Logic Model Tip
Logic Models Overview
Logic models are effective tools to assist in program planning, implementation, management, evaluation,
and reporting. They help define a program’s intended impact and goals; the sequence of intended effects;
which activities are to produce which effect; and where to focus outcome and process evaluations. Experts
in the field agree that there are connections between program success and using logic models.
What is a Logic Model?
A logic model is a graphic illustration of the relationship between a program’s resources, activities, and its
intended effects. Logic models clearly and concisely show how interventions affect behavior and achieve a
goal. They can be described as road maps that specify causal pathways and the step-by-step relationship
between planned work and intended results. Specifically, a logic model is a visual way to illustrate the
resources or inputs required to implement a program, the activities and outputs of a program, and the
desired program outcomes (short-term, long-term).
What are the Basic Components of a Logic Model?
There are many ways to depict logic models. Logic models may be simple or complex. The type and
complexity of the logic model will depend on program focus, the purpose of the logic model, and the
audience. Sometimes, programs may utilize several logic models with differing levels of complexity for
different purposes and audiences or to highlight different program elements.
The simplest form of a logic model includes three components:
Activities Outcomes
are the various resources available to support the program (e.g., staff, materials, curricula,
funding, equipment)
Activities are the action components of the program (e.g. develop or select a curriculum, write a plan,
implement a curriculum, train educators, pull together a coalition). These are sometimes referred to as
process objectives.
Outcomes are the intended accomplishments of the program. They include short-term, intermediate,
and long-term or distal outcomes.
Developing a complete logic model can be a lengthy but worthwhile process. There is not just one type of
logic model format that is ‘right’ or the best to use. In developing a logic model, one may start from the
outcomes and work backward, or start from inputs and activities and work forward. However, before starting,
a clear and comprehensive understanding of the specific problem situation that is being addressed must be
established (e.g., high rates of teen pregnancy, lack of services for certain sub-populations, teens’ lack of
knowledge of contraceptive options). This typically includes reviewing existing data and relevant research
as well as conducting a formal or informal assessment of available capacity, inputs, and needs. Often this
information is added to a program plan’s logic model as a problem statement, situation, and/or
There are several resources (e.g. step-by-step guides, templates, on-line training) available to assist in the
creation of logic model. A resources list is provided at the end of this tip sheet. Below are tips for writing
goal statements, activities (or process objectives), and outcomes (outcome objectives):
Goal Statement:
A program goal is a very broad statement of intended accomplishments or a description of a general
condition deemed desirable. A well-defined goal statement will establish the “overall direction and focus for
the program, define what the program will achieve and serve as the foundation for developing program
strategies and objectives” (CDC Evaluation Brief, No. 3a, 2008). Sometimes goals are not always achieved
during the duration of the program. Goal statements do not state what will be implemented; rather, they are
statements that reflect the results of what will be implemented. They should be specific to the population,
setting, and problem to be addressed.
Sample Goals:
To reduce HIV rates among adolescents in X community.
To reduce o
besity rates in young adolescents in X state.
To improve cardio-vascular fitness in youth participating in X program.
A strong Goal Statement…
Focuses on a Specific expected program effect in reducing a health problem.
Identifies a Priority Population to be served.
Is Jargon-free,
Short, Concise, and Easily understood
Frames outcomes in Positive Terms or in terms of decrease in health risk
behavior/outcomes. Avoids use of double negatives.
Provides a Framework for identifying strategies and objectives for achieving the goal(s).
(CDC Evaluation Brief, No. 3a, 2008)
Developing a Logic Model
Activities and Process Objectives:
The program activities are often referred to as process objectives. They specify what program staff and
partners will do during the program period. Activities are typically more general statements of broad tasks
that are written in the logic model itself.
Sample Activities:
Conduct RFP process
Develop and pilot training materials
Conduct training of trainers
Provide technical assistance
Process objectives provide more detail for the narrative. A well-written process objective is SMART
Indicates who (priority population) and what (action or activity);
contains an action verb
Outlines how much change is expected and how will that change
will be measured
Can be realistically accomplished given current resources and
Addresses the scope of the health program and proposes
reasonable programmatic steps toward goals
Provides a timeline for meeting objectives.
