Aerial Applicators
a national Pesticide aPPlicator certification study Guide
Aerial Applicators
A NAtioNAl Pesticide APPlicAtor
certificAtioN study Guide
Written By
Patrick J. O’Connor-Marer, PhD
Published by the
National Association of State Departments
of Agriculture Research Foundation
This publication was developed under
Cooperative Agreement No. X8-83235401
awarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency to the National Association of State
Departments of Agriculture Research Foundation.
EPA made comments and suggestions on the
document intended to improve the scientific
analysis and technical accuracy of the document.
However, the views expressed in this document
are those of its authors and EPA does not
endorse any products or commercial services
mentioned in this publication.
This manual was produced thanks to the support of the National Association
of State Departments of Agriculture Research Foundation and the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs. The following
people generously gave their time and contributed their expertise by serving on a
Technical Advisory Committee and reviewing and contributing to the manual.
Ron Cline, Central Valley Helicopters, Ellensburg, Washington
Adolfo Gallo, California Department of Pesticide Regulation, Sacramento, California
Paul Liemandt, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, Pesticides, St. Paul, Minnesota
Drew Martin, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Glenn Martin, Helicopter Applicators Inc., Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Scott Schertz, Schertz Aerial Service Inc., Hudson, Illinois
Russell Stocker, Bob’s Flying Service, Davis, California
Dennie Stokes, Stokes Flying Service, Parkin, Arkansas
Dale Thomas, Thomas Helicopters, Inc., Gooding, Idaho
Mike Thompson, Arkansas State Plant Board, Little Rock, Arkansas
Michael Weaver, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
Robert Wolf, Kansas State University, Manhatttan, Kansas
The following individuals served as ad hoc members of the Technical Advisory
Committee and contributed valuable information and made meetings with the
committee possible.
Kenneth Degg, National Agricultural Aviation Association, Hillsboro, Illinois
Richard Herrett, National Association of State Deptartments of Agriculture, Washington, DC
Carol Parker, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC
Carolyn Schroeder, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC
Mike Walsh, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC
Several individuals and organizations generously provided photographs used in this
Dennis Gardisser, WRK of Arkansas, Lonoke, AR
Tom Hoffmann, Washington State Department of Agriculture, Moses Lake, WA
Glenn Martin, Helicopter Applicators Inc., Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
John Mateski, Western Helicopter Services, Newberg, OR
Dale Thomas, Thomas Helicopters, Inc., Gooding, Idaho
Michael Weaver, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia
Robert Wolf, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas
California Agricultural Aircraft Association
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Image Library
A special thank you to the following people who provided careful reviews, helpful
suggestions, and additional information.
Scott Bretthauer, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
Joseph Spitzmueller, Minnesota Department of Agriculture, St. Paul, Minnesota
AckNowledGmeNts ....................................
coNteNts .............................................
iNtroductioN .........................................
The National Examination
Scope of this Manual
How to Use this Manual
Detailed Content Outline
cHAPter 1
lAws ANd reGulAtioNs for tHe AeriAl
APPlicAtor Pilot ..........................
Requirements for Pilot Certification
EPA Requirements
The Pesticide Label
Review Questions
cHAPter 2
oPerAtioN ANd APPlicAtioN sAfety .......
Aircraft and Pesticide Security
Evaluating Aerial Application Operation Security
Timely Coordination with Authorities
Protecting People and the Environment
Employee Training
Employee Habits
Application Safety
The Equipment
Understanding the Work Order
Scouting the Target Site
Understanding Pesticide Label Restrictions
Resolving Conflicts
Reviewing and Documenting the Application
Planning for Emergencies
Emergency Information
Flight Hazards
Plans in Case of Aircraft Crash
Application Equipment Malfunction
Ground Crew Emergencies
Overspray, Drift, and Other Misapplication
Spray or Dust Contacting Bystanders or Vehicles
Review Questions
cHAPter 3
PreVeNtiNG Pesticide drift
Factors that Contribute to Drift
Classification of Droplet Size
Spray Mixture Physical Properties
External Factors Affecting Droplet Size and Drift
Minimizing Off-Target Drift
Application Techniques
Smoke Generators
Review Questions
cHAPter 4
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems ......
Dispersal System Requirements
Equipment and Component Factors
Liquid Dispersal System Components
Spray Pumps
Pesticide Tanks and Hoppers
Filters and Screens
Pipes, Hoses, and Fittings
Spray Booms
Flow Meters, Valves, and Pressure Gauges
Nozzle Anti-Drip Devices
GPS Systems
Flow Volume Controllers
Mapping Systems
Positioning Booms and Nozzles
Nozzle Adjustments
Pattern Testing a Spray Boom
Spraying System Operating Pressure
Dry Material Spreaders
Ram-Air Spreader
Centrifugal Spreader
Review Questions
cHAPter 5
cAlibrAtiNG AeriAl APPlicAtioN equiPmeNt
Why You Need to Calibrate Equipment
Improper Application Rate
Equipment Calibration Methods
Calibrating Liquid Sprayers
Calculating Sprayer Flow Volume per Mile (Rotary-Wing Aircraft)
Calculating Sprayer Flow Volume per Mile (Fixed-Wing Aircraft)
Calculating Acres Treated per Minute
Determining Gallons per Acre
Determining the Amount of Pesticide to Put Into the Tank
Calculating the Area of a Rectangular or Square Application Site
Calculating the Area of a Triangular Application Site
Calculating the Area of a Circular Application Site
Calculating the Area of an Irregularly-Shaped Application Site
Calibrating Granule Applicators
Computing Granule Application Rate per Acre
Review Questions
cHAPter 6
mAkiNG AN AeriAl Pesticide APPlicAtioN ..
Checking the Application Site
What to Watch for During an Application
Monitor Changes
Importance of Onsite Ground Crew During an Application
Pilot Checklist
Ground Crew Checklist
Application Methods
Application Speed
Flight Patterns
The Turnaround
Applying Granules
Factors Influencing the Aircraft
Estimating Density Altitude
Density Altitude
Operation S.A.F.E.
Review Questions
reView questioN ANswers ...........................
APPeNdix 1: Pesticide reGulAtory AGeNcy coNtAct
iNformAtioN .............................
APPeNdix 2: fAA requiremeNts for AGriculturAl
AircrAft oPerAtors ....................
APPeNdix 3: HeAt stress .............................
APPeNdix 4: stePs to follow iN cleANiNG uP A
Pesticide sPill ..........................
APPeNdix 5: GlobAl PositioNiNG systems ............
GlossAry ...........................................
iNdex ...............................................
Applying pesticides by air is an
important part of many agricultural
pest management activities. If you are
a pilot and plan to engage in this type
of work, you must become proficient
in making safe, legal, accurate, and
effective pesticide applications from
an aircraft. However, before you begin
applying federal restricted-use pesti-
cides for hire, you have to demonstrate
your skills and knowledge through a
certification process administered by a
pesticide regulatory agency.
Pesticide regulatory agencies
within states, tribes, and territories, as
well as federal departments or agencies,
are responsible for certifying pilots who
intend to apply restricted-use pesticides
to agricultural crops from aircraft.
This federally-mandated certification
process applies to pilots who make
applications of restricted-use pesticides
for hire and those who work for com-
mercial pest control operators. State,
tribal, and territorial pesticide regu-
latory agencies may require certification
of pilots who apply other pesticides as
well. Many state pesticide regulatory
agencies in the U.S. have adopted the
National Aerial Pesticide Applicator
Pilot Certification Examination as their
tool for pilot certification.
In addition to the National Aerial
Pesticide Applicator Pilot Certification
Examination, state pesticide regulatory
agencies may require pilots to pass
a core examination and possibly one
or more category-specific examina-
tions (agriculture, forest, right-of-way,
aquatic, etc.) as part of their cer-
tification process. Check with the
pesticide regulatory agency in whose
jurisdiction you will be working for
complete certification requirements.
(See Appendix 1 for pesticide regu-
latory agency contact information).
Requirements may differ from one
jurisdiction to another, and you may
need to participate in separate certifi-
cation processes for each jurisdiction.
In addition to the aerial applicator pilot
certification requirements, Chapter 1
of this book covers the general stan-
dards set by Federal regulations for
certifying all commercial pesticide
applicator pilots and aerial pest control
operators who apply federal restricted-
use pesticides for hire.
Robert Wolf—Kansas State University
A team of experienced pilots and busi-
ness owners who are actively engaged
in aerial application of pesticides
participated with an examination spe-
cialist to develop the National Aerial
Pesticide Applicator Pilot Certification
Examination. This committee iden-
tified the essential knowledge and skills
each entry-level pilot applicator needs
to competently, safely, and legally
perform all aspects of aerial pesticide
The committee developed a
Detailed Content Outline, included
on pages 3 through 7, which serves
as the blueprint for all examination
questions and for this study manual.
Before taking the examination, review
this document so you understand the
scope of knowledge and skills expected
of you as you apply pesticides from an
aircraft. The examination tests you on
this knowledge and required skills.
This manual focuses on how to
apply pesticides properly and safely
from an aircraft. It includes all the
content found on the National Aerial
Pesticide Applicator Pilot Certification
Examination and consists of the fol-
lowing six chapters:
1 Laws and Regulations for the Aerial
Applicator Pilot
2 — Operation and Application Safety
3 — Preventing Pesticide Drift
4 — Aerial Pesticide Dispersal Systems
5 Calibrating Aerial Application
6 Making an Aerial Pesticide
Also included in this manual is a
glossary of terms, an index, and several
appendices that provide additional
information that may prove useful as
you prepare for the examination.
How to Use this Manual
Since this is a study manual, the
end of each chapter has a number of
review questions to help test your
understanding of the information you
just read. These review questions are
similar to the types of questions on
the actual examination so they will
help you become familiar with the
examination style and process. Each
chapter begins with a set of objectives
corresponding to certain skills and
knowledge expected of you as an aerial
pesticide applicator pilot.
John Mateski—Newberg, OR
Read a chapter and then test
your understanding of the material
presented by answering the review
questions. Check your answers to
these questions by turning to page 97.
If you miss some questions, go back
and review sections of the chapter
that covers that information. Repeat
this process for each of the chapters.
Information of special interest is orga-
nized into sidebars throughout the
manual. You may find this information
helpful in your work as an aerial appli-
cation pilot.
A. Federal and State Regulation Compliance
1. Maintain requirements for a commercial pilot’s certification for aerial application
(e.g., biennial flight review, medical)
2. Comply with all FAA regulations
3. Recognize an area that may be construed as congested by the FAA
4. Plan flight patterns to avoid passes over residences, schools, communities, field
workers, or animals
5. Comply with state regulations regarding aerial pesticide applications
6. Operate according to government regulations while applying good judgment
during each application
7. Maintain aircraft according to generally-accepted maintenance practices
8. Tailor application plans to the job situation and locale while addressing
requirements of regulatory agencies
9. Obtain the required FAA Part 137 knowledge and skills endorsement from
the business owner/operator
10. For agricultural operations, communicate with the business owner/operator and
a. regarding job scheduling, rescheduling, and special considerations to meet
Worker Protection Standard regulations
b. ensuring they have proper documentation (label) regarding the application as
required by the Worker Protection Standard regulations
11. Ensure proper notification is given, including required field posting, before
starting an application
B. Field Operations
1. Secure aircraft so it cannot be accessed or flown by unauthorized personnel
2. Ensure:
a. ground-support crew members can implement their job responsibilities
b. the area to be treated is clear
c. unplanned conditions have not arisen at the time of an application
3. Resist pressure to apply a product that presents unacceptable risk for the pilot,
aircraft, public, surrounding crops, or wildlife
4. Refuse jobs that are unsafe or illegal
5. Participate in pre-application planning sessions and in post-application
6. Document special precautions required to protect sensitive areas or situations
A. Mixer/Loader Supervision
1. Review responsibilities of the mixing-loading crew at the base and satellite
2. Ensure the proper product is loaded into the aircraft for each application
3. Perform minor in-field repairs on ground-support equipment
4. React in a positive and helpful way in an emergency situation (e.g., broken
loading hose)
B. Pilot and Ground Crew
1. Use radio transceivers to communicate with the ground crew
2. Communicate information on work order changes in the field directly between
the customer/field men and the business owner/operator or crew leader
3. Contact appropriate personnel when uncertain about any aspect of an application
4. Practice procedures and contingency plans to ensure necessary communications
are detailed, quick, and accurate
5. Develop a strategy to notify a pilot when an aircraft should not be flown because
of maintenance problems
A. Emergency Planning
1. Anticipate types of accidents or incidents that can happen during the course of
an aerial application or loading operation
2. Devise a contingency plan for evacuating the aircraft in case of emergency
3. Review pilot and ground crew procedures for an aircraft crash
B. Pre- and Post-Flight Preparations
1. Check aircraft fuel and oil levels
2. Seek local advice regarding topography and sensitive areas when an application
will occur in an unfamiliar location
3. Review an application job order to determine whether the job can be
accomplished safely and adequately with reasonable precautions and work
4. Inspect flight suits, safety harnesses, and flight helmets for proper operating
5. Wear a proper aviation flight helmet
6. Check the operation of seat restraints
7. Inspect:
a. the fire extinguisher
b. dispersal equipment (e.g., nozzles, hoses, connections) for signs of leakage and
mechanical damage
8. Develop a procedure to ensure contaminates are not carried on clothes into the
9. Maintain maps and aerial photos if available and mark any obstacles, hazards, and
sensitive areas
10. Survey a field before treatment noting sensitive situations including
•fieldcrews •domesticanimalsandwildlife
•trafficorindividuals •aquaticareas
•cropsinthevicinity •privateresidences
11. Check each field for in-flight hazards (e.g., towers, power lines, guy wires,
irrigation pipes, and vent pipes) before each application begins
12. Report equipment deficiencies to the business owner/operator
13. Ensure known equipment deficiencies have been addressed
14. Protect employees from chemical exposure while changing nozzles and spray
equipment configurations
C. Scheduling
1. Implement work schedules that provide adequate rest periods
2. Perform the most difficult and sensitive jobs when rested
3. Help the business owner/operator plan equipment overhaul activities prior to
periods of high demand
D. Pesticide Label
1. Comply with label requirements and restrictions for aerial application of
pesticides including:
a. spray volumes (Gallons per Acre GPA)
b. buffers and no-spray zones
c. weather conditions specific to wind and inversions
2. Interpret labels that do not include a reference to aerial use
A. Selection
1. Inspect dispersal system components for proper operating condition including
hopper/tank, pump, filters, pipes, and fittings
2. Select proper nozzles for desirable coverage and drift minimization
3. Describe:
a. major components of an aerial application liquid dispersal system
b. desirable features of pesticide hoppers and tanks
c. primary ways pumps are powered, and requirements for location and output
d. features, advantages, and disadvantages of a fan-driven pump
e. desirable features of pipes and fittings in an aerial dispersal system
4. List primary types of spray patterns produced by hydraulic nozzles
5. Describe:
a. features of filters and screens
b. hollow cone and flat fan patterns
6. Determine the number of nozzles for required sprayer output using
manufacturer’s specified nozzle flow volume chart, aircraft speed, and
swath width
B. Position
1. Describe where:
a. filters/screens should be located in the system
b. pressure gauges should be positioned
2. Ensure
a. booms and nozzles are positioned to release spray into a laminar airflow
b. nozzles are placed to compensate for uneven dispersal from uneven
airflow from:
• wingtipvortices • highorlowhelicopterrotorspeeds
• aircraftpropellerturbulence
3. Drop nozzles to either side of, or below, airflow obstructions (e.g., landing gear,
oil coolers, boom hangers, pumps and swath markers) to minimize distortion of
the spray pattern
4. Place nozzles:
a. in the air stream to produce the appropriate droplet size consistent with
boom pressure to give acceptable performance for each job while adhering to
label restrictions
b. along the boom to produce a uniform deposition on the target when the
aircraft is flown at the normal spraying airspeed and altitude
5. Check swath pattern uniformity for each nozzle configuration used for
various flows
C. Maintenance
1. Check dispersal system pressure gauge accuracy
2. Maintain appropriate dispersal system filter cleaning schedule
3. Check nozzles for excessive wear
4. Correct leaking nozzles, fittings, and diaphragms on the ground during loading
by cleaning or replacing parts as often as needed
5. Keep:
a. spray system connections and fittings tight and in good repair to minimize
b. the boom suck-back valve adjusted and in working order to ensure a positive
shut-off and safeguard against leaking nozzles
D. Performance Measurement and Adjustment
1. Change nozzle tips and orifices as required for various flows
2. Calculate required and actual flow volumes, and actual output
3. Verify flow volume using fixed timing, open timing, known distance, or a
flow meter
4. Adjust and calibrate:
a. the aircraft dispersal system prior to use on a job
b. after any modification is made to the aircraft or dispersal system
A. Site-Specific Meteorological Criteria
1. Recognize application limits imposed by weather
2. Determine wind velocity, direction, and air density at the job site
3. Identify climatic conditions that:
a. can affect aircraft engine power, take-off distance, and climb rate
b. promote spray droplet evaporation
4. Anticipate air temperature and humidity effects on
spray droplet size
5. Describe conditions associated with:
a. thermals
b. a temperature inversion
B. Minimizing Off-Target Product Movement
1. Assess risks of off-target movement
2. Refer to
Agricultural Research Service spreadsheet information and nozzle
manufacturer fact sheets to facilitate nozzle selection and spray droplet size
3. Select proper nozzles, operating pressure, orientation, and placement to
minimize spray drift
4. Relate:
a. volume-median-diameter (VMD) and relative span to desired deposition
b. physical properties of a product to on-target deposition
5. Using a smoke generator, determine if the spray has a potential to drift
6. Evaluate vertical and horizontal smoke plumes to assess wind direction, speed,
and concentration
7. Identify positive air movement away from critical areas
8. Relate dispersal equipment configurations to airflow around the aircraft
9. Select techniques (e.g., boom shut-offs, cross-wind applications, buffer zones)
that minimize product movement out of the treatment area
10. Apply product to headlands and edges of fields when drift potential is minimal
11. Document special equipment configurations or flight patterns used to reduce
off-target movement
Glenn Martin—Gettysburg, PA
C. Making the Application
1. Select a flight altitude that minimizes streaking and off-target movement
2. Choose a flight pattern that provides the best performance and safety level for
job conditions and operation mode
3. Engage and disengage spray precisely when entering and exiting a
predetermined swath pattern
4. Utilize swath marking tools (e.g., GPS, flags)
5. Continuously evaluate an application to ensure uniform dispersal
6. Document the product(s) applied and application conditions
Laws and ReguLations foR
the aeRiaL appLicatoR piLot
As an aerial pesticide applicator
pilot, you must abide by all regulatory
requirements and restrictions that
pertain to pesticide handling and aerial
pesticide application. Only under an
extreme emergency, where the public
or environment may be in danger, can
you vary from any legal flight and air-
craft handling requirements. Federal,
state, tribal, territorial, and sometimes
local laws and regulations address the
handling and application of pesticides
in the United States. These laws and
regulations help:
•  Provide for the proper, safe, and
efficient uses of pesticides essential
for the production of food and
fiber and protecting public health
and safety.
Studying this chapter will help you to:
regulations regarding aerial pesticide applications while using good
U nderstandtherequirementsforapplyingforaprivateor
K nowtherequirementsandprocessesformaintaininganaircraft
T ailoraerialpesticideapplicationstothejobsituationandlocale
R ecognizecongestedareasandtheimportanceofplanningflight
C omplywithlabelrequirementsandrestrictionsforaerial
•  Protect the environment by pro-
hibiting, regulating, or controlling
certain pesticide uses.
Assure  agricultural  and  pest
control workers of safe working
conditions where pesticides are
•  Assurethataerial  agricultural 
pest control is performed by
qualified, competent, and
responsible individuals.
•  Assure users that pesticides are 
appropriate for the use desig-
nated by the label.
Require  that  pesticide  and
service containers are properly
Encourage  the  development
and implementation of pest
management systems that stress
the incorporation of biological
and cultural pest control tech-
niques with selective pesticide
uses when necessary to achieve
acceptable levels of control
with the least possible harm to
nontarget organisms and the
Federal regulations appli-
cable to the certification of people
who apply pesticides and to pesticide
handling and application are part of
the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
Rodenticide Act  (FIFRA). The U.S.
Environmental  Protection  Agency
(EPA) and state, tribal, and territorial 
pesticide regulatory agencies enforce
the provisions of FIFRA. EPA regu-
lations focus on applicator (pilot) job
knowledge including pesticide han-
dling and protecting people and the
environment. State licensing, use,
storage, handling, and disposal regu-
lations, as well as tribal, territorial,
and local regulations, often further
regulate application procedures and
pesticide uses in order to protect
people and vulnerable sensitive areas
or organisms.
The  U.S.  Federal  Aviation
Administration  (FAA)  certifies
agricultural aircraft operations and
enforces Federal Aviation Regulations 
(FARS)  pertaining  to  aircraft  oper-
ation. FARS Section 14, part 137  of
the Code of Federal Regulations spe-
cifically addresses agricultural aircraft
operations.  An  agricultural  aircraft 
operation is a business that operates
aircraft for the purpose of:
•  Dispensing any economic poison.
•  Dispensing any other substance
intended for plant nourishment,
soil treatment, propagation of
plant life, or pest control.
•  Engaging in dispensing activities 
directly affecting agriculture,
horticulture, or forest preser-
FAA  regulations  concern  such
areas as aircraft operation, aircraft
inspection and maintenance, fer-
rying routes, operation altitude,
pilot licensing, and medical exams.
Appendix  2  provides  a  summary  of
the FAA agricultural aircraft operator 
certification requirements and process.
Applicants for aerial applicator pilot
certification must hold and maintain a
commercial pilot’s license and have a
current Class II Medical Certificate. If
you work as a pilot-in-command for an
agricultural aircraft operator, you also
need an endorsement letter from that
operator or a person designated by that
operator. The aircraft you fly must be
equipped with approved and properly
labeled seat belts and shoulder har-
nesses for each pilot station.
EPA Requirements
State-administered EPA pesticide 
applicator certification determines the
competency of individual pilots who
will be applying pesticides. You must
demonstrate your knowledge of general
aspects of pesticide handling and appli-
cation as well as your knowledge of the
specialized area or areas of application
where you intend to work, e.g., agri-
cultural crops, forests, rights-of-way,
public health pest control.
Determination of Competency
State pesticide regulatory agencies
use written examinations to determine
your competency in using and handling
pesticides. State competency standards
must, at a minimum, conform to federal
regulations. To prepare for examinations
testing your knowledge of general aspects
of pesticide handling and application,
obtain a copy of the National Pesticide 
published by the National Association
of  State  Departments  of Agriculture 
Research  Foundation,  Washington,
DC. You can download PDF versions 
of manual chapters at http://www.nasda.
org/StaticContent/workersafety/. The
manual covers the general standards
listed below. States may also have addi-
tional study materials available to assist
in preparing for the exam.
General Standards for All Certified
Commercial Applicators
To become a certified commercial
applicator, you must demonstrate
practical knowledge of the principles
and practices of pest control and safe
pesticide use and handling. General
standards of competency include the
following categories.
Label and Labeling Comprehension.
You must know the format and
terminology of pesticide labels and
labeling, including:
Understanding  instructions,
warnings, terms, symbols, and
other information commonly
appearing on pesticide labels.
•  Recognizing product classification: 
general-use” or “restricted-use.
Adhering  to  the  requirement  to 
use pesticides consistent with their
label instructions.
Safety Factors.
Regulationsrequire you 
to understand:
•  Pesticide toxicity and hazards to 
•  Symptoms of pesticide poisoning.
The  usual  pesticide  exposure
•  Types and causes of common pes-
ticide accidents.
The  precautions  necessary  to
guard against injury to applicators 
and other individuals in or near
treated areas.
•  The need for and proper use of pro-
tective clothing and equipment.
First  aid  and  other  procedures
to follow in case of a pesticide
Proper  identification,  storage,
transport, handling, mixing pro-
cedures, and disposal methods
for pesticides and used pesticide
containers, including precautions
to prevent children from having
access to pesticides and pesticide
You must recognize
how the following factors possibly
influence the environmental fate of
•  Weather and other climatic condi-
Types  of  terrain,  soil,  or  other
•  Drainage patterns.
Presence  of  fish,  wildlife,  and
other non-target organisms.
For effective pest control, you
need to be able to identify relevant
pests and recognize the common
characteristics of pest organisms and
their damage symptoms and signs. You
must also understand pest development
and biology relevant to identification
and control.
Your knowledge of pesti-
cides must include:
Knowing  the  general  types  of
•  Being familiar with various types 
of formulations.
Understanding compatibility,
synergism, persistence, and
animal and plant toxicity of the
•  Recognizing hazards and residues 
associated with use.
Being  aware  of  factors  that
influence effectiveness or lead to
such problems as pesticide resis-
•  Knowing  the proper  procedures 
for diluting pesticide concentrates.
You must demonstrate
your familiarity with types of
application and mixing equipment and
know the advantages and limitations
of each. You must be proficient in
calibrating and maintaining pesticide
application equipment.
Application Techniques.
require you to demonstrate proper
application methods for various
formulations of pesticides, their
solutions, and choose the correct
application technique to use in a given
situation. You must demonstrate how
to prevent drift and pesticide loss into
the environment.
Laws and Regulations.
You must
also demonstrate your knowledge
of applicable state and federal laws
and regulations. States may require
certification  (examinations) in  addi-
tional categories over and above the
general standards. These additional
categories align with various pesticide
uses, such as agricultural pest control,
rights-of-way vegetation control,
vector control, or forest pest control.
The pesticide container label and
associated labeling are important legal
documents that contain directions
and restrictions you must follow when
making an aerial application. Some labels
refer to other documents, such as endan-
gered species area protection maps or
the Worker Protection Standard provi-
sions of the Code of Federal Regulations 
applicable to agricultural operations (40
CFR part 170). These and other docu-
ments referred to on pesticide labels
become part of the pesticide labeling.
Some labels and associated labeling
contain information specifically
applicable to aerial application. Other
labels and associated labeling contain
information pertaining to any type of
application method and do not provide
specific instructions or precautions for
aerial application. Certain pesticide
labels prohibit the aerial application of
the labeled material, so you must never
apply these materials by air, even when
mixed with other pesticides approved
for aerial application.
Labels having specific aerial appli-
cation information are usually easier to
interpret than those that only provide
general  information.  Examples  of
Aerialapplications withthis productshould bemadeatamaximumheightof10feet abovethe cropwith lowdriftnozzlesata
maximumpressure of40psi.Avoidapplicationunder conditionswhereuniform coveragecannot beobtainedor whereexcessive
See the SPRAY DRIFT MANAGEMENTsectionofthislabelforadditionalinformationonproperapplicationofherbicide.
aerial-specific information covered in
labels may include:
•  Statements  that refer to  or allow
aerial application.
•  Specific use directions, such as for 
rate and dilution that apply directly
to aerial applications without inter-
pretation or calculations.
•  Allowable weather conditions for 
Restrictions  pertaining  to  spray 
volume and dilution.
•  Droplet size information based on 
ASABE S-572.1 (see Page 37) Spray 
Nozzle Classification by Droplet
•  Drift management requirements.
•  Off-target and especially sensitive 
area precautions.
Buffer zone requirements.
Manufacturers must register pes-
ticide  products  with  the  EPA  before
anyone can buy or use them. The EPA 
registers specific products, not generic
pesticide materials. This registration
procedure protects people and the envi-
ronment from ineffective or harmful
chemicals. The registration procedure
includes an evaluation of each chemical
and establishes how the EPA classifies 
the material at the federal level. This
evaluation determineswhetherthe EPA 
classifies a pesticide as restricted-use
or general-use. Only certified pesticide
applicators can buy, use, or supervise the
use of a federal restricted-use pesticide
(RUP). States may also have specific reg-
istration and labeling requirements and
may restrict the use of other products
not classified as restricted-use by the
Regulations  set  the  format  for
pesticide labels and prescribe what
information they contain. Some pes-
ticide containers are too small, however,
to have all this information printed on
them. In these cases, the EPA requires 
registrants or manufacturers to attach
additional labeling. On metal and plastic
containers, registrants or manufactures
put such packets into plastic sleeves
glued to the sides of the containers.
Paper packages usually have label direc-
tions inserted under the bottom flaps of
the package.
States or local regulatory agencies
may impose additional restrictions
or prohibitions on aerial applications
that may or may not be included on
the pesticide label. For example, local
regulations may be more restrictive
on requirements such as buffer areas,
no-spray zones, and dilution rates.
Always  follow  the  requirements  that
are most restrictive in the location
where you are making an application.
For example, local agencies might
prohibit aerial applications regardless
of label use directions, or they might
prohibit fixed-wing applications under
certain circumstances and require that
only rotary-winged aircraft make aerial
applications in these situations.
Professional Aerial Applicators Support System (PAASS)
A pesticide drift mitigation and education project initiated in 1996 by the National
Agricultural Aviation Association (NAAA). PAASS is an industry-based collaborative
educational effort that focuses on outreach to pilots and operators of aerial
applicator businesses. The programs primary goals are to reduce the number of
pesticide agricultural aviation accidents, improve pilot safety, and reduce pesticide
drift incidents by fostering professionally-sound decision-making.
The PAASS interactive program improves critical decision-making skills sen-
sitive to environmental factors. The agricultural aviation industry regards the PAASS
program as the single relevant recurring training source for modern agricultural
aviation pilots. Many companies providing insurance to agricultural aviators require
pilots to participate in this training as a condition of insurability.
Statistics show that aerial application accidents and drift incidents have notably
declined since the PAASS program first began.
1. Pesticide laws and regulations help to:
A. Encourage pesticide use.
B. Protect the environment.
C. Avoid dependence on alternative pest control 
D. Prevent pests from developing control 
2. Knowing the proper procedures for diluting
pesticide concentrates is:
A. An FAA requirement.
B. The requirement of local pesticide
regulatory agencies.
C. Part of the federal Worker Protection 
Standard provisions.
D. An EPA general standard for certified 
3. The format of pesticide labels is established by:
A. Pesticide manufacturer guidelines.
B. Federal regulations.
C. State laws.
D. ASABE professional standards.
4. Knowing how to properly handle, mix, store,
and dispose of pesticides is a requirement
of the:
A. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
B. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA).
C. United States Department of Agriculture 
D. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
One purpose of federal pesticide regulations is to:
A. Require public notification about pesticide 
B.  P rovide health benefits to agricultural workers.
C. Establish safety standards for pesticide 
application equipment.
D. Prevent agricultural workers from handling 
pesticides or working in pesticide-treated areas.
6. State pesticide regulatory agencies generally
have the responsibility for:
A. Certifying commercial pesticide applicators.
B. Determining the personal protective 
equipment required on pesticide labels.
C. Developing material safety data sheets 
D. Identifying endangered species.
7. In addition to the actual pesticide label,
which of the following is part of the pesticide
A. Any product sales brochures.
B. The job work order.
C. Worker Protection Standard provisions.
D. The Material Safety Data Sheet.
8. Which of the following is one of the require-
ments for pesticide applicator certification?
A. Knowing how to use appropriate application 
methods for various pesticide formulations.
B. Demonstrating safe aircraft operation.
C. Following recommended aircraft inspection
and maintenance schedules.
D. Making applications at altitudes specified
in regulations.
Laws and ReguLations foR the
aeRiaL appLicatoR piLot
Review Questions
9. From the choices below, what pesticide use
information found on a product label would be
specific to an aerial application?
A. PPE requirements.
B. ASABE droplet size requirements.
C. Field posting requirements.
D. Restricted-entry interval requirements.
10. Having a current Class II Medical Certificate
is a requirement of the for all
pilots making aerial pesticide applications.
A. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
B. State Lead Agency (SLA).
C. Federal Aviation Agency (FAA).
D. National Transportation Safety Board 
OperatiOn and applicatiOn
Safety awareness and practices in all
as-pects of an aerial pesticide appli-
cation operation protects employees,
the public, and the environment.
Your operation needs procedures to
secure the aircraft, ground equipment,
and pesticide materials when not in
use to prevent unauthorized access.
