national strategy for
office of homeland security
july 2002
national strategy for
office of homeland security
july 2002
My fellow Americans:
Since September 11, 2001, our Nation has taken great strides to improve homeland security.
Citizens, industry, and government leaders from across the political spectrum have cooperated
to a degree rarely seen in American history. Congress has passed important laws that have
strengthened the ability of our law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute terrorists
and those who support them. We have formed a global coalition that has defeated terrorists
and their supporters in Afghanistan and other parts of the world. More than 60,000 American
troops are deployed around the world in the war on terrorism. We have strengthened our
aviation security and tightened our borders. We have stockpiled medicines to defend against
bioterrorism and improved our ability to combat weapons of mass destruction. We have
improved information sharing among our intelligence agencies, and we have taken important
steps to protect our critical infrastructure.
We are today a Nation at risk to a new and changing threat. The terrorist threat to America
takes many forms, has many places to hide, and is often invisible. Yet the need for homeland
security is not tied solely to todays terrorist threat. The need for homeland security is tied to
our enduring vulnerability. Terrorists wish to attack us and exploit our vulnerabilities because of
the freedoms we hold dear.
The U.S. government has no more important mission than protecting the homeland from future
terrorist attacks. Yet the country has never had a comprehensive and shared vision of how best
to achieve this goal. On October 8, I established the Office of Homeland Security within the
White House and, as its first responsibility, directed it to produce the first National Strategy for
Homeland Security.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security is the product of more than eight months of intense
consultation across the United States. My Administration has talked to literally thousands of
people–governors and mayors, state legislators and Members of Congress, concerned citizens
and foreign leaders, professors and soldiers, firefighters and police officers, doctors and scien-
tists, airline pilots and farmers, business leaders and civic activists, journalists and veterans, and
the victims and their families. We have listened carefully. This is a national strategy, not a
federal strategy.
We must rally our entire society to overcome a new and very complex challenge. Homeland
security is a shared responsibility. In addition to a national strategy, we need compatible,
the white house
mutually supporting state, local, and private-sector strategies. Individual volunteers must
channel their energy and commitment in support of the national and local strategies. My
intent in publishing the National Strategy for Homeland Security is to help Americans achieve a
shared cooperation in the area of homeland security for years to come. The Strategy seeks to do
so by answering four basic questions:
What is homeland security” and what missions does it entail?
What do we seek to accomplish, and what are the most important goals of homeland
What is the federal executive branch doing now to accomplish these goals and what should it
do in the future?
What should non-federal governments, the private sector, and citizens do to help secure the
The National Strategy for Homeland Security is a beginning. It calls for bold and necessary steps.
It creates a comprehensive plan for using Americas talents and resources to enhance our
protection and reduce our vulnerability to terrorist attacks. We have produced a comprehensive
national strategy that is based on the principles of cooperation and partnership. As a result of
this Strategy, firefighters will be better equipped to fight fires, police officers better armed to
fight crime, businesses better able to protect their data and information systems, and scientists
better able to fight Mother Nature’s deadliest diseases. We will not achieve these goals
overnight… but we will achieve them.
Our enemy is smart and resolute. We are smarter and more resolute. We will prevail against all
who believe they can stand in the way of Americas commitment to freedom, liberty, and our
way of life.
July 16, 2002
Table of Contents
Executive Summary.................................................................................................................vii
Threat and Vulnerability ...........................................................................................................7
Organizing for a Secure Homeland.........................................................................................11
Critical Mission Areas
Intelligence and Warning ........................................................................................................15
Border and Transportation Security ........................................................................................21
Domestic Counterterrorism ....................................................................................................25
Protecting Critical Infrastructures and Key Assets..................................................................29
Defending against Catastrophic Threats.................................................................................37
Emergency Preparedness and Response ..................................................................................41
Science and Technology ..........................................................................................................51
Information Sharing and Systems...........................................................................................55
International Cooperation.......................................................................................................59
Costs of Homeland Security ...................................................................................................63
Conclusion: Priorities for the Future.......................................................................................67
Appendix: September 11 and America’s Response ...............................................................A-1
This document is the first National Strategy for
Homeland Security. The purpose of the Strategy is to
mobilize and organize our Nation to secure the U.S.
homeland from terrorist attacks. This is an exceedingly
complex mission that requires coordinated and focused
effort from our entire society—the federal government,
state and local governments, the private sector, and the
American people.
People and organizations all across the United States
have taken many steps to improve our security since
the September 11 attacks, but a great deal of work
remains. The National Strategy for Homeland Security
will help to prepare our Nation for the work ahead in
several ways. It provides direction to the federal
government departments and agencies that have a role
in homeland security. It suggests steps that state and
local governments, private companies and organiza-
tions, and individual Americans can take to improve
our security and offers incentives for them to do so. It
recommends certain actions to the Congress. In this
way, the Strategy provides a framework for the contri-
butions that we all can make to secure our homeland.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security is the
beginning of what will be a long struggle to protect our
Nation from terrorism. It establishes a foundation
upon which to organize our efforts and provides initial
guidance to prioritize the work ahead. The Strategy will
be adjusted and amended over time. We must be
prepared to adapt as our enemies in the war on
terrorism alter their means of attack.
Strategic Objectives
The strategic objectives of homeland security in order
of priority are to:
Prevent terrorist attacks within the United States;
Reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism; and
Minimize the damage and recover from attacks that
do occur.
Threat and Vulnerability
Unless we act to prevent it, a new wave of terrorism,
potentially involving the worlds most destructive
weapons, looms in America’s future. It is a challenge as
formidable as any ever faced by our Nation. But we are
not daunted. We possess the determination and the
resources to defeat our enemies and secure our
homeland against the threats they pose.
One fact dominates all homeland security threat
assessments: terrorists are strategic actors. They choose
their targets deliberately based on the weaknesses they
observe in our defenses and our preparedness. We must
defend ourselves against a wide range of means and
methods of attack. Our enemies are working to obtain
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons
for the purpose of wreaking unprecedented damage on
America. Terrorists continue to employ conventional
means of attack, while at the same time gaining
expertise in less traditional means, such as cyber
attacks. Our society presents an almost infinite array of
potential targets that can be attacked through a variety
of methods.
Our enemies seek to remain invisible, lurking in the
shadows. We are actively engaged in uncovering them.
Al-Qaeda remains America’s most immediate and
serious threat despite our success in disrupting its
network in Afghanistan and elsewhere. Other interna-
tional terrorist organizations, as well as domestic
terrorist groups, possess the will and capability to
attack the United States.
Organizing for a Secure Homeland
In response to the homeland security challenge facing
us, the President has proposed, and the Congress is
presently considering, the most extensive reorgani-
zation of the federal government in the past fifty years.
The establishment of a new Department of Homeland
Security would ensure greater accountability over
critical homeland security missions and unity of
purpose among the agencies responsible for them.
American democracy is rooted in the precepts of feder-
alism—a system of government in which our state
governments share power with federal institutions. Our
structure of overlapping federal, state, and local gover-
nance—our country has more than 87,000 different
jurisdictions—provides unique opportunity and
challenges for our homeland security efforts. The
opportunity comes from the expertise and commitment
of local agencies and organizations involved in
homeland security. The challenge is to develop inter-
connected and complementary systems that are
reinforcing rather than duplicative and that ensure
essential requirements are met. A national strategy
requires a national effort.
Executive Summary
State and local governments have critical roles to play
in homeland security. Indeed, the closest relationship
the average citizen has with government is at the local
level. State and local levels of government have
primary responsibility for funding, preparing, and
operating the emergency services that would respond
in the event of a terrorist attack. Local units are the
first to respond, and the last to leave the scene. All
disasters are ultimately local events.
The private sector—the Nations principal provider of
goods and services and owner of 85 percent of our
infrastructure—is a key homeland security partner. It
has a wealth of information that is important to the
task of protecting the United States from terrorism. Its
creative genius will develop the information systems,
vaccines, detection devices, and other technologies and
innovations that will secure our homeland.
An informed and proactive citizenry is an invaluable
asset for our country in times of war and peace.
Volunteers enhance community coordination and
action, whether at the national or local level. This
coordination will prove critical as we work to build the
communication and delivery systems indispensable to
our national effort to detect, prevent, and, if need be,
respond to terrorist attack.
Critical Mission Areas
The National Strategy for Homeland Security aligns and
focuses homeland security functions into six critical
mission areas: intelligence and warning, border and
transportation security, domestic counterterrorism,
protecting critical infrastructure, defending against
catastrophic terrorism, and emergency preparedness
and response. The first three mission areas focus
primarily on preventing terrorist attacks; the next two
on reducing our Nations vulnerabilities; and the final
one on minimizing the damage and recovering from
attacks that do occur. The Strategy provides a
framework to align the resources of the federal budget
directly to the task of securing the homeland.
Intelligence and Warning. Terrorism depends on
surprise. With it, a terrorist attack has the potential to
do massive damage to an unwitting and unprepared
target. Without it, the terrorists stand a good chance of
being preempted by authorities, and even if they are
not, the damage that results from their attacks is likely
to be less severe. The United States will take every
necessary action to avoid being surprised by another
terrorist attack. We must have an intelligence and
warning system that can detect terrorist activity before
it manifests itself in an attack so that proper
preemptive, preventive, and protective action can be
The National Strategy for Homeland Security identifies
five major initiatives in this area:
Enhance the analytic capabilities of the FBI;
Build new capabilities through the Information
Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Division of
the proposed Department of Homeland Security;
Implement the Homeland Security Advisory
Utilize dual-use analysis to prevent attacks; and
Employ “red team” techniques.
Border and Transportation Security. America historically
has relied heavily on two vast oceans and two friendly
neighbors for border security, and on the private sector
for most forms of domestic transportation security. The
increasing mobility and destructive potential of modern
terrorism has required the United States to rethink and
renovate fundamentally its systems for border and
transportation security. Indeed, we must now begin to
conceive of border security and transportation security
as fully integrated requirements because our domestic
transportation systems are inextricably intertwined
with the global transport infrastructure. Virtually every
community in America is connected to the global
transportation network by the seaports, airports,
highways, pipelines, railroads, and waterways that
move people and goods into, within, and out of the
Nation. We must therefore promote the efficient and
reliable flow of people, goods, and services across
borders, while preventing terrorists from using trans-
portation conveyances or systems to deliver implements
of destruction.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security identifies
six major initiatives in this area:
Ensure accountability in border and transportation
Create “smart borders”;
Increase the security of international shipping
Implement the Aviation and Transportation
Security Act of 2001;
Recapitalize the U.S. Coast Guard; and
Reform immigration services.
The President proposed to Congress that the principal
border and transportation security agencies—the
Immigration and Naturalization Service, the U.S.
Customs Service, the U.S. Coast Guard, the Animal
and Plant Health Inspection Service, and the
Transportation Security Agency—be transferred to the
new Department of Homeland Security. This
organizational reform will greatly assist in the
implementation of all the above initiatives.
Domestic Counterterrorism. The attacks of September 11
and the catastrophic loss of life and property that
resulted have redefined the mission of federal, state,
and local law enforcement authorities. While law
enforcement agencies will continue to investigate and
prosecute criminal activity, they should now assign
priority to preventing and interdicting terrorist activity
within the United States. The Nations state and local
law enforcement officers will be critical in this effort.
Our Nation will use all legal means—both traditional
and nontraditional—to identify, halt, and, where
appropriate, prosecute terrorists in the United States.
We will pursue not only the individuals directly
involved in terrorist activity but also their sources of
support: the people and organizations that knowingly
fund the terrorists and those that provide them with
logistical assistance.
Effectively reorienting law enforcement organizations
to focus on counterterrorism objectives requires
decisive action in a number of areas. The National
Strategy for Homeland Security identifies six major
initiatives in this area:
Improve intergovernmental law enforcement
Facilitate apprehension of potential terrorists;
Continue ongoing investigations and prosecutions;
Complete FBI restructuring to emphasize
prevention of terrorist attacks;
Target and attack terrorist financing; and
Track foreign terrorists and bring them to justice.
Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets. Our
society and modern way of life are dependent on
networks of infrastructure—both physical networks
such as our energy and transportation systems and
virtual networks such as the Internet. If terrorists
attack one or more pieces of our critical infrastructure,
they may disrupt entire systems and cause significant
damage to the Nation. We must therefore improve
protection of the individual pieces and interconnecting
systems that make up our critical infrastructure.
Protecting America’s critical infrastructure and key
assets will not only make us more secure from terrorist
attack, but will also reduce our vulnerability to natural
disasters, organized crime, and computer hackers.
America’s critical infrastructure encompasses a large
number of sectors. The U.S. government will seek to
deny terrorists the opportunity to inflict lasting harm
to our Nation by protecting the assets, systems, and
functions vital to our national security, governance,
public health and safety, economy, and national morale.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security identifies
eight major initiatives in this area:
Unify America’s infrastructure protection effort in
the Department of Homeland Security;
Build and maintain a complete and accurate
assessment of America’s critical infrastructure and
key assets;
Enable effective partnership with state and local
governments and the private sector;
Develop a national infrastructure protection plan;
Secure cyberspace;
Harness the best analytic and modeling tools to
develop effective protective solutions;
Guard Americas critical infrastructure and key
assets against inside” threats; and
Partner with the international community to protect
our transnational infrastructure.
Defending against Catastrophic Threats. The expertise,
technology, and material needed to build the most
deadly weapons known to mankind—including
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons
—are spreading inexorably. If our enemies acquire
these weapons, they are likely to try to use them. The
consequences of such an attack could be far more
devastating than those we suffered on September 11—
a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear terrorist
attack in the United States could cause large numbers
of casualties, mass psychological disruption, contami-
nation and significant economic damage, and could
overwhelm local medical capabilities.
Currently, chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear detection capabilities are modest and response
capabilities are dispersed throughout the country at
every level of government. While current arrangements
have proven adequate for a variety of natural disasters
and even the September 11 attacks, the threat of
terrorist attacks using chemical, biological, radiological,
and nuclear weapons requires new approaches, a
focused strategy, and a new organization.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security identifies
six major initiatives in this area:
Prevent terrorist use of nuclear weapons through
better sensors and procedures;
Detect chemical and biological materials and
Improve chemical sensors and decontamination
Develop broad spectrum vaccines, antimicrobials,
and antidotes;
Harness the scientific knowledge and tools to
counter terrorism; and
Implement the Select Agent Program.
Emergency Preparedness and Response. We must prepare
to minimize the damage and recover from any future
terrorist attacks that may occur despite our best efforts
at prevention. An effective response to a major terrorist
incident—as well as a natural disaster—depends on
being prepared. Therefore, we need a comprehensive
national system to bring together and coordinate all
necessary response assets quickly and effectively. We
must plan, equip, train, and exercise many different
response units to mobilize without warning for any
Many pieces of this national emergency response
system are already in place. America’s first line of
defense in the aftermath of any terrorist attack is its
first responder community—police officers, firefighters,
emergency medical providers, public works personnel,
and emergency management officials. Nearly three
million state and local first responders regularly put
their lives on the line to save the lives of others and
make our country safer.
Yet multiple plans currently govern the federal
governments support of first responders during an
incident of national significance. These plans and the
governments overarching policy for counterterrorism
are based on an artificial and unnecessary distinction
between “crisis management” and “consequence
management.” Under the Presidents proposal, the
Department of Homeland Security will consolidate
federal response plans and build a national system for
incident management in cooperation with state and
local government. Our federal, state, and local govern-
ments would ensure that all response personnel and
organizations are properly equipped, trained, and
exercised to respond to all terrorist threats and attacks
in the United States. Our emergency preparedness and
response efforts would also engage the private sector
and the American people.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security identifies
twelve major initiatives in this area:
Integrate separate federal response plans into a
single all-discipline incident management plan;
Create a national incident management system;
Improve tactical counterterrorist capabilities;
Enable seamless communication among all
Prepare health care providers for catastrophic
Augment America’s pharmaceutical and vaccine
Prepare for chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear decontamination;
Plan for military support to civil authorities;
Build the Citizen Corps;
Implement the First Responder Initiative of the
Fiscal Year 2003 Budget;
Build a national training and evaluation system; and
Enhance the victim support system.
The Foundations of Homeland Security
The National Strategy for Homeland Security also
describes four foundations—unique American
strengths that cut across all of the mission areas, across
all levels of government, and across all sectors of our
society. These foundations—law, science and
technology, information sharing and systems, and
international cooperation—provide a useful framework
for evaluating our homeland security investments
across the federal government.
Law. Throughout our Nations history, we have used
laws to promote and safeguard our security and our
liberty. The law will both provide mechanisms for the
government to act and will define the appropriate
limits of action.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security outlines
legislative actions that would help enable our country
to fight the war on terrorism more effectively. New
federal laws should not preempt state law unnecessarily
or overly federalize the war on terrorism. We should
guard scrupulously against incursions on our freedoms.
The Strategy identifies twelve major initiatives in this
Federal level
Enable critical infrastructure information sharing;
Streamline information sharing among intelligence
and law enforcement agencies;
Expand existing extradition authorities;
Review authority for military assistance in domestic
Revive the Presidents reorganization authority; and
Provide substantial management flexibility for the
Department of Homeland Security.
State level
Coordinate suggested minimum standards for state
drivers licenses;
Enhance market capacity for terrorism insurance;
Train for prevention of cyber attacks;
Suppress money laundering;
Ensure continuity of the judiciary; and
Review quarantine authorities.
Science and Technology. The Nations advantage in
science and technology is a key to securing the
homeland. New technologies for analysis, information
sharing, detection of attacks, and countering chemical,
biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons will help
prevent and minimize the damage from future terrorist
attacks. Just as science has helped us defeat past
enemies overseas, so too will it help us defeat the
efforts of terrorists to attack our homeland and disrupt
our way of life.
The federal government is launching a systematic
national effort to harness science and technology in
support of homeland security. We will build a national
research and development enterprise for homeland
security sufficient to mitigate the risk posed by modern
terrorism. The federal government will consolidate
most federally funded homeland security research and
development under the Department of Homeland
Security to ensure strategic direction and avoid
duplicative efforts. We will create and implement a
long-term research and development plan that includes
investment in revolutionary capabilities with high
payoff potential. The federal government will also seek
to harness the energy and ingenuity of the private
sector to develop and produce the devices and systems
needed for homeland security.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security identifies
eleven major initiatives in this area:
Develop chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear countermeasures;
Develop systems for detecting hostile intent;
Apply biometric technology to identification devices;
Improve the technical capabilities of first
Coordinate research and development of the
homeland security apparatus;
Establish a national laboratory for homeland
Solicit independent and private analysis for science
and technology research;
Establish a mechanism for rapidly producing
Conduct demonstrations and pilot deployments;
Set standards for homeland security technology; and
Establish a system for high-risk, high-payoff
homeland security research.
Information Sharing and Systems. Information systems
contribute to every aspect of homeland security.
Although American information technology is the
most advanced in the world, our countrys information
systems have not adequately supported the homeland
security mission. Databases used for federal law
enforcement, immigration, intelligence, public health
surveillance, and emergency management have not
been connected in ways that allow us to comprehend
where information gaps or redundancies exist. In
addition, there are deficiencies in the communications
systems used by states and municipalities throughout
the country; most state and local first responders do
not use compatible communications equipment. To
secure the homeland better, we must link the vast
amounts of knowledge residing within each
government agency while ensuring adequate privacy.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security identifies
five major initiatives in this area:
Integrate information sharing across the federal
Integrate information sharing across state and local
governments, private industry, and citizens;
Adopt common meta-data” standards for electronic
information relevant to homeland security;
Improve public safety emergency communications;
Ensure reliable public health information.
International Cooperation. In a world where the
terrorist threat pays no respect to traditional bound-
aries, our strategy for homeland security cannot stop at
our borders. America must pursue a sustained,
steadfast, and systematic international agenda to
counter the global terrorist threat and improve our
homeland security. Our international anti-terrorism
campaign has made significant progress since
September 11. The full scope of these activities will be
further described in the forthcoming National Security
Strategy of the United States and the National Strategy
for Combating Terrorism. The National Strategy for
Homeland Security identifies nine major initiatives in
this area:
Create “smart borders”;
Combat fraudulent travel documents;
Increase the security of international shipping
Intensify international law enforcement cooperation;
Help foreign nations fight terrorism;
Expand protection of transnational critical
Amplify international cooperation on homeland
security science and technology;
Improve cooperation in response to attacks; and
Review obligations to international treaties and law.
Costs of Homeland Security
The national effort to enhance homeland security will
yield tremendous benefits and entail substantial
financial and other costs. Benefits include reductions in
the risk of attack and their potential consequences.
Costs include not only the resources we commit to
homeland security but also the delays to commerce and
travel. The United States spends roughly $100 billion
per year on homeland security. This figure includes
federal, state, and local law enforcement and
emergency services, but excludes most funding for the
armed forces.
The responsibility of providing homeland security is
shared between federal, state and local governments,
and the private sector. In many cases, sufficient incen-
tives exist in the private market to supply protection.
Government should fund only those homeland security
activities that are not supplied, or are inadequately
supplied, in the market. Cost sharing between different
levels of government should reflect the principles of
federalism. Many homeland security activities, such as
intelligence gathering and border security, are properly
accomplished at the federal level. In other circum-
stances, such as with first responder capabilities, it is
more appropriate for state and local governments to
handle these responsibilities.
Conclusion: Priorities for the Future
The National Strategy for Homeland Security sets a
broad and complex agenda for the United States. The
Strategy has defined many different goals that need to
be met, programs that need to be implemented, and
responsibilities that need to be fulfilled. But creating a
strategy is, in many respects, about setting priorities—
about recognizing that some actions are more critical
or more urgent than others.
The Presidents Fiscal Year 2003 Budget proposal,
released in February 2002, identified four priority areas
for additional resources and attention in the upcoming
Support first responders;
Defend against bioterrorism;
Secure Americas borders; and
Use 21st-century technology to secure the
Work has already begun on the Presidents Fiscal Year
2004 Budget. Assuming the Congress passes legislation
to implement the Presidents proposal to create the
Department of Homeland Security, the Fiscal Year
2004 Budget will fully reflect the reformed organi-
zation of the executive branch for homeland security.
That budget will have an integrated and simplified
structure based on the six critical mission areas defined
by the Strategy. Furthermore, at the time the National
Strategy for Homeland Security was published, it was
expected that the Fiscal Year 2004 Budget would
attach priority to the following specific items for
substantial support:
Enhance the analytic capabilities of the FBI;
Build new capabilities through the Information
Analysis and Infrastructure Protection Division of
the proposed Department of Homeland Security;
Create “smart borders”;
Improve the security of international shipping
Recapitalize the U.S. Coast Guard;
Prevent terrorist use of nuclear weapons through
better sensors and procedures;
Develop broad spectrum vaccines, antimicrobials,
and antidotes; and
Integrate information sharing across the federal
In the intervening months, the executive branch will
prepare detailed implementation plans for these and
many other initiatives contained within the National
Strategy for Homeland Security. These plans will ensure
that the taxpayers’ money is spent only in a manner
that achieves specific objectives with clear
performance-based measures of effectiveness.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security defines
“State to mean any state of the United States, the
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands,
Guam, American Samoa, the Canal Zone, the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, or
the trust territory of the Pacific Islands.” The Strategy
defines “local government” as “any county, city, village,
town, district, or other political subdivision of any
state, any Native American tribe or authorized tribal
organization, or Alaska native village or organization,
and includes any rural community or unincorporated
town or village or any other public entity for which an
application for assistance is made by a state or political
subdivision thereof.”
The distribution of the National Strategy for Homeland
Security coincides with Congress’ consideration of the
Presidents proposal to establish a Department of
Homeland Security. The Strategy refers to a
“Department of Homeland Security” only to provide
the strategic vision for the proposed Department and
not to assume any one part of the Presidents proposal
will or will not be signed into law.
Our Nation learned a terrible lesson on September 11.
American soil is not immune to evil or cold-blooded
enemies capable of mass murder and terror. The worst
of these enemies—and target number one in our war
on terrorism—is the terrorist network Al-Qaeda. Yet
the threat to America is not limited to Al-Qaeda or to
suicide hijackings of commercial aircraft. The threat is
much broader, as we learned on October 4, 2001, when
we discovered that a life-threatening biological agent—
anthrax—was being distributed through the U.S. mail.
Unless we act to prevent it, a new wave of terrorism,
potentially involving the worlds most destructive
weapons, looms in America’s future. It is a challenge as
formidable as any ever faced by our Nation. But we are
not daunted. We possess the determination and the
resources to defeat our enemies and secure our
homeland against the threats they pose.
Todays terrorists can strike at any place, at any time,
and with virtually any weapon. Securing the American
homeland is a challenge of monumental scale and
complexity. But the U.S. government has no more
important mission.
National Strategy for Homeland Security
This document is the first ever National Strategy for
Homeland Security. The purpose of the Strategy is to
mobilize and organize our Nation to secure the U.S.
homeland from terrorist attacks. This is an exceedingly
complex mission that requires coordinated and focused
effort from our entire society—the federal government,
state and local governments, the private sector, and the
American people.
