Revised 6/2023
Parent-Provider Agreement
I, , am registered as a family child care provider with the Maryland
State Department of Education, Office of Child Care (OCC). My registration number is . My
home and household have met health and safety standards established by OCC. I have agreed to operate my
child care home in compliance with Maryland State regulations for the protection of your child. I will strive to
provide a well supervised, caring home like environment where your child can grow and develop at his/her
pace. I will need your involvement and support.
Mission Statement:
(Example: To provide a safe, loving, home-like environment where your child is given opportunities to learn and
Your and my signatures on this agreement mean that we have read, understand, and agree to the following
I/We, , living at ,
(Name/s) (Full Address)
, parents of agree
(Phone Number) (Child’s/Childrens name)
to enroll the above child(ren) in the family child care home of
(Providers Name)
located at beginning on .
(Providers Full Address) (Date)
I/We have received and read this agreement and agree to comply with all rules and responsibilities stated
herein. I/We understand that all information in this agreement must be kept up to date. I/We submitted to the
Provider health and emergency information for our child/children and understand that it is our responsibility to
keep that information up to date.
1. Hours: Care begins at and ends at on the following days of the week:
. Arrival time is between and ; departure
time is between and . Extra fees of $ for each 15-minute period or portion
thereof will be charged for early drop-off or late pick up which is not pre-arranged. These fees must be
paid the same day they occur. An overtime rate of $ per hour will be provided for pre-arranged
over time at the Provider’s discretion.
2. Fee: The fee for care is $per . Fees are due no later than (day)
by (check, money order, and/or cash with receipt). If not paid the day they are due, there will be a late fee
of $ for every day that the fees are late. If the payment is not made by (e.g. Friday. The
fifth day after the date it is due, etc.), then the Provider terminates the child care immediately.
Revised 6/2023
Fees are charged for days the child is absent unless pre-arrangements such as parents vacation have
been made at least (e.g. 24 hrs. 1 week, etc.) in advance and there is
a written agreement, no fee will be charged. In no case may scheduled time for an enrolled child be
used for another child not enrolled in family child care home, unless by written agreement.
Holidays, vacations, and days care will not be available: The family child care home will be closed for
the following holidays
(e.g. New
Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Christmas, all National Holidays, etc.) Fees are/are not charged for all
holidays listed above.
The family child care home will close for
during the year for family vacation of the Provider. The Provider will notify the parent(s) as early as
possible regarding the dates for this vacation, but in no case shall this notice be less than two weeks in
advance. Parents will/will not be charged when the Provider cannot provide care due to her vacation.
Although the Provider will try to be available for work each day there will be occasions when personal or
family illness or emergency make that impossible. The Provider will notify the parent(s) as early as
possible if he/she cannot provide care on a given day. It will be the Providers/parents responsibility to
obtain substitute care on such days. Parents will not be charged when the Provider cannot provide care.
Trial Period: Your child’s adjustment is important to all of us. Therefore, a two-week trial period is
provided before arrangements for continued care become final. At the end of this period, the parent(s)
and provider will discuss how the child has adjusted to the new setting, realizing that this varies from
child to child. At this time, or during the course of the trial period, either party may terminate care upon
immediate notice. After the trial period, the provisions of Section 5, Termination and Withdrawal apply.
Termination and Withdrawal: The Provider reserves the right to remove a child from the family child
care home after two weeks written notice to parent(s), if the Provider believes that continued care
might be detrimental to the child or to the program. If the Provider gives notice of termination, the
parent(s) may remove the child immediately, paying only for the days of care to that day. Parents must
give at least two weeks notice before they withdraw their child from the program. Parents will need to
pay (two weeks fees, one-week fee, etc.) if they do not provide such notice.
Illness and Injury: Parents may not bring sick children to the child care home with fever, rash, vomiting,
diarrhea, or other symptoms of acute or contagious illness, the Provider will refuse to admit the child. A
child should be allowed to recover fully after an illness so other children in the group do not risk possible
Revised 6/2023
If the child becomes ill or is injured while in the Providers care, parents will be notified and must pick
the child up as soon as possible. If a parent cannot be reached, the person designated on the Emergency
Information Card will be notified.
Safety: As a licensed/registered child care provider in the state of Maryland, all safety regulations are
followed to ensure that children are properly supervised at all times, children are only released to
individuals listed on the emergency card and monthly fire drills and regular emergency evacuation drills
are conducted.
Medication: The Provider will not administer medication, including aspirin, cough drops, decongestant,
or other non-prescription drugs, as well as prescription drugs without parents signed authorization. The
original container of the prescription or non-prescription medication shall be clearly labeled with the
name of the child, the name of the medicine, the dosage, and the name and phone number of the child’s
physician. The provider must follow Maryland Regulation when administering medication.
The first dose of any prescription drug must be given at the child’s home, not at the providers home,
preferably the night before child care.
Field Trips: The Provider’s regular program includes neighborhood walks, field trips, and other out-of-
the-house activities which involve transportation of children in vehicles used by the Provider. The
parent(s) hereby grant permission for the child to be taken on such trips and to be transported in the
Providers vehicle. (initial)
Attachments: The attached Emergency Information Card, Maryland Immunization Record, Health
Inventory (filled out and signed by a health professional and the parent(s)), Child Release Authorization
and Custody Information (if applicable) and if necessary, Parents authorization for medication are part
of this agreement. These forms must be completed prior to admission of the Child to the Provider’s care.
Conferences: I conduct yearly parent conferences (on your child’s enrollment anniversary or each year
duringmonth” and will notify you verbally or by sign-up sheet, etc.) to discuss how your child is
learning. If your child has an IFSP/IEP, we can also go over it at this time. If you have a concern we can
discuss that at any time during the year.
Does your child have an IFSP/IEP? _____yes_____no
Would you be willing to share your child's IFSP/IEP with me? _____yes_____no
Children with disabilities, special needs and health care needs will be included in all activities. I will work
with the Board of Education and others to help your child meet the goals set by the IFSP/IEP committee.
Revised 6/2023
Non-Discrimination Statement: This Provider does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, age,
national origin, religion, disability, or special health care need. I will make reasonable accommodations to
adequately care for your child/children. All children with a disability and/or special need will be included in all
activities. Children will be able to receive services according to their IEP/IFSP while in care.
By signing this agreement, I am stating that I have received my copy of this contract.
Mother/Guardian Signature Date
Father/Guardian Signature Date
Provider Signature Date
I, , give my permission for the Provider to allow my child(ren)
To wade or swim under her supervision according to provisions of Maryland Regulation
I have received a copy of the Parents Guide to Regulated Child Care, or I have been given
instructions to obtain a copy online and have been instructed on how to file a complaint.
(parents initial)
** Include if you have pets. **
This child care facility has pets. They are: . The facility follows the guidelines found at “Animals in Chile Care Facilities”.
Screen Time Statement: The Maryland State Department of Education requires no passive screen time for
children under the age of two and no more than 30 minutes per week for children age two and older.
Written Positive Discipline Policy: I set clear, simple, and consistent rules to help the children learn appropriate
behaviors. When I can, I let the children help make the rules. I offer limited choices which are a good way to
help the children make decisions such as allowing them to choose where they would like to play. I reinforce
positive behavior by giving attention to those who are displaying appropriate behaviors. I redirect children's
behavior by creating another activity or event to draw a child's attention away from an inappropriate behavior. I
offer children time to reflect on their behavior and try to solve their own problems. {EXCELS recommended}