Anne Sullivan Elementary
Student/Parent Handbook
Principal: Donna Whisonant
Assistant Principals: Cyndi Salazar and Stefanie Roach
Principal Donna Whisonant 281-327-2863
Assistant Principal Cyndi Salazar 281-327-2866
Assistant Principal Stefanie Roach 281-327-2865
Executive Assistant Teresa Kiser 281-327-2864
ADA Clerk Leila Haas 281-327-2871
Counselor Kimberly Omanukwue 281-327-2860
Counselor Jessica Trahan 281-327-2860
CCC Christina Jones 281-327-2860
Nurse Kristi Thomey 281-327-2860
Cafeteria Manager Sherry Trevino 281-327-2860
Extended Day Barrett King 281-327-2860
Anne Sullivan Elementary
Front Office: 281-327-2860
Fax Number: 281-327-2922
Hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Welcome to Anne Sullivan Elementary. We hope that this will be a great year for you and
your child. This handbook is designed to help you understand the policies, procedures,
and practices of ASE.
Arrival at School
Students will report to their designated Pod area upon arrival. Please make every effort to have
your child at school by 7:45 a.m., so he/she may get organized for the day. Students may not be
dropped off prior to 7:30 a.m., since there are no staff on duty. Breakfast will be served from 7:30
a.m.-7:50 a.m. Students must be seated at their desks and ready for announcements at 8:10 a.m.
Parents arriving after the 8:10 a.m. bell are required to park their car and sign-in their child as tardy
in the front office.
All students are counted tardy if not in the building by the 8:10 a.m. bell. To be prepared for a
productive day we encourage students to arrive by 7:45 a.m.
When a student is late, he/she will follow the procedures listed below:
1. Students are tardy if they are not in the building by 8:10 a.m.
2. Parents must come into the front office and sign their child in if they are tardy. Students
are not allowed to be dropped off unescorted by a parent after the 8:10 a.m. bell. This is
for your child’s safety.
3. If a student does not have a tardy slip with them when they enter class, they will be sent
back to the office.
4. The student delivers the tardy slip to the classroom teacher.
5. All tardy slips will be kept by the teacher and reported weekly in the Friday Folder.
6. Tardy Accumulation
a. 6th tardy - Teachers will notify an administrator.
b. 7th tardy - An administrator will notify parents via an ASE letter.
c. 10
tardy - An administrator will call the parents to set up a conference.
After School Dismissal Plan
Every student is required to have a Dismissal Plan on file with his/her teacher. This document will
note how your child will be dismissed at the end of the day. This plan needs to be consistent to
assist in a smooth dismissal plan for all staff and students. Additionally, all change of dismissal
requests should be directed to Leila Haas, and received no later than 2:00 p.m. in the front office.
Assessments REN and STAAR
REN 360 is a universal screening used by FBISD with all students in grades K-12. Screenings are
administered at a minimum of three time per year: beginning of year (BOY), middle of year
(MOY), and end of year (EOY).
These district-adopted, universal screeners, are short tests that provide teachers with learning data.
These tests are computer adaptive, which means they tailor each testing experience to the
individual student, selecting items that match each student’s performance level. This helps teachers
get viable data to support students’ success in a short amount of time. The average assessment
times are between 15 to 25 minutes. Students may take a Renaissance 360 assessment in early
literacy, math or reading. This screener is not part of the STAAR testing system.
State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR)
Grades 3-5 will take STAAR assessments in the spring. Third graders will take reading and math
tests, while fourth graders take reading, math and writing. Fifth graders are required to take tests
in reading, math and science. Fifth grade students will also be subject to SSI (Student Success
Initiative) requirements, meaning students must meet passing standards in both reading and math
to be promoted to sixth grade. Fifth grade parents will receive additional information during the
year from their child’s teacher in regards to this initiative.