People and organizations all across the United States
have taken many steps to improve our security since
the September 11 attacks, but a great deal of work
remains. The National Strategy for Homeland Security
will help prepare our Nation for the work ahead in
several ways. It provides direction to the federal
government departments and agencies that have a role
in homeland security. It suggests steps that state and
local governments, private companies and organiza-
tions, and individual Americans can take to improve
our security, and offers incentives for them to do so. It
recommends certain actions to the Congress. In this
way, the Strategy provides a framework for the contri-
butions that we all can make to secure our homeland.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security is the
beginning of what will be a long struggle to protect our
Nation from terrorism. It provides a foundation upon
which to organize our efforts and provides initial
guidance to prioritize the work ahead. The Strategy
will be adjusted and amended over time. We must be
prepared to adapt as our enemies in the war on
terrorism adjust their means of attack.
Homeland Security Defined
In the aftermath of September 11, homeland security”
has come to mean many things to many people. It is a
new mission and a new term. The federal government
defines homeland security as follows:
Each phrase in the definition has meaning.
Concerted national effort. The federal government has a
critical role to play in homeland security. Yet the nature
of American society and the structure of American
governance make it impossible to achieve the goal of a
secure homeland through federal executive branch
action alone. The Administration’s approach to
homeland security is based on the principles of shared
responsibility and partnership with the Congress, state
and local governments, the private sector, and the
American people. The National Strategy for Homeland
Security belongs and applies to the Nation as a whole,
not just to the Presidents proposed Department of
Homeland Security or the federal government.
Prevent. The first priority of homeland security is to
prevent terrorist attacks. The United States aims to
deter all potential terrorists from attacking America
through our uncompromising commitment to
defeating terrorism wherever it appears. We also strive
to detect terrorists before they strike, to prevent them
and their instruments of terror from entering our
country, and to take decisive action to eliminate the
threat they pose. These efforts—which will be
described in both the National Strategy for Homeland
Security and the National Strategy for Combating
Terrorismtake place both at home and abroad. The
nature of modern terrorism requires a global approach to
The National Strategy for Homeland Security attaches
special emphasis to preventing, protecting against, and
preparing for catastrophic threats. The greatest risk of
mass casualties, massive property loss, and immense
social disruption comes from weapons of mass
destruction, strategic information warfare, attacks on
critical infrastructure, and attacks on the highest
leadership of government.
Terrorist attacks. Homeland security is focused on
terrorism in the United States. The National Strategy
for Homeland Security characterizes terrorism as any
premeditated, unlawful act dangerous to human life or
public welfare that is intended to intimidate or coerce
civilian populations or governments. This description
captures the core concepts shared by the various defini-
tions of terrorism contained in the U.S. Code, each
crafted to achieve a legal standard of specificity and
clarity. This description covers kidnappings; hijackings;
shootings; conventional bombings; attacks involving
chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons;
cyber attacks; and any number of other forms of
malicious violence. Terrorists can be U.S. citizens or
foreigners, acting in concert with others, on their own,
or on behalf of a hostile state.
Reduce America’s vulnerability. Homeland security
involves a systematic, comprehensive, and strategic
effort to reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorist
attack. We must recognize that as a vibrant and
prosperous free society, we present an ever-evolving,
ever-changing target. As we shore up our defenses in
one area, the terrorists may exploit vulnerabilities in
others. The National Strategy for Homeland Security,
therefore, outlines a way for the government to work
with the private sector to identify and protect our
critical infrastructure and key assets, detect terrorist
threats, and augment our defenses.
Because we must not permit the threat of terrorism to
alter the American way of life, we have to accept some
level of terrorist risk as a permanent condition. We
must constantly balance the benefits of mitigating this
risk against both the economic costs and infringements
on individual liberty that this mitigation entails. No
mathematical formula can reveal the appropriate
balance; it must be determined by politically
accountable leaders exercising sound, considered
judgment informed by top-notch scientists, medical
experts, and engineers.
Homeland security is a concerted national
effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the
United States, reduce Americas vulnerability
to terrorism, and minimize the damage and
recover from attacks that do occur.
Minimize the damage. The United States will prepare
to manage the consequences of any future terrorist
attacks that may occur despite our best efforts at
prevention. Therefore, homeland security seeks to
improve the systems and prepare the individuals that
will respond to acts of terror. The National Strategy for
Homeland Security recognizes that after an attack
occurs, our greatest chance to minimize loss of life and
property lies with our local first responders—police
officers, firefighters, emergency medical providers,
public works personnel, and emergency management
officials. Many of our efforts to minimize the damage
focus on these brave and dedicated public servants.
Recover. As an essential component of homeland
security, the United States will build and maintain
various financial, legal, and social systems to recover
from all forms of terrorism. We must, therefore, be
prepared to protect and restore institutions needed to
sustain economic growth and confidence, rebuild
destroyed property, assist victims and their families,
heal psychological wounds, and demonstrate
compassion, recognizing that we cannot automatically
return to the pre-attack norm.
Principles of the National Strategy for
Homeland Security
Our efforts in the war on terrorism are rooted in the
same core American strengths and characteristics that
led us to victory in World War II and the Cold War:
innovation, determination, and commitment to the
democratic tenets of freedom and equality. With these
strengths and characteristics as our guide, eight
principles have shaped the design of the National
Strategy for Homeland Security.
Require responsibility and accountability. The National
Strategy for Homeland Security is focused on producing
results. When possible, it designates lead executive
branch departments or agencies for federal homeland
security initiatives. As the President announced on
June 6, 2002, the Strategy calls for creating the
Department of Homeland Security to clarify lines of
responsibility for homeland security in the executive
branch. The new Department would take responsibility
for many of the initiatives outlined here. The Strategy
also makes recommendations to Congress, state and
local governments, the private sector, and the
American people.
Mobilize our entire society. The National Strategy for
Homeland Security recognizes the crucial role of state
and local governments, private institutions, and the
American people in securing our homeland. Our tradi-
tions of federalism and limited government require
that organizations outside the federal government take
the lead in many of these efforts. The Strategy provides
guidance on best practices and organizing principles. It
also seeks to empower all key players by streamlining
and clarifying federal support processes.
Manage risk and allocate resources judiciously. The
National Strategy for Homeland Security identifies
priority programs for our finite homeland security
resources. Because the number of potential terrorist
acts is nearly infinite, we must make difficult choices
about how to allocate resources against those risks that
pose the greatest danger to our homeland. The
concluding chapter of the Strategy identifies a set of
priorities for the Fiscal Year 2004 Federal Budget.
Seek opportunity out of adversity. The National Strategy
for Homeland Security gives special attention to
programs that improve security while at the same time
advancing other important public purposes or
principles. We will build, for example, a national
incident management system that is better able to
manage not just terrorism but other hazards such as
natural disasters and industrial accidents. We will build
a medical system that is not simply better able to cope
with bioterrorism but with all diseases and all manner
of mass-casualty incidents. We will build a border
Objectives of the National Strategy
for Homeland Security
Homeland security is an exceedingly complex
mission. It involves efforts both at home and
abroad. It demands a range of government and
private sector capabilities. And it calls for coordi-
nated and focused effort from many actors who are
not otherwise required to work together and for
whom security is not always a primary mission.
This Strategy establishes three objectives based
on the definition of homeland security:
Prevent terrorist attacks within the United
Reduce America’s vulnerability to terrorism;
Minimize the damage and recover from
attacks that do occur.
The order of these objectives deliberately sets
priorities for America’s efforts to secure the
management system that will not only stop terrorist
penetration but will also facilitate the efficient flow of
legitimate commerce and people.
Foster flexibility. The National Strategy for Homeland
Security emphasizes the need for a flexible response to
terrorism. The terrorist threat is ever-changing because
our terrorist enemies can strategically adapt their
offensive tactics to exploit what they perceive to be
weaknesses in our defenses. Therefore, the Strategy builds
managerial, budgetary, and structural flexibility into the
federal governments homeland security structure and
suggests similar measures for the rest of the Nation. It
allows for the reassessment of priorities and the
realignment of resources as the terrorist threat evolves.
Measure preparedness. The National Strategy for
Homeland Security demands accountability from every
government body responsible for homeland security
initiatives. Every department or agency will create
benchmarks and other performance measures by which
we can evaluate our progress and allocate future
Sustain efforts over the long term. Protecting the
homeland from terrorist attack is a permanent mission.
Therefore, the National Strategy for Homeland Security
provides an initial set of initiatives for moving closer to
our homeland security objectives. Lead departments
and agencies should plan to sustain homeland security
initiatives for years and decades, not weeks and months.
Constrain government spending. The National Strategy
for Homeland Security does not equate more money
spent to more security earned. So in addition to new or
expanded federal programs, the Strategy also calls for
government reorganization, legal reform, essential
regulation, incentives, cost-sharing arrangements with
state and local governments, cooperative arrangements
with the private sector, and the organized involvement
of citizens. The Strategy recognizes that the capabilities
and laws we rely upon to defend America against
terrorism are closely linked to those which we rely upon
to deal with non-terrorist phenomena such as crime,
natural disease, natural disasters, and national security
incidents. The Strategy aims to build upon and improve
the coordination of these existing systems. It also seeks
to harness the extraordinary strength and creativity of
the private sector by allowing the market to solve
homeland security shortfalls whenever possible.
Implementing the National Strategy for
Homeland Security
The National Strategy for Homeland Security establishes,
for the first time in our Nations history, a statement of
objectives around which our entire society can mobilize
to secure the U.S. homeland from the dangerous and
evolving threat of terrorism.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security aligns and
focuses homeland security functions into six critical
mission areas: intelligence and warning, border and
transportation security, domestic counterterrorism,
protecting critical infrastructure and key assets, defending
against catastrophic terrorism, and emergency
preparedness and response. The first three mission areas
focus primarily on preventing terrorist attacks; the next
two on reducing our Nations vulnerabilities; and the final
one on minimizing the damage and recovering from
attacks that do occur. The Strategy includes the
Presidents proposal to establish, for the first time, clear
responsibility and accountability for each of these critical
mission areas—most importantly, a Secretary of
Homeland Security who is appointed by the President
and confirmed by the Senate.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security provides,
for the first time, a framework to align the resources of
the federal budget directly to the task of securing the
homeland. Every homeland security dollar in the
Presidents Budget for Fiscal Year 2004 will correspond
with the strategys critical mission areas. The Strategy
also describes four foundations—unique American
strengths that cut across all of the mission areas, across
all levels of government, and across all sectors of our
society. These foundations—law, science and
technology, information sharing and systems, and
international cooperation—provide a useful framework
for evaluating our homeland security investments
across the federal government.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security is, however,
only a first step in a long-term effort to secure the
homeland. The federal executive branch will use a
variety of tools to implement the Strategy. The
Administration will work with Congress to craft future
federal homeland security budgets based on the
Strategy, providing every department and agency
involved in homeland security the required resources to
execute its responsibilities. Each lead department and
agency will plan and program to execute the initiatives
assigned by the National Strategy for Homeland Security.
Each department and agency will also be accountable
for its performance on homeland security efforts. The
federal government will employ performance
measures—and encourage the same for state and local
governments—to evaluate the effectiveness of each
homeland security program. These performance
measures will allow agencies to measure their progress,
make resource allocation decisions, and adjust priorities
Under the Presidents proposal, the Department of
Homeland Security will play a central role in imple-
menting the National Strategy for Homeland Security. In
addition to executing its assigned initiatives, the
Department would also serve as the primary federal
point of contact for state and local governments, the
private sector, and the American people. Working with
the White House, the Department therefore would
coordinate and support implementation of non-federal
tasks recommended in the Strategy.
Issuance of the Strategy overlaps with Congress’
consideration of the Presidents proposal to establish
the Department. Recognizing that Congress alone can
create a new Department, references to a “Department
of Homeland Security” are intended only to provide
the strategic vision for the proposed Department.
Homeland Security and National Security
The Preamble to the Constitution defines our federal governments basic purposes as “… to form a
more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense,
promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
The requirement to provide for the common defense remains as fundamental today as it was when
these words were written, more than two hundred years ago.
The National Security Strategy of the United States aims to guarantee the sovereignty and
independence of the United States, with our fundamental values and institutions intact. It provides
a framework for creating and seizing opportunities that strengthen our security and prosperity.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security complements the National Security Strategy of the
United States by addressing a very specific and uniquely challenging threat – terrorism in the
United States – and by providing a comprehensive framework for organizing the efforts of federal,
state, local and private organizations whose primary functions are often unrelated to national
The link between national security and homeland security is a subtle but important one. For more
than six decades, America has sought to protect its own sovereignty and independence through a
strategy of global presence and engagement. In so doing, America has helped many other
countries and peoples advance along the path of democracy, open markets, individual liberty, and
peace with their neighbors. Yet there are those who oppose Americas role in the world, and who
are willing to use violence against us and our friends. Our great power leaves these enemies with
few conventional options for doing us harm. One such option is to take advantage of our freedom
and openness by secretly inserting terrorists into our country to attack our homeland. Homeland
security seeks to deny this avenue of attack to our enemies and thus to provide a secure foundation
for America’s ongoing global engagement. Thus the National Security Strategy of the United States
and National Strategy for Homeland Security work as mutually supporting documents, providing
guidance to the executive branch departments and agencies.
There are also a number of other, more specific strategies maintained by the United States that are
subsumed within the twin concepts of national security and homeland security. The National
Strategy for Combating Terrorism will define the U.S. war plan against international terrorism. The
National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass Destruction coordinates America’s many efforts to deny
terrorists and states the materials, technology, and expertise to make and deliver weapons of mass
destruction. The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace will describe our initiatives to secure our
information systems against deliberate, malicious disruption. The National Money Laundering
Strategy aims to undercut the illegal flows of money that support terrorism and international
criminal activity. The National Defense Strategy sets priorities for our most powerful national
security instrument. The National Drug Control Strategy lays out a comprehensive U.S. effort to
combat drug smuggling and consumption. All of these documents fit into the framework estab-
lished by the National Security Strategy of the United States and National Strategy for Homeland
Security, which together take precedence over all other national strategies, programs, and plans.
The U.S. government has no higher purpose than to
ensure the security of our people and preserve our
democratic way of life. Terrorism directly threatens the
foundations of our Nation—our people, our democratic
way of life, and our economic prosperity. In the war on
terrorism, as in all wars, the more we know about our
enemy, the better able we are to defeat that enemy. The
more we know about our vulnerability, the better able
we are to protect ourselves.
One fact dominates all homeland security threat
assessments: terrorists are strategic actors. They choose
their targets deliberately based on the weaknesses they
observe in our defenses and our preparations. They can
balance the difficulty in successfully executing a
particular attack against the magnitude of loss it might
cause. They can monitor our media and listen to our
policymakers as our Nation discusses how to protect
itself—and adjust their plans accordingly. Where we
insulate ourselves from one form of attack, they can
shift and focus on another exposed vulnerability.
We remain a Nation at war. Even as we experience
success in the war on terrorism, the antipathy of our
enemies may well be increasing, and new enemies may
emerge. The United States will confront the threat of
terrorism for the foreseeable future.
Our Free Society Is Inherently Vulnerable
The American people and way of life are the primary
targets of our enemy, and our highest protective
priority. Our population and way of life are the source
of our Nations great strength, but also a source of
inherent vulnerability.
Our population is large, diverse, and highly mobile,
allowing terrorists to hide within our midst. Americans
congregate at schools, sporting arenas, malls, concert
halls, office buildings, high-rise residences, and places
Threat and Vulnerability
of worship, presenting targets with the potential for
many casualties. Much of America lives in densely
populated urban areas, making our major cities
conspicuous targets. Americans subsist on the produce
of farms in rural areas nationwide, making our
heartland a potential target for agroterrorism.
The responsibility of our government extends beyond
the physical well-being of the American people. We
must also safeguard our way of life, which involves five
key elements: democracy, liberties, security, economics,
and culture.
Democracy. Our way of life is both defined and
protected by our democratic political system. It is a
system anchored by the Constitution, which estab-
lished a republic characterized by significant limits on
governmental power through a system of checks and
balances, a distribution of state and federal rights, and
an affirmation of the rights and freedoms of
individuals. Our democratic political system is trans-
parent and accessible to the populace. It requires that
all actions adhere to the rule of law. And it relies on
the stability and continuity of our government, which
is ensured by constitutionally prescribed procedures
and powers.
Liberties. Liberty and freedom are fundamental to our
way of life. Freedom of expression, freedom of religion,
freedom of movement, property rights, freedom from
unlawful discrimination—these are all rights we are
guaranteed as Americans, and rights we will fight to
protect. Many have fought and died in order to
establish and protect these rights; we will not
relinquish them.
Security. Our federal system was born, in part, out of a
need to provide for the common defense.” Americans
have enjoyed great security from external threats, with
no hostile powers adjacent to our borders and insulated
from attack by two vast oceans. Our approach to
security has had both external and internal dimensions.
Externally, the United States has over the course of the
past six decades sought to shape the international
environment through strong global political, economic,
military, and cultural engagement. Internally, we have
relied primarily on law enforcement and the justice
system to provide for domestic peace and order.
Economy. Our countrys economy is based on a free
market system predicated on private ownership of
property and freedom of contract, with limited
government intervention. We ask our able population
to work for their individual prosperity, as our
government ensures that all have equal access to the
marketplace. Our formula for prosperity is one that has
succeeded: we are the most prosperous Nation in the
Culture. The United States of America is an open,
welcoming, pluralistic, diverse society that engages in
dialogue rather than the dogmatic enforcement of any
one set of values or ideas. Our culture is also charac-
terized by compassion and strong civic engagement.
The American Population
An estimated 284.8 million people lived in
the United States on July 1, 2001
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce
54.2% of the Nations population lives in
ten states – three in the Northeast, three in
the Midwest, three in the South, and one
in the West
The average population density within the
United States is 79.2 people per square
mile of land
The average population density in metro-
politan areas is 320.2 people per square
mile of land
Over 225 million Americans live in metro-
politan areas
Nearly 85 million Americans live in metro-
politan areas of 5 million people or more
Each year, the United States admits 500
million people, including 330 million non-
citizens, through our borders
Source: 2000 Census
Over 4 million people were processed
through security at the last Olympics, over
85,000 at the last Super Bowl, and approx-
imately 20,000 each at the Republican and
Democratic National Conventions.
Source: U.S. Secret Service
The Means of Attack
Terrorism is not so much a system of belief, like
fascism or communism, as it is a strategy and a tactic—
a means of attack. In this war on terrorism, we must
defend ourselves against a wide range of means and
methods of attack. Our enemies are working to obtain
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons
for the stated purpose of killing vast numbers of
Americans. Terrorists continue to employ conventional
means of attack, such as bombs and guns. At the same
time, they are gaining expertise in less traditional
means, such as cyber attacks. Lastly, as we saw on
September 11, our terrorist enemies are constantly
seeking new tactics or unexpected ways to carry out
their attacks and magnify their effects.
Weapons of mass destruction. The knowledge,
technology, and materials needed to build weapons of
mass destruction are spreading. These capabilities have
never been more accessible and the trends are not in
our favor. If our terrorist enemies acquire these
weapons and the means to deliver them, they are likely
to try to use them, with potential consequences far more
devastating than those we suffered on September 11.
Terrorists may conceivably steal or obtain weapons of
mass destruction, weapons-usable fissile material, or
related technology from states with such capabilities.
Several state sponsors of terrorism already possess or
are working to develop weapons of mass destruction,
and could provide material or technical support to
terrorist groups.
Chemical weapons are extremely lethal and capable of
producing tens of thousands of casualties. They are also
relatively easy to manufacture, using basic equipment,
trained personnel, and precursor materials that often
have legitimate dual uses. As the 1995 Tokyo subway
attack revealed, even sophisticated nerve agents are
within the reach of terrorist groups.
Biological weapons, which release large quantities of
living, disease-causing microorganisms, have extraor-
dinary lethal potential. Like chemical weapons,
biological weapons are relatively easy to manufacture,
requiring straightforward technical skills, basic
equipment, and a seed stock of pathogenic microor-
ganisms. Biological weapons are especially dangerous
because we may not know immediately that we have
been attacked, allowing an infectious agent time to
spread. Moreover, biological agents can serve as a
means of attack against humans as well as livestock
and crops, inflicting casualties as well as economic
Radiological weapons, or dirty bombs,” combine
radioactive material with conventional explosives. They
can cause widespread disruption and fear, particularly
in heavily populated areas.
Nuclear weapons have enormous destructive potential.
Terrorists who seek to develop a nuclear weapon must
overcome two formidable challenges. First, acquiring
or refining a sufficient quantity of fissile material is
very difficult—though not impossible. Second,
manufacturing a workable weapon requires a very high
degree of technical capability—though terrorists could
feasibly assemble the simplest type of nuclear device.
To get around these significant though not insur-
mountable challenges, terrorists could seek to steal or
purchase a nuclear weapon.
Conventional means. While we must prepare for
attacks that employ the most destructive weapons, we
must also defend against the tactics that terrorists
employ most frequently. Terrorists, both domestic and
international, continue to use traditional methods of
violence and destruction to inflict harm and spread
fear. They have used knives, guns, and bombs to kill
the innocent. They have taken hostages and spread
propaganda. Given the low expense, ready availability
of materials, and relatively high chance for successful
execution, terrorists will continue to make use of
conventional attacks.
Cyber attacks. Terrorists may seek to cause widespread
disruption and damage, including casualties, by
attacking our electronic and computer networks, which
are linked to other critical infrastructures such as our
energy, financial, and securities networks. Terrorist
groups are already exploiting new information
technology and the Internet to plan attacks, raise
funds, spread propaganda, collect information, and
communicate securely. As terrorists further develop
their technical capabilities and become more familiar
with potential targets, cyber attacks will become an
increasingly significant threat.
New or unexpected tactics. Our terrorist enemies are
constantly seeking new tactics or unexpected ways to
carry out attacks. They are continuously trying to find
new areas of vulnerability and apply lessons learned
from past operations in order to achieve surprise and
maximize the destructive effect of their next attack.
Our society presents an almost infinite array of
potential targets, allowing for an enormously wide
range of potential attack methods.
The Terrorists
Our enemies seek to remain invisible, lurking in the
shadows. We are taking aggressive action to uncover
individuals and groups engaged in terrorist activity, but
often we will not know who our enemy is by name
until after they have attempted to attack us. Therefore,
we must uncover more than just the identities of our
enemy. We need to analyze the characteristics shared
by terrorists to help us understand where our enemies
are weak and where they are strong.
Terrorists and their tactical advantages. Terrorists enjoy
certain tactical advantages. They are able to choose the
time, place, and method of their attacks. As we reduce
our vulnerabilities in one area, they can alter their plans
and pursue more exposed targets. They are able to
patiently plan their attacks for months and years. Plans
are undoubtedly underway today by terrorist cells that
we have not yet eliminated.
Terrorists also exploit the advantage of relative
anonymity. They hide throughout the world, using the
cover of innocent civilians as a shield. Weak states will
remain susceptible to terrorist groups seeking safe
haven, and may even cooperate with or actively support
Known terrorist groups. Al-Qaeda remains America’s
most immediate and serious threat despite our success
in disrupting its network in Afghanistan and
elsewhere. While we have captured or killed hundreds
of Al-Qaeda operatives, many remain at large,
including leaders working to reconstitute the organi-
zation and resume its operations. Al-Qaeda operatives
and cells will continue to plan attacks against high-
profile landmarks and critical infrastructure at home
and against targets in Europe, the Middle East, Africa,
and Southeast Asia. Those attacks may use both
conventional and unconventional means in an effort to
create as much destruction and kill as many people as
Al-Qaeda is part of a dangerous trend toward sophisti-
cated terrorist networks spread across many countries,
linked together by information technology, enabled by
far-flung networks of financial and ideological
supporters, and operating in a highly decentralized
manner. Unlike traditional adversaries, these terrorist
networks have no single “center of gravity” whose
destruction would entail the defeat of the entire organ-
ization. While we have denied Afghanistan as a safe
haven for Al-Qaeda, unrest in politically unstable
regions will continue to create an environment
conducive to terrorism and capable of providing
sanctuary to terrorist groups. Moreover, an unknown
number of terrorist cells operate from within Western
democracies, where the safeguarding of civil liberties
protects them as well as their potential victims.
Al-Qaeda is only part of a broader threat that includes
other international terrorist organizations with the will
and capability to attack the United States. The most
dangerous of these groups are associated with religious
extremist movements in the Middle East and South
Asia. Until September 11, Hizballah was responsible
for more American deaths than all other terrorist
groups combined, including those killed in the 1983
bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in
Lebanon. Hizballah has never carried out an attack
within the United States, but could do so if the
situation in the Middle East worsens or the group feels
threatened by U.S. actions. Other terrorist groups, from
Hamas to the Real Irish Republican Army, have
supporters in the United States. To date, most of these
groups have largely limited their activities in the
United States to fundraising, recruiting, and low-level
intelligence, but many are capable of carrying out
terrorist acts within the United States.
Terrorist groups also include domestic organizations.
The 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in
Oklahoma City highlights the threat of domestic
terrorist acts designed to achieve mass casualties. The
U.S. government averted seven planned terrorist acts in
1999—two were potentially large-scale, high-casualty
attacks being organized by domestic extremist groups.
Both domestic terrorist groups (such as the National
Alliance, the Aryan Nation, and the extremist Puerto
Rican separatist group Los Macheteros) and special
interest extremist groups continue to pose a threat to
the peace and stability of our country.
The tactics of modern terrorists are unbounded by the
traditional rules of warfare. Terrorists transform objects
of daily life into weapons, visiting death and
destruction on unsuspecting civilians. Defeating this
enemy requires a focused and organized response.
The President took a critical step by proposing the
creation of the Department of Homeland Security.
