Recovery from severe cutaneous injury in two free ranging
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.)
Michael I Bossley
& Michelle A Woolfall
Whale & Dolphin Conservation, Adelaide, South Australia.
School of Animal & Veterinary Sciences, University of Adelaide, South Australia.
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) inhabiting the Port
Adelaide estuary in South Australia have been studied since 1989.
Here we present the cases of a female and calf which sustained
severe localized burn-like injuries of unconfirmed aetiology. The
remarkable recovery of the two dolphins was carefully documented
photographically from the time of first sighting (April 11, 2010)
through to the present (June, 2014). No invasive tissue sampling to
investigate pathology was undertaken, nor was any form of
medication administered. This paper chronologically presents
images and commentary of the phases of wound healing seen in
these two unique cases. The unaided recovery of these dolphins
from severe trauma has implications for evaluating the need for
veterinary intervention in these animals in certain situations. In
addition, the topics of dolphin behaviour and the value of citizen
science in documenting the events are discussed.
[JMATE. 2014;7(1):12-16]
Keywords: Cetacean, injury, integument, intervention, healing,
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) inhabit the
Port Adelaide estuary in South Australia. These dolphins
have been studied since 1989 using photo identification
techniques to monitor the behaviour and health of indi-
viduals. There are approximately 30 resident dolphins
and numerous others that visit the area, which is close to
a city of a million people and thus subject to numerous
human impacts. These impacts include habitat damage
caused by pollution and direct impacts on the dolphins
from deliberate attack and accidents. In 2005, the South
Australian government declared the waters around the
Port Adelaide estuary a dolphin sanctuary. Two of the
resident dolphins are an adult female (F351, estimated to
have been born in 1992) and her male calf (M501, born
in March 2009). F351 had previously given birth to two
calves (a male in 2002 and a female in 2006) which have
remained in the estuary. F351 is identifiable by the shape
and configuration of her dorsal fin. F351 is known
locally as “Wave” and her calf (M501) as “Tallula.”
At some time between the 2nd and 11th of April
2010, the two dolphins received severe, burn-like skin
injuries, F351 on her right flank and her calf M501 on
his left flank. The aetiology of these injuries is
unknown, but most marine mammal experts who
viewed photographs of the injuries suggested sunburn
arising from being stranded as the most likely cause. We
have no way of verifying this aetiology but the local
geography includes extensive intertidal mudflats which
could increase the potential for standings.
Communication with port authorities indicated no
evidence of chemical spills or other anthropogenic
incidents which might have caused the injuries. The
recovery of the two dolphins from this severe trauma
was documented photographically from the time of first
sighting (April 11, 2010) through to the present (June
2014). However, no invasive tissue sampling to
investigate pathology was undertaken, nor was any form
of medication administered. This paper documents the
phases of wound healing seen in these dolphins.
Dolphins possess remarkable wound healing
abilities (1, 4). Many sustain large gaping wounds from
boat propeller strikes and predators (1). Nevertheless,
even severe wounds exposing deep muscle tissue have
been observed to heal almost completely within five
months (4). Humans sustaining similar injuries relative
to body size would likely encounter serious
complications without surgical or therapeutic
intervention. The wound healing physiology of the
bottlenose dolphin therefore represents an interesting
area of inquiry.
Case report
The two dolphins were sighted on April 2, 2010
with no abnormal lesions. Nine days later, on April 11,
Received February 18, 2014; Accepted September 19, 2014
Correspondence: Michael Bossley
Whale and Dolphin Conservation, PO Box 720, Port Adelaide BC, Port
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia 5015.
Phone: + 61 8 84403700
Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology
Copyright © 2008 Oceanographic Environmental Research Society
Vol 7, No 1, 2014
Printed in Canada
Case Report
2010, they were observed with marked epidermal
sloughing, seen on F351’s right flank and on her calf’s
left flank (Figure 1a and 1b).
sloughing from the lesion (Figure 3a). Pink tissue
discoloration could be seen caudally. In addition, the
cranial aspect had a diffusely nodular appearance (Figure
3b, arrow). By April 21, 2010 all areas that initially
appeared necrotizing and pale were now pink, which
was likened to the appearance of granulation tissue.
Lesion borders remained hyper-pigmented and there was
some yellow-brown discolouration to the wound cra-
nially (Figure 3c, arrow).
Vol 7, No 1, 2014
Printed in Canada
Recovery from cutaneous injuries in wild bottlenose dolphins
Figure 2: F351’s lesion on the 13th of April 2010. This figure
depicts the tissue lobulation described. Reproduced with permission.
F351’s lesions - These appeared more extensive
than her calf’s. At this time, she had a focally extensive,
well demarcated, elliptical lesion that resembled
ulceration and necrosis. This spanned across the dorsal
third of the body wall on the right side of the midline,
and extended cranially to the cervical region, caudally to
the peduncle, and tapered at both ends. The lesion was
widest beneath the dorsal fin. Epidermis at the lesion
borders appeared hyper-pigmented (darkened), and a
white layer of what could have been necrotic epidermis,
dermis or underlying blubber was exposed (Figure 1a).
Two days later, this layer appeared raised and lobulated
(Figure 2), and on April 17, 2010, was seen to be
Figure 1: Lesions on April 11, 2010 of (a) mother F351. (b) calf
M501. Arrows indicate the position of two small areas of
hypopigmentation and thickening on the calf’s dorsal fin.
Reproduced with permission.
Figure 3: F351’s lesions (a) on April 17, 2010 showing sloughing of
pale white tissue and caudal granulation. (b) on April 17, 2010 there
was a nodular appearance to the cranial aspect of the lesion (arrow).
(c) on April 21, 2010 lesion displays border hyperpigmentation,
cranial discolouration (arrow), necrotic tissue and granulation.
Reproduced with permission.
as F351’s. While F351’s dorsal fin appeared normal, the
calf had two small focal areas of hypopigmentation and
thickening (interpreted as dermal sloughing) on his
dorsal fin (Figure 1b, arrows; 6b). Like F351,
hyper-pigmentation was observed along the borders of
sloughed and un-sloughed epidermis (Figures 1b, 6a,
6b), and a yellow-brown discoloration became
progressively evident over the surface of ulcerated tissue
(Figure 6b, arrow). By April 22, 2010, tissue resembling
blubber in the caudal aspect of the lesion was slightly
protruding from the level of surrounding healthy
epidermis and appeared broadly lobular (Figure 6c).
There was also a focal area of papular appearance
cranially (Figure 6c, arrow). By May 22, 2010, the entire
lesion had almost completely contracted, with pale grey
discolouration remaining on the affected regions for the
remainder of the year (Figure 6d). Scarring did not occur
in the same manner as with F351.
Behaviour and reproduction
F351 had regularly exhibited a behaviour known
as “tail walking” since 2008, a behaviour that appears to
have been learned from another local dolphin who had
spent time in a local dolphinarium. This was a high
energy behaviour which involved rising out of the water
until only her flukes were submerged and then crashing
back onto the water surface dorsal side first. She did not
perform this behaviour for three months after acquiring
her injury. While activities such as feeding did not seem
to change, certain social activities may have also been
altered as neither dolphin presented with rakings
(markings from social scraping of the teeth by other
dolphins) throughout the duration of their healing
processes. The minor lesion previously discussed
(Figure 5b) was the first potential raking since the major
injury, which had by then reduced to a scar. There did
not appear to be a change in home range or frequency of
Recovery from cutaneous injuries in wild bottlenose dolphins
Figure 4: F351’s lesion on (a) April 26, 2010. (b) May 7, 2010.
(c) May 14, 2010. (d) July 30, 2010. Comparison of the four
images demonstrates the progression of re-epithelialization and
wound contraction. Reproduced with permission.
F351’s loss of body condition was apparent as
evidenced by prominence of ribs and angular flanks seen
on April 26, 2010. Lesion borders now appeared raised
and pale grey (Figure 4a and 4b). This tissue had
completely extended over the granulation tissue by
August 27, 2010, leaving two distinct white scars
(Figure 5a). Nodules that had been present cranially
completely regressed as the wound contracted (Figure 4c
and 4d).Comparison of the images in Figure 4
demonstrates the progression of re-epithelialization and
wound contraction.
Vol 7, No 1, 2014
Printed in Canada
In early 2011, F351 sustained an injury resembling
tooth rakings from another dolphin. In reference to
Figure 5b, the scar tissue appeared to be more readily
damaged than surrounding epidermis. This minor injury
healed without complication. It would appear the
existing scar will remain for the life of the animal.
For one year following the appearance of the
injury, F351’s dorsal fin leaned approximately 10° in the
direction of the wound. The fin has since returned to
normal. The calf did not display this response.
M501’s lesion - The calf was a dependent 13
month-old (born March, 2009) when injured, yet the
stages and timing of wound healing appeared similar to
F351’s. On April 11, 2010, the calf had an irregular
oblong streak resembling ulceration and necrosis
dorsally, spanning from the blowhole to the caudal
insertion of the dorsal fin, situated along the midline
cranially, and curving to the left of the midline caudally
(Figure 6a). This lesion was not as sharply demarcated
Figure 5: (a) F351 on August 27, 2010 shows two distinct scars
have resulted along the right flank. These have remained similar in
appearance to date (June 2014). (b) A minor injury that F351
sustained in early 2011 (arrow) depicts the relative weakness of the
scar to surrounding normal tissue. Reproduced with permission.
Recovery from cutaneous injuries in wild bottlenose dolphins
Figure 6: Appearance of M501’s lesion on (a) April 11, 2010. (b)
April 6, 2010 showing hyperpigmentation of lesion borders and
yellow-brown discoloration of ulcerative tissue (arrow).
(c) April 22, 2010 showing an area of papular appearance (arrow)
and protruding blubber. (d) May 22, 2010. Reproduced with
bow riding associated with the injury.
F351’s first three calves, including M501, survived
to weaning and are regularly sighted in the dolphin
sanctuary today. However, in the years following
F351’s injury, a fourth calf was born in February 2012
and died five days later. On September 22, 2013, F351
was sighted holding a fifth calf that was likely to have
been stillborn or died immediately after birth. It is
unknown whether the deaths of F351’s calves in 2012
and 2013 were related to the injury described in this
This report adds to the small body of literature on
the unassisted recovery from severe trauma of bottlenose
dolphins in the wild. In addition, it highlights the
extraordinary capacity of these animals to not only
recover but also manage the extra energy demands of
providing for a dependent calf at the same time.
Within the first day of a dolphin sustaining
cutaneous injury, blubber from surrounding tissue
migrates over the exposed wound surface (4). The
blubber consists of many collagen bundles, elastic fibres
and adipocytes. It is connected to underlying
musculature by the subcutis, a loose layer of connective
tissue (3). This blubber layer is a complex structure that
undertakes coordinated cellular rearrangements in
healing to form new tissue using adipocytes, collagen
and elastic fibres (4). Two days after injury, pink
Vol 7, No 1, 2014
Printed in Canada
granulation tissue gradually begins to fill the wound in
order to aid in volume restoration while reconstructing
the blood supply to the site of injury. Within the first
week of the injury, non-viable tissues, including the
transposed blubber, are naturally debrided (4).
For both dolphins, there was hyper-pigmentation
observed along the borders of sloughed epidermis. In
terrestrial mammals, this is a result of inflammation
involving some degree of chronicity. An abundance of
blubber infiltration into the exposed areas of dermis is
consistent with normal healing, and would have brought
immune mediators to the affected site along with
additional insulation and protection to underlying tissue
(4). Once the underlying granulation bed was complete,
non-viable tissue that had lost vascularity and was
necrotizing, including transposed blubber, would be
passively sloughed. The aetiology of the yellow-brown
discolouration on both dolphins was unknown. It may
have been a result of colonization by environmental
bacteria, protozoa and/or fungi. The nodular appearance
of F351’s lesion (Figure 3b, arrow) was also of unknown
aetiology. The focal area of papular appearance
(Figure 6c, arrow) on M501’s lesion may have signified
a hyperplastic process or simply finer lobulation of the
blubber that appeared broader caudally. Nevertheless,
these lesions proceeded to regress without obvious
complication or human intervention. Despite exposure to
an industrially polluted environment, it appears the
dolphins’ immune mechanisms against environmental
pathogens were adequate.
The lack of pigmentation in F351’s scars may
predispose her to predation, reduced heat absorption in
colder weather, and damaging ultraviolet radiation. Due
to the rarity of depigmentation or albinism in cetaceans,
it is difficult to ascertain the significance of these risks.
The survival of F351 with her dependent calf under the
circumstances was remarkable. Given the stress
associated with attempting to sample and/or treat free
ranging dolphins, these observations suggest close
monitoring of injuries should be undertaken and
intervention only instigated as a last resort. A case of
similar significant skin lesions of unknown aetiology in
a wild bottlenose dolphin calf was studied in Monterey
Bay (U.S.A.) (2). The Monterey Bay dolphin suffered
severe ulcerative tissue necrosis, emaciation and swam
abnormally. The calf survived this condition and
Recovery from cutaneous injuries in wild bottlenose dolphins
3. Rommel SA and Lowenstine LJ. Gross and
microscopic anatomy. In: CRC Handbook of
Marine Mammal Medicine, edited by Dierauf LA
and Gulland FMD. 2
edition. CRC Press, Boca
Raton pp. 139. 2001.
4. Zasloff M. Observations on the remarkable (and
mysterious) wound-healing process of the
bottlenose dolphin. Journal of Investigative
Dermatology 131: 2503-2505. 2011.
appeared to be improving in subsequent sightings,
reinforcing the outstanding healing abilities of these
cetaceans (2).
Subsequent to the events described above, in
December 2013, another dolphin U378, a subadult of
unknown gender presented with a set of lesions visually
similar, but less extensive, to those described for F351
and M501. The recovery process proceeded along
identical lines to that for F351 and M501, and we
assume the same aetiology for all three animals.
The unassisted recovery of these dolphins has
implications for triage decision making in relation to
dolphins suffering natural and anthropogenic injuries
and also for decisions concerning the advisability of
Comprehensive monitoring of the healing process
of these dolphins was only possible through the
assistance of a group of dedicated volunteer
photographers (see acknowledgments section). Their
involvement highlights the growing contributions of
citizen scientists armed with sophisticated photographic
equipment to field research.
Special thanks to the many biologists and veterinarians who
provided their advice on the possible aetiology of these lesions. In
particular we would like to thank Dr P Duignan and Dr J Geraci for
their very helpful assistance. We are also grateful to the following
photographers for permission to use images in this paper: B
Saberton (Figures 1a, 2, 3a, 4c, 6d, 5a), M Boorman (Figures 1b, 3b,
4a, 6a, 5b), O Wieczorek (Figure 4d) and P & D Huxtable (Figure
4b, 6b, 6c) who were also the first to report the dolphins’ injuries.
Without their assistance the documentation of the recovery of these
dolphins would have been incomplete.
1. Bloom P and Jager M. The injury and subsequent
healing of a serious propeller strike to a wild
bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) resident in
cold waters off the Northumberland coast of
England. Aquatic Mammals Journal 20(2): 59-64.
2. Riggin JL and Maldini D. Photographic case
studies of skin conditions in wild-ranging
bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) calves.
Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology
3(1): 5-9. 2010.
Vol 7, No 1, 2014
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