Attendance is taken at 10:00 a.m. each day. In accordance with the state law, a student is either
present or absent for the entire day at the 10:00 a.m. attendance bell. Senate Bill 1 allows students
to be counted present if they are with a health care professional at 10:00 a.m. and return to school
later that day with a note from the doctor. When a student is absent, he/she must bring a written
excuse within 5 days of the absence. An absence will be unexcused if a note is not brought to
school within these 5 days. The letter should include the full name of the student, date(s) of
absence, reason for absence, teacher’s name, grade level, and parent signature.
If the nurse sends a student home, a note is required each day the student is absent thereafter.
If the student is out 4 or more days, a doctor’s note is required for the absences to be excused.
If a doctor’s note is received, an absence email from a parent is still required.
If an absence is unexcused, a note is requested, so the absence can be marked appropriately.
Email is always the best way to send a note.
For clarification, excused absences include illness, death in the family, approved religious
holidays, and verified court appearances. Students are allowed to make up work for these absences
and will have the number of days to make up work equal to the number of excused absence days.
Work will be provided upon the child’s return.
Vacations and extended family trips are considered unexcused absences. After 3 unexcused
absences in a 4-week period, FBISD will send a note home. Excessive unexcused absences will
initiate monitoring by the district’s Truancy department.
Students may bring party invitations for parties to be held off campus, but must invite everyone in
the class or all boys/girls as appropriate. Invitations will only be accepted by the teacher on Fridays
to be sent home in the Friday Folder. Your child’s birthday is acknowledged during our morning
news broadcast, and teachers will acknowledge your child’s birthday in class. Students will be
allowed to celebrate their birthday at the end of the day, by providing store-bought cookies, donuts,
or cupcakes. No nuts should be included in the treat, due to allergies. Cookie cakes are not
permitted for a birthday celebration. A parent or guardian must bring the items into the building
and fill out a nutritional form created by FBISD’s Child Nutrition office and kept on file in the
school office. Prior to sending any treats, please contact your child’s teacher so he/she can allow
time for the celebration at the end of the day. Please provide paper plates or napkins. Goody bags
will not be distributed to students. Since instruction is still taking place in the classroom, parents
are not allowed in the classroom for the celebration.
Bus Conduct and Discipline
Students are expected to assist district staff in ensuring that buses remain in good condition and
that transportation is provided safely. When riding in district vehicles, students are held to
behavioral standards established in the FBISD Student/Parent Handbook.
Students must:
• follow the driver’s directions at all times
• enter and leave the bus in an orderly manner at the designated stop
• keep feet, books, and other objects out of the aisle
• not deface the bus, or its equipment
• not put head, hands, arms, or legs out of the window, hold any object out of the
window, or throw objects within or out of the bus
• not possess or use any form of tobacco product on school buses
• be seated while the vehicle is moving
• fasten their seat belts, when available on buses
• wait for the driver’s signal upon leaving the bus and before crossing in front of the
Misconduct on buses, in district vehicles, or at bus stops, will be disciplined in accordance with
the FBISD Student Code of Conduct along with consequences listed below:
Consequences - Elementary Grades
1st Referral… A warning
2nd Referral… Phone call home
3rd Referral… Phone call home and assigned seat
4th Referral… 1 to 3 day suspension
***Severe infractions may result in immediate bus suspension.
In the cafeteria, students use their 6-digit ID number to access their lunch account. Prepayment for
multiple meals is encouraged. You may pay online at http://fortbendisd.revtrak.net, or pay by
check, money order or cash. Yellow envelopes are available for you to complete and place in one
of the conveniently located locked boxes throughout the school. Our cafeteria manager checks the
boxes every morning.
