White Paper
© 2023 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
Disaster Recovery
Deployment Guide
© 2023 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
White Paper
1 Introduction 3
1.1 About Disaster Recovery 4
2 Disaster Recovery Prerequisites and Considerations 4
2.1 Platform Prerequisites 5
2.2 Unavailable Features during Disaster Recovery 5
3 Zscaler Disaster Recovery Architecture 6
3.1 Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) 7
3.2 Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) 7
4 Planning 8
4.1 ZPA DR Infrastructure Capacity 9
4.1.1 App Connector Capacity Planning 9
4.1.2 ZPA Private Service Edge Capacity Planning 9
5 Disaster Recovery Conguration 10
5.1 DNS Conguration 11
5.2 ZIA Conguration 12
5.3 ZPA Conguration 14
5.3.1 ZCC Portal Conguration 14
5.3.2 ZPA Portal Conguration 14
6 Testing 16
7 Deactivating Disaster Recovery 18
8 User Experience during Disaster Recovery 19
8.1.1 ZIA Users 19
8.1.2 ZPA Users 20
White Paper
© 2023 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
This guide provides an overview of
the Zscaler Disaster Recovery (DR)
functionality, considerations for activation,
feature constraints, and includes detailed
step-by-step conguration activities
needed to congure, activate, test, and
recover from a incident. In addition, the
document provides links to relevant help
articles, which provide additional detail
and conguration options.
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White Paper 4
About Disaster Recovery
The Zscaler Cloud oers exibility, scalability, and security for users accessing applications from anywhere
through a robust cloud infrastructure with regional redundancy, core infrastructure standbys, operational
drills, and procedure planning. Zscaler has a long history of near-perfect uptime backed by best-in-class
service-level agreements. However, a resilient solution must operate under black swan events where the
cloud is not accessible due to natural disasters, technical failures, and human error.
With Zscaler DR, organizations can quickly restore access to Mission Critical Applications, even in events
when the Zscaler Cloud is not available. The customer can initiate DR mode according to its Business
Continuity plan to ensure current users continue accessing essential business applications. Once the event
is over, the customer can restore the regular operation of
the platform.
Disaster Recovery Prerequisites and Considerations
The underlying assumption during Disaster Recovery mode is that even though the Zscaler Cloud is not
available, the customer’s underlying infrastructure services remain operational. However, DR prerequisites,
congurations, and infrastructure components must be in place before a Disaster Event. In addition,
features and protections that rely on communication with the Zscaler Cloud services will be disabled
tenant-wide while DR mode remains active and selectively during DR test mode.
DR for ZPA applications is enabled at the Application Segment Level. Zscaler recommends moving non-
mission critical or risky applications under DR to new application segments.
Disaster Recovery has three operation modes:
O: Normal operations, ZPA Private Service Edge (PSE), App Connectors, and Zscaler Client Connector
(ZCC) operate in cloud mode.
On: DR Mode active. Only currently enrolled and authenticated users can access mission critical
applications within application segments marked for DR through App Connectors and PSEs
congured for DR.
Test: Test Mode, used for testing DR Mode by applying DR to a group of users.
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White Paper 5
Platform Prerequisites
The prerequisites listed below are known to be applicable at the time of publication. For the latest
information, review the “Understanding Disaster Recovery” article.
Platform prerequisites
Item Description
DNS Records Ability to create a separate domain, TXT, and A DNS record for disaster recovery.
ZCC Versions Windows 4.0 and above.
MacOS and above.
ZCC prerequisites
Network Connectivity End User devices must be able to reach DNS to resolve the Disaster Recovery domain.
ZCC must be able to access the Zscaler-provider global database allow list.
ZCC must be able to reach the ZPA Private Service Edges.
ZIA prerequisites
Custom PAC File The Custom PAC le must be reachable by HTTP or HTTPS when the ZIA service is unavailable.
ZPA prerequisites
PSE and App Connector Use the latest ZPA PSE and App Connector release.
DNS Records DNS A records congured with the public IP of PSES enabled for DR.
Data Residency Data Residency requirements should be documented and considered during DR Planning
Table 1 Disaster Recovery prerequisites
Unavailable Platform Features
Feature Description
Authentication and enrollment Only devices enrolled and authenticated users will be able to use ZIA, and ZPA
Reauthentication Users who log out of ZCC will not be able to reauthenticate until DR Mode is disabled.
The Zscaler SAML assertion validity is extended by 14 days(congurable in the ZPA UI) from
the date the SAML assertion was issued when DR is activated.
Conguration Changes Conguration changes (App Proles, Policies, Zscaler hosted PAC les) will not be available.
Log Streaming Service Logging during DR is unavailable at the time; engage with Zscaler Professional Services for
additional information.
Source IP Anchoring
Applications (SIPA)
SIPA applications are not available during DR at this time **
Data Protection DLP, Filetype Control, Firewall, Sandbox, SSL Inspection, and Threat Protection are disabled
Unavailable ZIA Capabilities during DR Mode
ZIA Policies Global Trac Forwarding Action applies (Send Trac, Disable Trac, Predened-Trac)
Unavailable Features during Disaster Recovery
The following information was current at the time of publication, for the latest information, review the
article named “Understanding Disaster Recovery.
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White Paper 6
Unavailable Platform Features
Web Security Malware Protection, Advanced Threat Protection, Secure Browsing
Web Access Control URL & Cloud App Control, Bandwidth Control
Firewall Filtering DNS, FTP, IPS, and Forwarding Control
Unavailable ZPA Capabilities during DR Mode
ZPA Policies ZPA Policies are unavailable during DR Mode.
Portals and Browser Access Privileged Remote Access Portal, User Portals, Browser Access are unavailable.
Connector Management Branch and Cloud Connectors are unavailable during DR.
App Connector and PSE
The infrastructure necessary to support users during DR must be deployed and online before
the DR Event.
Machine Tunnels Users without authenticated cached credentials and a network path to authentication
infrastructure may be unable to login
Table 2 Unavailable Features during DR Mode
** SIPA is available under specic congurations. SIPA Applications within a DR-enabled App Segment, App Connector, and PSE may be available
during DR. The customer is encouraged to test their SIPA deployment using DR Test Mode. For additional information, please contact the
Professional Services team.
Zscaler Disaster Recovery Architecture
Zscaler DR features aim to enable existing authenticated users and network-level access to mission critical
applications identied in the customer’s Business Continuity Plan. Mission critical Applications are those
essential applications of suites of applications required by the business to operate eectively.
The underlying assumption for DR mode is that the Zscaler cloud is unavailable. Therefore, Zscaler utilizes
DNS as an external service to initiate DR Mode. As such, the customer must register a domain name for
disaster recovery and create a set of DNS A and specic TXT records. To simplify the creation of the DNS
TXT records, Zscaler provides the Zscaler Record Generation tool. Review the DNS Conguration Section
for details.
Client Connector
Business as Usual
Hosted in Data
Center or Public Cloud
& SaaS
Zero Trust
Zero Trust
DR Private
Service Edge
Client Connector
Disaster Recovery (DR) Mode
& SaaS
DR activated via
special DNS record
Internet & SaaS (ZIA)
Client Connector
allows internet access
to whitelisted
for cyber or data
Private App Access (ZPA)
Client Connector redirects
No new user authentication
In Oce User
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White Paper 7
Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA)
ZIA utilizes ZCC to protect web users’ trac by
forwarding user trac to the Zscaler service
ensuring that access policies are enforced. In
addition to protecting users during normal
operation, ZCC downloads the Zscaler pre-
dened global allow list** every 24 hours. It also
queries the DNS service periodically to determine
if DR mode is activated. When ZCC detects
that DR is activated, it displays a “Safe Mode”
notication popup, adds “Safe Mode” to the ZCC
GUI, and creates notication log entries indicating
that Internet Security Safe Mode has started.
