CV of Lian J. Ruan
Head Librarian and Director of IFSI International Programs
Illinois Fire Service Institute (IFSI)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
217 265-6107 (office)
217 244-6790 (fax)
11 Gerty Dr, Champaign, IL 61820
Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, August 2005-May 2011
Ph.D. (Use and User of Information), May 2011, Dissertation: “Information-Seeking and
Sharing Behaviors among Fire Service Field Staff Instructors: A Qualitative Study”
Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, August 1988-January 1990
M.S. (Library and Information Science), January 1990
Department of History, University of California at Los Angeles, August 1986-June 1988
M.A. (African History), June 1988
Department of History, Peking University, P.R. China, September 1984-July 1986
M.A. Graduate Program (African History)
Department of History, Peking University, P.R. China, September 1980-July 1984
B.A. (World History), July 1984
The Color of Leadership: Developing Librarians of Color at the 3
National Joint Conference of
Librarians of Color September 28 at Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 26, 2018
CALA Leadership Academy with Maureen Sullivan during the ALA Annual Conference,
Orlando, Florida, June 27, 2016
ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians, Cambridge, Massachusetts,
August 5-10, 2012
Synergy: The Illinois Library Leadership Initiatives, the Illinois State Library and Illinois
Library Association, 2004
Learner, Teach-Model-Coach Program: Coaching 21
Century Learners for Advancement in the
Library Profession, Chicago Library System, Chicago, Illinois, 2003-2004
Illinois Fire Service Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
May 1999 -
Title: Head Librarian (Director for Library and Archive, Research and Digital Collections
Duties and Responsibilities:
Provide management decision-making authority over library administrative and
professional functions and operations.
Provide recommendations to the Fire Service Institute executive management team on
library policy and strategic direction.
Coordinate library activities and programs to further collaboration and partnership with
library communities at five levels - the university, local, state, national and international.
Play leader roles in the Library and Information Science field at the university, local,
state, national and international levels.
Develop action-oriented research on the Outreach Program for firefighters and special
Plan and execute library budget operations.
Serve as the primary advisor to the Director with authority for creating and ongoing
analysis of Library procedures to include Institute management and performance reports
for the Institute Director and senior management team
Set goals and objectives for the Library and establish functional processes and procedures
to support timely and relevant reports, analyses and other content to the Executive Team,
Program Directors and other key team members
Assist the Director in the management of resources and developing and managing Library
Seek and develop grant opportunities as they become available
Work with the IFSI Business Office to manage grant programs and ensure appropriate
work and expenditures are allocated to grant budgets
Manage and direct all awarded grant opportunities
Assist the Deputy Director and Director in the management of Library resources,
determination of staff functions, and setting of operating policies
Represent or serve as a liaison on behalf of the Institute on international, national and
state library or other committees, as assigned
Supervise IFSI Library staff, including Assistant Director for Operations, reference,
cataloging, archivist, and serve as back up when needed
Oversee the library, and archive, research and digital collections growth, operation, and
relationships within international programs, which include China Librarians Scholarly
Exchange Program, Tsinghua Exchange Hazmat Awareness and Operations Program,
and other opportunities which may arise
Maintains professional relationships with agencies within and outside the University of
Transformed the in-house library into virtual and physical state fire academy library, the
only fire science dedicated library in Illinois and one of the top three fire academy
libraries in the nation.
Led the development of the Library Strategic Plans in alignment with IFSI Vision Plans
and developed partnerships with library and fire organizations to position the library as a
key educational, training and research partner.
Joined the Lincoln Trails Library System, a regional library system of the Illinois State
Library; created, developed, and managed the library operations budget center.
Received a series of grant awards from the Illinois State Library ($317,264) to develop
the IFSI Library Outreach Program that has provided innovative library and information
services at no cost and based on my dissertation and other research findings in a timely
fashion to more than 42,000 firefighters in over 1200 fire departments statewide, then
international firefighters and first responders in China (including Hong Kong).
Developed the Illinois Firefighter Line of Duty Deaths Digital Image Collection Database
(IFLODD) through a grant, which grew into the most comprehensive resource for the 898
Illinois firefighters who have died in the line of duty in the past 150 years, including
incident summaries, digital photographs, and fire station log records, and oral history
Established the IFSI Library Advisory Committee consisting of fire chiefs from more
than 18 fire departments statewide.
Built a team of librarians, graduate assistants and undergraduate students; employed,
trained, mentored and coached with the library staff over 60 graduate students from the
University of Illinois School of Information Sciences (iSchool), of which almost half of
them are international students.
Jointly developed “A Building Program for the Fire and Emergency Library” with Fred
Schlipf, building consultant to expand the library in 2001 and received the Chancellor
Capital Review Committee’s approval in 2001 and 2007; participated in the design,
construction and dedication (in 2011) of 9-million dollar Learning Resource and
Research Center (LRRC) building that includes a permanent home for the library and
archives, an international conference center with simultaneous interpretation booths,
research laboratories, emergency management training and command center, and state-
of-the-art IT facilities.
Established a branch library at the Peoria Fire Training Academy stationed by a
firefighter librarian.
Completed Ph.D. degree on information behaviors of firefighters.
Applied the doctoral research findings to further design and develop innovative IFSI
library programs and information services.
Published scholarly papers and made presentations at local, nation and international
Expanded research on Chinese American librarians, academic libraries in China, and
international librarianship.
Produced a 3-minute video to share my vision of the “global community of libraries” that
will be shown at the “An International Leaders Forum: Leading a Vision for a Global
Community of Libraries” Event at the 2019 ALA Annual Conference in Washington,
Served as a member of the Illinois State Library Advisory Committee.
Elected as President of the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA), then
Executive Director; co-chaired the 2020 CALA Strategic Plan Task Force; co-chaired the
CALA Membership Committee that raised the CALA membership level over 500; led to
develop the CALA Donor Acceptance Policy and financial management plans.
Served as a member of the Steering Committee of JCLC (Joint Council of Librarians of
Color); co-chaired JCLC Publicity and Public Relations and Web Sub-Committee to
organize the 3
2018 National JCLC Conference.
Served as a member of the ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services
Advisory Committee; a member ALA Task Force on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion; and
a member of ALA Nominating Committee.
Served as a member of the Information Literacy Section Standing Committee for IFLA
(International Federation of Library Associations); participated in the IFLA Global
Vision Workshop in Washington DC and Ottawa, Canada respectively; chaired the
CALA IFLA Global Vision discussion meetings; co-facilitated the IFLA Global Vision
Open Discussion Forum at the ALA Annual Conference; served as Co-CALA
Representative to IFLA.
Served as Co-CALA Representative to the Library Society of China.
Served as Chair for inFIRE (the international network for Fire Information and Reference
Exchange, an international fire library consortium) Executive Committee.
Served as President, Alpha Chapter of Beta Phi Mu, the International Library &
Information Studies Honor Society.
Illinois Fire Service Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
May 2006-
Title: Director of IFSI International Programs
Duties and Responsibilities:
Initiate, design, organize and coordinate the annual Chinese Librarians Scholarly Exchange
Program in partnership with the School of Information Sciences, University of Illinois and
more than 15 major academic and public libraries across the United States since 2005;
designed and produced the Yearbook for the Chinese Librarians Scholarly Exchange
Program (2005-2019), the 10
Anniversary Yearbook for the Chinese Librarians Scholarly
Exchange Program (2015) https://www.ideals.illinois.edu/handle/2142/107821, the 15
Anniversary Yearbook for the Chinese Librarians Scholarly Exchange Program (2019)
Initiate and develop the China Endowment Fund at the University of Illinois Foundation
for Chinese librarians, visiting scholars, and students in library and information science.
Started the China Endowment Fund Scholarship award in 2012, co-chaired the Scholarship
Initiate, design, organize and coordinate the annual Chinese Professional Archives and
Library Internship Program for the Department of Archives, Beijing Union University
since 2018.
Help initiate, reach and sign Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) agreements with 18
organizations in China (as of February 2019).
Initiate, organize and coordinate training programs with partners in the area of emergency
management, such as IFSI-Hong Kong Fire Services Department’s Hazardous Materials
Technician Training Program (2009-) and Korean firefighter training at IFSI; IFSI-
Hazardous Materials Operations Training Program (2015-) in Huizhou, China, the first
Pro-Board Certification Program in China.
Handle visa applications in USA and China.
Develop and execute budgets for the overall international programs and various individual
training programs.
Organized 423 librarians from 142 organizations to complete the Chinese Librarians
Scholarly Exchange Program (2005-2019), the largest Chinese librarians program in the
China-US LIS history; worked with the invited speakers from across the University of
Illinois campus and more than 15 state and national libraries for the Chinese Librarians
Scholarly Exchange Program, including the University of Illinois Library, the University
of Illinois School of Information Sciences, the Illinois State Library, Library of Congress,
American Library Association, New York Public Library, Yale University Library,
Princeton University Library, Columbia University Library, MIT Library, Harvard
University Library, Boston Public Library, Stanford University Library, University of
California at Berkeley Library, the National Library of Medicine, San Francisco Public
Library and so on.
