A Unit Linked Insurance Product with Life Insurance Coverage
Secure happiness for yourself and your loved ones
Your safety net against any adversity
With a host of comprehensive benefits
Savings &
Certified Corporate Agent:
You can opt for any one of the following 8 Plan Options:
# In your policy documents we give the Critical Illness benefit the unique name of “Extra
Health Benefit”, Accidental Death Benefit is called “Extra Life Benefit”and Accidental Total
This being a unit linked plan; the premiums you pay in this plan are subject to
investmentrisks associated with the capitalmarkets. The unit pricesofthefunds
So, to balance your level of risk and return, making the right investment choice is very
importantandyouareresponsibleforthe choicesyou make.
Wehave4 fundsthatgiveyou thepotentialfor:
Higherbut morevariable returns;or
Lower but more stablereturns
over the term of your policy. Your investment will buy units in any of the following 4 funds
designed to meet your risk appetite. All the investment funds available to this plan will be
The past performance of any of the funds is not necessarily an indication of future
performance.Unit pricescan go upand down. No fundoffersan assuredreturn. The names
of the funds we offer under this plan do not, in any way, indicate the quality of the plan, its
You will settle for nothing but the best. Be it for self or for your loved ones. With HDFC SL
ProGrowth Super II, you have a smart savings-cum-insurance plan that will help you
effortlesslyprovidethefinest for yourfamily,beittodayortomorrow.
TheHDFC SL ProGrowthSuperIIgives:
Valuablefinancial protectiontoyourfamily.
Flexibleadditional benefitoptions.
Opportunityto investin achoiceoffunds.
In this plan you can choose your premium and the investment fund(s). We will then invest
your premium, net of premium allocation charges in your chosen fund(s) in the proportion
you specify. At the end of the policy term, you will receive the accumulated value of your
Incase of your unfortunatedemiseduringthe policyterm,wewillpay toyour nominee
SumAssured and
TheUnit Fund value.
Thisplan isavailablewitha Short Medical Questionnaire(SMQ)basedunderwriting
You canchooseyourpremium*andlevelofprotectionasperthe limits mentionedbelow:
The levelof premium chosen by youcannotbe alteredanytimeduring the policy term. *Only
Annualmode isavailableunderthis plan.
TheLinkedInsuranceProductsdo not offeranyliquidityduringthe first fiveyears
of the contract. The policyholder will not be able to surrender/withdraw the
monies invested in Linked Insurance Products completely or partially till the end
ofthe fifth year.
Pleasespeak toour RelationshipManagerto knowmore details.
Step 1 Choose your regular premium & level of protection.
Step 2 Choose the plan options .
Step 3 Choose the investment fund(s) .
Death Benefit
Critical Illness Benefit
Accidental Death
Wewill paythe total ofyour SumAssured and your Unit Fund
The policy will terminate and no more benefits will be
Accidental Total &
Permanent Disability
Wewill pay thetotalof your Sum Assuredand your UnitFund
The policy will terminate and no more benefits will be
In addition to the Death Benefit, we will pay an additional
SumAssuredto yournominee.
The policy will terminate and no more benefits will be
We will pay 10% of the Sum Assured every year for the
benefitpayoutterm, which is definedin paragraphD below.
In case of any other claim due to death or on diagnosis of
critical illness before all due payouts are paid, the remaining
payouts will be paid as lump sum to you/nominee and the
Death Benefit
Death Benefit + Accidental Death Benefit
Plan Option
Life Option
Extra Life Option
Life & Health Option
Death Benefit + Critical Illness Benefit
Death Benefit + Critical Illness Benefit + Accidental Death
Extra Life & Health
Death Benefit + Accidental Death Benefit + Accidental Total &
Permanent Disability Benefit
Extra Life & Disability
Death Benefit + Critical Illness + Accidental Total &
Permanent Disability Benefit
Life & Health &
Disability Option
Death Benefit + Accidental Death Benefit + Critical Illness +
Accidental Total & Permanent Disability Benefit
Extra Life & Health &
Disability Option
Death Benefit + Accidental Total & Permanent Disability
Life & Disability
` 15,000
Higher of
7x Annualised Premium or
0.25 x Policy Term x
Annualised Premium
Higher of
10 x Annualised Premium or
0.5 x Policy Term x
Annualised Premium
No limit 40 x Annualised Premium
*Investmentin LiquidMutualFundswill alwaysbe within Mutual FundlimitprescribedbyIRDAregulationsand guidelines(IRDA(Investment)(FourthAmendment)Regulations,2008,AnnexureII).