ZIA DR provides three dierent trac forwarding
actions congured through App Proles within
the ZCC Portal. Zscaler recommends using
the Allow Trac to pre-selected destinations
trac action to continue providing internet
access to whitelisted and known destinations.
Review the ZIA Conguration section for details.
Alternatively, customers can bypass all internet
trac through direct internet access or disable
access altogether, depending on the company’s
risk tolerance. Review the article “About Disaster
Recovery” for details on the three
forwarding actions.
NOTE: Zscaler recommends reviewing all explicit
bypass policies and mission critical destinations
against the Zscaler pre-dened allow list. Add
any missing locations to the Custom PAC le;
otherwise, users won’t get access to applications
with DR Mode activated.
Zscaler Private Access (ZPA)
ZPA DR modes leverage the existing ZPA
Infrastructure (App Connectors and ZPA Private
Service Edges) to provide network-level access
to mission critical applications and uses DNS to
activate and deactivate DR Mode.
The ZPA Private Service Edge (PSE) manages
connections between ZCC and App Connectors.
During regular operation, the PSE and App
Connectors download the relevant congurations
from the ZPA Cloud. The App Connectors, in
turn, provide the secure authenticated interface
between a customer’s servers and the ZPA cloud
and are usually co-located as close as possible
to the enterprise applications. For a detailed
description of PSEs and App Connectors, review
the “About ZPA Private Service Edges” and
About App Connectors” help articles at https://
The ZPA components query DNS periodically to
determine if DR mode is active by the contents
of the TXT record. Once DR is activated, the
following actions occur:
The Zscaler SAML assertion validity is extended
by 14 days to prevent users from losing access
to DR applications when they reach a timeout.
The value can be congured in Disaster
Recovery Settings in the ZPA Admin Portal
App Connectors and PSEs enabled for DR will
reboot to enter DR mode.
ZCC will resolve the disaster recovery domain
A record and connect to the PSE behind the
resolved IP.
ZCC downloads the DR apps listed in the local
conguration le of the PSE.
ZCC forwards the mtunnels for the DR Apps to
the PSE to provide network-level access to
the applications.
Review the ZPA Disaster Recovery Conguration
section for conguration details for the ZCC
Portal, App Connectors, and PSE.
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White Paper 8
Enabling Disaster Recovery has several
implications for business operations depending on
enabled product features. Therefore, the decision
criteria for activation must be documented and
integrated into customers’ existing Business
Continuity Plan. Consider the following factors
when creating the plan.
Application Selection. DR is enabled at
the Application Segment level. To control
mission critical applications for DR only,
Zscaler recommends creating new application
segments with only the desired applications.
Non-mission critical applications should not be
part of the group.
Situation assessment. Ensure the situation
is classied as a disaster, based on business
impact (users/locations impacted, loss of
productivity), restoration times, and impact
of operating under reduced risk controls
(unavailable features).
Customers should utilize Zscaler’s Trust
Center as a data point to determine if a
DR event should be activated. Trust Center
provides the status of Zscaler’s Cloud Services,
including maintenance schedules, incidents,
and advisories.
Restoration time. Consider the expected
resolution time for the outage versus the
business risk of not activating Disaster Recovery.
Disaster Recovery activation/restoration
has a dependency on DNS propagation
time. Consider the result of DR Activation /
Restoration tests in the decision process.
Communication plan. Ensure a clear
communication plan outlines how the
information will be shared with all relevant
stakeholders, including employees, customers,
vendors, and partners. The communication plan
should dene what applications will continue to
be operational during Disaster Recovery.
Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) and
Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs). Validate
that the recovery time and data loss objectives
specied in the disaster recovery plan are
relevant, contain steps that include Zscaler
services, and are achievable given the specic
circumstances of the event.
Resource availability. Ensure access to the
necessary resources such as networking
team, DNS administration, Networking, and
Applications to activate and execute the disaster
recovery plan.
