Injury Determinations for
Humpback Whales and Other
Cetaceans Reported to NOAA
Response Networks in the
Hawaiian Islands During 2018
Amanda L. Bradford
Edward G. Lyman
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Marine Fisheries Service
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-PIFSC-103
June 2020
Injury Determinations for Humpback
Whales and Other Cetaceans
Reported to NOAA Response
Networks in the Hawaiian Islands
During 2018
Amanda L. Bradford
Edward G. Lyman
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
National Marine Fisheries Service
1845 Wasp Boulevard
Honolulu, HI 96818
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
726 South Kihei Road
Kihei, HI 96753
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-PIFSC-103
June 2020
U.S. Department of Commerce
Wilbur L. Ross, Jr., Secretary
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Neil A. Jacobs, Ph.D., Acting NOAA Administrator
National Marine Fisheries Service
Chris Oliver, Assistant Administrator for Fisheries
Recommended citation
Bradford AL, Lyman EG. 2020. Injury determinations for humpback whales and other cetaceans
reported to NOAA response networks in the Hawaiian Islands during 2018. NOAA Technical
Memorandum NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-103, 18 p. doi:10.25923/mtcd-f441
Copies of this report are available from
Science Operations Division
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
1845 Wasp Boulevard, Building #176
Honolulu, Hawaii 96818
Or online at
Cover: Photo courtesy of NOAA Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine
Sanctuary, NOAA Fisheries Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program (Permit
Table of Contents
List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. v
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................... vi
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Methods........................................................................................................................................... 2
Results and Discussion ................................................................................................................... 3
Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................................... 5
Literature Cited ............................................................................................................................... 6
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................... 12
List of Tables
Table 1. Injury determinations for humpback whales reported to be involved in vessel collisions
in Hawaiian waters during 2018 ......................................................................................... 7
Table 2. Injury determinations for humpback whales reported to be entangled in presumed
fishing gear or marine debris in Hawaiian waters during 2018 .......................................... 8
Table 3. Injury determinations for cetaceans other than humpback whales reported to be injured
in Hawaiian waters during 2018 ....................................................................................... 10
Table 4. Summary of humpback whale vessel collisions and entanglements in Hawaiian waters
during 2018 that resulted in different preliminary and reviewer injury determinations. .. 11
Reports of cetaceans with human-caused injuries in Hawaiian waters are made each year to the
Pacific Islands Region Marine Mammal Response Network (PIR-MMRN, coordinated by the
NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Pacific Islands Regional Office) and the
Hawaiian Islands Entanglement Response Network (HIERN, coordinated by the NOAA
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary). These injury reports largely
involve humpback whales that were entangled in fishing gear or marine debris or were struck by
or otherwise injured by contact with a vessel. Bradford and Lyman (2015, 2018, 2019) made
determinations of injury severity (i.e., serious or non-serious) for cetaceans in Hawaii reported
injured by human causes during 2007–2017. The present report provides a summary of injury
determinations for cetaceans in Hawaii reported injured by human causes during 2018. Injury
determinations were made using a nationally standardized process and criteria for distinguishing
serious from non-serious injuries (NMFS 2012). During 2018, there were 19 reports of cetaceans
with human-caused injuries, including 4 humpback whales involved in vessel collisions, 11
humpback whales entangled in presumed fishing gear or marine debris, and 4 other cetaceans
with human-caused injuries. The 15 humpback whale vessel collisions and entanglements led to
11 serious injuries. For the other cetaceans, injury determinations of serious were made for two
spinner dolphins of the Hawaii Island stock entangled in fishing gear. While accounting for
injuries reported to PIR-MMRN and HIERN has improved the stock assessment process for
some populations, significantly more effort is needed to report, document, and monitor injured
cetaceans in Hawaiian waters, particularly species other than humpback whales.
The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) requires the NOAA National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS) to prepare Stock Assessment Reports (SARs) for marine mammal stocks
occurring in U.S. waters. Along with information on stock abundance and status, the SARs
include an estimate of the annual human-caused mortality and serious injury (M&SI) by source.
Regulations define serious injury as one that will likely result in mortality.
In 2012, NMFS
clarified its interpretation of this definition as any injury that is more likely than not to result in
The process for distinguishing serious from non-serious injuries pursuant to the
MMPA was also revised (NMFS 2012).