Developed and hosted 15 Chinese undergraduate students for the first Chinese Professional
Archives and Library Internship Program.
Helped raise more than $60,000 for the China Endowment Fund; co-chaired the China
Endowment Fund Scholarship Committee since 2012.
Sponsored and received 118 Chinese visiting scholars from 72 institutions in China since
2008, in addition to one visiting scholar from Brazil.
Developed and updated the Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) for the Illinois Fire
Service Institute International Programs.
Led the strategic planning for the International Programs.
Conducted well-received translations both in oral and written for various China programs.
Presented the Chinese New Year culture on WANDTV evening news programs in
February 2019.
Helped received 36 international delegations, coordinated training for 58 Hong Kong
firefighters, 4 Chinese first responders and 2 Korean firefighters in Illinois, and 170
Chinese first responders in China.
Helped organized, coordinated and hosted 56 visits to China since 2006 and made 53
presentations in the international events.
Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS, now the School of Information
Sciences, iSchool), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2002-2003, 2005, 2007-2008, 2010, 2012-2014
Title: Adjunct Faculty
Teaching Responsibilities:
LIS360 Practicum on Reference Service and User Training for Paramedics in Illinois Fire
Departments (Spring 2003)
LIS360 Practicum on Cataloging Photos (Spring 2004)
LIS360 Practicum on User Training (Fall 2004)
LIS360 Practicum on Cataloging and OCLC (Fall 2004)
LIS407 Knowledge Organization (LEEP distance learning course, guest speaker)
LIS450 Global Perspectives in Library and Information Science (guest speaker)
LIS450 Thesaurus Construction (guest speaker)
LIS451 Independent Study on Corporate Librarianship (Spring 2014)
LIS451 Independent Study on Operational and Training Manual of the IFSI Library (Fall 2001)
LIS590 Special Library Administration (Summer 2002, Summer II 2003, Spring 2005, Summer
2007, Spring 2010, Spring 2012, Spring 2013)
LIS590 Information Access and Library Resources in the Social Sciences and Humanities in
China (Fall 2008)
Initiated, developed and taught LIS590SL Special Library Administration course with a
thorough introduction and orientation to the objectives, organization and operation of
special libraries; reached the objective to prepare students to be able to achieve SLA
competencies after they graduate and were working as information professionals.
Emphasis were on principles, tools and skills that prepared students for the practical
challenges of managing special libraries.
Established the Special Librarian Endowment Fund at GSLIS that supported students in
exploring special library as a career choice.
Mentored and coached LIS students who would find jobs and excel in special libraries.
School of Information Sciences (iSchool in Illinois), University of Illinois at Urbana-
2019 - Present
Title: Affiliate Research Faculty
Duties and Responsibilities:
Foster and strengthen collaborative teaching and research connections to its programs
Illinois Fire Service Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
September 1990- May 1999
Title: Research Information Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities:
Cataloged the multi-media collections, including books, training manuals, journals, slides,
and videos.
Managed the collection development.
Put the collections on the bookshelves and circulated them to the Institute’s training
Conducted interlibrary loans with the National Fire Academy Library, U.S. Fire
Administration in Emmitsburg, Maryland.
Joined inFIRE (the international network for Fire Information and Reference Exchange, an
international fire consortium).
Founded the library as solo librarian.
Served as a member of inFIRE Executive Committee.
Helped organize the inFIRE Annual Conference.
Assisted with the development of the inFIRE strategic plan.
Champaign Fire Department, Champaign, Illinois
January 1990-March 2008
Title: Library Consultant
Duties and Responsibilities:
Cataloged the multi-media collections, including books, training manuals, journals, slides,
and videos.
Designed the cataloging database.
Arranged the library materials on bookshelves.
Circulated the library materials to firefighters located in six fire stations.
Founded the Champaign Fire Department Library, the first and only fire department library
in the nation.
Received an appreciation plaque for outstanding library service to the Champaign Fire
Department from the City of Champaign.
Illinois State Historical Library (now the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library),
Springfield, Illinois
March 1990-August 1990
Title: Newspaper Cataloger
Duties and Responsibilities:
Participated in the Illinois Newspaper Project, part of the United States Newspaper
Program funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and administered by the
Library of Congress.
Cataloged newspapers with a team of three librarians on microfilm to preserve the nation’s
historic newspaper heritage.
Received regular cataloging training from the Library of Congress librarian.
Illinois State Historical Library (now the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library),
Springfield, Illinois
January 1990-March 1990
Title: Manuscript Cataloger
Duties and Responsibilities: Cataloged Lincoln manuscript collections on OCLC.
Journal Articles, Books, Manuals, and Chapters in Books:
Ruan, L., Ehrenhart, D. S., Richardson, D., & Liu, S. (2021). Practice of Knowledge
Management Services at Illinois Fire Service Institute Library. Zhishi guanli luntan. 6(2): 100
106. https://doaj.org/article/c2f828f69f124ad99dff31819b78461a
Ruan, L., ed. 15-anniversary yearbook for the Chinese Librarians Scholarly Exchange Program
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Champaign, 2015-2019.
Ruan, L., ed. Yearbook for the Chinese Librarians Scholarly Exchange Program at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Champaign, 2005-2019.
Ruan, L.; Ehrenhart, D.; Richardson, D. “Fire Protection.” In: LaGuardia C., ed. Magazines for
Libraries: For the General Reader and School, Junior College, College, University and Public
Libraries, 27th ed. New York: R.R. Bowker, 2019.
Ruan, L.; Liu, W. “The Role of Chinese American Librarians in Library and Information Science
Diversity.” International Journal of Librarianship 2(2): 18-36, 2017.
Ruan, L. “Chinese-American Librarian Leadership: An Interview with Dr. Lian Ruan, Head
Librarian, Illinois Fire Service Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.” In:
Clarke, J.; Pun, R.; Tong, M., eds. Asian Americans and Libraries: Activism, Collaboration and
Strategies for the 21st Century. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017, pp. 111-113.
Ruan, L.; Ehrenhart, D.; Richardson, D. “Fire Protection.” In: LaGuardia C., ed. Magazines for
Libraries: For the General Reader and School, Junior College, College, University and Public
Libraries, 26th ed. New York: R.R. Bowker, 2017.
Ruan, L.; Fu, L. “The Trends of Chinese-American Library Relations.” In Ruan, L.; Ye, Y.; Zhu,
Q., eds. Academic Library Development and Administration in China. Hershey, PA: IGI Global,
2016, pp. 110-124.
Ruan, L.; Ye, Y.; Zhu, Q., eds. Academic Library Development and Administration in China.
Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2016. 390p.
Ruan, L. “An Interview with Dr. Lian Ruan, Head Librarian, Illinois Fire Service Institute,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.” In: Anderson, D.E.; Pun, R., eds. Career
Transitions for Librarians: Proven Strategies for Moving to Another Type of Library, Lanham:
Rowman & Littlefield, 2016, pp.231-234.
He, Y.; Ruan, L. “A Leadership Model for Chinese American Librarians, an Oral History of Dr.
Hwa-Wei Lee.Chinese America, History & Perspectives, the Journal of the Chinese Historical
Society of America, 27-31, 2016.
Ruan, L., ed. 10
Anniversary Yearbook for the Chinese Librarians Scholarly Exchange
Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, 2015.
Ruan, L.; Ehrenhart, D.; Richardson, D. “Developing Innovative Services and Products to Meet
Firefighters’ Unique Needs at the State Fire Academy Library.” Online SLA Contributed
Research Papers. June 14, 2015. https://www.sla.org/learn/research/sla-contributed-papers/2015-
contributed-papers/ or https://www.sla.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2015_Ruan.pdf
Ruan, L.; Ehrenhart, D.; Richardson, D. “Fire Protection.” In: LaGuardia C., ed. Magazines for
Libraries: For the General Reader and School, Junior College, College, University and Public
Libraries, 21st ed. New York: R.R. Bowker, 2015.
Ruan, L. “Aiming High: ACRL in the 60s.” College & Research Libraries News 75(11): 616-
618, 2014.
Ruan, L.; Sykes, J. “Strategic Planning in Special Libraries and Information Centers.” In:
Kiyomi, D.; Deards, K.D.; Springs, G.R., eds. Succession Planning and Implementation in
Libraries: Practices and Resources. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2014, pp. 153-179.
