NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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Application For
College &
The Bering Straits Foundation (BSF), Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation (NSEDC), Kawerak,
Inc., Norton Sound Health Corporation (NSHC) and Sitnasuak Foundation (SF) have joined together to create
one application for students applying for scholarships from any of the five (5) organizations. The purpose is to
make the process efficient and easier for students.
How is the cooperative application process efficient and easier for students?
These organizations require much of the same information. Pages 5-7 of the application meet the needs of all
organizations. When pages 5-7 are complete, please submit them to each of the organization(s) to whom you
are applying, along with each organization’s required documents. Pages 8-16 provide specific guidelines and
requirements for each organization’s scholarship program.
How do I complete the MyCACHE?
It’s easy as 1, 2, 3!
Read the MyCACHE completely to
determine which scholarship(s) you are
eligible for and to learn the requirements
for each one.
After determining eligibility, fill out
pages 5-7, include the required
documents for each organization, and fill
out page 9 for BSF, page 10 for
Sitnasuak Foundation and page 13 for
NSEDC, Kawerak, NSHC, Bering Straits
Foundation, and Sitnasuak Foundation
have different requirements. Find the
email address (preferred), fax number or
mailing address of each agency for which
you are eligible to apply. It is your
responsibility to apply to each organization
and check up on your applications.
Information for each scholarship
program is available on pages 8-16 of the
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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BSF Sitnasuak Kawerak NSEDC NSHC
Required Documents
Application, pages 5-7 (add page 9 for BSF, page
10 for Sitnasuak and page 13 for NSEDC)
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Birth Certificate Yes Yes Yes No No
Letters of Recommendation 2 2 2 2 2
High School Diploma or GED
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Letter of Acceptance from School Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Official Transcripts
Yes, once a
Class Schedule (or course outline for Voc. students) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Current Photo of Applicant No No Optional No No
Eligibility Requirements
Must be a Bering Strait Region Resident No No No Yes Yes
Must be a Shareholder, Lineal Descendant of
a Shareholder, or Tribal Member
Yes Yes Yes No No
Native Preference established
Yes, Tribal
No No
Must show financial need Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Must attend an Accredited Vocational or
College/ University Institution
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Full-Time Student (12+ semester credits,
10+ quarter credits, or 9+ graduate credits)
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Part-Time Student (6-11 semester credits,
6-9 quarter credits or 3-8 graduate credits)
Yes Yes
(No Vocational
Grants, Contact
Yes, contact
Yes, contact
Terms Funded & Deadlines
Fall Term Deadline
(including students on quarters/trimesters)
June 30
Seniors April
30; All
June 30
June 30
April 30; All
June 30
April 30; All
June 30
Spring Term Deadline
(Including students on quarters/trimesters)
Summer Term Deadline
(Including students on quarters/trimesters)
No No April 15 May 31 No
Vocational Training Deadline
June 30
December 1
2 weeks prior to
start of class.
6 weeks
prior to
start date
2 weeks
prior to
start date
Same as
Fall &
GPA Requirements
GPA Requirements for high school
graduating seniors
2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5
GPA minimum requirements for college
or vocational training
2.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5
Applications must be submitted for EACH TERM (semester/quarter/trimester) a student is attending school/training
by the deadlines written above. Students who are on quarters/trimesters MUST turn in their application by the
required deadlines stated above for Fall, Spring and Summer. Late applications will NOT be considered.
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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Please submit pages 5, 6 & 7 (COMPLETED) with the following information, PLUS any specific additional
information required by the organization(s) in which you are applying for scholarships.
MyCACHE-New Applicant Check List
Verification of eligibility forms: ___Bering Straits Foundation ___Sitnasuak Foundation ___NSEDC
Personal statement of educational goals and objectives (filled out on page 4 or on a separate piece of paper)
Resume’ (optional)
Birth certificate and Adoption Decree (if applicable)
2 letters of recommendation
Acceptance letter from school
OFFICIAL Transcript OR GED Certificate
Class schedule
* All documents, with the exception of the official transcripts and class schedule, MUST be submitted with the MyCACHE application
pages 5, 6 and 7 (postmarked/faxed/emailed before or on the deadline date) incomplete or late applications may not be considered.
Here is a list of common questions students ask. If further assistance is required ask the organization to
whom you are applying or your school counselor/ student advisor.
Where do I go for help while at school? Most schools have a guidance counselor or an advisor.
What are official transcripts? Official transcripts are the academic records from a high school, college or
vocational training school that you have attended. Official transcripts are to be sent from the school to the
appropriate MyCACHE organization(s). Some schools will give the official transcripts to the student in a sealed
envelope and then the student needs to give them to the appropriate MyCACHE organization(s) still sealed.
Electronic college/vocational transcripts (emailed) are accepted by most of the scholarship organizations.
Where do I get official transcripts? High school official transcripts can be requested from your school counselor
or school office. College and vocational training transcripts are generally requested from the Registrar’s or
Admission’s Office. Most schools charge a small fee for official transcripts.
What is a letter of acceptance? A letter from the college or vocational training program indicating the
degree/training program and term that you have been accepted to. If a student changes schools, a letter of
acceptance into the new school is required.
What is a class schedule? A class schedule shows how many credits a student is enrolled in during a specific
Where do I get a class schedule? A class schedule can be obtained from the Registrar's or Admission’s office or
from your online school account, after class enrollment. Include a copy of the tuition bill or a copy of the on-line
enrollment that includes the student name, the term, a list of classes and number of credits.
What if I decide not to go to school or finish the term? Let the appropriate MyCACHE organization(s) know as
soon as possible in writing or by email and state the reason(s) why. Not doing so may jeopardize future funding
How will the scholarship program contact me? The appropriate MyCACHE organization(s) will contact you
using the information you provided on the application. It’s very important that we are informed of any changes to
your contact information (i.e. phone, address, email address). Email is usually the preferred contact method.
What if I change my area of study, etc.? If a student changes their area of study, credit load, schools, etc. it is the
students responsibility to inform the appropriate MyCACHE organization(s) and the organization will inform the
student if the funding is jeopardized or if additional documentation will be required.
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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4. Helpful suggestions:
**The MyCACHE organizations prefer that applications be completed online at or filled out
using the provided fill in Web PDF version instead of handwritten applications. If you have to handwrite
your application please make sure your handwriting is neat and legible.
Please make sure to print out the application in order to put the required signature and date on it
before it is submitted; applications that are not signed and dated are considered incomplete and
may be denied; some MyCACHE organizations do not accept electronic signatures.
BSF and SF do NOT accept applications that are filled out in Microsoft Word.
BSF and SF do NOT accept electronic signatures.
Use blue or black ink for handwritten applications and print CLEARLY.
Typing up the questions in section 11 “statement of educational goals and objectives” on page 6.
A typed personal essay on a separate piece of paper(s) is preferred, but not required.
A typed resume’ (optional). Showing your work history and activities you have participated in, is a nice
addition to the personal statement but not required.
Attaching a cover page which has a current photograph of you (optional).
Your class schedule needs to show the number of credits on it per class. Please do not submit
weekly/daily schedules that do not have the credits listed on them.
Make sure all your supporting documents have your name listed on them especially transcripts and
Follow up with a phone call or email to the organization(s) after you have submitted your
application to make sure it was received.
**It is the applicant’s responsibility to make sure their application was received on time and that all
their supporting documents are received in a timely manner.
Prior to Graduating - Please notify scholarship organizations when you apply for your last term/session.
5. Official Transcript Information:
Online official transcripts are preferred.
An official hard copy sent from your school addressed to each MyCACHE organization you are applying to
(one transcript can be sent for Bering Straits Foundation and Sitnasuak Foundation).
A faxed copy sent from your school.
Some organizations will accept your unofficial transcript (from your online school account) as official IF it
is sent in PDF form and the URL is visible containing “https” the “s” shows that it is from a secure website.
Contact organization(s) to see if they will accept your unofficial transcript from your online account.
GPA Funding Amounts: PER SEMESTER (please contact organization(s) if you are on quarters or trimesters)
Bering Straits
NSEDC Kawerak, Inc.
Norton Sound
Health Corp.
College or University Institution: Full Time
3.0 - 4.0 $1,000
$1,000 Under Grad
$2,000 Grad
12+ credits
$500/Non AK
2.5 - 2.99
2.0 - 2.4 <2.5=Probation
Amounts subject to change
< 2.0 Probation
Contact NSEDC
Contact Kawerak
College or University Institution: Part Time
3.0 - 4.0
Under Grad
$1,000 Grad
Pro-rated based
on credit load
$250/Non AK
Contact NSHC
2.5 - 2.99
2.0 - 2.4
Amounts subject to change
< 2.0 Probation
Contact NSEDC
Contact Kawerak
Vocational Training
Contact BSF $1,000 $2,500
Contact Kawerak
Contact NSHC
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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New MyCACHE (applications must be individually sent to each scholarship office)
7. PERSONAL INFORMATION (Please fill out the application COMPLETELY, all information is needed)
You can fill this application out in PDF form (preferred) if you handwrite the application, please write CLEARLY.
Applicant Name (First, Middle & Last):
Date of Birth:
Social Security # (required):
Your Mailing Address While Attending School
(address, city, state, zip) (if not known at this time please provide address ASAP)
Permanent Mailing Address(required): (address, city, state, zip)
Main Phone # (required):
Cell Phone #: Home Phone #:
E-Mail Address (required):
Alternative E-Mail Address:
Name of School/Training you will attend:
Financial Aid Office Address (address, city, state, zip):
Financial Aid Office Phone #:
Student ID #:
# of credits you will take:
Full Time Part Time
Expected Graduation Date: Have you submitted your
(if not please send ASAP)
Class Sched:
Yes No
Official Trans.
Yes No
Area of Study(i.e. accounting, nursing, CDL, construction ) [required]:
Vocational Training
Other _______________________
I am enrolling as (required): On Campus Distance Online Other ________________________
Freshman (0-29 credits) Sophomore (30-59 credits) Junior (60-94 credits)
Senior (95 plus credits) Graduate Vocational Training Student
Term applying for 20______ (please only mark ONE term). You must reapply EACH TERM you are attending school / training.
Spring Winter Fall Autumn Summer
The school operates on:
Semesters Quarters Trimesters
Vocational Training Sessions Specialized Career Training Sessions
First day of instruction: _________________________ Last day of instruction: ________________________
High School / GED Information:
High School Diploma
(please complete section below)
High School/GED Information (continued):
Last term GPA: _______
Cumulative GPA:______
Total Credits Earned: ______
Passing GED Score: _______
Name of High School/GED program you graduated from:
High School / GED Address(include city,state,zip):
HS/GED Graduation
Last grade completed:
(graduating seniors please mark 12)
9 10 11 12 GED
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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I have not attended any college classes or vocational training sessions after obtaining my HS Diploma /GED
Name of School/Training:
Address (include city,state,zip):
Dates Attended :
Last Term GPA:
Cumulative GPA:
Area of Study:
# of Credits last term:
Type of degree earned:
Doctorate None
Vocational Training
Name of School/Training:
Address (include city,state,zip):
Dates Attended:
Last Term GPA:
Cumulative GPA:
Area of Study:
# of Credits last term:
Type of degree earned:
Doctorate None
Vocational Training
Other ___________________
11. STATEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL GOALS AND OBJECTIVES [please use complete sentences for questions 1-3].
(Please explain, use additional paper if needed) (Optional to type on a separate sheet of paper)
1. Personal Statement (please tell us about yourself in a few sentences):
2. What are your educational goals and objectives and why have you chosen to pursue them?
3. How does the education you are applying for fit into your overall job plan for the future and which jobs will you
be applying for once you complete your education?
Community and School activities:
Awards and Honors:
Interests and Hobbies:
Yes (community) _______________________________________________; No Uncertain
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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12. FINANCIAL INFORMATION (please list the $ amount applied and/or awarded for CURRENT TERM)
PLEASE REFERENCE PAGE 4 (if you do not know the $ amounts please contact each office)
13. STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING (please note: some MYCACHE orgs do not accept electronic
I hereby attest that the information contained in this application is true, correct, and complete. The scholarship award(s) will be used to
further my education for the program I have enrolled in. I understand that the funds must apply toward tuition, registration fees, books
and campus related room and/or board expenses. I understand that any unspent funds will be returned. I further understand that upon
completion of the term for which I received scholarships I will submit an (un)official transcript with the continuing MyCACHE application to
each organization by the deadline date. I agree that the MyCACHE organizations may share MyCACHE application information and
supporting documents with each other. I understand that I must turn in the MyCACHE application and supporting documents to each
MyCACHE scholarship I am applying for. I give permission for the Bering Straits Foundation, Norton Sound Economic Development
Corporation, Kawerak Inc, Norton Sound Health Corporation and/or the Sitnasuak Foundation, to publish my name, photo, school
information, or other information I provide in any reports, press releases or publications.
(REQUIRED) ___________________________________________________________ __________________________
Signature Date
RESOURCES (please list the specific $ amounts) $ Applied $ Awarded (if n/a leave blank)
Bering Straits Foundation
$ $
Sitnasuak Foundation
$ $
Kawerak, Nome Eskimo Community, (BIA
scholarships) [specify]_________________
$ $
Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation
$ $
Norton Sound Health Corporation
$ $
Regional/Village Corporation [specify] ___________ $ $
College Scholarships (academic, athletic, etc.)
$ $
National Guard/Military Benefits
$ $
State of Alaska Dept. of Labor
$ $
Free Application for Federal Financial Aid (FAFSA)/Pell Grant
$ $
Loans [specify]__________________________
$ $
Other [specify](i.e.-education savings, family contributions)
$ $
Self-Contribution (i.e.- job income)
$ $
Employment (during school/training)
Yes No Full Time Part Time
EXPENSES (please list the specific $ amounts)
Meal Plan:
Yes No
Room / Rent (for current term)
On Campus Off Campus
Transportation (includes travel to/from school for current term)
[Balance needed is: Resources minus Expenses]
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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(revised 05/17/2017)
Our mission is to enrich the lives of our people and strengthen self-sufficiency by supporting educational goals, cultural heritage and traditional values.
Scholarships are merit and need based. Scholarship amounts are subject to change and
depend on availability of funds.
Fall = Scholarship June 30 Spring Scholarships = December 1 Summer = Not Funded
Vocational = June 30/December 1
Must be a shareholder of Bering Straits Native Corporation or a lineal descendant, defined as the
natural or adopted child of a person that is a shareholder of BSNC.
High school graduate or GED recipient going to a college/university and must have a
minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA or higher. High school graduates going to a vocational
program must have a 2.5 cumulative or higher GPA. If you obtained a GED, include a copy of
your official transcript with the total score. If you have been out of high school for more than 10
years at the time you apply, then the GPA requirements do not apply but proof of a diploma is
Show financial need after all other sources of funding have been considered.
1. Must submit pages 5-7 and 9 of MyCACHE.
2. Maintain a minimum GPA 2.5 for each term enrolled in a full-time college (12 or more undergrad
credits/9 graduate credits) or part time college (6-11 undergraduate credits/ 3-5 graduate credits)
or as defined by your school. Include current official transcript or a copy from each college
previously attended (or high school if first time freshman).
3. College/University Student means that you are working towards an associate, bachelor, graduate,
masters or doctorate degree.
4. Vocational training programs indicate that you are working towards a certificate or obtaining
specified training but will not be receiving an associate, bachelor, graduate, or doctorate degree.
5. Probation: a student may be placed on probation when he/she received funding but didn’t meet the
minimum GPA and/or credit requirements. When a student doesn’t meet the minimum
requirements he/she will be placed on probation and may or may not be eligible to receive
funding. If the student doesn’t meet the minimum requirements while on probation the student will
be dropped from the program and is not able to receive funding until he/she completes a semester
as a full-time student and earns a minimum of a 2.5 GPA.
Funding Amounts
STUDENTS each semester/quarter as long as the requirements stated on the original application are met.
CONTINUING STUDENTS are defined as those who received a BSF scholarship for the previous
semester/quarter and have maintained a 2.5 GPA. Amounts awarded are typically $1,000 for GPA’s of
3.0 or higher and $400 for GPA’s 2.5-2.99. Vocational education students may be awarded $500. Part
time students may be awarded $250. SCHOLARSHIP AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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Applicant Name:
Date of Birth:
Social Security #:
Please mark the options that apply to you.
I am enrolled in BSNC. My enrollment # is (not required): ________________________________
I am the record or beneficial owner of BSNC stock. My BSNC Stock is: Original Inherited Gifted
2. OR
I am the lineal descendant (natural or adopted of a person enrolled in BSNC) who is or was enrolled in
the following village corporation ______________________________________________________________
Name of ascendant (parent/grandparent): ______________________________________DOB:____________
Relationship to applicant(mother/father/grandma/grandpa) ___________________________________
If you are not a shareholder of BSNC you will need to submit a copy of your birth certificate or
adoption decree.
I am a shareholder or shareholder descendant of the following village corporation:
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: _____ Approved; _____ INELIGIBLE – Date: ______________- Initials: _________
Bering Straits Foundation additionally oversees the
Martin L. Olson Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is for the fall semester only and one award is given each year.
Eligibility Requirements
One quarter (¼) or more Alaska Native (Aleut, Eskimo or Indian) and enrolled to the Bering Straits
Native Corporation (BSNC), village corporation, or as an “At Large” member of BSNC.
Show financial need after other sources of funding have been considered.
Accepted and enrolled in an accredited institution or vocational school.
Must carry a minimum load of 12 hours per semester, 10 hours per quarter and maintain, or full time
vocational training and a 2.0 Grade Point Average or better. Exceptions can be made for a freshman with
written approval from the school counselor.
Application Process
Initial the eligibility requirements above that you meet, if you meet all of them you will automatically be
considered for the Martin L. Olson Memorial Scholarship.
Submit complete MyCACHE pages 5-7 with all necessary attachments to the Bering Straits Foundation
by June 30. Only one application is necessary for both the BSF and the Martin L. Olson scholarship.
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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(revised 05/17/2017)
FALL = High School Seniors April 30 SPRING = December 1 SUMMER = Not Funded
All Others June 30 VOCATIONAL = 2 weeks prior to start of class
Scholarship Policy
Sitnasuak Foundation awards higher education scholarships to new and continuing students. The scholarships are merit
based. Vocational scholarships are also awarded for specialized short-term training programs. Scholarships are awarded
twice annually in the fall and the spring (summer funding is not available). The size of the scholarship depends on the
funding available, student’s course load and GPA. Applications are reviewed and selected by a committee each term.
Checks are mailed directly to the recipient’s Financial Aid Office. Each recipient is informed of the selection results every
Academic Probation-If a student receives less than a 2.0 or does not complete the minimum credit requirements as
stated below they will be placed on academic probation. Students on academic probation receive 50% of the funding
amount, one time. Students have one semester to improve their GPA or complete the credit requirements before funding
is suspended until they meet the requirements.
Requirements and Qualifications
1. Must submit pages 5-7 and 10 of MyCACHE (must be a shareholder/descendant of SNC).
2. Must be accepted to an accredited college or vocational program.
3. Must have earned a passing GED score or high school diploma with a 2.0 grade point average.
4. Must complete the scholarship application with supporting documents and submit it by the deadline.
5. For continuing college students, an official college transcript or copy of the previous semester grades must
accompany the application. If grades have not yet been posted, please see the registrar office about having an
official transcript mailed/emailed directly to the SF office as soon as they are available.
6. Full-time undergraduate students must maintain a 2.0 GPA and complete 12 credits per semester or 10 per
quarter. Full time graduate students must complete 9 credits.
7. Part time students must maintain a 2.0 and complete 6-11 credits per semester or 6-9 credits per quarter.
8. Part time graduate students must maintain a 2.0 and complete 3-8 credits per term.
Please mark option 1 OR option 2 and fill out number 3
FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: _____ Approved _____ INELIGIBLE – Date: ______________- Initials: _________
Applicant Name:
Date of Birth:
Social Security #:
. (SF staff will check with the Shareholder Dept. if you do not have your enrollment #, please make sure your SS# is provided)
I am enrolled in Sitnasuak Native Corporation. My enrollment # is (not required):
I am the record or beneficial owner of SNC stock. My SNC Stock is:
Original Inherited Gifted
2. SF staff will check with the Shareholder Dept. please have your ascendants info complete filled out with DOB)
I am the lineal descendant (natural or adopted of a person enrolled in Sitnasuak Native Corporation)
Ascendants Name_______________________Relationship(parent/grandparent)_____________DOB__________
I am a resident of_________________________(community) I have lived here for years_____months______
(907)-387-1226 Direct
(877)-443-2632 Toll Free
(907)-443-6437 Fax
PO BOX 905
Nome, AK 99762
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation
Higher Education and Vocational Scholarship
Application Requirements and Guidelines
Brevig Mission, Diomede, Elim, Gambell, Golovin, Koyuk, Nome, Savoonga, Shaktoolik, Stebbins, St. Michael, Teller, Unalakleet, Wales, White Mountain
The Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation (NSEDC) Employment, Education, and Training (EET)
Program offers scholarships to Norton Sound Residents enrolled at an accredited college, university, or vocational
school. Students must submit a complete application by the appropriate deadline and satisfy all scholarship eligibility
requirements. The current award amount for full-time higher education and vocational training students is $2,500 per
semester or session.
1. Vocational Education: Applications must be received by or postmarked two weeks prior to the first day of
2. Higher Education: Applications must be either received by or postmarked by the dates set below:
Fall Semester: Spring Semester: Summer Semester:
June 30
Transcript Deadline is Aug. 31
(High School Students must apply by April 30
scholarship award to be announced at graduation.)
December 31
Transcript Deadline is
Feb. 28
May 30
Transcript Deadline
is May 31
Complete application forms and all required attachments must be sent to:
Niaomi Brunette
2701 Gambell Street, Suite 400
Anchorage, AK 99503
Applications may also be emailed as PDF documents to [email protected]
NSEDC Scholarship Application Requirements for New Students and Continuing Students:
1. New Students. All applications from new students must include the following:
a. NSEDC Scholarship Application Form or Pages 5-7 and 13 of MyCACHE Application Form.
b. Personal Statement: Briefly describe why you wish to attend school and what you plan to do after receiving your degree or
training certificate.
c. Official Transcripts: If you have previously attended college or vocational training, provide a copy of official transcripts
from each accredited institution that you have attended. If you are applying for your first year of college or training, provide
your high school transcripts.
d. Letter of Acceptance: Provide a letter of acceptance from an accredited college, university, or vocational school.
e. Two Letters of Recommendations: Provide two (2) letters of recommendation from teachers, employers, or others with
knowledge of your experience or potential. Please do not submit letters from immediate family members.
f. Current Photograph (Optional): Provide a current photograph of yourself.
g. Residency Certification Form and Proof of Residency: Provide a signed Residency Certification Form and at least one of
the following forms of proof of residency:
A high school diploma from an in-region high school or high school transcripts showing an in-region address is
acceptable, if you are a high school student who will be starting college or training the summer or fall semester
immediately after high school graduation.
Proof of receipt of a Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) at an in-region address.
Voter registration card showing an in-region address.
Government Identification Card showing an in-region address.
Utility bill in your name at in-region address.
Proof of in-region employment.
Proof of receipt of government benefits at in-region address.
NOTE: NSEDC may request additional proof of residency.
Late applications are not considered - Early applications are encouraged!
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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2. Continuing Students. Students who received a scholarship the previous semester must submit:
a. Continuing Student Application Form by applying online or the fill in Continuing MyCACHE Application Form and
submit either application by the deadline.
b. Residency Certification Form. Submit a signed Residency Certification form. However, proof of residency does not need
to be submitted unless requested by NSEDC.
c. Transcripts, as soon as available. Official transcripts are required after the Spring and Summer Semesters; however
unofficial transcripts are acceptable for students following the Fall semester, if they are enrolled in the same school for the
Spring semester. Official transcripts are not always available by the application deadline and may be submitted later.
However, NSEDC will not send a scholarship award check until the official transcript from the prior semester is received.
d. Transfer Students: Continuing students who transfer to a new school must submit a new letter of acceptance, a continuing
student application, and official transcripts from their prior institution.
NSEDC Scholarship Recipient Eligibility Requirements
1. High School Diploma or GED: Scholarship recipients must have graduated from high school or have earned a General
Education Diploma (GED). This requirement does not apply to students over the age of 45.
2. Norton Sound Region Residency: Each scholarship recipient must qualify as a Norton Sound Resident under NSEDC’s Norton
Sound Residency Guidelines or be a resident of Shishmaref, and must sign a residency certification form. Proof of current
residency is required as part of the new student application and NSEDC may request new and continuing students to provide
additional proof of residency. Note: Students may claim internships or temporary summer employment in a degree-related job as
an additional allowable absence under the NS Residency Guidelines. Allowable absences do not count against the maximum
number of days that an individual can be out of the region.
3. Enrollment: Scholarship recipients must be enrolled in an accredited two-year associate program, four-year college or university,
graduate school, or vocational institution.
4. Credit Load/Contact Hour Requirements:
a. Full-time Students: Except as provided below, scholarship recipients must be full-time students. To qualify as full-time
students, undergraduates must carry at least 12 credits per semester or 10 credits per quarter; graduate students must carry 9
credits for fall and spring semesters or 6 credits for summer semesters; and vocational students must qualify as a “fulltime
student” under the rules of the accredited institution they are attending and be enrolled in a program requiring at least 500
contact hours before completion. Exceptions may be made for:
i. Students who require less than 12 credits to complete their degree and will complete their degree by the end of the
ii. Students pursuing professional flight training with the intent of applying the training toward commercial piloting. Eligible
vocational training includes the pursuit of the following at an established flight training school: a private pilot’s license,
commercial rating, instrument rating, multi-engine rating, or Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificate. For students
enrolled in self-paced programs or schools, only one award will be made toward the pursuit of a specific certificate/rating.
Upon receiving a certificate/rating, students are eligible for further funding for subsequent certificates/ratings if all other
eligibility requirements are met; and
iii. Vocational students enrolled in construction trades programs (principally focusing on carpentry, plumbing, mechanical, or
electrical) from accredited institutions that require at least 325 contact hours before completion. Scholarships will be
prorated to reflect the contact hours below 500. For example, a 325-hour course (65% of 500 hours) would be funded at
$1,625, which is 65% of the normal scholarship amount.
b. In-region, Part-time Students: Part-time students, who do not meet the full-time credit requirements, may receive a
scholarship award, if they: (i) will be physically living in the Norton Sound Region while taking classes and (ii) are enrolled
in a degree program. Also, the class(es) must count towards the degree that the student is seeking. Part-time student awards
are pro-rated to reflect the credit load (E.g., a student taking 6 credits would receive $1,125.) Vocational students attending
short-term classes or attending school part-time are not eligible under this Scholarship program; instead, they should refer to
the Community Based Training program for potential training opportunities.
5. Higher Education Grade Point Average (GPA): Scholarship recipients must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA each semester or
6. Financial Need: Scholarship recipients must show financial need after other sources of funding have been considered.
7. Ineligible Students. Scholarship awards will not be provided to students who do not meet the requirements set forth in these
guidelines. Additionally, the following are expressly ineligible for scholarships:
a. Students enrolled exclusively in courses not creditable toward a formal award or the completion of a vocational program.
b. Students taking Continuing Education Units (CEUs) unless they are also enrolled in courses creditable toward a degree or
other formal award.
c. Students exclusively auditing classes.
NSEDC Scholarship Award and Appeals Processes
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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1. Award Criteria. NSEDC strives to award scholarships to all students who submit completed applications by the deadline and who satisfy the
scholarship recipient eligibility requirements. However, if the number of scholarship recipients exceeds the funds allocated for scholarships,
then higher education awards will be based on financial need and GPA, and vocational education awards will be based on financial need,
availability of employment opportunities for graduates from the training program, and commitment to complete training.
2. Exceptions and Waivers. All deadlines and eligibility requirements are strictly enforced. Only exceptions or waivers that are
expressly allowed under this written policy may be considered, including the two following exceptions:
a. Academic Probation: If a continuing student receives a scholarship, but fails to meet the credit load and/or GPA
requirements, the student shall be placed on academic probation for the following session. If the student does not meet the
credit load and GPA requirements the following session, the student will not be eligible to receive future scholarship awards
until completing a session that satisfies the credit load and GPA requirements. Part-time students will be placed on academic
probation if all credits attempted and funded for a session are not earned with a GPA of 2.0 or higher. If the student does not
earn all credits attempted and funded the following session, the student will not be eligible to receive future scholarship
awards until completing a session in which all credits attempted are earned, while meeting the GPA requirement.
b. Extenuating Circumstances: Exceptions to the credit load and GPA requirements may be granted only to students who are
forced to withdraw from school after the refund deadline or receive “incomplete” in lieu of a grade, due to (i) a death in the
student’s immediate family (parent, sibling, spouse, or child) or (ii) a serious illness or injury that incapacitates the student or
a student’s legal dependent for 30 days or more during the school year. Incapacitation means that an individual is obtaining
inpatient treatment or cannot perform basic life functions. Verification by a health care provider is required.
3. Residency Appeals. Students who are denied scholarships due to the residency requirement may appeal the residency
determination to the NSEDC Board Appeals Committee. If the NSEDC Appeals Committee determines that the student is a
resident, the application will be reviewed to see all other requirements are met. If all requirements are satisfied, the student shall
receive a scholarship award.
4. Denial Due to Administrative Error. If your scholarship application is denied and you believe that the denial was due to
administrative error, please submit a written statement along with all supporting evidence to Tyler Rhodes at [email protected].
Final determinations will be made based on this letter and attachments.
Residency Verification Form: (turn in with pages 5-7 of MyCACHE Application)
For purposes of determining your eligibility for those NSEDC programs or other benefits that require Norton Sound Residency, you must be able to
answer yes to the following basic statements (as well as furnish any documentation required to substantiate such statements):
At the time these benefits shall be realized, I will have been a resident of and physically present in the Norton Sound Region for 1 year,
unless absent for an Allowable Absence;
1. Receiving post-secondary, vocational or other special education on a full-time basis;
2. Serving on active duty as a member of the United States military;
3. Serving as an employee of NSEDC in a location outside of the region (including working for NSEDC fishing partners);
4. Accompanying another eligible resident who is absent for one of the above reasons as the spouse, minor dependent, or disabled
dependent of the eligible resident;
5. For any reason consistent with the individual’s intent to remain a Norton Sound resident (e.g. vacations), provided the absence or
cumulative absences do not exceed:
a. 60 days if the individual is not claiming an absence under 1-4.
b. 45 days in addition to an absence claimed under 1-4.
I intend to remain a Norton Sound Region resident;
I have not claimed residence in another regional community, state or country or obtained a benefit as a result of a claim of residency in
another regional community, state or country at any time in the previous year; and
If absent from the Norton Sound Region for more than 60 days in a previous year, I was absent for an Allowable Absence (see list below).
I, __________________________________________________, certify that I meet the criteria set forth by the NSEDC Board of Directors to qualify
as a Norton Sound Resident eligible for benefits for NSEDC projects or programs including, but not limited to, scholarships, NSEDC-sponsored
fishing programs (CDQ crab and halibut, Norton Sound Seafood Products, etc.), and loan programs.
Norton Sound Residency
Residency Options:
Please select the option you qualify for.
During the last 12 months, I have not been absent from the Norton Sound Region for more than 60 days.
During the last 12 months, I have been present in the Norton Sound Region for at least 45 days, and my absence during the remainder of
the year was an Allowable Absence under the Norton Sound Residency Guidelines. Attached is documentation submitted to establish that
my absence was an Allowable Absence.
Certification of Residency
1. Signature of Applicant: _________________________________________________________ Date: _________________
2. Printed Name of Applicant: _____________________________________________________ Date: _________________
If you have any questions, please call or email Niaomi Brunette 1-800-650-2248 or 907-274-2248, or ni[email protected]
Website: Contact Phone: 800-650-2248 or 907-274-2248 Fax: 907-274-2249
NSEDC Application Guidelines for Higher Education and Vocational Education Scholarships (Effective 12-2016)
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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Education, Employment and Supportive Services Division
P.O. Box 948 Nome, AK 99762
Phone: (907) 443-4358 Toll Free: 1-800-450-4341
Fax: (907) 443-4479 Email: int.[email protected]
Kawerak provides semester or quarterly scholarships to Bering Strait region tribal members in the amount of $1,500 per
semester or $1,000 per quarter. Scholarship are based on whether a tribal member is an Alaska Resident or Non-Alaskan
resident (based on availability of funds.) Contact Kawerak for more information.
Application deadlines:
Fall semester / Autumn quarter = June 30 Spring quarter = February 15
Spring semester / Winter quarter = December 1 Summer semester / quarter = April 15
Kawerak must adhere to deadlines for submission of applications. It is the student's responsibility to make sure all
required documents are submitted by the due date. Awards for summer terms are based on the availability of funds,
and consideration will be given to university or college seniors who require these classes in order to fulfill graduation
Applicants must be a tribally enrolled with a village in the Bering Strait region (tribal members of Nome Eskimo
Community must apply there).
Applicants must be accepted into a degree, or graduate degree program in an accredited institution.
Continuing scholarships are allocated based on evidence of school enrollment and a GPA of at least 2.0 for the
previous semester/quarter.
Full time undergraduate students must maintain 12 credits per semester or 10 credits per quarter. Graduate students
must maintain 9 credits per semester.
Part-time degree-seeking students must provide verification of their major and register for at least 6 credits per
semester or 5 credits per quarter.
The following documents must be submitted to Kawerak, Inc.:
MyCACHE Application (attached)
Documents which are noted in Section 1 of the application (two letters of recommendation, letter of school
acceptance, and transcripts from the school last attended (H.S., GED, university or trade school)
Verification of Tribal Enrollment in a Bering Strait region tribe (Nome Eskimo Community tribal members must
apply there).
Current photograph of applicant (optional).
For each successive term, students must submit the following in order to receive continued scholarships:
Complete the MyCACHE Continuing Application available at or online application at along with the required documents (transcripts with verification of pre-registration) and submit to
Kawerak requires that students maintain academic progress with a GPA of at least 2.0 each term. By the junior year
students must declare a major and maintain steady progress towards a degree. When the student fulfills their degree
requirements and graduates, we ask that they submit a copy of their diploma to Kawerak, Inc. Education, Employment,
and Training Division.
If the student does not meet the minimum grade or credit requirements, they will be placed on academic probation the
next term. If the student does not meet the minimum requirements after completion of the probationary term, they will
be suspended from the program. Once suspended, the student will not be eligible to apply for another scholarship until
they have successfully completed a term without Kawerak funding. Upon successful completion of the suspended term,
students may reapply for services. Once services are reinstated, they must continue to maintain academic progress each
term or scholarships may be discontinued.
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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(revised 05/17/2017)
Education, Employment and Supportive Services Division
P.O. Box 948 Nome, AK 99762
Phone: (907) 443-4358 Toll Free: 1-800-450-4341
Fax: (907) 443-4479 Email: [email protected]
Kawerak provides financial assistance and comprehensive vocational counseling/guidance to assist tribal members who
reside within the Bering Strait region for a minimum of one (1) year who require job skills in order to obtain and/or retain
employment. One (1) time grants are also available to tribal members of Kawerak’s tribal consortium who reside outside
of the Bering Strait region.
Applicants must be enrolled and accepted into a full-time accredited training program in certified, vocational or trade
school, certificate, diploma or apprenticeship program 30 hours or more a week Monday through Friday.
Kawerak funds are SUPPLEMENTAL and will not cover the full cost of training; therefore, applicants are required to
apply for financial aid from all available local, state and private sources, as well as utilizing personal and family
APPLICATION DEADLINE: Apply at least (6) six weeks prior to first day of instruction.
Repeat Services
repeat applicants (those who received previous vocational training grants) will be low priority for
consideration of funding. Repeat requests will be determined on a case by case basis. No more than one (1) repeat service
will be consider or approved.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
1) Must be Alaska Native or American Indian, and a tribal member of a federally recognized tribe.
2) Must be a resident of the Bering Strait region for a minimum of one (1) year. Tribal members of Nome Eskimo
Community must apply there. Nome residents must also apply with Nome Eskimo Community.
3) Must be unemployed, under-employed, and possess limited or no job skills. Individuals who require additional training
to retain employment or enhance job skills are eligible to apply.
4) Complete the MyCACHE application and the Kawerak supplemental application.
5) Must apply for the Federal Pell Grant, State of Alaska Department of Labor Funding if attending a training program
within Alaska (not be applicable for students who apply to attend training out of state) and all other local scholarships
and grants.
6) Applicants must show financial need after having applied for additional funding resources.
7) Must be registered with the Selective Service (women are exempt from this requirement.)
8) Must be able to pass a drug test.
9) Must be physically capable.
Complete the MyCACHE Application; attach the required documents listed in section 1 & 2 on pages 2 & 3 of the application and
attach the following additional documents:
Verification of Tribal Enrollment
Supplemental Information Application
Contact Kawerak for the forms at 800-450-4341 or download from website at or apply online at
Attach these additional documents if family members are included in your request:
Copy of your marriage certificate if married
Verification of Tribal Enrollment – spouse and dependent children, if any.
All Vocational Training Grant Applicants will be required to complete an employability plan prior to receiving services
outlining education and employment goals, produce monthly progress reports, demonstrate commitment to their training
program and receive vocational guidance from Kawerak staff.
NOTE: Applications MUST be postmarked/faxed/emailed BEFORE or ON the deadline date. Late applications will NOT be accepted.
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(revised 05/17/2017)
The NSHC scholarship program provides financial assistance to eligible students who are pursuing higher
education in a health related field. Depending on the needs of the corporation, students pursuing the medical
field (such as physicians, nursing, pharmacy and physician assistants) may have priority. NSHC may fund
students pursuing a non-medical related degree if the degree will help further the vision, and mission of the
organization. Indian Health Service beneficiaries from the Bering Straits Region, who commit to returning to
the region and possible employment with NSHC, will have priority.
Student Scholarship Guidelines:
Must be a high school graduate or successfully attained a GED.
Tribal members must provide a copy of tribal enrollment verification.
A student number must be provided in writing from the educational institution
Must be accepted into an accredited associates, bachelors or master program in a health care or
health care related field.
Must be able to show financial need after other sources of funding have been considered
Must inform NSHC of any changes with address, phone number, school, withdrawal from
school, change in degree, etc.
Must maintain a GPA of 2.5 or better semester/quarter GPA. Failure to do so will place you on
probation or drop you from the program.
Must maintain a minimum of 12 credits for undergraduates and a minimum of 6 credits for
graduates. Failure to do so will place you on probation or drop you from the program.
Continuing Applications must be submitted each semester to apply for continued funding. It is
your responsibility to request a MyCACHE Continuing Application
NSHC Human Resource Department
P.O. Box 966
Nome, AK 99762
Phone: 907-443-3482
Toll-Free: 1-888-559-3311
FAX: 443-2085
Email: skbowm[email protected]