Forrisk factorsplease referTerms & Conditions section below.
Changing Fund Choices:You canchange yourinvestmentfund choicesin twoways:
You canmoveyouraccumulatedfunds from one fundtoanotheranytimeSwitching:
You canpayyourfuture premiums intoa differentselection offunds, asper yourneed.PremiumRedirection:
* Terms 11 to 14 are not available.
You can choose either all or a combination of the following funds:
Money Market
Instruments Cash &
Deposits & Liquid
Mutual Fund*
Fixed Income
Balanced Fund
Blue Chip Fund
Dynamic Equity exposure to enhance the returns while the Debt
allocationreducesthe volatility ofreturns
Exposure to large–cap equities & equity related securities
Exposure to mid–cap equities & equity related securities
Income Fund
Higher potential returns due to higher duration and credit
0% to 20% 0% to 60%
80% to 100%
Moderate to
0% to 20%
Very High
0% to 20%
Very High
40% to 80%
80% to 100%
80% to 100%
0% to 20%
Life Option
Extra Life Option
Life & Extra Health Option
Extra Life and Health Option
Life & Disability Option
Extra Life & Disability Option
Life & Health & Disability Option
Extra Life & Health & Disability Option
25 18
A)On Maturity
Your policy matures at the end of the policy term you have chosen and all your risk covers
cease. You may redeem your balance units at the then prevailing unit price and take the fund
SettlementOption:Youcan takeyourfund valuein periodical instalmentsoveraperiod which
may extend up to 5 years. The value of instalment payable on the date specified shall be
subject to investment risk i.e. the NAV may go up or down depending upon the performance
ofthe funds chosen byyou.Your money willremaininvestedin the funds chosen byyou and is
subjecttothe sameinvestmentrisks as during the policy term. During the Settlementperiod,
the risk cover will cease, we will continue to deduct Fund Management Charge and no other
charges shall be levied. Partial withdrawals and switches shall not be allowed during this
period. Complete withdrawal may be allowed at any time during this period without levying
any charge. At the end of this 5-year period, we will redeem the balance units at the then
prevailingunit price andpaythe fund valueto you.
B) On Death
In caseof the Life Assured's unfortunate demisebefore the end of policyterm, we willpay to
thenominee thesumof
SumAssured and UnitFund Value
Theminimum deathbenefit willbeatleast 105% ofthe premiums paid.
Wewill also pay AccidentalDeath Benefits ifapplicable. Your policy willterminatethereafter
andno morebenefits willbepayable.
C) On Critical Illness
In case the Life Assured is diagnosed with any of the critical illnesses covered (See Terms &
Conditions)beforetheendofpolicy term,wewill payyouthesumof
SumAssured and Unitfundvalue
Your policywillterminatethereafterandnomorebenefitswillbepayable.
In case the Life Assured meets with an unfortunate accident which results in Total &
Permanent Disability (see Terms & Conditions) we will pay 10% of the Sum Assured every
yearforthe benefitpayoutterm.The benefitpayouttermwill be lowerof
10years or
Remainingpolicy termfromthe end of1 yearafterthe dateof disability.
In case ofany other claim due to death oron diagnosis of critical illnessbefore all duepayouts
are paid, the remaining payouts will be paid as lump sum to you/nominee and the policy will
In case there is no other claim the policy will continue and we will pay the fund value on
You can make lump sum partial withdrawals from your funds after 5 years of your policy
TheLife Assuredis at least18yearsofage.
Theminimum withdrawalamountis 10,000.`
Afterthe withdrawal and applicable charges, the fund valueis not lessthan 150% of your
originalregular premium.
The maximum amount that can be withdrawn throughout the policy term is 300% of the
originalregular premium.
F. On Discontinuance
This plan has a grace period of 30 days. You are expected to pay your annual premium
through-out the policy term.
Discontinuance before completion of 5 years from commencement of the policy
If you have not paid your premium by the expiry of the grace period, then you will have the
following options:
1. To revive the policy within a period of 2 years from the date of discontinuance, or
2. To completely withdraw from the policy without any risk cover
Your policy will be discontinued if:
The age and term limits for HDFC SL ProGrowth Super II are as shown below:
Youdonotexerciseanyofthe above mentionedoptions; or
You choose to completely withdraw from the policy without any risk cover
Until the discontinuance of the policy, the risk cover will remain in-force and policy charges
will continue to be deducted.
Once the policy is discontinued, the risk cover will cease and the fund value (as on date of
discontinuance) less the applicable Discontinuance Charge (Please see the “Charges”
section for details of the Discontinuance Charges.)will be moved to the 'Discontinued Policy
Fund'. The minimum guaranteed interest rate applicable to the 'Discontinued Policy Fund'
shall be 4% p.a. Suchrate may be changedin the futureif the IRDArevises the minimum rate
fordiscontinued policies. Theexcessincome earnedin thediscontinuedfund overand above
the minimum guaranteed interest rate shall also be apportioned to the discontinued policy
fund in arriving at the proceeds of the discontinued policies and shall not be made available
to the shareholders. The asset allocation for the Discontinued Policy Fund (SFIN:
ULIF05110/03/11DiscontdPF101) shall be as per the prevailing regulatory requirements.
Currently, theassetallocation is as follows:
(I) MoneyMarketInstruments0%to40%
(ii) Governmentsecurities: 60%to100%.
A Fund Management Charge of 0.50% p.a. will be levied for amounts in the 'Discontinued
If a discontinued policy is not revived, the proceeds will be paid out upon the completion of
Intheinstanceswherethe revivalperiod is notcompleted attheendofthe lock-inperiod, the
policyholder can opt to receivethe proceeds either uponthe completion of the lock-inperiod
or upon the completionof revival period. If, in such cases, the policyholder does not exercise
anyoption,thentheproceedswill be paid upon the completionof the lock-in period.
After the payment of the discontinuance benefit, the policy shall terminate and no further
benefitsshall be payableunder thepolicy.
Discontinuanceaftercompletionofthe 5yearsfrom commencementofthepolicy
In the instances where your policy is discontinued after the 5-year lock-in period then you
1. Torevive thepolicy within a period of2 yearsfrom the dateofdiscontinuance,or
2. Tocompletelywithdrawfromthepolicywithoutanyrisk cover
3. To convert the policy into paid-up policy, where the paid-up sum assured equals original
sum assured multiplied by theratioof premiums paid to the total premiumspayable as per
terms and conditions of the policy. A paid-up policy will continue as per the policy terms
andconditionsand chargesshallcontinuetobededucted.
During the revival period (i.e. under option 1 above), the policy is deemed to be in force with
risk coveras per theterms and conditions of the policy andpolicy charges shall continuetobe
If the policyholderdoes not exerciseany of theaforesaid options, the policyshall bedeemed
tobe withdrawnand theproceedswill be paid out to the policyholder.
After the payment of discontinuance benefit, the policy shall terminate and no further
benefitsshall be payableunder thepolicy.
G.RevivalofDiscontinued Policies
Weunderstandthatyou maywanttoreviveyourdiscontinuedpolicy.
You have the option to revive a discontinued policy within two consecutive years from the
dateofdiscontinuanceofthe policy,subject toourunderwritingpolicy. At the time ofrevival:
allduepremiumswhich havenotbeen paidshallbepayablewithout charginganyinterest
thediscontinuancechargesdeducted upon discontinuanceshall be reversedand the
proceeds of the discontinued policy shall be re-allocated in the segregated funds chosen
byyoubased onprevailingunitprices
policyadministrationcharge and premiumallocationcharge as applicable during the
H.On Surrender
Ifyousurrenderbeforecompletionofthe5yearsfromcommencementofthe policy
Your fund value less discontinued charges will be moved to the 'Discontinued Policy Fund.
Theamountallocated to the 'DiscontinuedPolicy Fund',withaccruedinterest, will be paid out
onthecompletionofthe lock-inperiod.
Pleaseseethe“Charges”section for detailsofthe DiscontinuanceCharges.
In case of the death of the Life Assured before the payment of the surrender benefit, the
amountin the 'DiscontinuedPolicy Fund'willbepaidoutimmediately.
Ifyousurrenderaftercompletionofthe 5yearsfrom commencementofthepolicy
Your fund valuewillbepaidoutimmediately.
Uponpaymentofthis benefitthe policyterminatesand no further benefitsarepayable.
The charges under this policy are deducted to provide for the cost of benefits and the
administrationprovidedbyus. Our charges,when takentogether, are structuredtogiveyou
betterreturnsand valueformoneyoverthelongterm.
PremiumAllocation Charge
This is a premium-based charge. After deducting this charge from your premiums, the
remainder is invested to buy units. The remaining percentage of your premium that is
invested to buy units is called the and depends on the year ofPremium Allocation Rate
allocation. The Premium Allocation Rate and Premium Allocation Charge are given in the
ThePremium AllocationChargeis guaranteedforthe entiredurationofthe policy term.
The daily unit price already includes our fund management charge of only 1.35 % per
annumcharged daily, ofthefund'svalue.
A Policy Administration Charge of 0.25% per month of theoriginal annual premium will be
deducted monthly andwill increase by 5% per annum on every policy anniversary, subject
to a maximum charge of 0.4% of the annual premium or 500, per month, whichever is
lower.This charge willbetakenbycancellingunits proportionatelyfrom eachofthe fund(s)
Mortality&Other Risk BenefitCharge:
Everymonth welevya charge forprovidingyouwiththedeathcover,critical illness coveror
total & permanent disability cover, as chosen, in your policy. The amount of the charge
taken each month depends on your age and level of cover. This charge will be taken by
cancellingunits proportionatelyfromeach ofthe fund(s) youhavechosen.
may be chargedfor any Policy alteration request initiated by the Policyholder will attracta
chargeofRs. 250 per request.
Any administrative servicing that we may introduce at a later date would be chargeable
subjectto IRDA’sapproval.
Inaddition, only if you request forpartial withdrawal,fund switch and premiumredirection
followingchargeswillbechargedon suchrequests
A partial withdrawal request from the Policyholder will attract a charge of Rs 250 per
request. However, if the request is executed through the Company’s web portal the
Policyholder will be charged Rs 25 per request. This will be levied on the unit fund at the
timeofpartwithdrawalofthefundduring the contractperiod.
A fund switch request from the Policyholder will attract a charge of Rs 250 per request.
However,iftherequestis executedthroughtheCompany’sweb portal thePolicyholderwill
be charged Rs 25 per request. This charge will be levied on switching of monies from one
fundtoanotheravailablefundwithintheproduct.The charge per each switchwillbelevied
atthe timeofeffectingtheswitch.
A premium redirection request initiated by the Policyholder will attract a charge of Rs 250
per request. However, if the request is executed through the Company’s web portal the
PolicyholderwillbechargedRs 25perrequest.
*Statutory Charges – Service Tax and Education Cess on the applicable charges is payable
atthe currentrateforall unitlinkedproducts.
This charge depends onyear of discontinuanceand your premium. There is nocharge after
5thpolicy year. Thetablebelowgivesthe discontinuancechargeapplicable.
Premium Allocation Rate
Premium Allocation Charge
Year 1 to 7
Year 8+
Lower of 20% x (Annual
Premium or Fund Value) but not
exceeding 3000`
Lower of 6% x (Annual Premium
or Fund Value) but not
exceeding 6000`
Lower of 15% x (Annual
Premium or Fund Value) but not
exceeding 2000`
Lower of 4% x (Annual
Premium or Fund Value) but not
exceeding 5000`
Lower of 3% x (Annual
Premium or Fund Value) but not
exceeding 4000`
Lower of 10% x (Annual
Premium or Fund Value) but not
exceeding 1500`
Lower of 2% x (Annual
Premium or Fund Value) but not
exceeding 2000`
Lower of 5% x (Annual
Premium or Fund Value) but not
exceeding 1000`
Werecommendthat you readthis brochure& benefitillustrationand understand what
the plan is, how it works and the risks involved before you purchase. We have
appointed Certified Relationship Managers, duly licensed by IRDA, who will explain
our plans to you and advise you on the correct insurance solution that will meet your
All unit linked lifeinsuranceplans aredifferentfrom traditionalinsuranceplans and ar subject
todifferentrisk factors.
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited is the name of our Insurance Company and
HDFC SL ProGrowth Super II is the name of this plan. The name of our company and the name
ofour plan donot,in any way, indicatethe quality ofthe plan,itsfutureprospects orreturns.