The creation of the Department, the most significant
reorganization of the federal government in more
than a half-century, will give the United States a
foundation for our efforts to secure the homeland.
The Department would serve as the unifying core of
the vast national network of organizations and institu-
tions involved in homeland security.
American Federalism and Homeland Security
American democracy is rooted in the precepts of feder-
alism—a system of government in which our state
governments share power with federal institutions.
The Tenth Amendment reserves to the states and to
the people all power not specifically delegated to the
federal government. Our structure of overlapping
federal, state, and local governance—the United States
has more than 87,000 different jurisdictions—provides
unique opportunities and challenges. The opportunity
comes from the expertise and commitment of local
agencies and organizations involved in homeland
security. The challenge is to develop complementary
systems that avoid duplication and ensure essential
Organizing for a Secure
requirements are met. To meet the terrorist threat, we
must increase collaboration and coordination—in law
enforcement and prevention, emergency response and
recovery, policy development and implementation—so
that public and private resources are better aligned to
secure the homeland.
American People
All of us have a key role to play in Americas war on
terrorism. Terrorists may live and travel among us and
attack our homes and our places of business, gover-
nance, and recreation. In order to defeat an enemy who
uses our very way of life as a weapon—who takes
advantage of our freedoms and liberties—every
American must be willing to do his or her part to
protect our homeland.
Since September 11, thousands of individuals have
stepped forward to ask, What can I do to help?” The
President launched Citizen Corps in January 2002 to
help channel this volunteerism, and individuals in all
50 states and U.S. territories have signed up since. In
support of this effort, Citizen Corps released a
guidebook—produced by the National Crime
Prevention Council with support from the Department
of Justice—to provide the American people with infor-
mation about the latest disaster preparedness
techniques. As part of Citizen Corps, the Federal
Emergency Management Agencys Community
Emergency Response Team program trains volunteers
to support our first responders by providing immediate
help to victims and by organizing volunteers at disaster
sites. Citizen Corps is expanding the Neighborhood
Watch Program to incorporate terrorism prevention
and education into its existing crime prevention
mission. Volunteers in Police Service will encourage
the use of civilian volunteers to support resource-
constrained police departments. The Medical Reserve
Corps will provide communities with medical volun-
teers—both active and retired—who can assist health
care professionals during a large-scale local emergency.
Finally, Operation TIPS (Terrorism Information and
Prevention System) will be a nationwide program to
help thousands of American truck drivers, letter
carriers, train conductors, ship captains, and utility
workers report potential terrorist activity. Operation
TIPS will begin a pilot program in ten cities in August
Private Sector
Given our traditions of limited government, the
American private sector provides most of our goods
and services. Private companies are a key source of new
ideas and innovative technologies that will enable us to
triumph over the terrorist threat. There are, for
example, pharmaceutical companies producing new
vaccines against dangerous biological agents and infor-
mation technology firms investing in new
communications technology for first responders. The
President has sought to tap into this creative genius by
establishing a national Homeland Security Advisory
Council and calling on private citizens to serve on
similar boards at the state and local level.
The private sector also owns the vast majority of
America’s critical infrastructure. It includes crucial
systems such as the agricultural and food distribution
processes that put food on our tables, utility companies
that provide water and power to our homes and
businesses, and transportation systems that fly us from
city to city and bus our children to and from school.
The private sector also includes many of our academic
institutions and a host of scientific, medical,
engineering, and technological research facilities.
A close partnership between the government and
private sector is essential to ensuring that existing
vulnerabilities to terrorism in our critical infrastructure
are identified and eliminated as quickly as possible.
The private sector should conduct risk assessments on
their holdings and invest in systems to protect key
assets. The internalization of these costs is not only a
matter of sound corporate governance and good
corporate citizenship but also an essential safeguard of
economic assets for shareholders, employees, and the
Nation. (See Costs of Homeland Security chapter for
additional discussion.)
State and Local Governments
State, county, municipal, and local governments fund
and operate the emergency services that would respond
in the event of a terrorist attack. Ultimately, all
manmade and natural disasters are local events—with
local units being the first to respond and the last to
leave. Since September 11, every state and many cities
and counties are addressing homeland security issues
either through an existing office or through a newly
created office. Many have established anti-terrorism
task forces. Many have also published or are preparing
homeland security strategies, some based on existing
plans for dealing with natural disasters. Each level of
government must coordinate with other levels to
minimize redundancies in homeland security actions
and ensure integration of efforts. The federal
government must seek to utilize state and local
knowledge about their communities and then share
relevant information with the state and local entities
positioned to act on it. (A summary of homeland
security actions taken to date by states, counties, and
cities is contained in a companion volume.)
Federal Executive Branch
The Presidents most important job is to protect the
American people. To do so, he relies on the depart-
ments and agencies of the executive branch, which are
responsible for executing and enforcing the federal
laws, as well as the White House and other offices of
the Executive Office of the President, which develop
and implement his policies and programs.
Department of Homeland Security. The Presidents
proposal to create the Department of Homeland
Security is the outcome of a comprehensive study of
the federal governments current structure, the
experience gained since September 11, and the new
information we have learned about our enemies while
fighting a war. The new Department would bring
together 22 entities with critical homeland security
missions and would provide us for the first time with a
single federal department whose primary mission is to
protect our homeland against terrorist threats. The
Department would play a central role in implementing
the National Strategy for Homeland Security. It would be
responsible for many specific initiatives and would also
streamline relations with the federal government for
our state and local governments, private sector, and the
American people. This Department, although focused
primarily on homeland security, would continue to
execute the non-homeland security missions of its
constituent parts.
White House Office of Homeland Security. Even after the
Department of Homeland Security begins to function,
the White House Office of Homeland Security will
continue to play a key role advising the President and
coordinating the interagency process. It will continue
to work with the Office of Management and Budget to
develop and defend the Presidents homeland security
budget proposals. It will certify that the budgets of
other executive branch departments will enable them
to carry out their homeland security responsibilities.
Department of Defense. The Department of Defense
contributes to homeland security through its military
missions overseas, homeland defense, and support to
civil authorities. Ongoing military operations abroad
have reduced the terrorist threat against the United
States. There are three circumstances under which the
Department would be involved in improving security
at home. In extraordinary circumstances, the
Department would conduct military missions such as
combat air patrols or maritime defense operations.
The Department would take the lead in defending the
people and the territory of our country, supported by
other agencies. Plans for such contingencies will
continue to be coordinated, as appropriate, with the
National Security Council, Homeland Security
Council, and other federal departments and agencies.
Second, the Department of Defense would be involved
during emergencies such as responding to an attack or
to forest fires, floods, tornadoes, or other catastrophes.
In these circumstances, the Department may be asked
to act quickly to provide capabilities that other
agencies do not have. Finally, the Department of
Defense would also take part in “limited scope
missions where other agencies have the lead—for
example, security at a special event like the recent
Other federal departments and agencies. Many other
government departments and agencies support
homeland security as part of their overall mission. The
Attorney General, as Americas chief law enforcement
officer, will lead our Nation’s law enforcement effort to
detect, prevent, and investigate terrorist activity within
the United States. The Department of Agriculture’s
Food Safety Inspection and Agricultural Research
Services have important homeland security responsibil-
ities for preventing agroterrorism. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention and the National
Institutes of Health, both part of the Department of
Health and Human Services, provide critical expertise
and resources related to bioterrorism. Several other
federal entities have significant counterterrorism
intelligence responsibilities, including the CIAs
Counterterrorist Center and the FBIs
Counterterrorism Division and Criminal Intelligence
Section. The CIA is specifically responsible for
gathering and analyzing all information regarding
potential terrorist threats abroad. The proposed
Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection
Division within the Department of Homeland Security
would be able not only to access and analyze homeland
security information, but also to translate it into
warning and protective action.
Intergovernmental coordination. There is a vital need for
cooperation between the federal government and state
and local governments on a scale never before seen in
the United States. Cooperation must occur both
horizontally (within each level of government) and
vertically (among various levels of government). Under
the Presidents proposal, the creation of the
Department of Homeland Security will simplify the
process by which governors, mayors, and county leaders
interact with the federal government. We cannot and
will not create separate and specialized coordinating
bodies for every functional area of government. To do
so would merely replicate the stovepiped system that
exists today and would defeat a main purpose of
creating the new Department.
Because of our federalist traditions and our large
number of local governments, the federal government
must look to state governments to facilitate close
coordination and cooperation among all levels of
government—federal, state, and local. Therefore, the
President calls on each governor to establish a single
Homeland Security Task Force (HSTF) for the state,
to serve as his or her primary coordinating body with
the federal government. This would realign the existing
Anti-Terrorism Task Forces, established after
September 11 in 93 federal judicial districts
nationwide, to serve as the law enforcement
component of the broader HSTFs. The HSTFs would
provide a collaborative, cost-effective structure for
effectively communicating to all organizations and
citizens. They would help streamline and coordinate all
federal, regional, and local programs.They would also
fit neatly into the regional emergency response
network that the Department of Homeland Security
would inherit from FEMA.
Terrorism depends on surprise. With it, a terrorist
attack has the potential to do massive damage to an
unwitting and unprepared target. Without it, the
terrorists stand a good chance of being thwarted by
authorities, and even if they are not, the damage from
their attacks is likely to be less severe.
It follows that the United States must take every
appropriate action to avoid being surprised by another
terrorist attack. To secure the homeland, we must have
an intelligence and warning system that is capable of
detecting terrorist activity before it manifests itself in
an attack so that proper preemptive, preventive, and
protective action can be taken.
This is not the first time in American history that we
have had to focus on our early warning capabilities.
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7,
1941, demonstrated the catastrophic consequences of
allowing an enemy to achieve even tactical surprise.
With the dawn of the nuclear age, early warning
became essential to national survival. The United
States spent billions of dollars during the Cold War on
ground- and space-based sensors that had one
principal, overriding purpose: to detect indications of a
nuclear attack by the Soviet Union. These early
warning systems were the foundation for strategic
nuclear deterrence because they provided the President
sufficient lead-time to make retaliatory decisions.
Early warning of an impending terrorist attack is a far
more difficult and complex mission than was early
warning of a strategic nuclear first strike. Whereas we
almost always know the identity, location, and general
capabilities of hostile nations, we frequently do not
know the identity or location of non-state terrorist
organizations. The indications of terrorist intent are
often ambiguous. Terrorists are able to infiltrate and
move freely within democratic countries making
themselves effectively invisible against the backdrop of
an enormously diverse and mobile society. Efforts to
gather intelligence on potential terrorist threats can
Intelligence and Warning
affect the basic rights and liberties of American
Moreover, the question of how to achieve early
warning of terrorist threats is inseparable from the
question of what to do with some warning information
once it is in hand. What preventive action should be
taken? What protective action should be taken? To
whom should the information be provided on a confi-
dential basis? Should the public be informed and, if so,
how and by whom? These very concrete decisions can
have life-or-death implications. Unfortunately, the
ambiguous nature of most intelligence on terrorist
threats means that these decisions must often be made
in conditions of great uncertainty.
America’s intelligence community has made significant
contributions to our national security and is now
making adjustments to help meet the increased needs
for homeland security. At present, we have insufficient
human source intelligence developed overseas about
potential terrorist activities in the United States.
Agencies at all levels of government have not always
fully shared homeland security information due to real
and perceived legal and cultural barriers, as well as the
limitations of their information systems. The United
States needs to do a better job of utilizing information
contained in foreign-language documents that we have
obtained. In addition, our intelligence community
must identify, collect, and analyze the new observables
that will enable us to better understand emerging
unconventional threats.
The National Strategy for Homeland Security reflects the
concept that intelligence and information analysis is
not a separate, stand-alone activity but rather an
integral component of our Nations overall effort to
protect against and reduce our vulnerability to
terrorism. The basic roles and responsibilities in this
Strategy are depicted in Figure 1.
This framework recognizes four interrelated but
distinct categories of intelligence and information
analysis, as well as three broad categories of actions
that can follow from this analysis. The analytic
categories are as follows.
Tactical threat analysis. Actionable intelligence is
essential for preventing acts of terrorism. The timely
and thorough analysis and dissemination of infor-
mation about terrorists and their current and potential
activities allow the government to take immediate- and
near-term action to disrupt and prevent terrorist acts
and to provide useful warning to specific targets,
security and public safety professionals, or the general
Strategic analysis of the enemy. Our intelligence agencies
must have a deep understanding of the organizations
that may conduct terrorist attacks against the United
States. Knowing the identities, financial and political
sources of support, motivation, goals, current and
future capabilities, and vulnerabilities of these organi-
zations will assist us in preventing and preempting
future attacks, and in taking long-term actions that can
weaken support for organizations that seek to damage
U.S. interests. Intelligence agencies can support the
long-term U.S. strategies to defeat terrorism by under-
standing the roots of terrorism overseas, and the
intentions and capabilities of foreign governments to
disrupt terrorist groups in their territories and to assist
the United States.
Strategic Analysis
of the Enemy
Integration (“Mapping”)
Lead: DHS
Vulnerability Assessment
Lead: DHS
Tactical Threat Analysis
Warning & Protective Action
Lead: DHS
Preventive Action (Tactical)
Lead: National JTTF
Strategic Response (Policy)
Long-term Capability Building
Lead: OHS
Roles & Responsibilities of Homeland Security Intelligence and Information Analysis
Vulnerability assessments. Vulnerability assessments
must be an integral part of the intelligence cycle for
homeland security issues. They allow planners to
project the consequences of possible terrorist attacks
against specific facilities or different sectors of the
economy or government. These projections allow
authorities to strengthen defenses against different
threats. Such assessments are informed by the use of
tools such as computer modeling and analysis.
Threat-Vulnerability integration. Mapping terrorist
threats and capabilities—both current and future—
against specific facility and sectoral vulnerabilities will
allow authorities to determine which organizations
pose the greatest threats and which facilities and
sectors are most at risk. It will also allow planners to
develop thresholds for preemptive or protective action.
Figure 1 also depicts three broad categories of action
that can result from this analysis.
Tactical preventive action. Analysis can, and must, be
turned into action that prevents terrorists from
carrying out their plots. The United States has at its
disposal numerous tools that allow for the disruption
of terrorist acts in the United States and the detention
of the terrorists themselves. These tools can be
deployed as soon as the analysis uncovers evidence of
terrorist planning. This analysis and assessment will
help support and enable the actions taken by the U.S.
government to prevent terrorism.
Warning and protective action. Inclusive and compre-
hensive analysis allows the government to take
protective action, and to warn appropriate sectors and
the public. Defensive action will reduce the potential
effectiveness of an attack by prompting relevant sectors
to implement security and incident management plans.
In addition, defensive action works as a deterrent to
terrorists weighing the potential effectiveness of their
plans. Warnings allow entities and citizens to take
appropriate actions to meet the threat, including
upgrading security levels in any affected sectors,
activating emergency plans, dispatching state and local
law enforcement patrols, and increasing citizen
awareness of certain activities.
Strategic response (policy). The enemy of today is far
different from those we have faced in the past. The
strategies and operating procedures used to fight the
traditional strategic threats of the 20th century are of
little use in the war on terrorism. We need to develop
and create new capabilities specifically designed to
defeat the enemy of today and the enemy of the future.
This immediate- and long-term strategic capability
building will be shaped through budgetary allocations,
and will be informed by the careful analysis and
assessment of homeland security information.
Understanding terrorist organizations will allow policy-
makers to fashion policies that build international
coalitions against terrorism, and eliminate sources of
support or sanctuary for terrorists.
Major Initiatives
Enhance the analytic capabilities of the FBI. The
Attorney General and the Director of the FBI have
established the FBI’s top priority as preventing terrorist
attacks. They are creating an analytical capability
within the FBI that can combine lawfully obtained
domestic information with information lawfully
derived from investigations, thus facilitating prompt
investigation of possible terrorist activity within the
United States.
The FBI is instituting several changes as it redefines its
mission to focus on preventing terrorist attacks. To
National Vision
The collection and analysis of homeland
security intelligence and information has
become a priority of the highest measure. The
intelligence community must enhance its
capacity to obtain intelligence relevant to
homeland security requirements. The intelli-
gence profession must attract America’s
brightest and most energetic and allow them to
acquire and apply the expertise needed to assure
homeland security. In addition, the intelligence
community must expand human source intelli-
gence, and develop and utilize technology to
enhance analytic, collection, and operational
efforts throughout the counterterrorism
community. Homeland security intelligence and
information must be fed instantaneously into
the Nations domestic anti-terrorism efforts.
Those efforts must be structured to provide all
pertinent homeland security intelligence and
law enforcement information—from all relevant
sectors including state and local law
enforcement as well as federal agencies—to
those able to take preventive or protective
action. Under the Presidents proposal, the new
Department will provide real-time actionable
information—in the form of protective actions
that should be taken in light of terrorist threats,
trends, and capabilities, and U.S. vulnerabil-
ities—to policymakers, federal, state, and local
law enforcement agencies and the private sector,
based on the review and analysis of homeland
security information.
enhance the FBI’s analytic capabilities, the Director is
seeking to increase the number of staff working to
analyze intelligence more than fourfold compared to
pre-September 11 figures. The Bureau will hire
analysts with specialized expertise, including foreign
language capacity, computer skills, and science and
engineering backgrounds. The CIA will send approxi-
mately 25 of its analysts to the FBI, enhancing not
only the FBI’s analytical capabilities but also the
relationship between these two entities.
Build new capabilities through the Information Analysis
and Infrastructure Protection Division of the proposed
Department of Homeland Security. The Presidents
proposal to create the Department of Homeland
Security would build new and necessary capabilities
into the Information Analysis and Infrastructure
Protection Division of the Department. Currently, the
U.S. government does not perform comprehensive
vulnerability assessments of all our Nations critical
infrastructure and key assets. Such vulnerability assess-
ments are important from a planning perspective in
that they enable authorities to evaluate the potential
effects of an attack on a given facility or sector, and
then to invest accordingly in protecting such facilities
and sectors. The Department of Homeland Security
would have the responsibility and capability of
performing these comprehensive vulnerability assess-
ments. (See Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Key
Assets chapter for additional discussion.)
The vulnerability assessments, important in their own
right, are also building blocks for a key homeland
security function that currently is not being performed:
threat-vulnerability integration. Today, no government
entity is responsible for analyzing terrorist threats to
the homeland, mapping those threats against our
vulnerabilities, and taking protective action. Our
intelligence and federal law enforcement agencies focus
on the detection and disruption of each individual
threat. The Department of Homeland Security,
informed by intelligence and information analysis and
vulnerability assessments, would focus on longer-term
protective measures, such as the setting of priorities for
critical infrastructure protection and “target-
hardening.” (See Protecting Critical Infrastructure and
Key Assets chapter for additional discussion.)
To perform this function, the Secretary of the new
Department of Homeland Security would have broad
statutory authority to access intelligence information,
as well as other types of information, relevant to the
terrorist threat to our Nation. Indeed, the Presidents
proposal not only permits, but requires, each executive
agency to promptly provide the Secretary all reports,
assessments, and analytical information relating to the
missions of the new Department. The Department
would also work with state and local law enforcement
and the private sector to leverage the critical homeland
security information in the possession of these entities.
In addition to transforming homeland security infor-
mation into long-term protective action, the
Department of Homeland Security would also turn the
information into useful warnings. The Department
would serve as the primary provider of threat infor-
mation to state and local public safety agencies and to
private sector owners of key targets, thereby
minimizing confusion, gaps and duplication.
The combination of these new capabilities within the
Department of Homeland Security and the existing
and enhanced capabilities of our Nations intelligence
and law enforcement communities would enable the
federal government to combat terrorism with
maximum effect.
Implement the Homeland Security Advisory System. The
Homeland Security Advisory System disseminates
information regarding the risk of terrorist acts to
federal, state, and local authorities, the private sector
and the American people. The Advisory System creates
a common vocabulary, context, and structure for the
ongoing national discussion about the nature of the
threats that confront the homeland and the appropriate
measures that should be taken in response. It seeks to
inform and facilitate decisions appropriate to different
levels of government and to private citizens at home
and at work. The Department of Homeland Security
would be responsible for managing the Advisory
The Advisory System provides a national framework
for public announcements of threat advisories and
alerts to notify law enforcement and state and local
government officials of threats. They serve to inform
the public about government preparations, and to
provide the public with the information necessary to
respond to the threat. The Advisory System charac-
terizes appropriate levels of vigilance, preparedness, and
readiness in a series of graduated threat conditions.
Each threat condition has corresponding suggested
measures to be taken in response. Such responses
include increasing surveillance of critical locations,
preparing to execute contingency procedures, and
closing public and government facilities.
Utilize dual-use analysis to prevent attacks. Terrorists
use equipment and materials to carry out their criminal
acts. Such equipment and material can include items
such as fermenters, aerosol generators, protective gear,
antibiotics, and disease-causing agents. Many of these
items are dual-use items—they have not just terrorist
applications, but also legitimate commercial applica-
tions, and can often be bought on the open market. If
suspect dual-use acquisitions are identified, cross-
referenced with intelligence and law enforcement
databases, and mapped against threat analyses, the U.S.
governments ability to detect terrorist activities at the
preparation stage will be enhanced. Therefore, the
federal government, led by the Department of
Homeland Security, will evaluate and study mecha-
nisms through which suspect purchases of dual-use
equipment and materials can be reported and analyzed.
(See Defending against Catastrophic Threats chapter for
a discussion of the Select Agent Program.)
Employ “red team” techniques. The Department of
Homeland Security, working with the intelligence
community, would utilize “red team techniques to
improve and focus of the Nations defenses against
terrorism. Applying homeland security intelligence and
information, the new Department would have certain
employees responsible for viewing the United States
from the perspective of the terrorists, seeking to
discern and predict the methods, means and targets of
the terrorists. Todays enemies do not think and act in
the same manner as yesterdays. The new Department
would use its capabilities and analysis to learn how
they think in order to set priorities for long-term
protective action and “target hardening.” Employing
red team” tactics, the new Department would seek to
uncover weaknesses in the security measures at our
Nations critical infrastructure sectors during
government-sponsored exercises. (See Protecting
Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets chapter for
additional discussion.)
The United States shares a 5,525 mile border with
Canada and a 1,989 mile border with Mexico. Our
maritime border includes 95,000 miles of shoreline and
navigable waterways as well as a 3.4 million square
mile exclusive economic zone. All people and goods
legally entering into the United States must be
processed through an air, land, or sea port of entry.
Many international airports are dispersed throughout
the United States. Each year, more than 500 million
people legally enter our country. Some 330 million are
non-citizens; more than 85 percent enter via land
borders, often as daily commuters. An enormous
volume of trade also crosses our borders every day—
some $1.35 trillion in imports and $1 trillion in
exports were processed in 2001.
America historically has relied heavily on two vast
oceans and two friendly neighbors for border security,
and on the private sector for most forms of domestic
transportation security. The increasing mobility and
destructive potential of modern terrorism has required
the United States to rethink and rearrange fundamen-
tally its systems for border and transportation security.
Indeed, we must now begin to conceive of border
security and transportation security as fully integrated
requirements because our domestic transportation
systems are intertwined inextricably with the global
transport infrastructure. Virtually every community in
America is connected to the global transportation
network by the seaports, airports, highways, pipelines,
railroads, and waterways that move people and goods
into, within, and out of the Nation. We therefore must
promote the efficient and reliable flow of people,
Border and Transportation
goods, and services across borders, while preventing
terrorists from using transportation conveyances or
systems to deliver implements of destruction.
Major Initiatives
Ensure accountability in border and transportation
security. The President has proposed to Congress that
the principal border and transportation security
agencies—the Immigration and Naturalization Service,
U.S. Customs Service, U.S. Coast Guard, Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service, and Transportation
Security Agency—be transferred to the new
Department of Homeland Security. The new
Department also would control the issuance of visas to
foreigners through the Department of State and would
coordinate the border-control activities of all federal
agencies that are not incorporated within the new
Create “smart borders.” Our future border management
system will be radically different from todays which
focuses on linear borders. It will create a border of the
future” that will be a continuum framed by land, sea,
and air dimensions, where a layered management
system enables greater visibility of vehicles, people, and
goods coming to and departing from our country. This
border of the future will provide greater security
through better intelligence, coordinated national
efforts, and unprecedented international cooperation
against the threats posed by terrorists, the implements
of terrorism, international organized crime, illegal
drugs, illegal migrants, cyber crime, and the destruction
or theft of natural resources. At the same time, the
border of the future will be increasingly transparent to
the efficient flow of people, goods, and conveyances
engaged in legitimate economic and social activities.
The federal government will allocate resources in a
balanced way to manage risk in our border and trans-
portation security systems while ensuring the expedient
flow of goods, services, and people.
Internationally, the United States will seek to screen
and verify the security of goods and identities of people
before they can harm to the international trans-
portation system and well before they reach our shores
or land borders. The Department of Homeland
Security would improve information provided to
consular officers so that individual applicants can be
checked in comprehensive databases and would require
visa-issuance procedures to reflect threat assessments.
The United States will require visitors to present travel
documentation that includes biometric identifiers. The
United States will also work with international organi-
zations and the private sector to improve the security
of people, goods, conveyances traveling internationally,
and the ports that they use. The United States will
work with other countries and international organiza-
tions to improve the quality of travel documents and
their issuance to minimize their misuse by smugglers
and terrorist organizations. We will also assist other
countries, as appropriate, to improve their border
controls and their coordination with us. Finally, we will
work closely with Canada and Mexico to increase the
security of our shared borders while facilitating
commerce within the North American Free Trade
Agreement (NAFTA) area.
At our borders, the Department of Homeland Security
would verify and process the entry of people in order
to prevent the entrance of contraband, unauthorized
aliens, and potential terrorists. The Department would
increase the information available on inbound goods
and passengers so that border management agencies
can apply risk-based management tools. The
Department would develop and deploy the statutorily
required entry-exit system to record the arrival and
departure of foreign visitors and guests. It would
develop and deploy non-intrusive inspection
technologies to ensure rapid and more thorough
screening of goods and conveyances. And it would
monitor all our borders in order to detect illegal intru-
sions and intercept and apprehend smuggled goods and
people attempting to enter illegally.
The Department of Homeland Security proposed by
the President will also build an immigration services
National Vision
A single entity in the Department of Homeland
Security will manage who and what enters our
homeland in order to prevent the entry of
terrorists and the instruments of terror while
facilitating the legal flow of people, goods, and
services on which our economy depends. The
Department and its partners will conduct border-
security functions abroad to the extent allowed by
technology and international agreements. Federal
law enforcement agencies will take swift action
against those who introduce contraband or violate
terms of entry and pose threats to the American
people. The U.S. government will work with the
international community and the private sector to
secure the transportation systems which link
American communities to the world, moving
people and goods across our borders and
throughout the country within hours.
organization that administers immigration laws in an
efficient, expeditious, fair, and humane manner. The
Department would ensure that foreign visitors comply
with entry conditions. The Department, in cooperation
with colleges and universities, would track and monitor
international students and exchange visitors. The
Department would enter into national law enforcement
databases the names of high-risk aliens who remain in
the United States longer than authorized and, when
warranted, deport illegal aliens.
Increase the security of international shipping containers.
Containers are an indispensable but vulnerable link in
the chain of global trade; approximately 90 percent of
the worlds cargo moves by container. Each year, nearly
50 percent of the value of all U.S. imports arrives via
16 million containers. The core elements of this
initiative are to establish security criteria to identify
high-risk containers; pre-screen containers before they
arrive at U.S. ports; use technology to inspect high-risk
containers; and develop and use smart and secure
containers. The United States will place inspectors at
foreign seaports to screen U.S.-bound sea containers
before they are shipped to America, initially focusing
on the top 20 mega” ports (including Rotterdam,
Antwerp, and Le Havre), because roughly 68 percent
of the 5.7 million sea containers entering the United
States annually arrive from these seaports.
Implement the Aviation and Transportation Security Act
of 2001. On November 19, 2001, the President signed
into law the Aviation and Transportation Security Act
of 2001. The act established a series of challenging but
important milestones toward achieving a secure air
travel system. More broadly, however, the act funda-
mentally changed the way transportation security will
be performed and managed in the United States. The
continued growth of the world economy—and, in
particular, commercial transportation and tourism—
depends upon effective transportation security
measures being efficiently applied. The act recognized
the importance of security for all forms of trans-
portation and related infrastructure elements. This
cannot be accomplished by the federal government in
isolation and requires strengthened partnerships among
federal, state, and local government officials and the
private sector to reduce vulnerabilities and adopt the
best practices available today. Protection of critical
transportation assets such as ports, pipelines, rail, and
highway bridges, and more than 10,000 FAA facilities
is another key requirement established by the act.
Additionally, the Transportation Security
Administration will coordinate federal efforts to secure
the national airspace—an essential medium for travel,
commerce, and recreation.
The federal government will work with the private
sector to upgrade security in all modes of trans-
portation. Areas of emphasis will include: commercial
aviation and other mass transportation systems; inter-
modal transportation; hazardous and explosive
materials; national airspace; shipping container
security; traffic-management systems; critical infra-
structure; surety of transportation operators and
workers; linkages with international transportation
systems; and information sharing. We will utilize
existing modal relationships and systems to implement
unified, national standards for transportation security.
Recapitalize the U.S. Coast Guard. The Budget for
Fiscal Year 2003 requested the largest increase in the
history of the U.S. Coast Guard. The Budget for Fiscal
Year 2004 will continue to support the recapitalization
of the U.S. Coast Guards aging fleet, as well as
targeted improvements in the areas of maritime
domain awareness, command and control systems, and
shore-side facilities. The United States asks much of its
U.S. Coast Guard and we will ensure the service has
the resources needed to accomplish its multiple
missions. We saw the dedication and the versatility of
the U.S. Coast Guard in the aftermath of September
11, a performance that vividly demonstrated the U.S.
Coast Guards vital contribution to homeland security.
Nevertheless, the U.S. Coast Guard is also responsible
for national defense, maritime safety, maritime
mobility, and protection of natural resources, and
would continue to fulfill these functions in the
Department of Homeland Security.
Reform immigration services. The Administration will
complete reform of the Immigration and
Naturalization Service (INS), separating the agencys
enforcement and service functions within, as the
President has proposed, the new Department of
Homeland Security. This reform aims to ensure full
enforcement of the laws that regulate the admission of
aliens to the United States and to improve greatly the
administration of immigration benefits to more than 7
million annual applicants. Americans have long
cherished our identity as a nation of immigrants. This
reform will ensure that every applicants case is
reviewed in a timely and courteous way. Finally, the
Department of Homeland Security would implement
the Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform
Act, including the requirement that foreign visitors
possess travel documents with biometric information.
The attacks of September 11 and the catastrophic loss
of life and property that resulted have redefined the
mission of federal, state, and local law enforcement
authorities. While law enforcement agencies will
continue to investigate and prosecute criminal activity,
they should now assign priority to preventing and
interdicting terrorist activity within the United States.
Effectively reorienting law enforcement organizations
to focus on counterterrorism objectives requires
decisive action in a number of areas. Many of the
necessary steps have already been taken, although
additional work remains to be done before law
enforcement agencies collectively can pursue the
counterterrorism mission with maximum effect. The
federal government has already instituted initiatives
that have increased information sharing and the
coordination of operations throughout the law
enforcement community. Not only are the federal law
enforcement and U.S. intelligence agencies communi-
cating better with each other, the entire law
enforcement community—international, federal, state,
and local—is now sharing more information. In
addition, law enforcement agencies at all levels of
government have worked to enhance coordination of
their counterterrorism operational activities so that our
collective efforts complement each other.
While the intelligence and law enforcement commu-
nities have made progress in the areas of information
sharing and coordination, major shortcomings continue
to exist in other important areas. Our governments
ability to identify key sources of funding for terrorist
activity and the methods used to finance terrorist
operations remains inadequate. The U.S. government
has not yet developed a satisfactory system to analyze
information in order to predict and assess the threat of
a terrorist attack within the United States. The federal
government needs to do a better job of utilizing the
distinct capabilities of state and local law enforcement
to prevent terrorism by giving them access, where
appropriate, to the information in our federal
Domestic Counterterrorism
databases, and by utilizing state and local information
at the federal level. The FBI-led Joint Terrorism Task
Forces, by including participants from state and local
law enforcement as well as federal agencies, draw on
state and local capabilities, and enhance intergovern-
mental coordination.
Major Initiatives
Several chapters, such as Intelligence and Warning,
Border and Transportation Security, and Protecting
Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets, are closely interre-
lated with Domestic Counterterrorism. (See, for example,
Tactical Preventive Action in the Intelligence and
Warning chapter.) This chapter only discusses
counterterrorism initiatives and actions that do not fall
under other critical mission areas.
Improve intergovernmental law enforcement coordi-
nation. An effective domestic counterterrorism effort
requires the participation of law enforcement personnel
at all levels of government, as well as the coordination
of all relevant agencies and officials. Toward this end,
the FBI is expanding the Joint Terrorism Task Forces
(JTTFs), now operating in 47 field offices, to all 56
FBI field offices by August 2002. The Task Forces
have primary operational responsibility for terrorism
investigations that are not related to ongoing prosecu-
tions. The JTTFs, whose participants represent
numerous federal agencies and state and local law
enforcement, combine the national and international
investigative capacity of the federal government with
the state and local “on-the-beat knowledge and
Facilitate apprehension of potential terrorists. In order to
apprehend suspected terrorists before they have the
opportunity to execute their plans, we must ensure that
law enforcement officers are able to access information
on suspected terrorists. Several initiatives are underway
to create fully accessible sources of information relating
to suspected terrorists. First, the Department of Justice
has expanded and will continue to expand the data
included in the FBIs National Crime Information
Center (NCIC) database, which is accessible to
approximately 650,000 state and local law enforcement
officers. The names and identifying information of
subjects of domestic and foreign terrorism investiga-
tions have already been entered into the database. The
Department of Justice is adding to the NCIC database
the names of over 300,000 fugitive aliens in violation
of final orders of deportation. In addition, the Attorney
General has directed the FBI to establish procedures
with the Department of State to enable inclusion of
data from the TIPOFF System—which provides infor-
mation on known or suspected terrorists to
immigration and consular officers—into the NCIC
database. The ultimate objective of this effort is to
ensure that the cop on the beat has access to
pertinent information regarding potential terrorists.
The FBI is also establishing a consolidated terrorism
watch list that will serve as a central access point for
information about individuals of investigative interest.
The watch list will be fully accessible to the law
enforcement and intelligence communities, and will
include information derived from FBI and Joint
Terrorism Task Force investigations, the intelligence
community, the Department of Defense, and foreign
The Attorney General has directed the FBI, through
its Legal Attaches, to establish procedures to obtain
fingerprints, other identifying information, and
available biographical data of all known or suspected
terrorists who have been identified and processed by
foreign law enforcement agencies, and to enter such
data into the FBI’s Integrated Automated Fingerprint
Identification System and other appropriate databases.
The Attorney General has also modified certain guide-
lines to give the FBI greater latitude to conduct
National Vision
We will redefine our law enforcement mission to
focus on the prevention of all terrorist acts within
the United States, whether international or
domestic in origin. We will use all legal means—
both traditional and non-traditional—to identify,
halt, and, where appropriate, prosecute terrorists
in the United States. We will prosecute or bring
immigration or other civil charges against such
individuals where appropriate and will utilize the
full range of our legal authorities. We will pursue
not only the individuals directly engaged in
terrorist activity, but also their sources of support:
the people and organizations that knowingly
fund the terrorists and those that provide them
with logistical assistance. To achieve these aims,
we will strengthen our federal law enforcement
community. In addition, we will augment the
scope and quality of information available to all
law enforcement. In that regard, we will build
and continually update a fully integrated, fully
accessible terrorist watch list. When we have
identified any suspected terrorist activities, we
will then use all the tools in our Nations legal
arsenal, including investigative, criminal, civil,
immigration, and regulatory powers to stop those
who wish to do us harm.
essential counterterrorism investigative activities in the
United States, and to utilize commercially available
computer databases in support of counterterrorism
investigations, consistent with Constitutional
standards. Such databases serve a key function in the
effort to apprehend suspected terrorists before they
carry out any terrorist act as the data contained therein
can reveal patterns of criminal behavior. The
Department of Justice currently is engaged in “data-
mining” projects that utilize computer technology to
analyze information to reveal patterns of behavior
consistent with terrorist activities. For example,
utilizing law enforcement and intelligence information
as well as public source data, the Foreign Terrorist
Tracking Task Force employs risk modeling
algorithms, link analysis, historic review of past
patterns of behavior, and other factors to distinguish
persons who may pose a risk of terrorism from those
who do not.
Continue ongoing investigations and prosecutions. The
Nations law enforcement community currently is
investigating both confirmed and suspected terrorist
activity. The largest and most extensive investigation is
“Penttbom”—the FBI’s inquiry into the attacks of
September 11. Penttbom is the largest criminal inves-
tigation in history, currently involving the cooperation
of numerous federal agencies, state and local law
enforcement, and the intelligence and law enforcement
agencies of foreign countries. Several prosecutions are
now underway as a result of the “Penttbom investi-
gation, including the prosecution of Zacarias
Moussaoui on charges of conspiring with Osama
bin Laden and others to carry out the attacks of
September 11.
Our counterterrorism efforts also include the investi-
gation and prosecution of foreign and domestic
terrorists unrelated to the September 11 attacks, as well
as the pursuit of individuals who provide logistical
support to terrorists. In addition, law enforcement
agencies are pursuing a more aggressive preventive
strategy by investigating and dismantling criminal
rings throughout the country that sell false driver’s
licenses, certifications for the transportation of
hazardous materials, passports, and visas.
As the chief federal law enforcement officer, the
Attorney General—relying heavily on the FBI—will
lead federal law enforcement efforts in investigations
and prosecutions, while coordinating with the
Department of Homeland Security and other federal
law enforcement agencies, as well as state and local
authorities. State and local law enforcement personnel,
operating within each community, are indispensable to
our domestic counterterrorism efforts, playing several
critical roles, including uncovering and reporting
unusual behavior and security anomalies.
Complete FBI restructuring to emphasize prevention of
terrorist attacks. Our Nations highest law enforcement
objective must be the prevention of terrorist acts—a
significant shift from pre-September 11 objectives. In
order to focus the mission of the federal law
enforcement community on prevention, the federal
government, working with Congress, needs to
restructure the FBI and other federal law enforcement
agencies, reallocating certain resources and energies to
the new prevention efforts.
The FBI already has made several structural changes to
reflect the primacy of the counterterrorism mission.
For example, in the fall of 2001, the Director of the
FBI established new positions responsible for strength-
ening information sharing and coordination with state
and local law enforcement agencies.
The FBI Director recently announced the second
phase of the reorganization, under which significant
resources will be committed to preventing terrorist
attacks, pending congressional approval. The plan
increases the FBI’s counterterrorism investigative
capabilities and flexibility by shifting hundreds of field
agents from criminal investigations to counterterrorism
investigations and activities. At the same time, this
shift allows each field office to meet national program-
matic objectives for the FBI’s highest priority—
preventing terrorist attacks within the United States.
The plan also seeks to build within the FBI a concen-
trated, national, centralized, and deployable expertise
on terrorism issues. This requires both ensuring that
information and knowledge in the field offices gets
relayed to headquarters and creating expertise that can
be easily accessed by and deployed to field offices. In
order to respond to the need for a more flexible and
mobile deployment of highly knowledgeable countert-
errorism agents, the FBI plans to devote a portion of
the increased personnel to “Flying Squads.” These
squads, consisting of agents with specific counterter-
rorism expertise, will travel to field offices when their
expertise is needed, and will bring valuable information
back to FBI headquarters for analysis. Reflecting the
global nature of the terrorist reality, the “Flying
Squads” will also be deployed overseas when necessary.
In addition, the FBI will augment its overseas presence
and partnerships by increasing the number of Legal
Attaches around the world, who will fall under the
authority of our Ambassadors.
The plan also includes the establishment of a new,
expansive multi-agency National Joint Terrorism Task
Force at FBI Headquarters that will complement the
Joint Terrorism Task Forces established in local FBI
field offices and improve collaboration and information
sharing with other agencies. (See Intelligence and
Warning chapter for additional discussion on FBI
Target and attack terrorist financing. A cornerstone of
our counterterrorism effort is a concerted interagency
effort to target and interdict financing of terrorist
operations. The FBI’s Financial Review Group and
Operation Green Quest at the U.S. Customs Service,
proposed to be a component of the Department of
Homeland Security, have spearheaded the enforcement
component of the terrorist finance interdiction effort.
The Review Group is a multi-agency effort led by the
FBI to investigate suspicious financial transactions in
order to uncover and prosecute terrorist financing and
develop predictive models to help identify future illegal
financing. Operation Green Quest, launched by the
Department of Treasury at the Customs Service, works
to freeze the accounts of, and seize the assets of,
individuals and organizations that finance terrorist
groups. Going forward, the FBI should lead the federal
government law enforcement campaign against
terrorist financing, with support from the Department
of Homeland Security.
Track foreign terrorists and bring them to justice. The
federal government has two key missions in regard to
tracking foreign terrorists: barring terrorists or
terrorist-supporting aliens from the United States and
tracking down and deporting any who have illegally
entered our country. The Foreign Terrorist Tracking
Task Force at the Department of Justice currently
performs this function. The Task Force is also charged
with facilitating coordination and communication
among the agencies with immigration and enforcement
Terrorists are opportunistic. They exploit vulnerabilities
we leave exposed, choosing the time, place, and
method of attack according to the weaknesses they
observe or perceive. Increasing the security of a
particular type of target, such as aircraft or buildings,
makes it more likely that terrorists will seek a different
target. Increasing the countermeasures to a particular
terrorist tactic, such as hijacking, makes it more likely
that terrorists will favor a different tactic.
Protecting America’s critical infrastructure and key
assets is thus a formidable challenge. Our open and
technologically complex society presents an almost
infinite array of potential targets, and our critical infra-
structure changes as rapidly as the marketplace. It is
impossible to protect completely all targets, all the
time. On the other hand, we can help deter or deflect
attacks, or mitigate their effects, by making strategic
improvements in protection and security. Thus, while
we cannot assume we will prevent all terrorist attacks,
we can substantially reduce America’s vulnerability,
particularly to the most damaging attacks.
All elements of our society have a crucial stake in
reducing our vulnerability to terrorism; and all have
highly valuable roles to play. Protecting America’s
critical infrastructure and key assets requires an
unprecedented level of cooperation throughout all
levels of government-with private industry and institu-
tions, and with the American people. The federal
government has the crucial task of fostering a collabo-
rative environment, and enabling all of these entities to
work together to provide America the security it
What must we protect? The USA PATRIOT Act
defines critical infrastructure as those “systems and
assets, whether physical or virtual, so vital to the
Protecting Critical
Infrastructures and Key Assets
United States that the incapacity or destruction of such
systems and assets would have a debilitating impact on
security, national economic security, national public
health or safety, or any combination of those matters.”
Our critical infrastructures are particularly important
because of the functions or services they provide to our
country. Our critical infrastructures are also particularly
important because they are complex systems: the
effects of a terrorist attack can spread far beyond the
direct target, and reverberate long after the immediate
America’s critical infrastructure encompasses a large
number of sectors. Our agriculture, food, and water
sectors, along with the public health and emergency
services sectors, provide the essential goods and
services Americans need to survive. Our institutions of
government guarantee our national security and
freedom, and administer key public functions. Our
defense industrial base provides essential capabilities to
help safeguard our population from external threats.
Our information and telecommunications sector
enables economic productivity and growth, and is
particularly important because it connects and helps
control many other infrastructure sectors. Our energy,
transportation, banking and finance, chemical industry,
and postal and shipping sectors help sustain our
economy and touch the lives of Americans everyday.
The assests, functions, and systems within each critical
infrastructure sector are not equally important. The
transportation sector is vital, but not every bridge is
critical to the Nation as a whole. Accordingly, the
federal government will apply a consistent method-
ology to focus its effort on the highest priorities, and
the federal budget will differentiate resources required
for critical infrastructure protection from resources
required for other important protection activities. The
federal government will work closely with state and
local governments to develop and apply compatible
approaches to ensure protection for critical assests,
systems, and functions at all levels of society. For
example, local schools, courthouses, and bridges are
critical to the communities they serve.
Protecting America’s critical infrastructure and key
assests requires more than just resources. The federal
government can use a broad range of measures to help
enable state, local, and private sector entities to better
protect the assests and infrastructures they control. For
example, the government can create venues to share
information on infrastructure vulnerabilities and best-
practice solutions, or create a more effective means of
providing specific and useful threat information to
non-federal entities in a timely fashion.
In addition to our critical infrastructure, our country
must also protect a number of key assets—individual
targets whose destruction would not endanger vital
systems, but could create local disaster or profoundly
damage our Nations morale or confidence. Key assets
include symbols or historical attractions, such as
prominent national, state, or local monuments and
icons. In some cases, these include quasi-public symbol
that are identified strongly with the United States as a
Nation, and fall completely under the jurisdiction of
state and local officials or even private foundations.
Key assets also include individual or localized facilities
that deserve special protection because of their
destructive potential or their value to the local
Finally, certain high-profile events are strongly coupled
to our national symbols or national morale and deserve
special protective efforts by the federal government.
Critical Infrastructure Sectors
Public Health
Emergency Services
Defense Industrial Base
Information and Telecommunications
Banking and Finance
Chemical Industry
Postal and Shipping
Major Initiatives
Unify America’s infrastructure protection effort in the
Department of Homeland Security. Our country
requires a single accountable official to ensure we
address vulnerabilities that involve more than one
infrastructure sector or require action by more than one
agency. Our country also requires a single accountable
official to assess threats and vulnerabilities comprehen-
sively across all infrastructure sectors to ensure we
reduce the overall risk to our country, instead of
inadvertently shifting risk from one potential set of
targets to another. Under the Presidents proposal, the
Department of Homeland Security will assume respon-
sibility for integrating and coordinating federal infra-
structure protection responsibilities.
The Department of Homeland Security would consol-
idate and focus the activities performed by the Critical
Infrastructure Assurance Office (currently part of the
Department of Commerce) and the National
Infrastructure Protection Center (FBI), less those
portions that investigate computer crime. The
Department would augment those capabilities with the
Federal Computer Incident Response Center (General
Services Administration), the Computer Security
Division of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (Commerce), and the National
Communications System (Defense).
The Department of Homeland Security would also
unify the responsibility for coordinating cyber and
physical infrastructure protection efforts. Currently, the
federal government divides responsibility for cyber and
physical infrastructure, and key cyber security activities
are scattered in multiple departments. While securing
cyberspace poses unique challenges and issues,
requiring unique tools and solutions, our physical and
cyber infrastructures are interconnected. The devices
that control our physical systems, including our
electrical distribution system, transportation systems,
dams, and other important infrastructure, are increas-
ingly connected to the Internet. Thus, the
consequences of an attack on our cyber infrastructure
can cascade across many sectors. Moreover, the number,
virulence, and maliciousness of cyber attacks have
increased dramatically in recent years. Accordingly,
under the Presidents proposal, the Department of
Homeland Security will place an especially high
priority on protecting our cyber infrastructure.
Reducing America’s vulnerability to terrorism must also
harness the coordinated effort of many federal depart-
ments and agencies that have highly specialized
expertise and long-standing relationships with industry.
For example, the Treasury Department chairs the
Financial and Banking Information Infrastructure
Committee, which brings together several federal
agencies and the private sector to focus on issues
related to the financial services industry. Each of the
critical infrastructure sectors has unique characteristics,
hence posing unique security challenges. The
Department of Homeland Security would coordinate
the activities of the federal departments and agencies to
address the unique security challenges of each infra-
structure sector. The following chart depicts the federal
governments organization for protecting Americas
infrastructure and key assests, and indicates the depart-
ments and agencies that have primary responsibility for
interacting with particular critical infrastructure sectors.
National Vision
The United States will forge an unprecedented
level of cooperation throughout all levels of
government, with private industry and institu-
tions, and with the American people to protect
our critical infrastructure and key assets from
terrorist attack. Our country will continue to
take immediate and decisive action to protect
assets and systems that could be attacked with
catastrophic consequences. We will establish a
single office within the Department of
Homeland Security to work with the federal
departments and agencies, state and local
governments, and the private sector to
implement a comprehensive national plan to
protect critical infrastructure and key assets. The
national infrastructure protection plan will
organize the complementary efforts of
government and private institutions to raise
security over the long term to levels appropriate
to each targets vulnerability and criticality. The
federal government will work to create an
environment in which state, local, and private
entities can best protect the infrastructure they
control. The Department of Homeland Security
will develop the best modeling and simulation
tools to understand how our increasingly
complex and connected infrastructures behave,
and to shape effective protection and response
options.The Department of Homeland Security
will develop and coordinate implementation of
tiered protective measures that can be tailored to
the target and rapidly adjusted to the threat.
The Department of Homeland Security,
working through the Department of State, will
foster international cooperation to protect
shared and interconnected infrastructure.
Federal Government Organization to
Protect Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets
Secretary of Homeland Security
Federal, state, local, and private sector coordination and integration
Comprehensive national infrastructure protection plan
Mapping threats to vulnerabilities and issuing warnings
Sector Lead Agency
Agriculture Department of Agriculture
Meat and poultry Department of Agriculture
All other food products Department of Health & Human Services
Water Environmental Protection Agency
Public Health Department of Health & Human Services
Emergency Services Department of Homeland Security
Continuity of government Department of Homeland Security
Continuity of operations All departments and agencies
Defense Industrial Base Department of Defense
Information and Telecommunications Department of Homeland Security
Energy Department of Energy
Transportation Department of Homeland Security*
Banking and Finance Department of the Treasury
Chemical Industry and Hazardous Materials Environmental Protection Agency
Postal and Shipping Department of Homeland Security
National Monuments and Icons Department of the Interior
* Under the President’s proposal, the Transportation Security Administration, responsible for securing our Nation’s trans-
portation systems, will become part of the Department of Homeland Security. The new Department will coordinate closely
with the Department of Transportation, which will remain responsible for transportation safety.
Build and maintain a complete and accurate assessment of
America’s critical infrastructure and key assets. The
Department of Homeland Security must be able to
translate threat information into appropriate action in
the shortest possible time, a critical factor in preventing
or mitigating attacks, particularly those involving
weapons of mass destruction. Accordingly, the
Department would build and maintain a complete,
current, and accurate assessment of vulnerabilities and
preparedness of critical targets across critical infra-
structure sectors. The Department would thus have a
crucial capability that does not exist in our government
today: the ability to continuously evaluate threat infor-
mation against our current vulnerabilities, inform the
President, issue warnings, and effect action accordingly.
