2022 Benefit Guide
Table of Contents
Welcome ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Benets Overview ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 3
Benet Eligibility �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4
KelseyCare Network Plan ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6
KelseyCare POS Plan ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7
Medical Benets �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8
Express Scripts (ESI) Prescription Drug Program �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
Specialty Management Program ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9
Cigna Dental Care ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
VSP Choice Plan �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11
Cigna Employee Basic Life Insurance ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Cigna Employee Supplemental Life Insurance ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12
Cigna Dependent Life Insurance �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
Cigna Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13
Cigna Disability ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14
BPAS Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15
Cigna Voluntary Critical Illness ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
Cigna Voluntary Accident Insurance ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
Cigna Voluntary Hospital Indemnity Insurance �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
Kelsey-Seybold 401(k) Plan ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
Unum Voluntary Whole Life Insurance ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17
2022 Premium Rate Sheets ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18
Contact Information ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
This document is an outline of the coverage provided under your employer’s benet plans based on information provided by your company. It does not include all
the terms, coverage, exclusions, limitations, and conditions contained in the ocial Plan Document, applicable insurance policies and contracts (collectively, the
plan documents”). The plan documents themselves must be read for those details. The intent of this document is to provide you with general information about
your employer’s benet plans. It does not necessarily address all the specic issues which may be applicable to you. It should not be construed as, nor is it intended
to provide, legal advice. To the extent that any of the information contained in this document is inconsistent with the plan documents, the provisions set forth in
the plan documents will govern in all cases. If you wish to review the plan documents or you have questions regarding specic issues or plan provisions, you should
contact your Human Resources/Benets Department.
Kelsey Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold is committed to providing you with valuable
and quality services� Use this guide to gain a better
understanding of the options available to you and your family
Additional information is available on The Pulse
You have the right to request and receive a paper copy of
documents that have been provided electronicallyYou may
obtain these copies free of charge by contacting HR Benets @
713.442.5000, option 3 or email
Benets Overview
This guide is not intended to replace the plan documents or
insurance contracts� If there are any discrepancies between the
information presented in this guide and the plan documents,
the plan documents and contracts will govern�
If you and/or your dependents have Medicare or will become
eligible for Medicare in the next 12 months, Federal Law gives
you more choices about your prescription drug coverage�
The Patient Protection Aordable Care Act requires all
employers with self-insured health plans that provide minimum
essential coverage to report on the coverage provided for the
calendar year� Kelsey-Seybold mails this document in January
for the prior year coverage
2022 Benefit Guide
Benefit Eligibility
Who is Eligible?
The following employees are benefit eligible the first day of the month following hire or rehire date�
If you are hired on the first day of the month, benefits are effective on that day.
» Full-Time
» Part-Time
Per Diem employees may be eligible after being employed for one year
» The initial look back period is 12 months in length after which an employees work history is reviewed to determine the
average number of hours worked per week�
» Per Diem employees who work an average of 30+ hours per week within the 12-month look back period are eligible for part-
time benets the rst day of the month following the measurement period� Those with an average of 20-29 hours per week are
eligible for medical, dental, and vision only, at part-time rates�
Eligible Dependent Denition
All dependents enrolled in Kelsey-Seybold’s plan must meet the denition of a qualied eligible dependent� An eligible
dependent is:
» A spouse to whom you are legally united in matrimony or an informal marriage established by registering at a county
If your spouse is working and has access to employer-sponsored medical benets that provide minimum essential coverage,
they must enroll in their employer provided medical plan. Any medical expenses incurred by an employed spouse who has
not enrolled in their own employer-provided medical benets will be the sole responsibility of the employee.
» Child up to the age of 26 that is your natural child, legally-adopted child,
stepchild, child under your court approved legal guardianship, foster child, or
child for which you have a court order
» Child who qualies as your dependent under the terms of a Qualied Medical
Support Order
» Disabled child over the age of 26�
Required Documentation
All employees must provide the following for any dependents enrolled in the
Kelsey-Seybold medical plans:
» A valid Social Security Number
» The relationship status
» Legal documentation within 31 days of enrollment
Examples of acceptable documentation:
» Marriage License
» Common Law Adavit
» Birth Certicate
» Adoption Paperwork
» Court Documents
Kelsey Seybold
Coverage Begins
New Employees – Benefits for full-time or part- time employees are effective
the first day of the month following hire or rehire date� If you are hired on the
first day of the month, benefits are effective that day.
Current Employees – Employees currently enrolled in Kelsey-Seybold
benefit plans may re-elect their benefit choices during annual open
enrollment� The coverage period related to these new benefit choices is
January 1 to December 31� Employees who do not make benefit choices
during open enrollment will continue with their current benefit plans, with
the exception of the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) plan elections�
Employees must make an annual election of FSA dollars�
Employees Transferring to a Benefit Eligible Status – Benefits for an
employee transferring to a full-time or part-time status will be effective upon
the first day of the month following the transfer date�
Qualifying Life Event
You cannot change your benefit elections during the year unless you have a
life event that allows for a change� It is your responsibility to notify HR
Benefits and make your changes within 31 days of a qualifying event� The
following are examples of qualified life events:
» Marriage
» Divorce
» Birth, Adoption, or Custodial change
» Death of a spouse or dependent child
» Change in your employment status that results in the gain or loss of
eligibility of coverage
» Gain or loss of spouse’s group coverage
» Change in dependent eligibility
Under IRS rules, changes must be made within 31 days of the qualifying
event. Changes in coverage will be eective on the rst day of the month
following notication, except for events in which the IRS allows coverage
to be retroactive.