The premiums paid are subject to investment risks associated with capital marketsand the
NAVs of the units may go up or down based on the performance of funds and factors
influencingthe capital marketandtheinsured isresponsibleforhis/herdecisions.
The various funds offered under this plan are names of the funds and do not in any way
indicatethe qualityofthese plans, their futureprospects and returns.
Please know the associatedrisks and theapplicable charges,from your Insuranceagent orthe
Intermediaryorpolicydocumentissued byinsurancecompany.
Wewill set the unit price of a fund as per the IRDA's guidelines. The unit price ofUnit Linked Funds
shall be computed as: Market Valueof Investments held for the fund plus the value of any current
assets plus any accrued income net of fund management charges less the value of any current
liabilities less provision,if any. This givesthe netasset value ofthe fund. Dividing by thenumber of
units existing at the valuation date before any units are allocated/redeemed, gives the unit price
ofthe fund underconsideration.Weround theresulting price to the nearest Re. 0.0001. Thisprice
will be published on our website and in leading national newspapers.Units shall only be allocated
on the day the proposal is accepted and results into a policy by adjustment of application money
towards premium. The premium will be adjusted on the due date even if it has been received in
advance and the status of the premium received in advance shall be communicated to the
Uponthe exitofa policyat any timeon orafter the completionof fivepolicyyears,we will calculate
the gross yield, the net yield and the reduction in yieldbased on actualreturns. If the reduction in
yieldisgreaterthan as requiredunder theregulations,we willadd Claw-backAdditionstothe fund
before payment of benefits to ensure compliance with the reduction in yield as per Regulation
37(d) of IRDA (Linked InsuranceProducts) Regulations,2013. Exit would meandeath orsurrender
D)Critical Illnesses Covered: The Critical Illnesses, which are covered, provided this benefit is
opted for, are: Cancer, Coronary Artery By Pass Graft Surgery (CABGS), Heart Attack, Kidney
Failure, Major Organ Transplant (as recipient) and Stroke. For full details, particularly relating to
exclusionsandcriticalillness definitionspleasereferto theSectionsF andQ below.
E)Accidental Total & Permanent Disability Benefit: Life Assured shall be regarded as
suffering from Total and Permanent Disability only if, as a result of accidental injury that Life
Assured has been rendered totally incapable of being employed or engaged in any work or any
occupation, whatsoever, for remuneration or profit. The disability must have lasted, without
interruption, forat leastsix consecutivemonths and the life assuredshould be aliveatthe timeof
the claimand in theopinion of an appropriate medicalpractitioner appointed by us, thedisability
mustbe deemedtobepermanent.
“Total and PermanentDisability" shallmean theoccurrenceof anyof thefollowingconditions as a
Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of both eyes. The blindness must be confirmed by an
Ophthalmologist; OR
Lossbyseveranceoftwo ormore limbs ator abovewristsor ankles;OR
Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of one eye and loss by severance of one limb at or above
wristor ankle.
Forfulldetails,particularlyrelatingtoexclusionsplease refertothe Section Fbelow.
In case of death due tosuicide within 12 months from the dateof inception of the policy
or from the date of the revival of the policy, the nominee or beneficiary of the policyholder
shall be entitled to the fund value, as available on the date of death. Any charges recovered
subsequent to the date of death shall be paid back to the nominee or beneficiary along with
thedeath benefit.
Wewill payAccidentalTotal &Permanent Disability benefitonly ifthe disability haspersisted
forat least6 consecutivemonths and must,in theopinion of a registeredmedical practitioner
Wecannotchange ourcurrentchargeswithout priorapprovalfromIRDA.
TheFund ManagementCharge &DiscontinuanceChargewill besubject tothemaximumcapas
The PremiumAllocationCharge,PolicyAdministration Chargeand all RiskBenefit charge rates
areguaranteedforthe entiredurationofthe policy term;
Tax benefits under the policy are subject to prevailing tax laws (Section 80C and Section
10(10D)) oftheIncome TaxAct,1961.
Please note that the above mentioned benefits are as per the current tax laws. Your tax
benefits may change if the tax laws are changed. It is advisable to re-confirm the same with
yourtax consultant
appointedbyus,deemedto bepermanent.