As noted in the Intelligence and Warning chapter, the
Department would augment this unique capability with
red team” techniques to view our vulnerabilities from
the perspective of terrorists, and to provide objective
data on which to base infrastructure protection
standards and performance measures.
A complete and thorough assessment of America’s
vulnerabilities will not only enable decisive near-term
action, but guide the rational long-term investment of
effort and resources. For example, a comprehensive
assessment of vulnerabilities and threats can help
determine whether to invest in permanent, physical
“hardening” of a target, or in maintaining a reserve of
personnel and equipment that can meet a temporary
surge” requirement for increased security.
Enable effective partnership with state and local govern-
ments and the private sector. Government at the federal,
state, and local level must actively collaborate and
partner with the private sector, which controls 85
percent of America’s infrastructure. Private firms bear
primary and substantial responsibility for addressing
the public safety risks posed by their industries-
protecting a firms assets and systems is a matter of
sound corporate governance. In many cases private
firms, not the government, possess the technical
expertise and means to protect the infrastructure they
control. Government at all levels must enable, not
inhibit, the private sector’s ability to carry out its
protection responsibilities. The Nations infrastructure
protection effort must harness the capabilities of the
private sector to achieve a prudent level of security
without hindering productivity, trade, or economic
The Department of Homeland Security would give
state and local agencies and the private sector one
primary contact instead of many for coordinating
protection activities with the federal government,
including vulnerability assessments, strategic planning
efforts, and exercises. The Department would include
an office which reports directly to the Secretary
dedicated to this function, and would build on current
outreach efforts of existing federal agencies with infra-
structure protection responsibilities.
When the Department of Homeland Security learns of
a potential threat to our critical infrastructure, it must
not only disseminate warnings quickly, but must rapidly
map those threats against an accurate assessment of our
countrys vulnerabilities and effect appropriate action.
To ensure this, the government must facilitate and
encourage private firms to share important information
about the infrastructure they control. Private firms
should have reasonable assurance that good faith
disclosures about vulnerabilities and preparedness do
not expose the firm to liability, drops in share value,
loss of competitive advantage, or antitrust action. As
discussed in the Law chapter, the Attorney General
will convene a panel to propose any legal changes
necessary to enable sharing of essential homeland
security related information between the government
and the private sector.
Develop a national infrastructure protection plan. The
Department of Homeland Security would develop and
coordinate implementation of a comprehensive national
plan to protect America’s infrastructure from terrorist
attack. The plan will build on the baseline physical and
cyber infrastructure protection plans which the Office
of Homeland Security and the Presidents Critical
Infrastructure Protection Board will release by the end
of Fiscal Year 2002. The national plan will provide a
methodology for identifying and prioritizing critical
assets, systems, and functions, and for sharing
protection responsibility with state and local
government and the private sector. The plan will
establish standards and benchmarks for infrastructure
protection, and provide a means to measure
performance. The plan will inform the Department of
Homeland Securitys annual process for planning,
programming, and budgeting of critical infrastructure
protection activities, including research and devel-
As discussed in the Costs of Homeland Security chapter,
the national infrastructure protection plan will also
provide an approach for rationally balancing the costs
and benefits of increased security according to the
threat—to help answer, in effect, how much protection
is enough?” The plan will describe how to use all
available policy instruments to raise the security of
America’s critical infrastructure and key assets to a
prudent level, relying to the maximum possible extent
on the market to provide appropriate levels of security.
The Department would manage federal grant programs
for homeland security, which may be used to assist state
and local infrastructure protection efforts. In some
cases, the Department may seek legislation to create
incentives for the private sector to adopt security
measures or invest in improved safety technologies. In
other cases, the federal government will need to rely on
regulation—for example, to require commercial airlines
to electronically transmit passenger manifests on inter-
national flights, or to require permits for intrastate
purchase of explosives.
Securing cyberspace. The cost to our economy from
attacks on our information systems has grown by 400
percent in four years according to one estimate, but is
still limited. In one day, however, that could change.
Every day somewhere in America an individual
company or a home computer user suffers what for
them are significantly damaging or catastrophic losses
from cyber attacks. The ingredients are present for that
kind of damage to occur on a national level, to our
national networks and the systems they run upon, on
which the nation depends. Our potential enemies have
the intent; the tools of destruction are broadly
available; the vulnerabilities of our systems are myriad
and well-known. In cyberspace, a single act can inflict
damage in multiple locations simultaneously without
the attacker ever having physically entered the United
Accordingly, the President acted quickly following the
terrorist attacks in September to secure our infor-
mation and telecommunications infrastructure. The
President created the Critical Infrastructure Protection
Board and launched a public-private partnership to
create a National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace. The
National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace will provide a
roadmap to empower all Americans to secure the part
of cyberspace they control, including a variety of new
proposals aimed at five levels: the home user and small
business; large enterprises; sectors of the economy;
national issues; and global issues.
Thousands of citizens all across the country have
contributed to the effort by contributing their views in
Town Hall meetings, on interactive web sites, or by
participating in one of the dozens of participating
groups and associations. State and local governments
and state and local law enforcement have also united to
prepare their own cyber security strategies.
Harness the best analytic and modeling tools to develop
effective protective solutions. As discussed in the
Intelligence and Warning chapter, responding to threat
information requires life-or-death decisions that must
often be made in conditions of great uncertainty. High-
end modeling and simulation tools can greatly enhance
our ability to quickly make those decisions based on
the best possible understanding of their consequences.
State-of-the-art modeling and simulation provides
another important tool for determining what assets,
systems, and functions are “critical,” a process that
involves many factors that interact with one another in
complex ways. For example, an attack on a key Internet
node might cause few casualties directly, but could
trigger cascading effects across many infrastructure
sectors, causing widespread disruption to the economy
and imperiling public safety. An attack on a major port
could inflict damage that affects transportation, energy,
and economic infrastructure nationwide. A chemical
attack would have little effect on an empty stadium; a
catastrophic effect on a stadium filled with tens of
thousands of spectators. Protecting America’s critical
infrastructure thus requires that we determine the
highest risks based on the best possible understanding
of these factors, and prioritize our effort accordingly.
The Department of Homeland Security would develop
and harness the best modeling, simulation, and analytic
tools to evaluate the full range of relevant factors and
the complex manner in which they interact. The
Department would take as its foundation the National
Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center
(currently part of the Department of Energy).
Guard America’s critical infrastructure and key assets
against “inside” threats. The “insider threat” and
personnel reliability are increasingly serious concerns
for protecting critical infrastructure. In the food
processing and distribution industry, disgruntled or
former employees have caused nearly all previous
incidents of food tampering, providing a glimpse of
what terrorists with insider access might accomplish.
Personnel with privileged access to critical infra-
structure, particularly control systems, may serve as
terrorist surrogates by providing information on vulner-
abilities, operating characteristics, and protective
measures. These “insiders” can also provide access to
sensitive areas, such as loading docks, control centers,
and airport tarmacs. The U.S. government, working
through the Department of Homeland Security will
undertake a comprehensive review of critical infra-
structure personnel surety programs and propose
national standards for screening and background
checks. To this end, the Secretary of Homeland
Security and the Attorney General will convene a panel
with appropriate representatives from federal, state, and
local government, in consultation with the private
sector, to examine whether employer liability statutes
and privacy concerns hinder necessary background
checks of personnel with access to critical infrastructure
facilities or systems. The Department of Homeland
Security would also undertake a comprehensive review
of other protection measures necessary to deny terrorist
access to critical infrastructure—for example, estab-
lishing “security zones” and controlling access around
vulnerable port facilities much as we control access at
Partner with the international community to protect our
transnational infrastructure. We share much of our
critical infrastructure with our neighbors in Canada and
Mexico, and increasingly with countries around the
world. Our electricity transmission, natural gas and
petroleum pipelines are part of a vast, interconnected
system that serves not only the United States, but
Canada and Mexico as well. America’s seaports often
contain dense concentrations of population and critical
infrastructure assets and systems while sustaining an
ever-increasing volume of trade with ports around the
globe. Thus, terrorists need not gain access to our
territory to attack our infrastructure. The Administration
is establishing joint steering committees with both
Canada and Mexico to improve the security of critical
physical and cyber infrastructure, and is actively pursuing
necessary international cooperation to increase the
security of global transportation systems and commerce.
The expertise, technology, and material needed to build
the most deadly weapons known to mankind—
including chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
weapons—are proliferating. If our enemies acquire
these weapons, they are likely to try to use them. The
consequences of such an attack could be far more
devastating than those we suffered on September 11—
a chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear terrorist
attack in the United States could cause large numbers
of casualties, mass psychological disruption, and
contamination, and could overwhelm local medical
Currently, chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear detection capabilities are modest and response
capabilities are dispersed throughout the country at
every level of government. Responsibility for chemical,
biological, radiological, and nuclear surveillance as well
as for initial response efforts often rests with state and
local hospitals and public health agencies. Today, if a
natural disaster or terrorist attack causes medical
consequences that exceed local and state capabilities,
the Department of Health and Human Services would
coordinate the deployment of medical personnel,
equipment, and pharmaceuticals among the
Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Energy, Justice,
Transportation, Veterans Affairs, the Environmental
Protection Agency, the Federal Emergency
Management Agency, General Services
Administration, National Communications System,
U.S. Postal Service, and the American Red Cross.
While the governments collaborative arrangements
have proven adequate for a variety of natural disasters,
Defending against Catastrophic
the threat of terrorist attacks using chemical,
biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons with poten-
tially catastrophic consequences demands new
approaches, a focused strategy, and a new organization.
Our country has already expanded capabilities and
improved coordination among federal agencies, but
more can be done to prepare and respond.
Major Initiatives
Prevent terrorist use of nuclear weapons through better
sensors and procedures. Our top scientific priority must
be preventing terrorist use of nuclear weapons. Under
the Presidents proposal, the Department of Homeland
Security will implement a new system of procedures
and technologies to detect and prevent the transport of
nuclear explosives toward our borders and into the
United States. The Department of Homeland Security
would develop and deploy new inspection procedures
and detection systems against the entry of such
materials at all ports of entry in the United States and
at major overseas cargo loading facilities. The
Department—in cooperation with the Department of
Transportation, state and local governments, and the
private sector—would develop additional inspection
procedures and detection systems throughout our
national transportation structure to detect the
movement of nuclear materials within the United
States. It will also initiate and sustain research and
development efforts aimed at new and better passive
and active detection systems.
The Departments of State, Energy, and Defense are
already working with foreign states possessing nuclear
programs to ensure continued strict security for the
global inventory of nuclear weapons and materials,
consistent with domestic and international legal
obligations (including the Treaty on Non-Proliferation
of Nuclear Weapons). These Departments will also
work with foreign governments to improve their
capabilities to detect the movement of nuclear
materials or weapons and to respond appropriately.
They will work with foreign governments, for example,
to assess their need for enhanced radiation detection
capabilities at borders, seaports, and airports and,
where appropriate, will coordinate the provision of
detection equipment to countries where the threat
from the movement of nuclear weapons and materials
is significant.
Detect chemical and biological materials and attacks. The
federal government, with due attention to constraints
such as the need for low operating costs, will develop
sensitive and highly selective systems that detect the
release of biological or chemical agents. The
Environmental Protection Agency, for example, is
evaluating the upgrading of air monitoring stations to
allow for the detection of certain chemical, biological,
or radiological substances. The federal government will
also explore systems that can detect whether an
individual has been immunized against a threat
pathogen or has recently handled threat materials.
The ability to quickly recognize and report biological
and chemical attacks will minimize casualties and
enable first responders to treat the injured effectively.
Local emergency personnel and health providers must
first be able to diagnose symptoms. In addition to
existing state laws mandating the reporting of threat
diseases by physicians, veterinarians, and public health
laboratories, rapid diagnosis of diseases of concern and
communication form the cornerstone of a robust
response. The Department of Homeland Security,
National Vision
America will have a coordinated national effort
to prepare for, prevent, and respond to chemical,
biological, radiological, and nuclear terrorist
threats to the homeland. We will seek to detect
chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear
weapons and prevent their entry into the United
States. If terrorists use chemical, biological,
radiological, or nuclear weapons, our commu-
nities and emergency personnel will be
organized, trained, and equipped to detect and
identify dangerous agents, respond rapidly, treat
those who are harmed, contain the damage, and
decontaminate the area. Our Nation will
consolidate and synchronize the disparate
efforts of multiple federal entities currently
scattered across several departments. Under the
Presidents proposal, the Department of
Homeland Security will unify much of the
federal governments efforts to develop and
implement scientific and technological counter-
measures against human, animal, and plant
diseases that could be used as terrorist weapons.
The Department would sponsor and establish
national priorities for research, development,
and testing to develop new vaccines, antidotes,
diagnostics, therapies and other technologies
against chemical, biological, radiological, or
nuclear terrorism; to recognize, identify, and
confirm the occurrence of an attack; and to
minimize the morbidity and mortality caused by
such an attack. In addition, the federal
government will set standards and guidelines for
state and local chemical, biological, radiological,
and nuclear preparedness and response efforts.
under the Presidents proposal, will improve infectious
disease and chemical terrorism surveillance by working
with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) and the Department of Veterans Affairs in
concert with local and state public health jurisdictions.
These entities will work to develop a national system
to detect biological and chemical attacks. This system
will include a public health surveillance system to
monitor public and private databases for indicators of
biological or chemical attack. National research efforts
will pay particular attention to recognizing harmful
dual-use industrial chemicals.
The CDC will continue its vital role in detecting,
diagnosing, and addressing bioterrorist threats. Its
Epidemic Intelligence Service will be expanded and
modernized to better train local and state officials in
recognizing biological attacks. Under the Presidents
proposal, the Department of Homeland Security will
also provide resources to state and local jurisdictions
with a population of 500,000 or more to hire skilled
epidemiologists. The recently established Epidemic
Information Exchange System will allow the sharing of
disease information in a secure information system.
Public health databases will be linked nationwide
through the National Electronic Disease Surveillance
System to recognize patterns of disease occurrence and
to identify potential regional or national outbreaks.
The Laboratory Response Network will improve
laboratory technology and infrastructure to increase the
speed and precision of diagnoses and confirmation of
biological attacks. The Department would build the
capacity to gather data from all these systems and
sensors, quickly assess the extent of any attack, and
recommend response options to policymakers.
The Department of Homeland Security, working with
the Department of Agriculture, would also strengthen
our parallel system for monitoring agricultural
outbreaks. Since animals can serve as important
sentinels signaling a biological attack against humans
or be targets themselves, the Department of Homeland
Security would collaborate closely with the
Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug
Administrations Food and Animal Health program.
Improve chemical sensors and decontamination
techniques. Private industry and the military routinely
use sensors that can detect and identify toxic
chemicals. Sensors with medical applications have also
reached the market. Affordable, accurate, compact, and
dependable sensors, however, are not available. The
Department of Homeland Security would therefore
fund and coordinate a national research program to
develop, test, and field detection devices and networks
that provide immediate and accurate warnings. The
Department would also support research into deconta-
mination technologies and procedures. As discussed in
the Emergency Preparedness and Response chapter, the
Department of Homeland Security and the
Environmental Protection Agency would require
assessment technologies to determine when to permit
individuals to re-enter buildings and areas.
Develop broad spectrum vaccines, antimicrobials and
antidotes. In many cases, our medical countermeasures
cannot address all possible biological agents or may not
be suitable for use by the general population. The
Departments of Health and Human Services and
Homeland Security, and other government and private
research entities, will pursue new defenses that will
increase efficacy while reducing side effects. For
example, they will explore the utility of attenuated
smallpox vaccines and of existing antivirals modified to
render those vaccines more effective and safe.
Furthermore, the federal government, in collaboration
with the private sector, will research and work toward
development of broad spectrum antivirals to meet the
threat of engineered pathogens aimed at both humans
and livestock.
Short-and long-term efforts will expand the inventory
of diagnostics, vaccines, and other therapies such as
antimicrobials and antidotes that can mitigate the
consequences of a chemical, biological, radiological, or
nuclear attack. Development of safer smallpox vaccines
and antiviral drugs will lower the risk of adverse
reactions experienced with the traditional vaccine. The
goal of protecting a diverse population of all ages and
health conditions requires a coordinated national effort
with a comprehensive research and development
strategy and investment plans.
Harness the scientific knowledge and tools to counter
terrorism. We will harness America’s resources to fight
against the most pressing chemical, biological, radio-
logical, or nuclear challenges. In consultation with the
Department of Health and Human Services, the
Department of Homeland Security would leverage the
expertise of America’s cutting-edge medical and
biotechnological infrastructure to advance the state of
knowledge in infectious disease prevention and
treatment, forensic epidemiology, and microbial
forensics. Substantial research into relevant medical
sciences is necessary to better detect, diagnose, and
treat the consequences of chemical, biological, radio-
logical, or nuclear attacks. The President has proposed
a National Biological Weapons Analysis Center in the
Department of Homeland Security to address some of
these issues and conduct risk assessments. This Center,
with input from the public health sector, will identify
the highest priority threat agents to determine which
countermeasures require priority research and devel-
opment. The federal government will also consider and
address the potential impact of genetic engineering on
the biological threat.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ensures
the availability of medical products (drugs, vaccines,
and devices) in the event of the intentional use of
chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear agents.
Recently, the FDA adjusted its new drug and
biological product regulations so that certain human
drugs designed for emergency responses can be quickly
introduced based on animal rather than human tests.
Implement the Select Agent Program. Research labora-
tories can also counter bioterrorism through
prevention, and by tracking and securing dangerous
biological agents. Under the Presidents proposal, the
Department of Homeland Security will oversee the
Select Agent Program to regulate the shipment of
certain hazardous biological organisms and toxins.
Through the registration of more than 300 labora-
tories, the Select Agent Program has significantly
increased oversight and security of pathogens that
could be used for bioterrorism. The CDC is also
training public health officials in every state to assist in
accurately interpreting biosafety containment provi-
sions and select agent procedures.
We must prepare to minimize the damage and recover
from any future terrorist attacks that may occur despite
our best efforts at prevention. Past experience has
shown that preparedness efforts are key to providing an
effective response to major terrorist incidents and
natural disasters. Therefore, we need a comprehensive
national system to bring together and command all
necessary response assets quickly and effectively. We
must equip, train, and exercise many different response
units to mobilize for any emergency without warning.
Under the Presidents proposal, the Department of
Homeland Security, building on the strong foundation
already laid by the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA), will lead our national efforts to create
and employ a system that will improve our response to
all disasters, both manmade and natural.
Many pieces of this national emergency response
system are already in place. America’s first line of
defense in the aftermath of any terrorist attack is its
first responder community—police officers, firefighters,
emergency medical providers, public works personnel,
and emergency management officials. Nearly three
million state and local first responders regularly put
their lives on the line to save the lives of others and
make our country safer. These individuals include
specially trained hazardous materials teams, collapse
search and rescue units, bomb squads, and tactical units.
In a serious emergency, the federal government
augments state and local response efforts. FEMA,
which under the Presidents proposal will be a key
component of the Department of Homeland Security,
provides funding and command and control support. A
Emergency Preparedness
and Response
number of important specialized federal emergency
response assets that are housed in various departments
would also fall under the Secretary of Homeland
Securitys authority for responding to a major terrorist
attack. Because response efforts to all major incidents
entail the same basic elements, it is essential that
federal response capabilities for both terrorist attacks
and natural disasters remain in the same organization.
This would ensure the most efficient provision of
federal support to local responders by preventing the
proliferation of duplicative “boutique” response entities.
Americans respond with great skill and courage to
emergencies. There are, however, too many seams in
our current response plans and capabilities. Today, at
least five different plans—the Federal Response Plan,
the National Contingency Plan, the Interagency
Domestic Terrorism Concept of Operations Plan, the
Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan, and a
nascent bioterrorism response plan—govern the federal
governments response. These plans and the
governments overarching policy for counterterrorism
are based on a distinction between “crisis management
and “consequence management.” In addition, different
organizations at different levels of the government
have put in place different incident management
systems and communications equipment. All too often,
these systems and equipment do not function together
well enough.
We will enhance our capabilities for responding to a
terrorist attack all across the country. Today, many
geographic areas have little or no capability to respond
to a terrorist attack using weapons of mass destruction.
Even the best prepared states and localities do not
possess adequate resources to respond to the full range
of terrorist threats we face. Many do not yet have in
place mutual aid agreements to facilitate cooperation
with their neighbors in time of emergency. Until
recently, federal support for domestic preparedness
efforts has been relatively small and disorganized, with
eight different departments and agencies providing
money in a tangled web of grant programs.
Major Initiatives
Integrate separate federal response plans into a single all-
discipline incident management plan. Under the
Presidents proposal, the Department of Homeland
Security will consolidate existing federal government
emergency response plans into one genuinely all-disci-
pline, all-hazard plan—the Federal Incident
Management Plan—and thereby eliminate the “crisis
management” and “consequence management
distinction. This plan would cover all incidents of
national significance, including acts of bioterrorism and
agroterrorism, and clarify roles and expected contribu-
tions of various emergency response bodies at different
levels of government in the wake of a terrorist attack.
The Department of Homeland Security would provide
a direct line of authority from the President through
the Secretary of Homeland Security to a single on-site
federal coordinator. The single federal coordinator
would be responsible to the President for coordinating
the entire federal response. Lead agencies would
maintain operational control over their functions (for
example, the FBI will remain the lead agency for
federal law enforcement) in coordination with the
single on-site federal official. The Department would
direct the Domestic Emergency Support Team, nuclear
incident response teams, National Pharmaceutical
Stockpile, and National Disaster Medical System, as
well as other assets.
Create a national incident management system. Under
the Presidents proposal, the Department of Homeland
Security, working with federal, state, local, and non-
governmental public safety organizations, will build a
comprehensive national incident management system
to respond to terrorist incidents and natural disasters.
The Department would ensure that this national
system defines common terminology for all parties,
provides a unified command structure, and is scalable
to meet incidents of all sizes.
The federal government will encourage state and local
first responder organizations to adopt the already
National Vision
We will strive to create a fully integrated
national emergency response system that is
adaptable enough to deal with any terrorist
attack, no matter how unlikely or catastrophic,
as well as all manner of natural disasters. Under
the Presidents proposal, the Department of
Homeland Security will consolidate federal
response plans and build a national system for
incident management. The Department would
aim to ensure that leaders at all levels of
government have complete incident awareness
and can communicate with and command all
appropriate response personnel. Our federal, state,
and local governments would ensure that all
response personnel and organizations—including
the law enforcement, military, emergency
response, health care, public works, and environ-
mental communities—are properly equipped,
trained, and exercised to respond to all terrorist
threats and attacks in the United States.
widespread Incident Management System by making it
a requirement for federal grants. All state and local
governments should create and regularly update their
own homeland security plans, based on their existing
emergency operations plans, to provide guidance for the
integration of their response assets in the event of an
attack. The Department of Homeland Security will,
under the Presidents proposal, provide support
(including model plans) for these efforts and will adjust
the Federal Incident Management Plan as necessary to
take full advantage of state and local capabilities. State
and local governments should also sign mutual aid
agreements to facilitate cooperation with their
neighbors in time of emergency. Starting in Fiscal Year
2004, the Department would provide grants in support
of such efforts.
Improve tactical counterterrorist capabilities. With
advance warning, we have various federal, state, and
local response assets that can intercede and prevent
terrorists from carrying out attacks. These include law
enforcement, emergency response, and military teams.
In the most dangerous of incidents, particularly when
terrorists have chemical, biological, radiological, or
nuclear weapons in their possession, it is crucial that the
individuals who preempt the terrorists do so flawlessly,
no matter if they are part of the local SWAT team or
the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team. It is also crucial that
these individuals be prepared and able to work effec-
tively with each other and with other specialized
response personnel. Finally, these teams and other
emergency response assets must plan and train for the
consequences of failed tactical operations.
The Department of Homeland Security, as the lead
federal agency for incident management in the United
States, will, under the Presidents plan, establish a
program for certifying the preparedness of all civilian
teams and individuals to execute and deal with the
consequences of such counterterrorist actions. As part of
this program, the Department would provide partial
grants in support of joint exercises between its response
assets and other government teams. (This program
would be voluntary for assets outside of the Department
of Homeland Security.)
Enable seamless communication among all responders. In
the aftermath of any major terrorist attack, emergency
response efforts would likely involve hundreds of offices
from across the government and the country. It is
crucial for response personnel to have and use
equipment, systems, and procedures that allow them to
communicate with one another. Under the Presidents
proposal, the Department of Homeland Security will
work with state and local governments to achieve this
In particular, the Department would develop a national
emergency communication plan to establish protocols
(i.e., who needs to talk to whom), processes, and
national standards for technology acquisition. The
Department would, starting with Fiscal Year 2003
funds, tie all federal grant programs that support state
and local purchase of terrorism-related communications
equipment to this communication plan and require all
applicants to demonstrate progress in achieving interop-
erability with other emergency response bodies.
Prepare health care providers for catastrophic terrorism.
Our entire emergency response community must be
prepared to deal with all potential hazards, especially
those associated with weapons of mass destruction.
Under the Presidents proposal, the Department of
Homeland Security, working with the Departments of
Health and Human Services and Veterans Affairs, will
support training and equipping of state and local health
care personnel to deal with the growing threat of
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear terrorism.
