Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(1), 58-71, 2023
ISSN: 2167-8715
Journal of Media Literacy Education
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Exploring critical media health literacy (CMHL) in the online classroom
Peer-reviewed article
Citation: Squires, L., Peters, A., &
Rohr, L. (2023). Exploring critical
media health literacy (CMHL) in the
online classroom. Journal of Media
Literacy Education, 15(1), 58-71.
Corresponding Author:
Laura Squires
Copyright: © 2023 Author(s). This is
an open access, peer-reviewed article
published by Bepress and distributed
under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original author and
source are credited. JMLE is the
official journal of NAMLE.
Received: May 10, 2021
Accepted: September 13, 2022
Published: April 28, 2023
Data Availability Statement: All
relevant data are within the paper and
its Supporting Information files.
Competing Interests: The Author(s)
declare(s) no conflict of interest.
Editorial Board
Laura Squires
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Adrienne Peters
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Linda Rohr
University of Windsor, Canada
Critical media health literacy (CMHL) is concerned with identifying health-
related messages in the media, acknowledging the potential effects on health
behaviours, critically analyzing the content of the message, and the subsequent
application of the message to one’s health behaviours (Levin-Zamir &
Bertschi, 2018). This exploratory research examined the CMHL skills of
students (n = 120) in an entry-level, online asynchronous health and wellness
course, by examining their ability to think critically about health-related
themes presented in news media articles online and apply course-based
knowledge during a Twitter event. Employing a content analysis of tweets
from the event, students were found to illustrate CMHL skills when interacting
with peers on Twitter, more than when directly assessing online news media.
The findings suggest that the course curriculum be altered to include CMHL
skills, to better equip students with the ability to identify accurate health
information in the media.
Keywords: critical media health literacy, Twitter, media literacy education,
media health literacy, online learning.
Squires, Peters & Rohr ǀ Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(1), 58-71, 2023 59
Technology-mediated sources have become a
dominant means to access health-related information
(Berkman et al., 2010). Related importantly is media
health literacy, which is concerned with the production
and dissemination of health-related information by
media outlets, and most commonly today, internet
sources of media (Levin-Zamir et al., 2011). Past
research indicates that mass media can have a significant
effect on the health-related knowledge and behaviours
of adolescents and young adults, acting as both health-
compromising and/or health-promoting influences
(Levin-Zamir et al., 2011; Squiers et al., 2012). In
consideration of this, and the rapid growth of internet-
based knowledge, critical media health literacy
(CMHL) is valuable to understand and explore (Wharf
Higgins & Begoray, 2012). CMHL involves critically
analyzing the content of health-related messages found
on various media platforms, to determine any potential
effects, negative or positive, on health-related
behaviours, and the subsequent application, or lack
thereof, of these messages to one’s personal health-
related behaviours (Wharf et al., 2012). CMHL allows
users to engage with and analyze health messages that
are found in the media, determine if they are
correct/incorrect, accurate/inaccurate, and how/if the
content of these messages is then implemented to a
person’s life.
Young people, in particular, are often perceived to
be increasingly media and health conscious (Goodyear
et al., 2019; Gustafson, 2017) and research has found
that with the proliferation of social media, (a high
proportion being young people
) users should possess
critical thinking skills to conscientiously and effectively
use these platforms in the acquisition and application of
knowledge (Levin-Zamir & Bertschi, 2018). The
present exploratory study builds on the authors’ past
research (Rohr, Squires & Peters, 2022), and was
particularly interested in understanding postsecondary
undergraduate students’ CMHL through their
application of social and news media as a pedagogical
online course component. Specifically, this research
examined whether entry-level university students taking
a human kinetics and recreation course demonstrated
CMHL, using Twitter to connect course-based
knowledge on themes of health, fitness, and wellness to
A high proportion of social media users are young people
50 percent of Canadian Twitter users are between 18 and 34
years of age (Gruzd & Mai, 2020).
similar themes presented in news media. In an
increasingly mediated world, CMHL skills are essential
when accessing and understanding the health-related
information presented on social media.
Social media platforms have become an avenue to
access health-related information for users of all ages
(Berkman et al., 2010). The health messages that
circulate on these platforms can include inaccurate
information, even if the source is generally accepted as
trusted and reliable (Alnemer et al., 2015). These health-
related messages on social media are often fraught with
the bi-directionality of the relationship between media
use for social media marketing and social media user’s
perceptions/behaviours, further complicating the intent
of health-related media messages. Although health
professionals tend to perceive social media sites as less
reliable sources of health-related information for their
patients, the patients (i.e., social media users)
themselves frequently rely on social media for health-
related information (Ventola, 2014; Zhou, et al., 2018).
This can be problematic, especially when it comes to
health-related information, because users may not
possess the knowledge/ability to process/understand the
information in their personal context (Ventola, 2014).
High levels of CMHL can lessen these risks and can also
be applied to all media literacy contexts. In an online,
self-directed course that is designed to promote health
and wellness, CMHL is an imperative skill.
Media literacy
Media literacy can be defined as the ability to
identify the hidden messages encoded in different forms
of media, and to understand the importance and
implications of such messages /meanings (Hobbs &
Jensen, 2009; Potter 2010), although, consensus on its
exact definition is evasive (Koltay, 2016; Livingstone et
al., 2012). Media plays a significant role in
disseminating public health information. The integration
of media in our daily lives and routines impacts the
information we receive from these sources. In Canada,
internet users aged 16-24 are the largest accessors of
information via online resources, with 88% of this age
Squires, Peters & Rohr ǀ Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(1), 58-71, 2023 60
group reporting accessing the internet at least once per
day (Statistics Canada, 2020).
For students enrolled in online learning, all course
information is mediated through the internet and the
educator is tasked to adapt teaching processes to reflect
the habitus of students in the social, mediated world.
Students must have solid media literacy skills to
properly employ and sift through the onslaught of
information available on the internet.
Health literacy
Health literacy is an individual’s ability to
operationalize the health information they consume
through media messages and determine whether that
information is health-promoting or health-
compromising (Berkman et al., 2010; Liu, Wang, Liu, et
al., 2020). Health literacy empowers individuals to make
their own informed health decisions that favor health-
promoting behaviours, and limit health-compromising
behaviour. Critically, this explanation of health literacy
includes and accounts for the social determinants of
health as literacy levels are impacted by the economic
and social conditions (Berkman et al., 2004). Improving
social determinants of health, such as health literacy,
was highlighted by the Millennium Development Goals
in 2008 as a means to improve the equality and
accessibility of health-promoting behaviours across
social classes and geographic locations.
Berkman and associates (2010) indicate that the
definition and our understanding of health literacy is
continually impacted by technology. It is therefore
important to teach rudimentary health literacy skills to
university-aged students, the largest users and accessors
of health information via technology (Statistics Canada,
2020). Health literacy is directly connected to health
behaviours, in individuals of all ages.
Media health literacy
Health literacy and media literacy are intrinsically
connected: an individual’s level of health literacy can be
impacted by their level of media literacy, as much of the
health information available is communicated through
mediated channels. Media health literacy (MHL) in
particular, is concerned with identifying health-related
messages in the media, acknowledging the potential
effects on health behaviours, critically analyzing the
content of the message, and the subsequent application
of the message to one’s health behaviours (Levin-Zamir
& Bertschi, 2018).
Much like general literacy, an individual’s level of
MHL is influenced by a number of contextual factors
(Levin-Zamir & Bertschi, 2018); for example, age,
socioeconomic status, culture, access to technology and
experience with technology affect a student’s access to
and knowledge of MHL (Rababah, Al-Hammouri,
Drew, & Aldalaykeh, 2019). A student in rural Africa
would typically have lower fluency in MHL than a
student in a large Canadian city because technology is
less widely available and used less commonly. These
contextual factors suggest that students will likely
possess various levels of MHL depending on their
background and combined life experiences. Therefore,
it is necessary to provide equal and accessible
rudimentary MHL education for students.
Mass media messages are often implicitly encoded
with health-related information that can either promote
or compromise health. For example, the ketogenic diet
has been widely praised for its rapid results across social
media platforms, news media and print media. Despite
its widespread popularity and positive media portrayal,
long-term adherence is linked to negative health
consequences (Dafoe & Gyenes, 2020; Dashti et al.,
2006), similar to other fad-type diets. Despite the overall
lack of positive empirical findings, fad-type diets
proliferate the media we consume. MHL is valuable
because it instructs the consumer to consider the explicit
and implicit messages encoded in a media production
(such as promotional marketing), which instructs the
reader/consumer to assess whether or not the
information presented is health-promoting or health-
compromising (Levin-Zamir & Bertschi, 2018; Liu,
Wang & Liu et al., 2020).