We will not pay Accidental Total & Permanent Disability Benefit if disability arises directly or
indirectlyfromanyofthe following:
Disability directly or indirectly, wholly or partly due to an Acquired Immuno - Deficiency
Syndrome(AIDS)or infection byanyHuman ImmunodeficiencyVirus (HIV).
Takingpartin any hazardoussport orpastimes(including hunting,mountaineering, racing,
steeplechasing, bungeejumping,etc)
Self-inflictedinjury,suicide or attemptedsuicide-whether saneorinsane
Servicein any military,air force,naval,police,paramilitaryor similarorganisation
Nuclearreaction,radiationor nuclear orchemicalcontamination
Life Assured flying in any kind of aircraft, other than as a bona fide passenger (whether
fare–payingor not)on anaircraftofa licensedairline
Under influence or abuse of drugs, alcohol, narcotics or psychotropic substance not
prescribedbya registeredmedical practitioner
War,civilcommotion,invasion,terrorism,hostilities (whetherwarbedeclared ornot)
TheLifeAssuredtaking partinanystrike,industrialdispute, riotetc
The Life assured taking part in any criminal or illegal activity or committing any breach of
Wewillnot payAccidentalDeathBenefitifthe deathoccurs after90 daysfrom thedateof the
accident.Wewill not pay accidental death benefits ifthe death is caused directly orindirectly
byintentionally self-inflicted injury or attemptedsuicide, irrespectiveof mental condition, or
taking part or practicing for any hazardous hobby or pursuit or race unless previously agreed
tobyus inwriting.
We will not payCritical Illness Benefit ifthe criticalillness has occurred within 6months of the
date of commencement or date of issue or date of revival of the policy whichever is later. We
will not pay Critical Illness Benefits if the critical illness is caused directly or indirectly by
intentionally self-inflicted injury or attempted suicide, irrespective of mental condition,
pregnancyor childbirthorcomplicationsarisingthere from.
We will not pay Critical Illness or Accidental Death Benefits, if the critical illness or accidental
deathis causeddirectlyor indirectlybyanyofthe following:
Alcohol or solvent abuse, or the taking of drugs except under the direction of a registered
War,invasion,hostilities (whetherwarisdeclared ornot),civil war, rebellion,revolutionor
takingpart inariotorcivil commotion
Taking part in any flying activity, other than as a passenger in a commercially licensed
Taking partinanyact ofa criminal nature
G) Cancellation in the Free-Look period: In case you are not agreeable to any of the terms or
conditions, you have the option of returning the policy to us stating the reasons thereof, within
15 days from the date of receipt of the policy. The Free - Look period for policies purchased
throughdistance marketing willbe 30days.(specifiedbelow) Onreceiptof yourletteralongwith
the original policy documents, we shall arrange to refund you the value of units allocated to you
on thedate of receiptof request plusthe unallocated partof the premiumplus charges levied by
cancellation of units, subject to deduction of the proportionate risk premium for the period on
cover, the expenses incurred by us on medical examination and stamp duty. A policy once
returned shall not be revived, reinstated or restored at any point of time and a new proposal will
haveto bemadeforanew policy.
Distance Marketing refers to insurance policies sold through any mode apart from face-to-face
interactionssuch astelephone,internetetc(Pleasereferto “Guidelines on DistanceMarketingof
InsuranceProduct” forexhaustivedefinitionofDistanceMarketing)
Policyloans arenotallowed.
Increaseor decreaseofpolicyterm, sumassuredand premiumsare notallowed.
(J)Nomination: As per Section 39 of the Insurance Act, 1938, you can nominate a person to
receive the benefit under this policy. During your lifetime and while your policy is in force, you
may at any time, by written notice to us, designate any person or persons as anominee towhom
we shall pay benefits under this policy upon your unfortunate death. In case the nominee so
named is aminor,then thepolicyholder isrequiredto namean appointee (otherthan himself) for
theminor nominee.
K)Assignment: You may also assignthis policybyan endorsement uponthe Policy itselfor by a
separate instrumentin accordancewith Section 38 oftheInsuranceAct.Forassigning this Policy,
you should submit a written request to the Company and upon receipt of such written request;
the Companyshall recordthe assignment. Assignmentwill notbe permittedif the Policy is issued
underthe MarriedWomen’sProperty Act,1874.
