot log into the Paragon
Insights portal.
Username (E-mail) Enter the e-mail address of the user that will be used to log into the Paragon Insights
Role Select mulple roles at the le-side panel and click the right arrow buon to add the
roles to the user.
The roles are sp-admin, sp-operator, or a custom role with select create, read, update,
and delete access permissions.
3. Click OK.
The user you added is listed in the Users page.
Edit exisng users
Select an exisng user by clicking anywhere on that user’s line in the list. Then click the Edit User
(Pencil) icon to bring up the Edit User window. You can change any parameter except the username
and the Provider Type.
Delete a user
Select an exisng user by clicking anywhere on that user’s line in the list. Then click the Delete User
(Trash Can) icon. Conrm the acon and the user is deleted.
If you set a user’s status to inacve or delete that user, they are immediately prevented from
logging in to Paragon Insights through the login page.
You can also export (backup) user conguraons and restore the conguraons in Paragon Insights. The
backup and restore feature is not applied to pre-canned roles. For more informaon, see "Paragon
Insights Conguraon – Backup and Restore" on page 321.
Group Management
A user group is a collecon of roles to which a Paragon Insights user can be assigned. The roles within a
user group dene the access (read-only or read-write) that all members of the group have in common. In
other words, user groups are where RBAC controls are applied.
The User Groups page is accessed by navigang to Administraon > User Management from the le-
nav and selecng User Groups on the le side of the User Management page.
View a list of current Paragon Insights user groups
The list shows user group details including group name and descripon.
Add new user groups
Click the + to bring up the Add Group window.
Starng in HealthBot Release 3.1.0, RBAC has been enhanced to include the roles selector helper.
The roles selector helper appears when you add or edit a user group. See Figure 38 on page 115.
Figure 38: Add User Group
Edit exisng user groups
Select an exisng user group by clicking anywhere on that group’s line in the list. Then click the Edit
User (Pencil) icon to bring up the Edit
NOTE: When you add or edit a user group, the window has secons called System Roles and
GUI Roles under the Selected Roles pull-down. These secons show the specic read-only (R)
or read-write (W) permissions that are assigned to the group as a result of the selecons
Delete a user group
Select an exisng user group by clicking anywhere on that group’s line in the list. Then click the
Delete User (Trash Can) icon. A conrmaon window appears. Conrm the acon (Save and Deploy)
to complete the deleon. The pre-dened user groups hbdefault and hbadmin cannot be deleted.
WARNING: Adding and eding user groups in Paragon Insights is an advanced feature
that requires a deep understanding of the available roles and how they apply to RBAC.
We recommend that you use only the Role Selector check-boxes to add or remove
permissions. We do not recommend that you add or remove individual system or GUI
LDAP Authencaon in Paragon Insights
LDAP users can log into Paragon Insights GUI using LDAP credenals aer an sp-admin congures
LDAP sengs in Paragon Insights. The sp-admin must also map the LDAP user group to the Paragon
Insights user group. In Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 and later releases, Acve Directory service
installed on Windows Server 2012 R2 and OpenLDAP version 2.4 as the protocol are validated for
LDAP implementaon.
A typical workow of LDAP-based authencaon involves the following steps:
1. An LDAP administrator congures LDAP group in an external server and adds users to the LDAP
2. The sp-admin congures LDAP sengs in Paragon Insights.
3. The sp-admin creates a user group for LDAP users in Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 interface, maps
this user group to the exisng LDAP user group, and then assigns roles to that user group.
NOTE: The Paragon Insights user group and LDAP user group must have the same name.
During authencaon, the LDAP server produces a list of LDAP groups associated with the user. The
Paragon Insights IAM service checks for the corresponding user group name in Paragon Insights and
generates roles associated with that Paragon Insights user group. The IAM service then converts the
roles into a JSON Web Token (JWT) that is used for authorizing the LDAP user in Paragon Insights.
NOTE: If a user is congured both in LDAP and IAM (locally), then LDAP takes priority over IAM
during authencaon. When the user tries to login, Paragon Insights checks the user details rst
in LDAP and then in IAM.
To congure LDAP sengs in Paragon Insights:
1. Click Administraon > Authencaon > LDAP Sengs opon in the le navigaon bar.
2. Enter the necessary elds in the LDAP Sengs page.
The following table describes the aributes in the LDAP Sengs page.
Table 7:
Congure LDAP to Integrate with Paragon Insights
Aributes Descripon
LDAP Server
Server Address Enter the LDAP server url.
For example,
SSL Enable SSL to encrypt the LDAP channel.
Port Number Enter the port number for the LDAP server.
The default port number if SSL is enabled is 636 and the default port without SSL is
LDAP Authencaon
Table 7: Congure LDAP to Integrate with Paragon Insights
Aributes Descripon
Authencaon Method The authencaon method is set to
. The password sent from the client to
bind to the LDAP server is plain text.
Base Domain Name Enter the domain name that constutes the search base for querying the LDAP
For example: dc=
, dc=
Bind Domain Name Enter the user name congured for LDAP authencaon.
For example:
Bind Password Enter a password for LDAP authencaon.
User Opons (Oponal)
User Aribute Seng a user aribute is oponal. This lter improves the search funconality on
the LDAP server using the specied aribute name.
User Filter Specify the objectClass aribute to lter the type of enes that can access
Paragon Insights.
For example,
as a user lter.
3. Click Save.
The conguraon sengs of LDAP server in Paragon Insights is complete.
Aer conguring LDAP sengs, the sp-admin must create an LDAP user group in Paragon Insights to
map the users created in LDAP server to Paragon Insights. The LDAP group created in Paragon Insights
allows sp-admins to map roles for LDAP users.
To map an LDAP group to Paragon Insights user group:
1. Click Administraon > User Management > User Groups opon in the le navigaon bar.
The User Group page appears.
2. Click the plus icon to create a new user group.
The Create User Group page appears.
3. Enter a group name and select Provider Type as LDAP from the drop down menu.
The Mapping Provider Group secon appears.
4. In the Mapping Provider Group eld, enter the LDAP group name.
5. Select the roles to be associated with the LDAP group in Paragon Insights and click OK.
The users congured in LDAP server can log into Paragon Insights by entering their LDAP credenals.
The resources and pages accessible to the LDAP user depends on the permissions granted in the role
mapped through Paragon Insights.
Password Recovery
The default admin user does not require an e-mail address to access the interface in standalone
deployment. If the inial password set by an admin user is lost, it can be recovered by a system
administrator who has access to the physical server or virtual machine that hosts the Paragon Insights
applicaon. The system administrator has to run the following curl command in any shell in one of the
nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.
Curl command to reset Paragon Insights admin user credenal using IAM service token.
curl -k --request POST 'https://{{server-ip}}:{{port}}/iam/reset-password' --header 'x-service-token: '$
(kubectl get secret -n {{namespace}} $(kubectl get sa -n {{namespace}} iam -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}')
-o jsonpath='{.data.token}' | base64 --decode)'' --header 'x-service-scope: {}' --header 'Content-Type:
application/json' --data '{
"user_name" : "{{username}}",
"new_password" : "{{password}}"
The IAM service validates the token and resets the password for the admin user.
NOTE: The port number for standalone Paragon Insights deployment is 8080 and the namespace
is healthbot. The server-ip in the POST request body denotes the virtual IP address you
congured for Paragon Insights services during the installaon.
There is currently no self-service type of lost password mechanism for users registered without an e-
mail address. Password reset must be done manually by an administrator with read-write access to the
User Management page. The administrator must edit the user, change the password, and then nofy the
user by appropriate means. The default password expiry for users with sp-admin and sp-operator roles is
180 days.
To recover password of user accounts registered with e-mail address:
1. Enter your username (e-mail address) in the Paragon Insights login page.
2. Place the cursor in the password eld.
The Forgot Password? link appears beneath the Log in buon.
3. Click on the Forgot Password? link.
A Forgot Password window appears displaying the message that an e-mail with link to reset
password is sent to your account.
4. Click on the Reset your password buon in your account recovery e-mail.
The reset password link expires aer 24 hours.
5. In the Set Password window, enter a new password and enter the same password in the Conrm
Password eld.
Passwords must be at least 8 characters long and must contain uppercase leers, lowercase leers,
numbers, and special characters.
A password must be unique and must not be previously used passphrases.
6. Click OK.
You will receive a second e-mail nofying you that your password is changed. Log into Paragon
Insights using your latest password.
In HealthBot Release 3.1.0, the RBAC implementaon is limited in some ways:
The available roles, such as R-Devices, W-Devices, R-Datastore, etc. are all pre-dened. There is no
way to add new roles or delete exisng roles.
All roles are endpoint driven, not specic to any resource. This means that if you have read
permission for devices, you can read all devices in the system. There is no means to restrict the read
access to a subset of devices.
Roles are permissive in nature. You cannot create a role that blocks access to any given endpoint
such as rules. If a user is created but not given any group membership, they will not be able to access
the Paragon Insights GUI.
RBAC is currently limited to API service. This means that if you have read-only access to a page such
as Conguraon > Devices, you can see the enre page and interact with all of its controls. You could
even go through the moons of creang a device in the GUI. However, when you click SAVE or SAVE
& DEPLOY an API is called and it will recognize that you do not have the required permission to
create a device. Errors are displayed at that me.
If you migrate data from your exisng 2.1.X installaon to your 3.0.0 or later installaon, user data is
not migrated. Any exisng users must be recreated manually, by the admin user, aer migraon.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
Release Descripon
4.0.0 Starng with Release 4.0.0, Paragon Insights executes user management, authencaon, and
authorizaon through Identy and Access Management (IAM) service available in the 4.0.0 installaon
3.1.0 Starng in HealthBot Release 3.1.0, RBAC has been enhanced to include the roles selector helper
3.0.0 HealthBot Release 3.0.0 employs role-based access control (RBAC) to control access to the user
interface, and tools and objects.
Paragon Insights API Guide
Manage Devices, Device Groups, and Network
Adding a Device | 122
Eding a Device | 129
Adding a Device Group | 129
Eding a Device Group | 136
Conguring a Retenon Policy for the Time Series Database | 136
Adding a Network Group | 137
Eding a Network Group | 140
Use the appropriate Conguraon pages from the le-navigaon menu to manage devices, device
groups, and network groups. Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) supports both Junos devices by
default and third party vendor devices with the required license installed. You must add a device to one
or more device groups or create a network group before you can apply Paragon Insights rules and
playbooks to a device. Network groups allow you to correlate health status data between mulple
devices across the network. For example, you can create a network group that monitors the ping mes
between two or more devices and noes you if the ping mes are too high.
Adding a Device
To add a device:
1. Click the Conguraon > Device opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click the add device buon (+).
3. Enter the necessary values in the text boxes and select the appropriate opons for the device.
The following table describes the aributes in the Add a Device window:
Aributes Descripon
Name Name of the device. Default is hostname. (Required)
Hostname / IP Address / Range Hostname or IP address of a single device. If you are
providing a range of IP addresses, enter the IP
address for the device that marks the start and end
of the address range. (Required)
Aributes Descripon
System ID to use for JTI Unique system idener required for JTI nave
sensors. Junos devices use the following format:
When a device has dual roung engines (REs), it
might send dierent system IDs depending on which
RE is primary. You can use a regular expression to
match both system IDs.
Flow/IFA Source IPs Enter the IP address(es) that this device uses to send
NetFlow data to Paragon Insights.
The IP address or addresses are used to send probe
packets for ow monitoring using Inband Flow
Analyzer (IFA).
If there are more than one IP address, separate them
with a comma.
OpenCong Port Number Port number required for JTI OpenCong sensors.
The default value is 32767.
iAgent Port Number Port number required for iAgent. The default value is
Aributes Descripon
Vendor Lists the vendor or supplier of the device you are
The operang system you can select from the OS
drop-down list depends on the vendor you select
from the Vendor drop-down list.
The following are the list of opons you can choose
Select Juniper from the vendor drop-down list to
select either Junos or Junos Evolved operang
systems from the OS drop-down list.
Select CISCO from the Vendor drop-down list to
select either IOSXR or NXOS operang systems
from the OS drop-down list.
With Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0, NXOS OS is
also supported.
NOTE: If you plan to use Cisco IOS XR devices,
you must rst congure the telemetry. For more
informaon, see Paragon Insights Installaon
Select Arista from the Vendor drop-down list to
select EOS operang system from the OS drop-
down list.
Select Paloalto from the Vendor drop-down list to
select PANOS operang system from the OS
drop-down list.
Select Linux from the Vendor drop-down list and
you can enter the name of the operang system
in the OS eld.
If you select Other Vendor, the Vendor Name and
OS Name elds are enabled. You can enter the
name of the vendor of your choice in the Vendor
Aributes Descripon
Name eld and the corresponding operang
system for the vendor in the OS eld.
Consider the following example. If the operang
system of a vendor (listed in the Vendor drop-
down list) is not listed (in the OS drop-down list),
you can select the Other Vendor opon to enter
name of the vendor and operang system of your
Starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0, Paragon
Insights supports Arista Networks, Paloalto
Networks, and Linux vendors.
Timezone Timezone for this device, specied as
For example, +07:00
Syslog Source IPs List of IP addresses for the device sending syslog
messages to Paragon Insights. For example,,
Syslog Hostnames List of hostnames for the device sending syslog
messages to Paragon Insights. For example,
SNMP Port Number Port number required for SNMP. The port number is
set to the standard value of 161.
SNMP Version Select either v2c or v3 in the drop-down menu.
Aributes Descripon
SNMP Community This eld appears if you selected v2c in SNMP
Version eld.
Enter an SNMP Community string if you congure
SNMPv2c for traps and ingest.
In SNMPv2c, Community string is used to verify the
authencity of the trap message issued by the SNMP
agent (devices such as routers, switches, servers, and
so on).
Authencaon None This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version
Enable this opon on if you want to set SNMPv3
authencaon to
Protocol None This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version
Enable this opon on if you want to set SNMPv3
protocol to
SNMPv3 Username This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version
Enter a username for trap nocaons. The
you enter here is checked against the
SNMPv3 users congured in Paragon Insights.
If there is a match, the trap message is further
processed else, the message is dropped.
Context Engine ID This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version
Enter the
Engine ID
of the device (SNMP agent) that
sends the trap nocaon.
For inform nocaons, the
Engine ID
must be set to
that of Paragon Insights.
Aributes Descripon
SNMPv3 Authencaon Protocol This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version
eld and disabled
Authencaon None
Select an authencaon protocol from the drop-
down menu.
SNMP authencaon protocol hashes the SNMP
with the passphrase you enter. The hashed
output is sent along with the trap nocaon
message. Paragon Insights again hashes the
with the passphrase you entered for
authencaon. If the output matches, the trap
nocaon is further processed.
SNMPv3 Authencaon Passphrase This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version
eld and disabled
Privacy None
Enter a passphrase for SNMPv3 authencaon.
SNMPv3 Privacy Protocol Select a privacy protocol from the drop-down menu.
Privacy algorithm encrypts the trap nocaon
message with the protocol passphrase so that the
message cannot be read by an unauthorized
applicaon in the network.
SNMPv3 Privacy Passphrase This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version
eld and disabled Privacy None.
Enter a passphrase to encrypt the trap nocaon.
Source IP Address This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version
Enter the source IP address of the device.
If you use NAT or an SNMP Proxy, the
Engine ID
cannot be used to idenfy the device that
send trap nocaons. In such cases, the source IP
address of the device is used to verify the source of
trap nocaons.
Aributes Descripon
Authencaon (Required either here or at Device Group level)
Username Authencaon username.
Password Authencaon password.
Server Common
Server name protected by the
SSL cercate.
CA Prole* Choose the applicable CA
prole(s) from the drop-down
Local Cercate* Choose the applicable local
cercate prole(s) from the
drop-down list.
SSH Key Prole* Choose the applicable SSH key
prole(s) from the drop-down list.
Username Authencaon username.
Outbound SSH
Reset The reset opon is set by default. If you disabled
outbound SSH for this device, you can enable it back
by selecng Reset in the dropdown menu.
Disable You can disable outbound SSH connecons for a
device by selecng Disable from the dropdown
*To edit or view details about saved security proles, go to the Security page under the Sengs
menu in the le-navigaon bar.
4. Click Save to save the conguraon or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon.
For informaon on how to use the Devices table, see "Monitor Device and Network Health" on page
Eding a Device
To edit a device:
1. Click the Conguraon > Device opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click anywhere on the line that contains the device name in the table under DEVICES.
You can search and lter the device names in the table.
3. Click the Pencil (Edit Device) icon.
4. Modify the aributes, as needed.
See "Adding a Device" on page 122 for a descripon of each aribute.
5. Click Save to save the conguraon or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon.
For informaon on how to use the Devices table, see "Monitor Device and Network Health" on page
6. (Oponal) A device can be deleted by clicking the Trash Can (Delete Device) icon with the device
Adding a Device Group
To add a device group:
1. Click the Conguraon > Device Group opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click the add group buon (+).
The Add Device Group page appears.
3. Congure the device group with the details described in Table 8 on page 130.
4. Do one of the following:
Click Save—Paragon Insights saves the conguraon but does not iniate operaons based on the
saved conguraon.
You can use this opon to save make mulple changes in Paragon Insights conguraons and
commit the changes in bulk or to roll back the changes. See "Commit or Roll Back Conguraon
Changes in Paragon Insights" on page 307 for more informaon.
Click Save & Deploy—Paragon Insights saves and deploys the conguraon.
The conguraon changes are applied to the IFA ingest service in Paragon Insights.
Table 8: Fields in Device Group Conguraon
Aributes Descripon
Name Name of the device group. (Required)
Descripon Descripon for the device group.
Devices Add devices to the device group from the drop-down list. (Required)
Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0, you can add more than 50 devices per
device group. However, the actual scale of the number of devices you can add
depends on the available system resources.
For example, consider that you want to create a device group of 120 devices. In
releases earlier than release 4.0.0, it is recommended that you create three device
groups of 50, 50, and 20 devices respecvely. With Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0,
you just create one device group.
Nave Ports (Nave GPB sensors only) List the port numbers on which the Junos Telemetry
Interface (JTI) nave protocol buers connecons are established.
Flow Ports (NetFlow sensors only) List the port numbers on which the NetFlow data is received
by Paragon Insights. The port numbers must be unique across the enre Paragon
Insights installaon.
Syslog Ports Specify the UDP port(s) on which syslog messages are received by Paragon Insights.
Retenon Policy Select a retenon policy from the drop-down list for me series data used by root
cause anaylsis (RCA). By default, the retenon policy is 7 days.
Disable Trigger
Acon Scheduler
(for a parcular
device group)
By default, this eld is marked False because the opon to add a UDA scheduler in
Trigger Acon page is enabled.
You can set this eld to True if you want to disable UDA scheduler sengs in Trigger
Acon page.
Table 8: Fields in Device Group Conguraon
Aributes Descripon
Reports In the Reports eld, select one or more health report prole names from the drop-
down list to generate reports fo the device group. Reports include alarm stascs,
device health data, as well as device-specic informaon (such as hardware and
soware specicaons).
To edit or view details about saved health report proles, go to the System page under
the Sengs menu in the le-nav bar. The report proles are listed under Report
For more informaon, see "Alerts and Nocaons" on page 252.
SNMP Port Number Port number required for SNMP. The port number is set to the standard value of 161.
SNMP Version Select either v2c or v3 in the drop-down menu.
If you select v2c, the SNMP Community name eld appears. The string used in v2c
authencaon is set to
by default. It is recommended that users change the
community string.
If you select v3, you are given an opon to set username, authencaon and
privacy methods, and authencaon and privacy secrets.
Nocaon Ports Enter nocaon ports separated by comma.
Paragon Insights listens on these nocaon ports for trap nocaon messages.
SNMP Community
This eld appears if
you selected v2c in
SNMP Version eld.
Enter an SNMP Community string if you congure SNMPv2c for traps and ingest.
In SNMPv2c, Community string is used to verify the authencity of the trap message
issued by the SNMP agent.
This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version eld.
Enable this opon on if you want to set SNMPv3 authencaon to
Table 8: Fields in Device Group Conguraon
Aributes Descripon
Protocol None This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version eld.
Enable this opon on if you want to set SNMPv3 protocol to
SNMPv3 Username This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version eld.
Enter a username for trap nocaons. The
you enter here is checked
against the SNMPv3 users congured in Paragon Insights.
If there is a match, the trap message is further processed else, the message is dropped.
This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version eld and disabled
Authencaon None
Select an authencaon protocol from the drop-down menu.
SNMP authencaon protocol hashes the SNMP
with the passphrase you
enter. The hashed output is sent along with the trap nocaon message. Paragon
Insights again hashes the
with the passphrase you entered for
authencaon. If the output matches, the trap nocaon is further processed.
This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version eld and disabled
Privacy None
Enter a passphrase for SNMPv3 authencaon.
SNMPv3 Privacy
Select a privacy protocol from the drop-down menu.
Privacy algorithm encrypts the trap nocaon message with the protocol passphrase
so that the message cannot be read by an unauthorized applicaon in the network.
SNMPv3 Privacy
This eld appears if you selected v3 in SNMP Version eld and disabled Privacy None.
Enter a passphrase to encrypt the trap nocaon.
Table 8: Fields in Device Group Conguraon
Aributes Descripon
Summarizaon To improve the performance and disk space ulizaon of the Paragon Insights me
series database, you can congure data summarizaon methods to summarize the raw
data collected by Paragon Insights. Use these elds to congure data summarizaon:
Time Span The me span (in minutes) for which you want to group the data
points for data summarizaon.
Choose the data summarizaon proles from the drop-down list
for which you want to apply to the ingest data. To edit or view
details about saved data summarizaon proles, go to the Data
Summarizaon Proles page under the Sengs menu in the le-
nav bar.
For more informaon, see "Congure Data Summarizaon" on page 290.
Ingest Frequency Select exisng Ingest Frequency Proles to override rule or sensor frequency sengs.
Authencaon(Required here or at Device level)
Username Authencaon user name.
Password Authencaon password.
Server Common Name Server name protected by the SSL cercate.
CA Prole* Choose the applicable CA prole(s) from the drop-down list.
Local Cercate* Choose the applicable local cercate prole(s) from the
drop-down list.
SSH Key Prole* Choose the applicable SSH key prole(s) from the drop-down list.
Username Authencaon username.
Table 8: Fields in Device Group Conguraon
Aributes Descripon
You can use the Alarm Manager feature to organize, track, and manage KPI event
alarm nocaons received from Paragon Insights devices.
To receive Paragon Insights alarm nocaons for KPI events that have occurred
on your devices, you must rst congure the nocaon delivery method for each
KPI event severity level (Major, Minor, and Normal). Select the delivery method
from the drop-down lists.
To edit or view details about saved delivery method proles, go to the System page
under the Sengs menu in the le-nav bar. The delivery method proles are listed
under Nocaon Sengs.
For more informaon, see "Alerts and Nocaons" on page 252.
You can collect dierent severity levels of logs for the running Paragon Insights
services of a device group. Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 supports collecng log data
for SNMP nocaon.
Use these elds to congure which log levels to collect:
Global Log
From the drop-down list, select the level of the log messages that you
want to collect for every running Paragon Insights service for the
device group. The level is set to error by default.
Log Level for
Select the log level from the drop-down list for any specic service
that you want to congure dierently from the Global Log Level
seng. The log level that you select for a specic service takes
precedence over the Global Log Level seng.
For more informaon, see "Logs for Paragon Insights Services" on page 309.
Table 8: Fields in Device Group Conguraon
Aributes Descripon
Publish You can congure Paragon Insights to publish sensor and eld data for a specic
device group:
Desnaons Select the publishing proles that dene the nocaon type
requirements (such as authencaon parameters) for publishing the
To edit or view details about saved publishing proles, go to the System
page under the Sengs menu in the le-nav bar. The publishing
proles are listed under Nocaon Sengs.
Field Select the Paragon Insights rule topic and rule name pairs that contain
the eld data you want to publish.
Sensor (Device group only) Select the sensor paths or YAML tables that
contain the sensor data you want to publish. No sensor data is
published by default.
Outbound SSH
Ports Enter one or more port numbers for outbound SSH connecons for this device group.
IFA Deploy Nodes Enter IP address of the node where the IFA ingest must be deployed in Paragon
IFA Ports Enter the UDP port number on which Paragon Insights receives IFA sensor data.
Range: 1 to 65,535.
Root Cause Analysis
RCA Support RCA is enabled by default. Disable RCA if you do not want the device group to be a
part of root cause analysis.
Exclude Resources Exclude Resources eld allows you to select device resources that must be excluded
from resource and dependency formaon.
Eding a Device Group
To edit a device group:
1. Click the Conguraon > Device Group opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click on the device group name under DEVICE GROUPS.
3. Click on the Pencil (Edit Device Group) icon.
4. Modify the aributes, as needed.
See "Adding a Device Group" on page 129 for a descripon of each aribute.
5. Click Save to save the conguraon or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon.
For informaon on how to use the device group cards, see "Monitor Device and Network Health" on
page 172.
6. (Oponal) A device group can be deleted by clicking the Trash Can (Delete Device Group) icon with
the device group selected.
Conguring a Retenon Policy for the Time Series Database
To congure a retenon policy for the me series data used for root cause analysis (RCA):
1. Click the Sengs > System opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Select Retenon Policy Sengs.
3. Click the + Retenon Policy buon.
4. Enter the necessary values in the text boxes for the retenon policy.
The following table describes the aributes in the Add a Retenon Policy window:
Aributes Descripon
Name Name of the retenon policy.
Aributes Descripon
Duraon Amount of me the root cause analysis (RCA) data is retained in the Paragon Insights RCA
database. By default, data is retained for 7 days.
The data must be entered in hours or days. For example, 1 day is entered as 1d or 24h.
5. Click Save to save the conguraon or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon.
You can now apply the retenon policy to a device group. For informaon on how to apply a
retenon policy to a device group, see "Adding a Device Group" on page 129.
Adding a Network Group
To add a network group:
1. Click the Conguraon > Network opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click the + (Add Network) buon.
3. Enter the necessary values in the text boxes and select the appropriate opons for the network
The following table describes the aributes in the Add a Network Group window:
Aributes Descripon
Name Name of the network group. (Required)
Descripon Descripon for the network group.
Aributes Descripon
Reports In the Reports eld, select one or more health report prole names from the drop-down
list to generate reports fo the network group. Reports include alarm stascs, device
health data, as well as device-specic informaon (such as hardware and soware
To edit or view details about saved health report proles, go to the System page under
the Sengs menu in the le-nav bar. The report proles are listed under Report
For more informaon, see "Alerts and Nocaons" on page 252.
Disable Trigger
Acon Scheduler
(for a parcular
network group)
By default, this eld is marked False because the opon to add a UDA scheduler in
Trigger Acon page is enabled.
You can set this eld to True if you want to disable UDA scheduler sengs in Trigger
Acon page.
You can use the Alarm Manager feature to organize, track, and manage KPI alarm
nocaons received from Paragon Insights devices.
To receive Paragon Insights alarm nocaons for KPI events that have occurred on
your devices, you must rst congure the nocaon delivery method for each KPI
event severity level (Major, Minor, and Normal). Select the delivery method from the
drop-down lists.
To edit or view details about saved delivery method proles, go to the System page
under the Sengs menu in the le-nav bar. The delivery method proles are listed
under Nocaon Sengs.
For more informaon, see "Alerts and Nocaons" on page 252.
Ingest Frequency Select exisng Ingest Frequency Proles to override rule or sensor frequency sengs.
Aributes Descripon
You can collect dierent severity levels of logs for the running Paragon Insights services
of a network group. Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 supports collecng log data for
SNMP nocaon.
Use these elds to congure which log levels to collect:
Global Log
From the drop-down list, select the level of the log messages that you
want to collect for every running Paragon Insights service for the
network group. The level is set to error by default.
Log Level for
Select the log level from the drop-down list for any specic service that
you want to congure dierently from the Global Log Level seng. The
log level that you select for a specic service takes precedence over the
Global Log Level seng.
For more informaon, see "Logs for Paragon Insights Services" on page 309.
Publish You can congure Paragon Insights to publish Paragon Insights sensor and eld data for
a specic network group:
Desnaons Select the publishing proles that dene the nocaon type
requirements (such as authencaon parameters) for publishing the data.
To edit or view details about saved publishing proles, go to the System
page under the Sengs menu in the le-nav bar. The publishing proles
are listed under Nocaon Sengs.
Field Select the Paragon Insights rule topic and rule name pairs that contain
the eld data you want to publish.
Root Cause Analysis
RCA Support RCA is enabled by default. Disable RCA if you do not want the network group to be a
part of root cause analysis.
Exclude Resources eld allows you to select network resources that must be excluded
from resource and dependency formaon.
4. Click Save to save the conguraon or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon.
For informaon on how to use the network, see "Monitor Device and Network Health" on page 172.
Eding a Network Group
To edit a network group:
1. Click the Conguraon > Network opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click anywhere on the line that contains the group name in the table under NETWORK LIST.
3. Click on the Edit Network (Pencil) icon.
4. Modify the aributes, as needed.
See "Adding a Network Group" on page 137 for a descripon of each aribute.
5. Click Save to save the conguraon or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon.
For informaon on how to use the network group cards, see "Monitor Device and Network Health"
on page 172.
6. (Oponal) A network can be deleted by clicking the Delete Network (Trash Can) icon.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
4.0.0 Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0, you can add more than 50 devices per device group.
4.0.0 Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 supports collecng log data for SNMP nocaon.
4.0.0 Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 supports collecng log data for SNMP nocaon.
Paragon Insights Rules and Playbooks | 141
Monitor Device and Network Health | 172
Paragon Insights Rules and Playbooks
Add a Pre-Dened Rule | 141
Create a New Rule Using the Paragon Insights GUI | 142
Edit a Rule | 159
Add a Pre-Dened Playbook | 159
Create a New Playbook Using the Paragon Insights GUI | 160
Edit a Playbook | 161
Clone a Playbook | 162
Manage Playbook Instances | 163
The device or network performance elements that are important to one company may not be important
to another. Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) uses Rules and Playbooks to dene key performance
indicators (KPIs) and organize them into groups that are applied to network devices.
This document presents the tasks involved in creang, eding, and deleng Paragon Insights rules and
Add a Pre-Dened Rule
Juniper has created a set of pre-dened rules that you can use to gather informaon from various
Juniper components and the networks they reside in. You can add these rules to Paragon Insights at any
me. Aer installaon, many default pre-dened rules appear in the Rules and Playbooks pages. Pre-
dened rules cannot be changed or removed; however, you can clone any rule (pre-dened or user
dened) simply by clicking the CLONE buon on the upper-right part of the rule denion. A cloned
rule goes to the
topic and can be re-congured at will.
To upload addional pre-dened rules to Paragon Insights:
1. Using a browser, go to hps:// and download the pre-dened rule
le to your system.
2. In the Paragon Insights GUI, click the Conguraon > Rules icon in the le-nav bar.
3. Click the ↑ Upload Rule Filesbuon.
4. Click the Choose Files buon.
5. Navigate to the rule le and click Open.
6. Select one of the following opons:
Upload Upload the le and save the rule within the dened topic area but do not deploy the
updated conguraon. You can use this opon when, for example, you are making several
changes and want to deploy all your updates at the same me.
Upload &
Upload the le, save the rule within the dened topic area, and immediately deploy the
NOTE: You can use the Upload and Upload & Deploy to upload user-dened acon (UDAs)
and user-dened funcon (UDFs) les.
Create a New Rule Using the Paragon Insights GUI
Rule Filtering | 144
Sensors | 145
Fields | 147
Vectors | 149
Variables | 151
Funcons | 152
Triggers | 154
Rule Properes | 156
Pre/Post Acon | 157
To create a new rule using the Paragon Insights GUI, you’ll rst ll out general descripve informaon
about the rule and then navigate through several rule denion blocks in the Rules page to provide the
specic conguraon for the Paragon Insights rule.
To start creang a new Paragon Insights rule:
1. Click the Conguraon > Rules icon in the le-nav bar. A list of Paragon Insights rules organized by
Paragon Insights topic is displayed along the le side of the Rules page.
2. Click the add rule buon (+ Add Rule).
3. Enter general descripve informaon about the rule using the following input parameters:
Parameter Descripon
Rule For a new rule, this parameter is pre-populated with
random characters
, for example, external / user_rule_2p0ghk.
The elds separated by the slash (/) represent Paragon Insights topic
name and Paragon Insights rule name, respecvely.
is the topic name used for user-dened topics. For the Paragon
Insights rules pre-dened by Juniper, Juniper has curated a set of pre-
dened device component-based topic names. For more informaon
about Paragon Insights topics, see Paragon Insights Topics.
Replace the user_rule_
random characters
rule name with a name that
appropriately represents the rule’s descripon such as packets-in,
packets-out, system_memory, etc.
Rule frequency (Network rule only) Specify how oen data for the network rule is
collected by Paragon Insights. This seng is overridden if the rule is
included in a frequency prole that is applied to a network group.
Descripon (Oponal) Enter a detailed descripon for the rule.
Synopsis (Oponal) Enter a brief descripon for the rule. The synopsis is displayed
when you hover over the rule name listed along the le side of the Rules
Field Aggregaon Time Range This oponal value denes how oen Paragon Insights aggregates the
data received by the sensor. This helps reduce the number of data point
entries in the me series database.
4. (Network rule only) If the new rule is a network rule, toggle the Network rule switch to the right.
5. Congure the rule denion blocks as needed.
Located directly below the Synopsis input parameter, you’ll nd links to the following rule denion
blocks: Sensors, Fields, Vectors, Variables, Funcons, Triggers, and Rule Properes. The following
secons describe the input parameters for each of these rule denion blocks.
6. Select one of the following opons to save the new rule:
Save Save the rule within the dened topic area but do not deploy the updated conguraon. You
can use this opon when, for example, you are making several changes and want to deploy
all your updates at the same me.
Save & Deploy Immediately deploy the conguraon and save the rule within the dened topic area.
The following secons describe the input parameters for each of the Paragon Insights rule denion
Rule Filtering
Starng in HealthBot Release 3.0.0, you can lter the Topics and Rules displayed on the le side of the
Rules page. This allows you to quickly nd rules that you are looking for. The search funcon works for
topics, rules, sensor-types and other categories; working not only on tles, but also on the dened
contents of rules.
The following procedure explains this ltering feature.
1. Navigate to Conguraon > Rules in the le-nav bar.
The Rules page is displayed. To the le of the rule denion area is a new secon as shown in Figure
39 on page 145 below.
Figure 39: Rule Filtering
2. From the pull-down menu, select the type of search you want to perform.
3. In the search eld, begin entering your search text.
The topic list below shrinks to display only topics and rules that match your search criteria.
Start conguring the new rule using the Sensor block. Figure 40 on page 146 shows the sensor
denion for the OpenCong sensor pppoe-error-statistics.
Figure 40: A Sensor Denion
1. Click the add sensor buon (+ Add Sensor).
A new sensor denion appears and is named Sensor_
random characters
, like Sensor_2kgf04.
2. Change the sensor name to something that makes sense for the rule you are dening.
3. From the drop-down list, choose the sensor type. You can choose one of: OpenCong, Nave GPB,
iAgent, SNMP, Syslog, or NetFlow.
The required elements for dening the Sensor Type change depending on the selecon you make.
The frequency is expressed in #s, #m, #h, #d, #w, #y, or #o where # is a number and s, m, h, d, w, y
species seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, years, and oset respecvely. The o expression is
used for dening an oset mulplier for use in formulas, references, triggers, learning periods, and
The following list describes the elements that change based on your choice of Sensor Type. None of
the other rule elements change because of a Sensor Type selecon.
Sensor path is dened from a drop-down list of available OpenCong sensors.
Frequency refers to how oen, in seconds, the sensor reports to Paragon Insights.
The frequency can be overridden if the sensor is included in a frequency prole.
GPB Sensor path refers to the path for a Nave GPB sensor. Port refers to the GPB port
over which the sensor communicates with Paragon Insights.
iAgent File is the name of a YAML-formaed le that denes the NETCONF-accessible sensor.
Table is dened from a drop-down list of available PyEZ tables and views in the YAML
le. Frequency refers to how oen the sensor is polled by Paragon Insights and can be
overridden by including the sensor in a frequency prole.
Based on the table you’ve selected, input elds for a target or dynamic arguments might
also be provided. For these addional elds, you can do one of the following:
Leave the input eld blank. No default value will be applied.
Enter a xed value that will remain constant.
Enter a variable name enclosed in double curly/ower brackets (for example, {{test-
variable}}) The variable name must belong to a variable that was previously dened in
the Paragon Insights rule, and the variable’s Type opon must be set to Sensor
SNMP Table is dened from a drop-down list of available SNMP tables. Frequency refers to how
oen, in seconds, Paragon Insights polls the device for data and can be overridden by
including the sensor in a frequency prole.
Paern set is a user-congured element that includes one or more paerns (you
congure a paern for each event you want to monitor). The Maximum hold period is
used in advanced cases and refers to the maximum me that the system will wait when
correlang events using mulple paerns within a paern set.
NOTE: The syslog sensor requires some pre-conguraon. See Syslog Ingest for more
Template Name is a Juniper-supplied built-in list of NetFlow v9 and IPFIX templates.
A sensor will generally carry informaon about mulple things. For example, a sensor that watches
interfaces has informaon about all of the interfaces on the device. In Paragon Insights, we call these
things Fields. Now that you’ve dened a sensor, you’ll need to tell Paragon Insights which elds you’re
interested in.
1. Click the Fields link.
The screen updates and shows the dened eld objects.
2. Click the add eld buon (+ Add Field).
3. Replace the random eld name with a name that make sense for the rule you are dening, such as
interface-name, congured-threshold, etc.
4. (Oponal) Add descripve text for the new eld.
5. Set the appropriate Field Type. The opons for eld type are: string, integer, oat, and unsigned
integer. String is the default eld type.
Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0, you can also select unsigned integer as a eld type. An
unsigned integer is a data type that can contain values from 0 through 4,294,967,295.
6. (Oponal) Toggle the Add to rule key switch.
The add rule to key switch tells Paragon Insights that this eld should be indexed and searchable. For
example, when you enable this switch, the eld name will be listed on the Devices page under the
Keys column.
7. Select the appropriate ingest type (Field source) from the pull-down menu.
The following list shows the opons available for the Ingest type (Field source) menu.
Sensor–Use this or another sensor denion.
Path-Follow this Open Cong or Netconf path within the sensor denion to gather specic
data like the names of the interfaces. For iAgent sensors the Path refers to the path dened in
the YAML le.
Where–Filter the available data to gather informaon about a specic element within, like a
specic interface. This eld can reference the Variables dened elsewhere within the rule.
When referencing variables, use moustache notaon, enclosed in slashes, such as:
Zero suppression-For some sensors associated with devices running Junos OS, such as Junos
Telemetry Interface Open Cong and nave GPB sensors, no eld data is sent from the sensor
when the data’s value is zero. Enable the zero suppression switch to set the eld data value to
zero whenever no eld data is sent from the sensor.
Data if missing-Specify a value as the default data value whenever no data is sent from the
sensor. The format of the specied value should match the dened eld type (string, integer,
or oat). If the zero suppression switch is also enabled, then the specied data-if-missing value
is ignored, and the default sensor data value is set to zero.
Reference–A reference to a eld or trigger value from another rule.
Data if missing-Specify a value as the default data value whenever no reference data is
fetched. The format of the specied value should match the dened eld type (string, integer,
or oat).
Constant–Use a constant when referring to a Variable dened within the rule, whose value
doesn’t change, such as IO_Drops_Threshold A constant can also be a string or numeric value that
does not change and is not a reference to a variable.
Constant value–Use moustache notaon to reference the variable like this:
Formula–Select the desired mathemacal formula from the Formula pull-down menu.
8. (Oponal) Set the Field aggregaon me-range. Located above the Fields tab with the general rule
parameters, this periodic aggregaon seng helps to reduce the number of data points entered in
the database. For example, if the sensor sengs specify that Paragon Insights ingests data every 10
seconds, you could congure this seng to aggregate and record the relevant eld data, say, every
60 seconds. Note that when using this seng, any eld-specic me ranges must use the same
NOTE: Starng in HealthBot Release 3.1.0, you can add elds and keys to rules based on
whether the incoming data meets user-dened condions dened in tagging proles. Tagging
proles are dened in Paragon Insights under Sengs > Ingest Sengs on the le-nav. See
"Paragon Insights Tagging" on page 33 for details.
(Oponal) Now that you have a sensor and elds dened for your rule, you can dene vectors.
A vector is used when a single eld has mulple values or when you receive a value from another eld.
1. Click on the Vectors link.Figure 41 on page 150 shows the Vectors block for a newly added vector.
Figure 41: Vectors Block
2. Click the add vector buon (+ Add Vector)
3. Replace the random vector name with a name that makes sense for your rule.
4. Select an ingest type from the drop-down list. The addional input elds will vary depending on the
selecon you make.
For path:
Parameter Descripon
List of elds Select a eld from the drop-down list. The list of elds is derived from all
of the dened elds in this rule.
Time-range Specify a me range from which the data should be collected. The me
range is expressed in #s, #m, #h, #d, #w, #y where # is a number and s, m,
h, d, w, y species seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and years
respecvely. For example, enter 7 days as 7d.
For formula:
Parameter Descripon
Formula Type Select a formula type from the drop-down list:
unique Creates a vector with unique elements from another vector.
and Compares two vectors and returns a vector with elements
common to both vectors.
or Compares two vectors and returns a vector with elements from
both vectors.
unless Compares two vectors and returns a vector with elements from
the le vector but not the right vector.
Vector name (Unique formula type only) Select a vector name from the drop-down list.
The list of vectors is derived from all of the dened vectors in this rule.
Le vector Select a vector name from the drop-down list. The list of vectors is
derived from all of the dened vectors in this rule.
Right vector Select a vector name from the drop-down list. The list of vectors is
derived from all of the dened vectors in this rule.
(Oponal) The Variables block is where you dene the parts of the sensor that you are interested in. For
example, a rule that monitors interface throughput needs to have a way to idenfy specic interfaces
from the list of available interfaces on a device. The eld details are discussed below.
1. Click on the Variables tab.
2. Click the add variable buon (+ Add Variable)
3. Replace the random Variable name with a variable name that makes sense for your rule, such as pem-
BEST PRACTICE: The accepted convenon within Juniper for naming of elements within
Paragon Insights is to always start with a lower-case leer and use hyphens to separate
words. Make sure that your variable names are unique, clearly named, and follow a
recognizable paern so that others can understand what the variable is for. Any
abbreviaons should be used consistently throughout.
4. Set an appropriate default value in the Default value eld.
Default values vary depending on eld type. Integer eld types use numeric default values, while
string eld types use strings to set exact defaults and regular expressions that allow you to set the
default from a list. Any default values set during rule denion can be overridden at apply-me at
either the device or device group level.
5. Select the appropriate variable type from the Type drop-down list.
Available eld types are: Integer, Floang Point, String, Boolean, Device, Device Group, and Unsigned
Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0, you can also select unsigned integer as a variable type. An
unsigned integer is a data type that can contain values from 0 through 4,294,967,295.
(Oponal) Dene any needed funcons.
The Funcons block allows users to create funcons in a python le and reference the methods that are
available in that le. The python le must be created outside of Paragon Insights. You must know about
the method names and any arguments because you will need those when dening the funcons.
Starng with Paragon Insights 4.2.0 release, you can use a Python user-dened funcon to return
mulple values.
For example, consider that you have a funcon example_func that has three return values. When
you call the example_func in a rule, the rst return value in the user-dened funcons (UDF) is
stored in the rule eld that calls the funcon. You only need to congure return elds, such as
for the remaining two return values. You can congure these elds for return values in the Return List of
the Funcons tab.
In the me-series database, the name of Return List elds are prexed with the name of the rule eld
that uses the UDF. For example,
Figure 42 on page 153 shows the Funcons block for the chassis.power/check=pem-power-usage rule. The eld
details are discussed below.
Figure 42: The Funcons Block
To congure a funcon:
1. Click on the Funcons link.
2. Click + Add Funcon.
3. Enter a funcon name such as used-percentage.
4. In the Path to funcon eld, enter the name of the python le that contains the funcons. These les
must be stored in the /var/local/healthbot/input/hb-default directory. The pull-down list is
populated with all the Python (.py) les in that directory.
5. In the Method Name eld, enter the name of the method as dened in the python le. For example,
6. (Oponal) Enter a descripon for the funcon in the descripon box.
7. (Oponal) For each argument that the python funcon can take, click the add argument buon (+
Add Argument).
Each me you click the add argument buon, you’ll need to enter the name of the argument and set
the toggle switch as to whether the argument is mandatory or not. The default is that none of the
arguments are mandatory.
8. (Oponal) If there are more than one return value in the funcon, click +Add Return List.
9. Enter a name for the return value and the data type, such as an integer.
A required element of rule denion that you’ll need to set is the trigger element. Figure 43 on page
154 shows the Triggers block for the system.memory/check-system-memory rule. The eld details are discussed
Figure 43: The Triggers Block
Seng up triggers involves creang terms that are used to set policy. If the terms within a trigger are
matched, then some acon is taken. Terms can evaluate the elds, funcons, variables, etc that are
dened within the rule against each other or in search of specic values. Terms are evaluated in order
from the top of the term list to the boom. If no match is found, then the next term (if any) is evaluated
unl a match is found or unl the boom of the term stack is reached.
1. Click on the Triggers link.
2. Click on the add trigger buon (+ Add Trigger).
3. Replace the random trigger name with one that makes sense for the trigger you are dening, such as
foo-link-operaon-state. We recommend using a name that is very unique to the rule and trigger to
avoid having the same trigger name across two or more rules.
4. (Oponal) Enter a value in the Frequency eld. This value tells Paragon Insights how oen the eld
data and triggers should be queried and evaluated. If no entry is made here, then the sensor
frequency is applied for this value. The frequency entered here can be entered as a mulple or, an
oset, of the sensor frequency such as 2o. For example, if the sensor frequency is 10s and the trigger
frequency is 2o, then the trigger frequency would be 20s (2*10s).
5. Click the add term buon (+ Add Term).
The Term area will expand and show an add condion buon, (+ Add Condion) in the When secon
and Color and Message elds in the Then secon.
6. To dene a condion that the term will evaluate, click the + Add Condion buon.
The When secon expands to show Le operand, Operator, and Time range elds.
NOTE: Seng a condion is not required. If you want to guarantee that a Term takes a
specic acon, don’t set a condion. This could be useful, for example, at the boom of a
term stack if you want some indicaon that none of the terms in your trigger matched.
7. Select values from the pull-down menus for each of these elds.
Depending on which Operator is chosen, a new eld, Right operand may appear in between the
Operator and Time range elds.
The le and right operand pull-down menus are populated with the elds and variables dened in
the rule. The operator eld determines what kind of comparison is done. The me range eld allows
the trigger to evaluate things such as if there were any dropped packets in the last minute.
8. (Oponal) Set values for the Color and Message elds, and add Acon Engine informaon in the
Then secon.
These elds are the acon elds. If a match is made in the condion set within the same term, then
whatever acon you dene here is taken. A color value of green, yellow, or red can be set. A message
can also be set and is not dependent on whether any color is set.
Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0, you link acon workows (Acon Engine) to rules while
seng up triggers. You can also add input arguments while linking acon workows. The Acon
Engine secon is enabled only with a PIN-Advanced license. For more informaon, see "Paragon
Insights Licensing Overview" on page 326.
If color or message are set, a toggle buon labelled Evaluate next term appears at the boom of the
Then secon. The default value for this buon is o (not acve).
NOTE: If no match is made in the When secon of a term, the Then secon is ignored. If this
happens, the next term down, if any, is evaluated.
If a match is made in the When secon, then the acons in the Then secon, if any, are taken
and processing of terms stops unless the Evaluate next term buon is set to on (acve).
Seng the Evaluate next term buon allows you to have Paragon Insights make more
complex evaluaons like ’if one condion and another condion are both true, then take this
Rule Properes
(Oponal) Specify metadata for your Paragon Insights rule in the Rule Properes block. Available opons
Aributes Descripon
Version Enter the version of the Paragon Insights rule.
Contributor Choose an opon from the drop-down list.
Author Specify a valid e-mail address.
Date Choose a date from the pop-up calendar.
Supported Paragon
Insights Version
Specify the earliest Paragon Insights release for which the rule is valid.
Supported Device >
Juniper Devices
Choose either Junos or Junos Evolved. Device metadata includes Product Name,
Release Name, Release Support (drop-down list), and plaorm. You can add metadata
for mulple devices, mulple products per device, and mulple releases per product.
Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0, you can select default sensors that you want
to apply to all supported devices. You also have the opon to select default sensors that
you want to apply to Juniper devices, and to Juniper devices that run a specic OS.
Aributes Descripon
Supported Device >
Other Vendor Devices
Paragon Insights Release 4.1.0 and earlierYou can add metadata for mulple devices.
Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0 and laterYou can add vendor idener, vendor name,
product, plaorm, release, and operang system-related informaon for non-Juniper
Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0, you can select default sensors that you want
to apply to all non-Juniper devices.
Helper Files Specify les that are required by the Paragon Insights rule.
For more informaon on rules and telemetry sensors supported in a Junos OS and Junos OS Evolved
soware release for a specic hardware plaorm, see Telemetry Sensor Explorer.
Pre/Post Acon
You can use the following general workow to work with pre- or post-acon tasks:
1. Congure Acon Engine Workows. See "Manage Acon Engine Workows" on page 244 for more
2. Congure Pre-Acon or Post-Acon tasks depending on your use case.
See "Pre-acon Tasks" on page 157 to congure pre-acon tasks and see "Post-acon Tasks" on page
158 to congure post-acon tasks.
3. Create a playbook with rules that have pre or post-acon tasks. See "Paragon Insights Rules and
Playbooks" on page 141 for more informaon.
4. Run an instance of the new playbook on device groups to execute pre-acon tasks. See "Paragon
Insights Rules and Playbooks" on page 141 for more informaon.
5. Stop the instance of the new playbook to execute post-acon tasks. See "Paragon Insights Rules and
Playbooks" on page 141 for more informaon.
6. Monitor the status of pre-acon and post-acon tasks. See "Manage Acon Engine Workows" on
page 244 for more informaon.
Before you congure pre-acon and post-acon tasks in rules, you must congure Acon Engine
workows. See "Manage Acon Engine Workows" on page 244 to congure Acon Engine workows.
To congure pre-acon tasks:
1. Click the Pre/Post Acons tab on the Rules page.
2. In the Pre-Acon secon, select an acon engine workow in the Acon Engine eld.
3. Enter the input argument from the list in the device eld. The list shows arguments you previously
congured in the selected acon engine workow as the pre-acon task.
4. Enable execute-once if you want Paragon Insights to execute the pre-acon task only once on each
device in a device group.
5. Do one of the following:
Click Save to save your conguraon changes but do not deploy the updated conguraon. You
can use this opon when, for example, you are making several changes and want to deploy all
your updates at the same me later. See "Commit or Roll Back Conguraon Changes in Paragon
Insights" on page 307 for more informaon.
Click Save and Deploy to save the rule conguraon in the GUI and deploy the conguraon.
When the rule is included in a playbook and a playbook instance runs on a device group, Paragon
Insights executes the pre-acon task parallel to ingesng telemetry data.
Before you congure pre-acon and post-acon tasks in rules, you must congure Acon Engine
workows. See "Manage Acon Engine Workows" on page 244 to congure Acon Engine workows.
To congure post-acon tasks:
1. Click the Pre/Post Acons tab on the Rules page.
2. In the Post-Acon secon, select an acon engine workow in the Acon Engine eld.
3. Enter the input argument from the list in the device eld. The list shows arguments you previously
congured in the selected acon engine workow as the post-acon task.
4. Enable execute-once if you want Paragon Insights to execute the post-acon task only once on each
device in a device group.
5. Do one of the following:
Click Save to save your conguraon changes but do not deploy the updated conguraon. You
can use this opon when, for example, you are making several changes and want to deploy all
your updates at the same me later. See "Commit or Roll Back Conguraon Changes in Paragon
Insights" on page 307 for more informaon.
Click Save and Deploy to save the rule conguraon in the GUI and deploy the conguraon.
When you stop the playbook instance (with this rule) from running on a device group, Paragon
Insights executes the post-acon task aer it stops the service for playbooks.
Edit a Rule
To edit a rule:
1. Click the Rules icon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click the name of the rule listed along the le side of the Rules page.
3. Modify the necessary elds.
4. Select one of the following opons:
Save Save your edits but do not deploy the updated conguraon. You can use this opon when,
for example, you are making several changes and want to deploy all your updates at the
same me.
Save & Deploy Immediately deploy the conguraon and save the rule.
5. (Oponal) Delete a rule by clicking the Delete buon located to the right of the rule name.
Add a Pre-Dened Playbook
Juniper curates a set of pre-dened playbooks designed to address common use cases. You can add
these playbooks to your Paragon Insights installaon at any me. The default pre-dened playbooks
cannot be changed or removed.
To add a pre-dened playbook to Paragon Insights:
1. Using a browser, go to hps:// and download the pre-dened
playbook le to your computer.
2. In the Paragon Insights GUI, click the Conguraon > Playbooks icon in the le-nav bar.
3. Click the upload playbook buon (↑ Upload Playbook).
4. Click the Choose Files buon.
5. Navigate to the playbook le and click Open.
6. Select one of the following opons:
Upload Upload the le and add the playbook but do not deploy the updated conguraon. You can
use this opon when, for example, you are making several changes and want to deploy all
your updates at the same me.
Upload &
Upload the le, add the playbook, and immediately deploy the conguraon.
NOTE: You can use the Upload and Upload & Deploy to upload user-dened acon (UDAs)
and user-dened funcon (UDFs) les.
Create a New Playbook Using the Paragon Insights GUI
Paragon Insights operates on playbooks, which are a collecon of rules for solving a specic customer
use case. For example, the system-kpi-playbook monitors the health of system parameters such as
system-cpu-load-average, storage, system-memory, process-memory, etc. and noes the operator or
takes correcve acon in case any of the KPIs cross pre-set thresholds. Any single rule can be a part of
0, 1, or more playbooks. The playbook is the rule element that gets deployed on devices. Rules that are
not included in any playbook will not be deployed to any device.
NOTE: Click the Name, Running, Paused, or Synopsis column headers in the Playbooks table to
organize the data in ascending or descending order.
Starng with Release 4.2.0, Paragon Insights supports splat operator in ICMP outlier detecon playbook.
The icmp-outlier playbook earlier required that you enter the round trip me (RTT) XPath for each
device (using device id). As the playbook is applied to all devices in a device group, you can enter the
splat operator (*) in the regular expression format instead of device id of each device.
For example:
NOTE: If you delete or add a device in a device group on which an ICMP outlier playbook
instance runs, you must pause the playbook instance, modify the XPath conguraon to reect
the addion or deleon of devices, and re-apply the playbook instance for the device group.
To create a new playbook using the Paragon Insights GUI:
1. Click the Conguraon > Playbooks icon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click the create playbook buon (+ Create Playbook).
A new window appears with 4 elds: Name, Synopsis, Descripon, and Rules. We describe the use of
each eld below.
3. Enter a name for the playbook in the Name eld.
4. Enter a short descripon for the playbook in the Synopsis eld.
This text appears in the Synopsis column of the table on the Playbooks page.
5. (Oponal) Enter a descripon of each of the rules that make up this playbook in the Descripon eld.
This text can only be seen if you click on the playbook name on the Playbooks page.
6. From the rules drop-down list, select the rules that make up this playbook.
7. Select one of the following opons:
Save Save and add the playbook but do not deploy the updated conguraon. You can use this
opon when, for example, you are making several changes and want to deploy all your
updates at the same me.
Save & Deploy Immediately deploy the conguraon and save and add the playbook.
Edit a Playbook
To edit a playbook:
1. Click the Conguraon > Playbooks icon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click the name of the playbook.
3. Modify the necessary text boxes.
4. Select one of the following opons:
Save Save your edits to the playbook but do not deploy the updated conguraon. You can use
this opon when, for example, you are making several changes and want to deploy all your
updates at the same me.
Save & Deploy Immediately deploy the conguraon and save your edits to the playbook.
5. (Oponal) Delete a playbook by clicking the trash can icon in the Delete column.
NOTE: You cannot edit or delete a system dened (Juniper provided) playbook.
When you update a playbook, the new changes on the playbook will not be applied to the exisng
instances of the playbook. For example, a playbook instance that is associated to a device group will not
be updated when the playbook is edited or updated. You must delete the exisng playbook instance and
create a new one for updates to be applied.
Clone a Playbook
Starng with HealthBot Release 3.2.0, you can clone an exisng playbook and modify conguraons.
Follow these steps to clone a playbook by using the Paragon Insights UI.
1. Click Conguraon>Playbooks in the le-nav bar.
The Playbooks page is displayed.
2. Click the Clone icon as show in Figure 44 on page 162.
Figure 44: Clone a Playbook
The Clone Playbook: <
name of playbook
> page is displayed.
You can now edit Name, Synopsis, and Descripon secons. You can also add new rules or remove
exisng rules from the Rules drop-down list.
3. Click Save to save conguraons and conrm cloning the playbook.
Alternavely, click Save & Deploy to save conguraons, conrm cloning the playbook, and deploy
the newly cloned playbook.
Manage Playbook Instances
View Informaon About Playbook Instances | 163
Create a Playbook Instance | 166
Manually Pause or Play a Playbook Instance | 167
Create a Schedule to Automacally Play/Pause a Playbook Instance | 169
The term
playbook instance
refers to a specic snapshot of a playbook that is applied to a specic
device group or network group. You can manually play and pause playbook instances. Alternavely, you
can apply a customized schedule to a playbook instance that will automacally perform play and pause
The following secons describe tasks that you can perform to manage playbook instances:
View Informaon About Playbook Instances
To view informaon about playbook instances:
1. Click the Conguraon > Playbooks opon in the le-nav bar.
The saved playbooks are listed in the table on the main Playbooks page.
Playbooks that have been applied to a device group or network group are idened in the table
by a right caret next to the playbook name.
The Instances column in the table shows the number of playbook instances running and paused.
Starng with HealthBot Release 3.1.0, some playbooks require the purchase and installaon of
advanced or premium licenses. These playbooks are idened by the green circle with a white
star in it. As shown above, it tells you which license is required when you hover your mouse over
the icon.
The Live column (in the Acon secon of the table) shows a colored circle indicator that
represents the overall status of the playbook instances for each playbook. The following table
provides the color denions:
Table 9: Color
Denions for the Live Column
Color Denion
Green All instances associated with this playbook are currently running.
Yellow One or more instances associated with this playbook are paused.
Gray/Black There are no instances associated with this playbook, or an instance is associated with this
playbook but the conguraon has not been deployed yet.
2. Click on the caret next to the playbook name to expand or collapse the playbook instance details. If
no caret is present, then the playbook has not been applied to any device groups or network groups.
The following playbook instance details are displayed:
Column Name or Widget Descripon
Instance Name User-dened instance name.
Schedule Name of the schedule prole applied to the playbook instance. For
informaon on how to congure a schedule prole, see "Create a Schedule
to Automacally Play/Pause a Playbook Instance" on page 169
Click on the name to display the schedule details.
Device/Network Group Device group or network group to which the schedule is applied.
No. of devices Number of devices on which this playbook instance is deployed. This is
applicable for device group instances only, not for network group
Status Current status of the playbook instance. Status can be either Running or
Paused. The Status column also indicates whether the acon was
performed automacally or manually.
Note: If the status of a playbook instance is Running (automac), you can
manually pause the schedule for this instance using the Pause Schedule
buon. In this case, the status will change to Paused (manual). To resume
running the schedule for this instance, you must manually run the instance
using the Play Schedule buon. In this case, the status will change back to
Running (automac), and the play and pause acons associated with the
schedule will resume.
Started/Paused at Date and me when the playbook instance was last started or paused. The
date reects local browser me zone.
Next Acon This column applies only to playbook instances associated with a schedule.
It indicates whether the playbook instance is scheduled to automacally
pause or play in the future. This column is blank if no schedule is
associated with the playbook instance or if the status of the instance is
Paused (manual).
Column Name or Widget Descripon
Play/Pause buon Pauses or plays a playbook instance or the schedule for a playbook
The Play/Pause buon toggles between the two states. For more
informaon, see "Manually Pause or Play a Playbook Instance" on page
Trash can icon Deletes the playbook instance.
Create a Playbook Instance
To create a playbook instance for a device group:
1. Click the Conguraon > Playbooks opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click the Apply icon (in the Acon secon of the table) for the desired playbook.
A pane tled
Run Playbook: <playbook-name>
3. In the Name of Playbook Instance eld, ll in an appropriate name for this instance of the playbook.
This is a required eld.
4. (Oponal) In the Run on schedule eld, choose the name of the schedule that you want to apply to
this playbook instance. You can apply only one schedule per playbook instance. If you want a specic
playbook instance to run on mulple schedules, you must create mulple versions of the instance,
each with its own unique name and schedule.
For informaon on how to congure a schedule, see "Create a Schedule to Automacally Play/Pause
a Playbook Instance" on page 169.
To view informaon about an exisng schedule:
a. Click the Sengs opon in the le-nav bar.
b. In the Scheduler Sengs secon, a summary of the properes for each saved schedule is shown
in the table. Click on a specic schedule name to view addional details.
5. In the Device Group secon under Rules, apply this playbook instance to the appropriate device
group using the drop-down list.
The list of devices in the Devices secon changes based on the device group selected.
NOTE: If your playbook contains network rules, the Device Group secon does not appear.
Instead, it is replaced with a Network Groups secon (not shown).
6. Click one of the devices listed in the Devices secon.
Here is where you can customize the variable values that will be set for this device when the
playbook is run.
7. In the secon tled Variable values for Device
<Device Name>
, the variables for each rule in the
playbook can be seen by clicking on the rule name. The default values for each variable are displayed
as grey text in each eld. You can leave these values as-is or override them by entering a new value.
Repeat steps 6 and 7 for each device in the device group, as needed.
8. When you are sased that all of the variable values are appropriate for all the devices in the device
group, select one of the following opons.
Save Instance Save your edits but do not deploy the updated conguraon and do not run the instance. You
can use this opon when, for example, you are making several changes and want to deploy all
your updates at the same me.
Run Instance Deploy the conguraon, and, if no schedule prole was applied, immediately run the
instance. If a schedule prole was applied, the instance will run according to the conguraon
of the prole.
Manually Pause or Play a Playbook Instance
When an instance is paused, Paragon Insights does not collect, analyze or raise an alarm on the device or
network group data associated with the playbook rules. Data collected prior to pausing the instance is
retained in the system, but no new data is collected or analyzed unl the instance is played again.
The following table describes the state of the playbook instance when a parcular buon is displayed in
the Play/Pause column:
If the displayed Play/Pause buon
Then the state of the playbook instance is...
Pause Instance
The instance is running.
The instance is not associated with a schedule.
Data is being collected.
Pause Schedule
The instance is associated with a schedule.
The schedule is running.
The schedule determines when the instance is running.
Play Instance
The instance is not running.
The instance is not associated with a schedule.
No data is being collected.
Play Schedule
The instance is associated with a schedule.
The schedule and the instance is not running.
No data is being collected.
To manually pause a playbook instance or schedule:
1. Click the Conguraon > Playbooks opon in the le-nav bar.
The list of exisng playbooks is displayed.
2. Click the caret next to the name of the playbook that you want to pause.
3. Choose one of the following opons:
Click the Pause Instance buon to pause a playbook instance (not associated with a schedule).
Click the Pause Schedule buon to pause the schedule that’s associated with a playbook instance.
4. The Play/Pause Playbook Instance dialog box appears. Select one of the following opons:
Pause Flags this playbook instance to be paused the next me you deploy the conguraon. Use this
opon if you are making several changes and want to deploy all your edits at the same me.
Pause &
Immediately pause the playbook instance and deploy the conguraon. It will take a few
seconds for the playbook table to update to show the instance is paused.
There is a slight delay in updang the table because the play and pause acons are
asynchronous and run in the background, allowing you to perform other acons. The status of
this asynchronous acvity can be tracked through the deploy icon located in the upper right
corner of the window (as indicated in the success message of deploy acon). Once this acon is
complete, the status is reected in the playbook table as well.
Once the playbook table is refreshed, the playbook name shows a yellow icon in the Live column as a
visual indicator that an instance is paused.
5. To resume a paused playbook instance, follow the same steps as above except choose one of the
following opons for Step 3:
Click the Play Instance buon to resume running a playbook instance (not associated with a
Click the Play Schedule buon to resume running the schedule associated with a playbook
instance. The schedule determines when the instance resumes playing.
Create a Schedule to Automacally Play/Pause a Playbook Instance
To automacally play/pause a playbook instance, you must rst create a schedule and then apply the
schedule to the playbook instance. You can apply only one schedule per playbook instance. If you want a
specic playbook instance to run on mulple schedules, you must create mulple versions of the
instance, each with its own unique name and schedule.
To create a schedule for a playbook instance:
1. Click the Sengs > System opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click the Scheduler tab.
3. In Scheduler Sengs, click the add scheduler buon (+ Scheduler).
4. Enter the necessary values in the text boxes and select the appropriate opons for the playbook
instance schedule.
The following table describes the aributes in the Add a scheduler and Edit a scheduler panes:
Aributes Descripon
Name Enter the name of the playbook instance schedule.
Choose discrete.
You can congure a discrete length of me to play the playbook instance using the Run for
eld. Once the run me has ended, Paragon Insights will automacally pause the instance.
You can also congure Paragon Insights to automacally resume playing the instance using
the Repeat eld.
Start On Use the pop-up calendar to select the date and me to play the playbook instance for the
rst me.
Run for Congure a discrete length of me to play the playbook instance. First enter an integer value
and then choose the unit of measure (minute, hour, or day) from the drop-down list.
Once the run me has ended, Paragon Insights will automacally pause the instance. You
can also congure Paragon Insights to automacally resume playing the instance using the
Repeat eld.
End On (Oponal) Use the pop-up calendar to select the date and me to pause the playbook
instance indenely. Leave blank if you want the playbook instance to play indenitely.
Note: If a playbook instance is associated with a schedule and is running when the End On
me is reached, then the instance will connue to run unl the congured Run for length of
me is reached. At this me, the instance will pause indenitely.
Repeat Congure the Run for eld before conguring the Repeat eld. The Repeat interval must be
larger than the congured Run for length of me.
In the drop-down list, choose one of the following:
The frequency (every day, week, month, or year) at which you want the playbook
instance to play.
The Never opon if you want the playbook to play only once.
The Custom opon to specify a custom frequency at which you want the playbook
instance to play. Use the Repeat Every eld to congure the custom frequency.
Aributes Descripon
Repeat Every (Oponal) If you chose the Custom opon for the Repeat eld, enter the custom frequency
at which you want the playbook instance to play. First enter an integer value and then
choose the unit of measure (minute, hour, or day) from the drop-down list.
5. Click Save to save the conguraon or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon.
6. Now you’re ready to apply the schedule to a playbook instance. For more informaon, see "Create a
Playbook Instance" on page 166.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
Release Descripon
3.1.0 Starng in HealthBot Release 3.1.0, you can add elds and keys to rules based on whether the incoming
data meets user-dened condions dened in tagging proles.
3.1.0 Starng with HealthBot Release 3.1.0, some playbooks require the purchase and installaon of
advanced or premium licenses.
3.0.0 Starng in HealthBot Release 3.0.0, you can lter the Topics and Rules displayed on the le side of the
Rules page.
Paragon Insights Concepts | 6
Manage Devices, Device Groups, and Network Groups | 121
Telemetry Sensor Explorer
Monitor Device and Network Health
Dashboard | 172
Health | 183
Network Health | 192
Graphs Page | 192
Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) oers several ways to detect and troubleshoot device-level and
network-level health problems. Use the informaon provided by the following Paragon Insights GUI
pages to invesgate and discover the root cause of issues detected by Paragon Insights:
Device Dashlets | 174
Device Group List Dashlet | 175
Network Group List Dashlet | 177
Health Alert Dashlets | 178
TSDB Dashlets | 180
Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 introduces GUI enhancements brought about by the migraon to a new
framework. This change does not have an impact on exisng funconality or resources in the GUI but
introduces the following changes in the interface:
Favorites opon
Launchpad icon
TSDB (me series database) dashlets
The Favorites opon, denoted by a star buon at top right corner of all pages, allows users to mark
pages under the Favorites secon for easier access.
In the top right corner of the UI, if you click the Launchpad buon (rocket icon), you get a drop down
menu that takes you to the Sizing Tool and the Github repository for Paragon Insights rules called
Playbooks (github). Sizing Tool allows you to esmate the compute (vCPU), memory (RAM), and storage
requirements to deploy or scale Paragon Insights in your network. Visit the sizing tool app to esmate
your requirements.
Starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0, the Alarms opon is renamed as Alerts. To access the
Alerts page, go to Monitor > Alerts.
Use the Dashboard to create a custom view of what you’re most interested in. Paragon Insights pre-
populates the dashboard with the Device List, Device Group List, and Netwok Group List dashlets and
calls this view My Dashboard. You can create your own dashboard view by clicking the + to the right of
My Dashboard. Custom views can be added, renamed, and deleted as you see t.
The Dashboard also has a graphical list of pre-dened dashlets across the top that is inially hidden from
view. Click the cluster of 9 blue dots on the upper right part of the page to display or hide the available
dashlets. Each dashlet provides graphical informaon from a specic point of view. Many of the dashlets
can be clicked on to drill down deeper into the informaon presented.
Consists of devices dashlet, device vendor dashlet, and device status dashlet (see "Device
Dashlets" on page 174).
Device Groups
Consists of device group dashlets (see "Device Group List Dashlet" on page 175).
Network Groups
Consists of network group dashlets (see "Network Group List Dashlet" on page
Health Alert
Consists of health alert dashlets (see "Health Alert Dashlets" on page 178).
TSDB (Time
Series Database)
Consists of TSDB dashlets that have line charts for Buer Bytes, Buer Length,
and bar charts for Read Error for Last 5 Minutes, Write Error for Last 5 Minutes,
and Buer Length (see "TSDB Dashlets" on page 180).
The Dashboard uses two types of colored objects to provide health status: halos and bars. The following
table describes the meaning of the severity level colors displayed by the status halos and bars on the
Color Denion
Green The overall health of the device, device group, or network group is normal.
No problems have been detected.
Yellow There might be a problem with the health of the device, device group, or
network group. A minor problem has been detected. Further invesgaon is
Red The health of the device, device group, or network group is severe. A major
problem has been detected.
Gray No data is available.
Device Dashlets
The following table describes the main features of the Devices dashlet, Device Vendor dashlet, and
Device Status dashlet on the dashboard.
Figure 45: Devices Dashlets
Dashlets Descripon
Devices Devices dashlet lists the status and hostname of all devices congured in Paragon Insights.
Click on the number under the Device Groups column in the dashlet to trace the device group to
which the device is added. It goes to the Device Group Conguraon page.
Click the circular arrow at the top of the dashlet to refresh the dashlet.
Click the X at the top of the dashlet to remove the dashlet from the dashboard.
The half pie chart in this dashlet shows the total number of devices classied by vendor name.
Each vendor is disnguished by a unique color.
If you hover over the chart, the status halo displays the number of devices from a vendor and the
percentage share of the devices in the total.
The legend by the chart displays the names of the vendors. If you click on the name of a parcular
vendor, the devices from that vendor is ltered out from the data shown in the pie chart.
The pie chart in this dashlet shows the total number of devices in the plaorm classied by health
status. Each health status is disnguished by a unique color.
If you hover over the chart, the status halo of each segment displays the number of devices with
the health status denoted by the segment color and the percentage share of the devices in the
The legend by the chart displays the health statuses of devices. If you click on the name of a
parcular status, the devices with that health status is ltered out from the pie chart.
Device Group List Dashlet
The following table describes the main features of the Device Groups dashlet and Device Group Health
dashlet on the dashboard.
Figure 46: Device Group Dashlets
Dashlets Descripon
To edit device group properes, click the device group name. For informaon on device group
properes, see "Manage Devices, Device Groups, and Network Groups" on page 121.
To display the list of devices that belong to a device group, click the integer number on this dashlet
that represents the number of devices included in the device group.
To display the list of playbooks applied on a device group, click the integer number that represents
the number of playbooks applied on the device group.
To remove this dashlet from the dashboard, click the X buon at the top corner of the dashlet.
The color of each segment in the pie chart represents the health status of the devices in the
device group. For example, if a chart has one half segment as green and the other half segment as
yellow, then no problems are detected in the number of devices displayed in the green segment
and minor problems are detected in the number of devices displayed in the yellow segment.
Clicking on a segment takes you to the Monitor > Device Conguraon page.
The coloring of the status halo in the pie chart segments represents the percentage of devices in
the device group that have the health status dened by the color. For example, if the circle halo is
all green, then the health of 100% of the devices in the device group is normal.
The legend by the pie chart displays the dierent health statuses of device groups. If you click on
the name of a parcular status such as healthy, the device groups with that status are ltered out
from the pie chart.
Dashlets Descripon
The pie chart in this dashlet classies all device groups in the plaorm by their health status. Each
health status is disnguished by a unique color.
If you hover over the chart, the status halo of each segment displays the number of devices in the
device group with the health status denoted by the segment color and the percentage share of the
devices in the total.
The legend by the chart displays the device groups. If you click on the name of a parcular device
group, the devices in that device group are ltered out from the pie chart.
Network Group List Dashlet
The following table describes the main features of the Network Groups dashlet and Network Health
Figure 47: Network Group Dashlets
Dashlets Descripon
To edit network group properes, click the network group name. For informaon on network
group properes, see "Manage Devices, Device Groups, and Network Groups" on page 121.
Click the X at the top of the dashlet to remove the dashlet from the dashboard.
Click the name of a network group in the dashlet to open the Network Health page of a parcular
network group.
The status icons displayed against a network group name represents the overall health status of
the network group. It can read no data or display an icon to indicate warning, alert, and healthy
This dashlet shows a pie chart with several segments to classify the network groups based on their
network health. The segment size denotes the number of network groups with the status of that
segment. The segment color represents the overall health status of the network group(s) in that
For example, if you hover over a red segment in the chart, it displays the name(s) of the network
group(s) with major alerts and the total count of network groups with major alerts.
The legend by the pie chart displays the names of all network groups. If you click on the name of a
parcular network group, that group is ltered out from the pie chart.
Health Alert Dashlets
The following table describes the properes of the Health Alert dashlets.
Figure 48: Health Alert Dashlets
Dashlets Descripon
Health Alert
The pie chart in this dashlet shows the total number of health alerts generated in Paragon Insights
classied by the alert severity level.
Each segment of the pie chart represents a severity level disnguished by a unique color.
If you hover your cursor over the chart, the status halo of each segment displays the number of
alerts with the severity level denoted by the segment color and the percentage share of the alerts
in the total.
The legend by the chart displays the severity levels of the alerts. If you click on the name of a
severity level, the alerts marked with that severity level are ltered out from the pie chart.
Health Alert
The pie chart in this dashlet shows alerts generated in Paragon Insights classied by their status in
the plaorm: open, closed, and expired.
Each segment of the pie chart represents a status disnguished by a unique color.
If you hover your cursor over the chart, the status halo of each segment displays the number of
alerts with the status denoted by the segment color and the percentage share of the alerts in the
The legend by the chart displays the three main statuses of alerts. If you click on the name of an
alert status, the alerts marked with that status are ltered out from the pie chart.
Dashlets Descripon
Health Alert
The chart in this dashlet shows a me line view of alerts generated in Paragon Insights classied
by their severity levels.
Each severity level in the chart is disnguished by a unique color.
If you hover your cursor over any me point in the chart, the number of alerts per severity level is
displayed for that me.
The legend by the chart displays the severity levels of alerts. If you click on the name of an alert
severity level, alerts marked with that severity are ltered out from the chart.
TSDB Dashlets
Each TSDB table row, that is also known as a point, contains data for a parcular key at a given me. In
TSDB, write or read requests are executed by grouping mulple points into a batch point.
Buer Length denotes the number of batch points that are buered per node at a given me. Buered
Bytes denotes the total size of the batch points buered per TSDB node. In TSDB, a maximum of 1GB
of batch point can be buered per node.
Read or write errors occur when TSDB does not accept more requests as the buer is full or because of
issues in Kubernetes clusters. Errors can be minimized through database sharding. For more informaon,
see "Paragon Insights Time Series Database (TSDB)" on page 57.
Figure 49 on page 181 shows a sample TSDB dashboard.
Figure 49: Paragon Insights TSDB Dashlets
The following table describes the main features of the me series database dashlet on the Dashboard.
For informaon on how TSDB works, see "Paragon Insights Time Series Database (TSDB)" on page 57.
Dashlets Descripon
TSDB Buer
The chart in this dashlet shows a me line view of buered bytes classied by the number of
Each TSDB node in the chart is disnguished by a unique color.
If you hover your cursor over any me point in the chart, the total buered bytes per node for
that me is displayed.
The legend by the chart displays the nodes. If you click on the name of a node, buered bytes
data of that node is ltered out from the chart.
When the chart refreshes, the vercal axis of buered bytes is auto adjusted based on the data.
The data in vercal axis is in bytes.
To delete the dashlet, click the X at the top of the dashlet.
Dashlets Descripon
TSDB Buer
The chart in this dashlet shows a me line view of buer length classied by the number of
Each TSDB node in the chart is disnguished by a unique color.
If you hover your cursor over any me point in the chart, the buer length per node for that
me is displayed.
The legend by the chart displays the nodes. If you click on the name of a node, buer length
data of that node is ltered out from the chart.
The vercal axis shows data of buer length in terms of absolute number of batch points.
To delete the dashlet, click the X at the top of the dashlet.
Errors Last 5
The bar chart in this dashlet shows the number of TSDB read errors collected every 5 minutes
classied by the number of nodes.
The legend displays the nodes. If you click on the name of a node, the read error data of that
node is ltered out from the chart.
The horizontal axis shows read errors in absolute number.
To delete the dashlet, click the X at the top of the dashlet.
TSDB Write
Errors Last 5
The bar chart in this dashlet shows the number of TSDB write errors collected every 5 minutes
classied by the number of nodes.
The legend displays the nodes. If you click on the name of a node, the write error data of that
node is ltered out from the chart.
The horizontal axis shows write errors in absolute number.
To delete the dashlet, click the X at the top of the dashlet.
Latest TSDB
Buer Length
The bar chart in this dashlet shows the number of TSDB buer length classied by the number
of nodes.
The legend displays the nodes. If you click on the name of a node, the buer length data of that
node is ltered out from the chart.
The horizontal axis shows buer length in absolute number.
To delete the dashlet, click the X at the top of the dashlet.
Timeline View | 183
Tile View | 185
Table View | 187
Time Inspector View | 190
Use the Health page (Monitor > Health) to monitor and track the health of a single device, a device
group, or a network. You can also troubleshoot problems. Select a device group using the enty type
selectors (DEVICE, DEVICE GROUP, or NETWORK) located in the top le corner of the page. Once
selected, you can then select individual devices or all of the devices from the group by clicking the Select
devices pull-down menu. The page is divided into the following three main views that, when used
together, can help you invesgate the root cause of problems detected on your devices:
"Timeline View" on page 183
"Tile View" on page 185
"Table View" on page 187
"Time Inspector View" on page 190
Timeline View
In meline view, you can monitor real-me and past occurrences of KPI events agged with a minor or
major severity level health status. The general characteriscs and behaviors of the meline include (see
Figure 50 on page 184):
Clicking on the right caret next to the Timeline View heading expands or collapses the meline.
Each dot or line in the meline represents the health status of a unique KPI event (also known as a
Paragon Insights rule trigger) for a pre-dened KPI key with which Paragon Insights has detected a
minor or major severity level issue. The name of each event is displayed (per device) directly to the
le of its associated health status dot or line.
The health status dot or line for each unique KPI event in the meline can consist of several dierent
KPI keys. Use le view and table view to see the health status informaon for the individual KPI keys.
Only minor or major severity level KPI events are displayed in the meline. Yellow represents a minor
event, and red represents a major one.
A KPI event that occurs once (at only one point in me) and does not recur connuously over me is
represented as a dot.
A KPI event that occurs connuously over me is represented as a horizontal line.
Timeline data is displayed for a 2-hour customizable me range.
The red vercal line on the meline represents the current me.
The blue vercal line on the meline represents the user-dened point of me for which to display
Figure 50: Timeline view
The following table describes the main features of the meline:
Feature Descripon
Display informaon about a
dot or horizontal line in the
Hover over the dot or horizontal line to display the associated KPI event name,
device name, health status severity level, and event start and end mes.
Addional health status informaon about the KPI event can be found in le
view. For informaon about le view, see the "Tile View" on page 185 secon.
For the displayed data,
change the range of me (x-
axis) that is visible on the
Click and drag the x-axis of the meline to the le or to the right.
Click the Zoom In or Zoom Out buons in the top right corner of the
Feature Descripon
Choose a dierent 2-hour
me range of data to display.
Use the blue vercal line to customize the me range of data to display. Opons
for enabling the blue vercal line:
Click inside the meline grid at the parcular point in me you want to
display data.
In the date/me drop-down menu (located above the meline), select the
parcular point in me you want to display data ..
Data is generally displayed for 1 hour before and 1 hour aer the blue line.
Hover over the blue line to display the exact point in me that it represents.
Drag the blue line le or right to adjust the me.
NOTE: Auto-refresh is disabled whenever you enable the blue line. Re-enabling
auto-refresh disables the blue line and resets the meline to display the most
recent 2-hour me range of data.
Freeze the meline (disable
Toggle the auto-refresh switch to the le.
Unfreeze the meline (enable
Toggle the auto-refresh switch to the right.