It is best to view MHL as a continuum of ability and
skill (Levin-Zamir & Bertschi, 2018); ranging from low
ability to very capable, to identify how media messages
affect our health behaviour and recognizing information
may be laden with hidden meaning, marketing ploys or
outright misinformation. Media influences our
knowledge, behaviours and attitudes, and we are heavily
reliant on sources of media for information, through
acculturation and processes of meaning making. Greater
levels of MHL are correlated with health empowerment,
as MHL provides users with the skills and competencies
needed to make informed health-related decisions
(Johnson & Johnson, 2014; Levin-Zamir & Bertschi,
Squires, Peters & Rohr ǀ Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(1), 58-71, 2023 61
Critical media health literacy
CMHL, proposed by Wharf, Higgins and Begoray
(2012), is more explicitly concerned with the process by
which users engage with MHL and how they apply a
critical lens as a central component in this. Although
some literature uses these terms interchangeably, they
appear to be differentially applied and may actually be
referring to, and thus assessing, varying levels of online
engagement. Drawing on a scoping review, Wharf
Higgins and Begoray (2012) developed a more concise,
yet comprehensive and multidisciplinary concept of
MHL that explicitly comprised an analytical/critical-
thinking component. To identify examples of CMHL,
the researchers outlined three defining characteristics: a
skill set, empowerment, and a competency of engaged
Related to the skill set, beyond possessing
knowledge of material and understanding existing
theory and constructs, postsecondary students are often
asked to examine and evaluate information; it is then
expected that they create new ideas based on course
materials as a means of encouraging engagement. This
requires skills not only attached to literacy, but also
attached to critical thinking (e.g., requiring reflection,
comparison, and interpretation; Wharf Higgins &
Begoray, 2012). Empowerment is connected to ideas of
individual autonomy and choice, rights and freedoms,
and a desire to better society/the world. According to
Wharf Higgins and Begoray (2012), this guides health-
related decision making in seeking appropriate,
informed, and accurate information and even calling for
changes to our health systems. From the combination of
these, a competency of engaged citizenship is formed.
Rohr, Squires and Peters (2022) promote the adoption of
CMHL for work examining these themes, and we will
be applying a similar framework in this paper.
Research on the relationship between media, health,
and literacy
In the past two decades, the connection between
health status, health outcomes, and levels of literacy has
been explored and identified as impactful and
imperative to health behaviour outcomes. While there is
a limited but growing body of research literature
identifying a direct link between CMHL on Twitter and
the health behaviours of younger adults/youth, the level
of CMHL individuals exhibit is relational and dependent
on their past exposure to CMHL education, general
literacy abilities and socioeconomic background
(Lastrucci et al., 2019; Muvuka et al., 2020; Stormacq et
al., 2019; Swisher et al., 2020). Students from low-
income households are more likely to report engaging in
harmful health behaviours (Fleary, Joseph &
Pappagianopoulous, 2018). This can be explained by the
unique situational/environmental factors that each
student experiences. Internet access is affected by class
and income level, which radiates down to the
availability and accessibility of health information.
However, exposure to MHL for lower socio-economic
groups was advantageous for positive health behaviours,
when compared to those who have a higher baseline
knowledge of MHL, reinforcing the influence of the
environment and exposure to health behaviours can be
mitigated with education and exposure to positive health
behaviours (Fleary et al., 2018). A negative relationship
was found to exist between age and accessing health
information online; younger users are more likely to
access the internet for sources of health information,
whereas older adults are less likely to participate in
technology-mediated forms of health information
(Fischer et al., 2014).
Qualitative research explored young/emerging
adults’ (18 to 30 years old) social media use in collecting
information on common health issues (i.e., diabetes,
depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder;
Fergie et al., 2016). Based on semi-structured interviews
(N=40), the researchers classified online information-
sharing behaviours under one of three types: 1)
“prosumption,” a combination of conventional
production and consumption activities online (i.e.,
prosumers”); 2) tacit consumption, online
consumption of health-related content, as well as
support offline, but no production (i.e., tacit
consumers”), and 3) non-engagement, offline supports
and no engagement with this type of online content (i.e.,
Their results revealed that the presence of external
environmental factors which in this study comprised
strong offline social supports mitigated the
relationship/need to seek health-related information or
related engagement and support online. This may impact
postsecondary students, who have varying degrees of
social, educational, and other forms of support or capital
in their lives outside those in the course/classroom
context (Rababah et al., 2019). There may be some
students who are more isolated in comparison to their
classmates, particularly during the pandemic, and this
can impact how they engage with content and users
online. As illustrated, CMHL is impacted by several
factors that are unique to the individual based on their
Squires, Peters & Rohr ǀ Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(1), 58-71, 2023 62
experiences and social supports/relationships/
interactions outside the classroom/online platform.
Health messages on Twitter
A study completed in 2018 compiled 1000 of the
most common health-related journal articles and found
that 48% of health-related media messages posted to
Twitter and Facebook discussing these articles
contained disparity in the strength of the language used
and the results reported (Haber, Smith, Moscoe et al.,
2018); the information was presented in a generalized
manner, despite the results not being generalizable
(Haber et al., 2018). Further, media representations of
the information were more likely to use stronger, more
persuasive language than what was used in the original
article, misrepresenting the facts portrayed in that article
(Haber et al., 2018).