Xin, X.; Wu, X.; Li, N.; Ruan, L. “Exchange and Creating Knowledge: New Ideas on
Knowledge Services in American Academic Libraries.” (《交流创造知识:美国学术图书馆
知识服务新理念》)Library and Information Work (《图书情报工作》), 58(7): 25-29, April
2014. In Chinese.
Xin, X.; Wu, X.; Ruan, L. “Embedding Knowledge Services of American University Libraries:
Practice and Inspiration.” () Chinese
Journal of Information Resources Work (《情报资料工作》), 2: 71-74, 2014. In Chinese.
Ruan, L.; Ehrenhart, D.; Richardson, D. “Fire Protection.” In: LaGuardia C., ed. Magazines for
Libraries: For the General Reader and School, Junior College, College, University and Public
Libraries, 20th ed. New York: R.R. Bowker, 2013.
Ruan, L.; Zhu, Q. “The Role of Information Technology in Academic Libraries’ Resource
Sharing in Western Region of China.” Library Trends 62(1): 180-204, Summer 2013.
Ruan, L.; Groves, A. “Illinois Firefighter Line of Duty Deaths Digital Image Collection
Database: A Knowledge Management Initiative.” Fire Technology, 49(1): 163-173, January
2013. http://www.springerlink.com/content/h455427618238128/
Ruan, L.; Richardson, D.; Groves, A. “Fire Protection.” In: LaGuardia C., ed. Magazines for
Libraries: For the General Reader and School, Junior College, College, University and Public
Libraries, 19
ed. New York: R.R. Bowker, 2011.
Ruan, L.; Richardson, D.; Groves, A. “Fire Protection.” In: LaGuardia C., ed. Magazines for
Libraries: For the General Reader and School, Junior College, College, University and Public
Libraries, 18
ed. New York: R.R. Bowker, 2009.
Ruan, L.; Xiong, J. A. “Chinese American Librarians in the 21st Century: Profile Update.The
Chinese Librarianship: an International Electronic Journal 29, June 1, 2008.
Ruan, L.; Xiong, J.A. “Career Choices and Career Advancement: Chinese American Librarians
in the 21st Century.” The Chinese Librarianship: an International Electronic Journal 29, June 1,
2008. www.iclc.us/cliej/cl25.htm
Ruan, L.; Richardson, D.; Groves, A. “Fire Protection.” In: LaGuardia C., ed. Magazines for
Libraries: For the General Reader and School, Junior College, College, University and Public
Libraries, 16
ed. New York: R.R. Bowker, 2007.
Ruan, L.; Richardson, D.; Morris, E. “Fire Protection.” In: LaGuardia C., ed. Magazines for
Libraries: For the General Reader and School, Junior College, College, University and Public
Libraries, 14
ed. New York: R.R. Bowker, 2005.
Ruan, L. “Designing and Developing Internet Reference Services to Support Firefighter Distance
Learners in Illinois." Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 9: 147-172, 2005.
Ruan, L. “美国专业图书馆的战略计划个案分析Strategic Planning in American Special
Libraries: a Case Study),图书馆建设(Library Construction Journal), 4: 74-78, 2004. In
Ruan, L.; Sung, J. “Meeting Changing Information Needs of Illinois Firefighters: Analysis
Queries Received from Reference Outreach Service.The Reference Librarian 82: 69-105, 2003.
Ruan, L.; Sung, J. “Meeting Changing Information Needs of Illinois Firefighters: Analysis
of Queries Received from Outreach Reference Service.” In: Kelsey, P.; Sigrid Kelsey, S., eds.
Outreach Services in Academic and Special Libraries. New York and London: Routledge, 2003,
pp. 69-105.
Ruan, L.“Fire Protection.” In: LaGuardia C., ed. Magazines for Libraries: For the General
Reader and School, Junior College, College, University and Public Libraries, 12
ed. New
York: R.R. Bowker, 2003.
Ruan, L. “Snapshot: the University of Illinois Fire Service Institute Library & Its Emergency
Medical Services Program.” HSLI (Health Science Librarians of Illinois) Newsletter, 21(3): 9,
Winter 2002.
Ruan, L.; Paul, J.; Cunningham, J.; Windau, S. “Virtual User Instruction at the University of
Illinois Fire Service Institute Library: Producing a Web-based Training Video for Illinois
Firefighters.” Illinois Libraries 84(2): 48-62, Spring 2002.
Ruan, L. “Conference Report, Health Science Librarians of Illinois Annual Conference, Urbana,
Illinois, November 15-16, 2001.” The One-Person Library 18(9), January 2002.
Ruan, L.; Hu, G. “Integrating ‘Make Request on the Web’ with the FSI Library OPAC.”
Informant (Illinois Chapter, Special Libraries Association), 66(3), January 2002.
Ruan, L.; Hu, G. “Managing the Fire Emergency Article Database at the Illinois Fire Service
Institute Library.” Informant (Illinois Chapter, Special Libraries Association), 2001.
Ruan, L.; Windau, S. The Illinois Fire Service Institute Library Operational and Training
Manual. 2001. 118p.
Ruan, L. “The LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) 2000 Full Year Grant, Internet
Outreach to and Training of Illinois Fire Service Personnel, Public and Community College
Librarians for Electronic Access to Fire Safety Information, Final Narrative Report.” Illinois
Libraries 83(1): 18-33, Winter 2001.
Ruan, L. “The LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) 2001 Grant, Libraries in the 21st
Century Developing the Distance Learning Library Services for Illinois Firefighters: an
Integrated Information Service with Online Firefighter II Certification Program, Final Narrative
Report.” Illinois Libraries 83(4): 19-63, Fall 2001.
Ruan, L. “Providing Better Subject Access to Nonprint Fire Emergency Materials for Illinois
Firefighters.Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 31(3/4): 213-235, 2001.
Conference Paper:
Ruan, L.; Liu, S.; Du, X. “Research Collaboration on DH: A Publishing of Special Issue of
Library Trends”. CDH 2020: Benevolence and Excellence: Digital Humanities and Chinese
Culture Conference Proceeding, October 19-21, 2020 in Shanghai, China.
Ruan, L.; Liu, S. “Communication and Partnership with Libraries in China and the U.S.”
Building Libraries for a New Age: Perseverance, Transformation and Disruption Shanghai
International Library Forum (SILF) Conference Proceeding, October 14-16,
2020 in Shanghai, China.
Ruan, L.; Ehrenhart, D.S.; Richardson, D.; Liu, S. “Emergency Management and Service
Support: Practices at the Illinois Fire Service Institute Library”. Building Libraries for a New
Age: Perseverance, Transformation and Disruption Shanghai International Library Forum (SILF)
Conference Proceeding, October 14-16, 2020 in Shanghai, China.
Ruan, L.; Liu, S.; Du, X. Research Collaboration on DH: A Publishing of Special Issue of
Library Trends”. CDH 2020: Benevolence and Excellence: Digital Humanities and Chinese
Culture Conference Proceeding, October 19-21, 2020 in Shanghai, China.
Ruan, L.; Liu, S. “Communication and Partnership with Libraries in China and the U.S.”
Building Libraries for a New Age: Perseverance, Transformation and Disruption Shanghai
International Library Forum (SILF) Conference Proceeding, October 14-16, 2020 in Shanghai,
Ruan, L.; Ehrenhart, D.S.; Richardson, D.; Liu, S. “Emergency Management and Service
Support: Practices at the Illinois Fire Service Institute Library”. Building Libraries for a New
Age: Perseverance, Transformation and Disruption Shanghai International Library Forum
(SILF) Conference Proceeding, October 14-16, 2020 in Shanghai, China.
Ruan, L.; Smith, L.C. “Evidence-Based Practice in U.S. Fire Library Management.” The
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference (EBLIP4) Proceeding, May 6-9,
2007 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
Gao, W.; Pun, R.; Ruan, L. CALA Strategic Plan, International Journal of Librarianship, July
2021, Vol. 6, No. 1.
Ruan, L.; Liu, W. The Role of Chinese American Libraries in Library and Information Science
Diversity. A report to the ALA Diversity Research Grant Program, April 2015. 79p.
Ruan, L.; Smith, L.C. A Survey to Support "Evidence-Based Practice" in Special Libraries
Serving Fire Service Personnel and Researchers in Public Safety and Homeland Security Areas.
A report to the Special Libraries Association with the support of the Steven I. Goldspiel
Memorial Research Grant, 2004. 119p.
Schlipf, F.A.; Ruan, L. A Building Program for the Fire and Emergency Library, Illinois Fire
Service Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2001. 76p.
Ruan, L. FireTalk, Illinois Fire Service Institute Thesaurus. 2
ed., 2000. 136p.
Ruan, L. Illinois Fire Service Institute Library (FSI Library) Outreach Program Survey Report.
1998. 78p.
Special Issues Edited:
Ruan, L.; Du, X., eds. Transforming Libraries in China through Innovative User-Centered
Services, International Journal of Library and Information Services (IJLIS), IGI Global, Volume
10 (2021) and Volume 9 (2020). https://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-
Ruan, L.; Du, X., eds. Library Trends, Digital Humanities and Libraries in China. 69(1), John
Hopkins University Press, Summer 2020, 333p. Available online in MUSE in December 2020.
Grant Awards from the Institute of Museum and Library Services:
Project Director. IMLS American Rescue Plan Grant, “Experienced-Based Knowledge
Management Initiatives to Support Illinois Firefighters’ Dynamic Needs in Response to the
COVID-19 Pandemic,” $50,000.00, 2021-2022 (ARPML-250797-OMLS-22)
Co-Project Director. IMLS Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program National Forum Grant,
“Path to Leadership: National Forum on Advancing Asian/Pacific Islander American
Librarianship,” $100,000.00, 2021-2022 (RE:2500-41-OLS-21)
Grant Awards from the Illinois State Library, a Division of the Illinois Secretary of State
Served as principal investigator and project director for all grant projects and received total
awards of $317,264 as of March 2014.
Illinois State Library, “Another Opportunity for Back 2 Books,” $4,941, 2014
Illinois State Library, “Back to Books,” $4,988, 2013
Library Services and Technology Act Grant “Illinois Online Disaster Preparedness Pathfinder,”
$4,000, 2007-2008
Library Services and Technology Act Grant, “In Memory of Our Heroes: Developing a Digital
Image Collection of Illinois Firefighter Line of Duty Deaths,” $20,500, 2006-2007
Library Services and Technology Act Grant, “Creative Use of Libraries (CUOL Grant!) –
Deliver Right Information to Illinois Firefighters at Right Time,” $81,626, 2005-2006
Library Services and Technology Act Grant, “Grow with a Pro!” Mini-grant program (Hired a
local architect to do conceptual drawings for the Illinois Fire Service Institute Library building
feasibility study, which expanded the library from 700 sq ft to 10,000 sq ft), $4,900, 2002
Library Services and Technology Act Grant, “Libraries in the 21st Century – Developing the
Distance Learning Library Services for Illinois Firefighters: An Integrated Information Service
with Online Firefighter II Certification Program,” $49,570, 2001
Library Services and Technology Act Grant, “Collection Connection Mini-grant Program,
$2,500, 2001
Library Services and Technology Act Full Year Grant, “Internet Outreach to and Training of
Illinois Fire Service Personnel, Public and Community College Librarians for Electronic
Access to Fire Safety Information,” $75,000, 2000
Educate and Automate Fast Start-basic Equipment Mini-grant Program, $1,065, 2000
Educate and Automate Public Internet Access Mini-grant Program, $1,820 , 2000
Library Services and Technology Act Grant, “Marketing Mini-grant Program, $1,000, 2000
Library Services and Technology Act Grant Equipment to Books Mini-grant Program, $2,000,
Library Services and Technology Act Grant Bring in An Expert Mini-grant Program, $4,500,
Grant Award from the American Library Association (ALA):
Served as co-principal investigator with Weiling Liu, University of Louisville, for the ALA
Diversity Research Grant, entitled “The Role of Chinese American Librarians in Library and
Information Science Diversity,” $2,500, 2013
Grant Award from the Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA):
Served as co-principal investigator with Anna Xiong, Southern Illinois University Carbondale,
for the Chinese American Librarians Association’s Sally C. Tseng Professional Development
Grant, entitled "In Search of Excellence: Chinese American Librarians in the 21st Century,"
$700, 2005-2006.
Grant Award from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Greater Midwest
Region (GMR):
Served as principal investigator and received total awards of $7,700.
GMR Outreach Project award for "Putting Professional Development into Practice" (to improve
Illinois emergency medical technicians’ access to the National Library of Medicine’s biomedical
information resources by providing training workshops to selected fire departments in four
locations-Chicago, Peoria, Rockford, and Urbana-Champaign where the University of Illinois at
Chicago (UIC) Library of Health Sciences (LHS) also is located.) $6,000, 2004-2005
GMR Professional Development award (The Health Science Library at the University of Illinois,
Chicago trained best practices in outreach, Web technologies and electronic reference service to
develop a new outreach library service for emergency medical technicians in Illinois Fire
Departments.) $1,700, 2002-2003
Grant Award from the Special Libraries Association:
Served as co-principal investigator with Professor Linda C. Smith for Special Libraries
Association’s Steven I. Goldspiel Memorial Research Grant Project, entitled "A Survey to
Support 'Evidence-Based Practice' in Special Libraries Serving Fire Service Personnel and
Researchers in Public Safety and Homeland Security Areas," $20,000, 2003-2004
Grant Award from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:
Served as co-principal investigator with Professor Terry Weech for “Information Access and
Library Resources in the Social Sciences and Humanities in China,” funded by the Freeman
Fellows Partner Initiative, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies, $13,000, 2007
Received the Academic Professional Development Fund Support ($500) to attend two national
conferences by Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2005
Served as co-principal investigator with Professor Linda Smith for "A Survey to Support
'Evidence-Based Practice' in Special Libraries Serving Fire Service Personnel and Researchers in
Public Safety and Homeland Security Areas," a supplemental support to Special Libraries
Association’s grant project by the Campus Research Board, $8,131, 2003-2004
Served as principal investigator, “FireTalk, Illinois Fire Service Institute Thesaurus,” funded by
the Campus Research Board, $9,252, 2002-2003
Scholarship from the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color:
Received the Joint Conference of Librarians of Color (JCLC) Scholarship, Dallas, Texas, $1000,
CALA President Recognition Award, 2021
CALA President Recognition Award Strategic Plan Task Force 2020
CALA 2019 Distinguished Service Award, May 14, 2019
JCLC Advocacy Award at the 3rd National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color, September
28, 2018
Honored by the University of Illinois by being included in a list of 150 women throughout the
150 year history of the University “who have made significant achievements during their time as
the University, https://gec150.web.illinois.edu/1990s/, 2018
Honored by the Illinois Firefighters Association, Inc. at the Association Annual Conference and
Annual Membership Meeting, October 20, 2017 (The Association passed a resolution with a list
of Ruan’s contributions and a white Fire Chief helmet inscribed with Ruan’s name)
The Illinois Library Association (ILA) Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award at the ILA
Annual Conference, October 11, 2017
Finalist for the 2017 IMLS National Medal for Museum and Library Service (The National
Medal is the nation’s highest honor given to museums and libraries for service to the community,
featuring at IMLS Facebook page on March 2017) 2017
CALA (Chinese American Librarians Association) President Recognition Award, June 25, 2016
Finalist for the 2016 IMLS National Medal for Museum and Library Service (The National
Medal is the nation’s highest honor given to museums and libraries for service to the community,
featuring at IMLS Facebook page on March 2016) 2016
Finalist for the 2015 IMLS National Medal for Museum and Library Service (The National
Medal is the nation’s highest honor given to museums and libraries for service to the community,
featuring at IMLS Facebook page on March 4, 2015 and interviewed by Daily Illini on April 1,
2015 (http://www.dailyillini.com/lifeandculture/article_189e6862-d80b-11e4-ba79-
179e606b5746.html) 2015
Profiled in the Who’s Who in the World, 2015, 2014, 2012, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2004
Profiled in the Who’s Who in America, 2014, 2013, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2004
The ACRL Member of the Week, Featured by ACRL, March 31, 2014
Members Meeting Challenges: Lian Ruan (Featured by SLA Illinois Chapter,
http://illinois.sla.org/?p=3912, March 7, 2014
SLA Feature on the GSLIS (http://www.lis.illinois.edu/articles/2014/01/ruan-highlighted-sla-
illuminate-illinois-feature, January 7, 2014
Illuminate Illinois: Lian Ruan (Featured by SLA Illinois Chapter, http://illinois.sla.org/?p=3681,
December 6, 2013
GSLIS Dean’s Council, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010-2012
Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society, 2012
Beta Phi Mu, Alpha Chapter, the International Library & Information Studies Honor Society, by
election of the faculty at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, November 5, 2011
“IFLODD: The Illinois Firefighter Line of Duty Deaths Digital Image Collection Database” was
highlighted in April 2009’s ILA REPORTER issue (Illinois Library Association’s official
publication) as one of the exemplary Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grants in
Illinois, 2009
Profiled in the Who’s Who of American Women, 2009, 2005
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chancellor’s Academic Professional Excellence
(CAPE) Award, 2003
The Special Libraries Association Diversity Leadership Development Program Award, 2003
Interviewed with other solo librarians by Informant, Special Libraries Association, Illinois
Chapter, 2000
Feature article on diversity in the August 1999 Issue of Illinois Reporter, published by Illinois
Library Association. Reprint in the Fall Alumni Newsletter, Graduate School of Library and
Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1999
Up and Coming Award, Special Libraries Association, Illinois Chapter, 1999
May Fourth Youth Award for undergraduate thesis, Peking University, 1984
