© Copyright IBM Corporation, 2016
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM
Elastic Storage Server
A performance and sizing study for large user number scenarios
A technical report
Udayasuryan Kodoly
IBM Systems - ISV Enablement Solution Architect
Dr. Oliver Oberst
IBM Systems - Industry Solution Architect
Chris Burnard
ownCloud - Senior Solutions Architect
March 2016
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Table of contents
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 1
Scope ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Intended audience ................................................................................................................................... 2
Building materials of lab proof of concept ............................................................................. 2
IBM Elastic Storage Server ...................................................................................................................... 2
ownCloud Enterprise Edition ................................................................................................................... 3
ownCloud Enterprise and IBM storage infrastructure ........................................................... 4
Proof of concept setup ............................................................................................................................. 5
Solution performance testing methods .................................................................................................... 7
Performance optimizations .................................................................................................................... 10
Apache tuning .................................................................................................................. 11
Large enterprise user account number systems ................................................................................... 13
Proof of concept performance measurement ........................................................................................ 13
Sizing assumptions and considerations the 100,000-user scenario .................................................. 15
Enterpriseclass data availability feature of IBM Elastic Storage ........................................................... 17
Summary ................................................................................................................................. 18
Appendix A: Test environment .............................................................................................. 19
Appendix B: BeanShell PreProcessor and BeanShell PostProcessor scripts .................. 20
Appendix C: Lab proof of concept for a load of 1000 users ................................................ 21
Appendix D: Resources ......................................................................................................... 24
About the authors ................................................................................................................... 25
Trademarks and special notices ........................................................................................... 26
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
The on-premises file synchronization and sharing (file sync and share) solution build using ownCloud
and IBM Elastic Storage Server (ESS) allows IT to regain control of sensitive data and gives users
universal file access to all of their data seamlessly. The main goal of this technical report is to provide
specific details on measuring the performance capabilities and sizing assumptions of a large user
number of scenarios of the ownCloud application and database server and IBM Elastic Storage
Server backend.
Today's enterprise users want a simple, easy way to share files in their business environment that allows
them to access their files seamlessly on all devices and collaborate with colleagues, customers, and
business partners.
Enterprise IT, on the other hand, is concerned about the lack of control over corporate data, and the
security and compliance risk it presents. Recent breaches of public consumer cloud services have proven
those concerns to be justified, and the best course of action is to create a secure, easy-to-use alternative.
Together, ownCloud and IBM® are helping enterprises across industries overcome file sharing challenges,
enabling agile, scalable and highly secure file sync and share with ownCloud Enterprise Edition and IBM
storage solutions. ownCloud Enterprise Edition is powered by ownCloud’s open, modular architecture to
deliver convenient end-user file access and ongoing IT data control. Backed by IBM storage technologies,
such as IBM Spectrum Scale™ and IBM Elastic Storage™ Server, the solution can handle an
organization’s most-demanding storage needs.
Successfully designing large-scale IT solutions require realistic system-load estimation, dependent on
software usage patterns and user behavior, leading to a suitably sized system.
The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of the general ownCloud sizing considerations and the
appropriate assumptions. In the lab proof of concept by ownCloud and IBM, measurements were
conducted on high-end IBM Elastic Storage Server and owncloud workload staged on the x86-based
compute infrastructure using high availability (HA) configuration with emphasis on large user number
Specifically, the performance of ownCloud Enterprise Edition 8.2.1 was measured running on high-end
x86 based nodes as database and application server infrastructure connected to IBM Elastic Storage
Server (ESS-GL6) system as the storage back end. The lab proof of concept solution is configured with
load balancing and maximum possible amount of authentication setup combinations. The proof of concept
was built for measuring the performance capabilities and sizing assumptions of a large number of user
scenarios of the ownCloud application and database server and the storage back end.
An important factor considered by the test team for specific system sizing is: What is the number of
intended users and their usage requirement with the system? The sizing consideration is directly related to
the size and number of files stored in the system, the number of application plug-ins enabled on the
system, and the nature of users, devices, and bandwidth used to connect to the system. For example,
higher bandwidth connections use less memory, but stress disk performance as more files are uploaded in
a given time frame.
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
The important points considered by the test team are about users, devices, behaviors, and files. More
How many concurrent users are to be active on the system each day
How many devices will they be connecting to
What type and number of devices (for example, mobile phone, tablet, or desktop
notebook) will be used
On an average, how many files are syncing and sharing per user
There are many other considerations, but these tend to be the most important.
This technical report:
Discuss the approximate performance measurements and system sizing assumptions of the
combined ownCloud Enterprise Edition 8.2.1 and IBM Elastic Storage Server file sync and
share solution configurations.
This technical report does not:
Discuss the installation and basic configuration of ownCloud Enterprise Edition 8.2.1.
Discuss the installation and basic configuration of IBM Elastic Storage Server.
Replace any already available document that is related to ownCloud, and IBM Elastic
Storage Server system.
Intended audience
This technical report is intended for:
Customers and prospects looking to implement a combined on-premises file sync and
share solution using ownCloud Enterprise Edition 8.2.1 and IBM Elastic Storage
Users and management seeking information to implement a combined on-premises
file sync and share solution using ownCloud Enterprise Edition 8.2.1 and IBM Elastic
Storage Server.
Building materials of lab proof of concept
This section briefly describes the essential components used in the proof of concept.
IBM Elastic Storage Server
IBM Elastic Storage Server is a modern implementation of software-defined storage, combining IBM
Spectrum Scale software with IBM POWER8® processor-based servers and storage enclosures. IBM
Spectrum Scale, is a parallel file system that is at the heart of IBM Elastic Storage Servers. IBM Spectrum
Scale scales system throughput with each new server while still providing a single name space to the
clients. This ability eliminates data silos and simplifies storage management. By consolidating storage
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
requirements across your organization into IBM Elastic Storage Server, you can reduce inefficiency and
acquisition costs while simplifying management and improving data protection.
The capabilities of IBM Elastic Storage Server include:
Software RAID: IBM Spectrum Scale Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)
runs IBM disks in a dual-ported storage enclosure that does not require external RAID
storage controllers or other custom hardware RAID acceleration.
Declustering: IBM Spectrum Scale RAID distributes client data, redundancy
information, and spare space uniformly across all disks of just a bunch of disks
(JBOD). This distribution reduces the rebuild or disk failure recovery process
compared to conventional RAID. Critical rebuilds of failed multi-terabyte drives with
full of data can be accomplished in minutes, rather than hours or even days when
using traditional RAID technology.
Data redundancy: IBM Spectrum Scale RAID supports highly reliable 2-fault-tolerant
and 3-fault-tolerant Reed-Solomon-based parity codes (erasure coding) as well as
3-way and 4-way replication.
Large cache: Using a combination of internal and external flash devices along with
large memory cache in the IBM Power® server, IBM Elastic Storage Server is better
able to mask the inefficiencies and long latency times of nearline SAS drives, while
still using the high density of the drives themselves.
Graphical user interface (GUI): The intuitive GUI allows management and monitoring
of the system, both locally and remotely.
Superior streaming performance: The system can deliver over 25 GB per second of
sustained performance.
Scalability: As server configurations are added to an installed configuration, the
capacity, bandwidth, performance and single name space all grow. This means
installations can start small and grow as data needs to expand.
ownCloud Enterprise Edition
ownCloud is a self-hosted file sync and share server. It provides access to enterprise data through a web
interface, PC sync clients, Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) or Android / IOS
applications, while providing a platform to view, sync, and share across devices easily. ownCloud‘s server
enables IT to protect and manage files within the ownCloud environmentfrom file storage to user
provisioning and data processing. The server provides a secure web interface through which
administrators control all of ownCloud‘s resources, allowing authorized users to enable and disable
features, set policies, create backups, and manage users. Advanced features for enterprise directory
integration and file “firewalls” give admins exceptional flexibility and control. The server also manages and
secures application programming interface (API) access to ownCloud, while providing the internal
processing engine needed to deliver high-performance file-sharing services.
ownCloud also delivers the consumer grade experience users expect on desktops, notebooks, tablets, and
mobile phones. Intuitive interfaces guide users through a wide range of file sharing activities, and
administrator efficiency is aided through wizards, management tools, and monitoring and logging
capabilities. ownCloud also provides the ability for standard WebDAV clients to access ownCloud files,
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
enabling users to continue to use standards-based productivity tools to interoperate seamlessly with
ownCloud Enterprise and IBM storage infrastructure
Figure 1: Blueprint of IBM infrastructure running ownCloud Enterprise Edition. Application and database servers
access ESS directly through GPFS
Figure 1 illustrates the lab file sync and share solution proof of concept of ownCloud Enterprise and IBM
Elastic Storage Server. The lab proof of concept setup consists of System x86 servers’ nodes running with
ownCloud Enterprise application and database servers on RHEL Server release 7.2. The ownCloud
application servers are configured behind a HAProxy load balancer to provide high availability and load
balancing. The high-end Elastic Storage Server model GL6 is used for the lab proof of concept setup. The
ownCloud application and database servers access Elastic Storage Server directly using IBM Spectrum
Scale file system (formerly known as IBM GPFS).
Today’s exponential growth of data, transactions, and digitally-aware devices is demanding larger and
larger amounts of unstructured data storage and management. An enterprise-class file sync and share
solution is capable of scaling up to very large user numbers and requires a powerful and reliable storage
back end as well as a suitably sized server infrastructure. The IBM Elastic Storage Server is designed to
meet today’s unprecedented data storage scaling to very large number of user requirements without
compromising on performance.
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
IBM Spectrum Scale is the main core essence of IBM Elastic Storage Server. IBM Spectrum Scale
enables the unification of virtualization, analytics, file and object use cases into a single scale-out storage
solution. IBM Spectrum Scale can provide a single namespace for all of this data, offering a single point of
management with an intuitive graphical user interface. Using storage policies transparent to users, data
can be tiered, compressed, or migrated to help lower latency, improve performance, or cut costs. You can
provide access around the globe using active file management (AFM) to help ensure that data is always
available in the right place at the right time.
Proof of concept setup
In the lab, the team staged tests to estimate the amount of the different user access types, expected for
typical usage scenarios within large organizations. The ownCloud environment was installed and setup by
ownCloud Inc. on the System x86 server nodes (virtual machines) using a standard IBM-supported Linux®
Number of virtual
GPFS (Size)
Red Hat Enterprise
Linux 7 (64 bit)
8 GB
4 TB
(depending on the
number of users, load
should be increased
Table 1: ownCloud application, database server, and client node (virtual machine) configuration
In the lab, file sync and share proof of concept setup, the system x86 nodes are attached to the IBM
Elastic Storage Server on a 10GbE network infrastructure. The server node hardware details of the
ownCloud application and database server are listed in Table 1.
On the back-end storage infrastructure side, the IBM Elastic Storage Server is configured with IBM
Spectrum Scale declustered RAID array of eight data and three parity stripes (8+3p). The high-end IBM
Elastic Storage Server GL6 model is installed with 2 TB hard disk drives (HDDs), which has a total of
403.1 TB of net space on the fully configured system.
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
In the lab proof of concept setup to test performance of ownCloud file sync and share solution, the
ownCloud application and MariaDB database servers have been configured behind a HAProxy load
balancer to provide high availability and distributed load balancing for performance and a large user
number scenario testing.
Software The detailed software setup is divided into three categories: the server system software, the
ownCloud application configuration, and the benchmarking tools.
System software:
Operating system on all servers: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2
Web server: Apache server version 2.4.6
Database: MariaDB Server 5.5.44
ownCloud environment:
ownCloud Enterprise Edition 8.2.1
Performance bench marking tool:
Apache JMeter (refer http://jmeter.apache.org)
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Solution performance testing methods
The testing methods consist of a performance tuning after the installation and the final measurements of
the maximum performance. A set of four measurements, using concurrent requests are run with Apache
JMeter load and performance validation tool.
The following four test methods are concurrently run with Apache JMeter load and performance validation
1. Listing files and directories using HTTP_GET: Configured Apache JMeter with ownCloud
HAProxy load balance server and protocol set as HTTP, and GET method is selected on
Apache JMeter and the test is run using the ownCloud script
(/index.php/apps/files/ajax/list.php). Find the Apache JMeter test case definition as shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: HTTP_GET listing files and directories with Apache JMeter
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
2. Random file upload test: For this test, Apache JMeter has been configured with the HTTP
protocol and the POST method. Test is run using the ownCloud upload script
(/index.php/apps/files/ajax/upload.php). Find the test case definition on Apache JMeter as
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Random files upload test case definition on Apache JMeter
Note: Also, the Bean Shell PreProcessor script is run to create a random file to upload, and a BeanShell
PostProcessor script is run to delete the randomly created file as part of this test case. Refer to Appendix
B: BeanShell PreProcessor and BeanShell PostProcessor scripts
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
3. Download files test: For this test, the Apache JMeter has been configured with using the
HTTP protocol and the GET method. Test is run using the ownCloud download script
(/index.php/apps/files/ajax/download.php). Find the test case definition on Apache JMeter as
shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Files download test definition on Apache JMeter
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
4. WebDAV remote files list and sync test: For this test, Apache JMeter is configured with
using the HTTP protocol and the PROPFIND method. The ownCloud server configuration test
is run using the ownCloud remote.php script (/remote.php/webdav/). Find the Apache JMeter
test case definition, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Remote file sync (WebDAV) test case definition on Apache JMeter
Performance optimizations
There are number of options to calibrate the ownCloud installation and enable higher level of performance.
Recommendation: The recommended number of live Apache connections is 1000 or more. Similarly, the
number of allowed MariaDB (RHEL) / MySQL connections also has to be increased for optimum
performance. By using a tuned Alternative PHP Cache (APC) drastically increases the performance of the
application server. Any given ownCloud deployment will have additional environment and policy specific
configurations that also need to be revisited for gaining best performance.
The initial set of optimizations is mainly focused on the Apache connection settings. The recommended
settings for the number of MaxKeepAliveRequests parameter should be to set within 10 to 200. In the lab
proof of concept setup, APC is installed and the temporary space of MariaDB (RHEL) / MySQL is placed
into the RAM disk. The second tuning interval consisted of pure Linux system parameter changes. Several
IPv4related parameters were tuned, mostly related to the TCP protocol.
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Apache tuning
An Apache process uses around 12MB of RAM. Apache should be configured so that the maximum
number of HTTPD processes times 12MB is lower than the amount of RAM. Otherwise the system begins
to swap and the performance goes down.
The Apache server configured in the lab is set to a maximum number of 6000.
For more detailed ownCloud installation and optimization, refer:
The simulation of ownCloud installation for 100000 users on Apache JMeter is shown in Figure 6. The
recorded results of byte received and sent rate after tuning are presented in Figure 7 shows the results of
the bytes received and sent per second before optimizing ownCloud and Figure 8 shows the results of the
bytes received and sent per second after optimizing ownCloud.
Figure 6: Running the 100000-user simulation (thread group) with Apache JMeter
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Figure 7: Results of the bytes received per second and bytes sent per second before optimizing ownCloud
Figure 8: Results of the bytes received per second and bytes sent per second after optimizing ownCloud
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
The graphs in Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the ownCloud installation load testing by Apache JMeter. These
graphs depicts the amount of bytes that ownCloud can receive and the number of bytes that Apache
JMeter can send before and after the tuning of ownCloud installation.
Figure 7 illustrates that the ownCloud was able to receive approximately 430,000 to 45,000 bytes per
second and Apache JMeter was able to send approximately 32,000 to 17,000 bytes per second before
tuning the ownCloud installation for 100000 simultaneous thread group or user-load simulation.
Figure 8 illustrates that ownCloud was able to receive approximately up to 430,000 bytes per second and
Apache JMeter can send approximately more than 50,000 bytes per second after tuning the ownCloud
installation for 100000 simultaneous thread group or user-load simulation.
Note: The Apache JMeter run all the four listed test cases (explained in this section) in the proof of
concept lab setup, in order to get the required results.
Large enterprise user account number systems
For large enterprise installations, with a large number of user accounts, the ownCloud Enterprise Edition
features the provisioning API to enable a comfortable way to provision and de-provision accounts using
the Representational State Transfer (REST) interface. In order to test the scalability concerning user
account numbers, 100000 accounts were created with the lab proof of concept test environment and the
performance tests were repeated. No measurable impact on the server performance could be observed.
You can find more details about ownCloud Enterprise Edition provisioning APIat:
Proof of concept performance measurement
In the lab proof of concept test environment, the following web service features of ownCloud were tested
and the measurements were recorded using Apache JMeter.
List files and directories: HTTP (GET)
Upload files: HTTP (POST)
Download files: HTTP (GET)
Remote listing files and directories and sync through WebDAV: PROPFIND and
(/remote.php/WebDAV) script
The detailed proof of concept solution lab test cases using Apache JMeter are listed in the section
Solution performance testing methods”.
For correctly recording test results using Apache JMeter, the lab proof of concept test setup is carefully
staged with a load simulation of 1000, 10,000 and extreme 100,000 thread group or users.
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Figure 9: Transaction throughput versus threads illustrating the average of each test case recorded in real time for
more than 125 threads
Figure 10: Transaction throughput versus threads illustrating the average of each test case for 185 threads
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Figure 9 shows the recorded transaction throughput for threads. In this chart, for approximately more than
125 threads (user simulation), the following number of transactions are recorded per second for the test
HTTP (GET) - List files and directories; test case recorded 179.3 transactions per
HTTP (GET)- Download files; test case recorded 165.4 transactions per second
HTTP (POST)- Upload files; test case recorded 112.7 transactions per second
WebDAV - Remote file list / sync; test case recorded 69.4 transactions per second
Figure 10 shows the recorded transaction throughput for each test case with 185 threads, which is a level
much higher than the expected load of average transactions.
HTTP (GET) - List files and directories; test case recorded 1586.6 transactions per
HTTP (GET) - Download files; test case recorded 1955.8 transactions per second
HTTP (POST) - Upload files; test case recorded 167.5 transactions per second
WebDAV - Remote file list / sync; test case recorded 862.2 transactions per second
In the lab, proof of concept load test results are recorded for a load of 10,000 user threads. The system
can handle each load test case without any issues.
The upload and download test cases using HTTP PUT and GET methods are performed after creating
approximately 1 MB and 1 GB sized random files.
Apart from these test case results, separate stand-alone sync client tests also staged for more than 4500
files and mostly large size files (above 1 GB) are used during stand-alone desktop sync client tests.
The Apache JMeter uses the following formula for calculating the total server transaction throughput.
[<active threads> * 1 second (1000 ms) / <1 thread response time>]
Example: If 10 threads send requests to the ownCloud server and the ownCloud server responds after
100 ms, the transaction throughput is calculated as 10 threads * 1000 ms / 100 ms = 100 transactions per
Approximately, more than 3500 transactions per second was recorded during stand-alone sync client tests
using PROPFINDs with 100,000 users load simulation test.
WebDAV interface-based transactions were approximately within 15% to 20% behind the HTTP GET and
PROPFIND transactions. Concurrent upload of files tests with HTTP POST were also recorded behind the
HTTP GET and PROPFIND transactions.
Refer to “Appendix C: Lab proof of concept for a load of 1000 users ” of the lab proof of concept
performance bench mark results.
Sizing assumptions and considerations the 100,000-user scenario
In order to estimate the required infrastructure size of a comparable system like the one used in the lab
proof of concept setup, a general assumption on the average user behavior and therefore the distribution
of their access patterns has to be taken into account. Furthermore, to give a quantitative impression within
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
the following section, the test team extrapolated the combination of assumed usage patterns and
measured performance to a count of 100,000 active users and translated the results into hardware sizing
When using ownCloud within an enterprise grade environment using the file sync and share system as a
central data hub within the daily work of each user, the desktop sync clients are of major importance. They
are running permanently to keep their files in sync with the server. The default syncing rate of the desktop
clients triggers PROFIND requests for every 30 seconds to check the synchronization status and to take
action, if needed. 100,000 active desktop sync clients using the default setup lead to an average number
of approximately up to 3600 PROFINDs each second. Using the benchmark results, this translates into a
required reference application server node number of slightly less than six application servers that should
be able to cope up with the load generated by all desktop syncing clients. Note that the synchronization
frequency is adjustable. It is possible to intercept peak load times by automatically extending the
synchronization interval.
Assuming that each user additionally uses a mobile device to connect to the ownCloud instance with an
average access rate of one mobile access per hour, this adds up to 30 requests per second for each
request type, PROPFIND and HTTP_GET. According to lab proof of concept benchmarks, the
performance of about a quarter of the reference application server is needed additionally.
The web portal usage is assumed to be of the same order as mobile access. However, you can exchange
the PROPFIND requests with additional HTTP_GET calls of the same number, resulting in 60 (2 * 30)
HTTP_GET requests per second on the whole system. This translates to about a 0.20 seconds.
Finally, file upload and download have to be taken into account. You can anticipate average rates of one
upload and two downloads per hour. The benchmark results lead to a required number of about 0.75
nodes for downloads and 0.1 nodes for uploads. You can round that up to one node for the file transfers.
Overall, for the 100,000-user scenario (including a buffer of about 20% for the interception of peak load
times, the five hosts for the desktop sync clients, one and a half host for web and mobile access and file
transfers, and finally two database servers) a rounded number of ten ownCloud workload server nodes
and an IBM Elastic Storage Server (GL-6) are assumed to cope with the expected load.
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Enterpriseclass data availability feature of IBM Elastic Storage
IBM Elastic Storage delivers a number of features that along with a high availability infrastructure help
ensure a reliable enterprise-class storage solution. Robust clustering features and support for
synchronous and asynchronous data replication make IBM Elastic Storage fault-tolerant and can help
provide continued data access even if cluster nodes or storage systems fail.
IBM Elastic Storage includes the infrastructure to handle data consistency and availability, and does not
rely on external applications for cluster operations such as node failover. In an IBM Elastic Storage cluster,
all nodes see all data, and all cluster operations can be conducted through any node in the cluster. All
nodes are capable of performing all the tasks and are not limited by who owns the data or is connected to
the disks. The tasks that a node can perform are determined by the license type and the cluster
As part of the product’s built-in availability tools, IBM Elastic Storage continuously monitors the health of
the file system components. When failures are detected, IBM Elastic Storage attempts automatic recovery.
Extensive journaling and recovery capabilities help maintain metadata consistency when a node holding
locks or performing administrative services fails.
Finally, IBM Elastic Storage supports snapshots, enabling enterprises to protect the file system’s contents
against user error. Snapshots can be used as an online backup capability that allows files to be recovered
easily from common problems, such as accidental file deletion.
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
In order to estimate the required IBM hardware infrastructure size for a large scale ownCloud Enterprise
setup for six digit user numbers, the proof-of-concept described within this paper successfully delivered a
basis for the sizing of future joint ownCloud and IBM solutions.
The derived numbers for the 100,000-user scenario has proven to be of great performance and leads to
the conclusion that using a single IBM Elastic Storage Server and ownCloud Enterprise Edition, you can
deliver an enterprise-class file sync and share environment for more than 100,000 users.
The test team did not reach the performance limit of the IBM Elastic Storage Server at all, whereas, it
turned out that the sizing of the application and database servers is crucial.
The IBM Elastic Storage Server used for staging the ownCloud file sync and share lab proof of concept
solution for performance and sizing information was simultaneously used for additional backup / restore
solution performance benchmark purpose. This underlines the fact that IBM Elastic Storage can be used
for hosting several industry solutions for storing critical data simultaneously.
The successful cooperation of ownCloud Inc. and IBM enables the delivery of perfectly customized
solutions for your clients. ownCloud provides enterprises with a highly scalable on-premises alternative to
consumer-grade and cloud-based applications. By installing ownCloud on-premises, fully integrated into
existing identity management, security, governance, backup, and disaster recovery tools, organizations
can be in full control of their sensitive data. Furthermore, organizations have the flexibility to choose
among on-premises storage, cloud, and a hybrid model to find the model that perfectly matches their
You can find more information about implementing enterprise-class on-premises file sync and share
solution using onwCloud Enterprise Edition on object storage with IBM Spectrum Scale or ESS at:
You can also find additional information at https://owncloud.com/ibm
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Appendix A: Test environment
The following information provides details about the environment used for testing the solution.