Unauthorized access can range from
individuals wanting to damage or
burglarize property to crimes of
opportunity, such as unplanned acts of
vandalism. There is also the possibility
that people are unaware of the hazards
associated with a pesticide application
operation while inadvertently gaining
access to the facility. An example would
be children who might be curious
about and attracted to aircraft or
other pesticide use equipment, thereby
trespassing to inspect the equipment
when company personnel are not at
the facility. In addition to securing
the facility, you can protect people and
This chapter will assist you to:
the environment by carefully planning
each function of the application oper-
ation to avoid accidents and hazards.
Provide safety training to ground crew
members so they know how to handle
pesticides properly and work carefully
around aircraft and other associated
Make sure each person involved in
the application operation is well rested,
alert, and not under the influence of
alcohol or drugs. Develop reliable
methods of communication between
you, the customers, and ground opera-
tions. In case an accident or mishap
should occur, take immediate steps to
reduce damage and injury, including
performing proper first aid and decon-
tamination procedures for pesticide
Progressive and conscientious opera-
tions that handle pesticides work to
actively manage risks to ensure the safety
of their employees, their customers, and
their communities. They focus on safely
operating aircraft and mixing-loading
equipment. To achieve these goals, they
use preventative maintenance, up-to-date
operating procedures, and well-trained
staff. Because of heightened concerns
about terrorism and sabotage, the oper-
ation must also pay more attention to the
security of aerial application equipment,
facility sites, and pesticide storage areas.
All aerial application operations need
some measure of site security in place to
minimize crime, prevent unauthorized
access, and protect company assets.
While many of the steps you take
to ensure an effective security program
seem routine, they are important to
the health and safety of the aerial
application operation staff and the sur-
rounding community. Without effective
security procedures, the business risks
being vulnerable to both internal and
external threats, which can pose hazards
to you and the employees, sensitive
business information, the facilities and
equipment, and stored pesticides.
Evaluating Aerial
Application Operation
There are several important
security needs and critical control points
for an aerial application operation.
Securing Facilities, Storage Areas,
and Surrounding Property
One of the most fundamental
security needs is keeping intruders
out of areas used for pesticide storage.
Elements of an effective security plan
can range from basic fencing, lighting,
and locks, to intrusion detection systems
and cameras. Inventory management
policies help limit the amount of pesti-
cides stored on site, reducing the risks of
accidental or intentional release or theft.
Securing Pesticide Application
Aircraft, Vehicles, and Equipment
The operation you work for needs
appropriate security protections to
prevent intruder access to equipment
used for mixing, loading, and applying
pesticides. Accepted methods to prevent
unauthorized flying of aircraft include
installing hidden electrical system shut-
off switches, parking disabled trucks or
other equipment in front and back of
aircraft, removing batteries from air-
craft, using devices that lock propellers
or rotors, and disabling engines in
unused aircraft. Use similar methods to
prevent intruders from operating ground
vehicles, such as trucks, tractors, fork-
lifts, and other motorized equipment.
Always park the aircraft in a secure
place when it is not in use. In addition,
establish methods to know at all times
the location and status of all equipment
used in the operation. Routinely update
equipment records.
Security awareness is particularly
important for large-scale pesticide
application equipment, like aircraft. The
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)
requests that aerial operators be vigilant
to any suspicious activity relative to the
use, training in, or acquisition of dan-
gerous pesticide chemicals or airborne
application of these materials. This
includes threats, unusual purchases,
suspicious behavior by employees or
customers, and unusual contacts with
the public. If you observe any suspi-
cious behavior, irregular circumstances,
or unusual requests for information,
immediately report this to a local law
enforcement agency and the FBI.
Effective hiring and labor relations
policies are important to obtain and
retain good employees who will support
and follow the operations safety precau-
tions. The hiring process should ensure
that pesticide handlers have all requisite
training necessary to handle pesticides
safely. Background checks of employees
who will have access to secure areas, par-
ticularly those areas where pesticides are
stored, can be an important employee
selection tool.
Emergency Response
Effective emergency response pro-
cedures help to ensure that the operation
manager and employees understand
how to respond and whom to contact
in the case of an emergency. Aside from
accidents, such plans need to consider
vandalism, burglary, arson and bomb
threats that target the operation, and
potential widespread terrorist activity
that involves the equipment or pesticides.
Timely Coordination with
If a breach of security or suspicious
activity does occur, immediately contact
the local police or sheriffs department.
The U.S. Department of Homeland
Security requests that operations also
report security breaches, threats, or
suspicious behavior to the local FBI
field office. Information on the location
of the nearest FBI office is available at
The aerial application operation you
work for depends on your piloting
skills as well as competent ground crew
members who safely and responsibly
carry out their duties. Proper training
and enforcing safety practices within
the operation help reduce hazards to
ground crew members working around
equipment and aircraft. In addition, a
well-developed safety program provides
the structure to protect the public and
nontarget areas from pesticide exposure.
Providing training, assuring good
employee habits, checking areas before
an application, and resisting pressure to
make unsafe or illegal applications are
important components of the operation
that protect people, areas surrounding
treatment sites, and the environment.
Employee Training
States have Occupational Safety
and Health Administration (OSHA)
regulations that require employers
to train employees on how to safely
operate equipment and avoid hazards
associated with their work. The EPA
Worker Protection Standard (WPS)
mandates specific training requirements
for employees who handle pesticides in
agricultural operations. According to
this regulation, a pesticide handler in
an aerial application operation is any
employee who:
•  Mixes, loads, transfers, or applies 
•  Maintains, services, repairs, cleans,
or handles equipment that may
contain residues or that has been
used in pesticide mixing or appli-
cation activities.
•  Works with opened pesticide con-
tainers, including emptied but not
rinsed containers.
•  Flags during aerial applications.
The Worker Protection Standard
requires that employers in agricultural
operations provide training to pesticide
handlers working in their operations.
Employers must either provide the
training themselves or arrange for
someone else to provide it.
The Training Program
The WPS requires that a pesticide
handler training program address the fol-
lowing topics as they apply to the specific
pesticide materials employees handle:
Understanding the format and
meaning of information, such as
precautionary statements about
human health hazards, contained
in the labeling of the pesticide
•  Understandingthehealthhazards 
associated with pesticides handled
by employees, including acute and
chronic effects, delayed effects, and
sensitization, as identified in pes-
ticide product labeling.
•  Knowing the routes by which pes-
ticides can enter the body.
•  Recognizing how exposure occurs 
and being familiar with signs and
symptoms of exposure-related
injury or illness.
•  Knowing specific emergency first-
aid procedures for overexposure
to the pesticides that employees
•  Knowing how to obtain emergency 
medical care when a pesticide injury
or illness occurs.
•  Knowing  routine and emergency 
decontamination procedures,
including spill clean up and the
need to thoroughly shower with
soap and warm water after the pes-
ticide handling exposure period.
•  Understanding thepesticide label 
requirements for using personal
protective equipment (PPE), recog-
nizing its limitations, knowing how
to use and clean it properly, and
knowing how and when to repair or
replace it.
Knowing  how  to  prevent,  rec-
ognize, and provide first aid for
heat-related illness.
Understanding  safety  require-
ments and procedures for pesticide
handling, including the use of engi-
neering controls (such as closed
mixing systems and enclosed cabs),
and proper ways to transport,
store, and dispose of pesticides and
properly rinsed containers.
•  Recognizing how drift and runoff 
cause environmental damage and
hazards to wildlife.
•  Understanding why it is unsafe to 
take pesticides or pesticide con-
tainers home.
•  Knowing what is required to handle 
pesticides safely.
Knowing  the  employees  rights, 
including the right:
w To personally receive infor-
mation about pesticides to which
he or she may be exposed.
w For his or her physician or
employee representative to
receive information about pesti-
cides to which he or she may be
w To be protected against retal-
iatory action due to the exercise
of any of his or her rights.
Other Important Topics
Training must include the following
general pesticide handling procedures
that apply to all pesticide products:
•  Understanding theimportanceof 
wearing clean work clothing daily.
•  Knowing how to properly and safely 
handle, open, and lift containers.
Knowing  how  to  properly  pour 
pesticides out of containers.
Knowing how to operate mixing 
and application equipment.
Knowing  procedures  for  triple
rinsing containers.
•  Knowing how to legally recycle or 
dispose of empty containers.
•  Knowing how to confine spray to 
the target area.
•  Knowing how to avoid contami-
nating people, animals, waterways,
and other non-target objects and
Knowing  how and where  to
properly and safely store containers
that hold pesticides or have been
emptied but not rinsed.
•  Understanding and followingpro-
cedures to prevent unauthorized
access when containers cannot be
locked up or otherwise secured.
•  Understanding the importance of 
washing hands thoroughly before
eating, smoking, drinking, or using
the restroom.
Consult with your state pesticide
regulatory agency to see if there are any
additional training requirements for
pesticide handlers.
Federal WPS regulations require
pesticide handlers receive training
every five years at a minimum. States
may require more frequent training.
Training must take place before any
pesticide handling activities. Employees
who are certified as pesticide appli-
cators are exempt from this training
Employee Habits
Every aerial pesticide application
requires alertness and attention to
detail. Before and during work periods,
you and the ground crew members
should never use alcohol or any drugs
or medications that impair judgment or
decrease mental alertness. Employees
who wear personal protective equipment
must also take steps to avoid heat-
related illnesses.
Avoiding Use of Alcohol and Drugs
Alcohol, drugs, and certain
over-the-counter and prescription
medications cause drowsiness, impair
judgment, and often influence the
ability to handle or apply pesticides
safely. These substances may also alter
the toxicity of pesticides in case of
exposure. Make your physician aware
of your occupation handling pesticides
so that is considered when prescribing
medications. Do not use alcohol or
drugs before, during, or immediately
after handling pesticides, or before or
during flight operations.
Staying Alert
Physical and mental alertness
requires that you and the ground
crew get sufficient sleep before an
application operation and avoid other
activities prior to the operation that
cause fatigue. In addition, stress from
work or personal activities distracts and
interferes with alertness. Therefore,
individuals experiencing high levels of
stress should not participate in aerial
application operations.
Preventing Dehydration and
Heat-Related Illness
Drinking insufficient water
coupled with wearing personal pro-
tective equipment during hot weather
may lead to heat-related illness that
may mimic certain types of pesticide
poisoning. Symptoms of heat illness
include tiredness, weakness, headache,
sweating, nausea, dizziness, and
fainting. Severe heat illness can cause
a person to act confused, get angry
easily, or behave strangely. Along
with training on recognizing pesticide
illness, WPS regulations require that
pesticide handlers receive training on
recognizing, avoiding, and treating
heat stress. Appendix 3 describes
useful methods to avoid and treat heat
Aerial application safety processes and
procedures involve the highly important
components of the aircraft, the pesticide
dispersal system installed on the aircraft,
and ground equipment used to mix pes-
ticides and load them into the aircraft.
Each pesticide application you
make is possibly unique for you because
of differences between application site
locations, obstacles, non-target areas,
weather, pesticide materials, crops
or target areas, and other variables.
Therefore, you and the ground crew
must begin by clearly understanding
the work order and the pesticide label.
Arrange to scout the target site and
surrounding areas so you can plan the
application before scheduling it. Review
the pesticide label to understand appli-
cation restrictions and precautions and
to prepare for emergencies or other
problems. Some pesticide materials may
have local application restrictions such
as time of use, height of application, pro-
hibitions due to nearby sensitive crops,
and requirements for buffer zones.
Check with state or local pesticide regu-
latory agencies if you need information
about additional restrictions.
The Equipment
As a pilot, you must understand the
importance of, and legal requirements
for, scheduled inspections, servicing,
and maintenance of the aircraft you fly.
Take responsibility to assure the aircraft
meets these requirements. This includes
a preflight fuel and oil check, taking
responsibility for proper fueling of the
aircraft, and inspecting the aircraft
for maintenance items each time you
stop the operation for the day or for a
rest break. In addition, any aircraft you
operate over congested areas must have
had, within the preceding 100 hours of
time in service, a 100-hour or annual
inspection by an authorized person,
or been inspected under a progressive
inspection system. Congested areas
include populated areas where chances
of personal injury or property damage
are greater if the aircraft should crash or
if you must dump the pesticide load.
Have the aircrafts application
equipment inspected and maintained
regularly to assure that it functions
properly and accurately and does not
have leaks or other problems. When
something malfunctions, repair it
immediately. Make a daily inspection
of the aircrafts application equipment,
the same as you do for the aircraft. After
winter storage of the aircraft’s dispersal
system, carefully inspect it for wear and
leaks. Make sure all hoses are in good
condition and tighten all fittings. Look
for seepage around the pump housing
that indicates a leaking gasket or loose
Also, establish an inspection and
maintenance program for ground
equipment used for mixing and loading
pesticide materials into the aircraft, as
well as ground vehicles used to transport
people, pesticides, and equipment. Keep 
all associated equipment in good repair.
Any breakdown in this equipment will
delay the pesticide application, wreak
havoc with scheduling, and could be
costly to the business and customers.
Keep on hand spare parts and sup-
plies, such as nozzles, hoses, fittings,
drive belts, fuel, lubricants, and other
components that are critical to the oper-
ation. Replace spare parts and supplies
used during a breakdown so you always
are ready for future operations.
Understanding the Work
Review the work order carefully to
be certain you can make the application
safely, correctly, and legally, according
to the label and state and federal regu-
lations. You should be able to perform
the requested work with reasonable
precaution and within the expectations
of normal work procedures for both
yourself and the ground crew. Take
into account the following factors when
evaluating a work order.
Features and Limitations of the
The aircraft must be operationally
ready to perform the aerial pesticide
application. Be sure that the operator
you work for has a procedure in place to
prevent use of an unsafe aircraft or faulty
dispersal equipment and to notify you
in situations when you or others should
not fly the aircraft due to maintenance
issues or mechanical malfunctions.
This includes involving the companys
job scheduler in all company proce-
dures for grounding an aircraft. Take
responsibility for notifying the operator
of problems that may affect the safety
or efficient operation of the aircraft or
involve your safety equipment. This
•  Developing a way to communicate 
details of the problem to the person
in charge.
Establishing a timelinein which
the problem needs to be corrected.
•  Verifying that the problem is cor-
rected before putting the aircraft or
equipment back into service.
The aircraft must be capable of
safely delivering the appropriate amount
of pesticide to the target site. It must:
Have  the  power  and  perfor-
mance capabilities for the routine
maneuvers needed to carry out the
application, as well as being able to
perform emergency maneuvers.
Have  a  maximum  load  capacity
that will accommodate the weight
of the pesticide and, if needed, be
able to handle takeoffs and landings
from short, rough, or temporary
•  Be properly equipped to discharge 
the recommended amount of pes-
ticide product per unit (acre) of
target site area.
•  Be able to produce and deliver spray
droplets that provide an effective
application and have low spray drift
potential at the intended location.
Pilot Qualifications and Limitations
Your competence, alertness,
and capacity for timely and accurate
judgment largely determine the safety
of the operation and the quality of the
application. In addition, your attitude
about making safe and legal applications
goes a long way in positively influencing
others to accept and follow the safety
procedures. You must be:
•  Aware of your personal limitations 
in operating the aircraft and be
fully aware of the features and limi-
tations of the aircraft.
Capable  of  executing  emergency 
maneuvers appropriate to common
emergency situations that you
might experience.
Capable  of  safely  maneuvering 
the aircraft under normal flight
conditions when it is loaded to its
maximum legal weight.
•  Able to determine the best direction 
in which to apply the pesticide to
reduce its off-target movement.
Capable  of  immediate  and  clear
communication exchanges with
on-site ground crew members and
Sufficiently  rested  to  accomplish 
the job safely.
•  Able to establish and follow realistic 
task deadlines and work patterns.
•  Knowledgeable of weather factors 
and their influence on aerial appli-
cation work.
Able  to  correctly  interpret  and
follow the pesticide label directions
and work order and observe any
state regulations regarding aircraft
setup or product restrictions.
Familiar  with  each  pesticide
product label to know first-aid
measures in the event of accidental
overexposure, special precautions
required for aerial application, and
registered crops or sites.
•  Able to recognize different types 
of crops from the air in order to
ensure the correct site is treated.
Able  to  delineate  boundaries  of 
adjacent nontarget areas.
Take the following measures to
reduce the potential for spray droplets to
drift off the application site:
•  Use a nozzle type, size, pressure, 
and orientation that maintains the
desired droplet spectrum.
•  Ensure that positive shut-off valves 
are working properly.
•  Achieve good field-end coverage on 
initial spray runs (crossing the ends
of fields that are bordered by trees
or other obstacles usually means
flying higher and increasing the
chance of drift).
•  Maintain applications at the appro-
priate height for the aircraft type
and speed.
•  Use a boom length that does not 
exceed 75% of the wingspan of
fixed-wing aircraft or the rotor
diameter of rotary-wing aircraft
in order to reduce drift caused by
wing tip and rotor vortices.
•  Consult the pesticide label for rec-
ommendations on boom type and
setup requirements.
Scouting the Target Site
Each application site may contain
unique obstacles and hazards. Before
committing to make an application,
someone from the operation should
visit the target site to identify obstacles,
hazards, and sensitive areas. Do this by
ground, by air, or both. Afterwards,
coordinate visual observations with
maps and photographs of the area.
Should the application site and sur-
roundings be unfamiliar, seek more
information regarding weather pat-
terns, topography, and sensitive areas
from the property operator and other
people familiar with the area. During
scouting, collect information about the:
•  Location of the site and the size and 
shape of the area to be treated.
Types  of  crops  adjacent  to  the
application site.
•  Proximity of the site to adjacent 
fields and other areas where field
workers may be present.
•  General local weather conditions.
•  Proximity of the site to areas used 
or inhabited by people, including
residences, parks, schools, play-
grounds, shopping centers,
businesses, roadways, adjacent
fields, work crews, and other
•  Proximity of the site to environ-
mentally sensitive areas such as
lakes, streams, ponds, irrigation
canals, riparian zones, wildlife
habitats, sensitive plants, nearby
crops, and organic farms.
Proximity  of  the  site  to  farms, 
ranches, or other businesses
with livestock or other domestic
animals, such as dairies, feedlots,
swine operations, dog kennels, and
horse stables.
•  Proximity of the site to honey bee 
hives and other commercial pol-
linating insects.
•  Safety hazards such as power lines, 
guy wires, vent pipes, antennas,
towers, trees, and other obstacles
adjacent to the site and within the
site itself.
•  Current cultural practices taking 
place at the site and other adjacent
agricultural areas.
Possible limitations to the oper-
ation, such as ground crew access
to the site.
Charting all sensitive areas and
obstacles will prove useful during the
operation and for future reference.
Established aerial pest control operators
often have a collection of maps and
aerial photographs that identify hazards
and sensitive areas. Be sure to keep these
up-to-date. Prior to the actual appli-
cation, make a final check to confirm
there are no recent changes that would
put you, other people, the property, or
the surrounding areas at risk.
Understanding Pesticide
Label Restrictions
Review the pesticide label to under-
stand the legal requirements and use
restrictions for that material and desig-
nations of which type of aircraft is or is
not acceptable. If the recommendation
or work order calls for a tank mix of two
or more pesticide products, review the
labels of all the products to ensure you
can combine them legally and that there
are no compatibility issues. Follow the
directions of each label having the most
restrictive requirements for application,
mixing, personal protective equipment,
and other factors. You must understand
the pesticide label.
Application Instructions
Confirm that there are no prohibi-
tions to applying any of the prescribed
materials by air. Check to see if there
are restrictions such as buffer areas,
spray material dilution parameters, air
temperature requirements during appli-
cation, and time of day spraying.
Personal Protective Equipment
Understand the PPE requirements
on the label or labels and have available
the most restrictive PPE required for
handlers and you when you are outside
of the aircraft cockpit. Make sure your
flight suit, safety harness, and flight
helmet are in good condition. Remove
pesticide PPE before entering the air-
craft cockpit.
First Aid and Decontamination
Read the label or labels for instruc-
tions on what type of first aid and
decontamination procedures to follow
in case of pesticide exposure.
Sensitive Crop Restrictions
Review all label precautions
regarding applying the material onto or
near sensitive crops or other plants.
Notification and Posting Require-
Understand the responsibilities for
informing people about hazards prior to
making an application and any require-
ments for preventing entry by workers
or people from the surrounding areas.
Pesticide labels may require oral notifi-
cation, field posting, or both. According
to the Worker Protection Standard,
agricultural employers are responsible
for this notification and, when required,
posting. However, aerial operations
often post fields as a service to their
clients. Never begin an application
until the grower, property manager, or
you meet the notification and posting
Honey Bee and Other Pollinating
Insect Restrictions
Check the labels to see if the
materials you are applying are harmful
to foraging honey bees and other pol-
linating insects. If the label has such
warnings or restrictions, adjust the
application time to coincide with times
these insects are most predictably not in
the field you are treating.
Environmental Hazards
Check for precautions relating
to environmentally sensitive areas,
protecting natural enemies and ben-
eficial insects, and other environmental
Cleaning Application Equipment
After each use, clean and decon-
taminate application equipment. Even
some very small quantities of residues
remaining in a tank can contam-
inate subsequent pesticide mixtures
resulting in crop damage. Other times
residues may affect tank mix compat-
ibility or the toxicity of a subsequent
product. Be particularly careful and
clean between herbicides. Some her-
bicide labels bear explicit instructions
on tank cleaning; make sure you follow
their instructions and use their pre-
scribed cleaning materials.
Rinse the inside of the tank with
water. If necessary, decontaminate it
by using an appropriate tank cleaning
material; common cleaners are
ammonia or commercial tank cleaning
product (e.g., 1 quart of household
ammonia to each 25 gallons of water).
Buy commercial pesticide tank cleaning
and neutralizing compounds from
chemical suppliers and farm equipment
dealers. Be sure to check the pesticide
label for any precautions regarding
the use and disposal of cleaning and
decontaminating chemicals. Follow the
directions for the amount of cleaner to
use for your spray tank. Be sure to run
pumps and agitators, and flush all hoses
and booms. Wear appropriate PPE and
eye protection.
Pesticide residue on the outside of
application equipment can be hazardous
to people who must operate or repair
this equipment. Wash the outside of
spray equipment with water, using a
small amount of detergent if necessary.
Clean equipment in an area where you
can contain runoff. Otherwise, clean
the equipment at the application site.
Resolving Conflicts
If the work order appears to be in
conflict with any of the previously-listed
factors, or if you or others have any
safety concerns, delay the application
until you and the property manager
agree on modifications that resolve the
conflicts and concerns. Resist pressure
to perform an aerial application that
presents high levels of risk. Also, refuse
any job that is clearly illegal or not in
compliance with any of the pesticide
labels. Never apply a material for pest
control that the EPA has not registered
as a pesticide. This includes household
and other products whose labels do not
have EPA Registration numbers, such
as soaps, spices, and vinegars.
Reviewing and
Documenting the
After completing an application,
especially a challenging one, spend time
with the ground crew to identify parts
of the operation that went especially
well and things you could improve when
working in another similar situation.
Examine possibilities of better planning,
better communication, making different
adjustments to the equipment, using
different equipment, becoming more
familiar with the target site, or changing
other aspects of the application process.
A debriefing such as this will take a little
time, but will improve efficiency and
fine-tune future operations.
Record Keeping
Keep records of every application. 
Federal regulations require keeping
records of certain information when you
make applications of federally restricted-
use pesticides, and some states require
keeping records of all agricultural pesticide
applications—restricted- and general-
use (
To comply with federal record keeping
when you make an application of fed-
erally restricted-use pesticides, you must
have a record of the:
•  Date (month, day, and year) of the 
•  Brand or product name of the pes-
ticide material applied.
•  EPA registration number.
•  Total quantity of pesticide product 
Location  where  you  made  the
•  Size of the treated area.
•  Name and certification number of 
the applicator.
Regulations require the operator
to provide this information to the
grower or property manager for whom
you made the application within 30 days
of the application. Federal regulations
require the operator to keep copies of
these records for a minimum of two
years; state requirements may differ.
In addition to meeting federal and
state requirements, application records
are useful and important information
for future reference and should ques-
tions or problems show up after an
application. Consider including in the
application records some or all of the
following additional or more detailed
information about the application.
This documentation will serve in your
defense in case of possible legal action
due to crop damage or off-target
movement of the pesticide:
Description  of  the  application
site, including type of site or crop
Proximity  of the treated area to
roads, structures, other crops, field
workers, hazards, and sensitive
•  Recent or ongoing cultural prac-
tices (such as irrigation) at the
application site.
•  The date and time the application
started and the time the application
Weather conditions at the time
of applicationair stability, tem-
perature, humidity, wind speed,
and wind direction recorded in
degrees using a compass.
Any  changes  in  weather  con-
ditions occurring during the
•  Names and amounts of all pesti-
cides and adjuvants applied, and
the dilution rate.
•  Application  equipment configu-
ration, including nozzle type, size,
spacing, pressure, and orientation.
•  Application pattern and directions 
in which you flew the swaths.
•  Application speed and height.
•  Precautions taken to protect sen-
sitive areas.
Location of the mixing-loading
•  Routes taken for ferrying between 
the loading site and target area.
•  Names of ground crew members 
and people present at the site
during the application.
Observations made by you,  the
ground crew, or others that may
have had any influence on the
Save all electronic files from an
application, including flight data and
as-applied map files from the GPS
system. These files serve as documen-
tation for much of the information
included in your records.
A very important part of the application
planning includes being prepared for any
emergency that might occur during the
operation. Having a written emergency
response plan, and sharing and dis-
cussing this plan with the ground crew,
helps everyone know how to respond
and reduces the possibility of injury
or death. Emergency planning must
include providing ground crew members
at the loading zone and satellite strips
with emergency telephone numbers.
Equip the aircraft and loading areas with
first-aid kits and ensure the aircraft has a
working and properly-labeled fire extin-
guisher. Have a complete spill cleanup
kit at the loading area. Develop a plan
of action for ground crew members to
follow in case your aircraft is overdue at
the loading site or home base.
Train everyone in emergency
response by actually play acting on how
to deal with different emergency situa-
tions. Practicing also helps to point out
deficiencies in the emergency response
plan so you and the ground crew can
correct them.
Emergency Information
Locate the nearest medical facility
to the application site and provide each
crewmember with instructions on
how to get there. A good strategy is to
discuss the type of operation and its
hazards with staff of nearby medical
facilities to prepare them in advance for
possible pesticide emergencies. Train
all members of the ground crew how
to direct emergency responders to the
application or mixing-loading site. Equip
members of the application operation
with cell phones or radios to call for
emergency help or to arrange transport
of an injured person to a medical facility.
Provide them with telephone numbers
of the local hospital, fire department,
police or sheriffs department, and
local Flight Standards District Office
(FSDO). These numbers may change
when using different landing areas, so
prepare lists for each specific location.
Flight Hazards
Whenever possible, have a ground
crew member present at the application
site who is able to communicate with you
during the entire operation. This person
can warn you of hazards and notify you
of problems on the ground that require
stopping or delaying the application.
The ground crew member should com-
municate with anyone on the ground
who might be at risk during the appli-
cation, and take action to warn them or
escort them from the area. Provide this
ground crew member with a map that
shows the hazards and sensitive areas
within the application site and in sur-
rounding areas.
Plans in Case of Aircraft
Make emergency plans for cata-
strophic events such as aircraft engine or
landing gear failure leading to a forced
landing or crash. This requires training
every member of the ground crew to
respond immediately, act promptly, stay
calm, and focus on helping you. Should
a crash occur, switch off the aircrafts
batteries and shut off its fuel line. If you
are uninjured yet unable to open the
cockpit door, break open a window and
exit the aircraft as quickly as possible.
Instruct ground crew to get to the crash
site immediately with a fire extinguisher
and to communicate the exact location
of the site to emergency responders and
others by cell phone or radio.
Application Equipment
Application equipment mal-
function could include ruptured hoses
or lines, a tank leak, pump failure, nozzle
and check valve leaks, or electronic con-
troller failure. Any of these problems
risk contaminating areas outside of the
target area and may require a load jet-
tison before the aircraft can return to
an airport for repairs. Prepare for this
type of emergency by locating pos-
sible places to jettison the load or to set
down the aircraft. Any route you take
with an aircraft having a pesticide leak
should be over areas not occupied by
people or animals. To protect the public
when experiencing any emergency of
this type, FAA regulations permit you
to deviate from required flight patterns
and other restrictions.
Ground Crew Emergencies
Ground crew emergencies include 
leaks and spills of concentrated pesti-
cides or diluted spray materials as well as
splashes or spills that contaminate one
or more of the ground crew members.
It could also be a fire involving
pesticide materials. These serious
problems require immediate action to
protect people and the environment.
Regulations require that pesticide labels
be at the use site, which includes the
area you are spraying, in addition to
the mixing-loading site. There is an
exemption to this requirement for aerial
applications as long as you maintain
radio contact with the ground crew and
any flaggers. Labels serve as references
for emergency personnel responding
to accidents involving spills and they
provide first-aid information in case of
pesticide exposure.
The ground crew must first take
steps to prevent any human exposure and
then immediately control, contain, and
clean up spills or leaks to prevent further
contamination of the mixing-loading
area. Preparations for a leak or spill
emergency includes training and prac-
ticing cleanup procedures and having
an adequately equipped spill cleanup kit
at the mixing-loading site at all times.
Train handlers performing the mixing-
loading jobs on proper ways to clean up a
spill (see Appendix 4). Provide them with
a cell phone or radio to summon help for
major spills or in case of a pesticide fire
or other emergency. Keep instruction 
sheets at the mixing-loading site for
cleaning up spills, dealing with pesticide
fires, and situations requiring assistance
from fire fighters or emergency medical
Train handlers how to follow the
first-aid information on the pesticide
label if someone involved in mixing-
loading activities gets exposed to a
pesticide. Be sure there is sufficient
clean water for emergency eye washing
and decontamination of the entire
body. Have soap and single use towels
available at the mixing-loading site
along with changes of clothing for each
crew member.
Overspray, Drift, and
Other Misapplication
As the applicator, you assume
responsibility for any pesticide mis-
application. Overspray, off-target
movement, and other types of misap-
plication may damage surrounding
crops, residential plantings, landscapes,
and other property, as well as cause
environmental contamination. These
are all violations of pesticide labels as
well as many state pesticide control laws.
Train ground crews to be alert during
an application and quickly communicate
with you if they spot any potential for
such problems. Considerable financial
liability and legal consequences may
result from any damage caused by mis-
Spray or Dust Contacting
Bystanders or Vehicles
It is illegal to apply any
pesticide in a manner that exposes
people, livestock, vehicles, and
other objects to the spray or dust.
Unfortunately, farm workers, joggers,
trespassers, and others may not rec-
ognize the hazard of entering an area
until an aircraft making an application
flies over them. Weather patterns,
especially wind direction, can also
change rapidly, causing pesticide from
the application to move off site and
possibly onto workers or other people
nearby. For example, you might plan
and begin an application based on
the wind blowing away from nearby
areas where people are present.
However, during the application the
wind direction could change and
blow towards these areas. Therefore,
develop a plan that includes commu-
nication between you and the ground
crew to delay or stop the application
if anyone spots people nearby, and
only make applications if no one is in
adjacent areas where they might be
subject to exposure. Inspect the appli-
cation site and adjoining areas before
beginning an application to confirm
no one is around the site.
In the emergency plan, include
instructions to follow if spray con-
tacts bystanders. This should involve
decontamination methods and proce-
dures for obtaining medical care for
exposure victims.
Operational problems can result from
poor communications or sketchy infor-
mation about jobs the ground crew
performs. It is risky to assume that
ground crew employees already possess
all the vital information they need to
carry out their jobs safely. Job delays,
having to return for forgotten materials,
treating the wrong fields, or spraying
improper pesticide types, formulations,
or concentrations are examples of mis-
takes that may occur when ground crew
employees are operating with incom-
plete information.
Involve the supervisor and ground
crew in:
•  Developing maps of all areas to be 
treated and charting all hazards,
adjacent crops, and environmental
sensitive areas.
•  Scouting all new areas and keeping 
maps up to date so you can identify
new obstacles or changes in condi-
tions promptly.
•  Developing a system for accepting 
or transmitting information
between you and the ground crew
on work order changes in the field.
