Certification Regulations
December 2018
Office of Educator Excellence and Certification Services
Provide an overview of newly approved certification regulations process
Outline effective dates of new certification regulations
Explain new reinstatement of expired certificates requirements
Explain new certification renewal requirements
Share new certification pathways to certification
Share changes to existing certificate areas
Explain professional learning, professional learning plans, impact on
certification renewal requirements and describe phase in of
Professional Learning Units (PLUs)
New Certification Regulations Approved
On December 4, 2018, the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education
voted unanimously to approve updated educator certification regulations.
Guiding principles for the new regulations include:
Increasing practical experience for teacher pre-service candidates
Opening additional pathways into the profession for shortage areas
Re-establishing an ongoing professional learning focus for all educators
RIDE received input and feedback from:
Stakeholder meetings
Four public hearings
14 public meetings
Review of approx. 400 pieces of written feedback
Up to one (1) year after
expiration date
Reinstatement fee and the appropriate
certificate fees
1 to 10 years since
expiration date
Reinstatement fee the appropriate certificate
Pass required RI tests (if not previously
More than 10 years since
expiration date
Reinstatement fee and the appropriate
certificate fees
Pass required RI tests (if not previously
Submit completed and signed Credential
Review Plan of Study to demonstrate
requirements for reinstatement have been
Effective January 1, 2019
Eligibility to Reinstate*
*Section 1.14 of Regulations Governing Certification in RI
Educator Evaluation and Certification
Effective January 1, 2020, final effectiveness ratings
will no longer be a requirement for renewal or
progression of certificates.
Educator evaluation is an important process to
provide educators with feedback and support that
lead to continuous improvement of professional
practice. Information from evaluation may help
planning for professional learning.
Certificates expiring in 2019 are required to
have effectiveness ratings as part of renewal
Professional Learning For Certification
Effective January 1, 2020, professional learning will
be required for the renewal of certificates.
RIDE views professional learning as critical for
educators to maintain and grow the knowledge and
skills they need to effectively educate students.
To encourage cohesive systems of professional
learning that support educators, the regulations
also require districts to create professional learning
Professional Learning Units (PLU)
Professional learning will be measured using the Professional Learning
Unit (PLU).
PLU requirements will be phased in starting with certificates that expire
in August of 2020.
Teachers renewing professional or advanced certificates will be
required, once fully phased in, to complete the equivalent of 20
professional learning units annually.
Teachers seeking to transition from initial to professional certificates will
be required, once fully phased in, to complete the equivalent of 30
professional learning units annually.
* Sections 1.8.2.A.3, 1.8.3.A.3 of the Regulations Governing Certification in RI
Professional Learning Units (PLUs) Phase-In
Initial 3-year certificates*
The amount of professional learning units required will be phased in
between 2020 and 2025. Beginning in 2020, applicants will submit the professional
learning units outlined in the chart below.
*Section 1.8.2 of Regulations Governing Certification in RI
Year of Certificate
Formula to Pro
Total Units to Be
Completed for Renewal
Renewal of Initial (3-year) Certificates
Not employed* during
the 3 years
Renew as 3-YR Initial
Employed* fewer than
3 years
Renew as 3-YR Initial
Employed* fewer than
3 years with leave of
Pro-rated number of
PLUs based on years
Letter confirming
Leave status
Progress to 5YR
Employed* all 3 years
Appropriate number
of PLUs (See Phase-In
Progress to 5-YR
* In a publicly funded educational setting
Professional Learning Units (PLUs) Phase-In
Professional 5-year Certificates
Individuals who already hold a Professional Certificate or Advanced Certificate as of
December 31, 2019 will submit the professional learning units outlined in the chart below.
Year of Certificate
Formula to Pro-rate
Units Per Year
Total Units to Be
Completed for Renewal
1x15 15
2021 2x15 30
2022 3x15 45
2023 4x15 60
2024 5x15 75
2025 5x15 75
2026 4x15 and 1x20 80
2027 3x15 and 2x20 85
2028 2x15 and 3x20 90
2029 1x15 and 4x20 95
2030 5x20 100
Section 1.8.3 Regulations Governing Certification in RI
Professional Learning Units (PLUs)
Professional 5-year Certificates
Individuals who hold an Initial Certificate that expires between 2020 and
2025 and are issued a Professional Certificate between 2020 and 2025 will
submit the professional learning units outlined in the chart below.