Coverage Ends
» Midnight on your last day of employment, except for medical, dental,
and vision, which will end 14 days after last day of employment�
» When you transfer to an ineligible status for benets�
» When a dependent becomes ineligible for coverage�
» When Kelsey-Seybold is notied a dependent is no longer eligible�
Pre-Tax Deductions
Benets deducted on a pre-tax basis include medical, dental, vision, and the healthcare and dependent care
exible spending accounts.
2022 Benefit Guide
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic oers a choice of two quality
medical plans (KelseyCare Network Plan and KelseyCare
POS Plan)
Kelsey-Seybold contributes to the cost of your medical insurance� Your premiums
are deducted pre-tax from your paycheck biweekly and are based on the
coverage selected� Please refer to the Benets Premium sheet for your biweekly
premium amount�
KelseyCare Network Plan
With its unique network of more than 25 clinics, Kelsey-Seybold, the nation’s rst
accredited Accountable Care Organization, is Houstons largest and most
renowned private multi specialty physician group
A direct provider network, consisting of Kelsey-Seybold physicians and more than
1,000 aliate providers, is available for preventative and diagnostic medical
services� You have open access to all Kelsey-Seybold physicians and clinic locations�
Coverage Highlights
» No out-of-network coverage
» $20 copayment for Primary Care oce visits
($10 copay e-visits; $20 copay video visits)
» $40 copayment for Specialty oce visits
($30 copay e-visits; $40 copay video visits)
» $10 copayment for annual vision exam
» $0 annual deductible
» $2,000 individual and $5,000 family annual out-of-pocket maximum
» $100 Urgent Care copayment
» $200 Emergency Room copayment
» $500 in-patient copayment per hospital admission (pre-certication required)
Out-of-area “Guest Privileges benets may be available for eligible
dependents living away from the greater Houston area for a minimum of 60
days, not to exceed 2 years, unless enrolled in school program.
Contact Cigna Customer Service to nd out if you qualify for Guest Privileges.
Kelsey Seybold
KelseyCare POS Plan
A Point of Service (POS) Plan combines In-Network KelseyCare and Out-of-Network benefits. The POS plan permits
an individual to choose where to seek treatment at the time services are needed.
When receiving care from Kelsey-Seybold physicians, your claims are covered as if you were in the KelseyCare Network Plan,
paying a copayment for visits, without rst meeting a deductible��
In this plan you can access medical services in three ways:
KelseyCare Network (In-Network)
This preferred network of coverage oers the highest level of coverage and is comprised exclusively of Kelsey-Seybold physicians
and authorized referrals to the Kelsey-Seybold aliate provider network�
Cigna POS Providers (Out-of-KelseyCare Network)
This feature allows members to receive care from participating Cigna providers� This is available to oer provider choice� These
claims are subject to a $500 individual deductible� After your annual deductible is met, the plan will pay 70% and you will pay a
30% coinsurance up to the out-of-pocket maximum�
Non-Kelsey/Non-Cigna POS Providers (Out-of-Network)
This allows members to select physicians outside of Kelsey-Seybold Clinic and the Cigna POS providers� These claims are subject to
a $500 individual deductible� After your deductible has been met, the plan will pay the provider 70% up to a maximum of 110% of
Medicare allowable charges� You will pay a 30% co-insurance and any amount not covered by the plan�
2022 Benefit Guide
Medical Benets
KelseyCare Network Plan
In-Network benets only.
No coverage for out-of-network
KelseyCare POS Plan
KelseyCare Network providers have same coverage as
KelseyCare Network Plan. All other providers are paid as
out-of-network claims.
Participating Cigna Providers
Out-of-KelseyCare Network
Non-Kelsey/Non-Cigna Participating
Providers Out-of-Network
Calendar Year Deductible
$0 Individual
$0 Family
$500 Individual
$1,000 Family
$500 Individual
$1,000 Family
Coinsurance Amount
(of eligible expenses)
30% after deductible 30% after deductible
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
(includes deductible)
$2,000 Individual
$5,000 Family
$3,000 Individual
$6,000 Family
$3,000 Individual
$6,000 Family
Doctor’s Office
(Limited to preventative services per the
Aordable Care Act)
$0 copay $0 copay $0 copay
Primary Care Oce Visit
$20 copay
E-visits $10 and Video Visits $20
30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Specialist Oce Visit
$40 copay
E-visits $30 and Video Visits $40
30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Other Professional Charges
Radiologist, Anesthesiologist
and Pathologist
Outpatient Hospital: $0 copay
Inpatient $0 (under facility charges)
30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Routine Vision Care $10 copay every 12 months at Kelsey Seybold Clinic 30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Infertility Testing $20/$40 copay (testing/counseling) 30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Laboratory/X-Ray $0 30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Diagnostic X-Ray for complex
imaging (MRI,CAT, PET scans)
$100 copay per type of scan per day 30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Hospital Services
Outpatient Surgery $200 copay per facility use 30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Inpatient Hospital Services
Hospital Precertication Penalty
$500 copayment per hospital admission
Prior authorizations required
30% after deductible (prior authorization required)
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Urgent Care Visit $100 copayment in network facilities $100 copayment in network facilities $100 copayment in network facilities
Emergency Room Visit $200 copay (waived if admitted) $200 copay (waived if admitted) $200 copay (waived if admitted)
Durable Medical Equipment 20% after deductible 30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Mental Health/Substance Abuse Services
Inpatient Stay $500 copay per admission 30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Outpatient Individual Visits $40 copay (physician oce visit) 30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Outpatient Group Visits $40 copay 30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Other Services
Rehabilitation Services
(PT/OT, Chiropractic (60 visits/calendar year),
Speech Therapy)
$40 copay 30% after deductible
30% after deductible + amounts billed over
110% of Medicare allowable amounts
Excluded services include: Morbid Obesity, Plastic Surgery, Hearing aids, Routine foot care, Non-emergency care when traveling outside the U.S.
Kelsey Seybold
Express Scripts (ESI) Prescription Drug Program
If you enroll in medical insurance, your prescription drug coverage will be through ESI�
Coverage Highlights
» Preferred Network pharmacies are Kelsey-Seybold Pharmacies and HEB
» Generics are mandatory, if one is available� If a brand name formulary is chosen when a generic is available, the brand
copayment plus the cost dierence between generic and brand name is required
If a generic is not available, the standard costs for the brand name formulary will apply
» Generic prescriptions can be lled at Preferred Network pharmacies for a lower copay
» Prescriptions may be lled at any major pharmacy or retail store for a higher copay
» Mail orders available for 90 day supply
Tier Generic
2nd Tier
Brand Name formulary
3rd Tier
Brand Name Non-Formulary
4th Tier
RX > $600
Preferred Network
(up to a 30-day supply)
$10 $30 $60
(up to a 30-day supply)
20% copay with $2,000
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
Preferred Network
(90-day supply)
$30 $90 $180
Tier Generic
2nd Tier
Brand Name formulary
3rd Tier
Brand Name Non-Formulary
4th Tier
RX > $600
Other Pharmacies
(up to a 30-day supply)
$20 $40 $70
(up to a 30-day supply)
20% copay with $2,000
Out-of-Pocket Maximum
Mail Order Pharmacy
(90-day supply)
$60 $120 $210
Specialty Management Program
The pharmacies are focused on providing you with the best possible care while you undergo specialty medication treatment�
The Services Include
» Working as part of your care team with your healthcare provider
» Supporting you with verbal counseling and information about your medications
» Assisting you with medication self-administering training
» Communicating with your healthcare provider regarding follow up, as needed
» Helping you identify Copay Assistance Programs, when needed
» Calling you each month to coordinate the rell shipment of your medication
Our plan uses dierent types of restrictions to help our members use drugs in the most eective ways�
Prior Authorization
For certain drugs, your provider will need to get prior approval from the plan before the cost of the drug will be covered�
Step Therapy
This requires you to try less costly but just as eective drugs before the plan covers another drug
Quantity Limits
For certain drugs, the plan will limit the amount of the drug that you can get each time you ll your prescription�
Therapeutic Resource Centers (TRC)
Pharmacy practices specialize in caring for patients with the most complex and costly conditions� Through specialized training
and regular interaction with patients, specialty TRC pharmacists and nurses handle the complex issues associated with specialty
medications and the conditions they treat� Contacting a Therapeutic Resource Center team member can help you with resolving
barriers to taking your medications, manage prescription usage associated with comorbidities, and establish a personal
relationship with you and your physicians and caregivers
Exclude at Launch
This program excludes certain medications at their market launch to allow for appropriate review of evidence and overall clinical value�
2022 Benefit Guide
Cigna Dental Care
You have the option of electing either the Dental Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plan or one of the Cigna Dental Choice
(DPPO) plans� Both plans oer preventive, basic, major and orthodontic services� Kelsey-Seybold contributes to the cost of your
dental insuranceYour premiums are deducted pre-tax from your paycheck biweekly and are based on the coverage selected�
Coverage Highlights
Cigna Dental HMO
Cigna Dental Choice (DPPO)
($2,000 Calendar Year Maximum)
» $0 annual deductible (per individual)
» $0 calendar year plan maximum
» $0 orthodontic lifetime deductible
» 24-month orthodontic lifetime maximum
» reduced, xed pre-set charges for preventive and diagnostic care (i�e�,
annual exams, cleanings, x-rays, etc�)
» reduced, xed pre-set charges for basic restorative care (i�e�, llings, root
canal, extractions, oral surgery, etc�)
» reduced, xed pre-set charges for major restorative care (i�e�, crowns,
dentures, and bridges)
» Must use a dentist in the Cigna HMO network
» $50 annual deductible (per individual)
» $2,000 calendar year plan maximum
» $1,500 orthodontic lifetime maximum, covered at 50%
» 90% (no deductible) for preventive and diagnostic care (i�e�, annual
exams, cleanings, x-rays, etc�)
» 80% (after deductible) for basic restorative care (i�e�, llings, root canal,
extractions, oral surgery, etc�)
» 50% (after deductible) for major restorative care (i�e�, crowns, dentures,
and bridges)
To nd a Dentist, go to www.mycigna.com
Select “Find a Doctor. Under “Find a Person, select Dentist.
Select type of Dentist. To sort by DHMO/DPPO select “Change Plan Your Network is – “Radius Network”
Kelsey Seybold
VSP Choice Plan
Administered by VSP
Services In-Network Out-of-Network
Exams 12 Months
Glasses/Frames 24 months adults/12 months child glasses/Lenses 12 months
Contact Lenses 12 months (in lieu of glasses)
Exam Copay $10 Reimbursed to $40
Materials $25 Not applicable
Lenses Copay
Single 100% after copay Reimbursed to $40
Bifocal 100% after copay Reimbursed to $60
Trifocal 100% after copay Reimbursed to $80
Lenticular 100% after copay Reimbursed to $80
Retail Allowance
(20% o amount above $160)
Reimbursed to $100
Elective Contact Allowance
(in lieu of glasses)
$150, includes contacts exam Reimbursed to $150
If you enroll, you will not receive an ID card� Simply give your social security number to your VSP provider so they can verify your
enrollment� You do not need to submit a claim for In-Network benets� You must submit a claim to VSP for benet reimbursement
for Out-of-Network Services�
To Find a Provider
» Go to www.VSP.com
» Click on “Find a VSP Doctor
» Enter Zip Code or City/State
» Click “Search
2022 Benefit Guide
Cigna & New York Life
Employee Basic Life Insurance
Kelsey-Seybold recognizes the importance of life insurance to
protect your loved ones in the event of your death� All full-
time employees receive basic life insurance at no cost to them�
Additionally part-time employees can receive basic life
insurance at an additional cost�
Life insurance is subject to coverage limitations�
Coverage Highlights
Full-Time Employees
» Automatic enrollment of 2 times your Annual Benets Pay*
» Maximum coverage of $1�75 million
» No cost to employees, Kelsey-Seybold pays 100% of the
Part-Time Employees
» May elect up to 2 times your Annual Benets Pay*
» Maximum coverage of $1�75 million
» Employees pay 100% of the premium
Evidence of Insurability is Required if���
» If you are a part-time employee and you do not elect basic
life insurance within 31 days of rst becoming eligible for
coverage and subsequently elect coverage
Premiums are based on your Annual Benets Pay�*
Cigna & New York Life
Employee Supplemental Life Insurance
nderstanding that each employees needs are different, Kelsey-
Seybold provides additional options for purchasing life
insurance� Working with Cigna, Kelsey-Seybold offers a
comprehensive life insurance plan that includes portability
Life insurance is subject to coverage limitations� Any coverage
amount over the guaranteed issue limit is subject to Evidence of
Insurability (EOI)� Cigna will send you instructions on where and
how to complete the form on-line at www.mycigna.com� In
some instances, Cigna may require additional medical testing or
a physical� You must be approved by Cigna for the additional
amount of coverage and you must be actively employed for the
coverage to be effective�
Coverage Highlights
» Coverage in units of $10,000
» Maximum coverage up to the lesser of 3 times annual
benets pay or $1�75 million
» Employees pay 100% of the premium
Evidence of Insurability is Required if���
» You do not elect supplemental life insurance within
31 days of first becoming eligible for coverage and
subsequently elect coverage�
» Full-time and part-time employees can elect supplemental
life insurance up to $100,000 as an annual enrollment
election� Evidence of insurability is required for amounts
over $100,000�
» New hires can elect up to $500,000 at their initial
enrollment� EOI is required for amounts over $500,000�
Premiums are deducted from your paycheck biweekly and
based on your age as of 1/1�
This information is a brief description of the important features of the plan. It is not a contract. Terms and conditions of life coverage are set forth in Group Life Policy No. FLX965092, FLX965011 and AD&D Policy No.
OK966540. The group policy is subject to the laws of the jurisdiction in which it is issued. The availability of this oer may change. Please keep this material as a reference. Coverage is underwritten by Life Insurance
Company of North America. As used in this brochure, the term Cigna and Cigna Group Insurance are registered service marks of Life Insurance Company of North America, a CIGNA company, which is the insurer of the
Group Policy. Insurance products and services are provided by the individual CIGNA companies and not by the Corporation itself. ©
*Annual Benets Pay: Equal to your base pay (including inventive compensation for executives of KS Management Systems and members of KS Management Services and members of Kelsey-Seybold Medical Group,
PA) as of October 1, 2021 or salary at time of hire in 2022.
Kelsey Seybold
Cigna & New York Life
Dependent Life Insurance
Dependent life coverage is available if you would like to
insure your dependent child(ren) or spouse�
Coverage Highlights
» You may cover your dependent child(ren) for $10,000 per
» Employees pay 100% of the premium
» Children never require Evidence of Insurability
Spouse Lif
e insurance is subject to coverage limitations� Any
coverage amount over $50k is subject to Evidence of Insurability
(EOI)� Cigna will send you instructions on where and how to
complete the form on-line at www.mycigna.com� In some
instances, Cigna may require some additional medical testing or
a physicalYour spouse must be approved by Cigna for the
additional amount of coverage and they cannot be an inpatient
in a hospital, hospice, rehabilitation or convalescence center, or
custodial care facility; or conrmed to his or her home under the
care of a physician�
You may cover your spouse in units of $10,000 up to $500,000�
The amount cannot exceed 100% of Employee Basic Life +
Supplemental Life combined
Evidence of Insurability is Required if���
» You do not elect spouse life insurance within 31 days of
rst becoming eligible for coverage and subsequently elect
» You elect spouse life coverage that exceeds $50,000�
Please refer to the Certicate of Coverage for more highlights
related to your life insurance coverage�
Premiums are deducted from your paycheck biweekly and based
on your age� Your premium will increase 1/1 the following year
after your age puts you in a higher age bracket�
Cigna & New York Life
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D)insurance pays a
lump sum benefit for accidental injuries that result in death
or dismemberment suffered by you or a covered dependent�
Coverage Highlights
» You may elect to cover yourself only or yourself and your
family The employee election is in units of $10,000 with
child and spouse coverage as a percentage of the
employees volume��
» Certain benet riders and payable benet amounts apply
Please refer to the Summary Plan Description for more
» Maximum coverage of lesser of 5 times annual benet pay
or $1 million dollars�
» Premiums are deducted from your paycheck biweekly and
are based on your plan election and your Annual Benets
» If you and your spouse are both employed by Kelsey-
Seybold and eligible to enroll for coverage under the Plan,
one but not both, may purchase Family Coverage� The
other spouse may not elect coverage as they are already
covered under family coverage�
*Annual Benets Pay: Equal to your base pay (including inventive compensation for executives of KS
Management Systems and members of KS Management Services and members of Kelsey-Seybold
Medical Group, PA) as of October 1, 2021 or salary at time of hire in 2022.
2022 Benefit Guide
Cigna & New York Life Disability
Disability coverage provides income protection in the event you become sick , injured or pregnant, and are unable to work for an
extended period of time� Cigna conveniently handles your claims process from start to nish to reduce the stress related to
administration of these bene
If you elect Long-Term Disability, Kelsey-Seybold will provide, at no cost to you, a core Short-Term Disability benet. In
addition, employees may elect, at their own expense, Supplemental Short-Term Disability.
Disability Denition Waiting Period Benets Paid Maximum Benet Duration
Short-Term Disability
Receiving appropriate care and treatment
from a doctor on a continuing basis and
unable to earn more than 80% of your pre-
disability earnings at your own occupation.
14 calendar days from date of disability Core Plan (100% of premiums paid by
Kelsey): 60% of pre-disability earnings up
to $1,000 per week
Supplemental Plan (100% of premiums
paid by employee). 66.67% of pre-
disability earnings up to $2,500 per week
26 weeks from date of disability
Long-Term Disability
Receiving appropriate care and treatment
from a doctor on a continuing basis.
Unable to earn more than 80% of your pre-
disability earnings at your own occupation
due to sickness, injury or pregnancy.
180 calendar days from date of disability Option 1: 50% of pre-disability earnings up
to $10,000 per month
Option 2: 65% of pre-disability earnings up
to $25,000 per month
Dependent upon: Type of medical
condition; Age at the time the disability
Denition of Pre-Disability earnings: Equal to your base pay (including incentive compensation) as of October 1, 2021 or, if
hired in 2022, salary at the time of hire�
Review the Plan summary for pre-existing condition limitations, denition of disability and maximum duration details.
Kelsey Seybold
BPAS Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)
A Flexible Spending Account (FSA) allows you to set aside pre-tax dollars in a special account to use to pay for qualied expenses
in the coming year� There are two types of FSA accounts: Healthcare and Dependent CareYou can select one or both� You can save
as much as 30% on eligible expenses incurred by you or your dependent(s) by reducing your taxable income, thereby paying less
in taxes
You select the deduction amount during Open Enrollment. These annual contributions must be elected each year and funds
do not carry over from year to year. IRS guidelines state that any funds in your FSA account that you do not use by March 15th
of the following year will be forfeited. Therefore, you should carefully estimate your expected eligible expenses before
making your annual contribution election. Claims for eligible expenses must be submitted by April 30.
Flexible Spending Account - Administered by BPAS
Healthcare Spending Account Dependent Care Spending Account
When are funds available? January 1 of the Plan Year You may use funds as they accrue via payroll deductions
What are the Qualied
Healthcare services that are not fully covered or are ineligible for payment under your
healthcare plans, such as plan deductibles, copayments, eye glasses, dental visits,
or amounts exceeding maximum out-of-pocket expenses. Certain services such as
cosmetic procedures are not qualied expenses.
Child care services for children under age 13 which make it possible for you (or
spouse, if applicable) to work. Under certain circumstances, it may also be used to
pay for the care of elderly parents or a disabled spouse or dependent.
How do I access my account
or submit a claim?
After enrollment, you will receive an FSA debit card to use to pay for qualied
healthcare expenses for you and your dependents. You must keep documentation
of expenses purchased with the debit card. You may be required to submit these
itemized receipt to BPAS. If you do not do so in a timely manner, your account could
be suspended. NOTE: a prescription is required to use the debt card for most over-
the-counter (OTC) medications; see the list of qualied OTC drugs on The Pulse.
If your healthcare provider does not accept debit cards, you may submit a claim form
along with your itemized receipt of the purchase to BPAS.
After paying for your qualied dependent care expenses, submit a claim form along
with receipts of the expense to BPAS, our FSA administrator. Expenses may be paid to:
Daycare Centers
Nanny Services
Day Camps
After School Care
Elder Care, or
Family Members (if not listed as dependents)
FSA Annual Contribution Table Min Max
Healthcare FSA $260 $2,750
Dependent Care FSA (married, ling jointly) $260 $5,000
Dependent Care FSA (married, ling separately) $260 $2,500
By using www.bpas.com, you can learn what is an eligible expense, review your reimbursements and submit documentation�
Through the mobile app you can receive text alerts and make mobile claim submissions� To set up your account, go to www.bpas.
com If you need assistance logging in, please contact BPAS Customer Service Department at 866.401.5272; select Option 3
2022 Benefit Guide
Cigna Voluntary Critical Illness
Cigna Critical Illness pays a lump-sum cash benet to help you
cover the out of pocket expenses associated with a critical
illness� The plan pays a single-payment benet directly to you
to use any way you like when you are diagnosed with one of
the covered illnesses�
Plan Features
» Lump Sum Benet Policy of $15,000 or $30,000�
» Tax free single payment, regardless of what is covered by
other sources directly to the policyholder
» Annual Wellness Benet – Pays $50 once per calendar year
per covered person when a covered wellness checkup is
performed, including pap smear, mammogram,
colonoscopy, etc� Diagnosis of an illness is not required�
» Second Event – Policy will pay twice on each covered
illness (except Cancer) as long as there is a 12 month
separation between dates of diagnosis�
» Portable policy, so it stays with you if you retire or change
» Covers a broad range of conditions most likely to cause
major lifestyle changes including:
» Invasive Cancer
» Heart Attack
» Stroke
» Kidney Failure
» Coronary Artery Bypass
» Major Organ Transplant
» Carcinoma in Situ
Cigna Voluntary Accident Insurance
O The Job Accident Policy
Provides supplemental coverage for those enrolled with
expenses they may incur as a result of an accident o the job
Common activities which may lead to an injury include
football, baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, biking,
cheerleading, motorcycle riding, automobiles, etc�*
With over 30 named benets, the accident policy covers many
of the common injuries and treatments sustained as a result of
a covered accident including:
» Urgent Care and Emergency Room
» Hospital Connements
» Fractures and Dislocations
» Crutches
» Lacerations
Benefits are paid based on how treatment is prescribed by a physician�
The policy also includes a wellness, health screening and
preventive care benet of $50 per insured per year� Some
examples include (but are not limited to) routine
gynecological exams, general health exams, mammography,
and certain blood tests
*Some activities have restrictions. Please refer to the brochure and policy for a complete listing of
benets, limitations, and exclusions. Where any discrepancy exists, policy language will overrule.
There is no pre-existing condition waiting period for the
Accident Policy� Coverage may include you, your spouse and
your dependent children� You may even be eligible to continue
coverage when coverage under the policy ends� Please note
an accident must occur after the eective date of coverage,
January 1, 2022, to be a claimable event�
Cigna Voluntary Hospital Indemnity Insurance
Provides supplemental coverage for you and your family as additional nancial protection for expense associated with
hospitalizations� Hospital indemnity helps cover out-of-pocket costs for inpatient hospital stays� The plan coverage includes
inpatient admission for illnesses, injuries and maternity stays� The plan has no pre-existing exclusions
You choose how to spend or save your benet� Benet examples include: Hospital Admission, Hospital Chronic Condition
Admission, Hospital Daily Stays, Hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Stays, Hospital Observation Stay
Plan Features
» Cash benefit paid directly to you. No copays, deductibles, coinsurance, or network requirements�
» Use the money however you want. Pay for costs, such as medical copays and deductibles, travel to see a specialist, child
care, help around the house, alternative treatments and more� It’s up to you
» Cost-effective coverage. By signing up through your employer, you get coverage at a low group rate�
» Take it with you. You may be able to take your coverage with you if you leave your employer – benets won’t change if you
port your coverage
Kelsey Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold 401(k) Plan
All employees of Kelsey-Seybold Clinic are eligible to
participate in the Kelsey-Seybold 401(k) Plan immediately
upon hire� The 401(k) Plan allows you to save for retirement in
a tax deferred manner
Employee Contribution
New hires and employees are automatically enrolled at a 4%
pre-tax payroll deduction rate each pay period� Employees can
elect to defer additional, or less, contributions as Traditional
pre-tax contributions or Roth after-tax contributions� You can
change your Plan contribution at any time and the change will
be eective as soon as administratively possible�
Employer Contribution
Kelsey-Seybold contributes to your retirement by making the
following contributions to the Plan�
» Employer Match – Kelsey-Seybold contributes a 50%
matching contribution to the Plan, up to 6% of your
eligible compensation each pay period, for a maximum
matching amount of up to 3% of your eligible pay
» Discretionary Contribution – Kelsey-Seybold may make an
annual employer discretionary contribution to your 401(k)
retirement account (after the end of the calendar year)�
You must have 12 months of service prior to the
beginning of the plan year and be employed on the last
day of the year to be eligible for this contribution� The plan
year begins on 1/1 and ends on 12/31� An employer
discretionary contribution is based on your eligible
compensation for any year it is declared�
» Employer Contributions are subject to a 3 year vesting
schedule� You must work 1000 hours in a year to receive
vesting credit for one year
The plan oers a wide range of investment options in which to
invest your retirement funds� If you do not make an Investment
Election your funds are invested in a Qualied Default
Investment� You have the right to make changes to the
investment of your future contributions as well as redirect the
investment of your existing accounts at any time
To set up your account or make changes:
Or 877.778.2100
Unum Voluntary Whole Life Insurance
As a complement to our group term life coverage, we oer
Unum voluntary individual Interest Sensitive Whole Life
Insurance� The premiums are aordable and are guaranteed
not to increase as you get olderYou enroll in the amount of
coverage you can aord that best meets the needs of your
family and coverage can be increased annually to meet your
changing needs�
No physical exam is required to obtain coverage� Coverage is
eective on January 1st after you enroll in the plan� Policies are
portable so that they stay with you if you retire or change jobs
and you keep the same premium amount
Plan Features
» Cash Value Accumulation – Your policy can build cash
value that earns interest, never less than the guaranteed
minimum of 4�5%, that you can utilize while you are still
» The overall maximum face amount for an employee is
$200,000� The overall maximum face amount for a spouse
is $50,000�
» Advance Benet Option Rider – Allows policy owner to
request an advance of the policys death benet up to
50% of the policys face amount – to a maximum of
$100,000 - if the insured is diagnosed with a medical
condition limiting life expectancy to 6 months or less�
» Accidental Death Benet Rider – For an additional premium,
this rider provides an additional death benet equal to the
face amount, up to a maximum of $150,000, if the insured
dies as a result of an accident before age 70�
» Premiums are based on the insured’s age at policy issue and
do not increase as you get older
2022 Benefit Guide
2022 Premium Rate Sheet: Full-Time
Medical Insurance
(Select one: KelseyCare Network, KelseyCare POS)
Benet Plan Pay Period Cost
KelseyCare Network
Employee $86.25
Employee + Spouse $231.16
Employee + Child(ren) $155.26
Family $312.23
Kelsey Care Cigna POS
Employee $116.43
Employee + Spouse $312.06
Employee + Child(ren) $209.60
Family $421.51
Dental and Vision Insurance
(DHMO or Choice of DPPO Plan)
Benet Plan Pay Period Cost
Cigna DHMO
Employee $3.60
Employee + Spouse $7.26
Employee + Child(ren) $7.21
Family $11.74
Cigna DPPO $2,000
Employee $15.49
Employee + Spouse $33.06
Employee + Child(ren) $29.92
Family $49.49
VSP Choice
Employee $3.14
Employee + Spouse $5.49
Employee + Child(ren) $5.77
Family $10.73
Reimbursement Accounts (select one or both or none)
Pay Period Cost
Healthcare Annual Cost (maximum $2,750 divided by 26) $
Dependent Care Annual Cost (maximum $5,000 divided by 26) $
Life Insurance
Pay Period Cost
Basic Employee Life—
KSC pays two times your Annual Benet Salary at no cost to you
Supplemental Employee Life Calculation —
To calculate your pay period cost, take your elected amount / 10,000 x age rate table and divide nal number
by 26� (Use age rate table) Due to rounding, this may be o a few cents�
Your elected amount / 10,000 = x your age rate = annual rate divided by 26
Spouse Life Calculation —
Available in $10,000 increments up to $500,000—Take your Selected Spouse Life Insurance Amount / 10,000 x
age rate table (use age rate table) Due to rounding, this amount may be o a few cents�
Spouse Benet / 10,000 = x your age rate = ____________ divided by 26
Child(ren) Life Biweekly Cost Pay Period Cost
$10,000 $0.55 $
Age Rate Table for Supplemental Life/Spouse Life
Under 19 3.48 35-39 6.96 55-59 42.72
20-24 3.48 40-44 9.24 60-64 57.72
25-29 4.56 45-49 13.80 65-69 90.00
30-34 4.56 50-54 23.04 70+ 163.80
Kelsey Seybold
2022 Premium Rate Sheet: Full-Time
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Pay Period Cost
EE Only—
To calculate your pay period cost - divide nal number by 26
*Due to rounding, this amount may be o a few cents
Your elected amount / 10,000 = ______ x 1�92 = annual rate
EE + Family—
To calculate your pay period cost - divide nal number by 26
Your elected amount / 10,000 = ______ x 1�92 = annual rate
Long-Term Disability Insurance
Select one of the following and Kelsey-Seybold will provide a core Short-Term Disability benefit�
Pay Period Cost
Base LTD (50% replacement income)
To calculate your pay period cost—divide nal number by 26
Your Annual Benet Salary / 100 = x 0�46 =
Supplemental (65% replacement income)
To calculate your pay period cost—divide nal number by 26
Your Annual Benet Salary / 100 = x 0.68 =
Short-Term Disability Buy-Up Insurance
Pay Period Cost
Your Annual Salary (Max $194,000) / 52 = x 66�67% = /10= x $0�17= Monthly Premium $
To calculate your pay period cost - multiply nal number by 12 and divide by 26� $
Voluntary Benet – Allstate Group Critical Illness
$15,000 Coverage $30,000 Coverage
EE only
EE + Child(ren)
EE + Spouse
EE + Family
EE Only
EE + Child(ren)
EE + Spouse
EE + Family
Pay Period Cost
0-35 $5.00 $7.54 $8.94 $13.48 $
36-50 $12.06 $18.14 $23.06 $34.66 $
51-60 $25.70 $38.60 $50.24 $75.58 $
61-63 $40.36 $60.60 $79.70 $119.60 $
64+ $60.16 $90.30 $119.30 $179.00 $
Cigna Group Accident
EE only EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) EE + Family Pay Period Cost
$5.78 $8.48 $11.66 $14.58 $
Cigna Group Hospital Indemnity
EE only EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) EE + Family Pay Period Cost
$9.12 $15.98 $14.68 $21.54 $
2022 Benefit Guide
2022 Premium Rate Sheet: Part-Time/Benet Eligible
Use these rates if you are Part-Time regularly scheduled to work 20–29 hours per week or Benet Eligible�
Medical Insurance
(Select one: KelseyCare Network, KelseyCare POS)
Benet Plan Pay Period Cost
KelseyCare Network
Employee + Spouse
Employee + Child(ren)
Kelsey Care Cigna POS
Employee + Spouse
Employee + Child(ren)
Dental and Vision Insurance
(DHMO or Choice of DPPO Plan)
Benet Plan Pay Period Cost
Cigna DHMO
Employee $3.60
Employee + Spouse $7.26
Employee + Child(ren) $7.21
Family $11.74
Cigna DPPO $2,000
Employee $15.49
Employee + Spouse $33.06
Employee + Child(ren) $29.92
Family $49.49
VSP Choice
Employee $3.14
Employee + Spouse $5.49
Employee + Child(ren) $5.77
Family $10.73
Reimbursement Accounts (select one or both or none)
Pay Period Cost
Healthcare Annual Cost (maximum $2,750 divided by 26) $
Dependent Care Annual Cost (maximum $5,000 divided by 26) $
Life Insurance
Pay Period Cost
Basic Employee Life—
You can elect up to 2x your Annual Benet Salary� Employee pays 100% of Premium�
Supplemental Employee Life Calculation —
To calculate your pay period cost, take your elected amount / 10,000 x age rate table and divide nal number by
26� (Use age rate table) Due to rounding, this may be o a few cents�
Your elected amount / 10,000 = x your age rate = annual rate divided by 26
Spouse Life Calculation —
Available in $5,000 increments up to $500,000—Take your Selected Spouse Life Insurance Amount/ 1,000 x age
rate table (use age rate table) Due to rounding, this amount may be o a few cents�
Spouse Benet / 10,000 = x your age rate = ______ divided by 26
Child(ren) Life Biweekly Cost Pay Period Cost
$10,000 $0.55 $
Age Rate Table for Supplemental Life/Spouse Life
Under 19 3.48 35-39 6.96 55-59 42.72
20-24 3.48 40-44 9.24 60-64 57.72
25-29 4.56 45-49 13.80 65-69 90.00
30-34 4.56 50-54 23.04 70+ 163.80
Kelsey Seybold
2022 Premium Rate Sheet: Part-Time/Benet Eligible
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Pay Period Cost
EE Only—
To calculate your pay period cost - divide nal number by 26
*Due to rounding, this amount may be o a few cents
Your Annual Benet Salary / 1,000 = x .192 = x 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (level of coverage) = $
EE + Family—
To calculate your pay period cost - divide nal number by 26
Your Annual Benet Salary / 1,000 = x .384 = x 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (level of coverage) = $
Long-Term Disability Insurance
Select one of the following and Kelsey-Seybold will provide a core Short-Term Disability benet� Select one of the following and
Kelsey-Seybold will provide a core Short-Term Disability benet�
Pay Period Cost
Base LTD (50% replacement income)
To calculate your pay period cost—divide nal number by 26
Your Annual Benet Salary / 100 = x 0�46 =
Supplemental (65% replacement income)
To calculate your pay period cost—divide nal number by 26
Your Annual Benet Salary / 100 = x 0.68 =
Short-Term Disability Buy-Up Insurance
Pay Period Cost
Your Annual Salary (Max $194,000) / 52 = x 66�67% = /10= x $0�17= Monthly Premium $
To calculate your pay period cost - multiply nal number by 12 and divide by 26� $
Group Critical Illness
$15,000 Coverage $30,000 Coverage
EE only
EE + Child(ren)
EE + Spouse
EE + Family
EE Only
EE + Child(ren)
EE + Spouse
EE + Family
Pay Period Cost
0-35 $5.00 $7.54 $8.94 $13.48 $
36-50 $12.06 $18.14 $23.06 $34.66 $
51-60 $25.70 $38.60 $50.24 $75.58 $
61-63 $40.36 $60.60 $79.70 $119.60 $
64+ $60.16 $90.30 $119.30 $179.00 $
Cigna Group Accident
EE only EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) EE + Family Pay Period Cost
$5.78 $8.48 $11.66 $14.58 $
Cigna Group Hospital Indemnity
EE only EE + Spouse EE + Child(ren) EE + Family Pay Period Cost
$9.12 $15.98 $14.68 $21.54 $
2022 Benefit Guide
Contact Information
If you have specic questions about a benet plan, please contact the administrator listed below, or your local Human Resources
Benet Administrator Phone Group #
Eligibility, Enrollment, COBRA and
Benets Department 713.442.5000 opt. 3
Medical Coverage
KelseyCare Network
KelseyCare Cigna POS Network
PHY 2464734
EE 2466930
Pharmacy Coverage Express Scripts (ESI) 888.296.4876
Vision Coverage VSP 800.877.7195
Dental Coverage Cigna 800.244.6224
PHY 2464734
EE 2466930
Life Cigna
Basic FLX 965092
SuppFLX 965011
Accidental Death & Dismemberment Cigna OK 966540
Cigna & New York Life
PHY: STD - FLK961073 | EE: STD - FLK 0961030
LTD - VDT962922 | LTD - VDT962686
Flexible Spending Account BPAS 866.401.5272 Your Social Security Number
Employee Assistance Account United Behavioral Health 800.788.5614
Retirement Prudential 877.778.2100
Voluntary Benets
Micha Castro Voluntary Bene ts Account
Critical Illness, Accident,
Hospital Indemnity Insurance
210.757.4273 or 800.840.6580 ext. 4
Unum Whole Life 713.706.4761 or 800.543.8686
KelseyCare Concierge KelseyCare 713.442.9540
KelseyCare Advantage KelseyCare 713.442.2273
Kelsey Seybold
Kelsey-Seybold Clinic
Human Resources
11511 Shadow Creek Parkway
Pearland, Texas 77584
is benet summary prepared by