Tile View
The le view uses colored les to allow you to monitor and troubleshoot the health of a device. The les
are organized rst by device group, then by device component topic, and lastly by unique KPI key (see
Figure 51 on page 186). By default, the le view data corresponds to the most recent data collected. To
customize the point in me for which data is displayed in le view, select a parcular point in me from
the date/me drop-down menu (located above the meline) or enable the blue vercal line in meline
view. For informaon about how to enable the blue vercal line, see the "Timeline View" on page 183
secon. The Composite toggle switch (not shown) at the upper right of the TILE VIEW, allows you to
select data from more than one device component topic to be shown in the Table View and, thus, the
Time Inspector View. This can be useful when topics must be combined to nd root cause for an issue.
For example, system memory usage could combine with output queue usage to create a performance
issue in an overloaded system.
Figure 51: Tile View
The following table describes the meaning of the severity level colors displayed by the status les:
Color Denion
Green The overall health of the KPI key is normal. No problems have been detected.
Yellow There might be a problem with the health of a KPI key. A minor problem has been
detected. Further invesgaon is required.
Red The health of a KPI key is severe. A major problem has been detected.
Gray No data is available.
The following table describes the main features of the le view:
Feature Descripon
Display informaon about
a status le.
Hover over a status le to display the name of the key, KPIs associated with the
key, and the status messages associated with the KPIs.
Click on a status le. Informaon about the status le is displayed in table view.
For informaon about table view, see the "Table View" on page 187 secon.
Note: If the number of KPI keys exceeds 220, the keys are automacally
aggregated and grouped.
Display informaon in
table view about the
status les associated with
a single device component
Click on a device component topic name in le view. For informaon about table
view, see the "Table View" on page 187 secon.
Composite Toggle When acve, users can click on specic keys within the le groups. This allows you
to pass mulple KPIs to the Time Inspector View.
Table View
The table view allows you to monitor and troubleshoot the health of a single device based on Paragon
Insights data provided in a customizable table. You can search, sort, and lter the table data to nd
specic KPI informaon, which can be especially useful for large network deployments. To select which
aributes are displayed in the table, check the appropriate check box in the eld selecon bar above the
table (see Figure 52 on page 188). The checkbox on the le side of each row is used to help acvate the
Time Inspector view. Mulple rows can be selected at one me.
Figure 52: Table View
The following table describes the Paragon Insights aributes supported in table view:
Aributes Descripon
Time Time and date the event occurred.
Device Device name.
Group Device group name.
Topic Rule topic name.
Keys Unique KPI key name.
KPI Key Performance Indicator (KPI) name associated with an event.
Status Health status color. Each color represents a dierent severity level.
Message Health status message.
The following table describes the meaning of the severity level colors displayed by the Status column:
Color Denion
Green The overall health of the KPI key is normal. No problems have been detected.
Yellow There might be a problem with the health of a KPI key. A minor problem has been
detected. Further invesgaon is required.
Red The health of a KPI key is severe. A major problem has been detected.
Gray No data is available.
The following table describes the main features of the table view:
Feature Descripon
Sort the data by ascending or
descending order based on a specic
data type.
Click on the name of the data type at the top of the column by which
you want to sort.
Filter the data in the table based on a
Enter the keyword in the text box under the name of a data type at the
top of the table (see Figure 52 on page 188).
Navigate to a dierent page of the
At the boom of the table, click the Previous or Next buons.
At the boom of the table, select the page number using the up/
down arrows (or by manually entering the number) and then press
If the data in a cell is truncated, view
all of the data in a cell.
Hover over the cell.
Resize the column width of the cell by dragging the right side of the
tle cell of the column to the right.
Row selecon checkbox Make this row’s data available for Time Inspector view.
Time Inspector View
Time Inspector is a composite view that provides a meline view of trigger condions on KPI data that
you selected in Table View. You can also drag and drop trigger condions to view the condions in one
graph or as separate graphs. Time Inspector was inially available only when the enty type DEVICE
GROUP is selected. However, starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.3.0, Time Inspector View is also
available when you select Device or Network enty type. Aer you select an enty type, you can access
me inspector view by clicking the TIME INSPECTOR buon.
This view allows you to drill down into eld-level data for specic triggers over a me line.
When the Health page is rst accessed, the TIME INSPECTOR buon is disabled. To acvate the TIME
INSPECTOR buon, you must:
Select the Enty Type from the Health page.
In releases earlier than Paragon Insights Release 4.3.0, Time Inspector View was available only when
the enty type DEVICE GROUP is selected. However, starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.3.0,
Time Inspector View is also available when you select Device or Network enty type.
Select one or more devices, device groups, or networks from the drop-down list next to the enty
type that you have selected.
Have valid data in at least one device, device group, or network component topic in TILE VIEW.
NOTE: Topics showing “no data” will not work for enabling the Time Inspector view.
Have data appearing in the TABLE VIEW secon. You can achive this by clicking the device, device
group, or network component topic header in TILE VIEW.
Select the checkbox to the le of at least one of the rows in TABLE VIEW.
When clicked, the TIME INSPECTOR buon opens a pop-up window above the Health page. Figure 53
on page 191 below shows a me inspector window created from the usage topic for a
specic device.
Figure 53: Time Inspector Window
As you can see, the Time Inspector window has a mini meline at the top, an incremented line chart
below, and a chart selector secon at the boom. This parcular chart was created as a composite
(indicated by the merging blue arrow) of a le-system-ulizaon in the check-storage rule of the topic.
Note that there are three elds in the check-storage rule: used-percentage, low-threshold, and high-
threshold. Since the chart was created as a composite (elds charted together) there are three lines on
the displayed chart. If the “chart elds separately” buon (diverging arrows) were clicked instead, you
would see 3 single-line charts showing the same data.
The more rules you select with the TABLE VIEW checkboxes, the more charts you can create in the
Time Inspector view.
Network Health
Use the Network Health page (Monitor > Network Health) to monitor and track the health of a Network
Group and troubleshoot problems. Select a Network Group using the drop-down list located in the top
le corner of the page. Comparable to the Device Group Health page (see the "Health" on page 183
secon), the Network Health page is divided into three main views: meline, le, and table. The
Network Health page provides similar features and funconality for a network group as the Device
Group Health page provides for a single device.
Graphs Page
Graph Types | 195
How to Create Graphs | 195
Managing Graphs | 195
Graph Tips and Tricks | 195
Use Cases | 195
You can use graphs to monitor the status and health of your network devices. Graphs allow you to
visualize data collected by Paragon Insights from a device, showing the results of rule processing. Access
the page from the le-nav panel Monitor>Graphs>Charts
NOTE: Graphs are refreshed every 60 seconds.
Figure 54: Example of Mulple Graph Panels on a Single Canvas
Graph types include me series graphs, histograms, and heatmaps.
Time series
graphs are the kind you are used to, showing the data in a ’2D’ format where the x-axis
indicates me while the y-axis indicates the value. Time series graphs are useful for real-me
monitoring, and also to show historical paerns or trends. This graph type does not provide insight into
whether a given value is ’good’ or ’bad’, it simply reports ’the latest value’.
work quite dierently. Rather than show a connuous stream of data based on when each
value occurred, histograms aggregate the data to show the
of the values over me. This
results in a graph that shows ’how many instances of each value’. Histograms also show data in a ’2D’
format, however in this case the x-axis indicates the value while the y-axis indicates the number of
instances of the given value.
bring together the elements above and provide a ’3D’ view to help determine the deviaons
in the data. Like a me series graph, the x-axis indicates me, while the y-axis indicates the value. Then
the ’how many’ aspect of a histogram is added in. Finally, the third dimension—
—is added. It is
common to think of the colors as showing heath, i.e., red means ’bad, yellow means ’OK’, and green
means ’good’. However, this is not correct; the color adds context. For each column, the bars indicate the
various values that occurred. The color then indicates how oen the values occurred relave to the
neighboring values. Within each vercal set of bars, the values that occurred more frequently show
as ’hoer’ with orange and red, while those values that occurred less frequently show as shades of
To help illustrate these graph types, consider the graphs shown below.
All three graphs are showing the same data—the running 1-minute average of CPU ulizaon on a
device over the last 24 hours. However, the way they visualize the data varies:
The me series graph provides the typical view; each minute it adds the latest data point to the end
of the line graph. Time moves forward along the x-axis from le to right, and the data values are
indicated on the y-axis. What this graph doesn’t show is how oen each data point has occurred.
The histogram groups together the values to show
how many
of each data point there are. Noce
the tallest bar is the one between 30 and 40, which means the most common 1-minute CPU average
value is in the 30-40% range. And how many mes did this range of values occur? Based on the y-
axis, there have been over 350 instances of values in this range. The next most frequently occurring
values are in the 40-50% range (almost 300 occurrences), while the 0-10% range has almost no
occurrences, suggesng this CPU is rarely idle. What this graph doesn’t show is how many of each
data point occurred within a given me range.
The heatmap makes use of elements from the other two graph types. Each small bar indicates that
some number of instances occurred within the value range shown in the y-axis, at the given me
show in the x-axis. The color indicates which value ranges, for each given me, occurred
others. To illustrate this, noce the vercal set of bars towards the right of the graph, at 18:00. In this
example (at this zoom level), each column of vercal bars represents 12 minutes, and each small bar
represents a bucket of 15 values. So the rst (lowest) bar indicates that within this me range there
were some values in the 0-14 range. The bar above indicates that within this me range there were
some values in the 15-29 range, and so on. The color then indicates which bars have more values
than others. In this example, the third bar is red indicang that for those 12 minutes most of the
values fell into the 30-44 range (in this example the count is 21). By contrast, the rst bar is the most
green indicang that for those 12 minutes the least number of values fell into the 0-14 range (in this
example the count is 1). This ’heat’ informaon is also supported by the histogram; the most
frequently occurring values were those in the 30-40 range, which indeed is the ’hoer’ range in the
The conguraon model for graphs is to create graph panels and group them into one or more canvases.
To create a new graph panel on a canvas:
Graph Types
How to Create Graphs
Managing Graphs
Graph Tips and Tricks
Use Cases
1. Click the Monitor > Graph opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Choose one of the following two opons:
To create a graph in a new canvas, click the + New Canvas buon.
To create a graph within an exisng canvas, select the desired canvas in the Saved Canvas and
then click the Add Graph +buon.
3. In the General secon, provide the general descripve informaon for the canvas (new canvas only)
and graph:
Aribute Descripon
Canvas Name Name of the canvas
Descripon (Oponal) Descripon for the canvas.
Graph Name Name of the graph panel.
Graph Type Opons include Time Series, Histogram, and Heatmap.
Time Range Choose the me range for the graph.
In real-me graphs, the me range sets the x-axis range. For example, selecng 12 hrs means
the x-axis shows the last 12 hours of data.
4. Move down to the Query secon. In the FROM secon, dene from where the data for the graph is
Aribute Descripon
Group Choose the device group or network group.
Device Choose a device from the group.
Topic / Rule Choose the Paragon Insights topic/rule name.
You can choose rolled-up measurements of elds you congured in rules. The rolled-up
measurements are displayed in the list as topic/rule_roll-up-order. For example, my-rule_hourly
and my-rule_yearly.
The roll-up measurement’s elds are listed as original-eld-name_aggregaon-type. For
example, eld-name_count and eld-name_mean.
Rolled-up measurements use aggregate funcons on eld data collected over a me to
summarize the data into a single data point. You can congure how frequently the eld data
must be rolled-up or summarized. The default roll-up order (frequency) available in Paragon
Insights are daily, hourly, monthly, weekly, or yearly.
5. In the SELECT secon, select the data eld and apply aggregaon and transformaon types to the
Aribute Descripon
Field Choose a eld name.
This list is derived based on the elds dened in the selected topic/rule.
Aggregaon (Oponal) In the drop-down list, choose a data aggregaon type.
Transformaon (Oponal) In the drop-down list, choose a data transformaon type.
6. In the WHERE secon, lter data based on eld and KPI key:
Aribute Descripon
Tag Key / Field (Oponal) Choose a key or eld. A key is an index eld such as interface name.
This list is derived based on the keys and elds dened in the selected topic/rule.
7. In the GROUP BY secon, specify how to group the data based on me interval, ll, and KPI keys:
Aribute Descripon
$_interval (Oponal) Specify a me interval by which to group the data.
ll(null) (Oponal) Choose how to show a me interval when no data arrives from the device:
null (default) Report the mestamp and null as the output value.
none Report no mestamp and no output value.
0 Report 0 as the output value.
previous Report the value from the previous me interval as the output value.
linear Report the results of linear interpolaon as the output value.
Aribute Descripon
Tag Key (the +
(Oponal) Choose a tag by which to group the data. A key is an index eld such as
interface name.
This list is derived based on the keys and elds dened in the selected topic/rule.
8. (Oponal) Move down to the Visualizaon secon, and dene y-axis details.
9. Click Save to save the graph and display the data.
Managing Graphs
To edit a graph, click the pencil icon located in the top right corner of the graph itself.
To delete a graph, click the trash can icon located in the top right corner of the graph itself.
To delete a canvas, click the trash can icon located in the top right corner of the canvas.
Graph Tips and Tricks
To sort canvases on the Saved Canvas page, click on the column headings.
To reorganize graphs on the screen, hover your mouse near the upper-le corner of a graph panel
and click-and-drag it to the desired posion.
To resize a graph, hover your mouse over the lower-right corner of the graph panel and click-and-
drag it to the desired size.
To change the color of graph elements, click the color bar for the desired line item under the graph.
To zoom in on a graph, click and drag across the desired secon of the graph; to zoom out, double-
click on the graph.
To isolate an element on the graph, click its related line item under the graph; to view all elements
again, click the same line item.
Use Cases
How do I monitor interface aps for a single interface?
1. Playbook used: interface-kpis-playbook
2. Graph conguraon
3. Graph panel
How do I monitor interface aps for all ’ge’ interfaces on a device in a single graph?
1. Playbook used: interface-kpis-playbook
2. Graph conguraon
3. Graph panel
How do I monitor system memory usage for all devices in a device group in a single graph?
1. Playbook used: system-kpis-playbook
2. Graph conguraon
3. Graph panel
How do I monitor RE CPU usage for mulple devices in a single graph?
1. Playbook used: system-kpis-playbook
2. Graph conguraon
3. Graph panel
How do I monitor RE CPU usage for mulple devices side by side?
1. Playbook used: system-kpis-playbook
2. Graph conguraon
3. Graph panel
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
4.0.0 Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 introduces GUI enhancements brought about by the migraon to a new
Manage Devices, Device Groups, and Network Groups | 121
Paragon Insights Rules and Playbooks | 141
Understand Resources and Dependencies
Resources | 207
Resource Dependencies | 208
Use Cases | 209
Paragon Insights monitors network resources — such as devices, interfaces, protocols, label switched
paths — through rules deployed in the network. A rule can capture specic informaon about a key
performance indicator (KPI) in a network and generate alerts when the KPI experiences an error event,
but rules cannot decipher the root cause of the error event. You require a wider view to correlate an
error event in one resource to a failure in another resource.
Paragon Insights tackles the need to connect events in a network through resources. A resource is a
building block that creates a wider network view by forming single-level dependencies vis-à-vis other
The following list has frequently used terms and concepts connected with resources:
A resource is a specic component that constute the network.
For example, chassis, line card, protocols, system memory, interfaces, and so on.
Resources such as an interface, Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPC), router ids, or
virtual private networks can have many instances. An instance is a specic
realizaon of the resource. For example, an interface includes instances such as
ge-0/0/1, et-1/0/0, xe-2/0/1, and so on.
Properes dene characteriscs of a resource. A property is comparable to elds in
For example, neighbor-id and maximum transmission unit (MTU) are characteriscs
of roung-opons resource and interface resource, respecvely.
Key properes in
A key property uniquely idenes all instances of a resource.
For example,
property uniquely idenes interface resource instance
with name ge-0/0/0 from other instances. MTU cannot be a unique property.
Denes the relaonship between two resources.
In a resource dependency, a dependent resource is the one that depends on another
resource. In a single-level resource dependency, a dependent resource is a child
resource of another resource.
In a resource dependency, a dependency resource is the one that impacts another
resource. In a single-level resource dependency, a dependency resource is a parent
resource of another resource.
A resource can be part of a device or the network. Device resources can be an interface, line cards,
chassis, OSPF, etc. Network resources are resources that span mulple devices in a network, such as
IPSec tunnels, VPN, etc.
As with rules, you congure resources under the topic hierarchy in Paragon Insights. A resource and its
properes are derived from rules. In this process, resources consolidate the following aspects in rule
A resource, such as interface, is congured in dierent rules depending on which aspect of interface
the rule monitors.
Each rule has dierent eld conguraon for a resource property.
An interface name can be congured as
in one rule and
in another rule.
When you congure interface as a resource, you can choose the specic interface rules from which
Paragon Insights detects instances of interface resource. The exact rules you select to idenfy a
resource depend on your use case.
A resource property aggregates instances from referenced rules. When you congure a resource
property, you can refer mulple rules where the eld conguraons are dierent for that property.
Resource Dependencies
Resource dependency denes the relaonship between a dependent resource (child resource) and a
dependency resource (parent resource). While conguring dependency, you begin with a dependent
resource and refer dependency resources that the child resource depends on. A dependency
conguraon also has terms that contain the logic to map dependency between two resources.
There are three types of dependency based on the type of resources involved, as described in Table 10
on page 208. You can dene dependencies between resources in the same device (Local Device and
Network), between resources in dierent devices (Other Device), between a network resource to
another network resource (Other Network), and a network resource to a device resource (Other Device).
Table 10: Types of Resource Dependency
Local Device and Network Other Device Other Network
Interface → line card Interface 1 (device 1) → interface 2 (device
virtual private network (VPN)→
interface 1 (device 1)
Line card → chassis OSPF (device 1) → OSPF (device 2) VPN → IPSec tunnel
You can congure mulple single-level dependencies for a resource. Consider the following chains of
VPN → LSP → interface → Line card
VPN → interface → Line card
When you congure VPN as a resource, you can dene VPN’s dependency on Label Switched Paths
(LSPs) as one dependency and VPN’s dependency on interface as a second dependency. For LSP as a
resource, you can dene its dependency on interface. For interface as a resource, you can dene its
dependency on line card.
A dependency term logic can involve checking parts of a dependent resource property with parts of
dependency resource's property, checking all instances of the dependency resource, checking all devices
that have dependency resource instances, checking all or specic device groups, and checking all or
specic network groups.
Paragon Insights supports
and user-dened funcons in the dependency condion.
As dependency conguraons can involve complex operaons, Paragon Insights also allows you to
execute such operaons in a funcon. The funcon returns a Boolean value that can be used to check
Use Cases
Resource and dependency conguraons serve the following use cases:
Root cause
You can understand the root cause of a failure in your network. Refer the resource
dependencies and use the relaonship between resources to diagnose alerts generated
by triggers in rules.
Smart alarms
Through smart alarms, Paragon Insights links several resources that have a failure to
another resource that is the cause of the failure.
About the Resources Page | 209
About the Resources Page
Tasks You Can Perform | 210
Fields in Resources Table | 211
You can access the Resources page from Conguraon > Resources.
Figure 55: Resources and Dependency Visual Panel
The Resources page displays a visual representaon of default resources in the Paragon applicaon. It
also shows that a dependent (child) resource depends on the preceding dependency (parent) resource in
the model. The visualizaon is synchronous with Resources table so that you can work with resources
from either the visual model or the table. Starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.3, you can reset the
zoom level of the visual panel of resources using the reset buon aer zooming in or zooming out. You
can also drag and change the posion of resources on the visual panel. Paragon Insights retains any
change to the posion of resources, even aer you leave the Resources page.
When you click on a resource on the visualizaon, Paragon Insights shows key properes of the
resource, dependency resource (parent resource) of the current resource, and dependent resources of
the current resource (child resources).
When you click on the dependency arrow on the visualizaon, Paragon Insights shows the terms and
dependency type congured in the child resource.
Tasks You Can Perform
You can perform the following tasks in the Resources page:
Add a resource from the resource visualizaon or table. See "Add Resources for Root Cause Analysis"
on page 212
Congure dependency resource. See "Congure Dependency in Resources" on page 215
Example Dependency Conguraon of OSPF protocol. See "Example Conguraon: OSPF Resource
and Dependency" on page 221
Edit a resource from the resource visualizaon or table. See "Edit Resources and Dependencies" on
page 232
Upload a resource from the visual panel or the resource table. See "Upload Resources" on page 235
Download a resource from the visual panel. See "Download Resources" on page 236
Clone and modify resource conguraon from the visual panel. See "Clone Resources" on page 236
Delete a resource from the resource visualizaon or table. See "Delete Resources and Dependencies"
on page 237
Filter a resource from the resource visualizaon or table. See "Filter Resources" on page 234
Fields in Resources Table
Table 11 on page 211 displays the elds on the Resource Dependency Model page.
Table 11: Fields on the Resource Dependency Model Page
Field Descripon
Name Names of topics that expands to resources within the respecve topic.
Descripon Descripon you enter for the resource during resource conguraon.
Keys When you expand the topics, you can view key properes you congured for each resource.
Dependency Parent resource that impacts the resource.
Generated Shows Paragon for system-generated (default) resources.
Understand Resources and Dependencies | 206
Add Resources for Root Cause Analysis
Resource conguraon requires references to rules you want to link to the resource. Ensure that you
congure the rules before you start resource conguraon.
To congure a resource:
1. Select Conguraon > Resources.
The Resources page appears.
2. Do one of the following:
Click +Add Resource on the model map.
Click + on the Resources table.
The Add Resource page appears.
3. Enter the details as described in Table 12 on page 212.
Table 12: Fields of Properes and Funcons in Resource Conguraon
Field Descripon
General Informaon
A resource, like rules, is dened under the
Resource Name Enter name of the resource. The name can follow the
regex paern: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* and can have
up to 64 characters.
For example, chassis, interface, or system.
Topic Select the topic to which the resource belongs.
For example, interface, chassis, or protocol.
Descripon Enter a short descripon of the resource and the
resources on which this resource is dependent.
Table 12: Fields of Properes and Funcons in Resource Conguraon
Field Descripon
Properes are characteriscs such as name, MTU, neighbor-id etc. of a parcular resource. A property of one
resource can be matched with property of another resource to establish dependency.
Property name Enter name of the resource property. The name can
follow the regex paern: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* and
can have up to 64 characters.
For example, neighbor-id and interface-name.
Property type Select the type of property input.
You can choose from string, integer, oang point, or
Add as a key If you enable a resource property as key, Paragon
Insights uses this property to uniquely idenfy
mulple instances of that property as a resource. You
can mark more than one property as key.
For example, in interface property that uses
interface-name as a key, Paragon Insights idenes
ge-0/0/1, ge-1/2/0, ge-1/0/0 as unique instances of
interface resource.
Source Conguraon
Rules and elds are the sources from which Paragon Insights discovers a resource property.
Rule Name Add a rule name in the topic/rule format.
For a resource property, you can add one or more
rules as sources.
Field Name Select a eld congured in the rule.
Table 12: Fields of Properes and Funcons in Resource Conguraon
Field Descripon
(Oponal) Funcons
You can enter a funcon in condional statements that check for resource dependency.
Funcon name Enter a funcon name that follows the [a-zA-Z][a-zA-
Z0-9_-]* paern.
Path to funcon Select the le name where funcons are dened.
Paragon Insights supports only Python funcons.
Method name Select the name of the funcon you want to execute
from the given le.
Descripon Enter a descripon of the funcon.
Arguments (Add Item)
Name Add argument or parameters dened in the funcon.
Mandatory Toggle the switch on if the funcon arguments you
added must be included when Paragon Insights calls
the funcon.
4. Click Save & Exit.
The Save Resource Conguraon dialog appears.
5. Do one of the following:
Click Save and Deploy.
You can save the resource conguraon and deploy it.
Click Save.
You can only save the resource conguraon but not deploy it.
If you save your conguraon by only entering the details in the table, you complete the resource
conguraon. You can see the new resource on the Resources page.
To connect the resource you add to another resource on the visual panel, you must congure
dependency for this resource.
Congure Dependency in Resources | 215
Congure Dependency in Resources
Before you congure dependency for a dependent (child) resource, you must complete conguring the
dependency (parent) resources. See "Add Resources for Root Cause Analysis" on page 212 for more
When you congure dependency for a child (dependent) resource, you congure terms that have the
logical condions to check for dependency. Starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.3, you can swap the
order of dependency terms in the Dependency page. Paragon Insights executes the terms based on the
sequence in which the terms appear in the GUI. The rst term is evaluated rst, followed by the second,
the third, and so on.
To congure a resource dependency:
1. Select Conguraon > Resources.
The Resources page appears.
2. Select a resource from Resources table and click edit (pencil icon).
The Edit Resource page appears.
3. Click Next unl you view the Dependency page.
4. Enter the details as described in Table 13 on page 216.
5. Click Save.
The Dependency page appears.
6. Click Next.
You can a see visual representaon of the resource and dependency conguraon that you added.
7. (Oponal) Click View Tree to view a collapsed view of the resource and the dependency
8. (Oponal) Click View JSON to preview the JSON format of the conguraon.
9. Click Save & Exit.
The Save Resource Conguraon dialog appears.
10. Do one of the following:
Click Save and Deploy.
Paragon Insights saves and deploys the conguraon to form dependency between the
resources and generate smart alarms.
Click Save.
Paragon Insights saves the conguraon to form dependency but does not generate smart
You can see the new resource and its dependency mapped in the Resources page.
Table 13: Fields in Dependency Conguraon
Field Descripon
depends on
Enter conguraon details of dependency (parent) resource to establish dependency with dependent (child)
Resource Name Select the dependency resource that impacts your dependent (child) resource.
Add Variables
Variables in this secon are used to extract parts of the child resource’s property. Such variables are used to
check dependency using condional statements.
Variables congured here can be used to check dependency in all terms.
Name Enter name for the variable. The name can follow the regex paern: [a-zA-Z]
[a-zA-Z0-9_-]* and can have up to 64 characters.
For example, interface-name-split.
Table 13: Fields in Dependency Conguraon
Field Descripon
Expression Enter a regular expression to extract parts of a property value.
See regex package for more informaon.
For example, if you use the regular expression “.*(\d+)/(\d+)/\d+” on
interface-name property of interface resource, you can extract line card
number and PIC number.
The example regex forms two capture groups to extract line card number and
PIC number. The rst capture group, which is line card number, can be
referred as interface-name-split-1 and second capture group, which is PIC
number, can be referred as interface-name-split-2.
Resource label Select the name of the dependent (child) resource.
Field Select a property in the child resource on which regex expression should be
Case sensive Enable this eld.
If you enable this eld, Paragon Insights ignores the case of resource
properes when processing condions.
Add Terms (Terms > Add Item)
Terms contain the logic to check for a dependency relaon between resources.
Term Name Enter a term name that follows the [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* paern.
Depends on Mulple
Enable this eld if your dependency logic involves checking if a child resource
property is dependent on mulple instances of a parent resource property.
For example, you congured Aggregated Ethernet (link aggregaon group) as a
dependent (child) resource to interface resource. As AE depends on mulple
links (interface resource), you must enable Depends on Mulple Instances
Table 13: Fields in Dependency Conguraon
Field Descripon
Dependency Type Select the type of dependency.
Local Device and Network dependency is the default opon.
If you select Other Device dependency, congure details in For Every Device
If you select Other Network dependency, congure details in For Every
Network Group secon.
See "Understand Resources and Dependencies" on page 206 for more
Evaluate Next Term This eld is disabled by default.