School breakfast/lunch prices for this year will be:
Breakfast $1.25
Lunch $2.25
The cafeteria is a place where each student is expected to practice the same general rules of good
manners one would find in the home. Some simple rules of courteous behavior expected of our
students during meal times follow the SPOT ON model:
S = Stand Proud: Stay and sit in your seat, stand in line nicely
P = Positive Attitude: Mind your manners
O = Outstanding Citizen: Respect the café and be responsible for your trash
T = Teamwork: Be a friend to all
O = On Task: Focus on food
N = Noise Level
Level 0: Teacher Signal
Level 1: in line and during clean up
Level 2: at the tables
Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child. Visitors must check in at the front desk before
proceeding to the cafeteria and are asked to eat with their child at a specified table. A yellow
lanyard must be worn around the neck of all lunch visitors. Parents, please assist us with creating
independent and responsible behavior in our students by encouraging them to try to open packages
before asking for help and to clean up their own area when they are finished eating. The students
may not take food from the cafeteria back to the classrooms, except for food that must be unopened
and placed in their backpack if purchased as a future snack. When lunchtime is over, we ask that
parents exit the cafeteria and proceed to the front office. The students will return to the classroom
with their teacher.
Cell Phone Use at the Front Office
We realize cell phone calls are important; however, we ask that you please respect our work
environment by not taking a phone call while requesting assistance at the front office area.
Class Parties
According to District policy, two class parties may be held each year. One is to be held before the
winter break and the other on or near Valentine’s Day. Please be aware, at ASE, siblings will not
be allowed to attend these classroom parties due to overcrowding. If parents choose to come to
their child’s party, they must make other arrangements for any younger siblings, as they are not
allowed in the classroom. The PTA Room Parent Coordinators will coordinate activities with the
team leaders and individual room parents. There is no party at Halloween, nor are staff members
or students allowed to “dress up” on this day. Goody bags will not be distributed to students during
these parties. Specific Check-in guidelines for parents to follow prior to attending one of these
designated parties will be shared with the ASE community before the event occurs. Party times
are staggered in order to accommodate our large student population.
Communication During the School Day
Each classroom has a telephone to allow you the opportunity to call the teacher directly and leave
a voicemail message. The phone will not ring during school hours (8:00 a.m. 3:30 p.m.). If there
is an urgent message for the teacher or your child, please call the front office before 2:00 p.m. so
we can pass it along, as teachers do not have opportunities to check voicemail during instructional
time. Daily information comes home in the student’s agenda or will be sent via email. Please be
sure we have a good email address on file for your family. Each classroom teacher will send out
information, important notes, and classroom work in the Friday Folder each week and via email
as needed. Make sure you sign your name or initial the daily folder or agenda, as well as the Friday
Folder each week.
Dismissal/Checkout Policy During School Hours
All students leaving school early must be signed out in the office by a parent, guardian, or an adult
listed as an emergency contact who must show a picture ID (driver’s license). Only names listed
on the child’s registration form and Emergency Health Card will be allowed to pick up your child.
No child will be released without proper identification. Please be advised that this procedure is for
the safety of your child and will be strictly enforced. Sometimes it is necessary for a child to be
picked up by a different individual or go home a different way on a specific day. Any changes in
your child’s daily dismissal routine should be addressed to Leila Haas, campus ADA Clerk, by
2:00 p.m. She may be reached at 281-327-2871 or [email protected].
Please be advised that 2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. is the busiest time of the school day. Students will
not be dismissed from class after 2:40 p.m.
Email Notifications
In an effort to conserve paper in an increasingly digital world, our school relies on email
communication to provide you with important and timely information about school events,
activities and news. You will be asked to provide an email address to receive these messages.
Please be sure to let us know if your primary email account changes, so we can update our records.
Alternative distribution arrangements will be made for those without Internet access.
Emailing Teachers
Please be sure to notify your child’s teacher of an accurate email address for your family at the
beginning of the year. Our teachers will be sending weekly information and newsletters to keep
you informed about classroom activities and academics. If you email a teacher, please know they
will provide a response within 24 hours, if not sooner. While teachers are not allowed to check
email during instructional time, communication is key to maintaining an excellent relationship
with the teacher for your child’s education.
Emergency Contacts
Parents must provide and keep current all phone numbers in the event of a child’s illness or injury.
If phone numbers and/or contacts change during the year, please notify the office and your child’s
teacher(s) immediately. If your child needs emergency care and no one can be reached, we will
call EMS. Parents are responsible for any medical charges for EMS or the hospital.
Field Trips
Each grade level will participate in a field trip with an educational purpose or value.
