Mobile Home Park Act
38-12-200.1. Short title
This part 2 shall be known and may be cited as the "Mobile Home Park Act".
38-12-200.2. Legislative declaration
The general assembly hereby declares that the purpose of this part 2 is to establish the
relationship between the owner of a mobile home park and the owner of a mobile home situated
in such park.
38-12-201. Application of part 2
(1) This part 2 shall apply only to manufactured homes as defined in section 42-1-102 (106) (b),
(2) Repealed.
38-12-201.3. Legislative declaration - increased availability of mobile home parks
The general assembly hereby finds and declares that mobile homes, manufactured housing, and
factory-built housing are important and effective ways to meet Colorado's affordable housing
needs. The general assembly further finds and declares that, because of the unique aspects of
mobile homes and mobile home park ownership, there is a need to protect mobile home owners
from eviction with short notice so as to prevent mobile home owners from losing their shelter as
well as any equity in their mobile homes. The general assembly encourages local governments to
allow and protect mobile home parks in their jurisdictions and to enact plans to increase the
number of mobile home parks in their jurisdictions. The general assembly further encourages
local governments to provide incentives to mobile home park owners to attract additional mobile
home parks and to increase the viability of current parks.
38-12-201.5. Definitions
As used in this part 2, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Home owner" means any person or family of such person owning a mobile home that is
subject to a tenancy in a mobile home park under a rental agreement.
(1.5) "Management" or "landlord" means the owner or person responsible for operating and
managing a mobile home park or an agent, employee, or representative authorized to act on said
management's behalf in connection with matters relating to tenancy in the park.
(2) "Mobile home" means a single-family dwelling built on a permanent chassis designed for
long-term residential occupancy and containing complete electrical, plumbing, and sanitary
facilities and designed to be installed in a permanent or semi-permanent manner with or without
a permanent foundation, which is capable of being drawn over public highways as a unit, or in
sections by special permit, or a manufactured home as defined in section 38-29-102 (6) if the
manufactured home is situated in a mobile home park.
(3) "Mobile home park" or "park" means a parcel of land used for the continuous
accommodation of five or more occupied mobile homes and operated for the pecuniary benefit of
the owner of the parcel of land, his agents, lessees, or assignees. Mobile home park does not
include mobile home subdivisions or property zoned for manufactured home subdivisions.
(4) "Mobile home space", "space", "mobile home lot" or "lot" means a parcel of land within a
mobile home park designated by the management to accommodate one mobile home and its
accessory buildings and to which the required sewer and utility connections are provided by the
mobile home park.
(5) "Premises" means a mobile home park and existing facilities and appurtenances therein,
including furniture and utilities where applicable, and grounds, areas, and existing facilities held
out for the use of home owners generally or the use of which is promised to the home owner.
(6) "Rent" means any money or other consideration to be paid to the management for the right of
use, possession, and occupation of the premises.
(7) "Rental agreement" means an agreement, written or implied by law, between the management
and the home owner establishing the terms and conditions of a tenancy, including reasonable
rules and regulations promulgated by the park management. A lease is a rental agreement.
(8) Repealed.
(9) "Tenancy" means the rights of a home owner to use a space or lot within a park on which to
locate, maintain, and occupy a mobile home, lot improvements, and accessory structures for
human habitation, including the use of services and facilities of the park.
38-12-202. Tenancy - notice to quit
(1) (a) No tenancy or other lease or rental occupancy of space in a mobile home park shall
commence without a written lease or rental agreement, and no tenancy in a mobile home park
shall be terminated until a notice to quit has been served. Said notice to quit shall be in writing
and in the form specified in section 13-40-107 (2), C.R.S. The property description required in
section 13-40-107 (2), C.R.S., shall be deemed legally sufficient if it states:
(I) The name of the landlord or the mobile home park;
(II) The mailing address of the property;
(III) The location or space number upon which the mobile home is situate; and
(IV) The county in which the mobile home is situate.
(b) Service of the notice to quit shall be as specified in section 13-40-108, C.R.S. Service by
posting shall be deemed legally sufficient within the meaning of section 13-40-108, C.R.S., if the
notice is affixed to the main entrance of the mobile home.
