Bluetooth Enabled
Team # 32
Team Members:
Shayna Kapadia
Tulika Gupta
Kushal Majmundar
Chi Zheng
Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Problem Background 4
Solution Overview 5
Visual Aid 7
High Level Requirements 8
Design 9
Block Diagram 9
Physical Design 10
Sensor Subsystem 12
Snap Switches 12
Processing Subsystem 13
Microcontroller 13
Power Subsystem 14
Lithium Ion Battery 14
Voltage Regulator 1 15
Voltage Regulator 2 15
Audio Visual Subsystem 16
LCD Screen 16
Programmable LEDs 16
Speaker 17
Buttons 18
Schematics 19
Tolerance Analysis 21
Differences 24
Overview 24
Analysis 25
Cost Analysis 27
Labor 27
Parts 28
Total Costs 28
Schedule 29
Ethics and Safety 30
Ethics 30
Safety 30
Risk Analysis 32
Citations 33
1. Introduction
1.1. Problem Background
The toy industry is extremely large, reaching $90.4 billion dollars
a year
in global revenue. On average, parents will spend around $250
on toys
every year for each child. With technology advancing, there comes the
opportunity to create toys that are more interactive; however as toys
become more innovative with added technology, they lose their
affordability. Interactive entertainment for children needs to be more
affordable while also maintaining the benefits that added technology can
provide, such as customization. We also need these toys to be portable
without an excessive number of add-ons, since they would increase the
prices and also reduce the portability.
In Spring 2019, Project #8 : Wirelessly synchronizing LED Mickey Mouse
Ears sought to create affordable and entertaining devices for families to
use to enjoy with customizable light patterns.
We strive to create a different solution to the problem that the project we
were inspired by was trying to solve. Our solution is to create Star Wars
Lightsabers which can be programmed to connect to each other and with
several characteristics to make them more customizable to the player.
The lightsaber toys sold by Disney fail to provide an interactive
experience. While they do light up and play sounds, they do not interact
with each other, and they are not customizable
. In terms of affordability,
while they do have options that are fairly priced at $32.99, these options
do not provide any customization. Our product allows a user to not only
interact with other users through gameplay, but also to customize their
own experience by choosing a character, allowing their lightsabers to show
varied light and audio displays that are not limited to one color or one
1.2. Solution Overview
We strive to create a different solution to the affordable entertainment
problem that the project we were inspired by was trying to solve.
Our solution is to create Star Wars Lightsabers which can be programmed
to connect to each other and with several characteristics to make them
more customizable to the player.
Each Lightsaber will allow the user to choose a character, and each
character has a corresponding set of effects. Whenever the lightsabers
collide, they will produce a light sequence and a clashing sound effect.
Both the light and sound effects will be different for each character
Before gameplay, the Lightsabers will pair with each other through
Bluetooth so both players cannot have the same character and so the
lightsabers can be synchronized.
During game play, the Lightsaber detects a hit due to the switches present
around the base connecting the top of the sword to the hilt. These
switches have longer triggers and are arranged in a circular manner around
the base. (Fig. 3) Since the material of the sword is a light plastic, it would
move into the trigger during the hit, and trigger the switch, which would
send in a signal registering a hit. This hit signal is sent to the next
Lightsaber via Bluetooth.
If both lightsabers register a hit signal within a certain time frame, then we
know that the lightsabers have had a saber-to-saber collision, and neither
player is awarded a hit point.
However, if only one of the lightsabers registers a hit within the time
frame, it will register as a saber-to-person hit; and a hit point will be
rewarded. The game ends after one player has reached 100 points, with
each hit giving the player 10 points.
In order to keep the game affordable and to not overly complicate the
gameplay, we plan on having some basic rules for playing. While there
may be a different way to check if the users are making contact with each
other, such as a specific target on the players, we choose to implement the
following rules instead, for the sake of portability and avoiding having too
many parts. This will ensure the players can have fun and stay safe while
playing the game. 
Rules of gameplay:
Parental supervision is required for children under the age of 10 to
prevent safety hazards.