When examining the accuracy of health-related
tweets, researchers found that 25.4% of COVID-related
tweets contained inaccurate information (Swetland et
al., 2021). Albalawi and colleagues (2019) found that
31% of health-related tweets in Saudi Arabia were
inaccurate or incorrect by medical doctors (Albalawi et
al., 2019). A second Saudi Arabian study found that
approximately 52% of respondents reported using
Twitter as a source of public health information was a
positive experience, specifically for the ease in
accessing information, and that the majority of
respondents were satisfied to use Twitter as a source of
public health information (Alassiri & Alowfi, 2019). It
is important to note the differences in culture between
Saudi Arabia and North America, and Canada in
particular, where our research was conducted. Despite
the differences in culture, we believe these studies to be
valuable in framing our research, especially when
limited research is available. Saudi Arabia has the 4
highest number of Twitter users in the world, and the
highest proportion of users relative to their population.
Furthermore, the authors of these Saudi Arabian studies
were informed by the same authors cited in this paper.
Twitter is an important resource for health
information and is used to promote health literacy
(Begoray, Banister, Higgins et al., 2014; Zhou et al.,
2018). However, it is problematic that any Twitter user
can generate media/health information, which may not
be accurate, helpful, or based on scientific fact. Tse et
al. (2015) identified Facebook and YouTube as more
efficient media outlets for the promotion of health
literacy compared to Twitter. Despite these findings,
health-related information proliferates the mediated
Twittersphere, and tweets need not be accurate or
correct to elicit engagement.
The current study
In the present study, Twitter was selected as a social
media tooldespite it not being the most commonly
used social media platform among the average
postsecondary student age demographicas it
facilitates social interaction where users can be active in
constructing and presenting their identity as one that is
often closer to their identity offline. The intent of the
present research was to determine if students in an
online, highly digitized environment illustrate CMHL
skills without being taught them. If they don’t, we need
to prioritize incorporating CMHL education into the
course content and design, as we are requiring students
to utilize such capabilities for their Twitter assignments.
There are noticeably few studies concerning the use of
Twitter to examine CMHL skills, therefore, this research
contributes to this gap in the literature.
The purpose of this exploratory research was to
examine students’ CMHL skills in two sections of an
entry-level health and wellness course at a mid-sized
Canadian university, to determine if we need to
incorporate CMHL skills into the curriculum, as we
require these skills of students in the evaluations. This
research is part of a multi-tiered project designed to
improve teaching strategies and pedagogy, to better
serve the needs of students, and prepare them for the
course evaluations. Details about the intentionality of
curriculum design and approaches can be found in Rohr,
Squires and Peters (2022).
The current research collected data from the tweets
of a convenience sample of university students enrolled
in an entry-level, online asynchronous fitness and
wellness course (HKR 1000) at a Canadian university in
the spring semester of 2019, before the COVID-19
pandemic took hold.
HKR 1000 is frequently taken as an elective course
and there are no prerequisites for enrollment. Students
aged 17 years or older who typically are not pursuing
health-related careers may be enrolled in this course,
meaning they likely have varying levels of health
knowledge and operationalization (i.e., CMHL). The
course instructor and teaching assistants utilized
Twitter-based evaluations for multiple semesters prior
to and following the semester when this data was
Squires, Peters & Rohr ǀ Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(1), 58-71, 2023 63
gathered. The main objective of this evaluation was to
develop an understanding of students’ CMHL skills,
through how they interact with media on Twitter, and to
incorporate the results into our teaching strategies,
modifying the course and teaching/delivery styles to
better serve the needs and wants of the students. HKR
1000 was offered online, so any and all information and
data were mediated through the online space (i.e.,
Brightspace Learning Management System).
Specifically, the focus of this work involved a
preliminary assessment of students’ existing CMHL
abilities through their proficiency to think critically
about health information presented in the media.
The sample was composed of university students
enrolled in two sections of an introduction to human
kinetics and recreation course, HKR 1000-Fitness and
Wellness, comprising 155 students. The data from this
study was initially collected from the course
assessments and course evaluation questionnaires
available for all students to complete at the end of the
semester. After consultation with the university ethics
board, it was determined that the data aligns with the
secondary use of information not initially intended for
research, therefore, ethics clearance was not required.
Approximately 120 students participated in posting
tweets, giving a 77% completion rate. As the data was
initially collected for course evaluation purposes,
information regarding age, gender, race/ethnicity were
not collected.
