S0300-B2-MAN-010 Rev 2, Chg 32 Chapter 7, 14 January, 2021
SUPSHIP Operations Manual (SOM) EVM Conference & CBS Changes
Chapter 7 – Earned Value Management
Table of Contents
7.1 Introduction 7-4
7.2 Policy and Directives 7-4
7.3 Roles and Responsibilities 7-5
7.3.1 Integrated Program Management (IPM) Division of OUSD AAP 7-5
7.3.2 Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA) 7-6
7.3.3 Component EVMS Focal Point 7-6
7.3.4 NAVSEA (Procuring Activity) 7-6
7.3.5 SUPSHIP 7-8
7.4 EVMS Guidelines Concept 7-9
7.4.1 EVMS Guidelines 7-9 Key Attributes of EVMS 7-10 EIA Standard 748 Guidelines 7-10
7.5 EVM Overview 7-11
7.5.1 Basic EVM Description 7-11
7.5.2 Components and Processes of an Earned Value Management System 7-12 Statement of Work (SOW) 7-12 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 7-12 Contractor Program Organization 7-12 Program Schedule 7-13 Budget Allocation and Resource Planning 7-14 Establishing Control Accounts (CA) and Control Account Budgets 7-15 Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) 7-15 Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) 7-16 IBR Policy and Guidance 7-17 Accounting Considerations 7-17 Earned Value Techniques 7-18 Planning and Control of Level of Effort Activities 7-19 Performance Measurement and Analysis 7-19 Significant Variances 7-19 Schedule Variance (SV) 7-20 Cost Variance (CV) 7-20 Estimates at Completion (EAC) 7-21 Revisions and Data Maintenance 7-22 Customer-Directed Changes 7-22 Traceability to Previous Budgets 7-22 Control Internal Changes to the PMB 7-22 Over Target Baseline (OTB) and Over Target Schedules (OTS) 7-23
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SUPSHIP Operations Manual (SOM) EVM Conference & CBS Changes
7.6 Contract Requirements 7-24
7.6.1 Evaluation 7-24
7.6.2 Contract Award 7-24
7.6.3 Post-Contract Award 7-25 EVMS System Validation 7-25 Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) 7-25
7.6.4 Deficiencies in Validated EVM Systems 7-25
Appendix 7-A: Graphical Representation of EVMS Terms 7-27
Appendix 7-B: Glossary 7-29
Appendix 7-C: Acronyms 7-33
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SUPSHIP Operations Manual (SOM) EVM Conference & CBS Changes
(a) Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS)
Electronic Industries Alliance Standard 748, Rev D (EIA-748D)
DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework
DoDI 5000.02T, Operation of the Defense Acquisition System
NAVSEAINST 7000.4H, Earned Value Management
Department of Navy Earned Value Management Implementation Guide (DON
EVMIG, 8 August 2017)
DoD Earned Value Management System Interpretation Guide (14 March 2019)
ASN(RDA) memo of 9 Apr 2007, Center of Excellence for Earned Value
Management (CEVM)
OUSD AT&L memo of 1 Sep 2015, Class Deviation - Earned Value Management
System Threshold
NAVSEAINST 4000.6B, Data Management Program
SECNAVIST 5000.2F, Defense Acquisition System and Joint Capabilities
Integration and Development System Implementation
NAVSEAINST 5400.111A , NAVSEA Engineering and Technical Authority Policy
NAVSEA SUPSHIP EVMS Surveillance Operating Procedure (May 2020)
MIL-STD-881E, DoD Standard Practice Work Breakdown Structures for Defense
Materiel Items
DoD Integrated Master Plan and Integrated Master Schedule Preparation and User
Guide (21 Oct 2005)
Program Manager’s Guide to the Integrated Baseline Review Process (4 Jun 2003)
NAVSEA letter Ser 022/007 - Contractor Business Systems Guidance of 28 Nov
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Chapter 7 – Earned Value Management
7.1 Introduction
This chapter provides information regarding the principles of Earned Value Management
(EVM), DoD’s requirements for EVM, the guidelines used to approve a contractor’s Earned
Value Management System (EVMS), and the responsibilities of SUPSHIPs and other
activities regarding EVM. It also provides guidance concerning the SUPSHIP organization for
EVMS support and analysis of shipbuilder cost performance and integrated program
management reports submitted under covered contracts.
EVM has proven its value over many years. Effective implementation and application of
EVM systems by contractors ensures that they possess and use an adequate management
system that integrates cost, schedule, and technical performance. This approach provides
better overall planning and control discipline on government contracts. A properly employed,
compliant EVMS provides the Program Manager (PM) and SUPSHIP with valid cost,
schedule, and technical progress information needed for effective decision-making, risk
management, and contract administration.
The contractor's EVMS is considered to be a contractor business system as defined by
DFARS 242.7000. Qualifying contracts are to include the DFARS clauses 252.234-7002
Earned Value Management System, and 252.242-7005, Contractor Business Systems.
These clauses establish the requirement for the contractor to establish and maintain
acceptable business systems in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract. If
a business system is found to have a significant deficiency, the Contractor Business System
clause permits contract withholdings to occur. See
SOM 3.18.6, Contractor Business System
Specifics, for a more detailed treatment of this topic.
7.2 Policy and Directives
In accordance with reference (a), FAR 34.2, an Earned Value Management System is
required for major acquisitions for development and for other acquisitions in accordance with
agency procedures. For DoD acquisitions,
DFARS Subpart 234.201, reference (b), imposes
the following EVMS contract requirements:
a. For cost or incentive contracts and subcontracts valued at $20 million or more, the EVMS
shall comply with the guidelines in Electronic Industries Alliance Standard 748D (
748D), reference (c).
b. For cost or incentive contracts and subcontracts valued at $100 million or more, the
contractor shall have an EVMS that has been determined by the cognizant Federal
agency to be in compliance with the guidelines in EIA-748.
c. For cost or incentive contracts and subcontracts valued at less than $20 million:
(1) The application of EVM is optional and is a risk-based decision.
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(2) A decision to apply EVM shall be documented in the contract file.
(3) A cost-benefit analysis shall be conducted following the procedures at
234.201 (1) (iii).
d. For firm-fixed-price contracts and subcontracts of any dollar value:
(1) The application of EVM is discouraged.
(2) Follow procedures at DFARS PGI 234.201
(1) (iv) for obtaining a waiver before
applying EVM.
Note: EVM is not required on contracts, subcontracts, intragovernment work agreements,
and other agreements less than 18 months in duration, including options, per reference (d),
DoDI 5000.02, Operation of the Adaptive Acquisition Framework, and the prior DoDI
5000.02T (transitional document), Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, reference
Reference (f), NAVSEAINST 7000.4H**, Earned Value Management, establishes NAVSEA
policies, procedures, and responsibilities for the implementation of Earned Value
Management in NAVSEA procurements. Reference (g), the
Department of Navy Earned
Value Management Implementation Guide (DON EVMIG), provides uniform procedures
within DON concerning EVM. Reference (h), the DoD Earned Value Management System
Interpretation Guide (DoD EVMSIG), provides the basis for DoD to assess EVMS
compliance to the EIA-748 guidelines.