It would continue to fund federal grants to states and
cities for bioterrorism preparedness. It would use the
hospital preparedness grant program to help prepare
hospitals and poison control centers to deal specifically
with biological and chemical attacks and to expand their
surge capacity to care for large numbers of patients in a
mass-casualty incident. These efforts would enhance
training between public health agencies and local
hospitals and seek improved cooperation between public
health and emergency agencies at all levels of
A major act of biological terrorism would almost
certainly overwhelm existing state, local, and privately
owned health care capabilities. For this reason, the
federal government maintains a number of specialized
response capabilities for a bioterrorist attack. The
National Disaster Medical System, a federal/private
partnership that includes the Departments of Health
and Human Services, Defense, Veterans Affairs, and
FEMA, provides rapid response and critical surge
capacities to support localities in disaster medical
treatment. Under the Presidents proposal, the
Department of Homeland Security will assume
authority over the System as part of the federal response
to incidents of national significance. The System is
made up of federal assets and thousands of volunteer
health professionals that are organized around the
country into a number of specialty teams such as
Disaster Medical Assistance Teams, National Medical
Response Teams, and teams trained in caring for
psychological trauma. In addition, the Department of
Veterans Affairs operates a vast health care, training,
and pharmaceutical procurement system with facilities
in many communities nationwide. The Department of
Defense provides specialized skills and transportation
capabilities to move these teams and evacuate
The Department of Homeland Security, working with
the Department of Health and Human Services, would
lead efforts to test whether illnesses or complaints may
be attributable to chemical, biological, radiological, or
nuclear exposure; establish disease/exposure registries;
and develop, maintain, and provide information on the
health effects of hazardous substances. The
Environmental Protection Agency will continue to
provide a laboratory diagnostic surge capacity for
environmental samples during crises.
Augment America’s pharmaceutical and vaccine stockpiles.
The National Pharmaceutical Stockpile ensures
America’s ability to respond rapidly to a bioterrorist
attack or a mass casualty incident. This program, which
the Department of Homeland Security will operate in
consultation with the Department of Health and
Human Services under the Presidents proposal,
maintains twelve strategically located “Push Packs”
containing 600 tons of antibiotics, antidotes, vaccines,
bandages, and other medical supplies. The federal
government can transport these packs to an incident
site in less than 12 hours for rapid distribution by state
and local authorities. This system performed extremely
well in the aftermath of the September 11 attacks,
delivering a “Push Pack” to New York City in seven
hours. Additional deployments followed the anthrax
attacks of October 2001.
The National Pharmaceutical Stockpile already
contains a sufficient antibiotic supply to begin
treatment for 20 million persons exposed to anthrax
and should contain enough smallpox vaccine for every
American by the end of 2002. The Department of
Homeland Security, working with the Department of
Health and Human Services, would provide grants to
state and local governments to plan for the receipt and
distribution of medicines from the Stockpile. In
addition, the Departments of Homeland Security and
Health and Human Services would pursue accelerated
FDA approval of safe and effective products to add to
the Stockpile and the development of procedures to
accelerate the availability of investigational drugs
during a public health emergency.
Prepare for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
decontamination. The Department of Homeland
Security would ensure the readiness of our first
responders to work safely in an area where chemical,
biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons have been
used. The Department would begin requiring annual
certification of first responder preparedness to handle
and decontaminate any hazard. This certification
process would also verify the ability of state and local
first responders to work effectively with related federal
support assets.
Under the Presidents proposal, the Department of
Homeland Security will help state and local agencies
meet these certification standards by providing grant
money (based on performance) for planning and
equipping, training, and exercising first responders for
chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear attacks. It
would launch a national research and development
effort to create new technologies for detection and
clean-up of such attacks. After a major incident, the
Environmental Protection Agency will be responsible
for decontamination of affected buildings and neigh-
borhoods and providing advice and assistance to public
health authorities in determining when it is safe to
return to these areas.
Plan for military support to civil authorities. The armed
forces were an integral part of our national response to
the terrorist attacks of September 11. The Department
of Defense currently uses a “Total Force” approach to
fulfill its missions overseas and at home, drawing on the
strengths and capabilities of active-duty, reserve, and
National Guard forces. In addition to response from
the active-duty forces, Air National Guard fighters took
to the air on September 11 to establish combat air
patrols. New Jersey and New York guardsmen and Navy
and Marine Corps reservists provided medical
personnel to care for the injured, military police to
assist local law enforcement officials, key asset
protection, transportation, communications, logistics,
and a myriad of other functions to support recovery
efforts in New York City. Maryland Army National
Guard military police units were brought on duty and
dispatched to provide security at the Pentagon.
President Bush asked governors to call up over seven
thousand National Guard personnel to supplement
security at the Nations 429 commercial airports.
Guardsmen also reinforced border security activities of
the Immigration and Nationalization Service and the
U.S. Customs Service.
The importance of military support to civil authorities
as the latter respond to threats or acts of terrorism is
recognized in Presidential decision directives and legis-
lation. Military support to civil authorities pursuant to a
terrorist threat or attack may take the form of providing
technical support and assistance to law enforcement;
assisting in the restoration of law and order; loaning
specialized equipment; and assisting in consequence
In April 2002, President Bush approved a revision of
the Unified Command Plan that included establishing
a new unified combatant command, U.S. Northern
Command. This Command will be responsible for
homeland defense and for assisting civil authorities in
accordance with U.S. law. As in the case with all other
combatant commanders, the commander of Northern
Command will take all operational orders from and is
responsible to the President through the Secretary of
Defense. The commander of Northern Command will
update plans to provide military support to domestic
civil authorities in response to natural and man-made
disasters and during national emergencies. The
Department of Homeland Security and the
Department of Defense would participate as appro-
priate in homeland security training that involves
military and civilian emergency response personnel.
Build the Citizen Corps. Under the Presidents proposal,
the Department of Homeland Security will maintain
and expand Citizens Corps, a national program to
prepare volunteers for terrorism-related response
support. If we can help individual citizens help
themselves and their neighbors in the case of a local
attack, we will improve our chances to save lives. (See
Organizing for a Secure Homeland chapter for additional
Implement the First Responder Initiative of the Fiscal Year
2003 Budget. Before September 11, the federal
government had allocated less than $1 billion since 1995
to help prepare first responders for terrorist attacks. A
range of federal departments provided funding for
training and equipment, technical assistance, and other
support to assist state and local first responders. These
disparate programs were a step in the right direction but
fell short in terms of scale and cohesion.
In January 2002, President Bush proposed the First
Responder Initiative as part of his Fiscal Year 2003
Budget proposal. The purpose of this initiative is to
improve dramatically first responder preparedness for
terrorist incidents and disasters. This program will
increase federal funding levels more than tenfold (from
$272 million in the pre-supplemental Fiscal Year 2002
Budget to $3.5 billion in Fiscal Year 2003). Under the
Presidents Department of Homeland Security
proposal, the new Department will consolidate all grant
programs that distribute federal funds to state and local
first responders.
Build a national training and evaluation system. The
growing threat of terrorist attacks on American soil,
including the potential use of weapons of mass
destruction, is placing great strains on our Nations
system for training its emergency response personnel.
The Department of Homeland Security will under the
Presidents proposal launch a consolidated and
expanded training and evaluation system to meet the
increasing demand. This system would be predicated
on a four phased approach: requirements, plans,
training (and exercises), and assessments (comprising of
evaluations and corrective action plans). The
Department would serve as the central coordinating
body responsible for overseeing curriculum standards
and, through regional centers of excellence such as the
Emergency Management Institute in Maryland, the
Center for Domestic Preparedness in Alabama, and the
National Domestic Preparedness Consortium, for
training the instructors who will train our first
responders. These instructors would teach courses at
thousands of facilities such as public safety academies,
community colleges, and state and private universities.
Under the Presidents proposal, the Department of
Homeland Security will establish national standards for
emergency response training and preparedness. These
standards would provide guidelines for the vaccination
of civilian response personnel against certain biological
agents. These standards would also require certain
coursework for individuals to receive and maintain
certification as first responders and for state and local
governments to receive federal grants. The Department
would establish a national exercise program designed to
educate and evaluate civilian response personnel at all
levels of government. It would require individuals and
government bodies to complete successfully at least one
exercise every year. The Department would use these
exercises to measure performance and allocate future
Enhance the victim support system. The United States
must be prepared to assist the victims of terrorist
attacks and their families, as well as other individuals
affected indirectly by attacks. Under the Presidents
proposal, the Department of Homeland Security will
lead federal agencies and provide guidance to state,
local, and volunteer organizations in offering victims
and their families various forms of assistance including:
crisis counseling, cash grants, low-interest loans,
unemployment benefits, free legal counseling, and tax
refunds. In the case of a terrorist attack, the
Department would coordinate the various federal
programs for victim compensation and assistance,
including the Department of Justice’s Office for
Victims of Crime and FEMAs Individual Assistance
programs. (See Costs of Homeland Security chapter for
additional discussion.)
Throughout this Nations history we have used our
laws to promote and safeguard our security and our
liberty. The law will both provide mechanisms for the
government to act and define the appropriate limits of
that action. The President, recognizing this, directed
the Office of Homeland Security to review state and
federal legal authorities pertinent to homeland security.
We have already taken important steps to protect our
homeland. The USA PATRIOT Act, signed into law
by the President on October 26, 2001, has improved
government coordination in law enforcement, intelli-
gence gathering, and information-sharing. The
Aviation and Transportation Security Act, which
established the Transportation Security Administration,
has strengthened civil aviation security. The Enhanced
Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act will
reinforce border security systems. Finally, the Public
Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and
Response Act will better the Nations ability to
prevent, prepare for, and respond to bioterrorism.
But more needs to be done. On June 18, 2002, the
President provided Congress with proposed legislation
to establish a Department of Homeland Security. This
new Cabinet agency would have a single, urgent
mission: securing the homeland of America and
protecting the American people from terrorism. Yet
creation of this department does not in and of itself
constitute a sufficient response to the terrorist threat.
We must pass complementary legislation to address
innate deficiencies in our overall ability to counter
Where new legislation at the federal level is necessary
to accomplish our counterterrorism goals, we should
work carefully to ensure that newly crafted federal laws
do not preempt state law unnecessarily or overly feder-
alize counterterrorism efforts. The Tenth Amendment
makes clear that each state retains substantial
independent power with respect to the general welfare
of its populace. States should avail themselves to the
resources and expertise offered by their sister states and
federal counterparts.
Informed by these concepts, the National Strategy for
Homeland Security outlines several legislative actions.
This section does not purport to constitute a complete
survey of needed legislative changes. Rather, the
actions outlined below are initial steps in an ongoing
effort to identify legislative reforms and redundancies
with respect to homeland security.
Major Initiatives (Federal)
Enable critical infrastructure information sharing.
Homeland security officials need quick, complete
access to information relevant to the protection of
physical and cyber critical infrastructure. We must
meet this need by narrowly limiting public disclosure
of such information in order to facilitate its voluntary
submission without compromising the principles of
openness that ensure government accountability. To
this end, the Attorney General will convene a panel
with representatives of state attorneys general, state
governors, state legislators, state law enforcement, the
FBI, the Environmental Protection Agency, the
Department of Health and Human Services, and other
federal agencies as necessary upon consultation with
the Office of Management and Budget, to propose
needed legislative reform or guidance regarding
statutes governing public disclosure.
Streamline information sharing among intelligence and
law enforcement agencies. Homeland security requires
improved information sharing between the intelligence
community, law enforcement agencies, and government
decision-makers. Our current shortcoming in this area
stems, in part, from the number of laws, regulations,
and guidelines controlling intelligence operations.
Congress, with the enactment of the USA PATRIOT
Act, took important steps toward identifying and
removing some barriers to the exchange of intelligence.
The Administration will expand on this initiative by
leading a review of all authorities governing the
analysis, integrity, and disclosure of intelligence with
the aim of improving information sharing through
legislative reform while guarding against incursions on
Expand existing extradition authorities. The war on
terrorism is and must be a global effort. Our country
must continue to work cooperatively with nations
around the world. To that end, the Departments of
State and Justice should work with Congress to amend
current extradition laws in two respects. First, new
legislation should be adopted that would authorize
extradition for additional crimes where the United
States already has an extradition treaty, but where the
treaty applies only to a limited set of crimes. Second,
Congress should grant authority to extradite
individuals from the United States for serious crimes in
the absence of an extradition treaty, on a case-by-case
basis with the approval of the Attorney General and
the Secretary of State.
Review authority for military assistance in domestic
security. Federal law prohibits military personnel from
enforcing the law within the United States except as
expressly authorized by the Constitution or an Act of
Congress. The threat of catastrophic terrorism requires
a thorough review of the laws permitting the military
to act within the United States in order to determine
whether domestic preparedness and response efforts
would benefit from greater involvement of military
personnel and, if so, how.
Revive the Presidents reorganization authority. Only
Congress can create a new department of government;
the President, however, is tasked with running the
departments. Recognizing the need for flexible
Presidential management authority, Congress in 1932,
provided the President with the ability to reorganize
the executive branch for the purpose of reducing
National Vision
We are a Nation built on the rule of law, and we
will utilize our laws to win the war on terrorism
while always protecting our civil liberties. We
should use our federal immigration laws and
customs regulations to protect our borders and
ensure uninterrupted commerce; we should
strengthen state codes to protect our public
welfare; we should employ local, state, and
federal criminal justice systems to prosecute
terrorists; and we should engage our partners
around the world in countering the global threat
of terrorism through treaties and mutually
supporting laws. Where we find our existing
laws to be inadequate in light of the terrorist
threat, we should craft new laws carefully, never
losing sight of our strategic purpose for waging
this war—to provide security and liberty to our
people. We should guard scrupulously against
incursions on our freedoms, recognizing that
liberty cannot exist in the absence of govern-
mental restraint. As we move forward in the
fight, we should refrain from instituting unnec-
essary laws, as we remain true to our principles
of federalism and individual freedom.
expenditures and increasing efficiency. This authority,
which has taken various forms over the years, lapsed in
1984. While this Administrations priority is working
with Congress to restructure the federal government to
create the Department of Homeland Security, reviving
the reorganization authority would greatly assist
Presidents in years to come to eliminate redundancies
within executive agencies and address homeland
security more efficiently and economically. Congress
should amend Chapter 9 of Title 5 of the U.S. Code to
reinvigorate the Presidents authority to reorganize the
executive branch.
Provide substantial management flexibility for the
Department of Homeland Security. Terrorists are oppor-
tunistic, agile, and driven. In order to respond to them
effectively, the Secretary of the new Department of
Homeland Security must have the advantage of
modern management techniques. Therefore, the
Administrations proposed legislation for the
Department includes 21st-century approaches to
personnel and procurement policies. It also requests
broad reorganization authority to enhance operational
effectiveness as needed. With these and other flexible
practices, the Secretary would have the managerial
freedom necessary to accomplish not only the
Departments primary mission of homeland security
but also the important agency functions it will absorb
which are not directly related to homeland security.
Major Initiatives (State)
Given the states’ major role in homeland security, and
consistent with the principles of federalism inherent to
American government, the following initiatives
constitute suggestions, not mandates, for state initia-
Coordinate suggested minimum standards for state
drivers licenses. The licensing of drivers by the 50
states, the District of Columbia, and the United States
territories varies widely. There are no national or
agreed upon state standards for content, format, or
license acquisition procedures. Terrorist organizations,
including Al-Qaeda operatives involved in the
September 11 attacks, have exploited these differences.
While the issuance of drivers licenses falls squarely
within the powers of the states, the federal government
can assist the states in crafting solutions to curtail the
future abuse of driver’s licenses by terrorist organiza-
tions. Therefore, the federal government, in
consultation with state government agencies and non-
governmental organizations, should support state-led
efforts to develop suggested minimum standards for
drivers licenses, recognizing that many states should
and will exceed these standards.
Enhance market capacity for terrorism insurance. The
need for insurance coverage for terrorist events has
increased dramatically. Federal support is clearly critical
to a properly functioning market for terrorism
insurance; nonetheless, state regulation will play an
integral role in ensuring the adequate provision of
terrorism insurance. To establish a regulatory approach
which enables American businesses to spread and pool
risk efficiently, states should work together and with
the federal government to find a mutually acceptable
approach to enhance market capacity to cover terrorist
Train for prevention of cyber attacks. State and local
officials have requested federal training regarding the
identification, investigation, and enforcement of cyber-
related crimes and terrorism. The FBI, in coordination
with other relevant federal organizations, should assist
state and local law enforcement in obtaining training
in this area.
Suppress money laundering. Terrorists use unregulated
financial services, among other means, to fund their
operations. The Money Laundering Suppression Act
(P.L. 103-325) urges states to enact uniform laws to
license and regulate certain financial services. The USA
PATRIOT Act also relies on state law to establish the
regulatory structure necessary to combat money
laundering. States should assess the current status of
their regulations regarding non-depository providers of
financial services and work to adopt uniform laws as
necessary to ensure more efficient and effective
regulation. By doing so, states would protect consumers
by providing increased stability and transparency to an
industry prone to abuse while at the same time
providing state and local law enforcement with the
tools necessary to dismantle informal and unlicensed
money transmission networks.
Ensure continuity of the judiciary. In the aftermath of a
terrorist attack, our judicial system must continue to
operate effectively. Planning is critical to this conti-
nuity. As such, states, relevant non-governmental
organizations, and representatives of the Department
of Justice and the federal judiciary should convene a
committee of representatives to consider the expedient
appointment of judges; interaction and coordination
among federal and state judiciaries; and other matters
necessary to the continued functioning of the judiciary
in times of crisis.
Review quarantine authority. State quarantine laws —
most of which are over 100 years old—fail to address
the dangers presented by modern biological warfare
and terrorism. States, therefore, should update
quarantine laws to improve intrastate response while
working with their sister states and federal regulators
to assure compliance with minimum public health
standards. To facilitate this process, the Departments
of Homeland Security, Health and Human Services,
Justice, and Defense should participate in a review of
quarantine statutes and regulations in conjunction with
state and local authorities to establish minimum
standards. In addition, legislators should provide strong
federal, state, and local evacuation authority through
appropriate legislation or regulation.
The Nations advantage in science and technology is a
key to securing the homeland. New technologies for
analysis, information sharing, detection of attacks, and
countering chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear weapons will help prevent and minimize the
damage from future terrorist attacks. Just as science
and technology have helped us defeat past enemies
overseas, so too will they help us defeat the efforts of
terrorists to attack our homeland and disrupt our way
of life.
The Nation needs a systematic national effort to
harness science and technology in support of homeland
security. Our national research enterprise is vast and
complex, with companies, universities, research insti-
tutes, and government laboratories of all sizes
conducting research and development on a very broad
range of issues. Guiding this enterprise to field
important new capabilities and focus new efforts in
support of homeland security is a major undertaking.
The Department of Homeland Security, which under
the Presidents proposal will serve as the federal
governments lead for this effort, will work with private
and public entities to ensure that our homeland
security research and development are of sufficient size
and sophistication to counter the threat posed by
modern terrorism.
The private sector has the expertise to develop and
produce many of the technologies, devices, and systems
needed for homeland security. The federal government
needs to find better ways to harness the energy,
ingenuity, and investments of private entities for these
purposes. Many businesses that could play a role in
homeland security research and development are
unaccustomed to working with the federal government
and some avoid it entirely due to onerous contracting
and oversight requirements. In addition, the
Science and Technology
government currently has very few programs that
solicit research and development proposals focused
specifically on developing new homeland security
capabilities. The Department of Homeland Security
would take the lead in overcoming these obstacles.
The President has proposed to consolidate most of the
federal governments homeland security research and
development efforts under the coordination of the
Department of Homeland Security to ensure strategic
direction and avoid duplication. To date, research and
development activities in support of homeland security
have been underfunded, evolutionary, short-term in
nature, fragmented across too many departments, and
heavily reliant on spin-offs from the national security
and medical sectors. Many of the involved agencies
have little frontline knowledge of homeland security
and little or no experience in technology acquisition
and supporting research. The new Department would
be responsible for overcoming these shortfalls by
ensuring the pursuit of research and development
activities where none existed previously.
The Presidents Fiscal Year 2003 Budget request
proposed a significant increase in homeland security
research and development funding: from nearly $1
billion in Fiscal Year 2002 to about $3 billion, with the
bulk focused on developing new countermeasures to
bioterrorism. This is a crucial first federal step for
dealing with one of our most pressing scientific
challenges. The Department must build on this down
payment to create and implement a long-term research
and development plan that includes investment in
potentially revolutionary capabilities.
Major Initiatives
Develop chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
countermeasures. The Nations research and devel-
opment agenda will prioritize efforts to deal with
catastrophic threats. Key initiatives will include
research and development to prevent terrorist use of
nuclear weapons, detect chemical and biological
materials and attacks, develop high-efficacy vaccines
and antivirals against biological agents, and track
laboratory use of biological agents. (See Defending
against Catastrophic Threats chapter for additional
Develop systems for detecting hostile intent. Terrorism
ultimately requires individual human beings to carry
out murderous actions. These individuals, whether they
intend to commandeer an aircraft, detonate a suicide
bomb, or sneak illicit material through customs, may
behave in a manner that reveals their criminal intent.
The Department of Homeland Security would work
with private and public entities to develop a variety of
systems that highlight such behavior and can trigger
further investigation and analysis of suspected
individuals. This would allow security officials at points
of interest such as airports and borders to examine
more closely individuals who exhibit such character-
istics and also have other indications of potentially
hostile intent in their background. The Department
would also explore whether appropriate sensors can
determine whether individuals have been immunized
or otherwise exposed to biological agents, chemical
agents, or nuclear materials.
Apply biometric technology to identification devices. As
our military, intelligence, and law enforcement efforts
in Afghanistan and other countries have demonstrated,
bringing justice to terrorists and their supporters is
complicated by the fact that they hide among innocent
civilians and in remote places. Finding terrorists and
preventing terrorist attacks here in the United States is
difficult for the same reason—for example, a terrorist
on the FBI’s Watch List may sneak past security
personnel at an airport thanks to false documents and a
simple disguise. These challenges require new
security actors. We will explore both evolu-
tionary improvements to current capabilities
and development of revolutionary new capabil-
ities. The Department of Homeland Security
will ensure appropriate testing and piloting of
new technologies. Finally, the Department,
working with other agencies, will set standards
to assist the acquisition decisions of state and
local governments and private-sector entities.
National Vision
In the war on terrorism, Americas vast science
and technology base provides a key advantage.
With the Department of Homeland Security as
a focal point, the United States will press this
advantage through a national research and
development enterprise for homeland security
similar in emphasis and focus to that which has
supported the national security community for
more than fifty years. The Department will
establish a disciplined system to guide its
homeland security research and development
efforts and those of other departments and
agencies. As a Nation, we will emphasize
science and technology applications that address
catastrophic threats. We will build on existing
science and technology whenever possible. We
will embrace science and technology initiatives
that can support the whole range of homeland
technologies and systems to identify and find
individual terrorists. The Department of Homeland
Security would support research and development
efforts in biometric technology, which shows great
promise. The Department would focus on improving
accuracy, consistency, and efficiency in biometric
systems. Furthermore, the Department would explore
biomolecular and other new techniques, as well as
enhancements to current techniques such as noise
suppression methods for voice authentication.
Improve the technical capabilities of first responders. If we
do not protect our first responders from the dangerous
effects of chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear
attacks, we may lose the very people we depend on to
minimize the damage of any such attacks. The
Department of Homeland Security would launch a
steady and long-term effort to provide first responders
with technical capabilities for dealing with the effects
of catastrophic threats—capabilities that would aid
both first responders and victims of the attack. These
capabilities would include protective gear and masks,
prophylactic treatments, and decontamination
equipment. The Department would undertake
sustained efforts to develop treatments and decontami-
nation methodologies for radiological and nuclear
events. The Department would also focus on devel-
oping new methods to merge disparate databases and
provide first responders with accurate and usable
pictures of building layouts and other key information
about the site of a terrorist incident. In all these efforts,
the Department would pay great attention to ensuring
that these technologies are easy to use under the
extreme conditions in which first responders operate.
Coordinate research and development of the homeland
security apparatus. The Department of Homeland
Security, working with the White House and other
federal departments, would set the overall direction for
our Nations homeland security research and devel-
opment. The Department would establish a
management structure to oversee its research and
development activities and to guide its interagency
coordination activities. It would base these efforts on a
constant examination of the Nations vulnerabilities,
continual testing of our security systems, and updated
evaluations of the threat and its weaknesses. It would
make sure that new technologies can scale appropri-
ately—in terms of complexity, operation, and
sustainability—to meet any terrorist attack, no matter
how large.
The technologies developed through this research and
development should not only make us safer, but also
make our daily lives better; while protecting against the
rare event, they should also enhance the commonplace.
Thus, the technologies developed for homeland
security should fit well within our physical and
economic infrastructure and our national habits.
System performance must balance the risks associated
with the terrorist threat against the impact of false
alarms and impediments to our way of life.
Establish a national laboratory for homeland security.
Under the Presidents proposal, the Department of
Homeland Security will establish a laboratory—actually
a network of laboratories—modeled on the National
Nuclear Security Administration laboratories that
provided expertise in nuclear weapon design throughout
the Cold War. These laboratories would provide a
multidisciplinary environment for developing and
demonstrating new technologies for homeland security
and would maintain a critical mass of scientific and
engineering talent with a deep understanding of the
various operational and technical issues associated with
homeland security systems. The Department would
establish a central management and research facility
with satellite centers of excellence located at various
national laboratories.