Parents attending field trips must have a Criminal History Form filled out and approved by
the district for each school year. To access the form online:
go to www.fortbendisd.com
click on the Parent tab (top right corner)
click on Criminal Background Check (under Parent Shortcuts)
click on Volunteer Criminal History Application
Parents must sign and return their child’s permission slip before the student can participate.
Once a signed slip has been received, a child may participate in the trip.
Only teachers will be allowed to administer medication while on the field trip.
Siblings of students will not be allowed on field trips.
Students with disciplinary concerns will be handled on an individual basis and may require
a parent chaperone.
Once students return to campus, they will not be released to go home early with their
Food/Healthy Snacks
Many children are able to concentrate more effectively if allowed to “snack” while learning.
Snacking replenishes physical energy and may provide relief for anxiety or nervousness.
We allow foods that are nutritional and not messy. If sugar in any form, corn syrup or oil is listed
in the first five ingredients, then it is not an appropriate snack. We do not allow candy.
Further, because we have students at ASE with life threatening food allergies to peanuts and nuts,
we do not allow peanut or nut products in the classrooms. Please check the ingredients on the
snack to make sure that peanuts or nuts are not in the snack. Be aware that many products have
cross contamination with nuts because they share machinery that produces nut products. Your
child can eat these products in the cafeteria at designated tables during their lunch period.
Furthermore, if your child has a food allergy, please alert the school nurse immediately and the
classroom teacher so we can take appropriate precautions in the classroom to address the specific
food allergy.
Please do not send foods that require utensils in the classroom. We encourage you to discuss the
importance of eating a healthy breakfast each morning at home with your child. The snack does
not take the place of breakfast or lunch.
Students may also bring a container with a pop-up top to fill with water. Only water will be allowed
in the classroom.
Please know that snacks are not required. This is an option for students, who respond well to
snacking while learning. Because of food allergies and health reasons, students are not allowed to
share snacks.
Free/Reduced Lunch Program
Through a federal program a student may qualify for a free and reduced lunch. The names of
students who qualify are confidential. You will receive applications for free and reduced lunches
from the school; however, applications are handled through the Child Nutrition Department.
Friday Folders
In order to inform parents on a weekly basis about office information, school news, and student
progress, teachers will send a special folder home with each student every Friday. Communication
from the Front Office will also be sent via the Blackboard messaging system. This procedure will
be used in grades K-5. All student work, for which a grade has been recorded from the previous
week, will be included in the folder.
Honor Roll
Anne Sullivan Elementary will follow the District guidelines for an Academic Honor Roll for
students in grades 2-5. Students must have at least one A on their report card for Honor Roll.
Students will be recognized for outstanding academic performance. Conduct grades will not be
considered in determining Honor Roll status. The National Elementary Honor Society will be
available for our 4
and 5
grade students. Honor Roll status is achieved when a student receives
no grade below 80% and no letter grade below S.
Our library contains many volumes of resource materials. The library also has computers to aid
students with the completion of assignments and research. Additionally, many wonderful fiction
and non-fiction books are available for your child’s enjoyment. Book fairs will also be scheduled
during the school year to assist in promoting a love of reading.
Lost and Found
Please label your child’s belongings (hat, jacket, sweater, backpack, etc.). The school cannot
assume responsibility for your losses. However, if you report them immediately, every effort will
be made to help locate missing items. Unclaimed clothing will be donated to families in need at
the end of each semester.
Medication/Medical Concerns
Parents of students with medical concerns should notify the nurse upon registering. Medical
conditions will be noted in Skyward. The nurse will notify teachers of significant medical
problems. Students who become ill during the school day shall be given a referral notice to the
clinic. The clinic will treat students and determine if a student should go home. The nurse will then
notify the parent and teacher, if a student is to be sent home.
Parents must bring all medications to school; students cannot take medicine to and from school.
A note from the parent should accompany all medication. We will need a doctor's note if the
medicine is prescribed (such as Ritalin, antibiotics, EpiPens, or asthma inhalers). These may be
administered at school with a note from the doctor.
Medications such as Tylenol can be given with just a parent note for up to 15 days. After that, a
doctor's note is required. Only the clinic may administer medication. Any parent wishing to give
their child medication at school must report to the clinic. All medication must be in the original
container with the name of the student and directions for dispensing.
Children should not remain at school when they become ill or need medical attention.
A student who has had a fever of 100 degrees or higher, must be fever free for 24 hours before
returning to school.
Progress Reports
Progress reports will only be distributed to families of students whose grades fall below 75% in
any content area.
There will be PTA meetings during the school year and other meetings may be scheduled as
needed. All parents are encouraged to become members of the PTA on our campus and attend
meetings and events. The PTA typically provides monetary support with school programs, the
winter and spring parties, technology, staff development for teachers, and field trips. PTA
members also volunteer their time.
Please ask the front office for contact information regarding any questions or to volunteer for the
PTA. Information regarding volunteer opportunities will also be sent home in the Friday Folder.
Contact information for our PTA can be found on the ASE website
Rainy Day Procedures
Each parent of a child who walks or rides a bike, is required to notify the teacher of a Rainy Day
alternative plan. This plan can include children going home as car riders because of inclement
weather. Our top priority at ASE is to keep our children safe.
Students are not allowed to come up to the front office to call home.
At 2:45 p.m. a Blackboard Connect notice will be sent to parents informing them of a Rainy
Day Dismissal.
Parents of Red or Silver walkers may choose for the child to still walk home, as long as there is no
thunder/lightening. Parents may also walk up to get their children with an umbrella. Red walkers
will meet their parents in the foyer of the side door entrance to the building. Silver walkers will
remain in the library and be notified when their parents arrive at the side door of the front of the
school building. All other students going home on buses, in cars, or daycare vans will not have a
change in dismissal.
RED Walkers and Bikers Subdivisions
Auborn Manor
Sanders Glen
Silver Grove
Vintage Trail
Whispering Rock
Red Walkers in grades K-2
will only be released to parents/adults with noted identification.
Identification will be in the form of a walker tag with your child’s name on it. Our staff members
responsible for these students will need to see the identification tag in order for your child to be
released to you. In addition, all parents will be required to assemble in a designated area of
campus for visibility purposes. The students will gather in this marked area and will await your
arrival. If you are not able to pick up your child and are in need of help from a friend, the friend
will be required to produce the walker tag identification in your absence. Any adult who is
missing identification will need to come to the front office with staff personnel before any child
is permitted to leave campus. Students will not be permitted to cut through the grass.
Registration for Kindergarten
In order to be eligible for kindergarten, a student must be five years of age on or before September
. Birth certificates and Social Security cards are required of all students in Fort Bend ISD. A
student entering kindergarten or a student entering by transfer from other schools outside FBISD
must present a birth certificate and social security card at the time of enrollment. The child must
be enrolled under their full legal name. Documentation of current immunizations (shot records)
and proof of residence must also be submitted before the registration process is complete.
Report Cards
Report cards describing a student’s progress are available online through Family Access/Skyward
at the end of each 9-week reporting period. In addition, the teacher will require a conference, in
person or on the phone, at the end of any reporting period, in which the student’s performance falls
below state-mandated academic levels. Teachers or parents may also request a conference at any
time during the school year. The district offers two parent/teacher conference days during the
school year, including one in the fall and one in the spring.
Retention and Promotion Procedures
Along with your child being at the expected reading level at the end of the year, other items are
also taken into consideration. The district states, “Student may be advanced to the next grade level
by meeting promotion or placement standards. In order for students in grades 2-5 to be promoted,
the student must earn a yearly average of 70 or above in reading, language, math, and science or
social studies; meet the state attendance requirements; and meet district and state promotion
guidelines on assessments” (as noted on the front page of the report card). We will review all
information we have on a student, including: PAPI, DRA, report cards, STAAR, REN, District
Assessments (math, writing, science, and social studies), grade level assessments, and attendance
when considering retention/promotion. Teachers will talk to you at parent/teacher conference time
to explain your child’s progress in each subject area. Even though the teachers must contact you,
please take the initiative to contact your teachers if you have concerns or questions. You may
schedule a conference with your child’s teacher at any time throughout the year.