Sr. No
Model / Version
IBM Elastic Storage Server
IBM Spectrum Scale
ownCloud Enterprise Edition
Table 2: Test environment
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Appendix B: BeanShell PreProcessor and BeanShell
PostProcessor scripts
Bean Shell PreProcessor script to randomly create a file
Figure 11: BeanShell PreProcessor script
BeanShell PostProcessor script to delete the randomly created file
Figure 12: BeanShell PostProcessor script
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Appendix C: Lab proof of concept for a load of 1000
The following figures show the load simulation results generated using Apache JMeter.
ownCloud load test result proof of concept lab response time distribution graph
Figure 13: Proof of concept lab response time distribution for all four test cases
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Overall response time graph lab proof of concept of ownCloud load test result
Figure 14: Apache JMeter load test result overall response time graph
Response time over time graph lab proof of concept of ownCloud load test result
Figure 15: Apache JMeter load test result response time over time graph
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Additional composite graph
Figure 16: Apache JMeter composite graph
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Appendix D: Resources
The following websites provide useful references to supplement the information contained in this paper:
IBM Systems on PartnerWorld®
IBM Redbooks®
IBM Publications Center
IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC)
IBM Spectrum Scale
IBM Techdocs Library
ownCloud 8.2 User Manual
ownCloud 8.2 Administration Manual
ownCloud 8.2 Developer Manual
Apache JMeter User Manual
Apache JMeter Best Practices
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
About the authors
Udayasuryan Kodoly (Uday) is a storage technology solution architect in the IBM Systems ISV
Enablement organization. Uday has extensive experience in designing, architecting storage solutions, and
developing solution best practices for enterprise data centers and cloud infrastructures, and building and
sustaining customer and partner relationships. Presently, Uday is engaged in planning, designing, and
developing IBM Spectrum Scale, software-defined storage and cloud infrastructure solutions integrating
with various ISVs.
You can reach Uday at uakodol[email protected].
Dr. Oliver Oberst is an IBM industry solution architect, mainly responsible for clients in research and
higher education in central Europe. Oliver started as a researcher in particle physics dealing with data
management and data analysis of huge amounts of particle accelerator data. Today, he is working within
the IBM Sales and Distribution organization and designs client solutions by incorporating all aspects of the
IBM software, hardware, and cloud portfolio. Oliver was the lead architect in one of the large scale
ownCloud on IBM Spectrum Scale solutions.
You can reach Dr. Oliver Oberst at oliver.oberst@de.ibm.com
Chris Burnard is a senior solutions architect at ownCloud, Chris has over 25 years of experience in large
scale enterprise deployments and technologies, specializing in high availability solutions using storage,
sever, network, and data center technologies. Currently, Chris works with ownCloud Enterprise customers,
designing and deploying ownCloud enterprise file sync and share solutions.
You can reach Chris Burnard at cburn[email protected]om
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
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All statements regarding IBM future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice,
and represent goals and objectives only. Contact your local IBM office or IBM authorized reseller for the
full text of the specific Statement of Direction.
Some information addresses anticipated future capabilities. Such information is not intended as a definitive
statement of a commitment to specific levels of performance, function or delivery schedules with respect to
any future products. Such commitments are only made in IBM product announcements. The information is
presented here to communicate IBM's current investment and development activities as a good faith effort
to help with our customers' future planning.
Performance is based on measurements and projections using standard IBM benchmarks in a controlled
environment. The actual throughput or performance that any user will experience will vary depending upon
considerations such as the amount of multiprogramming in the user's job stream, the I/O configuration, the
storage configuration, and the workload processed. Therefore, no assurance can be given that an
individual user will achieve throughput or performance improvements equivalent to the ratios stated here.
Photographs shown are of engineering prototypes. Changes may be incorporated in production models.
ownCloud Enterprise Edition on IBM Elastic Storage Server
Any references in this information to non-IBM websites are provided for convenience only and do not in
any manner serve as an endorsement of those websites. The materials at those websites are not part of
the materials for this IBM product and use of those websites is at your own risk.