Sample Process Objectives:
By year two of the project, staff will have trained 100 health education teachers in the state on the
selected scientifically based health education curriculum.
By December 30, 2012, health educators will have delivered all lessons from X curriculum to 90% of
youth participants in the middle school HIV-prevention program.
Of the 300 high risk youth targeted, 80% (240) will complete all 8 prevention education sessions by
the end of the school year, 2012.
Outcome statements specify the impact or specific intended results of the program. It is often useful to
identify short-term and intermediate outcomes. Short-term outcomes are the immediate results of the
program. These are the intended knowledge, awareness, attitudes, skills, intentions, etc. Intermediate
outcomes specify what individuals do with the short-term outcomes. They are the intended behaviors,
practices, and actions. Sometimes long-term outcomes are also identified. Typically, but not always, these
mirror the goal statement. It is important to identify the order in which outcomes are expected to be
attained—which will come earlier and which later.
Outcomes, like activities, are often written more generally in the logic model (e.g. increase knowledge of
STIs and their consequences, improve condom use skills, increase intentions to abstain from sex, decrease
rates of unprotected sex), and written more specifically as outcome objectives in the narrative. Outcomes
objectives should also be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-phased):
Sample Outcome Objectives
By the end of the project, of the 500 youth participants, 80% (250) will indicate an 80% increase in
knowledge regarding where to access reproductive health services, as measured by pre-post surveys.
On the 2012 state YRBS, 90% of middle school respondents will report they have not engaged in sex.
By June 30, 2012, 95% of 8th grade students who receive the HIV-prevention curriculum will report an
increase their assertive communication skills on a post-survey.
By June 28, 2012, increase (from 2 to 10) the number of community health centers that have
implemented X curriculum to adolescents in their community. (There are currently 15 community health
centers in the state.)
At the end of year 1 of the project, 80% of 100 educators trained will report they feel comfortable
implementing X curriculum.
Narrative Description:
Once a model is created, confirm that the model is ‘logical.’ Check this by conducting the ‘if-then’ test. Ask,
If we use all our resources/inputs and do these activities, then will we achieve our short-term outcomes? If
we achieve our short-term outcomes and continue our activities then should we achieve all our intermediate
outcomes?” For each activity, ask why it is being done and if it is absolutely necessary. Make sure there are
no logical gaps – that all required inputs and activities are included.
Finally, explain the logic model in a narrative. A logic model should convey its information on a single page.
It is intended to be a quick snapshot. The narrative provides the detail including the process and outcome
objectives discussed above. It also describes how inputs and activities will lead to intended outcomes. It
often lays out the theory of change.
Logic Model Resources and References
BDI Logic Model Online Course: http://www.etr.org/recapp/logicmodelcourse/index.htm
BDI Logic Model Document (D. Kirby): http://www.etr.org/recapp/documents/BDILOGICMODEL20030924.pdf
California STD/HIV Prevention Training Center: Youth Social Marketing Tool Kit (Goals and Objectives):
Centers for Disease Control Division of Oral Health Workbook – Logic Models:
Centers for Disease Control. Tutorials and Briefs:
Index to Briefs and Tutorials: http://www.cdc.gov/HealthyYouth/evaluation/resources.htm
Logic Model Tutorial: http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/dashoet/logic_model/index.html
Writing Good Goals Tutorial: http://apps.nccd.cdc.gov/dashoet/writing_good_goals/menu.html
Evaluation Brief No.3A, 2008: http://www.cdc.gov/healthyyouth/evaluation/pdf/brief3a.pdf
Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide:
University of Wisconsin Extension, Logic Model Course and Resources:
Logic Model Course: http://www.uwex.edu/ces/lmcourse/
Logic Model Training Guide: http://www.uwex.edu/ces/pdande/evaluation/pdf/lmguidecomplete.pdf
Logic Model Resources: http://www.uwex.edu/ces/pdande/evaluation/evallogicmodel.html