These revisions were aimed at making the injury
determination process more consistent and transparent, as well as providing additional guidance
for cases that would have previously been classified as “cannot be determined.” Estimates of
human-caused M&SI are compiled and averaged over 5-year periods for inclusion in the SARs.
However, the process of injury determination, including internal and external peer review, and
the MMPA-specified SAR public review leads to a 2-year lag between the M&SI estimation
period and the SAR year. The 2020 SARs require estimates of M&SI from 2014 to 2018.
Reports of injured and dead cetaceans in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone around the
Hawaiian Islands (Hawaiian EEZ) are received each year by the Pacific Islands Region Marine
Mammal Response Network (PIR-MMRN), which is coordinated by the NMFS Pacific Islands
Regional Office (PIRO), and the Hawaiian Islands Entanglement Response Network (HIERN),
which is coordinated by the NOAA Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine
Sanctuary. These two agencies work closely together and are part of the greater NMFS Marine
Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program. Most of the injury reports involve humpback
whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) that are entangled in fishing gear or marine debris or have
been struck by or otherwise injured by contact with a vessel. Occasionally, however, reports of
other species are received. While reported cetaceans have traditionally been assessed for injury
and impact by PIR-MMRN or HIERN, and response efforts mobilized as appropriate,
determinations of injury severity (i.e., serious or non-serious) were only recently initiated
(Bradford and Lyman 2015). Prior to that effort, injury determinations based on reports to PIR-
MMRN or HIERN had not previously been accounted for in estimates of M&SI for the affected
Bradford and Lyman (2015, 2018, 2019) provided a summary of injury determinations for
cetaceans in and around the Hawaiian EEZ reported injured by human causes to PIR-MMRN and
HIERN during 2007–2017. The present paper extends this time series of injury determinations
through 2018. These determinations are based on injury reports that are opportunistic and not a
part of a quantifiable and directed sampling scheme. Thus, the resulting determinations of
serious injury (or mortality) cannot be used to estimate undocumented M&SI from the same
source. However, these serious injuries and mortalities can serve as minimum estimates of M&SI
by source and should be included in the relevant SARs (NMFS 2016).
50 CFR 229.2
NMFS Policy Directive PD 02-238
77 Federal Register 3233 (23 January 2012)
Most cetacean species that occur in the Hawaiian EEZ are recognized as Hawaii stocks, with
differentiation as pelagic and island-associated stocks for some species. Hawaiian stocks of
cetaceans are assessed and managed by the NMFS Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
(PIFSC) and PIRO, respectively. However, humpback whales that overwinter in the Hawaiian
EEZ are part of the central North Pacific (CNP) stock, which falls under the purview of the
NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) for assessment and the NMFS Alaska Regional
Office and PIRO for management. Therefore, in terms of SAR preparation, the determinations
contained herein are directed at AFSC for humpback whales and at PIFSC for all other
The PIR-MMRN maintains an electronic database of more than 1,500 records with summary
information (e.g., date, species, location, condition) for each stranded or injured marine mammal
reported from 1848 to the present. Generally, these records are associated with case-specific
documentation, such as a Level A Form, a necropsy report or photographs. The PIR-MMRN
database was accessed and cetacean records in and around the Hawaiian EEZ during 2018 (n =
34) were extracted. These records were reviewed to identify reports of cetaceans injured by
human causes so that injury determinations could be made and applied to the assessment and
management of the affected stocks.
The identified PIR-MMRN reports were supplemented with 17 confirmed injury reports (i.e.,
containing sufficient descriptive information from a reliable source) from 2018 maintained in the
HIERN database, which dates back to 2002 and contains more than 1,000 records also associated
with case-specific documentation. Database records from HIERN occasionally overlap with
those from PIR-MMRN, but are usually considered more complete because HIERN was the
primary data source. Further supplementing the reports compiled from the two databases was a
report of an injured spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) from a research team led by R. Baird
(Cascadia Research Collective), which should have been incorporated into the PIR-MMRN database.