7.3 Roles and Responsibilities
The responsibility for EVM in DoD for shipbuilding is shared by five organizations:
Integrated Program Management Division of the
Office of the Undersecretary of
Defense Office for Acquisition, Analytics and Policy (OUSD AAP)
Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
Component EVMS Focal Point (e.g., the Naval Center for Earned Value
Management (CEVM))
Procuring Activity (e.g., NAVSEA)
SUPSHIP as the assigned Contract Administration Office (CAO)
The following sections discuss the general responsibilities associated with each of these
7.3.1 Integrated Program Management (IPM) Division of OUSD AAP
The IPM Division of OUSD AAP serves as the DoD focal point for all policy, guidance, and
competency relating to EVM. One of the division’s goals is to increase earned value’s
constructive attributes for the DoD firms managing acquisition programs by reducing the
economic burden of inefficient implementation of EVM. The IPM Division is dedicated to the
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idea that EVM is an essential integrated program management tool and not merely a
contractually required report. The division has formal cognizance over the EVMS
Interpretation Guide (EVMSIG), which is to be used as the basis for DoD to assess EVMS
compliance to the EIA-748 guidelines.
7.3.2 Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
Per DFARS 234.201(3), DCMA is responsible for determining earned value management
system compliance when DoD is the cognizant Federal agency. To this end, DCMA works
with various government and industry teams to develop practical EVMS guidance,
administers contractual activities, and conducts Compliance Reviews (CRs), ensuring initial
and ongoing compliance with the DoD EVMS criteria as outlined in the DoD EVMSIG
7.3.3 Component EVMS Focal Point
Each military service component establishes a focal point to serve as the point of contact for
coordination and exchange of information on EVM. In accordance with reference (i),
ASN(RDA) memo of 9 Apr 2007, the Department of the Navy’s EVM focal point is the Naval
Center for Earned Value Management (CEVM) within the ASN(RDA) office. The EVMS focal
point is responsible for effective policy implementation within their service, including ensuring
consistency with DoD policy. In support of this responsibility, the CEVM has issued the
Department of the Navy Earned Value Implementation Guide (
DON EVMIG). As previously
noted, the guide provides uniform procedures for all matters concerning implementation of
EVM on DON acquisition programs.
7.3.4 NAVSEA (Procuring Activity)
DON EVMIG, paragraph, defines the Procuring Activity as the Program Management
Office (PMO), the contracting organization, and the Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) that
support the PMO. The PM and the PMO help ensure that all solicitations and contracts
contain the correct EVMS and/or Integrated Master Schedule (IMS) requirements, tailored as
appropriate for the specific nature of the program in accordance with DoD policy. The PM
and PMO also have the responsibility to conduct the IBR, perform integrated performance
analysis, proactively manage the program utilizing performance data, and accurately report
performance to decisionmakers. In shipbuilding, the PM/PMO are supported by several
NAVSEA deputy commanders and functional offices. The roles and responsibilities for each
of the organizations are detailed below and are contained in their entirety in
Deputy Commander for Ship Design Integration & Engineering (NAVSEA 05)
1. Perform EVM analysis and development of independent Estimates at Completion
(EAC) in support of NAVSEA and program offices.
2. Support the Procuring Contracting Officers (PCO) and program offices in determining
and recommending EVM requirements in solicitations and contracts that meet the
various thresholds for EVMS.
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3. Coordinate with program offices on development of cost reporting/EVM related data
item requirements, i.e., Contract Data Requirements List items (CDRL), before
issuance of solicitations and subsequent review and coordination on any
modifications before and after contract award.
Program Manager
1. Include all appropriate requirements set forth in higher level documents, acquisition
plans or acquisition papers, solicitations and contracts meeting threshold levels of
Table 8 in DoDI 5000.02T. Enclosure (1) of reference (j), OUSD AT&L memo of 1
Sep 2015, provides a summary of the thresholds and EVM requirements.
2. Coordinate cost reporting and EVM related CDRLs with SEA 05C and other
appropriate stakeholders before Request for Proposal (RFP) issuance and
subsequent modifications before or following contract award, per reference (k),
B**, Data Management Program. Requests to waive EVM
related requirements of DoDI 5000.02, SECNAVIST 5000.2F, reference (l), and
NAVSEAINST 5400.111A**, reference (m), will be developed with SEA 05C support.
3. Coordinate contractor requests for execution of Over Target Baseline (OTB) or Over
Target Schedule (OTS) through SEA 05C, SEA 02, and the CAO for review and
comment before approval.
4. In coordination with SEA 05C, establish a process to support effective
communication across the program EVM team. The team will act as the action agent
for the PM in cost estimating and EVM analysis activities.
a. Suggested membership for the EVM team is program office business,
financial and EVM personnel, SEA 05C cost and EVM analysts, and CAO
(SUPSHIP) EVM analyst. Other stakeholders, such as Ship Design
Managers (SDM) and systems engineering personnel, should participate as
b. The PM and SEA 05C will determine the team's meeting frequency to
support the development of Program Manager EACs through a review of
EVM analyses and EAC recommendations. Where significant variation exists
between the projected EACs of the EVM team members, the EAC
recommendations provided to the PM will include explanations of the
variation to support informed decision-making concerning the establishment
of the PM EAC. The basis of EAC recommendations from the program EVM
team, i.e., program office, SEA 05C and CAO, will be provided by each
organization to support the establishment of the PM EAC.
5. Make full use of Integrated Program Management Reports (IPMRs), Integrated
Program Management Data Analysis Reports (IMPDARs), Contract Performance
Reports (CPRs), Integrated Master Schedules and other EVM related reports in
managing and evaluating contractor performance.
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6. Maintain adequate documentation regarding the implementation of EVM (e.g., MOA,
results of IBRs, re-baseline approvals, EAC development documentation). The
program office will be the normal repository for such information.
Deputy Commanders / PEOs / NAVSEA Functional Offices
Deputy Commanders, Program Executive Officers (PEOs), and NAVSEA Functional
Offices will ensure program managers meet the requirements contained and referenced
in NAVSEAINST 7000.4H**.
Deputy Commander for Logistics, Maintenance and Industrial Operations (SEA 04)
1. Ensure that the requirements contained and referenced in this instruction are fulfilled.
2. Provide guidance, jointly with SEA 05C and with inputs from PEOs, to SUPSHIPs
regarding requirements for shipbuilder EVMS. Support SEA 05C in providing SME
support to SUPHIPs for execution of contractor EVM system responsibilities.
3. Provide required oversight of SUPSHIPs to ensure implementation and effectiveness
of shipbuilder EVMS through Procurement Surveillance Program (PSP) functional
area reviews as requested.
4. Provide EVM direction and guidance to SUPSHIPs, in coordination with SEA 05C,
through the SUPSHIP Operations Manual (SOM) and other appropriate documents.
5. Promote consistent implementation of EVM practices across SUPSHIPs.
6. Act as an advocate for SUPSHIP resource requirements to meet requirements for
EVMS oversight functions.