Year of Certificate
Formula to Pro
rate Units
Per Year
Total Units to Be
Completed for Renewal
5x20 100
2026 5x20 100
2027 5x20 100
2028 5x20 100
2029 5x20 100
2030 5x20 100
Section 1.8.3 Regulations Governing Certification in RI
Renewal of 5-year Professional Certificates &
Progression to 7-year Advanced Professional
Not employed* during
the 5 years
Renew as 5-YR
Employed* fewer than
5 years with leave of
Pro-rated number of
PLUs based on years
Letter confirming
leave status
Renew as 5-YR
Employed* all 5 years
Appropriate # of
PLUs (See phase-In
Renew as 5-YR
Employed* all 5 years
and Eligible for
Advanced Certificate
Appropriate # of
5 years of
Meet any one
Progress to 7-YR
* In a publicly funded educational setting
Renewal of 7-year Advanced Professional
Not employed*
during the 7 years
Renew as 5-YR
Employed* fewer
than 7 years with
leave of absence
Pro-rated number of
PLUs based on years
Letter confirming
leave status
Renew as 5YR
Employed* all 7 years
Appropriate # of
PLUs (See Phase-In
No aspirational
Renew as 5-YR
Employed* all 7 years
Appropriate # of
Employed for 7 year
Meet any one
Renew as 7-YR
* In a publicly funded educational setting
Activities for PLUs*
General categories are listed below that might help everyone
understand what can count for PLUs. These categories
include activities that improve, enhance or increase any of the
Subject matter/content knowledge and skills
Pedagogical knowledge or pedagogical content knowledge
and skills
Curriculum implementation knowledge and skills
Enhance educator effectiveness
* Section 1.8.5.E.7 of Regulations Governing Certification in RI
Example Activities*
Site-Based Professional Learning such as induction, structured PLCs,
lesson study and student work analysis
Coaching involving trained coaches utilizing observation / feedback
Proficiency Based Learning such as micro credentials
University Coursework at accredited institutes of higher education
National Board Certification
3rd party facilitated Workshops
Note: Activities that do not directly relate to improving educator practices, such as
general logistics, school daily operations, safety trainings, and most committee work
do not qualify for professional learning units. These are important activities for
schools but are not considered professional learning.
*Section 1.8.5.E of Regulations Governing Certification in RI
Assigning Value to Activities*
To help translate activities into PLUs, guidance is provided for how to
convert common professional learning activities into units.
1 hour of a professional learning activity = 1 PLU
1 college credit = 15 PLUs
1 demonstrated competency = 5-10 PLUs
1 component of National Board Certification = 45 PLUs
Completion of National Board = 180 PLUs
Renewal of National Board = 90 PLUs
*Section 1.8.5.F of Regulations Governing Certification in RI
Approval and Record Keeping of PLUs*
All educator PLUs will be approved by the district superintendent or designee.
Decisions on approval will be consistent with the regulations
Once there is a professional learning plan in place, decisions will also be
consistent with that plan
PLUs for superintendents will be approved by the chair of the school committee.
Educators are responsible for the completion of PLUs and must maintain records
of all activities that attest to participation in the activity and the PLUs earned.
Records must be available upon request to RIDE, if selected for audit.
RIDE will audit a percentage of renewal applications each year to ensure the
professional learning requirement is being implemented as required by the new
* Sections 1.8.5.D, 1.8.5 I, 1.8.5 J of Regulations Governing Certification in RI
Professional Learning Plans*
LEAs should support educators in meeting the professional learning
requirements. To that end, each LEA must create, in collaboration with
their educators, a professional learning plan. These plans must include:
Identification of needs / interests of educators based on student
data, educator evaluation, surveys, etc.
Alignment to educator, district, and school needs through review of
existing strategic / school improvement plans
Examples of allowable activities, consistent with regulations
Mechanisms for the approval of PLUs
Structures and plans to ensure opportunities for professional
learning activities that take place within the school context over
time and are ongoing rather than reliance on one-time activities.
Alignment and differentiation to ensure relevance
* Section 1.8.5.C of Regulations Governing Certification in RI
Bilingual Dual Language Certificate Eligibility
for ESL certificate
Effective date June 1, 2019
Applies to individuals who hold a valid Bilingual Dual language
Eligible for English to Speakers of Other Languages certificate
Must demonstrate English proficiency AND complete the following
First and Second Language Acquisition, English Linguistics and
Curriculum Assessment and Methods for English Learners
ESL certificate Eligibility for Bilingual Dual
Language Assignments
Effective date June 1, 2019
Individuals who hold ESL certification may teach in English in Dual
Language programs
If the teacher has taught in a BDL-English classroom for less than two
years, specific professional learning is required for certification renewal:
Foundations of Dual language Programming
Implementation of Dual Language Programming
Career and Technical Education Certificates:
Alignment to Industry Standards
Effective June 1, 2019
Changes to experience and education requirements
Candidates must hold the appropriate level of post- secondary
education for the CTE area identified by RIDE
Example: Career and Technical Education-Auto Mechanic
Requirement of a GED or High school diploma and demonstration of content and
pedagogical competencies
Candidates must still meet content and pedagogical competencies
through teacher preparation programming
Career and Technical Education Certificates:
Alignment to Industry Standards
Five years of work experience requirement varies depending
on post-secondary education
-Secondary Education
Work Experience Requirement
High School Diploma or GED
Requires five (5) years work
Associate’s degree or bachelors
degree in the career and technical
Requires three (3) years of experience
Career and Technical Education Certificates: Testing
Individuals who hold advanced state issued licenses or advances
industry certificate are NOT required to complete subject matter testing
requirements (NOCTI)
Principles of Learning and Teaching test is still required for full
Work experience or a degree completed MORE than ten (10) years prior
to date of application require completion of subject matter test (NOCTI)
Hiring and Assignment Flexibility-20% Rule
Effective June 1, 2019
A certified teacher may be employed for a maximum of 20% of his/her
time in a teacher certificate area and/or grade level for which s/he does
not hold a certificate.