•  Filling out mix sheets and deter-
mining the order of mixing spray
Ensuring  that mixer/loaders are
trained in calculating tank batches,
pesticide handling procedures, and
the use and care of personal pro-
tective equipment.
Provide the ground crew with
essential site-specific job information
and make sure they have a checklist
outlining the steps to take to comply
with applicable regulations and company
policies. Develop and complete an up-
to-date Standard Operating Procedures
(SOP) for ground crew members to
use and make sure it is available at the
loading site. This is especially useful
when communication with you is
impaired and ground crew members dis-
agree or are uncertain about procedures
such as mixing batches of pesticide spray.
1. The type of first aid given to a pesticide
exposure victim depends on the:
A. Type of exposure.
B. Age of the victim.
C. Training of the person administering first
D. Work situation where the person received
the exposure.
2. If a person shows signs of pesticide poisoning,
he or she should:
A. Stop working for the day.
B. Receive immediate medical attention.
C. Be assigned to another job not involving
D. Be scheduled for a blood test.
3. If a person spills liquid pesticide onto his or
her arm, the amount of exposure and injury
can often be reduced by:
A. Wiping arm with antibacterial wipes.
B. Wiping the liquid off the person’s arm.
C. Covering the exposed area with a damp
D. Washing the exposed area with soap and
4. During an application operation, pilots must
wear the label-required personal protective
equipment for pesticide handlers:
A. Only while making an aerial application.
B. Anytime they are in the aircraft cockpit.
C. While making nozzle adjustments.
D. Only when mixing and loading.
First-aid instructions to use for pesticide
exposure is found on:
A. Pesticide labels.
B. OSHAs Emergency Response website.
C. Supplemental labeling.
D. Manufacturer literature.
6. An up-to-date Standard Operating Procedures
(SOP) document is useful to ground crew
members especially when:
A. The communication channel with the pilot
is lost.
B. The pilot begins applying the pesticide in a
manner inconsistent with the work order.
C. Trying to determine the best time for
applying the pesticide.
D. The pilot applies the pesticide to a site not
listed on the label.
7. For protection of the surrounding community,
a good reason for securing pesticide applica-
tion aircraft and other equipment when not in
use is to:
A. Prevent weather damage to the equipment.
B. Protect employees from pesticide exposure.
C. Prevent intruder access to the equipment.
D. Comply with regulatory agency mandates.
OperatiOn and applicatiOn Safety
Review Questions
8. At a minimum, the training that ground crews
must receive as pesticide handlers is required
to be performed:
A. At the beginning of each operation.
B. Annually, before performing handling
C. Every two years, before performing
handling activities.
D. Every five years, before performing
handling activities.
9. Chances of pesticide exposure greatly
increases if a pesticide handler fails to:
A. Read the Statement of Practical Treatment
on the pesticide label.
B. Take frequent breaks during handling
C. Drink adequate water during handling
D. Wear the required personal protective
10. Good communication with the ground crew
before and during an application operation
may result in:
A. Greater chances of accidents.
B. Inability for the ground crew to perform their
tasks properly.
C. Fewer job delays.
D. Improper spray mixes.
Preventing Pesticide drift
Pesticides are essential tools in man-
aging pests in a particular location,
but confining the pesticide to the
intended target during application is
an important responsibility. Reducing
drift and off-target pesticide movement
is necessary when you make any type of
pesticide application because, if not con-
trolled, this off-target movement can
contribute significantly to the pesticide
load in the environment. However, you
must take steps to control drift of the
pesticide material away from the target
area during an application.
Off-target movement of pesticides
is the condition where pesticides or pes-
ticide residues leave the application site
at any time and in any manner other
than during a pesticide application.
Often the physical and chemical char-
acteristics of the pesticide contribute to
or reduce the chances that the material
may move offsite after an application.
For example, pesticides that break down
quickly after you have applied them will
be less likely to move off the application
site than pesticides that are highly per-
sistent in the environment.
Pesticides and pesticide residues
can move off the application site in
several ways after they are applied.
These include:
•  Post-applicationvolatilization into 
the atmosphere of the pesticide
that adhered to treated surfaces,
the crop plants, the soil in between
the plants, or bare ground—pesti-
cides with high volatility are more
likely move off the application site
than pesticides with low volatility.
•  Leaching through the soil at the
application site and moving into
surface or ground water after
application—pesticides with low
solubility in water will not leach as
much as those that are very soluble
in water.
This chapter will assist you to:
Rainfall or irrigation water
washing residues off the application
site into surface waters after appli-
cation—pesticides that have a high
absorption potential are less likely
to wash off plant surfaces.
Blowing  off  the  site  attached  to 
soil particles or dead plant material
after application.
Leaving  the  application  site  as
residues on harvested crops.
•  Being carried off the application site 
on vehicles, equipment, animals,
and people.
•  Being carried off the application site 
as fine droplets in an inversion cloud.
The National Coalition on Drift
Minimization (NCODM) defines 
to be “the movement of pesticide
through the air at the time of pesticide
application or soon thereafter from
the target site to any non- or off-target
site, excluding pesticide movements
by erosion, migration, volatility, or
windblown soil particles after appli-
cation.” Pesticide drift includes pesticide
droplets, vapors, or dust particles that
move off the application site after leaving
the dispersal system but before adhering
to the intended treatment site during
a pesticide application. This includes
vapor or droplets that concentrate in an
inversion layer during an application.
During any application, a certain
percentage of the spray droplets will
drift. If this drift is confined to the
treatment site so that it is part of the
pesticide application, there is generally
little hazard to the surrounding areas 
that are not part of the application.
Pesticide drift, however, increases
the hazard to people and other living 
organisms outside of the treatment site.
The following information pertains to
recognizing the causes of pesticide drift 
and ways to reduce this problem.
The spray droplets and the percentage
of droplets within a certain size range 
are the key factors affecting off-target
drift. You can control some of these
factors when making aerial applica-
The unit of measure for the
diameter of a spray droplet is a
(also referred to as a micrometer). The 
mathematical symbol for a micron
or micrometer is µ. One micron is
1/25,000 or 0.00003937 of an inch.
To illustrate the relative  size  of one
micron, a single sheet of paper is about
100 microns thick.
The longer a spray droplet remains
airborne or suspended in the air, the
greater the chance it will drift from the
application site. A small spray droplet is
more susceptible to drift than a larger
droplet because the small droplet is
lighter and therefore remains airborne
much longer. For example, while it
takes approximately 4 minutes for a
4 minutes 11 seconds 5 seconds 2 seconds
20-micron droplet to fall a vertical dis-
tance of 10 feet, it takes only 2 seconds
for a 400-micron droplet to travel the
same distance.
There is a rapid decrease in
the drift potential of droplets larger
than about 200 microns. Conversely,
research has proven that droplets
smaller than 200 microns are very
prone to drift. People who study drift
classify droplets that are 150 to 200
microns or smaller as
driftable fines. In
wind speeds ranging from 1 to 9 mph,
droplets that are 200 microns or larger
have an insignificant drift potential.
For example, the theoretical distance
that spray droplets move laterally while
falling from 10 feet above the ground
in air moving at 3 mph would be only
about 8 feet for 400-micron droplets.
However, this distance increases to
about 1,000 feet for 20-micron droplets.
Higher velocity winds increase the
drift potential of all droplets.
Droplets below 50 microns in
diameter remain suspended in the air
indefinitely or until they evaporate.
Droplets  of this  size have no benefit
to a pest control program, other than
certain vector control operations,
because they are never likely to reach
target surfaces. Avoid using nozzles or 
nozzle orientations and configurations 
that produce droplets in this size range 
because there is no way to assure that
these droplets will remain on or near
the application site.
Classification of Droplet
All  nozzles  produce  a  range  of
droplet sizes, known as the 
spectrum. This means that even when
you use a nozzle having a large orifice 
that mainly produces large droplets,
some percentage of the droplets in the
spray are going to be small enough to
be prone to drift.
A common classification method
used  to  describe  the  droplet-size
spectrum produced by a nozzle is the
volume median diameter (VMD). This 
means that half of the total spray volume
of that nozzle consists of spray droplets 
smaller  than  the  VMD  numerical
value, while the other half is larger
than  the VMD numerical  value. For
instance, a nozzle with a VMD of 400 
microns sprays out half its total volume
in droplets having a diameter greater
than 400 microns and the other half in
droplets having a diameter smaller than
400 microns. However, this does not
20 microns
8 ft
50 microns
100 microns
150 microns
10 ft
400 microns
22 ft 45 ft 178 ft 1056 ft
THAN 400 µ
THAN 400 µ
Volume Median Diameter = 400 Microns
tell you how much of the spray volume
is made up of droplets that are smaller
than 200 microns.
Another way of classifying the
droplet sizes produced by a nozzle is to 
identify the percentage of the total spray
volume that contains droplets smaller
or larger than a specific diameter,
usually 200 microns. This directly
addresses those droplets at risk for drift.
For  instance,  a  nozzle  may  produce
2 percent of its total spray volume in
droplets smaller than 200 microns in
diameter. This means that only a small
portion of the droplets produced by this
nozzle are at risk for drift. This type 
of description, however, tells nothing
about the size of the remaining droplets 
produced, which is the information you
need to determine the type of coverage
you can expect.
The most useful way to describe the
droplet sizes produced by a nozzle is to 
use droplet-size categories based on the 
entire droplet-size spectrum of a nozzle, 
rather than just the VMD or a specific 
size droplet by percentage of volume.
This spray-classification system is the
American Society of Agricultural and
Biological Engineers (ASABE) standard 
S-572.1: Spray Nozzle Classification
by Droplet Spectra. This classification
system has eight categories: extra fine,
very fine, fine, medium, coarse, very
coarse, extra coarse, and ultra coarse
(see chart on next page). Using these 
categories,  you  can  select  a  nozzle,
orifice  size,  and  operating  pressure
that produces the label-recommended
droplet-size spectrum.
All pesticide labels will eventually
contain nozzle specifications and/or the 
required  droplet-size  spectrum.  The
chart on page 37 shows the standard
droplet size categories and color coding.
Consult the pesticide label for
specific instructions when selecting
nozzles.  Using  the  droplet-size
spectrum categories, determine which
nozzle to use to reduce drift and provide 
adequate coverage in a particular
application operation. By selecting the 
appropriate category based on the type
and use of a pesticide, you get acceptable
results while keeping the risk of drift to
a minimum.
Spray Mixture Physical
Three key physical properties of a
spray mixture have a significant effect
on droplet size in aerial applications.
Dynamic Surface Tension
Surface tension is the force that
keeps a droplet together. When the
fluid that makes up the droplet con-
tains adjuvants or other substances the
normal surface tension changes, but it
takes a certain amount of time for the
molecules in the adjuvants to move to
the surface of the droplets. Therefore,
the surface tension of spray droplets can
change after the droplets are formed,
causing a larger droplet to split into
smaller droplets.
Extensional Viscosity
When the pump forces spray
liquid  through  a  nozzle  orifice,  it
stretches to a certain point before
breaking off to form a droplet. The
amount of stretching or “stringiness”
is the extensional viscosity. Pressure
in the system, which regulates the
ejection speed of the liquid, affects the
extensional viscosity. Higher pressure
lowers this viscosity, therefore pro-
ducing smaller droplets.
Shear Viscosity
Shear viscosity is a liquid’s resistance
to flow. Some liquids are thicker and
therefore resist flow or flow more slowly
than less thick, or less viscous, liquids.
Spray drift control adjuvants, when
added to the spray mixture, may help
reduce the number of driftable droplets
under certain conditions. However,
reports indicate that some types of drift
control agents lose their effectiveness
when circulated through a sprayer pump.
Studies show that some materials sold
as drift control adjuvants actually do
not perform as such. Spray drift control
adjuvants are a specific class of chemical
adjuvants, so do not confuse these with
other adjuvants such as surfactants,
wetting agents, spreaders, and stickers.
These other adjuvants, and formula-
tions containing alcohol or certain water
miscible solvents, tend to reduce the
dynamic surface tension of spray droplets,
resulting in smaller droplet sizes.
External Factors Affecting
Droplet Size and Drift
Certain factors remain beyond
your control. These external factors
include weather such as humidity, rain,
extremely high or low temperatures,
wind, or conditions leading to an
inversion layer.
Effects of Evaporation on
Droplet Size
Once exposed to the atmosphere,
individual spray droplets will gen-
erally begin to evaporate. Evaporation
removes water or other carriers, making
the spray droplet smaller than it was
when it left the nozzle. As the droplet 
becomes smaller, it becomes more prone
to drift. Conditions that contribute to
evaporation include:
•  Air temperature–evaporation is more
rapid as temperature increases.
Extra Fine
Very fine
Very Coarse
Extra Coarse
Ultra Coarse
Droplet Spectrum
Symbol Color Code
This standarddenes droplet spectrum categories
specied referencefan nozzle. The purpose ofthis
Refer toproduct labels forspecic guidelines ona
dropletspectracategoryrequiredfor a given appli-
Spray Droplet Spectrum Categories
•  Humidityevaporation is more
rapid as humidity decreases.
•  Air movementevaporation is more
rapid as air movement increases.
•  Distance from discharge to the
targetthe further the droplet has
to fall the more time is available for
•  Spray carrier—water will evaporate
faster than oil carriers.
The optimum time to make an
aerial application when evaporation of
spray droplets is a concern is during the
coolest part of the day. Early morning is 
usually ideal because it is generally more
humid at this time and wind speeds
are often low. However,
inversion conditions
may be greater
during early mornings. Avoid making
applications during hot, dry periods of
the day. Keep the application height
between 8 and 12 feet from the target to
shorten the distance that spray droplets
must fall. To minimize the risk of drift 
caused by evaporation, small droplet
sprays require lower application heights.
Pesticides can also move offsite
through a process called
This phenomenon occurs when the pes-
ticide contacts very hot surfaces, usually
soil with no vegetation. Pesticides, even
those that are not highly volatile, leave
the soil surface with water molecules
during rapid evaporation that occurs
immediately after irrigation. Fog also
is able to pick up pesticides from the
application site and carry them offsite.
Effect of Wind and Thermals on
Drift and Off-Target Movement
Air movement from wind or
thermals is a major contributing factor
to off-target pesticide drift. Wind
carries lighter and smaller droplets
away from the target site where they
accumulate until they saturate a given
volume of air with the pesticide. As
winds become stronger, the air traps
more and more larger droplets and may
move them away from the target before
they return to the ground.
Upward air  movement caused by 
thermals also entraps and moves small
droplets, increasing the probability that
they will drift away from the application
site. Thermals occur as the ground
heats up, usually in the afternoon, and
especially after cool night temperatures.
This causes air near the ground to rise,
since warm air is lighter (molecules are 
further apart) than cool air.
Temperature Inversions
Differing air temperatures in
stratified layers of the atmosphere
are responsible for the inversion phe-
nomenon that can exacerbate the
problem of off-target pesticide drift.
Inversions occur when an upper layer of
air is warmer than the air below it. This
warm air cap may start at 20 to 100 or
more feet above the ground and block
the cooler air below it, preventing ver-
tical air movement.
Over a wide area, it may be pos-
sible to identify the presence of an
inversion condition by checking with
the National Weather Service. In
some areas, during certain times of
the year, temperature inversions occur
regularly. One method for detecting
a temperature inversion in a localized 
area is to observe a column of smoke
rising into the air. Sometimes, dust
from agricultural operations may
serve the same purpose. If the rising
smoke column or dust cloud flattens
and begins moving sideways or col-
lects in one area above the ground, an
inversion condition probably exists.
Do not make applications during
an inversion condition because
the inversion layer traps fine spray
0 ft
10 ft
20 ft
30 ft
droplets and pesticide vapors. These
become concentrated, similar to smoke
particles in the smoke column. Rather
than dispersing somewhat evenly
throughout the atmosphere over a
relatively large area, the pesticide often
moves as a concentrated cloud away
from the treatment site. Afterwards,
the concentrated pesticide cloud will
return to the ground and may cause
problems for people, non-treated
crops, and other living organisms.
An inversion condition can occur
when the air is calm with very little
air mixing. This condition makes it
possible for the cloud of spray droplets
or vapor to move slowly downwind.
Temperature inversions generally begin
before sunset and remain into early
morning or near bodies of water.
Drift research shows that nozzles and 
other spray components can produce
large spray droplets that have less of
a tendency to drift. However, when
improperly used, wind shear effects on
nozzles  result  in  drift-prone  smaller
droplets. Appropriate airspeed and
proper nozzle orientation are the two 
factors that reduce wind shear effects.
You need to find a balance between the
aircrafts minimum airspeed needed for
covering the desired acreage in a given
period and the maximum airspeed
before wind shear impacts the size of
spray droplets.
In addition to selecting proper
nozzles and finding  the balance
between proper airspeed to minimize 
atomization of large droplets, the other 
challenge you face is to find a balance
between drift reduction provided by
large droplets and good coverage asso-
ciated with smaller droplets.
Research conducted by pesticide
manufacturers, the pesticide application
industry, universities, and state and
federal regulatory agencies demon-
strate that you can minimize off-target 
pesticide drift during any application
operation by:
•  Selecting nozzle types with orifice 
sizes that produce large droplets—
wider spray angles typically
produce finer sprays.
•  Using a nozzle orientation straight 
back in relation to the aircraft’s
level flight line so that the dis-
charged spray is least affected by
wind shear across the nozzle face, 
therefore maintaining the rated
desired droplet size (some research 
is showing that a slight angle of
about 5 degrees allows the spray
to be directed downward without
affecting droplet size).
•  Confining boom length to no more 
than 75 percent of the wingspan of
a fixed-wing aircraft or the rotor
diameter on rotary-wing aircraft,
to reduce drift caused by wing tip
and rotor vortices.
•  Increasing system pressure when 
flying at faster speeds to reduce
the amount of smaller droplets.
0 degrees—
largest droplets
45 degrees—
smaller droplets
90 degrees—
smallest droplets
•  Making sure the positive shut-off 
and suck-back systems are working
•  Accuratelycalibratingapplication 
equipment, including using a
system pressure that is appropriate
to the airspeed of the aircraft for
maintaining a  droplet size that
results in optimal spray coverage.
•  Using spray drift control adjuvants 
when appropriate to increase spray
droplet size.
Spray droplets are normally finer
at greater flight speeds, especially when
using wide-angle fan nozzles or a nozzle 
orientation that is not straight back in
relation to the level flight of the aircraft.
However, for applications using straight
stream or narrow angle (20 to 40°) flat 
fan nozzles pointed backward, increasing 
the spray pressure can actually result in
a coarser spray if the exit velocity from
the nozzle becomes closer to the speed 
of the aircraft. Doing this reduces the
air shear effect.
Application Techniques
Some application techniques for
reducing off-target pesticide drift
during an aerial application include:
Leaving untreated buffer  zones
one, two, or more swath passes
wide within the treated site or
field, along the downwind edges so
that any pesticide that drifts will
stay on the treated site; treat these
buffer zones later, when the wind
direction reverses into the field.
•  Getting good field-end coverage on 
initial spray runs; end passes made
to fields that are bordered by trees
or other obstacles usually means
flying higher, which increases the
chance of drift.
Flying  at the optimum  airspeed
that will, when combined with
pump output pressure, help to
maintain larger droplets.
•  Keeping applicat ion height 
between 8 and 12 feet above the
target crop.
Avoiding applications  during
weather conditions that promote
off-target drift, such as high winds
or inversion conditions.
Smoke Generators
You use smoke generators on the
aircraft to visualize air movement at
the application site. You can also use it
to identify inversion conditions below
the application height. The smoke
generator injects oil into the aircrafts
exhaust system, which burns to produce
smoke. You control the oil injector with
a switch inside the cockpit.
When you activate the smoke
generator, you can watch the smoke
movement to estimate the off-site
movement potential for spray you are
applying. Although of limited effec-
tiveness, you can also use the smoke
to locate the position of the previous
pass to estimate where to begin the
next pass. However, due to possible
movement of the smoke in air currents,
this method is less reliable for swath
Smoke generators are a common
part of the onboard equipment found
on most agricultural aircraft. One
reason for this is that GPS systems have 
eliminated the need for human flaggers
at the application site to position the
aircraft for each swath. However, a
flagger typically also provided you
with information about wind speed
and direction. Since off-target pes-
ticide drift is a major concern during
aerial applications, a smoke generator
provides a better visual picture of wind
direction and relative wind speed at the
time of spray release. Using a smoke
generator before beginning the first
pass of an application allows you to
make immediate local wind condition
evaluations without depending on
someone on the ground.
1. Managing off-target pesticide drift during an
aerial application is:
A. The ground crew’s responsibility.
B. The property owner’s responsibility.
C. The pilot’s responsibility.
D. A requirement of a pilot’s FAA licensing.
2. Off-target pesticide drift is the offsite
movement of the pesticide that occurs:
A. Any time after an application.
B. At the time of pesticide application or soon
C. As residues on objects moving from the
application site.
D. Several hours to several days after an
3. The color code for a nozzle that produces
spray droplets in the extra fine category is:
A.  B l a c k .
B. Red.
C. Purple.
D. Orange.
4. Generally, the optimum time for making an
aerial application of a liquid when droplet
evaporation is a concern is:
A. Early morning.
B. Mid morning.
C. Early afternoon.
D. Late afternoon.
Which of the following factors has NO effect on
off-target pesticide drift?
A. Nozzle orientation.
B. Spray pressure.
C. Constant 3 mph wind.
D. Physical properties of the spray mixture.
6. Wider-angle spray nozzles usually produce
droplets than narrower spray
A. Coarser.
B. More uniform.
C. Less uniform.
D. Finer.
7. The most effective boom lengths for reducing
the amount of drift are:
A. 90% of the wingspan or the rotor span.
B. 75% of the wingspan or the rotor span.
C. 65% of the wingspan or the rotor span.
D. 50% of the wingspan or the rotor span.
8. Aside from external factors, the most impor-
tant factors affecting off-target drift are:
A. Physical properties of the spray mixture.
B. Extremely high or low temperatures.
C. The size of the spray droplets and the 
percentage of droplets within a certain size 
D. Conditions leading to a temperature
inversion layer.
Preventing Pesticide drift
Review Questions
9. Driftable fines are droplets in the size range of:
A. Larger than 500 microns.
B. 300 to 500 microns.
C. 200 to 300 microns.
D. 50 to 200 microns.
10. The droplet size at which spray drift becomes
a concern is:
A. 50 microns and below.
B. 100 microns and below.
C. 200 microns and below.
D. 300 microns and below.
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems
Accurate metering and application of
pesticides are the key purpose of all
aircraft dispersal systems. Dispersal
equipment has to deliver the labeled
rate of a liquid or dry pesticide formu-
lation uniformly and accurately.
Pesticide materials and the dis-
persal system add considerable weight,
requiring aircraft that can safely lift,
transport, and make applications
when fully loaded. Fixed-wing aircraft
used for pesticide application are fast,
maneuverable, and carry heavier loads
than rotary-wing craft. A limitation of
a fixed-wing aircraft is the need for a
designated landing area, which may not
always be close to the application site.
Rotary-wing aircraft used for pesticide
application are more maneuverable
but slower than fixed-wing aircraft,
and can operate over a range of speeds
and in almost any area since they do
not require a runway for takeoff or
landing. This allows ground crews to
perform loading operations at or near
the application site.
This chapter will assist you to:
The main function of a dispersal
system is to allow you to apply an
accurate and uniform amount of pes-
ticide material over the application site
as efficiently as possible. Liquid dis-
persal systems include a pump, a tank or
hopper, hoses and/or metal lines, control
valves with suck-back features, a pressure
cHAPter 4
gauge, filters, one or more booms, and
nozzles. Pumps in these systems may
be electric or hydraulic motor powered,
wind-driven, or directly powered from
the aircraft engine.
Equipment and
Component Factors
Consider several factors for dis-
persal equipment and components used
for aerial application of pesticides. They
must be durable.
Corrosion Resistant
Many pesticide materials are cor-
rosive, so only use corrosion resistant
components in the dispersal system.
Stainless steel, fiberglass, polyethylene,
and polypropylene are non-corrosive,
while steel, iron, and aluminum will
corrode. In addition, acidic liquids may
react with steel or iron to produce highly
explosive hydrogen gas. Even though
application components are corrosion
resistant, the rest of the aircraft may not
be, so regularly clean, inspect, maintain,
and protect these parts.
Leak Proof
Make sure all components of the
aircraft’s pesticide dispersal system can
resist leaks during the rigors of takeoffs,
landings, and flight. This includes tanks,
pumps, agitators, bearings and seals,
hoses, and hose fittings. The presence
of pesticide residues on the belly of the
aircraft could be an indicator of a leaking
hose or connection somewhere in the
system. Leaks endanger you and can
damage parts of the aircraft. In addition,
leaks can expose workers to pesticide
materials, contaminate places and objects
used by people, and render runways,
hangars, and other areas unusable until
decontaminated. Leaks may also cause
damage to crops and other plantings
outside of the treatment area.
Allow You to Make Accurate
Volume Measurements
The dispersal equipment has to
include a way to measure accurate
volumes of pesticide materials in order
for you to apply the correct amount to
the treated area.
Able to Produce Uniform Flow
The dispersal system should
provide a uniform flow of the pesticide
through the nozzles for even distri-
bution of liquid sprays over treatment
areas. Systems that adjust the flow
volume according to the application
air speed (referred to as flow control)
provide the greatest application volume
uniformity, but can affect droplet size.
Important qualities of liquid dispersal
systems include being dependable and
durable, as well as being uncomplicated
to service and repair. Descriptions of
major dispersal system components
Spray Pumps
The spray pump maintains the
pressure in the system to ensure a
uniform flow volume and proper atom-
ization by the nozzles. The pump also
may power the tank agitation system
HydrAUlic POWered PUmP
FAn driven PUmP
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems
that keeps the pesticide mixture in
suspension. On fixed-wing aircraft,
the most common power source for
the pump is a fan mounted under the
aircraft, below the tank. The aircrafts
propeller slipstream drives this fan.
Some fan-driven pumps have variable
pitch blades so you can change the
pump speed, and thus output, for dif-
ferent application requirements. Ultra
low volume (ULV) applications may
require modifications to the pumping
system to make it suitable for such low
Other types of power sources for
aircraft spray pumps include the air-
craft’s hydraulic system or an electric
motor that drives the pump.
Pumps need enough power and
capacity to meet the systems nozzle
pressure, flow volume, and tank agi-
tation requirements. The pump needs
some extra capacity to make up for
pressure loss due to friction in the lines
and to operate nozzle anti-drip check
valves. If you use a pump with too little
capacity, you need to reduce the swath
width to get adequate uniform coverage.
However, this wastes time and fuel.
The centrifugal pumps commonly
used on aircraft produce high volumes
of spray material (up to 200 gallons per
minute or more, depending on the size
of the pump) at low pressure, usually
ranging between 10 and 70 pounds per
square inch (psi). Centrifugal pumps
made from aluminum with bronze or
steel internal parts are most common.
Centrifugal pumps have a high range
of applications, including spraying
abrasive wettable powders and flowable
formulations, because there is no close
contact between moving parts. These
pumps usually require operating speeds
between 1,000 and 5,000 revolutions
per minute (rpm).
Pesticide Tanks and
Tanks and hoppers have to be cor-
rosion resistant, and most tanks used in
aircraft are fiberglass. Other materials
used for tanks and hoppers include
stainless steel, high-density polypro-
pylene, or polyethylene. Stainless steel
tanks or hoppers generally are more
durable than plastic
or fiberglass, but they
are heavier, therefore
adding additional
weight to the air-
craft. Overall, tanks
and hoppers made of
stainless steel require
less maintenance
and can withstand
rougher handling
than those made of
plastic or fiberglass.
Although most
popular because of
less weight, a disadvantage of fiberglass
is that it absorbs pesticide liquids if its
surface is scratched or abraded, pos-
sibly contaminating future tank loads.
However, scratches, small cracks, or
punctures in fiberglass are easy to
repair, while cracks or punctures in
polypropylene and polyethylene tanks
are difficult to fix.
Most tanks serve a dual use: they
hold liquids for spraying and are hoppers
for dry materials such as granular pesti-
cides, fertilizers, and seeds. Tanks have
top openings for filling, but it is easier
to pump liquids through a pipe that has
a quick coupling disconnect protruding
through the side of the aircraft fuselage.
A gauge or visual level that shows
the amount of material in the tank or
hopper is necessary. This gauge has to
be conveniently located so it is visible
from the cockpit.
Interior baffles in tanks limit the
sloshing of liquid during flight and
dampen the effect of load shift on the
aircraft’s stability. In case of an emer-
gency when a load must be dumped in
a matter of seconds, the tank needs a
large valve or port at the bottom that
you can open quickly. Tank vents are
necessary and these should accom-
modate a large enough passage of air
to prevent a vacuum that would slow or
stop the normal flow of liquid through
the nozzles or bottom port. Adequate
ventilation of the tank also prevents the
buildup of hazardous fumes, explosive
gases, or dusts that could damage the
aircraft and even endanger your life.
On fixed-wing aircraft, mounting
the tank or hopper in front of the
cockpit and as close as possible to the
eXternAl sPrAy tAnK WitH QUicK
cOUPlinG discOnnect
cHAPter 4
aircraft’s center of
gravity reduces the
effect on the aircraft’s
trim as the tank
empties. Small rotary-
wing aircraft have
either a pair of tanks,
with one mounted
on each side of the
fuselage, or a single
belly tank. With
two tanks, a pipe or
hose connects them
and allows the pump
to draw the spray
mixture equally from
both, keeping the
aircraft balanced. Larger rotary-wing
aircraft have a tank mounted on the
inside. Tank or hopper size depends on
the load capacity of the aircraft.
Tank Agitation
Many pesticide formulations, such
as emulsifiable concentrates, wettable
powders, and flowables, require agi-
tation of the liquid mixture in the spray
tank to maintain uniformity. Without
agitation, the pesticide product may
settle out from the water with which
it is mixed. A common method of tank
agitation is the recirculation of all or
part of the pump output back into the
tank (hydraulic agitation). A valve that
diverts the flow from the spray boom
back into the tank or hopper usually
does this. Commonly, this boom valve
provides a low negative pressure, or
suck-back, to the boom when in the
closed position. In another type of
agitator, some external source powers
a propeller mounted inside the tank
(mechanical agitation). Mechanical
agitation is not common on aircraft
because the power required robs engine
performance and adds extra weight.
Keep agitators running during
ferrying to the worksite and during
turnarounds. When the pump has suffi-
cient capacity, some of the pump output
recirculates back into the tank during
spraying as well. Recirculated material
enters near the bottom of the tank to
prevent settling of the spray mixture.
If you apply dusts or powders, be
aware that fine dry materials (60-mesh
and above) in the aircraft hopper may
also require mechanical agitation to
prevent packing or caking on the top
surface of the material during flight.
This occurrence, known as bridging,
creates voids under this top layer and
leads to uneven flow of the dry material
from the hopper.
Filters and Screens
Filters and screens protect the
dispersal system from damage and keep
nozzles from clogging. Clogged filters
result in uneven applications. Screens
require daily cleaning during spray
operations and additional cleaning
any time flow volume or change in
system pressure indicates clogging.
Filter screens range in size from 10 to
200 mesh. A 10-mesh size denotes 10
openings per inch, therefore the larger
the mesh number the finer the screen.
Nozzle Screens
Generally, agricultural aircraft do
not use nozzle screens because aerial
applications call for larger nozzle
orifice sizes than ground applications
do. However, certain types of nozzles
and nozzles with smaller orifice sizes
require screens or slotted strainers. The
nozzle orifice size and the type of liquid
you are spraying also determine the size
of the nozzle screen.
Line Screens
When using a centrifugal pump,
place a line screen on the output side
of the pump, in the line between the
pump and the spray boom. For other
types of pumps, locate the line screen
on the suction side of the pump to help
prevent damage from sand or other
foreign particles, which can also cause
nozzle check valves to leak.
Never store the dispersal system at
the end of a season without thoroughly
flushing out the booms. This reduces
the likelihood of material accumu-
lating on the inside surfaces of booms
downstream from the line screen. This
material can flake off later and clog
nozzles or nozzle screens.