(c) (I) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (II) of this paragraph (c), the home owner
shall be given a period of not less than sixty days to remove any mobile home from the premises
from the date the notice is served or posted. In those situations where a mobile home is being
leased to, or occupied by, persons other than its owner and in a manner contrary to the rules and
regulations of the landlord, then in that event, the tenancy may be terminated by the landlord
upon giving a thirty-day notice rather than said sixty-day notice.
(II) If the tenancy is terminated on grounds specified in section 38-12-203 (1) (f), the home
owner shall be given a period of not less than ten days to remove any mobile home from the
premises from the date the notice is served or posted.
(2) No lease shall contain any provision by which the home owner waives his or her rights under
this part 2, and any such waiver shall be deemed contrary to public policy and shall be
unenforceable and void. In those situations where a mobile home is being leased to, or occupied
by, persons other than its owner and in a manner contrary to the rules and regulations of the
landlord, then, in that event, the tenancy may be terminated by the landlord upon giving a thirty-
day notice rather than said sixty-day notice.
(3) The landlord or management of a mobile home park shall specify, in the notice required by
this section, the reason for the termination, as described in section 38-12-203, of any tenancy in
such mobile home park. If the tenancy is being terminated based on the mobile home or mobile
home lot being out of compliance with the rules and regulations adopted pursuant to section 38-
12-203 (1) (c), the notice required by this section shall include a statement advising the home
owner that the home owner has a right to cure the noncompliance within thirty days of the date
of service or posting of the notice to quit. The thirty-day period to cure any noncompliance set
forth in this subsection (3) shall run concurrently with the sixty-day period to remove a mobile
home from the premises as set forth in paragraph (c) of subsection (1) and subsection (2) of this
section. Acceptance of rent by the landlord or management of a mobile home park during the
thirty-day right to cure period set forth in section 38-12-203 (1) (c) shall not constitute a waiver
of the landlord's right to terminate the tenancy for any noncompliance set forth in section 38-12-
203 (1) (c).
38-12-202.5. Action for termination
(1) The action for termination shall be commenced in the manner described in section 13-40-110,
C.R.S. The property description shall be deemed legally sufficient and within the meaning of
section 13-40-110, C.R.S., if it states:
(a) The name of the landlord or the mobile home park;
(b) The mailing address of the property;
(c) The location or space number upon which the mobile home is situate; and
(d) The county in which the mobile home is situate.
(2) Service of summons shall be as specified in section 13-40-112, C.R.S. Service by posting
shall be deemed legally sufficient within the meaning of section 13-40-112, C.R.S., if the
summons is affixed to the main entrance of the mobile home.
(3) Jurisdiction of courts in cases of forcible entry, forcible detainer, or unlawful detainer shall
be as specified in section 13-40-109, C.R.S. Trial on the issue of possession shall be timely as
specified in section 13-40-114, C.R.S., with no delay allowed for the determination of other
issues or claims which may be severed at the discretion of the trial court.
(4) After commencement of the action and before judgment, any person not already a party to the
action who is discovered to have a property interest in the mobile home shall be allowed to enter
into a stipulation with the landlord and be bound thereby.
38-12-203. Reasons for termination
(1) A tenancy shall be terminated pursuant to this part 2 only for one or more of the following
(a) Failure of the home owner to comply with local ordinances and state laws and regulations
relating to mobile homes and mobile home lots;
(b) Conduct of the home owner, on the mobile home park premises, which constitutes an
annoyance to other home owners or interference with park management;
(c) Failure of the home owner to comply with written rules and regulations of the mobile home
park either established by the management in the rental agreement at the inception of the
tenancy, amended subsequently thereto with the consent of the home owner, or amended
subsequently thereto without the consent of the home owner on sixty days' written notice if the
amended rules and regulations are reasonable; except that the home owner shall have thirty days
from the date of service or posting of the notice to quit set forth in section 38-12-202 (3) to cure
any noncompliance on the mobile home or mobile home lot before an action for termination may
be commenced, except if local ordinances, state laws and regulations, park rules and regulations,
or emergency, health, or safety situations require immediate compliance. If a home owner was in
violation or noncompliance pursuant to this paragraph (c) and was given notice and a right to
cure such noncompliance and within a twelve-month period from the date of service of the notice
is in noncompliance of the same rule or regulation and is given notice of the second
noncompliance, there shall be no right to cure the second noncompliance. Regulations applicable
to recreational facilities may be amended at the reasonable discretion of the management. For
purposes of this paragraph (c), when the mobile home is owned by a person other than the owner
of the mobile home park, the mobile home is a separate unit of ownership, and regulations that
are adopted subsequent to the unit location in the park without the consent of the home owner
and that place restrictions or requirements on that separate unit are prima facie unreasonable.
Nothing in this paragraph (c) shall prohibit a mobile home park owner from requiring
compliance with current park unit regulations at the time of sale or transfer of the mobile home
to a new owner. Transfer under this paragraph (c) shall not include transfer to a co-owner
pursuant to death or divorce or to a new co-owner pursuant to marriage.
(d) (I) Condemnation or change of use of the mobile home park. When the owner of a mobile
home park is formally notified by a notice of intent to acquire pursuant to section 38-1-121 (1) or
other similar provision of law, or a complaint in a condemnation action from an appropriate
governmental agency that the mobile home park, or any portion thereof, is to be acquired by the
governmental agency or may be the subject of a condemnation proceeding, the landlord shall,
within seventeen days, notify the home owners in writing of the terms of the notice of intent to
acquire or complaint received by the landlord.
(II) In those cases where the landlord desires to change the use of the mobile home park and
where such change of use would result in eviction of inhabited mobile homes, the landlord shall
first give the owner of each mobile home subject to such eviction a written notice of the
landlord's intent to evict not less than six months prior to such change of use of the land, notice
to be mailed to each home owner.
(e) The making or causing to be made, with knowledge, of false or misleading statements on an
application for tenancy;
(f) Conduct of the home owner or any lessee of the home owner or any guest, agent, invitee, or
associate of the home owner or lessee of the home owner, that:
(I) Occurs on the mobile home park premises and unreasonably endangers the life of the
landlord, any home owner or lessee of the mobile home park, any person living in the park, or
any guest, agent, invitee, or associate of the home owner or lessee of the home owner;
(II) Occurs on the mobile home park premises and constitutes willful, wanton, or malicious
damage to or destruction of property of the landlord, any home owner or lessee of the mobile
home park, any person living in the park, or any guest, agent, invitee, or associate of the home
owner or lessee of the home owner;
(III) Occurs on the mobile home park premises and constitutes a felony prohibited under article
3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, or 18 of title 18, C.R.S.; or
(IV) Is the basis for a pending action to declare the mobile home or any of its contents a class 1
public nuisance under section 16-13-303, C.R.S.
(2) In an action pursuant to this part 2, the landlord shall have the burden of proving that the
landlord complied with the relevant notice requirements and that the landlord provided the home
owner with a statement of reasons for the termination. In addition to any other defenses a home
owner may have, it shall be a defense that the landlord's allegations are false or that the reasons
for termination are invalid.
38-12-204. Nonpayment of rent - notice required for rent increase
(1) Any tenancy or other estate at will or lease in a mobile home park may be terminated upon
the landlord's written notice to the home owner requiring, in the alternative, payment of rent or
the removal of the home owner's unit from the premises, within a period of not less than five
days after the date notice is served or posted, for failure to pay rent when due.
(2) Rent shall not be increased without sixty days' written notice to the home owner. In addition
to the amount and the effective date of the rent increase, such written notice shall include the
name, address, and telephone number of the mobile home park management, if such
management is a principal owner, or owner of the mobile home park and, if the owner is other
than a natural person, the name, address, and telephone number of the owner's chief executive
officer or managing partner; except that such ownership information need not be given if it was
disclosed in the rental agreement made pursuant to section 38-12-213.
38-12-204.3. Notice required for termination
(1) Where the tenancy of a mobile home owner is being terminated under section 38-12-202 or
section 38-12-204, the landlord or mobile home park owner shall provide such mobile home
owner with written notice as provided for in subsection (2) of this section. Service of such notice
shall occur at the same time and in the same manner as service of:
(a) The notice to quit as provided in section 38-12-202 (1); or
(b) The notice of nonpayment of rent as provided in section 38-12-204 (1).
(2) The notice required under this section shall be in at least ten-point type and shall read as
This notice and the accompanying notice to quit/notice of nonpayment of rent are the first steps
in the eviction process. Any dispute you may have regarding the grounds for eviction should be
addressed with your landlord or the management of the mobile home park or in the courts if an
eviction action is filed. Please be advised that the "Mobile Home Park Act", part 2 of article 12
of title 38, Colorado Revised Statutes, may provide you with legal protection:
NOTICE TO QUIT: The landlord or management of a mobile home park must serve to a home
owner a notice to quit in order to terminate a home owner's tenancy. The notice must be in
writing and must contain certain information, including:
;The grounds for the termination of the tenancy;
;Whether or not the home owner has a right to cure under the "Mobile Home Park
Act"; and
;That the home owner has a right to mediation pursuant to section 38-12-216, Colorado Revised
Statutes, of the "Mobile Home Park Act".
NOTICE OF NONPAYMENT OF RENT: The landlord or management of a mobile home park
must serve to a home owner a notice of nonpayment of rent in order to terminate a home owner's
tenancy. The notice must be in writing and must require that the home owner either make
payment of rent and any applicable fees due and owing or remove the owner's unit from the
premises, within a period of not less than five days after the date the notice is served or posted,
for failure to pay rent when due.
CURE PERIODS: If the home owner has a right to cure under the "Mobile Home Park Act", the
landlord or management of a mobile home park cannot terminate a home owner's tenancy
without first providing the home owner with a time period to cure the noncompliance. "Cure"
refers to a home owner remedying, fixing, or otherwise correcting the situation or problem that
caused the tenancy to be terminated pursuant to sections 38-12-202, 38-12-203, or 38-12-204,
day of the notice period, a legal action may be commenced to take possession of the space leased
by the home owner. In order to evict a home owner, the landlord or management of the mobile
home park must prove:
;The landlord or management complied with the notice requirements of the "Mobile Home Park
;The landlord or management provided the home owner with a statement of reasons
for termination of the tenancy; and
;The reasons for termination of the tenancy are true and valid under the "Mobile Home Park
A home owner must appear in court to defend against an eviction action. If the court rules in
favor of the landlord or management of the mobile home park, the home owner will have not less
than 48 hours from the time of the ruling to remove the mobile home and to vacate the premises.
If a tenancy is being terminated pursuant to section 38-12-203 (1) (f), Colorado Revised Statutes,
the home owner shall have not less than 48 hours from the time of the ruling to remove the home
and vacate the premises. In all other circumstances, if the home owner wishes to extend such
period beyond 48 hours but not more than thirty days from the date of the ruling, the home
owner shall prepay to the landlord an amount equal to any total amount declared by the court to
be due to the landlord, as well as a pro rata share of rent for each day following the court's ruling
that the mobile home owner will remain on the premises. All prepayments shall be paid by
certified check, by cashier's check, or by wire transfer and shall be paid no later than 48 hours
after the court ruling.
38-12-205. Termination prohibited
A tenancy or other estate at will or lease in a mobile home park may not be terminated solely for
the purpose of making the home owner's space in the park available for another mobile home or
trailer coach.
38-12-206. Home owner meetings - assembly in common areas
Home owners shall have the right to meet and establish a homeowners' association. Meetings of
home owners or the homeowners' association relating to mobile home living and affairs in their
park common area, community hall, or recreation hall, if such a facility or similar facility exists,
shall not be subject to prohibition by the park management if the common area or hall is reserved
according to the park rules and such meetings are held at reasonable hours and when the facility
is not otherwise in use; except that no such meetings shall be held in the streets or thoroughfares
of the mobile home park.
38-12-207. Security deposits - legal process
(1) The owner of a mobile home park or his agents may charge a security deposit not greater than
the amount of one month's rent or two month's rent for multiwide units.
(2) Legal process, other than eviction, shall be used for the collection of utility charges and
incidental service charges other than those provided by the rental agreement.
38-12-208. Remedies
(1) (a) Upon granting judgment for possession by the landlord in a forcible entry and detainer
action, the court shall immediately issue a writ of restitution which the landlord shall take to the
sheriff. In addition, if a money judgment has been requested in the complaint and if service was
accomplished by personal service, the court shall determine and enter judgment for any amounts
due to the landlord and shall calculate a pro rata daily rent amount that must be paid for the home
to remain in the park. The court may rely upon information provided by the landlord or the
landlord's attorney when determining the pro rata daily rent amount to be paid by the home
owner. Upon receipt of the writ of restitution, the sheriff shall serve notice in accordance with
the requirements of section 13-40-108, C.R.S., to the home owner of the court's decision and
entry of judgment.
(b) The notice of judgment shall state that, at a specified time not less than forty-eight hours from
the entry of judgment if a tenancy is being terminated pursuant to section 38-12-203 (1) (f) and,
in all other instances, not less than forty-eight hours from the entry of judgment, which may be
extended to not more than thirty days after the entry of judgment if the home owner has prepaid
by certified check, by cashier's check, or by wire transfer no later than forty-eight hours after the
court ruling to the landlord an amount equal to any total amount declared by the court to be due
to the landlord, as well as a pro rata share of rent for each day following the court's ruling that
the mobile home owner will remain on the premises, the sheriff will return to serve a writ of
restitution and superintend the peaceful and orderly removal of the mobile home under that order
of court. The notice of judgment shall also advise the home owner to prepare the mobile home
for removal from the premises by removing the skirting, disconnecting utilities, attaching tires,
and otherwise making the mobile home safe and ready for highway travel.
(c) Should the home owner fail to have the mobile home safe and ready for physical removal
from the premises or should inclement weather or other unforeseen problems occur at the time
specified in the notice of judgment, the landlord and the sheriff may, by written agreement,
extend the time for the execution of the writ of restitution to allow time for the landlord to
arrange to have the necessary work done or to permit the sheriff's execution of the writ of
restitution at a time when weather or other conditions will make removal less hazardous to the
mobile home.
(d) If the mobile home is not removed from the landlord's land on behalf of the mobile home
owner within the time permitted by the writ of restitution, then the landlord and the sheriff shall
have the right to take possession of the mobile home for the purposes of removal and storage.
The liability of the landlord and the sheriff in such event shall be limited to gross negligence or
willful and wanton disregard of the property rights of the home owner. The responsibility to
prevent freezing and to prevent wind and weather damage to the mobile home lies exclusively
with those persons who have a property interest in the mobile home; except that the landlord may
take appropriate action to prevent freezing, to prevent wind and weather damage, and to prevent
damage caused by vandals.
(e) Reasonable removal and storage charges and the costs associated with preventing damage
caused by wind, weather, or vandals can be paid by any party in interest. Those charges will run
with the mobile home, and whoever ultimately claims the mobile home will owe that sum to the
person who paid it.
(2) (a) Prior to the issuance of said writ of restitution, the court shall make a finding of fact based
upon evidence or statements of counsel that there is or is not a security agreement on the mobile
home being subjected to the writ of restitution. A written statement on the mobile home owner's
application for tenancy with the landlord that there is no security agreement on the mobile home
shall be prima facie evidence of the nonexistence of such security agreement.
(b) In those cases where the court finds there is a security agreement on the mobile home subject
to the writ of restitution and where that holder of the security agreement can be identified with
reasonable certainty, then, upon receipt of the writ of restitution, the plaintiff shall promptly
inform the holder of such security agreement as to the location of the mobile home, the name of
the landlord who obtained the writ of restitution, and the time when the mobile home will be
subject to removal by the sheriff and the landlord.
(3) The remedies provided in part 1 of this article and article 40 of title 13, C.R.S., except as
inconsistent with this part 2, shall be applicable to this part 2.
38-12-209. Entry fees prohibited - entry fee defined - security deposit - court costs
(1) The owner of a mobile home park, or the agent of such owner, shall neither pay to nor
receive from an owner or a seller of a mobile home an entry fee of any type as a condition of
tenancy in a mobile home park.
(2) As used in this section, "entry fee" means any fee paid to or received from an owner of a
mobile home park or his agent except for:
(a) Rent;
(b) A security deposit against actual damages to the premises or to secure rental payments, which
deposit shall not be greater than the amount allowed under this part 2. Subsequent to July 1,
1979, security deposits will remain the property of the home owner, and they shall be deposited
into a separate trust account by the landlord to be administered by the landlord as a private
trustee. For the purpose of preserving the corpus, the landlord will not commingle the trust funds
with other money, but he is permitted to keep the interest and profits thereon as his compensation
for administering the trust account.
(c) Fees charged by any state, county, town, or city governmental agency;
(d) Utilities;
(e) Incidental reasonable charges for services actually performed by the mobile home park owner
or his agent and agreed to in writing by the home owner.
(3) The trial judge may award court costs and attorney fees in any court action brought pursuant
to any provision of this part 2 to the prevailing party upon finding that the prevailing party
undertook the court action and legal representation for a legally sufficient reason and not for a
dilatory or unfounded cause.
(4) The management or the resident may bring a civil action for violation of the rental agreement
or any provision of this part 2 in the appropriate court of the county in which the park is located.
Either party may recover actual damages or, the court may in its discretion award such equitable
relief as it deems necessary, including the enjoining of either party from further violations.
38-12-210. Closed parks prohibited
(1) The owner of a mobile home park or his agent shall not require as a condition of tenancy in a
mobile home park that the prospective home owner has purchased a mobile home from any
particular seller or from any one of a particular group of sellers.
(2) Such owner or agent shall not give any special preference in renting to a prospective home
owner who has purchased a mobile home from a particular seller.
(3) A seller of mobile homes shall not require as a condition of sale that a purchaser locate in a
particular mobile home park or in any one of a particular group of mobile home parks.
(4) The owner or operator of a mobile home park shall treat all persons equally in renting or
leasing available space. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in this subsection (4) shall be
construed to preclude owners and operators of mobile home parks from providing housing for
older persons as defined in section 24-34-502 (7) (b), C.R.S.
38-12-211. Selling fees prohibited
The owner of a mobile home park or his agent shall not require payment of any type of selling
fee or transfer fee by either a home owner in the park wishing to sell his mobile home to another
party or by any party wishing to buy a mobile home from a home owner in the park as a
condition of tenancy in a mobile home park for the prospective buyer. This section shall in no
way prevent the owner of a mobile home park or his agent from applying the normal park
standards to prospective buyers before granting or denying tenancy or from charging a
reasonable selling fee or transfer fee for services actually performed and agreed to in writing by
the home owner. Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the rent charged. The owner
of a mobile home shall have the right to place a "for sale" sign on or in his mobile home. The
size, placement, and character of such signs shall be subject to reasonable rules and regulations
of the mobile home park.
38-12-212. Certain types of landlord-seller agreements prohibited
A seller of mobile homes shall not pay or offer cash or other consideration to the owner of a
mobile home park or his agent for the purpose of reserving spaces or otherwise inducing
acceptance of one or more mobile homes in a mobile home park.
38-12-212.3. Responsibilities of landlord - acts prohibited
(1) (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a landlord shall be responsible for and pay
the cost of the maintenance and repair of:
(I) Any sewer lines, water lines, utility service lines, or related connections owned and provided
by the landlord to the utility pedestal or pad space for a mobile home sited in the park; and
(II) Any accessory buildings or structures, including, but not limited to, sheds and carports,
owned by the landlord and provided for the use of the residents; and
(III) The premises as defined in section 38-12-201.5 (5).