SUPSHIPs serve as the CAO for contracts awarded to major shipbuilders under their
cognizance (see Contract Administration Services Directory (CASD)
). In accordance with
NAVSEAINST 7000.4H** and the DON EVMIG, SUPSHIP actions and responsibilities
a) Support the PCO and program offices in determining and invoking EVM
requirements in solicitations and contracts.
b) Negotiate and execute an advance agreement or letter of acceptance between the
Government and the contractor specifying that the contractor will maintain and use
the contractor's accepted EVM system as an integral management process on the
current as well as future contracts.
c) Conduct EVM surveillance in accordance with reference (n),
EVMS Surveillance Operating Procedure (SOP)** (NAVSEA Fusion access
d) Perform IPMR, IPMDAR, CPR, and Contract Funds Status Report (CFSR) analysis
and provide an independent EAC to the cognizant PM per the program office MOA.
Additional SUPSHIP support to the PM/PMO includes:
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i. Participate in program office processes to support the development of
Program Manager EACs. Provide EVM analysis products to the program
office and other stakeholders per NAVSEA EVMS SOP and the program
office MOA. Support program managers in the development of data
requirements for cost reporting/EVM in new contracts or modifications to
existing contracts.
ii. Participate in IBRs for contracts under the cognizance of the Administrative
Contracting Officer (ACO).
iii. Review and analyze contractor IMS.
e) Support formal review and comment on cost reporting/EVM related data item
requirements, i.e., CDRLs, before issuance of solicitations and subsequent
modifications before or after contract award.
f) Maintain adequate documentation of certification and system surveillance activities to
ensure contractor EVM system compliance. The CAO will be the normal repository
for such information.
7.4 EVMS Guidelines Concept
EVMS guidelines were established on the premise that the Government cannot impose a
single EVMS for all contractors due to variations in organizations, products, and working
The guidelines establish a framework within which an adequate integrated cost, schedule,
and technical management system fits. The EVMS guidelines are not prescriptive, but
simply describe the desired outcomes of integrated performance management.
The EVMS guidelines have been published as the EIA Standard 748, Earned Value
Management Systems. In August 1998 DoD adopted the guidelines of EIA-748 for
application to major defense acquisition programs. Industry periodically reviews the
standard, and the current Revision D was approved in January 2019 without change to the
basic guidelines. If the guidelines of the EIA-748 standard are changed or updated, DoD will
review and determine if the document still meets the Government’s requirements.
7.4.1 EVMS Guidelines
EVMS guidelines are intended to be objective and applicable to large, risky, cost-based
government programs. The purpose of the guidelines is to provide the contractor and the
Government with accurate data to monitor the execution of a program and to:
Preclude the imposition of specific cost and schedule management control systems
by providing uniform evaluation guidelines to ensure contractor cost and schedule
management control systems are adequate.
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Provide an adequate basis for responsible decision-making by both contractor
management and DoD component personnel by requiring that contractors’ internal
management control systems produce data that:
o Indicate work progress
o Properly relate cost, schedule, and technical accomplishment
o Are timely, accurate, reliable, and auditable
o Provide DoD component managers with information at a practical level of
Encourage DoD contractors to adopt management control systems and procedures
that are most effective in meeting requirements and controlling contract performance.
Provide a baseline requirement against which industry standards, both national and
international, may be evaluated for authorization by Office of the Undersecretary of
Defense Office for Acquisition, Analytics and Policy (OUSD AAP) as substitutes for
DoD EVMS guidelines. Key Attributes of EVMS
EVM systems that comply with EIA-748 facilitate:
thorough planning of all program work scope to completion
integration of work scope, schedule, and cost objectives into a single baseline plan
baseline establishment at the beginning of the contract
baseline control throughout the contract
objective measurement of work accomplishment at levels where the work is being
summarized reporting for management decision-making
early identification of problems and the corrective actions needed to mitigate the
resulting risk
development of estimates of final technical, schedule, and contract costs
visibility into subcontractor performance EIA Standard 748 Guidelines
EIA 748 is composed of 32 EVMS guidelines grouped in the following five major categories:
planning, scheduling, and budgeting
accounting considerations
analysis and management reports
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revisions and data maintenance
Refer to the EVMSIG
for a detailed description of the 32 guidelines.
7.5 EVM Overview
EVM is a program management tool that integrates technical, cost, and schedule parameters
to measure contract performance against a baseline plan. EVM provides SUPSHIP and the
PM with contractor cost, schedule, and performance information which:
relates time-phased budgets to specific contract tasks
objectively measures work progress
properly relates cost, schedule, and technical accomplishments
allows for informed decision-making and corrective action
is timely, accurate, reliable, and auditable
allows for statistical estimation of future costs
supplies managers with status information at the appropriate level
is derived from the same management systems used by the contractor to manage
the contract
7.5.1 Basic EVM Description
The basic requirements for effective implementation of an EVMS include:
1. Defining and organizing all work necessary to complete the project. This typically
includes determining the scope of work required by the contract and organizing it into
a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
2. Planning the work elements of the WBS to determine the time and estimated costs
required to perform the work.
3. Developing a project network that integrates the scope of work, schedule, and cost
objectives into a time-phased baseline plan that spans the duration of the project.
4. Defining Earned Value Techniques (EVTs) for measuring the accomplishment of the
WBS work elements. A variety of different EVTs may be applied within the same
EVMS based on the nature of the work.
5. Periodically determining the project’s earned value by applying the EVTs to each
work element and summing the earned value of all work.
6. Comparing the earned value to the baseline plan to determine cost and schedule
7. Analyzing significant variances to determine their cause, to forecast impact, and to
determine appropriate corrective action.
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Refer to Appendix 7-A for a depiction of an EVMS chart and the associated EVMS
7.5.2 Components and Processes of an Earned Value Management System
Implementation of EVMS for large-scale projects, such as the construction of Navy surface
ships and submarines, requires considerable contractor effort and rigorous application of
EVMS guidelines and processes if it is to provide accurate information concerning contract
performance. The following sections describe the components and processes commonly
found in an EVMS supporting major DoD programs. Statement of Work (SOW)
The SOW for the program should reflect all work to be performed. The SOW communicates
the work scope requirements for a program and should define the requirements to the fullest
extent practicable. It is a basic element of control used in the processes of work assignment
and establishment of program schedules and budgets. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
The WBS is a direct representation of the work scope defined in the program SOW. It is an
essential element of an EVMS used to provide the structure for identifying and categorizing
the work to be performed. It is a hierarchal breakdown of the material, services, and
operations that must be obtained or completed, by both government and commercial
activities, to achieve the objectives of an acquisition program. It provides the framework for
program and technical planning, cost estimating, resource allocation, performance
measurement, technical assessment, status reporting, and EVMS data collection and
A preliminary top-level WBS is developed by the PM and systems engineering staff early in
the planning phase of acquisition programs utilizing reference (o), MIL-STD-881E
, Work
Breakdown Structures for Defense Materiel Items. The program WBS is included as part of
the solicitation and used by the successful contractor to develop a more detailed Contract
Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS), when required by data item description DI-MGMT-
81334D, which includes all product elements (hardware, software, data, or services) for
which the contractor is responsible. The WBS is structured to best manage and report on
program performance. Cost collection requirements, such as Cost and Software Data
Reporting (CSDR), may require a different reporting structure than the WBS used in the
EVMS for program management. Contractor Program Organization
It is important for the organization to be defined at the onset of the program so that work
assignments are identified and responsibilities are clear. A company will organize as
required for the optimal management of its business. This includes decisions such as the
use of work teams or functional organizations and staffing by direct (project-oriented) or
matrix management. This process includes identification and coordination of subcontracted
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work as well as internal efforts. A program organization is dynamic and may change as the
program evolves. This program organizational structure, commonly referred to as an
Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS), is hereinafter referred to as an organizational
The organizational structure reflects the way the program is organized. To assign work
responsibility to appropriate organizational elements, any WBS and organizational structure
must be interrelated; that is, organizational responsibility must be established for identified
units of work. The assignment of lower-level work segments to responsible lower-level
managers provides a key control point for management purposes and cost collection. This is
called the control account (CA). A CA thus represents a defined work scope (with the
associated charge number or numbers) given to a single organizational unit (and single
manager or team leader) for work performance. EVMS guidelines require that a control
account is assigned to a single Control Account Manager (CAM) or team leader with
responsibility for managing that account.