The national laboratory for homeland security would
develop, demonstrate, and then transition to the field
new technologies and system concepts to counter the
specific threats of chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear terrorism. It would transfer successful
technologies to commercial industry for manufacture
and long-term support. It would reach out to various
regional, state, and local homeland security efforts,
gaining familiarity with their issues, and providing
them core research, development, test, and evaluation
expertise. The laboratory would help the Department
of Homeland Securitys efforts to conduct and support
threat and vulnerability analyses.
Solicit independent and private analysis for science and
technology research. Under the Presidents proposal, the
Department of Homeland Security will fund
independent analytic support for our homeland
security science and technology endeavors. These
efforts will support planning activities, including net
assessment, preparing agency guidance, and reviewing
agency programs and budgets; systems analyses;
requirements analyses; assessments of competing
technical and operational approaches; and the
Departments use of “red team techniques. (See
Intelligence and Warning chapter for additional details
on “red team techniques.) The organizations that
provide this support to the Department will undertake
long-range projects and should have access to sensitive
government and proprietary data, including intelli-
gence assessments. They should also possess
unquestionable objectivity, staying free from conflicts
of interest with other government institutions and the
private sector.
Establish a mechanism for rapidly producing prototypes.
Technologies developed for a variety of purposes are
often directly applicable, or quickly adaptable, for
homeland security needs. Under the Presidents
proposal, the Department of Homeland Security will
work with other federal agencies to provide a means for
rapid prototyping of innovative homeland security
concepts based on existing technologies. It would
collect unsolicited ideas, evaluate them, and maintain a
capability for funding the most promising ideas either
directly or in partnership with a relevant agency. The
Department would ensure that successful prototypes
are sustainable by partnering with the commercial
sector for manufacture and long-term support.
Conduct demonstrations and pilot deployments. The
Department of Homeland Security would systemati-
cally engage in pilot deployments and demonstrations
to provide a conduit between the state and local users
of technology and the federal developers of that
technology. These pilot deployments and demonstra-
tions would serve as a focal point for the development
of regional solutions, testing how well new homeland
security technologies work under local conditions
across America. We must also test how well those
technologies work in the case of a large-scale attack.
Set standards for homeland security technology. In order to
encourage investment in homeland security science and
technology efforts, the Department of Homeland
Security, along with other federal agencies, would work
with state and local governments and the private sector
to build a mechanism for analyzing, validating, and
setting standards for homeland security equipment. The
Department would develop comprehensive protocols for
certification of compliance with these standards. This
activity will allow state and local officials to make
informed procurement decisions.
Establish a system for high-risk, high-payoff homeland
security research. Bringing the full force of science to bear
on our efforts to secure the homeland will require
systematic investment in innovative and revolutionary
research and development projects. We expect many of
these projects to fail due to the technical risks involved,
but the payoff for success will be great. The Department
of Homeland Security would establish a program with a
high level of programmatic and budgetary flexibility to
solicit private industry for innovative concepts.
Through these and other focused science and technology
programs, we will develop new tools and techniques to
secure our homeland. Our enemies are adaptive,
constantly searching for new ways to strike us. We must
do the same. Just as we did in World War II and in the
Cold War, we must use our great strength in science and
technology to triumph in the war on terrorism.
Information contributes to every aspect of homeland
security and is a vital foundation for the homeland
security effort. Every government official performing
every homeland security mission depends upon infor-
mation and information technology.
Although American information technology is the
most advanced in the world, our countrys information
systems have not adequately supported the homeland
security mission. Today, there is no single agency or
computer network that integrates all homeland security
information nationwide, nor is it likely that there ever
will be. Instead, much of the information exists in
disparate databases scattered among federal, state, and
local entities. In many cases, these computer systems
cannot share information—either “horizontally” (across
the same level of government) or “vertically” (between
federal, state, and local governments). Databases used
for law enforcement, immigration, intelligence, and
public health surveillance have not been connected in
ways that allow us to recognize information gaps or
redundancies. As a result, government agencies storing
terrorism information, such as terrorist “watch lists,”
have not been able to systematically share that infor-
mation with other agencies. These differences can
sometimes result in errors if, for example, visa applica-
tions and border controls are not checked against
consistent watch lists.” It is crucial to link the vast
amounts of knowledge resident within each agency at
all levels of government.
Despite spending some $50 billion on information
technology per year, two fundamental problems have
prevented the federal government from building an
Information Sharing and
efficient government-wide information system. First,
government acquisition of information systems has not
been routinely coordinated. Over time, hundreds of
new systems were acquired to address specific agency
requirements. Agencies have not pursued compatibility
across the federal government or with state and local
entities. Organizations have evolved into islands of
technology—distinct networks that obstruct efficient
collaboration. Second, legal and cultural barriers often
prevent agencies from exchanging and integrating
Information-sharing capabilities are similarly deficient
at the state and local levels. Many states maintain
terrorism, gang, and drug databases that other states
cannot access. In addition, there are deficiencies in the
communications systems used by municipalities
throughout the country. If an attack were to occur
today, most state and local first responders would not
be using compatible communications equipment.
Wireless technology used by most communities is
outdated, and one-third of public safety agencies have
reported trouble communicating with counterparts
during incidents (according to the Public Safety
Wireless Network, a joint program of the Departments
of Justice and Treasury). Although many states have
instituted new infrastructures for sharing information
within their jurisdiction, sharing with other states and
with federal agencies remains fragmented. This lack of
interoperability was evident many times over the past
decade—during the 1993 World Trade Center
bombing, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the 1999
Columbine school shootings, and the September 11
attacks. At Columbine, the responders included 23
local and county law enforcement agencies, two state
and three federal law enforcement agencies, six local
fire departments, and seven local emergency medical
services—most with incompatible communications
procedures and equipment.
Major Initiatives
Five principles will guide our countrys approach to
developing information systems for homeland security.
First, we will balance our homeland security require-
ments with citizens’ privacy. Second, the homeland
security community will view the federal, state, and
local governments as one entity—not from the point of
view of any agency or level of government. Third,
information will be captured once at the source and
used many times to support multiple requirements.
Fourth, we will create databases of record, which will
be trusted sources of information. Finally, the
homeland security information architecture will be a
dynamic tool, recognizing that the use of information
technology to combat terrorism will continually evolve
to stay ahead of the ability of terrorists to exploit our
It is important to protect the publics right to access
information, but to do so in balance with security
concerns. In general, laws such as the Freedom of
Information Act (FOIA) provide for access to
government information to the extent that records are
not exempt from disclosure. At the same time,
Congress has crafted numerous exemptions identifying
categories of information that should not be publicly
disclosed as the public interest weighs against it. In
making decisions about this category of information—
such as whether to make it available on agency web
sites—agencies must weigh the benefits of certain
information to their customers against the risks that
freely-available sensitive homeland security infor-
mation may pose to the interests of the Nation.
Integrate information sharing across the federal
government. Under the Presidents proposal, the
Department of Homeland Security will coordinate the
sharing of essential homeland security information
of the personnel and resources available to
address these threats. Officials will receive the
information they need so they can anticipate
threats and respond rapidly and effectively.
The incorporation of data from all sources
across the spectrum of homeland security will
assist in border management, critical infra-
structure protection, law enforcement, incident
management, medical care, and intelligence. In
every instance, sensitive and classified infor-
mation will be scrupulously protected. We will
leverage America’s leading-edge information
technology to develop an information archi-
tecture that will effectively secure the homeland.
National Vision
We will build a national environment that
enables the sharing of essential homeland
security information. We must build a “system
of systems” that can provide the right infor-
mation to the right people at all times.
Information will be shared horizontally” across
each level of government and vertically” among
federal, state, and local governments, private
industry, and citizens. With the proper use of
people, processes, and technology, homeland
security officials throughout the United States
can have complete and common awareness of
threats and vulnerabilities as well as knowledge
nationwide through the Critical Infrastructure
Assurance Office. This would include the design and
implementation of an interagency information archi-
tecture to support efforts to find, track, and respond to
terrorist threats in a way that improves both the time
of response and the quality of decisions. The Critical
Infrastructure Assurance Office will also define pilot
projects to address immediate homeland security
requirements while laying the foundation for
continuous improvement. New coordination groups
will recommend better information-sharing methods,
focusing on, among other things, border security;
transportation security; emergency response; chemical,
biological, radiological, and nuclear countermeasures;
and infrastructure protection.
As described in the Domestic Counterterrorism chapter,
the FBI will create a consolidated Terrorism Watch
List that includes information from a variety of sources
and will be fully accessible to all law enforcement
officers and the intelligence community. The
Department of Homeland Security, as proposed by the
President, will oversee a joint project of the U.S.
Customs Service, Immigration and Naturalization
Service, Transportation Security Administration, and
International Trade Data System Board of Directors
for large-scale modernization at border crossings.
Integrate information sharing across state and local
governments, private industry, and citizens. Several
efforts are underway to enhance the timely dissemi-
nation of information from the federal government to
state and local homeland security officials by building
and sharing law enforcement databases, secure
computer networks, secure video teleconferencing
capabilities, and more accessible websites.
First, the FBI and other federal agencies are
augmenting the information available in their crime
and terrorism databases such as the National Crime
Information Center and the National Law
Enforcement Telecommunications Systems. These
databases are accessible to state and local authorities.
Second, state and local governments should use a
secure intranet to increase the flow of classified federal
information to state and local entities. This would
provide a more effective way to disseminate infor-
mation about changes to the Homeland Security
Advisory System and share information about
terrorists. The federal government will also make an
effort to remove classified information from some
documents to facilitate distribution to more state and
local authorities. The effort will help state and local
law enforcement officials learn when individuals
suspected of criminal activity are also under federal
investigation and will enable federal officials to link
their efforts to investigations being undertaken in the
states. The Department of Homeland Security would
create a Collaborative Classified Enterprise
environment to share sensitive information securely
among all relevant government entities. This effort,
which is to include dozens of agencies, will put in place
a secure communications network to allow agencies to
plug in” their existing databases to share information.
Third, a secure video conferencing capability
connecting officials in Washington, D.C. with all
government entities in every state will be implemented
by the end of the calendar year. This capability will
allow federal officials to relay crucial information
immediately to state homeland security directors and
enhance consultation and coordination.
Fourth, expansion of the ‘.gov’ domain on the Internet
for use by state governments has already been
completed. In the past, only federal government
websites were permitted to use the ‘.gov domain. This
change will ensure the legitimacy of government
websites and enhance searches of all federal and state
websites, thereby allowing information to be accessed
more quickly. These ‘.gov’ sites will also allow
homeland security officials to exchange sensitive infor-
mation on the secure portions of those websites.
Adopt common meta-data” standards for electronic
information relevant to homeland security. The
Administration has begun several initiatives to
integrate terrorist-related information from databases
of all government agencies responsible for homeland
security. As this information is assembled, it is crucial
to compile simultaneously information about the infor-
mation so that homeland security officials understand
what is available and where it can be found. This
complements the effort to analyze the information
with advanced “data-mining” techniques to reveal
patterns of criminal behavior and detain suspected
terrorists before they act. The Department of
Homeland Security, Department of Justice, FBI, and
numerous state and local law enforcement agencies
would use data-mining tools for the full range of
homeland security activities.
The National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) is a
working example of compiling meta-data to facilitate
integration of data and support decision making. The
NSDI is a network of federal, state, and local
geospatial information databases that provide meta-
data for all information holdings to make information
easier to find and use. The assembled data will include
geospatial products, including geographic information
systems that will be used with incident management
tools and allow immediate display of maps and satellite
images. The Presidents geospatial information
integration e-government initiative will increase the
amount of meta-data available on the NSDI and
develop data standards that permit additional
integration of information. The geospatial e-gov
initiative efforts will be coordinated with incident
reporting data to create real time maps and images for
use across government in domestic counterterrorism
and incident management.
Improve public safety emergency communications. In an
emergency, rescue personnel cannot afford to be
hampered by incompatible communications assets.
Under the Presidents proposal, the Department of
Homeland Security will work to develop compre-
hensive emergency communications systems. The
National Communications System would be incorpo-
rated into the Department of Homeland Security to
facilitate the effort. These systems will disseminate
information about vulnerabilities and protective
measures, as well as allow first responders to better
manage incidents and minimize damage. The new
Department would pursue technologies such as “reverse
911” which would call households to alert those at risk.
Project SAFECOM, one of the Presidents e-
government initiatives, is being designed to address the
Nations critical public safety wireless shortcomings
and will create a tactical wireless infrastructure for first
responders and federal, state, and local law
enforcement and public safety entities.
Ensure reliable public health information. The
Department of Homeland Security, in cooperation
with the Department of Health and Human Services,
would also work to ensure reliable public health
communications. Prompt detection, accurate diagnosis,
and timely reporting and investigation of disease
epidemics all require reliable communication between
medical, veterinary, and public health organizations.
Once an attack is confirmed it is crucial to have real-
time communication with other hospitals, public
health officials, other health professionals, law
enforcement, emergency management officials, and the
media. The Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention has created the Health Alert Network to
increase the interconnectivity of federal, state, and local
public health and emergency response agencies for
timely communications about health advisories,
laboratory findings, information about disease
outbreaks, and distance learning. Under this plan, 90
percent of every state will be covered by this high-
speed network and the capacity to receive emergency
broadcast health alert messages. Providing the public
timely and accurate risk communication during a
public health emergency will inform as well as reassure
concerned Americans.
In a world where the terrorist pays no respect to tradi-
tional boundaries, a successful strategy for homeland
security requires international cooperation. America
must pursue a sustained, steadfast, and systematic
international agenda to counter the global terrorist
threat and improve our homeland security. This agenda
lies at the nexus of the National Strategy for Homeland
Security and the National Security Strategy of the United
Following September 11, the United States began a
campaign to engage our partners around the globe in
the fight against terrorism. We have made significant
progress. We have built international support for action
against global terrorism. We have entered into cooper-
ative efforts to improve security against terrorist attacks
on the United States. We have, for example, made
arrangements with Canada and Mexico to improve the
security of our shared land borders. Similarly, we are
working with partners around the world to improve
the security of international commerce and trans-
portation networks to prevent their exploitation by
terrorists. And we have embarked upon joint scientific
technological research and development aimed at
countering the many dimensions of the terrorist threat.
Our global engagement to secure the homeland inter-
sects with our governments efforts in other areas as
well. Consequently, some initiatives will be closely
coordinated, and even shared, between the National
Strategy for Homeland Security and our other national
strategies, especially the National Security Strategy of the
United States, the National Strategy for Combating
Terrorism, and the National Strategy to Combat Weapons
of Mass Destruction. Oversight of such initiatives—
which include international law enforcement and
intelligence cooperation and the protection of critical
infrastructure networks—will be shared between our
governments homeland security and national security
structures to reduce seams in our defenses that may be
exploited by our enemies.
International Cooperation
Major Initiatives
Create “smart borders.” The United States is working
closely with its neighbors to improve efforts to stop
terrorists and their instruments of terror from entering
the United States. The United States has entered into
“Smart Border” agreements with Mexico and Canada
to meet this objective. (See Border and Transportation
Security chapter for additional discussion.)
Combat fraudulent travel documents. More than 500
million people cross our borders every year. Verifying
that each has a legitimate reason to enter the United
States requires international support. The United
States is working with the G-8 group of nations, the
International Civil Aviation Organization, and other
entities to set improved security standards for travel
documents such as passports and visas. The
Department of State, working with the Department of
Homeland Security, will negotiate new international
standards for travel documents by the earliest possible
date. The United States will launch a pilot program
with select countries to share information about
specific incidents of travel document fraud and illegal
entry and deportation.
Increase the security of international shipping containers.
Sixteen million containers enter our Nation every year.
The United States will work with our trade partners
and international organizations to identify and screen
high-risk containers and develop and use smart and
secure containers. (See Border and Transportation
Security chapter for additional discussion.)
Intensify international law enforcement cooperation.
Since September 11, the U.S. government has worked
with individual countries and through multilateral
international organizations to improve cooperation on
law enforcement action against terrorists. These efforts
have focused on freezing the assets of terrorists and
affiliated persons and organizations. We have also
worked together to prevent terrorist recruitment,
transit, and safe haven, and have cooperated with other
countries to bring terrorists to justice.
The Department of Justice, in cooperation with the
Department of State, will continue to work with its
foreign counterparts on law enforcement issues. The
FBI headquarters will build closer working relation-
ships with foreign counterparts on counterterrorism
matters through its new Flying Squads. (See Domestic
Counterterrorism chapter for additional discussion.) The
United States will continue to press its G-8 counter-
parts for implementation of the 25-point
Counterterrorism Action Plan approved at the
November 2001 joint meeting of the G-8 Lyon Group
(International Crime Experts Group) and Roma
Group (Counterterrorism Experts Group).
Help foreign nations fight terrorism. The U.S.
government provides other countries with specialized
training and assistance to help build their capacities to
combat terrorism. Some of these programs are military
in nature, but many focus on improving the efforts of
civilian authorities. They range from seminars in
drafting legislation to the provision of equipment for
enhancing border security and customs capabilities.
Expand protection of transnational critical infrastructure.
The United States will continue to work with both
Canada and Mexico to improve physical and cyber
security of critical infrastructure that overlaps with
both countries. (See Protecting Critical Infrastructure
and Key Assets chapter for additional discussion.)
National Vision
The United States will work with traditional
allies and new friends to win the war on
terrorism. We will sustain a high level of inter-
national commitment to fighting terrorism
through global and regional organizations (such
as the United Nations and the Organization of
American States), major international fora
(such as the G-8), specialized organizations
(such as the World Health Organization, the
International Civil Aviation Organization, and
the International Maritime Organization),
multilateral and bilateral initiatives, and, where
needed, new coordination mechanisms. We will
work with our neighbors and key trading
partners to create systems that allow us to verify
the legitimacy of people and goods entering our
country. We will increase information sharing
between law enforcement, intelligence, and
military organizations to improve our collective
ability to counter terrorists everywhere,
including in America. We will increase inter-
national cooperation on scientific and
technological research designed to help prevent,
protect against, and respond to terrorist threats
and attacks. We will work with our partners to
prepare to support one another in the wake of
any attack. As we implement this Strategy we
will be sensitive to treaty and other obligations;
however, where we find existing international
arrangements to be inadequate or counterpro-
ductive to our efforts to secure our homeland, we
will work to refashion them. Throughout these
efforts, we will harmonize our homeland
security policies with our other national security
Amplify international cooperation on homeland security
science and technology. In addition to our national
program to develop and deploy new technologies and
new uses of technology against terrorism, the U.S.
government will encourage and support comple-
mentary international scientific initiatives. For
example, the United States will seek to establish
cooperative endeavors with Canada and Mexico for
cross-border efforts to detect biological weapons
attacks; eventually, these programs may be expanded to
include other friendly nations. In conjunction with the
Department of State and the intelligence community,
the Department of Homeland Security would also
work with certain close allies to improve techniques
and develop new technologies for detecting hostile
Improve cooperation in response to attacks. The United
States will continue to work with other nations to
ensure smooth provision of international aid in the
aftermath of terrorist attacks. The Department of
State, working closely with the Department of
Homeland Security and others, will lead these efforts.
The United States will expand its exercise and training
activities with Canada in 2003 as part of the Smart
Border Initiative. It will establish similar activities with
Mexico. It will also initiate bilateral and multilateral
programs to plan for efficient burden sharing between
friendly nations in the case of attack. For example, the
United States will work with its NATO allies to
outline the organizations role in preventing and
responding to terrorist attacks on member states.
Review obligations to international treaties and law. The
United States is party to all 12 counterterrorism instru-
ments adopted by the United Nations in recent years.
These treaties form an important part of our multi-
lateral counterterrorism strategy. We are actively
encouraging all United Nations members to join and
fully implement all 12 conventions.
On a bilateral basis, the United States will negotiate
and renegotiate, if appropriate, mutual legal assistance
treaties (MLATs) based on U.S. law enforcement
priorities that will help advance homeland security.
MLATs allow the exchange of evidence in a form
usable at trial. MLATs also enable law enforcement to
obtain information abroad in connection with the
investigation, prosecution, and prevention of offenses
in a manner that is more speedy, efficient, and reliable
than the traditional judicial letters rogatory process.
The national effort to enhance homeland security will
yield tremendous benefits and entail substantial
financial and other costs. The benefit will be a
reduction in both the risk of future terrorist events and
their consequences should an attack occur. The
financial costs are the amount of money, manpower,
equipment, and innovative potential that must be
devoted to homeland security—resources which then
cannot be used for goods, services, and other
productive investments. Americans also incur
substantial costs in longer delays at airport security
checkpoints and restrictions on some individual
freedoms. While these costs are often difficult to
measure quantitatively, they are no less real and
burdensome to Americans. We must measure and
balance both benefits and costs to determine the
correct level of homeland security efforts. This chapter
describes the broad principles that should guide the
allocation of financial resources for homeland security,
help determine who should bear the financial burdens,
and help measure the costs.
The United States spends roughly $100 billion per
year on homeland security. This includes the services
of federal, state, and local law enforcement and
emergency services but excludes most spending for the
armed forces. The cost is great, and we will strive to
minimize the sacrifices asked of Americans, but as a
Nation we will spend whatever is necessary to secure
the homeland.
Principles to Guide Allocation of
Homeland Security Costs
Balancing benefits and costs. Decisions on homeland
security activities and spending must achieve two
overarching goals: to devote the right amount of scarce
resources to homeland security and to spend these
resources on the right activities. To achieve the first
Costs of Homeland Security
goal, we must carefully weigh the benefit of each
homeland security endeavor and only allocate resources
where the benefit of reducing risk is worth the amount of
additional cost. One implication of this standard is that it
is not practical or possible to eliminate all risks. There
will always be some level of risk that cannot be mitigated
without the use of unacceptably large expenditures.
The second goal for homeland security spending is to
prioritize those activities that most require additional
resources. Given the resources available, we should
strive to maximize security by distributing additional
funding in such a way that the value added is approxi-
mately equal in each sector. Because some activities
might achieve substantial benefits at low cost, while
others result in minimal gain at a high price, resources
should be shifted to their most “productive” use. These
shifts should continue until the additional value of risk
mitigation per dollar is equalized.
The role for government. The government should only
address those activities that the market does not
adequately provide—for example, national defense or
border security. Our government provides these services
on behalf of American citizens for our collective benefit.
Many homeland security activities—such as a national
incident management system—require government
For other aspects of homeland security, sufficient
incentives exist in the private market to supply
protection. In these cases, we should rely on the private
sector. For example, owners of large buildings and
hosts of large events may have a sufficient incentive to
provide security for those venues.
Federalism and cost sharing of expenditures. The
homeland security mission requires a national effort—
federal, state, and local governments partnering
together and with the private sector. It is critical that
we identify tasks that are most efficiently accomplished
at the federal versus local or regional level. A central
criterion is the degree to which the activity is national
or sub-national in scope. Many homeland security
activities, such as intelligence gathering, border
security, and policy coordination, are best accomplished
at the federal level. In other circumstances, such as
with first responder capabilities, state and local govern-
ments are better positioned to handle these
At a time when budgets are tight across the country,
the federal government will play a key role in securing
the homeland. It is critical, however, that all levels of
government work cooperatively to shoulder the costs of
homeland security. The federal government will lead
the effort, but state and local governments can and
should play important roles. As a result, Americans will
gain from these homeland security efforts every day
with improvements in public services such as law
enforcement and public health systems.
Regulations. Traditionally, governments have used
regulations in addition to direct expenditures to meet
their objectives. Rigid regulation, however, has proven
to be an inefficient means of meeting objectives. To the
extent that homeland security objectives are to be met
by regulations for state and local governments or
private-sector firms, the federal government will
provide an incentive to minimize costs and reward
innovation by permitting maximum flexibility in
meeting those objectives. The federal government will
focus on specifying outcomes rather than the means by
which they will be achieved.
The Costs of Homeland Security
Homeland security requirements take real resources
(such as labor, capital, technology, and managerial
expertise) away from valued economic activities (such
as household consumption or business investment). In
some cases, homeland security spending also reduces
resources that could be used to purchase other types of
public safety, such as cleaner water or safer highways.
In other cases, the investment in homeland security
will result in public safety benefits; water testing to
detect chemical or biological agents, for example, will
improve overall water quality. The sum of these
economic resources shifted toward homeland security is
the fundamental economic cost of the endeavor.
Direct federal expenditure. In recent years, the federal
government has allocated considerable resources to
homeland security. Including supplemental funding,
the federal budget allocated $17 billion to homeland
security in Fiscal Year 2001. This amount increased to
$29 billion in Fiscal Year 2002. In Fiscal Year 2003,
the President budgeted $38 billion for homeland
security activities. These budget allocations must be
viewed as down payments to cover the most immediate
security vulnerabilities.
The President has noted that terrorism is the greatest
national security threat since World War II. Minimizing
the overall economic impact of fighting the war on
terrorism will require that increased budgetary spending
on homeland security occur within the context of overall
fiscal spending restraint. It is important to reprioritize
spending to meet our homeland security needs, and not
simply to permit unchecked overall growth in federal
outlays. Over the long term, government spending is
balanced by either higher taxes or inflation, both of
which hinder the rapid economic growth that serves as
the ultimate source of resources for families’ standards of
living and national needs.