Players must touch each other and not random objects to gain points.
Players must wear full sleeves and long pants.
The physical design of the lightsaber will be made of a lightweight plastic,
similar to plastics that are used in many toys. This will prevent any serious
injuries that could come along with having a heavier material.
1.3. Visual Aid
Figure 1: Game Setup
Figure 2: Lightsaber-Lightsaber Collision (+0 Points)
Figure 3: Successful “Hit” to Right Player (+10 Points)
1.4. High Level Requirements
1. The switches must trigger upon hit and have an error rate of less than
2. Once a hit is registered on one or both devices, the other should detect
the hit within 10ms for the score update to be instantaneous.
3. The light and sound effects should begin within 1 second of the
collision and should correspond to the character.
2. Design
2.1. Block Diagram
Figure 4: Block Diagram
2.2. Physical Design
Figure 5: Upper View Lightsaber Internals
Figure 6: Internals of Outer Handle
2.3. Sensor Subsystem
The sensor subsystem is responsible for detecting when the lightsaber has
made contact with another object. This is accomplished via a set of
switches surrounding the base of the lightsaber blade. When the lightsaber
blade makes contact with another object, the blade will be slightly pushed
due to the impact, this will cause the base of the blade to trigger one or
more of the surrounding switches. Therefore, whenever the lightsaber
makes contact with another object a switch will be triggered; thus
detecting when the lightsaber has made contact. The buttons will then
send the detection signals to the processing subsystem.
2.3.1. Snap Switches
There will be four snap switches surrounding the base of the
lightsaber blade as seen in figure 3.
The switches should only trigger after the
lightsaber has had an impact.
1. Once the switches are connected
to the microcontroller we can
monitor if they are detecting
2. Hit the lightsaber against an object
from six different angles to see if
the switch gets triggered from an
3. Swing the lightsaber around in all
directions without hitting
anything, and ensure sure the
switches do not get triggered
without an impact.
4. Verify that the switches only
trigger from an impact.
Table 1: Snap Switch R&V
2.4. Processing Subsystem
The Processing Subsystem is tasked with
(1) receiving hit signals from the Sensor Subsystem,
(2) sending and receiving bluetooth signals to/from the paired lightsaber
(3) instructing the Audio Visual System on what to display and what
sound and lights to produce
2.4.1. Microcontroller
We will be using an ESP32 WROOM-32D as our microcontroller.
We will be using its bluetooth capabilities to send and receive
signals from the other paired lightsaber. It will also send signals to
the peripherals to instruct them on what to do.
1. A hit signal should be
able to be sent from one
processing system to the
other in 10 ms.
2. Can send and receive
data successfully from
multiple sources and
a. Connect ESP-32 to power and
upload arduino program to send a 30
byte packet to computer
b. Set rate to be 38400 bps
c. Confirm packets received on
computer end
a. Connect microcontroller to LCD
Screen and Buttons
b. Confirm that information can be
received from buttons and changes are
reflected in LCD Screen
c. Connect microcontroller to LED
Strips next and confirm information
of LCD Screen changes LED colors.
Table 2: Microcontroller R&V
2.5. Power Subsystem
The power subsystem is responsible for providing and regulating power
for the Microcontroller (ESP32), LCD Screen, Programmable LEDs, and
Speaker. The power subsystem consists of a 7.2V lithium-ion battery
attached to two voltage regulator circuits. The LED strips, switches, and
speaker require a consistent voltage of 5 V, while the LCD Screen and ESP
32 require 3.3 V. Thus we need two voltage regulator circuits, one that
outputs a steady 5 V and one that outputs a steady 3.3 V. The total
current draw for all the components needing power falls into the range
603.16 - 603.22 mA . These calculations are based on the power
consumption of the ESP-32 (500 mA), LED Strips (1 µA), LCD Screen
(160-220 μA), Speaker (100mA), and Switches (3mA) datasheets. Since
the battery has a wattage of 3350 mAh, we can calculate the hours of
battery life our product can sustain, which would be 5.55 hours.