Pipes, Hoses, and Fittings
Main piping and fittings should be
of a large diameter (up to 3 inches) to
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems
be able to apply high volumes of liquids.
Smaller diameter pipes and fittings
(approximately 1 to 1-½ inch) work for
low-volume applications. Smaller piping
is compatible with rotary-wing aircraft
because their slower speed makes it
possible to use lower flow volumes.
Whatever the size, piping must be able
to handle the maximum pump volume.
Hoses used in the dispersal system
need to be large enough to carry the
desired flow and must resist corrosion.
Hoses are less likely to blow off if ends
of the connecting tubes are beaded or
flared. Using double clamps on hose
connections also helps to keep them
secure. Position hoses in such a way
as to avoid sharp bends. Replace hoses
if they swell, develop surface cracks,
or otherwise show wear. Sometimes,
hoses may not show external signs of
wear or fatigue but they become brittle
and hard after extended exposure to
sunlight, high temperatures, vibration,
and the various pesticides and other
chemicals used in the system. Even
when they look serviceable, hoses used
beyond their life expectancy may fail
without warning. Therefore, regularly
replace hoses even if they look intact
and free of defects or wear.
A positive shut-off valve, installed
in the hose or line that delivers spray
material to the nozzles, eliminates
dripping when you shut off the spray.
The most effective positive shut-off
valve is one that incorporates a suck-
back feature so that the pump applies a
slight negative pressure to the liquid in
the boom. The negative pressure aids
the nozzle check valves in preventing
any dripping. The system pressure
gauge will register this slight negative
pressure. If nozzles are not equipped
with check valves, you may need to
increase the negative pressure. Keep the
negative pressure low enough so that it
does not remove all the liquid from the
spray boom, otherwise there will be too
long of a delay as the boom refills when
starting a new spray pass.
Spray Booms
The spray boom is the structure
that supports nozzles along the
wingspan or rotor span of the aircraft
and usually carries liquid spray to
the nozzles. It may be round, airfoil
shaped, or streamlined. Streamlined
booms create the least amount of tur-
bulence, followed by airfoil booms and
then round booms. To place nozzles in
cleaner airflow on fixed wing aircraft,
position the booms behind and below
the trailing edge of the wings. For some
configurations, use drop pipes from
the boom to keep nozzles in clean air.
Research shows that this lower position
is likely to give a better deposition
pattern. Securely attach spray booms to
the aircraft to prevent bouncing. Make
sure booms are durable enough to
cHAPter 4
handle the output pressure of the pump.
Some booms have separate right and left
sections. Using a control valve, you can
direct spray to either or both of these
sections, making it easier to regulate
spray placement in sensitive areas.
Operators of rotary-wing aircraft
sometimes use special boom and nozzle
combinations because of their ability to
produce large, uniformly sized droplets
at slower speeds. Operators use this
type of boom most often for applying
herbicides to rights-of-ways. Droplets
form as the spray exits multiple
needlelike nozzle tubes on the boom.
The airstream pulls droplets into the
air behind the boom.
Effective spray booms are
approximately 75 percent as long as
the wingspan for fixed-wing aircraft
or the diameter of the main rotor blade
of rotary-wing aircraft. If booms are
longer than this, wing tip or main rotor
vortices capture a large amount of the
output from nozzles at the boom tips,
causing distortions in the spray pattern
and contributing to drift.
Position the boom and nozzles so
that the spray will not strike any part of
the aircraft or boom attachments. If the
spray does strike structural parts of the
aircraft, it will likely:
•  Collect and fall off in large drops.
•  Distort the spray pattern.
•  Waste material.
•  Corrode aircraft surfaces.
Having removable caps on the
ends of a boom is useful for periodic
flushing of sediment buildup inside the
boom. However, a boom with end caps
prevents positioning nozzles at or near
the boom ends. Trapped pressurized
air in this space between the boom
ends and the outermost nozzles causes
the spray to continue flowing for a
short while even after you close the
spray valve. To eliminate this problem,
install air bleed lines to each end of the
boom. Attach the other ends of these
bleed lines to one of the nozzles near
the ends of the boom, making sure
these nozzles only receive spray fluid
from the bleed lines.
Flow Meters, Valves, and
Pressure Gauges
The spraying system should
include the following components to
improve application ability.
Flow Meters
An accurate flow meter monitors
the discharge volume of liquid from
the pump through the nozzles. The
flow meter alerts you to changes in
the spraying system such as clogged
nozzles, leaks, and pump malfunction.
Valves in the system start, stop,
prevent dripping, and direct and reg-
ulate the flow of the liquid. Some valves
have control levers that you manually
move to turn on or shut off the spray.
HelicOPter sPrAy BOOm
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems
Check valves are spring loaded and
have a diaphragm, a ball, or needle and
seat that starts or stops the liquid flow
depending on whether the pressure in
the system exceeds a preset minimum
pressure. Electronic flow volume con-
trollers employ motorized ball valves to
regulate the amount of flow.
Inspect valves in the dispersal
system frequently to confirm they are
working correctly and are not leaking.
Sediments or debris in the plumbing of
the system may prevent some valves from
shutting off completely or may restrict
the flow of liquid passing through them.
Make sure all nozzle check valves have
the same size outlet diameter to provide
uniform flow volumes along the length
of the boom.
Pressure Gauges
Use a pressure gauge as another
tool to monitor the spraying system.
A pressure gauge helps you determine
the correct pump speed or spray valve
opening in order to achieve the proper
nozzle output, droplet size, and spray
pattern. You can use the pressure
gauge to monitor and maintain system
pressure during application should the
electronic flow control system in the
aircraft stop working. A pressure change
in the system during spraying indicates
potential problems. For instance, clogged
nozzles or filter screens could increase
pressure. A drop in pressure might
indicate a broken nozzle, a disconnected
line, another type of leak, or pump
malfunction. When a pressure change
occurs, inspect the system to determine
the cause and make necessary repairs.
To assure precise readings of pressure at
the nozzles, connect the pressure gauge
sensor line to the spray boom.
The pressure gauge in the aircraft
needs periodic checking. When con-
nected to the same pressure source,
compare readings from the aircraft’s
gauge to another gauge known to be
Nozzles provide the primary
means of controlling three factors that
affect any application and possible off-
target movement of the pesticide: the
application volume, droplet size, and
spray pattern. It is important for nozzles
to operate within the range of pressures
and flow volumes prescribed by their
manufacturers. Therefore, be sure that
the spraying system is compatible with
the specified pressure and flow volume
ranges for the nozzles you use and the
aircraft’s speed. Manufacturers produce
many types of nozzles for various liquid
pesticide application situations.
The application volume influences
the type of nozzle used in an aerial
application. Aerial application volumes
fall into three categories:
Conventional  (5  to  15  or  more
gallons per acre).
•  Low volume (LV) (0.5 to 5 gallons 
per acre).
•  Ultra low volume (ULV) (less than 
0.5 gallons per acre).
Traditionally, amounts less than
8 gallons per acre were the norm for
conventional volume aerial applications.
Pilots made these types of applications
with cone pattern nozzles. However,
aerial spray drift studies indicate that
spray output from cone pattern nozzles
are likely to emit drift-prone droplets
unless configured to produce coarser
droplets. Many pilots now make con-
ventional applications using straight
stream nozzles, variable orifice flood
nozzles, or flat fan nozzles.
Application volumes in the low
volume (LV) range are often suitable
BOOm-mOUnted PressUre GAUGe
cHAPter 4
for certain situations, such as applying
particular fungicides. You may use flat
fan or variable orifice flood nozzles set
to a suitable deflection angle, based on
orifice size, pressure, and aircraft speed,
for LV applications. Drift studies show
that properly installed straight-stream
or variable orifice flood nozzles reduce
the amount of small droplets that are
prone to drift.
When using vegetable oil carriers,
or when you apply concentrates in forest
or public health pest control, such as
mosquito abatement spraying, ULV
application volumes may be around one
to a few ounces per acre. Rotary atom-
izers work well for ULV applications as
well as LV applications.
Straight Stream Nozzles
Straight stream nozzles oriented
straight back often produce the largest
droplets and the lowest drift compared
to other nozzle types. These nozzles
provide a way to produce large droplets
at higher airspeeds when you match
the flow volume of the stream from
the nozzle with the airspeed. However,
at very high speeds the large droplets
produced by straight stream nozzles can
shatter and create driftable fines.
Fan-Pattern Nozzles
Spray drift studies indicate that
nozzles that emit fan-shaped spray pat-
terns typically produce fewer small,
drift-prone spray droplets than do cone-
pattern nozzles.
Flat fan and even flat fan nozzle tips
produce flat, fan-shaped spray patterns.
Flat fan patterns have the highest depo-
sition in the center of the pattern and
deposition tapers off towards the edges.
Even flat fan nozzle
patterns are uniform
across the whole width
of the nozzle pattern.
The exact angle of the
fan-shaped pattern
produced by these
nozzle tips depends
on nozzle design,
spray pressure, and
characteristics of the
pesticide spray mix.
Nozzle tips designed to produce fan-
shaped patterns have angles of 25, 40, 65,
80, or 110 degrees. In general, fan nozzle
tips that produce wide angles generate
more drift-prone spray droplets. For
this reason, fan nozzle tips designed to
emit no more than an 80-degree spray
pattern are better suited for aerial spray
applications. Typically, 40-degree flat
fans are recommended for the higher
speeds associated with fixed winged
aircraft and 80 degree flat fans are rec-
ommended for slower speeds associated
with rotary wing aircraft. Compared to
standard flat fan nozzles, even flat fan
nozzles have little effect on the spray
distribution applied by an aircraft. The
more critical consideration when using
flat fan nozzles on an aerial boom is
that the nozzle tip produces a narrow
spray angle.
Variable Flow Rate Flat Fan Nozzles
Typically, nozzle orifice sizes
are fixed and the only way to increase
or decrease nozzle flow volume and
maintain a desired spray droplet size
range at a certain spray pressure is to
change the size of the nozzle orifice.
With standard nozzles, slightly
increasing or decreasing the spray
pressure allows minor adjustments in
nozzle flow volume, but this adversely
affects the optimum spray pattern.
Variable flow rate nozzles overcome
this problem because the nozzle orifice
size is flexible and enlarges or gets
smaller as the system pressure increases
or decreases. This maintains greater
integrity of the droplet size spectrum
and spray pattern as system pressure
changes. The advantages of variable
flow rate nozzles include:
•  The ability to change application 
volume on the fly by increasing or
decreasing system pressure instead
of replacing nozzle orifices.
Better  spray  droplet  uniformity 
that is less affected by system
pressure changes.
A  more  uniform  application
volume and spray pattern even
when application airspeed varies.
Variable Orifice Flood Nozzles
A variable orifice flood nozzle dis-
perses liquid in a flood type wide-angle
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems
flat fan pattern or a straight stream.
The nozzle body has two manual
adjustments, one for orifice size and
the other for deflection angle. Four
orifices can be selected, plus an “off
position. The orifice size and pressure
determine the nozzle flow volume.
Spray from the selected orifice hits an
adjustable deflector that you adjust to
produce fine, medium, or coarse spray
droplets. There are two common types
of variable orifice flood nozzles. One
has deflection angles of 30, 55, and 90
degrees and the other has a straight
stream setting and deflection angles of
5 and 30 degrees. Slower aircraft typi-
cally require larger deflection angles
than faster aircraft.
Rotary Atomizers
A rotary atomizer consists of
a screen mesh cylinder that rotates
around the nozzle orifice. Its own fan or
an electric or hydraulic motor powers
this rotating cylinder. The higher air-
speed of fixed-wing aircraft favors the
use of fan-driven rotary atomizers.
Most fan-drive units have adjustable fan
blade pitch so you can
achieve the optimum
cylinder rotation
relative to the aircrafts
speed. The slower
speeds of rotary-wing
aircraft require motor
driven cylinders.
Spray droplets that
emerge from the screen
mesh cylinder are
relatively uniform in
size. Rotary atomizer
nozzles deliver a wide
range of application
volumes. Because they have relatively 
large metering orifices, their nozzles
do not clog as easily as conventional
nozzles when applying low-volume
sprays containing a high concentration
of chemicals in suspension. Uniformity
also depends on droplet size and nozzle
spacing. The number of nozzles you
need is based on how wide a swath
you intend to cover. Typically, a single
rotary atomizer can generate a swath of
10 to 15 feet.
Hollow-Cone Pattern Nozzles
Hollow-cone pattern nozzles
include the disc-core type and the
whirl-chamber type. Recent spray drift
research indicates that using hollow-
cone nozzles on an aerial spray boom
yields a disproportionate amount of very
fine, drift-prone droplets. Because cone 
nozzles emit spray in a conical pattern,
the effect of wind shear is greater than
its effect on straight stream or flat fan
spray nozzles.
The orifice of a hollow-cone
nozzle is located in a disc that fits into
the nozzle body. Discs are available in
various orifice sizes to accommodate
application needs. Located behind the
disc is a core, or spinner plate, that
puts a high rotational spin on the liquid
passing through the orifice. The size of
the disc-core combination determines
the gallons per minute (gpm) rating of
the nozzle at a given pressure.
A whirl chamber nozzle consists
of a specialized nozzle body and nozzle
cap. When liquid enters the nozzle
cHAPter 4
body, the interior structure causes the
liquid to whirl rapidly before exiting
as a cone-shaped spray pattern. Whirl
chamber nozzles are relatively free
from clogging problems.
Nozzle Anti-Drip Devices
Equip all the nozzles on the spray
boom with check valves to prevent
dripping when you shut the spray
off. These valves have spring-loaded
diaphragms, needles, or steel balls
that stop the nozzle flow when spray
pressure drops below a certain preset
amount, usually about 7 psi. Use anti-
drip check valves in combination with
shut-off valves that have the suck-back
feature. In systems where suck-back is
unavailable, use a stronger spring so
the nozzles seal shut when pressure
drops to about 15 psi. Never switch on
and off an electric motor driven pump
in a rotary-wing aircraft to start or
stop spraying. Using the boom valve
to start and stop the spray and leaving
the pump running allows the suck-
back feature to work properly and
provides hydraulic agitation for the
spray tank.
Inspect and frequently clean check
valves to assure they work properly and
are not leaking. Replace diaphragms
when they show wear. You can flush
needle and seat types of anti-drip check
valves without disassembling the nozzle
by pulling on the needle, which typi-
cally clears the valve of debris and stops
the leak.
Electronic equipment such as global
positioning systems, flow volume
controllers, and mapping systems are
important components of aircraft
dispersal systems. This equipment
increases precision application, reduces
error and drift, and prevents waste of
pesticide materials. These systems also
provide permanent records of various
aspects of the application for site
mapping, customer billing, and envi-
ronmental and regulatory reporting.
GPS Systems
Operators choose differential
global positioning systems (DGPS) for
their aircraft because they provide the
high degree of precision needed for
aerial application. The amount and kind
of navigational information available
for aircraft-mounted DGPS equipment
depends on the features incorporated
into the systems. As with other naviga-
tional devices, an FAA-certified aircraft
maintenance technician must install,
test, and repair DGPS equipment
and components. See Appendix 5 for
descriptions of types of global posi-
tioning systems and how they operate
and are managed.
Before purchasing mobile DGPS
hardware and software for an appli-
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems
cation aircraft, find out if the equipment
processes signals for the type of DGPS
service that is available in the area where
the aircraft operates. In addition, learn
what kinds of DGPS peripheral devices,
such as light bars and flow controllers,
the equipment accommodates.
An aircraft fitted with basic DGPS
components provides you with the
ability to perform DGPS-aided pre-
cision aerial swathing. A basic DGPS
includes a:
•  DGPS mobile receiver.
•  GPS antenna.
•  Light bar.
•  Computer  processor  (CPU)in 
some units, the CPU and light bar
are combined into one unit.
Using the GPS Light Bar
The GPS light bar is a linear array
of light emitting diodes (LEDs) that
produce a visual representation of the
position of the aircraft in relation to the
swath you are spraying. It allows you
to easily visualize off-track errors and
quickly make flight path corrections.
The onboard DGPS receiver con-
tinuously sends about 5 updated signals
per second to the light bar. These signals
activate specific LEDs, with the center
of the light bar indicating the aircraft
is lined up with the swath centerline.
The other LEDs on the left and right of
center represent a certain distance away
from the swath centerline. This distance
is usually 2 feet per LED, but can be set
to as little as 6 inches per LED.
After completing a pass, advance
the GPS setting to the next swath.
When the aircraft is exactly over the
centerline of that swath, the center-most
LEDs of the light bar illuminate. If the
path of the aircraft shifts to the left of
the swath centerline, the illuminated
sector of the light bar shifts towards the
right. You correct the flight course by
steering toward the illuminated LEDs.
You restore the correct flight path when
only the center most LEDs glow.
Once you line up the aircraft with
the next swath centerline, use tradi-
tional landmark navigation to begin and
perform the spray pass by selecting a
distant visual object and flying toward it.
Occasionally check the light bar during
the spray pass to fine-tune your course.
The advantages of DGPS computer
systems include mapping, waypoint
navigation, and spray operation record
keeping. The computer provides
options for you to select a desired
application pattern, such as racetrack.
The computer then uses the GPS posi-
tioning data to continuously calculate
and display the aircrafts location with
respect to the target site and application
pattern. This eliminates the need for
flagging or marking devices or human
The computer system records the
precise in-field location of each spray
swath. For jobs requiring multiple spray
loads, its mapping system guides you to
where to begin applying the next load.
Throughout the spray operation, the
computer system collects data and con-
structs records.
Flow Volume Controllers
Manufacturers of DGPS com-
puter systems offer software programs
and computer hardware interfaces that
provide precision spray boom opera-
tions. The aircraft DGPS computer
combines continuously updated ground
speed data with the spray swath width
and sends correction signals to the
flow volume controller. The controller
regulates boom output by increasing or
decreasing pressure and/or flow volume
so that it maintains a preset application
GPs instAllAtiOn
cHAPter 4
volume per acre. More sophisticated
units even control output on indi-
vidual nozzles. Flow volume controller
systems include means for measuring,
computing, and recording:
•  Total liquid volume.
•  Liquid pressure.
•  Liquid flow volume.
•  Total spray time.
•  Relative humidity.
With this equipment, you can
deliver the spray uniformly for the
duration of the job in progress even
when travel speed of the aircraft varies.
You use feedback data from the flow
volume controller to construct an
on-site record of the output perfor-
mance of the spray boom.
Mapping Systems
Producing maps of the targeted area
is one of the features of the global posi-
tioning systems in many aircraft. These
systems enable you to define boundaries,
mark hazards, and produce as-applied
maps that document your work. These
maps are useful references for future
applications. In addition, during an
application, the on-screen map in the
aircraft shows you where you turned
the spray on and off. This gives you the
accuracy to separate an area of the same
field and fly it in a different direction to
help you protect sensitive areas.
Improper positioning of nozzles along
the spray boom negates the advantages
derived from pilot skill, advanced
electronics, other application aids, and
modern nozzle engineering and manu-
facturing technology. Determining
the proper position for each spray
nozzle helps achieve uniform spray
deposition. Be sure nozzles are in the
aircrafts laminar airflow where there
is undisturbed air. Adjust the spacing
of the nozzles along the boom to com-
pensate for uneven spray deposition
caused by air movement over aircraft
surfaces. After positioning the nozzles
according to accepted application
industry standards, evaluate the setup
by conducting pattern testing of
the dispersal system. Do this before
making any pesticide applications.
Nozzle Adjustments
There are several factors to consider
when adjusting nozzle positions.
Prop Wash Displacement
On fixed-wing aircraft, propeller
rotation produces a spiral slipstream
about the fuselage. This spiral slipstream
moves spray particles from right to left
under the aircraft. The result is a reduced
application volume under the right wing
and a higher application volume under
the left wing. This problem is most
evident on aircraft fitted with spray
booms that have a symmetrical nozzle
arrangement. The conventional cor-
rection for prop wash displacement is
to add nozzles to the right side of the
boom and remove noz-zles from the left
side of the boom. You usually determine
the correct number and location of the
nozzles by trial and error, preferably
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems
while conducting pattern testing, not
during pesticide application. Generally,
the nozzles that need alteration are
those positioned within 3 to 6 feet of the
Prop Wash Overcompensation
The emphasis on spray pattern
distortion due to prop wash has
prompted some pilots to overcom-
pensate for propeller-induced effects.
You can often correct a pronounced
spray peak developing on the left of the
fuselage by turning off one or more
nozzles mounted within 3 to 6 feet of
the right side of the fuselage. Conduct
pattern testing to assure you have not
Wing Tip and Rotor Vortex
Wing tip and rotor vortexes
usually produce spray patterns with
high peaks at its edges. This pattern
can occur on either fixed- or rotary-
wing aircraft. The vortex captures
and propels upward the spray emitted
from the outermost nozzles on booms
that extend to the full wing or rotor
span. Spray droplets so captured do
not contribute to the effective swath
width, but are a significant source
of spray drift. In almost every case,
you can overcome a wing tip or rotor
vortex induced spray pattern problem
by keeping the spray boom length at
75 percent of the wingspan for fixed-
wing aircraft or the rotor diameter of
rotary-wing aircraft.
Rotor Distortion
Rotary-wing aircraft may display a
spray pattern having a low application
volume in the middle of the swath and
heavier patterns at each end of the spray
boom. Normally, you can correct this
by adding nozzles under the aircraft
between the skids.
Pattern Testing a Spray
When evaluating the spray pattern
and determining the effective swath
of an aircraft, the application height,
power setting, spray pressure, and
nozzle location should duplicate field
conditions. The best time for spray
pattern testing is early in the morning
before the sun heats the ground and
causes thermal turbulence or convective
instability. During testing, fly the air-
craft directly into the wind. Conduct
pattern test flights only when ambient
wind speed is less than 10 mph.
One method for spray pattern
testing consists of a detector (fluo-
rometer) that reads the intensity of
fluorescent dye deposited onto a string
or tape positioned across a test site. A
computer converts the fluorescence
to data points and displays these in a
graphical spray pattern representation.
cHAPter 4
Use this graph to assess nozzle posi-
tioning along the boom, determine
spray deposition uniformity, and
measure the effective swath width. You
need to know the effective swath width
to program a DGPS guidance system.
If computerized pattern testing
equipment is not available, you can
determine the spray pattern by other
means. The Course Layout figure (next
page) depicts a suitable test layout for
spray pattern evaluation. Determine the
wind direction and place several flags,
visible to you from the aircraft, about
100 feet apart along the centerline
of the direction of travel. Staple and
sequentially number squares of water
sensitive paper to small blocks of wood
along an 80- to 100-foot line that runs
perpendicular to the line of travel. You
can substitute plain white cards for the
water sensitive paper if you add dye to
the spray tank to visualize the droplets.
When flying a spray pattern test,
make sure that the nozzle tips, filter
screens, and check valves are clean. Put
about 30 gallons of water into the spray
tank. Before takeoff, operate the pump 
and briefly engage the boom to check
for leaks.
After takeoff, purge the boom and
make sure that water from the system
reaches the end nozzles. Align the air-
craft with the centerline flags on a spray
run that duplicates an actual field appli-
cation. Operate the boom for at least
100 yards both before and after passing
over the line of water sensitive paper
or cards. To minimize control surface
induced air disturbance, maintain
straight and level flight during spray
boom operation—this will help assure 
a representative pattern. After the pass,
have a ground crew member collect the
sprayed cards in the order the ground
crew laid them out. Put new cards on
the wood blocks and repeat the test to
make sure the run was representative of
typical spray deposition.
Visual evaluation of treated cards
reveals common problems with spray
uniformity and swath width. Especially
look for:
A  region  of  light  spray  droplet
density in the vicinity of the flight
Uneven  spray  droplet  densities
toward the wing tips, indicating
prop or rotor distortion (see pre-
vious section).
Light spray  droplet density  cor-
responding to boom hangars or
other structures that interrupt
Correct uneven patterns by repo-
sitioning nozzles on the spray boom.
Conduct a new pattern test to verify
that you have improved the pattern.
With a proper nozzle setup, you
will notice that the number of spray
droplets per card is reasonably con-
stant for some distance on each side
of the centerline path and then they
gradually diminish until no spray is
PAttern testinG
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems
evident. The typical pattern forms a
trapezoidal shape. The effective swath
is the distance between the midpoints
on the sloping ends of the pattern.
Each midpoint corresponds to a spray
deposition that is approximately one-
half the average amount of spray
deposited in the more uniform portion
of the spray pattern. In an actual appli-
cation, this midpoint is the border
between adjacent swaths.
Spraying System
Operating Pressure
Drift reduction requires directing
nozzles straight back and setting the
spraying system operating pressure to
match the speed of the aircraft with the
exit speed of the pesticide liquid from
the nozzles. A pressure of 40 to 60 psi
may produce larger droplets due to less
wind shear and minimizes the pro-
duction of droplet sizes prone to drift.
Drift prone droplets are those that are
smaller than 200 microns in diameter.
When it is necessary to increase
the output volume of the nozzles,
you can make very small changes by
increasing or decreasing the system
operating pressure, often by changing
the pump speed. Electronic spray
volume controllers increase or decrease
system pressure to change the output
volume of the system when there are
slight changes in the aircrafts speed.
This produces an application that is
more even than if the pressure remains
constant as the aircraft’s speed varies.
However, this adjustment has limita-
tions because, in order to double the
spray output, you must quadruple the
spray pressure. This will have a major
impact on droplet size. In most cases,
the best way to make significant changes
in boom output volume is by changing
nozzle tip size, nozzle orifice size, or by
changing the number of nozzles in use.
Typically, you should change the spray
system pressure only to make minor
changes (alterations of 10 percent or
less) in boom output.
Center line
100 Sampling
Spaced on
2 centers
Spaced on
5 centers
Spaced on
5 centers
On fixed-wing aircraft, ram-air
spreaders disperse dry formulations,
such as granules or pellets. You would
use these spreaders also for applications
cHAPter 4
of fertilizers and seeds. On rotary-wing
aircraft, you typically use a centrifugal
spreader to apply dry formulations.
Ram-Air Spreader
A fixed-wing aircraft fitted with a
properly configured ram-air spreader
can apply dry formulation pesticides
very uniformly. However, setup and
operation may be more complex than
that required for applying liquid pes-
ticide products. General limitations
imposed by ram-air spreaders include
higher engine power requirements and
high aerodynamic drag, which affect
aircraft performance and maneuver-
Ram-air spreaders are compara-
tively simple, versatile, and reasonably
priced. You would typically attach a
ram-air spreader beneath the fuselage
in such a way that you can remove it
easily to restore the liquid spraying
capability of the aircraft. The hopper
is the same one used to hold liquid pes-
ticide sprays.
An unsatisfactory distribution
pattern of dry materials results from
most ram-air devices if you attempt to
apply more than 250 pounds per acre
of material or increase the feed rate to
more than 35 pounds per second.
Feed Rate
In a ram-air spreader, the dry pes-
ticide product drops from the hopper
into a ducted airstream, where the
airflow ejects it rearward and laterally.
A metering gate situated between the
hopper floor and the spreader throat
governs the feed rate of pesticide
granules or pellets. The spreader has
either a hinged metering gate or a
sliding hatch between the hopper and
the spreader.
When using a spreader equipped
with a hinged metering gate, you use
a cable or rod to rotate the trailing
margin of the gate downward to open it
to whatever setting you want. Material
escapes from the hopper by flowing
over the lowered edge of the gate.
Usually, hinged metering gates require
more frequent calibration adjustment
than do sliding hatch types. Some
hinged metering gate units are capable
of dispensing liquid materials.
Sliding hatch styles of hopper
metering gates generally are easier to
adjust, especially for low application
rates. However, these units tend to
be more prone to wear than hinged
metering gates.
The hopper metering gate must
provide even feed of the pellets or
granules across its opening; otherwise,
the aircraft will produce an uneven
swath pattern. It is unreasonable to
expect any combination of ram-air
spreader adjustments to compensate
entirely for swath pattern problems
caused by improper gate adjustment.
Substantially increasing the
hopper-to-spreader feed rate beyond
its design maximum is a poor strategy
for increasing application rate. If you
meter too much dry pesticide product
into the spreader, ducting becomes
choked and less air is able to flow
through the unit. Increasing the
amount of dry pesticide entering the
spreader requires more air to propel
the material through the spreader.
Spreader Vanes
The air channel of a typical
ram-air spreader consists of from 5 to
13 laterally adjacent, curved ducts. The
partitions that form the walls of these
ducts are the spreader vanes. Each
spreader vane typically has adjustable
sections located at its front and rear.
These adjustable sections allow for
lateral repositioning of the inlet and
exit portions of a given vane within the
spreader body. Vane adjustment allows
you to fine tune a ram-air spreader to
a particular aircrafts airflow and slip-
stream characteristics.
In a ram-air spreader, the material
metered from the hopper flows
through the ducts as a thin, sheet-
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems
like layer of particles. Air entering
the spreader inlet forces the product
rearward, where it flows along the
internal upper surface (ceiling) of the
spreader. Spreading of this particle
layer is the main job of the spreader
vanes. When functioning correctly,
the vanes prevent air and particles
from moving from one duct to another.
The top of each vane, including
the movable sections, must be in close
contact with the top of the internal
surface of the spreader. If any air gap
occurs between vane and duct ceiling,
both air and particles can move from
one duct to another during spreader
operation. This will seriously affect
the even distribution of the pesticide.
Adjusting the inlet vane positions
helps to make the swath uniform.
Airframe-induced influences are known
to affect ram-air spreader performance,
but that can often be compensated for
by spreader inlet vane adjustment.
•  Aircraft oil-cooler-induced 
•  Speed ring effects.
•  Propwash effects.
•  Turbulence caused by a flagging 
device air deflector.
The propwash effect displaces
material released near the right of the
fuselage towards the left side of the
fuselage. This results in a non-uniform
swath where distribution of granules or
pellets on the right side is sparse and it
is too heavy on the left side. To correct
a propwash-induced problem, configure
a ram-air spreader to discharge more
material from its right side than from its
left. Do this by moving the spreader’s
inlet vanes toward the left, making the
left discharge ports smaller than the
right side discharge ports.
Shifting inlet vanes too far laterally
causes problems, however. As you shift
an inlet vane laterally, the airstream
attack angle (angle of incidence) of the
duct wall increases. When the duct wall
angle of incidence becomes too great,
static air pressure increases inside the
duct and impairs the hopper-to-duct
flow rate. This causes an undesired
reduction of spreader output. Lateral
repositioning of an inlet vane should
never exceed a 15-degree angle of inci-
dence as measured in relation to the
path of forward flight.
Altering the spreader’s exit con-
figuration requires repositioning the
adjustable rear portion of one or more
spreader vanes if the equipment is set
up for this type of adjustment. Rear
vane section adjustments provide a way
to fine-tune overall swath pattern uni-
formity. This is because the position of
the rear section of a vane mainly influ-
ences the exit direction of the particles
passing through that duct.
Alignment of the rear section of
a vane should, as much as possible,
smoothly follow the arc formed by the
vanes rigid internal curvature. For
rear vane adjustment, the key con-
cepts are smooth, non-obstructive,
non-impeding, exit airflow changes.
Generally, you only need to make small
adjustments. Over-adjustment usually
causes particles moving through the
duct to slow down, resulting in too
much material in one part of the swath.
Spreader Mounting
The best possible mounting config-
uration of a ram-air spreader is the one
that causes the least turbulence. Having
the smoothest airflow into, around, and
out of the spreader improves spreader
performance and provides good appli-
cation results.
Relative to an aircrafts roll axis,
a correctly mounted spreader hangs
beneath the fuselage and is level with the
fuselage from side-to-side and parallel
to the long axis of the fuselage. Spreader
mounting differs from airframe orien-
tation only in pitch. The attack angle of
a ram-air spreader directly influences
the amount of airflow entering the
spreader inlet. Set the spreader attack
angle by establishing the pitch of the
spreader body during mounting.
The forward mounting points
of ram-air spreaders are usually non-
adjustable. Therefore, change the attack
angle by changing the distance between
the aircraft fuselage and the rear part of
the spreader. In general, the lower skin
of the spreader is the reference surface
for measuring spreader attack angle.
The attack angle of the lower surface
cHAPter 4
should be approximately 1 to 3 degrees
less than the attack angle of the lower
surface of the aircraft wing. When a
spreader attack angle is either too great
or too small, the likely result is:
•  Increased turbulence and drag.
Increased  deposition of the pes-
ticide material on the tail gear of
the aircraft.
•  A non-uniform swath pattern.
•  Swath narrowing due to lowered 
exit speeds of particles.
Application Rate and Swath
Up to the point of its maximum
material handling capability, changing
the application rate of a spreader auto-
matically changes its effective swath
width. Increasing hopper feed to the
spreader will cause a decrease in swath
width because the particle stream
exiting a spreader duct becomes heavier
and less prone to being broken apart.
For high application rates such as jobs
requiring more than 250 pounds of
pesticide product per acre, the best
strategy is to reduce the per-pass appli-
cation rate, configure the spreader for
a reduced swath width, and fly more
passes per site.
Centrifugal Spreader
The centrifugal spreader used by
rotary-wing aircraft is a self-contained
unit having its own hopper. The rotary-
wing aircraft carries the entire unit
beneath the aircraft, suspended on a
cable. The unit meters material from
the hopper onto a spinning disc that dis-
tributes the pesticide, seed, or fertilizer.
A hydraulic motor or gasoline engine
usually drives the spinner. You control
the motor via a hydraulic control cable
or by an electrically activated solenoid.
Typically, an operation would have two
self-contained units so you can spread
with one while the ground crew fills
the other. Another method involves
using a bag suspended from a boom
that the ground crew fills while the
pilot makes an application to the field
with the spreader. When the hopper
needs refilling, the pilot positions the
unit under the bag and a ground crew
member releases the contents of the bag
into the hopper. The refilling operation
takes only a matter of seconds while the
helicopter hovers above.
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems
1. Aircraft suitable for aerial application of
pesticides must be:
A. Registered with the U.S. EPA.
B. Constructed entirely of corrosion resistant
c. Equipped with DGPS navigational
d. Able to lift, transport, and disperse
pesticides safely.
2. One of the reasons for an adequate vent in the
aircraft pesticide tank is to:
A. Release excess pressure.
B. Allow the pump to function efficiently.
c. Prevent a vacuum from altering the normal
flow of liquid.
d. Keep the pesticide mixture uniform.
3. The purpose of baffles inside a liquid spray
tank is to:
A. Assure even mixing of the spray material.
B. Prevent extreme pressure changes in the
c. Reduce sloshing of the liquid during flight.
d. Eliminate foaming of the spray mixture.
4. Hydraulic agitation of the mixture in the
aircraft spray tank requires:
A. An external power source.
B. Sufficient pump output capacity.
c. Baffles mounted inside the tank.
d. Proper tank ventilation.
A proper functioning positive cutoff valve with a
suck-back feature will supply
pressure to the boom and nozzles when the spray
flow is stopped.
A. High negative.
B. Low negative.
c. High positive.
d. Low positive.
6. The purpose of bleed valves at the ends of the
spray boom is to:
A. Prevent spray from continuing to flow from
nozzles after the spray valve is closed.
B. Prevent pressure from building up from
trapped air when the spray valve is opened.
c. Make cleaning the inside of the spray boom
d. Reduce internal corrosion of the spray
7. To accommodate for the influence of prop
wash on spray pattern, it is necessary to:
A. Regulate the output flow to the nozzles.
B. Adjust the speed of the aircraft.
c. Reposition the nozzles on the spray boom.
d. Decrease the pump speed.
AeriAl Pesticide disPersAl systems
Review Questions
cHAPter 4
8. The advantage of an electronic sprayer volume
controller is that it:
A. Maintains the same spray output as airspeed
B. Reduces or increases the spray output as
airspeed changes.
c. Maintains the same spray output as altitude
d. Reduces or increases the spray output as
altitude changes.
9. Ram-air spreaders can:
A. Compromise fixed wing aircraft
B. Improve fixed wing aircraft performance.
c. Reduce aerodynamic drag on the aircraft.
d. Reduce the aircraft’s power requirements.
10. The purpose of adjusting ram-air spreader
vanes is to:
A. Improve the performance of the aircraft.
B. Reduce the aerodynamic drag on the
c. Improve the granule distribution pattern.
d. Change the swath width of the granule
revieW QUestiOn AnsWers On PAGe 97
Calibrating aerial appliCation
Pesticide registrants, manufacturers,
and regulatory agencies use extensive
research to establish proper application
volumes and to develop safety pre-
cautions that you must legally follow
when making a pesticide application.
Registrants place this mandatory
information on the pesticide labeling.
On occasion, regulatory agencies
identify a reason to evaluate a product’s
existing labeling directions, usually
because of human safety concerns. As
a result, they may impose regulations
that supersede the product’s current
labeling. This may involve changing
application volumes or imposing addi-
tional safety requirements.
In order to make a legal, safe,
and effective aerial application, you
are responsible for applying pesticide
products uniformly and at the proper
volume per unit of area. Pesticide
product labels or local regulations
prescribe maximum volumes, so
exceeding these volumes violates
federal and state laws.
The success of each aerial pesticide
application depends on accurate cali-
bration. The term calibration refers to
setting up and adjusting the application
equipment to ensure that you dilute and
apply the pesticide active ingredient
Reading this chapter will help you understand:
according to regulations. This chapter
discusses the steps to take to calibrate,
test, and adjust a fixed- or rotary-wing
aircraft’s pesticide dispersal system.
Sidebar graphics are included to detail
useful calculations.
Once you calibrate the aircrafts
dispersal system, check and test the
equipment periodically to be sure the
calibration remains accurate. Heavy
workloads as well as applying abrasive
pesticide formulations contribute to
nozzles and other equipment becoming
maladjusted or worn.
Technological advances such
as DGPS systems and electronic
controllers make aerial pesticide
application more precise. These tools
reduce calibration errors and auto-
matically adjust the spraying system
to accommodate for changes in pump
output, nozzle wear, and variations in
application speed. The best resources
for setting up and adjusting these
systems are their operation manuals.
Therefore, this chapter does not cover
calibrating or adjusting electronic
The main reason for calibration is to
figure out how much pesticide to put
into the tank or hopper of the aircraft
so you can apply the work order recom-
mended volume to the target site when
you operate the aircraft at a deter-
mined speed and altitude. Accurate
calibration is necessary for:
Assuring  compliance  with  the
requirements in labeling, law, or
•  Effective pest control.
Protecting  human  health,  the
environment, and treated crops or
•  Preventing waste of resources.
•  Controlling thevolumeof water 
(for liquid applications) applied to
a given area.
Improper Application Rate
Applicators are legally liable for
injuries or damage caused by improper
pesticide application. Several problems
are associated with applying a pesticide
at a volume higher than the maximum
legal rate.
Illegal Residues
Applying higher than legal
volumes of a pesticide may result in
residues on crop plants that exceed the
legal tolerance level. If over-application
results in illegal residues on plant sur-
faces, regulators have the authority to
confiscate and destroy an entire crop
to protect consumers.
Impact on Effective Pest Control
Pesticide registrants and/or manu-
facturers of pesticides spend millions
of dollars researching ways to use their
products correctly and effectively. This
research includes determining the right
amount of pesticide to apply to control
target pests. Using less than the labeled
rate is legal, but may result in inade-
quate control, wasting time and money.
Application volumes that are too low
also may lead to problems such as pest
resistance and resurgence. Higher than
label rates are illegal and waste pesti-
cides. Using too much pesticide may
adversely affect natural enemies of the
pest being controlled.
Human Health Concerns
Pesticides applied at higher than
label rates could endanger the health
of pesticide handlers, field workers,
yourself, and other people working in or
visiting an area where you applied them.
Environmental Concerns
Pesticide concentrations higher
than label directions may cause serious
environmental  problems.  Calibrating 
equipment to maintain application
volumes within label requirements
reduces the potential for contaminating
surface water, ground water, and the air.
Impact on Treated Plant Surfaces
Certain pesticides are phytotoxic 
(injurious to plants) and damage treated
plant surfaces when used at higher than
label-prescribed rates. Manufacturers
evaluate these potential problems while
testing their products so they can
determine safe concentrations.
Soil Contamination
Using too much pesticide increases
the chance of building up excessive
residues in the soil. A buildup of certain
pesticides sometimes seriously limits
the types of future crops that farmers
can grow in the treated area.
Wasting Resources
Using the improper amount of pes-
ticide wastes time and adds unnecessary
costs to the application.
Pesticide materials are expensive, and
the fuel, labor, and equipment wear and
tear required to make extra applications
are costly.
If you apply pesticides improperly,
you are subject to criminal and civil
enforcement actions that may result
in loss of your pilot certificate, paying
fines and penalties, serving impris-
onment time, and the costs and lost
time dealing with lawsuits.
Properly calibrating aerial appli-
cation equipment is necessary to ensure
uniform distribution of the pesticide
materials and it helps prevent pesticide
related problems. The following sections
discuss different calibration techniques
for liquid application equipment and
granular application equipment.
Calibrating Liquid Sprayers
Calibrating liquid sprayers involves 
determining how much area each
tank of spray covers when the aircraft
travels at a known speed and the system
operates at a known pressure. You begin
by matching the desired application
volume and droplet size category with
the number of nozzles, nozzle orifice
size, application airspeed, and swath
width. Use nozzle specifications from
the manufacturer to select nozzles
that, as closely as possible, produce the
desired spray output and droplet size for
the product you intend to apply. Arrange
nozzles on the boom in such a way as to
produce the desired deposition pattern
when applying the material from the
application height selected. Keep the
application height constant during each
swath run to obtain uniform coverage.
Avoid adjusting application height to
either change the swath width or spray
pattern uniformity. Instead, replace
nozzles to correct swath width and
pattern uniformity.
Once the aircraft is properly set up,
measure the following four factors:
•  Tank capacity.
•  Application airspeed.
•  Flow volume.
•  Effective spray swath width.
Spray pressure is a component of
the flow volume because as the pressure
increases or decreases the flow volume
increases or decreases as well. Spray
pressure must never exceed the recom-
mendations of the nozzle manufacturer.
Check liquid spraying equipment 
frequently when applying abrasive pesti-
cides, such as wettable powders, because
these materials cause wear in pumps
and nozzles. Pump wear decreases the
amount and pressure of fluid output,
while nozzle wear increases the volume
of output. Alone or in combination,
these two occurrences usually lower
the output pressure and may produce a
poor spray pattern.
Tank Capacity
You need to know exactly how
much liquid you can put into the air-
craft’s spray tank in order to determine
how much area you can spray with
each load. This requires measuring the
capacity of the spray tanks, usually one
time only. If you modify the tank, or
remove or add components inside the
tank, you will have to re-measure its
capacity. Never rely on tank size ratings
provided by the manufacturer because
these may be approximate volumes,
they may not take into account fittings
installed inside the tank, and they do
not account for the attitude of the air-
craft while it is on the ground.
Position the fixed- or rotary-wing
aircraft on a level surface and make sure
there is no liquid in the system. Drain
the system if necessary, then close any
open valves to prevent water leaks. Start
adding measured amounts of clean
water. Keep the pump running to cir-
culate the liquid. Using a flow meter,
bring the water level to the maximum
operating fill point. This is the level
to which you will always fill the tank
whenever applying a full load. Once
you determine the actual capacity of
the tank or tanks, paint or engrave this
amount onto a prominent place near the
tank for permanent reference.
While filling the tank, also
calibrate the tank sight gauge, or make
marks on the tank as you add measured
volumes of water. Once you calibrate
the sight gauge or tank, it is easy to see
how much liquid is in the tank when it
is not entirely full. Always return the
aircraft to a level surface when reading
the sight gauge or tank marks. The sight
gauge readings while the aircraft is in
flight will differ from readings taken
when the aircraft is on the ground due
to flight attitude.
Application Airspeed
Measure airspeed under actual
working conditions, with the aircraft
spray tank about half full of water (to
get the best average for weight consid-
erations), and flying at the same altitude
as an actual spray application. If the air-
craft spraying system is equipped with
a flow volume controller, the controller
will calculate the proper flow volume
and make adjustments if airspeed
changes. For it to make these adjust-
ments, you must enter the application
volume and the size of the effective
swath width into the unit.
Flow Volume
If the aircraft is not equipped
with a flow volume controller, measure
the actual output of the system when
nozzles are new, then periodically
thereafter to accommodate for nozzle
wear. Manufacturers provide charts
showing the estimated output of given
nozzle sizes at specified spray pressures.
Manufacturer charts are most accurate
when using new nozzles—used nozzles
may have different output volumes
because of wear. Even new nozzles may 
have slight variations in actual output.
Additionally, the pressure gauge in the
aircraft may not be accurate, which
further adds error to the output estimate
determined from manufacturer charts.
These charts express flow volume in
gallons per minute, which you can then
convert to gallons per linear mile at the
prescribed swath width.
Rotary-wing Aircraft. Rotary-wing air-
craft usually have electric or hydraulic
powered pumps, so the aircraft does not
need to be in flight to measure nozzle
output. To find out the combined flow
volume for all nozzles on a helicopter
spray boom, collect liquid from each
nozzle over a known time (such as 30
seconds) and add together these amounts.
Use a calibrated container that measures
liquid ounces. Once you determine the
total amount of output, convert the
ounce measurement into gallons and
then determine the gallons per minute
and mile outputs (see Sidebar 1).
Fixed-wing Aircraft. Most fixed-wing
aircraft use fan driven spray pumps, so
the aircraft must be airborne or have
the engine running at high speed while
on the ground. Due to the air blast
from the propeller, you cannot collect
spray from the nozzles. Therefore, find
the output of the sprayer over time by
measuring how much water you use
during several test flights. Each time 
you fill the tank, make a run operating
the sprayer for a timed period.
Start by moving the aircraft to a
level surface and fill the tank to a known
amount with clean water. Fill the tank 
to a level that you can duplicate when
refilling. Check for leaks around tank 
seals, hoses, and hose fittings. Be sure all
nozzles are clean and operating properly
or the results will be inaccurate.
Take off and fly to an area where
you can release the spray water. Operate
the sprayer at its normal operating
speed and pressure. Open the valve to
the spray boom, starting a stopwatch
at the same time. Continue to run the 
sprayer for several minutes, and then
close the valve. Record the elapsed
time, return to the ground, and park
the aircraft at the same spot where you
originally filled the tank.
Attach a flow meter to a low-
pressure filling hose and refill the tank
to the original level. Record the gallons
of water used; this volume is the amount
of liquid sprayed during the timed run.
Determine the gallons per minute
output of the sprayer and convert the
result to gallons per mile as shown in
Sidebar 2.  For more accuracy, repeat
this process two more times to get an
average of sprayer output.
Swath Width
A crucial step in the calibration
of an aircraft liquid dispersal system
involves determining the effective
A helicopter spray boom is equipped with 30 nozzles. Liquid has been col-
lected from each nozzle for 30 seconds. When combined, the total amount
of liquid collected is 600 ounces.
Convert the 600 ounces per 30 seconds into gallons per minute.
Next, convert the total ounces per minute into gallons per minute.
In this example, the helicopter discharges 9.375 gallons of liquid per minute.
This result can be converted to gallons per mile by dividing the airspeed in
miles per hour by 60 minutes per hour and then dividing the result into the
gallons per minute.
Assume the helicopter is traveling at 50 miles per hour.
(Rotary-Wing Aircraft)
= 1200 ounces/minute
= ounces/minute
total ounces collected × 60 seconds/minute
seconds of collection time
600 ounces collected × 60 seconds/minute
30 seconds
= 9.375 gallons/minute
1200 ounces/minute
128 ounces/gallon
= 0.833 miles/minute
50 MPH
60 minutes/hour
0.833 miles/minute
= 11.25 gallons/mile
9.375 gallons/minute
swath width. Although the actual swath
width may be wider, the effective swath
width includes overlaps made with each
pass to achieve a more even application.
Measure the amount of overlap leading
to the effective swath width produced
by an aircraft by pattern testing.
Whenever you alter the spray boom in
any way or change application height,
you must repeat this pattern test and
recalculate the effective swath width.
Application height affects the effective
spray swath, so the application height
used during pattern testing must be
the same as the height flown during an
actual application.
Application Height
Application height describes the
distance between the nozzle tips and
the target, be it the plant canopy or
open ground at the target site. The
effective swath width usually increases
as the application height increases due
to air movement. However, there are
limits to how high you can go and get
a wider swath. Spray drift management
studies indicate that application height
can affect the amount of off-target
drift of the spray, depending on the
spray droplet size. Therefore, mini-
mizing off-target drift risk requires
lower application heights. The greater
the application height, the more time
it takes for spray droplets to reach the
target and so they are subjected to
evaporation and other forces that create
off-target drift. High temperatures and
low humidity will increase the evapo-
ration rate.
An application height of 8 to 10
feet is usually the maximum suitable
for applying spray droplets that have
less tendency to drift. For application
heights greater than 8 to 10 feet, you
need larger spray droplets to reduce
drift. The pesticide label usually
provides application height limits or
a range of application heights for a
particular product. Flying too low can 
cause additional drift issues because
of air turbulence hitting the ground
(ground effect).
Determining the Acres per Minute
To calculate the number of acres
treated in one minute, use the airspeed
For this example, the aircraft’s spray tank is filled with water to its top
mark. After takeoff and leveling off, the pilot made four runs at 120 MPH
and opened the spray valve for 30 seconds for each run. After landing, the
aircraft was returned to the same location where the tank was originally
filled. Using a flow meter attached to a water hose, the tank was refilled to
the top mark. It took 36 gallons of water to refill the tank.
Calculate the gallons per minute output of the sprayer.
Convert the gallons per minute into gallons per mile.
(Fixed-Wing Aircraft)
120 miles/hour
60 minutes/hour
= 2 miles/minute
18 gallons/minute
2 miles/minute
= 9 gallons/mile
= 18 gallons/minute
2 minutes
36 gallons
and the effective swath width measure-
ments in the calculations shown in
Sidebar 3.
Determining the Application
Volume per Acre
In the “Flow Volume” section, the 
fixed-wing aircraft example calculation
(Sidebar 2) showed that a boom with
50 nozzles was discharging 18 gallons
per minute. At 120 miles per hour, this
amounts to 9 gallons per mile. Sidebars
3 and 4 illustrate how to convert the
gallons per mile to gallons per acre.
Determining the Amount of
Pesticide to Put into the Tank
The label or job order prescribes
how much pesticide to apply per acre.
Be sure to confirm that the job order
does not exceed the legal rate given
on the label. You may have to adjust
nozzle output or modify the appli-
cation pattern to achieve this desired
volume. For example, you may have to 
make more than one pass over a swath
to apply the total number of gallons of
spray or pounds of granules per acre as
required by the label or job order appli-
cation rate.
To prevent waste of pesticide
material, you must accurately know the
size of the area to be treated. Then, mix
only the amount of pesticide needed.
Multiply the total acres in the appli-
cation site by the application volume
to find out how much pesticide will be
required for the complete job.
Use tank volume and the gallons
per minute figure to calculate how much
time it will take for you to spray out all
the liquid in the tank. Once you know
this time, you can calculate the total
area covered with each tank of material.
The result will be the actual acres of
treatment site that you can spray with
Convert the airspeed from miles per hour to feet per minute using this formula.
Assume for this example that the aircraft travels at 120 miles per hour.
Convert this speed to feet per minute.
Next, multiply the effective spray swath width by the feet per minute airspeed to
determine the area, in square feet, covered in one minute. The effective swath width
has been determined to be 50 feet and the travel speed is 10,560 feet per minute.
Convert this area into acres by dividing the square feet/minute
by 43,560 square feet/acre.
MPH × 5,280 feet/mile
60 minutes/hour
= feet/minute
120 MPH × 5,280 feet/mile = 633,600 feet/hour
feet/minute × effective swath width = square feet/minute
10,560 feet/minute × 50 feet = 528,000 square feet/minute
633,600 feet/hour
= 10,560 feet/minute
60 minutes/hour
528,000 square feet/minute
43,560 square feet/acre
= 12.1 acres/minute
A spray boom having 50 nozzles discharges 18 gallons of spray per minute.
Using the calculations from Sidebar 3, this aircraft covers 12.1 acres per
Divide the gallons per minute by the acres per minute to get gallons per acre.
Therefore, the aircraft in this example will be spraying 1.49 gallons of
liquid per acre when traveling at 120 miles per hour and spraying a 50 foot
effective swath width.
18 gallons/minute
12.1 acres/minute
= 1.49 gallons/acre
A fixed wing aircraft is equipped a with spray tank with a total measured
capacity of 300 gallons. The aircraft spraying system will discharge 18
gallons per minute when flown at 120 miles per hour.
Divide the tank capacity by the gallons per minute to determine how many
minutes it will take to spray 300 gallons, the tanks capacity.
Next, calculate the number of acres that can be sprayed with one tankful of liquid. To
do this, multiply the minutes per tank figure by the acres per minute figure computed
in Sidebar 3.
In this example, the aircraft can treat 201.7 acres with one tank of spray
mixture. Assume the job order prescribes 2 pints of pesticide per acre.
Knowing that one tank can cover 201.7 acres, the total amount of pesticide
to put into the tank can be calculated.
Multiply the pints per acre by the acres per tank and divide this by 8 pints per
gallon to determine the gallons of pesticide to put into the tank.
These calculations show that 50.5 gallons of pesticide must be mixed with
249.5 gallons of water to fill the tank with 300 gallons of spray mixture.
= 16.7 minutes/tank
300 gallons/tank
18 gallons/minute
16.7 minutes/tank × 12.1 acres/minute = 202 acres/tank
2 pints/acre × 202 acres/tank
8 pints/gallon
= 50.5 gallons/tank
one tank of pesticide mixture. Knowing
this value and the recommended rate of
application (units of pesticide per acre
of treatment area) makes it possible to
determine how much pesticide to mix
with water in the aircraft’s tank. See
the calculations for this in Sidebar 5.
You also need to calculate the area to be
treated (Sidebars 6-9).
Changing Sprayer Output
Once calibrated, you have deter-
mined the output volume of the aircrafts
spraying system for a specific speed,
altitude, and pump pressure. However,
there may be times during an operation
when you may need to change the
output volume slightly. These include:
Accommodating  variations  in
foliage density.
•  Different plant spacing within the 
same field.
Special  requirements  of  the
treatment area such as obstacles or
sensitive areas.
•  Compensating for nozzle or pump 
You can make the adjustments
discussed below, either alone or in
combination, to effectively increase or
decrease sprayer output, but only within
a limited range.
Changing Speed. Typically, you should
not adjust application speed in a fixed-
wing aircraft to change the application
volume. However, the simplest way to
adjust the volume of spray (and amount
of pesticide) you are applying in a
To calculate the area of a rectangular (or square) site, you must know the:
•  Length of the longest side (in feet)
•  Width of one adjacent side (in feet) 
A rectangular field is 800 feet long and 250 feet wide. To find the area of the field
(in square feet), multiply the length times the width.
Convert the 200,000 square feet to acres by dividing by the number of square feet in
one acre (43,560 square feet).
800 feet × 250 feet = 200,000 square feet
200,000 square feet
43,560 square feet per acre
= 4.59 acres
To calculate the area of a triangular site, you must know two dimensions,
making sure both of these dimensions are in feet.
•  The length of the longest side of the triangle (its 
•  The width of the triangle at its widest point (its 
The longest side (base) of a triangular field measures 650 feet. The distance
between this side and the point where the two other sides meet (height) is 300 feet.
Divide the 97,500 square feet by 43,560 square feet per acre to find
the number of acres in this triangular site.
(base × height)
area of a triangle =
650 feet × 300 feet
= 97,500 square feet
97,500 square feet
43,560 square feet per acre
= 2.24 acres
To calculate the area of a circular site, you must know two values.
•  The radius of the circle in feet (see diagram below) 
•  The value of the constant pi (often indicated by the Greek letter π) which is
approximately 3.14
The radius is the length of the straight-line distance from the center of a circle to any given place
on the circles edge. The radius is equal to one half of the diameter. A diameter is the length
of the longest possible straight-line distance across a circle, passing through the center of the
circle. Pi is a ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is used to determine areas or
volumes that involve circles, spheres, and other curved objects.
The area of any circle is determined by multiplying pi (π) times the square of the radius of the circle, where
the square of the radius means multiplying the length of the radius by itself. Use this formula.
area = π × r
where r is the radius and π = 3.14
Before making any calculations, make sure the length of the radius (or the diameter) is known in
feet. If only the diameter is known, divide this by 2 to get the radius.
The diameter of the circular field is 400 feet. This means that the radius is 200 feet. To calculate the area,
multiply π (3.14) times the square of the radius (200 feet × 200 feet).
area = 3.14 × (200 feet × 200 feet) = 125,600 square feet
To convert this area to acres, divide the 125,600 square feet by 43,560 square feet per acre.
125,600 square feet
43,560 square feet per acre
= 2.88 acres
Many sites are not perfect circles, rectangles, or triangles. Often, agricultural sites have curved
corners, have a bulge along one or more sides, or, have a notched area because an obstacle does not
allow cultivation or spraying. This can make an accurate area calculation difficult. Here are some
guidelines on how to proceed.
•  First, sketch a general map of the site. This is a key step, yet, in most cases, you do not need many 
measurements to make a good general map. The main purpose of the map is to let you clearly identify
the number and kinds of shapes that together make up the site.
•  Next, identify the kinds and number of shapes such as triangles, circles, and rectangles that together 
form the irregular shape. Return to the field and place marker stakes to identify the boundaries of each
identified shape or subsection. Record the location of each marker stake on a map.
•  Take in-field measurements to determine the dimensions of each regularly shaped subsection. Record
these measurements on the map.
•  Calculate the area (in square feet) of each regularly-shaped subsection, following the procedures for 
calculating the areas of a rectangles, circles, and triangles.
•  Finally, add together the square feet calculations from all the subsections. This will give you the total 
size, in square feet, of the irregularly shaped site. This square foot measurement can then be converted
to acres.
In the example shown here, based on the general map of the site, three regularly shaped subsections
(Triangle A, Triangle B, and Rectangle C) can be identified and measured. Then add together the 
three areas.
rotary-wing aircraft is to change the
speed. A slower speed results in more
material applied, while increasing the
speed reduces the application volume.
Changing the travel speed eliminates 
the need for altering the concen-
tration of chemicals in the spray tank
if there is a valid reason for increasing
or decreasing the application volume.
However, there are limits to the amount
of speed change that you can make.
Increasing speed too much is a problem
because it increases the wind shear
effect on spray droplet sizes, producing
smaller spray droplets. In addition,
faster speeds may reduce the application
volume so much that it results in poor
coverage and ineffective pest control.
Flying  too  slow  may  possibly  result
in over-application by exceeding the
maximum label rate. At the very least, it
would increase the amount of pesticide
applied, causing runoff and waste, and
increasing application time and cost.
Changing Output Pressure. As nozzles
begin to wear, the spray volume will
increase from the orifice getting larger.
However, when a pump begins to wear,
it becomes less efficient as it moves less
volume of spray because of the increase
in space between the moving parts that
normally force the liquid through the
system. As a result, the nozzle output
drops off. Adjusting the pump speed
to increase or decrease output pressure
will change the spray volume slightly.
Increasing pressure increases the output,
while decreasing pressure lowers it. In
order to double the output volume, you
must increase the pressure by a factor
of four. This is usually beyond the
capabilities of the spraying system and
a pressure increase negatively affects
the droplet size spectrum. The working
pressure range of the sprayer pump also
limits this adjustment.
Changing Nozzle Orifice Size. The
most effective way to change the output
volume of the aircraft spraying system
is to install different sized orifices on
nozzles. Larger orifice sizes increase
volume, while smaller ones reduce spray
output. Changing orifice sizes usually 
alters the pressure of the system and
requires an adjustment of the pressure
regulator or pump speed. Be aware that
changes in orifice size will also change
the droplet size and spray pattern and
will affect drift potential. A major
factor in reducing drift is to reduce
the amount of small fines prone to
off-target  drift.  Considerations  must
include the effect of airspeed on droplet
atomization as well as the effect of air
shear across the nozzle face. Use tables
from nozzle manufacturer web sites or
manufacturer literature as guides for
estimating output of different nozzle
and orifice size combinations. When
you change nozzle orifices, remeasure
the output volume.
Calibrating Granule
The techniques for calibrating
granule applicators are similar in many
ways to those used for liquids. However,
granules vary in size and shape from
one pesticide to the next, influencing
their flow rate from the applicator
hopper and spreader. Temperature
and humidity may also influence
granule flow. Due to their lower drift
potentials, you generally can apply
pesticides formulated as granules from
greater application heights than what
is suitable for liquids. Usually, higher
granule application heights produce
more uniform deposition patterns.
Before beginning to calibrate
a granule applicator, be sure that it
is clean and all parts are working
properly. Measure three variables when
calibrating a granule applicator:
•  Application airspeed.
•  Output rate.
•  Swath width.
Application Airspeed
Always measure airspeed under
actual working conditions with the
aircraft loaded to normal operational
weight and flying at the altitude that
you will use when making a granule
Output Rate
To determine the rate of output,
follow the manufacturers guidelines
and set the ram-air spreader gate or
centrifugal spreader gate to the desired
rate per acre. Place a series of at least
13 collection pans at 5-feet intervals in
a straight line on the ground. Set these
out perpendicular to the flight line. The
footprint shape of the collection pans is
unimportant, but the pans should be
approximately 4 inches deep and have
an area of at least 1 square foot. All of
the collection pans must be exactly the
same size. Pad the bottom of each pan
with a thin foam layer to help prevent
any granules from bouncing out.
Swath Width
Fly a swath test along a centerline 
oriented at a right angle to the line of
collection pans. If ambient wind speed
is greater than a sustained 8 mph,
orient the line of pans at a right angle
to the prevailing wind and fly directly
into the wind.
After the swath test flight, use
a small graduated cylinder to collect
and measure granule volume in each
individual pan, progressing from left
to right. Record each pans volume on
a graph in the exact order of collection.
Plotting these volumes as a graph lets
you visualize the distribution of your
granule application across the swath.
Finally,  combine  the  granules  from
all the pans into another container,
then weigh and record this weight.
Calculate the total area of the 13 pans. 
For example, if each pan is exactly one
square foot, the total area would be 13
square feet. Sidebar 10 shows how to
calculate the granule application rate
per acre.
The distribution shown in the
figure on the next page is an idealized
plotting of the amounts caught in
13 pans laid out 5-feet apart across a
60-foot swath. Another pass centered
30 feet to the right of the first pass
produces a 50% overlap of the swaths
and results in an even distribution of
granules. This represents an effective
swath width of 30 feet.
Examination of this figure shows 
that at point A, six units (these could
be pounds, ounces, or any other unit
of weight) were collected in the pan.
At point B, the first swath applied five
units in the pan and the second swath
added one more for a total of six. At
point C, each swath applied three units 
for six units in the pan.
The pattern shown at the bottom
of the next page is a more typical trap-
ezoidal pattern generated by granular
spreaders. The effective swath width
of a pattern having this shape is deter-
mined by adding the distances AD
and BC together and dividing by 2, as 
shown on the next page.
Once you determine the effective
swath width, you can estimate the
The weight of the granules collected in all 13 pans totals 2 ounces.
Compute the pounds of granules being applied per acre as follows:
Convert ounces per acre to pounds per acre by dividing by 16 ounces per pound:
43,560 square feet/acre × 2 ounces
13 square feet
= 6,701.54 ounces/acre
6,701.54 ounces/acre
16 ounces/pound
= 418.85 pounds/acre
amount of granules, in pounds per
acre. The example above is not an ideal
method of calibrating a granule appli-
cator because of the large difference in
weight between the granules caught in
the pans and those deposited onto the
actual application swath. Unfortunately,
it is often impossible to calibrate dry
materials accurately unless you are
using the actual materials. Spreading
pesticide granules onto an area not des-
ignated for the application of a pesticide
is dangerous and irresponsible. If pos-
sible, obtain blank granules (granules
of the same size, shape, and weight as
the pesticide product, but without the
pesticide active ingredient) from the
manufacturer to use for calibration. If
this is not possible, the only alternative
is to rely on the equipment manufac-
turer recommendations for setting and
adjusting the ram-air spreader gate or
60 feet
30 feet
If distance AD (the distance between the two end pans containing zero
granules) is 60 feet, and distance BC (the distance where granule catch per 
pan is relatively constant) is 30 feet, calculate the effective swath width.