Safety Drills / Evacuation of Building
Fire/Emergency drills are required monthly by law and are an important safety precaution. It is
essential that when the first signal is given, everyone clears the building or goes to the designated
area by the prescribed route as quickly as possible. Students should refrain from noise and remain
outside until a signal is given. Fire, severe weather, and lockdown drill instructions are posted in
each room of the building. Each drill shall be treated as if it were an actual emergency situation.
Although speed is important in any such procedure, of greater importance is the ability for all
students to follow directions and evacuate in an orderly manner. If parents are in the building, they
are expected to also follow these procedures. You must be a role model for your child and show
them the importance of safety procedures.
SILVER Walkers and Bikers Subdivisions
Alden Springs
Marble Bend
Olive Hill
Pecan Ridge
The Villas
Students in grades K-2
will only be released to parents/adults with noted identification.
Identification will be in the form of a walker tag with your child’s name on it. Our staff members
responsible for these students will need to see the identification tag in order for your child to be
released to you. In addition, all parents will be required to assemble in a designated area of campus
for visibility purposes. The students will gather in this marked area and will await your arrival. If
you are not able to pick up your child and are in need of help from a friend, the friend will be
required to produce the walker tag identification in your absence. Any adult who is missing
identification will need to come to the front office with staff personnel before any child is permitted
to leave campus. Students will not be permitted to cut through the grass.
Student Agendas
In order to promote organizational habits and to keep parents informed, Anne Sullivan Elementary
will use agendas in 3
grades. Each day’s assignments, test information, school activity
information, etc. will be written on the board first thing every morning. It is a student’s
responsibility to write the information in his/her agenda. Please check your child’s agenda daily.
Student Code of Conduct
ASE seeks to provide a safe, orderly, and nurturing learning environment for all children. Our
school promotes this atmosphere through character education and safety education, and works to
teach students to become responsible, self-disciplined learners. At ASE, we believe that all learners
are student leaders. Students will be introduced to the Profile of a Graduate.
As a general rule, less serious offenses will be addressed with discipline management techniques
developed by the classroom teacher and grade level. Persistent offenses will result in parental
notification and could lead to more serious discipline strategies including behavior contracts, loss
of privileges, and in-school suspension. The most serious offenses may receive more severe
discipline measures, up to and including suspension from school. Each case will be handled
independently and you will always be contacted.
Offense #1 will be documented on a triplicate form provided by the classroom teacher.
Offense #2 will be documented on a triplicate form provided by the classroom teacher.
Offense #3 will be documented on a triplicate form provided by the classroom teacher.
Consequences for offenses 1, 2 and 3 will be provided by the classroom teacher and parents will be notified.
Offense #4 will result in an office referral and Skyward documentation.
Additional offenses will be documented in Skyward and addressed by an administrator using the
FBISD Student Code of Conduct and progressive discipline.
Student Deliveries
Birthday treats such as balloons, flowers, and other celebration items are not allowed in the
classroom during instructional time. These items will be delivered by ASE staff throughout the
course of the day. If you are bringing your child’s lunch to school, it must include your child’s
name and grade level. Office staff members will bring these lunches to the cafeteria and place in
their appropriate grade level bin. Please communicate to your child the importance of checking
this bin for his/her lunch.
Teacher’s Lounge/Front Office Area
The teachers’ lounge and front office area are reserved for faculty and staff only. Students, parents
and younger siblings are not permitted in either area without permission from an administrator.
Unexcused Absences
Absences, related to vacations, are considered Unexcused. These family trips, during instructional
days, are highly discouraged. Please contact Leila Haas should you have any questions.
Parents are always welcome at school. All visitors must present their ID and will be signed-in
through the Raptor system at the front office. You will be given a yellow lanyard to be worn at all
times. Please sign out when your business at school is completed and return the yellow lanyard to
the front office. Parents are required to exit the building using the front doors of the campus.
Parents serving as volunteers and chaperones must have a Criminal History Form filled out
and be approved by the district for each school year. Parents must complete the form online
and submit it to Human Resources via e-mail. To access the form online:
go to www.fortbendisd.com
click on the Parent tab (top right corner)
click on Criminal Background Check (under Parent Shortcuts)
click on Volunteer Criminal History Application
Please remember for safety reasons, younger siblings are not allowed in the VIP’s room
due to the many machines, such as paper cutters and laminators in the area.
Upon arrival, all volunteers must have their driver’s license scanned by our raptor system.
Once cleared, volunteers will receive a clear name badge on a yellow lanyard. Printed
identification is visible to all staff throughout the day. Once a volunteer has concluded his/her
time on campus, all yellow lanyards are returned to the front office and accounted for by office
Volunteers are required to review and sign a Code of Ethics document presented by campus
Additionally, after volunteering at school, we ask that students are not checked out afterward
with parents.
WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students)
WATCH D.O.G.S. is an innovative father involvement, educational initiative of the National
Center for Fathering. WATCH D.O.G.S. are fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and other father-figures
who volunteer for at least one day each year at an official WATCH D.O.G.S. school.
Our school’s website, www.fortbendisd.com/ase, is full of information about our staff, events, and
exciting things happening at Anne Sullivan Elementary.
Withdrawals / Transferring
If it should become necessary for you to leave our school during the year, please notify our registrar
and your child’s teacher at least one week in advance, so we may help make your transfer speedy
and efficient. Library books and textbooks need to be returned before leaving.
ASE Homework Procedure
At ASE, we recognize the importance of family time as well as extracurricular activities. Below
is a guide of suggested minutes for your student to spend on homework and reading. Please
understand that some homework may require longer sessions depending on the content and the
child’s work habits.
Grade Level
Daily Reading
10-15 minutes
5-10 minutes
First Grade
15-20 minutes
10-20 minutes
Second Grade
20-30 minutes
15-20 minutes
Third Grade
20-30 minutes
15-20 minutes
Fourth Grade
30-40 minutes
20-30 minutes
Fifth Grade
40-50- minutes
20-30 minutes
Homework assignments are based on previous class instruction and are considered a review of
content taught in class. Students need to practice these skills independently, in order to achieve
mastery. In addition to written homework, daily reading assignments are also essential during the
elementary years to help students increase their fluency and stamina. Teachers may send home
assignments in a variety of ways: sent Monday to be returned Friday, sent Friday to be returned
following Thursday, sent daily etc. It is up to the teacher’s discretion. Each grade level will
determine its policy based on student needs and the expectations will be shared at the first Parent
Night in September, as well as through a weekly/monthly newsletter or website update.
Accommodations and/or modifications are also taken into consideration when
assigning homework for special education or Section 504 students. Academic grades
will not be based on homework assignments, although some graded work may be sent
home for corrections/review. If at any time a child begins struggling with the amount
of homework, a parent conference should be set up with the teacher to discuss the
Acknowledgment Form
Anne Sullivan Elementary
Student/Parent Handbook
Supplement to the FBISD Student Handbook
My child and I have received and read a copy of the Anne Sullivan Elementary Student/Parent
Handbook. I understand that the handbook contains information that my child and I may need
during the school year and that all students and parents will be held accountable for this
information. If I have questions, I will contact the school to receive clarification.
I understand that it is the purpose of the school to educate my child. However, I know I play an
integral role in ensuring the success of my child by supporting my child at home, promoting good
attendance, and keeping open communication with the school.
Please sign, detach this page, and return to your child’s homeroom teacher by the last Friday in
I have read and understand the Anne Sullivan Student/Parent Handbook and will adhere to
ASE policies.
Please print:
Date: __________________________
Homeroom Teacher’s Name: ___________________________________
Grade Level: K 1 2 3 4 5
Child’s Name
Parent’s Signature