2.5.1. Lithium Ion Battery
A 7.2V lithium-ion battery will be used to supply power for all of
the components. 
1. The 7.2V lithium-ion battery
should last at least 5 hours
1. Connect battery to a voltmeter
2. Plot voltage over span of 5 hours
3. Ensure voltage levels do not drop
below 5 V over this timeframe
Table 3: Battery R&V
2.5.2. Voltage Regulator 1
A voltage regulator will be attached to the lithium-ion battery in
order to regulate the supply voltage and ensure that it never exceeds
1. Voltage supply should be
maintained at 5 0.2 V±
a. Connect the voltage
regulator circuit to a power
supply at 7.2V to mimic the
b. Use a voltmeter to monitor
the voltage.
c. Ensure the output voltage
remains around 4.8 - 5.2 V
Table 4: Voltage Regulator 1 R&V
2.5.3. Voltage Regulator 2
A voltage regulator will be attached to the lithium-ion battery in
order to regulate the supply voltage and ensure that it never exceeds
1. Voltage supply should be
maintained at 3.3 0.2 V±
a. Connect the voltage
regulator circuit to a power
supply at 7.2V to mimic the
b. Use a voltmeter to monitor
the voltage.
c. Ensure the output voltage
remains around 3.1 - 3.5 V
Table 5: Voltage Regulator 2 R&V
2.6. Audio Visual Subsystem
The audio visual subsystem provides the interactive elements for the user.
We begin with the LCD Screen and the buttons. The LCD Screen will
consist of text options to let the user choose their character as well as
display the score. There will be buttons below the screen to allow the user
to choose said character or to restart the game.
Upon the selection of the character, the information will be sent to the
processing subsystem. Now upon a hit, since a character has been
registered, the programmable LEDs and speakers will react accordingly
with the pre-assigned sound and light sequences.
2.6.1. LCD Screen
A simple LCD screen capable of showing two lines of text, the first
with the character name and scrolling arrows on either side, and the
next to display the score. It will be connected to the buttons and to
the processing subsystem.
1. No inconsistencies in display,
should display text completely
upto maximum character limit (16
2. Change in values must be
registered and displayed.
1. Send in a 16 character word,
ensure proper display.
2. Send data in a loop, changing
values every 1 second. Ensure that
changing values are observed. 
Table 6: LCD Screen R&V
2.6.2. Programmable LEDs
LED strips are convenient since light sequences can be well
programmed and every LED is programmable. As a result, we will
be able to provide quality entertainment with multicolor LED
strips and lighting patterns. The LEDs will be connected to the
processing subsystem as well as the power subsystem.
1. LED strips must be able to display
a sequence of lights.
2. LEDs must respond to a hit within
a delay of 1 second.
a. Connect the strips to a
microcontroller and send in
a changing color pattern.
b. Observe fading and overall
pleasant viewing and make
sure there is no rapid or
inconsistent blinking of
a. Provide test code and print
time delay from receiving
value till change in LED.
Table 7: LEDs R&V
2.6.3. Speaker
A speaker should be able to play sounds as soon as a hit is registered.
It will also be connected to both the processing and the power
1. To be able to play a small tune
upon hit.
1. Create a code to provide
pre-selected notes and ensure they
can be played in a sequence.
Table 8: Speaker R&V
2.6.4. Buttons
We require 2 push buttons, one to scroll to the right to choose a
character, and another to start/restart the game. These will be
connected to the processing subsystem.
1. The push of a button should be
registered by the processing
a. Verify button connections
by connecting to any
microcontroller and
receiving confirmation.
b. Connect to a working
processing subsystem and
print when pressed.
Table 9: Buttons R&V
2.7. Schematics
Figure 7: LCD Display Schematic
Figure 8: Microcontroller Schematic
Figure 9: 3.3V Voltage Regulator Schematic
2.8. Tolerance Analysis
The snap switches we are using have an operating force of 1.47 N. This
means it requires 1.47 N of force to trigger the switch, and in our case,
send a signal to the processing subsystem that there has been a collision.
Using Newton’s laws of physics, we can calculate what acceleration is
needed to produce enough force to trigger the switch without a collision.
Knowing that the base of the lightsaber is heavier than the blade, and that
the blade is made of a thinner and lighter plastic material, we estimate the
weight of the blade to be 0.03 kg.
___(2.8.1 Eq1)F = m × a
___(2.8.2 Eq2).47 N 0.029kg a1 = ×
___(2.8.2 Eq3)0.7 m/s a5
In order to trigger the switches without a collision, a person would need to
swing the lightsaber with an acceleration of at least 50.7 m/s
. A person of
height 4’10’’ weighing in around 40 kg (similar to a young child), can
move their arm at an average rate of 5.74m/s
(according to our trials
noted below). As a player moves around, swinging the lightsaber, but not
hitting anything, there should not be enough force to trigger the switches
unless there is a physical collision that provides the extra force needed to
exceed 1.47 N.
Now we will calculate the force exerted on a lightsaber during a collision.
Firstly, we know that the work done by the lightsaber will be equal to the
kinetic energy. For this calculation, we will assume that the lightsaber is
swung horizontally.
___(2.8.2 Eq4) EW = K
___(2.8.2 Eq5) W = F × d
We also know that:
___(2.8.2 Eq6)E mv K =
Thus, we can say that:
___(2.8.2 Eq7)F mv × d =
___(2.8.2 Eq8)
2F d
= v
We assume that upon collision, the lightsabers will move between 5-15 cm
(0.05 m- 0.15 m)from the position of the original collision. We also
assume that the lightsaber will be colliding with an unmoving target.
We know that the force needed must exceed 1.47 N. Now let’s calculate
the velocity needed in order to provide that force.
___(2.8.2 Eq9)
.25 m/s v =
2(1.47N)(0.05 m)
= 2
__(2.8.2 Eq10)
.89 m/s v =
2(1.47N)(0.15 m)
= 3
This means, in order to provide the force necessary to trigger the switches
on collision, the lightsaber would need to be moving around 0.76 - 1.33
m/s at a minimum. Seeing that the average acceleration of a swinging arm
is 5.74 m/s
, It would only take a user at least 0.39-0.68 s to accelerate to
that speed, which is a reasonable amount of time to make a swing.
___(2.8.2 Eq11)tv = a
___(2.8.2 Eq12)
= t
___(2.8.2 Eq13).39 s
2.25 m/s
5.74 m/s
= 0
___(2.8.2 Eq14).68 s
3.89 m/s
5.74 m/s
= 0
In reality, a user may go into a collision at a much higher velocity, so it is
reasonable to assume that upon any intended collision, a user will in fact
trigger the switches, and this a hit signal.
In order to provide some data on the force at which an average child can
swing their arm, we conducted some trials in our apartment. Since we are
quarantined, and we do not have access to proper tools, we made do with
a measuring tape and a timer to measure and calculate the average
acceleration a child-sized person can swing their arm. Because Tulika is
child sized, she served as an ideal subject for these trials.
___(2.8.2 Eq13) v at x =
Since we started each trail with an initial velocity of 0 m/s. This equation
reduces to:
___(2.8.2 Eq14) x at =
Thus, ___(2.8.2 Eq15)
= a
Trial #
1.22 m
0.89 s
3.08 m/s
1.22 m
0.53 s
8.68 m/ s
1.22 m
0.62 s
6.34 m/ s
1.22 m
0.71 s
4.84 m/ s
5.74 m/ s
Table 10: Trials for average acceleration
3. Differences
3.1. Overview
The problem statement itself was a broad opportunity to create an
entertaining and interactive device.
The project before us, Mickey Mouse Ears, aimed to create a wearable set
of headbands with mickey mouse ears on them. These ears could be
programmed by an app on the user’s phone and would then light up
according to the user’s choice of lights. In addition, these lights could
synchronize with the rest and all the headbands would go through the
light patterns synchronously.