The merged set of 2018 injury reports was evaluated, and the injury severity of each cetacean
injured by human causes was determined using the revised guidelines and criteria presented in
NMFS (2012). When follow-up (observation or response) of injured individuals occurred, which
was often the case for entangled humpback whales, an injury determination was made both
before and after follow-up and any mitigation efforts. This differentiation ensures that the
appropriate number of mortalities and serious injuries can be considered when classifying
commercial fisheries on the MMPA-mandated List of Fisheries (LOF) and when comparing
M&SI estimates with the Potential Biological Removal (PBR) value reported in the SARs. That
is, initial injury determinations prior to follow-up and mitigation are used in LOF classifications,
and determinations after these efforts are relevant to the PBR comparisons (NMFS 2012).
Injury determinations were made collaboratively by the authors, with EGL taking the lead on the
reports of humpback whales and ALB on the reports of other cetaceans. Additional interpretation
or consideration was required in the application of some of the injury categories for injured large
whales (see Appendix for details of how these categories were applied). As directed by NMFS
(2012), the preliminary injury determinations were then sent for independent review to members
of the NMFS Determination Staff Working Group with applicable expertise (Forney 2010;
Henry et al. 2019). The humpback injury determinations were reviewed by A. Henry (NMFS
Northeast Fisheries Science Center), and the other cetacean injury determinations were reviewed
by K. Forney (NMFS Southwest Fisheries Science Center). Differences between the preliminary
and reviewer determinations were discussed and reconciled by ALB and EGL, with input from
the reviewers as needed.
Follow-up and mitigation efforts of entangled cetaceans, particularly disentanglement activities
by the HIERN, often involved the photo-documentation and occasionally the collection of
entangling gear. The HIERN made substantial efforts, in collaboration with PIRO and other
partner agencies, to identify the gear type and associated fishery (if applicable) for the humpback
entanglement cases. However, unlike other regions where there are dedicated gear specialists,
staff resources in the Pacific Islands are challenged to systematically review the gear in all cases.
A summary of the information available for a systematic gear review for all the cetacean
entanglements is included along with the injury determinations. For the humpback
entanglements, the details and available results of gear reviews conducted to date are included
along with assessment of the possibility of further classification from additional review efforts.
Results and Discussion
In total, 19 reports of cetaceans with human-caused injuries from 2018 were identified. The
reports consist of 4 humpback whales involved in vessel collisions (Table 1), 11 humpback
whales entangled in presumed or confirmed fishing gear or marine debris (Table 2), and 4 other
cetaceans with human-caused injuries (Table 3). The other cetaceans include a bottlenose
dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) with a gunshot wound (Harnish et al. 2019) and three spinner
dolphins entangled in presumed or confirmed fishing gear. As in Bradford and Lyman (2015,
2018, 2019), the review process highlighted the challenging nature of some of the humpback
whale injury events and revealed regional differences in the ways some injury categories are
applied to large whales (Appendix). For the 15 humpback whale vessel collisions and
entanglements, the injury determinations by the reviewer differed from the preliminary
determinations in 2 (13.3%) cases (both entanglements; Table 4). Follow-up discussions led to
changing both of the preliminary entanglement injury determinations (Table 4). The reviewer
was in agreement with the preliminary determinations for the other injured cetaceans.
The 4 humpback whale vessel collisions led to 4 serious injuries for comparison to PBR (Table
1). The 11 humpback whale entanglements led to 7.75 serious injuries (note that some large
whale injury categories involve prorating injuries as proportionally serious; NMFS 2012) for
consideration with the LOF and 7 serious injuries for comparison to PBR (Table 2). For the 4
other cetaceans reported injured, there were 3 serious injuries for consideration with the LOF and
2 serious injuries for comparison with PBR values (Table 3). The serious injuries of relevance to
the SARs were from two spinner dolphins of the Hawaii Island stock. These M&SI estimates can
be combined with those from 2014–2017 (Bradford and Lyman 2018, 2019) for use in the
applicable 2020 SARs.
HIERN attempts to cross-match the injured humpback whales that were adequately photo-
identified with other photo-identified whales in its database and with other CNP humpback
whale photo-identification catalogs, including use of the Happywhale
platform. However, there
are not dedicated personnel to systematically pursue identification of injured individuals to the
greatest extent possible, and the CNP stock of humpback whales numbers in the thousands of
individuals (Muto et al. 2019). Additionally, many reports are made without images suitable for
photo-identification. Based on identification efforts to date, there are no individuals of any
cetacean species known to have been injured more than once between 2014 and 2018. Thus, for
the purposes of establishing minimum estimates of M&SI, all injured cetaceans summarized here
and in Bradford and Lyman (2018, 2019) are considered separate individuals. There may be
cases where a given individual is associated with more than one injury report, which would lead
to a positive bias in the resulting minimum M&SI estimates. However, any positive bias is
unlikely to exceed the level of undocumented M&SI from vessel collisions and fishing gear
The follow-up injury determination for the bottlenose dolphin calf with a gunshot wound to the
head (Table 3) would have been serious without the follow-up sightings that revealed healing of
the wound and survival of the calf (Harnish et al. 2019). This case demonstrates the value of
follow-up information in determining the outcome of a human-caused injury. Known outcomes
are particularly valuable in defining what constitutes a serious injury, but these data are
substantially more limited for small cetaceans as compared to large whales (NMFS 2012).
Cascadia Research Collective (CRC) previously provided a report of a rough-toothed dolphin
(Steno bredanensis) off Kauai in 2015 with line tightly wrapped around its pectoral flipper,
which was determined to be seriously injured (Bradford and Lyman 2018). After a recent update
of their photo-identification catalogs, CRC provided follow-up information on this rough-toothed
dolphin, as well as new reports and follow-up information for 2 additional cetacean individuals
that were injured in previous years. Two sightings of the rough-toothed dolphin in August 2018
indicate that the individual survived the entanglement injury, which can now be considered non-
serious for the purposes of the 2020 (and 2021) SAR. The other two reports are outside of the
M&SI period for the 2020 SAR but offer valuable known outcome data for future reference. A
bottlenose dolphin from the Hawaii Island stock was encountered on 12/09/09 with line tightly
wrapped around its pectoral flipper, a serious injury according to category S8a (NMFS 2012).
Although this individual was sighted 5 more times, the last sighting was on 8/17/10. The CRC
bottlenose dolphin catalog is current through 2017, so the lack of follow-up sightings of this
individual supports the serious injury determination. A short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala
macrorhynchus) was encountered off Hawaii Island on 10/30/11 with line trailing from its
mouth, a serious injury according to categories S2 or S5a and S6 (NMFS 2012). This individual
was sighted 23 more times, with the last sighting on 11/29/15. The CRC short-finned pilot whale
catalog is current through 2015, so the demonstrated survival of the individual indicates the
injury was non-serious.
Of the 11 humpback whale entanglements, gear type was identified for 5 (45.5%), involving
higher-latitude gill net (n = 1; the first known observation of a humpback whale carrying an
active gill net set from higher latitudes to Hawaii) and British Columbia pot gear (n = 4) (Table
2). Of the entanglement cases with unknown gear types, one is considered to have involved
marine debris (not from an active set) that was once possibly mooring gear. None of the 5
entanglements with known gear types were further linked to specific commercial fisheries.
Although a substantial effort was made to review the photographed and collected gear, staff
resources did not allow a complete review in all cases. The best assessment of available gear and
photographs suggests additional effort in identifying the fishery associated with the 4 pot gear
entanglements is warranted, but there is limited possibility of further classification from
additional review effort for any of the other humpback whale entanglement cases. Of the 3
spinner dolphin entanglements, gear type was identified for 1 (33.3%), involving the entrance
tunnel of an eel or hagfish trap (Table 3).
Part of the process of reviewing the PIR-MMRN database for reports of cetaceans injured by
human causes involved following up on stranding records where there was noted or suggested
evidence of human-caused injury. This follow-up can require obtaining information from
necropsy reports prepared by the marine mammal stranding program led by K. West (University
of Hawaii at Manoa). If the injury was determined to be the cause of death, the associated record
would be added to the subset of injury reports of relevance to the human-caused M&SI estimates
and summarized herein. If the injury could not be confirmed or was determined not to be the
cause of death, the associated record would be excluded from the subset of injury reports
compiled for the present paper. During 2018, there were no PIR-MMRN stranding records with
evidence of human-caused injuries.
Cetaceans in Hawaiian waters, particularly humpback whales, are subject to human-caused
injuries from a variety of sources, which should continue to be accounted for in the SARs. For
cetacean species other than humpback whales, significantly more effort and resources are needed
to report, document, and monitor individuals with anthropogenic injuries. PIR-MMRN and
HIERN have been expanding their efforts in this regard, primarily by communicating to various
partners and stakeholders and highlighting the value of reporting injured cetaceans. Continued
progress in soliciting and documenting such injuries will inform and improve the assessment and
management of the affected cetacean stocks.
We thank the PIR-MMRN and HIERN staff and volunteers, as well as the whale researchers,
non-profit groups, and other ocean users who report and respond to dead and injured cetaceans in
the Pacific Islands Region. Kristi West and her stranding program associates conduct necropsy
and follow-up work that is critical for understanding the factors contributing to cetacean
mortality. Aliza Milette-Winfree provided access to the PIR-MMRN database and helpfully
fielded questions about its contents. Rachel Finn assisted with the HIERN database. Members of
the PIRO Observer Program and the Alaska Regional Office assisted with aspects of the gear and
fishery identification for the humpback whale entanglements. Allison Henry and Karin Forney
reviewed the humpback and other cetacean injury determinations, respectively. The Pacific
Scientific Review Group (PSRG) and PIRO performed an additional review of the full set of
injury determinations. This report was improved by comments from Erin Oleson and Nancy
Literature Cited
Bradford AL, Lyman E. 2015. Injury determinations for humpback whales and other cetaceans
reported to the Hawaiian Islands Disentanglement and Pacific Islands Marine Mammal
Response Networks during 2007–2012. NOAA Tech Memo. NMFS-PIFSC-45. 37 pp.
Bradford AL, Lyman E. 2018. Injury determinations for humpback whales and other cetaceans
reported to the Hawaiian Islands Disentanglement and Pacific Islands Marine Mammal
Response Networks during 2013–2016. NOAA Tech Memo. NMFS-PIFSC-75. 24 pp.
Bradford AL, Lyman E. 2019. Injury determinations for humpback whales and other cetaceans
reported to the Hawaiian Islands Disentanglement and Pacific Islands Marine Mammal
Response Networks during 2017. NOAA Tech Memo. NMFS-PIFSC-81. 18 pp.
Forney KA. 2010. Serious injury determinations for cetaceans caught in Hawaii longline
fisheries during 1994–2008. NOAA Tech Memo NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-462. 24 pp.
Harnish, AE, Ault J, Babbitt C, Gulland FMD, Johnson PC, Shaughnessy NL, Wood KA, Baird
RW. 2019. Survival of a common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) calf with a
presumptive gunshot wound to the head. Aquat Mamm 45:543-548.
Henry AG, Garron M, Reid A, Morin D, Cole TVN. 2019. Serious injury and mortality
determinations for baleen whale stocks along the Gulf of Mexico, United States East
Coast, and Atlantic Canadian Provinces, 2012-2016. NOAA Northeast Fisheries Science
Center Reference Document 19-13. 60 pp.
Muto MM, Helker VT, Angliss RP, Boveng PL, Breiwick JM, Cameron MF, Clapham PJ, Dahle
SP, Dalheim ME, Fadely BS, Ferguson MC, Fritz LW, Hobbs RC, Ivashchenko YV,
Kennedy AS, London JM, Mizroch SA, Ream RR, Richmond EL, Shelden KEW,
Sweeney KL, Towell RG, Wade PR, Waite JM, Zerbini AN. 2019. Alaska marine
mammal stock assessments, 2018. NOAA Tech Memo. NMFS-AFSC-393. 399 pp.
National Marine Fisheries Service. 2012. NOAA Fisheries Policy Directive 02-238-01: Process
for distinguishing serious from non-serious injury of marine mammals. 42 pp.
National Marine Fisheries Service. 2016. NMFS Instruction 02-204-01: Guidelines for preparing
stock assessment reports pursuant to the 1994 amendments to the MMPA. 24 pp.
Table 1. Injury determinations for humpback whales reported to be involved in vessel collisions in Hawaiian waters during 2018,
using the most recent established criteria for distinguishing serious from non-serious injury of large whales (Table 1 in NMFS 2012).
length (ft)
Event summary Observed injury
for PBR
01/06/18 Calf ? ?
Whale discovered with injuries consistent
with vessel strike (date and location of
strike unknown).