Enable this eld if your dependency logic involves checking condion in other
(Oponal) Add Variable Enter the following details of a child resource property:
Regular Expression
Resource Name
Resource Property Field
You can congure a variable for a child resource property. Variable you
congure here can only be used in condional statements within the term.
For Every Device
Selects a device from a list of devices in device groups.
Label As Enter a name for the dependency (parent) resource instance that is selected.
The name must follow the [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* paern.
Across all device groups Enable this eld if you want Paragon Insights to check devices in all device
groups for dependency.
Table 13: Fields in Dependency Conguraon
Field Descripon
In device groups Enter the names of device groups. The child resource property will be checked
against devices in the specied device groups for dependency.
For Every Network Group
Instructs Paragon Insights to perform the dependency logic in all or select network groups.
Label As Enter a name for the dependency (parent) resource instance that is selected.
The name must follow the [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* paern.
Across all network groups Enable this eld if you want Paragon Insights to check all network groups for
In network groups Enter the names of network groups. The child resource property will be
checked against instances of network resource property in the specied
network groups.
Locate Resource
The locate resource iterates through all instances of a given resource.
Resource Name Select a resource.
If the resource type is Local Device & Network, the resource in the list is of
the format
If the resource type is Other Device or Other Network, then the resource in
the list is of the format
for every device/network label-as:topic-name/
Label As Enter a label name.
Paragon Insights stores each instance of the selected resource in the label. For
example, instances such as interface instances or OSPF sessions.
Table 13: Fields in Dependency Conguraon
Field Descripon
(Oponal) Add Variable Enter the following details of a resource property of the selected resource:
Regular Expression
Resource Name
Resource Property Field
You can congure a variable for a property of the selected resource. Variable
you congure here can only be used in condional statements within the
Condions Condions in Locate Resource are used to idenfy if the selected resource is
correct one or not. If the condion does not match for a parcular instance it
picks the next instance and checks the condion. This connues unl we get
an instance where condions matches, or all the instances of the resources
are exhausted.
To check dependency, select a resource property in le-hand side (LHS), a
remote resource property in RHS and the operator to check for a condion.
Paragon Insights supports
as a condion. You can also add
funcons in the LHS eld of the condional statement.
Add Resources for Root Cause Analysis | 212
Example Conguraon: OSPF Resource and Dependency | 221
Understand Resources and Dependencies | 206
Example Conguraon: OSPF Resource and
Before you begin conguring the OSPF resource and dependency, you must deploy the following
Sub-interface as a resource with interface-name and sub-interface index as key properes.
Roung opons as a resource with router-id as a key property.
The example conguraons create OSPF protocol dependency between two devices. The OSPF
protocol runs on an interface between two devices. So, the protocol forms two types of dependencies in
the example conguraon. The rst dependency is between OSPF and the device, known as Local
Device and Network dependency in the conguraon. The second dependency is between OSPF
protocol and the remote device, known as Other Devices dependency in the conguraon. Paragon
Insights establishes the two dependencies using the following properes in device 1 and device 2 as
shown in Figure 56 on page 221.
Figure 56: Resources and Properes Used for OSPF Dependencies
The sub-interface properes and OSPF interface names are used to create local dependency between a
local device and the OSPF session at one end and between the remote device and the OSPF session at
the other end.
The neighbor ID, designated router address and the device's router ID are used to create device-to-
device (Other Device) dependency.
FIGURE2 shows how the iteraon in locate resource conguraons creates the device-to-device
Figure 57: Locate Resource Flowchart of OSPF Other Device Dependency
To congure OSPF resource and its dependencies:
1. Select Conguraon > Resources.
The Resources page appears.
2. Select OSPF resource from the Resources table and click edit (pencil icon).
The Edit Resource page appears.
3. Enter the details as described in Table 14 on page 223.
Table 14: Fields of Properes in OSPF Resource Conguraon
Field Descripon
General Informaon
A resource, like rules, is dened under the
Resource Name Enter ospf.
The name can follow the regular expression paern:
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* and can have up to 64
For example, the name can also be Ospf-1.
Topic Select protocol.
Descripon Enter a short descripon of OSPF dependencies.
Property Designated Router Address
Properes are characteriscs such as name, MTU, neighbor-id etc. of a parcular resource. A property of
one resource can be matched with the property of another resource to establish dependency.
Property name Enter dr-address.
The name can follow the regular expression paern:
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* and can have up to 64
Property type Select String.
Table 14: Fields of Properes in OSPF Resource Conguraon
Field Descripon
Add as a key Not applicable.
If you enable a resource property as key, Paragon
Insights uses this property to uniquely idenfy
mulple instances of that property as a resource.
You can mark more than one property as key.
For example, in interface property that uses the
interface name as a key, Paragon Insights idenes
ge-0/0/1, ge-1/2/0, ge-1/0/0 as unique instances
of the interface resource.
Source Conguraon
Rules and elds are the sources from which Paragon Insights discovers a resource property.
Rule Name Select protocol.ospf/check-ospf-neighbor-
Field Name Select dr-address.
Property Interface Name
Properes are characteriscs such as name, MTU, neighbor-id etc. of a parcular resource. A property of
one resource can be matched with the property of another resource to establish dependency.
Property name Enter interface-name.
The name can follow the regex paern: [a-zA-Z][a-
zA-Z0-9_-]* and can have up to 64 characters.
Property type Select String.
Table 14: Fields of Properes in OSPF Resource Conguraon
Field Descripon
Add as a key Enable this opon.
If you enable a resource property as key, Paragon
Insights uses this property to uniquely idenfy
mulple instances of that property as a resource.
You can mark more than one property as key.
For example, in interface property that uses the
interface name as a key, Paragon Insights idenes
ge-0/0/1, ge-1/2/0, ge-1/0/0 as unique instances
of the interface resource.
Source Conguraon
Rules and elds are the sources from which Paragon Insights discovers a resource property.
Rule Name Select protocol.ospf/check-ospf-neighbor-
Field Name Select interface-name.
Property Neighbor ID
Properes are characteriscs such as name, MTU, neighbor-id etc. of a parcular resource. A property of
one resource can be matched with the property of another resource to establish dependency.
Property name Enter neighbor-id.
The name can follow the regular expression paern:
[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* and can have up to 64
Property type Select String.
Table 14: Fields of Properes in OSPF Resource Conguraon
Field Descripon
Add as a key Enable this opon.
If you enable a resource property as key, Paragon
Insights uses this property to uniquely idenfy
mulple instances of that property as a resource.
You can mark more than one property as key.
For example, in interface property that uses the
interface name as a key, Paragon Insights idenes
ge-0/0/1, ge-1/2/0, ge-1/0/0 as unique instances
of the interface resource.
Source Conguraon
Rules and elds are the sources from which Paragon Insights discovers a resource property.
Rule Name Select protocol.ospf/check-ospf-neighbor-
Field Name Select neighbor-id.
4. Click Next twice to go to the Dependency page.
The Dependency page appears.
5. Click + in the Dependency page.
A new Resource secon appears.
6. Enter the details as described in Table 15 on page 226.
Table 15: Local Device and Network Dependency
Field Descripon
OSPF depends on
Resource Name Select interfaces/sub-interfaces.
Table 15: Local Device and Network Dependency Conguraon
Field Descripon
Add Terms (Terms > Add Item)
Terms contain the logic to check for a dependency relaon between resources.
Term Name Enter i-dependency
The name follows the [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* paern.
Depends on Mulple Instances Enable this opon.
Paragon Insights checks with mulple instances of the property
interface name and the property sub-interface index congured in
resource sub-interface.
Dependency Type Select Local Device & Network.
See "Understand Resources and Dependencies" on page 206 for
more informaon on dependency types.
Add Variable Name: Enter ospf-interface-split.
Expression: Enter (.*)\.(\d+)
Field: Enter $interface-name.
Locate Resource
Iterates over all instances of the interfaces and the sub-interface index in resource sub-interfaces to nd
local dependency.
Resource Name Select interfaces/sub-interfaces
Label As Enter i.
Paragon Insights stores each instance of the interface resource to
check for dependency.
Table 15: Local Device and Network Dependency Conguraon
Field Descripon
Condions in Locate Resource are
used to idenfy if the selected
resource is the correct one or not. If
the condion does not match a
parcular instance, Paragon Insights
picks the next instance and checks for
the condion. This connues unl we
get an instance where the condion
matches, or all the instances of the
resource are exhausted.
The rst condion checks for a match between the OSPF
resource’s interface property and the interface resource’s
interface instances.
In the le-hand side (LHS), select $ospf-interface-split-1.
as operator.
In the right-hand side (RHS), select $i:interface-name.
Click + to add a second condion that checks for a match
between the OSPF interface’s sub-interface index and the
resource sub interface’s sub-interface index.
In the LHS, select $ospf-interface-split-2.
as operator.
In the RHS, select $i:sub-interface-index.
7. Click Save.
The Edit Resource page appears.
You can nd the new term in Terms secon. The OSPF's interface name and interface sub-index is
checked against the sub interface resource's interface name and sub-index. When Paragon Insights
nds a match, the interface from the OSPF resource monitored in a device forms a local
dependency with the interface from the interface resource of the same device.
8. Click + in the Terms secon.
You can add a second term to congure Other Device dependency for OSPF resource.
9. Enter the details as described in Table 16 on page 228.
Table 16: Other Device Term
Field Descripon
Add Terms (Terms > Add Item)
Terms contain the logic to check for a dependency relaon between resources.
Table 16: Other Device Term Conguraon
Field Descripon
Term Name Enter i-remote-dependency.
The name must follow the [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* paern.
Dependency Type Select Other Device dependency.
See "Understand Resources and Dependencies" on page
206 for more informaon on dependency types.
For Every Device
Selects a device from a list of devices in device groups.
Label As Enter remote-device.
The name follows the [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* paern.
Locate Resource
Dene condion to check if the local device’s OSPF neighbor-id is the remote device’s router-id.
Resource Name Enter remote-device:protocols/roung-instance.
Label As Enter remote-roung-instance.
Condions in Locate Resource are used to
idenfy if the selected resource is the correct
one or not. If the condion does not match a
parcular instance, Paragon Insights picks the
next instance and checks for the condion.
This connues unl we get an instance where
the condion matches, or all the instances of
the resource are exhausted.
In the LHS, select $neighbor-id.
In the operator eld, select
In the RHS, select $remote-roung-instance:router-id.
Table 16: Other Device Term Conguraon
Field Descripon
Locate Resource
Use resource Roung Instance to collect router-id of the local device.
Resource Name Enter protocol/roung-instance.
Label As Enter label name as local-roung-instance.
Locate Resource
Dene condion to check if the remote device’s OSPF neighbor-id matches with the router-id of the local
Resource Name Enter remote-device: protocols/ospf.
Label As Enter remote-ospf.
Condions in Locate Resource are used to
idenfy if the selected resource is the correct
one or not. If the condion does not match a
parcular instance, Paragon Insights picks the
next instance and checks for the condion.
This connues unl we get an instance where
the condion matches, or all the instances of
the resource are exhausted.
In the LHS, enter $local-roung-instance:router-id.
In the operator eld, select
In the RHS, enter $remote-ospf:neighbor-id.
Click + to add a second condion that checks for a match
between local device OSPF’s designated router address
and remote OSPF’s designated router address.
In the LHS, enter $dr-address
In the operator eld, select
In the RHS, enter $remote-ospf:dr-address
Locate Resource
Dene a condion to check if interface name and sub-index in the remote OSPF matches with interface
name and sub-index of the remote device’s interface.
Table 16: Other Device Term Conguraon
Field Descripon
Resource Name Enter remote-device: interfaces/sub-interface.
Label As Enter remote-i.
Condions in Locate Resource are used to
idenfy if the selected resource is the correct
one or not. If the condion does not match a
parcular instance, Paragon Insights picks the
next instance and checks for the condion.
This connues unl we get an instance where
the condion matches, or all the instances of
the resource are exhausted.
The rst condion checks for a match between remote
OSPF resource’s interface property and remote interface
resource’s interface instances.
In the LHS, select $ospf-remote-interface-split-1.
as operator.
In the RHS, select $remote-i:interface-name.
Click + to add a second condion that checks for a match
between remote OSPF interface’s sub interface index and
remote interface instance’s sub interface index.
In the LHS, select $ospf-remote-interface-split-2.
as operator.
In the RHS, select $remote-i:sub-interface-index.
10. Click Next.
You can see a collapsed view of the resource and the dependency conguraon you added.
11. (Oponal) Click View JSON to preview the JSON format of the conguraon.
12. Click Save & Exit.
The Save Resource Conguraon dialog appears.
Do one of the following:
a. Click Save and Deploy.
Paragon Insights saves and deploys the conguraon to generate smart alarms.
b. Click Save.
Paragon Insights saves the conguraon but does not generate smart alarms based on the new
resource and dependency conguraon you add.
You can see the OSPF resource and its dependency in the visual panel of the Resources page.
Congure Dependency in Resources | 215
Add Resources for Root Cause Analysis | 212
Edit Resources and Dependencies
Edit a Resource | 232
Edit Resource Dependency | 233
Users can edit Paragon Insights-generated (system) resources, user-generated resources, and
dependencies from the Resources page (Conguraon > Resources). If you want to restore original
conguraon of system resources, you can restore by uploading the conguraon les. Conguraon
les for system resources are available on Paragon Insights server and GitHub. See "Upload Resources"
on page 235 for more informaon.
NOTE: If you edit a system resource and later restore it to the original conguraon, Paragon
Insights connues to display the resource status as modied.
Edit a Resource
To edit a resource:
1. Select Conguraon > Resources.
The Resources page appears.
2. Do one of the following:
Select the resource from Resources table and click edit (pencil icon).
Select the resource on the visual panel and click Edit in the informaon pane of the resource.
The Edit Resources page appears.
3. Make changes to the conguraon.
See "Add Resources for Root Cause Analysis" on page 212 for eding resource conguraon.
See "Congure Dependency in Resources" on page 215 for eding dependency conguraon.
4. Click Save & Exit.
Do one of the following:
Click Save and Deploy.
Paragon Insights saves and deploys the conguraon to generate smart alerts.
Click Save.
Paragon Insights saves the conguraon but does not generate smart alerts based on the edits in
resource conguraon.
You can view changes in the informaon pane when you click on the edited resource.
Delete Resources and Dependencies | 237
Edit Resource Dependency
To edit a resource:
1. Select Conguraon > Resources.
The Resources page appears.
2. Click on the arrow that shows dependency from the resource you want to edit to a parent resource.
The dependency page of the child resource appears.
3. Edit the dependency conguraon.
See "Congure Dependency in Resources" on page 215 for eding dependency conguraon.
4. Click Save & Exit.
Do one of the following:
Click Save and Deploy.
Paragon Insights saves and deploys the conguraon.
Click Save.
Paragon Insights saves the conguraon but does not deploy it.
If you changed the dependency type or Term name, you can view the changes in dependency
informaon when you hover over the arrow. If you changed the depends on (parent) resource, you
can view the edited resource connected to the new parent resource.
Delete Resources and Dependencies | 237
Filter Resources
The Resource Dependency map (visual panel) has many system resources. The visual panel expands as
you add other resources. You can focus on select resources and their dependencies through a keyword
search for a resource in the Resources page and by ltering resources.
When you lter or search a resource, the other resources gray out on the visual panel and in the
Resources table.
To lter a resource:
1. Select Conguraon > Resources.
The Resources page appears.
2. Click the lter icon (funnel) on the visual panel.
3. Click Add Filter in the menu.
The Add Criteria page appears.
4. Enter the details as described in Table 17 on page 235.
You can see the ltered resources in the visual panel and the resources table.
5. (If you added mulple criteria) Do one of the following:
a. Select AND if you want Paragon Insights to lter resources based on both the criteria.
b. Select OR if you want Paragon Insights to lter resources based on either criterion.
6. Click Save if you want to reuse the lter you set.
The Save Filter page appears.
7. Enter a name for the lter.
8. Toggle the default switch on if you want that lter to appear rst on the saved lter list.
9. Click OK.
10. Click the lter icon (funnel) icon to view all your saved lters.
If you click the lter icon (funnel) aer saving lters, you can view only the saved lters and not the
Add Filter menu. You must hide lters to view the Add Filter menu.
Table 17: Aributes in Add Criteria Page
Field Descripon
Field Select Topic Name, Resource Name, or Keys to lter the resources.
Condion You can enter if the lter criterion includes, equal to, or not equal to your input in Value eld.
Value Enter a topic's name, resource's name, or a key name.
The entry in the Value eld depends on your selecon in the Field.
Edit Resources and Dependencies | 232
Upload Resources
You can upload resource conguraon from the Resources page (Conguraon > Resources). You can
upload one resource le at a me but add mulple resource conguraons in a resource le. Ensure
that .resource is the le extension of a resource le.
If you added dierent resource conguraons in a resource le, each conguraon appears as a disnct
resource on the Resources page. If a resource you add in the resource le already exists in Paragon
Insights, the new conguraon of that resource overrides the exisng conguraon when you upload
the .resource le.
NOTE: The name of each resource inside a resource conguraon le (.resource le) must be
To upload a resource le:
1. Click Conguraon > Resources.
The Resources page appears.
2. On the visual panel, click Upload Resource File.
An Upload Resource File page appears.
3. Click Browse and select the resource le saved in your local system.
4. Click OK.
You can see a conrmaon message aer the resource uploads successfully. The new resource or
resources appear on the Resources page (visual panel).
Download Resources | 236
Clone Resources | 236
Download Resources
To download a resource conguraon:
1. Click on the resource that you want to download.
A page that shows details of the resource appears.
2. On the page, click the download (down arrow) icon.
3. Click Save File and OK in the pop-up window to save the resource.
The resource conguraon is downloaded to your local system as a compressed tar le.
Upload Resources | 235
Clone Resources | 236
Clone Resources
To clone a resource:
1. Click on the resource that you want to clone.
A page that shows details of the resource appears.
2. On the page, click the copy icon.
The Clone Resource page appears with the resource and dependency conguraons of the resource
you cloned.
3. Enter a name for the new resource in the Resource Name eld.
4. Modify resource conguraon details, if necessary.
See "Add Resources for Root Cause Analysis" on page 212 for details about the resource
conguraon elds.
5. Modify resource dependency details, if necessary.
See "Congure Dependency in Resources" on page 215 for details about the dependency
conguraon elds.
6. Do one of the following:
Click Save and Deploy.
Paragon Insights saves and deploys the resource and dependency conguraon to generate smart
You can see the new resource on the Resources page.
Click Save.
Paragon Insights saves the resource and dependency conguraon. When you only save the
conguraons, smart alarms are not generated.
You can see the new resource on the Resources page.
Upload Resources | 235
Download Resources | 236
Delete Resources and Dependencies
Delete a Resource | 238
Delete Resource Dependency | 239
NOTE: You cannot delete default (system-generated) resources.
Delete a Resource
To delete a resource:
1. Select Conguraon > Resources.
The Resources page appears.
2. Do one of the following:
a. Select the resource from Resources table and click delete (trash icon).
b. Select the resource you want to delete on the resource visualizaon.
The informaon pane of the resource page appears.
Click Delete.
A delete conrmaon message appears.
3. Do one of the following:
a. Click Delete.
Paragon Insights deletes the resource.
b. Click Delete and Deploy.
Paragon Insights deletes the resource and deploy the conguraon changes that occur as a result
of the deleon.
Edit Resources and Dependencies | 232
Delete Resource Dependency
To edit a resource:
1. Select Conguraon > Resources.
The Resource Dependency Model page appears.
2. Click the resource dependency you want to delete on the resource visualizaon.
The informaon pane of the dependency appears.
3. Click Delete.
A delete resource dependency conrmaon dialog appears.
4. Click OK.
Paragon Insights removes the dependency you selected.
Edit Resources and Dependencies | 232
Monitor Network Device Health Using Grafana
Grafana Overview | 239
Access the Grafana UI | 240
Run a Query | 240
View Prepopulated Graphs | 242
Back Up and Restore Grafana Data | 243
Grafana Overview
Starng with Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) Release 4.1.0, you can use the Grafana user
interface (UI) to view data of your network devices. Grafana UI renders data from Paragon Insights me
series database (TSDB). You can view this data in the form of charts, graphs, histograms, and heat maps.
You can also query data and view the results from the Grafana UI.
In releases earlier than Paragon Insights Release 4.1.0, you could only create and view graphs from the
Charts page of the Paragon Insights UI.
Grafana is an open-source data visualizaon tool. You use Grafana to create and view charts, graphs,
and other visuals to help organize and understand data. Paragon Insights uses Grafana to render graphs
that you create from the Charts page of the UI. With Release 4.1.0, you can create graphs and other
visuals directly from the Grafana UI.
For more informaon on Grafana, see Grafana Documentaon.
Access the Grafana UI
You can access Grafana UI by selecng Monitor > Graphs > Grafana from the Paragon Insights UI.
You can access Grafana by logging into the Paragon Insights UI. All logged in users can access and use
Grafana and its features by clicking Monitor > Graphs > Grafana.
You use dashboards to monitor the status and health of devices. Follow these steps to view exisng
dashboards or create new dashboards from the Grafana UI:
To create a new dashboard from the Grafana UI, click the plus (+) icon >Create > Dashboards > Add
Panel from the right-nav panel.
To view exisng dashboards from the Grafana UI, click Dashboards from the right-nav panel.
Run a Query
You can run queries from the Grafana UI. For more informaon, see Query a Data Source.
When you create a chart, the data is rendered from the TSDB database, an open-source me series
database. Informaon sent to and received from the TSDB database is in the inuxDB format. With
Release 4.1.0, Paragon Insights also supports Grafana's open-source inuxDB plugin. Aer you run a
query from the Grafana UI, the open-source inuxDB sends a backend request to the Paragon Insights
TSDB. The Paragon Insights TSDB sends the response in inuxDB format.
In Paragon Insights Release 4.1.0, when you run a query from the Grafana UI using inuxDB as a data
source, you can only view data of a specic device of a device group. You use syntax parameters such as
FROM and SELECT that the inuxDB recognizes. You cannot view aggregate data of a device group, or view
aggregate data of mulple device groups using the inuxDB plugin. However, with Release 4.2.0,
Paragon Insights supports the Juniper Paragon Insights TSDB plugin.
The Juniper Paragon Insights TSDB plugin is based on the inuxDB plugin but also supports the ability
to view aggregate data of a device group, or view aggregate data of mulple device groups. You can
view aggregate data by using Syntax parameters such as DEVICE, DEVICE GROUPS, and MEASUREMENT. The default
data source for Paragon Insights in Grafana is based on the Juniper Paragon Insights TSDB plugin.
For more informaon on supported syntax parameters, see Table 18 on page 241.
Figure 58: Querying from Grafana UI
Table 18: Examples of InuxDB and TSDB Syntax Parameters
InuxDB Querying Opons TSDB Querying Opons
FROM—Select the data source (device,
device group, topic/rule).
DEVICE—Select one or more than one device for this query.
SELECT—Select the data eld, and apply
aggregaon and transformaon types
to the data.
DEVICE GROUP—Select one or more than one device group for this query.
Table 18: Examples of InuxDB and TSDB Syntax Parameters
InuxDB Querying Opons TSDB Querying Opons
GROUP BY—Specify how to group data
based on KPI keys.
MEASUREMENT—Select the Paragon Insights topic or rule name.
FORMAT AS—Specify if you want to
format as table, me series, or log.
WHERE—Filter data based on tags and elds.
FIELDS—Select the elds to which you want to apply the aggregaon.
GROUP BY—Specify how to group data based KPI keys.
FORMAT AS—Specify if you want to format as table, me series, or log.
PER DEVICE LIMIT—Set the per-device limit of the base query for each
device (database) that you have selected.
AGGREGATED LIMIT—Set the aggregate limit for the device (databases) aer
the base query is run.
ALIAS BY—Rename a eld. For example, if you select mean as an
aggregaon funcon for a eld named bps, you can give it an alias name
called mean_bps.
View Prepopulated Graphs
Starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.3.0, you can view prepopulated graphs from the Grafana
You can view prepopulated graphs from the Dashboards secon of the Grafana Home page. You can
also view these prepopulated graphs by clicking Dashboard > Manage > Paragon Insights Cluster Health.
With Paragon Insights Release 4.3.0, the following graphs are available by default:
CPU Usage—View cluster-wise or node-wise informaon on CPU (%) usage at dierent levels.
Disk Read Usage (r_await)—View cluster-wise or node-wise informaon on average me taken for
disk reads to be served.
Disk Write Usage (w_await)View cluster-wise or node-wise informaon on average me taken for
disk writes to be served.
Node Memory AvailableView informaon on free memory available on a node in a selected cluster.
Click the name of a graph to view more informaon of that graph. You can view a prepopulated graph of
all nodes in a cluster at a me, and also view prepopulated graphs of one or more nodes in a cluster.
Back Up and Restore Grafana Data
Back Up Grafana Data
1. Click Administraon > Backup.
The Backup page appears.
2. Click Backup Grafana to backup Grafana data. The Conrm Backup pop-up appears.
3. Click Ok to conrm.
Restore Grafana Data
1. Click Administraon > Restore. The Restore page appears.
2. Click Choose le and select the backed-up Grafana data le from your local system; click Ok to
conrm selecon.
3. Click Restore Grafana to restore Grafana data.
4. Click Ok to conrm.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
4.3.0 Starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.3.0, you can view prepopulated graphs from the Grafana
4.1.0 Starng with Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) Release 4.1.0, you can use the Grafana user
interface (UI) to view data of your network devices.
Monitor Device and Network Health | 172
Understanding Acon Engine Workows
NOTE: Acon engine workow is a Beta feature.
When creang rules, Paragon Insights includes the ability to run user-dened acons (UDAs) as part of a
trigger. UDAs are Python scripts that can be congured to be triggered by a Paragon Insights rule.
You cannot track and manage UDAs, pause an acon, retry a failed acon, and resume a paused acon.
However, with Release 4.1.0, Paragon Insights supports acon engine workow monitoring. An acon
engine workow is an acon engine that you can use to congure a set of tasks (instances). You can
congure acon engine workows, monitor exisng acon engine workows, and manage acon engine
workow instances from the Paragon Insights GUI.
You can view acon engine workows that you created by using the CLI in the Paragon Insights GUI.
You can perform the following acons from the CLI:
run NETCONF command
run arbitrary executable les such as Python, Bash, Ruby
run a command to send nocaon messages
Manage Acon Engine Workows | 244
Manage Acon Engine Workows
NOTE: Acon engine workow is a Beta feature.
See "Understanding Acon Engine Workows" on page 244 for more informaon on acon engine
You can add new workows from the Conguraon > Acon Engine page of the Paragon Insights GUI.
You can manage exising acon engine workows, and acon engine workow instances from the
Monitor > Acon Engine page.
Add an Acon Engine Workow
Follow these steps to add an acon engine workow:
1. Click Conguraon > Acon Engine.
The Workows page apprears.
2. Click plus (+) icon to add an acon engine workow.
The Add New Workow page appears. The General tabbed page is displayed by default.
3. Enter the following informaon in the General tabbed page :
a. Enter a name for the acon engine workow in the Name text box.
b. Enter a descripon for the acon engine workow in the Descripon text box.
c. Select an entry task from the Entry Task drop-down list.
NOTE: You have to add a task before you can select the task from the Entry Task drop-
down list. To add a task, see Step 4.
An entry task is the rst task that is executed when you run an acon engine workow.
d. Select an exit task from the Exit Task drop-down list.
NOTE: You have to add a task before you can select the task from the Exit Task drop-down
list. To add a task, see Step 4.