The Lightsaber improves on the Mickey Mouse Ears in many ways.
Our project aims to create an interactive game with a set of lightsabers.
These lightsabers interact with each other to keep track of who has been
hit, and what the scores are so far. In addition, the user can select a
character and the other user can choose a different character. Each
character comes with a personalized light and sound sequence, which will
be chosen with reference to Disney’s Star Wars movies.
The Lightsabers have added entertainment values by the sound effects, the
interactivity as they come in the form of a game, and in providing the user
an option for the users to choose characters they are familiar with.
The largest trade off is that Mickey mouse ears do provide more
entertainment to children who are less than 10 years old, as it has less
safety requirements. On the other hand, to children above 10 years of age,
a game they can interact and run around with might prove to be more
enjoyable, and when the rules are followed, provides no risk.
3.2. Analysis
The core problem to be solved was a lack of quality entertainment. We
break this down into a set of qualities: interactiveness, affordability and
portability. Based on these qualifications, the previous project provided
light effects on a headband, where the light effects were customizable.
We chose to improve the factor of interactiveness, where we shaped the
product to be a game so the users can enjoy themselves, with added LCD
screens and light and sounds and characters. The following table
highlights the features offered by each of the solutions. This table serves to
show that the interactivity of the Bluetooth Enabled Lightsabers is far
Bluetooth Enabled
Mickey Mouse Ears
Customizable Light
Customizable Sound
App based
interactivity with user
Score keeping
Interactive on-device
Table 11: Feature list for original and new projects
Both projects are extremely portable. The Bluetooth Enabled Lightsaber
weighs 0.25 kg (Lightsaber frame: 0.0816 kg, battery: 0.1 kg and LEDs:
0.068 kg), while the Mickey Mouse Ears weight 0.16 kg
(Mentioned: 52
g for battery and 120 g for headband). Since each has a different use, the
weights are not entirely comparable. Both these weights are easily held by a
child of about 10 years old.
In terms of affordability, the cost of making the Mickey Mouse Ears
would come up to $97
and the Bluetooth Enabled Lightsaber would
cost about $96, and thus these are very comparable. Buying the
components in bulk would reduce these prices to less than half the price.
In this case, the prices of the original Lightsabers would be within $10 of
the Bluetooth Enabled Lightsabers, which is acceptable since they are
made up for in the additions in the number of features.
4. Cost Analysis
4.1. Labor
Labor: (For each partner in the project)
A Computer Engineering Major from the University of Illinois at Urbana
Champaign makes an average salary of $84,250 a year
This is about $40.5 per hour, which is our chosen labor cost
Estimated work time is 5 hours/week for 15 weeks, which is 75 hours to
With the given equation, cost per hour x 2.5 x hours to complete =
$40.5/hour x 2.5 x 75 hours = $ 7593.7
Labor for all the partners in the project:
$ 7593.7/partner x 3 partners = $22,781.25
So, our final estimated cost of labor is $22,781.25
4.2. Parts
Part #
Total Cost ($)
Snap Switch
ESP32 WiFi
LCD Screen
LED Strips
Table 12: Cost Analysis
4.3. Total Costs
Total Costs
= Labor + Parts
= $22,781.25 + $95.69
= $22,876.94
5. Schedule
Place order for parts
Research and understand
PCB design requirements
and specifications
Research and understand
PCB design requirements
and specifications
Talk to Machine Shop
about modifying
lightsaber to fit our
Design the PCB layout for
the Processing Subsystem
Design the PCB layout for
the Sensor Subsystem
Design the PCB layout
for the Power Subsystem
Design the PCB layout for
the Audio/Visual Subsystem
Design the PCB layout for
the Audio/Visual Subsystem
Test for confirmation of
sensor subsystem r/v
Test for confirmation of
A/V subsystem r/v
Finalize PCB Layout and put
in order request for PCB
Program microcontroller
to send hit signal upon
triggering of switch
Begin fitting parts into the
handle base
Once the PCB arries, begin
soldering the components
onto it
Program game logic onto
Fit PCB and rest of
components into the
Begin initial test for
confirmation of processing
subsystem r/v
Fit PCB and rest of
components into the
Fit PCB and rest of
components into the
Program peripheral control
onto the microcontroller (lcd
display, speaker, and leds)
Refine and test, catch up
if fallen behind schedule
Refine and test, catch up if
fallen behind schedule
Refine and test, catch up if
fallen behind schedule
Final Demo, work on
final presentation
Final Demo, work on final
Final Demo, work on final
Final Presentation
Final Presentation
Final Presentation
Table 13: Schedule
6. Ethics and Safety
6.1. Ethics
We do believe our product is both ethical and safe to use, if used properly
under the conditions we have stated in our background section. One
ethical consideration we do have would be players intentions for playing
this game. IEEE Code of Ethics number 9 states that we should “avoid
injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or
malicious action.” While our game is a mock fighting game, it is not
intended to facilitate violence or injury. We aim to make the lightsaber out
of a lightweight plastic so that it cannot be used to seriously injure any of
the participants. Though we understand that young children often do not
know these limits, and that is why we have put an age restriction and also
advise parental guidance. This can ensure that young children do not
injure each other while playing this game. All other codes in the IEEE
Code of Ethics we believe we comply fully with.
6.2. Safety
In terms of safety, we have similar concerns mainly with the intent of the
players and also the age. While we cannot control the intent of the players,
we have placed restrictions on age and parental supervision for young
people who will likely accidentally cause harm to themselves or the other
player. We have also said that we will make the lightsaber very lightweight
so that it cannot cause much physical injury. Another safety concern we
have is with the battery If the battery were to fail or overheat, this would
result in “thermal runaway which is a reaction within the battery causing
internal temperature and pressure to rise at a quicker rate then can be
dissipated”. Once a battery goes into thermal runway, it can cause enough
heat to induce thermal runway in other batteries ultimately resulting in a
fire. These fires are more difficult to put out and thus make this uniquely
. Other safety concerns could arise from open or uncovered
wires that could potentially cause electric shock to the wearer of the
. This is why our design will have all wires covered and away from
the handle of the lightsaber; thus adhering to the first rule of the IEEE
code of ethics
by ensuring the safety of the user.
7. Risk Analysis
Of all our subsystems, the processing subsystem possesses the highest risk. The
processing subsystem is charged with receiving the signals from the trigger
switches and immediately sending output signals to the audio visual subsystem
all within a very small delay. It also has to send a hit signal via bluetooth to the
other lightsaber, so it can also send a signal to its own audio visual subsystem.
This bluetooth communication is where our highest risk lies. If the
communication fails, if the pairing drops, or if the signal is not sent fast enough,
there will be audible and visual delays in the sound and light effects that will
negatively impact the performance of the product and also customer satisfaction.
8. Citations
[1] “IEEE Code of Ethics”, 2020. [Online]. Available:[Accessed: 17-
April- 2020]
[2] “Lithium Ion Battery Safety for Consumers,” Lithium Ion Battery Safety for
Consumers. NFPA, 2017. Available:
eets/LithiumIonBatterySafety.ashx [Accessed: 17- April- 2020]
[3] “The Hazards of Lithium Batteries”, [Online].
[Accessed: 17- April- 2020].
[4] E. I. T. S. Services, “Salary Averages,” Salary Averages :: ECE ILLINOIS.
[Online]. Available: [Accessed: 17-
April- 2020].
[5] Basic Character LCD Hookup Guide. Sparkfun. [Online] Available:
[Accessed April 17, 2020. ]
[6] E. Duncan, “Topic: Toy Industry,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 23-Apr-2020].
[7] “Kylo Ren Lightsaber – Star Wars: shopDisney,” [Online].
6998.html?isProductSearch=1&plpPosition=3&searchType=regular. [Accessed:
[8] K. Vlasaty and I. Napp, “Wirelessly Synchronized LED Mickey Mouse Ears,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: