1321 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20004
Group Sales Terms of Service
Updated June 2023
1. A Group is dened as any assembly of people connected by a common interest, containing ten
(10) or more individuals for the same performance. If a group falls below ten (10), the Group
understands that any applied discounts and/or special pricing will no longer be applicable to the
order, but the group may sll aend any performance at The Naonal Theatre together.
2. All group sales are subject to cket availability. The Group understands and accepts that the
priority of seat locaon assignments will vary by performance, date, and circumstances, and shall
be at the sole discreon of Broadway at The Naonal (“BATN”).
3. The Group agrees that this is a fair and equitable arrangement, where the BATN Group Sales
Department will accommodate any group and individuals needing accessible seang, as the
theatre can accommodate. BATN reserves the right, in its sole discreon, to refuse to take group
sales orders from any group or individual for any reason whatsoever, subject to applicable law.
The Group understands that children under the age of 4 are not permied in the theatre, unless
otherwise noted.
1. Unless otherwise stated, a deposit of at least ten percent (10%) of the total payment must be
received within ten (10) days of the inial inquiry or reservaon. Ten percent (10%) of the total
payment will be calculated and then rounded up to the closest total cket price. No reservaon is
guaranteed unl deposit is received. The deposit may be made my check or credit card. The
remaining balance is due no later than four (4) weeks prior to the performance date. If a Group
order is placed within four (4) weeks of a performance, then full payment must be made
immediately upon reservaon.
2. Groups pricing is provided exclusively through our groups department and varies by show,
performance me, and secon. Groups pricing includes a $4.00 facility fee and $1.00
administrave fee per cket. All groups are subject to a one-me-only group booking fee, as
$15 for groups under 50
$25 for groups 50+
3. Once full payment is made, there are no refunds or exchanges. All sales are nal. If the group fails
to make any payment when due, all ckets may be released for public sale. The theatre may retain,
as liquidated damages for the Group's breach of this contract, all monies paid by the Group to
BATN. BATN is not responsible for refunding any unclaimed ckets.
4. Payment may be made by credit card, check, or money order only for the group as an enrety. If
paying by check or money order, mail a copy of your signed contract and invoice to: An: Group
1321 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20004
Sales, Broadway at The Naonal, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20004. Otherwise,
credit cards will be accepted via your Account Manager plaorm and corresponding invoice. Note:
BATN is not allowed to accept single or per-seat payments for a group sale.
Make checks payable to: Naonal Theatre Group LLC
1. The purchaser may decrease the number of ckets (but not below 10, the group minimum) up
unl the nal payment is made and receive credit against the balance. Deposits are non-
refundable but may be converted to full price single ckets if a group does fall beneath the
required number of parcipants for a group. Addional ckets may be reserved at the group rate
up to two business days before the performance, if available. An addional $15.00 fee shall be
added each me the number of ckets change.
2. If seats are available, reservaons may be changed to a dierent performance of the same
producon within 48 hours of the earlier performance. A $25.00 fee will apply for each such
change requested aer the deposit has been received. The remainder of the deposit will be
transferred to the new reservaon. Balance due is subject to change if ckets are exchanged to a
higher priced performance.
3. If, for any reason, the performance is canceled or rescheduled and no alternate date that is
sasfactory to both Group and BATN is available, BATN shall refund to you, upon return of all
ckets, any monies already paid by you for the ckets and neither party will have any further
obligaon to the other. BATN shall not be liable for any damages more than the amount actually
paid for the ckets. Please note booking and administrave fees are nonrefundable.
1. No ckets purchased pursuant to the group sale may be resold for any amount other than the
price printed on each cket without the express wrien permission of BATN. Tickets acquired for
your group may not be resold, transferred, or distributed to any cket broker or any other person
or enty for further resale. BATN reserves the right to deny admission to any person seeking
admission with a cket obtained in violaon of the terms of this contract. Should it come to the
aenon of BATN management that anyone in the group is a cket broker, all current and future
orders may be cancelled without noce or juscaon of acon.
2. You and your organizaon agree that you will not distribute purchased ckets for cash or any other
type of payment on site at The Naonal Theatre. Any on-site resale of purchased ckets is
3. The Group Leader will be able to manage their ckets directly through Account Manager. The
Group Leader accepts the responsibility to maintain contact informaon for each group member
for the purpose of distribung ckets to the group.
1321 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20004
4. BATN provides the following cket distribuon opons for your convenience:
Mobile Delivery: No charge. All ckets distributed into the Group Leaders Account Manager.
Printed Will Call: Flat rate based on group size:
o $15 for groups under 50
o $25 for groups 50+
Print & Ship: Based on group size:
o $15 for groups under 50, plus shipping
o $25 for groups 50+, plus shipping
1. Any adversing by the Group relang to the purchase of ckets is subject to the express wrien
approval of BATN. Upon request, BATN may share with the Group Leader show graphics, show
copy, photos, videos, and other materials to help get the word out to the group. In the event of
unauthorized adversing, the order may be cancelled without noce at the sole discreon of
BATN. All monies paid to BATN will be nonrefundable.
1. This contract constutes the enre agreement between pares. There are no other oral
representaons or understandings modifying any of the terms of this agreement. The terms of
this agreement can be altered only with the wrien consent of BATN. Payment of the deposit
and/or execuon of the inial reservaon indicates that Group has received, understands, and
accepts the terms and condions contained herein.
2. This contract is considered executed upon signature below. To be completed by Group Leader.
Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________________
Name: __________________________________________
Phone: __________________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________
Digitally by email to groupsales@broadwayahenaonal.com, or by mail to An: Group Sales,
Broadway at The Naonal, 1321 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20004.