(b) Any landlord who fails to maintain or repair the items delineated in paragraph (a) of this
subsection (1) shall be responsible for and pay the cost of repairing any damage to a mobile
home which results from such failure. The landlord shall ensure that all plumbing lines and
connections owned and provided by the landlord to the utility pedestal or pad space for each
mobile home in the mobile home park have plumbing that conformed to applicable law in effect
at the time the plumbing was installed and that is maintained in good working order and running
water and reasonable amounts of water at all times furnished to the utility pedestal or pad space
and shall ensure that each pad space is connected to a sewage disposal system approved under
applicable law; except that these conditions need not be met if:
(I) A mobile home is individually metered and the tenant occupying the mobile home fails to pay
for water services;
(II) The local government in which the mobile home park is situated shuts off water service to a
mobile home for any reason;
(III) Weather conditions present a likelihood that water pipes will freeze, water pipes to a mobile
home are wrapped in heated pipe tape, and the utility company has shut off electrical service to a
mobile home for any reason or the heat tape malfunctions for any reason; or
(IV) Running water is not available for any other reason outside the landlord's control.
(c) The landlord shall give a minimum of two days' notice to a mobile home owner if the water
service will be disrupted for planned maintenance. The landlord shall attempt to give a
reasonable amount of notice to home owners if water service is to be disrupted for any other
reasons unless conditions are such that providing the notice would result in property damage,
health, or safety concerns or when conditions otherwise require emergency repair.
(2) No landlord shall require a resident to assume the responsibilities outlined in subsection (1)
of this section as a condition of tenancy in the mobile home park.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed as:
(a) Limiting the liability of a resident for the cost of repairing any damage caused by such
resident to the landlord's property or other property located in the park; or
(b) Restricting a landlord or his agent or a property manager from requiring a resident to comply
with reasonable rules and regulations or terms of the rental agreement and any covenants binding
upon the landlord or resident, including covenants running with the land which pertain to the
cleanliness of such resident's lot and routine lawn and yard maintenance, exclusive of major
landscaping projects.
38-12-212.7. Landlord utilities account
(1) Whenever a landlord contracts with a utility for service to be provided to a resident, the usage
of which is to be measured by a master meter or other composite measurement device, such
landlord shall remit to the utility all moneys collected from each resident as payment for the
resident's share of the charges for such utility service within forty-five days of the landlord's
receipt of payment.
(2) If a landlord fails to timely remit utility moneys collected from residents as required by
subsection (1) of this section, such utility may, after written demand therefor is served upon the
landlord, require the landlord to deposit an amount equal to the average daily charge for the
usage of such utility service for the preceding twelve months multiplied by the sum of ninety.
(3) Any utility which prevails in an action brought to enforce the provisions of this section shall
be entitled to an award of its reasonable attorney fees and court costs.
38-12-213. Rental agreement - disclosure of terms in writing
(1) The terms and conditions of a tenancy must be adequately disclosed in writing in a rental
agreement by the management to any prospective home owner prior to the rental or occupancy of
a mobile home space or lot. Said disclosures shall include:
(a) The term of the tenancy and the amount of rent therefor, subject to the requirements of
subsection (4) of this section;
(b) The day rental payment is due and payable;
(c) The day when unpaid rent shall be considered in default;
(d) The rules and regulations of the park then in effect;
(e) The name and mailing address where a manager's decision can be appealed;
(f) All charges to the home owner other than rent.
(2) Said rental agreement shall be signed by both the management and the home owner, and each
party shall receive a copy thereof.
(3) The management and the home owner may include in a rental agreement terms and
conditions not prohibited by this part 2.
(4) The terms of tenancy shall be specified in a written rental agreement subject to the following
(a) The standard rental agreement shall be for a month-to-month tenancy.
(b) Upon written request by the home owner to the landlord, the landlord shall allow a rental
agreement for a fixed tenancy of not less than one year if the home owner is current on all rent
payments and is not in violation of the terms of the then-current rental agreement; except that an
initial rental agreement for a fixed tenancy may be for less than one year in order to ensure
conformity with a standard anniversary date. A landlord shall not evict or otherwise penalize a
home owner for requesting a rental agreement for a fixed period.
(c) A landlord may, in the landlord's discretion, allow a lease for a fixed period of longer than
one year. In such circumstances, the requirements of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection (4)
shall not apply.