The following conditions must be met prior to the assignment of the
Evidence of competence in the subject matter
Superintendent and teacher mutually agree to the assignment
Superintendent must obtain a waiver from the Commissioner and
notify the local educator union prior to requesting the waiver.
Waivers will not be approved if the Commissioner finds the LEA is
attempting to use this flexibility to avoid filling full-time positions.
Certificate Areas
District Level Administrator- Special Education
Effective June 1, 2019
Valid for assignment as a District Level administrator- Special Education in
grades PK-12
Holds advanced degree from regionally accredited institution
Has three (3) years of professional education experience as a speech language
pathologist, social worker, school psychologist or teaching special education
Coursework Requirement Changes:
Completion of 9 graduate credits in special education
Completion of graduate level credits in the following areas:
Supervision of Special Education Programs and Services,
Supervision of Personnel,
Supervision of Instruction or Program Evaluation, and
School and District Finance
Certificate Areas
All Grades Registered School Nurse
Effective June 1, 2019
Valid for assignment as a Registered School Nurse in grades PK-12 in Rhode
Island public schools
Individuals who hold this certificate are not eligible to serve as teacher of
Superintendent must submit verification to RIDE that they were unable to
hire a certified School Nurse Teacher or that the position does not involve
serving as a teacher of record.
Requirements include: bachelors degree, completion of professional
nursing program, three (3) years of documented experience as a
professional nurse, current RN license from Department of Health
First renewal requirements: complete professional learning units in
school-based nursing procedures, child and adolescent development and
supports for student learning needs
Certificate Areas
Special Provisional Certificate
Effective date June 1, 2020
Issued to any RI certified educator who has not met the required
Professional Learning units (PLUs)
Only educators renewing Initial, Professional or Advanced
Professional certificates are eligible for this certificate
Allows one year to meet PLU renewal requirements
Upon submission of PLUs, certificate will be extended to the full term of
the certification
Valid for 1 year
Nonrenewable, issued one time in an educators career
One -Year Practical Residency or the
Equivalent for Pre-Service Teachers
Effective date December 31, 2022
Residency may take place over the course of one-year or may take place
over multiple terms
Definition of “equivalent” and examples will be developed in
consultation with preparation program providers
RIDE will work with programs to develop creative residency options
Sixty (60) hours field experience completed prior to or following
Adding Endorsements** to Existing
Effective June 1, 2019
Designed to expand and recognize specialty area expertise
State does not require endorsements for assignments in schools
Renewal requirements do not apply to endorsements
RIDE will designate endorsement areas
RIDE will publish competencies for the issuance of endorsements
**RIDE will seek approval from the Council PRIOR to the implementation of new endorsement areas
Substitute Teachers-Definitions
Day to day Substitute Teacher
An individual who is employed on a temporary basis, for fewer
than forty-five (45) days in the same assignment
Must hold a bachelors degree of higher Or
An Associate’s degree Or
Complete a minimum of two years college completion on a four
year degree track
Substitute Teacher-Long Term
An individual who is employed, on a temporary basis, for more
than forty-five (45) consecutive days in the same assignment
Must hold an appropriate certificate for the assignment
Additional Certificate Area Changes
Effective June 1, 2019
American Sign Language has been added as a
language option for the All Grades World
Language certificate
Educators who hold a general All Grades
Teacher content certificate are now eligible
to apply for Special Education certificate(s).
Reciprocity with Massachusetts and
Effective June 1, 2019
Applicants from the State of Connecticut or the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts who hold full certification in those states are
eligible for reciprocity without any additional requirements
Exception- must also hold the appropriate independent
certificate(s) issued by Rhode Island for certification in:
Special Education,
English as a Second Language, Bilingual/Dual Language
Math Specialist or Reading Specialist
Reporting Misconduct
Effective January 1, 2019
LEAs shall report persons who are dismissed for performance-based or fitness related
reasons and shall also report the following in writing to RIDE within 15 days of discovery of
the occurrence:
arrest, indictment or conviction of a certified educator for any misdemeanor or felony
allegations that the educator has engaged in sexual or romantic activity with a child or
allegations that the educator has caused physical injury to a child or student due to
negligence or malice.
information that certified educator is the subject of a report filed with the Child Abuse
and Neglect Tracking System
any educator who has resigned, retired or otherwise separated from employment with
the agency after it became aware of an allegation that the educator engaged in
any certified educator who the agency has provided notice of intent to dismiss, suspend
or place on leave for misconduct regarding physical abuse or sexual or romantic activity.
employing agencies shall report any person who is dismissed for performance-based or
fitness related reasons to the Department of Education.
reports must be filed with the Office of Educator Excellence and Certification Services at
For Additional Questions or Guidance
For specific questions please email the
Office of Educator Excellence and Certification Services at