Twitter activities/events
Twitter was used for three assessments throughout
the semester (scheduled in weeks 6, 10 & 12) and
students were required to post a total of six tweets, i.e.,
two tweets per each of the three activities; this was a
deliberate course design that can foster communication
and interaction in an online classroom (Rohr, Squires, &
Peters, 2022). The data reported here were from the
week 10 assignment, which instructed students to
“locate a recent news story (from the past year), from a
recognized, credible news source that exemplified one
or more of the health and wellness topics discussed in
the course. Share the link for this news story on Twitter,
commenting in your tweet on the relevance/importance
of the story to individual health and wellness. Consider
the words and language used, the images portrayed, the
people interviewed, and/or the ultimate perspective
taken” (Brightspace, 2019). This assignment was
purposefully scheduled later in the semester to provide
students sufficient opportunity to gather a basic
understanding of the course expectations and also
manifest health-related information contained in the
news article. We examined students’ ability to
understand the latent content of the news article, or the
underlying meaning of the health-related information
they were viewing. We specifically prompted students
to think critically about the information presented and
how it related to health. We were cognizant, however,
that students may not have developed baseline CMHL
skills, (i.e., operationalization of health knowledge),
despite learning health-related knowledge in this course.
Students were expected to use their own discretion with
regards to decide what “reputable” news sources may
be; this was done purposely to ascertain what students
generally deemed to be reputable news sources. No
explicit examples of expectations were provided. This
again was purposeful; we were measuring
existing/baseline CMHL and did not want to direct or
sway students with examples. Students were required to
include the hashtag in each and every Tweet they made
in order for Brightspace, the learning management
system, to capture and record their responses.
Much of the existing research can be divided into
that which independently examined media literacy only
or health literacy only; however, we were interested in
measuring CMHL, given the opportune course themes
and online activities/evaluations. The requirement of
having to locate a reputable online news source through
an online course platform leans toward examining media
literacy, while asking students to exemplify course
concepts, which are all health/wellness related, leans
more towards health literacy. We believe such an
assignment to be a good measure of CMHL; requiring
students to search for an article that epitomizes a course
concept shows their ability to apply/put to
use/operationalize the information presented.
Students were required to make a total of six tweets
throughout the semester. Of the students for who we
have data for, approximately 31.6% did not meet the
assignment’s minimum requirements. Approximately
28.4% of our sample posted exactly six tweets; however,
a larger proportion (44%) posted more than required.
We were unable to gather this information from 13% of
students who either deleted their profiles as soon as the
course finished, or who had changed their profile
viewing settings to private. From the data available,
68% of students met or exceeded the tweet requirements
Squires, Peters & Rohr ǀ Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(1), 58-71, 2023 64
while 32%, nearly one-third, of the students did not
complete the required number of tweets.
Coding protocol/procedures
Content analyses are commonly used to reveal
messages and meaning behind textual data, by
determining themes or concepts, which are then
quantified and analyzed for meaning and patterns
(Erlingsson & Brysiewicz, 2016; Kleinheksel et al.,
2020). A content analysis was conducted, and coding
protocol was inductively developed while examining the
data for patterns in the tweets posted (Fereday & Muir-
Cochrane, 2006; Thomas 2003). Themes were then
identified from these patterns and quantified to illustrate
the frequency of their occurrence. The coding categories
were loosely based on the course grading scheme, where
the better-quality tweets were indicative of a higher
mark, and lower-quality received lower marks. After
coding individually, inter-coder agreement was reached
between 3 researchers, and the coding categories were
These categories of quality were then placed on the
continuum of health literacy (ability to think critically
and operationalize the information presented in the
article; Levin-Zamir & Bertschi, 2018) to coincide with
the categories below (1 on the left, 5 on the right) (see
Figure 1). Students who make critical thinking or
critical thinking + personalization tweets are more
capable of illustrating how they operationalize the
health-related information relayed to them via the
media, and therefore, fall towards the right on the
CMHL continuum, when compared to those students
who make summary/general statements or personal
statements only, who are less capable of illustrating how
they operationalize the health-related information
relayed to them via the media.
Figure 1. As critical thinking skills increase, so do CMHL abilities
Tweets were coded separately by three researchers
and then compared for consistency (O’Connor & Joffe,
2020). Coding was based on the five developed critical
thinking categories, mirroring the continuum of health
literacy: 1) summary/general statements, 2) personal
statements, 3) summary + explicit mention of course
concepts, 4) critical thinking, and 5) critical thinking +
personalization. The categories were developed
organically and inductively, following a general review
of the tweets to determine what categories were present.
Coding for critical thinking would indicate that students
have a higher level of health literacy than those who just
summarize the information found in the article.
Summarizing equates to a lesser indication of health
literacy, or thinking critically about the content,
reliability, or validity of the information presented in the
news article.