Propeller and skeg lacerations
(superficial) on back and
L5b, L12 Serious 1
02/22/18 Calf ? ?
Whale discovered with injuries consistent
with vessel strike (date and location of
strike unknown).
Propeller lacerations (severity
unknown) on right flank
L11, L12 Serious 1
03/09/18 Calf ? ?
Whale discovered with injuries consistent
with vessel strike (date and location of
strike unknown).
Propeller lacerations
(superficial) across back
L5b, L12 Serious 1
12/26/18 Calf ? ?
Whale discovered with injuries consistent
with vessel strike (date and location of
strike unknown).
Propeller laceration
(superficial) on dorsal fin
L5b, L12 Serious 1
Table 2. Injury determinations for humpback whales reported to be entangled in presumed fishing gear or marine debris in Hawaiian
waters during 2018, using the most recent established criteria for distinguishing serious from non-serious injury of large whales
(Table 1 in NMFS 2012). The “initial” injury determination is associated with the condition of the whale prior to any follow-up and
mitigation efforts and may be used for List of Fisheries (LOF) fisheries classifications. The condition of the whale following a change
in entanglement status, whether by mitigation or self-release, is reflected in the “follow-up” injury determination, which is used for
Potential Biological Removal (PBR) comparison. Note that in cases where there were no follow-up or mitigation efforts, the initial and
follow-up determinations are the same. An injury determination of serious followed by an asterisk indicates that the basis of the
determination was the significant health decline caused by the injury (NMFS 2012). Table continues on following page.
Age class Event summary
Initial injury
Initial injury
Response outcome
Follow-up injury
Gear type Fishery Fishery review details
01/04/18 Adult
Line wrapped five times tightly
around caudal peduncle with
deep wounds from line at fluke
L2, L5a Serious 1
Response mounted, but
whale not tagged or
L2, L5a Serious 1
latitude gill
Photographed gear reviewed
by a level 5 responder. First
observation of humpback
carrying active gill net set
from higher latitude to
Hawaii. Little identifying
information on gear to
identify fishery. Limited
possibility of further
classification from additional
review effort.
01/11/18 Adult
Line went through the mouth
forming a loose bridle with a
twist below body. Line trailed
from twist 75 ft on one side and
at least 200ft on the other
ending in three buoys.
L3 Non-serious 0 Fully disentangled. n/a Non-serious 0 BC pot gear Unknown
Recovered gear reviewed by a
level 5 responder. Identifying
features on buoys may be
enough to determine fishery
with additional review effort.
01/19/18 Subadult
Two buoys attached, one on
each side of body. Lack of
constricting gear not confirmed.
Prorate 0.75
Response mounted, but
whale not re-located.
Prorate 0.75
0.75 Unknown Unknown
Video showing gear reviewed
by a level 5 responder. Little
identifying information on
gear to identify gear type or
fishery. Limited possibility of
further classification from
additional review effort.
01/21/18 Adult
Line wrapped or draped over
back, likely originating from the
mouth or right pectoral flipper,
with superficial line scars on
sides of dorsal fin suggesting
entanglement was previously
more involved. Lack of
constricting gear not confirmed.
L10, L5b
Prorate 0.75
Response mounted, but
whale not re-located.
L10, L5b
Prorate 0.75
0.75 Unknown Unknown
No gear recovered and gear
not documented enough for a
review of gear type and
01/27/18 Adult
Line draped around pectoral
flipper, forming a loose bridle
that meets at a pair of buoys at
the peduncle, with one line
trailing 1015 ft to another pair
of buoys, and the other line
trailing 80 ft. Whale was
moderately emaciated with small
cyamid patches and light skin
and was considered to be in
significant health decline.
L3 Serious* 0
Partially disentangled;
loose wrap remains and
whale still showed signs
of significant health
L3 Serious* 0 BC pot gear Unknown
Photographed gear reviewed
by a level 5 responder.
Identifying features on buoys
may be enough to determine
fishery with additional review
Age class Event summary
Initial injury
Initial injury
Response outcome
Follow-up injury
Gear type Fishery Fishery review details
02/04/18 Subadult
Line wrapped multiple times
around body and peduncle, with
mouth involved and buoys at the
peduncle, before trailing 80 ft
behind. Deep wounds from line
at fluke insertion, with less deep
wound from line on pectoral
flipper. Whale was moderately
emaciated with cyamid carpets
and light and rough skin and was
considered to be in significant
health decline.
L2, L5a Serious* 1
Partially disentangled,
with over 80-ft line
removed. Constricting
wrap and deep wounds
remain and whale still
showed signs of
significant health decline.
L2, L5a Serious* 1 BC pot gear Unknown
Recovered gear reviewed by a
level 5 responder. Identifying
features on buoys may be
enough to determine fishery
with additional review effort.
02/05/18 Subadult
Netting and line entangling
rostrum and back. Lack of
constricting gear not confirmed.
Prorate 0.75
Response mounted, but
whale self-released from
n/a Non-serious 0 Unknown Unknown
Recovered gear reviewed by a
level 5 responder. Little
identifying information on
gear to identify gear type or
fishery, although possibly
mooring gear. Gear likely
marine debris and not from
an active set. Limited
possibility of further
classification from additional
review effort.
02/13/18 Adult
Line wrapped through mouth,
draped or wrapped around
pectoral flipper, and twice
around caudal peduncle, with
superficial insertion and chafe
wounds suggesting
entanglement was previously
more involved. Lack of
constricting gear not confirmed.
L10, L5b
Prorate 0.75
Response mounted, but
whale not tagged or
L10, L5b
Prorate 0.75
0.75 Unknown Unknown
Photographed gear reviewed
by a level 5 responder. Little
identifying information on
gear to identify gear type or
fishery. Limited possibility of
further classification from
additional review effort.
03/15/18 Subadult
Line wrapped tightly around
pectoral flipper, possibly
involving mouth, with buoys
attached and line trailing along
flank. Deep wounds from line
close to flipper insertion, with
less deep wound from line on
caudal peduncle. Whale was
significantly emaciated with
cyamid carpets and light skin and
was considered to be in
significant health decline.
L2, L5a Serious* 1
Response mounted and
whale tagged, but whale
not disentangled (except
removal of tagging gear).
L2, L5a Serious* 1 BC pot gear Unknown
Photographed gear reviewed
by a level 5 responder.
Identifying features on buoys
may be enough to determine
fishery with additional review
04/05/18 Adult
Line with buoy trailed behind
whale from unknown location on
body. Lack of constricting gear
not confirmed.
Prorate 0.75
0.75 No response L10
Prorate 0.75
0.75 Unknown Unknown
Video showing gear reviewed
by a level 5 responder. Little
identifying information on
gear to identify gear type or
fishery. Limited possibility of
further classification from
additional review effort.
05/20/18 Subadult
Line wrapped loosely around
fluke blades and tightly around
caudal peduncle, likely to
become embedded as the whale
grows. Line trails 3 ft to a pair of
buoys, and superficial notch and
chafe wounds on leading edge of
L2, L5b Serious 1
Response mounted and
whale tagged, but tag
stopped transmitting and
whale not disentangled.
L2, L5b Serious 1 Unknown Unknown
Photographed gear reviewed
by a level 5 responder. Little
identifying information on
gear to identify gear type or
fishery. Limited possibility of
further classification from
additional review effort.
Table 3. Injury determinations for cetaceans other than humpback whales reported to be injured in Hawaiian waters during 2018,
using the most recent established criteria for distinguishing serious from non-serious injury of cetaceans (Tables 12 in NMFS 2012).
The “initial” injury determination is associated with the condition of the whale or dolphin prior to any follow-up and mitigation efforts.
For presumed fishery-related injuries, the initial determination is used for List of Fisheries (LOF) classification. The final known
condition of the individual, regardless of injury type, follow-up, or mitigation, is reflected in the “follow-up” injury determination, which
is used for Potential Biological Removal (PBR) comparison.
Report date
Age class
Event summary
Initial injury
Initial injury
for LOF
Response outcome
Follow-up injury
Follow-up injury
Value for
Gear type and fishery
Dolphin observed with
a gunshot wound to the
No response, but
10 follow-up
sightings spanning
a year since
wound first
photographed on
06/30/18 indicates
wound healing and
survival of dolphin
(Harnish et al.
Dolphin observed with
eel or hagfish trap on
No response, but
dolphin self-
released from gear
Gear photographed
and identified as the
entrance tunnel of an
eel or hagfish trap.
Dolphin observed with
multiple tight wraps of
line around caudal
peduncle, with
embedded lines
forming wounds and
line training behind
No response
Gear not recovered
or photographed.
Dolphin observed with
multiple tight wraps of
line around caudal
peduncle, with lead
weights attached to the
No response
Gear not recovered
or photographed.
Table 4. Summary of humpback whale vessel collisions and entanglements in Hawaiian waters during 2018 that resulted in different
preliminary and reviewer injury determinations. The final injury determinations resulting from follow-up discussions are shown along
with a rationale for the determination. The injury determination “categories” are based on the most recent established criteria for
distinguishing serious from non-serious injury of large whales (Table 1 in NMFS 2012). The injury determination “values” refer to the
number of serious injuries relevant to either List of Fisheries classification or Potential Biological Removal comparison. For
entanglements, “|” is used to separate the initial and follow-up injury determination categories and values.
Report date Injury type
Preliminary injury determination
Reviewer injury determination
Final injury determination
Final determination rationale
02/05/18 Entanglement L3 | n/a 0 | 0 L10 | n/a 0.75 | 0 L10 | n/a 0.75 | 0
Agreed with reviewer that
there was not sufficient
supporting evidence to use L3
for the initial determination.
05/20/18 Entanglement L3, L5b | L3, L5b 0 | 0 L2 | L2 1 | 1 L2, L5b | L2, L5b 1 | 1
Agreed with reviewer that
there was sufficient supporting
evidence to use L2 for the
initial and follow-up
Additional interpretation or consideration required in the application of some of the injury
categories (NMFS 2012) to large whales injured in Hawaiian waters during 2018. L = large
whale category (Table 1 in NMFS 2012).
Application of categories
L2, L3, L10
1) Although not the practice of all members of the NMFS Determination Staff Working
Group, particularly members assessing injured whales on their feeding grounds, an
entangled humpback whale that showed signs of a significant health decline was still
considered to be seriously injured after partial or full disentanglement. The rationale for
the serious determination in such cases is that the whales are on their breeding grounds
and still have to migrate in order to improve their nutritive condition.
2) When follow-up observations indicated that a whale had self-
released from
entangling gear, the observed entanglement was still reflected in the initial injury
determination that may be used for List of Fisheries classification. This approach is
different than that used for marine mammals released from gear by fishermen in real-
time (i.e., when the injury determination is made after the fisherman releases the animal
from the gear; NMFS 2012).
However, in the present context, an initial injury
determination is needed to account for the unknown duration of the entanglement and
the resulting impact to the whale.
L5a, L5b
Although not the practice of all members of the NMFS Determination Staff Working
Group, these categories were applied whenever lacerations were reported, even for
fishery-related injuries. This use accounted for one or more injuries resulting from an
entanglement in the event that the whale was disentangled. That is, if an entanglement
caused a deep laceration, that laceration would remain, even if all gear was removed
from the whale.
Along with other members of the NMFS Determination Staff Working group, a
dependent calf of a mother with an injury of prorated severity was assigned the same
prorated injury determination as the mother.
Although not the practice of all members of the NMFS Determination Staff Working
Group, this category was applied along with L5a, L5b, or L11 when a whale was observed
with clear vessel collision injuries, even if the actual collision was not reported. The
rationale for this use is that it prevents a bias in the injury determination process for
calves. That is, if a calf was reported struck by a vessel of any size and unknown speed,
even with no resulting visible injuries, it would be considered seriously injured because
“a strike to a calf by a vessel of any size when speed is unknown will be considered a
serious injury” (NMFS 2012). However, a calf with superficial injuries clearly indicating a
vessel collision (L5a) would be considered non-seriously injured if the collision itself was
not reported. To avoid this determination bias from unreported collisions, L12 was used
when observed injuries were sufficient confirmation that a collision had occurred.
Description of injury categories (from Table 1 in NMFS 2012): L2 constricting wrap; L3 loose wrap, bridled or
draped gear; L5a deep laceration; L5b superficial laceration; L8 dependent calf of a dead or seriously injured
mother; L10 evidence of entanglement; and L12 vessel strike observed.