Uponthereceipt ofthe noticeof assignmentinwriting,the Companyshall recordthe information
in relation to such assignment and shall, on the request of the person by whom the notice was
given,orofthe assignee,grantawritten acknowledgmentofthe receiptofsuch notice.
Incase of assignment,anynominationmade wouldstand cancelled.
L)Specialrules for large transactions:
Fora very large transaction above athreshold level,in order to maintain equity and fairness with
all unit holders, we may choose to apply special treatment for all transactions, which involve
purchaseor saleof underlyingassets. The number ofunits allocatedmay reflectthe expenditure
incurred in the actual market transactions which occurred. The value of units obtained from
encashmentmay be the actual valueobtainedas aconsequenceofthe actualmarkettransaction
which occurred. Transactions may occur overa numberofdays. Thethreshold levelwill varyfrom
time to time, depending on, amongst other matters, the liquidity of the stock markets. Our
currentthreshold forlarge transactionswill be 50,000,000 for a fund investing` predominantly
inGovernmentSecuritiesand 25,000,000 fora fund investinginhighly liquidequities.`
Ensure a life of respect and dignity for you and your family.
w.e.f. July 2014/VER.8.1
IRDA clarifies to public that
IRDA or its officials do not involve in activities like sale of any kind of insurance or financial products nor invest premiums.
Public receiving such phone calls are requested to lodge a police complaint along with details of phone call, numberIRDA does not announce any bonus.
M)Prohibitionof Rebates: Section 41 oftheInsurance Act,1938states:
1)No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any
persontotake out or renewor continuean insuranceinrespectof anykindofrisk relatingto lives or
property in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the
premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy
accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published
prospectusesor tablesofthe insurer.
2) Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be punishable
withfine, whichmayextendtofive hundredrupees.
N) Non-Disclosure: Section 45of the InsuranceAct, 1938 states: No policyof life insurance
effected beforethe commencementof this Actshall after theexpiry of two years from thedate of
commencement of this Act and no policy of life insurance effected after the coming into force of
this Act shall, after the expiry of two years from the date on which it was effected be called in
question by an insurer onthe groundthat a statement made inthe proposal for insurance or inany
report of a medical officer, or referee, or friend of the insured, or any other document leading to
issue of thepolicy,was inaccurate orfalse, unless the insurer shows that such statement was ona
material matter or suppressed facts which it was material to disclose and that it was fraudulently
made by the policyholder and that the policyholder knew at the time of making it that the
statementwas falseor thatit suppressedfacts whichit wasmaterialtodisclose.
Provided that nothing in this section shall prevent the insurer from calling for proof of age at any
time if he isentitled to do so, andno policyshall bedeemed tobe calledin questionmerely because
the terms of the policy are adjusted on subsequent proof that the age of the life insured was
incorrectlystatedin theproposal.
O)In case of fraud or misrepresentation including non-disclosure of any material facts, the Policy
shall be cancelled immediately and the Surrender Value shall be payable, subject to the fraud or
misrepresentationbeing established inaccordancewith Section45of theInsuranceAct,1938
P)Service Tax & other duties: As per the Service Tax Laws, service tax & other statutory levies
are applicable. Any other indirect tax or statutory levy becoming applicable in future may become
payable by you by any method we deem appropriate including by levy of an additional monetary
amountin additionto the premium.
(a)Cancer: A malignant tumour characterised by the uncontrolled growth & spread of malignant
cells with invasion & destruction of normal tissues. This diagnosis must be supported by
histological evidence of malignancy & confirmed by a pathologist. The term cancer includes
leukemia,lymphomaandsarcoma.The followingareexcluded:
(I umoursshowing themalignant changesofcarcinomain situ&tumours which are) T
(ii) istologically described as premalignant or non invasive, including but not limited toH
Carcinoma insitu ofbreasts,Cervicaldysplasia CIN-1,CIN-2 &CIN-3.
(iii) Anyskin cancerother thaninvasive malignantmelanoma.
(iv) All tumours of the prostate unless histologically classified as having a Gleason score greater
than6 orhavingprogressedtoat leastclinicalTNM classificationT2N0M0.
(v) Papillarymicro -carcinoma ofthe thyroidless than1cm in diameter.
(vi) Chroniclymphocyctic leukaemialess than RAIstage3.
(vii) Microcarcinomaofthebladder.