Personal statements comprised of “I” statements; for
example, “I agree with your tweet! Personally, with
siting at a desk all hours of the day my body feels it. We
need to make stretching a priority in our lives” (Student
36). Statements were coded as personal statements if
they spoke only of a personal experience and omitted
any reference to course material. Summary/general
statements were directly related to summarizing the
news article students chose for their assignment. For
example, “This article shows how to build mental
health. This gives a larger over all wellness. It’s
interesting all the ways you can work in your mental
health and how each person may have different needs”
Squires, Peters & Rohr ǀ Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(1), 58-71, 2023 65
(Student 17). Summary + explicit mention of course
concepts was the third category, in which a student must
have summarized the article and provided a direct and
specific reference to the course content. For example,
“As we have discussed in the course, people often
overlook the dangers of mental illness and the
importance of emotional wellness. Schools in Oregon
are trying to end the stigma by having mental health days
as well as sick days” (Student 111), was coded as
summary + explicit mention of course concepts.
The fourth category, critical thinking, exemplified
critical media literacy. Here students were required to
illustrate how they operationalize health-promoting or
health-compromising information (i.e., can they
transition that knowledge to behaviours/beliefs). For
example, the following tweet was coded as critical
thinking “As obesity decreases physical wellness, we
can expect other areas of physical wellness to be
affected as well - in this case, asthma. By teaching our
children proper eating habits, we can help them increase
their physical wellness and lower their risk of health
issues” (Student 18). Lastly, the fifth category, critical
thinking + personalization captured tweets that were
both illustrating CMHL and included personal
examples. All tweets in this category could have been
classified as critical thinking only, however, student’s
inclination to include their personal examples was
noteworthy, so this category identified these exceptional
tweets. For example, “This topic is very relevant to
today's ongoing health/wellness challenges! I have
experienced this during my BN program. When caring
for patients with mental health issues, many of them
unfortunately used unhealthy coping mechanisms, such
as smoking or unhealthy eating #HKR1000” was coded
as a critical thinking + personalization.
Data was analyzed using SPSS. Percentage and
frequency data are reported. The results reported are not
generalizable, and if repeated with different populations,
are likely to elicit different results, based on the
literature and the fact that CMHL is dependent on
several factors external to education.
The results from this exploration of students’ CMHL
are divided into four main sections, based on the
type/item of analysis and include information on the
sample of students and their Twitter use for the course,
and more specifically, the depth of engagement
exhibited in the tweet (referred to as the “quality” of the
Study sample and Twitter course use
In total, 155 undergraduate students were required to
complete the course assignment. Seventy-seven percent
of students in the class completed the Twitter event from
which our data is pulled, indicating slightly less than
one-quarter of the class (23%) did not participate or post
any tweets. This data was collected prior to the COVID-
19 pandemic and work-/learn-from-home/public health
measures, eliminating that as a factor impacting
completion rates. A secondary goal of this assignment
was to promote engagement and interaction between
students in an online course, further explaining why the
hashtag was a requirement (Rohr, Squires & Peters,
Tweets were received from 58 and 62 students in the
two course sections, representing a total of 120 students.
Of the tweets, 52% were original tweet posts and 47%
were response tweets. Overall, the vast majority of
students (98%) did not directly reference/cite course
readings or resources in their tweet(s). This omission
could be for a variety of reasons, including that the
assignment instructions did not explicitly state/require
citing course readings, the 280-character limit per
tweet/imposed by Twitter, as well as individual
In order for a student’s tweet to be included in the
analysis the hashtag #HKR1000 was required. Slightly
under one-third (32%) of students failed to include the
hashtag in their post ultimately impacting 13% of the
Quality of tweet
As demonstrated in Figure 2, approximately 48% of
students’ tweets could be classified as the
summary/general statement category, meaning the tweet
either summarized the article they posted or the tweet
included what would be considered generalized health
statement (for example, exercising helps our physical
wellness); 10% of students posted tweets classified as
personal statements only, where their tweet contained
only information that was personal/related to their
personal health/wellness; 5% of students summarized
the news article and then explicitly mentioned course
concepts in their tweet, 24% of students posed tweets
considered to be critical thinking (i.e. health literacy);
and approximately 13% of tweets were classified as
critical thinking and personalization.
Squires, Peters & Rohr ǀ Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(1), 58-71, 2023 66
Original tweets and quality
For analysis of the original tweets, approximately
78% were classified as summary/general statement
tweets; this was by far the most common classification
(see Figure 2). This illustrates students were
overwhelmingly inclined to summarize the information
in their chosen article. The remaining original tweets
were coded as critical thinking (10%), summary +
explicit mention of course concepts (7%), critical
thinking + personalization (3%) and personal
statements only (1%). Only 13% of all original tweets
were classified as incorporating critical thinking, or
Response tweets & quality
Results for the response tweets (Figure 2) illustrate a
dramatic difference in the quality of the information
contained in the tweet. Here, the majority of tweets,
approximately 39% were classified as critical thinking,
23% as critical thinking + personalization, 20% as
personal statements only, 15% summary/general
statements and 2 percent summary + explicit mention of
course concepts.
Figure 2. The quality of the tweet varies based on the category, or type of tweet posted
Of the categories that incorporate critical thinking,
63% of response tweets were classified as either critical
thinking or critical thinking + personalization. This is
significantly higher and by far surpasses the 13% of
original tweets that were classified as critical thinking or
critical thinking + personalization. Students were more
likely to utilize/illustrate critical thinking (i.e., CMHL)
in response tweets compared to original tweets.
The purpose of this research was to determine if
students in an online, entry-level health and wellness
course exhibit CMHL skills, through their critical
analysis of news media articles using Twitter. We
identified the need to add CMHL training to our course.
From all the tweets, approximately half (49%) were
summary/general statement tweets; 24% were critical
thinking (i.e., demonstrating health literacy); 13% were
critical thinking and personalization; 10% were
personal statements only; and 5% summarized the news
article and then explicitly mentioned course concepts.
When combining the critical thinking and critical
thinking and personalization categories, 37% of all
tweets incorporated critical thinking. The majority of
tweets, nearly 50%, summarized the article posted
without incorporating any critical thinking,
personalization, criticism, or reflection; all skills that are
essential in CMHL.
In original tweets, students were overwhelmingly
inclined to summarize the information in their chosen
article (77%). This is significantly larger than any of the
other categories. The critical thinking categories for
original tweets only amount to 13% of posts. Students
were found to be less able to operationalize the health-
related information presented to them in the news article
and were more likely to summarize the information
presented instead of synthesizing and applying it. Given
the limitations of the data collected, we are not able to
determine why this occurred. It is anticipated however
that these findings are attributed at least in part to
Squires, Peters & Rohr ǀ Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(1), 58-71, 2023 67
students’ inexperience applying information/knowledge
and critical thinking skills.
When considering reply/response tweets, 40% were
classified as critical thinking, the most common of the
response tweets; 23% of tweets were critical thinking +
personalization, 20% as personal statements only, 15%
summary/general statements and 2% summary +
explicit mention of course concepts. In total, the critical
thinking categories comprise 63% of all response
tweets. The response tweets illustrate a significantly
higher percentage of CMHL and by far surpasses the
13% of original tweets that comprised the critical
thinking categories. Students were more likely to
utilize/illustrate critical thinking (i.e., CMHL) in
response tweets than original tweets. One possible
explanation is that by the response tweets, students had
read other students’ initial tweets/other responses
demonstrating a higher level of application and analysis,
thereby providing a model for students who had not
demonstrated this initially. Students may have also felt
more comfortable sharing more, once they saw the
support provided by others in the course (Fergie et al.,
Overall, students were less likely to critically engage
with the information presented to them on media
platforms; they were more likely to summarize the
article, which, while valuable was not the purpose of the
assignment. A large proportion of students who
completed the Twitter events would benefit from
additional guidance/practice in CMHL analysis and
applying course content to guide them in identifying,
assessing, and using information presented online.
Engaging with the course material illustrates critical
thinking processes, which we believe represents CMHL
and the ability of students to comprehend and question
the information presented in such media articles.
As presented in the above results, ninety-eight
percent of students did not directly cite course readings
or resources. This may be attributed to the character
limit Twitter places on tweets (i.e., 280
characters/tweet); however, an alternative explanation is
that the instructions did not explicitly require students to
reference course material; rather students were directed
to find a “credible news source that exemplifies one or
more of the health and wellness topics discussed in the
course” (Brightspace, 2019). Altering the assignment
instructions to more clearly direct students to
incorporate course content and/or the textbook would
clarify the expectations and may result in better
Thirty-two percent of students omitted or forgot to
include the designated course hashtag. This omission
may have been due to a multitude of factors including,
students simply forgot, they did not correctly
read/understand the instructions, or they misspelled the
course hashtag. This was imperative for evaluation, as
students and the instructor/teaching assistants could
view only those tweets with the specified hashtag. There
were more original tweets than reply tweets posted in the
event. This may be explained by the fact that students
sometimes posted more than one original tweet to fully
explain/expand on their initial tweet. This strategy
circumvented Twitter’s character limit and was within
the assignment guidelines. Students may not have
read/understood that they were required to reply to a
classmate’s post, but we do not have further data on
these findings. Failure to include the course hashtag and
only completing one tweet may not be directly related to
CMHL per se but is noteworthy as it may indicate
student’s general media literacy abilities and their
ability/inability to navigate online courses. Further
research is needed to determine the reasons for such. As
our intent of this work is to apply our findings to
improve the course, we may adjust the
syntax/presentation of directions in future course
offerings to make the hashtag requirement more explicit.