In this situation, application passes should be made 45 feet apart.
60 feet + 30 feet
= 45 feet
effective swath width =
centrifugal spreader gate to the desired
rate per acre. This setting should
result in accurate initial application
rates. You can fine-tune this rate to be
even more precise by calculating the
amount of pesticide that you applied
to a known area and comparing that to
the desired rate.
1. The purpose of calibration is to:
A. Determine the capacity of the spray tank(s).
B. Prevent off-target pesticide drift.
C. Apply the correct amount of pesticide.
D. Protect the environment.
2. Applying a pesticide at a rate that is higher
than the pesticide label rate is:
A. Necessary.
B. Careless.
C. Illegal.
D. Useful.
3. Increasing airspeed without changing the
spray output will result in:
A. More pesticide active ingredient applied
per acre.
B. Less pesticide active ingredient applied
per acre.
C. An increase in the pesticide flow volume.
D. A decrease in the pesticide flow volume.
4. If 1700 ounces of material is collected from
nozzles on a helicopter spray boom in 90
seconds, what is the total flow volume in
gallons per minute?
A. 4.42
B. 8.85
C. 13.28
D. 17.70
An aircraft spraying system has an output volume
of 8 gallons per minute. How many gallons are
sprayed per mile when the aircraft travels at 130
miles per hour?
A. 3.7
B. 4.5
C. 5.8
D. 6.5
6. An effective swath width is the:
A. Total swath made by two passes.
B. Total swath made by a single pass.
C. Width of a single pass that includes portions
of overlaps from other passes.
D. Distance between the outermost or widest
points of application across the entire swath.
7. An aircraft sprays 20.2 gallons per minute. How
many minutes of spraying time are needed to
spray out 147 gallons of spray mixture?
A. 6.8
B. 7.3
C. 8.5
D. 9.0
8. Given an application rate of 11.3 gallons per
acre, how many acres can be sprayed with 147
gallons of spray mixture?
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
D. 14
Calibrating aerial appliCation
Review Questions
9. If an aircraft treats 14 acres per tank of spray
mixture, how many pints of pesticide liquid
should be put into the spray tank to apply at a
volume of 1.5 pints per acre?
A. 11
B. 15
C. 21
D. 24
10. How many acres are in a rectangular field that
measures 620 feet by 1280 feet?
A. 16.1
B. 18.2
C. 22.8
D. 28.8
Making an aerial Pesticide
The reasons for following proper
aerial pesticide application methods
are to make precise, safe, and legal
aerial applications consistently and to
minimize the off-target movement of
pesticide droplets. Proper application
methods include knowing how to:
•  Recognize the factors and condi-
tions that contribute to off-target
pesticide drift and other offsite
movement, and know how to
minimize off-target pesticide drift
and other offsite movement.
•  Safely ferry the aircraft between
home base, the loading site, and
the application site.
Inspect  the  application  site  and
surrounding areas for hazards
before beginning the application.
•  Watch for hazards throughout the 
application operation.
•  Fly an effective application pattern 
and make safe and efficient turns
and passes.
•  Recognize the atmospheric factors 
that influence the stability and
maneuverability of the aircraft.
Use  DGPS  or  other  guidance
Agricultural aircraft are highly
visible and noisy, and as a result, some
people view aerial pesticide applications
as nuisances or hazards. The sight of an
aircraft flying low over fields is a serious
and sometimes anxiety producing
concern  for  some.  When  you  make 
aerial applications, be aware of these
concerns and, when necessary, be sure
to acknowledge them by taking steps to
foster better communication with the
public. Notify people in the area about
a planned application and make efforts
to mitigate noise in areas where people
Reading this chapter will help you understand:
• Safeferryingtechniques.
• Whattocheckwhenarrivingattheapplicationsite.
• Howtorecognizeandworkwithweatherattheapplicationsite.
• Differenttypesofapplicationpatterns.
• Specialconsiderationswhenapplyinggranules.
live and work during ferrying or appli-
cation operations.
Preflight, departure, and appli-
checklists are useful tools
for you, ground crew members, and
others involved in an aerial application
operation (see Pages 85 and 86 for pilot
and ground crew checklists). These
checklists help anyone involved in the
operation to organize and manage their
responsibilities and they help to assure
that the operation is safe and effective.
For you and the ground crew, the
first and last runs of the day often call
for extra attention. The first flight of
the day requires that you and ground
crew members be alert and mentally
prepared immediately for the complex-
ities of the operation—with no time to
bring the operation up to maximum
performance gradually. Likewise, the
last flight of the day must not be rushed
or compromised in any way in order
to finish quickly—it requires the same
attention, care, and time as every other
flight during that day. However, the
first flight of the day is the best time
to schedule jobs that are more difficult
since you and the ground crew are
more rested.
When traveling with an empty or full
aircraft between the loading area and
the application site, fly at an altitude of
at least 500 feet above the surface and
keep at least 500 feet away from people
or personal property. Make every
effort to avoid flying over buildings,
residential areas, parks or playgrounds,
penned animals, and other areas where
people or livestock may be present. If 
the operation requires many trips back
into an area, avoid taking the same
route each time. Instead, vary the ight 
route by one-eighth to one-fourth mile
during each trip to avoid repeated passes
over the same surroundings. This tactic
tends to minimize the audio and visual
impact of the flights, as opposed to
repeatedly flying the same route and
subjecting the same people to the same
level of distraction.
Upon arrival at an application site, fly
an initial inspection pass to verify that:
Local  weather  conditions  are
suitable for the prescribed aerial
application work.
Agricultural workers,spectators,
trespassers, and others, including
their vehicles and equipment, are
not within or immediately adjacent
to the application area, especially
down-wind of the site.
Livestock  are  not  in  the  appli-
cation area or adjacent areas
where they may come in contact
with the spray.
•  Crops adjacent to the application
site match those identified on the
work orderif in doubt, verify
the type of crop with the grower
before beginning an application.
•  All members of the ground crew 
assigned to this operation are
present and ready to begin their
•  The communication link between
you, the ground crew, and the
base location is functioning cor-
rectly and that you have a working
backup communication plan in
case of equipment failure.
The  aircraft  DGPS  system,  if
equipped, is properly functioning.
If you note any conditions in the
application site or adjacent areas that the
pesticide label does not permit or that
you consider unsafe, and these condi-
tions cannot be resolved quickly, abort
the operation and return to your home
base. If the area is clear and conditions 
favor an application, circle the field at
a very low altitude, but high enough to
clear all obstructions by at least 50 feet.
Look for utility poles, guy wires, high
tension power lines and other types
of utility lines, and other obstructions
such as trees, buildings, windmills,
radio antennas, road signs, pipeline
markers, and fences that are in or near
the  treatment  area.  Carefully  check
around trees that may conceal power
lines or other obstacles. Look for breaks
in the normal cultivation or planting
pattern that may indicate the presence
of power lines or other hazards. Poles,
high fences, or other obstructions may
prevent cultivation of weeds or other
vegetative growth in these areas, so
look for vegetative clues indicating the
presence of obstructions that may oth-
erwise blend into the background.
After circling the field and noting
obvious hazards, fly just above and to
one side along power lines and tele-
phone wires and check each pole. Look
for branch wires, guy wires, and trans-
formers. Transformers usually have
branch wires leading to a house, shop,
well, or other structure. A guy wire will
normally be placed on the opposite side
of a pole from a branch wire or at the
pole where a main line makes a turn.
Branch wires may be obscured or dif-
ficult to see, so look for a cross arm
going in a different direction from the
main wires. If any structures are near 
the treatment area, look for wires that
provide electrical power and telephone
service to them.
Consider the possibility that condi-
tions may have changed since someone
made previous inspections or aerial
applications to this particular field.
For instance, crops in fields adjacent
to the application site may be different
from those noted on the work order.
If this is the case, confirm the appli-
cation site location. Also, new buildings
or wells may have necessitated new
power poles, or the utility company
may have relocated some power lines.
Sometimes the height of the planted
crop or trees may have changed since
a  previous  application.  For  example,
it may have been possible to fly under
certain wires in the spring when a crop
was first planted, but not possible later
in the year when the crop is taller. In 
addition, heat causes wires to expand
and therefore hang lower to the ground
during hot summer days.
Conditions at an application site or
surrounding areas may change during
the course of an application. For this 
reason, be constantly alert and keep in
contact with someone on the ground at
the site.
Monitor Changes
Changes that may affect the safety 
or effectiveness of the opeation include
the following:
Wind  speed  may  increase  or
decrease or the wind direction may
change, creating hazards of drift or
contamination of sensitive areas.
Alternatively, wind may stop altogether,
increasing the chances of a temperature
inversion condition. The weather may
worsen and turn to rain, requiring
postponement or cancellation of
the application. Some pesticides  are
restricted to applications at times when
temperatures remain below a certain
level—if the temperature at ground
level rises above this point, plants may
suffer damage (phytotoxicity) from the
spray material. Certain pesticide labels 
may have humidity restrictions for
Previously unidentified hazards
may become apparent to either you or
the ground crew, requiring that you
stop or modify the application at that
site. This might include the discovery
of livestock in the area or a work crew
arriving to work in an adjacent field or
nearby. There may also be communi-
cation from the property manager or
others with concerns about hazards.
Field Workers
Field  workers  may  inadvertently 
walk or drive into an area being sprayed
or people working in adjacent fields
unaware of the application operation
could pass through or walk into the
field under treatment. In both cases, 
the operation is required to stop until
everyone is safely out of the area. This
emphasizes the importance and use-
fulness of ground crew members in
spotting people in the area and helping
them to leave quickly.
Service People and Others
Various people occasionally have
reasons to enter fields or pass through
them as part of their job responsibilities.
This includes electric meter readers,
delivery services, people called to make
repairs on equipment, irrigation district
personnel, mosquito control district
personnel,  and  others.  In  addition,
some people enjoy walking or running
through rural property, often without
the permission of the landowner, and
may be unaware of the hazards. The
ground crew can assist in spotting and
warning anyone attempting to enter the
application site and escort them out of
the area for their own safety.
Importance of Onsite
Ground Crew During an
Each on-site ground crew member
needs to be able to communicate
directly with you, providing site-
specific details of current weather
conditions, topographical features,
location and dimensions of ground-
based hazards, buffer zone locations,
and other information about hazards
or sensitive areas. Duties of an on-site 
ground crew member typically include:
Acting as a liaison between you
and the property manager to
ensure aerial application obliga-
tions are met.
Things to consider before, during, and after any application.
•  Inspect the aircraft and all of its safety equipment and your personal 
safety equipment for proper operation and usable condition.
•  Be sure the aircrafts onboard fire extinguisher is in working con-
dition and has a readable inspection tag.
•  Confirm that the correct pesticide material is mixed with the proper 
amount of water and put into the aircrafts spray tank by the ground 
crew by rechecking the pesticide label and counting the number of
empty containers.
•  Wear an approved safety helmet, long-sleeved shirt, long pants, shoes, 
socks, and, when out of the cockpit, the other required personal pro-
tective equipment specified on the pesticide label or in regulation.
•  If possible, avoid mixing and loading activities to reduce chances of 
bringing pesticide residue into the aircraft’s cockpit.
•  Check the field and surrounding area before applying pesticides to 
be sure there are no animals, humans, crops, waterways, streams, or
ponds that might be injured or contaminated either by direct appli-
cation or drift.
•  Whenever possible, avoid flying through the suspended spray of a 
previous pass.
•  Stop the application and return at another time if winds rise or other 
adverse weather conditions develop and create a drift hazard; also
stop the application if the wind is too calm, usually less than 2 mph.
•  Never turn on dispersal equipment or check the flow volume except 
while over the area you are treating.
•  Refuse to fly if the customer requires having any pesticide applied in 
a manner and at a time that may create a hazard to crops, humans,
animals, and the surrounding environment.
•  Make sure every application of a pesticide follows a valid label for a 
listed crop or site and that the label has no prohibition for application
by air.
•  Read the label and know the hazardous characteristics of the pesticides.
•  Using a smoke generator or other device, estimate how far and in 
what direction some of the chemical may move away from the appli-
cation site.
•  Never spray over a flagger, other handlers, or anyone else working in 
the area.
•  After making an application, if you notice any equipment malfunction 
or problems, securely fasten a note in the cockpit to alert other pilots
and the maintenance crew.
•  Prepare and keep accurate application records.
Preventing  individuals  from
entering the site, both imme-
diately prior to and during the
application operation.
Immediately  reporting  the
presence of unauthorized indi-
viduals in the treatment site to
you and the on-site field crew
supervisor or leader.
Assisting  you  in  pretreatment
target area inspection.
Acting  as  an  in-field  reference
point for you to identify swath
•  Providing emergency response and 
summoning emergency services in
case of a crash incident.
Instruct members of the ground crew to take several precautions before, 
during, and after any application.
•  Using extreme care when handling pesticides or cleaning the air-
craft or other contaminated equipment.
•  Reading the labels of all pesticides being mixed and wearing label-
or regulation-required work clothing and personal protective
•  Insuring that the correct pesticides are properly diluted and mixed 
before loading into the aircraft’s spray tank.
•  Tightly securing tanks and hoppers so the pesticides will not blow
back over the pilot or the cockpit.
•  Closing and securing the hopper and covering it as soon as loading 
is completed.
•  Removing any pesticide spilled around the aircraft tank fill opening.
•  Not standing in runoff water and avoiding splashes.
•  Changing out of work clothing and washing thoroughly at the end
of the work day after handling pesticides, washing the aircraft, or
cleaning contaminated equipment.
•  Assisting in preparing and keeping application records.
The ground crew should also be familiar with the pilot’s checklist.
Use safe flying procedures during all
phases of the application operation.
Never take risks for the thrills at the
expense of good judgment or safety. To
ensure that the pesticide application
will be effective, follow label use direc-
tions and requirements in the label and
regulations. Avoid off-target pesticide
drift or other off-target movement of
the pesticide material. Adhere to the
methods discussed in this manual to
avoid off-target pesticide drift. Visually
check the spray or granule discharge
while making applications to spot appli-
cation problems.
Straight,  parallel  passes  produce
the most  uniform spray pattern.  Use
a reliable method, such as DGPS, to 
mark each swath to ensure uniform
coverage and to avoid excessive overlap
or  gaps.  Whenever  possible,  make
passes perpendicular or at a 45 degree
angle to the wind direction to assist
in overlap and coverage uniformity.
Begin treatments on the downwind
side of the treatment site to minimize
flying through spray suspended in the
air from previous swaths. Also, try to
make application passes parallel to the
longest dimension of the treated area
to reduce the number of turnarounds.
To prevent spray from contacting
sensitive areas, or to avoid flying or
turning over residences and other
sensitive areas, you may need to wait
for more favorable conditions or alter
the application pattern in relation to
prevailing wind direction and even
contrary  to  logical  field  layout.  For
instance, consider a rectangular field
having its longest width running east
and west. Because the wind is from
the north, it would appear logical to
make east-west passes. However, on
the eastern border of the field is a road
with houses on the other side of this
road. East-west passes require making
turns over the road and houses. In this 
situation, make shorter, north-south
passes over the field—even though this
requires making more turns.
Application Speed
Maintain constant airspeed,
consistent with the calibration of
the aircraft, during each pass of
an application. Variations in speed
during an application may result in
uneven coverage unless you are using
an electronic flow volume controller
to compensate for speed changes.
Flying crosswind or 45 degrees to the 
crosswind during an application avoids
the adverse effects of head- and tail-
winds on the application volume.
Notwithstanding legal require-
ments in the label, in law, or in
regulation, the type of pesticide you
apply usually determines application
altitude. For example, liquid pesticides 
are most effective and off-target drift is
less of a problem when you make appli-
cations 8 to 12 feet above the crop or
tree canopy. Flying lower will reduce
off target drift because the droplets are
closer to the ground, however flying
too low may cause uneven streaking
due to not allowing enough time for
the spray pattern to fill in. Flying too 
low over bare ground or over short
crops may produce a ground effect
that forces air displaced by the aircraft
to move upward from the ground.
Ground effect occurs when the aircraft 
is less than ¾ the wing or rotor span
from the ground. This upward moving
air entraps and lifts some of the spray
and contributes to off-target pesticide
movement. Trees and other plants with
dense foliage may lower the ground
effect risk.
Application altitude also depends
on  atmospheric  conditions.  It  is
common for an aircraft to fly higher
in calm conditions and lower when
the wind is higher. As the aircraft gets
lower, the induced drag decreases,
reducing  drift.  Wing  tip  vortices,
which will increase drift, are dependent
on aircraft configuration, speed, and
weight. Slower and heavier aircraft will 
have larger wing tip vortices due to
increased induced drag.
Keep the application height con-
stant during each application pass to
maintain the effective swath width
that you determined during calibration
of the dispersal equipment. Failure to 
do so will result in difficulty obtaining
uniform coverage.
If  you  encounter  obstructions  at
the beginning or end of a swath run,
turn the spray on or shut it off one or
two swath-widths from the beginning or
end of the field. Then, when you finish
all parallel swaths, fly one or two swaths
crosswise to the rest of the application
direction to finish out the field. Never
disperse materials while dropping in
or pulling out of a field because this
distorts the deposition pattern. Should 
this happen, the pesticide will be more
likely to drift or concentrate in a small
area. If there are obstructions along the 
sides of a field, fly parallel and as close
to the obstruction as is safe. For safety, 
leave an untreated buffer strip adjacent
to buildings, residences, livestock areas,
bodies of water, and other sensitive areas.
There are two methods for
working around trees, poles, or other
obstructions in the middle of a field.
One is to treat them in the same
manner as if they were at the end of the
field: stop spraying one or two swath
widths before reaching the obstruction.
Pull up and fly over the obstruction.
Then, make a 180-degree turn before
dropping in to spray, approaching the
obstacle from the other direction. This
will allow better control of the aircraft’s 
speed and will avoid overshooting the
other side. Complete the application by 
spraying one or two swath widths on
each side of the obstacle, perpendicular
to the previous swaths. The second
method is to stop spraying and pull up
as you approach the obstacle, make a
360° turn, fly over the obstacle, drop
down, and continue spraying.
When a high enough wire crosses 
a swath that has trees at one end, fly
under the wire if possible, and then pull
up and fly over the trees. This is safer
than entering the field over trees and
then passing under the wire.
One flight pattern for aerial application
is the adjacent swath or back and forth
pattern, applying swaths over the target
in straight, parallel lines. In areas that 
are too rugged for uniform altitude and
speed, follow the contours of the slopes
during  application  passes.  In  hilly
terrain, or where hills or mountains
confine the application area and do not
permit contour flying, make all passes
in one direction, down slope. Upslope
spraying can be dangerous.
Usually,  the  racetrack  pattern  is 
the most energy-efficient. This pattern
maximizes application time and lessens
the  time  required  for  turns.  It  also 
allows time for the spray to settle,
reducing the chance of flying through
it. This pattern often minimizes pilot
fatigue. Whether flying a racetrack or 
back and forth pattern, it is important
to start and stop spraying at the right
time when entering or leaving the field.
Starting too soon or stopping too late
causes spray to be applied to off target
areas. Starting too late or stopping too 
soon may result in improper coverage
to field ends.
The Turnaround
When  flying  back  and  forth
or racetrack swaths in a fixed-wing
aircraft, be careful when executing
turnarounds. This is because a pull up
followed by a turn renders a low-speed,
high-drag condition that could lead to
a stall. Poorly executed turnarounds
cause a considerable number of aerial
application  accidents.  In addition,
poorly executed turnarounds do not
allow time for proper positioning for
the next swath and may result in uneven
When  completing  a  swath  run,
pull up, clear any obstructions, and level
off before starting a turnaround. After
pull up, make a wide enough initial turn
downwind that will provide sufficient
room for a smooth turn around. Then
level off for several seconds before com-
pleting the turn back into the treatment
area. This provides ample time for the
turn, prevents crowding the turn, and
reduces the chance of a stall spin. Many
factors affect the number of seconds
needed in level flight before completing
the turn, including swath spacing,
speed and direction of the wind, air
density, altitude, and the load weight,
power, and maneuverability of the air-
craft. Attentiveness to these factors and
careful timing during this final stage of
the turnaround are the keys to avoiding
the hazards associated with fast or
intricate maneuvering. Always com-
plete the turnaround before dropping
in over any obstructions on the next
swath run approach.
Avoid snapping reversal or wing
over turns. When making a turn  by
going upwind first requires more
space and time to complete the turn.
Any turning while dispensing a spray
or granules distorts the distribution
pattern resulting in uneven application
of the  pesticide. Whenever possible,
avoid making turnarounds over resi-
dences and other buildings, penned
poultry or livestock, livestock watering
places, ponds, reservoirs, or other
bodies of water. Avoiding these areas
mitigates or minimizes nuisance from
noise or sight of the aircraft.
Applying Granules
Airspeeds of 100 to 120 mph or
faster (depending on the type of air-
craft) for some fixed-wing aircraft, but
slower for rotary-wing aircraft, are
recommended when applying granules.
These speeds maintain good airflow
through the spreader and obtain proper
distribution and maximum swath width.
Application Height
The maximum swath width at a
certain height above the crop varies
with the density, size, and grading of
the granule particles. For most mate-
rials and aircraft, this is in the range
of 45 to 70 feet. Effective height is
determined by the lateral distance the
spreader throws the heavier particles.
Flying below this height allows particles 
to hit the ground while still traveling in
the lateral direction. Flying above this 
height achieves no increase in swath
width because particles fall vertically
after the lateral energy dissipates.
Do not fly any higher than necessary 
because this increases problems with
swath displacement.
Maintain the flying height, air-
speed, and correct ground track as
constant as possible to obtain uniform
results. Crosswinds have considerable
effect on offsetting the dispersal
pattern from the ground track cen-
terline because of the higher-flying
height required for granules. Head-
or tailwinds affect ground speed,
therefore, making adjustments in flow
volume and/or airspeed can improve
uniform distribution on alternating
upwind-downwind passes. An onboard
DGPS unit linked to a flow controller 
simplifies this process by providing
automatic in-flight regulation of the
dispersal system output as airspeed
Density altitude as well as local weather
conditions and load weight can affect
the stability and maneuverability of an
aircraft during an application operation.
Weather conditions such as wind can 
affect the stability and handling of the
aircraft and contribute to uneven swaths
and off-target pesticide drift.
The following is a fairly accurate and easy-to-remember general rule for
determining the density altitude at locations above sea level:
• Standard temperature at sea level is 59ºF. For elevations above sea level, 
subtract 3.5 degrees per thousand feet of elevation from the sea level
temperature of 59ºF. 
• For each 10ºF above standard temperature at any particular elevation, 
add 600 feet to the eld elevation. For each 10ºF below standard tem-
perature, subtract 600 feet.
Here is an example. The elevation at the application site is 2,342 feet.
1.  Divide the elevation by 1,000.
2. Multiply 2.342 by 3.5.
3.  Subtract 8.197 from the sea level standard temperature of 59ºF.
4.  The standard temperature at the application site is 50.8ºF. In this example, 
assume that  the current temperature  at the application site is  97ºF. 
Subtract the standard temperature at the application site from this.
5.  Divide this difference by 10 degrees (for each 10ºF above standard).
6. Multiply 4.62 by 600 (600 feet per 10 degrees).
7. Add this correction factor of 2,772 feet to the field elevation of 2,342
feet at the application site.
The density altitude for the application site when the temperature is 97ºF is 
5,114 feet. This means that you should handle the aircraft at the application
site as you would on a standard day at 5,114 feet elevation.
= 4.62
= 2.342
2.342 × 3.5 = 8.197
59 - 8.197 = 50.803
97 - 50.8 = 46.2
4.62 × 600 = 2,772
2,772 + 2,342 = 5,114
Humidity also affects available
engine power and aircraft performance
because higher humidity is an increase
in water content of air, displacing
oxygen that is vital for optimum engine
internal combustion. For example, at
96ºF, the water vapor content of the air 
can be as much as eight times greater
than it is at 42ºF. High humidity can 
reduce the available engine power
needed for takeoff and climbs as well
as maneuvers needed for pull-ups and
turnarounds during applications.
Density Altitude
Density  altitude  is  a  condition
where air molecules spread or thin out,
becoming less dense, changing aircraft
flight characteristics such as lift and
maneuverability.  In addition, thinner 
air means that less oxygen is available
for optimum engine performance and
this reduces horsepower unless the
aircraft has a turbocharged engine.
Factors that influence the density of 
air molecules include pressure (the
effect of altitude) and temperature. The
higher the altitude, the less dense air
becomes because the air molecules are
further apart, leaving fewer molecules
to provide lift for the aircraft. Warmer 
air temperature also causes air mol-
ecules to move further apart, making
the air less dense as well.
Density  altitude,  as  well as high
air temperatures, affects the stability
and maneuverability of the aircraft
for making applications, takeoffs, and
landings. It also changes stall thresholds 
and influences the ability to perform
maneuvers such as turns and rolls. The
effects of density altitude can even
appear in low altitude areas, such as
near sea level, when the air temperature
goes above standard (59ºF). Takeoff dis-
tance, available engine horsepower, and
climb rate are all adversely affected. For 
an aircraft loaded with spray material or
granules, an increase in density altitude
results in:
•  Increased takeoff distance.
•  Reduced rate of climb.
Increased  true  airspeed  on
approach and landing.
•  Increased landing roll distance.
•  Limited service ceiling of the air-
craft while en route.
Density altitude limits the perfor-
mance capabilities of the aircraft, but is
not a height reference and should not be
confused with pressure altitude, indi-
cated altitude, true altitude, or absolute
In  high  elevation  areas,  usually
between mid-morning and mid-
afternoon, high temperatures
sometimes have such an effect on
density altitude that normally safe
aerial application operations become
extremely hazardous. Very high tem-
peratures at lower elevations can also
affect aircraft performance, making it
necessary to reduce the weight of the
pesticide load for safer flight. During 
periods of high temperatures, it may be
safer to make applications during early
mornings, when temperatures generally
are lower. However, early mornings are
typical times for temperature inversion
conditions in many areas.
One U.S. Department of Agriculture scientist  characterized the growing public
concern over possible effects of spray drift by stating: “Drift control is the key to sur-
vival of aerial application in agriculture.
In response to this concern,  members of the National  Agricultural Aviation
Association (NAAA), the organization of professional aerial applicators and pilots,
developed Operation S.A.F.E. The word S.A.F.E., important in any pilot's vocabulary, 
is an acronym for Self-Regulating Application and Flight Efficiency.
The intent of Operation S.A.F.E. is to clearly demonstrate that ag aviation recog-
nizes its responsibility to minimize the potential for adverse health and environmental
effects of agricultural chemical application. The program was approved by the NAAA
Board of Directors in 1981.
Because the performance of one aerial applicator reflects on all others, participation
in Operation S.A.F.E. is not limited to NAAA members. Any licensed operator or agri-
cultural aviator is welcome to participate in Operation S.A.F.E. In order to qualify for 
the S.A.F.E. emblem, the participant must be a current member of the NAAA.
Operation S.A.F.E. is a comprehensive program of education, professional analysis 
of application, and commitment to the principles outlined by the NAAA Board of
Directors. NAAA is convinced that full implementation of Operation S.A.F.E. offers 
substantial advantages to the operator, customers, and the producers of chemicals
applied by air. These advantages are found in economy of operation and application, as
well as in increased safety and reduced health and environmental concerns.
The backbone of Operation S.A.F.E. is the Professional Application Analysis 
Clinic—the Operation S.A.F.E. Fly-In. Professional application analysis clinics are 
a key part of Operation S.A.F.E. Participation in an NAAA-approved swath analysis 
equipment, under the direction of an authorized analyst, is essential to qualify for the
Operation S.A.F.E. emblem. The emblem is affixed to an individual aircraft only when 
the aircraft, its pilot, and the operator have each met Operation S.A.F.E. guidelines.
Fly-ins have long been a popular activity among pilots. Their objectives tra-
ditionally range from getting together to swap experience and stories to socializing.
However, among ag pilots, fly-ins
have long been seen as a learning
experience, an opportunity to improve
their own performance and increase
their professionalism.
The key to the effectiveness
and acceptanceof aerial application
is the spray pattern of the aircraft
itself and the dedication of operators
to  its  accuracy.  Swath  study  and
analysis have been a part of aerial
application since the first plane dusted
an Ohio catalpa grove in 1921. Since 
that time, scientists from land grant
universities and private corporations,
and aerial applicators have been active
in improving the state-of-the-art of
aerial  application. Chemical  manu-
facturers have worked on chemical
(Self Regulating Application and Flight Efficiency)
(continued on next page)
formulations and additives to improve the pilot's ability to put the product on the target.
Today, equipment is available to provide the operator a precise picture of swath
characteristics, and to provide it quickly. Thus, the Operation S.A.F.E. fly-in becomes a 
professional application analysis clinic. The Operation S.A.F.E. clinic gives the operator 
and pilot the opportunity to test equipment with a trained analyst to help interpret the
information and to recommend changes to improve performance. A follow-up test is
immediately available, so the operator can be certain improvement does exist.
NAAA expects all applicators to remain informed of and comply with all pertinent
legal requirements. In addition, participating applicators agree to submit voluntarily to 
an inspection of their equipment and operating procedures to determine:
•  Compliance with manufacturers’ mixing rates, application recommendations, and 
label requirements of agricultural chemicals.
•  Adequacy of safety procedures in storing and handling agricultural chemicals. 
•  Compliance with flight safety procedures. 
The NAAA urges every operator and pilot to participate in an Operation S.A.F.E. 
clinic yearly. Check with your state ag aviation association to see when a clinic will be 
offered in the area. Display the Operation S.A.F.E. sticker and yearly decals on the air-
craft with pride. Let customers know that you have taken advantage of this opportunity
to check equipment and refresh your skills prior to taking on their job.
1. The last application flight of the day:
A. Is more relaxed and requires less attention.
B. Is not as important as other flights of the
C. Requires the same attention as every other 
D. Should be to the most challenging field of 
that day’s operation.
2. Varying the application speed without changing
flow volume during an application will:
A. Provide a more even application.
B. Accommodate for wind direction changes.
C. Result in uneven coverage.
D. Increase off-target drift potential.
3. The application pattern that helps to avoid
flying through spray from a previous swath
is the:
A. Race track pattern.
B. Back and forth pattern.
C. Alternate swath pattern.
D. Upslope pattern.
4. Ferrying flights must be made at an altitude of
at least:
A. 8 to 10 feet.
B. 100 feet.
C. 500 feet.
D. 1500 feet.
Ferrying flights that pass over areas where people
live or work should:
A. Follow the same route in each direction for 
all trips.
B. Be varied by 1/8 to 1/4 mile for each trip.
C. Follow the same route each time to the field, 
but vary the route when returning to base.
D. Follow a different route each time to the 
field, but use the same route for each return
to base.
6. Breaks seen in the normal cultivation patterns
of a field may alert the pilot to:
A. Changes in soil type.
B. Problems with field cultivation equipment.
C. Hidden hazards.
D. Changes in the needed application volume.
7. Too wide or too narrow overlapping of spray
passes will result in:
A. Flight hazards.
B. Increased chances of off-target drift.
C. Uneven application patterns.
D. Disabling of the DGPS system.
8. To avoid the adverse effect of headwinds
or tailwinds on an application volume, you
should fly:
A. Into the wind.
B. Against the wind at all times.
C. Back and forth, alternating between into the
wind and against the wind.
D. Crosswind or 45 degrees to the crosswind.
Making an aerial Pesticide
Review Questions
9. Which of the following would have little
effect on the safety and effectiveness of
an application if changes occur during the
A. Moving the operation to a different mixing-
loading location.
B. Wind intensity increases.
C. Delaying the application until field workers 
leave the area.
D. Leaving a buffer area adjacent to a sensitive
10. The problem with flying too low when making
a granule application is that:
A. Granules are still moving vertically at lower 
B. Granules are still moving horizontally at 
lower heights.
C. Even granule dispersal is affected by the
ground effect at lower heights.
D. Propwash has a greater effect on granules at
lower heights.
Review Question AnsweRs
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. B
10. C
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. D
10. C
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. B
9. A
10. C
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. C
9. C
10. B
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. B
Plant Protection and Pesticide Management Section
Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries
P.O. Box 3336
Montgomery, AL 36109-0336
(334) 240-7236
Environmental Health
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation
555 Cordova
Anchorage, AK 99501-2617
(907) 269-1099
Environmental Services Division
Arizona Department of Agriculture
1688 West Adams Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2617
(602) 542-3575
Arkansas State Plant Board
P.O. Box 1069
Little Rock, AR 72203-1069
(501) 225-1598
California Department of Pesticide Regulation
1001 I Street
P.O. Box 4015
Sacramento, CA 95812-4015
(916) 445-4000
Pest Management Regulatory Agency
Health Canada
2720 Riverside Drive D765
Ottawa, ON K1A 0K9
(613) 736-3662
Division of Plant Industry
Colorado Department of Agriculture
700 Kipling Street, Suite 4000
Lakewood, CO 80215-8000
(303) 239-4138
Waste Engineering and Enforcement Division
Department of Environmental Protection
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
(860) 424-3264
Delaware Department of Agriculture
2320 South Dupont Highway
Dover, DE 19901-5515
(302) 698-4570
District of Columbia
Department of Health
Environmental Health Administration
Toxic Substance Division
Pesticide Program
51 N Street NE, 3rd Floor, Room 3003
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 535-2280
Department of Agricultural Environmental Services
Florida Department of Agriculture and
Consumer Services
3125 Conner Blvd - Suite F, Room 130 - C16
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1650
(850) 488-3731
Plant Industry Division
Georgia Department of Agriculture
Capitol Square
Atlanta, GA 30334-4201
(404) 656-1265
Plant Industry Division
Hawaii Department of Agriculture
1428 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512
(808) 973-9535
Division of Agricultural Resources
Idaho Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 790
Boise, ID 83701-0790
(208) 332-8531
Bureau of Environmental Programs
Illinois Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 19281
Springfield, IL 62794-9281
(217) 785-2427
Indiana State Chemist Office
175 South University Street
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2063
(765) 494-1492
Consumer Protection and Industry Services Division
Iowa Department of Agriculture and
Land Stewardship
Wallace Building, 502 East 9th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319-0051
(515) 281-8610
Kansas Department of Agriculture
901 South Kansas Avenue
Topeka, KS 66612-1281
(785) 296-3556
Division of Consumer and Environmental Protection
Kentucky Department of Agriculture
107 Corporate Drive
Frankfort, KY 40601-1108
(502) 573-0282
Pesticide and Environmental Programs
Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry
P.O. Box 3596
Baton Rouge, LA 70821-3596
(225) 925-3763
Board of Pesticides Control
Maine Department of Agriculture
28 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0028
(207) 287-2731
Office of Plant Industries and Pest Management
50 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401-7080
(410) 841-5870
Division of Regulatory Services
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural
251 Causeway Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02114-0009
(617) 626 -1771
Pesticide and Plant Pest Management Division
Michigan Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 30017
Lansing, MI 48909-7517
(517) 373- 4087
Pesticide and Fertilizer Management Division
Minnesota Department of Agriculture
625 Robert Street North
St. Paul, MN 55155-2538
(651) 201-6615
Bureau of Plant Industry
Mississippi Department of Agriculture and
P.O. Box 5207
Mississippi State, MS 39762-5207
(662) 325-8789
Plant Industries Division
Missouri Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 630
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0630
(573) 751-2462
Agricultural Sciences Division
Montana Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 200201
Helena, MT 59620-0201
(406) 444-2944
Nebraska Department of Agriculture
Bureau of Plant Industry
301 Centennial Mall
P.O. Box 94756
Lincoln, NE 68509-4756
(402) 471-2394
Division of Plant Industry
Nevada Department of Agriculture
350 Capital Hill Avenue
Reno, NV 89502-2923
(775) 688-1182
New Hampshire
Division of Pesticide Control
New Hampshire Department of Agriculture,
Markets, and Food
P.O. Box 2042
Concord, NH 03302-2042
(603) 271-3640
New Jersey
Pesticide Control
Coastal and Land Use Enforcement
New Jersey Department of Environmental
P.O. Box 411
Trenton, NJ 08625-0411
(609) 984-2011
New Mexico
Division of Agricultural and Environmental Services
New Mexico Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 30005, Department 3AQ
Las Cruces, NM 88003-8005
(505) 646-2133
New York
Division of Solid and Hazardous Materials
New York State Department of Environmental
625 Broadway, 9th Floor
Albany, NY 122337250
(518) 402-8651
North Carolina
Structural Pest Control and Pesticides Division
North Carolina Department of Agriculture and
Consumer Services
1090 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1090
(919) 733-3556
North Dakota
Plant Industries
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
600 East Boulevard, 6th Floor
Bismarck, ND 58505-0020
(701) 328-4756
Division of Plant Industry
Ohio Department of Agriculture
8995 East Main Street
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-3399
(614) 728-6383
Consumer Protection Services Division
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and
P.O. Box 528804
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-8804
(405) 522-5879
Pesticides Division
Oregon Department of Agriculture
635 Capitol Street, NE
Salem, OR 97301-2532
(503) 986 -4635
Bureau of Plant Industry
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
2301 North Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9408
(717) 772-5217
Puerto Rico
Analysis and Registration of Agricultural Materials
Puerto Rico Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 10163
Santurce, PR 00908-1163
(787) 796-1710
Rhode Island
Division of Agriculture and Resource Marketing
Rhode Island Department of Environmental
235 Promenade Street
Providence, RI 02908-5767
(401) 222-2782
South Carolina
Regulatory and Public Service Programs
Clemson University
109 B Barre Hall
Clemson, SC 29634
(864) 656-1234
South Dakota
Office of Agronomy
Division of Agricultural Services
South Dakota Department of Agriculture
Foss Building, 523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3182
(605) 773-4432
Tennessee Department of Agriculture
Division of Regulatory Services
P.O. Box 40627, Melrose Station
Nashville, TN 37204-0627
(615) 837-5152
Texas Department of Agriculture
Pesticide Programs Division
P.O. Box 12847
Austin, TX 78711-2847
(512) 463-7504
Utah Department of Agriculture and Food
350 North Redwood Road
P.O. Box 146500
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6500
(801) 538-7180
Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets
116 State Street, Drawer 20
Montpelier, VT 05620-2901
(802) 828-2431
Virgin Islands
Division of Environmental Protection
Department of Planning and Natural Resources
Cyril E. King Airport
St. Thomas, VI 00802
(340) 774-3320
Office of Pesticide Services
Virginia Department of Agriculture
and Consumer Services
P.O. Box 1163, 102 Governor Street, Room 149
Richmond, VA 23218-1163
(804) 371-6561
Pesticide Management Division
Washington Department of Agriculture
P.O. Box 42589
Olympia, WA 98504-2589
(360) 902-2011
West Virginia
Regulatory and Environmental Affairs Division
West Virginia Department of Agriculture
1900 Kanawha Boulevard East
Charleston, WV 25305-0190
(304) 558-2208
Agriculture Resource Management Division
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture
Trade and Consumer Protection
P.O. Box 8911
Madison, WI 53708-8911
(608) 224-4567
Technical Services
Wyoming Department of Agriculture
2219 Carey Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82002-0100
(307) 777-6574
The FAAs approach for evaluating and
determining your ability to comply with
Part 137 and other applicable regula-
tions focuses on three categories: the
pilot, the aircraft, and the operation.
You must successfully satisfy each of the
following five phases in the evaluation
process to become a certified agricul-
tural aircraft operator:
•  Pre-application.
•  Formal application.
•  Document compliance.
•  Demonstration and inspection.
•  Certification.
For complete and helpful infor-
mation on the process to follow to obtain
an FAA pilot certification for agricul-
tural operations, refer to FAA Advisory
Circular 137-1ACertification Process
for Agricultural Aircraft Operators.
You may obtain this document and
application forms from the local Flight
Standards District Office (FSDO). For
the nearest FSDO office, check the FAA
listing in the United States Government
section of the local telephone directory.
The Pre-Application
Pre-application involves an
informal meeting to provide you with
an overview of the certification process
and identify the necessary resources
helpful to you as you go through the
certification process. If you are familiar
with all of the requirements of the agri-
cultural aircraft operations certification
process and the required documentation
(e.g., if you have previous experience as
an agricultural aircraft operator), you
may not need a pre-application meeting.
During the meeting, an official
from the FSDO will determine if you
meet the eligibility requirements for
obtaining an operator certificate by
asking you about the following:
•  Your area of operation.
Location  of  your  home  base  of
•  Location of probable satellite sites 
for your operation.
Type  of  operation—private  or
•  Your experience with dispensing 
pesticides or other agricultural
•  Whether you are operating as an 
individual, a corporation, or a
Your  previous  experience  as  an 
agricultural aircraft operator.
•  Category and class of aircraft you
are operating (rotary- or fixed-
•  Qualifications  andexperienceof 
your chief supervisor.
•  Applicability of parts 91 and 137 to 
the proposed type of work.
Any  previous  or  pending
enforcement action pertaining to
you, your management personnel,
or chief supervisor.
Depending on the size and scope
of your proposed operation, you may
need to prepare a letter of intent as part
of the required documentation for your
application. When required, the letter
of intent must include:
•  The specific type of agricultural 
aircraft operator certificate for
which you are applying (com-
mercial or private).
•  The legal company name of your 
company and any “doing business
as” names.
Address  of  your  home  base  of
•  Primary airport address, mailing 
address, and telephone numbers.
•  Type of aircraft proposed for the 
•  The estimated date when opera-
tions or services will begin.
The  names  and  addresses  of  all
management personnel or chief
Names of three people you des-
ignate to provide certificate letters,
in order of preference.
A  copy  of  the  articles  of  incor-
poration if the operation is a
Formal Application
The next step is to fill out and
submit three copies of FAA Form
8710-3—Agricultural Aircraft Operator
Certificate Application, along with your
Letter of Intent (if applicable) and other
requested documents to the appropriate
FAA Flight Standards District Office.
You may obtain this form from the local
FSDO or download it from the FAA web
site ( by typing in
“FAA Form 8710-3” in the search box.
Document Compliance
A certification team assigned to you
will review your application and asso-
ciated documents within 30 business
days of receiving it. They will notify
you in writing whether the formal
application is accepted or rejected. If
the application is inaccurate, not com-
pleted properly, or does not include all
the required documentation, the team
returns the application to you with a
letter outlining unsatisfactory items.
You must correct these items before
your certification process continues.
Demonstration and
This phase includes inspection of
your facilities and aircraft. The team
inspects your home base of operations
for compliance with applicable operating
procedures. The size and complexity of
your operation determines the extent
of the inspection required at your base.
You must demonstrate to inspectors
that you can conduct operations to the
highest degree of safety.
You must provide for inspection
at least one certificated and airworthy
aircraft that is equipped for aerial agri-
cultural work that you will use in your or
your employer’s pest control operation.
An Airworthiness Inspector verifies
that the aircraft is properly certificated
and airworthy, its inspection status is
current, and it is safe for operation.
Inspectors look at five areas during
this inspection:
•  The commercial applicator record 
keeping system being used.
Methods  used  for  informing
personnel of their duties and
•  Aircraft condition and airworth-
•  Facilities (if applicable).
•  Your knowledge and skills.
If you work as a pilot-in-command
for an agricultural operator, then the
operator or a person designated by that
operator determines your knowledge
and skills. Once you successfully dem-
onstrate that you have the necessary
knowledge and skills, the operator pro-
vides you with an endorsement letter.
Application Record Keeping
You must show examples of a
record keeping system you have in
place for your aerial application oper-
ation. The law requires you to keep
these operation records for at least 12
months or longer. Since record keeping
requirements vary by state, check the
requirements in the state where you
are conducting business. These records
should include the:
•  Name and address of each person 
for whom agricultural aircraft ser-
vices were provided.
•  Date of the service.
Name  and  quantity  of  the  pes-
ticides and other agricultural
material dispensed for each oper-
ation conducted.
Name,  address,  and  certificate
number of each pilot used in agri-
cultural aircraft operations and the
date that pilot met the knowledge
and skills requirements of 14 CFR
§ 137.19(e).
•  Additional information depending 
on state requirements.
Informing Personnel of Their
Duties and Responsibilities
You must provide inspectors with
documentation that shows how you
have informed each person employed in
your agricultural aircraft operation of
their duties and responsibilities for the
operation. The EPA Worker Protection
Standard mandate for documenting
pesticide handler training in agricul-
tural operations satisfies some of these
An Airworthiness Inspector
inspects the aircraft, aircraft records,
and dispensing equipment. The
inspector verifies the following to
determine the aircraft is safe to conduct
the proposed operation:
•  You have up-to-date and complete 
aircraft maintenance records.
The  aircraft  complies  with  all
applicable airworthiness direc-
The  aircraft  meets  certification
and airworthiness requirements.
•  The aircraft inspection is up-to-
The  aircraft  has  approved and
properly labeled seat belts and
shoulder harnesses installed for
each pilot station.
The  aircraft  is  appropriately
equipped for agricultural opera-
•  If the aircraft is equipped to release 
the tank or hopper as a unit, it is
equipped to prevent inadvertent
release by the pilot or other crew-
•  The aircraft is in a condition for
safe operation.
Should questions arise concerning
the load jettisoning capability of the
aircraft used in congested-area opera-
tions, you must present jettisoning test
data that show the aircraft is equipped
with a device capable of jettisoning at
least one-half of the aircrafts maximum
authorized load of agricultural materials
within 45 seconds. Jettisoning does not
apply to rotary-wing aircraft.
FAA regulations do not specify
the type of facilities you must have as
an agricultural operator. State and local
regulations and, to some extent, EPA
regulations address requirements for
facilities. The FAA facilities inspection
verifies that the practices and proce-
dures at the base of operations conform
to FAA regulations.
Knowledge Test
The Operations Inspector con-
ducts a knowledge and skills test during
initial certification. As required by §
137.19(e), you or your designated chief
supervisor will be the testing candidate.
This requirement applies to applicants
who seek either a private or a com-
mercial operating certificate.
The objective of the knowledge
and skills test is to evaluate the pilots
in an operation and to assure that they
are qualified to act as pilot-in-command
of an agricultural aircraft. A pilot who
was previously qualified under part 137
may not have to take the knowledge and
skills test if proper documentation is
The pilot must have adequate
knowledge of the aircraft’s operating
limitations to be used under the appli-
cable requirements contained in 14
CFR part 91, § 91.9. Weight and balance
information receives special emphasis.
Knowledge of the aircrafts perfor-
mance capability is required and
•  Stall speeds at maximum certifi-
cated gross weight, straight ahead,
power off, and flaps up.
•  Best rate and best angle of climb
•  Maneuvering speeds.
•  Density altitude and its effect on 
•  Performance capabilities and oper-
ating limitations of the aircraft to
be used.
•  Takeoff distance required to clear 
a 50-foot obstacle at maximum
certificated gross weight with zero
In addition, you must demonstrate
your knowledge of the following limi-
tations and restrictions applicable to
agricultural aircraft operations:
•  Passenger carrying.
•  Weight and balance.
•  Operating without position lights.
•  Dispensing in congested areas.
Not  observing  standard  airport 
traffic patterns.
Altitude during  ferrying  to  and
from dispensing sites.
Before an applicator credential
is awarded for dispensing pesticides,
you must demonstrate a thorough
knowledge of methods to protect a pilot
against contamination and methods of
safe pesticide use and handling. The
knowledge test may be written or given
orally, and consists of the following
subject areas:
Steps  to  take  before  starting
operations, including surveying
the area to be treated.
Handling  pesticides  and  proper
disposal of used containers.
•  Pesticide hazards and precautions
when handling and applying
•  Recognizing symptoms of pesticide 
exposure, appropriate first aid, and
how to contact a poison control
•  Safe flight and application proce-
•  State-specific laws and regulations.
Skills Test
You perform the skills test with the
aircraft’s tanks or hoppers loaded, using
a suitable inert material such as water,
lime, or sand. The examiner evaluates
your piloting skills and operational
judgment in the following areas:
Ground  crew  coordination  and
loading procedures.
Engine start, warm-up, and taxi 
Fixed-wing  aircraft  short-field
and soft-field takeoffs, directional
control, liftoff, and climb.
•  Approaches to the working area.
 F l a r e o u t .
•  Swath runs. 
•  Pull ups and turnarounds.
•  Clean-up swath or trim passes.
Jettisoning of remainder of load
after swath runs in the event of
in-flight emergency.
Rotary-wing  aircraft rapid
deceleration or quick stops.
•  Approach, touchdow n, a nd 
directional control on landing.
Taxi,  engine  shutdown,  and
securing of aircraft.
The FAA awards you the
Agricultural Aircraft Operator’s
Certificate after the FSDO certifi-
cation team concludes that you meet
the qualifications listed above and you
demonstrated that you have the nec-
essary knowledge and skills or have a
knowledge and skills endorsement from
the operator of the firm for whom you
are working.
Heat stress occurs when the body is
subjected to a level of heat with which it
cannot cope. With heat stress, the heat,
not pesticide exposure, causes certain
symptoms. Wearing personal protective
equipment—clothing and devices that
protect the body from contact with
pesticidescan increase the risk of heat
stress by limiting the body’s ability to
cool down.
Avoiding Heat Stress
Several factors work together to
cause heat stress. Before beginning a
pesticide-handling task, think about
whether any of the following conditions
are likely to be a problem that might
lead to heat stress:
•  Heat factorstemperat ure, 
humidity, air movement, and
•  Workloadthe amount of effort
a task takes.
Personal  protective  equipment
•  Drinking water intake.
•  Scheduling.
Heat and Workload
High temperatures, high humidity,
and sunlight increase the likelihood of
heat stress, although air movement from
wind or from fans may provide cooling.
Because hard work causes the body to
produce heat, a person is more likely
to develop heat stress while working
on foot than while driving a vehicle.
Lifting or carrying heavy containers or
equipment also increases the likelihood
of overheating.
Signs and Symptoms of Heat Stress
Heat stress, even in mild forms,
makes a person feel ill and impairs his or
her ability to do a good job. They may
get tired quickly, feel weak, be less alert,
and be less able to use good judgment.
Severe heat stress (heat stroke) is a
serious illness. Unless you cool a heat
stress victim quickly, he or she can die.
Severe heat stress is fatal to more than
10 percent of its victims, even young,
healthy adults. Victims may remain sen-
sitive to heat for months and be unable
to return to the same type of work.
Learn the signs and symptoms of
heat stress and take immediate action
to cool yourself or another person down
if these symptoms appear. Signs and
symptoms may include:
Fatigue (exhaustion, muscle
•  Headache, nausea, and chills.
•  Dizziness and fainting.
•  Loss of coordination.
•  Severe thirst and dry mouth.
Altered  behavior  (confusion,
slurred speech, quarrelsome or
irrational attitude).
Heat cramps are another type of
heat stress. These are painful muscle
spasms in the legs, arms, or stomach
caused by loss of body salts through
heavy sweating. To relieve cramps,
drink cool water. Stretching or
kneading the muscles may temporarily
relieve the cramps. If there is a chance
that stomach cramps are pesticide-
related rather than caused from salt
loss, get medical help right away.
First Aid for Heat Stress
It is not always easy to tell the dif-
ference between heat stress illness and
pesticide poisoning because many signs
and symptoms are similar. Get medical
help right away rather than wasting
time trying to decide what is causing
the illness. First aid for heat stress
Get the  victim into a shaded or
cool area.
•  Cool the victim as rapidly as pos-
sible by sponging or splashing
the skin, especially around the
face, neck, hands, and forearms,
with cool water or, when possible,
immersing in cool water.
•  Carefully remove all PPE and any 
other clothing that may be making
the victim hot.
•  If conscious, have the victim drink 
as much cool water as possible.
•  Keep the victim quiet until help
Severe heat stress (heat stroke) is a
medical emergency. Unless you cool the
victim immediately, brain damage and
death may result.
The following steps should be taken
whenever a pesticide spill takes place.
For large spills, contact local authorities
for assistance in management, pre-
vention of injuries, and protection of
the environment.
Refer  to  the  pesticide  label  to
determine the PPE required for
cleaning up a spill.
Clear  the  area  and keep unpro-
tected people from coming near
the spill.
Administer  first  aid  and  obtain 
medical care for anyone who
received, or possibly received, a
pesticide exposure.
Prevent  fires  by  extinguishing
sources of ignition and providing
adequate ventilation.
Control  the  release.  Use  any
strtegy available to stop the flow of
the spill.
•  Contain the release. Use sand or 
other absorbent to keep the pes-
ticide confined. Patch the leaking
container or transfer its contents
to a sound container.
•  Clean up the spilled pesticide and 
absorbent and any contaminated
objects. Place these materials into
a sealable and suitable holding
Clearly label containers  holding
spilled pesticide and contaminated
soil and other objects. Include the
pesticide name, signal word, and
name of responsible party.
Manage  the  contaminated  area.
Consult the product label and
Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) for the particular product.
Consult with the state regulatory
agency on how to properly manage
the release and how to properly
dispose of recovered product and
other items such as contaminated
soil and absorbents.
A global positioning system (GPS) pro-
vides one of the most accurate meth-ods
of navigation for aerial pesticide applica-
tions. A receiver installed in the aircraft
picks up satellite signals that let you
know the speed of the aircraft, direction
of travel, and its altitude and location.
Because of the usefulness of this infor-
mation, GPS equipment, in most cases,
is an essential tool for precision aerial
application. Recent studies indicate that
at least 92 percent of agricultural pilots
in the U.S. use GPS equipment.
A GPS receiver uses satellite-
transmitted data to calculate its own
current location. In order to find its
exact location, the receiver must simul-
taneously detect identification signals
from four different GPS satellites. The
time it takes signals to travel from three
of the GPS satellites form the basis for
the calculations performed by the GPS
receiver to determine its three-dimen-
sional spatial location. Signals from the
fourth satellite verify time signals from
the three other satellites.
The U.S. Department of Defense
created the Global Positioning System
program in 1973. The original intent of
this program was to provide a satellite-
based navigational system for military
purposes. Although various aspects of
GPS technology are now readily acces-
sible to the public, the U.S. Department
of Defense continues to fund and
manage the GPS program.
The Global Positioning System can
rapidly reference any specific location
on Earth. Functionally, the GPS system
consists of three major components or
•  Space Segment—a constellation of 
24 Earth-orbiting satellites.
Control  Segment—five  Earth-
based satellite monitoring stations.
User  Segment—individual  GPS
signal receivers owned and
operated by users.
Space Segment
The Department of Defense began
launching Earth-orbiting GPS satel-
lites in February 1989 and completed
this task in June 1993 with 24 satel-
lites in orbit. Each satellite completes
one orbit around the Earth every 12
hours, remaining in one of six orbital
paths. Relative to the Earths surface,
the six orbital paths are equidistantly
spaced at 60-degree intervals and each
orbital path is inclined approximately
55 degrees relative to the Earths equa-
torial plane. This satellite arrangement
enables a GPS user to access between
five and eight satellites at any one time.
Control Segment
The control segment consists of
five Earth-based tracking stations.
Stations are located in Hawaii, on
Ascension Island in the middle of the
South Atlantic Ocean, on the island of
Diego Garcia in the middle of the Indian
Ocean, on Kwajalein Atoll (2,100 miles
southwest of Hawaii and 1,400 miles
east of Guam) in the Pacific Ocean, and
in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
The Colorado Springs location
is the master station. All the tracking
stations monitor the satellites and
determine precise orbit location data.
The Colorado Springs master station
sends corrections for orbital location
and clock data to all satellites in the
system. This information enables a
satellite to send an up-to-date subset
of satellite location and time data to a
user’s GPS receiver.
User Segment
The user segment is the worldwide
total of all GPS receivers currently in
service. This includes government,
military, and civilian users. Seagoing
vessels, trains, trucks, mass transit
busses, cars, farm equipment, motor-
cycles, commercial airliners, general
aviation aircraft, and agricultural air-
craft use GPS signals for navigation. In
addition, GPS units provide useful data
for many purposes other than navi-
gation, such as:
•  A universal and instantly available 
global time reference having
atomic clock accuracy.
A  basis  for  precision  map  con-
•  A way to precisely measure move-
ments of geological formations.
•  The ability to track all of the indi-
vidual vehicles within an entire
fleet, such as with taxicabs or fire
•  The guidance needed for an air-
craft to execute an accurate and
safe landing under local zero vis-
ibility conditions.
The  ability  to  provide  aircraft
speed and location in real time for
agricultural aircraft to automati-
cally and continuously regulate
spray output as a function of the
actual travel speed and position of
the aircraft.
Differential GPS
Each GPS satellite broadcasts
signals over two microwave frequency
channels. One channel carries a strong
signal that only the military uses. The
signal of the second channel, known
as the coarse acquisition (C/A) signal,
is less robust. This signal is available
for nonmilitary GPS use, although
calculations based on it do not provide
pinpoint precision of the GPS receiver
location. C/A signals typically provide
location precision in a range of ± 100
feet horizontal accuracy. This level of
precision is not accurate enough for
aerial pesticide application.
To improve accuracy of the
C/A signal, a technology known as
Differential GPS (DGPS) provides
greater precision. DGPS technology
with a strong differential correction
signal reduces the horizontal error
range down to between less than three
feet and rarely more than ten feet. Aerial
applicators use DGPS systems.
Regular GPS relies on a single
receiver, but DGPS technology requires
two. One receiver remains fixed at an
accurately surveyed location, and serves
as a reference point. Aircraft have the
second receivers installed in them. Both
of these receivers detect the same C/A-
signals from orbiting satellites, but the
stationary receiver transmits data to
refine the mobile receiver’s positioning
information. Although the stationary
receiver cannot determine which par-
ticular GPS satellites a mobile receiver
uses, it detects all accessible satellites,
computes the timing signal correction
factor for each, and transmits the cor-
rection data to the aircraft’s mobile
receiver, which sorts out the satellite
DGPS providers transmit the cor-
rection signals from stationary GPS
receivers to mobile receivers over a wide-
range communication network. Two
transmission methods predominate:
•  FM radio tower beacon (e.g., U.S. 
Coast Guard Differential GPS
Navigation Service; Nationwide
Differential GPS Service).
•  Communication satellite relay (e.g., 
Wide Area Augmentation System
(WAAS) and various commercial
DGPS services).
Wide Area Augmentation System
Because GPS alone did not meet
navigation requirements of the Federal
Aviation Administration for accuracy,
integrity, and availability, the FAA
and the Department of Transportation
(DOT) developed the Wide Area
Augmentation System (WAAS) for use
in precision flight approaches. WAAS
corrects for GPS signal errors caused
by ionospheric disturbances, timing,
and satellite orbit errors, and it provides
vital integrity information regarding
the status of each GPS satellite.
WAAS consists of approximately
25 ground reference stations positioned
across the United States, covering a
very large service area. These stations
link together and form the U.S. WAAS
network. Two master stations, one
located on the East Coast and the other
on the West Coast, collect data from
the reference stations and create a cor-
rection message that they transmit to a
geostationary communication satellite
(GEO). The satellite broadcasts the
message on the same GPS frequency
to receivers onboard aircraft that are
within the broadcast coverage area of
the WA AS.
The WAAS improves basic GPS
accuracy to approximately 28 feet ver-
tically and horizontally, improves the
availability of the signals using geo-
stationary communication satellites,
and provides necessary integrity infor-
mation about the entire GPS system.
For some users in the U.S., the
position of the geostationary satellites
over the equator makes it difficult to
receive their signals if trees or moun-
tains obstruct the view of the southern
horizon. WAAS signal reception is
ideal for open land areas and for marine
U.S. Coast Guard Maritime
Differential GPS Navigation Service
The U.S. Coast Guard provides
a Maritime DGPS service for the
Harbor and Harbor Approach phase
of marine navigation. The Maritime
DGPS service coverage area includes
the coastal United States, Great Lakes,
Puerto Rico, and most of Alaska and
Hawaii. It consists of two DGPS control
centers and about 65 DGPS reference
stations. The reference stations transmit
correction signals on U.S. Coast Guard
radio beacon frequencies, and this
service is available to the public.
Many GPS receivers are equipped
with built-in radio receivers that accept
and process GPS-satellite correction
signal data. The position accuracy of
the Maritime DGPS Service is within
approximately 33 feet. If an aircraft is
equipped with suitable DGPS receiving
equipment, and is less than 100 miles
from a reference station, its pilot may
typically expect positioning accuracy
of about 2.5 feet. For aircraft operating
more than 100 miles away from the
Maritime DGPS reference station,
positioning accuracy decays at a rate
of approximately 3 feet per 90 miles.
Because of this distance-related decay
in accuracy, you should obtain GPS sat-
ellite signal corrections from the closest
Maritime DGPS reference station for
the most accurate positioning data. The
Nationwide DGPS program is incor-
porating the Maritime DGPS program
into its system.
Nationwide DGPS Service
A 1997 federal law directed the U.S.
Department of Transportation to work
with several other government entities
to develop and operate a standardized
Nationwide DGPS Service. The goal of
this service is to provide reliable local-
area GPS-satellite signal correction
data to the public without charge. This
program involves the U.S. Air Force,
U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, the Federal
Highway Administration, and the Federal
Railroad Administration. When com-
pleted, the Nationwide DGPS Service
expects to have approximately 80 DGPS
radio beacon sites in place throughout
the continental United States. The plan
will provide every area in the continental
United States with double coverage
DGPS correction data from two land-
based radio beacon towers. The program
will ultimately include all U.S. Coast
Guard-operated DGPS reference sta-
tions. Each Nationwide DGPS System
radio beacon site has a 300-foot tower
antenna that substantially increases
the effective range available for mobile
DGPS user reception. The signal from
each site covers a range of 250 miles with
enough signal strength to provide posi-
tional accuracy of about 3 feet or less.
Commercial DGPS Services
Commercial DGPS services
provide additional options for pilots
making aerial applications in remote
locations. These services fill in areas
missed by the government systems.
Most mobile DGPS equipment is com-
patible with the commercial DGPS
services. Subscribing to one of these
services provides pilots with a high
degree of location accuracy suitable for
precise aerial pesticide application.
adjuvant. A material added to a pesticide
mixture to improve or alter the deposi-
tion, toxic effects, mixing ability, per-
sistence, or other qualities of the active
agitation device (agitator). A mechanical
or hydraulic device that stirs the liquid in
a spray tank to prevent the mixture from
separating or settling.
agricultural aircraft operations. The Fed-
eral Aviation Administration Regulation
Part 137 of the Code of Federal Regula-
tions Title 14 (14 CFR 137) prescribes
rules governing agricultural aircraft op-
erations within the United States and the
requirements for commercial and private
Agricultural Aircraft Operator certificates
for those operations.
agricultural aircraft operator certificate.
Certificate issued by the Federal Avia-
tion Administration under provision of
14 CFR 137 to pilots who meet specific
requirements as provided in Part 137.
anti-drip device. A spring-loaded mecha-
nism built into an aircraft spray nozzle
that closes off the nozzle when the fluid
pressure drops below a certain level. This
prevents nozzles from dripping when the
spray is shut off.
application pattern. The course the pilot
follows above the area being treated
with a pesticide. See also back and forth
application pattern and racetrack ap-
plication pattern.
application swath. See swath and swath
area of a circle.
Area = 3.14 × radius × radius (A = π r
area of a square or rectangle.
Area = length × width
area of a triangle.
Area = base × height divided by 2
back and forth application pattern.
Also known as a back and forth flight
pattern. Making application swaths in a
sequential manner by flying a swath in
one direction and the adjacent swath in
the opposite direction.
baffle. A structure built into an aircraft-
mounted spray tank that suppresses the
sloshing of liquid in the tank, reducing the
effect of load shift on the aircraft.
boom. A structure attached to an aircraft to
which spray nozzles are attached.
buffer area (or zone). A part of a pest-
infested area that is not treated with a
pesticide to protect adjoining areas from
pesticide hazards.
buffer strip. An area of a field left unsprayed
for protecting nearby structures or sen-
sitive areas from drift. The minimum
buffer strip is usually one swath width.
carrier. The liquid or powdered inert sub-
stance that is combined with the active
ingredient in a pesticide formulation.
May also apply to the water, oil, or other
substance that a pesticide is mixed with
prior to application.
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Regu-
lations used to enforce federal laws. The
CFR contain sections that address aerial
application of pesticides as well as training
and certification of pesticide handlers.
co-distillation. A phenomenon where pes-
ticide molecules are picked up in water
vapor and can move off site.
Commercial Agricultural Aircraft Operator.
A category of the FAA certification pro-
cess applying to pilots for hire who make
pesticide applications by air.
commercial applicator. A person who,
for hire, uses or supervises the use of a
restricted-use pesticide and this defini-
tion varies among states.
conflict with labeling. Any deviation
from instructions, requirements, or
prohibitions of pesticide product label-
ing concerning storage, handling, or use,
except: a decrease in dosage rate per unit
treated; a decrease in the concentration
of the mixture applied; application at a
frequency less than specified; use to con-
trol a target pest not listed, provided the
application is to a commodity/site that is
listed and the use of the product against
an unnamed pest is not expressly prohib-
ited; employing a method of application
not expressly prohibited, provided other
directions are followed; mixing with an-
other pesticide or with a fertilizer, unless
such mixing is expressly prohibited; and
an increase in the concentration of the
mixture applied.
congested area. A populated area where
personal injury or property damage
might occur if an aircraft crashes or if the
pesticide load must be dumped.
conventional application volume. For
aircraft, the conventional application
volume ranges between 5 to 15 or more
gallons of spray per acre.
corrosive materials. Certain chemicals
that react with metals or other materials.
Some pesticides are corrosive, and special
handling requirements are needed when
using these.
coverage. The degree to which a pesticide
is distributed over a target surface.
decontaminate. The most important
step in reducing potential injury when
someone has been exposed to a pesticide.
Decontamination involves thoroughly
washing the exposed skin with soap and
water or flushing the exposed eye with a
gentle stream of running water.
dehydration. The process of a plant or
animal losing water or drying up. De-
hydration is a major contributor to heat
related illnesses in people.
density altitude. A condition where air mol-
ecules spread out or become less dense as
altitude increases and/or as temperatures
rise. Density altitude has an effect on the
operational performance of an aircraft.
differential GPS (DGPS). A global position-
ing navigation system that relies on a mo-
bile receiver mounted in an aircraft and a
fixed ground-based receiver, providing a
higher degree of positional accuracy than
a mobile receiver used alone.
directions for use. The instructions found
on pesticide labels indicating the proper
procedures for mixing and application.
drift (spray). (from National Coalition on
Drift Minimization) “The movement of
pesticide through the air at the time of
pesticide application or soon thereafter
from the target site to any non- or off-
target site, excluding pesticide move-
ments by erosion, migration, volatil-
ity, or windblown soil particles after
driftable fine. Spray droplets that are 200
microns in diameter or smaller.
droplet spectra. A classification of spray
droplets into eight categories based on
the volume median diameters of spray
droplets. The eight categories are extra
fine, very fine, fine, medium, coarse, very
coarse, extra coarse, and ultra coarse.
dynamic surface tension. Variation or
changes in the surface tension of a liq-
uid based on the position of molecules
of substances within droplets that alter
surface tension.
economic poison. (1) Any substance or
mixture of substances intended for pre-
venting, destroying, repelling, or miti-
gating any insects, rodents, nematodes,
fungi, weeds, and other forms of plant or
animal life or viruses, except viruses on
or in people or other animals, which the
Secretary of Agriculture shall declare to
be a pest, and (2) any substance or mix-
ture of substances intended for use as a
plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant.
effective swath width. A swath that in-
cludes overlaps made with each pass to
achieve a more even application.
environmental contamination. Spread of
pesticides away from the application site
into the environment, usually with the
potential for causing harm to organisms.
evaporate. The process of a liquid turning
into a gas or vapor.
exposure. The unwanted contact with pes-
ticides or pesticide residues by people,
other organisms, or the environment.
extensional viscosity. The amount of
stretching or stringiness required for a
droplet to break off from a stream or
flow of liquid.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
The federal agency responsible for en-
forcing rules affecting aircraft operations.
ferrying. The process of flying an aircraft
from its home base to a pesticide applica-
tion site and returning to its home base
or location where the material loading
takes place.
field worker. Any person who, for any kind
of compensation, performs cultural ac-
tivities in a field. A field worker does not
include individuals performing tasks as
a crop advisor, including field checking
or scouting, making observations of the
well being of the plants, or taking sam-
ples, nor does it include local, state, or
federal officials performing inspection,
sampling, or other similar official duties.
filter screen. Fine screens placed in key
locations in a spraying system to catch
foreign materials that would otherwise
clog the spray nozzles.
fine. A spray droplet that is 200 microns in
diameter or smaller.
first aid. The immediate assistance provided
to someone who has received an expo-
sure to a pesticide. First aid for pesticide
exposure usually involves removal of
contaminated clothing and washing the
affected area of the body to remove as
much of the pesticide material as pos-
sible. First aid is not a substitute for
competent medical treatment.
flow rate. The amount of pesticide being
expelled by a pesticide spray or granule
applicator per unit of time.
general-use pesticide. Pesticides that have
been designed for use by the general
public as well as by licensed or certified
applicators. General-use pesticides usu-
ally have minimal hazards and do not
require a permit for purchase or use.
geostationary communication satellite.
A satellite whose orbit speed exactly
matches the rotation of the earth, and
thus remains stationary in relation to
the earth; used for communication and
global positioning.
global positioning system. A navigation-
al device that uses signals from satellites
to determine the receiver’s position.
granule. A dry formulation of pesticide ac-
tive ingredient and inert materials com-
pressed into small, pebble-like shapes.
handle. Mixing, loading, transferring,
applying (including chemigation), or
assisting with the application (includ-
ingagging) of pesticides; maintaining,
servicing, repairing, cleaning, or han-
dling equipment used in these activities
that may contain residues; working
with opened (including emptied but not
rinsed) containers of pesticides; adjust-
ing, repairing, or removing treatment
site coverings; incorporating (mechani-
cal or watered-in) pesticides into the
soil; entering a treated area during
any application or before the inhala-
tion exposure level listed on pesticide
product labeling has been reached or
greenhouse ventilation criteria have
been met; performing the duties of a
crop advisor, including field checking
or scouting, making observations of
the well being of the plants, or taking
samples during an application or any
restricted entry interval listed on pesti-
cide product labeling. Handle does not
include local, state, or federal officials
performing inspection, sampling, or
other similar official duties.
handler. A person involved with mixing,
loading, transferring, applying (includ-
ing chemigation), or assisting with
the application (including flagging)
of pesticides; maintaining, servicing,
repairing, cleaning, or handling equip-
ment used in these activities that may
contain residues; working with opened
(including emptied but not rinsed)
containers of pesticides; adjusting,
repairing, or removing treatment site
coverings; incorporating (mechanical
or watered-in) pesticides into the soil;
entering a treated area during any appli-
cation or before the inhalation exposure
level listed on pesticide product label-
ing has been reached or greenhouse
ventilation criteria have been met; and
performing the duties of a crop advisor,
including field checking or scouting,
making observations of the well being
of the plants, or taking samples during
an application or any restricted entry
interval listed on pesticide product la-
beling. The handler definition does not
include local, state, or federal officials
performing inspection, sampling, or
other similar official duties.
heat-related illness. Potentially life-
threatening overheating of the body un-
der working conditions that lack proper
preventive measures, such as drinking
plenty of water, taking frequent breaks in
the shade to cool down, and removing or
loosening personal protective equipment
during breaks.
human flagger. An individual who assists
in an aerial application by positioning
and waving marking flags to indicate to
the pilot the location of swaths. Flaggers
must receive pesticide handler training.
intentional misapplication. The deliber-
ate improper use of a pesticide, such as
exceeding the label rate or applying the
material to a site not listed on the label.
inversion. A weather phenomenon in which
cool air near the ground is trapped by
a layer of warmer air above. Vapors of
pesticides applied during an inversion
can become trapped and concentrated
and move away from the treatment area
with the potential to cause damage or
injury at some other location.
labeling. The pesticide product label and all
other written, printed, or graphic matter
accompanying the pesticide. Labeling
may not necessarily be attached to or
part of the container.
light bar. An accessory to the aircraft
mounted global position system that
enables the pilot to locate the center of
each spray swath through the use of an
array of lights.
low volume (LV) application volume.
Application of liquid pesticides at the
rate of 0.5 to 5 gallons of liquid per acre.
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). An
information sheet provided by a pesti-
cide manufacturer describing chemical
qualities, hazards, safety precautions, and
emergency procedures to be followed in
case of a spill, fire, or other emergency.
mesh. The number of wires per inch in a
screen, such as a screen used to filter
foreign particles out of spray solutions
to keep nozzles from becoming clogged.
Mesh is also used to describe the size of
pesticide granules, pellets, and dusts.
micron. A very small unit of measure:
of a meter; represented by
the greek symbol μ.
MSDS. See material safety data sheet.
non-target organism. Animals or plants
within a pesticide-treated area that are
not intended to be controlled by the
pesticide application.
off-target pesticide drift. Pesticide drift
that moves outside of the application
area during or immediately following a
pesticide application.
off-target pesticide movement. Any
movement of a pesticide from the loca-
tion where it was applied. Off-target
movement occurs through drift, volatil-
ization, percolation, water runoff, crop
harvest, blowing dust, and by being car-
ried away on organisms or equipment.
output volume. The amount of a pesticide
mixture discharged by an aircraft over a
measure period of time. The usual out-
put volume for aircraft liquid sprayers is
measure in gallons per minute or gallons
per mile.
pattern testing. The process used to
determine the spray swath or granule
swath pattern by flying test passes and
visualizing the droplet array or granule
distribution across the swath.
personal protective equipment (PPE).
Apparel and devices worn to minimize
human body contact with pesticides or
pesticide residues. PPE must be provided
by an employer and is separate from, or
in addition to, work clothing. PPE may
include chemical resistant suits, chemi-
cal resistant gloves, chemical resistant
footwear, respiratory protection devices,
chemical resistant aprons, chemical re-
sistant headgear, protective eye wear, or
a coverall (one- or two-piece garment).
pesticide drift. Any movement of pesticide
material from its intended swath dur-
ing application. Movement of pesticide
material becomes problematic when it
moves from the application site.
pesticide handler. See handler
phytotoxic. Injurious to plants.
pilot-in-command. The Journeymen Pest
Control Aircraft Pilot supervising or
conducting a pesticide application.
precautionary statement. The section on
pesticide labels where human and envi-
ronmental hazards are listed; personal
protective equipment requirements are
listed here as well as first aid instructions
and information for physicians.
private agricultural aircraft operator.
A category of the FAA certification
process applying to pilots who make
pesticide applications by air on their
own property or property of which they
private applicator. An individual who uses
or supervises the use of a pesticide for
the purpose of producing an agricultural
commodity on property owned, leased,
or rented by him or her or his or her
prop wash. The displacement of air and
spray droplets caused by the propel-
ler of the aircraft. The spray pattern is
displaced to the left of the centerline of
the aircraft.
racetrack application pattern. The ap-
plication pattern that involves making
successive overlapping loops across a
field rather than a back and forth pattern.
regulations. The guidelines or working
rules that a regulatory agency uses to
carry out and enforce laws.
residual effectiveness. The pesticidal ac-
tion of material after it has been applied.
Most pesticide compounds will remain
active several hours to several weeks or
even months after being applied.
restricted-entry interval (REI). The pe-
riod of time after a field is treated with
a pesticide during which restrictions on
entry are in effect to protect people from
potential exposure to hazardous levels of
restricted-use pesticide. Highly hazardous
pesticides that can only be possessed or
used by certified commercial or private
rotor distortion. Similar to prop wash of
a fixed wing aircraft, but involving the
displacement of air and entrapped spray
droplets as a result of the rotation of the
rotary wing aircraft rotor.
service container. Any container designed
to hold concentrate or diluted pesticide
mixtures, including the sprayer tank, but
not the original pesticide container.
shear viscosity. The resistance of a liquid
to flow.
smoke generator. A device mounted on an
aircraft that produces smoke by injecting
oil into the exhaust system. This smoke
trail is used by the pilot to visualize air
statement of practical treatment. A sec-
tion of the pesticide label that provides
information on treating people who have
been exposed to the pesticide. This in-
cludes emergency first aid information.
supplemental label. Additional instruc-
tions and information not found on the
pesticide label because the label is too
small but legally considered to be part
of the pesticide labeling.
swath (or swath width). The area covered
by one pass of the pesticide application
temperature inversion. See inversion.
ultra low volume (ULV) application
volume. Applications of less than 0.5
gallons of spray per acre.
volume median diameter (VMD). Half of
the total spray volume of a nozzle consists
of spray droplets that are smaller than the
VMD numerical value, while the other
half is made up of droplets that are larger
than the VMD numerical value.
wide area augmentation system (WAAS).
A highly accurate GPS navigational sys-
tem used for precision flight positional
wing tip vortex. The circular or spiral
swirling of air caused by the wing tips of
an aircraft, and resulting in entrapment
of spray droplets affecting the dispersal
pattern. Keeping the fixed wing aircraft
boom length at approximately 75 per-
centage of the wingspan eliminates spray
droplets becoming entrapped.
Worker Protection Standard. The 1992
amendment to the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
that makes significant changes to pesti-
cide labeling and mandates specific train-
ing of pesticide handlers and workers
in production agriculture, commercial
greenhouses and nurseries, and forests.
access, unauthorized 11, 17, 18, 19, 21, 31, 84
acres per minute treated, determining 68, 69, 70,
additional labeling 12, 13
additional restrictions
pesticide label 12, 13, 22, 24, 25-26
on application 13, 22, 26, 84
crops 25, 30, 82, 83, 84
fields 25
non-target areas 24, 25, 82, 84
swath 57, 88
adjuvant 28, 36-37, 40
drift control 37, 40
aerial application
equipment, calibrating 12, 40, 58, 63-78, 87
equipment, cleaning 26-27
operation security, evaluating 18
making 81-93, 95
aerial pest control operator 1, 9-13, 25
laws and regulations for 93, 94
aerial pesticide applicator pilot 1, 9
detailed content outline for 3-5
laws and regulations for 9-13
agitation 44, 45, 46, 52
hydraulic 46, 52
mechanical 46
tank 46
agricultural aircraft operation 101-104
FAA requirements for 10, 29, 101-104
operator certificate 101, 104
air shear 39, 40, 51, 57, 75
crash, plans and emergency response in case of 29
factors influencing 90-92
features and limitations of 23-24
securing 18
airspeed, application 24, 27, 39-40, 47-51, 65, 69,
71-75, 87, 92
alcohol and drugs, avoiding use of 18, 21-22
using before or during operation 22
application 10, 64, 66, 71, 75, 83, 87
ferrying 82
American Society of Agricultural and Biological
Engineers 36, 37
amount of pesticide to put into the tank,
determining 64, 69-71
answers, review questions 96
antenna, GPS 53
anti-drip device nozzle 45, 52
airspeed 24, 27, 39-40, 47-51, 65-69, 71, 75, 87, 92
altitude 10, 64, 66, 71, 75, 83, 87
avoiding obstructions during 83, 87-88, 89
documenting 27-28, 54
equipment, aerial, calibrating 12, 40, 58, 63-78, 87
equipment malfunction 23, 29, 48, 49
equipment, types of 12, 43-62
height 22, 24, 28, 38, 40, 65, 68, 75, 87, 90
instructions 11, 12-13, 26
low volume 45, 47, 49-50, 51
pattern, back and forth 88-89
pattern, racetrack 88-89
pattern, turnaround 89-90
reviewing and documenting 27-28
safety 22-28
site, adjacent crops 25, 30, 82, 83, 84
site, checking 19, 25, 26, 82-83
speed 24, 27, 28, 39-40, 43, 44, 47-51, 54, 57, 64,
65-69, 71, 75, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92
speed, changing 71-75
swath 28, 40, 45, 51, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 65,
66, 67-68, 70, 75, 76-77
techniques 12, 40
volume 44, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69,
71, 75, 87
what to watch for during 83-86
applying granules 57-59, 69, 75-78, 81, 86, 90, 92
area of a circle, calculating 73
area of a rectangle, calculating 71
area of a square, calculating 71
area of a triangle, calculating 72
ASABE 13, 36, 37
ASABE S-572.1 13, 36, 37
as-applied map 28, 54
associated labeling 12
atomization 39, 44, 75
avoiding heat stress 22, 105
avoiding obstructions during application 83, 87-88,
avoiding use of alcohol and drugs 21
back and forth application pattern 88, 89
baffle 45
boom, spray 47-48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54-56
length of 24-25, 39, 49, 55
booms and nozzles, positioning 54-57
buffer area or zone 13, 22, 26, 40, 84, 88
buffer strip 88
calculating area of
a circular application site 73
a rectangular or square application site 71
a triangular application site 72
an irregularly-shaped application site 74
calibrate equipment, why needed 64-65
aerial application equipment 63-78
granule applicators 75-78
liquid spraying equipment 65-75
methods, equipment 65-78
reasons for 64-65
capacity, spray tank 65-66, 70
carrier, pesticide spray 37, 38, 50
catastrophic event 29
categories, standard droplet size 13, 35, 36, 37,
38, 39
spray pump 45, 46
spreader 58, 60
certificate, agricultural aircraft operator 65,
certification, pesticide applicator 1, 2, 10-12, 27
certified commercial applicators, general
standards for 11-12
application speed 71
nozzle orifice size 75
output pressure 75
sprayer output 71
check valve 29, 45, 46, 47, 49, 52, 56
checking the application site 82-83
ground crew 86
pilot 85
Class II Medical Certificate 10
classification of droplet size 35-37
kit, spill 28, 29, 107
pesticide spill 20, 107
clothing and equipment, protective 11
Code of Federal Regulations 10, 12
co-distillation 38
agricultural aircraft operator 10, 101
applicator 1, 11
DGPS services 110
pesticide applicator pilots 1
communication 18, 24, 27, 30, 81, 82, 84
communication satellite, geostationary 110
compatibility 26
competency, determination of 11
components, liquid dispersal system 44-57
conflict with labeling 27
conflicts, resolving 27
congested area 23, 103, 104
contact information, pesticide regulatory agency
container, service 10
contamination, environmental 29, 30
content outline, detailed 3-8
controller, flow volume 49, 52, 53, 54, 57, 66, 67
conventional application volume 49
corrosive pesticide materials 44
coverage, pesticide 24, 36, 39, 40, 45, 65, 75, 86,
87, 89
crash, aircraft, plans in case of 29
crops adjacent to the application site 25, 30, 82,
83, 84
cultural practices 25, 27
decontaminate 44
dehydration, preventing 22
density altitude 89-92
detailed content outline 3-8
determination of competency 10, 11
acres per minute treated 68, 69
amount of pesticide to put into the tank 69, 70
application volume per acre 69, 70
DGPS 52, 53, 56, 64, 81, 83, 86, 90, 108, 110
service, commercial 110
differential global positioning systems 52, 109,
110, 112
differential GPS 52, 53, 56, 64, 81, 83, 86, 90, 108-110
diluting pesticide concentrates, knowing
procedures for 12
equipment 23, 43-60
system requirements 43-60
displacement, prop wash 54, 55
distortion, rotor 55, 56
application 27-28, 54
handler training 103
drift 12, 13, 20, 23, 24, 25, 29, 33-40
control adjuvant 37, 40
factors that contribute to 34-39
minimizing off target 13, 24, 33-40, 75, 81, 86, 87
driftable fine 34, 35, 50
size and drift, external factors affecting 37
size categories, standard 37
size, classification of 35-37
size, effects of evaporation on 37-38
spectra 13, 35-37, 112
spectra, nozzle classification by 36-37
drugs, avoiding use of 18, 21-22
dry material spreaders 57-60
dynamic surface tension 36
economic poison 10
effective swath width 28, 40, 45, 51, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58,
59, 60, 65, 66, 67-68, 70, 75, 76-77
effects of evaporation on droplet size 37-38
electronics 49, 52-54, 57
ground crew 28-29
planning for 28-30
information 28
maneuvers 23, 24
response plan 28-30
habits 19, 21-22
training 19-21
endangered species area protection map 12
concerns 65
contamination 29, 30
fate of pesticides 11
Environmental Protection Agency 10
registration number 27, 28
requirements for certification 10-12
environmentally sensitive areas 25, 26
calibration methods 63-78
securing 17-19
estimating density altitude 89-92
evaporate 35, 37-38
extensional viscosity 36
external factors affecting droplet size
and drift 37-39
FAA requirements for agricultural aircraft
operators 101
facilities, securing 18
influencing the aircraft 90-92
contributing to drift 34-39
fan-driven pump 44, 45, 51, 66
fan-pattern nozzles 40, 49, 50
FBI 18, 19
features and limitations of the aircraft 23-24
Federal Aviation Administration 10, 29, 52, 101
federal aviation regulations 10, 29, 52, 101
Federal Bureau of Investigation 18, 19
feed rate, granule spreader 58, 60
ferrying 10, 28, 46, 81, 82
filter screen 46, 49, 56
filters and screens 46, 49, 51, 56
fines (pesticide droplet) 35, 50, 75
first aid 11, 18, 20, 24, 26, 29
and decontamination requirements 18, 20, 26
for heat stress 20, 21, 22, 113
measures 26
first and last runs of the day 82
flagger, human 29, 40, 53, 85
flight hazards 25, 28, 29, 54, 81, 83
flight pattern 24, 28, 29, 53, 58, 81, 87, 88-90
application record 27
back and forth 88-89
racetrack 88, 89
Flight Standards District Office 28, 101
flow meters, valves, and pressure gauges 48-49
flow volume 66-67
flow volume controllers 49, 53, 54
FSDO 28, 101
fuel and oil check, preflight 22
gallons per minute, determining 67-70
general standards for certified commercial
applicators 11
general types of pesticides 11
general-use pesticide 11, 13
generator, smoke 40
global positioning system 52, 53, 54, 108
differential 52, 53, 54, 108
GPS 52, 53, 54, 108
antenna 53
light bar 53
systems 53
granule 57-60
applying 57-60
calibrating applicators for 69, 75-78
spreader 57-60
ground crew
checklist 86
emergencies 28-29
member 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30,
43, 56, 60, 82, 84-86
onsite, importance of during an application 84-86
ground equipment 17, 22, 23
habits, employee 19, 21-22
handler, pesticide 19, 20-22, 26, 29, 65
harvested crops, residues on 64
hazards, flight 25, 28, 29, 54, 81, 83, 87-88
hazards, health 11, 12, 17, 19, 20, 26, 27, 30, 84
health, human 20, 64
heat and heat stress 20, 21, 22, 113
height, application 22, 24, 28, 38, 40, 65, 68, 75,
87, 90
hollow-cone pattern nozzles 49, 50, 51-52
hopper, pesticide 43, 45-46, 58-60, 64, 75
human exposure, preventing 29
human flagger 29, 40, 53, 85
human health concerns 20, 64
humidity 28, 37-38, 54, 68, 92
effect on granule flow 75
pesticide label restrictions 84
hydraulic agitation 46, 52
illness, heat-related 20, 21, 22, 113
importance of onsite ground crew during an
application 84-86
interior baffles 45
inversion, temperature 34, 37, 38-39, 40, 84, 92
label and labeling
comprehension 11
conflict with 27
instructions 10, 11, 12, 13, 24, 25-26, 29, 30, 36,
43, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 75, 83, 84, 86
pesticide 12-13, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25-26, 29, 36, 63,
64, 65, 68, 69, 75, 83, 84, 86
precautionary statement 13, 29
laws and regulations 9-12
local 10
leaching 33
length, spray boom 24-25, 39, 49, 55
light bar, GPS 53
limitations, personal, pilot 24-25
line screens 46, 49, 56
liquid dispersal system components 43-54
liquid spraying equipment, calibrating 65-75
local laws and regulations 10
local weather conditions 25, 82, 90
low volume 45, 47, 49
LV 49, 50
making an aerial pesticide application 81-94
malfunction, application equipment 23, 29, 48, 49
maneuvers, emergency 23, 24
as-applied 28, 54
endangered species area protection 12
mapping systems 52, 53, 54
mechanical agitation 46
Medical Certificate, Class II 10
medications, over-the-counter and prescription 21
mesh 46, 51
micron 34, 35, 36
minimizing off-target drift 39-40
mixing equipment, types of 12
NAAA 13, 93-94
National Aerial Pesticide Applicator Pilot
Certification Examination 1
National Agricultural Aviation Association 13,
National Coalition on Drift Minimization 34
National Weather Service 38
negative pressure, system 46, 47
non-target organism 10, 11, 19, 21, 22, 24
notification and posting requirements 26
notification requirements 26
anti-drip device 45, 52
classification by droplet spectra 35-37
orientation 24, 28, 35, 39-40
hollow-cone pattern 49, 50, 51-52
orifice size, changing 46, 57, 75
positioning 48, 54-60
rotary atomizer 50, 51
screen 46
straight stream 49, 50
variable flow rate 49, 50
variable orifice flood 49, 50, 51
wind shear 39, 51, 57, 75
obstructions, avoiding during application 83,
87–88, 89
drift, minimizing 33-40, 75, 81, 86, 87
pesticide drift, preventing 13, 24, 33-40, 75,
81-86, 87
pesticide movement 27, 29, 34, 40, 68, 87, 90
onsite ground crew, importance of during an
application 84-86
operating pressure, spraying system 24, 28, 36, 39,
40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57
Operation S.A.F.E. 93-94
operation, agricultural aircraft 101-104
operator, aerial pest control 1, 9-13, 25
laws and regulations for 9-13
changing 75
rate, spray 76
sprayer, changing 71
volume, spray 115
overcompensation, prop wash 55
overspray, drift, and other misapplication 29-30
over-the-counter and prescription medications 21
pattern testing a spray boom 54, 55-57, 68
pattern, application
back and forth 88-89
racetrack 88-89
per acre application volume, determining 69-70
personal limitations, pilot 24-25
personal protective equipment 20, 21, 22, 26, 30
pest control operator, aerial 1, 9-13, 25
laws and regulations for 9-13
amount to put into the tank, determining 64, 69-71
applicator certification 1, 2, 10-12, 27
applicator pilot, aerial 1, 9
drift 12, 13, 20, 23, 24, 25, 29, 33-40
environmental fate 11
exposure routes 11, 20
general types of 11
handler 19, 20-22, 26, 29, 65
label 12-13, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25-26, 29, 36, 63, 64,
65, 68, 69, 75, 83, 84, 86
label directions 24
label restrictions, understanding 25-27
laws and regulations 9-13
poisoning symptoms 11
regulatory agency 1, 10, 11, 13, 21, 22, 39, 63
regulatory agency contact information 98
restricted-use 1, 11, 13, 27
spill, steps to follow when cleaning up 20, 107
tanks and hoppers 45
toxicity 11
uses, selective 10
aerial pesticide applicator 1, 9
checklist 85
in command 10, 101
qualifications and limitations 24-25
pipes, hoses, and fittings 46-47
piping 46, 47
planning for emergencies 28-30
plans in case of aircraft crash 29
poison, economic 10
positioning booms and nozzles 48, 54-57
positive shut-off valve 24, 47, 52
post-application volatilization 33, 34
posting requirements 26
PPE 20, 21, 22, 26, 30
preflight fuel and oil check 22
pressure gauge 48, 49
system operating 24, 28, 36, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46,
47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57
system, negative 46, 47
dehydration and heat related illness 22
human exposure 29
off-target pesticide drift 13, 24, 33-40, 75, 81, 86, 87
for diluting pesticide concentrates 12
Professional Aerial Applicator’s Support System 13
prop wash 54, 55
displacement 54
overcompensation 55
protective clothing and equipment 20, 21, 22, 26, 30
centrifugal 45, 46
fan-driven 44, 45, 51, 66
qualifications and limitations, pilot 24-25
racetrack application pattern 88-89
rainfall or irrigation water 34
ram-air spreader 58-60
reasons for calibration 64, 65
record keeping 27-28
registration number, EPA 27
regulations, federal aviation 10
regulatory requirements 9-11
for certification, EPA 10-12
personal protective equipment 26
regulatory 9
residues on harvested crops 64
resolving conflicts 27
response plan, emergency 28-30
rest break 23
restricted-use pesticide 1, 11, 13, 27
review question answers 97
rotary atomizer 50, 51
distortion 55
vortex 25, 39, 55
routes of exposure, pesticide 11, 20
RUP 1, 11, 13, 27
S.A.F.E. 93-94
safety hazards 11, 12, 17, 19, 20, 26, 27, 30, 84
safety program, well-developed 19
scouting the target site 22, 25, 30
screen, nozzle 46
facilities, storage areas, and surrounding
property 17-19
pesticide application aircraft, vehicles,
and equipment 17-19
security, aerial application operation 17-19
selective pesticide uses 10
Self Regulating Application and Flight Efficiency 93
sensitive area, environmental 25, 26
service container 10
viscosity 36, 37
air 39, 40, 51, 57, 75
shut-off valve, positive 24, 47, 52
smoke generator 40
soil contamination, reason for calibration 65
SOP 30
spectra, droplet, nozzle classification by 35-37
application 24, 27, 28, 39-40, 43, 44, 47-51, 54,
57, 64, 65-69, 71, 75, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92
application, changing 71, 75
cleaning up 107
cleanup kit 28, 29, 107
boom 47-48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54-56
boom length 24-25, 39, 49, 55
boom pattern testing 54, 55-57, 68
nozzle classification by droplet spectra 13, 35,
36, 37, 38, 39
output volume 53, 54, 57, 65, 66, 67-71, 75
pump, centrifugal 45, 46
pump, fan-driven 44, 45, 51, 66
tank vent 45
tank volume 69
volume and dilution restrictions 13
sprayer output, changing 71
spraying system operating pressure 7, 36, 57
mounting 59-60
dry material 57-60
granule 58-60
ram-air 58-60
vanes 58-59
standard droplet size categories 24, 28, 36, 39, 40,
44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57
standard operating procedures 30
standard S-572.1, ASABE 36-37
staying alert 22
steps to follow in cleaning up a pesticide spill 107
storage areas, securing 18
straight stream nozzle 50
suck-back 40, 43, 46, 47, 52
surface tension, dynamic 36, 37
application 28, 40, 45, 51, 53, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
65, 66, 67-68, 70, 75, 76-77
width, effective 55, 56, 57, 60, 66, 67-68, 69, 76, 87
symptoms of pesticide poisoning 11
synergism 11
agitation 46
capacity 65-66, 70
pesticide 45-46
vent 45
volume 69
target site, scouting 22, 25, 30
technique, application 12, 40
temperature inversion 34, 37, 38-39, 40, 84, 92
toxicity, pesticide 11
handler 20-21
turnaround, application pattern 89-90
types of application and mixing equipment 12, 44-60
U.S. Department of Homeland Security 19
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 10-13, 19
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration 10
ultra low volume 45, 49, 50
ULV 45, 49, 50
unauthorized access 11, 17, 18, 19, 21, 31, 84
pesticide label restrictions 25-26
the work order 23-25
using the GPS light bar 53
valve, positive shut-off 24, 47, 52
vanes, spreader 58-59
variable flow rate flat fan nozzle 50-51
variable orifice flood nozzle 51
vent, spray tank 45
viscosity, extensional 36
viscosity, shear 37
VMD 35, 36
volatilization, post-application 33, 34
application 45, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 63, 64, 65, 66,
69, 71, 75, 87
spray tank 69
volume median diameter 35, 36
rotor 25, 39, 55
wing tip 25, 39, 48, 54, 55
conditions, local 25, 82, 90
factors 24
well-developed safety program 19
what to watch for during an application 83-86
why you need to calibrate equipment 64-65
wind shear on nozzles 39, 40, 51, 57, 75
wingtip and rotor vortex 54, 55
work crews 25
work order, understanding 23
Worker Protection Standard (WPS) 12, 20, 26