An exit task is the last task (for example, a clean up task) that is executed at the end of an acon
engine workow sequence.
4. Click Tasks to view the Task tabbed page.
5. Click (+) to add a task.
Enter the following informaon:
a. Enter a name for the task in the Name text box.
b. Enable or Disable the Parallel toggle buon.
Enable the Parallel toggle buon to run all steps in a task simultaneously.
c. Follow these steps for Paragon Insights Release 4.1.0:
i. Click (+) to add a new step.
The Add Step overlay page appears.
ii. Enter a name for the step in the Name text box.
iii. Enter a value for Command Tag and Command Field in the CLI Command Sengs secon.
iv. Click Ok to conrm
Follow these steps for Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0:
i. Click the (+) icon to add a step.
A row is added to the Steps secon.
In the row that is added,
1. Enter a name for the step in the Name text box.
2. Enter a descripon for the step in the Descripon text box.
3. Select dependencies from the Dependencies drop-down list.
4. Select a step type from the Type drop-down list.
ii. Click Edit Commands to add a new command.
The ADD/EDIT COMMANDS pop-up appears.
Enter the following informaon:
1. Click +Add New Command to add a new command.
The New Command secon appears in the ADD/EDIT COMMANDS pop-up.
2. Enter a value for the command tag in the Command Tag text box.
3. Enter a value in the Commands list box. You can select more than one command.
Click X to remove the command that you selected.
4. Enter a value in the Arguments list box. You can select more than one argument.
Click X to remove the argument that you selected.
5. Enter a value in the Device list box. You can select more than one device.
Click X to remove the device that you selected.
6. Enter a value in the Device Group list box. You can select more than one device group.
Click X to remove the device group that you selected.
7. Enter a value in the Environment list box.
8. Select an output from the Output Type list box.
9. Enable or Disable the Ignore toggle buon.
Enable the Ignore toggle buon to ignore steps.
10. Set repeat parameters in the Repeat eld.
You can determine if you want to repeat a failed step or not.
11. The default delay value displayed is 10 seconds.
Aer you have set repeat parameters to repeat a step that has failed, there is a delay
of 10 seconds before the step is repeated again.
12. Click OK to conrm.
The new command is added.
iii. Click Edit Condions to add new condions.
The ADD/EDIT CONDITIONS pop-up appears.
Follow this procedure to set condions to run a step:
1. Enter the condions in the Condions text box.
2. Select a condion type from the Condions Type list box.
3. Enter a descripon for the condion in the Condion Descripon text box.
4. Click OK to conrm.
The new condions are added
iv. Click Edit Inputs to add new inputs.
The ADD/EDIT INPUTS pop-up appears.
Enter the following informaon:
1. Click the (+) icon to add new input.
2. Enter a name for the input in the Name eld.
3. Enter a value for the input in the Value eld.
4. Click OK to conrm.
The operaon is successful message is displayed in the ADD/EDIT INPUTS pop-up.
5. Click Close to close the ADD/EDIT INPUTS pop-up.
v. Click Edit Output to add new outputs.
The ADD/EDIT OUTPUT pop-up appears.
Enter the following informaon:
1. Click the (+) icon to add new input.
2. Select a name for the output from the Name drop-down list.
3. Enter a descripon for the output in the Descripon text box.
4. Enter a value for the command tag in the Command Tag eld.
5. Select output type from the Output Type drop-down list. See Table 19 on page 248.
6. The eld displayed depends on the output type that you have selected. See Table 19 on
page 248.
Table 19: Output Type and Corresponding Fields
Output Type Field
Grok Paern
JSON JQ path
Arfact Path
Regex Paern
7. Click OK to conrm.
The operaon is successful message is displayed in the ADD/EDIT OUTPUT pop-up.
8. Click Close to close the ADD/EDIT OUTPUT pop-up.
d. Click the icon to add this row to the Steps secon.
6. Click the Arguments tab.
7. On the Arguments tabbed page, click the plus (+) icon to add a new argument.
Enter the following informaon:
Enter a name for the argument in the Name text box.
Click Ok to conrm.
8. Do any one of the following:
Click Save to save the acon engine workow.
Click Save & Deploy to save and deploy the acon engine workow.
You have now added and deployed an acon engine workow. To monitor the acon engine
workows that you have added, see Monitor > Acon Engine.
Run an Acon Engine Workow
Aer you add an acon engine workow from the Conguraon > Acon Engine page of the UI, you
can run the acon engine workow by following these steps:
1. Click Monitor > Acon Engine.
The Workows Monitor page apprears.
2. Select the acon engine workow you want to run by selecng the check box next to the name of
the acon engine workow.
3. Click Run Workow.
The Run Workow <
workow name
> pop-up appears.
4. In the Run Workow <
workow name
> pop-up that appears, you can:
View the list of precongured arguments for the acon engine workow.
Congure addional arguments.
To congure addional arguments:
a. Click (+).
The Addional Arguments elds that you can congure are displayed.
i. Enter a name in the Name text box to idenfy this addional argument.
The name you enter must be in the [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ regular expression format.
This format states that the rst character of the name can start with a-z or A-Z. The
name cannot start with a number or a special character. However, you can use numbers,
_, and - within the name. Maximum length is 64 characters.
ii. Select an addional argument type from the Type drop-down list.
Available opons: string, list, password, device, device-group, network-group
iii. Select a value from the opons available.
The opons you can choose from depend on the addional argument Type that you
have selected. You can add one or more than one arguments.
5. Click OK to conrm sengs and run the acon engine workow.
Stop an Acon Engine Workow Instance
You can stop an acon engine workow instance that is currently running.
NOTE: You cannot resume (restart) an instance that you have stopped.
To stop an instance:
1. Click Monitor > Acon Engine.
The Workows Monitor page appears.
2. Click a acon engine workow to view the instances listed under it.
3. Select the instance that is currently running by selecng the check box next to the name of the
4. Click Stop to stop the instance.
Resume a Suspended Acon Engine Workow Instance
You can resume (restart) an acon Engine workow instance that has been suspended. To resume a
suspended instance:
1. Click Monitor > Acon Engine.
The Workows Monitor page appears.
2. Click an acon engine workow to view the instances listed under it.
3. Select a suspended instance by selecng the check box next to the name of the instance.
4. Click Resume to restart the instance.
Filter Acon Engine Workow Instances
To lter acon engine workow instances within an acon engine workow:
1. Click Monitor > Acon Engine.
The Workows Monitor page appears.
2. Click Filter, and then click Add Filter from the Filter drop-down list.
The Add Criteria pop-up appears.
3. Enter the following informaon in the Add Criteria pop-up.
a. Select the eld that you want to apply the lter to, from the Field drop-down list .
b. Select the condions that you want to apply to the eld, from the Condion drop-down list .
c. Enter start and/or nish me that you want to apply to the lter, in the Value text box.
4. Click Add to apply the lter.
Delete an Acon Engine Workow
To delete an acon engine workow:
1. Click Conguraon > Acon Engine.
The Workows page appears.
2. Select the acon engine workow you want to delete by selecng the check box next to the name of
the instance.
3. Click the Delete icon.
The Delete Workow pop-up appears.
4. In the Delete Workow pop-up that appears, click Ok to delete the acon engine workow.
Understanding Acon Engine Workows | 244
Alerts and Nocaons
Generate Alert Nocaons | 252
Manage Alerts Using Alert Manager | 260
Stream Sensor and Field Data from Paragon Insights | 264
Generate Alert
Congure a Nocaon Prole | 253
Enable Alert Nocaons for a Device Group or Network Group | 259
Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) generates alerts that indicate when specic KPI events occur on
your devices. To receive Paragon Insights nocaons for these KPI events, you must rst congure a
nocaon prole. Once congured, you can enable alert nocaons for specic device groups and
network groups.
Paragon Insights supports the following nocaon delivery methods:
Web Hook
Kaa Publish
Microso Teams (HealthBot Release 2.1.0 and later)
Email (HealthBot Release 2.1.0 and later)
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) Publish (Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 and later)
This secon includes the following procedures:
Congure a Nocaon Prole
A nocaon prole denes the delivery method to use for sending nocaons.
1. Click the Sengs > System opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click the Nocaon tab on the le of the window. click the add nocaon buon (+ Nocaon).
3. Click the + Nocaon buon
4. In the Add Nocaon window that appears, congure the nocaon prole:
Aributes Descripon
Name Enter a name.
Descripon (Oponal) Enter a descripon.
Nocaon Type Select a nocaon type:
Web Hook
Kaa Publish
Microso Teams (HealthBot 2.1.0 and later)
EMails (HealthBot 2.1.0 and later)
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) Publish (Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0
and later)
Nocaon type aributes vary based on nocaon type selected. See below for
5. Click Save and Deploy.
Web Hook
URL at which the Web Hook nocaon should be posted.
(Oponal) Username for basic HTTP authencaon.
Password (Oponal) Password for basic HTTP authencaon.
URL URL at which the Slack nocaon should be posted. Dierent from your Slack workspace
URL. Go to hps:// and sign in to your Slack
workspace to create a Slack API endpoint URL.
Channel Channel on which the nocaon should be posted.
Kaa Publish
Bootstrap Servers Add Kaa host:port pairs from the drop-down list to establish the inial
connecon to the Kaa cluster.
Topic (Oponal) Name of the Kaa topic to which data will be published. By default, the Kaa
topic naming convenon for device group alert nocaons is
Depending on the authencaon protocols being used, the required authencaon parameters are as
Protocol Required Parameters
SASL/SSL Username, password and cercate
SASL/Plaintext Username and password
SSL Cercate
Plaintext None
Username for SASL/SSL or SASL/plaintext authencaon.
Password for SASL/SSL or SASL/plaintext authencaon.
Cercate Kaa server’s CA cercate. Choose le from the drop-down list.
Locaon from where the Kaa server’s CA cercate will be uploaded. Click
Choose les and navigate to the le locaon. File should be in Privacy Enhanced
Mail (PEM) format.
Microso Teams
As of HealthBot Release 2.1.0, you can send Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) nocaons to
Microso Teams. Teams can provide a connector which you can add to Paragon Insights to enable the
Conguraon workow:
In Teams, create a new connector set as an incoming webhook.
Copy the URL provided by Teams.
In Paragon Insights, congure a nocaon prole that sends to Microso Teams.
Apply the nocaon prole to a device group.
To congure MS Teams nocaons:
1. In Teams, select the desired channel and click the ellipsis (...).
2. In the menu that appears, click Connectors.
3. Use the Incoming Webhook opon and click Congure.
4. On the next page, click Create.
5. Once the web hook is successfully created, copy the provided URL.
6. In Paragon Insights, go to the Sengs > System page select the Nocaon tab.
7. Click the + Nocaon buon.
8. Congure the nocaon prole as follows:
Name - Enter a prole name.
Nocaon Type - select Microso Teams.
Channel - Paste the URL provided by the Teams UI above.
9. Click Save and Deploy.
10. Apply the nocaon prole to a device group or network group as shown in "Enable Alert
Nocaons for a Device Group or Network Group" on page 259
As of HealthBot Release 2.1.0, you can send Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) nocaons by
email. By default, email nocaons cover all running playbooks and rules for the device group or
network group to which they are applied, however you can narrow the focus by selecng specic rules.
NOTE: Paragon Insights includes its own mail transfer agent (MTA), so no other mail server is
Conguraon workow:
In Paragon Insights, congure a nocaon prole that sends to email.
Apply the nocaon prole to a device group.
To congure email nocaons:
1. In Paragon Insights, go to the Sengs > System page.
2. Select the Nocaon tab and click the the + Nocaon buon.
3. Congure the nocaon prole as follows:
Name - Enter a prole name.
Nocaon Type - Select Emails.
Email Addresses - Enter an email address and click Add
; repeat for more email
(Oponal) Rule lters - To narrow the scope of what triggers an email, dene rule lters. Enter a
lter and click Add
; repeat for more lters.
Format is topic/rule; can use regular expressions
Example: interface.stascs/check-interface-aps sends nocaons only for the rule check-
Example: system.processes/.* , system.cpu/.* , and interface.stascs/.* sends nocaons for
all rules under the topics system.processes, system.cpu, and interface.stascs.
4. Click Save and Deploy.
5. Apply the nocaon prole to a device group or network group as shown in "Enable Alert
Nocaons for a Device Group or Network Group" on page 259
AMQP Publish
If you select AMQP Publish as the nocaon type, you have to specify the following:
Host (mandatory)—Specify a valid hostname or the IP address of the AMQP server.
Port (mandatory)—Specify the listener port of the AMQP server.
Exchange(mandatory)—Specify the name of the exchange or the roung agent of the AMQP server
on which the connecon must be instanated.
Virtual Host(oponal)—Specify the virtual host of the AMQP server on which the connecon must be
instanated. If you do not specify, the default value(/) is used.
Roung Key(oponal)—Specify the roung key. The roung key is a message aribute that the
exchange refers to when deciding how to route the message to the queue.
NOTE: If you have not congured the roung key, the following are the default value:
For sensor or raw data,
For eld data,
For trigger/alert data,
In case of a network group,
is rendered as “-”.
Username—Specify the username for the Simple Authencaon Security Layer (SASL)
Password—Specify the password for the SASL authencaon.
CA Prole—Select the CA prole from the drop-down list. For more informaon on CA Proles and
local cercates, see "Congure a Secure Data Connecon for Paragon Insights Devices" on page
Local Cercate—Select the local cercate from the drop-down list. For more informaon on CA
Proles and local cercates, see "Congure a Secure Data Connecon for Paragon Insights Devices"
on page 286
Server Common Name—Specify the server common name that is used while creang a cercate.
Enable Alert Nocaons for a Device Group or Network Group
To enable alert nocaons for a device group or network group:
1. For Device Groups, select the Conguraon > Device Group page from the le-nav bar.
For Network Groups, select the Conguraon > Network page from the le-nav bar.
2. Click the name of the device group or network group for which you want to enable alert
3. Click the Edit (Pencil) icon.
4. Scroll down to the Nocaon secon in the pop-up window and click the caret to expand that
5. Select a desnaon for any alert level (Major, Minor, or Normal) that you want. Nocaon can be
sent to zero or more dened desnaons for each alert level.
6. Click Save and Deploy.
Manage Alerts Using Alert Manager
Viewing Alerts | 260
Manage Individual Alerts | 262
Congure Alert Blackouts | 263
You can use the Alert Manager feature to organize, track, and manage KPI event alert nocaons
received from Paragon Insights devices. The Alert Manager does not track alerts by default; it is
populated based on which device groups or network groups are congured to send the nocaons.
Viewing Alerts
To view the alerts report table, go to the Monitor > Alerts page in the le-nav bar. Note that Alert
Manager consolidates duplicate alerts into one table entry and provides a count of the number of
duplicate alerts it has received.
Starng with release 4.2.0, Paragon Insights generates smart alerts if you congured resources and
dependencies. To congure resources, click Resource Discovery at the top right corner of the Alerts
Smart alerts combine alerts from dierent rules into a collapsible tree structure. The main alert in the
tree displays the root cause that triggered the other alerts in the tree. See "Understand Resources and
Dependencies" on page 206 for more informaon.
The following table describes the alerts report table aributes.
Aributes Descripon
Severity Severity level of the alert. Opons include:
Aributes Descripon
Status Management status of the alert entry. Opons are Open, Acve, Shelved, Closed, and Ack. The
statuses available in the Status pull-down menu in the top row of the table only include statuses
of alerts visible in the table and those allowed by the status lter above the table.
Last Received Time the alert was last received.
Dupl. Duplicate count. Number of mes an alert with the same event, resource, environment, and
severity has been triggered.
Topic Device component topic name.
Resource Device name.
Event Name of the rule, trigger or eld, and event with which the alert is associated.
Text Health status message.
The following table describes the main features of the alerts report table:
Feature Descripon
Sort the data by ascending or
descending order based on a
specic aribute.
Click on the name of the data type at the top of the column by which you
want to sort.
Filter the data based on the
device group.
In the drop-down list at the top le corner of the page, select a device group
by which to lter.
Feature Descripon
Filter the data based on the
alert status.
Two opons:
1. In the drop-down list above the table at the top of the page, select one or
more status types on which to lter. Opons are open, acve, shelved,
closed, and ack. You can lter on mulple status types.
2. In the drop-down list at the top of the Status column, select a status type
by which to lter. Note that if there are status types shown in the lter list
at the top of the report, then the status column can only show those status
Filter the data based on the
severity, topic, or resource
In the associated drop-down list for each aribute at the top of the table,
select an opon by which to lter.
Filter the data based on a
In the associated text box under the Event or Text aribute name at the top
of the table, enter the keyword on which to lter.
Filter the data based on date or
me received.
In the Last Received eld, enter a date and me in the format: <Day> <DD>
<Mon> <HH:MM>
Navigate to a dierent page of
the table.
Two opons:
1. At the boom of the table, click the Previous or Next buons.
2. At the boom of the table, select the page number using the up/down
arrows (or by manually entering the number) and then press Enter.
Change the number of rows
At the boom of the table, choose the number of rows to display in the drop-
down list. The table displays 20 rows by default.
If the data in a cell is truncated,
view all of the data in a cell.
Resize the column width of the cell by dragging the right side of the tle cell
of the column to the right.
Manage Individual Alerts
You can view detailed informaon about each alert in the alerts report table. You can also assign a
management status (such as open, ack, and close), and apply simple acons (such as shelve and delete)
to each alert.
To manage individual alerts:
1. Go to the Monitor > Alerts page from the le-nav bar to open the alert report table.
2. Click on a single alert entry in the table. The Alert Details pane displays detailed informaon about
the alert.
The following table describes the set of buons at the top of the Alert Details pane:
Buon Descripon
Open Changes the status of the alert to Open.
Shelve Removes the alert from the table for a set amount of me. Time opons are 1, 2, 4 and 8 hours. Click
Unshelve to disable this feature.
Ack Changes the status of the alert to Ack. The Ack status removes the alert from the table, but the alert
sll remains acve.
Close Changes the status of the alert to Closed. The Closed status indicates that the severity level of the alert
is now Normal.
Delete Deletes the alert from the table.
Congure Alert Blackouts
You can congure blackout periods to suppress or mute alerts during, for example, scheduled
To congure blackouts:
1. Click the Sengs > System page from the le-nav bar.
2. Select the Alert tab on the le side of the page.
3. In Alert Blackout Sengs, click the + Alert Blackout buon.
4. Enter the necessary values in the text boxes for the blackout conguraon.
The following table describes the aributes in the Add an Alert Blackout pane:
Aributes Descripon
Duraon Select a start and end date and me for the blackout.
Device Group Select a device group from the drop-down list to which to apply the blackout conguraon.
Aribute (Oponal) Specify an aribute from the drop-down list to which to apply the blackout
Value (Oponal) If a blackout aribute is specied, provide an associated value (as shown in the
alerts report table). Only the alerts that match this aribute value exactly will be suppressed
from the alerts report table.
NOTE: For the Resource-Event aribute, you must specify a resource from the drop-down
list, as well as specify an Event value. Only the alerts generated by the specied resource that
match this Event value exactly will be suppressed from the alerts report table.
5. Click Save to save the conguraon.
6. (Oponal) Click the Delete buon to delete a blackout conguraon.
Stream Sensor and Field Data from Paragon Insights
Congure the Nocaon Type for Publishing | 264
Publish Data for a Device Group or Network Group | 267
You can congure Paragon Insights to publish Paragon Insights sensor and eld data for a specic device
group or network group. You must rst congure the nocaon type for publishing and then specify
the elds and sensors that you want published.
Congure the Nocaon Type for Publishing
Paragon Insights supports Apache Kaa and AMQP for publishing sensor and eld data.
You must rst congure a Kaa publishing prole before you can start publishing sensor and eld data
for a specic device group or network group.
To congure a Kaa publishing prole:
1. Select the Sengs > System page from the le-nav bar.
2. Click the Nocaon tab on the le part of the page.
3. In Nocaon Sengs, click the + Nocaon buon.
4. Enter the necessary values in the text boxes and select the appropriate opons for the Kaa
publishing prole.
The following table describes the relevant aributes in the Add a Nocaon Seng and Edit
Nocaon Conguraon panes:
Aributes Descripon
Name Name of the nocaon.
Descripon (Oponal) Descripon of the nocaon.
Click the Kaa publish radio buon.
Aributes Descripon
Kaa Publish
Add Kaa host:port pairs from the drop-down list to establish the
inial connecon to the Kaa cluster.
Topic (Oponal) Name of the Kaa topic to which data will be published. By default,
the Kaa topic naming convenons are:
For device group eld data,
For network group eld data,
o For device group sensor data,
Depending on the authencaon protocols being used, the required authencaon
parameters are as follows:
SASL/SSL—Username, password and cercate
SASL/Plaintext—Username and password
Required authencaon parameters are:
Username Username for SASL/SSL or SASL/plaintext authencaon.
Password Password for SASL/SSL or SASL/plaintext authencaon.
Cercate Kaa server’s CA cercate. Choose le from the drop-down list.
Locaon from where the Kaa server’s CA cercate will be
uploaded. Click Choose les and navigate to the le locaon. File
should be in Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format.
5. Click Save to save the conguraon or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon.
6. Apply the Kaa publishing prole to a device group or network group. For more details, see the
"Publish Data for a Device Group or Network Group" on page 267 secon.
Publish Data for a Device Group or Network Group
To publish Paragon Insights sensor or eld data for a device group or network group:
1. For Device Groups, select the Conguraon > Device Group page from the le-nav bar.
For Network Groups, select the Conguraon > Network page from the le-nav bar.
2. Click the name of the device group or the network group to which you want to publish data.
3. Click the Edit (Pencil) icon.
4. Under Publish, select the appropriate Desnaons, Field, or Sensor from the drop-down lists for the
data you want to publish. To publish eld or sensor data, you must congure a desnaon.
Parameter Descripon
Desnaons Select the publishing proles that dene the nocaon type requirements (such as
authencaon parameters) for publishing the data.
To edit or view details about saved publishing proles, go to the System page under the
Sengs menu opon in the le-nav bar. The publishing proles are listed under Nocaon
NOTE: Only Kaa and AMQP publishing are currently supported.
Field Select the Paragon Insights rule topic and rule name pairs that contain the eld data you want
to publish.
Sensor (Device group only) Select the sensor paths or YAML tables that contain the sensor data you
want to publish. No sensor data is published by default.
5. Click Save to save the conguraon or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
2.1.0 As of HealthBot Release 2.1.0, you can send Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) nocaons by
Monitor Device and Network Health | 172
Generate Reports
Generate On-Demand Reports | 269
Generate Scheduled Reports | 270
Create a Schedule Prole | 271
Create a Report | 272
Associate the Report to a Device Group or Network Group | 273
View Reports | 273
Create a Field Snapshot | 276
Compare (Di) Reports | 278
You can generate Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) reports for device groups and network groups.
These reports include alarm stascs, device or network health data, as well as device-specic
informaon (such as hardware and soware specicaons).
Paragon Insights’s reporng funconality allows you to:
Send reports by email, save them on the Paragon Insights server, or download them to your local
Schedule reports to run at regular intervals, or for a specic me
Generate reports on demand (HealthBot Release 2.1.0 and later)
Compare (di) two reports (HealthBot Release 2.1.0 and later)
Capture a snapshot of a specic set of elds at a given point in me (HealthBot Release 3.1.0 and
This secon includes the following procedures:
"Generate On-Demand Reports" on page 269
"Generate Scheduled Reports" on page 270
"View Reports" on page 273
"Create a Field Snapshot" on page 276
"Compare (Di) Reports" on page 278
Generate On-Demand Reports
You can generate and download a report on demand for a device group or network group. As with
regular report generaon, formats supported include HTML or JSON, and you can download the report
or receive it by email.
Once generated, you can re-download on-demand reports from the Reports page. These reports have
the report name HB_MANUAL_REPORT.
1. For a device group, navigate to the Conguraon > Device Group page from the le-nav bar and
select the device group name from the list.
For a network group, navigate to the Conguraon > Network page from the le-nav bar and select
the network group name from the list.
2. Click the Report Snapshot (Page) icon in the upper right part of the page as shown in
Figure 59: Report Snapshot Buon
3. On the page that appears, enter report generaon details, including:
Format - HTML or JSON
Desnaon Type - save to your computer (disk) or send to email (which also saves to disk)
If disk, specify the number of reports to save on the server before deleng older reports
If email, add target email address(es)
(Oponal) Select graph canvases to include in the report.
(Oponal) Select the desired graph panels to include in the report.
4. Click Submit.
5. A dialog box appears allowing you to download the le. Addionally, if the desnaon is disk,
Paragon Insights stores a copy of the report on the server. If the desnaon is email, Paragon Insights
sends the report to the specied account.
Generate Scheduled Reports
The workow to congure and generate scheduled reports is as follows:
Create a Desnaon Prole
1. Select the Sengs > System page from the le-nav bar.
2. Click the Desnaon tab on the le of the page.
3. In the Desnaon Sengs secon, click the + Desnaonbuon.
4. Specify the desnaon prole sengs as appropriate.
The following table describes the aributes in the Add a desnaon and Edit a desnaon panes:
Aributes Descripon
Desnaon Name Enter a name. The name cannot be changed once saved.
Aributes Descripon
Desnaon Type Opons include Email or Disk.
Email > Email Id Enter an email address to which the report will be sent.
Disk > Maximum Reports Specify how many versions of this report will be stored on the server. Older
reports are deleted as newer reports are generated and saved.
NOTE: Using the email opon also saves a copy of the report to disk.
5. Click Save and Deploy.
Create a Schedule Prole
1. Click the Scheduler tab on the le side of the page.
2. In the Scheduler Sengs secon, click the + Scheduler buon.
3. Specify the schedule prole sengs as appropriate.
The following table describes the aributes in the Add a scheduler and Edit a scheduler panes:
Aributes Descripon
Name Enter a name .
Scheduler Type Select connuous.
Start On Select the date and me for the rst report to be generated.
Run for Not applicable.
Aributes Descripon
End On (Oponal) Select the date and me to stop generang reports.
Leave blank to generate the report indenitely.
Repeat Select one of the following:
The frequency (every day, week, month, or year) at which you want the report to be
Never—generate the report only once.
Custom—select and use the Repeat Every elds to congure a custom frequency.
4. Click Save and Deploy.
Create a Report
1. Click the Report tab on the le side of the page.
2. In the Report Sengs secon, click + Reportbuon.
3. Specify the schedule prole sengs as appropriate.
The following table describes the aributes in the Add a report seng and Edit a report seng
Aributes Descripon
Name Enter a name.
Format Opons include HTML and JSON.
Schedule(s) Select the schedule prole you created above.
Aributes Descripon
Desnaon(s) Select the desnaon prole you created above.
Canvas(es) (Oponal) Select graph canvases to include in the report. The list of graph panels in the
Panel(s) drop-down list changes based on the canvas selected.
For informaon on creang graphs, see Graph Page.
Panel(s) (Oponal) Select the desired graph panels to include in the report.
NOTE: JSON reports include the raw me series data only, no graphs.
Click Save and Deploy.
Associate the Report to a Device Group or Network Group
1. For a device group, select the Conguraon > Device Groups page from the le-nav bar.
For a network group, select the Conguraon > Network page from the le-nav bar.
2. Click the name of the device group or network group for which you want to generate reports.
3. Click the Edit (Pencil) buon.
4. In the Reports secon, click the caret to expand the menu.
5. Click the name(s) of the reports that you want to associate with this group.
6. Click Save and Deploy.
View Reports
To view reports for a device group or network group:
1. If the report’s nocaon parameters are set to use email, check the email box of the specied
account for the report and open the aachment.
