Independent Scentsy Consultants earn between 20% and 36% commissions and bonuses on personal
sales and may be eligible for leadership bonuses based on their teams’ sales. The chart below shows
how Independent Scentsy Consultants in the United States performed, on average, in 2020. As with
any business endeavor, a Consultant’s success will be a direct result of the time and eort they devote
to selling the product and leading a team. The earnings below represent commissions that Scentsy
actually paid to Consultants in 2020.
We have divided our Consultants into two groups for this disclosure. Group 1 consists of Consultants
who were with Scentsy for all 12 months of 2020. Group 2 consists of Consultants who were with
Scentsy for less than 12 months in 2020, including those who joined Scentsy for the first time, and
those who left Scentsy either due to inactivity or for other reasons.
The average annual commission was calculated by dividing the total commission paid in each group by the total number of Consultants
in that category. Half of Consultants earned more than the median annual commission, while the other half of Consultants earned less
than the median annual commission. These amounts reect cash distributions only and do not include product credit or other non-cash
awards such as incentive trips. The amounts above reect gross prots and do not include any business expenses Consultants may have
incurred in running their businesses.
All currency listed in U.S. dollars.
Income Disclosure Statement
United States
2020 Group 1 Group 2
Number of Consultants 51,237 135,629
Minimum annual commissions $121 $0
Maximum annual commissions $1,282,079 $34,933
Average annual commissions $2,901 $452
Median annual commissions $869 $203