If we do not reprioritize spending, then the costs of
homeland security will be even greater because these
expenditures do not represent the full cost of homeland
security to the economy. As noted earlier, the $38
billion in taxes needed to finance the Fiscal Year 2003
homeland security budget request will not be available
for other uses such as personal consumption and
private sector investments. The Council of Economic
Advisers estimates that of the $38 billion, $24 billion
would come from reduced consumption, while $14
billion would take the form of reduced private sector
investment. The cost is even higher, however, because
of the economic distortions introduced by the tax
system. Under any tax system, every dollar collected in
taxes results in distortions that reduce the efficiency of
the economy and lower national income. This
economic distortion (referred to as deadweight loss) is
roughly $0.27 per dollar of tax revenue.
State and local governments. It is difficult to measure
the financial contributions to homeland security made
by state and local governments. It is evident, however,
that state and local governments are spending money
or planning to spend money which was never expected
to be spent on defending and protecting their
respective communities. These costs include protecting
critical infrastructure, improving technologies for infor-
mation sharing and communications, and building
emergency response capacity. At this time, the
National Governors’ Association estimates that
additional homeland security-related costs, incurred
since September 11 and through the end of 2002, will
reach approximately $6 billion. Similarly, the U.S.
Conference of Mayors has estimated the costs incurred
by cities during this time period to be $2.6 billion.
Private expenditures. Private businesses and individuals
have incentives to take on expenditures to protect
property and reduce liability that contribute to
homeland security. Owners of buildings have a signif-
icant stake in ensuring that their buildings are
structurally sound, properly maintained, and safe for
occupants. To accomplish this, they often take
protective measures that include employee education
and training, securing services, infrastructure
assessment, technology, and communication enhance-
ments. Properly functioning insurance markets should
provide the private sector with economic incentives to
mitigate risks.
Costs of homeland security in the private sector are
borne by both the owners of businesses in the form of
lower income and their customers in the form of
higher prices. The Council of Economic Advisers
estimates that private business spent approximately
$55 billion per year on private security before the
September 11 attacks. As a result of the attacks, their
annual costs of fighting terrorism may increase by 50
to 100 percent. Increases in the cost of insurance
premiums have been more dramatic.
Economic Recovery
Additional homeland security costs would be incurred
in the event of a terrorist attack. The economic
response and recovery efforts would involve four
central activities.
Local economic recovery. The federal government is
developing a comprehensive and coordinated economic
recovery plan. The plan will improve federal support to
state and local governments for incidents that
overwhelm state, local, and private-sector resources.
This approach will help develop a better planned and
more flexible federal response, support stronger local
planning for economic recovery, lessen federal demands
on state and local officials at the time of an incident,
and provide federal assistance to state and local bodies,
when appropriate, in a more user-friendly and effective
Restoration of financial markets. In the aftermath of an
attack, the Department of Homeland Security, the
Department of the Treasury, and the White House
would oversee efforts to: effectively monitor financial
market status; identify and assess impacts on the
markets from direct or indirect attacks; develop appro-
priate responses to such impacts; inform senior federal
officials of the nature of the incident and the appro-
priate response options; and implement response
decisions through appropriate federal, state, local, and
private sector entities.
National economic recovery. A major terrorist incident
can have economic impacts beyond the immediate
area. Therefore, the Departments of Homeland
Security, Treasury, and State and the White House
would identify the policies, procedures and participants
necessary to assess economic consequences in a coordi-
nated and effective manner. This group will develop
recommendations to senior federal officials on the
appropriate federal response. The group will ensure
that government actions after an attack restore critical
infrastructure, services, and our way of life as quickly as
possible and minimize economic disruptions. This
group will also develop effective policies and proce-
dures for the implementation of those responses
through appropriate federal, state, local, and private
sector bodies.
Economic impact data. Sound information about the
nature and extent of the economic impact of an
incident is important in developing an effective
response. The Department of Commerces Economics
and Statistics Administration and other federal
agencies are developing an economic monitoring,
assessment, and reporting protocol to provide credible
information concerning the economic status of the area
before an incident, assess the direct economic impacts
of the incident, and estimate the total economic conse-
quences in a more timely and accurate manner. This
protocol will help develop more accurate national,
regional, and local economic impact data. This infor-
mation will be provided to appropriate government
officials to help assess the appropriate response to the
economic consequences of an incident.
This National Strategy for Homeland Security has set a
broad and complex agenda for the United States. The
Strategy has defined many different goals that need to
be met, programs that need to be implemented, and
responsibilities that need to be fulfilled. The principal
purpose of a strategy, however, is to set priorities. It is
particularly important for government institutions to
set priorities explicitly, since these institutions generally
lack a clear measure of how successfully they provide
value to the citizenry.
Setting priorities is important to homeland security in
two distinct respects. First, there is the question of the
priority of homeland security compared to everything
else the government does or might do. There is a
strong consensus that protecting the people from
terrorist attacks of potentially catastrophic proportions
is among the highest, if not the highest, priority any
government can have. There will, of course, be vigorous
debate over how to achieve specific homeland security
goals, who should pay, how much security is enough,
and what the responsibilities of different entities
should be, but there is little disagreement that securing
the homeland is more important than just about every
other government activity.
Second, there is the more complex question of prior-
ities within the homeland security agenda. This point
is absolutely essential in determining how to allocate
the taxpayers’ money in a government budget. The
Presidents Budget for Fiscal Year 2003, which was
finalized in the weeks immediately following
September 11 and submitted to Congress in February
2002, recognized the need for priorities. It identified
Priorities for the Future
four key areas for extra attention and carefully targeted
increases in federal expenditures:
Support first responders. The Presidents 2003 budget
request included $3.5 billion to enhance first
responders’ response capabilities in communities across
the Nation. These funds will support states and
communities as they conduct exercises, purchase
equipment, and train personnel.
Defend against biological terrorism. The 2003 budget
request proposed increasing, by $4.5 billion to $5.9
billion total, spending on programs that counter the
threat of biological terrorism. Areas of emphasis
include: improving disease surveillance and response
systems; increasing the capacity of public-health
systems to handle outbreaks of contagious diseases;
expanding research on vaccines, medicines, and
diagnostic tests; and building up the National
Pharmaceutical Stockpile.
Secure America’s borders. The Administration proposed
increasing spending on border security by $2.2 billion
to $11 billion in 2003. These funds will expand the
number of inspectors at ports of entry; purchase
equipment to increase inspections of containers and
cargo; design and test a statutorily required system that
records the entry of individuals into the United States
and their subsequent exit; and improve the Coast
Guards ability to track maritime activity.
Use information to secure the homeland. The 2003
budget proposed an increase in spending of $722
million on programs that will use information
technology to more effectively share information and
intelligence horizontally (between federal agencies) and
vertically (between federal, state, and local govern-
These initiatives are the Presidents budgetary priorities
for Fiscal Year 2003, and will remain important issues
for the foreseeable future.
There is, however, an additional statutory and institu-
tional priority at the present time—namely, the
establishment of the new Department of Homeland
Security as proposed by the President on June 6, 2002.
Congress is considering legislation to implement the
Presidents proposal even as this National Strategy is
being published. Building a strong, flexible, and
efficient Department of Homeland Security is an
enormous challenge and a top federal priority.
Assuming Congress passes legislation to implement
the Presidents proposal to create the Department of
Homeland Security, the budget will fully reflect the
reformed organization of the executive branch for
homeland security. The Fiscal Year 2004 Budget will
also have an integrated and vastly simplified account
structure based on the six critical mission areas defined
by the National Strategy.
Indeed, work has already begun on the Fiscal Year
2004 budget. At the time this National Strategy was
published, it is expected that in Fiscal Year 2004 the
Administration will attach priority to the following
Enhance the analytic capabilities of the FBI (p. 17). The
first objective of this strategy is to prevent terrorist
attacks. The FBI is among the most important federal
institutions for achieving this objective. The FBI is
seeking to enhance its analytic capabilities to support
counterterrorism investigations and operations, as well
as to enhance the counterterrorism capabilities of other
components of the federal government.
Build new capabilities through the Information Analysis
and Infrastructure Protection Division of the proposed
Department of Homeland Security (p. 18). Under the
Presidents proposal, the Department of Homeland
Security will build on capabilities to comprehensively
assess the vulnerabilities of our critical infrastructure
and key assests, map threats against those vulnerabil-
ities, issue timely warnings, and work with federal,
state, and local governments and the private sector to
take appropriate protective action.
Create “smart borders” (p. 22). We must prevent
terrorists and the implements of terror from entering
the United States. At the same time, our economic
security depends on the efficient flow of people, goods,
and services. We will build a “smart border” that
achieves both of these critical goals. It will feature
strong, advanced risk-management systems, increased
use of biometric identification information, and
partnerships with the private sector to allow pre-
cleared goods and persons to cross borders without
Increase the security of international shipping containers
(p. 23). Ensuring the security of the global trading
system is essential to our security and world commerce.
Some 16 million shipping containers enter the United
States each year; roughly two-thirds come from 20
mega” seaports. The United States will work with its
trade partners to increase security in these ports,
establish greater controls over containers, pre-screen
containers before they arrive in America, and develop
technologies to track in-transit containers.
Recapitalize the U.S. Coast Guard (p. 23). The President
is committed to building a strong and effective Coast
Guard. The Administrations Fiscal Year 2004 Budget
proposal will provide resources to acquire the sensors,
command-and-control systems, shore-side facilities,
boats and cutters, aircraft, and people the Coast Guard
requires to perform all of its missions, including
assuring the safety of Americans at sea, maritime
domain awareness, and fisheries enforcement.
Prevent terrorist use of nuclear weapons through better
sensors and procedures (p. 38). The federal government
will support research efforts for improved technologies
to detect nuclear materials and weapons. In particular,
the Department of Homeland Security would develop
and deploy new detection systems and inspection
procedures against the entry of such materials at all
major ports of entry and throughout our national
transportation infrastructure.
Develop broad spectrum vaccines, antimicrobials, and
antidotes (p. 39). The Department of Homeland
Security and the Department of Health and Human
Services would support research efforts to expand the
inventory of diagnostics, vaccines, antidotes, and other
therapies that can mitigate the consequences of a
chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear attack.
Protecting a diverse population of all ages and health
conditions requires a coordinated national effort with a
comprehensive research and development strategy and
investment plans. Such efforts will also benefit other
infectious disease and medical research.
Integrate information sharing across the federal
government (p. 56). The federal government will
develop systems to coordinate the sharing of essential
homeland security information. The federal
government will design and implement an interagency
information architecture that will support efforts to
find, track, and respond to terrorist threats in a way
that improves both the time of response and the
quality of decisions.
These items will be the budgetary priorities of the
federal government for the next budget cycle. In the
intervening months, the executive branch will prepare
detailed implementation plans for these and most other
initiatives contained within this Strategy. These plans
will ensure that the taxpayers’ money is spent only in a
manner that achieves specific objectives with clear
performance-based measures of effectiveness.
State and local governments, private industry, and
concerned citizens groups should go through a similar
process of priority-setting and long-term planning.
* * *
Americans will never forget the murderous events of
September 11, 2001. Our Nation suffered great harm
on that terrible morning. The American people have
responded magnificently with courage and compassion,
strength and resolve. There should be no doubt that we
will succeed in weaving an effective and permanent
level of security into the fabric of a better, safer,
stronger America.
APHIS: Animal and Plant Health Inspection
ATSA: Aviation and Transportation Security Act
AT TF : Anti-Terrorism Task Force
CBRN: Chemical, Biological, Radiological and
CDC: Center for Disease Control
CIA: Central Intelligence Agency
CIAO: Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office
CTC: Counter-Terrorism Center
DCI: Director of Central Intelligence
DHS: Department of Homeland Security
DoD: Department of Defense
DoE: Department of Energy
EIS: Epidemic Intelligence Service
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
FAA: Federal Aviation Administration
FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation
FDA: Food and Drug Administration
FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency
FTTTF: Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force
HAN: Health Alert Network
HHS: Health and Human Services
HSTF: Homeland Security Task Force (proposed)
IIPO: Information Integration Program Office
IMS: Incident Management System
INS: Immigration and Naturalization Service
ITDS: International Trade Data System
JTTF: Joint Terrorism Task Force
MRC: Medical Reserve Corps
MLAT: Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty
NCIC: National Crime Information Center
NCS: National Communication System
NDMS: National Disaster Medical System
NEDSS: National Electronic Disease Surveillance
NIH: National Institutes of Health
NLETS: National Law Enforcement
Telecommunications System
NRC: Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NSA: National Security Agency
NSC: National Security Council
NSDI: National Spatial Data Infrastructure
NWP: Neighborhood Watch Program
OHS: Office of Homeland Security
OMB: Office of Management and Budget
TIPS: Terrorism Information and Preventive
TSA: Transportation Security Administration
TSWG: Technical Support Working Group
VIPS: Volunteers in Police Service
WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction
WTC: World Trade Center
The American people responded to the attacks of
September 11 with compassion and resolve. Virtually
every American participated in one way or another in
helping our Nation recover and grow stronger. Some
rushed into burning buildings to save the lives of
colleagues, friends, and strangers. Others demonstrated
their solidarity by wearing an American flag on their
lapel. Members of our military flew combat air patrols
over our cities; some fought overseas. Many people
ministered to the injured and comforted the grieving,
while others worked in their official capacities—as
legislators, policymakers, investigators, prosecutors, first
responders, health officials, environmental experts,
counselors, and economists—to help America recover
from the attacks and confront the terrorist threat.
People in every state, every city, and every government
agency have contributed to the effort to make America
safer. Our efforts so far have created the solid foundation
on which we continue to build our defenses. While the
work to protect Americans and our way of life will
continue indefinitely, we as a country can be comforted
by our knowledge that the work is well underway.
Highlighted below are a few of the many actions taken
by our Nation since September 11.
The Immediate Response to the Attacks
Rescue, recovery, and victim support. The response to the
September 11 terrorist attacks began onboard the
hijacked planes as passengers did all they could to
thwart the terrorists, and continued in the streets of
New York City, in the rubble of the Pentagon, and in
the burning Pennsylvania countryside. Colleagues
assisted each other in escaping from the collapsing
buildings. Firefighters, police officers, emergency
medical professionals, and public works employees
responded immediately to the crime scenes, while
hospitals treated the many victims. The recovery and
clean-up efforts involved significant contributions from
all sectors of our society—federal, state, and local
agencies and entities, the private sector, volunteer
organizations, as well as individual citizens.
The work to help the recovery effort and to assist the
victims of September 11 did not stop at Ground Zero.
It continued as Congress and the President worked to
appropriate $40 billion in emergency funds to
compensate victims, aid the reconstruction efforts in
New York and Virginia, and strengthen our fight
against terrorism. In addition, the American response
persisted in the board rooms of private companies and
charitable organizations as various sectors worked to
raise money and donate supplies to aid the victims.
The investigation. In response to September 11, the
U.S. government initiated the largest criminal investi-
gation in our Nations history, committing more than
4,000 FBI agents and 3,000 support staff to the effort.
The investigation has been supported by numerous
federal agencies, as well as state and local law
While the investigation has been led by law
enforcement, significant contributions have come from
many sectors. For example, Congress and the President,
by passing and signing into law the USA PATRIOT
Act, provided law enforcement with the tools necessary
to bring the guilty to justice. In addition, the interna-
tional community joined us in the global war on
terrorism, enabling law enforcement to investigate
groups and terrorist cells throughout the world. The
American population helped as well, by providing law
enforcement with important investigatory leads, calling
the Justice Departments hotline to report suspected
terrorist activity, and logging onto the web site created
so that people could share information.
After September 11, the federal government committed
not only to rooting out terrorists wherever they are, but
also to cutting off their sources of financial support. To
support this effort, and to identify and eliminate
funding sources of suspected terrorists, the Treasury
Department launched Operation Green Quest at the
U.S. Customs Service and the FBI established the
Financial Review Group. Within weeks of September
11, the President issued an Executive Order to starve
terrorists of their support funds. To date, the United
States has blocked $34.3 million in assets of suspected
terrorist organizations and terrorist supporters/finan-
ciers. The global effort of more than 160 countries has
resulted in the freezing of over $112 million in assets.
Appendix: September 11
and Americas Response
The Response to the Terrorist Threat
Federal, state, and local governments and the private
sector must coordinate on issues affecting homeland
security in order to succeed in the fight against
Officials across all levels of government have been
working together on homeland security related task
forces to meet this goal. In addition, each state now
has a designated individual, charged by the respective
Governor, to perform homeland security responsibil-
The private sector has also worked closely with the
government and with one another to better secure the
homeland. For example, the Business Roundtable, an
organization of Fortune 100 companies, established
CEO COM Link, the Critical Emergency Operations
Communication Link, to quickly alert and mobilize
America’s business leaders in times of national crisis or
a natural disaster. Working closely with government
officials, the Grocery Manufacturers of America
launched Project Vigilance—a program that encom-
passes a task force on food security, “twenty-four,
seven databases, and other food industry actions to
help assure the security of food and consumer
Supporting first responders. The members of the
Nations emergency services community are our first
responders to terrorist attacks. Americans have done a
great deal since September 11 to support our
firefighters, police officers, emergency personnel, and
other responders. In the wake of the attacks, many
cities reviewed and made changes to their emergency
plans. Congress appropriated $650 million for federal
grant assistance to states and localities for improving
first responder terrorism preparedness. With this vital
federal assistance, first responders have received and
will continue to receive extensive training (including in
weapons of mass destruction response) and necessary
Americans in their private capacities have joined in
supporting our emergency personnel as well. The
President created USA Freedom Corps to strengthen
and expand opportunities to protect our homeland, as
well as to support our communities and to extend
American compassion around the world. As part of
this initiative, Citizen Corps offers a wide range of
volunteer opportunities to support first responders
through its five national level programs. To name just
one example, the Federal Emergency Management
Agencys Community Emergency Response Team
program—part of Citizen Corps—trains volunteers to
help support first responders during an incident. (See
Organizing for a Secure Homeland chapter for additional
discussion and description of Citizen Corps programs.)
Critical infrastructure and key asset protection. Our
Nations efforts to protect against the terrorist threat
have included increased security of our countrys
critical infrastructure and key assets. This increased
security has taken many forms—heightened patrols,
threat assessments, access restrictions—and has been
undertaken by many agencies at all levels of
government. For example, the Department of Defense
has flown more than 22,000 combat air patrol missions
within the United States since September 11 to protect
our critical infrastructure from air attacks. The Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC) placed nuclear power
plants across the Nation on the highest level of security
after the attacks, while the U.S. Customs Service
placed the Nations air, land, and sea ports of entry on
Alert 1 Level, ensuring more thorough examinations of
people and cargo. In addition, the NRC initiated a
top-to-bottom security review of nuclear power plants,
including an assessment of plant vulnerability to
Yet the federal government has not acted alone in
protecting our physical infrastructure. States and cities
have also increased security at critical sites. In
Jonesboro, Arkansas, the police department has
concentrated security into areas that traditionally did
not receive much attention, directing patrols for
communication towers, water storage and treatment
facilities. Local law enforcement coordinated with the
Coast Guard to create a safety zone around Indian
Point Energy Center, located 50 miles from New York
City. Utah, with federal assistance, instituted flight and
satellite surveillance over reservoirs. In Fresno,
California, the police department staffed an anti-
terrorism unit that conducted a survey of city buildings
and security readiness. In Tampa, Florida, marine, air,
and uniform patrols have been instituted at an
important port, while in Wellington, Florida, new
security measures have been installed in a water
treatment plant.
The private sector, which owns the majority of our
infrastructure, has also increased its security of its facil-
ities. For example, the National Food Processors
Association formed the Alliance for Food Security
almost immediately after September 11 to better
protect the food supply from intentional contami-
nation. The American Chemistry Councils emergency
communication center joined with the FBI’s
Hazardous Materials Response Team shortly after
September 11, augmenting and improving their infor-
mation-sharing and coordination activities.
In addition to our physical infrastructure, all levels of
government, as well as private entities, have taken
measures to increase the security of our critical
computer and information infrastructure. The
Presidents Critical Infrastructure Protection Board has
spurred research into potential methods to protect vital
communications networks. The U.S. government
established stronger encryption standards to safeguard
sensitive, non-classified electronic information. The
state legislatures of Louisiana, Michigan, and the
Commonwealth of Virginia have passed cyber-
terrorism laws.
The attacks on the World Trade Center and on the
Pentagon starkly illustrated the need to protect our
transportation systems, among other critical infrastruc-
tures, from acts of terrorism. Accordingly, more than
7,000 members of the National Guard, and later
thousands of state and local law enforcement
personnel, were deployed to help secure the Nations
airports. Congress passed the Aviation and
Transportation Security Act, which established a series
of challenging milestones to achieve a secure air travel
system. The Federal Air Marshals program was
substantially expanded and new security procedures
have been implemented at the Nations 429 commercial
Cities and states have also committed energy and
resources to protecting our means of transportation,
and across the country, local law enforcement and state
governments have dedicated more hours, money, and
personnel to securing modes of transportation. For
example, in West Virginia state employees patrolled
the state’s highways, bridges, and waterways, while the
City of Chicago increased security at its bridges and
airports. States, including New Jersey, North Carolina,
and Virginia, have also taken measures to increase
security relating to drivers licenses by changing the
requirements and identifying information necessary to
obtain a license.
Protecting large events. The September 11 attacks
created public concern regarding the safety of large
spectator events, to which law enforcement at every
level has responded with careful planning and coordi-
nation of security arrangements. The February 2002
Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, Utah, were
a major test of America’s ability to protect a large
public event. Security at Salt Lake City was more
thorough, more visible, better planned, and better
coordinated than at any Olympics in history. The
designation of the Olympics as a National Special
Security Event brought federal support to the Games
in the areas of venue security, air space security,
training, communications, and credentialing.
Throughout the Games, federal, state, and local
agencies shared intelligence to ensure a high level of
readiness, and dozens of state and local law
enforcement agencies took part in security planning,
contributing valuable resources and invaluable
National biodefense. On the heels of the tragedies of
September 11, we found ourselves under attack once
again – this time from the dissemination of anthrax
through the mail. These attacks illustrated the need to
make prevention of and protection against bioterrorist
attacks a top priority. Our country has already taken
several important steps, including the procurement of
200 million doses of smallpox vaccine, and the
expansion of the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile.
(See Emergency Preparedness and Response chapter for
additional discussion.)
While the federal government plays a critical role in
increasing our defenses against bioterrorist attacks,
state and local governments are integral to prevention
as well, and they have taken action. Michigan spent
$2.6 million for epidemiologists, microbiologists, and
lab personnel to increase the state’s ability to respond
to bioterrorist attacks. The City of Baltimore created a
web-based surveillance system to track the appearance
of common symptoms in uncommon amounts that
might indicate a biological attack.
Private industry has engaged as well. For example, four
major pharmaceutical companies, using information
from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention,
have begun to distribute reference guides to doctors
and caregivers on how to detect and treat anthrax in
Protecting our borders. Since September 11, we have
taken important measures to protect our borders more
effectively. The U.S. Coast Guard deployed additional
personnel to protect our ports of entry immediately
after the attacks, while the Immigration and
Naturalization Service and the National Guard
augmented their presence on our northern and
southern borders. In addition, the Foreign Terrorist
Tracking Task Force has been working to bar terrorists
or terrorist-supporting aliens from the United States
and to track down and deport any who have illegally
entered the United States.
We need the help of our closest neighbors—Mexico
and Canada—to fully protect our borders. In
December 2001, the United States and Canada
concluded a “Smart Border Declaration,” which
committed our governments to working together to
build a secure border that operates efficiently and
effectively under all circumstances. The U.S. and
Canadian governments have already made great strides
in realizing that vision, aggressively implementing a
detailed 30-point action plan of specific measures to
securely facilitate the free flow of people and
In a similar fashion, the United States and Mexico
signed the “U.S. – Mexico Border Partnership decla-
ration in March 2002. Currently, border management
agencies from both the United States and Mexico are
working together to implement a 22-point action plan
of specific measures to ensure the secure flow of legal
goods and people, and to build adequate border-
management systems and infrastructure.
Protecting our borders involves not only knowing who
enters our country, but also what comes across our
borders. To protect the security of cargo entering the
United States, the U.S. Customs Service launched
Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism. This
joint initiative of the government and the private sector
requires importers to take steps that will ensure tighter
security of cargo, and, in return, the government agrees
to give the more secure, low risk cargo the “fast lane”
through our ports of entry.
Communicating with and engaging the public. The
attacks of September 11 filled America with appre-
hension. Government representatives have worked to
alleviate the anxiety in the months that have followed
through responsible communication with the public.
The government faces a balancing act on this front: the
public’s need and right to know about terrorist threats
versus the risk of raising alarm unnecessarily or fruit-
lessly by relaying all information including ambiguous
or non-specific threat information. In response to this
pressing need for clear communication, and recog-
nizing that an informed public is a key asset, the
President created the Homeland Security Advisory
System to provide the public with the necessary infor-
mation and awareness regarding terrorist threats and
protective action.
Our citizens also responded to September 11 with a
dedication to overcome the terrorist threat at home.
The President created the Citizen Corps initiative to
offer Americans the opportunity to volunteer to
protect their communities through emergency response
and preparation. Public response has been impressive.
More than 100 communities, ranging from major
metropolitan areas to small suburban and rural
communities, have formed Citizen Corps Councils to
coordinate local volunteer activities to support first
responders. More than 38,000 individuals from all 50
states have signed up online to participate in one or
more of the federally supported Citizen Corps
programs, including Volunteers in Police Service,
Neighborhood Watch and Operation TIPS, sponsored
by the Department of Justice; the Medical Reserve
Corps, sponsored by the Department of Health and
Human Services; and the Federal Emergency
Management Agencys Community Emergency
Response Team training.