eForm Training for
Graduate Student
Employee Contract Pay
People Excellence
June 2021
Presented by:
Andrea McClure
People Excellence
People Excellence
Establish uniform appointment processes to
Consistent with month-to-month salary payments
No timesheet required
People Excellence
Submit eforms for brand new or rehired graduate
student employees no later than 31 days before
effective date
CBC request needs to be submitted as soon as
People Excellence
People Excellence
Similar to faculty- there will be 2 entries in
Job Data
Contract Data
Job Data
People Excellence
Grad Students will have an appointments for either:
Semester by semester
Academic Year (Fall/Spring)
Appointment Periods & FTE
New Hire Student Hire Date
Full Fiscal Year
9/1 8/31
Full Academic Year (if new hire)
Full Academic Year (if rehire with August existing appointment)
9/1 5/31
Fall Only
Spring Only
1/1 5/15
Summer Only
6/1 8/31
People Excellence
FTE Hours
0.475 19
0.33 13
0.25 10
Job Data
People Excellence
Job Data Displays
Start Date/End Date
Position info
Reports To
Contract Worth
People Excellence
People Excellence
People Excellence
This is the contract worth.
It takes the 9 or 4.5 month
rate and adjusts the
payment based on the
This is the 9 month or 4.5
month rate.
If this person worked 40
hours, this amount would
equal the contract worth.
Contracts- Pay Types
People Excellence
Faculty 9/9
Salary is paid over a 9 month period
Used for 9 month/full academic year (fall & spring)
Pay Over Contract
Paid over a specific time period
4.5 month payments (single semester)
Contract Entry
People Excellence
People Excellence
Back Office Complete
Eform Submission
People Excellence
Click any link to take you to
the appropriate pages
Initiate eForm Request
Click Create New
eForm Action Types
Brand new hires
Used to create new empl record(s) for dual appointments
Same Institution Worked at UTSA in the past
People Excellence
People Excellence
Initiate eForm Request
Initiate New eForm Request
People Excellence
On the Initiate New eForm
Request page, click on
Appointment from the
dropdown box
People Excellence
In the Justification box,
explain the purpose of the
request. Include Contract
People Excellence
Either type in the Empl ID
for an existing employee or
click the Search button to
search for an employee
People Excellence
Type in the employee’s
First Name, Last Name,
and/or Empl ID, and click
People Excellence
The results can be filtered
by any of the column
headers. Click Select to
pull in the employee’s
information into the form
If the employee doesnt
exist, click Cancel to return
to the form
People Excellence
National ID will display last
4 of SSN
Review the SSN and DOB
to complete your search
People Excellence
If the employee doesnt
exist, click Cancel to return
to the form
People Excellence
Select the Hire Type
Hire = New to UTSA
People Excellence
If Hire is selected, then the hire
reason will be Hire.
Type: Hire = Reason: Hire
People Excellence
Select the Hire Type
Rehire = Existing/Former UTSA
People Excellence
If Rehire is selected, then the hire
reason will be one of the following:
Rehire: Same Institution
People Excellence
If Rehire is selected, the personal
information section will load with
the data already in PS. Use the
Proposed Personal Information
section to update, as necessary.
Do not use special characters
People Excellence
Enter the Start Date and End
If and End Date is entered, click
the End Job Automatically
Position Information
COS pilot group job codes/titles
10090A Graduate Research Assistant
10063A Teaching Assistant I
10062A Teaching Assistant II
New job codes/titles
10090 Graduate Research Assistant I
10061 Graduate Research Assistant II
10063 Graduate Teaching Assistant I
10062 Graduate Teaching Assistant II
10058 Graduate Services Assistant
People Excellence
People Excellence
Enter the Position number.
Click the Magnifying Glass to
search for positions
People Excellence
The search results will default
to your current Department
People Excellence
On the Look Up Position
screen, a position can be
filtered by any of the search
People Excellence
The search results can be
sorted by clicking on any of the
column headers
People Excellence
If the Empl ID and Name show
as ‘Blank, this indicates the
position is currently vacant
Click on the position to bring it
over to the form
People Excellence
If the Position was filled now or
in the future, the Incumbents
information will appear
People Excellence
The Pay Group, Comp
Frequency, and FTE will
populate based on current
position data.
People Excellence
Enter the Contract Worth.
The other 3 payment boxes
will automatically fill in
Beware of changes to hours/fte
People Excellence
Hours were changed from
20 to 10. Same Contract
Worth automatically
updates Proposed Rates .
People Excellence
Enter the Contract Start and
End Date.
People Excellence
Enter the Contract Worth in
lieu of the 9-month Academic
Rate (9 mos. Rate will
populate based on the FTE,
Contract Start/End Dates,
and Contract Worth amount
People Excellence
Contract Renewals should
not be used for Graduate
Level Students
The Recalculate Contract
Flag button must remain
People Excellence
Enter the employee’s
biographical data. All
Required fields are marked
with an asterisk.
People Excellence
Click the Clean Address link
to verify the address against
People Excellence
Use the Validate Address link
to verify the address against
People Excellence
The eForm will display all of
the Current position attributes
People Excellence
Some position attributes can
be modified, including
Reg/Temp, FTE/Standard
Hours, Reports To, Location
Code, and Mail Drop ID
Position Information
Employee will work more than 4 ½ months
Employee will work no more than 4 ½ calendar months
Full Time
Employee works 40 hours per week
Employee works 39 hours or less per week
People Excellence
People Excellence
The Current Funding section
displays the current effective
funding on the position
People Excellence
Under the Proposed Funding
section, the Start Date will
default to the Hire start date
People Excellence
Enter the Cost Center and/or
Project/Grant and Distribution.
All funding periods must equal to
100% distribution
If using a Project/Grant, the Funding
End Date will default to the Project
End Date
People Excellence
Answer the appropriate form
People Excellence
Click the Save button
This has to be done prior to
adding attachments or
People Excellence
Click Add/Delete to add
People Excellence
Click the Add/Edit button to add
form Comments.
All comments will be visible to
everyone in the approval chain
People Excellence
Save and Submit form to forward
the request for approval
Department Approvals
Once the form has been
submitted, the workflow approval
steps will be show.
Click on the Multiple Approvers
link to display who can/will
approve the form on the
respective steps
People Excellence
New Employee Requirements
Attach Appointment Letter
CBC Required for brand new employees
Review CBC category requirements
CBC updates are provided on eForm comments section
People Excellence
Lessons Learned
People Excellence
Do not submit eForms for the same person/position
at the same time. It causes lots of problems
Use the USA SSN, do not create a fake one
Use clean address feature
People Excellence
eForm Action Types
People Excellence
Contract Additions and Changes
Add Contracts
Used to add addition
semester contract
(same empl record)
Must have active job
Will NOT be permitted
on these contracts:
Salary/Contract Worth
Contract Dates
Title changes
Initiate New eForm Request
People Excellence
On the Initiate New eForm
Request page, click on
Contract Additions and
Changes from the
dropdown box
People Excellence
In the Justification box,
explain the purpose of the
People Excellence
Type in the Empl ID for an
existing active employee
People Excellence
Select the checkbox next to
the Empl Record used for
the new contract
People Excellence
Use the scroll bar to verify
you are adding the contract
to the correct empl record
(if multiple are listed)
People Excellence
The Effective Date will
default to the current date;
change it to match the
contract Start Date.
People Excellence
The eForm will display all of
the Current Job & Contract
People Excellence
Proposed Job Information can
be modified, including FTE, 9
Mo Academic Rate, and
Expected End Date (if
People Excellence
Choose the Contract Action:
Create New Contract
People Excellence
Pay Type:
Faculty 9/9
Pay Over Contract
Contracts- Pay Types
People Excellence
Faculty 9/9
Salary is paid over a 9 month period
Used for 9 month/full academic year (fall & spring)
Pay Over Contract
Paid over a specific time period
4.5 month payments (single semester)
People Excellence
Payment Term:
Pay Over X Dates
Pay Over 4.5 Months
People Excellence
Enter the Contract Start
Date and Contract End
People Excellence
Enter Contract Worth in
lieu of entering 9 Mo
Academic Rate (optional)
People Excellence
Contract Renewals
should not be used for
Graduate Level
The Recalculate
Contract Flag button
must remain checked.
People Excellence
Proposed Funding should
match your new contract start
People Excellence
Click the Save button
This has to be done prior to
adding attachments or
People Excellence
click Add/Delete to
add Attachments
Click the Add/Edit button to add
form Comments.
All comments will be visible to
everyone in the approval chain
People Excellence
Save and Submit form to forward
the request for approval
Common Warnings
People Excellence
W a r n i n g *** another request pending
this position/emplid. Request ID: 0000000
eForm is pending for person or
DO NOT create or save more than
eFormat a time. You MUST wait until the
Error Insufficient Funds Please Adjust Funding
Before Continuing
Funding or Budget
Contact your Budget
representative to clear the
warning or error
Position Maximum head count will be exceeded
Position is already filled
Check and make sure
you are using the correct
eForm. A Contract
Addition may be required if they are already Active
in the position or you may need to choose another
position number that is not filled
Terminating the primary appointment will result in
changes to status and benefits.
Terminating primary position
Confirm you are
terminating the correct position(s)
Please perform a search match
Search Match is required
- Click the SEARCH
button at the top of the
Proposed Funding Section
Previously funding end dates were allowed on Cost Centers
to limit salary encumbrances
With contract appointments, GRA and GTA appointments no
longer need funding end dates on cost centers
In addition, project funding end dates do not need to match
the expected end date of the contract
The contract worth and estimated expense will match with
the change to contracts
Questions & Reminders
People Excellence
The following changes to Contracts will not be
permitted. These changes must be future dated, no
Salary/Contract Worth
Contract Dates
GRA>GTA or GTA>GRA on the same appointment
PE Website
People Excellence