LoL-V2T: Large-Scale Esports Video Description Dataset
Tsunehiko Tanaka
Waseda University
Edgar Simo-Serra
Waseda University
Video Description Task
Masking in Preprocessing
and now it’ s all about this best of one and for g2
and now it’ s all about this best of <0> and for <team>
Captioning Model
<team> is just going to be able to take down the turret
and they are going to have
of Timestamps
LoL-V2T Dataset
sentence: that is very scary but we do have
timestamps: [5.09, 7.12]
sentence: Xin moving down
timestamp: [7.12, 8.14]
sentence: he should have been spotted on
the war that was further up
timestamps: [8.14, 15.8]
00:10:49.360 --> 00:10:50.740
as well as lissandra that's very scary
00:10:50.740 --> 00:10:51.970
but we do have
00:10:51.970 --> 00:10:54.250
Xin moving down he should have been
00:10:54.250 --> 00:10:55.870
spotted on the war that was further up
Figure 1: Overview of our video description approach for esports. Left: We created a new large-scale esports dataset
consisting of gameplay clip with multiple captions. Right: We mask domain-specific words in captions to improve training
and generalization abilities of our model.
Esports is a fastest-growing new field with a largely
online-presence, and is creating a demand for automatic
domain-specific captioning tools. However, at the current
time, there are few approaches that tackle the esports video
description problem. In this work, we propose a large-scale
dataset for esports video description, focusing on the pop-
ular game “League of Legends”. The dataset, which we
call LoL-V2T, is the largest video description dataset in the
video game domain, and includes 9,723 clips with 62,677
captions. This new dataset presents multiple new video cap-
tioning challenges such as large amounts of domain-specific
vocabulary, subtle motions with large importance, and a
temporal gap between most captions and the events that
occurred. In order to tackle the issue of vocabulary, we
propose a masking the domain-specific words and provide
additional annotations for this. In our results, we show that
the dataset poses a challenge to existing video captioning
approaches, and the masking can significantly improve per-
formance. Our dataset and code is publicly available
1. Introduction
Esports are growing rapidly in popularity and have gen-
erated $950 million in revenue in 2019 with a year-on-
year growth of +22.7% and is approaching the scale of
existing sports leagues [19]. The main content in esports
consists of tournament or gameplay videos, however, they
are challenging for a new audience to understand given
that they contain significant information (e.g., character hit
points, skill cool time, and effects of using items). Captions
are a useful tool for viewers to understand the status of a
match. Recently, video description approaches have started
to tackle the sports domain [32, 34], however, there are few
approaches tackling the esports domain. We believe this
is caused by a lack of large-scale datasets, and present the
LoL-V2T dataset to address this issue.
(shifted right)
Feed Forward
Add & Norm
Add & Norm
Feed Forward
Add & Norm
Add & Norm
Add & Norm
Feed Forward
Feed Forward
Add & Norm
Add & Norm
token Type
(shifted right)
Linear & Norm Linear & Norm
Figure 2: Overview of our captioning models. The left model is based on the vanilla transformer proposed by Zhou et al. [37],
while the model on the right is based on the transformer with recurrent memory module [15].
Our dataset for video description in esports consists of
narrated videos of the League of Legends world champi-
onships “Worlds”. We chose League of Legends as the
sports title as it is one of the most popular esports games
and thus it is easy to obtain significant amount of narrated
videos. We split each video into different scenes, which are
then filtered such that non-gameplay related scenes are re-
moved. Afterwards, we extract complete sentence captions
from the narrations, and compute the temporal boundaries
corresponding to each of the captions. After this process-
ing, we obtain a total of 9,723 clips with 62,677 captions,
where each clip is associated to multiple captions. LoL-
V2T has three different challenges for training captioning
models. First, the captions contain a significant amount
of proper nouns specific to the esports title and numerals
that describe the status of matches. Second, some impor-
tant objects in the clips are difficult for captioning models
to recognize because their size and subtle motions. Third,
some pairs of a clip and captions are not necessarily aligned
temporally, i.e., there can be significant lag between game
actions and captions.
In this paper, we additionally tackle the difficulty cor-
responding to the large amounts of proper nouns and nu-
merals. While they are important for describing gameplay,
memorizing them is difficult for captioning models because
of the large variety and low frequency of occurrence of each
word. Furthermore, they change over time as the game is
updated and renewed. To tackle this problem in the LoL-
V2T dataset, we rely on masking. In particular, our prepro-
cessing approach consists in a masking scheme for proper
nouns and numerals in the captions. First, we classify the
proper nouns in the captions into several groups according
to their meaning. We treat numerals as a group. Then, when
a proper noun or a numeral appears in a caption, we replace
the word with the name of the group to which it belongs. By
using this method, we can increase the frequency of proper
nouns and numerals while keeping the group names in the
captions that are simple enough for a new audience to com-
prehend. Our key task is to generate multi-sentences for es-
ports videos, and we use video paragraph captioning mod-
els that build upon the models of Vanilla Transformer [37]
and MART [15]. An overview is shown in Figure 2. We
show the challenges of LoL-V2T and corroborate the effec-
tiveness of our proposed approach through experiments.
2. Related Work
Video Description Dataset
Various datasets for video description have been pro-
posed covering a wide range of domains such as cook-
ing [36, 22], instructions [18], and human activities [24, 31,
14]. We summarize existing video description datasets and
Name Domain Clips Captions Duration Multiple Narration
Charades [24] human 10k 16k 82h - -
MSR-VTT [31] open 10k 200k 40h - -
YouCook2 [36] cooking 14k 14k 176h X -
ANet Captions [14] open 100k 100k 849h X -
TACOS-ML [22] cooking 14k 53k 13h X -
HowTo100M [18] instruction 136M 136M 134,472h - X
Getting Over It [16] video game 2,274 2,274 1.8h - X
LoL-V2T (Ours) video game 9.7k 63k 76h X X
Table 1: Comparison of the existing video description datasets. Multiple indicates whether or not multiple captions are
associated with a single clip. Narration indicates whether or not captions are generated from the narration contained in the
compare key statistics in Table 1. Video description datasets
can be divided into two types: one with one caption per clip,
and one with multiple captions per clip. Furthermore, there
are two types of captions: those generated by manual an-
notation, and those generated automatically from the narra-
tion. In this work, we propose a large dataset for esports
where multiple captions correspond to a clip and are auto-
matically generated from the narration. As shown in Table
1, LoL-V2T is the largest dataset in the video game domain
and is comparable in size to datasets in other domains.
Video Description
Early work in video description [13, 3, 7] was based
on template-based methods. The templates require a large
number of linguistic rules manually set up, which are only
effective in constrained environments. They also have lim-
ited applicability, and most research has focused on human
actions. With the growth of deep learning, a method using
an encoder-decoder framework for video description [27]
was proposed, which overcomes the limitations of template-
based methods. This method used CNN for encoder and
RNN for decoder, demonstrating the high performance of
CNN for video feature representation and RNN for sequen-
tial learning. Subsequently, mean pooling, which was used
to aggregate the features of each frame in the encoder, was
replaced by CRF [8], and the CNN used in the encoder was
replaced by RNN [8, 26]. Following the success [1] of at-
tention mechanisms in machine translation, several meth-
ods have been proposed: temporal attention [33], which
focuses on the temporal direction, semantic attention [9],
which focuses on tags of semantic concepts extracted from
images, and methods using both [20]. Furthermore, Zhou
et al. [37] applied the transformer architecture [25] to the
Video Description Model. Self-Attention in the transformer
can replace RNN, which is effective for modeling long-term
dependencies in series data. However, transformer architec-
tures are unable to model history information because they
can operate only separated fixed-length segments. Lei et
al. [15] solved this problem by MART which is an archi-
tecture with memory module like LSTM [11] and GRU [5]
based on the transformer.
Video Description in Video Game
Several works [32, 34] on video description for existing
sports videos have been proposed. Yan et al. [32] use a ten-
nis video as input and generate captions using Structured
SVM and LSTM. Yu et al. [34] used videos of NBA games
as inputs and generated captions using LSTM and subnet-
works suitable for basketball videos.
Esports footages contain much more information than
existing sports videos, making video comprehension diffi-
cult. Some video description efforts target video games as
complex as esports games and use “Let’s Play” videos as
input. “Let’s Play” videos contain audio of players’ com-
ments on gameplay, which can be converted to text by an
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system and used as
captioning data. Shah et al. [23] generated a caption for
each frame by training a simple CNN model that combines
three conv layers with 75 minutes of Minecraft “Let’s Play”
videos and 4,840 sentences. Li et al. [16] applied sequence-
to-sequence networks with attention to this task, using a
dataset of 110 minutes of “Let’s Play” videos by Getting
Over It with Bennett Foddy and 2,274 sentences. Various
inputs such as video, optical flow, and audio are compared.
In this paper, we propose LoL-V2T, a dataset using video
game footages in esports that focuses on gameplay. LoL-
V2T consists of 4,568 minutes of video and 62,677 sen-
tences, which is much larger than existing datasets in the
video game domain.
3. LoL-V2T Dataset
We create a new dataset for video description in esports,
LoL-V2T. LoL-V2T consists of 9.7k clips of League of Leg-
ends playing video taken from YouTube and 63,000 cap-
tions. Each video is associated with multiple captions based
accuracy precision recall F
0.963 0.928 0.285 0.437
Table 2: Performance of the model to detect whether a clip
is related to gameplay.
on manual or ASR-generated subtitles.
3.1. Data Collection
We collect footages of 157 matches of the League of
Legends world championships “Worlds” from YouTube.
League of Legends is the most popular esports title, which is
the most-watched game on Twitch and YouTube [19]. Be-
sides, since Worlds has a large number of matches and com-
mentators always provide commentary in them, it is easy to
obtain narrations for the videos. While “Let’s Play” videos
include narrations not related to gameplay, the quality of
narrations in esports tournament footages is higher than that
of “Let’s Play” videos because the purpose of commentators
is not to enjoy viewers but to explain gameplays.
3.2. Splitting Videos and Selecting Clips
The average length of collected League of Legends
videos is 44 minutes, which is too long to generate captions.
The videos include scenes not related to gameplay, such as
player seats and venue scenes. In order to reduce noise to
the model training, we first split videos into clips by scene,
and then remove the clips which are not gameplay. This
process is shown in Figure 3.
We automatically split the video into clips of a length
that the video description model can handle. For this split-
ting, we use PySceneDetect
which is a tool that can detect
scene changes in videos. The average length of the clips is
23.4 seconds.
To remove the clips not related to gameplay, we create a
model to detect whether a clip is a gameplay clip. It takes a
temporally centered RGB frame as input and outputs 0 or 1
to indicate whether it is relevant to gameplay or not, respec-
tively. ResNext-50(32x4d) [29] is adopted as the model,
and the clips segmented by the splitting tool are used as the
dataset for training. As shown in Table 2, precision is much
higher than recall in this model to reduce false-positive even
the amount of data decrease and then preserve the quality of
the dataset.
3.3. Generation of Captions and Temporal Bound-
We produce full-text captions and temporal boundaries
from the subtitles generated from narrations by YouTube.
Subtitles are usually organized as a list of text chunks. Each
chunk is not a complete sentence and associated with a spe-
cific time interval in the video. To help captioning models to
understand the context, we re-segment the chunks into com-
plete sentences with a sentence segmenter. For a sentence
segmenter, we use DeepSegment
The relationship between chunk and temporal bound-
aries breaks down when the sentence is reconstructed. We
compute the new temporal boundaries to which the recon-
structed sentences correspond using the number of words
in the sentences. The sequence of captions and temporal
boundaries generation is shown in Figure 4.
3.4. Dataset Analysis
LoL-V2T is a labeled dataset with 4,568 minutes of video
and 62,677 captions. As shown in Table 1, LoL-V2T is
larger than the existing dataset [16] in the video game do-
main and contains video-text data as large as medium scale
datasets frequently used in video description, such as Cha-
rades [24] and MSR-VTT [31]. The number of clips is
9,723, the average length of clips is 28.0 seconds, and the
average length of intervals between temporal boundaries is
4.38 seconds. The mean number of words in a caption is
In LoL-V2T, same as in ActivityNet Captions [14], mul-
tiple captions are associated with a single clip. This dataset
can also be used for the task of inferring temporal bound-
aries (Dense Video Captioning) in the future. LoL-V2T has
three features that make it more difficult to train captioning
models compared to ActivityNet Captions. First, there are
more proper nouns and numerals in LoL-V2T than in Activ-
ityNet Captions as shown in Figure 5. They interfere with
the training of captioning models. They also are important
elements in describing the information of a game. How-
ever, too many of them can result in captions that become
difficult for beginners to comprehend. Second, motions of
important objects for gameplays in the clips are too subtle to
be recognized by captioning models. The size of characters
in League of Legends are smaller than that of people. This
indicates that it is difficult for captioning models pre-trained
on human activities to identify the clips in LoL-V2T. Finally,
the clips and captions do not necessarily temporally match.
The content represented by a caption is often earlier tempo-
rally than the timestamps calculated by Section 3.3 because
narrators talk about gameplays after watching them. In the
next section, we propose a method for dealing with the first
difficulty in LoL-V2T.
4. Proposed Method
In this section, we introduce a method for video descrip-
tion in esports. Our work builds upon the vanilla trans-
former for video description proposed by Zhou et al. [37]
Scene Extraction
Gameplay Extraction
Figure 3: Overview of splitting and selection videos in League of Legends (LoL). We split the LoL gameplay videos into clips
for each scene because the average length of them is too long to be handled by the video description model. We remove clips
not related to gameplay with ResNext-50(32x4d) [29] to minimize noise in training.
Figure 4: Sequence to create captions and temporal boundaries from subtitles. First, we concatenate several consecutive
chunks and split them into complete sentences by a sentence segmenter. Next, the temporal boundaries are calculated ac-
cording to the number of words in reconstructed sentences. In this example, four words appear between 00:01:00.000 and
00:03:00.000, half of which in the previous caption, so the last timestamp of the previous caption is 00:02:00.000.
and MART [15] based on the transformer with a memory
module for modeling of history information. We modify
them by masking proper nouns in preprocessing as we will
next explain.
4.1. Model
Vanilla Transformer. This model is an application of the
transformer [25] to the video description task, proposed by
Zhou et al. [37], as shown in Figure 2-(left). It contains
two components: a video encoder and a caption decoder.
The video encoder is composed of a stack of two identical
layers and each layer has a self-attention layer [25] and a
position-wise fully feed-forward network. The caption de-
coder inserts a multi-head attention layer over the output
of the video encoder stack in addition to the two layers in
the video encoder. We also create masks with ground-truth
temporal boundaries and apply them to the outputs of the
video encoder to make the caption decoder focus on the
event proposals in the clips. Although there is the proposal
decoder that outputs event proposals and uses them to make
the masks in [37], we remove it to simplify the task by fo-
cusing on the inference of captions.
MART [15] is a model based on the transformer [25] for
the video paragraph captioning task, as shown in Figure 2-
(right). The transformer model decodes each caption indi-
vidually without using the context of the previously gener-
ated captions as it can operate only separated fixed-length
segments. MART has two changes from the transformer to
solve this problem. The first change is a unified encoder-
decoder design, where the encoder and decoder are shared.
(a) LoL-V2T (b) ActivityNet Captions
Figure 5: Frequency of words included in captions for each part-of-speech. In LoL-V2T, there are more proper nouns and
numerals than in ActivityNet Captions.
The second change is an external memory module similar
to LSTM [11] and GRU [5] that enables the modeling of
history information of clips and generated captions. With
these two improvements, MART is able to use previous con-
textual information and generate a better paragraphs with
higher coherence and less repetition.
4.2. Masking
As described in Section 3.4, the proportion of proper
nouns and numerals to words in LoL-V2T is higher than in
other datasets. Although proper nouns and numerals are im-
portant for explaining gameplay, they are difficult for cap-
tioning models to learn. To address this problem, we pro-
pose a masking method in preprocessing for captions. First,
we classify the proper nouns in the captions into groups by
meaning. Then, when a proper noun or numeral appears in
a caption, we mask it with the name of the group to which
it belonged. An example of masking is shown in Figure 6.
Since the masking increases the frequency of proper
nouns and numerals, it makes them easier to recognize by
the model. In addition, complex proper nouns with detailed
meanings are replaced by simpler proper nouns, resulting
in more comprehensible captions. We treat numerals as a
group and deal with misspellings in ASR. The classifica-
tion into groups is done manually by knowledgeable people
in League of Legends. Examples of the created groups are
shown in Table 3.
5. Experiments
In this section, we show the experimental results of video
description for esports footages using LoL-V2T. We also
and now it's all about this best of one and for g2
and now it is all about this best of <0> and for <Team>
Masked 1
Origin 1
that's respect from the clutch gaming top laner and so now
they don't have the gangplank ultimate to drop on a Herald
fight but they do have more pressure bottom line
that is respect from the <Team> top laner and so now
they do not have the <Champion> ultimate to drop on a <Monster>
fight but they do have more pressure bottom line
Masked 2
Origin 2
Figure 6: An example of masking. Origin is the original
caption and Masked is the caption after masking. For ex-
ample, “one” and “g2” in Origin 1 are converted to “<0>
and <Team>”, respectively. All numerals are converted
to “<0>” regardless of their value.
demonstrate that our masking method improves generated
captions. We measure the captioning performance with the
automatic evaluation metrics: BLEU@4 [21], RougeL [17],
METEOR [2], and Repetition@4 [30].
5.1. Implementation Details
We train the model on the LoL-V2T dataset with the split
in the Table 4. To preprocess the videos, we down-sample
each video every 0.26s and extract the TSN features [28]
from these sampled frames. The TSN model extracts spatial
features from RGB appearance and temporal features from
optical flow and concatenates the two features. For TSN,
out implementation was build upon the mmaction2 [6], we
use the two different ResNet-50 [10] model pre-trained on
Group Name Meaning Examples
names of teams competing
in “Worlds”
fnatic, fanatic, Cloud9, C9, genji, Gen.G,
names of players competing
in “Worlds”
Baker, Matt, Svenskeren, Ceros,
Diamondprox, dyNquedo
names of characters
in League of Legends
Recon, Akali, Kaiser, Ryze, Ziya, Camille
names of monsters
in League of Legends
Drake, Herald, Raptor, Krug
Table 3: Examples of created proper noun groups. Proper nouns related to competitions, such as Team and Player, and proper
nouns related to gameplay, such as Champion and Monster, are separately grouped. Moreover, misnomers in ASR, such as
“fnatic” and “fanatic”, are addressed in this group.
Split train validation test
clips 6,977 851 1,895
captions 44,042 5,223 13,412
Table 4: The splits of the LoL-V2T dataset.
Kinetics-400 [12] without fine-tuning. We also use tvl1 [35]
for calculating optical flow. All captions are converted to
lowercase. The words that occur less than 5 times in all
captions are replaced with <unk> tags. All settings of
our implementations for the vanilla transformer and MART
are the same as in [37] and [15], respectively.
5.2. Evaluation Metrics
We measure the performance on the video description
task with four automatic evaluation metrics: BLEU@4 [21],
RougeL [17], METEOR [2], and Repetition@4 [30].
We use the standard evaluation implementation from the
MSCOCO server [4].
5.3. Results and Analysis
We compare the case where our proposed masking is in-
cluded in preprocessing (Masking) with the case where it is
excluded (baseline) using Vanilla Transformer and MART
trained on the LoL-V2T dataset. The vocabulary of the train-
ing data is 4,528 words after our proposed preprocessing
and 5,078 words after the baseline preprocessing.
The results on the testing set in the LoL-V2T dataset are
shown in Table 5. We can see that our proposed masking
outperforms the baseline in BLEU@4, RougeL, and ME-
TEOR. It shows that by grouping proper nouns with a low
frequency of occurrence using our proposed masking, the
frequency of occurrence increases, which helps captioning
models to recognize proper nouns. We can also display that
MART outperforms Vanilla Transformer in Repetition@4,
which show that the recurrent module in MART is effective
in suppressing repetitive expressions.
Qualitative results are shown in Figure 7. The models
trained on our proposed masking (VTransformer+Masking,
MART+Masking) generate captions containing the names
of the groups such as “<Player> and “<Team>” and this
tendency is particularly prominent in MART, so the cap-
tions with our method are more explicit than the ones with
the baseline. The models also generate gameplay keywords
such as “kill” and “fight”, and simple League of Legends
terms such as “turret”, which indicates that the captions can
explain the contents in more detail. On the other hand, the
models trained with the baseline (VTransformer, MART)
generate keywords such as “mid lane” and “damage”, but
there are many <unk> occurrences. Besides, some of
the captions in VTransformer are repetitions of <unk>
and do not form sentences. It is shown that ours generates
more comprehensible captions than the baseline.
6. Conclusion
In this paper, we introduced LoL-V2T, a new large-scale
dataset for video description in esports with 9,723 clips and
62,677 captions, where each clip is associated with mul-
tiple captions. LoL-V2T has three difficulties for training
captioning models. First, it has a lot of proper nouns for
esports and numerals in captions. Second, the motions of
objects in clips are subtle. Third, clips and captions do not
necessarily have a direct temporal correspondence. We ad-
dressed the first difficulty initially, and proposed a prepro-
cessing method consisting of masking proper nouns and nu-
merals in captions. Our captioning models build upon [37]
and [15]. Experimental results show that our proposed ap-
proach can improve the generated captions. In the future,
addressing the remaining two difficulties should further im-
prove performance. We hope that with the release of our
LoL-V2T dataset, other researchers will be encouraged to
advance the state of esports research.
Method BLEU@4 RougeL METEOR Repetition@4
VTransformer 1.53 12.76 8.58 37.33
MART 2.13 14.48 11.50 8.76
VTransformer+Masking 3.14 16.57 12.03 29.20
MART+Masking 3.56 15.39 12.98 9.74
Table 5: Captioning results on testing set in LoL-V2T dataset. We evaluate the performance of our proposed masking using
BLEU@4, RougeL, METEOR, and Repetition@4.
i think that 's a lot of damage that you can see that
: I think that this is a very good sign of a team that has been playing around
: i think that is a very good start to the game for <Team> to be able to get
: i think that is kind of the best <Team> in the <League> and you can see how much of the
this is a <Team> that had a very good record against <Team> throughout the regular session
i think that 's a lot of damage that you can see that the <unk> <unk> is going
: I mean you can see that the gold lead is still in the mid lane for the side of the
: i think that is a lot of the <unk> that is going to be a big <unk> for
: <Champion> is going to be a very big deal with so many of these fights and the fact that he
lane continue to fight for experience so as knows as the <Champion> he is never solar carrying this lane so instead he uses
his advantage to help out the other side of the map
the <unk> of the <unk> <unk> <unk>
: the fight and then the end of the day and the fight
: the <unk> of the <Team> that is the best <Team>
: he is got the ultimate available and he is got the kill
just kill <0> of the squished
<unk> <unk> is gon na be taken down but they 're gon na find the kill on the
: I think that this is a really good play for vitality to be able to do it
: <Player> 's going to be able to get the kill but he is going to be able to
: but he is going to be able to get away from this <0> as well as the turret goes down
his old <Team> is actually going to die out of the time that was an oopsie other choice will die as well"
Figure 7: Qualitative results on the testing set in the LoL-V2T dataset. Colored texts highlight relevant content in clips.
Captions generated by the model trained by the proposed method contain more words related to the screen in the sentence
than the baseline. Some references are not complete sentences because they are generated by ASR.
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