As social media users become more confident online
and engage more as “prosumers” (Fergie et al., 2016),
particularly during the current pandemic/virtual world,
it is important to recognize the strong relationship
between user’s identity and their content production and
consumption. Among social media users, these impact
one another in multiple ways, and it is further
compounded by external factors outside the
university/classroom setting. As a result of the varying
levels of offline/online support and image management,
CMHL is a complicated skill to develop and/or goal to
attain using social media activities in the classroom
alone. To address some of these differences and effort to
make credible content accessible and understood by a
greater number of students/young adults, all students
would likely benefit from additional pre-Twitter/pre-
course lessons and experience in critically examining
knowledge production and consumption on social and in
news media sources.
CMHL’s defining attributes a skill set,
empowerment, and a competency of engaged citizenship
(Wharf Higgins & Begoray, 2012) are highly valuable
and often help individuals thrive in
educational/professional settings. In addition to
exposing students to opportunities to practice these
Squires, Peters & Rohr ǀ Journal of Media Literacy Education, 15(1), 58-71, 2023 68
skills, it is crucial for instructors to first ensure students
possess the foundational tools attached to these skills
and engaging in these activities. There would be great
benefit in focusing on the development and then refining
of these skills, so as to prepare students for future roles
that will require proficiency in analytical/critical
thinking, building effective “prosumers” of information
(Fergie et al., 2016). The importance of critical thinking
for health education has been amplified during the
pandemic and with the current news and social media
climates and continued growth in these areas, the
absence of critical media literacy more generally will
present challenges for individuals entering these spaces.
Education in and “IRL” practice of these skillsets can
have extensive impacts on individuals’ knowledge. To
establish students baseline CMHL,
instructors/educators can integrate lectures and/or
classroom-based activities and informal assessments
that ask students to identify or demonstrate examples of
critical thinking. These can be distinct activities or
modeled after the planned course activities/evaluations.
It is also important that instructors provide students with
clear evaluation guidelines and expectations as early as
possible and avoid any assumptions about students’
previous critical thinking experience or CMHL. Based
on our findings and the research demonstrating that clear
communication of expectations has been found to
improve the quality of student work, especially in lower-
level university courses (Rapanta et al., 2020), the health
and wellness course examined here will be amended to
reflect this.
Some limitations of the presented research include
the sample size, the nature of the data collected and the
exploratory basis of the study. Our sample was limited
to two mid-sized course sections and the data collected
was conducive only to univariate analyses. As the
findings are not generalizable outside the present
context, should the study be replicated, results may vary
based on the nature of CMHL and CMHL’s contingency
on demographic factors. The Twitter API does not
collect users’ demographic information, so analyzing
and differentiating for age, race, gender, or
socioeconomic status was not possible, despite the
suggested correlation between MHL and gender
(Swisher et al., 2020), race (Muvuka et al., 2020) and
socioeconomic status/class (Lastrucci et al., 2019;
Stormacq et al., 2019). This information may be
valuable in future work, but here, it was not the intent to
collect such detailed information; rather we aimed to
examine tweets to determine if CMHL skills were
evident in an entry-level online health and wellness
course. Furthermore, the exploratory nature of the study
and lack of prior research specifically concerning
CMHL via Twitter elicited some complications with
regards to the methodology and analysis. This research,
therefore, uniquely contributes to this gap identified in
the literature, examining CMHL and social media use
The increased use and pervasiveness of social media
platforms has created new communication networks
which have subsequently altered our behaviours to
reflect the instantaneous, 24/7 nature of social media
platforms and in turn, social media has become a pivotal
part of our daily life. Social media platforms are
frequently accessed as sources of public health
information; they offer instantaneous answers to health-
related queries at little to no cost and can be consulted
more readily than a medical doctor (Hesse et al., 2010).
The plethora of health information available online
provides the general population with the opportunity to
become self-informed about health and wellness, which
may lead to improving and increasing public knowledge
and competencies surrounding decision making when it
comes to health-promoting or health compromising
behaviours (Tonsaker et al., 2014).
We were able to determine that students in our
sample were more likely to summarize health-related
information they viewed online than operationalize and
exhibit the critical thinking skills that comprise CMHL.
Students were found to illustrate CMHL skills, critically
thinking and engaging with the information presented,
when interacting with peers on Twitter (response
tweets), more so than when interacting directly with
online news media (original tweets). These results
illustrate that improvements and adjustments are needed
to better fit the needs of our students, which includes
educating students about CMHL. Educating students to
be more critical of the information consumed online,
especially when it is health-related can impact overall
wellness and health-compromising or health-promoting
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