Data Residency requirements. DR-enabled
PSEs should meet data requirements during DR,
adjust the infrastructure, or document the risk
as required.
Each organization may have additional decision
criteria for activating a Disaster Recovery
Plan. Zscaler recommends engaging with the
appropriate teams to incorporate the Zscaler
infrastructure and DR activities.
During the instantiation of DR mode, the user may become briey disconnected from their applications.
When DR is fully operational, users can only use mission critical applications enabled for DR.
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White Paper 9
ZPA DR Infrastructure Capacity
ZPA DR Mode relies on PSEs and App Connectors to provide network-level access to mission critical
applications during a DR event. During normal operations, PSEs and App Connectors can be added to
the ZPA Service Groups anytime. Deploy enough App Connectors and PSEs capable of handling capacity
during a DR Event before the event. Adding additional devices for scale during DR Mode is not possible.
DR devices must be online before activating DR.
App Connector Capacity Planning
App Connectors provide the secure authenticated interface between a customer’s applications and the ZPA
cloud and are usually co-located with the enterprise applications with connectivity to the PSE. Review the
document “About App Connectors.” for the latest information. The number of App Connectors required
is based on the aggregate throughput and the number of applications enabled for the Double Encryption
feature. For a detailed understanding of throughput, please review the “Understanding App Connector
Throughput” article.
At the time of publication, the following were the recommended sizing requirements for most platforms.
For the latest information, review the article “App Connector Deployment Prerequisites” and the
appropriate deployment guide for your platform located at https://help.zscaler.com/zpa/app-connector-
Spec Recommended Value
Memory 8 GB of RAM
CPU 2 CPU cores(Xeon E5 class) for physical machines without hyperthreading
4 CPU for virtual machines with hyperthreading
Disk Space 16 GB thin provisioned
Network Cards 2 NICs congured in a bonded pair
Max Aggregate throughput 500 Mbps per App Connector
Table 6 App Connector Recommended Specications
Zscaler recommends deploying a larger quantity of App Connectors with lower specications rather than
fewer App Connectors with higher specications to scale horizontally in an N+1 conguration where N is
the number of App Connectors required per the sizing requirements. DR mode does not require dedicated
infrastructure for operation if the infrastructure is properly sized to include both DR and DR Testing events,
refer to the DR testing section for additional details.
ZPA Private Service Edge Capacity Planning
The quantity of PSEs used in an environment is determined by throughput and number of users
connecting to ZPA. The following specications were accurate at the time of publication, please reference
the help article “ZPA Private Service Edge Deployment Prerequisites” for the latest information. Platform-
specic deployment guides can be found in the “Private Service Edge Deployment Guides for Supported
Platforms” article.
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White Paper 10
For a comprehensive guide on deploying ZPA Private Service Edges review the “Private Service Edge
Management” section at https://help.zscaler.com/zpa/private-service-edge-management.
Spec Recommended Value
Memory 8 GB of RAM for up to 2,000 connected users. Add 1 GB for every additional 1,000 active
connected users
CPU 4 CPU cores(Xeon E5 class) for physical machines without hyperthreading
4 CPU for virtual machines with hyperthreading
Disk Space 16 GB thin provisioned
Network Cards 2 NICs congured in a bonded pair
Max Aggregate throughput 500 Mbps per App Connector
Table 7 PSE Recommended Specications
ZPA Private Service Edges are designed to scale elastically. To support the total throughput required for DR
Mode,add additional ZPA Private Service Edges to the appropriate ZPA Private Service Edge group using
the corresponding Provisioning Key. Zscaler recommends deploying ZPA Private Service Edges in pairs
(N+1), where N is the number of ZPA Private Service Edges as per the sizing requirements. DR mode does
not require dedicated infrastructure for operation if the infrastructure is sized properly to include additional
capacity for both DR and DR Testing events; refer to the DR Testing section for additional details.
NOTE: Plan for Scalability. App Connectors and PSEs capable of scaling to support user and application
capacity during a DR event must be completed prior to the DR event. Adding additional devices during DR
Mode is not possible. DR devices must be online before activating DR.
Disaster Recovery Conguration
Perform DR conguration after identifying mission critical applications and site destinations, assessing App
Connector and PSE Capacity, reviewing considerations with the company’s DR and Security Teams, and
deploying any required additional infrastructure.
This section covers Zscaler ‘s recommended settings and provides an overview of the conguration. For
detailed conguration, review the ZIA Disaster Recovery article at https://help.zscaler.com.
The high-level steps for DR conguration are listed below:
1. Conguration of DNS disaster recovery domain and DNS TXT records.
2. Enabling DR features for ZPA and ZIA for each App Prole in the ZCC portal.
3. Conguration Trac Forwarding Actions for ZIA.
4. Enabling DR for mission critical Application Segments, App Connectors, and PSEs.
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White Paper 11
DNS Conguration
Disaster Recovery Mode is controlled by the disaster recovery domain DNS TXT record tags. DR can be
triggered upon uploading the TXT record or scheduled using the start and end time parameters.
The DNS TXT records follow a format analogous to the Domain Key Identied Mail (DKIM) format. For a
comprehensive description of the various parameters and tags available, review the article “Creating DNS
TXT Records.” Zscaler recommends using signed DNS TXT records; unsigned DNS TXT records for DR
operations due to the additional controls required. Unsigned DNS TXT records are also available.
Although the DNS TXT records can be created manually, Zscaler recommends using the Zscaler DNS
Record Generator tool to ensure proper syntax and sign the records. At the time of publication, the tool is
only supported for Windows OS Devices and must be run as an administrator. For the latest information
and installation details, review the article “About the Zscaler DNS Record Generator.”
1. Select and register a Disaster Recovery Domain. Choose or create a new domain dedicated to DR.
The same domain name can be used for ZIA and ZPA and will be entered in the ZCC and ZPA
Admin portals.
2. Download the Zscaler DNS Record Generation tool. In the ZPA Admin Portal, navigate to
Administration -> Settings -> Disaster Recovery and click the download icon
3. Install the Zscaler DNS Record Generation tool. Use this tool to create the DNS TXT records and the
signature Disaster Recovery Key Pairs.
4. Create key pairs. If keypairs have not been created, use the Zscaler Record Generator tool to create
keypairs and store them according to the company’s security policy.
5. Generate Signed DNS TXT Records. Create the signed DNS TXT Records with the following settings:
Generator Tool Prompt Value Notes
Signed DNS records? Yes Zscaler recommends only using signed records to perform
DR operations.
Create a key pair? Yes The Zscaler tool will generate a 2048-bit RSA key pair necessary
for signing operations, les are saved in the /Files folder within the
install directory named: dr_privatekey.pem and dr_publickey.pem
Care must be taken to secure the private key according to company
Disaster Recovery needs to be
congured for ZIA?
Yes If activating DR for ZIA, otherwise set No
Overwrite ZCC Portal
No Zscaler recommends using the Pre-dened Destinations option that
is only congured in ZCC Portal
© 2023 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved.
White Paper 12
Generator Tool Prompt Value Notes
Disaster Recovery needs to be
congured for ZPA
Yes If activating DR for ZPA, otherwise set to No
Set the disaster recovery status
for the disaster
recovery domain;
On Enable DR Mode, other options are O to deactivate Disaster
Recovery and Test to activate DR Test Mode
Do you want to start disaster
recovery now?
Yes Setting the value to Yes will activate DR mode once the DNS TXT
record is uploaded and DNS propagates.
To schedule, DR activation set the value to No and enter the date
of the activation in yyyy-mm-dd format and time in UTC using the
hh-mm-ss format
Default disaster recovery
activation ? (runtime = 7 days)
Yes By default DR remains active for 7 days from the start time.