American Library Association (ALA), Life Member, 2001-
Member, Committee on Nomination for the 2019 ALA Election, 2017-2018
Member, Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services Advisory Committee, 2016-
Member, ALA Task Force on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, 2014-2016
Association of College & Research Libraries
Distance Learning Section
Member, ACRL 75th Anniversary Celebration Task Force, 2013-2016
ACRL Representative to the ALA Advocacy Coordinating Group, 2013-2014, 2014-
Association for Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA)
Reference and User Services Association
Collection Development and Evaluation Section
Emerging Technologies in Reference Section
Reference Services Section
Library Research Round Table
Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA), Life Member, 2003-
Executive Director, 2016-2019
(Assist CALA EC and Board in achieving strategical goals outlined in the Strategic Plan
2015-2020; special efforts on fundamentally improve CALA’s finance management and
develop long-term financial goals, including the establishment of CALA Endowment
Fund; help support the establishment of Canada Chapter in 2018; compile the CALA
EC Handbook; CALA Archives with UIUC ALA Archives Collections)
Executive Director, 2019-2022
(Co-Chair CALA Strategic Plan (2020-2025) Task Force 2019-2020; review the CALA
Officers Handbook; Member, Mentoring Program Committee, 2019-2020)
Co-Chair, Leadership Task Force, 2021-2022
Member, Membership Committee, 2018-2019, 2019-2020
Immediate Past-President, 2016-2017
President, 2015-2016
(Led CALA with EC and Board to achieve goals outlined in the Strategic Plan 2015-
2020; made special efforts on CALA’s leadership development, legal compliance and
key organizational changes)
Vice President, 2014-2015
Incoming President/President Elect, 2013-2014
Co-Chair, CALA 2020 Strategic Plan Task Force, 2014-2016
(led the strategic planning and developed CALA Strategic Plan 2015-2020)
Co-Representative to Library Society of China, 2017-2018
Co-Representative to IFLA, 2017-2018, 2019
(invited presentation at the IFLA Chinese Speaking Caucus Meeting 2017 and 2019)
Member, Mentoring Program Committee, 2013-2014
President, Midwest Chapter, 2012-2013
Vice President, Midwest Chapter, 2011-2012
Co-Chair, Local Arrangement Committee, 2012-2013
Co-Chair, Membership Committee, 2012-2013
(Led the national CALA membership drive and achieved the 2013 record-high goal of
559 active members)
Co-Chair, Membership Committee, 2011-2012
(Led the national CALA membership drive and achieved the 2012 record-high goal of
515 active members)
Chair, Fundraising Team (Midwest Chapter) for Joplin, MO, 2011-2012
Chair, Midwest Chapter Conference Planning Committee, 2011-2012
Member, Annual Award Banquet Arrangement Committee, 2011
Chair, Finance Committee, 2009-2010
Chair, Public Relations Committee, Midwest Chapter, 2008-2009
Chair, Sally Tseng Professional Development Grant Award Committee, 2008-2009
Member, Mentorship Program Committee, 2008-2009
Member, Scholarship Committee, 2004-2005
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
(CALA is a member of IFLA, 2011-)
Member, Information Literacy Section Standing Committee, 2017-2021
Member, Library Theory and Research Section Standing Committee, 2021-2025
Joint Council of Librarians of Color (JCLC Inc.)
(CALA is a member of JCLC Inc., 2015-)
Member, JCLC Steering Committee, 2016-2018
Co-Chair, JCLC Publicity and Public Relations and Web Sub-Committee, 2016-2018
(worked with Steering Committee to successfully organize the 2018 3
National JCLC
Conference with over 1000 conference attendees.)
Member, Evaluation Subcommittee of the 2012 Joint Conference of Librarians of Color
Conference, 2011-2012
inFIRE (International Network for Fire Information and Reference Exchange, an international
consortium of fire libraries), 1990-
Chair, Executive Committee, 2013-
Member, Executive Committee, 1997-2001, 2009-2012
Co-Organizer, the 2014 inFIRE Annual Conference at Sun Yat-Sen University, China, May
6-8, 2014
Organizer, the 2011 inFIRE Annual Conference at Illinois Fire Service Institute, May 9-12,
inFIRE Serial Union List Coordinator, 2001-2007 (Initiated and developed a searchable and
Treasurer, 2001-2006
Co-Organizer with RJA Group, 2001 inFIRE Annual Conference, May 1-3
Editor, Proceeding of 2001 inFIRE Annual Conference
Special Libraries Association (SLA), 1999-
Emergency Preparedness & Recovery Advisory Council, 2013-2016
Diversity Leadership Development Program Committee, 2013-2014
Illinois Chapter Strategic Planning Committee, 2013-2014
Illinois Chapter Outreach/Public Relations Committee, 2011-2013
Illinois Chapter Chicago Annual Conference Local Arrangements Planning
Committee, 2011-2012
Downstate Representative, Board of Directors, Illinois Chapter, 2002-2004
(Initiated and organized SLA Illinois Chapter’s Downstate Outreach Program to work
with GSLIS SLA Student Chapter and various library organizations)
Chair, Annual Downstate Meeting, Illinois Chapter, 2002-2004
Chair, Research and Writing Committee, Illinois Chapter, 2000-2002 (Initiated and
developed a searchable SLA IL Chapter member research profile database)
Editor, Informant, Illinois Chapter Newsletter, 2000-2002
Beta Phi Mu, Alpha Chapter, 2011-
President, 2018-2019
President-elect 2017-2018
Health Science Librarians of Illinois (HSLI), 2001-
Member, Conference Committee, Health Science Librarians of Illinois Annual
Conference, November 15-16, 2001
Illinois Library Association (ILA), 2001-
Illinois Heartland Library System (administered by the Illinois State Library, formerly Lincoln
Trails Library System), 1998-
Invited ISLAC (Illinois State Library Advisory Committee) member as a representative
of special libraries in Illinois (2009-2015)
Invited ILLINET Network Advisory Council (INAC) member as a representative of
special libraries in Illinois and serve as liaison between ISLAC and INAC, 2003-
Medical Library Association (MLA), 2001-
Editorial Board of Knowledge Management Forum 《知识管理论坛》 in Chinese. 2019-
Editorial Board of the Library Construction 《图书馆建设》 in Chinese. 2018-2019
Host, 2016 MillerComm event on “Mind and Murals, the Buddhist Cave Paintings of the Mogao
Grottoes in China” by Eugene Y. Wang, Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Professor of Asian Art,
Harvard University, Center for Advanced Study, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
November 9, 2015
Editorial Board of the Chinese Librarianship: An International Electronic Journal, 2006-2009
Advisory Committee, Special Librarians Endowment Fund, Graduate School of Library and
Information Science (GSLIS), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2005-2014
Mentor, GSLIS Chinese Group (made the initiative to establish the group and help the group’s
program activities) 2004-
Co-Chair, China Endowment Fund Scholarship Committee, Illinois Fire Service Institute,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2012-
Founder, China Endowment Fund, Illinois Fire Service Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, 2005
Co-Founder, Special Librarians Endowment Fund, Graduate School of Library and Information
Science (GSLIS), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002
July 22: ALA IRRT Pre-Conference Presentation Topic: Libraries Adapting to the COVID
World Presentation Title: Libraries Adapting to the COVID World The Illinois Fire Service
Institute (IFSI) Library Practice.
June 23: Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Annual Poster Session on the topic
Knowledge Management Initiatives at Illinois State Fire Academy Library
May 10-27: Medical Library Association (MLA) 21vConference on the topic “International
Outreach Services at Illinois State Fire Academy Library”
October 20: China Digital Humanities 2020 Virtual Conference (CDH 2020), Shanghai, China,
Research Collaboration on DH: A Publishing of Special Issue of Library Trends
September 4: 2020 Sino-Foreign University Library Annual Conference, Wenzhou, China,
Information-Seeking and Sharing Behaviors of Professionals
June 24: Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Annual Conference Virtual Poster
Session, “Digital humanities in China”
May 11: Chinese American Librarians Association (CALA) Midwest Chapter Professional
Development Virtual Conference, Developing the International Library Community in the Digital
Age through Collaboration and Partnership
December 23: East China Science and Technology University Library, Shanghai, China,
StudentsInnovative Education and Career Development--The Practices of Illinois School of
Information Sciences
December 12: Hainan Tropical Ocean University Library, Sanya, Hainan Province, China, “Most
Recent Library Development Trends in American Academic Libraries & Innovative Services
December 11: Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, “User Services
and Mobile Library in Digital Libraries in USA
December 10: Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province,
China, “LIS Education Status & Illinois School of Information Sciences
December 9: Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, “User Services
and Mobile Library in Digital Libraries in USA
November 21: Zhengzhou University School of Information Management, Zhengzhou, Henan
Province, China, “Innovation in LIS Education and Newest Development in iSchool in Illinois
November 19: Binzhou Medical University Library, Yantai, Shandong Province, China, “Digital
Library Development in American Academic Libraries & Innovative Services
November 16: Champaign, iSchool Technology Panel, which is asking “How does technology
transform librarianship?”