38-12-214. Rules and regulations
(1) The management shall adopt written rules and regulations concerning all home owners' use
and occupancy of the premises. Such rules and regulations are enforceable against a home owner
only if:
(a) Their purpose is to promote the convenience, safety, or welfare of the home owners, protect
and preserve the premises from abusive use, or make a fair distribution of services and facilities
held out for the home owners generally;
(b) They are reasonably related to the purpose for which they are adopted;
(c) They are not retaliatory or discriminatory in nature;
(d) They are sufficiently explicit in prohibition, direction, or limitation of the home owner's
conduct to fairly inform him of what he must or must not do to comply.
38-12-215. New developments and parks - rental of sites to dealers authorized
(1) The management of a new mobile home park or manufactured housing community
development may require as a condition of leasing a mobile home site or manufactured home site
for the first time such site is offered for lease that the prospective lessee has purchased a mobile
home or manufactured home from a particular seller or from any one of a particular group of
(2) A licensed mobile home dealer or a manufactured home dealer may, by contract with the
management of a new mobile home park or manufactured housing community development, be
granted the exclusive right to first-time rental of one or more mobile home sites or manufactured
home sites.
38-12-216. Mediation, when permitted - court actions
(1) In any controversy between the management and a home owner of a mobile home park
arising out of the provisions of this part 2, except for the nonpayment of rent or in cases in which
the health or safety of other home owners is in imminent danger, such controversy may be
submitted to mediation by either party prior to the filing of a forcible entry and detainer lawsuit
upon agreement of the parties.
(2) The agreement, if one is reached, shall be presented to the court as a stipulation. Either party
to the mediation may terminate the mediation process at any time without prejudice.
(3) If either party subsequently violates the stipulation, the other party may apply immediately to
the court for relief.
38-12-217. Notice of sale of mobile home park - notice of change in use
(1) (a) The mobile home park owner shall notify the owners of all mobile homes in the park and
the municipality in which the park is situated or, if none, the county in which the park is situated
of his or her intent to change the use of the land comprising the park or to sell the park pursuant
to paragraph (b) or (c) of this subsection (1), as applicable.
(b) If the mobile home park owner intends to sell the park, the notification shall be made only
once for any particular contract to sell or trade and shall be by written notice mailed to each
mobile home owner at the address shown on the rental agreement with the mobile home park
owner at least ten days prior to the first scheduled closing for the sale or trade.
(c) If the mobile home park owner intends to change the use of the land comprising the mobile
home park, the mobile home park owner shall give written notice to each mobile home owner at
least one hundred eighty days before the change in use will occur. The mobile home park owner
shall mail the written notice to each mobile home owner at the address shown on the rental
agreement with the mobile home park owner.
(2) The provisions of paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section shall not apply to the sale of
a mobile home park when such sale occurs between members of an immediate family, related
business entities, members and managers of a limited liability company, shareholders, officers,
and directors in a corporation, trustees and beneficiaries of a trust, or partners and limited
liability partners in a partnership or limited liability partnership; except that such purchasers shall
not change the use of the land comprising the mobile home park without complying with the
notice provisions of this section. For purposes of this section, "immediate family" means persons
related by blood or adoption.
38-12-218. Mobile home owners - right to form a cooperative
One or more members of a homeowners' association may, at any time, form a cooperative for the
purposes of offering to purchase or finance a mobile home park. A home owner shall be a
member of the homeowners' association in order to participate in the cooperative, and
participation in the cooperative shall be voluntary.
38-12-219. Home owners' and landlords' rights
(1) Every home owner and landlord shall have the right to the following:
(a) Protection from abuse or disregard of state or local law by the landlord and home owners;
(b) Peaceful enjoyment of the home owner's mobile home space, free from unreasonable,
arbitrary, or capricious rules and enforcement thereof; and
(c) Tenancy free from harassment or frivolous lawsuits by the landlord and homeowners.
38-12-220. Private civil right of action
Any home owner who owns a home in a mobile home park where the landlord has violated any
provision of this article shall have a private civil right of action against the landlord. In any such
action, the home owner shall be entitled to actual economic damages and reasonable attorney
fees and costs if the home owner is successful in the action.
38-12-221. Access by counties and municipalities
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, upon a finding that the utilities in a park create a
significant health or safety danger to park residents, the landlord of a mobile home park shall
grant county or municipal officers or employees access to the mobile home park for the purposes
of investigating or conducting a study related to such danger.