Provisional admission is appropriate for students seeking admission and registration privileges before all
requirements have been met. Provisional admission is granted on a case-by-case basis by the
Campus Director or by admissions staff as directed by the Campus Director. Students granted provisional
admission must complete a Provisional Registration Agreement prior to registration. Students are
responsible for ensuring that a final official transcript from each institution attended is forwarded to GMC
by the end of the first registered term. Students will not be eligible for financial aid consideration until
all official transcripts have been received by GMC and it is determined that the student is eligible for
admission. All fee payment deadlines must be met by the student regardless of the provisional registration
agreement. Registration for any future term and release of official GMC transcripts will
not be permitted
until all required documents have been submitted and the student is determined eligible to continue.
Please initial each statement below:
I understand that I am being allowed to register on a provisional status. This means:
I acknowledge that the following documents must be received in order for my
admissions file to be complete and ready for review:
I will not be allowed to register for future terms.
I will not receive official transcripts from GMC.
I will not receive any form of financial aid (federal, state or GMC) until all official transcripts have
been received and it is determined that I am eligible for admission and financial aid.
If I am not eligible for admission or financial aid, for any reason, I will forfeit all monies that I have
paid to GMC.
First Name
Student Information:
Last Name
See Academic Catalog, "Provisional Admission Policy," for details.
STUDENT - Complete top portion of this form, then sign and return to the coach.
Entry Term:
Signature of Student:
Version 11-1-22 SDB
Date processed and scanned to student file: