U.S. National Science Foundation
CAREER Proposal Submission Logistics Webinar
Presented by the Office of the Chief Information Officer,
Division of Enterprise Services
June 7, 2024
Stephanie Yee
IT Project Manager
Research.gov/FastLane/Grants.gov Integration Operations & Management Lead
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Division of Enterprise Services
CAREER Proposal Submission in Research.gov or Grants.gov
Key Account Management Milestones
Senior/Key Personnel Documents
Research.gov Proposal Preparation Features & Demo
Key Proposal Submission Milestones
How Proposers Check Submitted Proposal Status in Research.gov
IT Service Desk Reminders & System Maintenance Outages
Research.gov Proposal Preparation Training Resources
Information Resources & Contacts for Questions
CAREER Proposals Can Be Submitted in Research.gov or Grants.gov
Faculty Early Career Development
Program (CAREER) Program
Solicitation 22-586 and Program page
Full proposal deadline: Wednesday,
July 24 (5:00 p.m. submitting
organization’s local time)
Full Proposals submitted via
Research.gov: NSF Proposal &
Award Policies & Procedures Guide
(PAPPG) guidelines apply
Full proposals submitted via
Grants.gov: NSF Grants.gov
Application Guide (NSF 24-006)
guidelines apply. See the appendix for
additional guidance
CAREER Proposal Submission Timeline
NSF strongly encourages Principal Investigators (PIs)
and organizations to follow the CAREER Proposal
Submission Timeline guidance for Program
Solicitation 22-586
Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be
accepted or will be returned without review unless the
submission meets the special exceptions to NSF’s
deadline date policy per PAPPG Chapter I.F.
Timeline includes both account management and
proposal submission milestones and is applicable to
CAREER proposals submitted in Research.gov and
How Time Zone Is Determined for Proposal
How Time Zone Is Determined for Proposal Submission
The 5:00 PM submission time is
determined by the sub
ization’s time zone, not the PI’
individual working location
PIs can view their organization’s time
zone by signing
into Research.
Select My Profile at the top of the
Select View My Roles
Choose the organization
Select Edit Your Contact Info
Note: A request for a proposal file update will
automatically be accepted if submitted prior to the
due date
Before You Can Prepare Your Proposal in
Research.gov or Grants.gov
CAREER Proposal Submission Timeline: Account Management
Organizations must be registered with NSF to submit proposals to NSF in Research.gov or
Before a new organization can register with NSF, it must first register in the System for Award
Management (SAM) and obtain a SAM-issued Unique Entity ID (UEI)
Refer to CAREER Proposal Submission Timeline page 6 for additional information and resource
Key Milestone Summary Registering a New Organization
Suggested # of Days
Before Deadline
Suggested Date Milestone or Action
35 days (5 weeks) Wednesday, June 19, 2024 New organization registers in SAM and obtains a SAM UEI (Administrator role)
21 days Wednesday, July 3, 2024 New organization checks SAM.gov to see if registration is active (Administrator role)
21 days Wednesday, July 3, 2024 New organization registers with NSF (Administrator role)
CAREER Proposal Submission Timeline: Account Management
To apply to the CAREER program, a proposer must have an NSF account (NSF ID) in Research.gov and an organization-
approved PI role affiliated with an organization registered with NSF. This requirement is also applicable to Grants.gov proposers
Grants.gov proposers must have both an NSF account (NSF ID) and a Grants.gov account
Proposers who previously submitted a postdoctoral fellowship proposal to NSF in Grants.gov or registered as an unaffiliated
individual in their Grants.gov account can inadvertently attempt to apply to the CAREER program as an individual unless
their Grants.gov account profile is updated. NSF CAREER proposals cannot be submitted by an individual
Grants.gov proposers should contact Grants.gov to update their Grants.gov account profile as necessary before starting
their CAREER proposal to ensure that they are not applying as an individual
Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) submits the proposal to NSF. This requirement also applies to proposals
submitted via Grants.gov
Refer to CAREER Proposal Submission Timeline page 3 for additional information and resource links
Key Milestone Summary NSF Account and User Roles
Suggested # of Days
Before Deadline
Suggested Date Milestone or Action
21 days
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Users with existing NSF accounts confirm their account (NSF ID) is active and does not have any
account issues (e.g., suspended or is in danger of being suspended due to multiple accounts
associated with one email address) (PI and AOR roles)
21 days
Wednesday, July 3, 2024
New users (prospective PIs) register for an NSF account and request a PI role (PI role)
14 days
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
PI role request approved by organization’s Administrator (Administrator role)
Senior/Key Personnel Documents
CAREER Proposal Submission Timeline: Senior/Key Personnel
Senior/key personnel documents must be submitted for each individual identified as a senior/key person on the
proposal. See Documents Required for Senior Personnel, PAPPG Exhibit II.3,and PAPPG Chapter II.D.2.h.
Senior/key personnel documents:
Biographical Sketch (Create and download in SciENcv)
Current and Pending (Other) Support (Create and download in SciENcv)
Collaborators and Other Affiliations (Download COA template and edit in Microsoft Excel)
Synergistic Activities (Upload one-page PDF. This document is not created in SciENcv)
Synergistic Activities section was removed from the Biographical Sketch. This information must be uploaded as a
separate document in Research.gov and Grants.gov. See PAPPG Chapter II.D.2.h(iv)
Policy-related questions regarding the content of the senior/key personnel documents should be directed
Refer to CAREER Proposal Submission Timeline page 4
Key Milestone Summary Senior/Key Personnel Documents
Suggested # of Days
Before Deadline
Suggested Date Milestone or Action
14 days
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Prepare Senior/Key Personnel documents (All individuals designated as a senior/key person
on the proposal)
Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support
Use of SciENcv is mandatory for preparation of the Biographical Sketch and Current and
Pending (Other) Support proposal sections
See Documents Required for Senior Personnel, PAPPG Exhibit II.3,and PAPPG Chapter
Research.gov and Grants.gov ONLY accept the current version of the Biographical Sketch and
Current and Pending (Other) Support prepared in SciENcv. Attempting to upload a prior
SciENcv version or the NSF fillable PDF will generate a compliance error message preventing
proposal submission
Current version of Biographical Sketch has “SCV Biographical Sketch v.2024-1" in the
document footer
Current version of Current and Pending (Other) Support has “SCV C&P(O)S v.2024-1” in the
document footer
SciENcv Training Resources
NSF Biographical Sketch video tutorial
NSF Current and Pending (Other) Support video tutorial
SciENcv Help Manual with NSF-specific sections (includes screenshots and step-by-step
Using SciENcv Frequently Asked Questions
SciENcv Demo (2024 Spring NSF Grants Conference) Recording from June 4th session will be
available in the Policy Office Outreach Resource Center for on-demand viewing
Implementing the Common Forms for the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other)
Support (April 2024 NSF/NIH webinar with SciENcv demo)
Research.gov Proposal Preparation
Features & Demo
Research.gov Proposal Preparation Features
Features to help reduce proposal preparation administrative burden and to minimize return without review
proposals due to some formatting issues:
Intuitive and dynamic interfaces that provide only relevant proposal preparation options
Inline help features
Information tool tips indicated by the blue information icon:
Links labeled "key" in column headers which open a window to explain the statuses used in the column
Links to applicable Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) sections
Links to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Links to video tutorials
Fast document uploads and immediate feedback within each proposal section and for each document upload
Expanded automated compliance checking utilizing error messages (stopping proposal submission) and
warning messages (allowing proposal submission)
Currently ~200 automated compliance checks in Research.gov for full proposals
Specific, actionable error and warning messages
PDF uploads are not altered
Research.gov Proposal Document Upload Reminders
Compliant fonts per PAPPG:
Arial, Courier New, or Palatino Linotype at a font size of 10 points or larger
Times New Roman at a font size of 11 points or larger
Computer Modern family of fonts at a font size of 11 points or larger
Line Spacing Warnings
Per PAPPG, there should be no more than six lines of text within a vertical space of one inch
Some known Research.gov line spacing issues with documents originating in LaTeX. Please
refer to https://github.com/nsf-open/nsf-proposal-latex-samples for information on how to
Some known Research.gov issues with documents using Arial font size 10. Issues do not
appear for font sizes Arial 10.5 and Arial 11
Research.gov Proposal Document Upload Reminders (cont’d)
URL Errors
Per PAPPG, URLs must not be used in the Project Description
Hidden or embedded URLs can be prevalent when using citations. Proposers should also search
for "www" or "http" text
Resources for More Information
Uploading Documents FAQs on the Research.gov About Proposal Preparation and Submission
Automated Compliance Checking of NSF Proposals page
Research.gov Proposal Preparation Demo
Proposal Setup Wizard
Proposal Main Page
Changing Proposal Duration on Cover Sheet
Document Upload and Compliance Error/Warning
Uploading Departmental Letter to Other
Supplementary Documents Section
Senior/Key Personnel Documents
Proposal File Updates/Budget Revisions
CAREER Proposal Submission
CAREER Proposal Submission Timeline: Submission Milestones
Proposers are strongly encouraged to submit their CAREER proposals well in advance of the deadline to allow time to
correct any problems that may occur in the submission process and to avoid high-traffic delays at the NSF IT Service
A request for a proposal file update will automatically be accepted if submitted prior to the deadline date
Refer to CAREER Proposal Submission Timeline page 4-5 for additional information and resource links
Key Milestone Summary Proposal Submission
Suggested # of Days
Before Deadline
Suggested Date Milestone or Action
12 days
Friday, July 12, 2024
Organization completes resolution of any SAM.gov certification issues and confirms SAM registration and
UEI are active (Administrator role)
9 days
Monday, July 15, 2024
Submit CAREER proposal through Grants.gov (AOR role)
7 days
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Submit CAREER proposal through Research.gov (AOR role)
0 days
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
(5:00 p.m. submitting organization’s local
Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. submitting organization’s local time
Proposals submitted in Research.gov after the deadline will not be accepted or will be returned without review
unless the submission meets the special exceptions to NSF’s deadline date policy per PAPPG Chapter I.F.
Proposals submitted in Grants.gov prior to the deadline but received or processed at NSF after the deadline
will not be accepted or will be returned without review unless the submission meets the special exceptions to
NSF’s deadline date policy per PAPPG Chapter I.F.
Grants.gov Proposal Submission
Grants.gov Proposal Processing in Research.gov Informational
Grants.gov Proposal Processing in Research.gov page
When submitting via Grants.gov, NSF typically recommends
proposers initiate proposal submission at least five business days
in advance of a deadline to allow adequate time to address NSF
compliance errors and resubmissions by 5:00 p.m. submitting
organization's local time on the deadline. Additional time (i.e.,
nine days) is recommended for the CAREER proposal
submission deadline due to the high volume of expected
Grants.gov proposals must pass all NSF pre-check and post-
check validations in order to be accepted by Research.gov at
Some errors cannot be corrected in Grants.gov. Once a proposal
passes pre-checks but fails any post-check, the proposer can
only correct and submit their in-progress proposal in
Receiving a Grants.gov Agency Tracking Number does not mean
the proposal was successfully accepted by NSF
Grants.gov Proposal Submission
Proposals submitted via
Grants.gov must pass through
multiple systems for processing
Each Grants.gov proposal
successfully submitted to NSF
triggers four Grants.gov
confirmation emails and one
Research.gov confirmation email.
Additional Research.gov emails
requiring action by the proposer
are possible
Grants.gov proposals must pass
all Research.gov pre-check and
post-check validations and be
successfully submitted to NSF by
5:00 p.m. submitting
organization's local time on
Wednesday, July 24
Grants.gov Proposal Processing
in Research.gov how-to guide
Overview of Grants.gov Proposal Processing in Research.gov
- -
Note: See the appendix for example notification email screenshots.
Grants.gov Proposal Submission: Grants.gov Confirmation Emails
After a proposal is submitted to NSF in Grants.gov, four Grants.gov confirmation emails will be
sent to the PI:
1. Submission Receipt
2. Submission Validation Receipt
3. Agency Retrieval Receipt of Application
If the three Grants.gov confirmation emails listed above are not received within 10 minutes
after submitting the proposal in Grants.gov, the PI shoul d call the NSF IT Service Desk at 800-
381-1532 for assistance.
The fourth Grants.gov confirmation email is sent to the PI after the proposal has been
successfully submitted to NSF and a proposal number is assigned. The proposal has not been
successfully accepted by NSF until the PI receives the Research.gov confirmation email
4. Tracking Number Assignment
How Proposers Check Submitted Proposal
Status in Research.gov
How Proposers Check Submitted Proposal Status in Research.gov
Within 24 hours of proposal submission in Research.gov
(including proposals submitted via Grants.gov and processed
in Research.gov), the proposal will be listed on the
Research.gov Proposal Status page
Proposers can access the Proposal Status page using the
Proposal Status link under Proposals on the Research.gov
homepage after signing in
If proposers do not see a submitted proposal listed on the
Proposal Status page after 24 hours, the proposer should
contact the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532 for
assistance. The NSF IT Service Desk is available by phone
from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM ET Monday - Friday except federal
holidays or via email to [email protected]
In addition, proposal reviews and if applicable, the panel
summary, context statement, and site visit report will be
available on the Proposal Status page using the Proposal
Status link
IT Service Desk Reminders &
System Maintenance Outages
IT Service Desk Reminders
For IT system-related and technical questions, please contact the NSF IT Service Desk at 1-800-381-1532
(7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time; Monday - Friday except federal holidays) or via
Keep track of your NSF IT Service Desk ticket number and save all emails to/from the NSF IT Service Desk
about your issue
If you email the NSF IT Service Desk, it could take more than one business day for a ticket number
depending on NSF IT Service Desk volume
If the issue is urgent, NSF recommends calling the NSF IT Service Desk to get a ticket number
Some issues do not have quick turnaround times to resolve. Please do not wait until the July 24
deadline to
request NSF account reconciliation
For SciENcv technical questions related to Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support
documents, please contact the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Help Desk (7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Eastern
Time, Monday through Friday except for federal holidays) via email at [email protected] or create a
ticket at https://support.nlm.nih.gov/support/create-case/. The NIH Help Desk cannot be reached by telephone
For program-specific questions, please contact the Program Officer of the program to which you are interested
in applying. Division CAREER contacts are listed at https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/career/contacts.jsp. If you
need help with programs, please contact the CAREER Coordinating Committee at [email protected]
System Maintenance Outages
NSF performs regular system maintenance over the weekends which *may* impact services
Typical maintenance outage window is Friday night to Saturday morning
Please review the advisories at the top of on the Research.gov homepage prior to the weekend for outage hours and
Maintenance will occur the weekend before the July 24th deadlineplan accordingly!
Maintenance on the night of Friday, July 19 with Research.gov outages expected until the morning (typically 8:00
a.m.) of Saturday, July 20
Sometimes the system outage windows must be extended due to unforeseen circumstances
Key Milestone Summary Proposal Submission
Suggested # of Days
Before Deadline
Suggested Date Milestone or Action
12 days
Friday, July 12, 2024
Organization completes resolution of any SAM.gov certification issues and
confirms SAM registration and UEI are active
Research.gov Maintenance Outage Window: July 12 p.m. July 13 a.m. (check posted advisory for specific outage window )
9 days
Monday, July 15, 2024
Submit CAREER proposal through Grants.gov
7 days
Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Submit CAREER proposal through Research.gov
Research.gov Maintenance Outage Window: July 19 p.m. July 20 a.m. (check posted advisory for specific outage window)
0 days
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
(5:00 p.m. submitting
organization’s local time)
Proposals are due by 5:00 p.m. submitting organization's local time.
Proposals submitted after the deadline will not be accepted or will be
returned without review.
Research.gov Proposal Preparation
Demo Site and Training Resources
Research.gov Proposal Preparation Demo Site
Demo site can be used to explore
preparing proposals and to check
compliance of uploaded proposal
documents (e.g., Collaborators and Other
Affiliations and Biographical Sketch)
All demo site users are automatically
given the PI role for demo site purposes,
in order to perform the proposal
preparation functions that a PI can do in
the actual system. Proposal submission
capability is disabled
See the demo site FAQs on the
page for
information on demo site access and
About Proposal
Preparation and Submission
Research.gov Demo Site: Proposal Preparation Homepage
https://web.demo.research.gov/proposalprep/#/proposal-prep (User will be
prompted to sign into Research.gov if not already signed in)
Note: See the appendix for demo site tips.
Proposal Sections
Uploading Documents
Research.gov About Proposal Preparation and Submission Page
Training Resources
FAQs by topic including:
topic for document formatting FAQs
topic for Cover Sheet and budget FAQs
How-to Guides (see
for full list of guides)
Initiating a New Proposal
Adding or Removing an OAU
Sharing Proposal and Proposal File Update/Budget
Revision Access with SPO/AOR
Entering Proposal Budgets
Adding or Removing Collaborators and Other Affiliations
Submitting Letters of Intent and Proposals
Preparing Proposal File Updates
Preparing Budget Revisions
Submitting Proposal File Updates/Budget Revisions
Preparing Updated Current and Pending (Other) Support
Resources for LaTeX Users
Open-source repository of compliant LaTeX/TeX sample input/output files for
LaTeX/TeX users to reference for their own documents
Repository link: https://github.com/nsf-open/nsf-proposal-latex-samples
Information Resources & Contacts
for Questions
Information Resources
Join our NSF System Updates listserv to receive the latest Research.gov system enhancement information!
Sign up by sending a blank email to: system_updates-subscribe-request@listserv.nsf.gov
Automated Compliance Checking of NSF Proposals page
Grants.gov Maintenance Calendar
Grants.gov Proposal Processing in Research.gov page
al Sketch
and Current and Pending (Other) Support pages
NSF Grants.gov Application Guide (NSF 24-006)
NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1)
Research.gov About Account Management page
Research.gov About Proposal Preparation and Submission page
Research.gov (User will be prompted to sign into Research.gov if not already
signed in)
Proposal Preparation Demo Site
Resources for LaTeX Users: https://github.com/nsf-open/nsf-proposal-latex-samples
SciENcv (for preparation of Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support documents)
Contacts for Questions
Ask Early, Ask Often!
For program-specific questions, please contact the Program Officer of the program to which
you are interested in applying. Division CAREER contacts are listed at
https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/career/contacts.jsp. If you need help with programs, please contact
the CAREER Coordinating Committee at [email protected]
For IT system-related questions or technical questions, please contact the NSF IT Service
Desk at 1-800-381-1532 (7:00 a.m.
9:00 p.m. Eastern Time; Monday -
Friday except federal
holidays) or via [email protected]
For SciENcv technical questions, please contact the NIH Help Desk (7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m.
Eastern Time, Monday through Friday except for federal holidays) via email at
or create a ticket at
The NIH Help
Desk cannot be reached
by telephone
Policy-related questions
should be directed to [email protected]
Thank you for your participation today!
Post-Review: Current and Pending (Other) Support Update Requests
Cognizant NSF Program Officer will request that
an updated version of Current and Pending
(Other) Support be submitted for all senior/key
personnel named on the proposal prior to making
a funding recommendation
SciENcv will produce an NSF-compliant PDF
AOR submits the updated document using the
Research.gov budget revision feature for each
individual named as senior/key personnel on the
submitted proposal
See the Preparing Updated Current and Pending
(Other) Support how-to guide for step-by-step
Post-review: Current and Pending (Other) Support Update Requests (contd)
Current and Pending (Other) Support update documents cannot be edited or corrected after submission.
Research.gov does not allow resubmission
Research.gov reminders for Current and Pending (Other) Support updates:
If a Program Officer has initiated a Current and Pending (Other) Support update request, a budget
revision cannot be initiated by the PI. The Current and Pending (Other) Support update must be
completed first and then a budget revision can be started by the PI
If the PI has already started a budget revision when the Current and Pending (Other) Support
update is initiated by the Program Officer, the in-progress budget revision must be deleted so that
the Current and Pending (Other) Support update can be completed and submitted
If a budget revision has already been submitted, a Current and Pending (Other) Support update
cannot be submitted on the same day to allow time for processing
Providing Research.gov Proposal
Feedback and Why Its Important
Help NSF continue to refine Research.gov
proposal preparation and submission
Help ensure the system is working as intended
and identify areas of improvement
Feedback may be submitted on the
Research.gov using the
“Prepare and Submit Proposals” drop-down
menu option
Feedback page
Research.gov Proposal Preparation Demo Site Tips
Demo site FAQs are available on the Research.gov About Proposal Preparation and Submission page via
the left navigation bar. How-to guides with step-by-step instructions and screenshots are also available
The demo site is available both to the research community and to NSF staff
An orange "Proposal Preparation Demo Site" banner is at the top of each demo site page to indicate the user
is on the demo site
The demo site allows users to prepare and edit proposals before preparing them in the actual Research.gov
Demo site proposals are not visible or available in the actual Research.gov Proposal Submission System,
and data cannot be transferred between the demo site and the actual proposal system
All proposal and submission types available in the actual system are also available in the demo site. As
proposal and submission types are added to the Research.gov Proposal Submission System, they will also
be added to the demo site
All compliance checks enabled in the actual Research.gov Proposal Submission System are also in the
demo site. Proposers can use the demo site as a resource to check document compliance before uploading
them in the actual system
Research.gov Proposal Preparation Demo Site Tips (contd)
Proposals created in the demo site will be available for six months and then will be deleted by NSF. Neither
NSF nor users will be able to access deleted demo proposal data
Demo site does not support proposal submission and will not trigger any system-generated email
notifications (e.g., link requests for separately submitted collaborative proposals)
The organization that you are affiliated with in your NSF account profile will be incorporated when you are in
the proposal preparation demo site, but the user role(s) that you have will not be available in the demo site
All users who access the demo site will be given the role of PI and the mock organization “National
Science Foundation
This means that users from the research community will have the organization(s) they are affiliated with
in their NSF account profile plus the “National Science Foundation” mock organization as available
organizations in the demo site
The only time other users will be able to view and/or edit any proposals that you create in the demo site is if
you add them to the proposal as a co-PI or Other Authorized User (OAU). If you don’t add any users to the
proposal, no one will else will be able to access, view, or edit your demo proposal
Grants.gov Proposal Submission Appendix
Grants.gov Proposal Submission: Grants.gov Confirmation Emails
Example Grants.gov Confirmation Email #1: Submission Receipt
Grants.gov Proposal Submission: Grants.gov Confirmation Emails (contd)
Example Grants.gov Confirmation Email #2: Submission Validation Receipt
Grants.gov Proposal Submission: Grants.gov Confirmation Emails (contd)
Example Grants.gov Confirmation Email #3: Agency Retrieval Receipt of Application
Grants.gov Proposal Submission: Grants.gov Confirmation Emails (contd)
Example Grants.gov Confirmation Email #4: Tracking Number Assignment
Grants.gov Proposal Submission: Research.gov Confirmation Email
Example Research.gov Email: Successful Grants.gov Proposal Submission to NSF
Email Sender:
Email Recipients: PI,
co-PI, AOR, and SPO
NSF Proposal
NSF University
NSF University
Grants.gov Proposal Submission: Potential Research.gov Notification Email
Example Research.gov Email: Proposal Failed Pre-Check Validation
Email Sender:
Email Recipients: PI,
co-PI, AOR, and SPO
List of Grants.gov proposal pre-check validations are posted on the NSF.gov Automated Compliance Checking
of NSF Proposals page
Proposal corrections must b e made in source system (Grants.gov or Sy stem-to-System) and proposal
resubmitted in Grants.gov
Grants.gov Proposal Submission: Potential Research.gov Notification Email
Example Research.gov Email: Proposal Failed Post-Check V alidation
Email Sender:
Email Recipients: PI, co-PI, AOR,
and SPO
Post-check validations include the
Research.gov automated compliance checks
for the full proposal submission type posted
on the NSF.gov
Automated Compliance
Checking of NSF Proposals page
Proposal corrections must b e made in
Research.gov and proposal resubmitted in
NSF Proposal
NSF University
NSF University