(viii)All tumoursinthe presenceofHIVinfection.
(b)Coronary Artery By Pass Graft Surgery (CABGS): The actual undergoing of open chest
surgery for the correction of one or more coronary arteries, which is/are narrowed or blocked, by
coronaryartery bypass graft (CABG).The diagnosis mustbe supported by a coronary angiography
and the realization of surgery has to be confirmed by a specialist medical practitioner. The
following are excluded: Angioplasty and/or any other intra-arterial procedures and any key-hole
orlaser surgery.
(c)Heart Attack:The first occurrenceof myocardialinfarction which meansthedeathof a portion
of the heart muscle as a result of inadequate blood supply to the relevant area. The diagnosis for
thiswill beevidencedbyallof thefollowingcriteria:
(I A history of typical clinical symptoms consistent with the diagnosis of Acute Myocardial)
Infarction (fore.g. typicalchestpain).
(ii) Newcharacteristicelectrocardiogramchanges.
(iii) Elevationofinfarction specific enzymes, Troponinsor otherspecific biochemicalmarkers. The
following are excluded: Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction(NSTEMI) with
elevationof TroponinIor T, Other acuteCoronarySyndromesand anytype ofangina pectoris.
(d)Kidney Failure: End stage renal disease presenting as chronic irreversible failure of both
kidneys to function, as a result of which either regular renal dialysis (hemodialysis or peritoneal
dialysis) is instituted or renal transplantation is carried out. Diagnosis has to be confirmed by a
specialistmedical practitioner.
(e)Major OrganTransplant:The actualundergoingofa transplantof:
(I ne of the following human organs: heart, lung, liver, kidney, pancreas, that resulted from)O
irreversibleend-stage failureofthe relevantorgan, or
(ii) Human bone marrow using haematopoietic stem cells. The undergoing of a transplant has to
be confirmedbyaspecialist medicalpractitioner.
The following are excluded: Other stem-cell transplants and where only islets of langerhans are
(f)Stroke: Any cerebrovascular incident producing permanent neurological sequelae. This
includes infarction of brain tissue, thrombosis in an intracranial vessel, haemorrhage and
embolisation from an extracranial source. Diagnosis has to be confirmed by a specialist medical
practitionerand evidencedby typical clinicalsymptomsas well as typical findingsin CTScan orMRI
of the brain. Evidence of permanent neurological deficit lasting for at least 3 months has to be
produced. The following are excluded: Transient ischemic attacks (TIA), Traumatic injury of the
brainand Vasculardiseaseaffectingonly theeyeor optic nerve orvestibularfunctions.
Accident: Itis a sudden, unforeseen and involuntary eventcaused by external and visible means.
AccidentalDeathmeans deathbyor duetoa bodily injury causedbyan Accident,independentofall
othercauses ofdeath.
Accidental Injury: means bodily injury of the life assured caused solely, directly and
independentlyofanyotherinterveningcausesfrom anaccident.
Disability shall mean the occurrence of any of the following conditions as a result of accidental
()I Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of both eyes. The blindness must be confirmed by an
()ii Lossbyseveranceof twoor morelimbs ator abovewristsor ankles;OR
()iii Total and irrecoverable loss of sight of one eye and loss by severance of one limb at or above
wrist orankle.
Talk to our staff today!
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Registered Office: HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited, Lodha Excelus, 13th Floor, Apollo Mills Compound, N.M. Joshi Marg, Mahalaxmi, Mumbai -400 011.
Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation. This Life Insurance product is underwritten by HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited. This document has no
monetary value at any time and is not a proof of any contract with HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited. HDFC SL ProGrowth Super II (Form No: P 501
UIN:101L066V02) is a unit linked plan with life insurance coverage. This version of the product brochure invalidates all previous printed versions for this particular plan. This
product brochure is indicative of the terms, warranties, conditions and exclusions contained in the insurance policy. Please know the associated risk and applicable charges from
your insurance agent or the intermediary or the policy document of the insurer. HDFC Bank Ltd. Certified Corporate Agent IRDA License No.: 933982. HDFC Standard Life
Insurance Company Limited. IRDARegistration No. 101. ARN: PP/05/2014/4677. CIN No. U99999MH2000PLC128245
HDFC Standard Life Insurance Company Limited. In partnership with Standard Life Plc