November 8: Shanghai Normal University Library, Shanghai, China, “Most Recent Library
Development Trends in American Academic Libraries & Innovative Services”
November 6: Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, “Digital Library
Development in American Digital Libraries”
November 4: Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, “Innovation in US
LIS Education and the Development of Illinois School of Information Sciences”
October 31: International Symposium on Library Strategic Planning and Discipline
Development, Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, “International
Outreach: Developing the State Fire Academy Library through Global Community Engagement”
October 25: University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China, “Digital Library
Development in American Digital Libraries”
October 25: Beijing Union University Library, Beijing, China, “Students' Innovative Education
and Career Development--The Practice of Illinois School of Information Science” & “Digital
Library Development in American Academic Libraries & Innovative Services 2”
October 23: Beijing Union University Library, Beijing, China, “Digital Library Development in
American Academic Libraries & Innovative Services 1”
October 22: China Agricultural University Library, Beijing, China, Illinois School of Information
Science and Development of Innovative Services of American Academic Libraries
October 21: Hebei University Library, Baoding, Hebei Province, China, “Digital Library
Development in American Academic Libraries & Innovative Services”
October 21: Hebei University Library, Baoding, Hebei Province, China, “Students Innovative
Education and Career Development--The Practices of Illinois School of Information Sciences”
August 24: Athens, Greece, IFLA WLIC, Chinese Speaker Caucus Meeting, “Chinese American
Librarians Association and Global Library Community”
April 24: CALA Midwest Chapter Annual Conference Program, “Developing the State Fire
Academy Library through Global Community Engagement”
December 5: Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, Development
Trends of Innovative Services of Academic Libraries in USA”
November 9: Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, “Digital Library
November 8,
NUAA (Nanjing University of Aeronautical and Astronautic University), Nanjing,
Jiangsu Province, China, “
Development Trends of Innovative Services of Academic Libraries in
November 7: China Agricultural University Library, Beijing, China, Hot Topics in American
Library and Information Sciences and Research Methods
October 24: National Academic Library Information Literacy Online Education Symposium,
East China Science & Technology University, Shanghai, China, “
The Status Quo and Trend of
Online Education of College Students' Information Literacy in the United States
October 24: The 3
Global Perspective: Academic Library Directors’ Forum Resource
Sharing, Space Renovation and Organizational Change, Reinventing Academic Library in the
New Age, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Library, Shanghai, China, “
Sharing at Academic Libraries in the United States & CARLI in Illinois
October 22: NYU Shanghai Library, Shanghai, China, “
Innovative Library Services at the
Illinois Fire Service Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
October 22: Shanghai University, Shanghai, China,
Degree Programs in the School of
Information Sciences at Illinois and LIS Education in the USA”
October 19: Songjiang Area Library Meeting, Shanghai Visual Art School Library, Shanghai,
China, Development Trends of Innovative Services of Academic Libraries in USA
October 18: Shanghai Library International Forum, Shanghai Library, Shanghai, China, “Sino-
US English Academic Publishing Cooperation: A Case Study”
October 14: Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China, “Digital Library Services”
September 20: China Music School Library, Beijing, China, “Development Trends of Innovative
Services of Academic Libraries in USA”
September 21: Shanxi University of Finance and Economy, Shanxi, China, Development
Trends of Innovative Services of Academic Libraries in USA”
September 18: APBSLG (Asia Pacific Business School Librarians’ Group) Meeting &
Conferences, Changjiang Business School, Beijing, China, Stage Presentation “
Transforms Users, Society and Ourselves My Story
September 19 and September 20: Beijing Union University, Beijing, China, “Digital Library
September 17: LIS and Archives Education Forum, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing,
China, “
Degree Programs in the School of Information Sciences at Illinois and LIS Education in
the USA
September 17: Medical Union Library, Beijing, China, Development Trends of Innovative
Services of Academic Libraries in USA”
September 15: Qufu Area Library Meeting, Jining University Library, Qufu, Shandong Province,
China, “Development Trends of Innovative Services of Academic Libraries in USA”
June 24: Chinese American Librarians Association Poster Session/ALA Annual Conference,
New Orleans Convention Center, New Orleans, LA,
“Transforming China Libraries through Innovative User-Centered Services,
Special Issue, International Journal of Library and Information Services published by IGI)
June 2: Chinese Library Annual Conference/Library Society of China, Langfang Convention
Center, Langfang, Hebei Province, China, “Leadership and Partnership: CALA and Chinese
libraries contributing to the IFLA global vision planning”
May 30: Beijing Area Library Information System (BALIS) Workshop at Beijing Normal
University Library, Beijing, China, “Library Practices and Innovation in American Libraries – A
Case Study”
May 29: Chinese Science of Academy Library/Library and Information Science Publishing
Workshop, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, “Recent Five Years’ Hot Research Topics in the Field of
International Library and Information Science”
December 6: Guangzhou Area Library Meeting, University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou,
Guangdong Province, China, “Trends, Challenges and Response of Academic Libraries in USA”
November 24: Nanjing Agricultural University Library, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China,
“Innovative Services in American Academic Libraries – Trends in Research Data Management
(RDM) and Services”
November 24: China University of Mining and Technology Library, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province,
China, “Innovative Services in American Academic Libraries – Trends in Research Data
Management (RDM) and Services”
November 23: Xuzhou Area Library Meeting, Xuzhou Engineering University Library, Xuzhou,
Jiangsu Province, “Trends and Innovative Services in Academic Libraries in USA in the 21st
November 21: Hohai University Library, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, “Innovative Services in
American Academic Libraries – Trends in Research Data Management (RDM) and Services”
November 18: Southwest University, Chongqing, China, “Innovative Services in American
Academic Libraries – Trends in Research Data Management (RDM) and Services”
November 16: Wuhan Area Library Meeting, Wuhan University Library, Wuhan, Hubei
Province, China, “Trends and Innovative Services in Academic Libraries in USA in the 21
November 13: Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, “Research Data
Management (RDM) and Services in Academic Libraries”
October 30: Shanghai University Library, Shanghai, China, “Trends in Academic Libraries in
October 24: Jiangsu Library Association Annual Conference, Nanjing University, Nanjing,
Jiangsu Province, “Remaking Space in Library Buildings and Innovative Services in the 21st
October 23: Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications Library, Nanjing, Jiangsu
Province, “Professional Development of American Academic Librarians”
October 11: Illinois Library Association Annual Conference, Tinley Park, DiversiTea,
“Rise Up!”
September 15: Zhengzhou Area Library Meeting, Henan University of Economics and Law
Library, Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China, “Trends and Challenges in Academic Libraries in
August 21 and August 22: IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) Congress
Poster Sessions, Wroclaw, Poland, “Developing Leaders and Innovators in the 21st Century: the
Chinese Librarians Scholarly Exchange Program (CLSEP) at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, United States”
August 19: IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) Congress, Wroclaw, Poland,
Chinese Speaking Caucus, “CALA and IFLA, chaired by the Library Society of China.
August 3: Modern American Academic Library Management, CALA and Yunnan 21
Librarian Seminar, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Alexander Library, “Remaking
Space in Library Buildings and Innovative Services in the 21st Century”
June 25: ALA Annual Conference, Chicago, IFLA Global Vision Open Discussion Forum,
Co-facilitated with Robin Kear and Stephen Wyber; a short article was published in IRRT Leads.
June 24: ALA Annual Conference, Chicago, with three panelists - Scott Collard, Head of
Specialized Research Services, New York University, Constantia Constantinou, Dean of
University Libraries, SUNY Stony Brook, Starr Hoffman, Head of Planning and
Assessment, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Research Collaboration and Publishing in the
Global Community,” Sponsored by ACRL International Perspectives on Academic and Research
April 1: CALA GMA Chapter Spring Forum, Washington DC, “Developing the State Fire
Academy Library through Innovation”
October 27: Annual Conference of the Library Society of China (LSC) and the Chinese Library
Exhibition Theme Innovative China: Technology, Society, and Library in Tongling,
Anhui Province, CALA Academic Session - “Innovative Services and Technology in U.S.
Academic Libraries, “Developing Innovative Services to Meet Emergency Responders’ Unique
Needs at the State Fire Academy Library”
October 24: Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, Anhui Province, China, “Trends of Academic
Libraries Development”
October 20: Nanjing Agricultural University Library, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, Trends
of Academic Libraries Development in the United States
October 19: Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, “Library
September 5: Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, “Library
September 3: Jiangsu Police Institute Library, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, “Trends of
Academic Libraries Development in the United States
July 2: Chinese Librarians Scholarly Exchange Program, “IFSI Library”
June 27: CALA Leadership Academy, Panelist Discussion on Leadership Development and
Advancement with, Clara Chu, Dora Ho, Zhijia Shen, Xuemao Wang, Patty Wong
June 1: Annual Conference of the Library Society of China (LSC) and the Chinese Library
Exhibition Theme Innovative China: Technology, Society, and Library in Tongling,
Anhui Province, CALA Academic Session Entitled “Innovative Services and Technology in U.S.