2. If the report’s nocaon parameters are set to save to the server’s disk (or even if set to email),
select the Monitor > Reports page from the le-nav bar. The reports are organized by the date and
me at which they were generated. The most recent report is listed at the top of the table.
3. Find the report you wish to download. To help nd the desired report:
Click the column headings to sort based on that column.
Search within a column using the text box under the column heading.
Use the boom of the page to view more rows or change pages.
4. Click on the name of the report to download it to your system.
The following is a sample report:
Create a Field Snapshot
You can capture elds (and their values) from rules applied to deployed devices. In the Paragon Insights
CLI, you idenfy the elds to capture by specifying an
as shown below (without spaces):
capture-fields: [
In the Paragon Insights GUI, you specify the elds during the creaon of a report. Paragon Insights takes
care of creang the xpath from your conguraon in the Sengs > System > Reports > Add a Report
Seng or the Sengs > System > Reports > Edit Report window as shown in Figure 60 on page 277
Figure 60: Add/Edit Report Seng
Compare (Di) Reports
You can compare the dierences between two reports for a device group or network group. The di
allows you to view added/removed/modied alerts, devices, health informaon, and graphs.
1. On the Reports page, select two reports and click the Di Reports buon.
2. The di opens as an HTML page in a new tab.
Sample Report Di
A sample of a report di for a device group is shown below.
A sample of a report di for a network group is shown below.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
Release Descripon
3.1.0 Capture a snapshot of a specic set of elds at a given point in me (HealthBot Release 3.1.0 and later)
2.1.0 Generate reports on demand (HealthBot Release 2.1.0 and later)
2.1.0 Compare (di) two reports (HealthBot Release 2.1.0 and later)
Use Exim4 for E-Mails
Exim4 is a mail transfer agent (MTA) for Unix-like systems that connect to the internet. The Exim4 agent,
that is included in the Paragon Insights soware, sends network health reports and alert nocaons
(for network or device issues) to the e-mail account of the Exim4 host user. The Exim4 host is the
Paragon Insights primary node.
NOTE: In case of mulnode Paragon Insights installaon with more than one primary node, the
Exim4 host is one of the primary nodes.
To enable Paragon Insights to use Exim4 MTA, you must do the following:
Congure the Exim4 hostname (the primary node hostname) in the le that has the environment
variables of all microservices. This conguraon ensures that Paragon Insights can reach the Exim4
host when an alert or a report is generated. If the Exim4 host is not reachable, Paragon Insights does
not forward the e-mail to the Exim4 agent.
Congure your DNS server to resolve the Exim4 host's FQDN to the Paragon Insights virtual IP (VIP)
address. The format of the FQDN is This conguraon ensures
that the Exim4 agent discovers the DNS mail server for the domain based on the Exim4 host's
FQDN. The Exim4 agent then forwards the e-mail to this DNS mail server.
Congure the Exim4 Agent to Send E-mail | 283
Congure the Exim4 Agent to Send E-mail
Congure your DNS server to resolve the FQDN of the Exim4 host to the Paragon Insight's virtual IP
address (VIP).
To congure the Exim4 Agent to send email, you must rst congure the Paragon Insights primary node
as the Exim4 host. To do so, you must enter the node's FQDN in the healthbot.sys le. The healthbot.sys
le contains a list of all environment variables for the Paragon Insights microservices. Aer you modify
the healthbot.sys le with the Exim4 hostname, you must run the healthbot restart command to restart
the alerta microservice with the changes you made.
NOTE: Before you begin, congure your DNS server to resolve the FQDN of the Exim4 host to
the Ingress Controller's VIP.
Use the following steps to enable the Exim4 agent to send e-mails.
1. Log into the Paragon Insights primary node using your server credenals.
2. Type the following command to become a root user.
root@primary-node# su -root
3. Change to the /var/local/healthbot path.
root@primary-node# cd /var/local/healthbot
4. Type the following command to open the healthbot.sys le.
root@primary-node:/var/local/healthbot# vi healthbot.sys
5. Scroll down to the api-server secon in the healthbot.sys le.
6. Type the Paragon Insights primary node FQDN as the value for the
For example, HOST_HOSTNAME =
7. Type :wq! to save the changes and exit the le.
8. Type the following command to update and restart the alerta microservice.
root@primary-node# ./healthbot restart --device-group healthbot -s alerta
Now, you have enabled the Exim4 agent to send e-mails to the e-mail account associated with the
primary node.
To send e-mail alert nocaons, you must congure your e-mail address in a nocaon prole and
enable that nocaon prole on device groups. See "Alerts and Nocaons" on page 252 for more
To e-mail reports, you must congure your e-mail address in the report sengs. See "Generate Reports"
on page 268 for more informaon.
Use Exim4 for E-Mails | 282
Manage Audit Logs
Filter Audit Logs | 284
Export Audit Logs | 285
Paragon Insights Commands and Audit Logs | 286
An audit log is a record of a sequence of acvies that have aected a specic operaon or procedure.
Audit logs are useful for tracing events and for maintaining historical data.
Audit logs contain informaon about tasks iniated by using the Paragon Insights GUI or APIs. In
addion to providing informaon about the resources that were accessed, audit log entries usually
include details about user-iniated tasks, such as the name of the user who iniated a task, the status of
the task, and date and me of execuon.
Audit logs from microservices, such as healthbot command and config server are collected in the audit log
client library, and are stored in the Postgres SQL database. The audit log client library is installed with
microservices during Paragon Insights installaon.
NOTE: Device-driven tasks (tasks not iniated by the user) are not recorded in audit logs.
Filter Audit Logs
You can lter audit logs from the Administraon > Audit Logs page of the Paragon Insights GUI. You can
apply lters to audit logs before you export audit logs in a CSV le.
1. Select Administraon > Audit Logs.
The Audit Logs page appears displaying the audit logs.
2. Click Filter > Add Filter.
The Add Criteria pop-up appears.
3. Enter the following informaon in the Add Criteria pop-up.
a. Select the column you want to apply the lter to from the Field drop-down list.
b. Select the condion you want to apply the column from the Condion drop-down list.
c. Enter the start or nish me in the Value text box, that you want to apply to the lter.
4. Click Add to apply the lter.
(Oponal) You can export audit logs as a CSV le or PDF le aer you apply a lter. For more
informaon, see "Export Audit Logs" on page 285.
Export Audit Logs
Starng in Release 4.1.0, you can export audit logs in a portable document format (PDF) le and comma-
separated values (CSV) le.
To export audit logs:
1. Select Administraon > Audit Logs.
The Audit Logs page appears.
2. Click Export Logs > CSV to download audit logs in a CSV format.
Click Export Logs > PDF to download audit logs in PDF format.
In the warning message that appears, do any one of the following:
Click Connue to export all audit logs with all elds as CSV or PDF les.
Click Filter to lter audit log elds before you export as a CSV le. You cannot lter audit logs
before you export as PDF le.
To lter audit logs, see "Filter Audit Logs" on page 284.
Aer you have applied a lter, click Export Logs>CSV again to start the export.
NOTE: You can export audit logs for a maximum of 30 days prior to the current date and me.
For example, if the current date is May 31, 2018, you can export the audit logs starng from May
1, 2018.
Depending on the sengs of the browser that you are using, the CSV/PDF le containing the audit logs
for the specied me period is either downloaded directly, or you are asked to open or save the le.
Paragon Insights Commands and Audit Logs
Starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.1.0, audit logs are generated when you run the following
commands from the CLI:
The audit log generated will include informaon on who iniated the job, node name, and status of the
job. You must enter credenals (username and password) to run the commands. If you have already set a
username (HB_USERNAME) and password (HB_PASSWORD), you are not prompted to enter credenals when you
run a command.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
4.1.0 Starng in Release 4.1.0, you can export audit logs in a portable document format (PDF) le and comma-
separated values (CSV) le.
Congure a Secure Data Connecon for Paragon
Insights Devices
Congure Security Proles for SSL and SSH Authencaon | 288
Congure Security Authencaon for a Specic Device or Device Group | 288
Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) supports the following authencaon methods to provide a
secure data connecon for Paragon Insights devices:
Sensor Type Descripon Required Paragon Insights
Security Parameters
Mutual SSL OpenCong Client authencates itself with
the server and the server
authencates itself with the
Local cercates (includes
the client cercate and
client key)
CA cercate
Server common name
Server-side SSL OpenCong Server authencates itself with
the client.
CA cercate
Server common name
Public key SSH iAgent Authencates users with
password-protected SSH key
SSH key le
Password All Authencates users with a
You can associate SSL or SSH cercates and keys with Paragon Insights devices through user-dened
security proles:
"Congure Security Proles for SSL and SSH Authencaon" on page 288
"Congure Security Authencaon for a Specic Device or Device Group" on page 288
Congure Security Proles for SSL and SSH Authencaon
To congure security proles for SSL and SSH authencaon:
1. Click the Sengs > Security opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click the add prole buon for one of the following proles and enter the required informaon:
Security Prole Descripon of Parameters
Name Enter prole name.
Upload Cercate Choose the CA cercate le and then click Open. The
supported le extension is CRT.
Local Cercates
Name Enter prole name.
Upload Cercate Choose the client cercate le and then click Open. The
supported le extension is CRT.
Upload Key Choose the client key le and then click Open. The
supported le extension is KEY.
SSH Keys
Name Enter prole name.
Upload Key File Choose the private key le generated by ssh-keygen and
then click Open.
Passphrase Enter the authencaon passphrase.
3. Click Save to save the conguraon or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon.
4. Repeat Steps 4 and 5, as needed.
5. Apply the security proles to a specic device or device group. For more details, see "Congure
Security Authencaon for a Specic Device or Device Group" on page 288.
Congure Security Authencaon for a Specic Device or Device Group
1. Click the Dashboard opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Click the name of the device or device group for which you want to congure security
authencaon. The device or device group prole pane appears, respecvely.
3. Under Authencaon, enter the required parameters for each applicable authencaon method:
Password, SSL, or SSH. All methods can be congured together on a single device or device group
Authencaon Method Descripon of Parameters
Username Enter the authencaon username.
Password Enter the authencaon password.
Server Common
Enter the server name protected by the SSL
CA Prole* Choose the applicable CA prole(s) from the drop-
down list.
Local Cercate* Choose the applicable local cercate prole(s) from
the drop-down list.
SSH Key Prole* Choose the applicable SSH key prole(s) from the drop-
down list.
Username Enter the authencaon username.
*To edit or view details about saved security proles, go to the Sengs > Security page in the le-
nav bar.
The following guidelines apply to the Authencaon conguraon:
Paragon Insights decides which authencaon method to apply to a device or device group based
on which of the required security parameters are congured.
When more than one method is valid, Paragon Insights priorizes SSL and SSH authencaon
over password-based authencaon.
Paragon Insights priorizes device-level sengs over device group-level sengs.
4. Click Save to save the conguraon or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon.
Congure Data Summarizaon
Creang a Raw Data Summarizaon Prole | 292
Creang a Data Rollup Summarizaon Prole | 294
Applying Data Summarizaon Proles to a Device Group | 297
Data summarizaon refers to the process of creang a concise version of raw data and eld data. Data
can be summarized as a funcon of me or when a change occurs. You can improve the performance
and disk space ulizaon of the Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) me series database (TSDB) by
conguring data summarizaon methods to summarize the raw data and eld data collected by Paragon
Paragon Insights collects data by using push or pull data collecon methods. You can create Paragon
Insights rules or use the available predened rules to determine how and when data is collected. This
collected telemetry data provides informaon about the state of network devices and its components.
For more informaon on data collecon methods, see Paragon Insights Data Ingest Guide.
You can create a raw data summarizaon prole to improve the performance and disk space ulizaon
of the TSDB. Starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0, you can create a rollup summarizaon prole
to summarize processed data that is stored in elds in the TSDB. Field data is processed data that is
stored in elds in the TSDB. A eld is a single piece of informaon that forms a record in a database. In
TSDB, mulple elds of processed data make a record. In releases earlier than Paragon Insights Release
4.0.0, only raw data can be summarized.
Table 20 on page 290 provides a list of the supported data summarizaon algorithms and a descripon
of their output:
Table 20:
Descripons of the Data Summarizaon Algorithms
Algorithm Descripon of output
Latest Value of the last data point collected within the me span.
Count Total number of data points collected within the me span.
Table 20: Descripons of the Data Summarizaon Algorithms
Algorithm Descripon of output
Mean Average value of the data points collected within the me span.
Min Minimum value of the data points collected within the me span.
Max Maximum value of the data points within the me span.
On-change Value of the data point whenever the value is dierent from the previous data point (occurs
independently from the user-dened me span).
Stddev Standard deviaon of the data points collected within the me span.
Sum Sum of the data points collected within the me span.
If no summarizaon algorithm is associated with the data, the following algorithms are used by default:
Data type Data summarizaon algorithm
Float, integer, unsigned Mean
Boolean, string On-change
You can use data summarizaon proles to apply specic summarizaon algorithms to raw data and eld
data collected by Paragon Insights for a specic device group:
These topics provide instrucons on how to create a data summarizaon prole.
"Creang a Raw Data Summarizaon Prole" on page 292
"Creang a Data Rollup Summarizaon Prole" on page 294
Aer you have created a data summarizaon prole, you can apply the prole to a device group. For
more informaon, see "Applying Data Summarizaon Proles to a Device Group" on page 297.
Creang a Raw Data Summarizaon Prole
To create a raw data summarizaon prole that can be applied to a device group:
1. Click Sengs > Summarizaon Proles link in the le-nav bar.
2. Select Raw Data from the Summarizaon Proles list.
The Raw Data Summarizaon Proles page is displayed.
3. Click (+) icon to add a summarizaon prole.
The Add Raw Data Summarizaon Prole page is displayed.
4. In the Name text box, enter the name of the prole.
5. Click Add Type Aggregate to add an aggregate type.
The Name and Funcon drop-down lists are displayed.
Follow these steps to select a name data type and associate it with a data summarizaon algorithm.
The algorithm congured for a specic sensor path name overrides the algorithm congured for the
corresponding data type.
a. Select a name data type from the Name drop-down list.
The available name data types to choose from are string, integer, boolean, oat, and unsigned
Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0, you can also select unsigned integer as a name data
type. An unsigned integer is a data type that can contain values from 0 through 4,294,967,295.
b. Aer you have selected a name data type, you associate it with a data summarizaon funcon.
To associate a name data type with a data summarizaon funcon, select a funcon from the
Funcons drop-down list.
The available funcons to choose from are latest, count, mean, min, max, on-charge, stddev, and
c. (Oponal) To add another aggregate type, click Add Type Aggregate, and repeat step "5.a" on page
292 and step "5.b" on page 292.
6. Click Add Path Aggregate to add an aggregate path.
The Name and Funcon drop-down lists are displayed.
To assign a sensor path name and associate it with a data summarizaon algorithm:
The algorithm congured for a specic sensor path name overrides the algorithm congured
for the corresponding data type.
a. Enter a sensor path name in the Name text box.
You can enter a path name for a sensor that is not supported by Paragon Insights. For sensors
supported by Paragon Insights, the path name must be entered in the following format:
Sensor Path Name Format Example
Open Cong
Nave GPB
paern-set: sensor-path
Flow (NetFlow)
b. Aer you have entered a sensor path name, you associate it with a data summarizaon funcon.
To associate a sensor path name with a data summarizaon funcon, select a funcon from the
Funcons drop-down list.
The available funcons to choose from are latest, count, mean, min, max, on-charge, stddev, and
c. (Oponal) To add another aggregate path, click Add Path Aggregate, and repeat step "6.a" on page
293 and step "6.b" on page 293.
7. Click Save to only save the conguraon.
Click Save & Deploy to save and immediately deploy the conguraon.
8. You can now apply the raw data summarizaon prole that you created to a specic device group.
For more informaon, see "Applying Data Summarizaon Proles to a Device Group" on page 297.
Creang a Data Rollup Summarizaon Prole
Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 supports data rollup summarizaon. You can create a rollup
summarizaon prole to summarize processed data that is stored in elds in the TSDB. Field data is
processed data that provides informaon on network devices and its components, and is stored in elds
in the TSDB. A eld is a single piece of informaon that forms a record in a database. In TSDB, mulple
elds of processed data make a record. Data rollup summarizaon enables ecient data storage and
also ensures retaining of data for a longer duraon.
You can create a data rollup summarizaon prole to apply to a device group from the:
Paragon Insights graphical user interface (GUI)
Command line interface (CLI)
Create a Data Rollup Summarizaon Prole by using Paragon Insights UI
To create a data rollup summarizaon prole:
1. Click Sengs > Summarizaon Proles link in the le-nav bar.
2. Select Data Rollup from the Summarizaon Proles list.
The Data Rollup Summarizaon Proles page is displayed.
3. Click (+) icon to add a summarizaon prole.
The Add Data Rollup Summarizaon Prole page is displayed.
4. Enter the name of the prole in the Name text box.
The maximum length is 64 characters.
Regex paern:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
5. Click Add Rule to add an exisng Paragon Insights rule for which rollup summarizaon must be
The Name and Apply on Exisng Data drop-down lists are displayed.
Follow these steps to select a rule, and to apply the rule to the prole. You can also apply the rule to
exisng data.
a. Select an exisng Paragon Insights from the Name drop-down list.
b. To apply the rule that you selected to exisng data, select True from the Apply on Exisng Data
drop-down list.
The default value is False.
c. Click Add Field to dene elds of the rule congured for which data rollup summarizaon must be
To associate a eld to an aggregate funcon:
i. Select a eld from the Name drop-down list for which data must be aggregated.
ii. Select one or more aggregate funcons from the Aggregate Funcon drop-down list that you
want to apply to a eld.
d. (Oponal) To add another rule to the prole, click Add Rule, and repeat step "5.a" on page 295
through step "5.c" on page 295.
6. Click Add Data Rollup Order to dene the frequency at which rollup summarizaon should occur.
The Name and Retenon Policy drop-down lists, and the Rollup Interval text box are displayed.
To dene a data rollup order:
a. Enter a name to idenfy the data rollup order in the Name text box.
The maximum length is 64 characters.
Regex paern:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
b. Enter a value in the Rollup Interval text box to dene the interval in which data is summarized.
Regex paern:[1-9][0-9]*[mhdw], where m is minutes, h is hours, d is days, and w is weeks.
Minimum value is 30m. Maximum value is 52w.
c. Select the retenon policy for the rollup order from the Retenon Policy drop-down list. A
retenon policy denes how long you want to retain the rolled-up data.
Selecng a retenon policy is oponal. If you do not select a retenon policy, the device group
retenon policy is considered by default.
d. (Oponal) To dene another data rollup order, click Add Data Rollup Order, and repeat step "6.a"
on page 295 through step "6.c" on page 295.
7. Click Save to only save the conguraon.
Click Save and Deploy to save and immediately deploy the conguraon.
8. You can now apply the data rollup summarizaon prole that you created to a specic device group.
For more informaon, see "Applying Data Summarizaon Proles to a Device Group" on page 297.
Create a Data Rollup Summarizaon Prole by using CLI
Figure 61 on page 296 is an example conguraon of how you can congure a data rollup
summarizaon prole from the CLI.
Figure 61: Example CLI Conguraon of Creang a Data Rollup Summarizaon Prole
Applying Data Summarizaon Proles to a Device Group
Aer you create a data summarizaon prole, you can apply the prole to a specic device group to
start summarizing TSDB data:
1. Click Conguraon > Device Group in the le-nav bar.
The Device Group Conguraon page is displayed.
2. Select the check box next to the name of the device group to which you want to apply the data
summarizaon prole.
3. Click the Edit Device Group icon to edit the device group.
The Edit <
> page is displayed.
4. Apply a raw data summarizaon prole.
To apply a raw data summarizaon prole to a device group:
a. Click Summarizaon.
The Time Span and Data Summarizaon text boxes are displayed.
b. Enter the Time Span in seconds (s), minutes (m), hours (h), days (d), weeks (w), or years (y).
c. Choose the data summarizaon proles from the drop-down list to apply the ingest data. To edit
or view details about saved data summarizaon proles, go to the Data Summarizaon page and
click the Sengs menu opon in the le-nav bar.
If you select two or more proles, the following guidelines apply:
If the same data type or sensor path name is congured in two or more proles, the associated
algorithms will be combined.
The table that stores the summarizaon output includes columns of summarized data for each
algorithm associated with each data eld collected by Paragon Insights. The naming
convenon for each column is as follows:
Number of algorithms
associated with a data eld
Column name for the summarized output
Example: 5_sec_cpu_idle
Number of algorithms
associated with a data eld
Column name for the summarized output
eld-name_ second-algorithm-
Example: 5_sec_cpu_idle_MIN, 5_sec_cpu_idle_MAX
eld-name_ second-algorithm-
eld-name_ third-algorithm-name
Apply a data rollup summarizaon prole
Points to remember before you apply a data rollup summarizaon prole to a device group:
Ensure that the rules present in the rollup prole are already associated with the device group.
You can add one or more than one rollup summarizaon prole to a device group.
Rules congured across all the proles associated with the device group must be unique.
While associang a rollup prole with a device group, the interval of the rst data rollup order
must be less then the device group retenon policy to avoid data overow. The device group
retenon policy is set to 7 days by default.
When you want to remove a rule that is associated to a device group, you must rst remove the
data rollup summarizaon prole.
To apply a data rollup summarizaon prole to a device group:
a. Click Rollup Summarizaon.
The Rollup Summarizaon Proles drop-down list is displayed.
b. Select the rollup summarizaon proles you want to associate to this device group from the
Rollup Summarizaon Proles drop-down list.
c. (Oponal) You can also deploy rollup conguraon at the device group-level by using the CLI.
See Figure 62 on page 299 for an example CLI conguraon.
Figure 62: Example CLI Conguraon
5. Click Save to only save the conguraon.
Click Save and Deploy to save and immediately deploy the conguraon.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
4.0.0 Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0 supports data rollup summarizaon. You can create a rollup
summarizaon prole to summarize processed data that is stored in elds in the TSDB.
Modify the UDA, UDF, and Workow Engines
Overview | 300
How it Works | 302
Usage Notes | 303
Conguraon | 303
Enable UDA Scheduler in Trigger Acon | 306
When creang rules, Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) includes the ability to run user-dened
acons (UDAs) as part of a trigger. UDAs are essenally Python scripts that can be executed by a
Paragon Insights rule. For example, you might congure a rule with a trigger that reacts to some crical
interface going down and responds to the event by calling a funcon to send an SMS alert. You can
write the logic to send the SMS in a UDA python script.
Starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.1.0, you can schedule UDAs and nocaons. This is useful
when you deploy mulple parallel instances of Paragon Insights in dierent locaons. You can schedule
UDAs to run alternavely from UDA schedulers located in dierent regions. In the event of a node
failure, the UDA scheduler running in a parallel instance connues to execute your UDAs and
nocaons. For more informaon, see "Enable UDA Scheduler in Trigger Acon" on page 306.
Paragon Insights also includes the ability to run user-dened funcons (UDFs). Created as Python
scripts, UDFs provide the ability to process incoming telemetry data from a device and store the
processed value in the me-series database for that device/device-group. For example, the device may
be sending FPC temperature in Celsius but you want to process it to be stored as Fahrenheit values in
the database.
Starng with HealthBot Release 3.2.0, the processing of UDF/UDA elds has been moved to
microservices called UDF farm. This approach allows for Paragon Insights to process mulple data points
from mulple devices and elds at the same me (parallel processing). The result is a 4 to 5 mes
increase in processing performance for UDA/UDF.
While UDAs and UDFs provide excellent addional capabilies to Paragon Insights, there can be cases
where the scripts may be imporng Python modules that are not included in the default Paragon
Insights installaon. Given this, you need to be able to add modules as needed to the engine that runs
these scripts. Paragon Insights Release 2.1.0 and later solves this challenge by allowing you to modify
the UDA, UDF and Workow engines, using a bash script that contains the instrucons to install any
Global Variables in Python Scripts
TAND executes Python scripts that use global variables. Global variables retain a value across mulple
The following is an example funcon to calculate cumulave sum and store the value in global variable
sum = 0
def cumulative_sum (a, b):
global sum
sum = sum + a + b
return sum
Using global variables in UDFs can prevent you from availing the gains in processing performance
ensured by UDF farms.
Instead of global variables, you can use the Python construct **kwargs to capture values that must be
retained across dierent funcons. When Paragon Insights calls a funcon (dened in a UDF), it sends
topic name, rule name, device group, point me, and device ID that are captured using the construct
**kwargs. In case of UDAs, Paragon Insights sends topic name and rule name while execung the Python
Along with infrastructure values, Paragon Insights also sends a parameter called
in **kwargs that
fetches the last computed value for a variable.
To illustrate how hb_store works in the cumulave addion example:
def sum(a, b, **kwargs):
if ’sum’ not in kwargs[hb_store]:
kwargs[hb_store][’sum’] = 0 #if ’sum’ is not present in kwargs, declare the
initial ’sum’ value as 0.
kwargs[hb_store][’sum’] = kwargs[hb_store][’sum’] + a + b #Store cumulative
addition value in ’sum’
return kwargs[hb_store][’sum’]
Each me a funcon with the above code is called, it performs addion of last stored value in ’sum’ with
the value of
and value of
. The new value of addion operaon is displayed and stored in ’sum’.
How it Works
You can modify the UDA, UDF, or Workow engine using the Paragon Insights CLI, as shown below.
user@HB-server:~$ healthbot modify-uda-engine --help
usage: healthbot modify-uda-engine [-h] (-s SCRIPT | --rollback) [--simulate]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT
Run script in UDA engine
--rollback, -r Rollback UDA engine to original state
--simulate Run script in simulated UDA engine and show output
user@HB-server:~$ healthbot modify-udf-engine --help
usage: healthbot modify-udf-engine [-h] (-s SCRIPT | --rollback) [--simulate]
[--service SERVICE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT
Run script in UDF engine
--rollback, -r Rollback UDF engine to original state
--simulate Run script in simulated UDF engine and show output
--service SERVICE Modify specific service UDF
root@davinci-master:/var/local/healthbot# healthbot modify-workflow-engine --help
usage: modify-workflow-engine [-h] (-s SCRIPT | --rollback)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT
Run script in WORKFLOW engine
--rollback, -r Rollback WORKFLOW engine to original state
--simulate Run script in simulated WORKFLOW engine and show output
The commands have three main opons:
Simulate—test a script (and view its output) in the simulated UDA/UDF/Workow engine
environment without aecng the running Paragon Insights system
Modify—modify the actual UDA/UDF/Workow engine using a script
Rollback—revert to the original version of the UDA/UDF/Workow engine
Usage Notes
The bash script will run in a container running Ubuntu OS Release 16.04 or 18.04; write the script
The script must be non-interacve; any quesons must be pre-answered. For example, use the ‘-y’
opon when installing a package using apt-get.
If you prefer to copy the source packages of the dependency modules onto the Paragon Insights
server so the engine can manually install them instead of downloading them from the Internet, place
the required source packages in the /var/local/healthbot/input directory. Then within your bash
script, point to the /input directory. For example, to use a le placed in /var/local/healthbot/input/
myle.txt, set the bash script to access it at /input/myle.txt.
Modifying the UDA/UDF/Workow engine more than once is
an incremental procedure; use a
new bash script that includes both the original and new instrucons, and re-run the modify
procedure using the new script.
UDA/UDF/Workow modicaons are persistent across upgrades.
As a best pracce, we recommend that you use the following workow:
This best-pracce approach ensures that you rst validate your script in the simulated environment
before modifying the real engine.
NOTE: The examples below use the UDA engine; these procedures apply equally to the UDF and
Workow engines.
NOTE: The procedure below assumes your Paragon Insights server is installed, including running
the sudo healthbot setup command.
Use the simulate feature to test your bash script in the simulated environment, without aecng the
running Paragon Insights system.
To simulate modifying the UDA engine:
1. Enter the command healthbot modify-uda-engine -s
2. The script runs and the output shows on screen, just as if you entered the script commands yourself.
user@HB-server:~$ healthbot modify-uda-engine -s /var/tmp/ --simulate
Running /var/tmp/ in simulated alerta engine..
Get:1 xenial-security InRelease [109 kB]
Fetched 4296 kB in 15s (278 kB/s)
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
Reading state information…
When you are sased with the simulaon results, go ahead with the actual modicaon procedure.
To modify the UDA engine:
1. Load the desired bash script onto the Paragon Insights server.
2. If your Paragon Insights server is fully up and running, issue the command healthbot stop -s alerta to
stop the running services.
3. Run the command healthbot modify-uda-engine -s
user@HB-server:~$ healthbot modify-uda-engine -s /var/tmp/
Running /var/tmp/ in simulated alerta engine..
Success! See /tmp/.alerta_modification.log for logs
Please restart alerta by issuing 'healthbot start --device-group healthbot -s alerta'
4. (Oponal) As noted in the output, you can check the log le to further verify the script was loaded
5. Restart the alerta service using the command healthbot start -s alerta.
6. Once complete, verify that the alerta service is up and running using the command healthbot status.
7. To verify that the UDA engine has been updated, use the command healthbot version -s alerta and
check that the healthot_alerta container is using the
-custom tag.
user@HB-server:~$ healthbot version -s alerta
{'alerta': 'healthbot_alerta:2.1.0-custom'}
The UDA engine is now running with the installed dependencies as per the bash script.
If you have a need or desire to remove the changes to the engine, you can revert the engine to its
original state.
To rollback the UDA engine:
1. Enter the command healthbot modify-uda-engine --rollback.
user@HB-server:~$ healthbot modify-uda-engine --rollback
Rolling back alerta engine to original state..
Successfully rolled back alerta engine
Please restart alerta by issuing 'healthbot start --device-group healthbot -s alerta'
Note that it is not necessary to restart the alerta service at this point.
Once complete, verify that the alerta service is up and running using the command healthbot status.
3. To verify that the UDA engine has reverted back, use the command healthbot version -s alerta and
check that the healthot_alerta container is using the
user@HB-server:~$ healthbot version -s alerta
{'alerta': 'healthbot_alerta:2.1.0'}
The UDA engine is now running in its original state, with no addional installed dependencies.
Enable UDA Scheduler in Trigger Acon
In Paragon Insights Release 4.1.0, you can schedule UDAs and nocaons to be executed within a set
me interval. To schedule UDAs, you must rst create a discrete scheduler and then link the scheduler in
the Trigger Acon page.
NOTE: You can link only one trigger acon scheduler to a Paragon Insights instance.
To know more about creang a scheduler, see "Generate Reports" on page 268.
The scheduler set in Trigger Acon applies to all device groups and network groups. You can disable
UDA scheduling in the device group or network group conguraon. To know more, see "Manage
Devices, Device Groups, and Network Groups" on page 121.
To enable a scheduler:
1. Go to Sengs > System.
2. Click the Trigger Acon tab.
The Trigger Acon page appears.
3. Select a scheduler prole that you want to associate with Trigger Acon.
4. Do one of the following:
Click Save to save the scheduler prole.
The prole is not applied to device or network groups. This opon enables you to commit or
rollback the conguraon changes in the plaorm.
Click Save and Deploy to deploy the conguraon in your Paragon Insights instance.
The UDAs and nocaons are generated based on the me period and me interval congured
in the scheduler for the applicaon instance.
You cannot rollback conguraon changes applied through Save and Deploy. However. you can
remove the scheduler prole and repeat the save and deploy opon to cancel UDA scheduling.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
Release Descripon
3.2.0 Starng with HealthBot Release 3.2.0, the processing of UDF/UDA elds has been moved to
microservices called UDF farm.
Commit or Roll Back Conguraon Changes in
Paragon Insights
In Paragon Insights, when you make changes to the conguraon, you can perform the following
Save and Deploy
Delete and Deploy
These operaons and their eect on the Paragon Insights ingest services are explained in Table 21 on
page 308.
For changes that were not already deployed, you can either commit or roll back the changes, which you
can do using the Health Conguraon Deployment Status page; the procedure is provided below Table
21 on page 308.
Table 21: Operaons Aer Changing the Conguraon in Paragon Insights
Operaon Explanaon Eect on Ingest Services
Save Saves the changes to the
database, but doesn't apply
the changes to the ingest
No eect unl the changes are commied.
Delete Deletes the changes from the
database. but doesn't apply
the changes to the ingest
Save and
Saves the changes to the
database and applies the
changes to the ingest
Paragon Insights Release 4.1.0 and earlierThe ingest services
starts processing the data based on the changes congured.
Paragon Insights Release 4.2.0 and later—When you commit a
conguraon, the changes are accepted aer validaon and
acknowledged immediately.
The background job runs periodically and applies the changes
to ingest services. Only aer the background job applies these
changes, does the ingest service process data based on the
changes congured.
Delete and
Deletes the changes from the
database and applies the
changes to the ingest
NOTE: Users might do the Save or Delete operaons if they have mulple conguraon steps
and want to stack the conguraon steps, so that they can later commit the changes at one go.
To commit or roll back conguraon changes in Paragon Insights:
1. On the Paragon Insights banner, click the deployment status icon.
The Health Conguraon Deployment Status page appears displaying:
The status of the last deployment.
The list of device groups and network groups for which pending changes have not been
The list of device groups and network groups for which pending deleons have not been
2. You can do one of the following:
Commit any changes that are pending deployment:
a. Click Commit.
Paragon Insights triggers the commit operaon and the conguraon changes are applied to
the ingest services. Depending on the number of conguraon changes and number of device
groups and network groups aected, applying the conguraon changes to the ingest services
might take between a few seconds or a few minutes to complete.
Aer the operaon completes, a conrmaon message is displayed. Paragon Insights starts
running the associated playbooks and starts ingesng the data.
b. Go to Step 3.
Roll back any changes that are pending deployment:
a. Click Rollback to roll back any changes that are pending deployment. (The roll back operaon
discards the pending conguraon changes that were previously saved in the database.)
Paragon Insights triggers the roll back operaon and the conguraon changes are rolled back
almost immediately. Aer the rollback is complete, a conrmaon message is displayed.
b. Go to Step 3.
NOTE: Aer the roll back or commit operaon is completed, the status of the last deployment
in the Health Conguraon Deployment Status page displays the last operaon that was
3. Click Close to exit the page.
You are returned to the previous page from which you accessed the Health Conguraon
Deployment Status page.
Logs for Paragon Insights Services
Congure Service Log Levels for a Device Group or Network Group | 310
Download Logs for Paragon Insights Services | 311
Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) runs various services (such as iAgent, jmon, and Telegraf) to
monitor the health of the network and individual devices. Each of these Paragon Insights services runs
independently in a containerized environment and produces its own set of log messages that are
categorized by severity level. You can congure dierent levels of logs to collect and download.
Table 22 on page 310 lists the severity levels of the Paragon Insights services logs. The severity levels
are listed in order from the highest severity (greatest eect on funconality) to the lowest. If you select
a lower severity level, the logs for each of the higher severity levels will also be collected. The log level
for all services is set to error by default.
Table 22: Paragon Insights Service Log Message Severity Levels
Severity Level Descripon
Error (Highest level) Condions that require correcon.
Condions that warrant monitoring.
Info Non-error condions of interest.
Debug (Lowest level) Debug messages.
This topic includes:
"Congure Service Log Levels for a Device Group or Network Group" on page 310
"Download Logs for Paragon Insights Services" on page 311
Congure Service Log Levels for a Device Group or Network Group
You can collect dierent severity levels of logs for the running Paragon Insights services of a device
group or network group. To congure which log levels to collect:
1. Click the Conguraon > Device Group opon in the le-nav bar.
2. For a device group, click on the device group name from the list of DEVICE GROUPS.
For a network group, click on the network group name from the list of NETWORK GROUPS.
3. For a Device Group, click the Edit Device Group (Pencil) icon
For a Network Group, click the Edit Network Group (Pencil) icon
4. In the edit window that pops up, click the caret next to the Logging Conguraon heading to display
the conguraon elds.
5. From the drop-down list for Global Log Level, select the level of the log messages that you want to
collect for every running Paragon Insights service for the device or network group. See Table 22 on
page 310 for a denion of the log severity levels. The level is set to error by default.
6. In the Log Level for specic services secon, select the log level from the drop-down list for any
specic service that you want to congure dierently from the Global log level seng. The log level
that you select for a specic service takes precedence over the Global log level seng.
7. Click Save to save the conguraon or click Save and Deploy to save and deploy the conguraon.
Download Logs for Paragon Insights Services
You can choose to download the collected logs for:
Every running Paragon Insights service for a specic device group or network group.
A specic running Paragon Insights service for a specic device group or network group.
Common Paragon Insights services that are running by default for the Paragon Insights applicaon.
To download the logs for Paragon Insights services:
1. Select the Administraon > Log Collecon opon in the le-nav bar.
2. Select the Group Type, Group Name, and Service Name of the logs that you want to download:
Parameter Descripon
Group Type Opons are:
device Services running for a device group
network Services running for a network group
common-services Services running by default for the Paragon Insights
Parameter Descripon
Group Name
For device Group Type, select a device group name.
For network Group Type, select a network group name.
For common-services Group Type, select Paragon Insights.
Service Name Select the specic Paragon Insights service for which you want to
download the logs.
3. Click Download to download the logs to a le on your server. The lename is healthbot_logs.gzip by
Paragon Insights Self Test | 313
Device Reachability Test | 315
Ingest Connecvity Test | 317
Debug No-Data | 319
Starng with Release 2.1.0, HealthBot supports four vericaon and troubleshoong features:
"Paragon Insights Self Test" on page 313: Veries that Paragon Insights is working properly
"Device Reachability Test" on page 315: Veries that network devices are up and reachable via ping
"Ingest Connecvity Test" on page 317: Validates which ingest types are supported for a given device
"Debug No-Data" on page 319: Provides debugging when a device shows “No-data” in Paragon
Insights GUI
You can access these features by navigang to Administraon > Debug from the le-nav panel.
Paragon Insights Self Test
When seng up basic funconality in Paragon Insights, it can be challenging to diagnose problems.
From installaon, to device conguraon, to adding devices and applying playbooks, when an issue
occurs there are many possible areas to invesgate.
Starng with HealthBot Release 2.1.0, the self-test tool validates the core funconality of Paragon
Insights. To perform the self test, the tool performs a typical set of tasks:
Adds a simulated device to Paragon Insights
Creates a device group, and adds the device
Creates a rule
Creates and deploys a playbook
Streams data from the simulated device
Displays ongoing status in the dashboard
The self-test instance essenally acts as a fully working setup, running enrely within the Paragon
Insights system. When tesng is complete, the tool provides a report.
Other Uses for the Self Test Tool
In addion to validang the Paragon Insights installaon, the self-test feature also provides:
An easy way to do a quick demo - the self test instance provides a simulated device connected to
Paragon Insights, so you can demo Paragon Insights with no need to add a real device or apply
A good way for new users to get started - the self test auto-congures a simulated device connected
to Paragon Insights, thereby eliminang the complexity of adding devices, applying playbooks, and so
A ‘running reference’ - if there is an issue with real devices, you can use a self-test instance to help
determine where the issue is; if the self-test instance is OK then the problem is not with the Paragon
Insights system.
Usage Notes
Currently this feature supports simulang devices to stream data for OpenCong telemetry and
iAgent (NETCONF).
You can retain the self-test instance to act as a ‘running reference, as noted above.
The color coding for the test results is as follows:
Green = pass
Yellow = error (unable to test)
Red = fail
Any items with yellow or red status will include a message with more detail about the issue.
Do not use the self-test tool when there are undeployed changes, as the self-test tool issues its own
deploy during execuon.
Do not use rules, playbooks, devices, device-groups or other elements created by the self-test tool
with real network devices.
How to Use the Self Test Tool
1. Navigate to the Administraon > Debug page from the le-nav panel, and select the APPLICATION
2. Select the desired sensor type(s) from drop-down menu.
3. Click the Test buon.
4. Aer a few moments, the test results appear.
The example above shows that both sensors are working as expected.
Device Reachability Test
In early versions of Paragon Insights, there was no way to easily determine whether the devices you
added were up and reachable; you would need to get through the enre setup procedure - add the
device, setup a device group, apply playbooks, monitor devices - at which point the health pages would
indicate “no data” indicang that the setup did not work correctly. Furthermore, “no data” does not
indicate whether the problem is a reachability issue or data streaming issue.
Starng with HealthBot Release 2.1.0, the device reachability tool can verify connecvity to a device.
The tool performs tests using ping and SSH. Paragon Insights uses the device’s IP address or host name,
based on what was congured when adding the device.
Usage Notes
While this feature is generally intended to help troubleshoot device onboarding, you can use it any
me to check device reachability.
The color coding for the test results is as follows:
Green = pass
Yellow = error (unable to test)
Red = fail
Any items with yellow or red status will include a message with more detail about the issue.
How to Use the Device Reachability Tool
1. To access the tool:
Navigate to the Administraon > Debug page from the le-nav panel, and select the
Or, on the Dashboard page click the desired device in the device list widget, and in the pop-up
window click the REACHABILITY TEST buon.
NOTE: The REACHABILITY TEST buon does not appear when rst adding the device.
2. In the Device Reachability tool, select the desired device from drop-down menu.
3. Click the Test buon.
4. Aer a few moments, the test results appear.
The example above shows that the ping test was successful, but the SSH test failed.
Ingest Connecvity Test
In early versions of Paragon Insights, there was no way to easily determine which ingest methods were
supported for a given device; you also had no way to know whether the congured ingest method
successfully established a connecon with the network device.
Starng with HealthBot Release 2.1.0, the ingest connecvity tool can verify ingest methods where
Paragon Insights iniates the connecon, such as OpenCong, iAgent, and SNMP. Paragon Insights does
not test UDP-based ingest methods, such as syslog and Nave GPB, as the UDP parameters are
common to a device group and not specic to a device.
Paragon Insights validates each supported ingest method in its own way:
OpenCong: Establishes a gRPC connecon with the device using its IP/host name, gRPC port, and
iAgent: Establishes a NETCONF session with the device using its IP/host name, NETCONF port, and
SNMP: Executes a simple SNMP GET command; expects to get a reply from the device
This tool provides mulple benets:
It helps to idenfy when there might be missing conguraon on the network device side.
It helps you choose appropriate playbooks and rules that use sensors compable with the supported
ingest methods.
It helps to idenfy ingest connecvity issues early on, rather than troubleshoot the “no-data” issue
described in the previous secon.
Usage Notes
While this feature is generally intended to help troubleshoot device onboarding, you can use it any
me to check ingest connecvity.
The color coding for the test results is as follows:
Green = pass
Yellow = error (unable to test)
Red = fail
Any items with yellow or red status will include a message with more detail about the issue.
How to Use the Ingest Connecvity Tool
1. To access the tool:
Navigate to the Administraon > Debug page from the le-nav panel, and click the INGEST tab.
Or, on the Dashboard page click the desired device in the device list widget, and in the pop-up
window click the INGEST TEST buon.
NOTE: The Ingest Test buon does not appear when rst adding the device.
2. In the Ingest Connecvity tool, select the desired device from drop-down menu
3. Click the Test buon.
4. Aer a few moments, the test results appear.
The example above shows that iAgent is supported, OpenCong is not supported, and SNMP
encountered an error.
Debug No-Data
One of the most common problems that a Paragon Insights users face is “How to debug no-data?”.
Determining the root cause is challenging as the issue can occur for a variety of reasons, including:
Device not reachable
Device not sending data
Firewall blocking connecons
Ingest connecvity sengs mismatch
Rule frequency/trigger interval is congured less than the router response me
Paragon Insights services not running
In early versions of Paragon Insights, you needed to manually look for the problem, checking add-device
parameters, reviewing logs, checking the device conguraon, and so on.
Starng with HealthBot Release 2.1.0, the debug no-data tool helps to determine why a device or rule is
showing a status of “no-data”. The tool takes a sequenal, step-by-step approach to determine at which
stage incoming data is geng dropped or blocked, as follows:
Paragon Insights Services
Verify that all common and device group-related services are up and running
Device Reachability
Test connecvity to device using ping and SSH
Ingest Connecvity
Verify that the congured ingest session is established
Raw Data Streaming
Verify whether the ingest is receiving any raw data from the devices
Likely to be OK if device connecvity is OK
Field Processing
Within rules, verify that the elds working properly, and that the eld informaon is populated in
the database
Trigger Processing
Within rules, verify that the trigger sengs working as intended, and status informaon is
populated in the database
API Vericaon
Check for API meouts that might be aecng the GUI
Usage Notes
The tool runs through the enre sequence of checks, regardless of any issues along the way.
The test results provide root cause informaon and advise where to focus your troubleshoong
While this feature is generally intended to debug a device when it is marked as no-data, you can use
it any me to verify that deployed rules are receiving data.
This tool does not support rules using a syslog sensor, as the sensor data is event driven and not
The color coding for the test results is as follows:
Green = pass
Yellow = error (unable to test)
Red = fail
Any items with yellow or red status will include a message with more detail about the issue.
How to Use the Debug No-Data Tool
1. To access the tool:
On any device health page, click a “no data” le.
Or, navigate to the Administraon > Debug page from the le-nav panel, and select the NO
DATA tab.
2. In the Debug No-Data tool, select the desired device group, device, and one or more rules from the
drop-down menu
3. Click the Debug buon.
4. Aer a few moments, the test results appear.
The example above shows that one common services is not working properly.
Paragon Insights Conguraon – Backup and
Back Up the Conguraon | 322
Restore the Conguraon | 322
Backup or Restore the Time Series Database (TSDB) | 323
Back Up the Conguraon
To back up the current Paragon Insights (formerly HealthBot) conguraon:
1. Select the Administraon > Backup opon from the le-nav bar.
2. Check the check box for the conguraon that you want to backup.
If you also want to back up any conguraon changes that have not yet been deployed, toggle the
Backup Undeployed Conguraon switch to the right.
3. Click Backup.
Back Up Helper Files
Helper les are the python, yaml, or other externally created les whose tables are referenced in iAgent
sensor denions within rule denions.
1. Select the Administraon > Backup opon from the le-nav bar.
2. Click the BACKUP HELPER FILE buon.
Paragon Insights creates a tar archive that you can save to your computer.
Restore the Conguraon
To restore the Paragon Insights conguraon to a previously backed up conguraon:
1. Select the Administraon > Restore opon from the le-nav bar.
2. Click the Choose File buon.
3. Navigate to the backup le from which you want to restore the conguraon, and click Open.
Once opened, a list of backup conguraon secons appears as buons under Select the
conguraon backup le heading. By default, all conguraon elements in the selected backup le
are selected to restore.
4. (Oponal) From the list of buons, you can deselect (change the “-” to “+”) individual les from
restoring by clicking on the buon.
5. Click RESTORE CONFIGURATION & DEPLOY to restore and deploy the conguraon.
Restore Helper File
To restore previously backed up helper le archives:
1. Select the Administraon > Restore opon from the le-nav bar.
2. Click the Choose File buon directly above the second line, “Select the helper backup le.
3. Locate the backed up helper le in the le browser and click Open.
4. Click the RESTORE CONFIGURATION buon to restore the helper les to Paragon Insights, or the
RESTORE CONFIGURATION & DEPLOY buon to restore the helper les to their original locaon
within Paragon Insights.
Backup or Restore the Time Series Database (TSDB)
Starng with HealthBot Release 3.2.0, you can backup and restore the TSDB separately from other
conguraon elements. The backup and restore operaons for the TSDB are only available through the
Paragon Insights CLI. The backup and restore commands are invoked by using a predened python
script, You must have root access to the CLI interface of the Paragon Insights server in order
to issue these commands.
Use the following command to set the environment variable:
export HB_EXTRA_MOUNT1=/root/.kube/config
is a variable and user dened.
The generic command and the oponal arguments (in square brackets) for performing backup and
restore is described here with examples.
healthbot tsdb (backup|restore) [-h] [--database DATABASE] [--all] --path PATH
The required arguments for the healthbot tsdb command are:
backup–perfom a backup operaon
restore–perform a restore operaon
--path PATH–create the backup le or restore the database(s) from the container at PATH where PATH is
Starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.0.0, you can use the following commands.
healthbot tsdb stop-services —stop service
healthbot tsdb start-services --port <portnumber>—start service
NOTE: In Paragon Insights, the TSDB port is exposed by default. If you need to shut the
TSDB port down for security reasons, you can use the healthbot tsdb stop-services command.
External API queries to TSDB do not need the TSDB port to be exposed. However, if you use
external tools such as Grafana, or you need run a query to the TSDB directly (and not through
APIs), the TSDB port must be exposed.
Oponal Arguments
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--database DATABASE Takes backup (or restore) of the given list of databases. Either
database or all flag must be configured
--all Takes backup (or restores) of all the databases. Either database or
all flag must be configured
Example – Backup the TSDB and Store it in HB_EXTRA_MOUNT3
healthbot tsdb backup --path HB_EXTRA_MOUNT3
Example – Restore the TSDB from HB_EXTRA_MOUNT2
healthbot tsdb restore --path HB_EXTRA_MOUNT2
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the plaorm and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to
determine if a feature is supported on your plaorm.
3.2.0 Starng with HealthBot Release 3.2.0, you can backup and restore the TSDB separately from other
conguraon elements
License Management
Paragon Insights Licensing Overview | 326
View, Add, or Delete Paragon Insights Licenses | 326
Paragon Insights Licensing Overview
Juniper Networks introduced the Juniper Flex Soware Subscripon Licensing model to provide an
ecient way for you to manage licenses for hardware and soware features. Paragon Insights uses this
licensing model. For more informaon, see Paragon Insights Licensing topic in the Licensing Guide.
You need a license to acvate the Paragon Insights graphical user interface (GUI). When you log in to the
Paragon Insights GUI for the rst me, the License Management page appears. Depending on the type
of license you add, you will have access to advanced, or standard features of Paragon Insights.
For more informaon on managing licenses from the Paragon Insights GUI, see "View, Add, or Delete
Paragon Insights Licenses" on page 326.
View, Add, or Delete Paragon Insights Licenses
Add a Paragon Insights License | 327
Delete a Paragon Insights License | 328
View Paragon Insights Licensing Features | 328
View Status and Details of Paragon Insights License | 329
NOTE: For detailed informaon on licensing, see the Paragon Insights Licensing topic in the
Licensing Guide.
Starng with Paragon Insights Release 4.3.0, when you navigate to the License Management page, a
warning message asking you to add a er-based license or upgrade to the new license key format might
be displayed.
If no licenses are added, you must obtain a license key from the Juniper Agile Licensing Portal and
add it to the License Management page.
If licenses are added but the license key format is not compable with the Paragon Insights soware
version that you are currently using, you must generate a new license key.
To generate a new license key in the compable format:
1. Login to Juniper Agile Licensing Portal.
2. Revoke the exisng license.
A new license key is generated.
NOTE: Aer you download the newly generated license key le, you must remove eight
lines starng from Issue Date through License Key from the le.
3. Acvate the new license key that is compable with the soware version you’re running. Select
the soware version during the acvaon process. For more informaon, see the FAQ secon in
the Juniper Agile Licensing Portal.
4. Add the new license key to the License Management page. See "Add a Paragon Insights License"
on page 327.
Aer you have obtained a Paragon Insights license through the Juniper Agile Licensing Portal, you can
manage your licenses from the Paragon Insights graphical user interface (GUI).
The Sengs>License Management page enables you to:
Add a Paragon Insights License
To add a Paragon Insights license:
1. Navigate to Sengs > License Management page.
The License Management page appears.
2. Click the plus (+) icon in the Licenses Added secon to add a new license.
The Add License pop-up appears.
3. Click Browse and navigate to the locaon of the license le that you want to add.
Select the le and then click Open.
4. The license le is now added to the Add License page.
5. Click Ok to conrm.
The license you added is now listed in the Licenses Added secon of the License Management page.
Delete a Paragon Insights License
To delete and exisng Paragon Insights license:
1. Navigate to Sengs>License Management page.
The License Management page is displayed.
2. From the Licenses Added secon, click the opon buon (available in beginning the row) of the
license you want to delete, and then click Delete.
The Conrm Delete page appears.
3. Click Yes to delete the license.
View Paragon Insights Licensing Features
To view Paragon Insights licensing features, navigate to Sengs > License Management page.
The Features Summary secon, as given in Table 23 on page 328 provides informaon on the Paragon
Insights feature licensing aributes.
Table 23: Feature License
Aribute Descripon
Feature View Paragon Insights license name.
Descripon Brief descripon of the Paragon Insights feature license.
License Limit The number of valid Paragon Insights licenses successfully added and available for use.
NOTE: Starng in Paragon Insights Release 4.3.0, irrespecve of the number of PIN-Advanced,
and PIN-Standard plaorm licenses that you add, the maximum license limit is 1. However, with
PIN-Devices licenses, the limit changes with the number of licenses that you add.
Usage Count The number of available licenses that are currently in use in this instance of Paragon Insights.
Valid Unl Date and me when the license expires.
Table 23: Feature License Aributes
Aribute Descripon
Compliance Color denions (dot indicator) that determine license compliance:
Green—Feature licenses are in compliance with Juniper's End User License Agreement.
Yellow—Device feature licenses are >= 90% of the limit. You are geng close to running out
of licenses. This status applies only to device feature licenses.
Red—Feature licenses are not in compliance with Juniper's End User License Agreement. Click
the red dot to view details about the compliance issue.
View Status and Details of Paragon Insights License
To view status and details of a Paragon Insights license, navigate to Sengs > License Management
page. The Licenses Added secon provides informaon on the added Paragon Insights licenses. You can
also click the opon buon (available in beginning the row) of the license you want to view, and then
click More > Details to view more informaon about the license.
Table 24: View Details of Licenses Added
Aribute Descripon
License ID View the Paragon Insights license idencaon number generated through the Juniper
Agile Licensing Portal.
SKU Name View the Paragon Insights soware licensing package name.
NOTE: In Paragon Insights Release 4.3.0, SKU Name is not available in the Added License
secon of the License Management page. This is because the new license key format does
not support SKU Name.
Customer ID View the customer idencaon.
NOTE: The customer ID might not be displayed aer you add a license. This is because the
customer ID is not embedded in the new license key format.
Table 24: View Details of Licenses Added
Aribute Descripon
Order Type View the order type (commercial, demo, educaon, emergency, lab, and unknown).
Validity Type View the validity type of a license (date-based or permanent).
Start Date View the start date of the Paragon Insights license.
End Date View the end date of the Paragon Insights license.
State Displays the state of the license.
Feature ID View the feature license idencaon number.
Feature Name View the Paragon Insights feature license name.
Feature Descripon View a brief descripon of the Paragon Insights feature license.
License Count View the entled license count for this Paragon Insights feature.
Paragon Insights Licensing Overview | 326