When effort is to be subcontracted out, the applicable subcontractor is identified and related
to, or integrated with, the appropriate WBS element(s) and organization charged with
acquiring the subcontracted item. Program Schedule
The program schedule is the time-oriented plan for accomplishment of work scope
requirements on a program. Schedule planning and control, along with work scope
definition, are necessary prerequisites for basic program management and effective cost
control. The scheduling process begins during original program definition, and overall
schedule plans are typically established during the pre-planning for a program.
For DoD acquisition programs, program scheduling takes the form of the Integrated Master
Plan (IMP) and the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS). The IMP and IMS provide a
systematic approach to program planning, scheduling, and execution. The primary purpose
of the IMP and its supporting detailed schedule, the IMS, is their use by the Government and
contractor team as day-to-day tools for planning, executing, and tracking program technical,
schedule, and cost status.
The IMP is an event-based plan consisting of a hierarchy of program events, with each event
being supported by specific accomplishments, and each accomplishment associated with
specific criteria to be satisfied for its completion. The IMP is normally part of the contract and
thus contractually binding. The IMP is a narrative explaining the overall management of the
The IMS is an integrated, networked schedule containing all the detailed discrete work
packages and lower-level tasks or activities necessary to support the events,
accomplishments, and criteria of the IMP (if applicable). The events, accomplishments, and
criteria are duplicated in the IMS. Detailed tasks are added to depict the steps required to
satisfy the criterion. The IMS is directly traceable to the IMP and includes all the elements
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associated with production, modification, and delivery of the end product. It must also be
traceable to the CWBS, the contract SOW, and the EVMS. Durations are entered for each
discrete work package and lower-level tasks, along with predecessor and successor
relationships for each schedule task. The result is a fully networked schedule that supports
critical path analysis.
During contract execution, the IMP and IMS provide a framework for insight into the
contractor’s performance. When properly integrated with EVMS, the IMP and IMS should
enable the Government and contractor to:
identify and assess actual progress versus planned progress
monitor the program critical path and help develop workarounds to problem areas
assess program maturity
assess the status of risk management activities based on the inclusion of the
program risk mitigation activities in the IMP and IMS
assess the progress on selected Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) and
Technical Performance Measures (TPMs)
provide an objective, quantitative basis for the contractor’s performance assessment
rating and award fee
help develop and support “what-if” scenarios and to identify and assess candidate
problem workarounds
provide better insight into potential follow-on efforts that were not part of the original
contract award, for example, the contractor should be able to more clearly define the
activities, new interfaces, and other clarifying information necessary for a potential
program increment or contract option
Refer to the
DoD Integrated Master Plan and Integrated Master Schedule Preparation and
Use Guide (21 Oct 2005), reference (p), for more detailed information on the IMP and IMS. Budget Allocation and Resource Planning
Before work can proceed, scope and budget must be authorized to the responsible
organizations. The contractor’s PM is given an internal authorization to proceed with contract
work. Budgets and work scope then are divided among the program’s organizations via
formal work authorizations that communicate work assignments. All authorized work must
be associated with a corresponding budget. This provides a documented trail of work
authorization from the program office that clearly assigns program work requirements to the
responsible organizations.
The process of work authorization, the approvals necessary, and the form will vary based on
individual company policies and procedures. Work authorizations do not need to duplicate
the SOW or WBS dictionary and can refer to that document for work scope definition. Work
authorizations should describe the work to be performed in as much detail as needed for the
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CAM to understand the work to be accomplished. The company will decide on the flow of
the work authorizations and the approvals that are needed. The authorizations may be
communicated electronically or on paper. Work authorizations must be issued, before work
is due to begin, for improved control and advance planning. Establishing Control Accounts (CA) and Control Account Budgets
All CAs must contain a budget, schedule, and scope of work and should realistically
represent the manner in which work is assigned and budgeted to organizational units. A
resource plan must be developed for every CA and Summary Level Planning Package
(SLPP - see section below). The resource plan is the time-phased budget that is developed
in accordance with assigned work scope and schedule requirements.
Each CA is allocated a budget that reflects the resources necessary to complete the
assigned effort. Budgets established at the CA level must be planned by element of cost
and may be stated either in dollars, hours, or other measurable units. When units other than
dollars are used, the company must determine the appropriate point of responsibility in their
control system for rate application for financial analysis and reporting.
The rates used in determining budgets will also be used for computation of earned value
data. In general, the budget process should provide for:
direct budgets allocated to organizations performing the planned work
indirect budgets allocated to specific organizations having responsibility and authority
for controlling indirect costs
identification of any Management Reserve (MR) or Undistributed Budget (UB) Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB)
The assignment of budgets to scheduled segments of work produces a plan against which
actual performance can be measured. This is called the Performance Measurement
Baseline. The PMB is a time-phased summation of:
all Control Accounts (CA)
Summary Level Planning Packages (SLPP)
applicable indirect budgets
any Undistributed Budget (UB)
CAs may include both Work Packages (WP) and Planning Packages (PP). A work package
is simply a task, activity, or grouping of work that has been planned and budgeted. A
Planning Package is a budget holding account within a CA for future work for which it is not
yet practicable to plan the work at the work package level.
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Indirect costs (or overhead) consist of those costs for common or joint objectives that are not
readily subject to treatment as direct costs. Indirect budgets are the budgeted indirect (or
overhead) costs associated with CAs, SLPP, and Undistributed budgets.
Summary Level Planning Packages are employed when it is impractical to plan authorized
work in CAs. An SLPP may be used to establish a high-level holding account for a budget
that is identified to some work scope, but which is not yet allocated to a CA. Budget and
work should be identified to higher WBS or organizational levels for subdivision into CAs at
the earliest opportunity, and certainly before the work actually begins. Because an SLPP is
associated with specific work scope, it should not be confused with a Management Reserve
(MR) or Undistributed Budget (UB).
It should be noted that PMB includes only the budgeted amount associated with specific
scope. For this reason, MR is not included in the PMB because it is an amount withheld
from the total budget for management control purposes and is not designated for the
accomplishment of specific work. UB is included because it is a temporary holding account
for specific work scope that has not yet been planned in detail at the CA or SLPP level.
An effective PMB possesses the following attributes:
accurately represents all authorized work, and only authorized work, on the contract
includes a realistic network schedule baseline
includes a realistic time-phased distribution of budget/resources to the baseline
In addition to these attributes, an effective PMB requires a consistent commitment from both
the contractor and the Government to enforce proper baseline change procedures and
periodic review of the remaining baseline to ensure that it remains executable. Integrated Baseline Review (IBR)
The IBR is a joint assessment led by the PM and supported by SUPSHIP and the contractor
to verify the realism and accuracy of the PMB. This involves verifying the technical content
of the baseline and assessing the realism and accuracy of the related resources. The IBR is
a tool that should be used as necessary throughout the life of the contract. Key benefits of
the IBR are:
joint understanding of program risks
management insight into the planning assumptions and the resource constraints of
the baseline
comparison of expectations so that any differences can be addressed early in the
planning phase
correction of baseline planning errors and omissions
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in-depth understanding of developing variances and improved early warning of
significant variances
targeting of resources to address challenges and mitigate risks
mutual commitment by the joint team to manage to the baseline
more executable programs IBR Policy and Guidance
Table 9 of DoDI 5000.02T
requires the PM and technical staff to conduct an IBR on any
contract requiring EVM compliance. FAR 34.202 also discusses IBRs. Occasions for the
government to require integrated baseline reviews include:
as early as practicable, and no later than 180 days after contract award
after the exercise of significant contract options
with the incorporation of major modifications or as otherwise agreed upon
IBRs are also performed at the discretion of the PM or when major events occur within the
life of a program. These events may be a significant shift in the content and time-phasing of
the PMB. An IBR should also be conducted whenever an Over Target Baseline (OTB) or
Over Target Schedule (OTS) is implemented.
Refer to the DON EVMIG for more detailed information regarding the IBR. Additional
guidance is also contained in a guide prepared by a joint DoD/NDIA team, the
Manager’s Guide to the Integrated Baseline Review Process (4 Jun 2003), reference (q).
While this is not a detailed how-to guide, it does describe the key attributes of the IBR and
establishes a framework for improving the consistency of the IBR across DoD. Accounting Considerations
An EVMS itself is not an accounting system. It does, however, rely on actual cost data from
the contractor’s accounting system for accurate reporting of program costs and
measurement of contract performance. The establishment of work orders and other aspects
of the accounting process must be coordinated with the establishment of CAs and other
aspects of the budgeting process so that direct comparison and analysis can be performed.
The accounting system must be capable of accounting for all resource expenditures on an
"applied" basis (i.e., on an "as-used" or "as-consumed" basis). This requirement is fairly
straightforward in the categories of direct labor (where timecards or other time measurement
devices are used) or other direct charges (where services are typically charged on a per-unit
basis, such as per man-hour of direct effort).
Acceptable costing techniques should be used to fully account for all material purchased for
the program. To ensure effective performance measurement of material takes place, the
contractor’s accounting system should accurately accumulate material costs to the
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appropriate CA. Where actual costs are not available in a timely manner, estimated costs
should be applied and adjustments made when actual costs are available. Earned Value Techniques
There are several basic earned value techniques applicable to discrete work package efforts
(efforts with definable scope and objectives that can be scheduled and on which progress
can be objectively measured). Three basic techniques are:
weighted milestones
standard hours
management assessments (only when these objective techniques are not feasible)
There are many variations and combinations of these techniques. Also, quantitative
formulas may be used to compute earned value for cases such as work in progress or
inventory materials. These formulas, such as the Program Evaluation Review Technique
(PERT) method for material, can cause data distortions, e.g., overstated Budgeted Cost for
Work Performed (BCWP), if not properly maintained. While this technique may be
appropriate for small value consumables, it is not an acceptable technique for performance
measurement of high-value material that can be treated as discrete material items.
The valued milestone technique involves the assignment of budget to specific work
objectives (milestones). That value is earned as the milestones are completed. It is
important for the milestones to be natural and meaningful points of accomplishment.
The use of standard hours technique (“equivalent unitsis a similar process) is common in
manufacturing accounts. Budget is time-phased in relation to the standard hour plan and
should reflect the actual physical accomplishment of tasks within the work package. Earned
value is accrued in proportion to the standard hour status as earned standards are
sold/credited in the shops.
Management assessment may be used to determine the percentage of work completed for a
task or group of tasks only when an objective technique to determine the percentage is not
feasible. Earned value is then calculated by applying that percentage to the total budget for
the work. Management assessment may include the use of metrics for work measurement.
Durations for these work packages should be kept short to minimize any distortions caused
by their subjective nature.
The objective earned value techniques (valued milestones or standard hours) are always
preferred, but each technique has its own merits, and a company should use the most
objective techniques that best suit its management needs.
For short duration work packages (i.e., those of two months duration or less), other earned
value techniques are acceptable, such as 0/100 and 50/50. In the 0/100 technique, 100% of
the budget may be reported as earned when the work package is closed. In the 50/50
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technique, 50% of the budget is earned when the work package is started, and the remaining
50% is earned when the WP is closed. Planning and Control of Level of Effort Activities
Level of Effort (LOE) is work scope of a general or supportive nature for which performance
cannot be measured or is impractical to measure. Resource requirements are represented
by a time-phased budget scheduled in accordance with the time the support will likely be
needed. For discrete WPs, accomplishment can be measured based on the completed
pieces of work, but LOE is "measured"' through the passage of time. Since the earned value
for LOE is equal to the budget for the same time period, the performance data provided is
simply a comparison of budgeted to actual cost.
LOE activity should be separately identified from discrete work packaged effort to avoid
distorting that which is measurable. Some general guidelines for LOE are:
The amount of LOE activity will vary among performing organizations, but it should
be held to the lowest practical level.
LOE budgets should be separately substantiated and planned as direct labor,
material/subcontract, or other direct costs. LOE activity should be budgeted on a
time-phased basis for control and reporting purposes.
When LOE and discrete effort are mixed within the same CA, the CAM must ensure
visibility into the performance of the discrete effort.
LOE may be replanned if the work will not occur when planned or will slip past
planned (not contract) milestones. This avoids artificial cost variances. Performance Measurement and Analysis
Earned value is a direct measurement of the quantity of work accomplished. Earned value is
a value-added metric that is computed based on the resources consumed compared to the
accomplished work scope.
Earned value analysis evaluates program performance and facilitates problem identification
for more effective management action. It also permits segregating schedule and cost
problems for early and improved visibility of program performance. Management actions will
typically involve lower-level analysis of problems and implementation of corrective actions to
restore or improve contract performance. Continued EV analysis permits analysis of these
corrective actions to assess their effectiveness.
See Appendix 7-A
for a graphical representation of EVMS terms and performance
measurements. Significant Variances
Reasonable selection criteria should be established to ensure proper analysis of significant
problems and not cause an excessive burden on the CAM and mid-level managers. The
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selection criteria should ensure all significant variances are analyzed, and any external
reporting requirements are supported. Although the frequency and nature of external reports
are dictated by the contract, the frequency and style of reports for internal management is a
company option. Unless otherwise specified in contracts, standardized reports and formats
may be used for customer reports on subcontracts or Government contracts per mutual
agreement, provided that the applicable IPMR, IPMDAR, and CPR formats are submitted
using the applicable DoD-approved XML or JSON data formats to the
EVM Central
Repository (EVM-CR). Schedule Variance (SV)
Comparing the earned value (the budgeted value of work accomplished) during a given
period to the planned value (the budgeted value of work scheduled) during the same period
provides a valuable indication of schedule status in terms of the dollar value of work
accomplished. It represents the quantity, i.e., the value, of the work that is ahead of or
behind schedule. In essence, it is an “accomplishment” variance.
Although the SV metric provides early insight into detail schedule conditions and overall
schedule performance, it should not be the sole source for determining the contractor’s
performance to schedule. Schedule variance does not clearly indicate whether scheduled
milestones are being met since some work may have been performed out of sequence or
ahead of schedule. Neither does SV indicate whether a completed activity is a critical event
or if delays in an activity's completion will affect the completion date of the contract. A formal
time-phased scheduling system, therefore, must be used to provide the means of
determining the status of specific activities, milestones, and critical events. Additionally,
other techniques, such as critical path analysis, may be better indicators of long-range time
projections. However, a trend analysis of the changes in the SV metric can provide a valid
and useful indication of current performance and near-term projections, as well as early
identification of incipient cost problems. Cost Variance (CV)
Cost performance is determined by comparing the actual cost of the work accomplished to
the earned value for the same work scope, i.e., the budgeted cost of the work accomplished.
The resultant metric is the Cost Variance (CV). The CV is a true measure of cost
performance as it compares the actual cost incurred to the value of work accomplished. It
thus eliminates the distortions inherent in a simple comparison of actual costs to a total
Analysis of this difference reveals the factors contributing to the variances. These may
poor initial estimate for the task
technical difficulties that require additional resources
cost of labor or materials different than planned
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differences between planned and actual rates
incorrect or inadequate selection of the earned value technique
personnel efficiency different than planned (rate analysis and analysis of prime costs,
i.e., labor hours, may be segregated to isolate rate changes and efficiency factors)
Variance At Completion (VAC) represents the amount of expected overrun (negative VAC) or
under-run for the contract. It can be determined by taking the difference between the Budget
At Completion (BAC) and the EAC [VAC = BAC EAC]. Because it can be calculated at the
CA level, in addition to the total contract level, it can serve as a useful metric for focusing
management attention on the sources of cost performance problems. While this
performance analysis involves examination of what has occurred, the focus should be on the
control of current actions and assessment of future plans. The assessment of future plans
should project when the remedial actions will be completed and its impact on schedule and
EAC. Estimates at Completion (EAC)
An EAC is determined by estimating the cost of the remaining work, or Estimate To
Complete (ETC), and adding it to total costs incurred to date. A comprehensive EAC should
be periodically developed at the CA level using all available information to arrive at the best
possible estimate. This is done by:
evaluating the efficiency achieved by performing organizations for completed work
and comparing it to remaining budgets
establishing a schedule forecast that reflects the expected timeframe for completing
the remaining work
considering all remaining risk areas on the program versus cost avoidance
ensuring the most current direct and indirect rate structure is used to value the
projected resources
applying this analysis to future efforts to derive the most accurate estimate
The EAC should be the most likely estimate of the total costs for all authorized program
efforts and should be time-phased in accordance with the expected completion dates on
program schedules. The basis for the EAC and the reasons for changes from the last
estimate should be identified.
Comparisons of this estimate to budgets for the associated effort must be made frequently
enough for management to ensure program performance and resource availability will not be
adversely impacted. Monthly maintenance of the CA level EAC by the CAM ensures that the
EAC continuously reflects a valid projection of program costs.
The schedule for establishment and maintenance of EAC data depends on program
management needs and overall company or corporate financial review requirements. A
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company should conduct periodic comprehensive EAC reassessments at least annually.
Alternatively, a company should establish an ongoing process of EAC review and
maintenance. In either case, significant EAC changes should be incorporated whenever
they are identified. Revisions and Data Maintenance
Changes in major programs are inevitable. This discussion addresses the controlled
process whereby programs incorporate formal changes, conduct internal replanning, and
adjust past, present, and future information to accommodate changes. The key is timeliness
and control. The budget will change as contract changes are authorized and incorporated or
as internal replanning actions are taken. Rate changes and economic price adjustments
may also be made as appropriate. Changes to budgets in the current or past accounting
periods should only be made for the correction of errors or the effects of contract negotiation.
Revisions to program plans must be carefully controlled. The PMB should reflect the current
program management plan for accomplishment of program objectives. It must be up-to-date
and should include all authorized changes. It is equally important that unauthorized changes
are not introduced. Incorporating changes should not precipitate the elimination of existing
cost and schedule variances (sometimes referred to as “single point adjustments”). If the
maintenance of baseline plans is compromised, the value of information on management
reports will be degraded. Customer-Directed Changes
Customer-directed changes to the program can impact virtually all aspects of the internal
planning and control system, such as organization structures, work authorizations, budgets,
schedules, and EACs. The incorporation of authorized changes should be made in a timely
manner and strictly controlled. This will ensure the PMB can be accurately maintained. Traceability to Previous Budgets
The original budget established for the program should constitute a traceable basis against
which program growth can be measured. The starting point or base on which these original
budgets are built is the program target cost. This value increases or decreases only as a
result of authorized changes. For definitized changes, the program target cost changes by
the negotiated amount. For authorized work that has not been negotiated, or authorized
unpriced work (AUW), the program target cost increases by the amount of cost estimated for
that effort. After negotiations, the program target cost is adjusted to reflect the negotiation
results. Adequate records of all changes should be maintained to provide the basis for
reconciliation back to the original budgets assigned during the baselining process. Control Internal Changes to the PMB
Future plans may significantly vary from the original baseline, and the PM may choose to
realign scope, schedule, or budget. Some examples of when it may be appropriate to do
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internal replanning, i.e., within the program target cost or approved Total Allocated Budget
(TAB), include:
changes resulting from a Preliminary Design Review (PDR) or a Critical Design
Review (CDR) that modify future requirements
a major shift in the resource profile to accomplish the remaining effort
funding restrictions or modifications that affect future resource availability
rate changes that are significant enough to warrant replanning
Internal replanning is intended for in-scope changes to future budgets. The objective of
internal replanning is to reflect a revised program plan. Changes to near-term effort
(scheduled to start in the next accounting period) must be minimized.
Changes in the funding projections for a program may affect both the schedule and the cost
for a program. The movement of budget to meet a new funding profile requires a
reassessment of the schedule for the associated work. There may also be cost impact due
to rate differences in the affected time periods. Over Target Baseline (OTB) and Over Target Schedules (OTS)
During contract execution, the contractor may conclude that the budget or schedule for
performing the remaining work is decidedly insufficient and no longer represents a realistic
plan. At this point the contractor should prepare and submit a request to implement an OTB
or OTS.
An OTB is a PMB that has been formally reprogrammed to include additional performance
management budget in excess of the contract’s negotiated cost. An OTB increases the
performance budget without modifying the work scope or other constraints of the contract.
An OTS condition is created when the contractor re-plans the schedule to one that exceeds
the contract milestones or delivery dates. This new schedule also becomes the basis for the
performance budgets. While it is possible to have an OTS without a corresponding increase
in cost, normally an OTS is accompanied by increased costs and therefore by an OTB.
Implementing an OTB or OTS is a major management decision for the contractor and
requires government approval at the start of the process. Consequently, the PM should fully
understand the concepts and processes. The PM should consider the factors discussed in
section of the DON EVMIG
when considering whether an OTB or OTS is appropriate
for the contract and when evaluating the contractor’s request.
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7.6 Contract Requirements
7.6.1 Evaluation
Evaluation of the contractor proposed EVMS is normally undertaken as part of the proposal
evaluation process. This evaluation is an assessment to determine if the contractor’s system
meets the EIA-748 guidelines.
7.6.2 Contract Award
The contract award phase is primarily a Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO)/Program Office
function that would include SUPSHIPs upon request. DFARS 252.234-7001
is the provision
that provides Notice of EVMS and is included in the RFP for contracts that meet EVM
application requirements. The offeror will either assert that the ACO has determined their
EVMS to be acceptable or will provide a comprehensive plan for compliance with the EIA-
748 guidelines. In accordance with
DFARS PGI 234.201(2), the PCO shall obtain the
assistance of the ACO in determining the adequacy of an EVMS plan that an offeror
proposes for compliance with the EIA-748.
When EVM is required in a contract, the following sections of the contract will include EVM
related requirements:
Section C - Includes EVM in Statement of Work
Section I - Includes EVMS FAR and DFARS Clauses
Section J - Includes EVMS Data Items
o Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR)
o Integrated Program Management Data Analysis Report (IPMDAR)
o Contract Performance Report (CPR)
o Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS)
Section L - Includes EVMS descriptions in proposal
Section M - Includes EVMS as an evaluation factor
The SOW tasks, FAR/DFARS contract clauses, and the CDRL items require the contractor
use and maintain an EVMS that meets the EIA-748 guidelines
notify the Government of any EVMS changes
provide the Government with access to EVMS pertinent records and data
require EVMS on selected subcontractors
support a Government Contractor IBR
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7.6.3 Post-Contract Award
Although the DON EVMIG describes a variety of post-contract award activities, including
functions associated with contract administration, delivery, and contract closeout, the five
primary EVM elements associated with post-contract award are:
Contract Award Review/Contract Implementation Review
EVM System Validation
EVM System Surveillance
Integrated Baseline Review
Program Management Reviews EVMS System Validation
DoD policy requires EVMS validation for all DoD EVM contracts of $100 million or greater.
For shipbuilding contracts, this responsibility would typically fall on DCMA. Once a
contractor’s EVM system is validated, it may be applied to other contracts with EVMS
requirements. EVMS validation determines that the EVMS:
meets the intent of the EIA-748 guidelines
is being used appropriately on the contract Integrated Baseline Review (IBR)
The IBR is a joint risk assessment of the EVM PMB conducted by the Government PM,
SUPSHIP, and the contractor. DoD acquisition policy and NAVSEAINST 7000.4H
** require
PMs to conduct IBRs on EVM contracts:
within six months of contract award
upon exercise of significant contract options
upon incorporation of major modifications
as otherwise agreed
7.6.4 Deficiencies in Validated EVM Systems
Deficiencies may be uncovered either in the EVM system processes or in the consistency
and discipline of the validated processes. These deficiencies may be discovered during
routine surveillance or during analysis of performance data. SUPSHIP should notify and
consult with the PCO and EVMSS (SEA05C) if major deficiencies are identified.
EVMIG, section 2.3.6, provides additional information regarding the process for correcting
deficiencies and restoring compliance. This process is designed to provide the contractor an
opportunity to correct deficiencies prior to formal withdrawal of the company’s EVMS
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The contractor's EVMS is considered to be a contractor business system as defined by
DFARS. Qualifying contracts should include clauses 252.234-7002
Earned Value
Management System and 252.242-7005 Contractor Business System. These clauses require
the contractor to establish and maintain acceptable business systems in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the contract. If a business system is found to have a significant
deficiency, these clauses permit the withholding of contract payments. See SOM section
3.18 for more information.
Refer to NAVSEA letter Ser 022/007 - Contractor Business Systems Guidance of 28 Nov
2018** (NAVSEA Fusion access required), reference (r), and the NAVSEA SUPSHIP EVMS
Surveillance Operating Procedure (May 2020)** (NAVSEA Fusion access required) for more
information on SUPSHIP oversight of contractor EVM systems. Note that per reference (q),
DCMA is the Cognizant Federal Agencies (CFAs) with audit responsibilities for contractor
EVM systems.
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Appendix 7-A: Graphical Representation of EVMS Terms
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Appendix 7-B: Glossary
Actual CostThe costs incurred and recorded in accomplishing work performed.
Actual Date - The date on which a milestone or scheduled work task is completed.
Apportioned EffortEffort that by itself is not readily measured or divisible into discrete work
packages, but which is related in direct proportion to the planning and performance on other
measured effort.
Authorized Unpriced WorkThe value of authorized work on the contract that has not yet
been definitized.
Authorized Work Effort (work scope) on contract or assigned by management.
Budget At Completion (BAC)The total authorized budget for accomplishing the program
scope of work. It is equal to the sum of all allocated budgets plus any undistributed budget.
Management Reserve is not included. The BAC will form the Performance Measurement
Baseline as it is allocated and time-phased in accordance with program schedule
Contract Budget Base (CBB)The Negotiated Contract Cost (NCC) plus the cost of any
authorized unpriced work.
Control Account A management control point at which budgets (resource plans) and actual
costs are accumulated and compared to earned value for management control purposes. A
control account is a natural management point for planning and control since it represents
the work assigned to one responsible organizational element on one program work
breakdown structure element.
Cost Variance A metric for the cost performance on a program. It is the algebraic
difference between earned value and actual cost (Cost Variance = Earned Value Actual
Cost). A positive value indicates a favorable position and a negative value indicates an
unfavorable condition.
Critical Path In a schedule network, the sequence of discrete work packages, planning
packages, and lower-level tasks and activities in the network that has the longest total
duration through to a milestone (e.g., critical path to undocking) or to project completion.
Direct Costs The costs of resources expended in the accomplishment of work which are
directly charged to the affected program.
Discrete Effort Tasks that are related to the completion of specific end products or services
and can be directly planned and measured. (May also be known as work packaged effort.)
Due Date The date by which a milestone or task is scheduled to be completed.
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Earned Value The value of completed work expressed in terms of the budget assigned to
that work.
Estimate At Completion (EAC) The current estimated total cost for program authorized
work. It equals the actual cost to a point in time plus the estimated costs to completion
(Estimate To Complete).
Estimate To Complete (ETC) Estimate of costs to complete all work from a point in time to
the end of the program.
Estimated Completion Date (ECD)The date on which a scheduled milestone or task is
currently expected to complete.
Estimated Cost An anticipated cost for specified work scope.
Indirect Cost The cost for common or joint objectives that cannot be identified specifically
with a particular program or activity. Also referred to as overhead cost or burden.
Internal ReplanningReplanning actions for remaining work scope. A normal program
control process accomplished within scope, schedule, and cost objectives of the program.
Level of Effort Unmeasured effort of a general or supportive nature usually without a
deliverable end product. Examples are supervision and program administration.
Management Reserve An amount of the total budget withheld for management control
purposes rather than being designated for the accomplishment of a specific task or set of
Milestone A schedule event marking the due date for accomplishment of a specified effort
(work scope) or objective. A milestone may mark the start, an interim step, or the end of one
or more activities.
Near Critical Path In a schedule network, a sequence of lowest float or slack paths of
discrete work packages, planning packages, and lower level tasks and activities that has the
longest total duration nearest to the critical path.
Network or Network Schedule A schedule format in which the activities and milestones are
represented along with interdependencies between activities. It expresses the logic of how
the program will be accomplished. Network schedules are the basis for critical path analysis,
a method for identification and assessment of schedule priorities and impacts.
Organizational Structure The hierarchal arrangement for the management organization for
a program, graphically depicting the reporting relationships. The organizational structure will
be by work team, function, or whatever organization units are used by the company.
Other Direct Costs Usually the remaining direct costs, other than labor and material, such
as travel and computer costs.
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Over Target Baseline (OTB) - Replanning actions involving the establishment of cost or
schedule objectives that exceed the desired or contractual objectives of the program. An
OTB is a recovery plan, a new baseline for management when the original objectives cannot
be met and new goals are needed for management purposes.
Over Targe Schedule (OTS) - A replanned schedule baseline that extends beyond the
contract milestones or delivery dates. An OTS is usually accompanied by an increase in
budgets resulting in a corresponding Over Target Baseline (OTB).
Performance Measurement Baseline The total time-phased budget plan against which
program performance is measured. It is the schedule for expenditure of the resources
allocated to accomplish program scope and schedule objectives and is formed by the budget
assigned to control accounts and applicable indirect budgets. The Performance
Measurement Baseline also includes budget for future effort assigned to higher work
breakdown structure levels (summary level planning packages) plus any undistributed
budget. Management Reserve is not included in the baseline as it is not yet designated for
specific work scope.
Performing Organization The organization unit that applies resources to accomplish
assigned work.
Planned ValueThe budgeted value of the scheduled work.
Planning Package A logical aggregation of work, usually future efforts that can be identified
and budgeted, but which is not yet planned in detail at the work package or task level.
Program Budget The total budget for the program including all allocated budget,
management reserve, and undistributed budget.
Program Target Cost The program cost objective based on the negotiated contract costs,
or the management goal value of the authorized work, plus the estimated cost of authorized
unpriced work.
Resource Plan The time-phased budget which is the schedule for the planned expenditure
of program resources for the accomplishment of program work scope.
Responsible Organization The organizational unit responsible for the accomplishment of
assigned work scope.
Schedule A plan that defines when specified work must be done to accomplish program
objectives on time.
Schedule Traceability Compatibility among schedule due dates, status, and work scope
requirements at all levels of schedule detail (vertical traceability) and between schedules at
the same level of detail (horizontal traceability).
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Schedule Variance A metric for the schedule performance of a program. It is the algebraic
difference between earned value and planned value (Schedule Variance = Earned Value
Planned Value). A positive value is a favorable condition while a negative value is
Statement of Work (SOW) The document that defines the work scope requirements for a
Total Allocated BudgetThe Contract Budget Base (CBB) plus any amount of OTB that has
been applied for performance measurement.
Undefinitized Work Authorized work for which a firm contract value has not been
negotiated or otherwise determined.
Undistributed Budget Budget associated with specific work scope or contract changes that
have not been assigned to a control account or summary level planning package.
Work Breakdown Structure A product-oriented division of program tasks depicting the
breakdown of work scope for work authorization, tracking, and reporting purposes.
Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary A listing of work breakdown structure elements with
a description of the work scope content in each element. The work descriptions are normally
summary level and provide for clear segregation of work for work authorization and
accounting purposes.
Work Package A task or set of tasks performed within a control account.
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Appendix 7-C: Acronyms
AC Actual Cost
ACAT Acquisition Category
ACO Administrative Contracting Officer
ACWP Actual Cost of Work Performed
Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development
& Acquisition)
AUW Authorized Unpriced Work
BAC Budget at Completion
BCWP Budgeted Cost for Work Performed
BCWS Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled
CFSR Contract Funds Status Report
CA Control Account
CAM Control Account Manager
CAO Contract Administration Office
CBB Contract Budget Base
CDR Critical Design Review
CDRL Contract Data Requirements List
CEVM Navy Center for Earned Value Management
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CPR Contract Performance Reports
CR Compliance Review
CSDR Cost and Software Data Reporting
CV Cost Variance
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CWBS Contract Work Breakdown Structure
DAES Defense Acquisition Executive Summary
DCMA Defense Contract Management Agency
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DFARS PGI DFARS Procedures, Guidance and Information
DoD Department of Defense
EIA Electronic Industries Alliance
Department of Defense Earned Value Management
System Interpretation Guide
DoDI Department of Defense Instruction
Department of the Navy Earned Value Management
Implementation Guide
EAC Estimate at Completion
ETC Estimate to Complete
EVM Earned Value Management
EVMS Earned Value Management System
EVMSS Earned Value Management Support Staff
EVT Earned Value Technique
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulations
IBR Integrated Baseline Review
IMP Integrated Master Plan
IMS Integrated Master Schedule
IPM Integrated Program Management
IPMR Integrated Program Management Report
IPMDAR Integrated Program Management Data Analysis Report
IPT Integrated Product Team
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JSON JavaScript Object Notation
KPP Key Performance Parameter
LOE Level of Effort
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MR Management Reserve
NAVSEA Naval Sea Systems Command
NAVSEAINST Naval Sea Systems Command Instruction
NCC Negotiated Contract Cost
NTE Not to Exceed
OBS Organizational Breakdown Structure
OTB Over Target Baseline
OTS Over Target Schedule
OUSD Office of Undersecretary of Defense
PCO Procuring Contracting Officer
PDR Preliminary Design Review
PEO Program Executive Office
PERT Program Evaluation Review Technique
PM Program Manager
PMB Performance Measurement Baseline
PMO Program Management Office
PP Planning Package
PSP Procurement Surveillance Program
PV Planned Value
RFP Request for Proposal
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SUPSHIP Operations Manual (SOM) EVM Conference & CBS Changes
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SDM Ship Design Manager
SLPP Summary Level Planning Package
SME Subject Matter Expert
SOM SUPSHIP Operations Manual
SOP Surveillance Operating Procedure
SOW Statement of Work
SUPSHIP Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, USN
SV Schedule Variance
TAB Total Allocated Budget
TCPI To Complete Performance Index
TPM Technical Performance Measure
UB Undistributed Budget
VAC Variance at Completion
WBS Work Breakdown Structure
WP Work Package
XML Extensible Markup Language