To schedule an end time
Default disaster recovery
activation? (custom duration)
No Enter the date for deactivation in yyyy-mm-dd format and time in
UTC using the hh-mm-ss format
Table 8 Zscaler DNS Record Generator Tool values for initial conguration
6. DNS TXT Records. The DNS TXT records will be stored in the /Files folder within the Zscaler Record
Generator Tool program folder. Uploading the DNS TXT record to DNS will perform the action
congured in the tool.
7. ZPA DNS A Records. DR-enabled PSEs must be publicly accessible and reachable by the ZCC.
Each publicly accessible DR-enabled PSEs, requires a DNS A record created within the customer
environment. During Disaster Recovery mode, ZCC relies on DNS resolution to determine which PSE it
will connect. Refer to the customer’s DNS provider to determine how to implement Global Server Load
Balancing if PSE selection by round-robin is unsuitable for deployment.
ZIA Conguration
DR mode for ZIA allows enrolled users to continue accessing internet applications when the ZIA service is
not available, based on the Trac Forwarding Action. Congure the Trac Forwarding Action in the App
Proles section within the ZCC Portal:
1. In the ZIA Admin Portal, go to Policy -> Zscaler Client Connector Portal
2. Click App Proles
3. For each supported platform (Windows and macOS), edit an existing policy or create a new
one as applicable.
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White Paper 13
4. Scroll down to the ZIA Disaster Recovery Section and toggle Disaster Recovery service
5. Congure ZIA Disaster Recovery Settings
Setting Input Description
Activation Domain Name Enter the disaster recovery domain name
Domain Public Key Upload the dr_publickey.pem le created with the Zscaler Record Generator Tool. This key is
used to validate the DNS TXT records
Disaster Recovery Trac Action Zscaler Recommends using the Pre-Selected Destinations option along with Use Zscaler Pre-
Selected Destinations and Use Custom Destinations.
The Zscaler Pre-Selected Destination list contains whitelisted URLs; review the article “About
Disaster Recovery” for the current list location.
Enter the URL (including the http or https prex) for a custom PAC le not hosted in Zscaler.
The Custom PAC le should include three types of domains:
External mission critical domains not included in the Global Allow list.
All the bypassed domains not contained in Zscaler’s pre-selected destination list.
Domains included in Zscaler’s Global Allow list that the customer wishes to explicitly block
For custom PAC le examples, review the Trac Forwarding Section in the document titled
About Disaster Recovery at https://help.zscaler.com.
The Send Trac option bypasses ZCC, allowing the user access to any destination through
direct internet access. Disable Internet Trac will cause all trac to drop at the endpoint,
preventing internet access to ZCC users.
Part of ZIA Disaster Recovery
Test Group
Zscaler recommends having at least one prole per platform designated as a DR Test Group
with a corresponding group of test users.
Table 9 ZCC App Proles Policy ZIA DR Settings
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White Paper 14
ZPA Conguration
ZPA DR mode allows enrolled and authenticated users to have network-level access to mission critical
applications enabled for DR via ZCC, when the ZPA service is not accessible. Unlike ZIA, ZPA DR is
congured using both the ZCC and the ZPA Admin Portal.
ZCC Portal Conguration
1. In the ZPA Admin Portal, navigate to the Zscaler Client Connector Portal
2. Click App Proles
3. For each supported platform (Windows and macOS), edit an existing policy or create a new
one as applicable.
4. Scroll to the ZPA Disaster Recovery section and toggle Disaster Recovery service
5. Congure the ZPA Disaster Recovery settings using the table below.
Settings Status
Activation Domain Name Enter the disaster recovery domain name
Domain Public Key Upload the dr_publickey.pem le created with the Zscaler Record Generator Tool.
This key is used to validate the DNS TXT records
Part of ZPA Disaster Recovery
Test Group
Zscaler recommends having at least one prole per platform designated as a DR Test Group
with a corresponding group of test users.
Table 10 ZCC App Prole ZPA DR Settings
1. Open the portal and navigate the conguration page by clicking to Administration -> Settings
->Disaster recovery -> Settings
ZPA Portal Conguration
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White Paper 15
Settings Status
Max Age for Authentication This is the set amount of time that the current end-user authentication is valid for during
Disaster Recovery Mode. The default maximum age for authentication is 14 days.
Disaster Recovery Public Key Upload the dr_publickey.pem le created with the Zscaler Record Generator Tool. This key is
used to authenticate the DNS TXT records
Disaster Recovery Domain Name Enter the disaster recovery domain name
Table 11 ZPA Disaster Recovery
2. Congure the ZPA Disaster Recovery Settings using the details in the table below.
3. Go to Administration -> Application Management -> Application Segments
4. Edit the application segment(s) that include the mission-critical applications.
5. Within the Edit Application Segment Screen, click Next to get to General Information
6. Set Disaster Recovery to Enabled and click Save
7. Go to Administration -> App Connector Management -> App Connector Groups
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White Paper 16
8. Edit the App Connector Groups that serve the mission critical applications by setting
Disaster Recovery to Enabled
9. Click Save.
10. Go to Administration -> Service Edge Management -> Service Edge Groups.
11. Edit the existing Service Edge Groups or create new Service Edge Groups as applicable.
12. Set Disaster Recovery to Enabled.
13. Navigate to Administration-> Service Edge Management -> Service Edges
14. Record the public IP addresses of the PSEs that are members of the DR Enabled Service Edge Groups.
15. Validate there are DNS A records congured in the Disaster Recovery domain resolving to the public IP
address of each PSE enabled for DR.
Zscaler recommends testing Disaster Recovery as part of the initial conguration. Periodic DR testing
should be done at least twice a year as part of the organizations existing DR Test Schedule. ZIA DR
Trac Forwarding conditions and may report problems accessing locations blocked or not allowed during
DR testing.
For ZIA, only users assigned to App Proles marked as Part of DR Testing Group will operate using the DR
trac forwarding mode.
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White Paper 17
ZPA Regular Users under Test Mode
Activating Test Mode will disconnect all users connected to the PSEs and App Connectors enabled for
DR Testing. Additional PSEs and App Connectors not enabled for DR test mode must be available to
allow regular users to continue accessing applications during the test. Otherwise, any application serviced
through the DR PSEs and DR App Connectors will remain inaccessible to non-test users during the test.
ZPA Users in Test Mode
In the case of ZPA, users connecting to Application Segments, App Connectors, and PSEs marked as Part
of the DR Test Group will be able to access applications congured for DR. Applications not marked for DR
will be inaccessible during the test.
Environments must be sized and segmented appropriately for both regular cloud application access and DR
testing to avoid creating a business disruption.
Enable DR Test mode through the following process:
1. Create a DNS TXT record using the Zscaler Record Generator Tool
Generator Tool Prompt Value Notes
Signed DNS records? Yes Zscaler recommends using signed DNS records when
performing DR operations.
Create key pairs? No Copy the dr_privatekey.pem le /Program Files/Zscaler Record
Disaster Recovery needs to be
congured for ZIA?
Yes If activating DR test mode for ZIA, otherwise set No
Overwrite ZCC Portal
No Zscaler recommends using the Pre-dened Destinations option that
is only congured in ZCC Portal
Disaster Recovery needs to be
congured for ZPA
Yes If activating DR test mode for ZPA, otherwise set to No
Set the disaster recovery
status for the disaster recovery
Test Only App Proles, App Segments, App Connectors and PSEs
marked as Part of DR Test Groups will enter DR Mode.
Do you want to start disaster
recovery now?
No Enter the activation date in yyyy-mm-dd format and time in UTC
using the hh-mm-ss format
Default disaster recovery
No Enter the deactivation date in yyyy-mm-dd format and time in UTC
using the hh-mm-ss format
Table 12 Zscaler DNS Record Generator Settings for test mode
2. Upload the DNS TXT records to the DNS server for the disaster recovery domain name to activate
Disaster Recovery Test Mode
3. Upon DNS propagation, DR mode will be activated for users and groups congured within App
Proles enabled for both Disaster Recovery and marked as Part of ZIA / ZPA Disaster Recovery
Test Group.
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4. Test users should validate that access to the Mission Critical Applications (ZPA validation) and internet
sites (ZIA) can be achieved. The results of each tested application and site should be documented for
audit (pass/fail) and reviewed for changes from previous tests.
5. Instruct test users to try to access non-mission Critical Applications and sites blocked through custom
allow lists or not included within Zscaler’s predened Global Allow list and record the results of
each test.
6. Failed tests should be remediated by validating existing DR congurations. Modify congurations and
conduct additional tests until achieving the expected results.
7. Once testing is complete, create a new DNS TXT Record with a Disaster Recovery Mode (b) tag set
to o
NOTE: During DR Test Mode, any PSE and App Connector marked for participation in DR Test Group
will reboot, causing all users connected to that PSE and App Connectors to lose connectivity to the
applications serviced by those components until they reconnect to non-DR marked App Connectors and
PSEs as applicable.
Deactivating Disaster Recovery
DR mode will deactivate once the current time exceeds the end time included in the DNS TXT Record. To
deactivate DR before that time, create a new DNS TXT record using the Zscaler Record Generation Time
with the following settings.
Generator Tool Prompt Value Notes
Signed DNS records? Yes Zscaler recommends only using signed records to perform
DR operations.
Create key pairs? No Copy the dr_privatekey.pem le /Program Files/Zscaler Record
Disaster Recovery needs to be
congured for ZIA?
Yes If deactivating DR test mode for ZIA, otherwise set No
Overwrite ZCC Portal
No Zscaler recommends using the Pre-dened Destinations option that
is only congured in ZCC Portal
Disaster Recovery needs to be
congured for ZPA
O If deactivating DR test mode for ZPA, otherwise set to No
Set the disaster recovery
status for the disaster recovery
Test Deactivates DR Mode
Do you want to start disaster
recovery now?
Yes Deactivation will take place upon uploading the DNS TXT record
Default disaster recovery
Ignore Value is not required
Table 13 DNS settings for Test Mode DNS TXT Records
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User Experience during Disaster Recovery
Once DNS TXT records are uploaded ZCC, App Connectors and PSEs will detect activation and enter
DR Mode. The user experience is as follows:
ZIA Users
Users may experience an interruption if browsing the internet
The Internet Security Section within ZCC will display “Safe Mode” in the Service Status section
Log entries will be created within the Notications Section of ZCC
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Users may see an HTTP 403 error for blocked destinations.
ZPA Users
Once App Connectors and PSEs detect DR mode activated, they will reboot, dropping all connections.
Users may be disconnected for 30 seconds until ZCC connects to a DR-enabled PSE. From that point,
forward users will have network-level access to mission critical applications enabled for DR. The user
experience is as follows:
Once ZCC detects DR mode the user will receive a Safe Mode popup notication.
The Private Access section within ZCC will display “Safe Mode” in the Broker section
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About Zscaler
Zscaler (NASDAQ: ZS) accelerates digital transformation so that customers can be more agile, ecient, resilient,
and secure. The Zscaler Zero Trust Exchange protects thousands of customers from cyberattacks and data loss
by securely connecting users, devices, and applications in any location. Distributed across more than 150 data
centers globally, the SSE-based Zero Trust Exchange is the world’s largest inline cloud security platform. Learn
more at zscaler.com or follow us on Twitter @zscaler.
© 2023 Zscaler, Inc. All rights reserved. Zscaler™,
Zero Trust Exchange™, Zscaler Internet Access™,
ZIA™, Zscaler Private Access™, and ZPA™ are
either (i) registered trademarks or service marks
or (ii) trademarks or service marks of Zscaler,
Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Any other trademarks are the properties of their
respective owners.
Log entries will be created within the Notications Section of ZCC