Academic Libraries, “Developing Innovative Services to Meet Emergency Responders’ Unique
Needs at the State Fire Academy Library”
December 16: Annual Conference of the Library Society of China (LSC) and the Chinese
Library Exhibition in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, “New Trends of Academic Libraries in
USA,” Keynote Presentation at the CALA Academic Session, “The Library’s Role in Social
Advancement: Current Trends in Academic and Public Libraries in the United States”
December 15: Sun Yat-Sen University, School of Information Management, Guangzhou,
Guangdong Province, China, “New Trends of Academic Libraries in USA”
December 14, Guangzhou Area Library Meeting, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University
Library, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, “Innovative Services in American Academic
December 12, Wenzhou Medical University Library, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, China,
Technology Development and Innovative Services at Academic Libraries in the USA
December 10: Ningbo Public Library, Zhejiang Province, China, “Reading Programs in
American Public Libraries”
December 10: Beilun Library, Ningbo Polytechnic Institute, Zhejiang Province, China,
Technology Development and Innovative Services at Academic Libraries in the USA
December 9: National Academic Library Workshop on Strategic Planning, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu
Province, China, Sharing Strategic Planning Experiences in American Academic Libraries
November 28: Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, “Library
November 26: Jiaxing School Library, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, China, “Technology
Development and Innovative Services at Academic Libraries in the USA”
November 23: Anhui University of Technology Library, Ma‘anshan, Anhui Province, China
Technology Development and Innovative Services at Academic Libraries in the USA
November 20: Maritime University, Shanghai, China, “Technology Development and Innovative
Services at Academic Libraries in the USA
November 19: Tongji University Library, Shanghai, China, “Technology Development and
Innovative Services at Academic Libraries in the USA”
September 25: Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China, “Technology Development and
Innovative Services at Academic Libraries in the USA
September 15: Southeast University Library, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, Technology
Development and Innovative Services at Academic Libraries in the USA
September 11: University of Technology and Science in China Library, Hefei, Anhui Province,
China, Technology Development and Innovative Services at Academic Libraries in the USA
September 9: Ningbo Engineering University Library, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, China,
Technology Development and Innovative Services at Academic Libraries in the USA”
September 8: Jiangsu University Library, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China Technology
Development and Innovative Services at Academic Libraries in the USA
August 26: Dunhuang Forum: International Conference on Digital Library and Cultural Relics
Preservation and Use in the Big Data Environment in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Gansu
Province, China, Discussion with Panelists (Professor Stephen Downie, etc.) on “Digital
Preservation of Dunhuang”
August 25: Dunhuang Forum: International Conference on Digital Library and Cultural Relics
Preservation and Use in the Big Data Environment in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, Gansu
Province, “Digital Dunhuang & CALA: Collaboration in Scholarly Sharing and Exchange”
July 27: Ohio University’s Chinese Librarians Summer Institute, “The Trends of the Chinese-
American Library Relations”
June 14: SLA Contributed Research Papers Session, SLA Annual Conference in Boston,
“Developing Innovative Services and Products to Meet Firefighters’ Unique Needs at the State
Fire Academy Library”
June 28: First CALA Posters Session during the ALA Annual Conference in San Francisco, Co-
Presented with Weiling Liu, “The Role of Chinese American Librarians in Library and
Information Science Diversity”
June 28: Chaired the CALA Annual Conference Program with five panel speakers, past
presidents of ALA affiliated ethnic caucus, “Partnership beyond CALA: Training Leaders of
Color for Action”
May 27: Online CALA South West Chapter Annual Program, “The Future of Chinese American
Librarians Association
May 20: Online CALA Midwest Chapter Annual Program Keynote Speech, Co-Presented with
Weiling Liu, “The Role of Chinese American Librarians in Library and Information Science
May 14: inFIRE Annual Conference in Norwood, Co-Presented with David Ehrenhart,
“Developing Experience-Based Knowledge Management Services at the Illinois State Fire
Academy Library”
January 29: ALISE Annual Conference in Chicago, Co-Presented with Barbara Ford, Terry
Weech, Kate Williams, and Chengren Hu, “Social Justice in the US-China Context: What are
the Challenges of Discussing Social Justice Issues in the Context of Contrasting Cultures?”
October 9: Library Research Seminar VI 2014 “The Engaged Librarian: Libraries Partnering
with Campus and Community” at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Co-Presented
with David Ehrenhart, “A Commitment to Supporting Firefighters’ Dynamic Information Needs:
Experience-Based Knowledge Management Services at the Illinois State Fire Academy Library”
July 2: Chinese Librarians Summer Program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Anniversary Year Poster Presentation”
May 6: inFIRE Annual Conference, Guangzhou, “Supporting Dynamic Information Needs of
Firefighter Instructors in the Digital Age
September 23: Jinan University Library, Guangzhou, Library Information Services at the
Illinois Fire Service Institute Library”
September 11: Northwest Nationality University Library, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, “Future
Development of American Academic Libraries
September 10: Lanzhou Branch of the National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Science,
Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China, “Knowledge Management in Special and Academic Libraries
in the United States”
September 9: Chongqing University Library, Sichuan Province, China, “Future Development of
American Academic Libraries”
September 8: Southwest University, Chongqing, Sichuan Province, China, “Future Development
of American Academic Libraries”
September 5: Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, “Future Development of American
Academic Libraries”
September 3: Southeast University Library, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, “Library and
Information Science Education in Illinois”
September 2: Nanjing Agricultural University Library, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China,
Future Development of American Academic Libraries”
September 1, East China Normal University Library, Shanghai, China, “Future Development of
American Academic Libraries”
October 9: Illinois Library Association (ILA) Conference, Springfield, Illinois, Developing
Innovative Services in Partnership with User Community”
September 6: International Symposium on Firefighting and Emergency Management, Langfang,
Hebei Province, China, “The Illinois State Fire Academy Library and IFSI International
Programs for Firefighting and Emergency Management”
December 6: Jinan University Library, “Future of American Academic Libraries and Librarians
November 23: East China Normal University Library, Shanghai, “Leadership in Library
October 18: Illinois Library Association (ILA) Conference, Rosemont, Illinois, Presentation with
Diane Richardson and David Ehrenhart, “Think Big: Building the State Fire Academy Library
in the Digital Age”
June 1: Institute of Information Resources Management, Zhejiang University, “Doctoral
Research in Library and Information Science: A Case Study”
May 21: CALA 2011 Midwest Chapter Annual Conference, Indiana University Southeast, New
Albany, Indiana, “Digital Knowledge Management Structure for Fire Service Training”
May 10: inFIRE Annual Conference, Illinois Fire Service Institute, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, “Library Practices and Management in the Digital Age of Fire Information:
Development of the Illinois Fire Service Institute Library,”
April 8: GSLIS Research Showcase, “Information-Seeking and Sharing Behaviors among Fire
Service Field Staff Instructors: A Qualitative Study
October 10: Third Sino-U.S. Symposium on Library and Information Science Education in the
Digital Age, Wuhan University, Professional Library Management Education in the Digital
September 9: eChicago@Dominican University Symposium on Preparing and Building
Community in Crises panel discussion, “Delivering Right Information to Illinois Firefighters at
Right Time Through Community Collaboration
May 13: inFIRE Annual Conference, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, Maryland, “Expansion and Future of the University of Illinois Fire Service
Institute Library
May 26, inFIRE Annual Conference, National Research Council Canada Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada, May 25-28, “Meeting Fire Service Field Staff Instructors’ Dynamic Information
December 15-16: Beihang University Library, Beijing, China, “Professional Development in US
Academic Libraries
October 30: Presentation at the Nanjing Aeronautical and Astronautical University, Nanjing,
China, “Developing New Library Service Model in the University Library”
October 27: Presentation at the Southwest University Library, Chongqing, “Developing New
Library Service Model in the University Library.”
May 14: Presentation at the Wuhan University Library, Wuhan, “Developing New Library
Service Model in the University Library”
June 9: CALA 2008 Annual Program, ALA Conference, Anaheim, California, “Global Outreach:
A U.S. China Experience”
April 4: GSLIS Research Showcase Poster Session, Co-Presented with Adam Groves,
“Developing a Digital Image Collection of Illinois Firefighter Line of Duty Deaths (IFLODD)
January 13: Presentation at the Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China, “Developing
New Library Service Model in the University Library”
May 12: Annual Conference of CALA Midwest Chapter - Outreach and Collaboration in the Age
of Digital Transformation, Ideas and Experience from the Midwest, University of Illinois at
Chicago, “Developing a Digital Image Collection of Illinois Firefighter Line of Duty Deaths
(IFLODD) through Outreach and Collaboration”
May 9: Invited panelist for the library leaders’ discussion on evidence-based practice at the
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference (EBLIP4), in Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, “Evidence-Based Practice in U.S. Fire Library Management”
June 24: ALA Annual Conference Poster Session, New Orleans, “Deliver Right Information to
Illinois Firefighters at Right Time”
June 25: ALA Annual Conference, New Orleans, Co-Presented with Jian Anna Xiong, “In
Search of Excellence: Chinese American Librarians in the 21st Century”
June 13: inFIRE Annual Conference, Norwood, MA, “A Survey to Support ‘Evidence-Based
Practice’ in Special Libraries Serving Fire Service Personnel and Researchers in Public Safety
and Homeland Security Areas”
June 6: Annual SLA Conference, Toronto, Canada, Co-Presented with Linda C. Smith, “A
Survey to Support ‘Evidence-Based Practice’ in Special Libraries Serving Fire Service Personnel
and Researchers in Public Safety and Homeland Security Areas”
May 15: MLA Annual Meeting’s Symposium Sponsored by the Medical Library Association
(MLA) and the National Library of Medicine, San Antonio, Texas, Information Needs Panel
What are the information needs of first responders? “The Role of Information Services in
Emergency Preparedness Planning”
October 5: Fall Associates from the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, “Reaching Out and Serving Fire Emergency
September 21: Seminar “New Ideas on Library Management,” Department of Information
Management, Peking University, Beijing, China, "Strategic Planning in American Special
Libraries: A Case Study"
September 25: Shanghai Library, “Strategic Planning in American Special Libraries: A Case
September 18: “In Memorial of Mr. Zhongmin’s Wang 100 Years Old Birth Celebration
Seminar,” Peking University, Beijing, Co-presented with Dean Leigh Estabrook, "Mr. Wang
Zhongmin’s Contributions to the Library Education in China: When East Meets West, a
Comparative Study"
October 1: American Libraries Seminar Sponsored by the Mortenson Center for International
Library Programs and Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Grainger Engineering Library Commons, “International Services
& Access at Illinois Fire Service Institute Library”
September 18: Annual State Agency Librarian’s Meeting Held by the Illinois State Library,
Springfield, “Illinois Fire Service Institute Library”
September 25: Fall Associates from Haiti, Columbia, Russia, and Kazakhstan, an International
Program Organized by the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Outreach through Partnership”
July 11: South African Library Leadership Project (SALLP), an International Program Organized
by the Mortenson Center for International Library Programs, University of Illinois at Urbana-
Champaign, “Outreach through Partnership”
May 30: inFIRE Annual Conference, London, United Kingdom, “Creating Integrated Distance
Learning Library Services for Illinois Firefighters: An Integrated Information Service with
Online Firefighter II Certification Program”.
May 3: inFIRE Annual Conference, Chicago, “Developing Internet Outreach Training Program
for Illinois Fire Service Personnel, Public and Community College Librarians”
May 11: inFIRE Annual Conference, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research
Council, Ottawa, Canada, “Mapping Multiple Vocabularies for Better Subject Access to Fire
Science Materials"
May 7: inFIRE Annual Conference, New York State Academy of Fire Science Library, Montour
Falls, New York, May 5-7, “Reaching Out to Under-served Illinois Firefighters: Results of a
Survey Project"
For Chinese Librarians Scholarly Exchange Program in the United States
June 22 to July 21, 2013-
Translate presentations by guest speakers from libraries, including presentations at Library of
Congress, Princeton University Library, Yale University Library, Harvard University Library,
MIT Library, Boston Public Library, Cambridge Public Library, University of California,
Berkeley, Stanford University, and San Francisco Public Library, etc.
For Chinese Archives Student Program in the United States
July 22 to August 2, 2018
Translate presentations by guest speakers from the Chicago Public Library, Library of Congress,
National Archives and Records Administration, Columbia University and New York Public
For IFSI Director Royal Mortenson both in China and the United States:
Translate Mortenson’s presentations in China and USA to Chinese participants and visitors on
fire emergency response management.
For IFSI Hazardous Materials Operations Training Programs in China:
April 28-April 30: Translate IFSI instructor’s training at Nanning Fire Service Department to
help evaluate ASEAN Regional Forum Disaster Relief Exercise. Huizhou, Guangdong Province,
July 29-August 6: Translate teaching and training for the IFSI team of three instructors to
Chinese first responder participants (35 students). Huizhou, Guangdong Province, China
December 2 to December 7: Translate teaching and training for the IFSI team of three instructors
to Chinese first responder participants (34 students). Huizhou, Guangdong Province, China
November 28 to December 5: Translate teaching and training for the IFSI team of three
instructors to Chinese first responder participants (34 students), Huizhou, Guangdong Province,
November 30 to December 6: Translate teaching, training, homework and testing for the IFSI
team of three instructors to Chinese first responder participants (28 students), Huizhou,
Guangdong Province, China
November 27 to December 5: Translate teaching, training, homework and testing for the IFSI
team of three instructors to Chinese first responder participants (34 students), Huizhou,
Guangdong Province, China
For GSLIS Dean John Unsworth in China:
October 6: South West University, Chongqing, Sichuan Province, China, “Reading at Library
Scale: New Methods, Attention Prosthetics, Evidence, and Argument"
October 9: 90th Anniversary Conference, School of Information Management, Wuhan
University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, "Challenges in Educating 21st-Century Information
October 9: Third Sino-U.S. Symposium on Library and Information Science Education in the
Digital Age, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, “Closing Ceremony Remark”
June 12: East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, "Current Developments in Digital
Library Management and Research in USA"
June 13: South East University Library, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, “Graduate School of
Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Its LEEP
and Digital Library Certificate Programs
June 15: NUAA (Nanjing University of Aeronautical and Astronautic University), Nanjing,
Jiangsu Province, China, "Current Developments in Digital Library Management and Research
in USA”
June 15: NUAA (Nanjing University of Aeronautical and Astronautic University, Nanjing,
Jiangsu Province, China, "Introduction to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign"
June 15: Department of Library and Information Science, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China,
"Challenges and Opportunities: Making Exchange and Collaboration Work"
June 16: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Wuhan University, Wuhan, Hubei
Province, China, "Challenges and Opportunities: Making Exchange and Collaboration Work"
June 18: Peking University/CALIS, Beijing, China, "Current Developments in Digital Library
Management and Research in USA"
July 13: Beijing Area Library Directors at Beihang University Library, Beijing, China,
“Managing the Digital Library: The ECHO Depository Project”
July 13: Beijing Area Library Directors at Beihang University, Beijing, China, “Library and
Information Science at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
July 14: Nanjing Area Library Directors, NUAA (Nanjing University of Aeronautical and
Astronautic University) Library, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, “Managing the Digital
Library: The ECHO Depository Project”
July 14: Nanjing Area Library Directors at NUAA (Nanjing University of Aeronautical and
Astronautic University) Library, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China “Library and Information
Science at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign”
July 17: Library Directors in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University Library, Hangzhou,
Zhejiang Province, China, “Managing the Digital Library: The ECHO Depository Project”
July 17: Library Directors in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University Library, Hangzhou,
Zhejiang Province, China, “Library and Information Science at University of Illinois at Urbana-
July 18: Library Directors in Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Provincial Library, Hangzhou,
Zhejiang Province, China, “Cyberinfrastructure in the USA”
For GSLIS Professor Terry Weech in China:
May 16: Library Directors in Wuhan Area, Wuhan University Library, Wuhan, Hubei Province,
China, “Academic Library Assessment and Evaluation”
For IFSI Director Richard Jaehne in both China and the United States:
July 28: Beihang University Library, Beijing, China, “Illinois Fire Service Institute Library”
November 10: Library Directors in Shenzhen Area, University Town Library of Shenzhen,
Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China, “Value-added Library Services”
November 12: Library Directors in Guangzhou Area, Jinan University Library, Guangzhou,
Guangdong Province, China, “Value-added Library Services”
Attended the ALA/CALA Annual Conference (2006 to present).
Attended the ACRL Conference (2015 to present).
Attended IFLA World Library and Information Congress (2016 to present).
Attended IFLA Global Vision Workshop in North America, National Library and Archives
Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, April 16-April 17, 2018 and IFLA Global Vision Workshop in
the United States, Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA, May 3-5, 2017.
Attended the Chinese Library Annual Conference and other Chinese regional and national library
conferences (2006 to present).
Attended the SLA Annual Conference and Info-Expo (2000-2016, 2019).
Attended the inFIRE Annual Conference (1999-2014).
Rev. November 2021